CHAPTER ONE – The False AllegationTo understand what happened, you need to know some background.I was married to Liz for 9 years. We were married for 7 before we decided to have a child together. I really wanted one. Liz, later told me she wanted one just because she was hoping it would bring us together more.When she told me she wanted a divorce, I was devastated. I had no idea. We had never argued. In fact, she had just given me an awesome surprise 30th birthday party with a lot of friends, neighbors and family over.I could tell there was no way I could get her to change her mind. I did set up marriage counseling, but she only showed up because it would look good in court. She would not talk at the counseling except to say exactly that. I did set up a second one, but she did not show up.I accepted the fact she wanted a divorce, but I wanted to split things up fairly. I wanted to split time with Joey 50-50, our assets 50-50, and Joey’s expenses 50-50. She and I made almost the exact amount of money, so that was very fair.She would have nothing to do with that. She knew she could get a better deal in court. What I mostly cared about was getting 50% of the time with Joey. She would have nothing to do with that. That’s what started all this. That’s why laws need to change.It was a VERY contentious divorce because I felt I was getting the bad end of the deal and she was being unfair.We had so many issues with visitation and also child support.We did not get along at all.I loved Joey more than anything else in the world. He was my world.During his visits with me, we would play, play, and play some more. We did things in the apartment, we did things outside. There were a lot of other kids around too, so we did things with them a lot around the apartment. We had a pool and a basketball court. Then when we were tired, we would go inside and do stuff inside. He absolutely loved the visits, and I did too. I just wished there were more of them, and that I was allowed to see him 50% of the time.One thing we loved to do was read. He had a ton of books. These were some of his favorites:Unfortunately, I don’t know where it came from, but he also had this one book.It had over 300 pages and covered a lot of information.Joey liked to look at this page…… He would look at it and say “Man burn his peepee” “Man has a stick in his peepee”. You can obviously see why. Well, I, stupidly, went along with it. In fact I would say “Don’t say that” (laughingly, jokingly), then he would say it all the more, then we would laugh and tickle each other. Then he would say for me to do it, so I would start it, and he would say “Don’t say that” (like I did), then I would more (like he did), then he would tickle me. Also when tickling (a lot), it would escalate and we would give each other “belly farts”. It would become a tickle/belly fart/laughing experience. It was just fun. I didn’t think any harm would come of it.We did this many, many times over the months. It was one of his favorite books – because we would end up laughing, tickling and belly farting so much.Another page in the book, unfortunately, was this: When we came across this, and he, of course, asked me about it, I just thought it would be best to tell him that girls have vaginas, and boys have peepees. So I did. He used to want to laugh about this and reverse it too – saying girls have pee pees and boys have vaginas. He thought it was so funny to say things in reverse – which I encouraged because I thought it showed his intelligence for a 5 year old.Well, of course, his Mom knew nothing about this – even though it happened for months and months and months - because she and I would never talk because we could not get along – we constantly had issues about visitation and child support.I, was just trying to be a good, fun Dad, and deal with things as they come up – like most parents do.Of course, now, I wish it never happened, and now I wish I never even saw this book before – but you can’t change the past.Another thing that happened in the course of me being Joey’s Dad was that one time we came in from outside playing and he went in the bathroom and was sitting on the toilet, but I had to go really, really bad. I asked him if he could get off the toilet so I could pee, but he asked if I would just pee between his legs. I said no (I’m not that good of an aim). He asked if we could pee in the toilet at the same time, I said OK. Well, he wanted to do it again at some point later, and while I was going, he stuck his finger out and touched my stream of pee. I told him that’s gross, don’t do that. Then I told him that would be the last time we would pee in the toilet together.So, this too, Mom knew nothing about, and again I was just trying to be a good Dad, and deal with things as they come up – like most parents do, and of course I wish it never happened, but it did, and you can’t change the past.So, I can deal with it if someone says that was not good parenting. That’s fine. That’s their opinion.But, to lose your son over it….that’s not fine.And that’s what happened.So, enough background. Let’s get on to what happened.Oh, but before we go on to exactly what was said, it might be worthy to note that some of these statements are made by Liz who before these allegations:Begged the Judge to put me in jail.Told me she knows people who work at the jail and she would make it hard on me.As stated by a common acquaintance/friend – Liz was very bitter about the divorce.Kept me from Joey for months by moving him to a new school and not letting me know where he was.Once called me up, told me to pick up Joey on her day, after I did, she called the Police and told them I kidnapped him.And there are many other similar incidents where she used Joey as a pawn restricting my visitations and access to him.On her psychological test answered the question “In what areas are there incompatibilities with your spouse?” Her answer – everything.And she has never apologized for any of those things – not even to this day.About a year after the allegations, I was finally able to meet with Liz and she told me “Joey came to me with these allegations”. She takes no responsibility. There were four reports that documented what Joey said – The Pediatrician’s Report, The Police Report, The SAFE Center Report/Notes, and Dr. Kroungold’s Report – reported in that order. And while reading these, it might be worthy to keep in mind the things Joey said, as opposed to what others said Joey said, and then reported. It’s kinda like the telephone game we all played as kids – where the message gets changed depending on how many people the original message has “gone through” and then reported.It will be important to note the things that were obviously misunderstood and misinterpreted. Because those are the BULK of the statements and if they got those wrong, well that has to make you wonder about their reporting of and interpretations about any other statements.It is also probably important to note that Liz had issues with drinking, honesty, infidelity, and mental illnesses. In fact she got so sloppy drunk the night before we were supposed to move from Michigan to Florida that she ended up sleeping with her boss that night. I was devastated – I couldn’t even make it to my going away luncheon at work the next day. Her Mom called me up and begged me to take Liz back – one regret I have to this day. I should have never taken her back. Lying Liz had anorexia/bulimia and later anxiety attacks – and kept it a secret for years. She had to be put on anti-depressants for a period of time.Every single bit of this is true and on the website – well documented in the documentation section and other locations.So, let’s get started.Liz took Joey to the Pediatrician. This is what got reported….So let’s actually look at what was said – or at least reported by Mom as to what was said, then recorded by KB, whoever that is – someone in Dr. French’s office.First let’s look at the statement that he put sticks in his own penis and dad does same. First of all, I don’t think that is even possible – for a child to put a stick in his own penis, and for his Dad to put sticks in his own penis. Even if it was possible, it’s nothing I would want to do or try!!! Obviously this is Joey talking about the sticks in the peepee game we play. But, of course, nobody ever asks me about it, so they misinterpret it, or take it literally, or whatever they do with it. Eventually, this statement gets changed and reported as sticks up the rectum in one report.Next, Joey tells Mom she has a penis and he has a vagina. Obviously he is talking about the page in the Children’s Encyclopedia. That is where I taught Joey about vaginas. And obviously he is reversing it, like he likes to do, saying he has the vagina and she has a penis. Again, I am not sure what they are literally thinking this statement means, but they never ask me, and it gets misinterpreted.Next, Joey said Dad urinated on Joey. Now supposedly Joey said it was white and that Dad’s penis became smaller and smaller. I don’t know if I believe that. Perhaps the stream got smaller and smaller. The color was reported as white, then gray, then yellow. However, what never changes is that Joey said it happened in the bathroom, which tells you something. Also, that it happened only once or twice. We haven’t gotten to it yet, but the police did interrogate me just after these accusations and I told them exactly what happened when Joey and I peed in the toilet together. Obviously Joey was talking about this incident, and Mom either misheard/misinterpreted/or enhanced what Joey said. As you will see, Joey repeats this story many times, always in the same way, and it exactly matches what I told them when asked in the police interview, and as Joey said to Dr. Kroungold (where he said the pee was yellow).However, this incident – Dad urinating on Joey – gets misinterpreted by Mom, then misreported by Mom to Sally Smith.The report shows that Joey had a stomach ache and his rectum was hurting. That is true – he had been sick for two or three days with a stomach ache and diarrhea. Joey had complained to me, and I had given him some medicine. He had complained to his Mom and she had taken him to the Pediatrician the day before and they gave him medicine.Lastly, Joey talked about eating poop. Well, he often times said that to me jokingly. And he would reverse it too – drinking poop and eating pee. And he would say it when drinking orange juice – that the orange juice was poopie. I didn’t care – I just laughed. My parenting style was the opposite of strict. My basic philosophy was as long as he wasn’t hurting himself or anyone else, I was fine with it. And I didn’t feel him saying this stuff was hurting anyone.So those were all the statements Joey said to Mom as reported to Mom to the Pediatrician in the very first report. All, very understandable, if they would have only asked me. That is why laws need to change. I was not allowed to see any of this information for well over a year after it was reported. Plenty of time for them to misinterpret it all.Also, it is important to note – Mom asked if Dad put penis in Joey’s rectum – Joey denies.You will need a little more background before getting into this next part…..the police report…Growing up in Kentwood, Michigan, we lived among a lot of open fields, woods, creeks, etc. We often caught caterpillars and put them in boxes with sticks and leaves and watched them transform from caterpillars to butterflies. Well, I did that with Joey too. I don’t have any pictures, but in one of my home movies you can see one of the aquariums we transformed into a caterpillar “cage”. I’ve done it with my two other sons, too – with lizards, etc.I mention this because in the police report, they ask him about sticks, and he starts to tell them about caterpillars, etc., but they don’t understand. Instead, they think they have lost his interest when in reality he was talking about sticks and caterpillars in the house.So I could go on and on taking apart every line in the Police Report, the HRS report, and SAFE Center report - how they were reported, etc. but they ALL refer back to:Peeing in the toilet together.The tickling game we would play with the Neanderthal Man.The page in the book that showed the Vagina – and the fact I taught him what a vagina was.The fact he liked to talk about nipples, peepees, poop, pee, etc. and I didn’t see any harm in it.The fact he liked to play the “opposite” game.All the reports are on the website if you want to read them.I will, however, finish with one of the reports from Dr. Kroungold which stated this:Again, it says it happened while standing by the toilet.It also says his father never touched his private parts.And, again, it matches exactly what I told the Detective and the HRS investigator at my interrogation as can be read in the Police Report.In addition to all this, I took a lie detector test and passed. But not only did I take a lie detector and pass, but I asked, begged, pleaded to take a lie detector test, sodium pentothal test, and/or hypnosis – whatever could prove my innocence. They told me not now, to wait. I kept begging. Eventually I was able to take one, and here are the results: Then my criminal attorney sent a letter to Lago Police stating I would take another one if they wanted me to. They never asked me to.I never did get charged criminally, but to this day, I believe I would have had I not hired Denis DeVlaming, my criminal attorney.You only get as much Justice as you can afford. Another reason the laws need to change.The physical “evidence”. All I know is that I did not abuse him. Did someone else? I don’t think so, but I suppose Liz could have. I suppose any of Liz’s boyfriends could have. I suppose a number of people could have – at daycare and elsewhere.I don’t believe so because the “evidence” is not diagnostic of, it is only consistent with and could be caused by many other things – including being sick those few days which he was with drainage, diarrhea, etc. He was complaining of his butt hurting. And he said Dad did nothing to help it. I had given him some sort of medicine orally, but nothing on his butt. Also, the “evidence” would have only been consistent with past chronic abuse, not present/recent abuse. Remember, he was not complaining in the past, he was complaining in the present.So, bottom line, I had nothing to do with that. In fact, I was the only person who took a lie detector test that would support that. If anything happened, it would have been Liz, her boyfriends, daycare, or someone else who had access to Joey. None of them took a lie detector test. Nobody else was scrutinized like I was. They didn’t ask Joey about anyone else.Remember all of Joey’s statements that refer to his or my rectum: The child was asked specific questions regarding sexual abuse. He denied any other events.This is what is referred to when it says “other events” (the time we peed in the toilet together):Any the questions they asked me during my lie detector test:Despite all this, I was not able to see my son at all for over a year and a half. Then when I finally was allowed to see him, in a psychologist’s office – twice – in very short visits, this is what the outcome was: Then, eventually, I had my trial and despite the Judge saying there was no direct evidence of child sexual abuse, he allowed my ex-wife to move my child from Pinellas County, despite the fact we had a clause in the divorce papers saying she could not.This is what Joey wrote, in the Psychologist’s office just before he left:Notice he was already using the name Pratt. At least he was still calling me Dad at this point. But that was to change.CHAPTER TWO – What was Liz’s motivation?What was the motivation for Liz reporting it to HRS on that day? Was this all just a big misunderstanding or did Liz do this on purpose because that day I went to my lawyer to get child support reduced? That, to me, is the real question here.CHAPTER THREE – The Guardian Ad-Litum and the Legal SystemSue Landress was the Guardian Ad-Litum assigned to our case. She was totally on Liz’s side – very biased. This is how Joey was allowed to leave Pinellas even though I had a clause in the divorce agreementSHOW COPY OF WHAT DAVID WALL GAVE MEI signed the papers even though we didn’t agree to that, because I wanted to see Joey. I didn’t think I would make him move back again anyway and put him through that. I regret that decision now too. I had no idea what would happen. I thought everyone was going to be reasonable. I hadn’t learned not everyone is reasonable.CHAPTER FOUR – My Parenting Style ................

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