

Weber State University

$1,000 Scholarship Award


The Success in Education Foundation is committed to education and its ability to influence individual lives, families, and communities. It is our goal to provide your high school with a program that will enhance the academic initiatives that are already in place. We strongly believe that through the Keys to Success program, we can help inspire change in students’ lives by motivating, recognizing and rewarding them for their improvements in educational performance.

This scholarship in conjunction with the Keys to Success Program in your high school is part of our ongoing commitment to education.


• High school seniors who have been awarded a Keys to Success Key Card.

• Seniors must qualify for minimum requirements of WSU.

• Students who receive a scholarship, fellowship, or other financial aid administered by UVU are required by state law to certify that they are eligible to receive the scholarship as a U.S. citizen. If students do not know whether they are in the U.S. lawfully, they should seek the advice of an immigration attorney before filing a scholarship/financial aid application.


• $1,000 scholarship to Weber State University


• Interested students must submit a completed application, personal statement, and letter of recommendation.

• Applications must be turned into school Keys to Success contact person at least three weeks before the Keys to Success Assembly.


• Scholarship recipients must enroll in and attend at least 6 credit hours.

• Funds will be paid directly to the school. Scholarship funds will not be paid directly to students. No cash will be awarded to students.

• Scholarship monies left over from $1,000 amount will roll over into students’ next semester of school.

• Scholarship funds may be applied to tuition & fees.

• Scholarship funds must be used within one year. The funds may be held if given special permission from SIE FOUNDATION or the Keys to Success Corporate Staff.


• Applicants must submit a one page personal statement that states how the Keys to Success program has influenced them in driving their academic performance.

• Applicants must submit a one page letter of recommendation written by a teacher, counselor or administrator.

– Letters should contain details on the applicant’s background and why they deserve the scholarship.

– Letters should contain personalized information about the applicant.


All applicants, and where appropriate, their parent or guardian must sign the application certifying that all information provided is true and complete to the best of their knowledge and ability. With their signature and submission of the application, applicants also grant Keys to Success the right to use their application information and likeness for the purpose of promoting and publicizing the Keys to Success Program.


All completed applications must be returned to the school Keys to Success contact person by three weeks before the Keys to Success Assembly. Incomplete applications and packets will not be considered.

Weber State University

$1,000 Scholarship Award

Spring 2017 Application

Please submit this application and all other supporting documents, as noted below, no later than three weeks before the Keys to Success Assembly to ensure you are fully considered. Return completed forms to your school’s Keys to Success contact person.


Key Code: __________________________________________________________________________________

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Permanent Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________


Home Phone: ___________________________________Cell Phone: ________________________________

Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth: _______________________________________________________________________________

High School: ________________________________________________________________________________


Please provide the following documents on separate sheets:

Personal Statement: On a separate sheet of paper, please provide a one-page personal statement that states how the Keys to Success program has influenced you in driving your academic performance.

Letter of Recommendation: Letters should be written by a teacher, counselor, or administrator, and should contain personalized details on the applicant’s background and why they deserve the scholarship.


All of the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I am a senior in high school and a Keys to Success Key Card recipient. I hereby authorize Keys to Success to utilize information about my application and my likeness for promoting and publicizing the Keys to Success Program.

___________________________________________________ _______________________________

Signature: (required) Date:

___________________________________________________ _______________________________

Parent or Guardian’s Signature: Date:

(Required if applicant is under 18 years of age)


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