
To: The Loving Saints throughout the diocese

From: Minister Donald Conyers on behalf of Bishop Omega

Re: Behold, I make all things new

Date: March 14, 2010

Peace be unto you and praise the Lord. I am writing to communicate the scriptural references that His Eminence wants you to have.

|Revelation 1:3 |Revelation is the only book in the Bible that comes with a blessing for the one who listens to it being |

|Revelation 22:7 |read, explained and then he/she responds in obedience. |

Jesus came to remove the curse of sin.

Matthew 6:10 Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Purifying of the earth will happen by fire (II Peter 3:7, 10, 12) Thus a new heaven and new earth (II Peter 3:13). The earth formerly was destroyed by water II Peter 3:5,6 and Genesis 6:13.

Paul tells us in Ephesians, chapter 1 verse 10 that all things in heaven and earth gather together in Him. The wall that separates heaven and earth will be gone. Thus, the union of physical and spiritual worlds. Corruption and sin stains are gone. No need for the sea on new earth; no need of salt water for resurrected bodies. Presently, 2/3 of the earth is covered by sea. The uncovering will reveal new earth.

In Genesis 3:17-19 God cursed the earth. The cursed will be reversed on the new (fresh) earth. Ground will no longer produce thorns and thistles, as stated in Genesis 3:18.

A place already prepared (New Jerusalem) came down from God out of heaven, beautifully decorated. Revelation 21:1-5 Revelation 21:6 Water of life is not the water we know today; it is the lasting spiritual water of which Jesus spoke in John 4:13 and 14, 7:37 and 38. To him that thirsts: heaven belongs to those who, knowing their souls are parched by sin, have earnestly sought the satisfaction of salvation and eternal life Psalm 42:1-3

|Revelation 21:7 |He who overcomes (I John 5:4,5) |

|Revelation 21:8 |A serious warning about the kinds of people who will be outcasts from the new heaven and new earth in the |

| |lake of fire. |

|Revelation 21:9-21 |Description of New Jerusalem |

|Revelation 21:22 |No temple. The temple is not a building. It is the Lord God Himself. Revelation 7:15 implies this when it |

| |states, “He who sat on the throne will dwell among them.” |

|Revelation 21:23 |God and the Lamb are its Temple. The Glory of God which lights up all heaven defines it as His Temple. |

| |There is no need for a temple in eternal state since God, Himself, will be the Temple in which everything |

| |exists. The presence of God literally fills the entire new heaven and new earth(Revelation 21:3) |

| |Going to heaven will be entering the limitless presence of the Lord. (John 14:3 and I Thessalonians 4:17) |

|Revelation 21:24 |Nations- Redeemed people from every nation and ethnic group will dwell in heaven’s light. In the eternal |

| |city, there will be no more divisions, barriers or exclusions due to race or politics. All kinds of people |

| |in eternity dissolve into people of God; and move freely in and about the city. |

|Revelation 21:27 |Lambs book of life- A divine journal records the names of all those who God has chosen to save and who, |

| |therefore, possess eternal life (Revelation 13:8 and 17:8) |

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