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Prof. Dr. Mohammad El-khateeb

Business address: Home address

Chemistry Department/Faculty of Science and Arts P.O. Box 3635

Jordan University of Science and Technology Irbid 21110

P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110 JORDAN


Tel: +962-2-7201000 (23644) Mobile: +962-795-429008

Fax: +962-2-7201071 Date of Birth: June 10, 1966



Teaching, research and development in chemistry, including inorganic and organometallics.


Manipulation of air/moisture sensitive materials

Schlenk and glove box techniques

Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy: Bruker 400, Varian 200, 300 and JEOL 270, 300 MHz

FT-IR Spectroscopy

Gas Chromatography

UV-Vis Spectroscopy


* Ph.D. Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry: McGill University, Montreal, CANADA, February 1996.

* M.Sc. Chemistry: Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN, November 1990 (GPA: 90.0%).

* B.Sc. Chemistry: Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN, December 1988 (GPA: 83.7 %)


Dean/Faculty of Science and Arts: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 9/2013- 8/2017

Director/Language Center: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 9/2013- 10/2015

Chairman/English Language Department: King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Science and Arts at Alkamil, SAUDIA ARABIA, 9/2012- 8/2013.

Chairman/Chemistry Department: King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Science and Arts at Alkamil, SAUDIA ARABIA, 9/2011- 8/2013.

Visiting Professor: King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, SAUDIA ARABIA, 9/2011-8/2013.

Professor: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 9/2006- present

Visiting Professor: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Vienna University, Vienna, AUSTRIA 6/2010-7/2010.

Member, Pure-Sciences Committee: Scientific Research Fund, Ministry of higher Education and Academic Research, Amman, JORDAN, 9/2009-9/2011 and 5/2014 – 5/2016.

Chairman/Environmental Science Department: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 9/2007- 9/2008.

Editorial Board Member: Jordan Journal of Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN, 6/2007-9/2011.

Director of NMR laboratory: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 10/2005-9/2011.

Visiting Associate Prof.: Universität Wien, Vienna, AUSTRIA, 9/2005 and 10/2006.

Visiting Associate Prof.: Friedrich-Schiller-Universtät Jena, Jena, GERMANY, 9/2004-9/2005, 6/2006-9/2006 7/2007-9/2007, 6/2009-9/2009, 7/2010 and 6/2011.


Vice Dean/Faculty of Science and Arts: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 9/2002- 9/2004.

Chairman/Chemistry Department: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 9/2001- 9/2002 and 9/2007- 9/2009.

Associate Professor: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 9/2001- 9/2006

Visiting Researcher: McGill University, Montreal, CANADA, summer 1999 & summer 2000

Visiting Researcher: University of Würzburg, Würzburg, GERMANY, summer 1998

Assistant Professor: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 9/96 to 9/2001

Post Doctoral Researcher: McGill University, Montreal, CANADA, 1/96 to 9/96

Teaching Assistant: McGill University, Montreal, CANADA, 9/92 to 1/96

Research Assistant: McGill University, Montreal, CANADA, 9/92 to 1/96

Lecturer: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, SAUDI ARABIA, 9/90 to 9/91

Part Time Lecturer: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 1/90 to 9/90 and 9/91 to 9/92

Research Assistant: Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN, 1/88 to 1/90

Teaching Assistant: Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 1/88 to 1/90


99. Kinetics and mechanism of ligand substitution reactions in [cis-M(CO)4(amine)(EPh3)] complexes (M = Mo, W; amine = pyridine, piperidine; E = As, Sb). K.J. Asali, M. El-khateeb, Y. Foudeh, H. Abul-Futouh. Submitted to J. Coord. Chem.

98. Ferrocenyl Thiocarboxylates: Synthesis, Solid-State Structure and Electrochemical Investigations. D. Taher, F. F. Awwadi, J. M. Speck, M. Korb, D. Schaarschmidt, C.H Wagner E.M. Hamed, A. Habashneh, M. Al-Noaimi, M. El-khateeb, S. T. Abu-Orabi, K. Merzweiler, H. Lang. J. Organomet. Chem. 2017, 847, 59.

97. [FeFe]-Hydrogenase H-cluster mimics with various ‒S(CH2)nS‒ linker lengths (n = 2-8): a systematic study. H. Abul-futouh, L. Almazahreh, M. Harb, H. Görls, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 10437.

96. [FeFe]-Hydrogenase H-cluster mimics mediated by naphthalene monoimide derivatives of peri-substituted dichalcogenides. H. Abul-Futouh, Y. Zagranyarski, C. Müller, M. Schulz, S. Kupfer, H. Görls, M. El-khateeb, S. Gräfe, B. Dietzek, K, Peneva, W. Weigand. Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 11180.

95. Heterocyclic-based ferrocenyl carboselenolates: synthesis, solid-state structure and electrochemical investigations. D. Taher, F. F. Awwadi, J. M. Speck, M. Korb, D. Schaarschmidt, A. Habashneh, M. Al-Noaimi, M. El-khateeb, S. T. Abu-Orabi, H. Lang. J. Organomet. Chem. 2017, 845, 55.

94. Evaluation of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb in selected cosmetic products from Jordanian, Sudanese, and Syrian markets: A. Massadeh, M. El-khateeb, S. Ibrahim. Public Health, 2017, 149, 130.

93. Substitution reactions of mono-, di- and tri-thiocarbonato complexes of iron. M. El-khateeb, A. Mansor, I. Jibril, T. Rüffer, H. Lang. Polyhedron, 2017, 63, 133.

92. Selenium makes the difference: protonation of [FeFe]-hydrogenase mimics with diselenolato ligands. W. Weigand, H. Abul-Futouh, M. El-khateeb, H. Görls, K. Asali. Dalton Trans, 2017, 46, 2937.

91. [FeFe]-Hydrogenase H-cluster mimics with unique planar µ-(SCH2)2ER2 Linkers (E= Ge and Sn). H. Abul-futouh, L. Almazahreh, T. Sakamoto, N. Stessman, D.L. Lichtenberger, R.S. Glass, H. Görls, M. El-khateeb, P, Schollhammer, G. Mloston, W. Weigand. Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 346.

90. Synthesis, electrochemical and catalytic studies of ruthenium(II) diamine complexes of azoimine ligands bearing alkynes group. M. Al-Noaimi, F. F. Awwadi, D. Taher, A. Hammoudeh, M. El-khateeb, A. Mansi. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2017, 454, 222.

89. Preparation, Characterization and Structure Determination of CpFe(CO)(EPh3)SeCO-het Complexes. M. El-khateeb. J. Mol. Struc. 2016, 1123, 300.

88. Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Investigations of Heterocyclic-Selenocarboxylate Iron Complexes. M. El-khateeb, H. Abul-Futouh, H. Görls, W. Weigand, L.R. Almazahreh. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2016, 449, 14.

87. Synthesis and Characterization of Nickel(II) Selenothiocarbamato Complex. M. El-khateeb, H. Görls, W. Weigand, L.R. Almazahreh. Polyhedron, 2016, 106, 27.

86. Synthesis of diiodinated biphenyls and iodinated meta-terphenyls via regioselective Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions of 5-substituted-1,2,3-Triiodobenzene. R. Al-Zoubi, W. Al-Jammal, M. El-khateeb, R. McDonald. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 3374.

85. Kinetics and mechanism of ligand-substitution reactions of (2,6-diaminopyridine)[M(CO)5]2 (M = W, Mo, Cr): M. El-khateeb, K.J. Asali, L. Almazahreh, Trans. Met. Chem. 2015, 40, 471.

84. Ligand effects on the electrochemical behavior of [Fe2(CO)5(L)((-(SCH2)2(Ph)P=O] (L= PPh3, P(OEt)3): L. Almazahreh, W. Imhof, J. Talarmin, P. Schollhammer, H. Görls, M. El-khateeb, and W. Weigand, Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 7177.

83. Synthesis and reactivity of bimetallic group 6 carbonyl complexes containing bipyridine ligand. M. El-khateeb, K.J. Asali, R. Musa, Trans. Met. Chem. 2015,40, 131.

82. Synthesis of cyclopentadienyl ruthenium 4-pyridine and 2-pyrimidine thiolates and their bimetallic group VI metal carbonyls. M. El-khateeb, K. Shawakfeh, M. Al-Btoosh, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Polyhedron 2015, 89, 70-75.

81. Effects of alkane linker length and chalcogen character in [FeFe]-hydrogenase inspired compounds: M.K. Harb, A. Daraosheh, H. Görls, E.R. Smith, G.J. Meyer, M.T. Swenson, T. Sakamoto, R.S. Glass, D. L. Lichtenberger, D.H. Evans, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand. Heteroatom. Chem. 2014, 25, 592.

80. Thio- and selenosulfonato complexes of iron bearing aromatic and heterocyclic groups: M. El-khateeb, K. Asali, M. Al-Noaimi, E.Al-Rabaee F. Awwadi, D. Taher, H. Lang. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2014, 421, 553.

79. Evidences for chelating complexes of lithium with phenylphosphinic and phenylphosphonic acid. M. Sunjuk, B. El-Eswed, A. Shtaiwi, M. Khanfar, Y. Odah, M. El-khateeb. Phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and related elements, 2014, 189, 558.

78. Ruthenium(II) bipyridine complexes bearing quinoline-azoimine (NN'N") tridentate ligands: synthesis, spectral characterization, electrochemical properties and single-crystal X-ray structure analysis. M. Al-Noaimi, I. Al-Fasfos, M. El-khateeb, O. Abdel-Rahman, F. Awwadi, I. Warad

Spectrochimica Acta Part A , 2014, 125, 375.

77. The first [FeFe] Hydogenase model with (SCH2)2P=O. L. Almazahreh. U.-P. Apfel, W. Imhof, H. Görls, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand. Organometallics, 2013, 32, 4523.

76. Substitution reactions of [FeFe]-hydrogenase model complexes containing diselenolate bridges

M. El-khateeb, M. Harb, Q. Abu-Salem, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Polyhedron 2013, 61, 1.

75. Mono- and bi- iron chalcogenocarboxylate complexes. M. El-khateeb, M. Al-Noaimi, N. Al-Rejjal, H. Abul Fetouh, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Trans. Met. Chem. 2013, 38, 529.

74. Synthesis and characterization of platinum and palladium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamato complexes.

L. Almazahreh, M. El-khateeb, M. Harb, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Trans. Met. Chem. 2013, 38, 377.

73. Synthesis and structural characterization of asymmetric mononuclear ruthenium (II) complexes derived from 2-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-4-yl)pyridine and azoimine ligands. M. Al-Noaimi, M. El-khateeb, I. Warad, S.F. Haddadd. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2013, 400, 20.

72. Comparison of S and Se dichalcogenolato [FeFe]-hydrogenase models with central S and Se atoms in the bridgehead chain. M.K. Harb, J. Windhager, T. Niksch, H. Görls, T. Sakamoto, E.R. Smith, R.S. Glass, D. L. Lichtenberger, D.H. Evans, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand. Tetrahedron. 2012, 68, 10592.

71. Synthesis and reactivity of cyclopentadienyl iron complexes containing ferrocenyl selenolates. D. Taher, F. Awwadi, M. El-khateeb, H. Lang. Trans. Met. Chem. 2012, 37, 601.

70. Heterocyclic thiocarboxylate complexes of iron: synthesis, characterization and reactions. M. El-khateeb, M. Al-Noaimi, A. Al-Akhras, H. Görls, W. Weigand. J. Coord. Chem. 2012, 65, 2510.

69. Synthesis and reactivity of mono-, di-, and triiron selenoocarboxylate complexes. M. El-khateeb, S. Al-Weahaby, I. Jibril, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2012, 638, 1001.

68. Dependence of the product on the P–P ligand in reactions of RuCl3 with (P–P = diphosphines) and azoimine ligands. M. Al-Noaimi, M. Sunjuk, M. El-khateeb, S F. Haddad, A. Haniyeh. Polyhedron. 2012, 42, 66.

67. O-Alkylthiooxalato and Dithiocarboxylato Complexes of Molybdenum and Tungsten, M. El-khateeb, H. Abul Fetouh, K. Asali, H. Görls W. Weigand, Polyhedron, 2012, 38, 185.

66. New Approach to [FeFe]-hydrogenase Models Using Aromatic Thioketones. A.Q. Daraosheh, U.-P. Apfel, H. Görls, C. Friebe, U. Schubert, M. El-khateeb, G. Mloston, W. Weigand, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2012, 318.

65. A selective colorimetric chemosensor for mercuric ions based on 4-aminothiophenol-ruthenium(II) bis(bipyridine) complex. A. Al Abdel Hamid, M. El-khateeb, Z. A.Tahat, M. Qudah, S. Obeidat, A. Rawashdeh, Int. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 1.

64. Diiron dichalcogenolato (Se and Te) complexes: models for active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenase

M.K. Harb, U.-P. Apfel, T. Sakamoto, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 986.

63 Synthesis and characterization of ruthenium heterocyclic-thiocarboxylate complexes. M. El-khateeb, T.M.A. Jazzazi, H. Görls, T.M.A. Al-Shboul, M. Westerhausen, Trans. Met. Chem. 2011, 36, 29.

62. Reactions of selected aromatic thioketones with triiron dodecarbonyl. A.Q. Daraosheh, H. Görls, M. El-khateeb, G. Mloston, W. Weigand, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 349.

61. Synthesis and characterization of [FeFe]-hydrogenases models with bridging moieties containing (S, Se) and (S, Te) M.K. Harb, A.Q. Daraosheh, T. Niksch, H. Görls, T. Sakamoto, G.A.N. Felton, D.H. Evans, R.S. Glass, D.L. Lichtenberger, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 25, 3976.

60 Synthesis, X-ray structures, spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of ruthenium(II) complexes containing 2,2'-bipyrdine and ortho-thiophenoxy modified azomethine ligands. M. Al-Noaimi, M. El-khateeb, S. F. Haddad, H. Saadeh. Trans. Met. Chem., 2010, 35, 877.

59. Synthesis and reactivity of cyclopentadienyl ruthenium complexes containing 5-membered N-heterocyclic thiolates. M. El-khateeb, S. Mohammad, D. Taher, J.F. Corrigan, D. MacDonald. Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2010, 363, 4134.

58. Preparation and Characterization of Homologous Diiron Dithiolato, Diselenato, and Ditellurato Complexes: [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Models. M.K. Harb, U.-P. Apfel, J. Kübel, H. Görls, G.A.N. Felton,

T. Sakamoto, D.H. Evans, R.S. Glass, D.L. Lichtenberger, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand. Organometallics 2009, 28, 6666.

57. Substitution Reactions at [FeFe] Hydrogenase Models Containing [2Fe3S] Assembly by Phosphine or Phosphite Ligands. A.Q. Daraosheh, M.K. Harb, J. Windhager, H. Görls, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand. Organometallics 2009, 28, 6275.

56. Phosphine and phosphite substituted diiron diselenolato complexes as models for [FeFe]-Hydrogenases. M.K. Harb, J. Windhager, A. Darawosheh, H. Görls, L.T. Okumura D.H. Evans, R.S. Glass, D.L. Lichtenberger, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2009, 23, 3414.

55. Bimetallic group 6 metal tricarbonyls containing rigid backbone chelated ligands symmetrically bridged by bis(diphenylphosphino)alkane. K.J. Asali, M. El-khateeb, A. Daraosheh, Jord. J. Chem. 2009, 4, 233.

54. Multifunctional iron thiocarboxylate complexes: synthesis and reactivity. M. El-khateeb, K. J. Asali, I. Jibril A. Abuseni, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Trans. Met. Chem. 2009, 34, 419.

53. Synthesis and Characterization of Diiron Diselenolato Complexes: Iron Hydrogenase Models. M.K. Harb, T. Niksch, J. Windhager, H. Gorls, R. Holze, L. Lockettd, N. Okumurad, D.H. Evans, R. S. Glass, D.L. Lichtenberger, M. El-khateeb, W. Weigand. Organometallics, 2009, 28, 1039.

52. Half-sandwich iron complexes of sulfur and selenium containing ligands. M. El-khateeb, I. Jibril. Jord. J. Chem. 2009, 4, 17.

51. Synthesis and characterization of CpFe(CO)(EPh3)SSO2Ph (E= P, As, Sb). M. El-khateeb, T. Obidate. Phosphorous, sulfur, silicon and related elements, 2009, 184, 585.

50. Synthesis, structural characterization, and DFT investigation of azoimine-ruthenium complexes containing aromatic-nitrogen ligand. M. Al-Noaimi, M. El-khateeb, S. Haddad, M. Sunjuk, R.J. Crutchley. Polyhedron, 2008, 27, 3239.

49. Synthesis and characterization of ruthenium(II) azoimine-diphosphine mixed-ligand complexes. M. Al-Noaimi, M.I. El-Barghouthi, M. El-khateeb, H. Görls, R.J. Crutchley. Polyhedron. 2008, 27, 2698.

48. Half-sandwich ruthenium complexes of heterocyclic-dithiocarboxylato ligands. M. El-khateeb, M. Al-Noaimi, M. Harb, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Jord. J. Chem. 2008, 3, 147.

47. Ruthenium complexes of furan- and thiophene-thiolates: structure of CpRu(dppe)SThi. M. El-khateeb, M. Al-Noaimi, Z. Al-Amawi, A. Roller, S. Shova. Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2008, 361, 2957.

46. Half-sandwich ruthenium complexes of pentafluorobenzenethiolate ligands. K. Shawakfeh, M. El-khateeb, D. Taher, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Trans. Met. Chem. 2008, 33, 393.

45. Bimetallic ruthenium thiocarboxylate complexes: (µ-Z)[CpRu(L)(L')SCO] 2 (Z= 1,4-C6H4, 1,3-C6H4, (CH2)4). M. El-khateeb, K.J. Asali, M. Shaheen, A. Rababa’ah. Jord. J. Chem. 2008, 3, 33.

44. X-ray structure of 2,6-biphenyl-1,4-diselenafulvene and its reaction with Fe2(CO)9. D. Taher, S. Klaib, M. El-khateeb, T. Rüffer, H. Lang. Jord. J. Chem. 2007, 2, 217.

43. Trans-2,2'-bipyridinedichloro-1-(phenylimino)-1-(phenylhydrazono)-acetate ruthenium(II) dichloromethane solvate. M. Al-Noaimi, M. El-khateeb, H. Görls. Acta Cryst. E. 2007, 63, m2712.

42. Trans-2,2'-bipyridinedichloro-1-(4-methylphenylimino)-1-(phenylhydrazono)-propan-2-one ruthenium(II) dichloromethane solvate. M. Al-Noaimi, M. El-khateeb, H. Görls. Acta Cryst. E. 2007, 63, m2713.

41. New nitrophenyl-subsituted polyperoxotungstate catalyst: a more active and selective catalyst for the oxidation of sulfides by hydrogen peroxide: A.M. Al-Ajlouni, T.M. Daiafla, M. El-khateeb, J. Mol. Cat. A 2007, 275, 139.

40. Synthesis and structures of CpFe(CO)2(κ1E-ECS2Ph) and CpFe(CO)(κ2-E,S-ECS2Ph) where E= S, Se. M. El-khateeb, A. Roller. Polyhedron 2007, 26, 3920.

39. Syntheses, crystallography and spectroelectrochemical studies of ruthenium azomethine complexes: M. Z. Al-Noaimi, H. Saadeh, S.F. Haddad, M.I. El-Barghouthi, M. El-khateeb, R.J. Crutchley. Polyhedron 2007, 26, 3675.

38. Indenyl complexes of ruthenium containing thiolate ligands: structure of IndRu(dppe)SPh: M. El-khateeb, K. Shawakfeh, L. Shawakfeh, V.B. Arion, A. Roller. Trans. Met. Chem. 2007, 32, 527.

37. Crystal structure of trans-(dichloro-(2,2’-bipyridine)-(α-acetyl-α-phenylazo-4-phenylazomethine)-ruthenium(II)) dichloromethane solvate, RuCl2(C10H8N2)[(C6H5)2N3C(COCH3)] · CH2Cl2: M.Z. Al-Noaimi, M. El-khateeb, C. Maicla-Mössmer, Z. Kristallogr. NCS 2007, 221, 67.

36. Pyridine- and pyrimidine-2-thiolate complexes of ruthenium: M. El-khateeb, K. Damer, H. Görls, W. Weigand. J. Organomet. Chem. 2007, 692, 2228.

35. O-Alkylthio- and O-alkylselenooxalate iron complexes: structures of CpFe(CO)2ECOCO2Me and [CpFe(CO)2ECO]2: M. El-khateeb, H. Görls, W.Weigand. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2007, 360, 705.

34. Cyclopentadienyl tungsten complexes with thiocarboxylate and thiosulfonate ligands: structures of CpW(CO)3SCOPh and CpW(CO)3SSO2-4-C6H4Cl: M. El-khateeb, H. Görls, W. Weigand. J. Organomet. Chem. 2006, 691, 5816

33. Molybdenum S-bonded mono-thiocarboxylate complexes CpMo(CO)3SCOR: Structure of CpMo(CO)3SCOPh: M. El-khateeb, T. Rüffer, H. Lang. Polyhedron 2006, 25, 3413.

32. Synthesis and characterization of cyclopentadienyltricarbonyl tungsten selenocarboxylate and selenosulfonate complexes: M. El-khateeb, K.J. Asali, T. Abu Salem, R. Welter. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2006, 359, 4259.

31. Monomeric and dimeric ruthenium thiooxalte complexes: structures of CpRu(PPh3)2SCOCO2Me, and CpRu(dppe)SCOCO2Et: M. El-khateeb, K. Shawakfeh, T. Rueffer, H. Lang. J. Organomet. Chem. 2006, 691, 3743.

30. Half-sandwich ruthenium thiocarbonate complexes: structures of CpRu(PPh3)2SCO2Bun, CpRu(dppe)SCO2Bun and CpRu(PPh3)(CO)SCO2Bun: M. El-khateeb, H. Görls, W. Weigand. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2006, 359, 3985.

29. Concentration of sucrose solutions via vacuum membrane distillation: A. Al-Asheh, F. Banat, M. Qtaishat, M. El-khateeb. Desalination 2006, 195, 60.

28. Iron dithiocarbonate complexes: structure of CpFe(CO)2SC(S)O-4-C6H4Cl. M. El-khateeb, K.J. Asali, A. Lataifeh. Polyhedron 2006, 25, 1695.

27. Cyclopentadienyl ruthenium alkynyldithiocarboxylate complexes. M. El-khateeb, H. Görls, W. Weigand. J. Organomet. Chem. 2006, 691, 2055.

26. Facile route to synthesis of dinuclear group 6 metal carbonyls triply bridged by bis(diphenylphosphino)alkane ligands. K.J. Asali, M. El-khateeb, A. Al-Hmaideen. Jordan J. Chem. 2006, 1, 73.

25. Selenothiocarbonate complexes of iron: structure of CpFe(CO)2SeC(S)O-4-C6H4Cl: M. El-khateeb. Polyhedron 2006, 25, 1386.

24. Iron Se-bonded mono-selenocarbonates CpFe(CO)2SeCO2R: the first selenocarbonate complexes. M. El-khateeb. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2004, 357, 4341.

23. Controlled synthesis of mono-substituted diphosphine iron thiocarboxylate complexes CpFe(CO)(Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2)SCOR [n= 1 (dppm), 2 (dppe)]. X-ray crystal structure of CpFe(CO)(dppm-S)SCO(3,5-(NO2)2C6H3. M. El-khateeb, I. Jibril, H. Barakat, G. Reinwald, H. Lang, Polyhedron 2003, 22, 3445.

22. Half sandwich iron S-bonded thiocarbonate complexes: structure of CpFe(CO)2SCO2Et. M. El-khateeb, K.J. Asali, A. Lataifeh. Polyhedron 2003, 22, 3105.

21. Synthesis, characterization and some properties of 4-vinylpyridine containing polymers. M. Fares, M. El-khateeb, K.J. Asali. J. Inorg. Organomet. Poly. 2003, 13, 143.

20. Bimetallic group 6 tetracarbonyls doubly bridged by diphosphine and/or dithiaalkane ligands. K.J. Asali, M. El-khateeb, R. Salhab. Trans. Met. Chem. 2003, 28, 544.

19. Novel anionic heterocyclic thiolate complexes of group VIB metal carbonyls: synthesis and reactivity. K.J. Asali, M. El-khateeb, T. Battaineh. Synth. React. Inorg. Met-Org. Chem. 2003, 33, 1047.

18. Substituted iron selenocarboxylate complexes CpFe(CO)(EPh3)SeCOR (E= P, As, Sb). M. El-khateeb, A. Lataifeh, I. Jibril. Trans. Met. Chem. 2003, 28, 85.

17. Preparation and organic transformation reactions of CpFe(CO)2SCO-3-C6H4SO2Cl. M. El-khateeb, A. Younes. J. Organomet. Chem. 2002, 664, 228.

16. Synthesis and reactivity of group 6 pentacarbonyl dialkyl sulfide complexes. K. Asali, M. El-khateeb. Acta Chim. Slov. 2002, 49, 845.

15. Bimetallic complexes with bridging dithiaalkane ligands: preparation and kinetic study. K. Asali, M. El-khateeb, M. Musa, J. Coord. Chem. 2002, 55, 1199.

14. Photolytic CO-substitution reaction of organoiron thiocarboxylate derivatives CpFe(CO)2SCOR (R= alkyl, aryl) with diphosphines (Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2 (n= 1-6). X-ray crystal structure of [CpFe(dppm)SCO-3,5-(NO2)2C6H3]. I. Jibril, M. El-khateeb, H. Barakat, G. Reinwald, H. Lang, Inorg. Chim. Acta 2002, 333, 1.

13. Dinuclear group VIB metal carbonyl complexes bridged by bis(diphenylphosphino)-alkanes. M. El-khateeb, K.J Asali, M. Musa , Trans. Met. Chem. 2002, 27, 163.

12. The first selenosulfonate complexes CpFe(CO)2SeSO2R: preparation and structure of CpFe(CO)2SeSO2C6H5. M. El-khateeb, T. Obidate, Polyhedron 2001, 20, 239.

11. Synthesis and characterization of molybdenum and tungsten complexes containing tert-butylcyclopentadienyl ligand. M. El-khateeb, N. Al-rawashdeh, Q. Abu-Salem, Acta Chim. Slov. 2001, 48, 247.

10. Insertion reactions of (PPh3)2Pt(SR)2 with CS2 where R= H, CHMe2, CMe3, 4-C6H4Me; structure of (PPh3)Pt(S-4-C6H4Me)(S2CS-4-C6H4Me). A. Shaver, M. El-khateeb, A.-M. Lebuis, Inorg. Chem. 2001, 40, 5288.

9. The synthesis and structure of the thiosulfonato iron cmoplexes CpFe(CO)2SS(O)2R. M. El-khateeb, A. Shaver, A.-M. Lebuis, J. Organomet. Chem. 2001, 622, 293.

8. The reactions of CpRu(PPh3)2SR with the electrophiles HBF4, [MeSSMe2]BF4 and MeSphth where R= CMe3, CHMe2, 4-C6H4Me and phth= phthalimide. A. Shaver, M. El-khateeb, A.-M. Lebuis, J. Organomet. Chem. 2001, 622, 1.

7. Ruthenium heterocyclic thiolate complexes: CpRu(L)(L')SR (L= L'= PPh3, ½ dppm , ½ dppe. L= PPh3, L'= CO). M. El-khateeb, Trans. Met. Chem. 2001, 26, 267.

6. Sulfur(IV) compounds as ligands, part XXV. Halfsandwich ruthenium thiosulfonato complexes. Crystal and molecular structure of [CpRu(dppe){SSO2-4-C6H4Cl)}]. M. El-khateeb, B. Wolfsberger, W. A. Schenk, J. Organomet. Chem. 2000, 612, 14.

5. C-S bond cleavage of CpRu(PPh3)2SCH2CH=CH2 to give the timer ((3-S)2((-SCH2CH=CH2)-[CpRu]3. A. Shaver, M. El-khateeb, A.-M. Lebuis, Inorg. Chem. 1999, 38, 5913.

4. Homogeneous catalysts for Claus chemistry: the preparation and structure of cis-(PPh3)2PtS3O, a catalatically active intermediate. A. Shaver, M. El-khateeb, A.-M. Lebuis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1996, 35, 2362.

3. Contrasting reactivity of NOBF4 with CpRu(PPh3)(L)SR, L= PPh3, CO. A. Shaver, M. El-khateeb, A.-M. Lebuis, Inorg. Chem. 1995, 34, 3841.

2. Synthesis of a new iron complexes CpFe(CO)(EPh3)SCOR, (t-BuC5H4)Fe-(CO)(EPh3)SCOR and (1,3 di-t-BuC5H3)Fe(CO)(EPh3)SCOR (E=P, As and Sb). I. Jibril, M. El-Hinnawi, M. El-khateeb, Polyhedron 1991, 10, 2095.

1. Synthesis and characterization of [Fe(t-BuC5H4)(CO)2]2 and [Fe(1,3-di-t-BuC5H3)(CO)2]2 and the S-bonded thiocarboxylate derivatives (t-BuC5H4)Fe(CO)2SCOR and (1,3-di-t-BuC5H3)Fe(CO)2S-COR. M. El-Hinnawi, M. El-khateeb, I. Jibril, S. Abu-Orabi, Synth. Reac. Inorg. Met.-Org. Chem. 1989, 19, 809.


1. Claus chemistry catalysts: 211th ACS National Meeting (New Orleans, USA) 22-25 March 1995.

2. Insertion reactions of CS2 into the Pt-S bonds of (PPh3)2Pt(SR)2: 3rd Jordanian Chemical Conference (J.U.S.T. Irbid, JORDAN) 12-14 May 1996.

3. Reactions of ruthenium thiolate complexes: First Symposium of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN) 21-23 April 1998.

4. Eletrophilic reactions of ruthenium thiolate complexes: (University of Würzburg, Würzburg, GER‎MANY), 14th July 1998.

5. Preparation and oxidation of CpRu(LL)SCH2CF3: International Conference of Pure, Applied and Environmental Chemistry (Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN) 17-21 April 2000.

6. Controlled photolytic substitution reactions of CpFe(CO)2SCOR with Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2: The 6th Annual Symposium of Inorganic Chemistry in Quebec (Bishops University, Lennoxville, Quebec, CANADA) 11-12 Aug. 2000.

7. Claus chemistry catalysts: The preparation and characterization of thiosulfonato complexes: 10th International Symposium between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysts (CPE Lyon, Lyon, France) 2-7 July 2001.

8. Preparation and reactions of selenosulfonato complexes (CpFe(CO)2SeSO2R): 6th International Inorganic Chemistry Conference (LMU, Munich, Germany) 7-10 April 2002.

9. Claus chemistry catalysts: The preparation and characterization of thiosulfonato complexes: 3rd International Jordanian Chemistry Conference (Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN) 22-25 April 2002.

10. Series of lectures: Annual Scientific Day of the Faculty of Science (J.U.S.T, Irbid , JORDAN): May of each year.

11. Annual meeting: 22nd Higher Council of Arab Chemist Meeting (Beirut, Lebanon) 31st Aug.-2nd Sept. 2002.

12. JSPS Asian Seminar on Synchrotron Radiation (Alpalqa Applied University, Salt, JORDAN) 19th-28th Oct. 2002.

13. Novel half sandwich iron S-bonded mono-thiocarbonate complexes: structure of CpFe(CO)2SCO2Et: 4th International School of Organometallic Chemistry (Degli Studi University, Camerino, Italy) 6th-10th Sept 2003.

14. Cyclopentadienyl iron-selenium complexes: CpFe(CO)2SeCO2Et: 2nd International conference on Chemistry and its Applications (University of Qatar, Doha, State of Qatar) 6th-9th Dec. 2003.

15. Half sandwich iron S-bonded mono-thiocarbonate complexes: structure of CpFe(CO)2SCO2Et and member of the organizing committee: 12th Arab Chemistry Conference, 5th Jordanian Chemistry Conference and the 23rd discussion meeting of the Higher Council of Arab Chemsits (Jordanian Chemical Society, Amman, Jordan) 21st-24th Oct. 2003.

16. Chairman of the organizing committee: The 2nd meeting for the societies of the faculties of colleges of sciences in the Arab world: Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan) 28th-29th April 2004.

17. N-containing heterocyclic ruthenium thiolate complexes: The 2nd Arab Chemistry Conference (Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan) 21st-23rd April 2004.

18. Di- and tri-thiocarbonate complexes of iron CpFe(CO)2SC(S)OR and CpFe(CO)2SCS2R: Modern Trends in Organometallic and Polymer Chemistry (Moscow, Russia) 30th May- 4th April 2004.

* Cyclopentadienyl iron chalcogeno-complexes: synthesis, characterization and reactivity:

19. Faculty of Chemistry: Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany. 18 Jan. 2005.

20. Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry: Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Jena, Germany. 21th April 2005.

21. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry: Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. 18 May 2005.

22. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Germany. 19th May 2005.

23. Department of Inorganic Chemistry - Bioinorganic, Environmental and Radiochemistry: Universität Wien, Wien, Austria. 23rd Sept. 2005.

24. Half-Sandwich Ruthenium sulfur complexes: CpRu(L)(L')SZ: Z= COR, SO2R, CO2R, COCO2R: The 13th Arab Chemistry Conference (Kuwait Chemical Society, Kuwait City, Kuwait) 28th-29th Nov. 2005.

25. Cyclopentadienyl iron complexes containing sulfur and selenium ligands: First conference of undergraduate and graduate chemistry students in Jordan (Mu’tah University, Al-Karak, Jordan) 26th April 2006.

26. Some aspects of ruthenium sulfur complexes: Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Jena, Germany. 25th July 2006.

27. Cyclopentadienyl tungsten complexes with thiocarboxylate and thiosulfonate ligands: structures of CpW(CO)3SCOPh and CpW(CO)3SSO2-4-C6H4Cl: First European Chemistry Congress (Budapest, Hungary) 27th-31st Aug. 2006.

28. DAAD Alumni conference: prospective of German-Jordanian Academic Cooperation. (Amman, Jordan) 22nd and 23rd Nov. 2006.

29. Pyridine- and pyrimidine-2-thiolate complexes of ruthenium: 10th Ibn Sina international conference on pure and applied heterocyclic chemistry (Luxor, Egypt) 17th-20th Feb. 2007.

30. Cyclopentadienyl iron complexes containing sulfur and selenium ligands. Second conference of undergraduate and graduate chemistry students in Jordan, member of the organizing committee: (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan) 9th May 2007.

31. Heterocyclic thiolate complexes of ruthenium: Petra International Chemistry Conference (Tafela Technical University, Petra, Jordan) 25th-28th June 2007.

32. Cyclopentadienyl ruthenium complexes containing 2-thiophenethiolate, 2-furanthiolate and 2-selenophenethiolate ligands: 9th FIGIPAS: Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry (Vienna University of technology, Vienna, Austria) 3rd-7th July 2007.

33. Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of organoiron sulfur and selenium complexes: 13th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria) 15th-20th July 2007.

34. Cyclopentadienyl ruthenium complexes containing 2-thiophenethiolate, 2-furanthiolate and 2-selenophenethiolate ligands: Frontiers of chemical sciences III: research and development in the Middle East (Istanbul, Turkey) 8th-13th Dec. 2007.

35. Bimetallic ruthenium thiocarboxylate complexes: (µ-Z)[CpRu(L)(L')SCO] 2 (Z= 1,4-C6H4, 1,3-C6H4, (CH2)4): 14th Arab Chemistry Conference (Tripoli, Libya) 30th Mar.-3rd April 2008.

36. Orrganometallic models of Claus Chemistry: Materials Workshop (Goethe Institute, Amman, Jordan) 12th April 2008.

37. Dithiocarboxylato complexes of ruthenium: 8th Jordanian chemical society conference (Petra University, Amman, Jordan) 21st April 2008.

38. New aspects of ruthenium sulfur complexes: Tafela Technical University, (Tafela, Jordan) 24th April 2008.

39. Ruthenium complexes of 5-membered nitrogen heterocyclic-thiolates: 5th International Jordanian Chemistry Conference (Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN) 16th-20th June 2008.

40. Chairman of the conference, several contributions. Organometallic Complexes of Sulfur or Selenium Ligands: Irbid-Jena Relationship (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN) 7th-12th Oct. 2008.

41. 8th International Symposium on New Trends in Chemistry and Second Congress on the Federation of African Societies of Chemistry (FASC) (Cairo University, Giza, EGYPT) 3rd-7th Jan. 2009.

42. Chemical Safety and Security Workshop, Sandia Lab, US Department of Energy, Cairo EGYPT 8th Jan. 2009.

43. Chemical Safety and Security Workshop, Sandia Lab, US Department of Energy, Irbid JORDAN 13th April. 2009.

44. Group 6-cyclopentadienyl metal complexes of sulfur ligands: 9th Jordanian chemical society conference (Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan) 28th April 2009.

45. Synthesis and Reactivity of Cyclopentadienyl Ruthenium Complexes Containing 5-membered N-Heterocyclic Thiolates: German-Middel East International Conference (Amman, Jordan) 10th-11th May 2009

46. Academic gust, 59th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (19th Meeting dedicated to Chemistry), (Lindau, Germany) 28th June-4th July 2009.

47. Participant: 13th Asian Chemical Congress (Shanghai, China) 13th-16th Sept. 2009.

48. Participant: Frontiers of chemical sciences IV: research and development in the Middle East (Amman, JORDAN) 14th-19th Dec. 2009.

49. IR, 1H-NMR and X-ray data of Fe-Chalcogeno Complexes: Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry (Bressanone, Italy) 31st Jan.- 5th Feb. 2010.

50. Participant and Local Organizer; Chemical Safety and Security Officer Training. Sandia National Laboratories, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 14th-18thth Feb. 2010.

51. Diiron diselenolato complexes as models of the [Fe-Fe]-hydrogenases: Workshop on Materials in Jordan (Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, JORDAN) 10th-11th April 2010.

52. Synthesis, characterization and reactions of iron heterocyclic thiolate complexes: VXXII European Heterocyclic Chemistry Colloquium (Vienna Technical University, Vienna, Austria) 23th-27th Aug. 2010.

53. Organoiron containing heterocyclic-thiocarboxylate ligands: synthesis and reactions: 11th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences (The Dead Sea Area, JORDAN) 6th-10th Oct. 2010.

54. Spectroscopic and computational analysis of [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Models: 2nd North African Conference on Computational physics and Chemistry (University Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria) 12th-14th Dec. 2010.

55. Member of the scientific and organizing committees: 2nd International Conference on Materials in Jordan (Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, JORDAN) 12th-14th April 2011.

56. Member of the scientific and organizing committees: 6th International Jordanian Chemistry Conference (Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN) 19th-22nd April 2011.

57. [FeFe]-hydrogenase Model Complexes containing diselenolato ligands. Research to Application and Markets (Monstier, Tunisia) 28th-30th, June 2013.

58. New Approach to [FeFe]-hydrogenase Models Using Aromatic Thioketones: Frontiers of Chemical Sciences V: Research and Education in the Middle East (UNESCO, Paris, FRANCE) 4th-9th Dec. 2011.

59. Reduction and Reuse of Academic Laboratories Chemical Wastes and [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Model Complexes Containing P=O functionality at the headbridge. Scince Diplomacy and Developments in Chemistry (Alexandria University, Alexandria, EGYPT) 24th-26th, Nov. 2012.

60. New [FeFe]-hydrogenase Model Complexes with P=O functionalty at the head brigde. Research to Application and Markets 2 (Sousse, Tunisia) 28th-30th, June 2013.

61. New [FeFe]-hydrogenase Model Complexes with P=O functionalty at the head brigde. MaltaVI: Frontiers of Science VI: Research and Education in the Middle East (Hilton Hotel, MALTA) 10th-15th Nov. 2013.

62. Participant: HRK German Rectors Conference: Internationalization of Universities. (Bonn, GERMANY) 2nd-5th Dec. 2013.

63. Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committees: Building International Networks for Enhancement of Research in Jordan. (Princess Sumaya University of Technology, Amman, JORDAN) 3rd-5th April 2014.

64. Participant: The 10th Meeting for the Association of the Faculties of Sciences Members of the Arab Universities Union. (Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman) 7th-9th April 2014.

65. Organoiron Selenocarboxylate Complexes: synthesis, characterization and Reactivity: Theory and Computations in Science and Biosciences (University Djillali Liabes of Sidi-Bel-Abbes Telmecen, Algeria) 15th-18th Nov. 2014.

66. Synthesis of cyclopentadienyl ruthenium 4-pyridine and 2-pyrimidine thiolates and their bimetallic group VI metal carbonyls: 13th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India) 14th-18th Dec. 2014.

67. Chemistry department at JUST: excellence in teaching and research: Chemistry Department, Jakarta Negeri University, Jakarta, Indonesia 24th Feb. 2015.

68. Iron complexes containing sulfur or selenium ligands: Chemistry Department, Jakarta Negeri University, Jakarta 25th Feb. 2015.

69. Hydrogen production by [FeFe]-hydrogenase models with phosphine oxide at the bridgehead and phosphine ligands at iron: Beacons of Hope in the Quest for the Next Einstein in MENA Rejon, Fez, Morroco 4th-6th March 2015.

70. Organometallic complexes of sulfur ligands: the 14th Jordanian Chemical Conference, Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan 8th April 2015.

71. Participant at Addressing Shared Challenges through Science Diplomacy: the case of EU-Middle East Regional Cooperation. Princess Haya Cultural Center, Amman, Jordan 13th April 2015.

72. Conference Chair: International Conference on Advanced Materials 2015: Faculty of Science and Arts at Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 27th – 29th April, 2015.

73. Chemical safety and Security at Jordan University of Science and Technology: a Case of Academic Jordanian Institution: Chemical Security Workshop: Oak Ridge National Laboratories and Association of Arab Universities, Amman, Jordan 7th-10th June 2015.

74. Cyclopentadienyl Iron Chalcogenocarboxylate Complexes Bearing Heterocyclic Moiety. GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie, Dresden, Germany 30th Aug.-2nd Sept. 2015.

75. Participant: International Meeting on Advanced Materials (MAM-2015), Hammamet, Tunisia, 7th-9th Sept. 2015.

76. Chalcogenocarboxylate Iron Complexes Bearing Heterocyclic Moiety. Frontiers of Science: Research and Education on the Middle East Malta VII: Rabat, Morocco, 15th-20th Nov. 2015.

77. Participant: Public-Private-Partnership: Cooperation between Universities and Business: HRK German Rector' Conference, Cobourg, Bamberg and Ilmenau, Germany, 3rd-5th Dec. 2015.

78. Chairman of the meeting, presenter "Faculty of Science and Arts at JUST: Reality and Ambitions" The First Jordanian-Tunisian Scientific Forum, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 28th March-1st April 2016.

79. Participant: The 12th Meeting for the Association of the Faculties of Sciences: Members of the Arab Universities Union. Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. 17th-20th April 2016.

80. Substitution Reactions of Mono-, Di-, and Trithiocarbonate Organoiron Complexes by EPh3 (E= P, As, Sb). Research for Applications and Markets RAM 2016. Hammamate, Tunisia. 16th-18th Sept. 2016.

81. Organometallic Complexes of Sulfur Ligands. Faculty of Science at Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia. 21st Sept. 2016.

82. Chairman of the conferences: "International Chemistry Conference: New Trends and Applications" and "Second International Conference of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering". (Dead Sea, Jordan) 3rd-5th Oct. 2016.

83. Substitution Reactions of Iron Thiocaboxylate Complexes by Bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene. 14th Euraisa Conference of Chemical Sciences. Karachi University, Karachi, Pakistan. 15th-18th Dec. 2016.

84. [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Models: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activity of Diselenolato Diiron Complexes. International Conference on Chemical and Biological Sciences and 15th Jordanian Chemical Conference. Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan. 5th-6th April 2017.

85. [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Models: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activity of Diselenolato Diiron Complexes. Memeber of the organizing committee: Jordanian Life Sciences for Sustainable Developments. Al al-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan. 27th-29th April 2017.

86. [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Mimics Containing Long Dithiolato Linker: Structure and Electrochemical Study. Limits of knowledge. AGH University, Krakow, Poland. 22th-26th June 2017.

87. Chairman of the conference: Second International Conference of Advanced Materials ICAM2017. Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. 10th -13th July 2017.


2012 Fulbright Scholarship, Texas A & M University (Suspended).

2011 Distinguished Scientific Study, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA: a value of 50 000 SR.

2008 Abdul-Hamid Shoman Award for Young-Arab Researchers: a value of $ 10,000, a certificate and a medal.

2008-2010 Institutional partnership research grant: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung: Germany. A value of 42,000 Euro.

Summer/2007 Dautsche forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Scholarship: Germany

Summer/2006 Resumption of fellowship: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung: Germany.

2004-2005 Double Salary Awards for Research Stay Sabbatical Year, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan

2004-2005 Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung: Germany. Includes, two months German Language coarse, one year scholarship, 1000 Euro book donation and 20,000 Euro Equipments donation.

Summer/1998 DAAD Scholarship, summer stay

1994/95 “Alexander McFee” McGill University Fellowship.

1996. Gov. Scholarship (Jordan University of Science & Technology)

1992-1996 Tution Fee Waiver, McGill University.

1990 King Hussain Award to the Best M. Sc. Graduating Student

1990 Yarmouk University Award to the Best M. Sc. Graduting Student

1988 Yarmouk University Award to Out Standing Students.

1984-1988 Faculty of Science Honor List (five times)

1988-1990 Tuition Fee Waiver, Yarmouk University.


PC and Macintoch, including MS Word, Excel, Chem. Office, Chem. Draw, and Khalida Graph.

Courses Taught:

General Chemistry: 1, 2, and 3 (3 for Medical students)

General chemistry labs

Inorganic chemistry: main groups, coordination chemistry and transtion metal chemistry

Inorganic chemistry labs: main groups, coordination compounds

Organometallic chermistry: under grad, and advanced graduate coarses

Physical application of group theory: an advanced graduate coarse

Special topics: chemical saftey and security, Lanthanides and Actanides chemistry,

Advanced bioinorganic chemistry

Litretuare Seminar: grad and undergraduate students


Prof. Alan Shaver Prof. Wolfgang Weigand

Department of Chemistry Institut Für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie

Otto Maass Building FSU-Jena

McGill University Humboldt Strasse 8

801 Sherbrooke St. W. D-07743

Montreal, QC H3A 2K6 Jena

CANADA Germany

+01 (514) 398-6237 (+49) 3641 / 9-48160

E-mail: E-mail:

Prof. Khalil Asali Prof. Bernhard Keppler

Department of Chemistry Institut für Anorganische Chemie

Jordan University Sci. & Tech. Universtät Wien

PO Box 3030, Währinger Str. 42

Irbid 22110 A-1090 Vienna


+962 (2) 7201000 (23642) +43-1-4277-52600

E-mail: E-mail:



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