Grade: Kindergarten

Grade: Kindergarten

Course: Communication Arts

Discipline: Communication Arts



|Unit |

|Concepts about print  (R1A) * |

|Local Objective |

|Demonstrate basic concepts of print. (DOK 1) |

|directionality left to right, return sweep, top to bottom |

|understanding that the story is in the print |

|word by word matching |

|distinction between letter and word |

|Unit |

|Phonemic Awareness/Phonics  (R1C, W1A, W2E) * |

|Local Objective |

|Students will  |

|identify letters  (DOK 1) |

|say sounds associated with letters  (DOK 1) |

|write letter that goes with consonant sound  (DOK 1) |

|use semi phonetic spelling (DOK 2) |

|compose text through letters, words, and pictures (DOK 3) |

|Unit |

|Developing vocabulary in reading and writing (R1E, W1A, W2B, R1F, R1H, LS2A) * |

|Local Objective |

|Students will develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing unknown words in stories.  (DOK 2) |

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|Students will build prior knowledge by previewing the text and pictures and making general predictions about the text. (DOK 2) |

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|Students will respond to the text by illustrating a picture response to the story. (DOK 1) |

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|Students will compose a written response to the text, through letters, words, and pictures. (DOK 2) |

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|Students will share their response using age appropriate vocabulary. (DOK 1) |

|Unit |

|Compose well developed text (W2A,C,D,E, W3A) * |

|Local Objective |

|Recognize the audience and purpose when composing text with pictures, words, and ideas around a topic, with assistance. (DOK 1) |

|While composing a text, the students will use words related to the topic and use ending punctuation, with assistance. (DOK 1,2) |

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|Recognize, plan, and write a variety of texts. (DOK 3) |

|Unit |

|Follow writing process (W1A)* |

|Local Objective |

|Follow a writing process by: |

|generating a writing plan through pictures, oral language, or written letters and/or  words (DOK 3) |

|composing text through letters, words, and pictures (DOK 3) |

|rereading their writing with assistance (DOK 3) |

|Unit |

|Informational writing (IL1A, IL1D, W3A, W2D, W2C, W2A) * |

|Local Objective |

|Students will |

|   recognize different types of writing (report, letter, lists, etc.) (DOK 3) |

|   compose text with words that are related to a topic (DOK 2) |

|   develop awareness of how to give credit to others for ideas and information (DOK 3) |

|   develop awareness of resources on topics of interest (DOK 3) |

|   compose text with assistance (DOK 1) |

|   recognize different audiences for writing (DOK 1) |

|Unit |

|Listening and speaking Skills (LS1.A,B, LS2B) * |

|Local Objective |

|Demonstrate listening behavior (e.g. prepares to listen, listens without interruptions) while listening for enjoyment, information, and simple directions. (DOK 1) |

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|The student will verbally give directions with teacher assistance. (DOK 2) |

|Unit |

|Making Connections (R1I) * |

|Local Objective |

|Identify connections, with assistance, between: |

|text to text ideas (similarities and differences in various fiction and non fiction works - with assistance) (DOK 2) |

|text to self (text ideas and own experiences) (DOK 2) |

|Unit |

|onset & rime, phonemes, consonant (R1B;b,c,a, R2B) * |

|Local Objective |

|Develop the ability to recognize sounds in words: (DOK 1) |

|isolate consonant sounds |

|hear and say onset and rime |

|hear and say spoken phonemes |

|Participate in read aloud experiences involving rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, and repeating line or phrase. (DOK 1) |

|Unit |

|pictorial/written directions (R3D) * |

|Local Objective |

|Follow a simple pictorial/written direction with assistance. (DOK 1) |

|Unit |

|Reading Process(R1F, R1G, R1H, R3A, R3C) * |

|Local Objective |

|Develop and apply with assistance pre-reading strategies to aid comprehension. |

| access prior knowledge (DOK 2) |

| preview text and picture (DOK 2) |

| make general predictions  (DOK 2) |

|During reading, shared reading, or read alouds, develop and utilize, with assistance, strategies to: |

|self question and correct (DOK 2) |

|infer (DOK 2) |

|predict and check using cueing systems: meaning, structure, visual  (DOK 2) |

|Develop and demonstrate, with assistance, post reading skills after reading or read alouds to respond to text |

|question to clarify (DOK2) |

|re-tell  (DOK 2) |

|illustrate  (DOK 2) |

|re-enact stories  (DOK 2) |

|Unit |

|Read simple text (R1D) * |

|Local Objective |

|Read simple text (DOK 1) |

|containing a small bank of high frequency words |

|consisting of environmental print |

|Unit |

|Sensory details w/in context of nonfiction (R3B) * |

|Local Objective |

|Respond to examples of sensory details within the context of nonfiction text with assistance.(DOK 1) |

|Unit |

|Fiction comprehension (R2A, R2C) * |

|Local Objective |

|Use details from text, with assistance, to  |

|locate names of author and illustrator (DOK 1) |

|and apply information in title and pictures  (DOK 1) |

|Use details from fiction text to identify story elements in shared reading and read alouds with assistance: |

|main characters (DOK 1) |

|problem(s)/events  (DOK 1) |

|setting  (DOK 1) |

|Unit |

|Spelling and handwriting conventions (W2E) * |

|Local Objective |

|In composing text, students will utilize the following conventions when writing: (DOK 1) |

|correct letter formation |

|capitalization and correct spelling of first and last name |

|strategies for semi-phonetic spelling phase |

|Unit |

|Media Messages (IL2A) |

|Local Objective |

|The students will identify the target audience of advertisements. (DOK 1) |


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