
Student Name: PHASES IN SKILL DEVELOPMENTCurriculum Skill: "Understanding that Pictures, Symbols and Words Communicate Meaning"GLD Level: ModerateCurricular Area: Communication and LanguageCurricular Strand: WritingAttainedExtendedAcquiringBecoming FluentMaintenanceGeneralisationApplicationAdaptationUses objects of reference/picture/symbols/words to record events and experiences: with help, places objects of reference on a board to record the events of the day pastes two or more pictures/symbols on a board/into a book to record a recent class trip Uses a concept keyboard to select? pictures and symbols: select a picture/symbol for drinks at break time. Points to words, pictures and page numbers when sharing a bookAsks adult to draw something for him/her: gives drawing implement to adult and indicates what they wish to see represented With some help, records thoughts and feelings using pictures/ symbols/ words: ? adds a smiling mouth to a picture of a face to record happiness, chooses a sad face from a selection and adds to the collage of a boy/girl to record sadness, places a red sticker on the body part of a picture of himself/ herself to record pain in that area Understands that the picture helps to tell the story: looks for details in the pictures. Understands that writing can be used for a range of purposes to send messages, record, inform, tell stories Understands that writing remains constant i.e. will always ‘say’ the same thingDistinguishes between writing and drawing in books and in own work


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