Communication advice for the Walt Disney Company Coach: Babz Mook International Communication The Media and the Money Block assignment (ICVPBLA2A) Date of submission:11.04.2014 Students’ names: Triin Roomet (400208)Ekaterina Kostrova (399797)Mina Hejkal (413344)Matthias Marschalk (412145)Charlotte Hornstra (414632)righttop Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive summary PAGEREF _Toc384939936 \h 41.Client’s assignment and Background PAGEREF _Toc384939937 \h 62. Situation analysis PAGEREF _Toc384939938 \h 7Internal analysis PAGEREF _Toc384939939 \h 7External analysis PAGEREF _Toc384939940 \h 8Swot analysis PAGEREF _Toc384939941 \h 83. Media companies PAGEREF _Toc384939942 \h 113.1 Facts and figures of ABC Family PAGEREF _Toc384939943 \h 113.2 Facts and figures ABC News Digital PAGEREF _Toc384939944 \h 113.3 Facts and figures Walt Disney Studios (cinema) PAGEREF _Toc384939945 \h 123.4 Facts and figures Pixar PAGEREF _Toc384939946 \h 133.5 Facts and figures Marvel PAGEREF _Toc384939947 \h 154. Preliminary advice PAGEREF _Toc384939948 \h 17Advice for ABC Family PAGEREF _Toc384939949 \h 17Advice for ABC News Digital PAGEREF _Toc384939950 \h 17Advice for Walt Disney Studios (cinema) PAGEREF _Toc384939951 \h 19Advice for Pixar PAGEREF _Toc384939952 \h 19Advice for Marvel PAGEREF _Toc384939953 \h 195. Final advice and conclusions PAGEREF _Toc384939954 \h 216. Reference list PAGEREF _Toc384939955 \h 22APPENDICES PAGEREF _Toc384939956 \h 28Appendix 1: Cooperation contract PAGEREF _Toc384939957 \h 28Appendix 2: Map 1 PAGEREF _Toc384939958 \h 32Appendix 3: Table 1 PAGEREF _Toc384939959 \h 33Appendix 4: TABLE INT PAGEREF _Toc384939960 \h 37Appendix 5: TABLE EXT PAGEREF _Toc384939961 \h 39Appendix 6: Matrix 1 PAGEREF _Toc384939963 \h 41Appendix 7: Table 2 PAGEREF _Toc384939964 \h 42Appendix 8: TABLE 3.1 (ABC Family) PAGEREF _Toc384939965 \h 47Appendix 9: TABLE 3.2: ABC News Digital (website) PAGEREF _Toc384939966 \h 49Appendix 10: TABLE 3.3: Walt Disney studios (cinema) PAGEREF _Toc384939967 \h 63Appendix 11: Table 3.4: Pixar (cinema) PAGEREF _Toc384939968 \h 66Appendix 12: TABLE 3.5: Marvel (comics) PAGEREF _Toc384939969 \h 68Appendix 13: Map 2.1: ABC Family PAGEREF _Toc384939970 \h 70Appendix 14: Map 2.2: ABC News Digital PAGEREF _Toc384939971 \h 71Appendix 15: Map 2.3 PAGEREF _Toc384939972 \h 71Appendix 16: Map 2.4: Pixar PAGEREF _Toc384939973 \h 72Appendix 17: Map 2.5: Marvel PAGEREF _Toc384939974 \h 72Appendix 18: Map End PAGEREF _Toc384939975 \h 73Appendix 19: Evaluation form and motivation PAGEREF _Toc384939976 \h 74righttopExecutive summaryThis report analyses the different sectors of the Walt Disney Company with the aim of providing advice to improve the internal and external communication. In the beginning an internal as well as external analysis is provided. The research points out the way the company wants to be perceived by mentioning the mission and the vision statement and the measures that were taken by the company to achieve this impression. In the external analysis Disney’s environment is investigated, including the international distribution and competitors, such as Twenty-First Century Fox and CBS in the domestic market and Time Warner and Viacom in the international market. The next step was to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company. Disney’s strengths lie in its unique image that is globally recognised and its division across multiple sectors. Weaknesses of the company can be found in the dependence on the competitive US and Canadian market and the poor internal communication that leads to dissatisfied employees. The opportunities of the company can be recognised in the merger with Marvel and the new marketing division. Potential threats to the company involve being dependent on the economic climate as well as on the unpredictable market of products aimed at children. Furthermore, the different networks of the conglomerate were explored in order to gain insight into areas that might need improvement. After the investigation of all the different networks a final advice was developed which could be applied to the company as a whole. The advice focuses on social media and the human resources department. Concerning social media, the advice aims at improving the applications produced by Disney and their interaction with the audience. Many users have complained about the applications which contain many errors as well as lack updates. The second advice about social media addresses the imbalanced promotion of the products which results in many people being unaware of their existence. Moving over to the human resources department, the first point of improvement involves creating transparent policies. The company does not provide its employees with clear requirements that are needed to obtain a higher position within the organisation. Additionally, the application process is difficult and can discourage many talented and creative people. The second measure that is advised implicates the importance of increasing employee satisfaction by implementing a peer-to-peer recognition program. The features of the program are acknowledging fellow employees and giving each other feedback. The advised actions have the goal of increasing people’s awareness of Disney’s products and improving their public image which ultimately leads to an increase in revenues. righttopClient’s assignment and BackgroundThe communication agency “Commates” has been hired by the board of directors of The Walt Disney Pictures. The company operates on different media platforms, such as Internet, mobile, news, TV, cinema and print media. Our agency was assigned to analyse the efficiency of The Walt Disney Company and its networks and come up with the advice which will benefit the company as a whole. Our findings are based on secondary courses and provide unbiased view of the company. The secondary data used to develop the advice can be accessed in a public domain. To approach potential problems of the company its environment and its trends have been investigated.The advice given offers diversity since it is not limited on a view of one culture. All team members are from different nationalities and have a different cultural background which helps to observe the problem from different perspectives. right7483312. Situation analysisInternal analysis “The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world”, as stated on the company’s webpage (The Walt Disney Company, n.d.a). Their vision statement cannot be found on their homepage, however, many different sources confirm that it is “Make people happy” (Rasmus, 2012). When analysing these both statements it could be said that the company aims to have a positive impact on its audience by creating innovative content, also, it is of great importance to the company to be recognised internationally as the primary provider of entertainment and information. Moreover, their goal is to maximise their earnings and use these financial resources in order to expand which would lead to a greater shareholder value in the future (“Company Description”, 2014). The political policy of the Walt Disney Company states that due to many political decisions having an impact on their business, they participate actively in the political life. Their aim by doing this is to support the company’s positions and if allowed by the law, contributing to different organisations. The issues of the country’s interest include broadcast, privacy, economic development, and free and fair trade (The Walt Disney Company, n.d.b). However, Minsky writes in his article that Disney is very vague in its political policy and does not provide its public the information about the campaigns that they support (2011). The most important achievements of the last 2 years include the acquisition of Lucasfilm and the plan of producing a seventh Star Wars. Also, they have announced the release dates for eight animated movies until 2018 (The Walt Disney Company. (n.d.). Their shares have increased by 3.9 per cent due to growth of ESPN and the success of the animated movie “Frozen” (Richwine, 2014). Due to the acquisition of Lucasfilm in 2012 and the planning of Star Wars Episode VII, the Walt Disney company has the opportunity of either satisfying or antagonising with the fans of the series depending on the quality of the movie, which can be seen as a challenge for the company in the future (“Lobbying totals”, 2013). The urgent issue that needs to be addressed is the fact that Disney announced recently that they will cut the funding to the Boy Scouts of America in 2015 because of their policy that bans righttopgay adult leaders in the organisation. This is a topic which Disney should make an official statement about (“Walt Disney Company to…”, 2014). External analysisThe Walt Disney Company is a well-known organization all over the world, but the media interest still differs from country to country. In this section, we will state our findings about how big those differences are and how external factors can influence the company in general.The leading continent regarding the geographical range of interest of the Walt Disney Company is North America with 75.53 % followed by Europe with 13.72 %, Asia Pacific with 7.40 % and finally Latin America and other countries with 3.34 % (“Walt Disney Company Sales…”, n.d.). Since the company’s origins are North-American and their headquarters are situated in there, the great interest is rather easy to explain. Another factor is that some of the company’s segments, for example ABC Family and ABC News are accessible in this region only and can only be accessed over illegal or expensive ways from other continents.According to the Economic Freedom Heat Map, we have found the level of freedom which is registered in the areas where the company operates. North America again leads with a ranking of 75.5, followed by Europe which has an average scale of 70 (some countries within Europe have a higher result than others), then Latin America with 55 points in average and at last the Asia Pacific region with an average ranking of 53 (“2014 Economic Freedom…”, 2014). The last two areas differ from the ranking of media interest above which doesn’t necessarily have to say anything. Notable is however, that their ranking in media interest and level of freedom differ so much concerning the numbers. For an international company like Walt Disney the economy in the markets they are exporting their products to also play an essential role. If the economy in those other countries and areas is bad, exporting goods like for example DVDs and BluRays will get harder and international sales might decrease and therefore affect the company (“Global economic trouble…”, 2013).This leads us to possible competition in the international as well as the domestic market. Since the Walt Disney Company is such a large company and is divided in so many segments like series channels, news channels, animation and motion pictures, it has competitors in each of those sectors. The competitors in the domestic market are represented by Twenty-First Century, Fox Inc, Time Warner Inc, CBS Corporation, Viacom Inc, InterActiveCorp, Six Flags Entertainment, Corp, Dreamworks Animation and Skg Inc (Walt Disney Co (DIS), n.d.). Competitors in the international market are News Corporation, Viacom, NBCUniversal and Time Warner (“Strategies for Reaching…”, n.d.).Still, the Walt Disney Company is the world’s most-loved company and valuable according to the stock exchange market. Their value of shares in the year of 2013 was $ 1.813 million (“Company Description”, 2014a). Their revenue for the fiscal year 2013 was $ 45.041 billion (“The Walt Disney Company Reports…”, 2013). With 175,000 employees working for them (The Walt Disney Company, 2013) and an employee-turnover rate that is below average (Johnson, 2006), the Walt Disney Company focuses on staying the most successful company in their sector by encouraging their employees to develop their creativity which contributes to the decreased turnover rate compared to other companies (McGinn-Cardwell, 2003).Swot analysisIn the SWOT-Analysis the internal and external factors of the Walt Disney Company are looked at. The internal factors include the strengths and weaknesses of the company while the external factors include the opportunities and threats to the company. The first strength of the company lies in the fact that Disney is a globally recognised brand that has the ability to produce unique and creative content according to Calderon, Delgado, Oliveira and Paiz (2001). The company also has a digital library that helps foster creativity. This contributes to the fact that Disney's innovative content ensures a strong competitive position even in times of depression. Secondly they have proven to make profitable and smart investments in the past with Marvel which has created a large universe of superheroes and Pixar consistently produces blockbuster animated movies. Calderon et al. (2001) also discuss the third strength that the Walt Disney Company has diversified its' production into four segments which are worth $89,46 billion on the market. It is divided into media networks (broadcasting and cable networks), studio entertainment (movies, television and animation programmes, musical recordings and live stage plays), parks and resorts (Walt Disney World in Florida, Disneyland Park) and consumer products (licensing for characters to manufacturers, retailers and publishers). This division reduces the dependence on a single type of product.Concerning the weaknesses of the Walt Disney Company, the first thing to mention is the heavy dependence on the US and the Canadian market. According to Jurevicius, O. (2013), over 70% of the company's revenues come from the United States alone which makes it very sensitive to negative changes on the US market. Secondly, the company is the largest entertainment provider in the world which has raised the attention of the government concerning trust regulations. For that reason it is difficult for the Walt Disney Company to acquire competitors. The third weakness of Disney is that it is operating in very competitive markets meaning that there are many companies producing the same products, such as Universal Orlando which is comparable to Disney World and DreamWorks which is comparable to Pixar. The fourth weakness focuses on the dissatisfaction of employees. According to Schechner, S. (2010) 400 employees were fired in 2010 which resulted in a larger workload for many of the remaining employees and non-optimal working schedules. The fifth weakness deals with poor internal communication. According to ABC News Reviews (n.d.), many former employees have made remarks about the policies being vague and not providing them with the necessary requirements to move up in the company. Considering the external factors, the opportunities for the company have to be looked at. The first opportunity lies in a corporate partnership with the Conservation International Company that has persisted for almost 20 years now. Together the two companies pursue the mission to protect nature by reducing greenhouse gases and slowing down deforestation. To contribute to that goal the Walt Disney Company has invested over $10 million in Conservation International's forest conservation programme and another $50,000 in its freshwater conservation programme. Secondly, the merger with Marvel has provided Disney with more than 5000 characters around which they can provide products of many sorts, such as movies and comic books. The third opportunity can be found in the new market division that was opened by Disney in London as it was reported by Baker, R. (2011) with the goal of increasing the number of commercial deals. The division will be responsible for the potential brand partners in all areas of the Disney business. This makes it easier to create consistent advertisements in a wide variety of products. The last opportunity that is discussed deals with the re-branding of the TV channel Disney Playhouse into Disney Junior which can be largely promoted, also with respect to the Marvel comics that are going to be included. Leading over to the threats the first one lies in potential changes of the economic clients. According to Nair, S. (2014) Disney produces within the consumer discretionary sector which means that its goods and services are non-essential. Therefore, a depression could be especially harmful for the company because people cut their expenditures in the nonessential sector in favour of essential goods. The second threat comes from the strong competition in the media and entertainment industry. In the US there is NBC Universal Media, News Corp., Time Warner Inc. and Viacom Inc. but there are also other sources of competition in the Internet with its online TV and movie rental. Another threat to the company can be found in the high demand for innovation. The media productions have to be unique to appeal to the customer’s needs and retain their market position which is why there is a high demand for creative and innovative people. The next factor which is the acquisition of Lucasfilm can be seen as an opportunity as well as a threat because the investment of $4 billion is a risky one that doesn’t produce any revenue before 2015. Additionally after 2015 it can remain a threat depending on the success of the seventh Star-Wars movie. According to Guenette, R. (2012) the large dependence on the market aimed at children poses a potential threat. Children are a very unpredictable and unstable audience as their preferences can switch around rapidly. The seventh threat also refers to the unreliability of the media industry as the products have no guarantee to be a successful while costing millions in the production process. Lastly, the challenge of maintaining its public image can be a potential threat to Disney. The company very respected but any mistake could damage the image of the company because of its presence in the public.righttop3. Media companies3.1 Facts and figures of ABC Family ABC Family is an American basic cable?and satellite television?channel that conducts with the in-home sales and content distribution. ABC Family was?founded in 1977 as a postponement of televangelist Pat Robertson’s Christian television?ministry, and has evolved into The Family Channel by 1990, currently it?is a part of The Walt Disney Company within North America CITATION ABC14 \l 2057 (ABC Family, 2014). The division is responsible for customer management and sales of in-home entertainment content, allocating motion picture and television possessions across a wide array of media platforms and businesses. The company provides a variety of interactive entertainment and community features from rich, fan-centric programming, which includes blogs, episodes and full episodes of the network’s hit programming (Levin, 2001). Therefore, ABC Family owns a huge number of television stations which reaches almost 32% of American television households (“Bio”, 2014). Through rapidly-evolving technology, company is improving the quality of storytelling and personalizing entertainment. The biggest development in china is the Shanghai Disney resort, which gave to a company a major footprint with recreational facilities. ABC Family channel has a web-site which creates digital extensions to ABC Family programming that consist of interactivity and social networking. The site also features user-generated content and online programming that can be downloaded and customized based on individual user preferences (Iger, 2014). ABC family is No.1 in providing programmes among people of age group from 12 till 34, as well as among its target female demos (18-34; 18-49; 12-34). This record setting presentation drove the qualitative network showing. It has a position No.2 across all cable women 18-34, and No.3 in adults 18-34 and women 18-49 (Levin, 2001).3.2 Facts and figures ABC News DigitalABC News Digital is the provider of online news and coverage of up-to-date events (Enberg, 2013a). The medium is technically up to date as it operates on different platforms including cable, righttopbroadband and mobile platforms and also aims to deliver its users breaking news coverage (Enberg, 2014). The properties of ABC News are and . In addition to that, they own several applications that supply its users with breaking news and information. The products offered by the medium can be accessed and righttopused free of charge by browsing and streaming content on its webpage online or by downloading the applications via Google Play or App Store (Enberg, 2013b). The ABC News Digital is mainly managed by the Senior Vice President Joe Ruffolo (American Broadcasting Companies, n.d.), the executive producer Erle Norton (ABCNewsPR, 2013), the Executive Director of the search engine optimization John Shehata (Shehata, n.d.), the Managing Editor Eric Noe, and the Senior Editor of Social Media Andrew Springer (Enberg, 2013a). Their main responsibilities require supervising the different platforms of ABC News (American Broadcasting Companies, n.d.), improving the integration of these media networks (ABCNewsPR, 2013), promoting the medium, developing online media strategies and improving the content published (Shehata, n.d.). The Marketing, Advertising, Promotion, and Graphics Group department is in charge of the creative designing of the content published (“Marketing & Promotions...”, 2014). , ABC News, ABC Family, Fusion, , and Live! With Kelly & Michael are the platforms used to promote ABC News Digital (ABC News, n.d.a). According to the ABC News, their target audience are wealthy publics, women, families, and large markets (n.d.b). Their content is accessed over 82 million people a month (Enberg, 2014). The applications have been downloaded by more than 1,000,000 users (ABC News, n.d.).Guskin and Rosenstiel write, that the recent developments of ABC News Digital include launching the Good Morning America App for iPhone and Android devices in May 2011. Also, a political website called “OTUS” was introduced in December 2011 (2013). The application named the Social Soundtracker was launched in April 2013. The function of the app is to incorporate social media conversations with live TV. The application is integrated with Facebook, allowing users to react on the responses and posts of friends (Ha, 2013). ABC News is also present on Twitter, where it has approximately 3 million followers (ABC News n.d.). The medium has invested in training its social media team by coaching them how to use Facebook, Twitter and Google+ in the most efficient way (Tenore, 2014). 3.3 Facts and figures Walt Disney Studios (cinema)The Walt Disney Studios are one of the business segments of the Walt Disney Company and have their headquarters situated in Burbank, California (USA) where they employ about 600 people, but 166,000 people in overall (Walt Disney Animation Studios, 2013).The key people of the studio are Alan Horn who is the chairman of the Walt Disney Studios, Alan Bergman as the President as well as Sean Bailey being the President of the Walt Disney Studios Motion Production (The Walt Disney Studios, 2013).The Walt Disney Studios are divided into four departments who then again distribute different business areas. First of all there’s the Disney Music Group which contains Walt Disney Records, Hollywood Records and Disney Music Publishing. The Disney Theatrical Group represents Disney Theatrical Productions, Disney on Broadway, Disney on Ice as well as Disney Live!. Finally, the Disney Studio Services contain the Studio Production Services, Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, the Golden Oak Ranch, The Prospect Studios and the Disney Digital Services. The last department is the Special Events Group which The Muppets Studio belongs to (The Walt Disney, 2013).The Walt Disney Studios had an estimated income of $661 million in the fiscal year of 2013, brought in by their motion pictures, music publishing and stage productions. Expenses come up with the costs of making the movies, licensing the characters and of course paying their employees.As most of all other companies, Disney advertises their movies through Facebook pages, trailers on TV and in the theatre, Twitter, advertising clips on Youtube, as well as posters and magazine advertising. Their main products offered are movies (theatre: 7 €/DVD 15 €), soundtracks (CD 10 €) and musicals like Lion King or Tarzan (50 - 90 €).The Walt Disney Animation Studios use advanced technology when working on their motion pictures. For the recent movie “Frozen” for example a recent technology improvement has been made where a lot of animated snow is shown. The studios created a material point method for the simulation of snow (Walt Disney Animation Studios, 2014).Concerning social media, the Animation Studios are well represented on all common platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and they even have a variety of apps offered in the AppStore. Through these social media channels, the studios post new information about movies, short films and insight pictures of movie premiers (Disney Marketing, n.d.).3.4 Facts and figures PixarThe Pixar Animation Studios is a company based in Emeryville, California that produces CGI-animated movies. It was founded on February 3, 1986 by Ed Catmull, Alvy Ray Smith and Steve Jobs who provided most of the funding. Up until today Pixar has produced fourteen full-length animated films with five more being created at the moment. The current CEO of Pixar is Ed Catmull, John Lasseter is the chief creative officer and Jim Morris the General Manager and Executive Vice President of Production.The studio has several different departments which include animation, story, art, technical righttopdirection, production management, marketing, engineering, research, media systems, finance and righttopeditorial (Pixar Animation Studios, n.d.). As of November 2013 there are about 1200 employees working in these departments. The company has a total revenue of $12,354 million while the total operating expense amounts for $10,110 million according to Google Finance (n.d.). The main focus of Pixar lies on producing full-length animated films which is why this accounts for most of their expenses including the wages of the employees working in the different departments. However this is also the main source of their income as they have created fourteen full-lenth animated movies that have generated a total box-office gross of $8,585 billion (Pixar, n.d.). Over the past four years the revenue has remained stable at about $12, 5 million per year. One of the tendencies about animated movies is that the budget spent for their production has increased drastically over the last years. This is illustrated by the fact that the first Pixar movie “Toy Story” which was produced in 1995 had a budget of $30 million while the movie “Brave” which was produced in 2012 had a budget of $210 million.The primary target audience of Pixar's movies is children but the subjects appeal to a broad variety of age groups as Colatriano (2013) discusses in her article. They generally do not voice a political or religious opinion. Pixar movies are watched by a large amount of viewers all around the world judging from the total box office gross of $8,585 billion. It is difficult to transform this into absolute numbers but to provide a general view of the dimensions that Pixar operates in its first television special “Toy Story of Terror” which aired on American television on October 16, 2013 was watched by an estimated 10.3 million people as the article by Rizvi (2013) states. The creation of Pixar's animated films requires up-to-date production tools and the company is responsible for their own innovative technology that is utilised in their movies, for example “Pixar Research”, “Renderman” and “Opensubdiv”. Furthermore Pixar also makes use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter where approximately one post is created per day. They often involve references and contents from their movies and help at keeping the company in people's minds.The Pixar Animation Studios is a company that has a great amount of recognition and success in the world which makes it a valuable acquisition of the Walt Disney Company.3.5 Facts and figures Marvel Marvel Entertainment is part of Disney Walt Company, with his president Kevin Feige and his Co-president Louis D’Esposito. Marvel is divided in 5 department, with more than 250 employees creating different comics, superheroes and villains (NNDB, 2012). righttopThe revenues of Marvel are the licensing of it characters, the production of videos games, TV shows and toys. Leaving us with the cost which it means the movies, marvel has created several movies that have been successful all around the world such as: The Avengers, Iron Man 1, 2 and 3 and Spiderman 1, 2 and 3 and several more. The outcome of the money are the licensing of the its characters, making movies, parties, TV shows and the marketing that it is important, but there are also many sources of income in the company, Publications of the comics, the toys and the movie productions (Hsieh, 2008).Marvels has a lot of products for their audience but, the main product is the comic books, which this company began with, the heroes and villains are the most wanted, the company has more than 5000 portfolios of their characters, which the most important are Captain America, Fantastic four, Hulk, Iron man and Spiderman, but since 2007 Marvel started with the production of movies becoming also a main product of the company. (Hsieh, 2008). The products can cost from $0.99 until $69.99 which it cost the unlimited subscription of comics, but there are also comics that can cost millions of dollar because they are from collection.Marvel has a large audience not only in the United Stated of America but also around the world, it is estimated that around 9 million people are aware of Marvel movies and comics, Marvel has the most second biggest ever audience in the movie The Avengers the premier more the 9.3 million people went to watch it, adults from 18-49 years old, which it means that the number of audience have increase because they took the most important comics and made it movies (Bibel, 2013).The advertisement of Marvel is produced by Marvel advertising. Designing tools and creative staff with experience in order to create original programs (Marvel advertisement). Marvel uses many Social Media to deliver their message like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook (Ratcliff, 2014; Johnson, 2006)Marvel is technological update, because the company has a lot of comics they employees are developing a API system, which is means that it a data base where all the comics, character history, from more than 75 years including more 30.000 comics and series and creators (Moore, 2014; Ratcliff, 2014).righttop4. Preliminary adviceAdvice for ABC FamilyThe preliminary advice for ABC Family is related to Social media and audience. The first problem that needs to be solved concerns Social media part and faces that channel is very concentrate on one project “Pretty little liars”, therefore other programs and TV series are not successful, because nobody knows what kind of products they provide. As an advice it would be necessary to provide more information about the social medium as a whole, without concentrating only in one project (YPulse, 2011).Another important advice is related to audience and includes itself the analysis of the particular audience by making market segmentation analysis. With analysing a potential audience and identifying key segments, there is a possibility to select groups of audience which the ABC Family can try to attract (Mullin, 2013). Current situation at the company is that most of the projects aim at females as their primary audience. To attract more people with the right message to watch their shows it is necessary to diversify their programmes in order to appeal not only to woman but also to men. So that market segmentation will help both to identify needs of individual members of audience and effectively communicate to find out how company can benefit from offering new programmes. With this knowledge company discovers not only how to develop marketing strategies that will attract and expand audience, but also how to improve the situation with Social media (Vitale, 2013). Advice for ABC News DigitalThe secondary research revealed a high level of dissatisfaction among the employees who work for the ABC News Digital. A number of former and current employees have expressed their dissatisfaction due to the tense working environment as well as have complained about the non-transparent policies. Moreover, the information provided in the policies is described as being vague when it comes to the requirements that lead to achieving a higher position within the company. This creates a lot of confusion among the staff and diminishes their motivation which has an impact on the quality of the content that is being published (ABC News Reviews, n.d.). To increase the level of satisfaction of the personnel the conglomerate should implement a Peer-To-Peer Recognition Program. The estimated cost of this program ranges from $12 to $64 per employee which means that for ABC News the annual cost would be between $13200 and $70400 (if calculated with 1100 employees). The program involves employees recognising their peers based on their “specific accomplishments or for extra effort to resolve a customer’s issues“ (Dittman Incentive Marketing, 2013). An argument supporting the relevance of this advice is the result of previous research carried out by Forbes which states that companies which acknowledge their employees tend to perform better than the companies who do not (Bersin, 2012). Also, according to a specialist in achieving employee satisfaction, the program is inspirational and motivating to employees and encourages them to put more effort into their jobs (Patton, 2010). Another area that needs improvement is the Good Morning America App. The users of this app experience frequent errors while using it and refer to the content as being irrelevant and not updated often enough (“Good…”, n.d.). The solution to this problem is to improve the app and its content with the aim of removing the errors that have a negative effect on the users experience and updating it on a daily basis. ABC News should appoint a software developer who will take the responsibility of improving the app. According to the United States Department of Labour, software developers earn $44.85 per hour (2014e). Advice for Walt Disney Studios (cinema) When wanting to get into the Walt Disney Animation Studios the applicant already has to be highly skilled since the studios don’t offer a lot of training. To get a real job a degree of a certain major is needed which can be obtained at University, but does cost a lot of money (D. Pezoldt, personal communication, March 23, 2014). To be an animator for example you need a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art, Illustration and Computer Graphics as well as degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics or Engineering or equivalent experience. However, the studios offer internships as well as apprenticeships in certain departments. Here the problem seems to be that internships can only be done in the summer and also the certain requirements are not specific enough (Disney Animation Studios, n.d.b.). In this field of applications the studios could improve by giving better information and more possibilities.Concerning social media, although the Walt Disney Animation Studios post pictures, information and insight almost on a daily basis, they don’t seem to look through the comments of their posts for feedback or answer questions from people who like their page (Disney Animation Studios, n.d.a.). Being more reachable to the outside world would give the Studios more sympathy for acknowledging their opinion.Advice for PixarPixar's main weaknesses lie in the long production time of their animated films compared to Dreamworks and the accessibility of jobs in the company according to Pixar Reviews (n.d.) on . The requirements that are issued by Pixar Animation Studios (n.d.) are very high and may be discouraging to potential employees. Therefore an improvement in Pixar's employment policy can benefit the company's competitive position because more films could be produced either through a reduced production time or through more productions running simultaneously. Additionally, as the market for employees is driven by creativity and innovation, righttopgathering new talent can give Pixar an edge over their competitors. Therefore my suggestion is to focus on finding employees with a lot of potential to improve rather than looking strictly for the perfect employees. Pixar is a very successful company that can provide a platform for these employees to become the best in their business. Searching for talent can be done by conducting casting days on which the applicants can prove their skills in certain tasks and if they succeed they get the chance to enter a training programme at Pixar. Creating this employment process requires one of the long-time employees to switch up their task as well as the work of a human resource manager who helps with the organisation. The wage of a human resource manager is about 43 $ per hour in the USA.This measure fits the company as it preserves Pixar's aspirations to have a unique and high quality production while still improving its competitive position.Advice for MarvelInvesting in a company is one of the most important measures which can generate high profits and also increase the satisfaction of employees. According to , an ex-employee from Marvel suggests that the company should invest more in talents and in equipment so it will fulfil the satisfaction in the working environment. Marvel is a company that sells comics and creates ideas of superheroes, for this it is important to have the right tools (2008). The solution is to hire a human resource manager that can deal with this kind of problem, a human resource employee creates plans, coordinates administrative functions in the organization. It is important that the manager can organize plans for the staff that lacks structure.The wage of a human resource manager is $47.94 per hour according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (n.d.). righttop5. Final advice and conclusionsOur agency has identified two areas of improvement for the Walt Disney Company. These include internal and external communication. The problems that can be pointed out for external communication is the amount of information that is provided about each of the products promoted on social media as well as the content that can be accessed through Walt Disney’s applications. The research carried out by our agency showed that many European students are not aware of all the products that the Walt Disney Company has to offer due to an imbalanced representation on social media. Additionally, there is a lack of interaction with the audience on social media in that comments or questions are not often responded to. Our advice is to provide the same amount of information about each product in order to increase people’s awareness of Disney’s creations. In order to improve the user’s experience of the applications the company should invest more in the development of these.Concerning internal communication we have found that there is a larger number of employees who are dissatisfied with the policies as they do not provide them with information for opportunities of advancement. In addition, the tense working atmosphere and the non-optimal schedules induce a great amount of stress for the employees since in 2010 approximately 400 out of 1500 employees were fired. We recommend the company to implement a peer-to-peer recognition program as it has proved to be successful in many cases and is very cost-efficient. The program includes employees giving each other feedback and therefore improving the working environment as well as the productivity. Moreover, the company should be more precise in creating its policies in order to improve more transparency for the employees. It can be concluded that the Walt Disney Company despite being a globally successful and recognized company still has some areas that can be improved such as the internal and external communication.right285756. Reference list ABC Family. (2011, May 3). ABC Family on Social Media Marketing: 7 ways ABC Family dominates social media marketing. Retrieved 16 April 2014 from edia marketingABC News. (n.d.a). ABC Media Kit. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from News. (n.d.b). Our Audience. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from News. (n.d.c). Our Audience Social Media. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from.(2013, September 30). Erle Norton Joins ABC News as the Executive Producerof ABC News Digital. (2013, September, 30). Retrieved March 16, 2014 from News Reviews. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2014 from, R. (2011, April 1). Disney unveils Media+ marketing division. Marketing Week. Retrieved from , J. (2012, June 6). New Research Unlocks the Secret of Employee Recognition. Forbes Magazine. 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Retrieved February 18, 2014 from Economic Freedom Heat Map. (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2014 from 1: Cooperation contract Our goals :Gathering information from the subjectsCombining the knowledge acquired in other classes of this blockBecoming familiar with the different thematic areasImproving ourselves in a business perspective and learning how to act according to itImproving our report writing skillsImproving our communications skillsImproving our presentation skillsImproving our time management skillsImproving research skills and learn how to prepare a simple documentary secondary data researchWorking effectively in a multicultural groupSuccessful presentation of the final product and getting high score.Members' contributions :The project group consists of 5 people. Each of us has individual skills and qualities that are essential for reaching our common goals. The contributions of each member are divided as follows: Charlotte Hornstra – Responsible for planning weekly meetings and providing each group member with good team spirit. Triin Roomet – Secretary. Makes sure that all organisational tasks and duties which are discussed during meetings are collected in one document and provides everyone with the information of the minutes which were taken in the meetings. Mina Hejkal – Ensures that all the assignments and documents that need to be handed in as a hard copy are printed out a day before the meeting or deadline. Matthias Marschalk – Responsible for the grammar part of our assignments, document or report. Has the right to correct the mistakes if necessary.Ekaterina Kostrova – Ensures that all the tasks divided between group members will be compiled in a one complete document, assignment or report.Task Division:Our group is going to meet weekly (the exact day will be agreed upon during the week before next coach meeting) to discuss the assignments and the tasks related t which need to be done before the next coach meeting. We will have coach meetings every week, except in week 9 (due to having no classes) in this block. Each member of the group will take turns to be in the role of the chairperson, a minute taker, and a document manager. Coach meeting (week 8)Coach meeting (week 10)Coach meeting (week 11)Coach meeting (week 12)Coach meeting(week 13)Coach meeting(week 14)Charlotte HornstraMinute takerChairpersonMinute takerChairpersonMina HejkalDocument managerMinute takerChairpersonMinute takerTriin RoometDocument managerMinute takerChairpersonMatthias MarschalkChairpersonDocument managerMinute takerDocument managerEkaterina KostrovaChairpersonDocument managerMinute takerThe quality criteria that will be applied to the products :Clarity, attractiveness, creativity, professionalism, structure, coherence.Everyone is equally responsible for any costs and outcomes that may arise during the project.Tasks are to be completed and uploaded at least a day before any group meeting in order for it to be discussed during the meeting.All tasks must be written digitally and uploaded to our Facebook group.All documents and tasks uploaded must be written in as a Word document in Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spacing.All documents must be written coherently with minimal grammar and spelling mistakes.Appropriate referencing must be provided to the uploaded documents. The sources used to collect the relevant data must be reliable and of authority. Our group will work on all the weekly tasks and complete the sub products together on team meetings. All decisions are negotiated and the ideas of each member are taken into account. The individual work is distributed equally between all group members.Each member of the group is expected to be organised, reliable, culturally sensitive, and responsible for his or her actions, aware of differences between group members and open towards the group. All these qualities are essential in undertaking the project.In case the team members do not keep up with their tasks : The team will have a disciplinary conversation with the member who does not keep up with his or her tasks. The aim of this conversation is to identify the factors that may have led to the poor performance and find an adequate solution to that problem so that it would not repeat itself in the future.If the problem remains unsolved, the team will contact the coach and explain the situation. In case of being absent from a meeting or being unable to complete the appointed tasks the team has to be informed at least one day in advance. The incomplete task should be improved and finished by another member who has been appointed by common consent. Personal problems do not exempt from responsibilities. In case the tasks are not of sufficient quality, the individual will be given feedback by the group and the tasks must be rewritten by the individual responsible for it.Team membersContact informationCharlotte Hornstra4146320622081118alie_hornstra@Triin Roomet4002080630200690triinroomet@Mina Hejkal413344+49 1782891848 (WhatsApp Number)minchenen@Matthias Marschalk412145+49 15168188101Matthias157@gmx.deEkaterina Kostrova3997970616677383catherinekosmos@I agree to adhere to the rules and guidelines under this contract and am accountable for any responsibilities given to me in this project:Charlotte Honstra _______________Triin Roomet _______________Mina Hejkal _______________Matthias Marschalk _______________Ekaterina Kostrova _______________Appendix 2: Map 1 center334645QuestionFindingsSourceWhat is the “stock exchange market” and how does it work?On the stock exchange market shares of publicly held companies are issued and traded. It is a very important component of the free-market economy, because companies gain access to capital, while investors gain a partial ownership of the company. It creates the possibility to increase small amounts of money into large ones without the risks involved in starting a business. Stock Market. (2014) In . Retrieved from are the shareholders of a company?Actions are the equal parts into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided. These shares are owned by one person, who is called a shareholder, and represent the property that the person has of the company, namely the percentage of the company belongs to the shareholders.Owning stock in a company shareholder confers legitimacy to demand their rights and fulfil their obligations. Among other rights we may mention: vote at the shareholders' meeting, to demand information on the status of the company or sell its shares. Among other duties, the shareholder will also have to bear the losses, if during a period the company did not get good results.Stock Market. (2014) In . Retrieved from 3: Table 1What is the role of the board of directors?The board of directors are in the role of representing the interests of the shareholders of the company.The directors are expected to reflect the diversity of the company’s shareholders, employees, customers, guests, and communities.Board of Directors of the Walt Disney Company. (2013, June). Corporate Governance Guidelines. Retrieved February 11, 2014 from What are the responsibilities of board of directors?Supervising and directing the management of the company to benefit its shareholders.Determining if the business is managed properly.Reviewing and if needed, approving major financial actions or changes. Evaluating major risk factors connected to the company and its performance, and reviewing possible solution to these risks.Assessing the quality and approving the performance of the Chief Executive Officer and principal senior executives.Supervising management’s succession planning for key executives.Board of Directors of the Walt Disney Company. (2013, June). Corporate Governance Guidelines. Retrieved February 11, 2014 from What is a holding? A holding is a corporation that holds a controlling interest in another company (subsidiaries) and owns parts of it. A holding company is able to control and influence the subsidiaries. The Walt Disney Company managing diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise in conjunction with subsidiaries and filial branch. The main business sections are media network, studio entertainment, parks and resorts, consumer products and interactive pany overview. The Walt Disney Company. (2013, June). Corporate Governance Guidelines. Retrieved February 11, 2014 from What is a parent company?A parent company is a company that starts up another corporation and the original company (parent) owns the shares of the subsidiary. The Walt Disney Studios was a first step and framework of The Walt Disney Company. Nowadays, known in a whole world by a lot of generations the Studio brings quality movies, music and stage plays. The Walt Disney Company sets high standards for suppliers with which it does business. Company overview. The Walt Disney Company. (2013, June). Corporate Governance Guidelines. Retrieved February 11, 2014 from What is the annual report of a company? What kind of information can we expect to find in the annual report?An annual report (made of the previous year) shares the company's activities and information about their financial performance with their shareholders. It includes contents like a balance sheet, the cash flow statement, profit and loss account, the operating and financial review, a director's report and other information depending on the stakeholders.Annual report definition. Retrieved February 11, 2014 from What is the difference between a “privately need company”, a “public company” and a “government owned company”? Privately held company: Their share prices are held by the value of the company itself which makes more stable. A small group of shareholders owns and controls all the shares which makes it impossible to make irrational investment decisions. Also, their ownership is private and their shares do not trade on public exchanges. Public company: In contrast, a public company is traded on at least one stock exchange and has to meet certain requirements according to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), reporting all changes and amendments to its shareholders and letting them vote. Government owned corporation: GOCs are created by the government and have a legal form, operating in commercial activities such as railways and telecommunications. Since the Walt Disney Company can be found on the stock exchange it is not a privately held company. It is however not created by the government either, since it doesn't meet a certain public objective and exists only for entertainment purposes.Different types of companies. Retrieved February 11, 2014 from What is a sister companySister company is a company which is owned by the same?‘parent company’?as another company. The Walt Disney Company has a lot of sister company such as Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Disneynature, Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, Disney theatrical group, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Disney Music group and Touchstone Pictures. The Walt Disney Company engaging thousands of products all over the world. It is a biggest company which publish children’s books, magazines and digital products, as well as it is a largest company which provides children’s with toys and fine arts. Company overview. The Walt Disney Company. (2013, June). Corporate Governance Guidelines. Retrieved February 11, 2014 from Appendix 4: TABLE INTQuestionsFinding(s)Source(s)Remarksa) The mission and the vision statements of the company. Walt Disney's mission is to be 'one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment'. The Disney brand's vision is to “Make people happy”.Walt Disney mission statement vision statement b) Giving mission and vision, important considerations of the company. Important consideration of the company is to maximize earnings and use these financial resources in order expand. Company Description. (2014). Retrieved February 26, 2014 from ) The political ideas or biases of the organization.Disney has a presence in the U.S. political process through its lobbying activities and campaign contributions. It has spent a lot of money in lobbying and campaign contributions. Active participation in political pany Description. (2014). Retrieved February 26, 2014 from Walt Disney Company. (n.d.b). Political Giving and Participation in the Formulation of Public Policy. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from participation-formulation-public-policyd) Examples that prove a specific political stance and/or lack of objectivity. In the mission statement there is a major focus on the satisfaction of shareholders which is done by maximizing profit. As a media network the company has released products which have been offensive to certain groups, e.g. the Catholic league criticised the movies “Priest” and “Dogma” produced by Miramax films. The organisation also spends large amounts of money on lobbying (more than 3 million $ in 2013) e.g. for bills relating to the consumers or contents on the Internet. In general though, you cannot identify a specific political direction in the Walt Disney company.Non transparent contributions to political organizationsCriticism of the Walt Disney Company. (2014). In . Retrieved February 26, 2014 from , D. (2011, February 28). Walt Disney Doesn't Want You To Know Which Political Campaigns It's Paying For. Miami New times. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from ) The most important achievements of the last 2 years.* Acquisition of Lucasfilm (4.06 billion $) and the plan of producing a seventh Star Wars - movie on October 30, 2012.* Release dates until 2018 for eight animated movies.* Jump of shares by 3.9 percent due to an increase of ESPN and the success of the animated movie “Frozen”Investor relations. (n. d.) In . Retrieved February 26, 2014 from , L. (2014, February 5). Disney shares jump as film hit ?Frozen” heats up profit. Reuters. Retrieved from ) Future challenges of the company.Due to the acquisition of Lucasfilm in 2012 and the planning of Star Wars Episode VII the Walt Disney company has the opportunity of either satisfying or antagonising with the fans of the series depending on the quality of the movie.Lobbying totals, 1998-2013. (2013). Walt Disney Co. Retrieved February 26, 2014 from ) Urgent issues that must be addressed.Most recently, Disney has announced that they will cut the funding to the Boy Scouts of America in 2015 because of their policy that bans gay adult leaders in the organisation. This is a topic which Disney should make an official statement about.Walt Disney Company to cut funding to Boy Scouts of America over gay policy (2014, March 2). The Guardian. Retrieved March 13, 2014 from Appendix 5: TABLE EXTQuestionsFinding(s)Source(s)h) The geographical range of interest of media conglomerateNorth America: 75.53%Europe: 13.72%Asia Pacific: 7.40%Latin America and Other: 3.34%Walt Disney Company Sales by Geography. Retrieved March 13, 2014 from i) The level of freedom which is registered in the areas where the company operates According to the index of economic freedom:North America: 75.5Europe: approx. 70Asia Pacific: approx. 53Latin America: approx. 552014 Economic Freedom Heat Map. Retrieved March 13, 2014 from j) The competitors in the domestic market. - Twenty-First Century- Fox Inc (FOXA.OQ)- Time Warner Inc (TWX.N)- CBS Corporation (CBS.N)- CBS Corporation (CBSa.N) - Viacom, Inc. (VIAB.OQ)- Viacom, Inc. (VIA.OQ)- IAC/InterActiveCorp (IACI.OQ)- Six Flags Entertaiment- Corp (SIX.N)- Dreamworks Animation - Skg Inc (DWA.OQ)Walt Disney Co (DIS) Retrieved February 19, 2014 from ) The competitors in the international market.- News Corporation- Viacom- NBCUniversal- Time WarnerStrategies for Reaching Global Markets. Retrieved March 13, 2014 from l) Can the economy of those areas or countries affect the company? How?Yes. If the economy in other countries and areas is bad, exporting goods (DVDs/BluRays for example) will get harder and international sales might decrease and therefore affect the company.Global economic trouble has ripple effect on American companies. Retrieved March 13, 2014 from m) Listing in the Stock Exchange m) Market, the value of the shares, and the variation of it in the last years- Listed in the Stock Exchange Market- Value of shares (2013) : $ 1.813 million - Variation: decreasing since 2004 with some rises in 2007 and 2010. Company Description. (2014). Retrieved February 18, 2014 from Walt Disney Co. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2014 from n) The costs, revenue, and income- Costs: $45.041 B- Revenue: $45.041 B- Income: $6.136 B- The Walt Disney Company Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year Earnings for Fiscal 2013. (2013, November 7). Retrieved February 18, 2014 from o) The number of employees and the employee turnover- 175,000 Employees as of September 28, 2013- below-average turnover rate- Example: WDW laundry employee turnover less than 10%- Encourage employees to develop their creativity which contributes to decreased turnover rat- The Walt Disney Company. (2013). Annual Report. Retrieved February 18, 2014 from - Johnson, C. (2006, January). Retrieved March 2, 2014 from - Tiede, B. (2012, October 25). Retrieved March 2, 2014 from - McGinn-Cardwell, C. (2003). Retrieved March 2, 2014 from Appendix 6: Matrix 1POSITIVENEGATIVE INTERNAL FACTORSStrengths Item S1: Global recognitionItem S2: Profitable and smart investmentsItem S3: Popular creationsItem S4: Division into 4 segmentsWeaknesses Item W1: Dependence on the US and the Canadian marketItem W2: Little growth opportunitiesItem W3: Operates in competitive marketsItem W4: Dissatisfied employeesItem W5: Poor internal communicationEXTERNAL FACTORSOpportunities Item O1: Corporate partnership with the Conservation International CompanyItem O2: Merger with Marvel ShareholdersItem O3: New market divisionItem O4: Rebranding Threats Item T1: Changes in the economic climate (recession/depression)Item T2: Strong competition (entertainment industry)Item T3: High demand for innovation and creativityItem T4: Acquisition of LucasfilmItem T5: Market aimed at children is unpredictableItem T6: Company’s success linked to overall economic situationItem T7: Operating in a market where there is no guarantee of successItem T8: Challenge of maintaining their unique imageAppendix 7: Table 2ItemJustificationSource(s)(Item S1) Global recognitionDisney’s unique products are one of the strengths of the company together with their ability of producing creative content. Additionally the digital library owned by the company gives them an important source for TV programming or DVD creation. (Item S2) Profitable and smart investmentDisney's acquisitions have resulted in great financial success. Marvel brand has created a large universe of superheroes, and Pixar consistently produces blockbuster animation movies (Item S3) Popular creations Innovative content creation as well as the big digital library the company owns ensure constant profit that helps maintain a strong competitive position even in times of recession/depression (Item S4) Division into 4 segmentsThe company is divided into 4 segments which are worth $89,46 billion on the market.Media Networks: it has two categories, Broadcasting and Cable Networks. Broadcasting units include the ABC Television Network (#3 behind NBC and CBS). Studio Entertainment: The Studio Entertainment segment produces a wide variety of movies, television animation programs, musical recordings and live stage plays. Parks and Resorts: They are the most popular holiday resorts in the world, including the Walt Disney World resort in Florida (#1 park in US, 15.4 million visitors per year), the Disneyland Park and two hotels in California.Consumer Products: it licenses the company’s characters to consumer manufacturers, retailers, and publishers throughout the world. (Item O1) Corporate partnership with the Conservation International ShareholdersThe Walt Disney Company has worked together in a partnership with the Conservation International Company for almost 20 years. For the benefit of people and the planet, they pursue a shared mission to protect the nature. They are committed to the mission of reducing of greenhouse gases and slowing down deforestation for the benefit of wildlife, communities and next generations. The Walt Disney Company has invested over $10 million in CI’s forest conservation to combat the climate change and protect the nature. In 2012, Disney also donated $50,000 to CI’s freshwater conservation programs (Item O2) Merger with Marvel ShareholdersThe following merger with Marvel has provided Disney with more than 5,000 characters and its licensing, comic books and movie segment. Disney’s unification mission has the aim of building valuable brands and operate them around its business. It gives the company an opportunity to use a big number of new characters to expand an audience and build the connection between young boys and girls, using new ideas (Item O3) New market division To increase the number of commercial deals Disney Company opened a new marketing division. To develop integrated marketing plans around the multiple platforms the London-based division will serve as a single point of contact between potential brand partners and all areas of the Disney business. The potential partners can be linked with cars, laundry, and toothpaste or technology brands (Item O4) RebrandingThree important opportunities were submitted for brand partnership using Media+. The main idea is to rebrand children’s TV channel Disney Playhouse, which will become Disney Junior, which also consist of Marvel's comics. The Walt Disney Company is also searching for brand partners to invest and sponsor the launch of a series of UK Disney Parades. To help the potential brand partners identify Disney brands and reach the target audience, Disneymedia will launch online tool, which will provide partners with the relevant information (Item W1) Dependence on US and the Canadian marketThe income of the Walt Disney Company depends heavily on the United States and Canada markets. Over 70% of the business the revenues come from the United States alone, making it sensitive to any changes in US market Jurevicius, O. (2013, May 17). Strategic Management Insight. Retrieved March 10, 2014 from (Item W2) Little growth opportunitiesDue to the acquisition of competitors, the company is the largest entertainment provider in the world. The size of Disney’s business raised the government's attention due to significant market concentration and that the company has very few opportunities to acquire competitors. Otherwise, Disney may become a subject to antitrust lawsJurevicius, O. (2013, May 17). Strategic Management Insight. Retrieved March 10, 2014 from (Item W3) Operates in competitive markets The company competes with a great number of other similar companies producing the same products, such as Universal Orlando which can be compared to Disney World and DreamWorks to PixarGuenette, R. (2012, November 5). Retrieved March 10, 2014 from (Item W4)Dissatisfied employeesApproximately 400 employees were fired in 2010, which resulted in many employees having more responsibilities and non-optimal working schedules.Schechner ,S. (2010, February 26). Cuts at TV-News Divisions Signal Leaner Approach. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved March 20, 2014 from (Item W5) Poor internal communicationMany former employees have complained about vague policies, which do not provide them with the necessary requirements of moving up in the company. Thus, their motivation and innovation is inhibited. ABC News Reviews. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2014 from (Item T1) Changes in the economic climateThe Walt Disney company produces for the consumer discretionary sector which means that its goods and services are nonessential. Therefore a recession/depression could be especially harmful for the company because people cut their expenditures in that sector in favour of essential goods. (Item T2) Strong competitionThe media and entertainment industry is very competitive. In the US for example there is NBC Universal Media, News Corp., Time Warner Inc. and Viacom Inc. There are also changes in the business due to the growth of the Internet and therefore online TV and movie rental. (Item T3) High demand for innovation and therefore search for creative/innovative peopleDisney’s media productions have to be innovative and unique to appeal to the customer’s needs and interests and to retain their strong position in the market. Therefore there is a high demand for creative and innovative people in the media business. (Item T4) Acquisition of LucasfilmThe investment of 4$ billion into the acquisition of Lucasfilm is a risky one as it doesn’t produce any revenue before 2015. Even after 2015 it remains a potential threat depending on the success of the seventh Star-Wars movie.makinmoney2424/2012/11/05/disney-strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-and-thre/15769/ (Item T5) Market aimed at children is unpredictable The company receives the large majority of its revenue from the unstable and unpredictable audience of children, as their preferences can switch around rapidlyGuenette, R. (2012, November 5). Retrieved March 10, 2014 from (Item T6) Company’s success linked to overall economic situationThe general economic situation influences the success of the company as their products are not necessitiesGuenette, R. (2012, November 5). Retrieved March 10, 2014 from (Item T7) Operating in a market where there is no guarantee of successThe markets they operate in have no guarantee of success, there is no guarantee that the movies are going to be blockbusters or that a new line of characters will prosper, and many times the company pours millions into development or productionGuenette, R. (2012, November 5). Retrieved March 10, 2014 from (Item T8) Challenge of maintaining their imageThe Disney brand is highly respected because of their track record, and this often times drives sales as consumers know Disney is a quality brand, however any mistake could harm the golden Mickey imageGuenette, R. (2012, November 5). Retrieved March 10, 2014 from Appendix 8: TABLE 3.1 (ABC Family)QuestionAnswerReferencesWho is in charge for what?Anne Sweeney (Co-chair, Disney Media Networks; President, Disney/ABC Television Group) Kevin Brockman (executive vice president, global communications, Disney/ABC Television group)Rebecca Campbell (president, ABC Owned Television Station group)Albert Cheng (executive vice president and chief product officer, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television group)Paul Lee (president, ABC Entertainment Group)Gary Marsh (president and chief creative officer, Disney Channels Worldwide)Ben Pyne (president, global distribution, Disney Media Networks)Ben Sherwood (president, ABC News)Geri Wang (president, ABC Sales) Owned television stations group The number of owned television stations group reaches almost 32% of American television households. It includes WABC-TV in New York; KABC-TV in Los Angeles; WLS-TV in Chicago; WPVI-TV in Philadelphia; KGO-TV in San Francisco; KTRK-TV in Houston; WTVD-TV in Raleigh-Durham, NC and KFSN-TV in Fresno, CA. Television networkABC television network provides broadcast programming to more than 220 affiliated stations around the USA. The Network encompasses ABC News and ABC Entertainment Group. ABC came in second place for the number of inclusive hours at 33% and also earned a score of Good. On cable, ABC Family was the most inclusive network GLAAD tracked last year with 50% of its original programming including LGBT impressions or storylines. It was followed by FX at 40%. History received a Failing grade with no LGBT images on any of its shows last season. Distribution of ABC familyDisney/ABC Domestic Television is the in-home sales and content distribution arm for The Walt Disney Company within North America. The division is responsible for customer management and sales of in-home entertainment content, distributing motion picture and television properties across a wide array of media platforms and businesses picture of a company Products and audience Part of the Disney/ABC Television Group, ABC Family is distributed in over 97 million homes. ABC Family features programming reflecting families, entertaining and connecting with adults through relatable programming about relationships - told with a mix of diversity, passion, humour and heart. ABC Family’s series and original movies, quality acquired series and blockbuster theatricals. Emmy? Award-winning provides a variety of interactive entertainment and community features from rich, fan-centric programming -- including blogs, viewing parties, episodes, full episodes of the network’s hit programming, along with sneak peek exclusive previews and behind-the-scenes clips.ABC family delivered its No.1 quarter of all time in prime in adults 18-34 and viewers 12-34, as well as among its target female demos (18-34; 18-49; 12-34). This record setting performance drove the network to its best competitive showing ever, ranking Np.2 across all cable women 18-34, and No.3 in adults 18-34 and women 18-49. Technological developmentThrough rapidly-evolving technology, company is enhancing the quality of storytelling and personalizing entertainment. The biggest development in china is the Shanghai Disney resort, which gave to a company a major footprint with recreational facilities. Social media and a company creates digital extensions to ABC Family programming that feature interactivity and social networking. The site also features user-generated content and online programming that can be downloaded and customized based on individual user preferences. Appendix 9: TABLE 3.2: ABC News Digital (website)a)The structure of ABC News DigitalQuestionFinding(s)Source(s)Who is in charge for what?Ben Sherwood, the president of ABC News (ABC Digital, ABC Radio, ABC Television).in charge of all areas of ABC News' broadcastsSupervises ABC News Radio, , satellite service NewsOne and ABC News NOW. The Walt Disney Company. (n.d.). Ben Sherwood. Retrieved March 19, 2014 from Joe Ruffolo, Senior Vice President.Supervisor of , ABC News NOW, Mobile, on-air show pages and emerging platforms. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (n.d.). Joe Ruffolo. Retrieved March 16, 2014 from Erle Norton, the executive producer Cooperates with Joe Ruffolo and different teams to improve the editorial experience and to increase the integration of the media platforms. the developer of the lifestyle, technology and enterprise aspects of ABC News Digital. Responsible for improving the user experience on mobile and tablet devices. In charge of expanding live stream and digital video opportunities.ABCNewsPR. Erle Norton Joins ABC News as the Executive Producer of ABC News Digital. (2013, September, 30). Retrieved March 16, 2014 from Hamish Macdonald, International affairs correspondent Covers breaking news in North Africa and the Middle East.Davidson, H. (2014, January 2). Hamish Macdonald takes high-profile job with ABC News in US. The Guardian. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from a)The structure of ABC News DigitalWho is in charge of what?Who is in charge of what?Eric Noe, the Managing EditorIn charge of news coverage across the online and mobile platforms. Had the role of making the Yahoo!-ABC News Network the leading source of information online.Enberg, N. (2013, March 15). ABC News Digital Staff Announcements. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Ali Gazan, the Head of Lifestyle Works closely with sales promotion. Manages on Yahoo! incorporates the entertainment, travel and lifestyle aspects within . Enberg, N. (2013, March 15). ABC News Digital Staff Announcements. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from John Shehata, Executive Director of SEOadministrates the search engine optimization (SEO).leads social media online strategies. responsible for developing and implementing professional strategies for improving online content, news, videos, and social presence. Shehata, J. About me. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2014 from Andrew Springer, the Senior Editor of Social Medialeads all social media efforts across the news division. increases the presence of ABC News Digital programs online.collects data during special events and breaking news. Enberg, N. (2013, March 15). ABC News Digital Staff Announcements. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Katie Moisse, the Health Editorhealth producer at .Enberg, N. (2013, March 15). ABC News Digital Staff Announcements. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Dan Childs, the Managing Editor of the ABC News Medical Unitworks with Good Morning America, World News, and other ABC News platforms and covers health and medical stories. Dan Childs. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Eric Noe, Ali Gazan, Andrew Springer and John Shehata are responsible for reporting the president of ABC News Digital, Ben Sherwood. Katie Moisse is has to report to Eric Noe and continue to work closely with Dan Childs.Enberg, N. (2013, March 15). ABC News Digital Staff Announcements. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from What are the properties of ABC News Digital? and on Yahoo! ABC News’ iPad, iPhone, Android & Windows 8 apps, which serve as a 24-hour news and information network.The networks are available on cable, broadband, and mobile platforms.Enberg, N. (2014, February 5). ABC News Digital Presents “The Best Oscar Movie From The Past 64 Years” Interactive Bracket on . Retrieved March 17 , 2014 from How many departments are there?Marketing, Advertising, Promotion, and Graphics Group. This department is the creative resource of the company and in charge of the design and execution of branding, advertising, graphics and marketing for ABCNews. One needs to be detailed driven, original, and highly creative to work in this department.Marketing & Promotions Internships 2014 at ABC News. (2014, February 15.) Retrieved March 17, 2014 from How many employees?In 2010 about 1,500, however, ca. 400 of them got firedSchechner ,S. (2010, February 26). Cuts at TV-News Divisions Signal Leaner Approach. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved March 20, 2014 from b) Financial picture of ABC News DigitalQuestionFinding(s)Source(s)How is money spent?The average pay per employee according to the United States Department of Labour is:Reporters, Correspondents, and Broadcast News Analysts $17.83 per hourEditors $25.90 per hourUnited States Department of Labour. (2014, January 8). Editors. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from United States Department of Labour. (2014, January 8). Reporters, Correspondents, and Broadcast News Analysts. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from What are the main advertisers of the apps from ABC News?ABC News is promoted through the following platforms: Live! with Kelly & MichaelABC News. (n.d.). ABC Media Kit. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from Many people have complained about the advertisers of ABC News, as they have not provided any coverage on certain important topics.Dell’s Bottom Line. Time To Boycott ABC News Advertisers! The Independent Sentinel. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from c) Products and Audience of ABC News DigitalQuestionFinding(s)Source(s)What are the main products offered by ABC News Digital?Online news divided in the sections:U.S.WorldPoliticsWeird NewsInvestigativeHealthEntertainmentSportsMoneyTechnologyTravelRecipesNews TopicsLive BlogBroadcast video coverage and Streaming Shows:Good Morning AmericaWorld News with Diane SawyerNightlineWorld News Now & America This MorningThis Week with George Stephanopoulos20/20PrimetimeWhat Would You Do?ABC’s The Royal BabyABC News. (n.d.). Sections. ABC News. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from ApplicationsABC News App for IpadABC News. (n.d.). ABC News App for iPad?: See The Whole Picture. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from much do the products cost?The ABC News apps for phones are free of chargeEnberg, N. (2013, October 24). ABC News Digital Launches the New ABC News App for iPhone and Android Devices. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from How can the user access the products?The properties and on Yahoo can be accessed for freeThe ABC News phone apps are available for Google Play or at and from the App Store on iPhone at , N. (2013, October 24). ABC News Digital Launches the New ABC News App for iPhone and Android Devices. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from How many people use the apps from ABC News?The ABC News app has been downloaded by over 1.000.000 people from Google PlayABC News. (2013, October 18). Description. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from What can be said about the audience?ABC target groups are affluent, women, families, and large markets. The target audience of ABC News Digital are mainly educated viewers.ABC News. (n.d.). Our Audience. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Over 82 million people access the content a month.Enberg, N. (2014, February 5). ABC News Digital Presents “The Best Oscar Movie From The Past 64 Years” Interactive Bracket on . Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Monthly audience of Yahoo!-ABC News Website was over 62 million (May, 2011).US web statistics released for May 2012: which sites dominate, and where do we go for online news? (n.d.). The Guardian. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from What can be said about the audience?ABC News reaches in total over 270 million people a month on television, on radio and News Desk. (2014, March 24). Ben Sherwood to Replace Anne Sweeney as Disney-ABC TV Group President. . Retrieved March 17, 2014 from d) Latest (technological) developments about ABC News DigitalQuestionFinding(s)Source(s)Is ABC News Digital technologically up to date?The company is up to date, as they offer news as soon as it breaks. They provide content on different platforms, also videos can be streamed online.Firthermore, the company demands its Technology Editor candidate to be highly computer literate and understand the Search Engine Optimization programme. The Walt Disney Company. (2014). Technology Editor. LinkedIN. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from Why is the company up to date?The company offers news as it breaks on different platforms, therefore, it has to be technologically up to date.ABC News. (2014, January 14). ABC News and Storyful Announce New Partnership in the Digital Space. Retrieved April 3, 2014 from What are the most recent developments?What are the most recent developments?In May 2011, the Good Morning America App for iPhone and Android was launched.Guskin, E. & Rosenstiel, T. (2013). The State of the News Media 2012. An annual report on Americal Journalism. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from A political website “OTUS” was launched in December, 2011.Guskin, E. & Rosenstiel, T. (2013). The State of the News Media 2012. An annual report on Americal Journalism. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Ipad App offers breaking news around the clock. Includes the following sections: Top News: Offers an overview of the latest headlines top stories, videos and photos.Trending Stories: Presents the most popular stories of the day.Breaking News Alerts: Enables to receive breaking news despite of the readers location. Engaging Video: Offers video coverage of daily news.ABC News Shows: Enables to access and watch Good Morning America, World News With Diane Sawyer, Nightline, 20/20, and This Week with George Stephanopoulos.Weather: Presents current weather conditions and 3-day forecasts.Local: Offers updates of local news.ABC News. (n.d.). ABC News App for iPad?: See The Whole Picture. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from The ABC News and ask themselves what does their audience want and when they want it. This lead to the different formats at different times of the day on the Ipad app. Sondermann, J. (2012, June 14). Why the updated ABC News iPad app changes by time of day. The Poynter Institute. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from How are social media deployed?How are social media deployed?ABC News launched a mobile and web-based app called the Social Soundtracker in April, 2013. It function is to integrate social media conversations with live TV. The consumers of this product experience as if they are watching TV with other people. How does it work? – The user has to have the app open while watching a TV show. Instead of commenting on the show, the user can press a button representing how he or she feels. The app can also translate booing and applauding at the same time. The user can update his or her responses during the whole show. The Social Soundtracker integrates with Facebook enabling to see the responses of friends and to share user’s reactions on social networks. The app requires to sign in through Facebook, however, the user decides whether to share anything or notHa, A. (2013, April 25). The New Laugh Track? ABC News’ Social Soundtracker App Translates User Sentiment Into Sound. TechCrunch. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Users can follow ABC News on Twitter. It has currently 3.0 Million followersABC News. (n.d.). Our Audience Social Media. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Partnership with Facebook – Users of Facebook can within the new category “U.S. Politics” follow ABC reporters, view reports and videos, and participate in polls and debates.Stelter, B. (2007. November 26). ABC News and Facebook in Joint Effort to Bring Viewers Closer to Political Coverage. New York Times. Retrieved March 17, 2014 from The ABC News held training sessions for its social media team. The team learned how to use Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ and how to best use these social networking platforms. Tenore, M. J. How ABC News built a top social media presence with a small dedicated team. The Poynter Institute Retrieved March 17, 2014 from Appendix 10: TABLE 3.3: Walt Disney studios (cinema)QuestionsAnswersSourceWho is in charge for what?Alan Horn: Chairman, The Walt Disney StudiosSean Bailey: President, Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture ProductionAlan Bergman: President, The Walt Disney StudiosKen Bunt: President, Disney Music GroupDr. Ed Catmull: President, Walt Disney and Pixar Animation StudiosJohn Lasseter: Chief Creative Officer, Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios and Principal Creative Advisor, Walt Disney ImagineeringPaul Roeder: Senior Vice President, Global CommunicationsThomas Schumacher: President, Disney Theatrical GroupRicky Strauss: President, Marketing, The Walt Disney StudiosCarolyn Wilson: Senior Vice President, Human Resources, The Walt Disney StudiosKathleen Kennedy: President, Lucasfilm Ltd. LLCThe Walt Disney Studios, Executive Team. Retrieved 16 March 2014 from How many departments are there?Disney Music GroupWalt Disney RecordsHollywood RecordsDisney Music PublishingDisney Theatrical GroupDisney Theatrical ProductionsDisney on BroadwayDisney on IceDisney Live!Disney Studio ServicesStudio Production ServicesWalt Disney Studios (Burbank)Golden Oak RanchThe Prospect StudiosDisney Digital Studio ServicesSpecial Events GroupThe Muppets StudioRetrieved 16 March 2014 from How many employees?The Walt Disney Animation Studios located in Burbank, CA have about 600 employees.In overall, the studios employ about 166,000 people.Walt Disney Animation Studios - Career Profile. Retrieved 16 March 2014 from What are the costs and the revenues of The Walt Disney Studios?Costs: Costs of making the movies, licensing the characters, employeesRevenues: Motion pictures, music publishing, stage productionsHow is money spent?See above.What is the main source of income?See above.What about the advertisement?As most of all other companies, Disney advertises their movies through Facebook pages, trailers on TV and in the theatre, Twitter, advertising clips on Youtube, as well as posters and magazine advertising.What are the main advertisers?Print and digital.What are the main products offered?Movies (theatre/DVD), movie soundtracks, musicalsHow much do they cost?Movie (theatre): approx. 7 €Movie (DVD): approx. 15 €Soundtrack (CD): approx. 10 €Musical: 50 - 90 €Retrieved 16 March 2014 from and Technologically speaking, is the medium of your choice up to date? Why?I am convinced that since The Disney Studios are one of the biggest in the whole world that they are equipped with the best and newest technology there is.Retrieved 16 March 2014 from are recent developments in this field?A recent technology improvement has been made for the movie “Frozen” where a lot of animated snow is shown. The studios created a material point method for the simulation of snow.Retrieved 16 March 2014 from How are social media deployed?FacebookTwitterYoutubeAppStoreInstagramThrough these social media channels, Disney posts new information about movies, short films and insight pictures of movie premiers. They even produced an app themed like the movie “Frozen”.Disney Marketing. Retrieved 16 March 2014 from Appendix 11: Table 3.4: Pixar (cinema)QuestionsFindingsReferencesWho is in charge for what?Ed Catmull: PresidentJohn Lasseter: Chief Creative OfficerJim Morris: General Manager and Executive Vice President of Production How many departments are there?Animation, Story, Art, Technical Direction, Production Management, Marketing, Engineering, Research, Media Systems, Finance, Editorial How many employees are there?About 1200 as of November 2013 What are the costs and the revenues of your medium?Total Revenue: $12,354 millionCost of Revenue, Total: $3,734 millionTotal Operating Expense: $10,110 million How is money spent?Pixar’s focus lies on producing animated movies. Therefore this is where most of their expenses come from also including wages for the employees working in the different departments of Pixar. What is the main source of income?Most of their income comes from the production of animated movies. So far they have created 14 full-length animated movies which had a total box-office gross of $8,585 billion. Was there an increase or a decrease during the past years?Over the past 4 years the revenue of Pixar has remained stable at about $12,5 billion. What are the main products offered by your medium? How much do they cost?Pixar’s main products are animated movies. The budget that is spent for the production of these movies has increased drastically. While the first “Toy Story” cost $30 million to produce the more recent movie “Brave” cost $210 million. What can be said about the audience’s political ideas, age, education, religion?Pixar’s movies are primarily targeted at children but many critics agree that the subjects appeal to a broad variety of age groups. The movies do not voice a political or religious opinion. What is the number of viewers of your medium?As it can be seen in the total box-office gross of $8,585 billion Pixar’s animated films were watched by a large amount of viewers all around the world. Technologically speaking, is the medium of your choice up to date? Why?The animated films created by Pixar are very up to date with a large portion of the production being fulfilled on the computer. The company is also responsible for innovative technology that they utilise in their movies, e.g. Pixar Research, Renderman and Opensubdiv. How are social media deployed?Pixar is very active on Facebook and Twitter (approximately one post per day) and their posts always involve content from the movies. They can for example be sayings or references that are illustrated by pictures from the movies. This keeps Pixar in the minds of people because their posts show up on the followers’ news feed. Appendix 12: TABLE 3.5: Marvel (comics) QuestionsAnswersReferencesa)Who is in charge for what?Kevin Feige (President)Louis D’Esposito (Co-president)Dan Buckley (president of Marvel Animation)Jeph Loeb (Co-President Marvel Animation)Marvel Animation Entity Information. Corporation & Business Entity Database. Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code. New York State Department of State. Accessed on November 11, 2013.How many departments are there??Cover Concepts, Inc.?Marvel Characters, Inc.?Marvel Studios?Marvel Music?Marvel Television division?Marvel Animation?MVL Development LLC (Delaware)?Marvel Toys divisionMarvel Animation Entity Information. Corporation & Business Entity Database. Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code. New York State Department of State. Accessed on November 11, 2013.How many employees?250 b)What are the costs and the revenues of Marvel?The Revenues of Marvel are the licensing its characters, party producers of video games, TV shows, toys and moviesThe Cost are the movies that Marvel produces such as: -The Avengers-Iron Man 1, 2 and 3-Spiderman 1, 2, 3 k/Marvel_Enterprise/ How is money spent?The spend the money on the licensing its characters, making movies, parties, Tv shows and marketing.(MVL) What is the main source of income?there are three main sources: -Publication-Toys-Movie Production What about the advertisement? Marvel Entertainment has the tools, creative staff and experience to create truly original programs that convey the essence of your brand's message. What are the main advertisers?Print, custom and digital vehicles. Was there an increase or a decrease during the past years?Studio Entertainment revenues for the quarter increased 7% to $1.5 billion and segment operating income increased $28 million to $108 million. For the year, revenues increased 3% to $6.0 billion and segment operating income decreased $61 million to $661 million. c)What are the main products offered?Began as a comic-book business, and the heroes and villains. The company now owns a portfolio of over 5000 characters. Marvel’s in 2007 also started to produce video games, TV shows, toys, and movies. How much do they cost?the products of Marvel can range from 9.99 to 69.99, that is what cost the unlimited subscription of comics What is the number of viewers?9.3 million viewers 2nd-biggest-ever audience of Adults 18-49 Is this number increased or decreased in the last years? Why?the number has increase with the movie The Avengers. This movie was the number 1 series in its time period with Men 18-34 for its 9th consecutive first-run airing and continued its run as Tuesday’s #1 TV show with Men 18-49. d) Latest (technological) developments about your mediumTechnologically speaking, is the medium of your choice up to date? Why?Marvel is a company that has an update technology, because of his comics that characterized this company, Marvel is developing a API system and giving the best products, like comics in a better presentation. What are the recent developments in this field? The API, which will include comic book artwork, character histories, creator insights, and expanded stories--will grant members access to an expansive database of Marvel's library of 75 years of comics, including over 30,000 comics, 7,000 series, and 5,000 creators. How are social media deployed?Through its many and varied social media channels: Twitter: During each broadcast, Marvel live-tweets the action and regularly retweets followers’ best efforts. Marvel is a full-time Twitter marketer.Instagram: Offering regular preview snaps of next week’s new releases piled together. Appendix 13: Map 2.1: ABC Family1805940240030ABC Family00ABC Family3520440825500795655825500393001512065 Audience00 Audienceleft50800 Social Media 00 Social Media Appendix 14: Map 2.2: ABC News Digital1683917280419Internal and external improvements00Internal and external improvementsAppendix 15: Map 2.33661572129053001247982129053003666490233045Application process (more transparency)Application process (more transparency)237490231908Social Media (more presence)Social Media (more presence)1498600248920Pixar00PixarAppendix 16: Map 2.4: Pixar363410517672050011861801719580003234055176530001729105633730Problems of the company00Problems of the company1138555128905003636010321945Accessibility of jobs in the company00Accessibility of jobs in the company-534035314960Long production time of animated movies00Long production time of animated movies1339850Inviting potential employees to castings to let them prove their skills and taking them into training programs if they succeed in order to foster innovation and creativity00Inviting potential employees to castings to let them prove their skills and taking them into training programs if they succeed in order to foster innovation and creativityAppendix 17: Map 2.5: Marvelcenter24765002025015158115Marvel00Marvel43103802081530Disorganized schedules00Disorganized schedules381571515875006242051016000-29908511938000396811513843000left19685Investment00InvestmentAppendix 18: Map End1986915135890Improve the internal and external communication00Improve the internal and external communication1785620-35877500387223010160003575051016000-7092952133603126740186690The Walt Disney Company should implement the Peer-to-Peer Recognition Program to increase the satisfaction of the employees and provide them with transparent policies. Also, the company needs to invest in applications to improve the user experience. Furthermore, the Walt Disney Company should promote its products equally. Appendix 19: Evaluation form and motivationAssessorsCriteriaMinaMatthiasEkaterinaCharlotteTriinMina MiladaHas attended most coach and group meetings. Provides a good reason when being absent. Is punctual in completing and uploading tasks. Informs the group in case she needs extra time for completing or uploading the assignment. Always shares assignments with the group. Respects group members and brings fresh and interesting new insights to the group, which adds value to the outcome of the group. She has a positive attitude which make for an enjoyable atmosphere. She has good communication skills.9.8109.610Matthias MarschalkHas attended every coach and group meeting. Is punctual in completing and uploading tasks. Always shares assignments with the group. Respects the group members. Is committed to achieving the group’s goal and is very thorough in his tasks. Very analytical and comes up with good rational ideas which are always well explained. Has made great contributions to the group’s work. He is structured, he is motivated and willing to put a lot of effort in analysing sources to obtain the most relevant and correct information. ?9.2??9.6?9.4?10Ekaterina KostrovaHas attended most coach and group meetings. Provides a good reason when being absent. Is punctual in completing and uploading tasks. Informs the group in case she needs extra time for completing or uploading an assignment. Always shares assignments with the group. Respects group members and is willing to compile the assignments together as well as working on the editing. She is very enthusiastic and motivating. Establishes a positive atmosphere during group meetings. Has made a great contribution in meetings. ?9.8?9.8??9.8?10Charlotte HornstraHas attended most coach and group meetings. Is punctual in completing and uploading tasks. Always shares assignments with the group and respects the group members. She is very positive and enthusiastic. She comes up with creative approaches to the assignments. Creates a friendly atmosphere during group and coach meetings. She can improve in further elaborating on her ideas.?9.59.7??9.6??9.8Triin RoometShe has attended every group or coach meeting and always hands assignments in on time. Triin has impressed a lot with her commitment to the group as she always reminds people of their tasks and of what has to be completed until the next deadline. She is very active during meetings and has made great contributions to the discussion. She is a positive and enthusiastic person and excels at identifying and elaborating on good ideas. She is always cooperating with others. grade??9.5?9.8?9.7?9.6?10?? ................

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