School Advisory Council (S.A.C.) Meeting ~Agenda~

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 3:00PM; Location: Media Center


1. Call Meeting to order - Mrs. Weaver calls the meeting to order at 3:07

2. Approve Meeting Minutes from February 20, 2018 - Ms. Provost approves the minutes from last month’s meeting, Ms. Parsotan seconds the motion.

3. School Improvement Plan (SIP) Updates by Principal and Departments

o Guidance- Eric Belliard – Currently make up testing for SAT is taking place. Guidance is finishing up with the dual enrollment applications. Everything will be submitted to Broward College after the break. Started working with 9th graders on naviance and how to use it effectively.

o Reading/Writing – Anita Parsotan - Reading camps continue until April 17. Testing begins after that date. English teachers continue to use USA Test prep and Khan Academy to study for the FSA. Continuing to work with 12th graders in an attempt to have them graduate on time.

o Math – Denise Miranda (Absent) Mr. Massey gives update. - The after school EOC camps have started for Algebra 1 and Geometry students from 2:45 - 4:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday. Algebra 1 and Geometry teachers are using Math Nation resources to practice EOC test items.  They are also using the Florida Virtual Schools practice EOC exam to practice past topics and continue to spiral topics from the beginning of the year daily and in weekly homework assignments.  We are also starting push ins and pull outs to the Algebra 1 classrooms two times a week to help students prepare for the EOC and give individual and small group instruction.  All teachers have linked their classes SAT scores linked to Khan Academy and are encouraging or requiring Khan Academy for SAT/ACT test prep.  

On the super testing days April 18th and 19th there will be Algebra 1 and Geometry review sessions.  The sessions are offered opposite of the grade levels scheduled testing time.  For example, 10th graders test from 7:40-9:20 the Geometry and Algebra review sessions for 10th graders will begin at 9:30 and end at 11:40.  

Mr. Marcoux will be holding a review session for AP Statistics on May 2nd

from 7:40-9:20.  There will also be review sessions for the math AP Calc courses on May 9th from 9:30-11:40.  Mr. Renzo for Calc AB, and Desalazar for Calc BC.

o Science – Vamini Ramkissoon – Students were being helped during teachers’ planning periods. Teachers are now attempting to finish up the curriculum and will remediate with their own individual students before EOC testing.

o Principal Updates –Vivian Suarez – Super testing dates will be sent home through parent link. There is school on those days and students that are not testing can come to school for AP review sessions. Band and Chorus continue to do well in competitions as along with our Thespians. They just returned and all received superior ratings. Dance marathon is this Thursday. It is a student led student run event that is a great success. Over $10,000 was raised last year. CSHS raised over $8,000 through shirt sales and donations that will be sent directly to MSDHS. There is a new Customer survey that will open on April 4th where students and parents can voice their opinion about the school. The goal is to improve CSHS through stakeholder’s inputs.

4. New Business

o Waiver Continuation results – PSD will be continued with an 81% passing rate.

o School-wide Positive Behavior Plan Update – Ms Weaver presents the new plan. Faculty will be required to vote to approve the plan.

o Safety and Security Procedures and Protocols Mr. Marhefka – The school has 6 security monitors and 2 security specialist and 1 resources officer. The school’s security plan is approved by the district. The plan is comprised of 15 different requirements. The safe team debriefs with police about safety drills and their effectiveness. A yearly site review is conducting with a detective. The schools unification site is at the Carolina Club house. This is the place where the school’s safe/admin team would be housed if we have to leave campus. All administrators have visited the study halls to review codes and correct procedures of how to react when there is an emergency. CSHS motto is “see something, say something.” Gates on campus are closed and locked on the perimeter from 7:40-2:40. On April 9th students will be required to have their ID visible while on campus at all times. The single point of entry fence is slated for the summer of 2018. The district will be completing a camera assessment to ensure their effectiveness. In August all schools will be receiving a fence assessment.

5. Meeting adjourned by Ms. Ramkissoon at 4:05, second by Ms. Harrell

Next S.A.C. Meeting— Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Coral Springs High School [pic]

~School Advisory Council (S.A.C.) ~Meeting Agenda~ September 22, 2011~3:00pm Media Center


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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