PartI Reading Comprehension (30%) Direction: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices markedA, B, C and D. You shoulddecide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer SheetPassage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Flores Colque celebrated her 118th birthday last month She is the oldest woman in Bolivia(玻利维业) Following the death of a woman in Japan earlier this year, Flores Colque may now bethe oldest person in the world. Her national paper says Flores Colque was born on October 26,1900 in the mountains of Bolivia During her long life, Flores Colque has seen two world wars .Her home country of Boliviahad a major revolution. And the town where she is from has grown from 3,000 people to 175.000.But nightnow, Flores Colque seems mostly interested in her dogs and cats. She has not heard ofthe Guinness Book of World Records, and she does not care whether experts confirm she is theoldest person alive. “She's always been active, easygoing and fun," says her grandniece, who lives with her inasimple home with a dirt floor. Govemment officials have paid for some improvements to thehouse, adding a bick path and railings (栏杆) soFlores Colque can walk safely The mayor'soffice calls Flores Colque part of the country's living history. On the day a reporter visited. Flores Colgue was playing a small guitar and singing old songsin her native language. "If you would have told me you were coming, I'd have remembered all thesongs," she joked When she was growing up, Flores Colque herded sheep in the Bolivian highlands. (76) Thenshe moved to a valley. where she sold fruits and vegetables Those fruits and vegetables becameher main food, and she still eats a healthy diet- except for a piece of cake and a glass of soda sometimes. She never married and does not have children She cannot hear very well, but she isalert (机敏的). Flores Colque's age would make her interesting anywhere, but it is especially notable in Bolivia. The United Nations says the country has one of the South America's highestlevels of death?1.?Which of?the?following?is?TRUE???????A?oldest?person?in?Japan?was?born?1901.??????B.?Flores?Colque?is?the?oldest?person?in?Bolivia.C.?The?oldest?person?in?Japan?knew?Flores?Colque.??????D.?Flores?Colque?has?read?the?Guinness?Book?of?World?Records.2.?According?to?the?passage,?Flores?Colque?lives?in?____?now.??????A.?Japan??B.?North?America C.?Europe??D.?South?America3.?The?word?herded?in?the?last?paragraph?can?probably?be?replacedby____.??????A.?made?animals?move?along?as?a?groupB.?fed?animals?as?a?group??????C.?kept?animals?from?hurting?each?other?D.?made?sure?animals?did?not?follow?one?another??????4.?From?the?passage?we?learn?that?Flores?Colque?once____?.????????A.?sang?to?make?a?living??B.?fought?in?World?War?TwoC.?sold?fruits?and?vegetables??D.?worked?as?an?animal?doctor5.?Which?of?the?following?statements?about?Flores?Colque?is?NOT?TRUE???????A.?She?is?easygoing.??B.?She?keeps?pets.C.?She?remains?single?all?her?life.??D.?She?lives?alone.?Passage2?Question?б?to?10?are?based?on?the?following?passage:??????Playing?video?games?can?be?a?fun?way?to?unwind?or?spend?time?with?fiends.?Inschools,teachers?use?games?like?Minecraft?to?encourage?teamwork?and?critical?thinking.??????(77)?But?for?some?players.?gaming?has?become?an?unhealthy?habit?.Late?at?night,?they?areglued?to?a?screen.?Schoolwork?suffers.?The?video-game?world?seems?a?friendlier?place?than?the?realone.?????Mental?health?experts?have.?taken?notice.?In?Jume,?the?World?Health?Organization?(WHO)added?gaming?disorder?to?its?list?of?diseases?and?health?conditions.?A?person?may?have?the?disorderif gaming?has?damaged?his?or?her?relationships?with?family?and?friends,?and?if?it?has?affected?his?or her?daily?activites??????Not?all?experts?agree?that?excessive?gaming?should?be?called?a?disorder.?They?say?peoplehooked?on?video?games?may?be?suffering?from?other?mental?health?problems?that?should?be?treatedfirst.??????Others?think?WHO?made?the?right?call,?Psychiatrist?(神经科医生)?Clifford?Sussman?treatsgaming?addiction?(上瘾).?78?He?says?kids?often?have?feelingsg?of?anxiety?and?loneliness, They?getangry?when?a?parent?asks?them?to?stop?playing?video?games.??????What?makes?video?games?addictive??Playing?excites?the?brain's?reward?center.?After?a?while,the?brain?becomes?mumb?(麻木的)?to?pleasure.?You?feel?bored?without?a?contoller?in?your?hand.So?you?play?even?more;??????One?key?to?healthy?gaming?is?to?track?how?long?you?play.?Sussman?recommends.?taking?atleast?an?hour-long?break?after?every?hour?of?play.?That?gives?the?brain?time?to?recover.??????Young?gamers?who?think?they?might?have?a?problem?should?seek?help?from?an?adult.Sussman?suggests?you?first?answer?a?simple?question:?"Are?you?in?control.?or?is?the?game?incontrol?”6?Which?of?the?following?is?the?best?title?for?the?passage???????A.?Mental?Health?Problems??B.?Excessive?Gamingc.?Unhealthy?Habits??D.?Teamwork?Training7.?The?word?unwind?in?Paragraph?1?is?closest?in?meaning?to_???A.?match??B.?meet??C.?retreat??D.?relax8.?Clifford?Sussman's?attudte?to?WHO'S?recognition?of?excessive?gaming?as?a?disorder??????is__??????A.?supportive??B.?doubtful??C.?neutral??D.?critical9.?Sussman?advises?game?players?to_??????A.?quit?playing?video?games??????B.?play?sports?instead?of?video?games??????c.?go?to?the?hospital?to?get?medical?treatment??????D?rest?for?at?least?an?hour?after?every?hour?of?play?10.?According?to?the?passage,?which?of?the?following?statements?is?NOT?TRUE?A.?Video?games?are?addictive.??????B.?Video?games?are?never?used?in?classroom?teaching.??????c.?Excessive?gaming?may?affect?a?person's?daily?activities.??????D.?Some?experts?don’t?think?excessive?gaming?should?Ъe?called?a?disorder.Passage3Question 11 to 15 are based on the following passage: Jayden Hairston was very disappointed. More than anything in the world, he wanted to learnhow to sing. His school in Yonkers–––– just north of New York City didn't offer the musicinstruction he needed. So he begged his parents to sign him for after-school lessons. Jayden's mother wanted to help her son follow his passion. (79) But private lessons were too expensive. Jayden.then 6 years old, knew exactly what to do. He took out his iPad. Then he begansearching after- school arts programs. He soon came across the website for Harlem School of theArts (HSA), in New York City. There, he could take voice and dance lessons. It was a bit far fromYonkers. But he convinced his parents to take him for a visit.That was three years ago. Now Jayden is one of HSA'S most active students. He takessinging, dancing. or theater lessons almost every day after school. (80) Last year.he performed inseven productions. Like Jayden. students in many communities across the United States have limited access (使用的机会和权力) to arts instruction in schools: HSA is one of many nonprofit groups that bridgesthis gap by offering affordable arts classes. Groups like HSA are funded by donations (捐赠) andstate grants Many also receive money from the federal govemment's National Endowment (基金)for the Arts (NEA). The NEA was established in 1965. Its goal is to promote access to the arts for all Americans.Some people, however, believe it's not the responsibility of the federal govemment to provide artsfunding. President Donald Thump's 2019 proposal calls on Congress to reduce NEA funding andeventually eliminate the agency, The Trump administration argues that private and other publicsources already provide finding for the arts. Congress has yet to make a decision. Supporters of arts education say cutting the NEA is a bad idea. It could leave many children unable to participate in the arts. That's because 40% of the agency s grants go to high-povertyneighborhoods11. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Arts Education Is ExpensiveB. Jaden Has Great Musical Talent c. Some Students Have Limited Access to Arts InstructionD. Trump Calls on Congress to Reduce Arts Funding?12.?Jayden?got?the?information?about?HSA?from_??????A.?his?mother??B.?his?music?teacherc.?the?Internet??D.?the?newspaper13.?Jayden?Hairston?is_?years?old?now.????????A.6??B.7C.8??D.914.?The?word?eliminate?in?Paragraph?5?is?closest?in?meaning?to.??????A.?criticize??B.?remove??c.?rebuild??D.?run15.?According?to?the?passage,?which?of?the?following?statements?is?TRUE???????A.?HSA?is?a?nonprofit?group?established?in?1965.??????B.?Congress?agrees?to?Trump's?proposal?to?cut?the?NEA.??????c.?Arts?instuction?directly?affects?students"?academic?success.D.?Jayden?takes?singing,?dancing.?and?theater?lessons?at?HASPart?IIVocabulary?and?Structure?(30%)??????Directions:?in?this?part?there?are?30?incomplete?sentences.?For?each?sentence?there?are?four?choicesmarkedA,?B,?C,?and?D.?choose?the?ONE?answer?that?best?completes?the?sentence.?Then?blackenthe?cornesponding?letter?on?the?Answer?Sheet.???16.?IfPeter__?to?the?office?tomorrow,?tell?him?the?news?please.??????A. come??B.?comes??c.?came??D.?will?come???17.?Yesterday?Mr?Smith?bought__?English dictionary?while?I?got?a?Russian?novel?in?thebookstore. A.A??????B.?an??C.?the??D./???18.?Every?day??_water?is?wasted?here?though?we?are?badly?short?of?it.A.any??B.a number?of??C.alot?of??D.?these????19Lucy?got?to?the?station__?late?to?catch?the?train,?so?she?had?to?wait?for?the?next?oneA.?enough??B.?very??C.too??D.?rather20.?There?are?not_?students?in?Class?One?as?in?Class?Two.??????A.?many?as??B.?as?many??C.?more?as??D.?as?more21. You hard work has made the project a success. Without your workit__ complete failure.A. was B. were c. be D.would have been22. She speaks English_ _than her brother does.A. Best B. better C.good D. well23. Must we hand in our exercise books today?—Yes_ . A. you will B. you must c. youdoD. you can24. They will have learned Russian for 7years by the time they__ from the university nextyear.A. will graduate B. will have graduated C.graduate D.are going to graduate25. -Why did you sell the old car at such a low price? -- -I did it only because I was made_ __it. A. Do B. to do c. doing D. done26. On his way home, he suddenly heard his name_ A. calling B called C. to call D. call27. There was an look on his face when the actress appeared on the stage.A.excited B.excite c. exciting D. excited28. Under no circumstance _to tell lies to parents. A.children are allowed B. are children allowedC. children will allow D. will children allow29. Lily__ have known the truth, or she would have told us.A. mustn't . B. shouldn't C.can . D. needn't30. George applied for the position three times__ he finally got it.A. Before B. until C. when D. after31. The bestwayto__ this goal is to introduce new advanced technology.A. Cross B. perform c. achieve D. complete32. The man who was accused__ stealing the car said that he was not guiltyA. for B. with c. of D. about33 If you want to treat your friends to dinner in a good restaurant at the weekend, you'd betterbook a table—. A. in front B. before c. ahead of D. in advance 34. Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone to___ you?A. affect B.assist c. apply D. arrange35. But for her mother's sudden illness, she would never think of breaking this with you.A. review B. interview C. movement D. appointment36. When my American friends talk about China, they will always____it with the Great Wall.A. advertise B. associate C. attach D. combine37. The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _____new customers to its stores.A. attends B.attract C. stick D. transfer38. It's wrong to judge people only according to their family. A. basis B. area c. task D. background39. Jog's friends all have a new bicycle, and he_____wants one, too.A. badly B. very C. rather D. barely40. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still__A. blank B. bare c. hollow D. vacant,41 -What has the boy who fell off the bike?_____Nothing serious. The doctor says that he can come back to school in a day or two.A. become of B. happened with c. occurred of D. become with42. It's bad_____for a man to smoke in the public places., A. behavior B. action c. movement D. belief43. I was shocked_____the president's wordsA. with B. at c. in D. for44. The United States has long__ been to be among the best places in the world for highereducation. proposed B. read c. considered D. to?45?In?recent?years,?several?companies?have?developed?new?English?language?tests?that?arelow-cost?and_____to?use.??????A.?easy??B.glad??C.?happy??D.?wellPart?III Identification?(10%)??????Directions:?Each?of?the?fllowing?sentences?has?four?underlined?parts?marked?A,?B.?c?and?D.identify,?the?one?that?is?not?corect.?Then?blacken?the?conesponding?letter?on?the?Answer?Sheet.?46.?Hardly?had?he?entered(?A)?the?office?that(B)?he?realized(C)?that?he?had?left?(D)his?reportbehind,???47.?Alice?is?(A)?fond?of?playing?(B)the?piano?while?Henryis(C)interested?in?listening?to?the(D)music.?????48.?The?boy?sittig?(A)?by?the?window_?is?(B) the?only?one?of?the?students?who?are(C)from?thecountryside?in?(D)our?school.??????49.?They?can?(A)read?such?stories?what?(B)have?been?(C)rewritten?in?(D)?simple?English.??????50.?Excuse?me(A),?could?you?please?tell?(B)?me?when?is?the?sports?meet(C)?going?to?be?held(D)? 51.?On?(A)addition,?more?than?one–?third(B)?of?Americans?over?the?age?of?25(C)have?a?collegedegree?or?higher(D)??????52.?Scientists have?(A)?long?struggle?wih?(B)?how?to?measure?the?effects(C)of?climate?change?onwildlife(D).?????53.?Florida's?busiest?(A)?airport?will?be the?first(B)?in?the?country(C)?to?scan?face?(D)of?allpassengers.??????54.?Americans?(A?)are?not?very?creating?(B)?when?(C)?it?comes?to?(D?)breakfast??????55.?Parents?today?are?concemed?(A)?that?their?childen?(B)are?spending?too?many?(C)?time?onacomputer(?D)?or?other?electronic?devices,??????Part?IV?Cloze????????Directions:?There?are?20?blanks?in?the?fllowing?passage,?and?for?each?blank?there?are?4?choicesmarked?A,?B,?c,?and?D?at?the?end?of?the?passage.?You?should?choose?ONE?answer?that?best fits?intothe passage. Then blacken the corresponding Letter on the Answer Sheet Walking through the woods alone can be a frightening prospect for a kid, but not for7-year-old Matthew of Portland, Oregon. He doesn't have a backyard to_ in. so the woods behindhis house serve the same 57. He spends hours out there swinging on a swing, 58 across thevalley to a friend's house, and 59 garden knives to cut a path. He lays 60 sticks to form a bridgeacross the small steam. And he does all of this alone.Mattew's mom, Laura Randall, wants her son to gain skills and confidence that only 61with doing things alone. But she isn't just 62 her 7-year-old outside the door with garden toolsone day. They worked up to it gradually with what Randall calls experiments in independence.Just those moments, increasingly longer moments, where he can choose to be 63 his ownRandall explains. Randall knows this isn't the 64 for today's parenting style. Gone are the days 65kids ride their bikes alone until the streetlights come on. Randall has met people who think she's a 66 parent. Once, an off- duty policeofficer startedyelling at her when she left Matthew alone in the car 67 a few minutes while she ran into a shop Randall knows that parents in several states have been arrested for 68 their kids walk to thepark alone, or even 69 them to walk to school. And so she was a bit 70 about what this man mightdo. , Anyway, they talked it out, and the man walked 71 Randall felt confident about 72 herparenting, partly 73 she had connected with a group 74 Free Range Kids. This group 74childhood independence, and gives families the information they need. to push back against aculture of overprotection 56. A. swim B. play C. move D. live57.A. road B. path c. target D. purpose58. A. walking B. arriving c. reaching D. speaking59. A. use B. enjoy c. using D. enjoying60.A. out B. away c. down D.off61.A. put B. come C. react D.pay62. A. forbid B. order C. treat D. leave63.A. at . B in c. with D on64 A. standard B. freedom C. relation D. reflection65. A. when B. which C. where D. what66. A. kind B. good C. bad D. sick67. A with B. for c. on D.at68. A accompanying B. asking. c. encouraging D. letting69. A. forbid B. allow c. forbidding D. allowing70. A. excited B moved C. worried D: pleased71. A. away B. across c. up D out72. A. persuading B. defending c. arguing, D. opening73. A although B. before C because D until74. A. describe B. call c. described D called75. A. responds B. opposes C. provides D. promotesPart V TranslationSectionA Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension. Youcan refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context.76. Then she moved to a valley, where she sold fruits and vegetables.77.?But?for?some?players,?gaming?has?become?an?unhealthy?habit.78.?He?says?kids?often?have?feelings?of?anxiety?and?loneliness.79.?But?private?lessons?were?too?expensive.??80.?Last?year,?he?performed?in?seven?productions.??????Section?B?.?Directions:?In?this?part?there?are?five?sentences?in?Chinese.?You?should?translate?them?into?English.Be?sure?to?write?clearly.81.由于下大雨,到处都出现了交通拥堵。82.如果不能来开会,请告诉我。83.我们刚才去超市了。84.早餐我通常吃面包和鸡蛋。85.外面太嘈杂了,我无法集中精力。参考答案:1. B根据文章“Flores Colque celebrated her 118th birthday last month. She is the oldest woman in Bolivia.”可以得出答案。2. D根据文章“She is the oldest woman in Bolivia.” Bolivia在南美洲,这道题需要一点地理知识。可以得出答案。3. Aherded 一词的意思为“放牧”。4. C根据文章“Then she moved to a valley, where she sold fruits and vegetables.”可以得出答案。5. B根据文章““She’s always been active, easygoing and fun,” says her grandniece, who lives with her in a simple home with a dirt floor.”可以得出答案。6. B通篇在讲过度游戏的影响,故而答案为B。7. Aunwind 的意思为:放松。8. A根据第五段的态度可以得出答案。9. D根据文章“Sussman recommends taking at least an hour-long break after every hour of play.”可以得出答案。10. C根据文章“In schools, teachers use games like Minecraft to encourage teamwork and critical thinking.”可以得出答案。11. C根据全文及最后一段的表述可以得出答案。12. C根据文章“He took out his iPad. Then he began searching after-school arts programs. ”可以得出答案。13. C根据文章“Jayden, then 6 years old, knew exactly what to do. That was three years ago.”可以得出答案。14. Beliminate 的意思为:消除、排除、取消。与选项B的意思相同。15.根据文章“HSA is one of many nonprofit groups that bridges this gap by offering affordable arts classes. The NEA was established in 1965.” 可以得出答案。15. B主语为第三人称,其后谓语动词应该为三单。17.BEnglish 第一个因素为原音,故而用an.18.Ca lot of water 很多水。19.Ctoo…to…太……以至于。20.Bas…as…像……一样多。21.Dwould have done 虚拟语气,意思为:本将会怎样。22.Bbetter 为good的比较级。23.B以must开头的疑问句,其肯定回答依然用must。24.C考查主将从现。25.Bbe made to do sth.被要求做……26.Bhear sth done 听到什么事情被做。27.Aan excited look 一个兴奋的表情。28.Bbe allowed 被要求。29.Amustn’t 表推测。30.Abefore 在……以前。31.Cachieve the goal 达到目标。32.Cbe accused of 被指责,被控告。33.Din advance 提前。34.Bassist 帮助,援助。35.Dbreak an appointment 爽约。36.Bassociate…with…与……联系在一起37.Battract sb. to… 吸引某人去某地。38.Dfamily background 家庭背景。39.Abadly 很,非常。40.Bbare 赤裸的,无遮蔽的。41.Awhat has become of sb= What has happened to sb某人怎么样了?42.Abad behavior 坏习惯。43.Bbe shocked at 对……感到震惊。44.Chave been long considered 一直被认为。45.Aeasy to use 使用方便。46.B改为which.47.D删除the。48.C此处改为is。49.B改为as。50.C改为sport meeting。51.A此处改为In。52.D改为struggled。53.D改为faces。54.B改为creative。55.C改为much。56.B. play玩耍。57.D. purpose目的,用途。58.A. walkingwalk across 穿过。59.C. using使用。60.C. downlay down 躺下。61.C. react反应。62.B. order命令。63.D. onon one’s own独立的,独自的。64.A. standard标准。65.A. when当……的时候。66.C. bada bad parent 坏家长。67.B. forfor +时间段。表示一段时间。68.D. lettinglet sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。69.D. allowingallow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。70.C. worriedworry about 担心。71.A. awaywalk away 走开。72.B. defending抵御,防卫。73.C. because由于,因为。74.D. called被称为……75.D. promotes促进,提升。76.然后她搬去了一个山谷,在那里她卖蔬菜和水果。77.但是对一些玩家来说,玩游戏已经成了一个不健康的习惯。78.他说孩子们经常感到焦虑和孤独。79.但是私教课太贵了。80.上一年,他在七个工作室表演过。81. Traffic jams are everywhere due to the heavy rain.82. Please tell me if you can’t come to the meeting.83. We went to the supermarket just now.84. I usually have bread and egg for breakfast.85. It’s so noisy outside that I can’t concentrate. ................

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