The Vietnam War — Chapter 26Going to War in Vietnam —Section 1American Involvement in VietnamGrowth of Vietnamese NationalismAmerica Aids the FrenchDefeat at Dien Bien PhuGeneva AccordsAmerica Becomes Involved in VietnamKennedy Takes OverThe Overthrow of DiemJohnson and VietnamThe Gulf of TonkinThe United States Sends in TroopsA Bloody StalemateSearch and DestroyThe Ho Chi Minh TrailVietnam Divides the Nation — Section 2An Antiwar Movement EmergesTeach-Ins BeginAnger at the DraftHawks and Doves1968: The Pivotal YearThe Tet OffensiveJohnson Leaves the RaceA Season of ViolenceNixon Wins the PresidencyThe War Winds Down — Section 3Nixon Moves to end the WarTurmoil at Home ContinuesMassacre at My LaiThe Invasion of Cambodia Sparks ProtestThe Pentagon PapersThe US Pulls OutSouth Vietnam FallsThe Legacy of VietnamThe War’s Human ToilThe War’s Impact on the Nation


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