
Movie Small Group Discussion QuestionsMeet the Robinsons24988-5962Movie Summary: Lewis an orphan wants to see what his mother looked like. So he invents a machine that looks through your brain so you can see your memories. But this weird kid says he's from the future and warns him about a guy in a bowler hat. The bowler hat guy messes with his invention and it fails. He decides that he's a failure and no one wants him. But the kid that warned him about the guy is here on a mission to find the bowler hat guy that wants to destroy Lewis. To prove he's from the future he takes lewis to the future. But the time machine breaks and he's stuck in the future until he fixes it. In the meantime he spends quality time with the family. But the bowler hat guy is about to alter time and it's up to Lewis to save the future.Discussion Questions: Prior to meeting in your small groups, select a couple questions from the list below to discuss with your group. In the movie, Lewis fails many times before he finally succeeds. What does this teach you about thevalue of what we learn from failure? Does it inspire you to try something new? Why?Have you ever learned something from failing? What?Think of the grudges held by Goob in the film and how these grudges negatively impacted his lifein the future. What did this movie teach you about the value of letting go of some anger?What role does family play in Meet the Robinsons? How is Lewis’ family like your family?What if, like Lewis and Wilbur, you could time travel and hang out with your kids or parents when they were your age? Do you think you would get along? What traits do you share with your parents or children? ................

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