2018 Kentucky Public School Annual Report

[Pages:17]Kentucky Public School Annual Report


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Kentucky Public School 2286 (2018)

Printed on: 30 July, 2019


The Annual Report for 2018 is provided to the community of Kentucky Public School as an account of the school's operations and achievements throughout the year.

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities for all students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self?assessment that reflect the impact of key school strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equity funding.

Danny Spillane


School contact details Kentucky Public School Noalimba Ave Kentucky, 2354 kentucky-p.schools.nsw.edu.au kentucky-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au 6778 7227

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Kentucky Public School 2286 (2018)

Printed on: 30 July, 2019

School background

School vision statement

To provide a vibrant learning setting with a culture of excellence, community involvement, environmental awareness and pastoral care, providing high quality life and learning experiences for its students across their academic, social, cultural and physical development.

School context

Kentucky Public School is a small rural school located in the New England region in northern New South Wales with an enrolment of 41 children. It is part of a village that relies on wider district based industries as well as surrounding properties which involve predominantly sheep, cattle and fruit growing. The school was established in 1868 and has always maintained strong community ties and a high profile in the local area. The school enjoys spacious grounds and has been recognised as a regional leader in Environmental Education which remains an important school focus with significant recycling and energy reduction programs in operation. Kentucky has also established itself as the home of the State Small Schools Marimba Ensemble, building a reputation as a centre of excellence for the performing arts with regular performances at the Sydney Opera House, the Schools Spectacular and local eisteddfods. The school is a member of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program promoting healthy living skills including food cultivation and preparation.Physical programs include a weekly bicycle safety scheme and annual sport and recreation camps. The school has an excellent resource base with a wide range of quality technological materials available to students including laptops, tablets and interactive hardware in all classrooms

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self?assessment using the School Excellence Framework, school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self?assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

The results of this process indicated that in the Domain of Learning, the school was Delivering in Learning Culture, Wellbeing, Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting. In Student Performance Measures the school was validated at a Sustaining and Growing level.

In the Domain of Teaching, the school was found to be Delivering in Effective Classroom Practice and Data Skills and Use. In Learning and Development and Professional Standards, the school was assessed at Sustaining and Growing.

In the Domain of Leadership, the school was found to be Delivering in School Planning Implementation and Reporting and Management Practices and Processes. It was found to be Sustaining and Growing in Educational Leadership and Schools Resources

Our self?assessment and the recent external validation process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in the delivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:

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Kentucky Public School 2286 (2018)

Printed on: 30 July, 2019

Strategic Direction 1 Innovative and Unique Quality Learning Opportunities


To provide innovative and unique learning opportunities that enhance regular school programs, promote the school's profile, include experiences parents would find difficult to otherwise provide and also develop wider understandings amongst students of the many and varied ways they can learn. These will in turn, improve the learning outcomes of all students in the school through the development of self esteem and the provision of resource banks of knowledge and experience to enhance literacy and numeracy programs in the school.

Overall summary of progress

Performed in the Choral Festival at the Opera House in September 2018. Most successful individual school at the annual Armidale Eisteddfod. Attended Summer Sport Skills Camp. School stage Musical. Performed at Annual School Spectacular.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures (to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended (Resources)

? Long term sustainability of programs ie past the tenure of the current principal, through greater staff involvement, confidence of delivery and ownership of programs ? Student numbers attending performances and experiences. ? Parent and Community satisfaction displayed through support of programs, involvement in and promotion of the school resulting in continued positive enrolment statistics


Progress achieved this year

Twelve students performed as part of the Small Schools Marimba Ensemble at the Sydney Opera House and the School Spectacular

Eighteen students took part in a week long camp at Lake Ainsworth Summer Sports Academy.

The school was named the most successful individual school at the annual Armidale Eisteddfod with 100% of students participating.

The school performed the stage musical "Snow White.

Science links to the UNE through Science in the Bush and school visits.

Next Steps

Applications for both the State Opera House Concerts and the Annual School Spectacular have been prepared and are to be submitted in 2019. This will involve participation not only of students from Kentucky PS, but students from across the state, allowing them to form peer relationships and renew previous contacts. The construction of new musical instruments to meet the demand of larger performance group in 2019 and support the program at home, has been planned. The Sport and Recreation Camp experience will be a Winter Camp in 2019 which has already been confirmed and is to take place at Lake Jindabyne. The school will again be hosting a full stage musical in 2019 in Term 4 with full student participation . The school has also made preliminary bookings to host the University of New England's School Voyager Program running science workshops in school. The acquisition of a new school bus has opened up a range of opportunities for students to attend experiences not affordable in the past. Entries for the Armidale Eisteddfod will also be substantial in both restricted and open sections. In preparation for the formulation of the 2018?2020 school plan, parents have had the opportunity to provide feedback on programs run over the past three years. This feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and will result in a continued emphasis on providing these quality learning experiences.

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Strategic Direction 2 Embedding Technology in Teaching and Learning


To address the disadvantage evidenced amongst students from the school regarding the application of technology in learning and everyday life. This will include improving their ability to touch type in preparation for assessment activities including NAPLAN online and the future likelihood of an online HSC, through a more technology driven writing focus at the school.. The students will have greater access to STEM resources including programming and coding robotics equipment through a targeted resourcing initiative. The school will also provide greater opportunity and access to related professional development activities for staff.

Overall summary of progress

New interactive panels in two classrooms. Extensive robotics and coding equipment purchased. Interactive table in K?2 room. Access to T$L STEMshare resources. Tech training for staff ongoing. All students accessing appropriate levels of technology resourcing.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures (to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended (Resources)

? Student ability to record information using a keyboard is enhanced to the point where it is comparable to pen and paper method. ? Staff will be better equipped to incorporate technology into teaching and learning programs through regular involvement in targeted professional development activities and sharing of skills. ? A broader range of STEM activities to be embedded in school timetabling eg weekly robotics and coding sessions. ? School resources will be upgraded to reflect and support this concentration of focus on technology.


Progress achieved this year

Two new Promethean Panels purchased with support provided for staff to assist with implementation

Interactive Table purchased for K?2 room with Tech support provided for staff and students.

Coding and Robotics resources purchase and shared with other schools in our Small Schools Alliance.

Support staff trained and shared across the Alliance.

Next Steps

Continued maintenance of staff training. Regular access of DEC STEMshare resources. Consolidation of the Thunderbolt Alliance and sharing of Technology expertise. Regular review of the quality and level of need for resource development in the area of technology. Use of School Development days to enhance school growth and promote resource sharing. Investigate the possibility of additional funding sources to support the development of technology in the school.

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Kentucky Public School 2286 (2018)

Printed on: 30 July, 2019

Strategic Direction 3 Healthy and Sustainable Life Skill Development Through School ? Community Partnerships


To give students the best opportunity to learn and grow through promoting and developing healthy lifestyle choices, skills and habits across a variety of school initiatives including kitchen garden, exercise, community involvement and resilience programs supported by active community participation and interaction with the school. This will also be achieved through promoting a sustainable school environment and sustainable practices. These will in turn, improve the learning outcomes of all students in the school through the development of self esteem and the provision of resource banks of knowledge and experience to enhance literacy and numeracy programs in the school.

Overall summary of progress

Parent and Community involvement in school programs is high with several community partnerships established to support initiatives. The school has maintained its registration and status as a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen garden School, conducts a weekly bike skills program, offers free morning fruit and has a poultry program.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures (to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended (Resources)

? All students K?6 participating in school bicycle program and displaying safe and competent skills for their developmental stage ? Mathematics lesson data relating to lunch box contents, garden plantings at home, dietary practices and physical activity all displaying positive levels. ? Parent feedback following involvement in programs. ? Functioning and well maintained kitchen garden operating at the school. Mulched and irrigated to save water. ? All organic, plastic, metal and paper waste recycled and removed from waste collection service..


Progress achieved this year

Increased devolvement of ownership and operational responsibility to community members and groups of the Kitchen garden Program with decreased staff involvement.

On average, students involved in at least three kitchen sessions per month and fortnightly garden lessons.

School participated in District "Open Gardens" initiative, fundraising over $1000. Student sales of excess produce at seasonal community produce markets.

Strong links maintained between class literacy and numeracy programs and Kitchen Garden initiative.

Wheelie Wednesday program continued, culmination in Fun Run/Ride fundraiser raising over $1000.

Next Steps

The school's maintenance of its registration as an accredited member of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program helps to ensure that the basic philosophy and practices of the program are promoted and demonstrated. This status will be regularly reviewed and updated with the implementation of the program at a school level, also regularly evaluated. Cross Curriculum learning opportunities are a feature of the program with all primary students maintaining a Kitchen?Garden Journal. The weekly bike skills program has resulted in a marked improvement in riding abilities and road safety. The school maintains a large number of bicycles to enable bus students to also access the program. This was demonstrated in fun ride charity events on local open roads. The poultry program has continued to be well maintained and monitored by students and staff resulting in egg production, fund raising, waste reduction and composting opportunities. Parent and Community involvement in all programs continues to be high. Community

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partnerships with organisations including the CWA (special fund raising events), Uralla Shire Council (worm farming), Kentucky Progress Association (seasonal produce markets), Coles (providing free fresh produce to supplement the cooking program) and Cultural Awareness activities involving NESB families are all integral components of the programs and will continue to be developed and expanded.

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Kentucky Public School 2286 (2018)

Printed on: 30 July, 2019

Key Initiatives Aboriginal background loading Low level adjustment for disability Quality Teaching, Successful Students (QTSS) Socio?economic background Location

Resources (annual)

Impact achieved this year

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Kentucky Public School 2286 (2018)

Printed on: 30 July, 2019


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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