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Food Smarts Youth 6 Week, 30 Minutes - Live Virtual LessonsWEEK 2 // What is on a Healthy Plate?Introductory Info:Here is the link to the Instructor's Guide we are using version 03/19/2019 (v.03192019) Pages for your students can be found in each lesson.Lesson Outline: What is on a Healthy Plate? // WEEK 2TimeTopicsInstructor Guide/Workbook/Slide Deck Page5 rmal Introductions and Welcome? Best practice is to greet participants by name if they join and make sure you are pronouncing their name correctly.? Make sure everyone feels seen and included immediately. Can do kids icebreaker here by having each participant say their name and their favorite fruit/vegetable.Tech Check ?Attendees can see/hear, know how to mute/unmute, use video and chat box, rename display name as necessary.?Overview of Class? Review topics and outline places where participants can share, play along, or other.? If you’d like participants to grab any materials, have them do this now.? Review rules for class, e.g., mute mic while others are talking, raise hand (physically or via tool). Agree on a “quiet down” technique, such as “when my hand is raised, mouths are closed.”Food Smarts lesson 2 PowerPoint PresentationSlides 1-4Remember to delete Snap-Ed Educator Tip Slide.That way your P.P.slides match up to the lesson plan.5 min.Taste Test Optional activity if you have time and the resourcesSelect an ingredient from the food demo that does not require prep. For example, if the recipe demo is Yogurt Parfait and will include berries, choose berries for the taste test.Have students taste and observe the five senses while eating. Prompt for descriptions of each of the senses.IG p. 103WB p. 6Slide 510 min.Required activity: MyPlate Review and Compare MyPlate with Healthy Eating Plate-?Review the MyPlate food groups. Show pictures or real foods as examples, and have kids decide which food groups they belong pare Healthy Eating Plate to MyPlate and have students identify differences.Optional: Have kids create a MyPlate art project using cut-out magazine images or pictures they draw and putting foods in the plate section.IG p. 70-71, p. 96WB p. 16-18Slides 6-810 min.Pick only one of these activities to do with your students: if you have time pick 2Make These Meals Healthier Activity-Review meals on the slides and find ways to incorporate missing or underrepresented food groups.Online tip: Use the web chat, whiteboard feature, or audio to brainstorm ways to improve the nutrition of the meals on the slides.Eat the Rainbow/ My Family’s Rainbow of Food Activity-Students learn the benefits of eating a variety of fruits and vegetables.Students discover new varieties of fruits and vegetables to try.Students associate colors of fruits and vegetables with different vitamins.?Optional: Have students draw pictures on the worksheet of their family’s favorite fruits and vegetables, and then have each student share their favorites.Optional: Play “This is a what” game as a group, or in smaller breakout sessions. The facilitator should have three to four fruits or vegetables of varied colors (e.g., jicama, bell peppers, green or yellow squash, etc).?To play: Two students (or a student and the facilitator) pair up and have the following exchange:?Team Member 1: “This is a Jicama”Team Member 2: “A What?”Team Member 1: “A Jicama”Team Member 2: “A What?”Team Member 1: “A Jicama”Entire class: “Oh, it’s a jicama!”?To incorporate movement, encourage students to stand up (or run in place, do jumping jacks, etc.) when they say their line. When the entire class says their line, the entire class should stand up and say, “Oh, it’s a jicama!” together.?Eating a Rainbow Bingo Activity-Students will understand the importance of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables.Food Group Bingo Activity-Students correctly place foods into food groups.IG p. 93WB. p. 20Slides 9-13IG p, 75WB p. 26-27Slides 14-17Slide 18Slide 19Slide 20IG p. 78WB p. 195 min.CloseAsk the students what they liked best about the lesson and introduce the next lesson topic. Encourage students to share/reteach today’s lesson with family members. Here are the recipes for this week’s classTortilla Roll-ups Recipe Video Link: Black Bean Corn and Tomato Salad Recipe Video Link: Slides 21-25 ................

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