
KennEwick Lodge #153 F&AM Of Washington

NEwsletter/trestle board

From The East

Spring is here!! What a great time of the year. Flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is turning green, people are starting to get out and the activities of the Lodge are picking up. We have raised two new Master Mason during the month of March, Brothers Larry Smith and Jason Williams. I have been informed that we may have at least three more petitions coming to the Lodge in the near future. This is great news because it is an indication that Masonry is on the rise. We are not the only Lodge experiencing growth, however. Euclid Lodge held a Third Degree on March 27th and has another to perform on April 10th. Richland Lodge conducted a First Degree on April 1st. If you have not attended a degree this year, please do so to show your support to the Lodge and to our new candidates.

Kennewick Lodge is continuing to make a difference in our community. The Bikes for Books program continues to be a great success and is having a significant impact in the elementary schools. One of the elementary school principals told us that two years ago only 35% of the third graders were reading at grade level. This year, 85% of the third graders are reading at grade level. This is a 50 point increase. The principal also informed us that, if a third grader is reading at grade level when they complete the third grade, statistics have shown that the student performs well in High School. The Bikes for Books program is not the single contributor to this increase in reading performance but is playing a big role in the overall reading program. Through the efforts of Brothers Ray Schulz and Dan Dickey, we have generated effort money from our bike raffle to support the Kennewick Library Summer Reading program.

The District #23 meeting will be held at the Kennewick Lodge on April 4th. Dinner will be held at 6:30 PM with meeting to follow. Most Worshipful Grand Master Wayne I. Smith will be our guest for the evening. If you have not made your dinner reservation, contact Kennewick Lodge at 586-3520.

Kennewick Lodge will once again sponsor the District #23 Achievement for Juniors Award ceremony. The award ceremony will be held at Southridge High School on April 25th beginning at 7 PM. This is an opportunity for the communities of District #23 to recognize the Juniors for their efforts and future progress in High School as Seniors.


WBro. John A. Kimbrough, Worshipful Master

From the West

FRIENDSHIP – Webster defines “friend” as, a person whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade. It is said that a friend is someone who you enjoy being with no matter what. In good times as well as the bad, you should always be able to depend on a friend to be there when you need them. It is also said that if you have a hand full of friends at your funeral that you are a very fortunate individual. So, where am I going with this line of reasoning? Masonry is our cause. Our cause objective is to make good men better and support our community. We are a fraternity of men (friends) who have taken an obligation to support one another no matter what. The Masonic fraternity is worldwide which means, that no mater where you go in the world as a Mason, you will always find a friend where you find the Square and Compress.


Bro. Dan Dickey, Senior Warden

From the Junior Deacon

Hard times vs. My Lodge

How many of us remember when we first sounded the alarm at the door of the preparation room? How great the Lodge appeared? We learned about the three great lights aided by the lesser lights. As we continued in our Masonic education we were taught of the tools by which masons work. As I have visited other lodges and talked with countless Masons across Washington, I have noticed there are always some Masons who feel left out. Some Brothers that feel they are not welcome to participate in the same activities as others not to mention the few that stand off and blame others for their feeling left out. My question is this, is your lodge having hard times or have you just lost the meaning of the words you were given as a new candidate? Most of us carry a piece of rope with us from a Rope presentation to remind us that we should always strive to pull together, wear a trowel pin as a reminder that we should make every attempt to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection that unites us into one sacred band or society of friends and brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist. I am not sure about you but that is a powerful statement to me. I am willing to go out on a limb and say if you were to step back and feel the meaning of these words once again you will see the hard times were merely a hiccup. So, I ask again, “Hard times or My Lodge?” Which do you choose?


Bro. Jay White

Kennewick Lodge #153 Officers

Worshipful Master WBro. John A. Kimbrough (509) 528-2225

Senior Warden Bro. Dan Dickey (509) 586-0859

Junior Warden Bro. Ray Schulz (509) 582-2993

Treasurer VWBro. Allen Smith (509) 627-5415

Secretary WBro. Steve Williams (509) 586-3581

Senior Deacon Bro. Tom Ardamica (509) 438-5633

Junior Deacon Bro. Jay White (509) 851-2355

Senior Steward Bro. Mike Priddy (509) 366-3487

Junior Steward Bro. Rick Corson

Marshall Bro. Justin Hickman (509) 948-4202

Chaplain Bro. Larry Hickman (509) 586-8732

Tyler WBro. Holt Hensley (509) 582-8373

District 23 Lodges

Euclid Lodge #125 1229 Bennett Ave, Prosser 2nd & 4th Thursday, 8:00 PM (509) 786-4010

Sunnyside Lodge #138 6th & Harrison, Sunnyside 4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM (509) 839-0241

Pasco Lodge #173 1811 West Sylvester, Pasco 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM (509) 547-4506

Grandview Lodge #191 207 Ash Ave, Grandview 1st & 3rd Monday, 8:00 PM (509) 882-6432

Benton Lodge #277 2nd & Alma, Benton City 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM (509) 588-3358

Richland Lodge #283 412 Thayer Drive, Richland 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM (509) 627-2918

Other Lodges in the Area

Pioneer Lodge #39 1811 West Sylvester, Pasco 2nd & 4th Saturday, 8:00 AM (509) 547-4506

Tuscan Lodge #136 720 7th Street, Umatilla OR 2nd Monday, 7:00 PM (541) 922-5091

Hermiston Lodge #138 200 West Orchard Ave, Hermiston , OR 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 PM (541) 567-5857

Umatilla Lodge #40 20 South DuPont St, Echo, OR 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 PM (541) 567-5930

Concordant Bodies

Valley of Kennewick, Scottish Rite 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM

Alma Chapter #100, Order of Eastern Star 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM

Kennewick Court of Amaranth #78 4th Saturday, 2nd Saturday, November & December, 5:00 PM

Youth Groups

Kennewick Assembly #66, Rainbow for Girls 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 PM

Kennewick Bethel #46, Job’s Daughters 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 PM

V.S. Bayne Chapter, Order of DeMolay Richland Lodge 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 PM

We will see you at the next Stated Communication!

2B1 – ASK1

Kennewick Lodge No. 153 F. & A. M. of Washington

601 West Sixth Street

Kennewick, WA 99336


District #23 Meeting with

Most Worshipful Grand Master

Wayne I. Smith

April 4, 2008

Kennewick Lodge #153

Dinner at 6:30 PM with meeting to follow


Kennewick Lodge #153

We are sending out the Trestleboard electronically!!

Provide your email address so we may continue to communicate with you.

Send it to: ljrksmith@

Also, visit our website for events at the Lodge. You will also be able to read the latest Trestleboard on our website:

KennEwick Lodge #153 F&AM Of Washington


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