Pilot Draft (7-02-03)

Kindergarten Readiness Indicator Checklist

Child’s Name ________________________________Date_______School ________________Evaluator_____________________

Each of the skills listed – language comprehension, approaches to learning, cognition, phonological awareness, letter knowledge, print awareness, numeracy, social emotional, and physical development – is an essential component and indicator of a child’s reading ability and readiness for school. FRAMEWORKS Examples – Division of Childcare (5.1) AR Dept of Ed. (LSV 1.23) Head Start ( HS-LD)

|Indicators |Not Evident |Emerging |Evident |COMMENTS |EC/ADE/ |

| | |50% Accurate|Observation | |HS |

| | | |Competent | |Framework |

| | | | | | |

|Language Comprehension | | | | | |

|Expressive/Receptive | | | | | |

|1. Uses effective oral communication skills and speaks in complete sentences | | | | |5.1 |

|It is not unusual for children to use some incorrect grammar when speaking. | | | | |LSV 1.23 |

| | | | | |LSV 1.26 |

| | | | | |HS-LD |

|2. Understands and follows directions with at least two steps | | | | |5.9 |

| | | | | |LSV 1.6 |

| | | | | |HS-LD |

|3. Uses correct vocabulary related to position, direction, size and | | | | |3.17 |

|comparison | | | | |LSV 1.6 |

|like/different | | | | |GS 1.5 |

|top/bottom | | | | |HS-LD |

|first/last | | | | |HS-M |

|big/little | | | | | |

|up/down | | | | | |

|Follows a verbal direction, such as “Put the cup on the plate.” | | | | | |

|Indicators |Not Evident |Emerging |Evident |Comments |EC/ADE/ |

| | |50% Accurate|Observation | |HS |

| | | |Competent | |Framework |

|4. Makes simple predications and comments about a story being read | | | | |3.1 |

| | | | | |W 1.3 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|Approach To Learning/Cognition | | | | | |

|1. Demonstrates visual discrimination skills by matching two like pictures in| | | | |3.4 |

|each of the five sets of pictures | | | | |HS-AL |

|2. Classifies (same/different, alike/not alike) objects by physical features | | | | |3.10 |

|shape | | | | |M 1.1 |

|color | | | | |PAF 1.1 |

|size | | | | |HS-AL |

|Finds the one in each set of objects that does not belong | | | | | |

|3. Classifies objects conceptually (things that go together) | | | | |3.11 |

|Points to things that go in the water | | | | |HS-M,S |

| | | | | |HS-AL |

|4. Recognizes, replicates or repeats patterning sequence | | | | |3.12 |

|Makes/creates a row of blocks alternating in size (big-small-big-small) by | | | | |GS 2.2 |

|placing another block in the big and small, or color, size or shape patterns | | | | |HS-M |

|when asked what comes next. | | | | | |

|5. Demonstrates the ability to correctly put in order or sequence up to three| | | | |3.14 |

|(3) picture sequence story cards | | | | |LSV 1.16 |

| | | | | |LSV 1.13 |

| | | | | |HS-M |

|Indicators |Not Evident |Emerging |Evident |Comments |EC/ADE/ |

| | |50% Accurate|Observation | |HS |

| | | |Competent | |Framework |

|6. Recites/participates/joins in repeating a familiar song/poem/finger | | | | |5.4 |

|play/nursery rhyme | | | | |R 1.12 |

|Must provide a variety of opportunities | | | | |R 1.15 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|7. Retells a simple story after listening to a story with pictures | | | | |3.2 |

|Traditional story such as 3 Bears/3 Pigs | | | | |R 1.11 |

| | | | | |R 1.15 |

| | | | | |LSV 1.19 |

| | | | | |R 1.6 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|Phonological Awareness/Print Knowledge | | | | | |

|1. Recognizes name in print when shown word cards | | | | |3.5 |

| | | | | |3.7 |

| | | | | |R 1.1 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|2. Points and/or recognizes letters in name | | | | |3.7 |

|States that letter on sign or chart is the same as beginning letter of own | | | | |HS-L |

|name or finds name in a group of three (3) names | | | | | |

|3. Attempts to write letters in own name | | | | |3.6 |

| | | | | |3.7 |

| | | | | |W 1.1 |

| | | | | |W 1.1 |

| | | | | |R 1.5 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|4. Recognizes environmental words, signs or high frequency words in the | | | | |3.7 |

|child’s environment | | | | |W 1.1 |

|“Reads” familiar signs in the environment such as McDonald’s and words must | | | | |HS-L |

|be applicable to child’s environment | | | | | |

|Indicators |Not Evident |Emerging |Evident |Comments |EC/ADE/ |

| | |50% Accurate|Observation | |HS |

| | | |Competent | |Framework |

|5. Demonstrates book awareness | | | | |3.3 |

|left to right | | | | |R 1.2 |

|top to bottom | | | | |HS-L |

|holding book right side up | | | | | |

|beginning/ending | | | | | |

|front/back | | | | | |

|Looks at and discusses book from front to back | | | | | |

|6. Identifies two words that rhyme/sound the same when given rhyming picture | | | | |5.4 |

|words. | | | | |R 1.3 |

|Teacher shows and says names of sets of pictures. Teacher shows a total of | | | | |HS-L |

|four (4) sets of cards with three pictures cards in each set. Two (2) of the| | | | | |

|three (3) cards will rhyme | | | | | |

|7. Recognizes 10 alphabet letter names, may include those in own name by | | | | |3.7 |

|pointing to requested letter | | | | |3.9 |

| | | | | |W 1.1 |

| | | | | |R 1.3 |

| | | | | |R 1.5 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|8. Matches 3 letter/sound associations | | | | |3.9 |

|Must provide a variety of choices | | | | |R 1.5 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|9. Demonstrates understanding of the difference in a “letter” and a “word” | | | | |N1.2 |

| | | | | |R 1.2 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|10. Uses symbols or drawings to express ideas | | | | |3.6 |

| | | | | |W 2.7 |

| | | | | |HS-L |

|Indicators |Not Evident |Emerging |Evident |Comments |EC/ADE/ |

| | |50% Accurate|Observation | |HS |

| | | |Competent | |Framework |

|Numeracy | | | | | |

|1. Demonstrates one-to-one correspondence by counting 5 objects | | | | |3.13 |

| | | | | |NPO 2.1 |

| | | | | |HS-M |

|2. Demonstrates an understanding of number (how many) and numeral | | | | |3.15 |

|relationship by placing correct number of objects to corresponding 0-5 | | | | |NPO 1/11 |

|numeral | | | | |DSP 1.1 |

|Places three (3) counting bears on card with 3 written on it (numeral) | | | | |HS-M |

|3. Demonstrates an understanding of addition and subtraction | | | | |3.16 |

|Child uses manipulatives and adds and subtracts objects as a story is read | | | | |NPO 1.2 |

| | | | | |HS-M |

|4. Arranges numerals in order 1-5 | | | | |3.15 |

| | | | | |PAF 1.1 |

| | | | | |HS-M |

|5. Identifies/points to five (5) colors upon request | | | | |3.10 |

|provide at least 8 colors to chose from | | | | |GS 2.2 |

| | | | | |HS-M |

|6. Identifies/points to three shapes | | | | |3.10 |

|circle | | | | |GS 1.1 |

|square | | | | |GS 1.2 |

|triangle | | | | |HS-M |

|Indicators |Not Evident|Emerging |Evident |Comments |EC/ADE/ |

| | |50% Accurate|Observation | |HS |

| | | |Competent | |Framework |

|7. Counts in sequence 1-10 | | | | |NPO 1.1 |

| | | | | |HS-M |

|8. Understands concepts of more and less up to five (5) objects | | | | |NPO 2..2 |

| | | | | |NPO 1.3 |

| | | | | |NPO 1.1 |

| | | | | |HS-M |

|9. Works simple puzzles (up to four 4 pieces) | | | | |GS 1.3 |

| | | | | |3.17 |

| | | | | |HS-M |

|Social Emotional/Physical Development | | | | | |

|1. Identifies self as a boy or girl | | | | |3.26 |

| | | | | |HS-SED |

|2. Provides/states first and last name | | | | |LSV 1.8 |

| | | | | |HS-SED |

|3. Identifies parent’s first and last name | | | | |3.27 |

| | | | | |HS-SED |

|4. Identifies age | | | | |LSV 1.8 |

| | | | | |HS-SED |

|5. Demonstrates independence in personal care | | | | |1.2 |

|Toileting, zipping, & buttoning, etc. | | | | |HS-SED |

|6. Separates from parents by appearing comfortable and secure without parent | | | | |1.11 |

| | | | | |HS-SED |

|Indicators |Not Evident|Emerging |Evident |Comments |EC/ADE/ |

| | |50% Accurate|Observation | |HS |

| | | |Competent | |Framework |

|7. Uses writing/drawing tools and scissors with control and intention | | | | |4.8 |

|Draw a person, cut on a straight line, connect the dots | | | | |W 2.6 |

| | | | | |HS-PHD |

|8. Reproduces/copies a | | | | | |

|circle | | | | |GS 1.1 |

|square | | | | |HS-PHD |

|triangle | | | | | |

*Legend or Key

Division of Child Care and Early Childhood - Numerals

Arkansas Department of Education – Strand & Numerals

HS-Head Start

❑ All Head Start information is from the Domains in the “The Head Start Path to Positive Child Outcomes”

LD-Language Development




SED-Social & Emotional Development

AL-Approaches to Learning

PHD-Physical Health & Development


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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