

Faculty & Staff Handbook

Waterman Elementary School

451 Chicago Avenue

Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Jill Hart, Principal

Staci Hartman, Assistant Principal

Harrisonburg City Public Schools


Harrisonburg City Schools

– Where learning has no limits and together we work for the success of all.


1. All students can learn.

2. Student learning is the chief priority of our school, paving the way for habits of lifelong learning.

3. Students need to develop proficiency skills in all areas, including technology, commensurate with state standards.

4. Student learning is enhanced in a climate that is safe, positive, and inviting.

5. Providing a variety of instructional activities to support each individual’s learning style promotes student success.

6. An appreciation of each individual’s uniqueness is essential.

7. Development of ethical behavior and moral choice is fundamental.

8. Students achieve maximum learning through effective collaboration among students, staff, parents, and community.

2015-2016 Faculty and Staff – Waterman Elementary School


Jill Hart, Principal

Staci Hartman, Assistant Principal

Main Office

Tanya Butler, Instructional Coach

Sandra Byler, RN

Julie King, Counselor

Cristina Nuevo-Luna, Secretary

Tina Puffenbarger, Secretary

Elisa Torres Gonzalez, School Liaison


Brittini Aurichio

Cynthia Knott

Lauren Weston

Deb Pelikan


Michele Armstrong

Jeremy Dayton

Sarah Nicklas

Camila Pandolfi

Linda Yoder

Grade 1

Deseare Barney

Cindy Lamb

Lauren Smith

Eliot Swartz

Kelly Troxell

Grade 2

Kevin Byler

Lori Copley

Kim Longacre

Jennifer Moyers

Grade 3

Sarah Brown

Kelly Caffo

Amanda Grover

Tina Showalter

Caitlin Wood

Grade 4

Christiana Campbell

Cheryl Owens

Rachel Ropp

Katrina Yoder


Brenda Hamilton

Gloria Messerley

Tony Morris


Patty Baer

Erica Bengler-Cooper

Paige Godoy

Laura Thomas

Food Services

Wanda Wright, Manager

Amber Gooden

Lois Gray

Kay Lamb

Pat Morrison

Inna Untilova


Misty Angel

Annette Loker

Rachel Mason

Dawn Wright


Sharon Barrix, Technology

Diana Ferguson, Differentiation Specialist

Amy Henderson, Math Specialist

Dana Lehman, Library

Stacey Penrod, Technology

Karen Reichard, Music

Milcia Rodriguez, Elementary Spanish

Mike Ruckman, Physical Education

Caroline Sanders, Physical Education

Kristi Strine, Art

Special Education

Kim Bollinger

Kelly Shenk, Speech Teacher

Joan Wingfield ½ Speech Teacher

Jennifer Wright

Teaching Assistants

Janna Blosser Bobbi Paulette Payne

Terri Colaw Lori Puffenbarger

Carissa Eichmeyer Awat Rahim

Beth Holsinger Marc Schenhardt

Genny Johnson Keaton Shenk

Susan King

Lana Lema

Rita Longworth

Susana Luna

Cynthia Marafino


Research has shown that student success in school is enhanced by regular attendance. Students who miss presentations, discussions, and activities forego experiences that can never be duplicated. Academic success may be jeopardized as a natural consequence of non-attendance.

Teachers must help by:

1. Collect all notes from parents and doctors regarding absences and send to the office each morning. Print or forward any emails received regarding attendance.

2. Document attendance concerns in all parent communications, such as letters and report cards.

When attendance becomes a problem the following steps will be taken:

1. A doctor‘s note may be required for absences due to illness. The parent will be notified in writing.

2. When a student receives five unexcused absences, parents will be invited to attend an Attendance Improvement Meeting. A plan will be established to improve attendance.

3. If one additional unexcused absence occurs after this meeting, the Assistant Principal will refer the student to the Attendance Officer. The Interdisciplinary Team will recommend actions to be taken.

4. If one additional unexcused absence occurs following the Interdisciplinary Team meeting, the school division will file a petition for truancy with the Juvenile Court.

Chronic issues of tardiness will be addressed on a case by case basis. The Principal and Assistant

Principal may require a parent meeting and the creation of an improvement plan.

Excused Absences:

Illness (4 or more days require a note from a doctor)

Death in the family

Appointments - doctor, dentist, counseling, court (a note is required)

Religious holidays

Extenuating circumstances to be determined by the Principal.

Unexcused absences:

Any absences not listed above.

Any student required to provide a doctor’s note and fails to do so.

Vacations or trips.

Any absences that parents have not informed the school about, either in a note or phone call.

Teachers will submit their attendance through PowerSchool. This report will be sent to the office at 9:00 AM. Please be sure to check absentees on the daily bulletin immediately upon receipt. If there are any errors, please report them to the office immediately. Teachers are responsible for sending notes about pre-arranged absences to the office before the student leaves. Teachers are the first line of defense in addressing attendance concerns. Attendance concerns should be clearly communicated through parent contacts and documented on the Report Card.

**Please be sure to leave a hard copy of your attendance for your substitute to do**


An abused or neglected child shall mean any child less than eighteen years of age whose parent or other persons responsible for his/her care:

1. Creates or inflicts, threatens to inflict, or allows to be created or inflicted upon such a child a physical or mental injury by other than accidental means, or creates substantial risk of death, disfigurement, impairment of bodily or mental functions.

2. Neglects or refuses to provide necessary care for his/her health provided, however, that no child who in good faith is under treatment solely by spiritual means.

3. Abandons such child.

4. Commits or allows to be committed any sexual act upon a child in violation of the law.

WHO SHALL REPORT: Any person employed in the city schools that have reason to suspect that a child is an abused or neglected child.

WHERE TO REPORT: Any suspected case shall be reported to the Counselor who will inform the Principal and Department of Social Services.

Any records or reports which document the basis for the report shall be made available to the child protective services coordinator upon request. Any school employee who fails to report suspected cases of abuse or neglect is subject to a fine up to $500.00 for the first offense and not more than $1,000.00 for the second offense.


Students arrive at school beginning at 8:10 a.m. Students who arrive between 8:10 and 8:30 and are not eating breakfast report directly to the:

• Cafeteria - Kindergarten

• Book Room hallway - Grade 1

• Computer hallway - Grade 2-3

• Gym hallway - Grade 4

Students arriving between 8:30 and 8:45 should go directly to their classrooms. Any child arriving after 8:45 is tardy and must report to the office for a tardy slip.

The policy for releasing students early from school stipulates the following:

• Students will not be allowed to leave school without a note or call from a parent.

• Parents must have their children called from the office to be released from class.

• Persons who pick up students early must sign out on the computer log in the office.

• All notes regarding early dismissal or bus changes will be given to the teacher.

Parents are required to send written notice every time their child is to deviate from the established way they are to go home. Please refrain from letting students use the school phone as the primary way of communicating a change in routine. Our office staff has a large volume of phone communications to handle each day and cannot accommodate phone requests regarding a change in transportation on a repeated basis. If you receive a bus or loop note, please send it in your morning envelope. It will be copied and returned.

Phone messages received regarding dismissal before 2:00pm will be in your mailbox, and messages after 2:00pm will be called to your room.


Keeping small animals under proper care in the classroom is permitted. It is the teacher's responsibility to make sure students are not allergic to the animal and also to provide for care and cleaning of the animal’s environment and subsequent classroom mess. Snakes are not allowed in the building.


One of the best ways to set a positive tone for the school day is for the teacher to greet students at the classroom door each morning. Addressing each student individually sends the message that the student is valued and important! This should be a daily priority for every classroom teacher.

1. Post classroom expectations - rewards and consequences.

2. Promote positive action. Acknowledge inappropriate behavior but reinforce the action's positive counterpart.

3. Circulate through the room. Physical proximity to students can stop inappropriate behavior before it starts.

4. Say please and thank you every chance you get.

5. Incorporate music into your classroom.

6. Post a schedule.

7. Use positive praise.

8. Have a back-up activity for those unexpected events.

9. Establish procedures for student tardiness, bathroom breaks and lack of ready-to-use supplies.

10. Have something for students to do when they complete assignments early.

11. Catch students being good and reinforce that behavior.

12. Tell students you appreciate their efforts and class contributions.

13. Model the behaviors you want your students to engage in.

14. Devote time at the beginning of the school year to teach class rules to your students.

15. Role play problem causing situations before they occur.

16. Each day say "Good morning" or "How are you?"

17. Ignore behaviors that may possibly increase by attending to them.

18. Develop a signal to let students know behavior is unacceptable.

19. Provide students with breaks from work when they become agitated or bored.

20. Redirect bored students back to task by offering help, discussing the assignment or complimenting the student's accomplishment on the completed part of the task.

21. Give students choices when they misbehave. For a student who is constantly interrupting the teacher, the choices might sound like this: "You have a choice. You can sit in your desk and participate in the discussion or you lose five minutes of recess. The choice is yours."

22. Talk to the student individually and away from the class about the behavior in question. For example, "I expect you to succeed in this class. I notice that you did not do class work over the last ten minutes. Is there something that I need to know to help you?"

23. Use "I" messages. For example, "When you engage in conversation with other students and it interrupts the class and makes me feel frustrated. I would like for you to work with me to make this a successful class. Are you willing to do that?"

24. Using "would you be willing to do that" or "are you willing to do that" seeks commitment from the student.

Teachers can improve their classroom management by taking a pro-active rather than reactive approach. This means eliminating opportunities for students to misbehave, and situations that lead to misbehavior, rather than just punishing students after the fact.


Each fall, the principal is responsible for formulating the school budget to present to the superintendent of schools for consideration. Staff members should meet with their ITLs to discuss needs. The Principal and ITLs will review and discuss needs to create a priority list.


Classes always evacuate the building by using the exit for that classroom. Otherwise, students evacuate using the closest exit. The fire alarm will signal an evacuation. Students will walk quietly while keeping hands and feet to themselves. The windows and doors will be closed in each room. Teachers will take class rolls during an evacuation. If a student cannot be located, the teacher will notify the office ASAP. Classes report to a location 100 yards from the building, depending upon the exit used. Classes may return when the all clear signal is given. You may reference the Crisis Management Guide you received.

Building Crisis Bag: (Red Bags)

These bags are to help improve the safety of our staff and students during an emergency. Having the same bag in each classroom will allow substitutes to know what to look for in case of an emergency no matter which classroom they are in. Please keep these bags close by your door for quick and easy access. Please make substitutes aware in your plans of the bags location and what to do with it.

We are asking that you take the bags with you when going out at recess and on field trips. You will also take them with you to specials and leave them with the specials teacher, so they have all the important information for your class with them in case of an emergency. We would also like you to take the bags to lunch and hang them on hooks in the cafeteria so assistants can take the bags with them during an emergency.

Below is a list of what NEEDS to be in the bag as well as some suggestions:


-Emergency crisis plan

-Class roster

-Student information forms.

-Class medical list (Needs to be kept up to date)

-First aid kit (band-aids, rubber gloves..etc)

-Clip board and pen with sheets of blank paper.



-Bottled water


Waterman Elementary has implemented a school-wide program against Bullying. Bullying is any purposeful act of meanness that is repeated over time in a situation where there is an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical (hitting, pushing), verbal (teasing, name calling) or relational (leaving someone out or gossiping). Bullying and aggressive behaviors are not allowed at school. Students who disregard this policy will receive appropriate consequences.

BUS DUTY Bus duty is from 8:10-8:30 and from 3:30 until the last bus leaves in the afternoon. Teachers on duty should remain at their designated location until all children are dismissed. Please review the duty schedule to determine which areas you will supervise. When the bell rings at 8:30 AM, teachers in the cafeteria, gym, or playground will dismiss students from their areas. In the afternoon, the staff members assigned to bus duty should report to the canopy area by 3:30PM. If a staff member is absent the day of their assigned duty, it is their responsibility to ensure coverage for the area. Substitute teachers do not cover bus duty when teachers are absent.


Staff members and students are expected to assist the custodial staff in maintaining a high standard of cleanliness, neatness, and orderliness. Here’s how you can help:

25. The furniture in the rooms should be kept in orderly fashion at all times. Student responsibility should be encouraged along this line. Teachers are responsible for controlling student misuse of furniture and equipment in their assigned classrooms.

26. At the end of the day, student chairs should be stacked in groups of five, or placed on student desks so that sweeping/vacuuming can take place. Please check with the custodian covering your area to determine the day’s chairs need to be up.

27. Paper and loose articles should be removed from the floor and desks at the close of each period. Please have students clean up the floor before leaving at the end of the school day.

28. Lights should be turned off when the teacher leaves the room for any period of time or when the classroom is being closed for the school day. Doors should be closed and locked at the end of the day.

29. Blinds should be closed fully at the end of each day.

30. Teachers are responsible for maintaining the security of the building by making sure that outside doors (except the entrance by the main office) are locked at all times, including evening hours and weekends.


31. Be specific and clear. If some rules need further clarification you may put examples in parenthesis below the rule. This should be the case for only 1 or 2 of the total rules. For example, "Keep hands, feet, objects to yourself." (Pencils, books, erasers are to stay in your desk when not being used for academic purposes).

32. Be simple. Use simple wording, pictures or symbols to represent the rules when possible.

33. Be brief. No more than three to five rules should be necessary.

34. Be positive. Stating rules in the positive instead of the negative encourages the behavior you are seeking.

35. Be measurable and observable. It is important that everyone knows whether a rule has been followed and to be able to count the times that it has been followed.

36. Be linked to reasonable consequences. This may be written or it may be a part of your management system in the classroom, i.e., point or token system.

37. Be posted.

38. Be taught and discussed.


The decision to close schools or have a delayed opening will be made by 6:30 AM. The local radio and TV stations will broadcast the closing or delay. Staff members will also receive a telephone call in the event school is closed – it is important for staff members to inform Tina if phone numbers change throughout the school year. When no information is broadcast about the Harrisonburg City Schools, schools will open on time. Announcements will be made only if schools will be closed or delayed. Remember, Rockingham County and Harrisonburg City Schools are two different school divisions.

One Hour Delay: Buses will pick up students one hour later than their schedule time. School will begin one hour later. The building will open at 9:10 AM. Breakfast WILL BE served.

Two Hour Delay: Buses will pick up students two hours later than their scheduled time. School will begin two hours later. The building will open at 10:10 AM. Breakfast WILL NOT BE served.

Early Release: The school division may release early if weather dictates. In this case parents will be notified in advance of the release.


When a concern or problem is reported by a parent, the administrators will usually direct the parent to contact their child's teacher first for information and assistance. Teachers often have first hand knowledge of students and situations and problems can be addressed satisfactorily at that level. If a problem or concern remains unresolved, an administrator is the next person to contact.


Student teachers should not use the copier until properly trained. Please let Cristina or Tina know immediately if there is a problem with one of the copy machines. They are trained to fix some issues and have contact information for Xerox if professional service is required.


Copyright laws govern computer software, videotaping, audio-visual materials, music, and books/printed materials. The Official Fair Use Guidelines booklet is available in the Media Center and Main Office.


Effective classroom management is critical to your success. Classroom management refers to all of the things teachers do to organize students, space, time and materials to maximize effective teaching and student learning. Research has shown that effectively managed classrooms and high student achievement are linked.

Discipline is an area that can make or break an individual teacher or the entire school. The attitude of teachers determines the overall atmosphere of the school toward learning. It is your responsibility to see that your attitude creates the best atmosphere for a good teaching/learning situation. The tone for learning is determined to a great extent by a type of discipline employed by the entire school staff. A cooperative effort on the part of the faculty and administration will result in a more effective system of discipline. Each of us must assume the responsibility for the behavior of every student. This task requires a positive and consistent firmness, tempered with understanding. The result will be evident and appreciated by all involved.

The teacher should deal with discipline in a fair, even-handed manner, giving the student an opportunity to present his or her side. An attempt must be made to work with the student before excessive action is taken. It is important to keep administration and parents informed. Parents may desire to be involved. If so, use them. Above all, communicate with your students.

The teacher should attempt to handle all discipline cases. The teacher should correct the procedures that were violated regardless of where the violation is or whom the student is. It is important that the teacher allows himself or herself enough flexibility so that a situation does not become a "Do This or Else" situation. Behavior problems should be dealt with in the classroom without a great disruption to instruction in process. If punishment is deemed necessary, it should be discreet and constructive rather than punitive and retaliatory. When all efforts by the teacher to help the child behave in a responsible manner have been exhausted, the student will be referred to the administration. A "Discipline Referral" form should be completed on any student requiring the attention of an administrator. The following guidelines should be noted:

39. Consequences will be given based on the child's grade level and severity of the problem.

40. One discipline form should be written per child.

41. For student confidentiality reasons, do not write specific names of other involved students on the referral. Attach a post-it note with the names of other involved students.

42. Children should not be referred if there have been no previous teacher interventions.

43. Staff members should write the referral as if it will appear on the front page of the newspaper.

44. A copy will be sent home and another copy will be placed in the child’s cumulative folder.

45. Staff members may recommend a consequence by attaching a post-it note on the referral.

46. Staff members should fill out the referral before sending the child to the office unless fighting occurs.

47. Administrators handle office referrals.

48. Each time a student is referred to an Administrator, he will determine if parents will be contacted and who will make the contact.

49. Students may serve detention as punishment for an infraction of school rules. The time he or she spends after school should be used constructively. When an elementary school student is retained after school hours, the parent or guardian will be informed prior to the detention.

50. Corporal punishment is specifically prohibited by State Law. More detailed information may be found in School Board Policy 422.

Definitions of Administrative Decisions:

a. Student Conference - Consequence for referral results in student meeting with administrator, teacher, and or parent (in any combination).

b. In-School Suspension - Consequence for referral results in a period of time spent away from scheduled activities/classes during the school day.

c. Loss of Privilege - Consequence for referral results in student being unable to participate in some type of privilege.

d. Out-of-School Suspension - Consequence for referral results in a 1-3 day period when student is not allowed on campus.

e. Parent Contact - Consequence for referral results in parent communication by phone or person to person about the problem.

f. Time in Office - Consequence for referral results in student spending time in the office away from scheduled activities/classes.

g. After School Detention - Consequence for referral results in student spending time after school in a specified area to complete schoolwork.


HCPS is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, or marital status. This attitude will prevail in all of its policies concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals with whom the board does business. Please refer to policy 645 for more information.


While people dress to fit their style, shape, attitude, and comfort, professionals recognize that you are judged by what you wear and how you look. Whether it seems fair or not, your appearance makes a lasting impression. In this business, it does have an impact on student behavior.

Please note the following guidelines:

1. At parent meetings or conferences, district wide meetings, and other times when you are greeting the public, a more formal type of dress is required.

2. Denim jeans may be worn only on May Day, field trips where appropriate, and called spirit days by the Principal.

3. Teachers may dress more relaxed on teacher workdays.

4. Shorts should not be worn on student days.

5. Dresses, skirts, and skorts should be long enough to provide adequate coverage during active teaching.

6. Beachwear, tank tops, halter tops, gym shorts, cut offs, biker shorts, sweat shorts, flip flops, and revealing tops are never appropriate.


Email can assist parents in communicating with teachers. It is understood that during the instructional day, teachers are involved in student centered activities, and may not be able to immediately respond to emails from parents. However, please respond to parents within 24-48 hours. Please limit your personal use of email and internet services to times when you are not involved in instructional activities.


During the contract day, approval from the Assistant Principal must be granted before staff members leave school grounds. These requests should be kept to a minimum and should be for school related business only. Off school grounds personal business should be conducted outside of school hours.

Teachers and staff are responsible for using eSchool Solutions for requesting a substitute for sick leave. Please submit your request by 6:30 am so ample time is available to secure a substitute. Substitutes will be obtained each day for all necessary teachers and Special Education personnel. Subs will be hired for any assistants, secretaries, or custodians absent three or more days in a row.

**If you secure a sub for a prearranged absence fill out a paper leave form and put it in Ms. Hartman’s box so she can key the desired substitute. DO NOT key the absence in eSchool as it will begin calling random substitutes

For Personal Leave requests both teachers AND assistants will enter an eSchool absence for personal leave at least three days in advance. Once the request is approved, according to division policy, a substitute can be obtained by the eSchools system. Please remember that personal leave may not be used the day before or after a holiday.

FAX MACHINE (540.434.9996)

A FAX machine is available for use in the workroom located in the administrative office.  If you are sending an email for personal use with a long distance phone number a phone card will be needed.


The use of school trips to extend the learning opportunities provided in the regular instructional program is a valuable activity. Proper supervision shall be provided and the use of parents as chaperones is encouraged. All field trips require the approval of the Principal. Please have field trip requests submitted to Jill for first semester by September 25, 2015. Deadline for second semester field trip requests is February 5, 2016. Trips scheduled before September 25, 2015 will require a minimum of one week notice for approval. Field trips where buses cost $3000.00 or more need to get three quotes, put the quotes in writing, and attach them to the purchase order before submitting it to Tina.

Principals are expected to consider the educational value of the trip, the availability of the learning opportunity at the school level, and the distance, time, and expenses involved in the trip. Principals are also responsible for following all procedures established by the superintendent in requesting approval of the trip. Only properly insured modes of transportation are to be used for school trips. Principals should insure that no student is denied participation on a field trip because of the expense of the trip. Field trips should be of an educational nature and purpose. Objectives will be tied to specific Standards of Learning and will be indicated on the "Request for Field Trip" form.

Teachers are required to notify parents before a field trip is taken. Date, time, method of travel, and location should be included in the notice. This notice should be sent home at least one week prior to the trip date. Notes sent home should remind parents of the educational nature of field trips. Siblings are not allowed to participate in field trips. Notify the cafeteria early if packed lunches are desired or if your class is not going to be eating in the cafeteria on the day of the trip. Teachers are encouraged to take their cell phones on trips and make sure the office staff has the telephone number.

It is important to remember that we can only accommodate a small number of chaperone requests. Once the chaperone spots are filled we will not be able to have any more chaperones ride the bus.

If the class is going to an establishment that DOES NOT have a limit on the group size (such as the zoo) the parent/guardian is free to drive themselves to the establishment and join the class. The parent/guardian will be responsible for all cost associated with the trip and may not be included on the school price.

If the class is going to an establishment that DOES have a limit on group size (such as Jamestown and Monticello) once the chaperone spots are filled no other parents will be able to drive separately.

Field Trip Information Directly from Transportation:

Times scheduled during the school week are no earlier than 9:00 am for regular student’s buses and no earlier than 9:15 for SPED buses and drop off in the afternoon cannot be any later than 1:45 for ALL STUDENTS! All trips need to be faxed/emailed at least 1 week in advance to be scheduled, and the trips are not scheduled/reserved until the form has a school official signature and a PO if your school requires such.

We will schedule the driver. If you have a preference for a driver you need to make that known on the request sheet, please DO NOT arrange personally with the driver, this can cause confusion on our end.

For trips out of the area, feel free to call the following travel agencies:

Travel Mates of VA, Inc. 540/434-4155 Quick Livic, Inc. 800/572-4044

Richard’s Bus Lines 540/743-4005 Cross Tours 540/289-9392

Resource teachers and teaching assistants may accompany another class on a field trip provided the following are met:

1) If assistants will be needed (or would like to go) the Principal needs to be informed three days in advance.

2) Coverage to duty (AM/PM, or lunch) is taken care of by the teacher or teaching assistant.

3) The trip does not interfere with assigned classroom duties and responsibilities.

NOTE: Substitutes are not available to use in this situation.


Prior to Fund-Raising a proper purchase order form

All fund-raising by the school must comply with school accreditation standards prohibiting door-to-door sales. Teachers wishing to have a fundraiser must receive permission from the administration prior to beginning sale. All funds collected must be deposited with the school secretary by 10:00 AM daily.


Students may be nominated for the gifted program at any time during the school year by parents or teachers. Each spring, teachers submit names of students who they feel may be candidates for this program. The nominating faculty member and the parent(s) will complete a checklist of behavioral characteristics for each student nominated. The Assistant Principal coordinates testing. The screening includes tabulation of the checklist points and testing data. The placement committee will make the decision as to whether the student nominated is eligible, ineligible, or will be monitored for future placement in the program. The parents of the nominated student will receive notification indicating the decision of the placement committee. The decision of the school placement committee may be appealed to the school principal. A formal review is completed when achievement/ability group testing information is available in addition to teacher input over several years of education.

The differentiation specialist works with the regular class teachers in grades 1-4 to design and provide enriching opportunities. She may also work directly with students as needed or requested by the regular education teacher. Students in grades 3-4 who are found eligible and placed in the program will have the opportunity to participate in various special interest units offered during the year. Teacher and parent permission is necessary for participation in activities offered during the school day.


Teachers are responsible for maintaining accurate grade information for every student. Grade books are legal records. Therefore, grades may be entered by teachers only. Third and Fourth grade teachers use the grade book in the Power Teacher (this option is available for all teachers). All non-electronic grade books should be turned in at the end of the year.


Many holidays are SOL related (non religious) and therefore we must include them in instruction. These include Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, MLK Jr. Day, President's Day, and Independence Day. Check SOLs for what is mentioned at your specific grade level. Christmas and Easter are not SOL related, are religious holidays, and care must be taken to represent equally and fairly all religious faiths/celebrations if one is presented. Class time should not be used for projects for religious holidays. Halloween will not be observed.


Instructional team leaders meet monthly from 7:45 AM to 8:20 AM. This team provides positive professional leadership to the grade level group and serves as a vehicle of communication between principals, central office staff, supervisors, and teaching groups.


School keys are the property of Waterman School. All areas will be locked when students are in the building. At the end of each work day teachers should close and lock all doors (classroom and outside doors). Outside doors do not lock automatically – please make sure you re-lock the door when entering the building. Duplicate keys should not be made. All keys should be returned to the office on the last work day.


Employee writes request asking permission from the Superintendent and gives to the Principal for recommendation. The Principal forwards request to Director of Personnel for recommendation. The Superintendent will make final decision. Employee receives decision in writing from the Superintendent, and the teacher needs to let the office know of the decision. In accordance with school board policy, leave without pay requests are not available prior to or following a holiday.


Plans must be completed at least one week in advance. Lesson plans must be out in a visible location each day so that an administrator may look at them without having to stop instruction to request them. Full preparation also permits a substitute teacher to enter the classroom and carry out a full day of teaching. It is also required that you keep a current class schedule on file in the office which needs to be turned in by the second week of school. If you class schedule were to change a new schedule needs to be submitted as soon as possible. This will be the same as the front cover of your lesson plan book. Virginia SOL objectives for all instructional areas will be included in daily lesson plans (School Board Policy Manual 740-R) as well as essential knowledge and skills.

Failure to follow board policy regarding lesson plans will result in a conference with an administrator followed by a written communication documenting the conference.

Emergency Lesson Plan need to be completed and turned in to the Assistant Principal by Friday, September 18th.


Assistants or Cafeteria Monitors will monitor the cafeteria daily. Teachers will bring students to the lunchroom, stay with students in the lunch line until all students are served, and pick them up at the end of lunch. Assistants or Cafeteria Monitors will supervise students while they eat lunch and wait to be picked up by the classroom teacher, handle discipline, and report problems to the classroom teacher.

*Please be on time for lunch and picking your students up from lunch.*


The HCPS Maintenance crew handles maintenance needs outside of routine cleaning. If you have repair needs, a maintenance repair form must be obtained from the office workroom, completed by the staff member, and returned to the Head Custodian. A different form is available in the workrooms for janitorial needs. This form should be completed by the staff member and placed in the custodians’ mailbox.


Teachers may check out materials for classroom use. All materials are to be properly checked out of the media center and returned upon completion of the unit. Do not pass materials or equipment on to someone else without changing the information in the media center. A large collection of videos and professional books are located in the resource room in the library. If a teacher knows a student is withdrawing from our school, all of the student's library books should be returned before leaving. If a teacher has a student teacher, the teacher is responsible for seeing that all materials have been returned.

Reference work should be completed in the media center. Students may be sent to the media center at any time. However, a note is requested prior to the student's arrival, or at least sent with the student, stating the purpose and length of the visit. When a teacher wishes a class to use the media center, prior arrangements must be made with the media specialist. (This includes a change of Book Exchange time.) For safety reasons, students are not to maneuver televisions or projectors or other heavy equipment at any time.


The staff does not give medication, prescription or nonprescription, to students without a school form being completed and signed by the parent. The school must have a note signed by the doctor in order to administer any medication. These forms are available in the school office. Medication must be brought to the main office by the parent or guardian in its original, labeled container. Children are not allowed to transport medicine to and from school. The school will not provide any type of medicine for children. Teachers will be given the medications to take on field trips. This policy protects both the student and the school from liability.


One minute of silence shall be observed each morning during announcements as required by the Virginia General Assembly. The announcement will be: “As we begin another day, let us pause for a minute of silence.”


All money collected from students should be turned in to the office by 10:00 AM with a group receipt form. Deposits must be completed and taken to the bank as required by the school board. No amount of money may be kept overnight in your room.


51. Think of your relationship with the parent as if you are the parent discussing your child with you. If it would make you upset with a teacher, don't say it!! In other words, put yourself in the parent's shoes.

52. Be an active listener. Understand the parent's frustrations as well as your own. General Rule: Keep calm and make sure you listen and not only hear. The parent may give you clues to a solution of a problem without even realizing it (soccer practice, latch key, goes to a friend's house until I get home).

53. Let the parent vent his feelings and emotions. Ask open ended questions rather than getting defensive. Try to get the parent to see the problem, state your point of view in a friendly manner, then offer to work with the parent for the child's benefit.

54. Be sure to introduce yourself in a warm manner, no matter what you really think of the student. You set the tone. The parent should feel comfortable. "I'm glad you're here."

55. Be prepared: Be sure that you have the student's grades, work samples, copies of notes sent home and copies of any office referrals. Will you need an interpreter? Arrange for this in advance.

56. Don't put the parent on the defensive. Be objective, not subjective.

57. Check out the student's cumulative folder. Make notes of previous problems. Use this only if the parent tries to make you out to be the bad guy: "My child has never had problems until this year."

58. Let parents know that education is a partnership between the home and the school for the good of the child.

59. The very existence of a problem does not mean that there is a solution. Causes of many problems can be deep-seated. Trying to solve every problem is not possible. Your role is to demonstrate to the parent what you have experienced with the child.

60. Never tell a parent that the child needs therapy or that they should seek medical advice. You can refer the parent to the school nurse or counselor if they ask for your opinion on such matters.

61. Never say something like this: "This is a pretty bad class and when your child acts up, it just makes it more difficult for me". Don't ever let the parent think that you're having management difficulties. Don't ever look for sympathy.

62. Be sure to tell the parent some positive things about the child.

63. Quite often, we most remember the last thing we heard. Conclude your conference in a positive manner. Review any solutions or courses of action that were discussed and agreed to.

64. Sometimes the conference could be the beginning of the solution. If the parent seemed hostile during the conference, you might need to tell parents that now that you've met, you'd like to think about the things discussed and meet again the following week. If the parent accepts the conference, it will almost guarantee a positive atmosphere.

65. During the time in between, you could ask for advice, if necessary. If the parent declines a second conference, don't get angry; just realize that you've done what you can.

66. Remember to thank the parents for sharing their concerns and listening.


Staff members should park on the south, west, or drop-off loop parking lots. Six parking spaces are designated for principals, secretaries, and visitors. Handicapped parking is available. Parking is not allowed in/next to any yellow curbing area. Parking is not allowed on Chicago Avenue. The school is not responsible for City Street parking violations by staff members.


Classes may have two parties per year. Parents are asked to assist as needed. Delivering invitations to birthdays parties, flowers, or balloons during the school day is strongly discouraged. If birthday invitations are provided for all members of the class, the teacher may send them with all children.


Pay day is the last Friday of each month. The office staff will pick up checks and have paycheck stubs available by 1:00 PM on pay day. Please pick up your check or pay stub from Tina. Employees may not go to the central office to pick up their check or phone the central office requesting that a check be held for them including summer. If you have a problem concerning your paycheck, the matter should be discussed with the Principal. The Central Office has the ability to email your statement to your email account. If you would like this service please check with Tina.


Two days of personal leave will be granted with pay per contract year to all employees subject to the following guidelines and to administrative regulations:

67. Personal leave may be taken immediately preceding or following holidays provided school board policy is adhered to. Please see policy 629-R2.

68. At least 48 hours prior approval by the immediate supervisor must be given.

69. Personal leave may be subject to disapproval; when services of the employees are required on the date(s) for which leave is requested.

70. Full-time employees with five or more years of experience in Harrisonburg City Schools shall be eligible to accumulate three days of unused personal leave days and carry these forward to the next year. Combined with the two days of personal leave granted annually, a qualified employee, with appropriate approval, may take up to five days of personal leave in a contract year.

71. No more than three personal leave days may be carried over to the next year.

72. Unused days beyond these three will be converted to sick leave at the conclusion of each year.

73. The Superintendent shall have discretionary authority to grant up to two additional personal leave days (which may be with or without pay) for rare and non-repeating opportunities to long-term employees in good standing. The superintendent shall establish appropriate regulations to clarify and control these rare exceptions to personal leave usage.

74. The school board has the right to review leave taken under this policy.

75. This policy does not preclude an employee requesting from the school board leave with or without pay under certain circumstances. This request should be submitted to the board through the school principal and superintendent in advance of the desired leave date when possible.

76. Full-time employees with four or more years of experience in Harrisonburg City Schools may use one sick day for an additional personal day if needed.

77. Leave is calculated to the nearest 1/4 day:

¼ day = Less than 2 hr

½ day = 2 hr 15 min-4 hrs

¾ day = 4 hrs 15 min-6 hrs

1 day = 6 hrs 15 min-8 hrs


The Pledge of Allegiance is to be recited in classrooms daily. During the Pledge, students stand and recite the Pledge while facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts. No child shall be required to recite the Pledge if he or she or their parents object on religious, philosophical, or other grounds to participating in this daily exercise. These students should sit or stand quietly while others recite the Pledge. Also, the National Anthem will be played weekly.


No reimbursement will be made for materials purchased unless permission for the purchase is secured from the Principal. Step #1 in all purchasing (before completing any paperwork) is to obtain permission from the Principal to spend money. Send Jill a note or email requesting permission, and she will respond with what money is available. That will determine which purchasing procedures you should follow.

Purchasing Supplies from WES Account:

*To pick up items locally - Obtain a Request to Purchase Form- Activity Accounts form from the office. Be sure to specify the account to purchase from and the description of items to purchase. Sign as purchaser, put in the Principal’s mailbox. If it is a Wal-Mart, Staples, or Barnes & Noble order you will be given a card to use for your purchase. The Principal will forward the purchase request to the bookkeeper for a signature and any charge cards needed. You will receive the purchase order back in your mailbox. A 24-hour notice is requested.

78. Submit the purchase order at the time of the purchase. Be sure that they know they are billing Waterman School and not Harrisonburg City Public Schools. Leave the white copy of the purchase order with the store and return the other copies and a receipt to the Bookkeeper as soon as you return (along with any charge cards you may have been given).

79. Waterman is a tax exempt institution. Please be sure when charging at stores that sales tax is not added. If a company needs a tax exempt form please let the Bookkeeper know and she will submit one.

80. If an order form needs to be sent to a company for your order, please complete the order form and submit along with the purchase order. Be sure to include appropriate shipping and handling charges. The Bookkeeper will take care of mailing, faxing or phoning the order. Some orders may need a check attached to order. The Bookkeeper will handle this as well.

*Purchasing Supplies from CO Budget Funds (not for pick-up locally):

81. Complete a Request to Purchase form (office workroom) and submit with copies of the pages from the catalog that the items to order are on, a copy of the blank order form, and the cover of the catalog.

82. Be sure to include appropriate shipping and handling charges.

83. The Principal will put the budget code on the form. The Bookkeeper will input the order on the computer and send it to the central office for processing.

*Purchasing Supplies from CO Budget Funds From a Local Vendor and Under $200:

84. Complete Pick-Up Order with description of the items being purchased. Sign as purchaser and put in the Principal’s mailbox. He will include budget code and give to the Bookkeeper. A 24-hour notice is requested.

85. Be sure that the vendor knows they are to bill Harrisonburg City Public Schools. If the vendor is Staples, Wal-Mart you will be given a HCPS charge card to use for these purchases. The white copy of the Pick-Up- Order should be left with the vendor. The receipts and other two copies of the Pick-Up Order and any charge cards should be returned to the Bookkeeper immediately upon return. If you need items over $200 locally you will need to follow the procedures above and complete a Request to Purchase form with quotes attached and the order will be done on the computer.

*Receiving Supplies - Most orders will be checked in by the office staff and given to you. If you pick up an order that still contains the packing slip it probably means it has not been checked off of the purchase order. Please verify the contents with the packing slip and return the packing slip to the Bookkeeper as soon as possible.


Thirty minutes daily recess should be planned for all students in Kindergarten through Fourth Grade.


The Postgraduate Professional, Collegiate Professional, Vocational Education, and Pupil Personnel Services Certificates may be renewed upon the completion of 180 professional development points within a five-year validity period based on an individual professional development plan. Professional development points can be accrued by the completion of activities drawn from one or more of the following options: college credit, professional conference, curriculum development, publication of article, publication of book, mentorship supervision, educational project, employing educational agency professional development activity.

A minimum of 90 points (3 semester hours in a content area) in the license holder's endorsement area(s) shall be required of license holders without a master's degree, and may be satisfied at the undergraduate (two- or four-year institution) or at the graduate level. Special education course work designed to assist classroom teachers and other school personnel in working with students with disabilities may be completed to satisfy the content course requirement one cycle of the renewal process. Technical Professional License holders without baccalaureate degrees may satisfy the requirement through vocational education workshops, vocational education institutes, or through undergraduate course work at two- or four-year institutions.

The remaining 90 points may be accrued by activities drawn from one or more of the options listed above. Recertification work is designed to provide certified personnel with opportunities for professional development relative to the grade level(s) or teacher field(s) to which they are assigned or for which they seek an added endorsement. Such professional development encompasses both (a) responsible remediation of any area of an individual's knowledge or skills that fail to meet the standards of competency (current certification regulations) and (b) responsible efforts to increase one's knowledge of new developments in one's field, to respond to new curricular demands within one's area of professional competence.

The proposed work toward recertification in certain options must be approved by the Principal or designee prior to taking the recertification work. See also DOE website for more information.


86. Report cards will be sent home with students in grades K-4 every nine weeks, interim reports will be sent every grading period for every student. See your school calendar for specific dates.

87. P.E., Art, and Music will provide grades every nine weeks.

88. Failing or incomplete grades shall be accompanied by specific comments. An incomplete must be changed to a letter grade prior to the next marking period

89. Remember to use positive remarks instead of only pointing out deficient areas. This will help build rapport with students and parents. Parents want to know what their children are really like in school, and positive notes on grade cards help. They are also great motivators for children of all ages.

Report cards will be reviewed by the Principal or the Assistant Principal before they are sent home. Please note the following schedule-

|Grading |Grade level |

|Period |due |

|1st |1, 2 & 4 |

|2nd |K, 2 & 3 |

|3rd |1, 3 & 4 |

|4th |none |

SCHOOL TELEPHONE (540.434.8352 or 540.434.2957)

The school telephone is a business phone. Personal calls should be very limited. No personal long distance calls may be made from the school phone unless you use a calling card. If the long distance call is school related, please check with the secretary on how to access a long distance line.


HCPS does not tolerate any sexual harassment, whether this is in the form of student to student, student to adult, adult to student, or adult to adult. If offenses occur, consequences will be imposed consistent with school division policies and other legal requirements. Suspected incidents of sexual harassment should be reported immediately to a building administrator, who will investigate and take appropriate action.


The school board shall maintain a sick leave bank for full-time employees who have prolonged, catastrophic, or long-term illness or injury and who have exhausted their own sick leave as long as one-third of the eligible members participate in the sick leave bank.


90. Membership in the sick leave bank shall be voluntary and open to all eligible employees.

91. Each full-time employee who accumulates sick leave is eligible for membership and may become a member by donating one day of sick leave upon joining and one day thereafter whenever an assessment is required.


92. To participate, an employee must have worked for Harrisonburg City Schools for at least one contract year.

93. An employee who does not enroll when first eligible may do so between any subsequent August 15 and September 15 period. An employee must be enrolled in the plan for three months prior to becoming eligible to utilize the benefits of the sick leave bank.

94. Membership in the bank shall be continuous unless the employee informs the sick leave bank administrator prior to September 15 of his/her intent to withdraw from participation in the bank.


95. A member of the bank will not be able to use sick leave bank benefits until his own sick leave is depleted. Applications must be submitted within ten working days after all accrued sick leave has been exhausted. Members utilizing days from the bank will not have to replace these days.

96. The first thirty consecutive contract days of illness or injury will not be covered by the sick leave bank but must be covered by the employee's own accumulated leave or leave without pay. A maximum of 60 days each school year can be drawn by any one member.

97. A doctor's certificate is required before a member can use his/her sick leave bank entitlement. This statement is to be submitted in writing to the superintendent in advance of the absence for which the days are to be granted. Requests cannot be made retroactively.

98. The sick leave bank cannot be used for family care (members only).


99. Participants in the sick leave bank will be assessed an additional day(s) of sick leave at such times as the bank is depleted to one hundred twenty days. Notification of such assessment shall be sent to each member at the time it is determined to be necessary.

100. A member who has no sick leave to contribute at the time of assessment shall be assessed this day(s) from the first sick leave day(s) subsequently accumulated.


1. Upon termination of employment or withdrawal or membership in the bank, a participant will not be permitted to withdraw or be paid for his/her contributed day(s).

2. The sick leave bank will carry over its total days from one school year to the next.


Faculty meetings will be held 1-2 times per month according to the Meeting Schedule. Do not make commitments on Wednesday afternoons. Teachers are expected to attend all scheduled meetings. You will need permission from the Principal to miss a faculty meeting. Meetings have been scheduled and a copy is located in your staff handbook.

Grade level meetings will be held every Thursday during grade level planning time. This meeting should be a focused planning meeting with a meeting agenda and notes taken. Administrators and/or the Instructional Coach will attend these meetings as a resource to teachers. One meeting a month will be planned and facilitated by the administrators/coach.

ITLs will schedule meetings to follow up/discuss information shared at ITL meetings. They should be scheduled to insure timely dissemination of the information presented at the ITL meeting.

Mailboxes should be checked upon arrival, during your planning time, and at lunch. Teacher should also check mailboxes after 2:00 as numerous messages are received after this time.

The daily bulletin is emailed each morning. Please read it as soon as possible and read to students any items that pertain to them. If you have an item that you wish to have included in the bulletin, please make sure the office receives the information by 9:00 a.m. Please indicate which day(s) you want it run. Information for the bulletin should be emailed to Cristina.

Newsletters should be sent home once a month. Newsletters should include information about classroom activities and/or upcoming events. Keeping parents informed allows them to become more actively involved and engaged in their child’s education. Newsletters can be translated into Spanish, Russian, Kurdish, and Arabic. Advanced notice is required for translation services. Please send a copy of your newsletter to Jill or Staci for review before sending it home. Electronic newsletters are an excellent way to communicate with families, however, if a parent requests a paper copy, please honor this request! Any letter sent home to parents should be kept on file by the teacher and a copy given to Tina and Cristina as parents frequently call the school office with questions.

Teachers are provided a weekly folder for each student that is sent home every Friday. This should contain information received throughout the week for parents and students. If there is no school scheduled on Friday please send the folder home on Thursday.

Teachers may read the Harrisonburg City Schools Policy and Regulations Manual (Revised). Copies are available in the office and library, and an electronic version is available at the HCPS website.


The Harrisonburg City Schools accept the responsibility to provide its personnel with options for staff development and complies with the state's constitutionally authorized responsibility for recertification of school personnel. The system encourages all professional personnel to be involved in an ongoing staff improvement program.

The school division participates in the state's individualized plan for teacher recertification. Regulations and details regarding this plan are set forth in the state department publication entitled "The Virginia Recertification Manual" which is provided for each staff member.

Staff development occurs within our school through faculty meetings, grade level meetings, in-service opportunities provided by the administration, etc. Suggestions from the staff for possible in-school staff topics are received annually by the Principal and may be developed into workshops, discussions, etc. for the faculty and are led by staff members as well as incorporating the use of school division personnel and community persons to address topics of interest. Staff members also attend state and area conferences. These in-service opportunities provide training, professional assistance, support and growth opportunities for each staff member.


Staff WebPages need to be updated monthly. This is a vital way for our community to be involved in our school and for parents to know what is happening in our classrooms.


Mathematics Folders:

101. Student's name should be on the front of the folder.

102. Follow the directions on each sheet in the folder for completing the Individual Progress Record.

103. All folders should be grouped alphabetically, boys and girls together.

104. Folders may be reviewed periodically by the Principal or the Assistant Principal.

Permanent Cumulative Record Cards

105. Cumulative information for each student is kept in one file in the Office Records Room.

106. Do not use (+) or (-) on cards.

107. A classroom teacher's name and the special education teacher's name should be listed when a student is not self-contained.

108. The school year should be given and teacher's name and the grade level.

109. Test data should be recorded in the appropriate location when the information is received. Stick on labels should be used when provided.

110. Days on roll, absences and tardies should be recorded at the end of the year by the homeroom teacher for all students including special education.

111. Please indicate promoted, retained, or placed at the bottom of the card.

112. Review of this folder by anyone other than assigned school personnel should be so indicated on the log printed on the front of the folder.

Confidential Information

113. Cumulative information for each student is kept in one file in the Office Records Room.

114. Review of this folder should be indicated on the log in the front of the folder.

115. Neither this folder nor any of its contents should be removed from the building at any time.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 restrict educators‘control over student records. Students over 18 years old or parents of students under 18 have the right to inspect the student‘s entire educational record. This includes teacher comments. The ramifications of this law are many. Since students have a right to see their files, many defamation suits have evolved. Teacher are liable for any comments that they make in a student‘s file.

116. All student record folders are kept in the office files. These files may be taken to the classroom, but MUST BE RETURNED TO THE OFFICE FILE before the teacher leaves the building.

117. When student records are received from another school, a note will be placed in the homeroom teacher's mailbox.

118. All files should be kept in alphabetical order, boys and girls together.

119. All references, reports, records, rosters, should show the completed legal name of the student. No nicknames will be accepted.

120. Each teacher should check the address and phone numbers of their students at frequent intervals and inform the office immediately of any changes. This will aid the office in serving the staff, the central office, and public more efficiently.


Appropriate praise and positive reinforcement play an important part in building healthy self-esteem which promotes academic success. One awards assembly will be held at the end of the school year. Parents may attend. The following awards are given:

121. Perfect Attendance - At the end of the school year, perfect attendance will be recognized. This is for students who have no absences, tardies, or early dismissals.

122. Rotary Club Code of Ethics Award honors one male and one female student in Fourth grade as a part of its activities to recognize the importance of ethics in our community. The criteria include truthfulness, consistency, dependability, integrity, service to and concern for others, friendliness, depth of commitment, and reverence.

123. Presidential Academic Excellence and Presidential Academic Achievement (4th Grade)


Child Study Committee determines if an evaluation for special education services is appropriate. Teachers, parents, or specialist may refer for full evaluation or screenings. Members may include: Referring source, Assistant Principal, teacher, school psychologist, social worker/visiting teacher, parents, and other relevant specialists.

Referral to Child Study: 1. Completely fill out R-CST form, 2. Notify the parent that you are making the referral (done before the Child Study meeting), 3. Child Study must meet within 10 days of referral.

Possible Outcomes:

124. Ideas may be given to the teacher on how to assist the student in the class. Child Study team will meet again to discuss progress and may recommend an evaluation

125. Some type of screening may be done to get a better idea of the student's level of functioning. CSC team will meet again to discuss the outcome of screening and may recommend an evaluation

126. CSC may refer the case to the Instructional Support Team to develop an intervention plan during the assessment phase or in lieu of an evaluation.

127. If full evaluation is recommended, permission forms are sent home, teacher is given a green form to fill out on the student (a copy of this form is given to parents at eligibility meeting). Testing is done and an eligibility meeting is held within 65 days of Child Study meeting.

128. CSC Members will not recommend medications for children to parents.

Instructional Support Team identifies and recommends strategies to address student learning, behavior, communication or developmental concerns from classroom teachers. IST may also assist classroom teachers with behavior management strategies that may assist students. IST may refer child to CSC or 504 Committee if a disability is suspected. Composition: Principal or designee, child's teacher, one or more special education teacher, classroom teachers, and other relevant specialists.

Section 504 Committee reviews the nature of the student's impairment determining how it affects educational access. If the team determines that the impairment does limit a major life function, then the team will construct a Section 504 plan that outlines the necessary student accommodations. Composition: Principal or designee, child's teacher, school psychologist, parents, classroom teacher, other relevant specialists.


Teachers should know the whereabouts of all children in their classes at all times. When in the halls or bathroom, students should be assigned a buddy. Teachers are responsible for quiet and orderly movement of students within the building at all times. No child should remain in the classroom without adult supervision. Teachers shall be aware of the risk in leaving classes unattended. If you need to leave the room, notify a nearby teacher.


Talk It Out is a classroom model that is used to solve conflicts in the classroom. A four-step model is taught to the students and encouraged by all staff:

1. Stop and cool off

2. Listen and talk

3. Thinks of ways to solve the problem

4. Choose the idea you both like


Teachers are required to complete the SMART Goals/Teacher Evaluation requirements each year. Refer to the Harrisonburg City Schools webpage, click on staff, and then Teacher Performance Evaluation Website. Teachers on a summative evaluation year and probationary teachers must submit a portfolio. The portfolio needs to show documentation of the following standards: Each standard needs to have at least three (3) documented pieces of evidence.

Standard 2: Instructional Planning

Standard 4: Assessment of and for Student Learning

Standard 6: Professionalism

Standard 7: Student Academic Progress

Portfolios may be submitted in hard copy or placed as an electronic document in the Teachers on Graceland folder titled Portfolio 2016.


Persons seeking license renewal as teachers must demonstrate proficiency in the use of education technology for instruction. All licensed instructional personnel must meet the technology standards. Verification of the demonstrated proficiency of the technology standards from the employing Virginia educational agency will be required for individuals seeking an initial license or license renewal. In Harrisonburg City Public Schools, the completion of a technology portfolio demonstrates this proficiency. Teachers are encouraged to participate in staff development offerings and complete their technology portfolios.


K-3 Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening

K-4 ACCESS for ELLs (Assessing Content and Comprehension of English State to State for

English Language Learners)

McKenna/Wampole Phonics Inventory

Running Records (as needed)


2-4 Interactive Achievement Tests

3-4 Virginia Standards of Learning Tests


The use of tobacco products is prohibited in any school building or on any school grounds at all times by anyone, minor or adult. Additionally, state law prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from purchasing or possessing any tobacco product. Tobacco products will be confiscated and the proper authorities notified.


In the Waterman Elementary Student Handbook, we ask children not to bring toys to school. In keeping with this request, show and tell should not be used as a class activity – this often encourages children to bring toys to school. Other instructional activities should be planned to meet SOL objectives aimed at verbal presentations - not show and tell. Please confiscate toys/electronics (including trading cards). Send these items home at the end of the day with a note to parents, call parents to come pick it up, hold it until the next conference you have, or try any other reasonable solution to get the item home.


1. Request for Permission to Attend Meeting (Travel) from the Principal needs to be


2. A request to attend meeting form:

← Must be completed for travel, which involves encumbrance of funds for mileage reimbursement, food, lodging.

129. Enter your absence in eSchool.

130. Not necessary to be completed by principals and administrators when attending out of area meetings that are part of their job responsibilities, i.e., attending state director’s testing meetings, regional principals meetings, etc., unless there is a need to encumber funds.

131. A separate form per traveler should be completed.

132. If budget code(s) is/are provided for payment of travel expenses, the fund manager(s) of that fund should sign/approve the form.

133. It is recommended that the traveler pay any conference registration fees personally and seek reimbursement. If, however, the traveler would like to have conference registration fees paid by the school division prior to the conference, a completed and submitted Request to Purchase made payable to the conference registrar should be completed and submitted with the Request for Permission to Attend Meeting 30 days prior to the registration deadline.*

Request for Reimbursement

134. Should be submitted within two weeks of return from travel.

135. Should reference purchase order number that was returned to traveler by their submission of a Request for Permission to Attend Meeting. Attach copy of approved Request for Permission to Attend Meeting when submitted Request for Reimbursement.

136. Mileage reimbursement rate is $0.30 per mile.

137. All receipts must be itemized for which reimbursement and attached.

138. Grand total should reflect accurate math.

139. Traveler and principal/fund manager should sign. If there is a “do not exceed” for reimbursement amount, that should be indicated on the form.

140. Lost reimbursement checks will be re-issued only once.


Movies with a "G" rating may be viewed by students. Movies should be previewed by the instructor for questionable content. The content of non-rated videos should also be checked for age appropriateness. All videos or movies must be directly related to instruction. Videos or movies shown for entertainment or class reward violate copyright laws. Any movie shown to students needs to be approved by the Principal.


Visitors will be welcomed to the schools. They must report to the main office to log in on the computer for a visitor's pass. Visitors must also return to the office after the visit to check out on the computer. Visits to classrooms are encouraged. However, arrangements must be made in advance with the classroom teacher to schedule a mutually agreed upon time. Parents will also be encouraged to visit the schools for conferences with teachers, assemblies, PTO meetings, and other school programs. Unauthorized persons, including suspended students, will be requested to leave school grounds by the building administrator. If a visitor does not have an approved visitor tag please escort them to the office.


Volunteers are an integral part of our school program. We encourage mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other community members to assist us in providing supplemental and enriching activities. We also encourage volunteers to provide supportive services to our teachers. Outside agencies requesting volunteer assignments will be handled by the Assistant Principal.


*Incident must be reported to the administration immediately*

See Tina promptly to complete an Accident form.

2. At the time of Injury, review the Panel of Physicians listing for selection of a treating provider. Documentation will be obtained to support that a panel was offered.

3. Secure a timely initial appointment.

4. Take ‘Work Capabilities Recommendation’ form for a treating physician to complete.

5. Your supervisor will investigate the accident.

Please note: If you do not require medical attention, a report is still required.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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