



Annual Report

Board of Governors


School year

Board of Governors

Limavady Central Primary School

Chairman Rev Canon H Given

Transferor Representatives

Rev G Jones (Vice – Chairman)

Mr J Dolan

Mr I Martin

Mr L Irvine

Parent Representatives Mr G Laird

Mrs H Howe

Board Representatives Mrs M Nutt

Rev Canon H Given

Teacher Representative Mrs B Loughery

Secretary Mrs H Poole (Principal)



The Board of Governors has a wide range of statutory responsibilities in relation to the management of the school. These include:

• Management of financial resources

• Appointment of teachers and other staff

• School admission criteria

• School Curriculum

• Assistance of Principal in organisation, management and discipline of school

• Annual Report

• Annual parents’ meeting

• Facilitation of school general inspection

• Control of school premises


|Area of |Governing body’s role |Principal’s role |

|responsibility | | |

|School aims |With the principal to: |Preparing a budget plan in line with the aims and |

| |- agree aims and objectives for the school; |objectives. |

| |- approve these; |Implementing and reporting progress to the governing|

| |- monitor the implementation. |body. |

|Curriculum |Ensuring that set policies cover statutory requirements. |Along with staff setting the detailed curriculum and|

| |Monitoring the implementation of policy by the principal; |methods of monitoring and assessing, and the use of |

| |including updates of changes in curriculum and progress |resources, in line with aims and objectives and |

| |being made throughout. |legislation. |

| | |Monitoring the day-to-day delivery of the |

| | |curriculum, including standards of teaching and |

| | |learning. |

|Staffing |Agreeing the staffing structure on numbers set by the |Taking delegated responsibility for all other |

| |Department of Education. |appointments and promotions in line with the |

| |Appointing the principal and vice-principal, other staff and|governing body’s policies. |

| |agreeing job descriptions. |Managing staff according to board policy including, |

| |Making arrangements for a panel for disciplinary hearings |staff appraisal, development, attendance and |

| |and an appeals committee. |discipline. |

| |Monitoring Staff Attendance | |

|Finance |Receiving, discussing and approving the budget. |Managing the budget. |

| |Approving the annual accounts and agreeing the use of any |Ensuring financial procedures are correct and |

| |savings. |secure. |

| |Monitoring expenditure. | |

|Charging |Setting policy. |Implementing policy. |

Board of Governor Meetings in 2015-2016

29 September Staffing

Extended schools


Managing Attendance

Child Protection

Admissions Criteria


Job Description – Building Supervisor,

& Supervisory Assistant

BOG Report

2 November Budget update

Short Listing for Building Supervisor &

Supervisory Assistant

Managing Attendance

Fire Audit

23 November Satchel Project

Interview for Building Supervisor and

Supervisory Assistant

Managing attendance


7 December Complaints Committee- Parental Letter of


19 January P1 applications

After School Facility

Staffing Update

Managing attendance


Child Protection

25 February Budget

Staffing Update

Managing Attendance

EA schemes for Management and Appointment

Of Teachers adopted

8 March Finance / Staffing subcommittee - Voluntary


14 March Budget

Managing attendance

Voluntary Redundancy

Staffing committee sub group- Letter of

Clarification considered

25 April After School Facility

Budget and 3 year plan

Managing attendance

FAST programme

Parental Letter of Complaint

Resignation of Principal

16 June Short list for Principal post

28 June Interviews for Principal post

STAFFING 2015/2016


STAFF OF SCHOOL: Principal and 22 Teachers

PRINCIPAL - Mrs K H Poole M.Sc. B.Ed. Cert. Ed PGCTE

VICE-PRINCIPAL - Miss M Richardson M.A. (Ed), B.A. (Ed) (Hons), PQH

P1 - Mrs J Laird B.Ed. (Hons)

P1 - Mrs L Smith B.A., P.G.C.E.

P2 - Miss A Cartwright Cert.Ed. MSc (ET)

P2 - Mrs P Lynch B.Ed.

P3 - Mrs J Guy B.Ed. (Hons)

P3 - Mrs A Kilgore B.Sc. P.G.C.E.

P4 - Mrs N McCollum B.Ed.

P4 - Mrs G Scott B.Ed. (Hons)

P4 - Mrs W McClelland B.Ed.

P5 - Mrs C Lamont B.Ed. (Hons)

P5 Miss M Richardson M.A. (Ed), B.A. (Ed) (Hons), PQH

P5 - Mrs N Clyde B.Ed.

P5 - Mrs J Caskie B.Ed. (Hons)

P 6 - Mrs I Robinson B.Ed. (Hons)

P 6 - Mrs B Loughery B.Ed. (Hons)

P6 - Mrs L Brien B.Ed. (Hons) Cert.Ed.

P6 - Mrs A Guy B.Ed. (Hons)

P7 - Mrs I Robinson B.Ed. (Hons)

P 7 - Mrs B Loughery B.Ed. (Hons) -

P7 Mrs J White B.A. (Hons), PGCE, Dip SEN, PQH

P7 - Mrs J Given B.Ed. (Hons)

P/T Special Needs - Mrs M Jamison B.A., PGCE. Ad. Dip S.N. C.C.E.T.

P/T Learning Support - Mrs L Mclaughlin B.Ed. (Hons)


Mrs J Harper Ms T Carruthers

Mrs E McGowan Miss L Hargan

Mrs H Readdie Mrs L Young

Mrs J Canning Mrs S Wilson

SECRETARY Mrs J Kerr CARETAKER Mr W Younge/Mr R Brolly

Staff Development

The teaching Staff had training in Using i-pads in the classroom, Epi-pens, Numeracy, Fundamental Skills, Target Setting and World Around Us. All staff and 3 Governors had training in Child Protection. P1-3 teachers had training in PATHS. Classroom Assistants and Supervisory Assistants also had training in PATHS. The following teachers also had additional training:

|Mrs Poole: |Principals’ Conferences (1 ½ days) |

| |Literacy and Numeracy- KS 2/KS3 CPD project |

| |C2k Conference |

| |Dash Board of Measures |

| |SATCHEL Programme |

| |Bright Start Workshops |

| |Safeguarding |

|Mrs Jamison: |Lexia Training |

|Mrs Brien: |Global Learning |

| |Sounds Like Science |

|Miss Richardson: |FAST |

| |PEP- LAC |

|Mrs J Guy: |Safe Guarding & Child Protection |

| |Charanga Musical school Training |

|Mrs White: |Scratch Training |

| |Google APPS |

| |Microsoft APPS |

|Mrs Caskie: |Using I-pads in Literacy |

| |KS2/KS3 CPD project |

| |SEN CPD |

|Mrs J Harper |PATHS Training |

|Mrs E McGowan: |Media Initiative For Children |

| |PATHS Training |

|Mrs J Kerr: |C2K workshops |

|Mrs Kilgore: |Skilful Science- 3days |

| |WAU & New Inspection Process |

|Mrs McCollum: |KS2/KS3- CPD project |

| |CCEA Cross Curricular Cluster Group |

|Mrs Given: |UKLA |

| |Assessment Analysis Training |

| |Signature Project Follow Up |

|Mrs Laird: |Media Initiative for Children |

| |PATHS |

| |Developing an Effective Transition Process, SEN Early Years |

| |Nursery & Ks1 – Striving for Excellence- Leading Outstanding Practice in the Early Years. |

| |WAU & new Inspection Process |

|Mrs Lynch: |FAST training |

| |PATHS |

|Miss Cartwright : |PATHS |

|Mrs Wilson |PATHS |

|Ms Hargan: |PATHS |

|Ms Carruthers: |FAST |

| |PATHS |

|Mrs Young: |FAST training |


2016-2017 was a very busy year in Limavady Central. Three members of Staff had babies, Mrs Lamont, Mrs McLaughlin and Mrs McCollum. Whilst they were on maternity leave, they were replaced by Miss Cowan, Mrs Hunter and Miss Rankin.

Three teachers were off ill, Mrs Smith for the whole year, Mrs Robinson for a term and Mrs Scott for almost two terms. Thankfully they have recovered from their illnesses.

Two cleaners retired, the Building Supervisor retired, and Miss Cartwright who had taught in the school for 39 years also retired. Miss Cartwright was invited to give out the trophies and Record of Achievement to the Primary 7 children at their Leaving Assembly and lunch. We wish them all a very long, healthy and happy retirements.

The teaching staff and classroom assistants, continued to work very hard throughout the year to deliver a first class education for the children.

This is a challenging time for schools with budget reductions and the introduction of the new Education Authority. There is a great deal of uncertainty for all schools as the Education Authority begins to make changes.

However we are confident that the Governors and Staff of Limavady Central will continue to ensure that the children’s education will not suffer because of these changing times.

Development of school grounds

A new Pirate Boat was bought and installed in the Outdoor Play area.

Planters were planted.

A buddy Bench was donated from Buddy Bench Ireland.

School Building Maintenance

Blinds were installed in Primary 1 area and a special anti - glare glazing was placed on the windows of the Resource Area.

As usual the cleaners under the guidance of our Building Supervisor, Mr Wilson Younge, and his replacement, Mr Robert Brolly, continue to maintain high standards of cleanliness within the school and grounds.


The school has continued to provide a broad and balanced education to all pupils and to ensure that all children receive the best possible educational experiences that they can. The teaching staff continue to implement and embed, within their teaching, the key components of the Revised N. Ireland Curriculum. They have reviewed the new assessment arrangement for the end of the Key Stages.


The main focus of the Literacy Action Plan in Limavady Central Primary School for 2015-2016 was to raise standards in Oral and Written Communication through use of various media, again with a focus on working across the curriculum. Data available from PTE scores revealed a large proportion of underachievers (almost 23%) moving into Year 4. In Year 5 the underachievers in Literacy totalled 14%; therefore it was felt that some additional training for the staff re dyslexia would be beneficial to help tackle difficulties faced by underachieving pupils in literacy.

An Action Plan was drawn up and targets identified. The Literacy co-ordinators conducted training on the use of ‘Moving Image’ as a stimulus for writing and introduced the staff to new resources, including ‘Literacy Shed’. Use of these resources was demonstrated in sample lessons and other ideas were disseminated to help teachers in implementing the techniques involved. Ipad training courses were attended by all staff and literacy co-ordinators attended a literacy training Ipad course.

Subsequent to Dyslexia training course SEN CPD (2014-15), coordinators selected relevant materials and disseminated these to staff in October. Staff were familiarised with additional resources in Fronter. Many teachers said this was useful in giving them a better understanding of dyslexia and ways in which to help children. Some teachers took away reading materials to further their knowledge.

In order to monitor progress, coordinators monitored planners and carried out book scoops on Literacy and Writing books. There is evidence at all class levels of comprehension skills and strategies being taught through Literacy, WAU, PDMU/RE and in Learning through Play. Writing genres are being introduced and extended at all class levels using First Steps guidance as had been suggested by coordinators on a previous Action Plan. A staff questionnaire reinforced that teachers are generally satisfied with their competence and the children’s progress in Writing.

A whole school curriculum map for Writing was completed and monitored by coordinators. Some overlap was noted and needs to be addressed in consultation with staff at staff training early in 2016-17.

PRSD showed some very good examples of using technology as a tool to raise standards in Literacy e.g. Fronter, NewsDesk and Ipad apps.

Bug Club interactive books were purchased and made available to all teachers and pupils and training for usage was given by coordinators. Monitoring showed that Bug Club resources are being used by the pupils at Key Stage 2 but not really at other Key Stages despite repeated efforts by teachers to encourage home usage.

Accelerated Reader was made available again for P5 to P7 as the introduction of new computers had disrupted the system. Internet connections have limited the uptake of this in Primary 5 due to connectivity of Ipads. In Primary 6 and 7 Accelerated Reader could be much more motivational if targets were properly set. Training needs to be sought in this area.

The Action Plan was evaluated in June 2016 and a new Action Plan for 2016-17 was written.

Primary 4 and 6 visited Limavady Library as this helps to encourage the children to use this facility and to read for pleasure. Storytellers and story writers were invited in to school during World Book day and Literacy Week. Our annual Book Fair was enjoyed by all and the marvellous sum of £1566 was raised which meant that the school could buy in new books for the children.

P.7. took part in the Eason Spelling Bee competition.

Primary 1 parents were invited to an evening meeting to help them to help their children to read. This was well received and is invaluable in helping parents give the children the best start that they can with their reading.

Paired Reading

This very successful initiative was once again run and many Primary 3 children and parents participated. Paired Reading is an extremely good programme which is designed to help promote reading confidence, fluency and improvement.

Story Sacks

Story Sacks are used in Foundation Stage (Primary 1) to help encourage an interest and love for books. The Sacks all contain one story book and one non fiction book and associated puppets, soft toys and /or games. Children take them home and share the story sack with their parents.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the parents who help check the story sacks when they are returned to school to ensure that all the relevant bits are returned.


An audit of the existing provision for Numeracy was carried out by the coordinators and the areas of improvement formed the basis of the action plan.

Parental Involvement in Numeracy

All primary 5 and primary 2 children took part in the Parental Involvement In maths games programme and an information night was held for each of these programmes to explain to the parents how the programme works and the benefits of it.

We also continued the ‘mental maths strategies’ parent evening for the primary 4 parents.

We held a night for the primary 5 parents and teachers to explain to them how they could help their child with ‘Decomposition.’

Both of these nights were hosted by Timothy Doyle from ’Maths Improvement NI’. They proved very successful with parent’s feedback being extremely positive.


This year we continued working on our ICT scheme to ensure progression in ICT skills from P1 to P7. We looked at the skills of Presenting and Programming.

In October we had training on Online Resources like Fronter, Newsdesk and Equella and staff used aspects of these in their teaching.

In the Spring Term, the Nerve Centre came to our school to give training in the use of ‘Scratch’, which is Programming Software. All the teachers enjoyed this and hope to use it at their own level.

Our school has 88 I Pads, and teachers have incorporated them into their teaching and learning.

I-Teach delivered another session of training on the latest APPs for Education in the Autumn Term.

We updated our E Safety Policy in light of the dangers of the internet and this was circulated and signed by all parents. This will need updated and circulated annually. We are currently putting together a Social Media Policy.

It was decided to purchase a new website for our school. This is now being used by all classes to show case school activities and by the office and PTA to inform pupils about policies and the school diary of events. Please visit our website We have now got quite a following on the PTA Facebook and this is now being updated by Mrs Loughery and Mrs A Guy.

Primary Languages Programme

This programme used to be funded by the Department of Education, but this ended in June 2015.

As a school we decided to continue to continue to teach Spanish to our Primary 3 and 4 children and pay for this out of school funds.

In 2015-2016 the school paid for Mrs M Smyth to spend 2 hours a week teaching in Primary 3 and 4.

We had a special visitor for 7 days, Ivonne Koehler a teacher from Germany talked to the children and staff and told them about teaching and schools in Germany.

The teachers were surprised to hear that she finished her teaching day at 12.00 noon. So were the children.

Ivonne taught the children some German words and the children questioned her about food, clothes, weather and the War.

Special Needs

At the end of June 2016, we had the following number of children on the Special Needs Register:

|Number of Children |Stage on Code of Practice |

|110 |1 |

|29 |2 |

|13 |3 |

|1 |4 |

|10 |5 |

The main change to the Special needs provision within the school in 2015-16 was that Mrs Jamison is now part time, working 2 days a week. The other 3 days, Mrs Leanne McLaughlin covers Learning Support. Mrs Pauline Hunter covered Mrs McLaughlin’s maternity leave.

Children who have recently arrived in the area who have English as an additional language are not placed on the Special Needs Register.

In order to address their needs, we have the support of an advisory teacher from the Inclusion and Diversity Service and our link officer is Rosemary McKee. Rosemary made three visits to our school during the school year. In addition, Mrs Pauline Hunter takes the children for additional teaching in the English Language. She liaises with the classroom teacher in order to provide curriculum based language activities for them.


The children at Stage 1 of the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs are those where the teacher has expressed some concern and has decided that they should become part of a Target Group. The intention is to focus specific teaching for those children that are experiencing some difficulty but not significant enough to warrant an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Hence, the numbers of children at Stage 1 are considerably higher than in previous years.


Children at Stage 2 have individual education plans or behaviour plans in place. This identifies targets that are reasonable for the child to achieve within a specified time frame.

Additional learning support for literacy is extended to children who are underachieving or who have particularly poor literacy skills. This withdrawal support is provided for children in P3 and P4. These children were supported by Mrs Jamison and Mrs Hunter. Progressing from this level of support, Mrs Jamison works in class with the children in Primary 5 who are experiencing literacy difficulties.

This complements the classroom teacher’s work and allows these children to participate more fully in the activities alongside their peers.

Additional learning support for mathematics is extended to groups in P4 and P6. The children in these groups are nominated by their class teachers.

In P7, those children experiencing literacy difficulties are placed on a differentiated programme of work.


Children placed at Stage 3 of the Special Needs Register have either been assessed by the Educational Psychology Service or have involvement with another community agency, such as Community Paediatrics and WEST (Western Education Support Team).


There were four children who were referred to the Education Authority for a formal assessment of their learning or behavioural needs. All four were granted Statements of Special Educational Needs.


By June 2016, there were ten children with statements for Special educational Needs within school. All of them have had access to additional adult support / classroom assistance.

World Around Us

This year our focus for WAU was to continue to promote scientific investigations and technology with in the school.

At the beginning of January Mrs Kilgore led a training session during a Staff Development Day providing guidance on the specific skills involves in the process of scientific enquiry. The staff then worked at individual class levels to incorporate more science investigations and technology challenges into their existing themes and topics.

Some of the money raised from our annual sponsored walk was used to requisition new science and technology equipment so that our children can enjoy a more ‘hands on’ approach to their learning. It is hoped to turn the spare primary three classroom into our very own ‘Central Science Lab’.

During the year Mrs Kilgore attended a three day course on ‘Skilful Science’ at the University of Ulster, Coleraine, a meeting with Mrs Kathleen Cassidy (ETI) on ‘The World Around Us and the New Inspection Process’ and also met with other WAU coordinators to discuss new developments within the WAU subject area. Mrs Brien attended a ‘Sounds Like Science, Feels Like Science’ course.

Our children enjoyed many visitors to school and many trips to enhance their learning in WAU throughout the year. Here are some of them.

Primary 1 – Visits from a farmer, vet, dog groomer and paramedic. Trips to a

bakery, fire station and farm.

Primary 2 – Trips to the North West Regional College (to see some building

skills in action), Tesco and Benone.

Primary 3 – Visit from five very hungry caterpillars and a trip to Rossmar School

grounds for an Autumn scavenger hunt.

Primary 4 – Visit from a World War 2 workshop (where the children took part in

code breaking, drill, dressing up, weaponry and plane spotting) and a

trip to Roe Valley Country Park.

Primary 5 – Visit from a paramedic, a fire safety talk and an Egyptian Day in


Trips to the Ulster American Folk Park, the Recycling Centre and the Lough’s Agency.

Primary 6 – Visits from Sentinus (robotics workshop) and Energy Detectives.

Trips to Limavady High School and Limavady Grammar School for

science workshops and a trip to Londonderry to visit the walls and

Tower Museum.

Primary 7 – Visits to Radar and Magilligan Field Centre.

In the Autumn Term an Eco-Dome came to school and Primary 6 had a very interesting day learning all about this.

The mobile cinema visited Limavady Central again and children in Primary 4 & 5 and children from Roe Valley Integrated PS enjoyed a science show ’Our place in Space‘ and a film.


The school continues to follow the requirement for the teaching of Religious Education. Regular assemblies by the children and teachers take place. On Fridays local ministers come to take assembly for Primary 4-7 children. Other speakers are also invited into school to speak to the children, Mr John Howe and Miss Jennifer McNeill. PAIS Assembly Ireland also visited school and held assemblies. Scripture Union also visited Key Stage 2 classes with a Multi Media Christmas programme.

Primary 7 pupils had a visit from Paul Cameron from Scripture Union who talked them through the ‘It’s Your Move’ booklet.

We would like to thank all the ministers and Mr John Howe and Miss Jennifer McNeill for making the time to come to our assemblies.

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU)

P1-7 teachers continue to use circle time to promote positive behaviour.

The PATHS programme was introduced for P4-7, to develop children`s social and emotional skills. The programme incorporates: formulating classroom rules, co-operative learning skills, discussing feelings, listening to others, making good choices and solving problems. Miss Joanne O`Neill, PATHS Coordinator, supported staff through modelled and peer support. Teachers were observed by Joanne, teaching PATHS lessons, and she was very impressed with the lessons she observed. Each day a child was chosen to be the Pupil of the day and their peers would complement this particular child. This proved to be very popular, as the children loved giving and receiving a compliment.



Once again this was a very busy year with Junior and Senior choirs. The Senior choir performed at many community events while the Junior Choir sang for 1st Limavady Presbyterian Church.

• Limavady Central School open night

• 1st Limavady Presbyterian Church

• Edenvale Nursing Home

• Cornfield Care Nursing Home

• Limavady High School PTA Charity fundraiser

• The Bridges Christmas Concert

Having enjoyed a very successful concert at Limavady High School we decided to enter for UTV Choir of the Year competition and were delighted to have successfully passed the audition to be entered into the next round of heats. After many rehearsals we excitedly travelled to The Guildhall in Londonderry on 5th February where the children gave their best performance. The standard was incredibly high but sadly this was where our journey ended. Overall it was a brilliant experience for the children and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. Many thanks to Mrs J Guy and Miss Cowan for conducting both choirs.

School Concerts

At Christmas Primaries 1 – 3 performed Coffee and Carols for their parents. In the spring term primaries 4 – 7 performed fantastic musicals. Primary 4 charmed parents with “Oink”, Primary 5 impressed us with “The Peace Child”, Primary 6 gave a very humourous rendition of “Pirates of the Currybean” and Primary 7 excelled at “Aladdin”. All four shows were quite simply outstanding! Thanks must go to all teachers, classroom assistants and children involved. They did our school proud.

Charanga Musical School

The school once again chose to invest in the very popular Charanga Musical School, a superb music resource/scheme. Mrs J Guy attended a training course on Charanga in Greenhaw Primary School on 19th November. She then ran an hour’s training for the teachers to give them a quick oversight into the scheme to make them aware of the readily available and fun musical activities. The children also love the activities.

Instrumental Music

Once again Mrs Karen McGillion and Mr Derek McGillion came into school to tutor those children in woodwind and brass respectively. Whole class cello and violin tuition was undertaken by Mrs Elaine McCann and Mrs Jenny Murphy in Miss Cowan’s primary 5 while the other two classes received Djembe drums tuition from Ronan. In June we held a short musical concert to display the children’s many talents in the arts. We had whole class stings, P6 strings, school band (accompanied and conducted by Mrs A Guy and Mrs Given), a violin solo from Leo Collins, senior choir (trained and conducted by Mrs J Guy and Miss Cowan), P4 group poetry recital (winners of the Key Stage 1 category in Limavady Speech and Drama Festival trained by Mrs Caskie), poetry recital from Mollie Hawthorne (winner of P6 girls in the Speech and Drama Festival), and Dance summer mix-up (choreographed by Mrs Lynch). This was a very successful and enjoyable evening.

Musical Pathways

This year we introduced Musical Pathways into school in Primary 1. The programme was taken by Mr Edwin Brown who came into school each week and worked with the two Primary 1 classes. Parents of P1 children enjoyed seeing Musical Pathways in action during their Primary 1 year end assembly.

Musical Pathways helps children to develop rhyme and rhythm which in turns helps them to become better readers.


We continued recycling books, batteries, ink cartridges and cans.

• P5 pupils attended the Recycling Centre at Ballyquin Road

• Primary 6 measured their home energy output over 1 week and discovered which home appliance used the most electricity.

• P7 children visited Altahulion wind Farm as part of their topic on energy.

• P5 children visited The Loughs Agency as part of their Liquid Gold topic in World Around Us.

• The children also participated in a ‘Hands Up’ workshop by Sustrans.

• Sunflowers were planted in June by P6.

• The school participated in RSPB big Garden Birdwatch. Once again the children found that the most popular bird in the school grounds is the Goldfinch.

• Under Miss Cartwright’s auspices, vegetables were planted in pots and a bug hotel was developed in the pond area.

Pastoral Care

All members of staff and 3 Governors received Child Protection training from Martin McQuade Child Protection Officer- EA Western Region. Our Governor for Child Protection is Mrs Maureen Nutt.

Mrs Jamison stepped down in her role as Deputy Designated teacher for Child Protection. She has worked extremely hard over the years on all Child Protection matters and her dedication and support have been much appreciated. Mrs Joanne Guy has been appointed as her successor. Miss Richardson,

Designated teacher for Child Protection and Mrs Guy have worked with Social Services, dealing with phone calls, letters and reports. Miss Richardson has attended Case Conferences, Looked After Children Review meetings, Case Planning meetings and Core Group meetings. Information on Pastoral Care and Child Protection procedures in Limavady Central Primary School were sent to every parent.

All staff participated in annual Epi pen training for children with nut allergies.

We took part in the Northern Ireland Anti-bullying week. All staff were involved and they promoted positive behaviour through Art, Drama, poetry, stories, Circle time and PDMU in their classrooms and Assemblies.

Counselling was also available for certain children and this was paid for through Extended Schools cluster money.

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU)

The PATHS programme was introduced for P1-3 this year. P4-7 had already been using the programme and they continued to embed the PATHS concepts. PATHS aims to develop children’s social and emotional skills. The programme incorporates: formulating classroom rules, co-operative learning skills, discussing feelings, listening to others, making good choices and solving problems. Miss Richardson, PDMU Coordinator, met with Martina Luiten, our new PATHS Coordinator to plan our programme. Throughout the year, Martina has supported staff through modelled and peer support. Teachers were observed by Martina, teaching PATHS lessons, and she was very impressed with the lessons she observed. Each day a child was chosen to be the Pupil of the day, and their peers would compliment this particular child. This proved to be very popular, as the children enjoyed giving, as well as receiving a compliment.

Drug & Alcohol Awareness

Primary 6 & 7 children completed a 6 week drug and alcohol awareness programme using materials from Hope North West.

Extended School Report

Limavady Central Primary School was allocated £22,493. A range of activities were organised and provided using this funding, to enhance opportunities and raise standards. These included:

• 1 year subscription for My Maths website

• Maths workshops for Primary 4 and 5 parents led by Mr Timothy Doyle on Mental Maths and Decomposition

• 1 year subscription for Bug Club online reading world

• Staffing costs, activities and resources for the 2-3 Club, for Primary 1 and 2 children. The children took part in a range of organised activities from outside agencies, e.g. Jo Jingles (Music).

• Staffing costs for our Early Morning Club (Breakfast Club)

• A nine week Solihull Approach programme led by Parenting NI for parents entitled ‘Understanding your child’s behaviour’.

• Afterschool football coaching

• Staffing costs for Homework club

These programmes have had a very positive impact in the school. There was a high level of parent attendance and pupil participation. The children now display a more confident attitude to their learning, and are more positive using particular strategies. The programmes have also developed children’s social skills and self-esteem. Parents are now better informed in how to support their child using appropriate strategies.

Annual Attendance

The annual attendance for 2015/2016 was 95.4% .The School’s Education & Welfare Officer, Mrs Wendy McCool, met monthly with the principal to review the attendance of children whose attendance rate was below what is acceptable.

Key Stage Assessment

Because of industrial action undertaken by the teachers, no end of KS assessment data was sent to CCEA so the following data has not been validated by CCEA. The school has also not received the End of Key Stage Assessment outcomes for N. Ireland so can not report on them.

End of Key Stage Assessment Outcomes

|Level |Limavady Central |Limavady Central Using |

| |Communication |Mathematics |

|Key Stage 1 |75% |80.8% |

|Level 2+ | | |

|Key Stage 2 |74% |73.8% |

|Level 4+ | | |

School Activities

Sponsored Walk

The annual school walk was held at the end of September and £4401.52 was raised, a tremendous response. Primary 4 – 7 children once again walked around the Roe Valley Country Park.

Primary 1-3 did their usual walks.

Many thanks must go to the children who participated in the walk and to all the parents and friends who contributed.

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club runs from 8:15 until 8:45 each morning and continues to be successful with a regular core group of children attending it. The children have the opportunity to buy breakfast and then play games and socialise with one

another until class begins, all under careful supervision.

Parent & Toddler Group

A Parent & Toddler group runs every Tuesday morning from 10:00 a.m. until 11:30. Ms Peggy O’Neill organises the group with members of the PTA helping her.

This is a very successful morning due mainly to the hard work and commitment of Ms O’ Neill and her helpers. She has organised many fun activities for the children throughout the year.

This year she organised for Sure Start to come along and provide Sensory play workshops for children and parents which proved to be very popular.

Ms O’Neill also organised various treats and parties for the children and we would like to thank her for all her dedication and hard work.


The boys football team won the interschool cup at the 3G pitch and the girls football team also won the girls interschool cup at the 3G. Both teams played really well and were a credit to the school. A new boys football kit was bought with sponsored walk money this year.

The rugby team played in a rugby blitz at City of Derry Rugby Club. The boys were delighted when they were chosen to go to Kingspan to play and had a superb day there when they were shown around the new stadium and got to meet some of the players as well as well as played 4 matches on the pitch.

Mr Alan Young has coached the boys this past few years but has now hung up his rugby boots. We would like to thank him most sincerely for giving up his time to help coach the boys.


The Primary 7 children received Kwik Cricket coaching. They participated in a Girls and boys Kwik Cricket competition at Limavady Cricket Club which they enjoyed.


This year Mr Mervyn Kelly came into school and took P7 running. The children really enjoyed their sessions with Mr Kelly and their fitness certainly improved.


We entered a netball team into the tournament run by St. Mary’s High school. Miss Rankin coached the children and they performed well. Lauren Walsh was player of the match.


Children from Primary 3-7 completed a well-structured swimming programme at Limavady Leisure Centre. Primary 6 held their annual gala which prepares children for the numerous Primary 7 challenges. Primary 7 children completed their year’s swimming with survival awards and the distance swimming awards. The Gold, Silver and Bronze survival awards involve a gruelling test of swimming in clothes, surface diving and treading water.

This year the medal table was:

Gold Awards- 18 Silver Awards – 0 Bronze Awards - 15

Alex Henderson had a fantastic year as he broke three school swimming records; breast stroke, butterfly and individual medley. He completed the breast stroke in 21.38 seconds, butterfly in 16.93 seconds and individual medley in 1.31.97 minutes. An absolutely amazing achievement for Alex. In recognition of his excellent attainment he was presented with a cup.

At the Interschool Swimming gala, once again, Limavady Central won. Congratulations to all the children who took part in the Gala.

These excellent results would not be possible except for the commitment and dedication of the RVLC staff, class teachers, learning assistants and the swimming programme organised.

Sports Days

Junior Sports Day was well supported as always. The event took a more structured format, involving running, skipping and sack races. It is hoped that next year we will revert to the fun day set up and thereafter alternate the formats.

Senior Sports Day was also very well attended and the children really enjoyed themselves. All children were involved in running, skipping and sack races. Heats had been run off beforehand for the house team obstacle and relay races. All were really keen to earn points for their house team. Thank you to all the parents, family and friends who came along to support the children, especially parents who took part in the parents races.

Certificates for running were presented to 1st 2nd and 3rd place for P4-7 in assembly. Thanks to all who attended and supported both Sport’s Days.


Primary 4-7 children took part in a Skipathon in June. Weather was kind and the children enjoyed a variety of skipping activities. £266 was raised for British Heart Foundation. The monies raised will be utilised in N.I. Many thanks to all parents and friends, who have helped by generously sponsoring.

Sports House Cup

The winning house team this year was Broighter.

House captains Max Loughrey and Eden Scott were delighted to pick up the cup for Broighter.

In service coaching

Primary 2, 3 and 4 benefitted from IFA coach Ronan O’Donnell who spent all year working with the children. He focused on a well-structured fundamental and multi skills programme.

Primary 7 classes had 8-10 weeks of multi games coaching courtesy of the Active Community Programme. Unfortunately funding for the programme did not extend to P5 & 6 this year. It is hoped that all three class levels may benefit from the programme next year. Gerald Dillon is to be commended for his inspiring and worthwhile lessons. Our sincere thanks to both Gerald and Ronan.

Sainsburys Vouchers

Nine hundred Sainsburys vouchers have been collected and banked this year.


Primary 6 and 7 classes were coached in Orienteering by Mr Fred Corscadden, the children also participated in an Orienteering day at the Grammar School. Our thanks go to Mr Corscadden for coaching the children.

School Clubs

The following clubs are available for extra curricular activities for Primary 6& 7 children.

Hockey, Badminton, Short Tennis, ICT, Rugby, Orienteering, cycling proficiency, dance, Girls and Boys Football, Band, Choir and Cookery. This year we also had football for Primary 5.

Coffee & Carols

In December the school again held two Coffee and Carol mornings where parents were invited to come into school, have a cup of coffee and listen to their children sing some festive music. Thanks to the staff who worked with the children to teach the children the songs and those who served the coffee.

We asked for a donation towards charity and the school raised £527. This totalled with the money raised last year came to £1100.

Visits and Visitors

West Midlands theatre productions visited in October and performed the pantomime ‘‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ for all the children.

Banyan Theatre also visited in the autumn and all children saw a performance of ‘Gruff’.

In December Primary 3 visited the Millennium Forum to see a production of ‘Aladdin’.

Primary 1 visited Roe Valley Art and Cultural Centre to see the ‘Gruffalo’ and ‘Room on a Broom’.

Replay Theatre also visited school and performed ‘Wiggle-giggle’ for Primary 1.

Primary 6 went to Limavady Grammar School to see ‘RAF Band’ and the ‘Big Bang science event.

Primary 1 had a visit from Health Action Heroes and learnt how to be healthy.

Primary 5 also had a Primary Health Action Programme.

Cancer focus programmes were carried out for Primary 4-Fit Factors, Primary 5 Food Detectives and Primary 6 & 7 Smoke Busters.

Story tellers came to school as part of the Danny Boy festival.

Patrick Ryan, story teller, visited us again for World Book day and we had two poets visit.

Quantum Theatre came to school in May and performed a maths based play

‘The Miscalculation of Gap ’n Half-Inch’

Mrs McClelland’s class had a very interesting visit to the BBC in Belfast organised by Luke Lindsay's dad’.

RNLI visited school and gave beach safety talks to the children. 30 lucky children then had a ‘Hit the Surf’ day at Benone Beach with the RNLI.

There was great excitement in June when Duffy’s circus brought their amazing transformer car ’Bumblebee’ to school. The children all had the opportunity to have their photograph taken with it.

George McGowan and colleagues, from the SWEET (Safe Wellbeing Exercise and Eating Together ) programme, visited Limavady Central on five Friday afternoons and all primary 5 and 6 children learned about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise in a fun filled way.

We would like to thank all the parents who give up their time to accompany the children on their many visits outside of school.

Claire Sugden, MLA, visited school and answered questions from Primary 6 and 7 children.

On 28th June, nine children and Mrs Brien were invited to go to the official opening of Bellarena Train Station. There was great excitement because our children got to speak to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Aaron Campbell and Isla O’Hara were also interviewed by UTV and appeared that evening on the television.


Limavady Central won the Limavady Agricultural Society Perpetual Challenge for school art.

The children also participated in an Orienteering Competition and did very well indeed.

Primary 1 Induction

The parents of New Primary 1 children were invited to an evening meeting.

The parents were given the Pastoral Care policies, got to meet the teachers and teaching assistants and were given an outline of the curriculum in the Foundation Stage. Jill Borland, Speech and Language Therapist gave a short talk.

Three play afternoons were organised so that the children could play together and make friends.

The Primary 1 teachers liaised closely with the various nursery and play groups from which the children were coming.

The children transferring from Limavady Nursery visited the school to meet their new teachers.

Primary 1 transition Assembly

Primary 1 teachers and children invited their parents to a Coffee morning and Transition assembly which was extremely well attended. The Primary 1 children were presented with Portfolios of work which they had covered throughout their first year in school. Helen McCool, former colleague, was invited to come along and present the Portfolios to the children. The children demonstrated some of what they had learned in Musical Pathways with Mr Brown.

This was a lovely morning and celebrated the children’ first year at Primary school.

School Trip

On Tuesday 30 May 2016, forty five children and five adults left Limavady Central on a big white coach, at 6:45 am on their journey to Northumbria. The coach travelled to Belfast where it boarded the ferry to Cairnryan. The next stop on the journey was at sunny Dalscone Farm.

The children had fun playing on a Bouncy Castle, water boats, racing cars, swings, castle, golf and trampolines. Leaving the farm the bus travelled on to the Quality Hotel in Bolden, the base for the next three days. On the first evening the children went to the Cinema and watched Alice Through the Looking Glass.

The following wet and cold day, the children went to the Life Science Museum in Newcastle followed by a visit to Beamish Open Air museum, where they discovered what life had been like in the past. That evening the children had a walking tour of Newcastle.

The following morning, the bus set off to Lightwater Valley Theme Park where the children had great fun on all the rides. That evening, they went bowling.

On the final morning they set off for The Blue Reef Aquarium before travelling on to sunny Gretna Green where they stopped to shop in the Outlet Centre and have a game of football.

The children were extremely well behaved throughout the trip and the leaders were very pleased that they got so much sleep on this trip.

Roe Valley Speech and Drama Festival

The Roe Valley Speech and Drama Festival is an important event in our school calendar and it is supported by all the schools in the local area. The standard is always very high and there is a large number of competitors for each class level. As usual Central was very well represented. The choral group won their section.

Parent Teacher Organisation

Once again the members of the PTA were very busy organising events, some social and some fund raising, for the children and parents of the school. Money which is raised by the PTA is used for the benefit of the children and teachers of the school.

The members of PTA are a very hardworking and committed group who give generously of their time and energy and we are very grateful for all that they do for the children and the school.

PTA Events:

Hallowe’en events- Disco’s

Bring your Pumpkin to school day - with some very imaginative pumpkins.

Valentine Draw

Fun Night

Christmas Fair and draw

This year our Fun Night was held on a cool, damp evening. There were Craft Stalls in the Assembly Hall. Krazy Karts on the Playground. Bouncy castles and an obstacle course on the Sports field.

Glam Cabs Photo booth was sited on the senior playground and a Pet Farm both of which proved to be very popular.

Sweets and drinks were on sale. The barbeque was in full swing.

There was nail painting, tattoos and face painting taking place. The evening was a great success and our thanks must go to anyone, who in any way, helped to make it so.

PTA purchases 2015-2016

Lunch Trolleys

A new Rowing Boat

Contributions towards summer school trips.


Throughout the year the children in the school have raised money for a variety of charities. The money is raised in a variety of ways, special events,

non-uniform days and collections. The generosity of the children and parents of Limavady Central is very commendable.

Mrs McClelland once again organised ‘Operation Christmas Child’. The children fill a shoe box with a variety of items which is then sent to ensure that children in Eastern Europe receive some Christmas cheer. Many thanks to all who contributed a box. This year over 133 boxes were sent from Limavady Central. A marvellous effort.

|Charity |Raised By |Amount |

|N. Ireland Children’s Hospice |Copper collection |£558.10 (terms 1&2) |

|MS - Foyle Branch |Coffee & Carol’s Donations. |£527.00 |

|Wings Appeal |Collection |£122.25 |

|Poppy Day Appeal |Collection and sale of goods |£444.56 |

|Poppy Day Wreath |School Funds |£45.00 |

|Children in Need |Non Uniform Day, nail painting & |£991.44 |

| |cupcakes. | |

|British Heart Foundation |Skipping |£266.00 |

|Action Cancer |School Funds |£133.00 |

|Clarity – Employment for Blind People |School Funds |£70.00 |

|Foyle Hospice |Coffee Morning |£265.60 |

|Dance Fever |School Funds |£50.00 |

|Unicef |Christmas Stamps |£32.55 |

| | | |

During December an internal Christmas Card delivery scheme operate within school. Pupils paid 2p to have their cards delivered to their friends in school. The money raised has been carried over to this year to add to that which will be

collected in December 2015

Senior and Junior Library

Thanks are due to Mrs Kiera McDonald for her assistance in the Senior Library; who attended weekly and ensured that all the books were properly shelved.

We must also extend our thanks to Mrs Helen McCool, who looked after the Junior library and generally helped out in a great many ways.


Schools And The Community Helping Educational Learning

The SATCHEL Project is a new service being delivered by Barnardo's, SureStart, The Western Health Trust, Save the Children and Early Years. The project will offer a variety of SureStart style programmes and activities to parents with children aged 4-6yrs as they move from pre-school/nursery to primary school and into P.2.and will ensure the move is a happy, healthy and supportive one.

Limavady Central is one of 5 schools in this area which has become involved in the project. The other schools are Termoncanice, Roe Valley Integrated, Rossmar and St. Canice’s PS Dungiven.

The SATCHEL Project will provide opportunities for:-

• Parents to learn how to help their child do well in school

• Parents to learn practical skills that they can use with their child

• Parents and schools to strengthen their relationships

• Children to improve their speech


In April Miss Richardson coordinated an eight week programme for families in Primary 1 and 2. This was funded by Save the Children in partnership with Satchel and Middlesex University.

The programme aims to give parents the support they need to help their child achieve, learn and develop.

The FAST programme was supported by a team made up of people from the school, local community organisations and other parents. The families met once a week, for two and a half hours, and did a range of activities, including drawing, singing, charades and playing. Each family cooked a delicious meal for all the other families. FAST provided families with the chance to spend quality time together, and it was an opportunity to meet other parents, school staff and community staff. This programme has enhanced parental skills, confidence and community links. It culminated in a wonderful graduation ceremony and party for all the families involved.


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