What Does 30 Grams of Carbs Look Like? http://www ...

What Does 30 Grams of Carbs Look Like? most important factor to getting into a metabolic state of ketosis is to restrict carbohydrates. The classic ketogenic diet prescribes just 5% of calories per day from carbohydrate. Optimal results vary from person to person, which means you may reach your best ketone levels at 20g of carbs per day while someone else may be at 40. However, in the keto world, 30 grams of carbs per day is a standard rule of thumb and you’ll see that term tossed around and plugged into macro calculators everywhere.But what the heck does 30 grams of carbs look like anyways??I couldn’t tell you when I started this journey.? I used to avoid sugar on a label and felt if the carbs were complex carbs and no sugar it was OK – WRONG. Fiber is one type of carbohydrate that does not impact blood glucose levels. “It is broken down in the large intestine by gut bacteria and is essential for normal and healthy gut function.FIRST : Learn - NET CARB = (Total carbs – fiber)Example I use :Mary’s crackers (serving = 6) 21 Total carbs 3 gms fiber = 18 NET CARBSORFlackers (Flax crackers) 6 Total carbs 5 gms fiber = 1 NET CARBThe purpose of the post:?to develop your intuition for 30 grams of carbs?so you can be more comfortable eating the nourishing whole foods we need on a ketogenic diet while skipping the garbage we don’t. Each photo is 30 grams of?total carbohydrate?in the foodFood companies do everything in their power to bring down the “net carb” count on their nutritional label and will include garbage ingredients that ruin your gut and do impact your blood sugar but yet can technically be subtracted from the “total carb” count. Your best bet is to stick to whole foods that grow and die.FruitBlueberriesServing: 1.45 cupsFiber: 5gNet carbs: 25gStrawberriesServing: 2.75 cupsFiber: 5gNet carbs: 25gBanana Fiber: 3gNet carbs: 27g Apple Serving: 7.5 oz.Fiber: 7gNet carbs: 23gGrapefruit Serving: 2 medium (1 cup)Fiber: 4gNet carbs: 26gServing : 1 medium (5.5oz)What Does 30 Grams of Vegetable Carbs Look Like? Kale Serving: 12 oz. (2 bunches of kale)? CarrotsFiber: 12g Serving: ?11 oz. Net carbs: 18 gmsFiber: 8gNet carbs: 22gCucumbersServing: 30 oz.Fiber: 4gNet carbs: 26gRed OnionsServing: 8 oz.Fiber: 4gNet carbs: 26gBell peppersServing: 33 oz.Fiber: 11gNet carbs: 19gZucchiniServing: 35 oz.Fiber: 10 gmsNet Carbs: 20 gGet your Zoodles (noodles) outCAULIFLOWER (OR BROCCOLI)Serving: 5.75 cups (20.5 oz.)Fiber: 14gNet carbs: 16gNotes: Cauliflower rice anyone?Sweet Potato Serving: 120g (4.28 oz.)Fiber: 4gNet carbs: 26gWhat Does 30 Grams of Carbohydrate in Fats Look Like?AVOCADOServing: 12.5 oz. (2 large avocados)Fiber: 24gNet carbs: 6gAvocado, icon of keto. (2) avocados has only 6 gms of non-fibrous carbs! Eat up!Pecans (Walnuts smilar)Serving: 7.5 oz.Fiber: 14gNet carbs: 16gNotes:?This serving has 1500 cal.? Don’t ignore cal. if goal is weight loss.CashewsServing: 3.75 oz.Fiber: 4gNet carbs: 26gBig difference from pecans / walnuts!Full fat yogurtServing: 26 oz. (4 containers)Fiber: 0gNet carbs: 30gWhat Does 30 Grams of Carbs in Junk Food Look Like?WHOLE WHEAT BREADServing: 1.8 slicesFiber: 6gNet carbs: 24gStarbucks Coffee DrinkFiber: 0gNet carbs: 30gGet ready for roller coaster energy / crash.ODWALLA JUICE SMOOTHIEFiber: 2gNet carbs: 28g(But it’s non-GMO and no?added?sugar) !Red BullFiber: 0gNet carbs: 30g4 sips you’re at your 30g/day quota.Coca-ColaFiber: 0 gmsNet carbs 30 gmsOrganic, Gluten Free Tortilla ChipsServing: 42g (1.5 oz)Fiber: 1gNet carbs: 29gPastaServing: 42g (1.5 oz)Fiber: 1gNet carbs: 29gSnickers 0R M&Ms or …Fiber: 0gNet carbs: 30gCherrios (healthy ones no diff)Fiber: 2gNet carbs: 28gHealthy meal replacement barsFiber: 2gNet carbs: 28gMercola’s coc cashew Bar Fiber: 9 gmNet Carbs 6 gms(Mercola now makes keto choc bar)Notes: “Heart-healthy” though right? ................

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