



| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play |

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |activities (aka learning centers)]|

| | | | |handwriting, Library) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday | | |MATH- |-Desert Animals and Plants Video: |

| |Date: |What are some different kinds of |Read Aloud: “Hug Me” by Simona |-Directional and positional |

| |4/27/20 |plants? |Ciraolo |concepts game: |s7lqce1cI |

| | |-different plants grow in | |

| | |different climates (hot, cold) |EmcG9Xf5A |ry-pirates |-Invite children to use recycled |

| | |-plants in the desert vs. plants | |LITERACY- |materials such as cardboard boxes |

| | |in cold climates |-After reading the story, invite |-Read Aloud: “Why Oh Why Are |or tubes and empty food containers|

| | | |children to discuss the different |Deserts Dry?” by Dr. Seuss |to create three-dimensional |

| | | |plants from the book. Ask them to |. Provide pictures of plants|

| | | |describe the appearance of the |2_ynyg0wo |for children to reference. |

| | | |plants and how they differed from | | |

| | | |each other. Invite children to |HANDWRITING- |-Invite children to pretend they |

| | | |choose one plant from the book to |-Invite children to practice |are in the desert. What types of |

| | | |draw. Ask children to discuss the |writing vocabulary words. |plants and animals do you see? |

| | | |parts of the plant as they draw. |Encourage children to name each |What is the weather like? How |

| | | | |letter and letter sound as they |would you dress for the desert? |

| | | | |write. | |

| | | | |--vocabulary words: bush, cactus, |-Using playdough and toothpicks, |

| | | | |evergreen, grass, herbs, seaweed, |invite children to create their |

| | | | |succulent, tree, weeds, vegetables|own cactus. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | | |-How a Cactus Lives Without Water | |

| | | | |Video: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |-dw1nsX3Y | |

| |Tuesday | | |MATH- |-Invite children to go on a |

| |Date: |What are some different kinds of |Read Aloud: “An Orange in January”|-Number identification Game: |scavenger hunt to look for plants.|

| |4/28/20 |plants? |by Dianna Hutts Aston | children with a list of |

| | |-plants can grow on land and in | |items to look for such as: |

| | |the water |2FMetNyMg |LITERACY- |--a patch of grass |

| | |-types of underwater plants and | |-Read Aloud: “Ocean Sunlight: How |--a tree taller than they are |

| | |how they grow | |Tiny Plants Feed the Seas” |--something with petals |

| | |-different types of plants in the | | colorful flower |

| | |ocean, lakes, rivers | |9QL7fL45E |--3 different trees |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- |-Ocean Plants and Animals Video: |

| | | | |-Invite children to practice |

| | | | |writing the letters of the month: |5btoccBO4 |

| | | | |P, V, I, A, G, N, X. | |

| | | | | |-Invite children to pretend they |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- |are a fish swimming in the ocean. |

| | | | |-Read Aloud: “Over in the Ocean In|What plants do they see? What |

| | | | |a Coral Reef” |animals do they see? |

| | | | | |

| | | | |btd3mdRHs |-A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |Qn2bcZRTo |

| |Wednesday | | |MATH- |-Invite children to build a park |

| |Date: |What are some different kinds of |Read Aloud: “If I Ran the |-Comparing Sizes: |using blocks, legos, playdough, |

| |4/29/20 |plants? |Rainforest” by Bonnie Werth |. |

| | |-types of plants in the jungle and| | |

| | |the animals that live there |84gSfFi-U | |-Let’s Water the Plants Song: |

| | |-types of plants in the forest and| |LITERACY- |

| | |animals that live there |-Invite children to imagine they |-Invite children to look through a|21PmZL1Ao |

| | |-types of plants on a farm and the|lived in the rainforest. How would|book or magazine to find the | |

| | |animals that live there |they survive in the rainforest? |letters N and X. Ask them to count|-Invite children to pretend they |

| | | |-Invite children to play Amazon |how many they find. |live on a farm. What plants and |

| | | |Explorer and take a journey | |animals do they see? Encourage |

| | | |through the jungle: |HANDWRITING- |children to tend the garden and |

| | | | writing plant vocabulary|care for the animals. |

| | | |zonia/explorer.html |words: | |

| | | | | for Kids: A Walk Through the|

| | | | |7610312988840/ |Garden |

| | | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- -Walking Through |kids-a-walk-through-the-garden/ |

| | | | |the Jungle: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |vY0quSyJg | |

| |Thursday | | |MATH- |-Icky Insects by Silly Bus: |

| |Date: |Why are plants important? |Read Aloud: “Wiggling Worms at |-Memory Match Game: explore the | |

| |4/30/20 |-how do animals and humans use |Work” by Wendy Pfeffer |similarities and differences of | |

| | |plants to survive? | by using your memory to |-Worms - Invertebrate animals for |

| | |-there are many bugs that use |hhMYHYAhw |find the matching plants. |kids - Natural Science for kids |

| | |plants for shelter, food, etc. | |

| | |-types of bugs (worms, bees, ants,|Be a Bug Catcher: |et/KET/evlearnket/MemoryGame/Memor|b6HlBhkfQ |

| | |etc.) and how they use plants | | |

| | | |busyday/bugs/ | |-Show children the painting |

| | | | |LITERACY- |“Flowers” by Andy Warhol. Ask |

| | | | |Read Aloud: “Bugs, Bugs, Bugs” by |children about what they see and |

| | | | |Bob Barner |invite them to recreate the |

| | | | | or create their own |

| | | | |HKKXuzOlk |picture of flowers. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- |art-design/andy-warhol/ |

| | | | |-Invite children to practice | |

| | | | |writing bug vocabulary words. |- Read Aloud/Song: “Bugs on the |

| | | | |” by Johnette Downing |

| | | | |-wp-content/uploads/2013/0|

| | | | |4/bug-word-cards.pdf |kmz_klEJI |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | | |-Kids Vocabulary-Bugs: | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |sBMUzZUAs | |

| |Friday |Unit Review: |Read Aloud: “Stone Soup” by |MATH- |-What a Plant Needs to Stay Alive |

| |Date: |What are plants? |Heather Forest |-Interactive Game: Counting |Song: |

| |5/1/20 |What do plants need and where do | 1-10 |

| | |we find them? |bhxcsO3ec | |

| | |What are some different kinds of | |5-count-objects | |

| | |plants? |Spices: | |-Uses of Plants: |

| | |Why are plants important? | |

| | |-Spices-what are spices and how do|-7O9WceGo |-Read Aloud: “Olivia Plants a |6s9A7JMGI |

| | |we use them? | |Garden” | |

| | | |Painting with Spices: | Paper is Made: |

| | | | |

| | | |m/2012/08/painting-with-seasoning-| |P0Ch1Va44 |

| | | |and-spices.html |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | | |-Using the link as reference, |-Tree Pose Yoga: |

| | | | |invite children to draw a |

| | | | |plant/flower and name and label |4ValU7TmI |

| | | | |the parts of the plant/flower. | |

| | | | | How to Use Herbs and Spices: |

| | | | |a9w7w7y3e6e6/ |

| | | | | |m89lMLkQ4 |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read Aloud: “Plant| |

| | | | |the Tiny Seed” by Christie | |

| | | | |Matheson | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |RDM5nb8Ks&t=27s | |

Common Core Standards:

PK.AL.3. Approaches tasks and problems with creativity, imagination and/or willingness to try new experiences.

PK.PDH.8. Demonstrates awareness and understanding of healthy habits.

PK.SEL.7. Adapts to change.

PK.AC.2. Demonstrates they are building background knowledge.

Social/ Emotional- Week to Review

Early Learning Unit 1

Week 2: Listening


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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