Lesson plan form

| WEEK BEGINNING: October 24th |

| |Whole Group Intro |Strategic Intervention |On-Level |Advanced |Whole Group Wrap-up |


| |Morning warm up: Calendar, message |Listen to me reader: ”Cam the |Decodable Rdr. #9 |Independent Rdr. |Practice book p. 33- |

|M |board |Cow” |“My Map” |“Animals in the Grass” |Letter/sound: Cc /c/ |

|O |Charts: 10A & 10B | | | | |

|N |List Amazing Words: sleep, cave, |More practice with /k/ sound |Model fluent reading |Reread story for fluency |Monitor progress: Check sound |

|D |storm, winter, woods, blustery |Reread several times | |Use echo reading and modeling |fluency |

|A |Teach/Model: introduce Cc Trade |Rev. high frequency words |Read chorally- Read individually| | |

|Y |book”Bear Snores On” |Intro. Rebus words – |– re-read and monitor progress |DI 30 | |

| |Words:we, my, like, orange |P. DI 30 | | | |

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| |Morning warm up: calendar, message |Read phonics story: ”The Cap” |Phonics story: “The Cap” |Decodable reader #10: “My Cap” |Practice book p. 34- |

|T |board |p. 35-36 in practice book |p. 35-36 in practice book | |High frequency words |

|U |Charts: 10A & 10B | |Model fluent reading |Apply phonics skills | |

|E |Review Amazing Words |Review high frequency words |Read chorally |Model fluent reading |Monitor progress: Check |

|S |Review high frequency words – “we, |More practice with /k/ p. DI |Read individually |Read chorally |retelling & letter sound |

|D |my, like, orange” |31 |Re-read & monitor progress |Read individually |knowledge |

|A |Teach/Model: Cc /c/ | | | | |

|Y |Story element: realism & fantasy | | |DI 31 |Song on CD- “Can Cat Come to |

| | | | | |Captain’s Cave?” |

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| | |Leveled Reader: | | | |

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| |Morning warm up: calendar, message |Student reader: “Winter” |Kindergarten student reader: |Student Reader: “Winter” |Practice book p. 37 – Realism & |

|W |board – review letters in message |Model fluent reading |“Winter” |Reread orally 3 to 4 times to |Fantasy |

|E |Charts: 10A & 10B |Read chorally | |build fluency |P. 38 – /k/ at beginning of word|

|D |Read: “Bear Snores On” |Read individually |Model fluent reading |Volunteers read | |

|N |Review Cc /c/ |Re-read & monitor progress |Read chorally |Extend word reading - |Monitor progress: Check high |

|E |Words: we, my, like, orange |More practice with /k/ |Read individually |DI 32 |frequency words |

|S | |DI 32 |Re-read & monitor progress | | |

|D | | | | | |

|A | | | | | |

|Y | | | | | |

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| |Morning warm up: calendar, message |Decodable Rdr. #10: “My Cap” |Decodable Rdr. #10: |Independent level rdr. “Let’s |Practice book p. 39 – realism & |

|T |board – |Re-read it several times & give |“My Cap” |Race” |fantasy |

|H |Charts 10A & 10B |students opportunity to read | |Lesson on DI 7-extend word | |

|U |Re-read “Ms. Bindergarten Takes a |More practice with /K/ on DI 33 |Model fluent reading |reading |P. 40- Reading & recognizing |

|R |Field Trip” |Review high frequency words |Read chorally |Introduce book, build |descriptive words |

|S |Topic: Main idea | |Read individually |background, talk about recall & | |

|D |Review: Pp | |Re-read & monitor progress |retell, realism & fantasy, |Monitor progress; Check letter |

|A |Words: we, my, like, orange | | |extend word meaning |naming |

|Y | | | | | |

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| |Morning warm up: calendar, message |Read words in set A |Read words in set B |Read sentences |Assess realism & fantasy for |

|F |board – | | | |every group |

|R |Charts 10A & 10B |Assessment handbook p.172 |Assessment handbook p.172 |Assessment handbook p.172 | |

|I |Read Aloud anthology: “How the Bear | | | |Assessment handbook |

|D |Lost its Tail” | | | |p. 173 |

|A |Rev. letter names | | | | |

|Y |& high frequency words “my, we, | | | | |

| |like, orange” | | | | |


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