|A Bi-Monthly Publication – Issue Date: April 12th, 2016 |

|St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church |

|Thomas Hoffmann, Pastor |

|Jose Estrada, Associate Pastor |

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|Our Mission Statement: “St. Matthew’s Tulsa is a United Methodist congregation that brings Christ to people of all nations in our community.” |

|Our Slogan: “Every Person/Every Nation/All Together/One Location” |

|[pic] |

|Dear Friends, |

|I have the opportunity to be at St. Matthew’s on many evenings, and it’s amazing what I see: just about every classroom and the Fellowship Hall—and |

|sometimes even the Sanctuary and Choir Room—are all being used almost every night. Who is using them? Bible studies and language classes and musicians |

|and support groups and . . . lots and lots and lots of kids. |

|This means that our resources and our facilities are being used—and sometimes used up! But we have no complaints, because it is what the church is for,|

|and it is what our church building is for. |

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|However, we need to insure that enough resources are always available to support our many ministries, now and in the future. Recently your Finance |

|Committee and your Trustees established a task force to look into this. After meeting together and consulting with others, the task force is |

|recommending that St. Matthew’s consider a “Ministry Campaign” to help strengthen and resupply our current and future resources. |

|What is a “Ministry Campaign?” For a season of time, a Ministry Campaign challenges church members to become more intentional about supporting the |

|overall ministry of the church, and focuses on a key ministry area to improve or strengthen. Our task force decided that “welcoming new visitors” |

|remains a very important arena for us over the next few years. The church exists for others, and making newcomers feel welcome means that they will |

|more likely consider St. Matt’s as their new church home. |

|Our emphasis on welcoming new visitors will focus on improving three areas: the parking lot, Fellowship Hall, and the Sanctuary. |

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|Why the parking lot? Because it’s the first place people see when they visit us, and where they get their first impressions. (It’s also the place |

|where our kids play basketball!). A church parking lot kept in good condition sends a very positive message to newcomers. |

|Why Fellowship Hall? Because it’s the place that gets the most use and sees the most visitors throughout the week. It’s “Visitor Central!” |

|Why the Sanctuary? Because it is the House of God, and we want it to be as purposeful and as beautiful as it can be. How we care for our sanctuary |

|often sends a message to visitors about how we care about God and how we care for others. |

|The task force is still putting together specific recommendations for this Ministry Campaign, and they will make a presentation to the Church Council in|

|the near future. But we wanted you to know about this now so that you will be praying for your church and its decision about this. We will keep you |

|informed as things progress. |

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|Welcoming new visitors and preparing for St. Matt’s future is just one more reason I am Blessed Beyond Belief. |

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|Pastor Thomas |


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|4:30-5:30 p.m. Gathering and Small Groups - Children/Youth |

|5:30-6:15 p.m. Community Dinner |

|6:15-7:15 p.m. Small Group/Adults (please try to be in your room by 6:15) |

|6:15-6:50 p.m. Small Groups – Children/Youth |

|6:50 p.m. Load bus for home – Children/Youth |

|7:15-8:15 p.m. Choir |

|8:30-9:30 p.m. Praise Band |

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|This Sunday, April 17:  Join Us for Lunch with: |

|Rev. Carlos Ramirez |

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|You are invited to a “Dutch-treat” lunch with Rev. Carlos Ramirez on Sunday, April 17, from 12:30-2:00 PM.  |

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|Rev. Ramirez is our Conference director who is helping St. Matt’s understand the different cultures in our neighborhood.  On Sunday he will be here in |

|Tulsa and will host a lunch conversation with us about this.   This will be a great time to ask questions and to give your feedback about how St. Matt’s|

|is doing with our neighborhood ministry. |

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|Please RSVP by emailing Pastor Thomas at smumcpastor@ or by calling the church at (918) 622-8703 (please leave a message).  This will help us |

|decide the location of the restaurant and the size room we’ll need.  Then, we’ll let you know where it is.  For more information, please contact Pastor |

|Thomas at the email above or at 918-346-9972.  |

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|See you Sunday afternoon! |

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|The deadline to submit articles for the April 26th, 2016, newsletter is Sunday, April 24th. |

|Please send articles to the church at stmatts@ and suzanne.pfeifer@. Thank you! |

|[pic] Ronald McDonald House – |[pic]Breakfast –This Sunday!-April 17th |

| |Join your family & friends for a fresh, hot breakfast served by the VIM Team |

|The ladies furnishing main dishes for Ronald Mc Donald House on April 28, |on Sunday, April 17th, from 7:30 until 9:15am. Come and enjoy your favorites |

|2016, will be Deborah Worman and Nancy Hoffmann.  The ladies furnishing |of French toast, biscuits ‘n gravy, pancakes & scrambled eggs before first |

|desserts will be Giselle Lenhart and Suzanne Pfeifer.  A great big Thank |service or Sunday School.  See you at the breakfast table! |

|You to these ladies. | |

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| [pic] April Birthdays | [pic] May Birthdays |

| | |

| |4th James Cloer 29th Bethany Allen |

|16 Tracy Duggan |6th Mike Arnold 29th Kathey Allen |

|28 Melanie McCammon |11th Mike Rutledge |

| |14th Gert McKenzie |

| |14th Brayden McCammon |

| |15th Christy Arnold |

| |16th Bob Johnson |

|If you want your birthday listed in the newsletter, contact Suzanne at |17th Bri Morrison |

|918-605-2104 or Suzanne.pfeifer@. |20th Joana Estrada |

| |24th Skylar Etwardo |

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|FOOD  PANTRY |[pic] Sarah’s Circle |

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|Thanks for caring and sharing. |We are studying Profiles of Men and Women of the Bible.  Everyone is invited |

| |to join us Tuesday mornings at 9:30 in the parlor for Bible study and |

| |refreshments. |

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| |Jeanine Keller |

[pic] [pic]

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|Acts 3:6-8 “Then Peter said, silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. Taking him by |

|the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them|

|into the Temple courts, walking and jumping and praising God.” |

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|Please pray for Bonita Young and family in their loss. |

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|Beth Hewitt is asking for prayers for her friend, Roxanne, whose mother and brother were killed in a fire in their home. |

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|Judi Olsen is requesting prayers for her upcoming surgery and recovery. |

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|Joanna Ellis is asking for prayers for her cousin whose house burned down. |

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|June Vannoy is asking for prayers for her sister, Pat, who is having surgery Tuesday, & for her recovery. |

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|Please pray for my two cousin’s families during the time of their bereavement. |

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|Please pray for BJ as she recovers and for good results from the procedure. |

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|Please pray for Virgie who is struggling with health issues. |

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|Anne Marie is asking for prayers for the students in Disney who will be undergoing tests & for Disney friends Barbara Mahar & Kim Wales family. |

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|June Vannoy needs our continued prayers for her health issues. |

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|Prayers are needed for Joe Jennings who is facing surgery. |

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|Continued prayers for Kielee Ferrell, her mother and siblings as Kielee was to come home Sunday. Pray for her comfort and strength. |

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|Joyce Hargrove asked for continued prayers for her friend, Carol, as she deals with chemo treatments. |

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|Continued prayers for Gordon Godfrey and family. |

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|Continued prayers for Barbara McDowell for an increase in strength and continued recovery. |

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|Sharon Cloer is asking for prayers for the family of Terry Donaho. |


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|Gert McKenzie; Beth Hewitt & her brother; Gail Arnold; Andrea Laney’s friend, Elizabeth; Dr. Mike’s friend; Lawrence Long’s friend, Gail; Pat Roderick; |

|Jaxon Roberick & Atley Howe; Tawnya McCammon’s mom; Bubby & Judy Williams; Lovelle Lightner; Gail Carnes; Del Gatzke; the Hylla family; Brent Utterback’s |

|niece, Lola Bolding; June Vannoy’s cousin, Gina; Deanna Rocha’s friends, Kay and Kenny Ratzlaff, especially Kenny’s sister, Margie Nantz; Laura; Irene; |

|Tricia Tuepker; Joanna Ellis’ family; Jeanine Keller’s daughter, Lisa and nephew, Greg; Sherrie Schumacher; Mercedes Ellis’ family; Alderman family; |

|Nancy Hoffman’s mother, Helen; B J & her friends' health; Leona Robison and her family; Rusty Colvin; Phillip Laney; Brady family; Aunt Laurene; George |

|and Share; Miss Cherry; Gert McKenzie; Chuck Wise’s sister and his mother, Louise; Kendle Boyce’s friend, Kirsten Plum and children; Laura Wolfe; Hime’s |

|son-in- law, Guy; Ann Marie Boyce’s brother, Eric; Gordon & Judy Godfrey; Bud Loveless’ daughter, Karen; Barbara Patterson and her son, Jarrod and his |

|family, and for the sale of her house. |

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|Yours in God’s love |

|Barbara Roderick |


UMW Calendar

All women at St. Matthew's are invited to any UMW events. Most meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Child care and rides are available upon request. 

UMW Women’s Fellowship Dates

April 17………UMW Sunday at both services

April 21 – 6:30pm……….Join us as we plan our annual TEA

April 29, 30 & May 1st………Spiritual Growth Retreat at Camp Egan, Tahlequah

Pick up a registration form from Ann Marie or the UMW bulletin board by the office

May 7 –  11:00am……….TEA!

The Piecemakers Circle

The Piecemakers Circle will meet at Jeannie Broussard’s home on Thursday, April 14, at 9:30 a.m.  All are welcome, not just sewers, as many procedures do not require actual sewing.  We will be looking into the features that make up a "modern style" quilt, and finishing our May Tea projects.

Hope to see you there.

Jeannie Broussard

You are invited to……

St. Matthew’s Spring Tea

Saturday, May 7th

11:00 a.m.

Menu: Finger sandwiches

Fruit & vegetable tray



Followed by……

Make it, Bake it, or Grow it Auction!


VIM Mission – April 18 – 22

You are wanted and needed on our mission adventure to the OK Indian Missionary Conference Center near Preston, OK, next week.  If you can go one day or all five, it would be a blessing. Since the conf. center is between Tulsa & Okmulgee, we will be carpooling from the church at 7am each day.  All you need to bring is a willing spirit and a sack lunch.

This will be an opportunity for you to get a taste of serving and making a difference in the lives of those using this campground/conf. center.  If you have questions or need additional information, please let me know.

Ann Marie Boyce

VIM Leader


Youth Garage Sale

It's time to clean out your closet because the Youth Garage Sale will be Saturday, April 16th, from 8:00am until 2:00pm.  If you have items to donate, please bring them to the church and leave them outside the youth room. If you have items you need picked up, please call Debbie Gant @ 918-770-3735.  Don't forget to come and shop on the 16th.

Thanks, Debbie


Due to conflicting dates, we have had to make a change of plans for our monthly luncheon.  We will be having lunch out -


                                                MOM'S COOKHOUSE

                                                 61ST & MINGO

                                                  12:00 NOON


Hope to see you all there.





A Musical Evening with Dinner, Entertainment and Fine Arts will be Saturday, April 23, 2016, at the Elks Lodge #946, 5335 S. Harvard Ave. from 7 - 8:30.

Tickets are $45.00 each. This gala event is a Council Oak District UMC project.  Reservations need to be in by April 5, 2016.   Please see Joyce Hargrove

for reservations.


June Vannoy is requesting that everyone fill out an attendance card each Sunday morning and drop it in the offering plate. If there is more than one family member in attendance, please be sure to list each one, including spouses and children. It is sometimes hard for those helping with the services, such as choir members, praise band members, etc. to get their names entered, so family members not participating in the services can be of great help in making sure their names are listed. This would also be a great time to update your addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. June will be entering attendance data in our rolls, so would be very grateful for your help.

Folks, if you know the address, phone numbers, email, etc. of the members below, please let me know. Thanks!

June Vannoy



Sharon & George Campbell

Jim & Kathy Williams

Jim & Kathy joined St. Matt's 1997 & was living in Owasso.



We will be celebrating and acknowledging the ministries of women at St. Matthew’s and around the world this Sunday at St. Matthew’s.  We are excited that Dr. Kathleen McCallie from Phillips Seminary will be sharing her story with us during worship. In addition to her experience serving 26 years in congregational settings and denominational leadership positions, Dr. McCallie has worked as a social activist and community organizer in various justice-seeking movements as well as teaching government and ethics.

The United Methodist Women will also recognize ‘the woman and man of the year’ with mission pins for their service and faithfulness to St. Matthew’s and God’s people.  A donation has been given to missions in their name. 

Join us in the celebration Sunday!


St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church

12424 E. 31st Street

Tulsa, OK 74146-2202


E-mail address: stmatts@ Website:


|Spot 31 |2 | |Prayers |4 |

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|Birthdays |3 | | | |

|Breakfast |3 | |Ronald McDonald |3 |

| | | |*Sarah Circle |3 |

|Food Pantry |3 | |*UMW |5 |

|Pastor Message |1 | |Announcements |6-10 |



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