Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission Welcome


Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission

November 14, 2000

The Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting at 10:00 a. m. in Room 111 of the Capitol Annex.

Present were: Pat Freibert, Clarence Jackson, John Shepherd, Rebecca Tomblinson, and George Troutman.

Absent was: Judge Michael O. McDonald, Lloyd Clapp, Ann Henn and Judge Charles Bruce Lester.

LEC Staff: Judge Anthony Wilhoit, Peggy Williams, Lee Rowland, Paula Pabon, and Donnita Crittenden.

Guest: Craig Sorrell, Special Investigator for the Commission.

George Troutman, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order. He asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the October meeting. Mrs. Freibert moved and Mrs. Tomblinson seconded the motion to approve the minutes as written. All were in favor.

Mr. Troutman asked for a staff report. Peggy Williams reported that an invitation to the KY reception at the COGEL meeting in December had been included in their board books. She noted that the Registry of Election Finance and the Executive Branch Ethics Commission had agreed to co-host the event.

Paula Pabon reported that Kevin Pentz of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth had attended training as ordered by the Commission. She noted that for the reporting period of May 1, 2000 through August 31, 2000, thirty four employers and thirty three agents had been fined for a total of $4,900. Fines in the amount of $700 are still outstanding.

Peggy Williams reported that the annual report is being prepared and that a draft should be ready by the December meeting for approval.

Judge Wilhoit advised the Commission members that LRC had requested any changes that might be necessary in the Code of Ethics with the passage of the amendment for annual sessions. He stated that recommendations had been made for changes in the


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November 14, 2000

reporting requirements for legislative agents and employers and consideration should be given as to whether LRC would require an annual recommendation for changes to the Code instead of one in odd-numbered years.

Mr. Troutman complimented Donnita Crittenden on the improvements made to the LEC web site.

Mr. Troutman stated that the budget statement in the board books seemed to be in order and asked for approval. Mr. Shepherd moved and Mrs. Tomblinson seconded a motion to approve the statement.

Mr. Troutman asked for a motion to enter into Executive Session. Mrs. Freibert moved and Mr. Jackson seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Upon returning from Executive Session, the Commission discussed the date for the December meeting. It was agreed that the meeting would be held on December 19th at 10:00 a.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


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