USEFUL INFORMATIONDO YOU QUALIFY TO BE REGISTERED DISABLED?If you are unsure wheather or not you would fit the criteria for Disabled Registration you should contact the OT Services, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent. ME4 4TR. Tel: 01634 334466 or email: ss.accessand . They will send you an application form on request. Please make sure you send sufficient evidence to support your application.EQUIPMENT LOANThe OT services (details above) can also help provide helpful equipment once you are registered disabled.BLUE BADGEYou may be entitled to a Blue Parking Badge. This enables you to park (often free of charge) in Disabled Parking bays, and on roads with certain restrictions, as long as you are not causing a hazard by doing so. Contact Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR Tel: 01634 334466 or apply on line at There is a charge of ?10.00 for a new one and for replacement and renewals.BUS FARE CONCESSIONS FOR PENSIONERS AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIESThe bus pass allows older people or people with specified disabilities to have free off peak bus travel for:Any trip in the Medway Council area.Journeys from Medway into Kent (for example, Chatham to Maidstone)Journeys throughout England (including buses to London)Off peak generally means between 9.30am and 11pm, Monday to Friday or at any time that buses are running on Saturdays, Sundays or bank holidays. However, Medway residents may travel from 9am and after 11pm for journeys which start in the Medway Council or Kent County Council areas. Ring Medway Council on 01634 334466 for further details.MEDICAL RECORDSYou are entitled to see your meical records, although there are rare exceptions. Under the Data Protection Act you are entitled to copies of your records, although there may be a charge for this. RADAR NATIONAL KEY SCHEMEKeys for disabled toilets are available from your local Council. Ring 01634 306000 for Medway or 01795 417850 got Sittingbourne or Sheppey. The keys, which can be used nationally, can also be obtained from RADAR. Guides for where the toilets are sited can be obtained from RADAR, but this does cost ?12.25 and may not be up to date. Telephone: 02072 503222.EXEMPTION FROM VEHICLE EXCISE DUTY (VED) FOR THE DISABLEDYou can now apply for exemption from VED in the Disabled taxation class if you receive one of the following benefits:-The higher rate of the mobility component o Disability Living AllowanceWar Pensioners Mobility SupplementTo license a vehicle in the Disabled taxation class you have to produce an exemption certificate as proof that you are in receipt of the necessary allowance. if you are not a driver or do not own a vehicle it is possible to name a person to drive on your behalf a nominee). The vehicle must be registered in your name or in the name of the nominee. If you have a nominee, the exemption certificate will show your name and that of the nominee.DATA LINKEmergency Information SchemeData Link is a voluntary scheme for anyone living at home, who might be reassured to know that essential information would be readily available to the Emergency Services, should they suffer an accident or sudden illness. The scheme ensures that vital information is available not only to identify you, but to advise of relevant illnesses, allergies, medication and contact addresses.Your details are stored in a clearly labelled plastic container, which is kept in your fridge. Two matching labels, known to the Emergency Services and other care agencies are displayed in your house, one on the outside of your fridge door and the other on the inside (placed so it is not visible from outside) of your from door. Further details can be obtained from Medway Neighbourhood Watch Association Tel: 01634 792131 or email: kcm.medway@kent.pnn.police.ukDISABILITY INFORMATION SERVICEThis is an information Service providing help and advice on a wide range of issues relating to disability. Their advised is free, confidential and independent. They have a team that is always willing to welcome you and help you. It is there for people with disabilities, their carers and families. If they cannot provide the information you need they will put you in touch with someone who can.For more information contact Disabililty Information Service Team Disability services centre, Medway Maritime Hospital, Windmill Road, Gillingham, Kent. ME7 5PA, or telephone 01634 833923 or Fax 01634 817923. If you prefer. Email: KAMNASCPT.specialistequipmentservices@ PRINCESS ROYAL TRUST MEDWAY CARERS’ CENTREAn informal family carer is someone who looks after another person who has a disability, is frail, or ill, without payment. This may be a family member, a neighbour or friend, who may not necessarily live in the same house. One in seven people are caring for others; a carer can be of any age; carer can come from any type of background; you can become a carer suddenly or over a period of time.Caring can at times be very stressful and carers can be very isolated in their roles.Medway Carers’ Centre provides a confidential support and information service throughout the Medway Towns by the provision of ; advised and information, friendly social groups and activities, a listening ear, help with writing letters and filing in forms and advocacy. For further information telephone: 01634 577340 Website: Email: info@.ukMEDWAY YOUNG CARERS PROJECTIf your child or teenager (under eighteen years old) has to help you or care for you, they may feel isolated, feel they are different from other children, feel that no-one understands, and feel a conflict between your needs and their own. The Young Carers’ Project gives opportunities to meet other children in similar situations, help with communications, information, and social activities. If you feel this would benefit your child/children, Tel: 01634 577340. A number of our members have contacted this service and have found it to be a great benefit. MEDWAY ACCESS GROUPAre you interested in improving access in the Medway Towns? Do you have problems with steps, heavy doors, inaccessible toilets, public transport, kerbs, etc? Do you have difficulty getting into shops, cinemas, pubs, leisure facilities? If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these, the Medway Access Group would like your involvement, your views and comments. They want your experiences- good and bad – about access and facilities (or lack of ) in the area, and suggestions for improvement. Membership is open to individuals, groups and organisations interested in improving access for disabled people. For further details and dates of future meetings telephone: 01634 324327 Email: chairmane@medway-.ukWHEELCHAIR LOANDo you need a wheelchair loan? The Medway Support Group has 2 wheelchairs available to loan to members free of charge (a deposit is required but will be refunded when the wheelchair is returned in the same condition). Please ring Margaret on 07977 831792PRORITY SERVICE REGISTERAnyone who is chronically sick, blind or visually impaired, deaf or hearing difficulties, elderly customers. Some people with disabilities and some people with special needs such as speech difficulties. Is entitled to be put on their energy supplier’s Priority Service Register. This entitles you to special services including free annual gas appliance and installation safety check, and priority when getting your gas turned back on if your supply is disrupted. To register contact your energy supplier. THYROID DISEASE AND FREE PRESCRIPTIONSIf you have been diagnosed with an under-active thyroid you are entitled to free prescriptions. This is for everything, not just your thyroid medication.BENEFITS BOOKS AND WEBSITESThere is a very helpful book that can be obtained from the Disability Alliance (Tel: 02072 503222 or website: ):Disability Rights Handbook – A guide to benefits and services for all disabled people, their families, carers and advisers. Contact Disability Alliance for the latest price. Also has a wealth of information about Benefits. NHS COPYING OF LETTERS TO PATIENTSUnder the NHS Copying of Letters to Patients initiative patients should receive their own copy of any letter about their care sent between doctors treating them. Ask at your GP surgery about their policy on this. (Also ask your GP to see the letter if they do not have this initiative up and running yet). Contact your Primary Care Trust or your Strategic Health Authority if you encounter any problems.WILTSHIRE FARM FOODSIf you are having difficulties preparing and cooking your meals, Wiltshire Farm Foods may be the answer for you. They provide a brochure with details, including pictures, of what they provide. The brochure also has diet guide colour-coded symbols to the side of each meal and dessert i.e. normal diet, diabetic diet, lower fat diet, reducing diet, moderate salt diet, gluten free and vegetarian. Delivery is free and you can pay by cash or cheque on delivery. They are easy to prepare and can be stored in your freezer until you are ready to heat them. All meals are easy to heat straight from frozen, by oven, microwave or Aga. For a brochure: ring Freepone 0800 773 773 or visit the website: SEASON TICKETIf you pay for your prescriptions and have several items each month, it may be worth your while to buy a ‘season ticket’. You can ask at your local chemist for a form to fill in. This season ticket, also known as Prescription Pre-Payment Certificate then entities you to “free” prescriptions (for any number and for any condition) for the duration of the Certificate. When you decide to buy a PPC, and before it arrives, if you have to get any prescription medications, ask at the time you pay for a pre-payment receipt that will enable you to get your money back once the PPC arrives. Tel: 0300 330 1341 or pick a form up from your pharmacy or your GP surgery.ACCESS TO WORK – PRACTICAL HELP AT WORKIf you have a disability, you may find that practical obstacles at work are stopping you making the most of your opportunities. Access to Work is designed to help you and your employer find solutions to these problems. Access to Work could help if you are about to start work (including self employment) or if you’re already in a job. Both unemployed and employed disabled people who need the help of a communicator at a job interview can get help through Access to Work. If you feel that the type of work you do is affected by a disability or health condition that is likely to last for 12 months or more, ask the Disability Employment Adviser (DEA) at your local Jobcentre Plus office about Access to Work. They can put you in touch with your closest Access to Work Business Centre to check whether you’re eligible for help. The inclusion of articles and features in this Information Leaflet does not necessarily infer endorsement by the group/Association. Any advice or recommendation of a medical nature, given on in this leaflet, should always be discussed with a medical professional. The group/Association cannot be held responsible for omission and / or errors. ................

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