University of California, Santa Cruz

June 2008

Michael Dine

Professor of Physics

Stevenson College

Signature indicates the following information has been reviewed for accuracy and bio-bibliography information may ___may not___ be released to the public.

Signature of Faculty Member Date


|1990-present |Professor of Physics, UC Santa Cruz |

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|1988-90 |Henry Semat Professor of Physics, City College of CUNY |

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|1985-88 |Associate Professor of Physics, City College of CUNY |

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|1980-85 |Long Term Member, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ |

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|1978-1980 |Postdoctoral Research Associate, Theoretical Physics Group, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |


1978 Ph.D. in Physics, Yale University

1974 B.S. in Physics, Johns Hopkins University


Memberships in Honorary Societies

1994 Fellow of the American Physical Society

Honors, Awards, Grants

2008 American Physical Society Outstanding Referee

2007. Guggenheim Fellowship

2006 Distinguished Lecturer, Technion

2001 Highly Cited Researcher (Institute for Scientific Information)

1996-97 US/Poland Maria Sklodowska-Curie: “Topics in Supersymmetry”

1994-97 NSF Grant: “U.S./Korea Cooperative Research: Supersymmetry Phenomonology and Superstings”

1993- U.S. Israel Binational Science Foundation Bergman Memorial Research Grant

1992-93 Texas National Laboratory Research Commission Grant (with UC Davis)

1992-93 Texas National Laboratory Research Commission Grant (with Stanford University)

1990-present Department of Energy Grant (with Professors Banks and Haber)

1986-89 Department of Energy Outstanding Junior Investigator

1986-88 A.P. Sloan Foundation Fellow

1986-- U.S. Israel Binational Science Foundation Bergman Memorial Research Grant


Pending Publication or Unpublished

Implementing General Gauge Mediation, L. M. Carpenter, M. Dine, G. Festuccia and J. D. Mason, arXiv:0805.2944 [hep-ph], submitted to JHEP

“Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking and Low Energy Gauge Mediation, M. Dine and J.D. Mason, arXiv:0712.1355 [hep-ph]


Edited Books

String Theory in Four Dimensions, ed. by M. Dine (North Holland, Amsterdam), 1988.

Scholarly Books

Supersymmetry and String Theory, Beyond the Standard Model, by M. Dine (Cambridge University Press, London), 2006.

Articles in Professional Journals

IIA moduli stabilization with badly broken supersymmetry, M. Dine, A. Morisse, A. Shomer and Z. Sun, J. High Energy Phys. JHEP07(2008)070

Metastable Domains of the Landscape, M. Dine, G. Festuccia, A. Morisse and K. van den Broek, J. High Energy Phys. JHEP06(2008)014

Higgs Physics as a Window Beyond the MSSM (BMSSM), M. Dine, N. Seiberg and S. Thomas, Phys. Rev. D 76, 095004 (2007)

Comments on quantum effects in supergravity theories, M. Dine and N. Seiberg, JHEP 0703, 040 (2007)

Gauge mediation in metastable vacua, M. Dine and J. Mason, Phys. Rev. D 77, 016005 (2008)

Retrofitting O'Raifeartaigh models with dynamical scales, M. Dine, J.L. Feng and E. Silverstein, Phys. Rev. D 74, 095012 (2006)

On Witten's instability and winding tachyons, M. Dine, A. Shomer and Z. Sun, JHEP 0612, 013 (2006)

Moduli decays and gravitinos, M. Dine, R. Kitano, A. Morisse and Y. Shirman, Phys. Rev. D 73, 123518 (2006)

R symmetries in the landscape, M. Dine and Z. Sun, JHEP 0601, 129 (2006)

The intermediate scale branch of the landscape, M. Dine, JHEP 0601, 162 (2006)

Branches of the landscape, M. Dine, D. O'Neil and Z. Sun, JHEP 0507, 014 (2005)

Is There a Peccei-Quinn Phase Transition, A. Anisimov and M. Dine, hep-ph/0405256, JCAP 0507, 009 (2005)

Catastrophic Decays of Compactified Space-Times, M. Dine, P.J. Fox and E. Gorbatov, JHEP 0409, 037 (2004).

Visible Effects of the Hidden Sector, M. Dine, P.J. Fox, Y. Shadmi, Y. Shirman and S. Thomas, Phys. Rev. D 70, 045023 (2004)

Is There a String Theory Landscape?, T. Banks, M. Dine, and E. Gorbatov, JHEP 0408, 058 (2004).

The Origin of the Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry, M. Dine and A. Kusenko, Reviews of Modern Physics 76 (2004) 1

On the Possibility of Large Axion Decay Constants, T. Banks, M. Dine, P.J. Fox and E. Gorbatov, JCAP 306 (2003) 001.

Closed String Tachyons and Their Implications for Non-Supersymmetric Strings,

M. Dine, E. Gorbatov, I.R. Klebanov and M. Krasnitz, JHEP 0407 (2004) 034

Supersymmetry, Axions and Cosmology, T. Banks, M. Dine, and M. Graesser,

Phys. Rev. D 68 (2003) 075011

Time Variations in the Scale of Grand Unification, M. Dine, Y. Nir, G. Raz and T. Volansky, Phys. Rev. D67 (2003) 015009

Remarks on Non-Commutative Phenomenology, A. Anisimov, T.

Banks, M. Dine and M. Graesser, Phys. Rev. D65:085032, 2002, hep-ph/0106356

Time Varying Alpha and Particle Physics, T. Banks, M. Dine and M.R. Douglas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88:131301, 2002, hep-ph/0112059

Brane World SUSY Breaking, A. Anisimov, M. Dine, M. Graesser and S. Thomas, Phys. Rev. D65, 10511 (20002), hep-th/0111235

Brane World SUSY Breaking from String/M Theory, A. Anisimov, M. Graesser and S. Thomas, JHEP 0203:036, 2002, hep-ph/0201256

Product Groups, Discrete Symmetries and Grand Unification, M. Dine, Y. Nir and Y. Shadmi, Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 115001, hep-ph/0206268

CP Violation and the Scale of Supersymmetry Breaking, M. Dine, E. Kramer, Y. Nir, and Y. Shadmi, Phys. Rev. D63 (2001), 116005, hep-ph/0101092

Dark Energy in Perturbative String Cosmology, T. Banks and M. Dine, hep-th/106276, Journal High Energy Physics JHEP 0110:012, 2001

On Anthropic Solutions of the Cosmological Constant Problem, T. Banks, M. Dine, and L. Motl, JHEP 0101:031, 2001, hep-th/0007206

Some Issues In Flat Direction Baryogenesis, A. Anisimov and M. Dine, Nucl. Phys. B619 (2001) 729, hep-ph/0008058

Remarks on the Racetrack Scheme: Stabilizing the Moduli of String Theory, M. Dine and Y. Shirman, Phys. Rev. D63:046005, (2001), hep-th/9906246

Towards a Solution of the Moduli Problems of String Cosmology, M. Dine, Phys. Lett. B482 (2000) 213, hep-th/0002047

Non-Renormalization Theorems for Operators with Arbitrary Numbers of Derivatives in N=4 Yang-Mills Theory, M. Dine, and J. Gray, Phys. Lett. B481 (2000) 427 hep-th/9909020

Tree Level Supergravity and the Matrix Model, M. Dine, R. Echols and J. Gray, Nucl. Phys. B564 (2000) 225, e-Print Archive: hep-th/9810021

Constraints on Theories with Large Extra Dimensions, T. Banks, M. Dine, and

A. Nelson, JHEP 9906:014 (1999), hep-th/9903019

Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in Models with a Green-Schwarz Mechanism, M. Dine, N. Arkani-Hamid and S. Martin), hep-ph/9803432, Phys. Lett. B431 (1998) 329

Multigraviton Scattering in the Matrix Model, M. Dine and A. Rajaraman,

hep-th/9710174, Phys. Lett. B425 (1998) 77

Enhanced Symmetries and the Ground State of String Theory, M. Dine, Y. Nir and Y. Shadmi, SCIPP-98-20, hep-th/9806124, Phys. Lett. B438 (1998), 61

New M Theory Background with Frozen Moduli, M. Dine and E. Silverstein, hep-th/9712166

Renormalization of Higher Derivative Operators in the Matrix Model, M. Dine, R. Echols and J. Gray, SCIPP-98-15, hep-th/9805007

An Inflaton Candidate in Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking, M. Dine

And A. Riotto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 2632, hep-ph/9705386

Comments on Higher Derivative Operators in Some SUSY Field Theories, M. Dine and N. Seiberg, Phys. Lett. B409 (1997) 239 hep-th/970507

The Cosmology of String-Theoretic Axions, M. Dine and T. Banks, hep-th/9608197, Nucl. Phys. B505, 445 (1997)

Variations on Minimal Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking, M. Dine, Y. Nir, and Y. Shirman, hep-ph/9607379, Phys. Rev. D55 (1997) 1501

Couplings and Scales in Strongly Coupled Heterotic String Theory, M. Dine and T. Banks, Nucl. Phys. B479 (1996) 173

Truly Strong Coupling and Large Radius in String Theory, M. Dine and Y. Shirman, Phys. Lett. B377 (1996) 36

Experimental Signatures of Low Energy—Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking, M. Dine, S. Dimopoulos, S. Raby and S. Thomas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 3493

Quantum Moduli Spaces of N = 1 String Theories, M. Dine and Tom Banks, Phys. Rev. D53 (1996) 5990

Baryogenesis from Flat Directions of the Supersymmetric Standard Model, M. Dine, L. Randall and S. Thomas, Nucl. Phys. B458 (1996) 291, hep-ph/9507453

New Tools for Low Energy Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking, M. Dine, A. Nelson, Y. Nir and Y. Shirman, Phys. Rev. D53 (1996) 2658, hep-ph/ 9507378

Supersymmetry Breaking in the Early Universe, M. Dine, L. Randall and S.

Thomas, hep-ph/9503303, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 398 (1995)

Low Energy Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking Simplified, M. Dine, A.

Nelson and Y. Shirman, Phys. Rev D51 (1995) 1362

Coping with Strongly Coupled String Theory, M. Dine and T. Banks, Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 7454.

Some Explorations in Holomorphy, M. Dine and Y. Shirman, Phys. Rev. D. D50 (1994) 5389

Electoweak Baryogenesis in the Adiabatic Limit, M. Dine and S. Thomas, Phys. Lett. B. B328 (1994) 73

Detecting Technibaryon Dark Matter (with S. Thomas) Phys. Lett. B320 (1994) 99

Flavor Symmetries and the Problem of Squark Degeneracy, (with R. Leigh

and A. Kagan), Phys. Rev. D48 (1993) 2214

Supersymmetry Breaking and the Nelson-Barr Mechanism, (with R. Leigh and A. Kagan), Phys. Rev. D48 (1993) 4269

Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking at Low Energies, (with A. Nelson),

Phys. Rev. D48 (1993) 1277

Some Two Loop Corrections to the Finite Temperature Effective Potential in the Electroweak Theory, (with J. Bagnasco) Phys. Lett. B303 (1993) 308

Supersymmetry, Naturalness and Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking (with D. MacIntire) Phys Rev. D46 (1992) 2594

Of CP and Other Gauge Symmetries in String Theory (with R. Leigh and D.

MacIntire) Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 2030

Towards the Theory of the Electroweak Phase Transition (with R. Leigh, P. Huet, A. Linde and D. Linde) Phys. Rev. D46 (1992) 550

Comments on the Electroweak Phase Transition (with R. Leigh, P. Huet, A. Linde and D. Linde) Phys. Lett. B283 (1992) 319

Note on Discrete Gauge Anomalies (with T. Banks), Phys. Rev. D45 (1992)


Baryogenesis at the Electroweak Scale (with P. Huet and R. Singleton), Nucl. Phys. B B375 (1992) 625

Irrational Axions as a Solution of the Strong CP Problem in an Eternal Universe (with T. Banks and N. Seiberg), Phys. Lett. B273 (1991) 105

Creating the Baryon Asymmetry at the Electroweak Transition (with P.

Huet, R. Singleton and L. Susskind) Phys. Lett. B257 (1991) 351

Weak Interactions are Weak at High Energies (with T. Banks, G. Farrar, D. Karabali and B. Sakita), Nucl.Phys. B347 (1990) 584

Naturalness in Supersymmetry, or Raising the Supersymmetry Breaking

Scale (with A. Kagan and S. Samuel), Phys. Lett. B243 (1990) 250

Implications for New Physics of Weinberg's Analysis of the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment (with W. Fischler), Phys. Lett. B242 (1990) 239

Baryon Number Violation at High Temperature in the Standard Model (with O. Lechtenfeld, B. Sakita, W. Fischler, and J. Polchinski) Nucl. Phys. B342 (1990) 381

Fermion Masses and Fayet-Iliopoulos Terms in String Theory (with C. Lee), Nuclear Physics B336 (1990) 317

Large and Small Radius in String Theory (with P. Huet and N. Seiberg), Nucl. Phys. B322 (1989) 301

Magnetic Monopole Solutions of String Theory (with T. Banks, H. Dykstra

and W. Fischler), Phys. Lett. 212B (1988) 45

Remarks on Wilson Lines, Modular Invariance and Possible String Relics

in Calabi-Yau Compactifications (with G.G. Athanasiu, J. Atick and W.

Fischler), Phys. Lett. 214B (1988) 55

Are (0,2) Models String Miracles? (with N. Seiberg), Nucl. Phys. B306 (1988) 137

Remarks on (0,2) Models and Intermediate Scale Scenarios in String Theory (with C. Lee), Phys. Lett. 203B, 371 (1988)

Microscopic Knowledge from Macroscopic Physics in String Theory (with

N. Seiberg), Nucl. Phys. B301 (1988) 357

F. Terms and D. Terms in String Theory (with I. Ichinose and N. Seiberg), Nucl. Phys. B293 (1987) 253

Fayet-Iliopoulos Terms in String Theory (with N. Seiberg and E. Witten), Nucl. Phys. B289 (1987) 889

Non-Perturbative Effects on the String World Sheet II (with N. Seiberg), X. G. Wen, and E. Witten), Nucl. Phys. B289 (1987) 319

Non-Renormalization Theorems in Superstring Theories (with N. Seiberg) Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2625 (1986)

(2.0) Superspace (with N. Seiberg), Phys. Lett. 180B, 364 (1986)

Non-Perturbative Effects on the String World Sheet (with N. Seiberg, X. G. Wen, and E. Witten), Nucl. Phys. B278, 769 (1986)

String Theory and the Strong CP Problem, (with N. Seiberg), Nucl. Phys.

B273, 109 (1986)

Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric O(N) Gauge Theories (with S. Cordes), Nucl. Phys. B273, 581 (1986)

Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking and its Phenomenological Implications (with I. Affleck and N. Seiberg), Nucl. Phys. B256, 557 (1986)

Is the Superstring Weakly Coupled? (with N. Seiberg), Phy. Lett. 162B, 299 (1985)

Couplings and Scales in Superstring Models (with N. Seiberg), Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 366 (1985)

Superstring Model Building (with V. Kaplunovski, C. Nappi, and N. Seiberg), Nucl. Phys. B259, 549 (1985)

Gluino Condensation in Superstring Models (with R. Rohm, N. Seiberg, and E. Witten), Phys. Lett. 156B, 55 (1985)

Quark and Lepton Compositeness at the SSC (with B. Blumenfeld, et. al.), in Proc. of the 1984 DPF Summer Study on Design and Utilization of the Superconducting Supercollider, R. R. Donaldson and J. Martin, Eds.

(American Physical Society, NY 1985)

High-pT Photon Production and Compositeness at the SSC (with I. Bars,

T. Ferbel, and J. F. Owens), in Proc. of the 1984 DPF Summer Study on

Design and Utilization of the Superconducting, Supercollider, R. R.

Donaldson and J. Martin, Eds. (American Physical Society, NY, 1985)

A New Mechanism for Baryogenesis (with I. Affleck), Nucl. Phys. B249,

361 (1985)

CP, R-Invariance, and Non-Renormalization Theorems in N=1 Supergravity (with I. Affleck), Phys. Lett., 368 (1985)

Exponential Hierarchy from Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking (with I.

Affleck and N. Seiberg), Phys. Lett. 140B, 59 (1984)

Calculable, Non-Perturbative Supersymmetry Breaking (with I. Affleck and N. Seiberg), Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1677 (1984)

Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in Chiral Theories (with I. Affleck and N. Seiberg), Phys. Lett. 137B, 187 (1984)

Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric QCD (with I. Afflec and N. Seiberg), Nucl. Phys. B241, 493 (1984)

Solution of the Entropy Crisis of Supersymmetric Theories (with W. Fischler and D. Nemeschansky), Phys. Lett. 136B, 169 (1984)

Supersymmetry Breaking by Instantons (with I. Affleck and N. Seiberg), Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1026 (1983)

The Massless Limit of Supersymmetric QCD (with A.C. Davis and N. Seiberg), Phys. Lett. 125B, 487 (1983)

Supersymmetry-Breaking through D-Terms (with D. Nemeschansky), Nucl. Phys. B223, 351 (1983)

SU(2) X U(1) Breaking in Supersymmetric GUTS (with W. Fischler), Nucl.

Phys. B227, 477 (1983)

The Not-so-Harmless Axion (with W. Fischler), Phys. Lett. 120B, 137 (1983)

A Supersymmetric GUT (with W. Fischler), Nucl. Phys. B204, 346 (1982)

A Phenomenological Model of Particle Physics Based on Supersymmetry

(with W. Fischler), Phys. Lett. 110B, 227 (1982)

More Supersymmetric Technicolor (with M. Srednicki), Nucl. Phys. B202,

238 (1982)

Quantum vs. Gravitational Effects in Supersymmetric Theories, Nucl. Phys. B204, 346 (1982)

Supersymmetric Technicolor (with W. Fischler and M. Srednicki), Nucl.

Phys. B189, 575 (1981)

A Simple Solution to the Strong CP Problem with a Harmless Axion (with

W. Fischler and M. Srednicki), Phys. Lett. 104B, 199 (1981)

The Non-Linear Model at High Temperature, a Toy for QCD (with W.

Fischler), Phys. Lett. 105B, 207 (1981)

Quantum Chromodynamics in 2 + ( Dimensions (with C. Litwin and L.

McLerran), Phys. Rev. D23, 451 (1981)

Weak and Electromagenetic Corrections to Quark Masses, Phys. Rev. D22,

1473 (1980)

The Problem of R in Annihilation (with R. M. Barnett and L. McLerran),

Phys. Rev. D22, 592 (1980)

Higher Order QCD Corrections in Annihilation (with J. Sapirstein), Phys.

Rev. Lett. 43, 668 (1979)

Spin-Dependent Interactions in Heavy Quark Systems, Phys. Lett. 81B, 339


Interactions of Heavy Quarks in Quantum Chromodynamics, Ph.D. Thesis,

Yale University, 1978

The Static Limit of Quantum Chromodynamics (with T. Appelquist and I. J.

Muzinich), Phys. Rev. D17, 2074 (1978).

The Static Potential in Quantum Chromodynamics (with T. Appelquist and

I. J. Muzinich), Phys. Lett. 69B, 231 (1977)

Popular Articles

String Theory in the LHC Era, Physics Today, 2008

Review of The Cosmic Landscape, in American Journal of Physics, 2007

Motion, in the World Book Encyclopedia

Photoelectric Effect, in the World Book Encyclopedia

Quantum Field Theory, in the World Book Encyclopedia

String Theory, in the World Book Encyclopedia

Relativity, in the World Book Encyclopedia

Particle, in the volume, Elementary Particle Physics of the McMillan Encyclopedia of Physics

Symmetry, in the volume, Elementary Particle Physics of the McMillan Encyclopedia of Physics

Force, in World Book Encyclopedia

Weight, in World Book Encyclopedia

Mass and Mass and Weight, in World Book Encyclopedia

Energy, in World Book Encyclopedia

Kilogram, in World Book Encyclopedia

Pound, in World Book Encyclopedia,

AD-BC, in World Book Encyclopedia

Relativity, in World Book Encyclopedia

Momentum, in World Book Encyclopedia

Is Supersymmetry the Next Layer of Structure, in SLAC Beam Line 29 (1999), No. 3, 16-21

Symmetry and Physics at the Shortest Distance Scales, in proceedings of the AAAS meeting, Seattle, (1997)

What is the Higgs Boson, in Scientific American’s WWW “Ask the Experts,” 1997

Superstring Theory, in Mcgraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, New York, 1997

The CPT Theorem, in MacMillian Encyclopedia of Physics, Simon and Schuster, NY (1996)

Charge Conjugation, in MacMillian Encyclopedia of Physics, Simon and Schuster, NY (1996)

Antimatter, in MacMillian Encyclopedia of Physics, Simon and Schuster, NY (1996)

From Atoms to Superstrings, Thesis (Magazine of the Graduate School and University Center of CUNY), Fall, 1989

Published Lectures and Chapters in Books

Dark Matter and Dark Energy: A Physicist’s Perspective, Physics Summary talk presented at the Dark Universe: Matter, Energy, and Gravity, Baltimore, in The Dark Universe: Matter, Energy and Gravity, Baltimore, Maryland, 2-5 Apr 2001). 2003.

1. TASI Lectures on M Theory, Phenomenology, M. Dine, hep-th/00031175.

2. TASI Lectures on the Strong CP Problem, hep-ph/0011376

3. Supersymmetry and String Theory, in Perspective on Supersymmetry, G. Kane, ed., World Scientific, Singapore, 1998

4. Supersymmetry Phenomenology (with a Broad Brush), (Lectures given at

the 1996 TASI school), hep-ph/9612389 in Fields, Strings and Duality, Ed. by

C. Efthimiou and B. Greene, World Scientific (Singapore) 1997.

5. Baryogenesis (Lectures given at the TASI school, Boulder, 1994) in CP Violation and the Limits of the Standard Model, J.F. Donoghue, ed., World Scientific (Singapore) 1995.

6. Baryon Number Violation in the Standard Model (Lectures given at the TASI school, Boulder, 1992) in Recent Directions in Particle Theory, Proceedings of the 1992 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics, J. Harvey and J. Polchinski, eds., World Scientific (Singapore) 1993

7. Superstring Theory, Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science 40 (1990) 145

8. Compactifications of Superstrings (Lectures given at the Trieste spring school, 1989) in Superstrings '89: proceedings, M. Green et al eds., World Scientific (Singapore) 1990

9. Supersymmetry: Microphysics and Macrophysics (Lectures given at the 1988 TASI school, Brown University, in Particles, Strings and Supernovae, Proceedings of the 1988 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute, edited by A. Jevicki and C.-I. Tan (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989)

10. Superstring Phenomenology: An Overview, (Lectures given at the 1986 Erice School of Subnuclear Physics) in The Superworld I, A. Zichichi, ed., Plenum Press (New York) 1989.

Contributions To Conference Proceedings

1. Supersymmetry, naturalness and the Landscape, Plenary talk at 0th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS 04 and Pran Nath Fest), Boston, Massachusetts, 16-22 Aug 2004, hep-th/0410201 published in the proceedings.

2. Is there a String Theory Landscape: Some Cautionary Notes, Plenary talk at the conference Quantum Theory and Symmetries, University of Cincinnati, Sept. 2003, hep-th/0402101

3. String theory, unification and supersymmetry, Plenary talk at the First International Conference on String Phenomenology, Oxford, 2002, hep-ph/0210255

4. Dark Matter and Dark Energy: A Physicist’s Perspective, Physics Summary talk presented at the Dark Universe: Matter, Energy, and Gravity, Baltimore, in The Dark Universe: Matter, Energy and Gravity, Baltimore, Maryland, 2-5 Apr 2001). 2003

5. Slepton Flavor Physics at Linear Colliders, with Y. Grossman and S. Thomas, in proceedings of the DPF Summer Study on the Future of Particle Physics, Snowmass 2001, hep-ph/0111154

6. String Theory at Snowmass, in Proceedings of the DPF Study on the Future of Particle Physics, Snowmass 2001, eConf C010630, P331 (2001)

7. String Theory, Large Dimensions and Supersymmetry, in Thirty Years of Supersymmetry, Minneapolis, Minnesota, hep-th/0107263

8. Dark Matter and Dark Energy: A Physicist’s Perspective, physics summary talk in proceedings of the Space Telescope Institute Conference, The Dark Universe, Matter, Energy and Gravity

9. The Utility of Quantum Field Theory, SCIPP-00-29, talk given at 30th International Conference on High Energy Physics

10. Possible Scales of New Physics, M. Dine, in Proceedings of DPF99, hep-ph/9905219

11. Seeking the Ground State of String Theory, in Proceedings of the 13th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium, hep-th/9903212

12. Some Reflections on Moduli, Their Stabilization and Cosmology, Invited talk at ITP Conference on Sypersymmetric Gauge Dynamics and String Theory, Santa Barbara, CA, Nov. 17-20, 1999, hep-th/0001157

13. Some issues in Gauge Mediation, (Invited talk at SUSY97) hep-ph/9707413, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 62 (1998) 276

14. String Theory Dualities, plenary talk given at the 1996 DFP meeting

(Minneapolis), hep-th/9609051, in DPF '96: Proceedings, K. Heller et al, eds., World Scientific (Singapore) 1998

15. Phenomenological Implications of Low-Energy Supersymmetry Breaking,

M. Dine, S. Dimopoulos, S. Thomas, S. Raby, and J.D. Wells, hep-ph/9607450, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 52A, 38 (1997)

16. What is the Scale of Supersymmetry Breaking, hep-ph/9607294, in Nucl. Phys.Proc.Suppl. 52A (1997) 201

17. Phenomenology of Strongly Coupled Heterotic String Theory, M. Dine

and T. Banks, hep-th/9609046, in Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference of the Asian Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Seoul, 1996

18. Coming to Terms with Strongly Coupled Strings, hep-th/9508085. (Paper presented at Strings 95: Future Perspectives in String Theory, USC, 1995), in Future Perspectives in String Theory, Bars et al, eds., World Scientific (Singapore) 1996

19. Issues in Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking, hep-th/9503035, invited talk at Beyond the Standard Model IV, in Beyond the Standard Model IV, Gunion et al eds., World Scientific (Singapore) 1995

20. Topics in String Phenomenology, invited talk at the Strings 93 Conference, in Strings 93, Halpern et al, eds, World Scientific (Singapore) 1995

21. Particle Astrophysics from the Particle Perspective, Plenary talk at the 1993 Lepton-Photon Conference, in the proceedings (Drell et al, eds, World Scientific, 1994)

22. Some Questions of Flavor in Supersymmetry, invited talk at the SUSY93 conference (Boston), in International Workshop on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, SUSY-93 Proceedings, Pran Nath, ed., World Scientific (Singapore) 1993

23. Problems of Naturalness: Some Lessons from String Theory (Invited Talk at the Cincinnati Symposium on Quantum Gravity, Cincinnati, 1992) in Topics on Quantum Gravity and Beyond, F. Mansouri and J. Scanio, eds., World Scientific (Singapore) 1993

24. Electroweak Baryogenesis: An Overview (Invited talk at the Texas Symposium on Electroweak Baryon Violation, Yale, 1992), SCIPP-92-21, in the proceedings

25. The Electroweak Theory and Baryogenesis (Lecture given a the 1992 SLAC

Summer Institute) in The Third Family and the Physics of Flavor, D. Burke et al, eds., SLAC publication

26. String Theory: Lessons for Low Energy Physics? in Proceedings of the

XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, J. Sanford, ed., American Institute of Physics, New York

27. Electroweak Baryogenesis (Invited talk at the Meeting of the DPF, Vancouver, 1991), in The Vancouver Meeting, Particles and Fields, 91, Axen et al eds., World Scientific (Singapore), 1992

28. Baryon Number Violation at High Energy in the Standard Model (Invited talk at the 1990 SLAC Summer Institute) in Gauge Bosons and Heavy Quarks, J. Hawthorne, ed., SLAC (Stanford) 1991

29. String Theory in 1988, and Idiosyncratic View, in Proceedings of the 1988 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the APS, Storrs, Haller et. al. eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989)

30. Small Handles and Auxiliary Fields (with W. Fischler and N. Seiberg), IAS preprint (1988) in Proc. of the Second Meeting on Quantum Mechanics of Fundamental Systems, Santiago, Chile

31. Renormalization and Non-Renormalization in Superstring Theories, in Superstrings Composite Structures and Cosmology, S. Gates et. al., eds. (World Scientific, 1988)

32. Is the Superstring Semiclassical? (with N. Seiberg), in Unified String Theories, M. Green and D. Gross, Eds. (World Scientific, 1986)

33. A Superstring Primer, in New Frontiers in Particle Physics, J. M. Cameron et. al., Eds. (World Scientific, 1986)

34. Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in Superstring Theories, in Anomalies, Geometry, Topology, W. Bardeen and A. White, Eds. (World Scientific, 1985)

35. Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking, in Proc. of the Santa Fe Meeting of the Division of Particle and Fields, T. Goldman and M. Nieto, Eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1985)

36. Realistic Supersymmetric Models, in Current Problems in Particle Theory, G. Domokos and S. Kovesi-Domokos, eds., (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, 1982)

37. Axions, Visible and Invisible, in Novel Results in Particle Physics, R. S. Panvini, M. S. Alam and S. E. Csorna, eds., (A.I.P., New York, 1982)


Department Service

2006 Chair, Search Committee for Particle Physics Theory Position

2006 Search Committee for Particle Physics Experiment position

2002-2003 Physics Department Undergraduate Committee

2002 Search Committee, Particle Astrophysics Position

2001-02 Chair Physics Department Colloquium Committee

01. Physics Department, Search Committee for Particle Astrophysics Position

1999-present Chair or Co Chair, Physics Department Graduate Committee

1998-99 Physics Department Space Committee

1998-00 Search Committee for Astronomy Department Assistant Professor Position

98. Chair, Physics Department Graduate Committee

Chair, Search Committee for Elementary Particle Assistant Professor Position

| | |

|1995-98 |Graduate Committee, Physics |

| | |

|1995-96 |Search Committee for Elementary Particle Physics Assistant Professor position |

| | |

|1994-95 |Chair, Colloquium Committee, Physics |

| |Graduate Committee, Physics |

| | |

|1992-95 |Chair, Colloquium Committee, Physics |

| | |

|1991-92 |Chair, Library Committee, Physics |

| | |

|1991-92 |Chair, Committee to Prepare Physics Six Year Plan |

| | |

|1990-91 |Search Committee for Elementary Particle Assistant Professor Position |

| | |

|1989-90 |Physics Department Executive Committee |

| | |

|1988-89 |Graduate Student Recruiting Officer |

| | |

|1985-90 |Graduate Studies Committee |

| | |

Divisional Service

2007-2008 Search Committee for Faculty Positions in Mathematics

2004-2005 Chair, Search Committee for Faculty Positions in Mathematics

2003-2004 Chair, Search Committee for Faculty Positions in Mathematics

1998 Search Committee for Astronomy Department, Assistant Professor Position

1997-98 Divisional Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP)

Academic Senate

2002-2003 Senate Committee on Rules, Jurisdictions and Elections

1997-99 Senate Committee on Teaching

1994-95 Senate Committee on Preparatory Education


Visiting Appointments

2007 Institute for Advanced Study, Visiting Member

2006 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB

|2003 |Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB |

| | |

|2002 |Hebrew University and Weizmann Institute |

| | |

|1997 |School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advance Study |

| |Physics Department, Weizmann Institute |

| | |

|1996 |Physics Department, Rutgers University |

| | |

|1992-present |Physics Department, Stanford University |

| | |

|1991 |Physics Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (July) |

| | |

|1990-present |Theory Group, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |

| | |

|1989-90 |Physics Department, Rutgers University (July) |

| | |

|1988-89 |Visiting Member, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ |

| | |

|1988 |Physics Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (March) |

| | |

|1987-88 |On leave, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ |

| | |

|1987 |Aspen Center for Physics (July) |

| | |

|1985-87 |Visiting Member, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ |

| | |

|1982 |Physics Department, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel (April) |

| | |

|1981 |Theory Group, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (August) |

| | |

|1979 |Aspen Center for Physics (July) |

Conference Organization

2007 Co-Organizer, Prospects in Theoretical Physics Summer School, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

2006 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Superstring Phenomenology Workshop, Co-Organizer

2005 International Advisory Committee, Strings 2005 (Toronto)

2003 International Advisory Committee, Strings 2003 (Kyoto)

1999 International Advisory Committee, International Symposium on

SUPERSYMMETRY, SUPERGRAVITY, AND SUPERSTRINGS, Seoul National University, June 23 (Wed) - 27 (Sun), 1999}

1999 International Advisory Committee, International Conference on

Particle Physics and the Early Universe (Trieste) 1999.

1998 International Advisory Committee, University of Pennsylvania

workshop, ``New Ideas in Particle Physics and Cosmology''

1998 Scientific Advisory Board, Fifth IFT Workshop on Axions (Florida)

1998 Organizing Committee, COSMO98

1997 Advisory Panel, SUSY 97 (U. of PA)

1997 Advisory Committee, Cargese Summer School, 1998

1994-95 Organizer, Aspen Session on Nonperturbative Aspects of Supersymmetric Field Theories and String Theory, 1995

1993-94 Advisory Panel, 1994 Aspen Winter School

1993-94 Advisory Panel, SUSY 94 (Ann Arbor)

Panels and Working Groups

2001 Co-Convenor of the TeV and Beyond Working Group,

Snowmass 2001, The Future of Particle Physics

1984. Leader of Compositeness Working Group,

Snowmass Workshop on the SSC

Professional Service

2008 NSF Advisory Panel

Fermilab Review Panel for Fermilab Research Alliance

2007 DOE Panel to Review High Energy Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2006 Review of Service of E. Weinberg as Editor of Physical Review D for the American Physical Society

Faculty Search Committee, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

NSF Committee of Visitors

Fermilab Review Panel for Associated Research Universities

DOE Panel to Review High Energy Physics at the University of Arizona

2005 DOE Panel to Review High Energy Physics at the University of Pennsylvania

2004 Panel to Review Argonne National Laboratory Theory Program for the University of Chicago

2004-present Editor, Journal of High Energy Physics

2002 NSF Advisory Panel

2001-07 Publications Oversight Committee of the American Physical Society

2002 Chair, Nominating Committee, Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society

2001 Nominating Committee, Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society

2000-03 Board of Trustees, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara

1999-00 Committee to Select Winner of Sakurai Prize of the American Physical Society

1999-2005 Physics GRE: Preparation and Evaluation of Problems

1999-2002 Supervisory Editor, Nuclear Physics B

1999 -2000 DOE Advisory Panel for Outstanding Junior Investigator Awards

1999 NSF Advisory Panel for Elementary Particle Theory

1998-2006 Chair, Theoretical Advanced Study Institute of the National

Science Foundation Scientific Advisory Board

1987-89 Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters

1989-98 Editor of Physics Letters B

1997-2003 Associate Editor, Reviews of Modern Physics

1992. Served on National Science Foundation Panel which recommended recipients of Presidential Faculty Fellowships

1986-87 CUNY-FRAP Panel (Award Grants to CUNY Faculty)

Community Service

2006-present Chair, Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater San Jose

2003-2005 Vice Chair, Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater San Jose

1998-2002 Vice President for Personnel, Yavneh Day School, San Jose

1994-present Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater San Jose.

Subcommittee on affirmative action (1995)

1991-94 Board of Trustees, Jewish Community Center of Greater San Jose

Invited Talks at Conferences And Workshops

2008 Lindefest, Stanford, “Symmetries in String Theory”

String Phenomenology, University of Pennsylvania, “Symmetries in String Theory”

2007 UK Annual Theory Meeting, Durham, “Symmetries in String Theory”

LHC Workshop, Princeton, “Metastability”

Tel Aviv/Hebrew University Conference on String Theory, “Symmetries in the Landscape”

2006. SUSY, Irvine, Retrofitting the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

2005 Minnesota, Frontiers Beyond the Standard Model

2004 Particles, Strings and Cosmology (Northeastern) ``The String Theory Landscape”

String Phenomenology (Michigan) “The String Theory Landscape, Minnesota Conference on Supersymmetry, “The String Theory Landscape”, String Vacuum Conference, Munich

| | |

|2003 |KITP Conference on String Cosmology, ``Cautionary Notes on the Landscape in String Theory” |

| | |

| |Quantum Theory and Symmetries, ``Is There a Landscape in String Theory” |

| |Strings 2003 (Kyoto) ``Towards a String Phenomenology” |

| | |

|2002 |Oxford Conference on String Phenomenology, ``Aspects of String Phenomenology” |

| | |

|2001 |Symposium on String Theory and Experiment, Enrico Fermi Institute, ``String Theory and the Future of Particle |

| |Physics” |

| | |

| | |

|2001 |Physics Summary Talk of the conference: The Dark Universe: Matter, Energy, and Gravity. Dark Matter and Dark |

| |Energy: A Physicist’s Perspective |

| | |

| |AAAS Meeting, San Francisco, Symposium, “Not Just A Mirror Image, Why the Universe is Made of Matter.” |

| | |

|2000 |Plenary Talk, 30 years of Supersymmetry, “String Theory, Supersymmetry, and Large Dimensions” |

| | |

| |Plenary Talk, International Conference on High Energy Physics (Osaka), “The Utility of Quantum Field Theory” |

| | |

| |Plenary Talk, SUSY 2000, “Moduli in String Theory” |

| | |

|1999 |Plenary Talk at Cosmic Genesis (A Meeting on the Future of Particle Astrophysics sponsored by NASA, DOE and |

| |NSF), “Cosmology and Physical Law” |

| | |

| |Plenary Talk DPF 99, “Possible Scales of New Physics” |

|1998 |13th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium, “Seeking the |

| |Ground State of String Theory” |

| | |

| |STRINGS 98, "Enhanced Symmetries and the Ground State of String Theory" |

| | |

| |SUSY98, "Duality and Phenomenology" |

| | |

|1997 |AAAS Meeting, Seattle, Session on Symmetry, “Symmetry and Physics at the Shortest Distance Scales.” |

| |Weizmann Workshop on Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking, “Some Aspects of the ( problem.” |

| |SUSY 97, “Some Issues in Gauge Mediation.” |

| | |

|1996 |DFP 96, Plenary Talk, “String Theory.” |

| |SUSY 96, “Where is the Scale of Supersymmetry Breaking.” |

| | |

|1995 |Coral Gables Conference, “Strongly Coupled String Theory.” |

| |Strings 95, “Coping with Strongly Coupled String Theory.” |

| |Fermilab Linear Collider Workshop, “Introduction to Supersymmetry Spectroscopy.” |

| | |

|1994 |LBL Conference on Strategies for the Detection of Dark Matter Particles, "Axions: Theoretical Status" |

| |UC Davis Conference Beyond The Standard Model, "Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking" |

| | |

|1993 |International Workshop on Supersymmetry and the Unification of High Energy Interactions (SUSY93), Boston, MA, |

| |"Some Questions of Flavor in Supersymmetry" |

| |International Conference on Strings 93, Berkeley, CA, "Topics in String Phenomenology" |

| |16 16th International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions, Ithaca, NY, Plenary Talk, "Particle |

| |Astrophysics from the Particle Perspective" |

| |KEK conference on CP Violation, Tskuba, Japan, “Electoweak |

| |Baryogenesis” |

| | |

|1992 |Texas Workshop, New Haven, "Electroweak Baryogenesis, an Overview" |

| |Cincinnati Symposium in Honor of Retirement of Louis Witten, "Questions of Naturalness: Some Lessons from String|

| |Theory" |

| |XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas "String Theory: Lessons for Low Energy Physics?" |

| | |

|1991 |Aspen Winter Conference, Aspen, "Baryon Number Violation in the Standard Model" |

| |APS Spring Meeting, Washington, "Baryon Number Violation in the Standard Model" |

| |DPF Meeting, Vancouver, "Electroweak Baryogenesis" |

| | |

|1990 |SSC Meeting, Dallas, "Baryon Number Violation at High Temperature and High Energy in the Standard Model" |

| | |

|1988 |Maryland Meeting on Superstrings, Composite Structures, and Cosmology, "Renormalization and Non-Renormalization |

| |in Superstring Theories" |

| |DPF Meeting, Storrs, Plenary Talk, "String Theory in 1988, an Idiosynchratic View" |

| | |

|1986 |Lake Louise Meeting on New Frontiers in Particle Physics, "A Superstring Primer" |

| | |

|1985 |Argonne Symposium on Anomalies, Geometry, Topology, "Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in Superstring Theories" |

| |Santa Barbara Meeting on Unified String Theories, "Is the Superstring Semiclassical" (with N. Seiberg) |

| | |

|1984 |Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, Santa Fe, NM, |

| |"Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking" |

| | |

|1982 |Vanderbilt Conference on Novel Results in Particle Physics, "Axions, Visible and Invisible" |

| |Johns Hopkins Workshop, Florence, on Current Problems in Particle Theory, "Realistic Supersymmetric Models" |

Invited Lectures at Spring and Summer Schools

2008 Cargese Summer School, Theory and Particle Physics: the LHC perspective and beyond, “Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking and Gauge Mediation”

2007 Prospects in Theoretical Physics, Princeton, ``Introduction to Supersymmetry”

|2003 |Summer School on String Theory at the Pacific Institute |

| |of Mathematical Sciences, ``Towards a String Phenomenology" |

| | |

|2003 |Jerusalem Winter School, ``String Theory and Nature” |

| | |

|2000 |TASI School, Boulder, “The Strong CP Problem” |

| | |

|1999 |TASI School, Boulder, “M Theory Phenomenology” |

| | |

|1996 |TASI School, Boulder, “Low Energy Supersymmetry” |

| | |

|1994 |TASI School, Boulder, "Baryogenesis" |

| | |

|1992 |TASI School, Boulder, "Baryon Number Violation in the Standard Model |

| | |

|1992 |SLAC Summer Institute, "The Electroweak Theory and Baryogenesis" |

| | |

|1990 |SLAC Summer Institute, "Baryon Number Violation in the Standard Model" |

| | |

|1989 |ICTP Trieste Spring School, "Compactification of Superstrings" |

| | |

|1988 |Theoretical Advanced Study Institute (TASI), Brown University, "Supersymmetry, Microphysics and Macrophysics" |

| | |

|1986 |Erice School of Subnuclear Physics, "Superstring Phenomenology, an Overview” |

Invited Talks: Colloquia

2008 University of California, Davis, ``String Theory in the LHC Era”

2006. Rutgers University, Johns Hopkins University, City College of the City University of New York, ``String Theory in the LHC Era

2005 Technion, UCSC Math Department ``String theory and Experiment”

2004 UCSC, “String Theory Landscape”

Carnegie Mellon, ``String Theory and Experiment”

2003 Princeton University, ``String Theory and Experiment”

2003 UCSC, ``String Theory and Experiment”

2002 Weizmann Institute of Science, ``String Theory”

2002 Technion Institute of Science and Technology, ``String Theory”

2001 UCLA, “Dark Matter and Energy: A Physicist’s Perspective

2000 USC, “Towards a String Phenomenology”

1997 MIT, “Duality”

University of California, Santa Barbara, “Supersymmetry”

University of Cincinnati, “Supersymmetry”

University of Minnesota, “Duality”

1996 UC Davis, “Supersymmetry”

University of Utah, “Supersymmetry”

1992 Stanford, “Baryogenesis”

SLAC, “Baryogenesis”

UC Santa Barbara, “Baryogenesis”

Invited Talks: Some Recent Seminars

2008 UC Irvine

University of California, Berkeley, “Symmetries in String Theory” Harvard University, “Symmetries in String Theory”

2007 Harvard University, “String Theory Landscape”

California Institute of Technology, “Symmetries in String Theory”

New York University, “Metastability”

Stanford University, “Symmetries in String Theory”

Princeton University, “Metastability”

Yale University, New “Metastability”

Johns Hopkins University, “Metastability”

Rutgers University “Symmetries in String Theory”

UT Austin, “String Landscape”

Institute for Advanced Study, “String Phenomenology”

Cal Tech, Stanford, UCB “String Landscape

Popular Lectures

2006 PBSci Staff Lecture Series, ``New Directions in Particle Physics”

Yavneh Day School, San Jose Astronomy Night Presentation on Big Bang

2005 Saratoga High School Career Day, Careers in Physics and College Teaching

2005 Gideon Hausner Day School Parents, “From the Very Large to the Very Small”

2005 COSMOS program, UCSC, “Big Bang”

2004 COSMOS program, UCSC, ``From the Very Large to the Very Small”

2004 Chai House, San Jose, ``The Big Bang” Shir Hadash Men’s Club, from the Very Large to the Very Small

2003 Lifelong Learners of Santa Cruz, “The Big Bang”

2001 AAAS Meeting, San Francisco, “Why the Universe is Made of Matter”

1999 Santa Cruz Veterans Association, ``The Big Bang: How Close Can We Come?"

1997. Maimonedes Society of San Jose, ``The Big Bang: How Close Can We Come?"

1997 AAAS meeting, Seattle, “Symmetry and Physics at the Shortest Distance Scales”



Fall Physics 171 General Relativity 20 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 214 Electromagnetism II 10 no

Physics 291 Particle Physics 9 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 2 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 110B Elec. Magnet. Optic 55 no

Physics 199 Tutorial 1 no

Physics 291 Particle Physics 7 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no


Fall Physics 291 Particle Physics 5 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 2 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no

Winter Physics 291 Particle Physics 4 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Spring Physics 110 Electric, Magnet, Optic 26 no

Physics 291 Particle Physics 4 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no


Fall Physics 105 Mechanics 28 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 7 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 2 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 199 Tutorial 1 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 7 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 291C Particle Physics 4 no


Fall Physics 105 Mechanics 36 no

Physics 290 Special Topics 7 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 3 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 101B Intro Modern Physics II 49 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 3 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 110B Elec., Magnet., Optic. 34 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 5 no

Phys 299 Thesis Research 1 no


Fall Physics 217 Quantum Field Theory I 14 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 5 no

Physics 297A Independent Study 1 no

Physics 297B Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299C Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 218 Quantum Field Theory II 8 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 4 no

Physics 299A Thesis Research 1 no

Physics 299B Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 216 Non-Rel. Quantum Mechanics 13 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 4 no

Physics 299B Thesis Research 1 no


Enrolled Shared

Fall Physics 114A Math Method Physics 1 no

Physics 217 Quant Fld Theory 1 7 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 4 no

Physics 297A Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299C Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 218 Quantum Fld Theo 2 5 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 3 no

Physics 297B Independent Study 2 no

Physics 299B Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 101B Intro Mod Phys 2 36 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 3 no

Physics 299A Thesis Research 1 no


Fall Physics 217 Quant Fld Theory 1 8 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 4 no

Physics 297A Independent Study 1 no

Physics 297C Independent Study 2 no

Physics 299C Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 297B Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299C Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 114A Math Method Physics 42 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics 1 no

Physics 297B Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299C Thesis Research 1 no


Fall Physics 199 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 212 Electromagnetism I 16 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics Seminar 5 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 199 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 205 Intro. Phys. Research 15 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 298 Research Project 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no

Spring Physics 114A Math Methods in Phys. 36 no

Physics 199 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 298 Research Project 2 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no

Physics 301 Supervised Teaching 1 no


Fall Physics 114B Math Methods in Phys. 35 no

Physics 291C Particle Phys. Seminar 3 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 2 no

Physics 298 Research Project 1 no

Physics 301 Supervised Teaching 1 no

Winter Physics 14 Vector Calc./Applications 24 no

Physics 199 Independent Study 2 no

Physics 291C Particle Physics Seminar 3 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 114A Math Methods in Phys. 50 no

Physics 291C Particle Phys. Seminar 2 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Physics 301 Supervised Teaching 1 no


Fall Physics 217 Elem. Field Theory 6 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no

Winter Physics 218 Adv. Quantum Field Theory 4 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no

Spring Physics 216 Non-Rel. Quantum Mech. 5 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no


Fall Physics 217 Elementary Field Theory 12 no

Physics 297B Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no

Winter Physics 218 Adv. Quantum Field Theory 6 no

Physics 297 Independent Research 1 no

Physics 298 Research Project 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 216 Non-Relativistic Quant. Mech. 2 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 2 no

Summer Physics 299 Independent Study 2 no


Fall Physics 212 Electromagnetism I 10 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 298 Research Project 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 12 Concepts Thermodynamics 8 no

Physics 214 Electromagnetism II 9 no

Physics 297 Independent Research 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Sabbatical Leave

Physics 298 Research Project 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no


Fall Physics 105 Mechanics 22 no

Physics 212 Electromagnetism 11 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 2 no

Physics 298 Research Project 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Winter Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no

Spring Physics 223 Strong Interactions 8 no

Physics 297 Independent Study 1 no

Physics 298 Research Project 1 no

Physics 299 Thesis Research 1 no


|Fall |Physics |105 |Mechanics |49 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |3 |no |

| |Physics |298 |Theor. & Exp. Research |2 |no |

| |Physics |299 |Thesis Research |1 |no |

| |Physics |301 |Supervised Teaching |1 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Winter |Physics |218 |Adv. Quantum Field Theory |2 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |3 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Spring |Physics |222 |Weak Interactions |4 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |3 |no |


|Fall |Physics |3 |Concepts of Modern Physics |20 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |2 |no |

| |Physics |298 |Theor. & Exp. Research |1 |no |

| |Physics |299 |Thesis Research |1 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Winter |Physics |218 |Adv. Quantum Field Theory |9 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |2 |no |

| |Physics |298 |Theor. & Exp. Research |1 |no |

| |Physics |299 |Thesis Research |2 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Spring |Physics |217 |Elem. Quantum Field Theory |4 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |1 |no |

| |Physics |298 |Theory & Exp. Research |1 |no |

| | | | | | |


|Fall |Physics |3 |Concepts of Modern Physics |8 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |3 |no |

| |Physics |298 |Theory & Exper. Research |1 |no |

| |Physics |299 |Thesis Research |3 |no |

| |Physics |301 |Supervised Teaching |1 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Winter |Physics |216 |Adv. Topics Quantum Mech. |13 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |2 |no |

| |Physics |299 |Thesis Research |3 |no |

| |Physics |301 |Supervised Teaching |1 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Spring |Physics |217 |Elem. Quantum Field Theory |11 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |4 |no |

| |Physics |298 |Theor. & Exp. Research |1 |no |

| |Physics |299 |Thesis Research |3 |no |

| |Stevenson |4 |The Persona of the Scientist |3 |no |


|Fall |Physics |215 |Intro. Non-Rel. Quantum Mechanics |12 |no |

| |Physics |299 |Thesis Research |2 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Winter |Physics |216 |Non-Rel. Quant. Mechanics |11 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |3 |no |

| |Physics |298 |Theor. & Exp. Research |2 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Spring |Physics |223 |Strong Interactions |6 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |1 |no |

| |Physics |299 |Thesis Research |3 |no |


|Fall |Physics |215 |Intro. Non-Rel. Quantum Mechanics |10 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |1 |no |

| | | | | | |

|Winter |Physics |216 |Non-Rel. Quant. Mechanics |11 |no |

| |Physics |297 |Independent Study |3 |no |

|Spring |Physics |297 |Independent Study |3 |no |


City College of CUNY

|Fall |Special Topics in Particle Physics |

|Spring |Electricity and Magnetism I |


City College of CUNY

|Fall |Quantum Mechanics I |

|Spring |Quantum Mechanics II |


City College of CUNY

On leave, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton


City College of CUNY

|Fall |Quantum Mechanics I |

|Spring |Quantum Mechanics II |


City College of CUNY

|Fall |Electricity and Magnetism I |

|Spring |Electricity and Magnetism II |


Graduates: Supervised Ph.D. Thesis

John Mason 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University

Zheng Sun 2007, Reseach Associate, KAIST, Seoul.

Erick Kramer 2004 Professor, Feather River Community College

Alexey Anisimov 2002 Resesarch Associate, Max Planck Institute, Munich

|Josh Gray |2001 |

|Bob Echols |1999 Professor, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo |

|Rong Li |1999 |

|Yuri Shirman |1997 Professor, UC Irvine |

|John Bagnasco |1995 Postdoc, staff positions, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |

|Jaipal Tuttle |1993 Offered post doc Stanford. |

| |Financial corporation in Chicago, IL. |

|Doug MacIntire |1993 Staff, Cal State Monterey Bay |

|Patrick Huet |1991 Postdoctoral Fellow, SLAC. Now working in computer industry in Sillicon Valley. |

|Stefan Cordes |1986 Postdoctoral Fellow, Northeastern; now in medicine. |

|Dennis Nemeschansky |1984 Professor, USC |

Other Graduate Students Supervised

Lorenzo Ubaldi 2007-present

Alex Morisse 2006-present

Lorenzo Mannelli 2001-2003

Deva O’Neil 2002-2005

Jason Feldt 2002-2003

| | |

|Matthew Grivich |2000-01 |

|Fred Cauthen |2000-2002 |

|Tim Beck |2000-01 |

| | |

|Gary Edetsberger |1999-2000 |

|Lisa Bishop |1999 |

|Antonio Garcia |1997-98 |

|Josh Gray |1997-2001 |

|Bill Clarke |1994-96 |

|Robert Echols |1994-1999 |

| |1994-96 |

|Ari Maller | |

|Chris Lee |1986-90 |

Orals Committees (Partial List)

Heath Holguin 2008

Sean Echols 2007

Jeff Jones 2007

Alex Morisse 2007

Zheng Sun 2003

Doug Pahel 2001

|Josh Gray |2000 |

|Alexey Anissimov |1999 |

|Ruth Schmitz |1999 |

|Mike Vera |1998 |

|Robert Echols |1998 |

|David Empey (Math) |1995 |

|Dipemker Ray (Math) |1995 |

|Yuri Shirman |1995 |

|Rachel Somerville |1995 |

|Emanuella Barberis |1994 |

|Sol Friedman |1992 |

|Julie Glas (Math) |1992 |

|Michael Gross |1992 |

|Mark Van Hook |1992 |

|Kerim Khayat (Math) |1991 |

|Rong Li |1991 |

|Jaipal Tuttle |1991 |

|Nicolo Cartiglia |1991 |

Ph.D. Thesis Defense Committees (Partial List)

John Mason 2008

Tim Beck 2008

Matt Johnson 2007

Zheng Sun 2007

Christian Flacco 2006

Alexey Anisimov 2003

Doug Epperson December 2001

Jorge Fernandez December 1999

Heather Logan June 1999

James Dann June 1998

Mark Van Hook 1997

Tanya Kurosky 1996

|Nicolo Cartiligia |December 1994 |

|Marco Diaz |June 1992 |

|Ralf Hempfling |June 1992 |

|Chris Lee |1989-90 |

|Rodanthi Tsani |1987-89 |

|Ashok Kumar |1988-89 |

|Stefan Cordes |1986, Ph.D. defense, Princeton University |

|Dennis Nemeschansky |1984 , Ph.D. defense, Princeton University |

Masters Thesis Committee Member

Kimberly Noble September, 1998

Mentored Postdoctoral Fellows

2007- Guido Festuccia

2006- Linda Carpenter

2005-2006 Andreas Birkedal (left for financial industry despite being on short list for SLAC faculty position)

2007. Assaf Shomer (now in industry, having declined position at UBC)

2005. Patrick Fox (now long-term postion, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

2001-2004 Elie Gorbatov (research associate UCSD)

1999-2002 Michael Graesser Presently permanent staff, Los Alamos National Laboratory

1997-1998 Steve Martin. Presently Professor, Northern Illinois University

1995-97 Jens Erler. Presently Associate Professor, University of Mexico

1993-95 Carl Schmidt. Presently Professor, Michigan State.

1993-94 Scott Thomas. Presently Professor, Rutgers University

1991-93 Robert Leigh. PresentlyProfessor, University of Illinois

1991-93 Alex Pomoral. Presently Professor, University of Barcelona

1988-90 Dimitra Karabali. Professor and Chair of Physics, Lehman College, CUNY

1988-90 Alex Kagan. Presently, Professor, University of Cincinnati

1986-88 Ikno Ichinose. Presently, Professor, University of Tokyo



1998 REU, Summer Research for Undergrads, UCSC

1997 REU, Summer Research for Undergrads, UCSC

1996 REU, Summer Research for Undergrads, UCSC

1995 REU, Summer Research for Undergrads, UCSC

1994 REU, Summer Research for Undergrads, UCSC

1994 Summer Science Institute, UCSC

Senior Thesis Technical Adviser

2004 David Quint B.S.

2001 Christina Zelano B.S.

2000 Sean Stromberg B.S.

1997 Joshua Gray B.S.

1996 Mark Coleman B.S.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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