Oak National AcademyStart the lesson and when told to do so pause the video and complete the quiz or perform the task given.The video will always restart where you left it.Once you are ready click on ‘Next activity’ it will open in the quiz or activity as a new tab.Don’t forget that I am here to help! Email me at and I will try my best to answer your questionswc: 29.06.2020Year: 4Lesson 1: EnglishLesson 2: MathsLesson 3: Foundation SubjectLesson 4: Physical Activity (P.E)MondayPersuasion: Reading Comprehension – Fact RetrievalWe should be good at persuasive writing by now! This lesson uses a persuasive text for comprehension work. practise!Use the ‘ultimate tables challenge’ to see how many of your tables you know. Use the answer sheet to mark your own test. Go on TTRockstars and do a ‘Sound Check’. How did you do?Practise the tables that you struggled with using TTRockstars.MusicLO: To identify pulse and rhythm in music.In this lesson we will sing and clap to the pulse and rhythm of a variety of different musical examples. You Rather 9 Roblox Fitness - PE distance learning (selection of videos): Reading Comprehension – SummaryWe should be good at persuasive writing by now! This lesson uses a persuasive text for comprehension work. test!Make sure that you find yourself a quiet place where you won’t be distracted. This will only take 10 minutes!Log onto TTRockstars. You should be taken straight into two ‘Sound Check’ games (a practice and a real one). Pay special attention to these and try not to rush. You will have 6 seconds to answer each question.Good luck!ComputingStop motion movie (session 1)Watch - a story board for your own stop motion film. You can use the template I have provided or make your own. Collect any resources you will need to make your film and download the free ‘Lego Movie Maker’ app ready for Friday’s lesson. (or you could use the video function on your phone or tablet).DanceChoose a dance routine to dance along to with ‘Just Dance’: Text FeaturesIn this lesson, we are going to explore the features of a persuasive text. : Length – Ribbon RiddleIn today's lesson, we will problem solving using length. VIIIIn lesson 4, we will learn about how Henry went up against the Pope when he was unable to divorce his wife! P.E with Joe to join in With Joe Wickes’ daily routineThursdayPersuasion: SPAG focus on imperative and modal verbsIn this lesson, the focus is on using imperative and modal verbs: Money – Coin Purse ChallengeMore money! We will be using our money skills to solve problems, including using a ‘trial and error’ method. What is reflection?In this lesson, we will be learning about reflection! We will learn about reflective and non-reflective materials and their uses. Then we will look at two different types of reflection: specular and diffuse reflection. Then we will learn the law of reflection. For this lesson, you will a pencil, a piece of paper and a ruler. Kids!Have a go at an upbeat Zumba class using the link below: : Writing a rapIn this lesson, we will write a persuasive rap! Measure: Mixed measure problemsIn this lesson, we will be putting together all of the skills from the past 4 sessions to help identify key facts within word problems. You will take these key pieces of information, identify the problem and work out ways to calculate the answer. motion movie (session 2)Download the Lego Movie Maker app (or choose a different app): your storyboard from Tuesday’s lesson to make your own stop motion movie.Extension: Write some instructions to teach others to use the app! Ensure they are easy to follow, informative and engaging for the reader to follow.The Fortnite Dance WorkoutUse the moves that you have learned from Fortnite in an exciting workout: ActivitiesThe following are some optional activities to supplement your learning throughout the week:Joe Wicks at 9.00 am for your daily dose of physical activity! Alternatively, try: Parkrun online, Go Noodle, Good Energy at Home and BBCSuperMoversUse Mathletics and TTRockstars to keep your brains in shape. Choose a game on to play with an adult or a sibling: sure that you are reading your own books. Online books! Bedford libraries are giving access to a range of online books and audios books through their website. If you have a library card you are able to use this to access them or you can make an account online. See - .uk/libraries?We would love to hear from you whilst you are doing your home learning. Tag us on @wilsteadprimary or send your teacher an email! ................

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