Josiah V - RootsWeb

Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown Pa

Family Record Book

Vol 8

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Oak Hill Sept 3, 1922 4:38 Pm

I have just finished two books simultaneously, viz: reading of my last fall's trip from Book 5, Page 578 & recording in Book 7, Page 602, which I commenced June 11th last & have filled in less than three months. I am now commencing on this book & reading to cousin Kate record of my trip made up largely at first from penciled data taken & recorded when I came home & got a new book.

Book 6 Page 1, Kate said her grandfather was determined that his son Peter Rothermel, born she says in 1793, should marry Elizabeth Shearer born 1794, the oldest child of Frederick Shearer. Peter However, rebelled at having a match made for him & refused. This was down in Franklin Co Pa before the came out to Westnd Co. I don't think Elizabeth ever married & Kate says she died down along the Monongahela River from cancer & was greatly neglected & not properly cared for by her friends. She died at a sister's & maggots had got in the cancer which swarmed with them. This would probably be 1861 as Cousin Kate s'd Peter was at the time in his 69th yr & he & his sister Polly both died the next year, both unmarried. It is now 5:17 PM & I am up to Page 11 in Book 6 & will go in to Minnie's to supper.

Oak Hill Sept 4, 1922 11:40 AM.

Cousin Kate said this morning that Ada Kelley, daughter of her nephew Samuel B. Rotharmel was three weeks old when her father, Sam B. Rotharmel

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& her mother Mary Newcomer were married & that her father (Samuel Newcomer) made Sam marry her. This she said was the year of the Centennial (See Book 4 Pages 304 & 305) & they lived in a little house in the yard at his father's "Sude" Pool (Rotharmel) wife of "Ab" (Sam's brother Peter Absalom) found out about it & was making a great tirade about it at Kate's home saying they were old enough to know better. (He was 34 & she 32). Kate said she didn't say anything, but that "Sude" had had the same trouble in her own family. Said her father, John Pool, after his first wife Lucetta Scholl, daughter of Chas J. Scholl (Sudie's mother) had died, had a young servant girl in his house named Thalheimer, who was not much, if any older than his children & she had a baby to him. Later, she was again pregnant to him & the neighbors took matters in their hands & sent a constable to the house & she was sent away & he was made to go & marry her & Kate says they had a lot of children, seven or eight, she thought.

Last night, Louisa H. Whaley, when here, said that Gertrude, John's wife, was in the family way, four months on the way, but for me to not say anything about it. Am to Page 60 Book 6 & it is 2:08 & I must got in town.

Oak Hill, Sept 5, 1922 12:33 PM

Reading to Cousin Kate from Book 6 Page 135 lines 9 to 11, she said Mrs Sarah E. Ault, then living at

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Scottdale Pa had sent for her sister "Dill" (Adelia) to come & sew for her & she was there sewing for abt two weeks & these brothers of Mrs Ault, George & Johnston S. Plumer were on a visit with their sister at the time. She said her sister "Dill" liked Mrs Ault very much.

Cousin Kate says that Uncle Abraham Markle was in to Westmoreland Co Pa on a visit to see his father & stayed at her grandfather's as his father being old, did not like much noise about the house. This would be say 1814 to 1819, the dates of Peter Rothermel's coming & great grandfather's death. This is probably when Abraham got great grandfather's big family bible which went from him to his daughter Mrs Burgett & which her daughter Mrs Frank McCune allowed to be lost or stolen from their Iroquois Apartments at Pgh Pa.

Book 6 Page 150 Cousin Kate says Mrs Gault was a little girl when her father married his second wife who was from Washington Pa & who was disappointed when her husband died, that there was no money & the land was left so she could get but little. She built or got a little house out by Mendon where it was said Josiah Pore who went much to see her was going to marry her, but he didn't. Kate said he was an old bachelor & a girl living with him as servant went away crying to her mother because of his advances with her which were not

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successful & her mother told her she need not go back. The next servant girl had the same experience & also went away or back to her father who was a Painter over by Irwin Pa. He drove her out & she had to go back to Pore & her father made Pore marry her. He wanted to fix it up by paying some money, but Painter would not do that. Kate says: "You know when you get mixed up with the Painters you can expect trouble". The girl was reported young, but Kate says Mrs Markle (widow of one of the John Markle family) says she wasn't so young. She says he lives up Main St above her old home & has several children & bragged once to someone that he was 82 & had a young baby. This occurred before Kate left West Newton Pa. Said too, that he owned the old John Jack farm & another one near it.

Book 6 Page 174, Cousin Kate says Samuel Brown is wrong in his statement about his grandfather Frederick Shearer coming to Fayette Co in 1823. She says he hauled a load out for her grandfather in 1813 or I think 1814 & they together went up to Fayette Co & bought the farm & Frederick went back to Franklin Co Pa, sold his farm there & moved right out to Fayette Co. Look up at Chambersburg Pa when he sold & at Uniontown when he bought.

It is now 3:55 PM & I must go in town.

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Oak Hill Sept 5, 1922 8:33 Pm

Referring to Book 6 Pages 205 & 206, Mrs Ault's statement about the apple, no doubt given by Barrett, & her mother only told part of the story, Cousin Kate said that Mrs Scholl told about it, ie the carrying off of the two Jack girls to her grandmother the week after she arrived in Westnd Co. In fact, she told it everywhere. Kate thinks Mrs Scholl was 6 yrs old when it occurred & Barrett came to carry off her, Mrs Scholl's, older half sister & great grandfather had got wind of it & was waiting for him but unfortunately fired at him before he dismounted & he dashed off on his horse. Kate says there was an Annie Ross, whose mother, dying when she was quite young, her grandmother Ross living in that neighborhood had raised her. This Annie died spinning in the neighborhood & some years later was spinning at John Markle's & Kate's grandmother had her come to spin for her & she was there two weeks & she told identically the same story, which she said her grandmother had told her, saying the Jack girls were two fine beautiful girls. Kate says he built a shack or shed out of rails & brush & leaned it against the Jack Line fence, but just over on the adjoining farm & had the effrontery to keep them there two weeks before he took them off, no

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doubt keeping them dosed up with powders & as she said before, shooting at anyone who came near. Kate says Mrs Elizabeth Markle didn't know that her sisters, Mrs Robertson & Mrs Finley were dead & was arranging to go up & see them & was found dead in bed the morning of the day Rothermels had arranged to take her to see them - or tell her of their death. It is now 10:30 PM & I to page 212 Book 6 & Cousin Kate is sleepy & will quit for the night.

Oak Hill Sept 6, 1922 9:33 AM

I have been at work reading over Book 6 for two hours & how in reading to Cousin Kate on Page 253 about what Mrs Ida McFadden's statement of Jane Jack & many of her children having red hair, she said Mrs Elizabeth Markle (Jane's sister) & also Paddy Jack had red hair & so had Marian Smith, Mrs Markle's daughter.

Book 6 Page 262, Cousin Kate says Lucy Hood's father, Wm Thompson had one sister. Just two in the family & this sister died when she was a little girl.

Page 263 Kate said George Bruner was a carpenter & worked for Millard F. Scholl & put the floor in their kitchen. She said Sarah Milligan was his second wife.

Page 279 Kate says David Baldridge who married Fannie Thompson

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Lucy Hood's sister, was a confirmed drunkard & often laid around on the streets drunk & once when drunk came to Lucy's & she wouldn't let him in. He had been in the Civil War & finally got a pension & his mother who was rich, built a house somewhere, not at West Newton & David, Fannie & his mother lived together & Mrs Hanway also rich a widow, sister of Mrs Baldridge Sr same & lived with them. David & Fannie had two girls & a boy, one girl, Kate can't recall her name or her husband's is married & the unmarried girl whose name is Kate, named for her grandmother Baldridge lives with her sister. This Kate has a "spoiled face" & sews & is a nice girl. The boy's name is Frank Baldridge, named for his mother, is a nice man, not overly strong, used to work in a bank, went to Calif, for his health, married & has she thinks two children. She says Lucy Hood now gets a pension of $30 per mo. (it used to be $12) for her husband who was in the Civil War. She says Lucy wasn't good to her father either. Said he was sick at Spiegels, who kept a hotel or boarding house & she went one day to see him but didn't stay & he died the next day or so & his deceased wife's sister, Fannie Oliver took him to her home & he was buried from there. Kate said he was a bad man & that his wife died from disease he had contaminated her with.

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Page 298, reading to Cousin Kate the statement of Dr Shane, that great grandfather had 22 children, she said: "Yes, that is what I always heard. Eleven by each wife". It is now 3:25 PM & I am up to Page 323 in Book 6 & must go to town.

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Register's Office Berks Co Pa, Reading Pa Sept 9, 1922 10:10 AM

Administration Index P-Z

"Descendents" Vol Page Adm Sureties

1758 Rodarmel, Laura 1 90 Ursula Rodarmel Benedict Kesher

1785 Rodermel, John 4 32 Elizabeth & Jacob Johannes A. Heim Rothermel

1769 Rothermel, Christn 3 23 Magdalena Rothermel Peter Federolf John Lesher

1823 Rothermel, Cath 9 181 John Rothermel Leonard Rothermel

1843 Rothermel, Abraham 15 220 Jeremiah Wolfinger John Herbein A.F. Miller

1825 Rothermel, Hannah 9 294 Frank Rothenburgh Adam Harebolt

1801 Rothermel, Jacob 6 8 Hannah Rothermel et Jacob Forney

al John Sahlegel

1826 Rothermel, John Jr 10 59 Sarah Rothermel Elijah Dechart Daniel Kerper?

1787 Rothermel, Peter 4 82 Christina & Jacob Adam Dreibelbiss Rothermel

1807 Rothermel, Paul 7 16 Sophia Rothermel Jacob Resser

Peter Rothermel Fred Maurer

1833 Rothermel, Peter 9 180 John Rothermel Leonard Rothermel Paul Rothermel Joseph Rothermel

1832 Rothermel, Peter 11 252 Jeremiah Starr Joseph Copight James L. Dunn

1803 Rothermel, Sibilla 6 307 Daniel Dreibelbis Peter Wanner c.t.a. Andrew Fegely

1814*Rothermel, Sophia 7 313 Jacob Rieser J.K. Boyer George Boyer

1860*Rothermel, Solomon 22 210 Paul Rothermel Peter Rothermel Obed Droyer

Same H to O

1821* Markle, Casper 8 369 Jacob Merkel et al Fredk Leibelsperger

J. San. P. Reinhart

[*These years have the first two digits chopped off. I am guessing they are 1800's CW]

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At residence of Mrs Mary Rothermel 125 Main ST Fleetwood Berks Co Pa Sept 9, 1922 6:15 PM

Family Bible of Daniel Rothermel, son of Peter & father of Mrs Rothermel's husband Daniel.

Daniel Rothermel was the son of Peter Rothermel & his wife Helena Yaeger, was born July 7, 1799 in Maiden Creek Tp, Berks Co Pa & he was married first. Apr 17, 1825 to Maria Dunkel. He married Second Feby 25, 1829 to Esther Koller of Richmond Tp, Berks Co Pa who was born May 24, 1807 in Richmond Tp, daughter of John Koller & Barbara

Maria Dunkle died Mch 11, 1828

Their Children:

1. Maria, born June 3, 1830 in Richmond Tp

2. Hannah, born Nov 23, 1831, in Richmond Tp

3. Anna, born Nov 24, 1883 in Alsace Tp

4. John, born Oct 5, 1835 in Maiden Crk Tp

5. Martin, born Feby 26, 1837 in Maiden Crk Tp

6. Sarah, born Sept 18, 1839 in Richmond Tp

7. Esther, born July 15?, 1842 in Richmond Tp

8. Peter, born Jany 29, 1846 in Richmond Tp

9. Elizabeth, born June 23, 1849 in Richmond Tp

10. Daniel, born Dec 1, 1852 in Richmond Tp

The child of Daniel Rothermel & his first wife, Maria Dunkel was an unnamed son born & died the same day, 1825.

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Family record of Mrs Rothermel's husband Daniel, follows in the same Bible all in German.

Daniel Rothermel & Mary Oswald were married at Hamburg Pa, Aug 21, 1875 by Rev Appel.

She was the daughter of John Oswald & his wife, Sarah Snyder & was born in Lenhartsville Pa Mch 24, 1856 ie in Greenwich Tp

Their children:

1. Laura, born Oct 31 in Leesport

2. Robert, born Apr 7, 1878 at Leesport Pa

4. Lewis, born Dec 30, 1881 at Maiden Creek Tp

3. Stillborn daughter, born Sept 22, 1880 at Maiden Creek Tp

5. Anna, born Apr 24, 1883 at Maiden Creek Tp

6. Sallie, born May 13, 1884 at Maiden Creek Tp

7. Hattie, born July 11, 1886 at Maiden Creek Tp

8. George, born Aug 21, 1887 at Maiden Creek Tp

9. Mary, born Aug 18, 1897 in Reading Pa


Sarah died Oct 8, 1842 of diptheria

Martin died Oct 17, 1842 of diptheria

children of Daniel, the elder as above.

Children of Daniel the younger.

Sallie died July 28, 1884

George died Sept 11, 1887

Mary died Sept 6, 1901

Mrs Rothermel's husband Daniel K. Rothermel died in Fleetwood Nov 7, 1918. His brother, Peter K. unmarried died Nov 6, 1916.

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Their parents died viz:

Daniel Rothermel died Dec 25, 1869

Esther Rothermel, his wife, died June 17, 1885 and both are buried at Becker's Peters Reformed Church Cem in Richmond Tp abt 3 miles NW of Fleetwood. Their son Peter is buried there also. Their son Daniel is buried at the Charles Evans Cem Reading Pa.

All of Daniel & Esther's children are dead except Elizabeth & she & her husband Jacob Adams are living near Shoemakersville, Perry Tp, Berks Co Pa.

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[Descendant Chart]

Frank Barrows Markle & Cassie MacDonald see Page 271 this book, the 7 youngest children all born at Palestine, Texas.


Helen Burton Markle B. at St Joe, Mo Jany 14, 1890 m. Sept 15, 1910 to John C. Townes, son of John Townes of Randolph Co Ala.

Helen, B May 4, 1915

Dorothy, B Sept 22, 1919

Charles W. Markle, Born at Palestine Tex May 8, 1891 m. Dec 1, 1919 to Margaret Fausett of Chambers Co, Ala, dau of Thomas Fausett & his wife Annie Elizabeth Crowder.

Eleanor Markle, B Oct 1, 1893 m. July 28, 1917 Wm H. Cade, son of Wm Cade & his wife Florence R. Craig of Lamar Co Texas.

Eleanor, B Dec 24, 1920

Bettie, B Oct 28, 1922

Jeannette Markle, B Dec 6, 1895 m. Nov 17, 1915 Joseph H. Russell son of Joseph Bradford Russell of Texas & his wife Lydia Frances Goodman of Hollins Va.

Carolyn, B June 14, 1917

Jeannette, B Apr 5, 1920

Dorothy Markle, B June 9

Willard Markle, B Aug 30

Frank B. Markle Jr, B June 26

Donald Markle, B July 9, 1911

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[Descendant Chart]

Daniel Rothermel & Esther Rothermel

[Their children]

Maria Rothermel, Born June 3, 1830 & died 1870 M. Solomon Yoder & lived in Alsace Tp. He a farmer. Both dead & buried at Alsace Church right by Reading Pa.

Sarah, married & buried

John, married & lives near Rosedale Pa

Mary, married & buried

William, married & buried

Solomon, married & lives N 10th Reading Pa

Hannah, Living in Alsace at Hyde Park near the church, unm, might have her father's bible.

Hannah Rothermel, Born Nov 23, 1831. M.1. John Leibelsperger, m.2. David Schmeck. All dead & buried at St Peters Reformed Church. All children by 2d husband.

a son, only lived a few days (by 1st husband)

Mary Schmeck, M. Lewis Stondt. He is dead & she too & buried at St Peters.




Lydema, a girl

2 dead

Daniel, He is dead. M. Sallie Adams who is living.





Esther, M. Jeremiah Lesher. Both living 1720 Perkiomen Ave, Reading Pa. Think she wd have father's bible record.

Minerva, only child, died last year, unmarried.

Irvin, d.y.

Anna Rothermel, B Nov 24, 1833 m. Jacob Dunkel. Both dead & buried at Genants Church near Leesport, Berks Co Pa

Daniel, m.1. Clara Maderia & live at Hamburg Pa. She dead. M.2.

Thomas, M. Sallie Fisher. Both living at Leesport Pa

Alice, M. Wilson Fox. Both living at Tuckerton, Berks Co Pa. She probably has her parents bible

William, Living at Blandon, Berks Co Pa with Jacob. Is single

Jacob, m. Anna Maderia a niece of Clara & live at Blandon where he is a farmer

Anna, died single, aged abt 31. Thinks she & Alice got all their mothers belongings including bible

Sallie?, d.y.

Esther Rothermel, B July 15, 1842 m. Lewis Wagenhorst. Both dead & buried at Kutztown Pa. She died with Morris.

Henry, M. Ellen Hoch. Both living at Kutztown Pa. A retired farmer.



Paul, d.y.

An infant, died

Morris, an old bachelor lives at Kutztown Pa. He lives in his own house adjg Henry with whom he boards. He would have record.

Lewis, died aged abt 8

A boy, d.y.

Elizabeth, born June 23, 1849 M. Jacob Adams. Both living at Shoemakersville. He is a farmer. They have their own record.






A son


Daniel Rothermel, Born Dec 1, 1852 m. Mary Oswald, my informant

Laura, my informant

Robert, B Apr 7, 1878 m. Minnie Zerker & live at 550 N 5th St Reading Pa.

Marian, a girl, B Feby 22, 1912

Robert Jr, B Apr 25,? 1915

Lewis, B Dec 30, 1881 m. Beulah Peiffer Both living abt 40 N 4th St, Reading Pa.

Guy, died aged 4 yrs

Anna, B Apr 24, 1883 m. George Romig & both living at Boyertown Pa

Mary, B Sept 25, 1916

Hattie, B July 11, 1886 m. Frank Behn & did live in Battle Creek, Iowa, but are at Royersford Pa.

Daniel Richard, B Sept 3, 1915

Leaving 8:15 PM

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At residence of Jacob Rothermel in Richmond Tp, Berks Co Pa just outside the Borough limits of Fleetwood Pa Sept 9, 1922

Mrs Jacob Rothermel's mother is here & her sister.

John Koller Rothermel was born Oct 5, 1835 see page 10, line 26.

He was married at Kutztown Pa by Rev. Sassaman Herman to Susan Elizabeth Peters, daughter of Benjamin Peters & his wife Sarah Kindt, when she was 17 yrs old. She was born in Maiden Creek Tp Sept 14, 1843. They were married May, 1861

Mr Jacob H. Rothermel gives from memory the dates as follows:

1. Ira Peters Rothermel was born Feby 7, 1862

2. Sallie Rothermel was born July 8, 1864

3. John P. Rothermel was born Feby 8, 1866

4. Esther Rothermel was born Apr 19, 1868

5. Lewis Rothermel was born May 19, 1870

6. Susan Rothermel was born Mch 21, 1872

7. Florence Rothermel was born June 22, 1875

8. Harry P. Rothermel was born Jany 19, 1879

John K. Rothermel died at the old homestead which his father bought when he was about 2 yrs old, in Richmond Tp, near St. Peters

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Church Feby 27, 1908 & is buried at Beckers St Peters Church. On the above farm, all the children were born except Ira P. & he was born at the Peters home in Maiden Creek Tp

Florence says the Moselem Church, the oldest church in Berks Co was torn down about 35 or 40 yrs ago in a craze to do away with old things. Her sister, Esther (Mrs R) says it had nine Corners & was a fine old church. A Plain brick one was built in its stead.

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[Descendant Chart]

John Koller Rothermel, born Oct 5, 1835 & died Feby 27, 1908. See Berks Co History. Susan Elizabeth Peters, born Sept 14, 1843. They were married early in May 1861.


Ira P. Rothermel, B Feby 7, 1862. Graduated at Lafayette College abt 1885 or earlier M. in 1892 H. Elizabeth Grim dau of Daniel P. Grim & his wife Kate Grim. He lives 208 Windsor St, Reading.

John, unm. Graduate of Princeton College, Went over in 1917 & joined the French army.

Daniel, unm. Graduate of Mercersburg Academy & now a student in Univ of Penna

Katharine, unm, is in high school

Sallie Rothermel, B July 8, 1864 unmarried Graduate of Keystone State Normal at Kutztown Pa & teaches at Temple Berks Co Pa

Dr John P. Rothermel, B Feby 8, 1866. He graduated at the University of Penna at Phila Pa & is practicing medicine at Reading Pa. Married Sallie Bechtel. Both living at No 119 N 9th St, Reading Pa

Julia, Graduated Mt Holyoke Mass & is teaching in Decatur Georgia. Her specialty is Biology.

Leonard. He graduated at Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa He is now with a RR

Esther Rothermel, B Apr 19, 1868 m. Dec 25, 1901 to Jacob Hoch Rothermel, son of Samuel Merkle Rothermel, who was born July 20, 1863 & have no issue. My informant.

Lewis Rothermel, Born May 19, 1870. He died Nov 19, 1870

Susan Rothermel, B Mch 21, 1892. M. on Dec 26, 1898 to Rev M.L. Herbein. She died Mch 26, 1917. She is buried at Spies Church No issue. Graduated at Keystone State Normal

Florence, B June 22, 1875 graduate of Keystone State Normal & fr Dickinson College & Am for Univ of Pa. Now teaching in West Phila High School. My co-informant

Harry P. B Jany 19, 1879 graduated from Lafayette College & teaches in Germantown High School M. Mabel Pryor of Laughorne Pa where he lives Mar Aug 26, 1906.

Dorothy, M. Dec 14, 1908 [Think he means born]

See bottom of page 83 & 84 et seq JVT 12/2/23

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Oak Hill Sept 11, 1922 9:40 PM

Book 6 Page 425. Reading to Cousin Kate the will of Simon Newlin, she s'd that "Jake" Longanecker came in to her father, Andrew Smith, & said "Uncle Simon Newlin hung himself last night". Her father said in reply "It couldn't be, for Simon Newlin was a sensible Man". To which Longanecker replied, "it was time he hung, himself". This "Jake" Longanecker was the son of David Longanecker (a brother of Kates Aunt Eliza (nee Longanecker) the wife of Benj Rothermel) & his wife who was a Newlon, a daughter of a brother of both Simon Newlon & William Newlon, called "Pappy" Newlon of the Willow Tree & their mother ie the mother of Simon, William etc was a McGrew.

Reading the next will of the Elijah Newlon dated Dec 20, 1858, Kate says this is the father of Mrs David Longanecker above referred to as her name was Ann & she said Ann's husband David & her Aunt Eliza had a sister Sarah Longanecker who was to have married Ann's brother, one of the Newlons & the people were all gathered at the house for the wedding & she wouldn't have him. He afterwards married a sister of Dr VanKirk of West Newton & lived in West Newton Pa & both lived

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& died in West Newton. They had a daughter married a Gordon (& also other children) with whom Mrs Newlin lived & died & Mrs Gordon's son married Lillie Highberger's daughter a year or so ago. Sara Longanecker above married a Goldsmith (Samuel she thinks) & became the mother of Harry B. Goldsmith who married Adaline Bell.

Page 423, item 1. The record of this Robert Dunlap showing his death in 1809 aged 80 yrs would make his birth 1729, which is old enough to be the father of Andrew Dunlap, buried at Old Frame, dying in 1836 aged 86 born say 1750 & he also was probably the father of John Dunlap who made his will July 30, 1798 Book 6 P 388 & who had sons Samuel & Andrew, the former being the one who married Hannah, the daughter of John & Mary Lecky. It is now 11:11 PM & we will quit for the day & let Cousin Kate go to bed. Commenced at Page 321 this morning & are now to page 434 Book 6.

Oak Hill Sept 12, 1922 10:36 AM

Book 6 Page 465 Cousin Kate says that the son of Mary Boyd item 6 lines 14 to 17 who lived on the Pike near Israel Miller's, married a Pinkerton. He died years ago & was buried in West Newton Cem & she thought his name was John, but is not sure. His widow & a couple of daughters moved to Gbg

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where she died & was brought back to West Newton Cem for burial

Kate said once at a Lutheran Conference, her mother kept a preacher & his elder for 4 or 5 days. They were from over Allegheny or Butler Co way & the elder was a grandson of Mrs Mary Boyd (nee Waltz), a son of her oldest daughter & they wanted him to go out & see his grandmother, but he wouldn't go. The preacher's wife was some relation to the Markles & some bad man broke in her sister's bedroom & she was never able to be out of bed after that. Kate says Cinda Scholls knows of this. She now says this elder's name was Hill & Mary Waltz Boyd's younger sister Margaret Waltz married John Hill. See Waltz History Page 92 & it was probably her grandson.

Book 6 Page 473 Kate says that Mrs Fries' mother Achsah Baily Robinson complained to Kate's mother that none of them named any of the children for her & when Mrs Fries' first child was born Mch 22, 1859, Mrs Smith took care of the baby for two weeks & one day, she asked Mr Fries what they had named the baby & he told her she could name it & she then named it Achsah for her grandmother. Some of the friends said the mother, Harriet, would not let her keep that name, but Mr Fries said he had promised Mrs Smith to stand by any name she gave it. This was Mrs Murdock who died last month.

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Oak Hill Sept 12, 1922 10:27 PM

Referring to what I read, Cousin Kate this morning about the Robinsons & Nancy McConnell, she says Nancy McConnell was educated by her maiden Aunts, the "Robinson girls" & that she went to the Washington Female Seminary along with Cousin Ruth E. Plumer. She said Nancy, after her sister Rosa died, would not keep a girl & would walk every night to Achsah L. Murdock's about two miles & then walk back the next morning to feed the stock & it was in one of these walks she met her death on the RR tracks. After her burial, Mrs Murdoch had the house doors & windows nailed up, but when they went back the next day, it had been broken in & the carpets all torn up, presumably by some near by miners in their quest for money, but they found none, but did take many silk dress patters she had bought but had not made up. Her two maiden Aunts (Robinson) had left all their money & they were rich to the Bible Society, giving Nancy, however, the interest while she lived. Much money they found in bank or in her box at Pgh was also she thought taken & appropriated by the Bible Society. Mrs Murdoch told Kate the Bible Society had gotten from the Robinsons over $100,000 & still had lands to sell.

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C.B. Bleakmore, whose present address is c/o Claridge Hotel, NY, but says he is from San Francisco Calif & is employed by the International Finance Co Ltd NO 85 Second St, San Francisco Calif, wired me yesterday from Buffalo, NY to know if I could give information about a Redburn who married Jonas Stough & on getting my answer, he came on here arriving at 11:30 AM & was with me until 3 PM & left at 5 Pm. He says a Mrs Ballagh of San Diego, a sister of Oliver's second wife, gave information that Oliver J. Stough was in a mental condition, that did not admit of his managing his affairs & the Souths principally, Mrs Wood, of Chicago, took the matter up & took court proceedings last month which resulted in appointing the Southern Trust Co there at San Diego Calif to take charge of his business which was being handled by Mrs Churchhill, a pretended relative & her son-in-law Casebeer, a lawyer. He had deeded his million dollar 5,000 Acre ranch at Burbank to the son-in-law on acct of the purchase money & at his 103d (actually 93d) birthday anniversary on Apr 18, 1921 had given him back $400,000 of the notes back. He says this lawyer was criminally indicted last year & they are sure of getting the property back & it will di-

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vide equally between all the Stough & Redburn heirs. I gave him the Redburn list of heirs, supplemented by Minnie L. Redburn giving the list of her Uncle Andrew J. Redburn's (she says he was older than her father, who was the youngest of his mother's children) viz Eva, Persia, Frank, & John. Eva married George Lawrence & they left three children viz: Minnie, Andrew James & George, whose last known residence was Madison Wis. Persia married & O.J. Stough wrote Minnie about 15 yrs ago that he ran across them living in Souther Calif. Minnie had not heard from Frank or John for years. She said aside from herself, there was but one other child in her father's family viz Anna Lovial, older than her, who died when aged 7 or 8 yrs. I attended meeting of the Hospital Trustees tonight at 7:30 to 8:15 PM & went up to see Mary E. Shepler my nice who was operated on Sept 4th for appendicitis & Gerald FitzGerald, grand Nephew who had his tonsils removed Sept 9th & both are getting along very well. I noticed tonight in the 3 Vol Hadden that the article at i believe Page 887 in 3d Vol on Joseph Hough relates to the Joseph that married Polly Waltz\ see page 92 Waltz History & a great array of his descendants are there noted. Compare article naming John & Paul with Johnson Hough's statements. Am up to Page 503 in Book 6 tonight JVT 11:26


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Oak Hill Sept 14, 1922 11:11 AM

Reading to Cousin Kate from Book 7 Page 32 about the Bowmans, she said that Ann Bowman who her mother went to Brownsville Pa to visit, died shortly thereafter & she thinks it was the same year. She said that her mother, Her Aunt Katy, Uncle Wagner & Cousin Cyrus P. Markle all went to the funeral, starting in the morning before daylight, going in Wagner's carriage & got back after dark that night. She says Cyrus was greatly grieved over Ann Bowman's death. She also says that her Uncle Wagner had the first carriage that was in that section of the country.

Book 7 Pages 24 & 35. Cousin Kate said Eleanor Jack Fulton & her husband Dr Isett lived just across the street from them in a little brick house on the lot that is now the Margaret L. Markel property & she says her mother knew her well & they were friends as well as neighbors. She says Maggie L. Markle tore the old brick house down & built the present frame residence that is on the lot. She also knew of Jane Fulton & her husband John Power.

She says too, that thier brother John Jack Fulton page 24, lived after marriage in a small brick house on Second Street below them & the his wife's younger sister Amanda Lynn, lived with her Sister Eliza Jane Fulton (their father Wm Lynn having married a 2d wife)

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& the Fultons had a little daughter Alice. Cousin Kate's sister Hannah 2 1/2 yrs younger than herself went to school with Amanda Lynn at this time when Alice was abt 2 yrs old. John J. Fulton went to California leaving his wife in West Newton, who later joined him in Calif taking Alice with her & they had other children after she went to Calif. Amanda then went back & lived with her father.

Page 38 Line 24 Kate says that shortly after her folks came to Westnd Co Pa, her Aunt Kate Rothermel went with the Markle girls to a party at Uncle Henry Fulton's while or when his first wife was still living. She says the Henry Fulton home was down Main St below their home, but across the street where the Bank now is. She thinks Polly Boyd bought it from the Fultons. She married a Cummins & it was bought from the Cummins est by Mungo Dick, a brother of James A. for about $11,000. He married the widow Smith, nee Gachring, who Couskin Fannie Carothers wanted me to go & see after Dick died, but I didn't. She then married Rev Byron E.P. Prugh & refused to sell it to Henry Cronshore, but did sell it later. The old Fulton home was torn down & a new building erected. Leaving at 2 PM to go in town.

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Oak Hill Sept 14, 1922 9:15 PM

Cousin Kate says tonight that when one of Uncle John Rickey's wives died, he sent for Belle McKee, daughter of Rev McKee to come & live with him & keep house for him. She came & remained until she got word from the west that her Aunt (Mary Carothers, sister of her mother) was sick & she went back home & her aunt died. The McKee children, Kate says were in the order of their ages: Bell, John, Thomas died young & James, the youngest. Belle married in the west & her only child, a big man, returning from the lectures where he had been studying to be a doctor stopped in West Newton one Sunday morning & went to Adam Darr's who took him up where his mother used to live. The house was then standing. It was on Main St & has been torn down & the present home of Josiah Pore is built on the same location. Reading Book 7 Page 65 lines 15 & 16, Kate says that she was over at Fries the day or evening they came home from Nancy R. McConnell's funeral & they said then, that Nancy was 82 yrs old. That would make date of her birth 1824. She thinks that her sister Rose who died in 1896 was younger than Nancy. She says Rev McKee did

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not died in the west. That his son John went in business in Pgh & got all the family's money & his parents went to Pgh to live. John failed. Mr McKee & his wife came up to West Newton Pa & he was taken sick there & a friend, no relative, Mrs Hanway told them to make themselves at home in her house & he died there at Hanway's & was buried out at Sewickly Church & the Richey men came to the funeral. Kate & her sister Hannah were at the funeral, the attendance being less that a dozen. John McKee & Sarah Markle (later Cary) sister of Harry H. were to have been married, but it was broken off & it was thought that Mrs McKee was responsible for stopping it. The McKees then went west. It is 10 PM & Cousin Kate is going to bed.

Oak Hill Sept 15, 1922 7:40 PM

Left in auto with Pallini at 6:55 AM this morning & arrived at Waynesburg Pa at 8:20 AM going by Crucible Ferry. Went out in Green Tp to Joseph Murdock's & saw him & Jim Ben, his brother & arranged to buy their coal 570 acres at %00 per acre in pursuance of a phone call last night from Will L. Cowell that they had agreed last evening with him & Norman Wood to sell at that, the figure I gave Wood Monday or Tuesday when he called me from Pgh when

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I agreed to pay $15 per acre com of which $5 or $6 was to go to Joe Patton. Will said last night that we were to pay Joe Murdock $180,000 whether his acreage held out 360 A or not & were also to pay his this year's taxes on the coal & reimburse them for amts they paid for abstracts & pay for survey if we wanted another, all of which Will said, last night over the phone & confirmed today, that they would take care of out of the Commissions they are to get. At 1:35 PM today, after all arrangements for closing were made, A.A. Purman talked with me on the curb in front of the court house & said he could get the Moredock Coal if I wd tell two or three people I was not interested in getting it. This, I declined to do & in his talk, he said he would have no interest in it unless he turned it in. E.D. Patterson came up & spoke to me on the Downey house corner at 1:20 PM while I was talking to Joe & Jim Ben, but said nothing about them or their coal. Geo B. Moredock asked me if there was anything new. Just in front of the Wbg Hdw Co at 9 AM as I was getting in car with Will L. Cowell to go out to see Joe & Jim Ben. Closed contract of purchase with Joe & Jim Ben at Patton's office at 3:54 & at 4 PM at

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corner court House yard opposite Downey House, Joe Murdock said he hadn't agreed to pay Cowell & Wood & asked if I wouldn't see them & satisfy them & I told him I was just leaving for home, but would try to see them. I went to the Recorders office & was told that Norman, who I had seen at noon, had gone to the country. I went in the back room to talk to A.H. Sayers & Will Cowell came in & we went out in the corridor & talked & he thought we should take the extras above mentioned from the $15 & then divide the bals equally between the tree, but I told him I would have to see further about that, as I thought Joe should get $5 net if not six. Left at 4:17 PM & got home to Uniontown at 5:43 PM covering 30.1 miles fr Wbg to

Book 7 P 73, item 31. Kate says Talithacumi Smith was a daughter of Dr Bela Smith & was 35 yrs old at least when she died. She said her father was at the Smiths one day fixing their clock & Talitha Cumi commenced wailing "I am falling, I am falling". He called her mother & she could not appease her & she died in two or three days thereafter.

Book 7 page 74 lines 6 & 7. This is Micajah P. Smith's first wife, Cousin Maria Markle, daughter of John & Elizabeth Jack Markle & I may have her age taken of [sic] the stone

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wrong & it probably should be 48 instead of 43 yrs as Cousin Kate says she was a little older than her mother, who was born in 1804 & her sister Nellie 14 mos younger than Maria, was a little younger than her mother, that her mother always & often so told her. She says that the four Markle children, Lucinda, Maria, Nellie & Gasper, first came to see her mother when blackberries were ripe, the first year they came to Westd & were friends always after. Lucinda she says married 1st Horatio Lloyd & 2 Brenneman. Maria married M.P. Smith as above & Nellie married a Gamble Kate says her grandfather Peter Rothermel was 65 yrs old when he died in 1823 born say in 1758 & that he had black hair, her mother said & he didn't have a gray hair in his head & had all of his teeth but one that had been knocked out.

Book 7 page 80 item 55. I think this is their first child & an older sister of my brother-in-law John A. Niccolls.

Oak Hill Sept 16, 1922 7:25 PM

Talking to Cousin Kate tonight, she said Sidney Taylor's daughter Ada, who married Dr Lewis Sutton, nephew of the old Dr Lewis Sutton, left him & for several years before he died, she didn't live with him. She said Cousin Maggie L. Markle told

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her it was because he got drunk & he boarded for several years before he died & Ada because of the children would not let him get a divorce. She says her grandfather Peter Rothermel was 7 yrs old when his father Christian died & that her grandmother was 10 yrs younger than her husband Peter, born then say 1768 & she said Gen'l Markle said she was 90 when she died & her Uncle Ben said she was 92 yrs old. She said that her grandmother when a young girl going to school say if when 12 or 17, 1780 to 1785, went through the yard of Paul Rothermel (she called him Uncle Paul ie Uncle to her husband & brother of Christian) & she often saw him & his son Leonard leading a very very old frail lady about & thought it was Paul's sister, but he had no sister, but Mrs Federolf, but who I would now say was Paul's mother Sybilla Rothermel as I found the will at Reading Pa last Saturday the 9th inst of Sybilla Rothermel in German probated in 1803 which if it is her will as seems probably would indicate that she lived to be about 105 or 106 yrs old. Paul's wife was an invalid & was for years confined to her bed. Kate says her grandmother married when 18 & their first babe died in infancy & her Aunt Polly was next &

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Catherine Elizabeth, her Aunt "Betsy" Wagner was next & her Uncle Peter was next & he was 6 mos old when they moved from Berks Co to Franklin Co Pa & he was 21 in Feby of the year in which on Apr 1 or 2d following they came to Westnd Co Pa. She says her grandmother's brother Lewis Stenger, living in Franklin Co Pa near London had the Bible of his father Capt Conrad Stenger that had the family record in & once when Kate's grandmother was east visiting him, he wrote down her age from the Bible & gave it to her & she brought it home & lost it. She said her grandfather didn't have a bible record, but that each of the children had a sheet of paper on which the ages of all the family were written & that she had one, her mother's & she had it at Pgh after she was taken there & she knows she put it away & has it if Sallie hasn't lost it. She thought there was once too in German among the old papers she gave me which I have not yet had time to go through.

It is 9:30 PM & we are both sleepy & will go to bed.

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At residence of Frank Camron Lyon, North Strabane Tp, Wash Co Pa right by the hill or Chartiers Hill Pres Ch Sept 21, 1922 9:55 AM

This was the old Pres Parsonage consisting of 7 A which Mr Lyon bought about 5 yrs ago for $3500. President Woodrow Wilson's father lived here when he was pastor of this church & Mrs Lyon says brought his bride here. Mrs Lyon was:

Margaret Guthrie Power, daughter of Wm Johnston & Rebecca Fulton Power Born Feby 16, 1865 in Rostraver Tp in the neighborhood of Rehoboth Church & she remembers when the family moved from there when she was 3 1/2 yrs old to Vanceville in Wash Co Pa about 2 miles from Pigeon Creek Church. She thinks in Somerset Tp & her father, mother, brother, & sister are buried in the Pres g.y. there.

She married:

1st on Sept 29, 1887 by Rev Dr. James Maxwell at Monongahela City Pa to Alexander Heroy Houston who was born in Washington Pa May 3, 1860, the son of James Houston & Martha Jane Ramsey, his wife. He was a dentist & a Presbyterian & died July 16, 1893 & is buried in the Wash Pa cemetery. They had but three children as follows:

1. James Power Houston, born Nov 27, 1888 in Monongahela City Pa. He married Mch 15,

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1919 in Washington Pa to Eunice May McMurray who was born July 14, 1889 the daughter of Thomas Edwin McMurray & Laura Jane Ray, his wife. James P. has a farmers implement & machinery store in Canonsburg Pa. He graduated from W & J College in 1910 & is a Civil engineer by profession. He was an elder in Dr Rutherford's 3rd Pres Ch in Washington Pa when he lived there. No issue.

2. Rebecca Ramsey Houston born Mch 21, 1891 at Monongahela City Pa. She lives in Canonsburg Pa is in a store & unmarried.

3. Florence Houston born Sept 5, 1892 at Monongahela City Pa & married on May 20, 1911 at Wellsburgh WVA to Hudson C. Rathbone who was born Dec 23, 1887 son of Vallean Rathbone of Virginia. Hudson C. works in the glass factory at Washington Pa where they live at No 11 Murtland Ave & have four children as follows:

1. James Vallean [Valleau] Rathbone born Mch 9, 1912

2. Virginia Nell Rathbone born May 10, 1914

3. Janice Rathbone born July 1, 1916

4. Donald Douglass Rathbone born Sept 17, 1920

Mrs Houston married 2d on Mch 29, 1919 by Rev Dr. Mathew Rutherford in Washington Pa to Frank Camron Lyon who was born Jany 1, 1853 the son of Thomas Harvey Lyon & Lydia Cheesman, his second wife. Mr Lyon had been married before to Nannie Moore, from Pigeon Creek, a daughter of Robert Moore. Mr Lyon says she was a cousin of Rev Robert B., James H.,

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John W. & Pressly H. Her mother was Mary Crouch

Mrs Lyon says they moved from Monongahela City to Washington Pa in the fall of 1894 where she lived until she married Mr Lyon.

Mrs Lyon says her oldest sister, Annie is living in Washington Pa with Mrs Rathbone at 11 Murtland Ave.

Finished at 10:44 AM

Oak Hill Sept 22/22 10:42 AM

About 8:30 AM yesterday, a lithe virile man, medium size, came to where Pallini & I were in the cemetery & I asked him where Mrs Lyon lived & he pointed to a low white frame house just west of they g.y. & said he was Mr Lyon. I told him to tell Mrs Lyon what I wanted. Mrs Douglass had written about my being there in June & at first thought when I appeared so late at night abt 10:30 their time thought I was a burglar. Mr Lyon pointed out his father's monument on which his four wives are listed & said his first wife was a granddaughter of Rev Dr John McMillan & said Dr McMillan's first log cabin in which he started his first school was just over the hill north of the church about a mile. They were quilting at the church & were getting a dinner ready to be served at noon. I went to the house & Mr Lyon's sister, a pleasant gray haired woman Mrs Paden recd me & Mrs Lyon came back from the church & gave me the above record. She is a well developed, handsome woman & was charming & considerate in her demeanor. Mr Lyons daughter by his 1st wife & her little girl came in.

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Court House, Washington Pa Register & Clerk of Orphans Court office Sept 21, 1922 12:16 PM

[* indicates date of death]

Index to Wills


Date of Probate

Clark, Aaron Jany 4, 1862 Vol 2 P 334

Crothers, Emma M. Aug 9, 1911* Vol 25 P 506

Cooper, John Sept 6, 1794 Vol 1 P 238

Cook, Jacob Nov 26, 1782 Vol 1 P 14

Cooper, John Mch 14, 1820 Vol 3 P 329

Cooper, John Dec 24, 1821 Vol 3 P 466

Clark, James Jany 6, 1823 Vol 3 P 527

Clark, Joseph Mch 14, 1829 Vol 4 P 400

Carothers, John Sept 23, 1840 Vol 5 P 596

Castner, John Aug 26, 1845 Vol 6 P 371

Crothers, James Nov 11, 1846 Vol 6 P 459

Carothers, James Nov 26, 1852 Vol 7 P 259

Castner, Jesse M. May 1, 1877* Vol 10 P 532

Castner, John T. Oct 10, 1906* Vol 22 P 191

Castner, Martha Feby 13, 1887* Vol 12 P 329

Castner, Peter Oct 13, 1819 Vol 3 P 299

Castner, Rebecca M. Aug 13, 1895* Vol 15 P 167

Crothers, Robert Wylie Oct 8, 1920* Vol 34 P 190

Clark, Samuel Nov 6, 1802 Vol 1 P 468

Clark, William Aug 13, 1806 Vol 2 P 90

Carothers, William Mch 13, 1811 Vol 2 P 302

Caruthers, William E. May 30, 1890* Vol 13 P 221

Crothers, W.B. Jany 19, 1907* Vol 22 P 306

There are Elliotts, Fultons, & Finleys

Finley, Robert Dec 24, 1806 Vol 2 P 15

Finley, Richard Mch 10, 1814 Vol 2 P 470

J & T

Jack, Christena May 3, 1919* Vol 32 P 164

Jenkins, Eleazer Apr 12, 1824 Vol 4 P 59

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Johnson, Jacob Aug 16, 1781 Vol 1 P 1

Jack, Robert Nov 25, 1905* Vol 22 P 274

Jones, Samuel May 22, 1885* Vol 12 P 79

Swearingen, Vann Mch 13, 1794 Vol 1 P 220

Thompson, Andrew Jany 27, 1860 Vol 8 P 179

Thompson, Andrew A. Mch 30, 1915* Vol 28 P 296

Thompson, Daniel Nov 28, 1832 Vol 5 P 41

Thompson, Ebenezer Aug 10, 1836 Vol 5 P 273

Thompson, James May 2, 1786 Vol 1 P 61

Thompson, Joseph July 29, 1807 Vol 2 P 125

Thompson, John M. Feby 18, 1817 Vol 3 P 136

Thompson, John Sept 18, 1821 Vol 3 P 446

Thompson, Moses June 6, 1818 Vol 3 P 223

Thompson, Mary June 26, 1820 Vol 3 P 354

Thompson, Moses Mch 13, 1838 Vol 5 P 403

Thompson, Robert Mch 3, 1845 Vol 6 P 324

Thomson, Thos T. Dec 22, 1827 Vol 4 P 315

Thompson, Thomas Aug 26, 1850 Vol 7 P 108

Thompson, William Sept 13, 1803 Vol 1 P 501

Thomson, William Dec 16, 1811 Vol 2 P 341

Thompson, William Dec 14, 1813 Vol 2 P 454

Thompson, William Sept 29, 1847 Vol 6 P 532

Thompson, William May 1, 1872 Vol 10 P 30

Leaving 1:44 PM

Oak Hill Sept 22/22 10:55 AM. I made the above references fr the Will Index at Wash Pa yesterday for examination in wintry weather & had only time to look at one viz James Clark, dated Dec 28, 1822 in which he refers to children interalia

6. Margaret, married to Robert Welch &

7. to James, Sarah, Elizabeth, Thomas Matthew, William, Joseph & Samuel each one share.

See if these are Miss Jennie Clark, Cadiz O. people.

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At residence of Mrs Margaret McKennan, widow of Dr Thomas McKennan, No 42 W. Maiden St Washington Pa Sept 21, 1922 2:05 PM

Mrs McKennan says she was born on St Patrick's day Mch 17, 1832, the daughter of Lucius W. Stockton by his first wife Margaret? who was a daughter of Daniel Moore, a native of Ireland by his first wife Jane who was a daughter of Hugh Wilson of near Washington Pa. Jane had a brother Hugh also & she thought she had either a brother or an Uncle James Wilson. Her Grandfather, Daniel Moore, married for his second wife, Mrs Jane Simonson, widow of Dr Adam S. Simonson of Uniontown Pa who was a very fine woman. She was a sister of Rev Dr James Carnahan, President of Princeton College, she said. Daniel Moore & his wifes [sic] are buried in the Washington Pa cemetery. Her father, L.W. Stockton married for his second wife, his cousin, a daughter of Richard Stockton of Balto. He was removed from Uniontown Pat to another lot in Wash Cem. He had four children by his first wife & 3 by the second. Mrs McKennan is the only one of the first wife's children living & Mrs Gen James Leeper of Phila Pa is the only one of the second wife's children living. She said her mother died when she was four & the four children then went to live with their grandfather Daniel Moore, but she went back to her father's when

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he married again. He died when she was 12 & her grandfather Daniel Moore died when she was 19. She said she was married when 22 in 1854. Also, that Will H. Hearne's wife was a daughter of her older brother, Daniel Moore & her mother dying when she was two weeks old, she took her to raise - before she was married. Her grandfather Moore was 83 yrs old when he died in 1851.

T.M.T. McKennan married Rebecca Bowman, daughter of Jacob Bowman of Brownsville & Judge Wm McKennan & Dr Thomas McKennan were of their issue. She never heard of any relationship of the Elliotts with the Bowmans. She is contemplating a trip over to Uniontown to see her old home, now Mrs Lida G. Bliss, which she said her son, Dr Jacob told her recently had been sold to a James Smith. Mrs McKennan is a tall frail woman, but very gracious & kind. I invited her to stop at Oak Hill for over night when she came, as she said she could not stand coming & returning again same day. I had a very pleasant hours chat & left at 3:05 PM

Mr J.V. Clark left me a book of the Clarke family records which he said he got recently from James C. Clow & which I am to return. He brought it to me at Mrs McKennan's. The pictures in oil of Daniel Moore, her grandfather, L.W. Stockton, her father & Dr Thos McKennan, her husband hang in her parlor where she recd me.

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Beallsville Pa Cemetery Sept 21, 1922 3:40 PM

I stopped at Jess P. Miller's Bank & asked him about John Hough & he said he was Capt John Hough & had died in 1879 & volunteered to go with me to the cemetery to get the data from his tombstone, so we got in our car & Pallini drove us up & we found a very creditable medium sized monument with these inscriptions:

John Hough

Born Oct 22, 1806, died Mch 29, 1879

Julia A. Hough (his wife)


He had no issue by her. He was never married before, but Jess knew of at least two illegitimate children who were born to him viz:

1. Joseph Ross Hough, the older of the children is buried either at Rehoboth or Little Redstone Church, having died about 15 yrs ago. The will of his father, Capt John Hough probated at Washington Pa gave him some considerable property & also gave Joe Norcross's wife something. She was daughter of his brother Paul Hough of Fayette Co Pa. He also gave his wife's daughter $10,000. Jess said his father, J.M. Miller was executor of the will & most likely wrote the will. The maiden name of Capt John Hough's wife was Julia A. Mitchell from the Bentleyville region. She married first a Croft & had one child, Eleanora, who was married to Thos C. Horton when the above sum was willed to her.

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Joseph Ross Hough's mother was a Ross, probably from Fayette City region. Capt John Hough, his father was a captain on a steamboat on the Mississippi River where he made his money. He had also.

2. A daughter, younger that J.R. by another mother, but he did not recognize her in his will. She died since Joe Ross Hough's death & Jess thinks she was a widow when she died which he thinks was at or about Fayette City Pa. Don't know whether she had any issue. Continuing the record of Joseph Ross Hough, Jess says he married in Westnd Co Pa & that his wife is dead. He had four daughters, no sons as follows:

1. Rebecca, married Kelly

2. Ida, married "Jake" Kelly

3. Emma, married Martin E. Strawn & live in Dawson Pa

4. Orpha, married a Kelly

The three Kellys were brothers, one after the other came to work for Joe R. on his farm & when one married one daughter, he had another come & so on until the three were his sons-in-law. He gave each of his three Kelly daughters a good farm, lying near each other near West Newton Pa. He gave Emma a farm also & Jess said she would have her father's Bible record. Go see her & get it & list of her father's descendants, as Jess says all the daughters have children, but Orpha. Jess said he was born in 1872 & that he returned a month ago from his twelve weeks trip to Europe with John W. Donnan Esq of Washington Pa. I forgot to ask him if he knew of Dr John Wilson who I believe once practiced in Beallsville Pa. Jess said he would join in sale of his Morris Tp Wash Co Coal at $300 per acre. Left at 4:22 PM

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At residence of Geo L. Moore No 448 High St, South Brownsville Pa Sept 21, 1922 5:30 PM

I arrived here half an hour ago & Mr Moore admitted me & called in his wife. Leaving at 6:30 PM

Oak Hill Sept 22/22 7:55 AM. Mr Moore is getting rather feeble & says he was seriously sick from a nervous breakdown, brought on by over work about all of last winter. He says his father's full name was William Ballinger Moore & he was a brother of my old friend George Dearth Moore of Georges Tp, Fayette Co Pa, they being descendants of Larkin dearth who was a Revolutionary Soldier. Mr Moore owns a farm out in Luzerne Tp where his own family bible with record is & when he can get out, he will send me from same, many of the dates needed for the table of his descendants on page 50. He says the Historians who got up the Fayette Co Pa history published the Moore family History without submitting it to him & it is all wrong & by reason thereof, he refused to pay his subscription to the work, but finally did pay it to avoid being sued. Mrs Moore is a medium sized woman, a little under average height & is lithe & active & well preserved, jovial & full of fun. She says her Uncle Joshua V. Gibbons had two full sisters, one named Eliza I think, but that her father, Elisha Pearis [sic] Gibbons was the child of his mother.

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Joshua V. Gibbons married an Oliphant, Anna Maria, I believe they called her, sister I think of F.H. Oliphant & also of the wife of Alfred Stewart & that Joshua V. with his penchant for jokes would always or often much to his wife's undoing tell when he got her in company that when he asked her if she would marry him, she said, "yes, yes & I thank you for asking me". I told them about Alfred Stewart calling Joshua Gibbons in the Bank & "breaking the ice" & also of "Alf's" greeting Mrs Judge (Anna Maria) Huston. I must go to the Gibbons farm burial plot beyond Ormond Pa & get what I can from the tombstone record. Mr & Mrs Moore directed me how to go to the home of Mrs Sarah Axton which is on Bridge Street, West Brownsville Pa just at the end of the bridge, the first house on the left hand side with a few steps down from the pavement. I had instructed Pallini to come at 7:30 for me, so I left at 6:40 PM & walked down the hill briskly & across the bridge & found Mrs Axton sitting alone in her sitting room reading. She is a heavy set woman looking more like 60 than 82 & arose from her chair with difficulty by reason of rheumatism in her limbs & asked me in. She didn't think she had her father's bible, but going in a back room, she returned with it, a big & rather dilapidated volume, the two leaves four pages of record being loose & laying in the back of the bible. See pages 52 to 54.

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[Descendant Chart]

Rachel Peairs, daughter of Elisha Peairs & Elizabeth Jack, youngest of 12 children. Dr J.W. Worrell says she married 1st Wach [Zach?] Stevens & married 2d for his second wife Joshua Gibbons. Mrs Moore says he died at their house out on his old Gibbons farm & she can just remember him. Says he was a little Quakerish & Mr & Mrs Moore think he came to Fayette Co Pa from the neighborhood of Wilmington Del. He is buried on the old Gibbons farm in Luzerne Tp on the right hand side of the road about 300 yards beyond Ormond Pa. His widow survived him & died when Mrs Moore was in her teens & is buried at the same place. Some parties read to her about the world coming to an end & her mind became shattered thereby in her later days, but she was mild & was always cared for at home. Mrs Moore thinks Joshua Gibbons' first wife was a Vernon as her son's name was Joshua Vernon Gibbons. Rachel Pearis had but one child by Joshua Gibbons.


Elisha Peairs Gibbons, born on the Gibbons farm & died the second house above here in South Brownsville Pa at the age of 56 yrs & is buried with his wife in the Redstone Cem at Brownsville Pa & has marker. He married Louisa Lawrence, daughter of William Lawrence, a neighbor in Luzerne Tp & his wife Patience. She survived her husband & was aged 72 to 76 when she died. They just had four daughters, all born on the Gibbons farm.

Emily Frances Gibbons, Born Sept 10, 1850 mar July 14, 1873 by Rev J.H. Coulter to George Larkin Moore who was born in Luzerne Tp Oct 30, 1843 the son of Wm B. Moore & Eliza Sharp, his wife & live at 448 High St South Brownsville Pa. He died Dec 2, 1925.

Guy Gibbons Moore, B June 16, 1874 m. Ettie Coldren, dau of Jesse Coldren on Apr 1, 1896

Ellen Moore, B Dec 9, 1896 m. Michael Crow on Sept 9, 1922.

Frank Duncan Moore, B July 25, 1876 M. Bessie Henshaw dau of John M. Henshaw in Nov.

George Larkin

Clark Work

Anna Frances

Charles Larkin Moore, B Nov 11, 1878 m. May Watson who is fr the south.


Charles Larkin

Robt Lawrence

Carl Fulton Moore, B Oct 17, 1882 m. May Wick dau of Wm? Wick No. issue.

Elisha Peairs Moore, B Dec 18, 1888 m. Grace Cox dau of Edward & Margaret Cox.

George Larkin, B July 13, 1913

Betty, B. Nov 1915

Lois, B. ob

William Edward, B Feby 11, 1922

Harriet Jane Gibbons [dau of Elisha Peairs Gibbons] B Feby 7, 1853 ob Sept 12, 1922 m. Franklin Pierce Henshaw

Mary Adelaide Gibbons, M. Nat Ewing Porter & live in Luzerne Tp on the old Porter home. Think she has her father's bible

Carrie Jeannette Gibbons, m. Frank Minehart & live at 2750 Broadway, Dormont Pa. No issue.

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At residence of Mrs Sarah Axton Bridge St, West Brownsville Pa Sept 21, 1922 7:25 PM

I arrived here half an hour ago walking down from Geo L. Moore's & Mrs Axton has brought out the old bible of her father which has two loose detached leaves of her father's bible record from which I am copying both torn, one, almost in two.


John S. (Snider) Pringle and Elizabeth P. (Peairs) Horner were married May 3, 1832

John S. Pringle was married the second time to Sarah Ellen Snider Oct 16, 1845.

J.S. & Sarah E. Pringle were baptized & joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Feby 15, 1854, Rev Brice minister.

Elizabeth Pringle 1st daughter was married to Jacob M. Walter June 1, 1852.

Sarah Pringle 5th daughter (means child) was married to Andrew C. Axton Feby 17, 1861.

Ella Pringle was married to William H. Michael Sept 27, 1871

Esther Pringle was married to William H. Harrison Apr 26, 1876

John D.S. Pringle was married to Kornelia Deams Nov 29, 1870

David Pringle was married to Nancy J. Gamble March 11, 1875

Nancy Pringle was married to Newton McClane Aug 16, 1877

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Mary Pringle was married to John W. Thompson Nov 20, 1878

Simon P. Pringle was married to Margaret Moorehouse Nov 25, 1880



John S. Pringle was born oct 23, 1804

Elizabeth P. Horner was born Apr 4, 1814

They were the parents of the family here recorded.

Sarah Ellen Snider was born June 16, 1822 second wife of J.S. Pringle.

First wife's:

1. Elizabeth Pringle was born Feby 18, 1833

2. Ann Pringle was born Dec 6, 1834

3. William H. Pringle was born Nov 29, 1836

4. George W. Pringle was born Oct 8,1 838

5. Sarah Pringle was born July 11, 1840

6. Mary Pringle was born Apr 12, 1843

Mary Pringle died Apr 26, 1843

Second wife's:

7. John D.S. Pringle was born Feby 3, 1847

8. David S. Pringle was born Sept 24, 1848

9. Nancy Pringle was born Sept 17, 1850

10. Ella Pringle was born Jany 2, 1853

11. Isabell Pringle was born Apr 21, 1855

12. Esther Pringle was born Apr 29, 1857

13. Mary Pringle was born Oct 5, 1859

14. Simon Peter Pringle was born Mch 27, 1862

15. Christian S. Pringle was born July 10, 1864

16. Andrew A. Pringle was born Dec 1, 1868

Paul C. Pringle son of Nancy born Nov 18, 1871

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Elizabeth P. Pringle died Nov 29, 1844

John S. Pringle died June 6, 1884

Sarah E. Pringle died May 22, 1890

Andrew A. Pringle died Feby 7, 1892

Mary Pringle died Apr 26, 1843

George W. Pringle died Mch 23, 1855

William H. Pringle died Apr 15, 1865 at York Pa of being starved in Rebel Prison soon after being exchanged.

Elizabeth Walter 1st daughter died July 15, 1878 aged 47 yrs 5 mos

Mrs Kate Laning Clear has come in & says her father, William Henry Laning was married four times.

1st to Eliza Hopkins dau of Thos Haymond Hopkins. 2 to Sophia Duncan, dau of Thomas Duncan. They were married when Mrs Clear was 3 1/2 yrs old. She only lived 10 mos after marriage & died after the birth of a son, Arthur who died a month later. Mrs Clear was born 1850.

3d to Rebecca Lynch, sister of Ayers Lynch.

4 to Mary Colvin, daughter of Wm Colvin. Wm H. Lanning was a handsome man 6 ft 3 inches tall. He died abt 25 yrs ago at Greensboro Pa but is buried at Bridgeport Cemetery. His second wife is also buried at the Bridgeport Cem.

Oak Hill Sept 22/22 9 AM. Mrs Clear said she was up to Uniontown to the soldier's reunion last week. Her husband, an old soldier died she says about 5 yrs ago aged 80 yrs.

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She says she was named for Miss Kate Hopkins of Washington Pa who I used to call to see in 1870 & 1871 when in college. After I had been there about an hour, Effie Belle Axton came in with her cousin Esther Ann Walter who is a little short hunch back & an hour or so later, Mrs Axton's daughter, Margaret G. Crawford came in followed shortly by her Aunt Esther Harrison, half sister of Mrs Axton. She is a large well developed fine looking vigorous woman & when I closed my book & she saw from the cover that I was "Josiah V.", she spoke of being in Uniontown Pa when we were building my Oak Hill home & boarding some of the men among them, her nephew William Pringle Walter, who she & Esther Ann said was a workman in building this home. Margaret G. & Effie Belle look enough alike to be twin sisters, although there is fifteen yrs difference in their ages. I asked Effie Belle what the Natl Deposit Bank building was to cost & she said $350,000 & that it was to be seven stories high. She said Sam E. Taylor had recently gotten a family tree of the Taylors which his father, O.K. Taylor was very much interested in & had worked on for three or four years before his recent death. They all were very cordial & said if there was any further assistance, they could give, they would cheerfully help. It was 11 o'clock when I left them & too late to stop to see James Patrick Power who his sister, Mrs Lyon s'd lived on Church St & who had a record of the Power family. Home 11:30 PM

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[Descendant Chart]

Nancy Peairs, daughter of Elisha Peairs & Elizabeth Jack married 1st Harry Stevens who lived, Mrs Axton thinks at Wheeling WVA & she never heard of their living at New Castle Pa but she says they, the Stevens, were River people & she knows of but two children, a son & a daughter. She don't know where or when Harry Stevens died. She married 2d William Horner of Luzerne Tp who was a widower with a big family of children. Nancy Horner was a little woman & made her home after her husband's death with her daughter, Mrs Pringle, who was her only child by Horner. After her daughter, Mrs Pringle died, Nov 29, 1844, she continued to live in the Pringle family until Mr Pringle married Oct 16, 1845 & she took offence at his marrying so soon & left, going to live with her son Harry Stevens who was living in Wheeling. Mrs Axton don't know when she died or where she is buried, but says there is a family burying ground on the John Horner farm up on the hill opposite Millsboro Pa. George & Lizzie Horner, whose mother almost 100 died last year, live on the farm which you reach by turning in at a gate by a cottage occupied by negroes on the right hand side, just before you make the turn going down to the River. Apr 11, 1925 see Book 13 P 123 where her father on Apr 18, 1815 willed $190 to her children Viz: Harry, Jeremiah, Nancy, Joseph, & Elizabeth. What then about Eliza? See Book 5 P 372.


Harry Stevens, Lived in Wheeling WVA

Eliza Stevens, M. Ludwig, who was a Riverman & lived at Wheeling. She visited at Mrs Axton's home when she, Mrs A. was 10 or 12 yrs old. Don't know about children. July 9, 1931. Eliza is wrongfully included here as a child of Nancy see B 26 P 459 & see will of Elisha Peairs. She married in 1840 see B 25 P 425 John Newton Lodwick & should be listed as dau of Elisha Stevens, son of Dr Benjamin Stevens & Sophia Peairs




Elizabeth Horner, Born Apr 14, 1814 & died Nov 29, 1844. She married May 3, 1832 to John S. Pringle who was born Oct 23, 1804 & died June 6, 1884 the night his old friend James G. Glaine was nominated for President. Mr Pringle was a boat builder for over 50 yrs building over 500 steamboats.

Elizabeth Pringle, B Feby 18, 1833 ob July 15, 1878 & is buried in Bridgeport Cem M. June 1, 1852 to Jacob Maryro Walter. He died Oct 6______ aged abt 80 yrs. abt 11 yrs ago in Allegheny Pa & is buried in Highwood Cem there.

John Jacob, died unmarried.

William Pringle, M. Ella Walsh. Both living in Wilkinsburg Pa where he is a carpenter. No issue, but have adopted a daughter.

Nellie, unmarried.

Frederick Arthur, M. Harriet Jones of Hazelwood Pa & lives now in Cleveland O at No 1798 E. 55th St.

Stella Elizabeth, married & lives in NY

Arthur, married

Howard, married

Marian, single

Ruth & Rebecca, twins. Both single

Margaret, dead

Robert, dead

Charles, single

Esther Ann, B Sept 24, 1869 Living in East End Pgh Pa East Liberty. Unmarried Joint informant at No 5816 Rural St E.E. Pgh.

Ann Pringle, B Dec 6, 1834 died unmarried Feby or Mch 1911 aged 77 & is buried at Bridgeport & has a marker.

William Horner Pringle, B Nov 29, 1836 ob Apr 15, 1865 unmarried went overland to California where he enlisted in the 22d Mass Calvary.

George W. Pringle, B Oct 8, 1838 ob Mch 23, 1855 Grew too fast & died of consumption. Unmarried.

Sarah Pringle, B July 11, 1840 m. Feby 17, 1861 to Andrew Kramer Axton who was born Dec 16, 1839 the son of Balser Axton & Mary Victoria LeClere, his wife. He died in Brownsville Pa accidentally killed on RR July 10, 1906. See page 58 my principal informant of the night. She died Dec 6, 1925.

Mary Pringle, B Apr 12, 1843 ob Apr 26, 1843

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[Descendant Chart]

Sarah Pringle married Andrew K. Axton, See page 57.


Elizabeth Victoria B Apr 24, 1861 m. Oct 6, 1880 to Emmor Boyd Wells son of Joseph Wells. He died Feby 1914 & she is living at Decatur Ills.

Boyd Axton Wells, B Oct 6, 1889 m. Josephine Jewett Parks on Nov 4, 1917.

Elizabeth Ann Wells, B Feby 16, 1919

Thomas Moffitt B Dec 15, 1865 m. Mary Jane Stephens of Phila in Aug 20, 1889. Both living. She at Jeannette Pa & he is on the River on a steamboat.

Irene, B Sept 24, 1890 & died July 1908 unmarried.

Earl Stephens, B Sept 21, 1892 m. Anna Mull & live at Jeanette Pa where he is Asst Cahsr of 1st NBK mar on June 6, 1918. No issue.

Margaret Gertrude, B July 1, 1867 m. on June 25, 1895 to Samuel Carlton Crawford, son of Seaborn Crawford Born Sept 11, 1857? & died June 23, 1921. No issue. She lives with her mother.

Annie Louise, B Aug 10, 1870 ob Oct 25, 1901 m. Sept 4, 1895 to Chas J. Menges of Post Perry a bro of Mrs J.D. Ruby. He died Sept 28, 1915 in a storm on the Gulf of Mexico

Bertha Eliza, B May 16, 1896 m. Nov 1915 to Elmer C. Margileth & both living in Pgh.

Elmer C. Jr, B Apr 1917

Andrew Menges B July 1920

Jacob Andrew B Feby 8, 1898 unmarried Lives in Irwin Pa.

Helen Blanche, B May 19, 1872 m. Mch 10, 1896 to Wm A. Britton of Brownsville Pa. Both living in Wash Pa.

Owen Underwood, B Feby 1900 m. Margaretta Holder In June 1921

James Andrew, B Aug 31, 1904 unmarried

William Wallace, B Dec 1908

Emmett Ryman, B Nov 14, 1874 m. Mch 23, 1895 to Nellie Province dau of David J. Province. She lives in Pgh. He died Mch 12, 1913.

Sarah Catharine, B Sept 16, 1896 ob July 1920 m. to Frank Lilley. He lives at Orlando Fla.


Frank Jr

Andrew Kramer, B Mch 31, 1898 ob June 6, 1918 killed in action at Chateau Thierry. unmarried.

Howard Nelson, B Dec 11, 1910. He is in Girard College.

Effie Belle, B May 24, 1882 my informant Clerk at Nal Dep Bk Brownsville Pa, very efficient & capable, unmarried.

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AT Chartiers Pres. Church, also called the "Hill church" graveyard, this side of Canonsburg Pa Sept 21, 1922 7:45 AM

I left Oak Hill at 5:55 AM this morning in our small auto with Pallini driving & came direct here & commenced at the entrance drive gate & took first what was to the right of the drive way & worked around to the extreme lower far corner beyond a triple trunk honey locust to which I was impelled to make a deposit before making my first notation.

1. Isabella, consort of James Laughlin w.d.t.l. Nov 1, 1836 in her 33d yr

2. Gen. Samuel Scott Born May 30, 1785, died Oct 16, 1819.

In memory of Rachel Scott, wife of Alexander Scott w.d.t.l. Mch 24, 1812 in her 40th yr

In memory of Esther Scott w.d.t.l. Sept 7, 1825 in her 52d yr.

3. Moses Thompson w.d.t.l. Feby 23, 1838 aged 70 yrs

Martha Thompson, consort of William Thompson w.d.t.l. Apr 12, 1841 aged 98 yrs. She was one of the first settlers of this western country.

In memory of Ann Porter, consort of Robert Porter w.d.t.l. Nov 11, 1829 aged 62 yrs. This is just west of Moses Thompson & Martha Thompson is just east of Moses.

4. Thomas Clarke 1712 - 1802

Martha Dunlap, his wife 1724 - 1807

5. Robert A. Thompson w.d.t.l. May 19, 1837 aged 5 yrs 3 mos 9 days

6. Rev. John H. Kennedy, professor in Jefferson College Canonsburg Pa Born Nov 11, 1801, died Dec 15, 1840 "A sinner saved by grace". This is a fine grey-white horizontal slab.

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7. Robert Power w.d.t.l. Sept 29, 1818 aged 67 yrs

Eliezer Power, born Sept 1802 died Dec 1831

Jane Power, died July 6, 1826 aged 3 mos

Margaret Power died Jany 3, 1831 aged 61 yrs

8. John McFarlane Senr died June 1, 1825 in his 67th yr Then right back of church is:

9. Robert Wilson Died Feby 1, 1823 aged 74 yrs

Martha Wilson died Aug 27, 1821 aged 24 yrs

10. William Van Eman Senr died Apr 16, 1829 in his 35th hr

Mary Bracken, wife of Wm Van Emans Senr born Oct 23, 1792 died Jany 9, 1859.

William Van Eman Jr died Sept 16, 1833 in his 6th yr

Elizabeth Van Eman, consort of Andrew Van Eman died Aug 24, 1819 aged 31 yrs

Mary Fulton, wife of T.B. Van Eman died Oct 13, 1854 in her 31st yr

T. Bracken, son of Rev J.W. & L.J. Van Eman died Mar 25, 1881 aged 2 yrs 9 mos 24 days.

11. Doctr Samuel Stevens (Big slab back corner church) w.d.t.l. Aug 5, 1824 in his 46th yr

Mary Louisa Stevens, eldest daughter of Dr Saml Stevens died July 8, 1829 aged 2 yrs 9 mos 2 days. Something wrong with these dates.

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12. Rev. John McMillan D.D. an able Divine etc. etc. He was the leading founder of Jefferson College & the Chartiers Presbyterian Congregation (this church) Died Nov 16, 1833 in his 82d yr & 60th yr

of his ministry.

Catharine, consort of Rev John McMillan died Nov 24, 1819 in her 70th yr. Plenty of other McMillans on both sides.

13. Sarah J. Lutton, wife of C.E. Carothers Feby 8, 1860, Oct 23, 1918

14. 1819 T.H. Lyon 1912 (monument)

His wives

1824, Jane McMillan 1850

1820, Lydia Cheesman 1870

1836, Martha Horner 1872

1834, Margaret Manes


John McMillan 1848 - 1855

Harry E. 1860 - 1861

Warren G. 1857 - 1891

Finished at 9:30 AM

Oak Hill Sept 22/22 11:06 AM. I took the above record down on scratch paper in the g.y. & have transcribed it this morning. I got my breakfast yesterday at 5:30 AM & had nothing at all to eat until after leaving Mrs Axton's at 11 o'c last night. Pallini had a small sack of grapes in the auto one bunch of which I ate & my next meal was at 8:30 o'c this morning. Yesterday's records have covered 25 pages. Pallini brought Mrs Isaac W. (Jane B.) Baum's German Police dog which was in service in the World War named "Rip" to the court house & I told him to offer $200 which se didn't accept, but at 9 o'c this morning, Mr Baum telephoned & said to come for the dog as he had persuaded his wife to take our offer.

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Oak Hill Sept 24, 1922 8:47 PM

Reading to Cousin Kate from Book 7 Page 513, item 7, she says Stofel Hepler used to come often to her grandfather Peter Rothermel's to change or alter the stock & that he was married twice. His first wife was the widow Kaultleasure as she pronounced it (no doubt Colglazer). She had two children by her first husband viz: John & Betsy Colglazer & "she had a whole raft of children by Hepler". Hepler then married a second wife & had by her but one child. One of the daughters by the Colglazer wife of Hepler married a man over by Mt Pleasant Pa & then for her second husband married a Rohland in West Newton, not Philip, but his father whose name was probably Philip too. The query now arises which was the Waltz wife. I am inclined to think the first is. Item 8 Page 513. Kate says there was a John Boyd lived in West Newton who had his second wife, but had no children, had lived on a farm. She died first & then he died in West Newton. He was a U.P. & thinks they may have been buried at the Dick Church.

Kate says Mrs McCune, widow, living at the Willow Tree is a sister of Dan Williams who married Rebecca Nicholls & that he had 7 or 8 boys & one girl, one named Thomas for his father & another William for his

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father. They separated & both are dead now. He said he wouldn't be buried by his wife & was buried in Scottdale Pa & his daughter couldn't pay for the lot & they made her lift his remains & he was taken then & buried beside his wife in the Markle g.y.

C. John Boyd, son of Archibald of Archibald married a Kiefer, Cousin Kate says a granddaughter of Polly Bell. She says two of Polly Bell's daughters married Kiefers. She thinks brothers & Polly Bell died with one of them.

Kate says that Thos Hanna who married Maggie Hunter, daughter of Margaret Boyd Hunter had a son who died out at or by Latrobe & was brought to West Newton for burial. Mrs Hanna was a twin & was raised by Mrs Israel Miller. Jennie was the oldest girl & got $20,000 perhaps from an old Uncle Hunter & her husband spent it all & she lived out in Ohio with her son. She was a friend of Lucy Hood. Lucetta married a Bell & died when her first child was born, & the Bell girls took the child, a boy, & raised it & the father Bell married a Hough for his second wife.

Cousin Kate says that the old Waltz of old Daniel that married Elizabeth Kramer was an Englishman & couldn't talk German & that he lived among the Rothermels when he first came to this country & his wife couldn't talk any English & twice when he came to see her, she ran & hid because they couldn't understand each other.

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Page 525 Cousin Kate says Jerry Boyd, son of John Boyd by his first wife got $1500 from the McGrews as heir of his mother Theodosia & had spent it all before his father knew he got it.

Luther Keck & his wife were here tonight between 8 & 9 o'c & say that the wife or widow of Kate's brother Peter Smith viz Clara Smith, died at Kingwood WVA the day she came up here viz Aug 15, 1922. Kate thinks she was abt 86 yrs old.

Yesterday evening, I met Stewart Henderson, son of Samuel of Isaac on Peter St as I was coming fr P.O. to Supper & he says he has his father's bible & record & lives 2d house on right hand side of road, a white frame house several hundred feet over in the field on the road as you go off the National Road North down the hill from Uncle Theodore VanKirk's. Abrams farm residence. I told him I would call & get record. He did not know where in Mo was the home of his great Uncle Thomas Henderson.

In the West Newton Times - Sun of Sept 21, 1922 recd yesterday, I noticed an account of the death at Keokuk, Iowa on Sept 15, 1922 of Mrs Martha C. Hornish first cousin of mother's. She was born Aug 19, 1831 & therefor was 91 yrs 27 days old. I wrote her daughter Cousin Martha Hornish a letter of condolence yesterday. It is 11:30 PM & Mrs Pallini has just taken cousin Kate to bed. JVT

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Oak Hill Sept 25, 1922 6:33 PM

Book 7 Page 529. Cousin Kate says Miss Jane Oliver here referred to is a daughter of Samuel Oliver by his second wife & Mrs Leasure, her sister with whom she lived is the daughter of Samuel Oliver's third wife, Sallie (or Salome) Markle, who Kate says is a daughter of great grandmother Mary Markle & Mrs Leasure was her only child as Kate says her mother has told her & her name was Mary named by Mrs Oliver for her mother. Kate says her mother was at the wedding of Sallie Markle & Samuel Oliver. Kate says Sallie went to Kentucky to take care of my grandmother Leah, her sister & was gone a year & then came back to her mother's & was married there to Samuel Oliver not long after she came back. Kate's Aunt Kate & Uncle Ben also attended the wedding. While Sallie was in KY, Her, Kate's mother, went once a week & sometimes twice & stayed all night with great grandmother Markle. Aunt Hannah Markle went to stay with her brother Uncle Joe while his first wife was sick & then when she died Dec 6, 1815, Aunt Hannah remained with him until he married again Sept 27, 1825. Great grandmother had a young girl living with her in the meantime. Kate never heard of but one child that Mrs Leasure had & that was Frank Oliver Leasure

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that Mrs Brunner refers to who went from West Newton to Greensburgh Pa with his father & his Aunt Jane went along. She knows of Frank O. having two children & he may have had more. Cousin Kate says Mrs Brunner's mother, Mrs Milligan, was buried the day her, Kate's mother died. She was a sister of the old Alex Simeral she has heretofore told me about.

Book 7 Page 544 Lines 29. Cousin Kate says Lottie Milligan is a daughter of Jim Milligan who married a daughter of Nancy Bell who later married a Hough. Kate says Lottie is up in yrs 60 or 70.

Book 7 Page 556 lines 7 & 8. Kate says Henry Cronshore's mother was a sister of Jacob Baughman, but she don't know how Josiah Pore is related.

Kate says tonight that one of the Rothermel brothers that came over never married, but she don't know which one. Says however it was the one who proposed to go back to Germany & get the money & started & got to NY where he was taken sick & the doctor made him return home by reason of his serious condition & he did return home & died in two weeks. Kate says there is one of the Baughman girls, Mamie, dau of Eben that isn't right mentally. It is 11:30 PM & I will go to bed. Cousin Kate retired an hour ago.

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Oak Hill Sept 27, 1922 8:47 PM

This book Page 9 lines 9 & 10 referring to the bondsmen John Lesher in the settlement of the estate of her great grandfather Christian Rothermel Cousin Kate says his son Martin's wife was a Lesher & a brother of hers married a Stenger, sister of Kate's grandmother, the wife of Peter Rothermel.

Last night, coming up on the train Profor [sic] Dr I.C. White ate at the same table with me & said the polluting of the streams with sulphur water from the mines can be remedied by an expenditure of $20 in each case by making a wooden box 20 ft long 2 ft wide 2 ft deep & filling it with limestone & running the water through it. The limestone eliminates the sulphur content.

Lines 19 & 20 this is not the original Paul Ie the Uncle of Kate's grandfather Peter. She says they came to her grandfather's in the night about 2 or 3 o'clock on a Sunday morning & told him that his Uncle Paul had just died. Kate says her Aunt Polly (Maria Catherine) was 4 yrs old at the time & always claimed that she heard them knock & remembered it. He, Uncle Paul, was buried on the Tuesday following. It was not long after this, that Kate's grandfather Peter moved to Franklin Co Pa being when her Uncle Peter was 6 mos old. She said her grandfather worked at his trade & don't think he

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owned land in Berks Co Pa, but he lived on one side of the creek & his brother martin on the other.

Kate says her great Uncle Martin Rothermel had a flat slab covering his grave, a very nice one & that her Uncle Sam A. Rothermel who was there & saw it, so reported. She thinks he said the graveyard was at some church & he was buried beside his father Christian Rothermel, Martin's wife, however would not be buried beside her husband because of dissatisfaction at the way he left his property.

At residence of Jacob Hepler South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co Pa Sept 28, 1922 4:25 PM

I arrived here 15 minutes ago & found Mr Hepler on his horse having just come in from his work. He has brought me in the house & his daughter has brought out the bible.

Jacob Hepler Born Feby 7, 1850

Rachel O. Hough born Jany 14, 1854

Jacob Hepler & Rachel O (Ovander) Hough married Oct 7, 1869 by Rev Mr. Sawyer in Mt Pleasant Pa.

Their children are as follows: over

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1. Aquilla Rankin Hepler born Sept 4, 1870

2. Susannah (Anna) Hepler born Dec 17, 1871

3. Lucetta Catherine Hepler born Mch 21, 1874

4. Henry Lloyd Hepler born June 22, 1877

5. William Burrell Hepler born Feby 16, 1879

6. Carrie Bertha Hepler born Oct 7, 1880

7. A son unnamed Hepler born stillborn

8. A son unnamed Hepler born stillborn


Carrie B. Hepler died Dec 9, 1891 aged 11 yrs 2 mos 2 days

Rachel O. Hepler died Apr 11, 1904 aged 50 yrs 2 mos 27 days

Ernest Burrell Albright born June 19, 1902 (Lucetta's son)

Rachel O. was daughter of Michael Hough & his wife Harriet Espey. Michael was son of William Hough & his wife Betsy Varner.

Anna says her grandfather, Michael Hough used to speak of the relationship to the Williams & thinks perhaps he was a cousin of Thomas Williams wife, but she says her mother's brother Aquilla Rankin Hough & her sister Nancy Hough, unmarried ( he a bachelor) are living together near the Methodist Church in Smithton Pa on the corner in a frame house & can

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give record.

Mr Hepler says his sister, Adaline Rhodes, widow of David Rhodes & older than Mr Hepler, lives near by the Houghs in Smithton Pa & she has the old bible of their father, Joseph Hepler which has the record in it. Anna says she saw it there, but Mr Hepler thinks one of her girls may have it when Anna saw it, she, her Aunt Adaline, was 64 yrs old. Think she is 75 now.

Mr Hepler remembers his grandfather Stophel Hepler who lived only half a mile N.E. of here on a farm now owned by Mrs Clara Ruff & he, Jacob, kept the flies off of him when a boy. Thinks he is buried at the Lutheran Church half a mile above Smithton Pa as Jacob's own parents are buried there. Stophel was married twice & his second wife survived him many years. HIs first wife was a Waltz, don't know name of his second wife.

Mr Hepler only knows of two boys by first wife, Jacob & Joseph & one of his daughters by first wife married a Hanna & another was David Aspey's first wife.

By his second wife, Stophel had David, Henry, Christopher, the oldest, a preacher & Cyrus, who lived in Smithon. Now all dead.

Mr Hepler's Uncle Jacob had a son Henry S. who was married to Mary Rhodes a first cousin of David and (here at 5:25 PM Bernard Sutoon came & told me wd have to go or would miss train am ctg 11:11 Pm at Oak Hill)

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that Henry S. Hepler is dead, but it is his widow, Mary Hepler who lives near Ada V. Sutton's about whom her son Bernard Sutton, who drove me out told me. Bernard rushed me in & got to the station just as the train pulled in & by running back around over three car lengths, I got on the other side & got on the last car just as the train was starting & got home about 7 PM.

AT residence of Israel Painter at the "Willow Tree" South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co Pa Sept 28, 1922 1:11 PM

Mr Painter is the natural son of Col Israel Painter whose framed picture hangs in his parlor. He lives in the house on the left hand side as you go out in what was the old Wm Newlon Home & formerly the home of Uncle John Carnahan from whose estate Wm Newlon bought it & paid for it, but never got a deed, but Mr Painter showed me a deed dated June 7, 1837 not recorded until 1899 from Benjamin Miller Adm of John Carnahan to Brintnall [best guess] & Elijah Newlon in trust for the heirs of Wm Newlon. Mr Painter gave me the deed for the purpose of letting me take a photostatic copy of it & return to him his address being Israel Painter RFD 1 West Newton Pa. He says he has 200 A & his brother John L. living across the road has 200 acres also. He said some yrs ago, he said he had lived there 45 yrs since

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he was 18, about 25 yrs ago they had diptheria in the house, which was repeated 2 or 3 yrs later & they then threw a great mass of old papers, written documents, newspapers, pamphlets & documents out of the attic window in the yard & burned them up, what you might term a grossly criminal proceeding. He went upstairs & brought down a small piece of glass abt 8 by 10 inches in which was written evidently with a diamond four names, probably each scratching her own viz:

Jane Bell, Frances Isett, Margaret J. Newlon, Eliza J. Oliver.

Looking up the valley beyond his brother John L's was a house & barn on the hill where he said the widow of Robert Boyd aged 80 yrs or upwards lived. Go see her. He told us Charlotte A. McCune whom I came to see died 2 1/2 yrs ago.

At residence of John L. Painter by the "Willow Tree", South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co Pa Sept 28, 1922 1:44 PM

Mr Painter was not at home I guess, but Mrs Painter came in. She is a daughter of Charlotte A. McCune & she says her mother was the daughter of Thomas Williams & his wife Margaret Hough & she, Charlotte A. was married first to John Strickler

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& second to Robert McCune & her bible is now with Harry Wolf living at Waltz. Harry Wolf married Mrs Painter's only full sister, who is now dead. She says there is much of the Strickler record in the bible & then theirs. Wolf's married daughter keeps house for him. He is aged over 60. She gave me the names of the children of her grandfather Thomas Williams as follows which she says is in the order of their ages.

1. David, oldest

2. Charlotte, A. her mother next

3. Daniel

4. Kate, next married Dennis Porter who is long since dead. Lived by Scottdale. Has children are married & Scattered around, but her daughter Emma wife of Mahlon Stoner at Scottdale Pa would know & could give record.

5. Elizabeth married Arch Nicholls. He is dead, but she is living, the only survivor of the family. She has a son Ed living out by Charles Hough's but she is now in the west with her son Will Nicholls in Missouri.

6. Jennie married Jacob Crawford. He died when Mrs Painter was small. She had three boys & had a hard time getting along moving much from place to place.

7. Jacob Williams. Lived down by Smithton. He went to California & died last summer. Left a son Mell who now lives in Rostraver Tp, a daughter living in California & one daughter dead.

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8. Allen, the youngest left children in this section.

John U. Williams son of David lives near here, continuing out the "Pike" & turn to the right at first road & continue on to the end of the good road. He is older & she thought would know Thomas, his brother, the youngest of the family lives the other way in plain view on the old Rothermel farm. Go see him & see if there are any old papers stored in the attic or cupboard.

At residence of John U. Williams, South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co Pa Sept 28, 1922 2:22 PM

He says his Aunt Elizabeth Nicholls lives now with her son Will in Mo about 40 miles south of Kansas City Mo. Her son Ed lives near here. J.U. thinks his brother Thomas on the old Rothermel place would have their father's old bible record. He knows nothing of who got his grandfather's bible. Says his brother Francis 2d house beyond is older than him & might be able to tell about the older people.

Leaving 2:26 PM

It is now 1 AM 29th & I am getting sleepy & will go to bed.

Continuing transcribing 7:11 AM 29th

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At residence of Francis Marion Williams South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co Pa Sept 28th, 1922 3:11 PM

Calling at the large brick house, a black haired medium aged heavy set woman told me Mr Williams was out in the barn & going there, a fleshy jovial smiling man said he was a neighbor & that Mr Williams had gone five or ten minute before with a basket & sack presumably to pick apples. I then went up through an old orchard with many winter apples on the trees, but did not find him. Going to the house, the young woman above mentioned went to a section of the orchard beyond & I went to one beyond the house & she found him & we walked down to the house, passing a very old stone house with springhouse in lower corner next the house which they still use & which the woman said had been an old Hanna home. Mr Williams said the brick house had been built by David Bennett, this having been his old home & he thought it was built in 1846. He said the farm of his grandfather Thomas Williams was just back of & south of this farm & that his wife was Margaret Hough & that both are buried in the Lutheran Cemetery across country one mile as the crow flies but two miles by road & have markers to their graves. Their son, Jacob Williams got the farm &he went to Riverside, California & died there, but his widow Emily Williams lives there at No 343 Line St, Riverside California.

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He sold it to his son Mell Williams & Mell split it up & sold it, the part with the house & old buildings going to Henry Hepler, th smiling neighbor I saw at work out in the barn. Asking Mr Williams for names of Hepler's forebears, he said his father was Jacob & his grandfather Joseph Hepler. H said can you go back any further & he said Joseph's father was Christopher or Stophel Hepler. I then told him that was just what I wanted. as Stophel Hepler had married Elizabeth Waltz & I wanted to get record of his descendants & would go out to the barn & see Henry. Mr Williams who said he was born in 1858 said his grandmother Margaret Hough was daughter of David Hough & that Paul Hough who had lived near West Newton Pa was a brother of his grandmother.

He said too, that Jacob Hepler, father of Henry lives about two miles from here, a little south of East, near the old Stophel Hepler farm. He said that this Jacob's Uncle Jacob Hepler (son of Stophel) was exceedingly well versed in family lore & the early history of the neighborhood & had often told him that the Grants, ancestors of Gen'l Grant, had a tannery in that section a couple of miles or so further on & that even yet in ploughing traces of it appeared. He said he told him the Grants moved from there to Ohio, above Cincinnati. He said the older Jacob died in 1874 or 1875 aged probably 75 yrs & he thinks he is buried at Sewickly g.y. & has a marker. This Jacob's daughter Sarah, who died about 5 yrs ago

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up in the 80s told him she was baptized in the old stone house in their yard above referred to. She was the wife of George Pore a brother of Josiah Pore of Main St West Newton Pa who I saw when we drove out sitting on his porch, corner of 8th St in his new yellow brick house. I then bid them goodbye in the yard where our conversation took place & went back to the barn & saw Henry Hepler again & he directed me to go back past J.U. Williams home to the Monyer [best guess] brick house & turn square around up to the right & passing a brick house on the right hand side of road continue on to the next house on the right hand side, a stone & frame one, his father's home. Kenny said he, himself, had eight children & I said I would get his record later. I told Mr Williams that the Grant family were in our Caruthers line. I left at 3:33 PM & drove out of the Williams lane & continuing on abt 200 yrs turned to the right & went past the grave of Cornelius Casali on the left. (Israel Painter showed me several old Casauly (so spelled) deeds dated abt 1818 one singed David Casauly & also Catherine Casauly) & a little further on passed the fine brick house of Charles Hough on the right, the same road Will L. Scholl drove me over a year or two ago & continuing on, we came to a house on the left hand side of the road, a frame one & the next one I believe & were at the

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Residence of Jacob Edgar Nicholls (called Ed) South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co Pa Sept 28, 1922 3:50 PM

Going around the house, I found two young children playing beneath an upstairs porch on which Mrs J. Ed Nicholls shortly appeared & upon calling up to her, she said her husband's mother, Mrs Elizabeth Nicholls was now at her son Wm T. Nicholls who is a farmer not far from Pleasant Hill Missouri which is their P.O. address.

We then retraced & went as indicated above to the home of Jacob Hepler & what is recorded at Pages 69 to 72 should come in here, but I did not have the time or facilities to write these conferences in my book, but made hurried penciled mems, but at Jacob Hepler's, I had pen & ink & made entries direct in my book as above where Mr Hepler & his daughter Susannah (called Anna, as she does not like Susan) a heavy set pleasant woman, who is unmarried were my informants, just as I was leaving another woman, taller & slender, appeared whom I suppose was Lucetta Catherine, as Mr Hepler said he had been a widower for 18 years & was living with his daughters. He is a fine appearing sensible farmer, rugged & well preserved.

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Oak Hill Sept 29, 1922 9:38 AM

Reading to Cousin Kate of my trip yesterday to West Newton & vicinity, page 73 this book of the names on the glass produced by Israel Painter at the Willow Tree farm she says both Polly & Nancy Bell had a daughter Jane called "Ginse" (Ginsey for their grandmother Finley) but she thinks this was Polly's daughter who married a Hough & she says too that Nancy's daughter Jane or "Gince" also married a Hough, a brother of the other. She says Nancy's daughter left children, but she don't think Polly's did. She says she was when a little girl out at her grandmother Rothermel's & Polly"s daughter Mrs Hough died the day she was out there & she remembers being told she had sung a hymn just before she died.

Speaking of John L. Painter owning 200 Acres, she said "yes, part of the Boyd farm" & I said "was that off of the John Jack farm". She didn't think it was, saying the Boyds owned a farm before they bought the Jack farm adjoining. She didn't know Frances Isett. She said Margaret J. Newlon was the youngest daughter of William Newlon & she married Joseph Bennett & they lived up the River awhile when he moved on a farm over in Rostraver Tp where Kate visited them once along with Keziah Newlon. Bennett sold out & moved west & his wife died out west. His oldest daughter Elizabeth however did not go west but after

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they had gone, married a contractor named Jackson, who helped to build the Presbyterian church at West Newton Pa & lived in a little house across the River. Elizabeth died leaving a little daughter Joseph Bennett came back looking for a 2d wife & went up among the Houghs & then went west taking Elizabeth's daughter with him. She died & his own daughter died of the consumption & left him one son whose name she thinks was George (inasmuch as Joseph had brothers George & David). He came back to West Newton to get the girl he had courted & she wouldn't have him & he got very made & returned west & married out there & the wife he got was sharp enough to get Joseph's fortune, so that his son by his first wife was cut out.

The fourth name on the glass "Eliza J. Oliver" was later the wife of Capt Wm Thompson & the mother of Lucy Hood.

Kate says that John Bell, son of Polly married Mary Bennett sister of Joseph above mentioned. She died at Bells & a daughter was taken or sent out to her Uncle's Joseph Bennett's in the west, but not liking it, came back & on her way, stopped at her Uncle George Bennett's at Greensburgh Pa where a party was given for her & after the guests had gone she took sick & died in a few minutes & was buried at Sewickly g.y. Her brother was working at Pgh & died there at a Hotel where the people were very kind to him & he was brought back & buried in his Uncle Dave Bells' lot in the West Newton Cem. Polly Bell had sons John, William, David & Samuel

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& several daughters & had several children to die young & Kate says her Aunt Kate always went & dressed them & put on the robe.

Page 73 lines 21 & 22 Kate says her mother told her that "Bob" Boyd this one, married a McAyeal

Page 74. Kate says Jennie, Mrs Jacob Crawford was dissatisfied with her father's will as he tied it up because her husband was a drunkard. Charlotte, too had married second time & he left half of hers to her three children by Strickler & half to her & at this, her husband Robt McCune was greatly aggrieved. Kate says Thomas Williams wife, Margaret Hough was a sister of Mrs Mary J. Wachob's father.

Page 75. Kate says the attic at her grandmother's old home was piled full of everything & old papers & documents in profusion, but she supposes Dan Williams wife made away with them.

page 71. Kate says she remembers Stophel Hepler very well. Says he came once with his second wife to have her father make him a clock in a case which he made by hand & they stayed overnight at Kate's father's. She says her father made four of these clocks by hand viz:

1. This one to Stophel Hepler which Thomas McQuail got & a McQuail girl had it. She was living in one of the houses

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that burned a few weeks ago

2. Squire Ryall across in Rostraver, a brother of David Ryall got one.

3. Brownellers got one & Achsah Fries got one, a tall half moon clock now in the Fries home at West Newton on Main St.

4. Aunt Polly Boyd got one that had the best case, a cherry one & her brother Robert Boyd got it. A Smith who was married his daughter & lives over in Rostraver Tp got it.

Kate says Stophel Hepler came to her grandmother's plying his trade, the day before her grandmother died, was an old man, but they told him not now, but her Uncle Ben, living in the house in the yard, asked him to stay for dinner to which his wife Eliza demurred but Stophel stayed & got his dinner.

It is now noon & I will go in town. Have everything up to date & will tonight write up my trip to Berks Co Pa on 8th, & 9th insts.

Kate says if I go to the old home to tell Thomas Williams she authorizes me to hunt for & get any of the old papers left by the Rothermels.

Oak Hill Sept 29, 1922 7:17 PM

I will now write up the pencil memoranda I took on 9th inst when in Berks Co Pa giving that date as if written down then & there.

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From Page 23

Registers office Reading Pa Sept 9, 1922 10 AM

The will of Siwilla Rothermel (in German) In Gods name, Amen, I, Siwella Rothermel of Richmond Township, Berks County, realize with sound mind that the herein named is my last will & testament, and give & bequeath to my daughter Anna Margaretha all my household goods and notes, bonds and Book debts, and everything that I leave in my name to the above named Anna Margaretha, her heirs executors & administrators forever. I hereby set my own hand and seal with witness Aug 30, 1803.

N.B. The room stove and the Bible shall be the property of Abraham Rothermel for the use. Siwilla (her mark) Rothermel (seal)

Peter Wanner, Daniel Dreibelbis.

Registers office in Berks Co Sept 29, 1803. there appeared Peter Wanner & Daniel Dreibelbiss witness to the aforewritten will who being duly sworn according to law did dispose & say that they were present together and did see and hear Siwilla Rothermel, the testatrix sign by making her mark seal, publish & pronounce and declare the same writing to be her last will and testament, and at the time of the doing thereof, she the said Testatrix was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and as they truly believe and further that the names Peter Wanner and Daniel Dreibelbiss are of the despondents own handwriting respectfully thereto

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subscribed in the presence of each other and in the presence and at the request of the said testatrix. Coramme P. Fraily, register.

At Rothermel & Mangers 538 Court St Reading Pa Sept 9, 1922 10:55 AM

I came over here from the Court house to see Atty Abraham H. Rothermel & find him a heavy set man, but with indications of being on the decline. I asked him for directions to go to Walnut town to the old family g.y. where his ancestors are buried. He said: "Take Kutztown & Allentown Trolley at 6th & Washington which comes up Wash St & goes out 6th every hour on the hour & ask the conductor to let me off at Walnut town, Shaffer on the farm just before you get to Fleetwood." He said:

Jacob Rothermel at Fleetwood Pa who married a sister of Ira P. Rothermel (Sallie) is said to have a lot of Rothermel data.

Ira P. is son of John K. & he was a son of Daniel, who was a brother of Abraham, the father of Abraham H., Daniel & Abraham were sons of Peter. He went to one of the upper book shelves & got an old bible with records, which were all written in German & which he arranged to have translated.

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He says Peter married Magdalena Iager & his, Peter's brother, Abraham married her sister & A.H. says his father Abraham & Samuel Hunter Rotharmel, father of Minnie McDowell were double first cousins & said that Sam'l H. whom he knew had told him so often.

Abraham H. further said that Silas Rothermel was all Rothermel, had no other ancestors but Rothermels & says while he is a slouch & a grouch, he has a wonderful analytical mind. Says he is a brother of Prof Amos C. Rothermel of the Kutztown Normal. Says Ira got some old Rotharmel records once, which he put in his safe & should have yet.

The Veterinary is Robert Rothermel, a son of Daniel who was Ira's Uncle A.H. says Curtis J. Rothermel of the Bourse Phila Pa is son of Joel, a brother of Sam'l H & has gathered some data.

At office of Ira P. Rothermel, opposite court house Reading Pa Sept 9, 1922 11:44 AM

Ira P. says that Jacob Rothermel, son of Samuel M. living at Fleetwood Pa married his, Ira P's, sister, Esther, but to say that A.H. sent me.

Ira P's father was John K. &his father was Daniel & Daniel's father was Peter.

He indicated location about Walnut town & Fleetwood as indicated below:

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[a map is drawn here indicating the location of Frank Rothermel's home on the Walnut town Pa road, the Rothermel g.y. & a barn near it. the road to Fleetwood 1 1/2 miles which dog legs & where the Fleetwood Tr Church G.y. & church are located. Also John Rothermel "my g.g.g. father buried here" near the Jacob Rothermel home. Mrs Daniel Rothermel home also noted.]

Ira P. said his mother had the family bible of his father John K & the widow of his Uncle Daniel, a half block off has the family bible of his grandfather Daniel.

Back at office of Abraham H. Rothermel 538 Court Street Reading Pa Sept 9, 1922 12:05 PM

A.H. had gotten a young lady who had been his former stenographer to translate the old bible record which was in German & she was just handing it in as I came back the second time & she charged him but 5

.50 cts for making it out two & a half pages. He took it & made two changes in marriages (so first birth wd not be less than 9 mos) but she copied the record correctly & I am entering it as she wrote it.

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Peter Rothermel, born Sept 1, 1773

Lena Rothermel, born Jany 13, 1777

Married Nov 11, 1795 (he changed to 1794)

Their children:


1. Maria Rothermel, born May 28, 1796

2. Catharine Rothermel, born Oct 30, 1797

3. Daniel Rothermel, born July 7, 1799

4. Susanna Rothermel, born Jany 10, 1801

5. Peter Rothermel, born Nov 17, 1802

6. Sarah Rothermel, born March 27, 1805

7. Anna Rothermel, born Feby 15, 1807 Oct 5, 1830

8. Esther Rothermel, born Sept 5, 1808 Feby 10, 1829

9. Jacob Rothermel, Born Jan 14, 1811

10. John Rothermel, born Sept 6?, 1812

11. Hannah Rothermel, born June 17, 1814

12. Elizabeth Rothermel, born Dec 2, 1816

13. Sybilla Rothermel, born Mar 6, 1820

14. Abraham Rothermel, born Feby 11, 1822


Abraham Rothermel married May 30, 1848 (he changed it to March) and Magdalena Heckman by Rev Wm Pauly at Reading Pa.


Abraham Rothermel, son of Peter & Magdalena Rothermel (nee Yaeger) born Feby 11, 1822 in Maiden Creek Tp, Berks Co Pa. He died Apr 6, 1903 aged 81 yrs 1 mos 26 days. Buried Apr 11, 1903 in Family burial lot in cemetery of Spies Church in Alsace Tp.

Magdalena Rothermel, daughter of Adam & Catharine Heckman (nee Heffner) born June 22, 1828 in Alsace Tp, Berks Co Pa. She died Aug 15, 1888 aged 60 yrs 1 mos 23 days.

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Their children:

1. Catharine Ann born Jany 3, 1849 in Alsace Tp, Berks Co Pa

2. Daniel born May 26, 1850 in Richmond Tp Berks Co Pa

3. Emma born Nov 10, 1851 in Richmond Tp Berks Co Pa

4. Sarah Ann born Feby 2, 1853 in Maiden Creek Tp, Berks Co Pa

5. Emmaline born May 2, 1854 in Maiden Creek Tp, Berks Co Pa

6. Harriet born Feby 20, 1856 in Maiden Creek Tp, Berks Co Pa

7. Rebecca born Sept 25, 1857 in Maiden Creek Tp Berks Co Pa

8. Adam born July 5, 1859 in Maiden Creek Tp Berks Co Pa

9. William born Apr 22, 1861 in Maiden Creek Tp Berks Co Pa

10. Abraham H. born Mch 8, 1863 in Maiden Creek Tp Berks Co Pa


Rebecca Rothermel died July 17, 1876 aged 18 yrs 10 mos 22 days (should be 9 mos).

At law office of Silas R. Rothermel No 548 Court St Reading Pa Sept 9, 1922 1;11 to 2:11 PM

Silas R. says his father was Lewis W. & his grandfather David who was disinherited by his father *Jacob for marrying his cousin Barbara Weyandt. *Jacob was a Capt in the Revolutionary War & had six sons & thinks six daughters. Lived & died in Berks Co Pa & was son of immigrant John (In this he is surely mistaken. I think he was son of the immigrant **John. This would be necessary to make David & Barbara first cousins otherwise as he has it, they would be 2d cousins) [There are some names crossed out & corrected here, notably, *Jacob is substituted for *John & **John is substituted for **Paul.]

Silas R. says when he was 18 yrs old, he had letter from a woman in Chicago Ills asking about her ancestry & he asked Samuel M, father of Jacob now at Fleetwood

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who was best informed of all on the Rothermel genealogy & he told Silas R. that her ancestor was an illegitimate son of one of the early Rothermels & this made the woman very mad. Silas R. said that in his younger days, he commenced gathering records of the families & on finding the marriages as recorded in the old bibles almost universally preceding the birth of the first child by less than nine months, he ceased his researches. He said an old man named, I think, John Leibelsperger, who when 96 yrs old told him that by reason of lack of fires in the early days, except around the kitchen family circle, the young people resorted to bundling generally all over the county & it was a common practice for a young man going to see his girl to carry a ladder with him & she having told him in which room she slept, he would put the ladder up to her window, which she would raise & he would enter & go in unto her, spending the night in bed with her & departing with his ladder before the break of day. Then if pregnancy resulted, marriage would follow. Silas R. said he would get up a record of his immediate family & send it to me.

I then went around to the Mansion House & paid my bill & went across the street opposite & boarded a Kutztown Pa car & got off at Walnut town & walking down the road from the car,

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asked a man who had also gotten off the car where Frank Rothermel lived & he told me that was his name & we soon were at his home.

At residence of Frank D. Rothermel Walnut town Berks Co Pa Sept 9, 1922 3:55 to 4:11 PM

Mr Rothermel sat down on his hunkers in front of his stable & wrote me down a list of the children of his father's family in the order of their ages, which I keep but record here. I think he said his mother was Annie Deisher.

Peter Rothermel's family, wife Annie Deisher

Their children:

1. Mary Rothermel oldest married Haines

2. Kate Rothermel

3. Ester Rothermel married Boyer, is a widow

4. Caroline Rothermel married Peter Snyder, Fleetwood

5. Elmira Rothermel

6. Harriet Rothermel

7. Sarah Rothermel

8. Susan Rothermel

9. James Rothermel

10. Jeremiah Rothermel

11. Daniel Rothermel

12. Frank D. Rothermel, Born June 12, 1850 & has five children.

He was preparing to leave in an auto with his brother for Virginia so he could not go with me to the family g.y. just across his line in the next field, so I went across myself.

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At Rothermel Family graveyard Berks Co Pa Sept 9, 1922 4:17 PM This graveyard has a good fence around it & I make the following notations many of them being in German.

1. Jeremiah D. Rothermel died June 4, 1907 aged 68 yrs

Mary Stoudt, wife of Frank D. Rothermel died June 9, 1897 aged 40 yrs 25 days

Peter Rothermel, Born Nov 7, 1802 died Jany 30, 1892 aged 89 yrs 2 mos 23 days.

Anna Deisher, wife of Peter Rotharmel Born July 20, 1808, died Jany 2, 1892 aged 83 yrs 5 mos 12 days

Elmira Kline (nee Rothermel) May 5, 1845, Feby 6, 1891 aged 45 yrs 9 mos 1 day

Charles, son of Jacob & Elmira Kline born Feby 26, 1885 died Oct 8, 1888 aged 3 yrs 7 mos 12 days

Katie, daughter of Peter & Anna Rothermel & wife of F.K. Bechtel born Apr 30, 1825 died Nov 258, 1855 aged 30 yrs 6 mos 28 days

Also of James & Edwin, sons of FK & Katie Bechtel

Christian Barlert (in German) in Revolution, ein icho Du Heinrich & Margaret Barfert Geboren Nov 3, 1751 Gestorben June 1, 1840 was alt worden S.S. Jahren 6 monat und 28 Tag.

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Then at back from upper side down

Peter Rothermel Geboren Sept 21, 1773 Gestorben Feby 21, 1856 Alt 82 Jahre & 5 mos

Magdalene Rotharmel Ohegattin von Peter Rothermel Geborne Jany 13, 1777, Starb July 9, 1849 Alt 72 Jare 5 mos 26 Tage

Jacob Rothermel born Jany 15, 1811, died June 10, 1888 aged 77, 4, 25

Maria Rothermel, Tochter von Jacob & Elizabeth Rothermel Geboren Sept 20, 1839 Gestorben Apr 14, 1861 aged 21 yrs 6 mos 24 days

Catharine Dresler Geborne Rothermel Chegattin von Daniel Dresler Geboren Nov 9, 1840 Gestorben Nov 18, 1860 Alt 20 Jahre und 9 days

Esther Rothermel, Tochter von Jacob & Elizabeth geboren Sept 16, 1837, Gestorben Aug 14, 1858 Alt 20 Jar 10 monat 28 days

Elizabeth Rothermel Geborne Lonzo or York, chegattin von Jacob Rothermel Geboren Aug 31, 1813 Gestorben May 13, 1858 44, 8, 13 days

Grandmother Catharine Hoover 1799-1862





Father, John Rothermel 1812 - 1890

Mother, Louisa Rothermel 1827 - 1910

Leaving 5 PM

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Paul Grosskopf

Born Nov A.D. 1749, died Mch 14, 1812 & was married Oct 13, 1772 to Sybilla Rothermel who was a daughter of Christian & Magdalena Rotharmel (From marriage record of German Reformed Church, Germantown, Phila Pa, Rev Michael Schlatter). This historic Church at Germantown has since become the Market Square Presbyterian Church.

The above Christian Rothermel settled in Maiden Creek Tp 1742.

Jacob H. Rothermel, my informant of tonight says his father was Samuel Merkle Rothermel, son of Jacob Rothermel & Sarah Merkle, daughter of George Merkle. Jacob's father was John or Jacob. The children of Jacob Rothermel are:

1. Jonas, the oldest mar Hannah Reddinger

2. Maria, married to Saml Schick

3. Samuel Merkle married Esther Hoch

4. Aaron, married to Hannah Keller

5. Sarah, married Henry Noll (pronouce Null)

6. John married Carolina Boyer

7. Jacob, died young

8. Anna, died young

His grandfather, the aforesaid Jacob had brothers & sisters as follows:

1. Jacob, himself the oldest

2. David, mar Barbara Weyandt & they are grandparents of Prof Amos C. of Kutztown & Silas R. of Reading Pa. David had 3 sons & 2 daughters as follows:

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E. Lewis W. mar Lydia Rothermel daughter of David Rothermel

A. John married Angelina Lamp

B. David married Emma Edleman

C. Eliza married David Ebling

D. Amelia married Charles Windbringler

3. Simon, farmer near Walnut town, married a Schlegel & had a son:

A. Peter, who married a Lamp

B. Jacob married Sallie Ann Hoch

C. Lavina married Rothermel

D. Hannah married John Hinkle & died abt two months ago aged 85 yrs

E. Hetty (probably Esther) married John Resler & died aged abt 25 to 30.

The 3 sons, Jacob, David & Simon were sons of the second wife, the maiden name of their mother being Price. The first wife had two sons viz:

4. Joseph, don't know who he married

5. John, married Kate Weyandt an older sister of his half brother David's wife Barbara. This Jacob H. says he knows.

6. Elizabeth married a Rothermel & had two children:

A. Reuben

B. A daughter married to John Rothermel, a son of Paul of Maiden Creek Tp.

7. A daughter married Chas Heffner & lived in Richmond Tp & left children. These sisters, ie Elizabeth & Mrs Heffner were sisters of Jacob, David & Simon

8. A daughter, full sister of Joseph & John married Samuel Fegley (her name evidently was Esther born 1791 see book 7 p 498 line 24)

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Jacob H. thinks now his great grandfather was also Jacob & he says that his grandfather Jacob said that Elizabeth Siegfried was his grandmother & the wife of John Rothermel (my great great grandfather). His, John Rothermel's farm was the second one below here (Jacob H's residence) a little below the church & across where the bit barn & house is that I saw coming up. Here too was the home of Jacob his son & Jacob's son Jacob, the grandfather of Jacob Hoch Rothermel my informant of tonight. It is now owned by Mrs Catharine Merkle, widow of Nathaniel Merkle (she is about 70) who was a son of Isaac. She lives in Fleetwood Pa on Richmond St close to the RR in her own home.

Joseph's daughter married Christian Null & moved in a two horse wagon to Inland Cedar Co Iowa

Florence Rothermel sister of Mrs Jacob H. said that Peter Rothermel 1773-1856 was a drinking man & his wife Jager managed his business. Found his purse once full of money & took it & paid his debts with it & he never seemed to know he had lost it.

Frank D. Rothermel gave me briefly an interesting recital of his prowess in pitching quoits & of his winning at Wilmington Del & elsewhere.

Florence spoke along the same line as Silas viz that the birth of the

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first child so shortly succeeding marriage was a strong adverse point to putting out a history of the family. With their big house they did not have hospitality enough to ask me to stay all night with them & it was after midnight when I left them & not one of the three hotels which were closed when I got to them would open & give me a bed. I missed the last street car to Kutztown Pa & found a half dozen boys on the corner & one of them, Leroy Kline had an auto & agreed to drive me into Reading 13 miles for $5 & Morris Miller got in & accompanied us leaving unhospitable Fleetwood at 12:55 AM & reaching Reading at 1:40 AM where I got my old room of the night before at the Mansion House. Florence spoke of a Miss Thompson in Phila with whom she lived as being very much interested in family lore & says she was a very old Thompson Bible with records in it. Her name & address is: Emma O. Thompson No 320 S. 42d St, West Phila Pa. Tel is E.O. Thompson She teaches in the day time. She is the daughter of Ben Jarum Thompson & her grandfather was E.O. Thompson

The creek running between Frank D. Rothermel's & the Rothermel g.y. above

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divides Richmond & Maiden Creek Tps. Jacob H. Rothermel said that the graveyard on the old farm of ggg father John Rothermel only had sandstone markers at the graves & there was no lettering & since the Rothermels have sold the farm, the graveyard is ploughed over & obliterated. I got my breakfast Saturday morning at 7 at the Mansion House, Reading & as I took the 7 AM train Sunday morning, I did not get anything to eat until 10 AM Sunday at the Bellevue-Stratford. Met Calvin Howard again & he sat with me at breakfast & was with me the hour I was in Phila when I took the B&O for home. It is now 2:30 AM the 30th & I am to be called at 5:15 in order to start at 6:30 to Greene Co, but I have my records up to date for which I am truly thankful. JVT

[Descendant Chart]

Sept 9/23

John Thompson, Born May 7, 1788 See page 413


Rebecca Jackson Thompson, Born Aug 2, 1829 married twice.

Owen James Gist Born Aug 30, 1859 present address Sept 9, 1923 is Box 47 Whitehall, Montana. See Page 413. His wife is dau of Joseph Elmer & his wife Catherine Englert [best guess], the latter living aged 83 at Whitehall.

Almon E., B Aug 11, 1887 m. July 3, 1913 at Spokane Wash to Helen Holt, born Mch 29, 1889 at Jamestown, N. Dak. dau of Fredk Martin Holt & his wife Christina Soderlind. They have 2 sons both born in Spokane, Wash which is their present home.

Raymond Holt, B Mch 15, 1916

Clark Almon, B Sept 12, 1921

Lois Gist, B June 26, 1889, unmarried & lives with her parents.

Errett Gist, Born May 17, 1891 at Deer Lodge Mont. & died at Waitsburg Washington on Nov 4, 1892.

Rae Gist, B. Nov 16, 1892 m. June, 1919 at Coeur d'Alene Idaho to J. Robert Rumburg born Aug 6, 1892 at Ellington Mo son of John Henderson Rumburg & his wife Martha Belle Dickison. They live at Seattle Wash. No issue.

John Martin Gist, Born May 6, 1856. Enlisted in Denver Col & served in the Phillipine War, was honorably discharged there, worked in Quartermasters Dept, was member Spanish Veterans Asson, rtd to Calif in 1912 & has since remained there. Never married.

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Oak Hill, Oct 1, 1922 8 AM

I left in our Hup yesterday morning at 6:22 AM in a heavy fog going out by the County Home & instead of going around by Spring Dale as I suggested to Pallini, he said the New Salem road was better & when we got beyond the old Geo W. Hess home on the road to the "Smoothing iron", we found a bridge out & had to retrace to the Cam School House & got through Footedale to the "Smoothing iron" & thence by Wm E. Grove's (having lost half an hour) through McClellandtown & Masontown to the ferry at Martin Pa where we crossed the Monongahela River & going up the hill were soon at the "Monongahela Hill Cemetery" & I made notations.

Monongahela Cemetery Sept 30, 1922 7:44 AM

1. Elias Stone w.d.t.l. Aug 27, 1823 aged 83 yrs 4 mos 14 days

Elizabeth Stone, wife of Elias Stone w.d.t.l. Apr 10, 1830 aged 83 yrs & 16 days.

Dr John Stone 1819 - 1887

Mary A. Stone 1812 - 1895

Theodore F., son of J.A. & M.A. Stone died Sept 12, 1846 aged 1 mo 20 days

Anson J. Stone died Oct 31, 1847 aged 3 yrs 7 mos 26 days

Priscilla E. Stone died Nov 4, 1847 aged 4 yrs 10 mos 10 days

Those children died in VA from whence they were removed.

2. Leroy Kramer Hall, Nov 22, 1824, Jany 14, 1921

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3. James R. Gray, July 1, 1831, Feby 17, 1892

Catherine H. Gray, Mar 19, 1833, Mar 7, 1904

4. William Gray (father of James R) Born Dec 23, 1810, died Sept 9, 1885

Catharine, wife of William Gray, died Oct 11, 1889 in her 86th year

Isaac Gray (Father of William) died Mch 4, 1857 in his 84th year

Elizabeth, wife of Isaac Gray died Aug 1850 in her 70th year

5. Andrew Dunlap (at back corner of Mausoleum) Sept 18, 1814, Feby 6, 1888

Mary Dunlap, Feby 18, 1813, Jany 5, 1891

Samuel Dunlap, June 2, 1837, Nov 8, 1901

H.L. Mapel (first husband of Elizabeth Dunlap who later married H.K. Barb) died Jany 9, 1870 aged 26 yrs 6 mos 24 days

Like lamps in Easter sepulchres

Amid my hearts deep gloom

Affection sheds its holiest light

Upon my husband's tomb.

H.L.M. (a footstone draped in marble with the American flag)

Three years he fought to save

This flag from traitor hands;

But now he's in a peaceful land

While it adorns his grave.

James Byrne, sexton, says he was the son of Benjamin Mapel & that he was a Free Mason & Odd Fellow, a partner with William Gray (who told Mr Byrne he was a most able merchant) in a store in Baltimore Md & was in good standing in every respect, a young man of great promise

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when he died.

Lizzie A. wife of H.K. Barb May 22, 1842, July 18, 1904

6. Jean Louis Guillaume (William) Mestrezat, son of Charles Alexander Mestrezat, May 11, 1809, July 2, 1890

Mary Ann Hartley (his wife) May 27, 1815, Sept 26, 1891

Charles Alexander Mestrezat died Apr 1, 1815 aged 48 yrs 11 mos 26 days.

James Byrne, sexton, says he was drowned in the Monongahela River at Greensboro Pa when he was intoxicated. He says "Bill" Boughner & Alex Boughner told him so & he knows it is true. Says there was a gathering at Greensboro Pa where wine & liquor flowed freely & after he had partaken excessively, he got on his horse to go home to Mapletown & the horse went the other way, going in the River & he was drowned.

7. James A. Black 1822 - 1913

Sarah M. Black (his wife) 1827 - 1912

Left 8:55 AM

We then drove on to the Blackshire home & found Warren sitting on the porch & after ten minutes with Kit & Haddie, we followed Warren to Mapletown to see the John W. Barb widow & heirs where after three hours in gathering them in & dickering, we came on terms & got eleven names more toe the option for RR Rpo to which Warren had gotten four & completed same. While there, Warren & I with H.K. Barb went to the mill to look up the John W. Minor lines & then went up on the other side of the creek to the Crawford tract.

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Leaving at 12:11 PM, we drove up to the Willow Tree (in Greene Co) & turning in to the left, went to Sebastian Keeners, nonogenarian & found him going down the road to his son Jesse's for dinner or lunch but he said he would do nothing about the option then & said Jesse was not at home. He says he was born up on the hill just South of where he lives on the farm adjoining which his father Robert Keener got from his father Sebastian Keener who came there when the Indians were thick.

We then continued on through Fordyce Pa up Frost Run to 3d house to Wm E. Blaker's, but found there his sister Haddie Milliken (they live together) & she said he was up at the other farm picking apples. We then retraced, taking the first north road this side of Fordyce & passing Vincent Fordyce's (a cousin of W.M. Fordyce, a bachelor aged 75, who Wm E. Blaker says could best give the old Fordyce genealogy) we found Mr Blaker in his orchard. He was not interested in giving an option at $300 per acre, but when I named $400, he agreed to go with me up on the ridge beyond to talk it over with his half sister, the wife of Vincent Blaker. He got in our machine & turning north at Fordyce, we continued up almost two miles & found Vincent & others in front of the house, which is in Cumberland Tp & across the road is Greene Tp. He is a big whole souled six footer & finally suggested that they talk it over themselves & after doing so, said they should all get together & said if I wd have W.E. Hague

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give them all a week or ten days notice, they would meet him in Waynesburgh, which I told them I would do. They want to foist the sale of the farm on me. I then took W.E. to his home & coming back to the road down the hill which brought me past the Baily school house to Carmichaels & I then went across through Crucible, the first time I had been in the town, to Crucible Ferry & crossing, turned to the left at the old J.D. Heckney brick house & continuing through Ormond & crossing the first ravine or small stream beyond, we came to the Gibbons graves on a slight elevation beyond the little run, on the right hand side of the road, with two or three post standing, the remains of a fence which had once enclosed the graves.

The three stones which were all, were all down & the face being up, I copied. The stones are fine white marble & the inscriptions are all plain & perfect. This is on the old Gibbons farm, the house being up the slope beyond also on the right hand side of the road, this being the father of Joshua V. Gibbons, first Supt of Fayette Co schools whom I knew well & Ann, the first wife being his mother, the second wife Rachel being my relative, the youngest of the twelve children of Elisha Peairs & his wife Elizabeth Jack both buried at Laurel Hill. Mr Biggons was buried in the middle & a wife on each side. I enter on next page.

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At the private Family burial plot of Joshua Gibbons in Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co Pa Sept 30, 1922 4:50 PM

8. Joshua Gibbons died Dec 10, 1857 aged 80 yrs 7 mos 21 days

In memory of Ann, consort of Joshua Gibbons died Aug 11, 1825 aged 41 yrs 7 mos 25 days

Rachel Gibbons died Sept 30, 1859 aged 74 yrs 10 mos 22 days

We then drove on & coming to a small house on the right hand side of the road occupied by a colored family, we turned in a gate on right hand side right by the garden & driving down a winding road through the field, I saw a graveyard beyond across a deep precipitous ravine & winding to the right toward the house, we crossed over the head of the ravine just below the residence, a large frame one, & over big bare rocks, we came to a very old unoccupied log house in which later Geo O. Horner said he was born June 30, 1856 & in which he thought his great grandfather lived, where my relative, Nancy, daughter of Elisha & Elizabeth Peairs & sister of Rachel Gibbons, was his second wife & who he said did not stay on the farm long after her husband William Horner died. There being two sets of bars to get through to the big field which Geo O. said they called the Fort Field & as the shades of night were falling, I got out & walked across the field & in a corn stalk part of which the Spanish needles were thick to:

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The Horner Graveyard at far side of Fort Field on a high bank of the Monongahela River, Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co Pa, Sept 30, 1922 5:33 PM

9. William Horner (great grandfather of Geo O.) w.d.t.l. June 9, 1829 in his 79th year.

1810. Susannah Horner (wife of Wm above 1st wife) departed this life Nov 7 (1810) aged 57 years.

Geo. O. Horner, who had followed me & arrived at the graves sd this was the first wife by whom (or by both wives) he had fourteen children. Said he had but one child, Elizabeth, the mother of Mrs Axton, see page 57 by his 2d wife, Nancy, our relative, who he said was not buried there, but he thought was buried at Brownsville Pa. He said Mrs Axton told him once she was related to me, but she didn't know just how.

1816. Jany 26, Priscilla Horner departed this life aged 42.

Geo O. & I conclude this is one of the fourteen children of William & Susannah.

William Horner (This is son of Wm above Geo O says) who died Jany 11, 1859 aged 75 yrs 1 mos 3 days.

In memory of Mary Horner, wife of Wm Horner who died Aug 3, 1845 in the 60th yr of his [sic] age.

There is tombstone of Amos Horner (son of 1st Wm) & wife which is scaling off. He is Geo O's grandfather.

John s. Horner (son of Amos & father of Geo O) Born June 13, 1822 died Jany 17, 1900

Elizabeth Horner (nee Dilley, Geo O's mother) born 1829, died Mch? 1922. Geo said she was 93 yrs old.

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Geo O. says his great grandfather, Wm Horner got deed for this farm from the Commonwealth in 1797 & that John Lawrence took out the warrant from the land office for William Horner. Says Wm Horner's will is recorded at Uniontown Pa. Look up & see what it discloses about his wife Nancy. Says his oldest son Thomas Horner moved to Carmichaels Pa & is the ancestor of the numerous Horners over in that part of Green Co Pa. Asking him where his great grandfather William Horner lived before he came to Fayette Co Pa, he thought he had lived about Hagerstown, Md & from there had gone to Havre de Grace, Md from whence he came to Luzerne Tp. He spoke of Joseph Bute who once visited him there telling him about the courtship of William Horner & Nancy Stevens, but when I asked him what the story was, he could only tell me that both families - evidently the children of each, as they had both been married before, & had children - were very much dissatisfied & opposed to their marrying. Geo. O. is in a distressing way from stomach trouble & says he only eats oatmeal & is weak & emaciated. He is, however, well informed & sensible & I think if sat down with for an evening talk could give much information as his memory is good. He says he taught school once down at or by Juniataville & there is where he met & became acquainted with Joseph Bute. He said in that Fort Field, they would always

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find when they ploughed, Indian darts & many implements of Indian warfare. Asking him who owned the coal, he said the Hustead Semans Coal & Coke Co, he got out on the brick road from his gate at 6:05 PM my time (15 min slow) & reached the Holler, where I got my supper at Just 7 PM, having covered 84 miles in our days drive. I met J. Edgar Hustead at the Post office at 7:55 PM & holding up my leg with my pants to above my knee, a mass of spanish needles I asked him why he allowed such filthy to grow over his coal. He then spoke of the wonderful pictured rocks being on that farm, with numerous Indian carvings which some years ago was written up by a Pgh newspaper & he said that fortunately the Smithsonian Institute at Washington DC had gotten photographs of it, inasmuch as the place being visited by such hordes of people, Horner became so annoyed at their bothering them that he blew the rock up, a very deplorable iconoclastic act. I found a telegram from C.S. Holmes appointing meeting with me on Tuesday morning 3d at Detroit with Henry Ford to talk about the coal field we offered him, so am leaving in the morning at 8 o'c to take Cousin Kate Smith to her home at Dormont Pa. See H.C. McEldowney, Sam'l McClay, Wm Gates & others & take the train for Detroit, Mich. I was writing up my Berks Co Pa record Friday night until 2:30 & didn't get to bed until 3:30 AM & got up yesterday morning at 5 Am & to bed last night at 2:45 & up this morning at 6:45 & will now go over the Berks Co records with Cousin Kate. It is 1:26 PM Oct 1.

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Page 84. Cousin Kate says her brother Sam once came to her with a six inch newspaper clipping which Capt C.C. Markle had given him & which with many other papers were taken by S.B. Markle Jr's daughter Margaret who was then living she thought with Larimers & who was much interested in trying to get the fortune about which a man named Cook in Pgh also busied himself. Kate, speaking of this article said it spoke of Sivilla coming over with her daughter Marcrate [sic] Federolf & if she was married when they came, it would look as if Sivilla was 105 or 106 when she made her will in 1803. Kate thinks that Scholl who was gathering these papers in the 30s kept them & said he was a Rothermel descendant, his mother being a Romig as her Uncle Ben told her when he came back from the meeting about the fortune. She said her Uncle Ben when there, stopped with a Federolf who had but one child, a boy about 13, who they were educating, but all in German. Kate says her grandfather, Peter Rothermel's mother died before he left Berks Co Pa. Look up the old fortune papers & get Jno J. Scholl's address & find his descendants & these papers which would give the genealogy no doubt.

Pages 94 & 95. Read these in connection with Book 7 page 498 & also Pages 89 & 90 this book & my records of burials in Fleetwood g.y. taken 1898 & it disproves Silas R.'s statement that his great grandfather

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was John of John. Instead, it was Jacob (the brother of John) of John the immigrant born 1751 see Book 7 P 498. The record here given of his grandfather's brothers & sisters & also of his children are all in harmony, practically with the dates Alice Rothermel had gathered & which Mrs McDowell gave me on Aug 8th last.

Page 95 lines 29 & 30. Cousin Kate says that when her Uncle Ben was down in Berks Co about the fortune, he stopped at Hepner's who said he was no relation, but his wife was. She says her grandfather's youngest sister, Maria, married a Hepner & her daughter Maria married Corley Baughman. She says this Maria & her grandfather were the two young children, the others being grown up when they were born.

Book 8 P 97 Cousin Kate says that Paul Grosscup, first cousin of her mother & son of Paul & Cybilla Page 94 had a sister Juliana Meyers living in Phila Pa when her mother died in 1875, then almost 100 yrs old who before she married Meyers was married to a Thompson. See next page

Page 101. I find I forgot to note what H.K. Barb told me about two men in a big auto getting in a mud hole in Wash Co Pa & getting a farmer nearby to pull them out, who offered to pay him & he wouldn't take anything, saying he "had pulled 500 autos out of that hole & hasn't charged anybody".

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One of the men told him he couldn't afford to do that & the man volunteered that not one he pulled out was a Ford, that they invariably got through. The man asked him his name & address & in a few months, he got word there was a Ford car for him at the station. One of the men in the car & to whom he was talking was Henry Ford, who made him a present of the car.

Kate said that a Mrs Grosscup told her folds of the above visit bout 1875, she made to this Juliana Meyers, who was slender, lithe & active & at almost 100 could go quickly from the basement to the third floor just as fast as a young girl & that she had two gray haired sons living with her the, but did not know whether they were Thompsons or Myers. Kate said the Grosscup boys (& she says there were a lot of them) named her mother Juliana (to which name Kate's grandmother, Mrs Rothermel, was much opposed) which no doubt was in honor of this sister of theirs. Kate says her grandmother knew but two of the Grosscup boys who often visited at their home, viz Paul, who married a Shearer & Jacob about whom she has told me & knew of Samuel, who was missing. When at Reading Pa, look up will of Paul Grosscup, the elder born in 1749 & married in 1772 & who in 1789 was a member of the first Constitutional Convention of Pa. It is now 4:55 PM my time & I am up to date with Cousin Kate & ready for her return in the morning.

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Oak Hill Oct 2, 1922, 6:33 AM

Cousin Kate says this morning that when Forney went over to Europe about the fortune about 80 yrs ago (it was when she was 12 yrs old), he had an affidavit made & signed by an old man named Bonn (or Bahn) then almost 100 yrs old which gave a statement & record of the families of all the brothers that came over. This old man was raised in Christian Rothermel's family, but he wasn't a bound boy, nor was he a poor boy. Kate thinks Christian may have been his guardian. When Kate's Uncle Benj Rothermel at a meeting thirty years later when they talked of sending John J. Scholl over, & at this meeting which she says was a couple years before her mother died, say in 1873, everything was read including this paper of Bonn's & a book was to have been printed to include all the information before them. She says Col Israel Painter told her Uncle Peter, that the general belief was that Scholl stayed in New York all winter & didn't go abroad at all & later tried to raise $2000 for another trip. The morning is fine & balmy & I hope we will have a fine safe trip back. Cousin Kate came up Aug 15, 1922 & this makes 49 days or 7 weeks visit.

Ira P. Rothermel's office address is 38 N 6th St & he resides 208 Windsor St.

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Oak Hill, Oct 8, 1922 6:30 AM

When in Detroit, Mich, Tuesday & Wednesday 3d & 4th insts, I noticed in the City Directory for this year, the following references:

Crothers, Fred H., acct J.S. Lapham Co h 3316 Montgomery Ave

Crothers, Lewis F., Export buyer Stearns H. 2586, Garland Ave.

Carruthers, 25 names

Jack, 25 names

Markel, 9 names

Markle, 24 names

Merkle, 12 names

Rothermel, 12 names

Redburn, none

Hotel Otter, Room 40 Ashland, Ohio 11:16 PM, Oct 9, 1922.

I was arranging my itinerary last night by proper grouping of slips covering twelve states I am expecting to visit on my trip & didn't get to bed until 4:11 AM & got up at 4:55 AM, got my breakfast & mail & left on the 6:40 AM PRR train along with Andrew who paid my fare & chair. I saw Mr McClay & Mr McEldowney & procured a loan of $12,000 from the latter at the Union Trust Co to be paid out of the Joseph & Jim Ben Murdoch Coms & assigned my agreements with them to Mr McClay & gave him in addition a written order to pay out of s'd coms $12,000 to lift above note & mail to me & also $12,200 to Andrew in payt of the $12,000 he loaned Aug 18th last to lift the Morgantown Corporation Stock & its interest & to mail me a check for balance to Uniontown Pa.

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Mr McClay called A.M. Lynn who said he was to see the PRR people today in an effort to get the agreement of purchase of the Glenn's Run Coal field signed up. Called R.E. Kent Wbg Pa & arranged for a 3 mos option on the graded RR Rpo from Blacksville WVA to Waynesburg Pa he to deliver same to Andrew who he is to phone on 11th for an appointment. I then sent cks to different of my creditors, Rose, Anjou, Sebik, Will & Tute & left on the 205 PRR train for Mansfield O where I arrived 15 minutes late at 9:20 PM, got two sandwiches & a bun & left at 10:05 PM covering 260 miles for the first day & was assigned to this, the best room in the house, so the porter who brought me up said. I have written Andrew about the Kent options & it is now 11:55 PM & I will go to bed. JVT

At residence of Arthur Richard Fair, Clear Creek Tp, Ashland Co O Oct 10, 1922 9 AM 1 mile south of Savannah O.

Mrs Fair & her daughter, Mary Esther are giving me the record of their own family.

Arthur Richard Fair, son of Samuel K. Fair & his wife Margaret Richard was born Sept 23, 1872 and on Dec 20, 1898 was married in this Tp at her home to Etta Belle Smith, daughter of Henry Ezbon Smith & his wife, Mary Sellers. She was

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born in same Tp Sept 9, 1874. Her great grandfather, Abel Bailey, father of her father's mother settled on a farm in sight of here when the Indians were here. The family record of Arthur R. Fair as written in their record book is as follows:

1. Mary Esther Fair, born June 16, 1900

2. Margaret Ruther Fair, born Sept 20, 1902

3. Lois Eleanor Fair, born Nov 11, 1904

4. Alice Adelaide Fair, born Nov 11, 1906

5. Martha Janet Fair, born Apr 3, 1914. She died May 9th 1914, all unmarried.

Mary has taught school three yrs, but has decided to take a school of one.

Margaret Ruth & Lois Eleanor are now in Ashland College in Freshman class together.

Arthur says his mother had 11 children.

Leaving at 9:25 AM See page 122

At residence of Phineas Fair, Ruggles Tp, Ashland Co O 2 miles north of Savannah O. Oct 10, 1922 10:07 AM

Phineas Fair, son of Samuel K. Fair & his wife Margaret Richard was born Apr 13, 1869 in Ruggles Tp this Co 5 miles from here and was married Apr 11, 1894 in Clear Creek Tp at her sister's home to Eva McWilliams, daughter of William McWilliams & his wife Elsie Henderson

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who was born Dec 13, 1864 in Canada at Milverton & have had four children as follows as given to me by Mr Fair.

1. Margaret Elsie Fair, born Nov 4, 1896

2. Anna Dale Fair, born Nov 6, 1901

3. Harold Ralph Fair, born Oct 28, 1903

4. Kermet Lee Fair, born Mch 26, 1906


Margaret Elsie Fair on Jany 1, 1916 to Arthur Cleo Fisher of Orange Tp, Ashland Co O where he lives, the son of Benjamin Fisher, a native of Penna & his wife Catharine Arnold & have one child:

1. Delmar Raymond Fisher born Jany 7, 1918

The other three children are single. Mr Fair says the Family Bible of his parents with record is in the hands of his brother, Samuel J. Fair, older than Phineas, who lives about 1 1/2 miles SW of Ashland O, a farmer. Mr F. says H.A. Markle Esq was behind the bars once for forging the will of a party named Glass.

Leaving at 10:37 AM & it is raining.

At residence of James Monroe Fair, Ruggles Tp, Ashland Co O Oct 10, 1922 11:07 AM

Mr Fair is not at home, but Mrs Fair is giving me what she can.

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James Monroe Fair, son of Chauncey D. Fair & Sarah Richard, his wife was born Apr 19, 1863 in Orange Tp this Co & on Oct 8, 1891 at Ruggles, was married to Retta Vienna Fast, daughter of Martin Fast & his wife Grace Ann McCray, who was born in this house on June 6, 1868 & have never had any children, but on 1904, adopted Eva Jeane Widdifield, who was born July 24, 1900 & has taken the name of Fair. She married Glenn Huffman of Grand Rapids O Sept 15, 1920 & they live now at Columbus O where he is a druggist. He was born Feby 21st, or 23d 1898.

Mrs Fair says her husband does not have his parents bible, but thinks it might be with his sister, Mrs Jason Landon, her name Jane, a widow living on a farm with her son Theron Landon at Nova O in this Co. a mile south & 4 miles east of here. If she don't have it, she could tell who does, or she thinks Jacob Fair, a farmer living a mile west & 1 1/2 miles south of Nova might have it. Says there were eight children in the family. Mrs Fair says her mother was from Wash Co Pa & her relatives live near West Alexander Pa. Her grandfather was Eli Fast & he lived here. She says she has a pamphlet giving the Fast record which reports that their

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first American ancestor, Nicholas Fast after his service in the Rev War settled in Fayette Co Pa. Mr Fair has just come in & says his brother Jake above mentioned has their father's family bible. Leaving 11:30 AM

At residence of James Franklin Fair (called Frank), Shiloh, Richland Co Ohio Oct 10, 1922 2:48 PM Mechanic St.

I came here an hour or more ago & Mrs Fair wanted me to have her son come in & I was over an hour over town hunting him & we have come back to his home on Mechanic St the last house on the left hand side coming from the Main St, a nice one & a half story cottage home.

Mr Fair is a large, heavy set man, weighing over 200 lbs about my heighth & has a moustache. The hardware man, A.W. Moses [Moser?] whom I asked, spoke of his owning some farms in the country. His mother is a small spare woman, slightly deaf, but not at all feeble & with a keen active mind & good memory, but which she says is not so good as it was two years ago. She is in her 91st yr since Sept 2d last. Mr Fair's wife came in about 4:30 PM. She is large fine looking woman. Their son Clyde H., a widower, a heavy set husky happy man also came in & a Mrs Dickerson relative of Prest Harding also called "Frank" & his mother mainly gave me the information on pages 118 & 119 after which she laid down & Frank mainly & his wife gave that on pages 120 & 121.

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[Descendant Chart]

Jacob Markle came to Wayne Co O from Westmoreland Co Pa where he worked at his trade of shoemaker, but she thinks he did not follow his trade except for supplying his own family after he came to Ohio, but bought a farm & followed farming the rest of his life. She thinks he did not die until after she was born, but she doesn't remember him but does remember his wife, her grandmother, who she thinks died when she was about 15 or 16 yrs old. She says she was quite old & must have been over 70 when she died. She & her husband were buried in Wayne Co O. Her name was Margaret Trostel & they were married in Westmoreland Co Pa. She says her mother, who was next to the oldest, was a young lady, but under 20, she thinks when they came to Ohio, but says some of their children were born in Ohio. J. "Frank" says his mother was 64 when she died, when he was 13 or 14 & he was born in 1860 which would fix their coming in the late twenties. Don't know who would have gotten their family bible. Says Israel was the last one in the old home & might have.


Sarah Markle, married Sam Gier (Geier or Guiher) & lived out west in Indiana she thinks & died there. Had children but don't know how many.

Nancy Markle, Thinks she was born in Feby but don't know the year. She married Daniel Richard of Penna, but not from Westd Co O who came from Penna to his sister's Elizabeth Howman who lived near Canton O. She was in her teens when her parents came to Ohio. Daniel Richard was a farmer & lived 1 1/2 Ms S.E. of Savannah O & both are buried in a graveyard that was taken off of his farm in S.E. corner of said burying ground & have markers. J. Frank remembers both of them & his mother says her father survived her mother ten years. Mrs Fair thinks her brother Samuel Richard, living at New London Huron Co O would have their father's family bible.

1. Jacob, died aged 17 yrs B 1828

2. Sarah Richard, B Feby, 1830 m. Chauncey Deal Fair & had 8 children.

3. Margaret Richard, Born Sept 2, 1832 She was 13 when Jacob died. She was married Aug 26 1855 to Samuel Keifer Fair (son of Charles Fair & his wife ________ Keifer) who was born Mch 10, 1833 & died Nov 5, 1905 & is buried at Savannah. She my informant of today. See page 120.

Jacob, has parents bible


Sarah Jane, m. Jason Landon see 116

Daniel R


James M. B Apr 19, 1863 m. Oct 8, 1891 see 116



4. Elizabeth, m. Alfred McFadden

1. Diana, m. Purdy Simmons & both living in Ashland O

2. Pierce, married & lives in Indiana

3. Oliver, M. Rickett. Both living in Orange Tp

5? Leander, died last spring in Indiana, was married

4? Essie, m. Elmer? Ricketts. Parted & she lives near Polk O.

5. Israel, m. Agnes Shopbell. She lives in Ashland O & have but one child.

6. Daniel, m. Jane Murray. He dead & she living at Adario, Butler Tp, Richland Co O

Clement } Both married & living

Israel Hugh} in Ashland O

Lena, m. Willis Winters & live on the old homestead in Butler Tp with her mother.

7. Nancy, died at home unmarried

9. Mary Ann, m. Geo Singer & had 2 children, one boy died in infancy & girl is living.

8. Solomon, died aged 1 or 2 yrs

10. Samuel Richard, the youngest. He has never married. He & Nancy lived together.

Susan Markle, married Joseph Strouse, a farmer & lived over by Polk O in Ashland Co O where he owned a farm. She died first & is buried in Polk & he went West & lived out there with his children. Had quite a large family of children. Thinks there are none living abt Polk but that all went west.

Charlotte Markle, married a man named Beam, but didn't live long together. Separated & she never married again. He was a school teacher & lived in Wayne Co O. She is buried at Nankin Ashland Co O. She wove carpet, raised chickens & left a comfortable fortune & should have a marker to her grave.

Margaret Beam, m.1 when abt 50 yrs old to Dr George? Walker & he died. M.2. Rokaw, M.3 Thompson, but he wanted her money & she let him go. She is living in north part of Orange Tp Ashland Co O aged 83 or 84 yrs & hires board & moves about. No issue. See her & get record.

Margaret Markle, married George Trauger, a carpenter by trade, who in his later yrs went to farming. They lived in Troy Tp & moved into Nova, Ashland Co O, located in Troy Tp & both died there & are buried there & would have markers as they had considerable property. Mrs Fair thinks they had 3 boys & 3 girls. Don't know which would have gotten the bible. All dead but George & he lives in California.

Paul Trauger, dead, married

Solomon, dead, married

Catharine, m. Martin Barrick who lived & died in Nova, O. Had but one child, a boy, who died before they did.

Mary, m. John Sheets, a farmer in Troy or Orange Tp. Had one boy & "don't know how many girls"

Margaret Ann, M. Richard, but not related to her father. A farmer who lived at home with his father. She died without issue.

George, married & living in California.

Solomon Markle, M. Hannah Haumon? of Wayne Co O. She was a farmer in Orange Tp, Ashland Co O where they think they both died & probably buried at St Luke's church near there. He was born in Ohio. Had quite a large family.

Jacob, oldest

Israel, died in Civil War, mar & had 2 children






Israel Markle, M. Maria Rickett. He was farmer in Orange Tp, Ashland Co O where he was a J.P. & bought property & moved in to Ashland O where they both died & are probably buried. He had a house full of children. Thinks his son H.A. or his daughter living in Ashland O could give record. Her husband is Newton McKean

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Margaret Richard & Samuel K. Fair


Mary Ann, died young aged abt 6 weeks

James Franklin Fair, Born Feby 17, 1860 in Orange Tp, my informant of today along with his mother & wife. He married Dec 10, 1882 at Spencer, Medina Co O at her sister's to Eva Cunningham (daughter of John Cunningham & his wife Amelia Leathhead who was born in Liverpool, England Mch 6, 1858.

Floyd Archibald, Born Dec 16, 1883, m. Nov 7, 1906 to Nellie McClain.

Clarence Leroy, B Mch 5, 1885 m. Dec 21, 1910 to Hazel M. Burnett

Bessie May, B June 10, 1886, M. Jany 18, 1913 to Howard V. Ime who was born in Jany 16, 1887.

Clyde Harrison, B Apr 14, 1888, m. Feby 12, 1914 to Arlene Baker. She died Mch 28, 1920. She died in childbirth as did the baby. No other issue.

Charles Ross, B Apr 30, 1890 m. Jany 29, 1913 to Della Mellick

Orra Dell, a boy, B Jany 13, 1893 m. Mch 20, 1918 to Marguerite Kester.

A stillborn girl, born Aug 27, 1899

Charles Albert, B Feby 24, 1861, m. Etta Basoe [Basore?] & lives near Shelby Richland Co O where he is a retired farmer. Both living on the farm.

Blanche, m. Roy Faulkner & live on home farm with his father.



Vernon, m. Anna Davis. He is a carpenter & both living N.W. of Shelby O.




Daniel Webster, unmarried & lives at Gallipolis Epileptic Hospital where he has been many years.

Samuel J. m. May Copland & both living abt 1 1/2 miles southwest of Ashland O where he is a truck framer on 80 to 100 A. He has the family bible of his parents so his mother says. He has 3 girls.

John, d.y.

David, d.y.

Phineas, B Apr 13, 1869 m. Apr 11, 1894 to Eva McWilliams who was born on Dec 13, 1864 & live in Ruggles Tp, Ashland Co O. 2 miles north of Savannah O.

Margaret Elsie, B Nov 4, 1896 M. Jany 1, 1916 to Arthur Cleo Fisher & live in Orange Tp, Ashland Co O

Delmar Raymond Fisher, Born Jany 7, 1918

Anna Dale, B Nov 6, 1901 unmarried

Harold Ralph, B Oct 28, 1903, unmarried

Kermit Lee Fair B Mch 26, 1906, unmarried

Arthur Richard, B Dec 23, 1872 m. Dec 20, 1898 to Etta Belle Smith (P 113) who was born Sept 9, 1874. They live in Clear Creek Tp, Ashland Co O 1 mile south of Savannah O.

Mary Esther, B June 16, 1900

Margaret Ruth, B Sept 20, 1902 } Both in Freshman Class at

Lois Eleanor, B Nov 11, 1904 } Ashland College, Ashland, O

Alice Adelaide, B Nov 11, 1906

Martha Janet, B Apr 3, 1914, ob May 9, 1914

Ida May, B Mch 7, say 1875 died unmarried in the Spring of 1914 in Apr aged 39 yrs & is buried in Savannah O by her father

An infant boy, unnamed. Lived a day or two.

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Claypool Hotel Room 364 Indianapolis, Ind Oct 11, 1922 2:07 AM

When at the residence of Arthur R. Fair this morning of the day just past, Mrs Fair said her great grandfather Abel Bailey would when he woke up in the morning find the Indians sitting on his bed, but they were friendly. She was very kind, as was her daughter, Mary Esther, a very pretty countenanced charming girl, with a gracious smile, short & heavy set with a slight limp. When she went upstairs to get some records, her mother said she "had decided to take a school of one". Mr Fair came in before I left & us a fine man, pleasant & apparently very capable, medium size & rather stocky. His daughter, Mary E. looks more like him. His mother had left them & gone to Frank's last spring. He directed me to stop to see his brother Phineas & his cousin James M. Fair on the road to Frank's at Shiloh. He lives in a frame house on the right hand side of the road just before you reach Savannah Lakes.

We passed through Savannah & abt 2 miles beyond at a Cross roads, turned off at the right & took the middle road & reached Phineas Fair's also a frame house on the right hand side of the road & were recd by Mrs Fair, but her husband soon came in. He

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is taller than Arthur, I should say 5 ft 10 in & is of medium size. He gave me the data on pages 114 & 115, repairing however to the kitchen to ask his wife for the dates given. He said H.A. Markle was sent up for two years, some ten years or more ago & spoke of an Ella Markle being convicted with him as if she had forged the will & he had written it for her. Retracing to the Pike, we went on through Ruggles & something like two miles beyond, came to James M. Fair, a frame house on the left hand side of the road that was undergoing repairs. Mrs Fair recd me. See 115 to 117. Her husband's mother was sister to Arthur & Phineas' mother see page 118 & their fathers were first cousins. It was still raining, had been all morning & Mr Fair directed me to their domus necesitatus for relief just before he & a neighbor left for a sale.

We drove back to Ruggles & turned off to the right, going over a bad macadamized road full of big holes & little ones through Greenwich & New Haven & passing to the left of Plymouth, took a right hand road & reached Shiloh O, a nice little town of 430 about 1:30 PM & going to the Big 4 Station, the station agt, a kindly colored man, told me their train left for Crestline O at 5:08 PM their time 6:08 my time. We then drove to residence of J. Franklin Fair on Mechanic St & no one but his mother was at home & she said he had gone downtown & wished me to get him first.

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We went back in the business section & in hunting him, spoke to a Mr Hamilton whose daughter married Dr Kemmerer & live at Perryopolis Pa. While in the harness shop, next to the blacksmith shop, looking for him a tremendous down pour of rain fell & held me up until it stopped & shortly after, Mr Fair appeared at the RR tracks, having come from the school building just back of his home, to which additions are being built. He got in our taxi & we drove to his home & I settled for the taxi & sent him back viz of Mansfield O to Ashland O. I had asked him his name & he said it was Thomas Raymond Semans. He said his father was Lincoln Hampden Semans, & his people had come from Fayette Co Pa. I told him of Thomas Semans born 1800 & died 1893 aged 93 yrs, whereupon he said his grandfather whose name he did not remember died in 1903 aged 93 yrs & who he said ran off from home & was likely a brother. He said his Uncle Myron Semans aged 72 yrs living at Hayesville, Ashland Co O where they had settled could tell all about the family.

Going in "Frank" & his mother very kindly gave me the information on pages 118 & 119 for two hours & Frank gave me that on page 120, aided by his wife,

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& he & she said they would send me a record of their grandchildren of which she said there were ten living & three dead, as I had to leave at 5:55 PM, my time to catch the 6:08 PM train on the Big Four, the only RR in the town. I got the train & reaching Crestline at 7 PM found I could not get a train to Columbia City Ind on the PRR until midnight, but could get one in 32 minutes viz 6:32 PM their time to Indianapolis, Ind which I took & reached here at 1:20 AM & have written up my cash account Book & this record entering on page 121 in the genealogical table the records of Arthur & Phineas Fair. It is now just 4 AM & I will go to bed. I got my dinner on the train at 8 o'clock, the first I had eater since 7:15 Am at Ashland O & slept in my chair from 8:30 PM to 1:10 AM without waking, so am not now sleepy. Everyone in Ohio were very kind & asked me to come back.

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At residence of Mrs Paulina Presser, Greenwood, Johnson Co, Indiana, Oct 11, 1922 11:22 AM on Main St

I arrived here at 10:55 AM, leaving Indianapolis, Ind on the 10 o'c (their 9 o'c) street car & arriving at 10:35 & got a garage man to drive me out & find Mrs Presser by herself, her daughters being at work. She does not remember her grandfather, John Jack at all & knows nothing of any brothers or sisters he had or who his father was, or where he came from except that he lived once in Kentucky. She does however remember her grandmother who, she says, was a small woman & was bent over & always walked with a cane. She lived in the same neighborhood, but thinks she was sick when she died & was not at her funeral. She said her grandmother had a brother John Mason, he may have been a half brother & also a half sister Elizabeth Mason, who married a Searcy & they called her "Aunt Betsy Searcy". Mrs Presser says her grandmother Jack was a Presbyterian.

Anthony Hotel, writing room, Ft Wayne Ind Oct 12, 1922 3:11 AM

I have written up my cash acct book since arriving here. Mrs Presser's residence is a low two story frame cottage with a good big yard

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in front & is a very comfortable home. It is on the right hand or north side of West Main ST as you go out & is the third house from the end of the street. Mrs Presser was alone & was lothe [sic] to admit me, saying she was very busy with her work, but she finally admitted me & got out her big bible, undated, published at Indianapolis & from it I took the dates of birth, marriages & deaths embodied in the genealogical table on the next two pages, the additional information about whom her children married being given by her & the names of the grandchildren being given by her daughter, Mary Elizabeth Orme.

Mrs Presser is a very active woman to be well along in her 85th year & actually ran out the front door to call her daughter Anna who had started out to get some milk. She is above the average size with a good strong broad face & in appearance is much like Martha Grier Cunningham who I saw in Sept 1919. She was married when 16 & the last of her ten children were born when she was 35. She showed me a group picture of herself & three daughters (daughter Paulina died, a babe) seated & her six stalwart sons standing, a fine photograph. Her daughter, Mary Elizabeth Orme & her son Searcy came in & at noon, Anna came in for lunch & they insisted that I eat with them which I did. Both Mary & Anna are small slender women, weighing probably less than 100 lbs each & are quick active & alert & were very kind & considerate. Mary agrees to gather in the dates of birth, marriage & deaths of the grandchildren & write me.

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Paulina [Jack?] Presser, born Jany 10, 1838 in Posey Tp, Switzerland Co Ind & John McNutt Presser, son of Henry Presser & his wife, Martha McNutt, who was a sister of William, John & Colon McNutt. He, John M. Presser was born in this, Johnson Co Ind Feby 13, 1832 & he died on his farm 6 miles west here on Jany 2, 1904. He was buried at Fairview Cem. He was a man of sterling integrity & was born & always lived in Glenn's Valley region. They were married June 23, 1854 in Posey Tp.


Merriman Franklin, B May 16, 1855 mar Nov 2, 1879 to Harriet Sutton of this Co dau of John Sutton & his wife. She was born Jany 10, 1858 just 20 yrs younger than Mrs Presser. Both living & he is a farmer in White River Tp, this Co. No issue.

George Edgar, B Oct 1, 1856 & mar Dec 18, 1878 to Ona Alice Paddack, dau of Daniel Paddack & his wife, Silvira Denny. He died Oct 8, 1918. She is living in Indianapolis, Ind. He had been a farmer in White River Tp & then a com. man at the stockyards, Indianapolis. She lives corner Lambert & Reisner Sts west 3 Indianapolis Ind.

Cylvira Alice, married

Florence, married

Daniel, married

3. Martha Ann,

4. John

Martha Ann, B Mch 17, 1858 mar Feby 23, 1879 to Cassius M? Gregg, son of Clark Gregg. He was a farmer in Osceola, Polk Co Neb where he died 17 or 18 yrs ago. She now lives with her son on part of the old home place in White River Tp. P.O. Greenwood Route 17.

1. Harry Presser

3. Paulina, married

2. John Clark

4. Earl Wynn, married

William Henry, B Mch 16, 1860 mar Feby 17, 1883 to Martha Paddack, sister of Ona Alice. He is a farmer & works at the stockyards Indianapolis, Ind. He lives N. Capital Ave in 3200 & something. His farm is in White River Tp.



Daniel, d.y.


John, d.y.

Nellie May


9. Mary

8. Paul

Ira Presser, B June 29, 1862 mar Sept 23, 1883 to Margaret Harriet Denny daughter of Thos Denny who was a bro of Silvira Denny & his wife Elizabeth Duke. He is a farmer but has lost his health & both living in Smith Valley, White River Tp. She went blind a few yrs ago.

Ona Presser

Taylor Pate, B Sept 24, 1864 m. Oct 25, 1885 to Sarah Orme, dau of Andrew Jackson Orme & his wife Mary Pollard. He was 1st cousin of the grandfather of Mary's husband. She died 20 yrs or more ago, think about 1895. He is employed at the stockyards, Indianapolis Ind.


Harriet, married

Peter DeWitt, B Feby 5, 1867 m. Mch 1905 to Nettie Lockwood, dau of John Lockwood & his wife Louisa Brouse. He is a farmer in Perry Tp, Marion Co, Ind. No issue.

Paulina, B Oct 27, 1868 ob Feby 13, 1869 of lung fever or pneumonia.

Mary Elizabeth, B Oct 25, 1869 m. Dec 23, 1892 to John Thomas Orme, son of Thomas Orme & his wife Martha Ann Echols. He was born Apr 24, 1872 & died May 2, 1899. He was a farmer in White River Tp.

Searcy Orville Orme, born Mch 18, 1897 married Oct 19, 1918 to Helen Talba Voris, dau of Wm H. Voris & his wife Emma McCarty. She was born Aug 9, 1897.

Ada Frances Orme, Born Mch 21, 1921

Anna Presser, Born May 21, 1873. unmarried, works for Ralph E. Crawford, real estate man here at Greenwood, Ind. She is Secy & typewriter & attends to his business in his absence.

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1. William Jack was the oldest brother of her father John Franklin Jack. He lived in Springfield Ills & she thinks died there. She can just remember him visiting her father when she was a little girl. He had children but she don't remember how many or where any of them or their descendants are.

2. Frances. Mrs P. says they had named her for Frances but, when her grandmother heard of it, she was superstitious about having her named for a dead person & had her name changed to Paulina. Thinks she was married to a Ryal as she recalls having cousins named Ryal who lived in Boone & Gallatin Co Ky. She thinks the Ryals were in Boone Co near Burlington

3. Samuel Jack, either Wm or he was the oldest. Don't remember him. Says he was dead before she was born. He had children:

1. Wade Hampton, oldest, see below

2. John James, next, died unmarried at Peoria where he made his home with Edward.

3. Edward

4. Samuel Conner, youngest boy, but not youngest child

5. Angeline, oldest girl, mar Emer Butler & lived in Illinois & both died at Wellington Ills. No issue.

[1]Marfü_╩ü___(_╩ü_(é___(_(é_"é___(_"é_Mé___ä__(____ans bor_ü z %ü

there. Had only two children, Edward & Harry who might be at Peoria.

Wade H. called "Doc" had two boys & a girl. He, his wife & children are all dead. Children were:

A. John Lee Jack. He pretty nearly spent

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his life in hunting up the history of the family. his daughter Mary married Frank Ramsey, a traveling man & both live near Irvington, a suburb of Indianapolis Ind. Could get number in Tel book. She was only child by his first wife. By his second wife, he had 2. Lulu, who married James Mead & live in Switzerland Co.

B. William S. who lived in Switzerland Co & he had a daughter:

1. Anna who is not married, went to live with her aunt Mrs Butler at Wellington Ills & when her Aunt died, she came back to Indianapolis. Is a milliner.

2. Edna, married Clifford Humphrey. His father was a cousin of Elias. They are both living in Indianapolis where he runs an elevator for some Co who had him in their employ at Memphis & Cincinnati & then sent him here. They live in North part of city.

Edward Jack lived & died in Peoria & had 3 girls & 2 boys but she has lost track of them. Their names were:

1. Douglas

2. William

3. Minnie

4. Eliza

5. now recalls but two girls

4. Mary, married John Brady. She was called "Aunt Polly Brady". She lived in Mo but don't know the town or Co. Had children but can't recall about them.

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5. Jane Jack, married James Hampton (Uncle Jim) & lived at Napoleon, Gallatin Co Ky. Both died there. She had three girls & she remembers one boy.

1. America, thinks oldest married Joe Turley & lived about Napoleon KY & had a daughter & a son, twins.

2. Emily, married Albert Steele & she thinks lived in Mo during the Civil War, but don't know what became of them but knows they had some children.

3. Mary Eliza, married & think lived in a Benton Co Ky. She married a Holden.

4. James, she knew him as a young man when she was a little girl.

6. America, m.1. John Lillard & had three children, David, Joseph & Mary. She mar 2. John Scott, but had no children by him. She died in Burlington Ky. David Lillard was killed in the Mexican War, was unmarried. Joseph lived on a farm near Burlington. He married Elizabeth Brady, daughter of John? Brady who was an own [sic] cousin of Joe, being a son of Aunt Polly Brady. Joe had no children. He & his wife both dead. Mary Lillard married Richard Johnson & lived in Mo. She thinks at Holden. She had her two first children buried up when their house burned back of Hamilton Ky but thinks she

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had children in Mo & supposes she is dead & she was older than Mrs Presser.

7. Preston Hampton Jack married Sarah Cushman & lived in Posey Tp. Both long dead, had 2 boys & 2 girls

1. Thomas Calvin, dead a long time, mar Nancy Davis, a granddaughter of her old Uncle John Mason. They lived above Patriot Ind & then moved to Boone Co Ky where she thinks his wife died & then moved to Sheridan Ind, north of Indianapolis & left a deaf & dumb boy & a deaf & dumb girl & a son John, the one that is deaf & dumb at Sheridan & a son Albert in California. Mrs Orme thinks at Los Angeles.

2. Harvey Jack married Catharine Merriett & lived below Patriot Ind in Egypt bottom on the Ohio River. Had, she thinks just a girl, Stella married a Stewart & has two children.

3. America, married William Watts & lived in Aurora, Ind. Both dead. Had one boy Sam Watts & daughters Alice, Sallie & Arabella, who they think all live about Aurora Ind.

4. Mary, married William Presser, a brother of John M. Presser, Mrs P's husband. Lived at Patriot Ind & he was drowned at the wharf there & she married second Sylvenus Howe & both died at Patriot. Had 4 children by Presser & one by Howe.

1. Edward Presser married & lives

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at Aurora Ind, the only one of the children living. He has a small farm at the Village of Wilmington 2 miles from Aurora. His P.O. is Aurora, Ind

2. Sarah Presser, married a Horton. They separated. No issue

Dead. 3. Martha Presser, died aged abt 12 yrs

4. Mary Presser, died aged abt 2 yrs

5. Hallock Howe, he is married & lives in the south, probably St Louis, MO

8. John Franklin Jack married Mary Ann Ricketts & had but three children

1. Paulina Jack born Jany 10, 1838

2. Mary Elizabeth Jack born Oct 18, 1840?

3. James Franklin Jack died when a baby.

Leaving at 2:35 PM

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At residence of Mary Elizabeth Ramsey No 5345 E. Washington St Indianapolis Ind, Apartment 31 on top floor Oct 11, 1922 5:40 PM

I arrived here at 4:55 Pm by street car & find Mrs Ramsey a very interesting & attractive woman. She was Mary Elizabeth Jack, daughter of John Lee Jack & he son of Wade H. Jack. See pages 130 & 131 above. She says her mother died when she was 11 mos old & her father took her to his father's Wade H. Jack's where she was raised & grew up & she said her grandfather spent much time corresponding & gathering information, but many old letters with red seals on the back which as a girl she used to see have no doubt been dumped out & destroyed as she has been to the old home & made thorough search & got everything that was left which was very little. Because it was an Indian story, she remembers of having often heard her grandfather speak of a Samuel Jack who she thinks would be an Uncle of his father Samuel Jack (& if so, a brother of John Jack) who was killed by the Indians in Woodford Col Ky. The Indians took the bells off of

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his horses & inveigled him into the woods & killed him. He left a family of children & there was an old lady named Frances Rice who was a very old lady when Mrs Ramsay was a young girl who was a descendant of this Samuel Jack who lived at Martinsburg Ind in Washington Co. She had an unmarried daughter Jane Rice who visited at Mrs Ramsay's in Posey Tp 40 yrs ago. Mrs R. says her grandfather, Wade H. Jack traced his ancestry back to Alexander Jack in the North of Ireland, but she does not know whether he was the father of John Jack (grandfather of Wade H.) or not or whether John was born in Ireland, hardly thought he was.

Mrs Ramsey's father:

John Lee Jack M.1. Mary Lostutter & he mar 2d Wealthy Cross. After his death she married Albert Jack, a cousin of John Lee Jack & son of Thomas Calvin Jack who was a son of Preston. There was but one child by each wife viz by first wife:

1. Mary Elizabeth Jack born Apr 15, 1871 in Lewisport, Hancock Co Ky & on July 8, 1901 married Frank Perrin Ramsey, son of Allan Ramsey & his wife Sarah Woolley who was

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born in June 4, 1865 at Hanover, Indiana. He is traveling for the Wright & Ditson Victor Co Chicago branch, handling Athletic goods. They live now at NO 5345 east Washington St Apt 31 Indianapolis Ind. No issue.

2. Luella Jack, by second wife born Mch 18, 1877 & she married James Mead of Patriot Ind & they live on the old farm there where he is a farmer . She has two children.

1. Myron Mead aged abt 21

2. Selma Mead aged abt 19 both unmarried.

Mrs Ramsay says her grandfather, Wade H. Jack was born at Jackson's Landing Ky very nearly opposite Patriot Ind & on part of the 1500 A of land with bad titles. His father, Samuel Jack built the old log house in Posey Tp, Switzerland Co Ind over 100 yrs ago & in it Angeline & John James Jack were born & here John Lee Jack died May 31, 1919 & his father Wade H. Jack also died in the same house.

Wm S. Jack, brother of John Lee Jack married Eliza Rodgers, his first cousin, daughter of Lee Rodgers & his wife Anna Miles. They had two children:

1. Anna Jack born Dec 23, 1870 & is unmarried & lives at Wellington, Ills.

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2. Edna Jack born June 2, 1877. She married Clifford Humphrey about 21 yrs ago, a son of Indianus Humphrey & his wife Helen Keeney. He is Supt of a grain elevator here & lives at No 307 N. Denny St Indianapolis Ind. No issue.

Lucinda Jack, sister of John Lee Jack married Levi North. They both died at North Landing, Switzerland Co Ind & had five children viz:

A. Mary Lucinda North, married Dr H.D. Rothgeb & both living at Willow Springs Mo & have had five children:

1. Donald, living & married with one child, Robert lives at Willow Springs MO

2. Pauline unmarried & is employed in Public library Chicago Ills

3. Leland, unmarried & at Springfield Mo

4. Lucile, going to Columbia University Mo (the university of MO at Columbia MO)

5. Harold, died unmarried abt 2 yrs ago.

B. Nathan North, died quite young

C. Samuel Conner North a bachelor living at North Landing Ind

D. Abijah North, unmarried & lives at North Landing Ind

E. Percival North, married & lives at North Landing Ind

Wade H. Jack had two children that died in infancy.

Leaving at 7:30 PM

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Hotel Anthony writing room, Ft Wayne Ind 2:35 AM Oct 12, 1922

I got in here ten minutes ago & every room was gone & they could only give me a cot in the ballroom with others, so I came up to the writing room & will write up my books & copy the records Mrs Ramsay gave me until the coffee shop opens at 6 o'c for breakfast & I will take the 7:15 train for Columbia City, Ind.

At Greenwood, Mrs Presser gave me what I have written on pages 130 to 134 inclusive about her Uncles & Aunts on the Jack side.

I was just too late to get the 2:58 trolley for Indianapolis, so went to Mr Crawford's office where Anna gave me the addresses of Mrs Clifford Humphrey 307 N. Denny St Indianapolis Ind, Tel Irvington 0970 & of Mrs Frank P. Ramsay 5345 E. Washington St, Apt No 31, Indianapolis Ind Tel Irvington 2994 & I had her call up Mrs Ramsay & tell her I would come out as soon as I could. I took the 3:45 bus & got in the city at 4:15 & took an east Washington St car & found her waiting & expecting me. She is of medium height, but a well developed, handsome clean skinned woman, with very attractive features. She showed me a photo of her husband who has a good strong face & I asked them to visit me on some of their auto trips over the National Road which is just in

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front of their home. She said she wanted to get a book when published. I gave her reference to the Dr C.L. Hunter's sketches of Western North Carolina. She gave me the address of Mrs Dora E. Gunnett, 709 West Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, Calif RD 1 which is 25 miles from Los Angeles on the road to San Diego. She also gave me her letter to copy along with the Family Record she had gathered. She is a daughter of B.B. Jack, who was son of William (see page 130) who was son of John & Polly Jack. She also gave me the names of Noel Jack & Wm S. Jack, the latter at Santa Cruz, Calif which she says is near San Francisco. They are sons of Edward H. Jack of Peoria, Ills, bro of Wade H. who had a home in California.

It is now 4:30 AM & I will proceed to copy the records Mrs Ramsay had saved from what her grandfather, her father & herself who loves the work had gathered. She got in the D.A.R. through her mother.

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Family Record

Alexander Jack[2]

John Jack, born 1766 [3]

Polly Jack, Born 1769

Their children:

1. Frances Jack born Sept 22, 1790

2. Samuel Jack born June 30, 1792

3. William Jack born Mch 22,1 794

4. Polly Jack born Oct 27, 1795

5. Jane Jack born Aug 17, 1797

6. James Younger Jack born Mch 20, 1800

7. Cynthia Jack born May 22, 1802

8. America Jack born Sept 12, 1804

9. Preston H. Jack born July 29, 1808

10. John Franklin Jack born Jany 31, 1812


John Jack died 1822

Polly Jack died Jany 11, 1853 aged 84

Family Record

Samuel Jack, born June 30, 1792

Rosanna C. Hampton born Oct 15, 1796

Their children:

1. Wade Hampton Jack, born Mch 29, 1816

2. John James Jack born May 7, 1818

3. Angeline Jack born Nov 17, 1820

4. Edward Hampton Jack born Apr 29, 1823

5. Samuel Conner Jack born May 27, 1825

6. Eliza Smith Jack born Sept 22, 1828

7. Mary Emmon Jack born Jany 25, 1831

8. Benjamin F. Jack born Dec 23, 1834


Samuel Jack, died Mch 30, 1834

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Rosanna C. Jack died Feby 2, 1867

Their children

Benjamin Franklin Jack died June 25, 1834?

Mary Emmon [looks like Emron] died July 5, 1835


Rosanna C. Hampton & Samuel Jack June 15, 1815

Wade Hampton Jack & Mary Hanna Rodgers Oct 1, 1835

Emer F. Butler & Angeline Jack July 17, 1836

Elias Humphrey & Eliza S. Jack

Edward H. Jack & Ann W. Moss Feby 25, 1856

John Jack & his wife, Mary Mason (great great grandparents) (this is written by Mrs Ramsay) lived in Block House or fort at the mouth of Bear Grass (now the mouth of Louisville Canal) (early History of Ky)

Later, John Jack purchased 1500 Acres of land below the mouth of Paint Lick, now Jackson's Landing, Gallatin Co Ky, but owing to bad title, he lost thirty negroes in litigation over estate, losing the land, he came across the river to Patriot, Switzerland Co, Indiana.

Mary Mason Jack born in 1769 died in 1853, aged 84 years, buried on the old home place, Jack cemetery.

Samuel Jack, son of John & Mary Mason Jack born June 30, 1792 married Rosanna C. Hampton who was born Oct 15, 1796

To them were born:

The same as listed lines 25 to 32 on the preceding page.

Rosanna C. Hampton's brothers were

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James, Henry & Preston, cousins of Gen Wade Hampton of S.C.

Samuel Jack educated for & ordained a Presbyterian minister, was elected to the Indiana Legislature two terms. Died Mch 30, 1834 from exposure in riding horseback home from the Capitol.

Rosanna C. Jack died Feby 2, 1867.

Wade Hampton Jack married Oct 1, 1835 Mary Hanna Rodgers To them were born:

1. John Lee Jack, born Aug 10, 1837

2. Lucinda Jack born Apr 17, 1839

3. William S. Jack born May 8, 1841

Mary Hanna Rodgers was born in Penna Apr 16, 1819. Her mother, Mary Hanna Rodgers was born in Maryland May 12, 1780 & died Dec 8, 1857. Her father, Wm Rodgers was born in Maryland February 1778 & died May 12, 1841.

Wade Hampton Jack died July 30, 1887?

John J. Jack died Apr 13, 1898

Lucinda Jack North died Mch 8, 1896

Angeline J. Butler died

Eliza J. Humphrey died

Edward H. Jack died

Samuel C. Jack died

Letter of Mrs Gunnett 709 West Commonwealth Ave Fullerton Calif Jany 30, 1922

Mr John Lee Jack, Patriot Ind,

Dear Sir, She had not heard of his death.

I have been trying to trace our ancestors back to Revolutionary times and Mrs G.E. Peace of Glencoe, Ky gave me your address. My father was Benjamin Burch Jack & he was a cousin of Edd Jack & John James, Doc (Wade H.) "Conn" and Angeline Jack Butler & Eliza Jack Humphrey.

His father was William Jack who married Sarah Burch & moved to Illinois in 1829 from Ky (Warsaw, I think) with her mother, Elizabeth Hampton Burch. They settled near Mechanicsburg, Ills. He lived at Buffalo, three miles from Mechanicsburg & cousin Angeline Jack Butler visited my father & mother there in 1894 & I corresponded with her & have her photograph.

My father visited Cousin Edd Jack out here in Calif & I have often heard my father & mother talk of him & Conn, John James & Cousin Doc Jack.

I am very anxious to know what year my grandfather William Jack & grandmother Sarah Burch were married & I want to know the names of parents of my grandfather William Jack.

My grandmother Sarah Burch was born in 1801 & they had several children when they moved to Illinois in 1829 for my father was born in Ky in May 1829 & there were several children older than he.

If your father, Doc Jack & my father Benjamin Burch Jack were cousins

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I suppose their fathers were brothers, so if you could tell me the names of father & mother of your grandfather Jack, I suppose they would be my father's grandparents too.

My father passed away in 1895 & my mother in 1909 & I have wished so often that they had made a record of the names of their relatives. I know so little of my grandfather Jack's people, except cousin Angeline & she passed away long time ago. I will be very grateful to you for any information you can give me.

Very sincerely, Mrs Dora E. Gunnett, 709 West Commonwealth Ave Fullerton, Calif RD1

It is now 6:11 AM & I will go to breakfast & put up these record & letters to mail back to Mrs Ramsay

Jany 27, 1924. Mrs Gunnett writes Jany 2, 1924 that her mother Sarah Corwin Shangle who married Benjamin Burch Jack died Jany 5, 1909 at Buffalo Illinois. See also book 5 page 580.

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At residence of Col Iredell Byrne Rush, 315 North Main St, Columbia City, Indiana Oct 12, 1922 9 AM

I arrived here over a half hour ago & have met Miss Damaris E. rush & her father Col I.B. Rush. Miss Damaris shows the pictures of her Aunt Margaret Elliott who was abroad 35 yrs or so ago & called at Castle Minto which had 365 windows. Earl Minto was not at home, but his son, a young man, Lord Melgund was very nice to her. She saw the large painting of Gen John Elliott, the hero of Gibralter hanging among the Lords which greatly pleased her.

Miss Rush says the earliest ancestor she knows of is her great grandfather, George Elliott, who lived along the Border between Scotland & England & never came to America. Miss Rush's Aunt Margaret said that Sir Gilbert Elliott was a cousin of her father Geo Elliott & she also said that Sir Joshua Reynolds, the painter was also a cousin of her father.

Miss Rush says Robert O. Deming lives at Oswego, Kansas & his wife was Christiana Elliott, daughter of Rev John Elliott, a son of George the younger. Her sister, Mary Elliott is the wife of Robt Carpenter, who is or for many years was connected with one of the banks at

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Oklahoma City, Okla

Blackstone Hotel, Room 1010, Chicago Ills, Oct 12, 1922 9:35 AM

As above indicated, I did not go to bed last night, but having finished my writing, I went down to breakfast at 6:30 AM & then took the 7:15 AM train on PRR to Columbia City, Ind, where we arrived about an hour later & I walked away over town lugging my heavy satchel to the New Clugston Hotel, across from the court house. I checked my satchel & went around one block to the P.O. & registered the papers back to Mrs Ramsay that she let me have yesterday. I then walked two blocks east to Main St & turning to the left, walked out North Main St abt three blocks to 315 N. Main St going in with Mr Forrest who Miss Rush had sent for to come & set up the stove in her room. I met Miss Rush & her father. She is a tall distinguished looking girl, slender with a rather long face & I should judge 5 ft 10 or 11 in tall. Her father was sitting in his room, a large fleshy man & was rather untidy, but mine was an unannounced early morning call. He is in his 90th year, but being fleshy does not look so old. She was very gracious & gave me the data from memory to make up the genealogical table on the two pages following. In her room, she has the furniture rag carpet & old piano of her Elliott grandparents. In moving & lifting the piano to get the stove in & in lifting the stove, I brought back the severe pains in the to page 150

V8 Page 148 & V8 Page 149

[Descendant Chart]

George Elliott lived probably on the border between Scotland & England & probably died a young man, leaving his widow who with several children, went back to live with her father at Dorrington, England. George married [Margaret crossed out] Elizabeth Crosby, daughter of John Crosby of Dorrington England. She survived her husband. Miss Rush has only learned of three children, but there may have been more.


George Elliott, was born at Berwick on the Tweed River or at the Village of Mintograth. His obituary says he was born in Scotland & died in Beaver Pa Dec 3, 1885 in his 92d year. He lost his father in his infancy & he was taken by his Uncle Robert Crosby who was an officer in the navy & he was raised in his family where he had many advantages. He bid adieu to his mother & sisters & later with only a shilling, came when 18 yrs old to Canada where he procured employment as a surveyor & next in Virginia was manager under President Monroe & also a similar appointment under Christopher Neal, Mayor of Alexandria & earned means to purchase & improve one of the best farms in Ohio. When abt the age of 23, he married Elizabeth, second daughter of Neal McDonald of Columbiana Co Ohio whose farm adjoined his own. She died in Allegheny City Pa a few years after her husband aged 89 yrs. They had 8 children, but Miss Rush don't know who got their Bible record. He was an Episcopalian & she was a Presbyterian.

Rev George Elliott, of Bellefonte Pa where he died, A Presbyterian & a graduate of Princeton.

Elizabeth, m. Andrew Adams

Rev John Elliott, a graduate of W & J College & a Presbyterian

Christiana, M. John Adams a bro of Andrew

Margaret Elliott, a remarkably bright woman visited the relatives in Scotland. Never married.

Jane, m. James Doherty late in life. No issue.

Thomas Niel, unmarried & lived & died at Allegheny City where they moved from Beaver after his father's death.

Nancy Elliott, mar June 9, 1870 at Beaver Pa to Col Iredell Byrne Rush, son of Nixon Rush of North Carolina, a Quaker & his wife Damaris Byrne who was born June 11, 1833 in Randolph Co N.C. She died Aug 4, 1907 here. She was named for her Aunt Nancy Handyside & was the youngest of the family.

Oskaloosa Rush, died when a babe

Damaris Elliott Rush, B Aug 6, 1872 here

Margaret Elliott Rush, B Dec 12, 1874 m. Oct 28, 1903 to Wm Fleming Matchett of Pierceton Ind born July 14, 1874 at Pierceton, Ind. where they live & where he was a banker. Both living, son of Wm Courtney Matchett & his wife Frances Reid.

John Rush, B Aug 26, 1904

William Elliott, Born Aug 23, 1906

Nancy Frances, B Sept 12, 1908

John Elliott, [son of George Elliott & Elizabeth Crosby]. Miss Rush thinks he settled near Marietta O & some photographs taken at Chester Hill Ohio of his daughter Minto has been shown me.

Minto Elliott, a girl. Thinks she married but dont' know certainly

Nancy Elliott, M. George Handyside

George Handyside, Lived at New Castle on Tyne, a very wealthy man who owned all the shoe stores in that section, was an old bachelor & lived to a great age, Margaret Elliott visited him when abroad & he was very gracious to her & corresponded with her.

A daughter, married.

V8 Page 150

From 147

small of my back which I had when I got up Monday morning & had about gotten rid of. They returned with such severity that I could scarcely straighten up, nor get up after I was down. It continued all through the day & has just now eased up a little. I got some Omega Oil over at the LaSalle, where I couldn't get a room & came over here. I told Miss Rush about the relationship of V. Prest Thomas R. Marshall which was new to her, but did recall that his mother, the wife of Dr Marshall always called her Damaris's mother "cousin". Mrs Rush & Mrs Marshall were warm personal friends. As I was leaving, Col Rush said his great grandfather Benj Rush was a Quaker & came over from England with Wm Penn in 1693 & he was a brother of the father of Dr Benj Rush of Phila. He said Richard Rush, the son of Dr Benj Rush was Secretary of the Continental Congress, was Treasurer of the United States & then minister to England. Col Rush's people moved to North Carolina where they had a plantation & his, the Col's grandfather Azel Rush owned 108 slaves & freed them all. Both he & Damaris told me that Rev. Geo. Elliott & Rev John Elliott both married Wilsons, sisters, &were also sisters of the wife of our war governor Andrew Gregg Curtin.

Miss Rush walked over town with me turning to the right or west at Jefferson

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St & on the right hand side, second house from Main St was a very attractive frame Colonial house which was the home of Vice Prest Thos R. Marshall of whom she spoke most highly, before he was elected Vice Prest. He then sold it to a man named McClelland. It had been the home of his father, Dr Marshall. She showed me across the street S.W. corner of Main & Jefferson, the frame home of Mr Peabody, who she says was the richest man in town & who had a home in Daytona Beach where he spent his winters. Damaris said there wasn't a colored man or foreigner in the town. She said her parents never had kept a bible record, but she was going to make up one. Continuing out Jefferson to the next street parallel with Main, we turned to the left passing the Presbyterian church where her mother worshipped on the left hand side & on the same side, we went in the newspaper office & introduced me to James Adams, a very handsome & interested young man & to John Wilson Adams, older but neither handsome nor interested, both relatives. She then walked on out the same street to the New Clugston Hotel where she bade me goodbye & went back to her father who we had left alone. Her house was all torn up & unpresentable. My back pained me intensely going in auto to Sta & also on the train. I got a letter at LaSalle with enclosures from Tom & Edna & will now write her. It is 10:55 PM JVT

V8 Page 152

At residence of Sarah M. Thompson No. 626 Greenwood Ave, Blue Island, Cook Co., Illinois, Oct. 13, 1922 10:33 AM

I left Chicago at 8:45 AM on the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific RR & arrived about 9:50 & walked uptown some three or four squares to Greenwood Ave & turning to the right, walked down here about six squares, it was ten, arriving about 10:15 & Mrs. Thompson met me at the door. She is of the Porter build, medium height & rather stout & is a fine matronly mother. She says her mother gave the Scott Bible that had the Porter records including her father’s in, to her brother Sam W. Porter of Streator, Ills & when his house burned down a couple of years before his death, it was burned up. Mrs. Thompson’s daughter, Cora M., however had fortunately taken a copy of the Porter record, some of which was quite dim & she has given it to me & I am copying.

Copied Aug 29, 1888 from the Family Record

Family Record of the Porters


John and Margaret Porter (nee Baird?) (great grandparents of Cora M.) married Oct. 29, 1793.

Moses B. Porter & Mary Wilson was married

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Oct. 24, 1821

Leah Porter & Samuel Cochran Mch 22, 1821

Stephen Porter & Rachel Dunlevy Dec 6, 1821

Charles Porter & Isabel Courtney Oct 30, 1823

Samuel Porter & Jane Evans July 5, 1825

Cephas Porter & Sarah Porter Wilson Jany 23, 1828

Robert Porter & Mary McCollom Oct 4, 1831 in Wash. Co., Pa

John Porter & Eliza McCoy June 11, 1832 at Ripley, O.

James Porter & Jane D. Barlow Sept 24, 1834 in Granville, Mass.

William Porter & Evaline Blachley Sept 1, 1835 in Washington Co., Pa.


John Porter Senr born September 1770

Margaret Baird (alias Porter) born Dec 7, 1770

Their children:

1. Harriet Porter born August 2, 1794

2. Leah Porter born March 12, 1796

3. Moses B. Porter born Aug 9, 1797

4. Charles Porter born Nov 26, 1798

5. Stephen Porter born June 18, 1800

6. Anna Porter born Dec 29, 1801

7. Samuel Porter born March?, 13, 1803

8. Cephas Porter born March 18, 1805

9. James Porter born Oct 1, 1806

10. John Porter Jr born Dec 22, 1807

11. Robert Porter born Sept 20, 1809

12. William Porter born Dec 4, 1811

Record of Cephas Porter’s family

Births of their children

1. Mary Anne Porter, born May 28, 1829

2. Wilson Flenniken Porter born Apr 24, 1831

3. James William Porter born Oct 23, 1832

4. John Thomas Porter born May 30, 1836

5. Samuel Wilson Porter born May 23, 1840

V8 Page 154

6. Sarah Margaret Porter born Jany 8, 1848

7. Harriet Isabel Porter born July 6, 1852

Sarah Wilson Porter died July 1, 1888 at Washington Co, Kansas aged 79 yrs 2 mos 19 days

Wilson Flenniken Porter died Dec 2, 1831 aged 7 mos 8 days

Thomas Wilson (great grandfather) born Jany 10, 1774 became elder 1808

Sarah Wilson born Aug 7, 1783

Mary Wilson born 1805

Sarah M.W. Porter born Apr 12, 1809

(Mrs. Thompson says her mother’s name was Sarah McWilliams Wilson, but she didn’t like the McWilliams & dropped it & used “Sarah W. Porter”.)

Copied by Cora Thompson Aug 28, 1888

July 1, 1888. I should have copied this page before that of Cephas Porters family.


Harriet Porter died May 17, 1795 aged 9 mos 15 days

John Porter Senr died July 28, 1812 aged 41 yrs 10 mos

Anna Porter died Aug 1, 18131 aged 11 yrs 9 mos 3 days

James Porter died Nov 10, 1834 aged 28 yrs 1 mos 10 days at Lawrenceville, NJ

Charles Porter died May 3, 1842 aged 42 yrs 5 mos 7 days at Ripley, O.

Leah Porter Cochran died

Moses Porter died

Robert Porter died

Samuel Porter died

Margaret B. Porter, mother, died May 1, 1853 aged 82 yrs 4 mos 24 days.

V8 Page 155

John Porter died at his brother William’s at Greene Co Pa aged ______ 1862

Stephen Porter died March 15, 1862 aged 62 yrs at Brown Co Ohio

William B. Porter died at Waynesburg Pa Apr 18, 1868 aged _____

Cephas Porter died at his residence at Dwight Ills June 1873

Mrs. Thompson has brought out her own family bible presented to her by her son Robert W. Thompson Dec 25, 1916, a fine flexible black leather backs in which the record is as follows:

Husband, Samuel M. Thompson born Apr 7, 1848

Wife, Sarah Margaret Porter born Jany 8, 1848

Married Sept 30, 1873 at Presbyterian Church, Dwight, Illinois by W.F. Boyd, Pastor

Their children:

1. Cora Mae Thompson born July 13, 1874

2. Robert Wilson Thompson born Feby 22, 1876

3. Sarah Edna Thompson born Apr 14, 1878

4. Charles Johnson Thompson born Sept 14, 1881

Sarah Edna Thompson married to Wm Vought in Congregational Church Blue Island, Saturday Eve Feb 24, 1906.

Their children are:

1. Robert Edward Vought born Nov 8, 1906 at Harvey, Ills

2. Margaret Louise Vought born Dec 9, 1910 at Blue Island, Ills

3. William Russell Vought born Aug 29, 1911 at Blue Island, Ills

Mr. Vought is employed at City Hall Chicago & live at No. 39, Ann St. South Blue Island where they own their own home.

V8 Page 156

Robert Wilson Thompson married Mrs. Clara Myers (a widow 7 yrs) at their new home Sunday PM Sept 7, 1919 at Fernwood Chicago Ills. Their [sic] was no issue.

Robert Wilson Thompson was killed instantly in motorcycle accident on going to his work (printing office) Tuesday 8 o’clock AM July 27, 1920 at Roseland, Ills.

Charles Johnson Thompson married at Crown Point, Ind Elsia Dost of Blue Island, March 26, 1909

Her parents were German, but Mrs. T. says she is a lovely little woman & her husband is a big man. He lives just a little ways out of Blue Island & works for the Indiana Harbor railway Co. No issue. He lives on Thornton Road.

She shows me an obituary of Samuel M. Thompson from which I find that:

Samuel Mahaffey Thompson was born in Fairview Ohio Apr 7, 1848. When 5 yrs old his parents migrated to Dwight, Ills & settled on a farm.

He was married Sept 30, 1873 to Sarah Margaret Porter of Dwight, Ills. In 1882 the family moved to Washington, Kansas where they lived for ten years. While there, he united with the Presbyterian Church. He was a member of the M.W. of A for 49 years & a R.N. of A for 39 yrs.

Seventeen yrs ago, the family moved to Blue Island & was engaged in Cigar & confectionary business at 445 Western Ave & later at 391 Vermont St.

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He retied from business six yrs ago & has steadily declined in health until death was caused by a stroke of apoplexy Friday Feby 24, 1922. He was survived by two sisters, viz. Mrs. T.J. Boyd, Hyde Park Chicago & Mrs. Ellen T. Bell of Snowden Washington. Mrs. Boyd’s name is Mary & will be 80 next birthday. She lives with her daughter Mabel whose husband Lou Coe is dead. Mabel has one son Donald Coe unmarried. Mrs. Boyd’s other daughter married a school teacher & live out of Chicago.

Mrs. Thompson’s sister, H. Belle McKay wife of Robert, lives 1031 Rowland Ave, Kansas City, Kansas.

Mrs. T. says that her sister Mary Ann Van Kirk’s daughter, Katherine Van Kirk High Brown lives at a college not far from Kansas City, would have all of her mother’s papers as her mother died at her home in Washington, Kan. Where she then lived. Her husband was Robert Brown. Mrs. T. says her sister kept every paper & letter she ever recd. The place where Mrs. Brown lives is Baldwin, Kansas where her three children are going to college. She got the old fashioned bible from her mother & Mrs. T. thinks her mother got the Thomas Wilson bible. John H. Van Kirk lives on the home farm just out of Washington, Kansas, but she

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Says he wouldn’t have any of his mother’s papers.

Mrs. T. says her husband’s father was Robert Thompson & that his home was Guernsey Co., O & he had a brother Mitchell Thompson. He had sisters in Ohio. Mitchell Thompson was twice married & by his first wife had 3 sons & 1 daughter & by his second wife, who was Maria Grimes from Ohio & she told Mrs. T. that her father had lived once at Merrittstown, Pa & that Mrs. T’s father Cephas Porter had toted her on his knee when she was a little girl. Mitchell & Maria had 3 sons & 1 girl viz: John, Benj & James & Janie. John is in Montana, a widower & has a son Harold who married in Chicago. Benj was married & died not far from Dwight. He had no children by his first wife & for his 2d wife, he married an Italian girl who came as a young maid to take care of the first wife. Her first name is Eliza & she has two boys to Benj. James is married & lives in Dwight & has one daughter.

Janie married Roger Mills, a retired farmer who lives on the interest of his money. They live in Dwight, Ill, but this year are expecting to go about this time to St. Petersburgh, Fla for the winter. Mrs. T. says Janie is well informed about the Thompson relatives. Write to her.

V8 Page 159

Cephas Porter sold his farm to Clark R. Hess & about 1870, on Oct 5, moved to Dwight, Ills.

Cora Mae Thompson is unmarried & is a school teacher & is now teaching the upper grades in the Garfied [sic] School now her 4th yr there in the Harvey Dist, this county. She has taught over 25 yrs & will soon get her pension. Is getting good wages & has had several raises recently, was getting seven dollars a day & is now getting more.

Mrs. T. has been very kind & is strong & vigorous & reminds me much of Mrs. Eastman. She often was with her grandmother Wilson to see the Leckys, riding behind her on her old horse, Bill, but never heard of the Jenkins, but knew of the Hustons.

Leaving 2:22 PM

An obituary of Mrs. Read at Grand Ridge, Ills says that:

Harriet A. Porter eldest daughter of James W. Porter was born in Fayette Co., Pa July 12, 1856 & died at her home in Grand Ridge, Ills Nov 21, 1921 at 10:22 AM. She married John Byron Read Mch 11, 1879 by Rev. Alexander Wilson of the Grand Ridge Pres. Ch. Her mother was Cynthia, daughter of Johnson Van Kirk & her father’s second wife was Mary, daughter of Elijah Van Kirk & her two children half sisters of Mrs. Read are Mrs. Margaret Crosby & Cora B. Porter of Grand Ridge, Ills.

V8 Page 160

At residence of Mrs. E. Mabel Coe No 2021 E. 72d St Hyde Park, Chicago, Ills Oct 13, 1922 6 PM

I arrived here a half hour ago & was admitted by Mrs. Mary Boyd & have been talking to her about the family & her daughter, Mrs. Coe came in ten minutes ago & I have come back to the dining room table & am writing.

Mrs. Boyd says her Uncle Mitchell see page 163 had by his first wife:

Robert, lived in Oregon

John, died in California before his father’s 2d marriage

Hugh, twin with Mary was in the Civil War, died in Dwight Mch 1922 aged 86

William was in Civil War, died in Dwight Mch 1922 aged 82

Thomas Jefferson, lives in Forsythe Montana aged 82

Mary twin with Hugh, married Arthur Marshall & died many years ago

By his second, Mitchell Thompson had:

John, the second, living but don’t know where

Benjamin, dead, married, no issue. See page 158. He had issue by his second wife.

Jennie, married Roger Mills, Dwight Ills. No issue.

James, married & lives in Dwight Ills & has one child.

Mrs. Boyd & Mabel say that Jennie, i.e., Mrs. Mills can give full record of this family. She lives in Dwight, Ills, but in the winters goes to California or Florida. They are going this month to St Petersburg, Florida.

Leaving at 10:46 PM

V8 Page 161

The Blackstone, Chicago, Ills Room 1010, Oct 14, 1922 1:38 AM

Mrs. Sarah M. Thompson said all the Porter boys, nine of them, were very angry at their only sister, Leah marrying Samuel Cochran who was an Irishman. She said her daughter did not copy the Wilson record & perhaps did not have it. Thinks her mother gave the Thomas Wilson bible to her daughter, Mary Ann Van Kirk & if she did, her daughter, Katherine Brown would have it & all the letters she ever recd as she never destroyed anything. She said her son Robert W. was riding in the basket of the motorcycle & was helpless to do anything to save himself. She spoke in the most endearing terms of his wonderful goodness to her & said perhaps she was partial to him, but how could she help being so by reason of his great goodness to her. Mrs. T. said her niece Katherine Brown & her husband Robert Brown were living in a small town out from Washington, Kansas where he was an officer in a Bank & one morning he had just opened the bank & was counting out the money when he noticed a man come in but went on counting until the man commanded “hands up” with a revolver pointing at him. Mr. Brown grabbed his revolver & fired, missing the man, but the man hit him but he fired again & the man ran out & a posse pursuing him, he Carried to page 167

V8 Page 162 & V8 Page 163

[Descendant Chart]

John Thompson & Mary[4], his wife, both came from Penna to Ohio to Guernsey Co. When he died, he left his farm to his son Mitchell for the purpose of caring for his widow Mary & his daughter Easter who was an invalid. Mrs. Boyd remembers her grandmother Mary Thompson who was a decided firm woman, a large fat woman, but very short, being able to stand under Mrs. Boyd’s arm. She does not remember her grandfather, but says her grandmother didn’t die until after 1854 when her father, Robert came to Illinois. They are both buried in the Union Cemetery at Fairview, O which is on the National Road 12 miles east of Old Washington O & just at the east edge of Fairview O is the dividing line between Guernsey & Belmont Counties, O & Mrs. B. is sure her Uncle Mitchell’s farm was in Belmont Co. & was 2 miles from Fairview & her father’s farm ¾ of a mile from Fairview was in Guernsey Co. She cannot understand why they were not buried in the Presbyterian graveyard, but says that she thinks there are markers to their graves as her Uncle Mitchell’s son, Hugh Thompson, saw their graves once when he was back on a visit. Mrs. Boyd knows nothing of their family bible. I think it would go to Mitchell. See Book 7 Page 144.

[10 children]

Easter Thompson was never married, buried in Presbyterian Cemetery in Fairview, O

Margaret Thompson married ______ Dougherty. Both lived & died at Coshocton, O. Thinks they had children.

Jane Thompson was dead before Mrs. Boyd knew anything of her. Married ______ Grier & lived in Belmont Co not far from her Uncle Mitchell’s. Never heard of any children, in fact, heard nothing, but that they were dead.

Hugh Thompson went to Oregon before 1854. Thinks he was married, but don’t know whether he had children or not. Says her father never heard from him after he went out there

John Thompson married & lived at Coshocton O & thinks died there. [child:]

Hugh Thompson [son of John Thompson] married & came to Illinois with his wife & two if not three children. Came to Illinois abt 1855 or 1856 & moved in an unoccupied house on the farm & worked for Mrs. Boyd’s father. His wife’s name was Rose Davis who had an unmarried sister, Mary Davis. He worked for his Uncle Robert that summer & in the fall, started to Iowa with his family & they never heard of him since. Mrs. Boyd remembers reading then about a man & his family driving into a fordable stream which was much swollen & they were drowned. Mrs. Boyd recalled this when her cousin, Wm Thompson, son of Mitchell, told her that a banker, Charles McWilliams, of the Dwight bank told him that Hugh Thompson, 65 yrs ago, had deposited $500 in the bank there officered by David McWilliams, a “stingy man” & it had never been called for.

Mary Thompson [daughter of John Thompson & Mary, subjects of this chart] married Selah Hart & lived & died about Coshocton, o. Might have been more than the two children below:

Jane Hart, thinks she was married

Selah Hart, married & lived abt Coshocton. He called once at Dwight on a trip to MO.

Elizabeth Thompson [daughter of John Thompson & Mary, subjects of this chart] married James? Bryan & lived at or near Coshocton O & had a farm, she thinks she knew them both. She was the last of the girls to die. A grandson of theirs visited Will Thompson, now dead, at Dwight a year ago & Will’s daughters can give his address. They had several children.

Nancy Thompson, youngest daughter, married 1. ________ Buchanan, who died shortly after marriage. Married 2. Richard Deal who was well off & owned & lived on his farm in Belmont Co., O not far from Fairview, O. She was buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery at Fairview, O. She died a young woman. She jumped in a well & saved her child, holding it up until the men came from the field & the exposure caused quick consumption. [5 children:]

John Thompson Buchanan He died abt 2 yrs ago at New Philadelphia, O aged 90 yrs. [2 children:]

Robert Buchanan [son of John Thompson Buchanan] lives in Chicago, is married

Anderson Buchanan married & lives at New Phila, O

Robert Buchanan [son of Nancy Thompson & ____ Buchanan] don’t know

Richard Buchanan, don’t know

Elizabeth Buchanan, oldest girl, married Dan Spear & lived at Columbus, O where she died.

Mary Ellen Buchanan, younger girl, went to California for her health & heard had married there.

Robert Thompson [son of John Thompson & Mary, subjects of this chart], B Apr 17, 1807, married in Ohio to Leathy Cross from Maryland 25 miles from Balto. He moved in Sept 1854 from Guernsey Co., O to Dwight, Ills where he bought & settled on a farm 2 miles west of Dwight, thinks in Nevada Tp. She died in Nov 1870 & he died in Jany 1880? Aged 73 yrs & both are buried in Oak Lawn Cemetery on his old farm which is the Dwight Cemetery. His son Mitchell got his family bible. See page 164.

Thos? Mitchell Thompson, called Mitchell, married, sold the farm in Belmont Co., O & moved, she thinks next year after Civil War closed to Dwight, Ills where he died on his farm abt or near 1882 or 1883 aged 74 yrs dying 4 or 5 yrs after her father. He was 4 yrs younger than Robert. He is buried in McDowell Cemetery, Dwight, Ills. Married 1. Married 2. Maria Grimes. See Page 160.

V8 Page 164 & V8 Page 165

[Descendant Chart]

Robert Thompson & Leathy Cross, see page 163. He was for many years in county on his farm, a Justice of the Peace & was a very firm rigid dispenser of the law, very much commended by all for his just decisions.


Thomas Mitchell Thompson, called Mitchell. Married Mary Murphy. He was born Feby 12, 1831. He died on a ranch 18 miles from Alliance, Neb. Several yrs ago aged 87 yrs. He got his father’s bible with record. Think the children live at the same place.

1. Horatio Franklin Thompson, B June 16, 1864 & died Sept 8, 1865

2. Robert Clinton Thompson, see book 9, p 290

3. Thomas Thompson, see Book 9, p. 301

4. Charles Ellsworth Thompson, see Book 9, pages 264 & 265

5. Eugene Edwin Thompson, see book 9 pages 262 & 263

6. Carrie Thompson, B Feby 11, 1874 in Livingston Co., Ills. Married June 3, 1914 to Albert Peterson who was born in Iowa May 27, 1877 son of Frank F. Peterson & wife. Live at Ashby, Neb.

7. Clara Thompson, died young, born Feby 11, 1874 ob Aug 24, 1876, twin with Carrie.

8. Nellie Lauretta Thompson, youngest, born near Dwight, Ills Oct 26, 1876 & married May 5, 1897 Chas Albert Dye, born at Cowrun, O aug 10, 1873, son of Thomas C. Dye & wife Jerusha M. Forrest. Both living at Ericson, Neb R2. Have 2 sons both born at Ord, Neb. They were married at Alliance Nebraska.

Gerald Thomas Dye, B. Sept 27, 1906

Arvin Thompson Dye, B. Dec 10, 1909

Benjamin Thompson [son of Robert Thompson & Leathy Cross], B. Apr 17, 1832 married Jane Grier (or Greer) of Belmont Co., O. He a farmer in Missouri & after his wife died, he went to Nebraska & died there. He left but one child. Was between 50 & 60 when he died.

Robert Thompson, who lives same place in Nebraska where his father died.

John Thompson [son of Robert Thompson & Leathy Cross], B Jany 26, 1834, married Esther Boyd, sister of Mrs. B’s husband. She was born in 1830. Both died at Dwight & are buried in Oak Lawn Cemetery. See Page 166.

Margaret Thompson, B. Apr 11, 1836 ob May 31, 1894 at Normall, Ills & buried Oak Lawn Cemetery, Dwight, Ills. Married Thomas Liggett who survived her & is buried same place. Don’t think they had any bible record & [sic] [10 children:]

Elsie Liggett, is unmarried & in Calif. for her health

Thomas Liggett, unmarried in Los Angeles

Robert Liggett, unmarried in Los Angeles

Lillian Liggett, dead, married John Hall. He lives at Seattle, Wash. [3 children:]

i. Charles Hall, married & lives in Seattle

ii. Edith Hall, died unmarried

iii. Emily Hall, married & lives in Seattle

Martha Liggett, died unmarried

Frederick Liggett, married Grace _____. She living & he died & is buried at Normal, Ills. [4 children:]

i. Mildred Liggett, dead

ii. Frederick Liggett, dead

iii. Chester Liggett

iv. Paul Liggett

Charles Liggett, died unmarried & buried Oak Lawn, Dwight

Richard Liggett, a dentist in Los Angeles, married Sallie ______ [3 children:]

I Helen Liggett

i. A son

ii. A son

Fleming Liggett, married & lives at Rantoul, Ills & is a physician

Myrtle Liggett, married Dr. Dred F. Ehlers & lives at Oak Park, Chic., Ills. [2 children:]

i. Margaret Ehlers, dead

ii. Charles Ehlers

Esther Thompson, [daughter of Robert & Leathy Cross Thompson] B June 12, 1838, ob Nov 16, 1886 at Joliet, Ills & is buried there. Married Lanson Ross, owner of a fruit farm at Joliet. He too is dead. [3 children:]

May Ross, married Wm Eaton & live Jackson, Mich.

Alma Ross, dead, married John ______. Left 3 boys.

Frank Ross, married & dead [5 children:]

i. Ethel Ross, married

ii. Mabel Ross [best guess], unmarried

iii. Edgar Ross, married & lives in Joliet & has children

iv. Robert Thompson Ross, married & lives in Lacon, Ills

v. Jessie Ross, married Rev. Faz Moon, a Methodist & live in the Philippines.

Priscilla Thompson [daughter of Robert & Leathy Cross Thompson], born Aug 9, 1840, ob _____ about 20 yrs ago at Dwight, Ill & is buried in McDowell Cemetery. Married John Murphy. He is dead & buried with him. No issue.

Mary Thompson, B Nov 5, 1842, married Dec 5, 1861 at Dwight, Ill by Rev. Young to Thos Jefferson Boyd, son of William Boyd & his wife Margaret Anderson of Fayette Co., Pa who was born Oct 6, 1835 in Guernsey Co, O near Fairview, O & died Aug 12, 1911 in Chicago, Ills & is buried at Oak Lawn Cemetery, Dwight, Ills. My informant of tonight.

Margaret Leathy Boyd, B Jany 4, 1864, married Dec 14, 1893 to Frank Wilber Robison of Lombard, Ills where they both live & he is in the R.E. business. [child:]

Ruth Marian Robison, B Jany 18, 1895, married Mch 20, 1918 to Herman H. Schnoor, a chemist at Chicago. [child:]

Jean Louise Schnoor, B Feby 2, 1920

Ella Mabel Boyd, B July 3, 1867, married July 3, 1888 to Dr. Lewis Clarke Coe who was born Apr 7, 1857 at Pontiac, Ill, a dentist. She being his 2d wife. He died July 31, 1916 at Chicago & is buried at Oak Lawn, Dwight, Ill. See “Robert Coe, Puritan, his ancestors & descendants 1340-1910 Boston 1911”. She lives at No. 2021 E. 72d St Chicago, Ill (Hyde Park) Phone Hyde Park 8892 & her mother lives with her. [child:]

Donald J. Coe, B Apr 24, 1889 unmarried, was in World War, 22 months abroad over 18 mos was in 149th Field Artillery, a unit of the Rainbow Div.

Elizabeth Thompson [daughter of Robert & Leathy Cross Thompson], B Sept 29, 1844 & died Jany 1911, unmarried. Died in Chicago & is buried in Oak Lawn Cemetery.

Nancy Ellen Thompson, B Oct 20, 1846 at Fairview, O. Married Apr 1872 at Odel, Ills to James Benjamin Bell[5]. He died in Dwight, Ill & is buried in McDowell Cemetery. He died July 20, 1893. She is now living near Appleton, Wash. Writes 7/7/23 from White Salmon, Wash. (children all born Dwight, Ill). [4 children:]

Dr. Chadz Berthod Bell, Born June 19, 1876, dentist in Chicago, married Isabel Euins [sic] Riggall on Feby 17, 1904. She born at West Eaton, NY Nov 8, 1876 dau of Jno Riggall & wife Harriet A. Porter. Both living. [2 children:]

i. Chadz Chesterfield Bell, born Nov 24, 1906 at Evanston, Ill

ii. Harriet Ellen Bell, B Mch 31, 1909 at Dwight, Ill

Earl Thompson Bell, B Mch 12, 1879, single, on a ranch near Appleton, Wash.

James Benjamin Bell, also single on same ranch with their mother. Born May 3, 1882

Beatrice Medil Bell, married Elbert Marston Moffatt at Chicago, Ills on June 29, 1909 & live in India where he is in Y.M.C.A. construction work. B Apr 29, 1882. He was born Apr 30, 1884 at LeSuer, Minn., son of Arthur B. Moffatt & wife Anny Thayer Snow. [3 children:]

i. Elizabeth Ann Moffatt, born at Allahabad, India, Jany 31, 1913

ii. Nancy Jean Moffatt, at White Salmon, Washington Oct 28, 1915

iii. A son, viz Elbert Marston Moffatt at Brooklyn, NY Aug 31, 1919

Samuel Mahaffy Thompson [son of Robert & Leathy Cross Thompson], B Apr 7, 1848 see page 155

Martha Thompson, B Mch 2, 1850 ob Mch 1? 1852 was buried the day she was 2 yrs old in Fairview, O Presbyterian Cemetery.

Emily Thompson, B May 2, 1851 ob Apr 2, 1872 unmarried & is buried at Oak Lawn Cemetery, Dwight, Ills.

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[Descendant Chart]

John Thompson born Jany 26, 1834 page 164. He died Dec 15, 1907 at Dwight, Ills. Esther Boyd, born Aug 12, 1831 in Ohio. She died July 7, 1894 at Dwight, Ills. They were married, Florence thinks in 1856, it might have been in 1855. He dealt in grain & stock & in later life was in the insurance business.


Florence Edith Thompson, B Mch 28, 1857, unmarried. She is a practicing dentist here at No. 6438 Blackstone Ave, Chicago, Ills. My informant of the late hours tonight.

Thomas Thompson, B Jany 1859, died aged 11 days, Buried in Dwight, Ill in a small graveyard.

Mark Thompson, b. Jany 1861 & died aged 3 yrs. B. in Aurora, Ill

Addie Alice Thompson, B Feby 1863 ob aged 2 ½ yrs buried at Dwight in the old now unused cemetery.

James Sylvester Thompson, b Jany 21, 1865, married Dec 1886 about Christmas to Maud Campbell of North Judson, Indiana & are both living at Chicago, Ill where he a RR conductor on the Chicago & Erie RR. Has been with this road over 30 yrs. He lives at 3828 Sheffield Ave, but is moving. [child:]

Faith Thompson, B July 7, 1888 married in 1917 to Frank Lowmaster of Huntington, Ind & live now with her father here. No issue.

John Cross Thompson, B Jany 16, 1867, married Sept 8, 1906 to Nora Furman from Penna. He lives here at No. 6438 Blackstone Ave & practices dentistry at No. 1450 E. 63d St. Chicago, Ills. [4 children:]

Florence Louise Thompson, B Dec 12, 1902 at Manhattan, Ills

Helen Imogene Thompson, B Oct 25, 1904 at Manhattan, Ills

John Furman Thompson, B Jany 13, 1908 at Wilmington, Ills

Alma Thompson, B Apr 20, 1910 at Wilmington, Ills.

Robert William Thompson [son of John Thompson & Esther Boyd], for his two grandfathers, b Jany 24, 1869, married Mch 1913 to Helen Ellison of Chicago, Ills. Both living at 6846 Cornell Ave, Chicago, Ills where he is in the insurance business is called “William”. [child:]

Margery Thompson, B July 30, 1917.

At Dr. Florence Thompson’s 6438 Blackstone Ave, Chicago, Ills Oct 13 & 14th, 1922 from 11:11 PM to 12:30 AM JVT

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From Page 161

Ran into a yard, which proved to be the Brown home & the robber either shot himself or was shot & killed by the crowd. Katherine, seeing the commotion, called to know what it was about & was told Robert was hurt. She hurried to the bank & lifted his head to her lap just in time to see him breathe his last.

Mrs. T. says she was never much pleased on her trip to McClellandtown region with her grandmother Wilson, because she would always go to some house where there were no children.

It was 2:50 PM when I got away from Sarah M. Thompson’s who asked me several times to let her get me something to eat, but I forbade her doing so. I walked briskly up Greenwood Ave, & found it was ten blocks to Municipal Hall where I had turned down, where I arrived at just 3 PM & went in ten minutes for relief. Turning to the left, I walked briskly across the Rock Island tracks to the Illinois Central Station & got a train at 3:25 for Hyde Part & going in a Drug store there, a woman directed me across the street to Fred J. How at a sub sta P.O. who w’d know everybody. He found in the Tel book that Donald J. Coe lived at 2021 E. 72nd St Phone Hyde Park 8892 who I called up & got Mrs. Boyd & told her I was coming out. This was at 53d St & I took a car 93 to 73d St & transferred out 73d to Jeffery & walking down Jeffery, I found her at above number. Mrs. T. gave

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Me what is recorded on Pages 152 to 159 inclusive.

Mrs. Mary Boyd, a delightful old lady with gray hair & piercing black eyes & her gracious charming daughter, but mainly Mrs. Boyd, gave me the data noted on page 160 & on pages 162 to 165 inclusive. Miss Florence said her Uncle T. Mitchell Thompson had another daughter living in addition to Carrie listed by Mary Boyd on page 164 & who told me there were seven children, but she could only recall six.

Both Sarah Margaret Thompson & Mary Boyd said that Thos Jefferson Boyd was not related to Joseph Boyd, but came from New England.

Donald J. Coe, a fine virile young man of 33 came in at abt 6:30 PM & his mother getting dinner ready, we four ate together, a very good meal. He is a handsome boy & says he enlisted here for the World War & was in the 149th Field Artillery, a unit of the Rainbow Division & says his company were in a ten months continuous battle & never had a change of underwear or clothes all that time & when they did have time to take them off, they were so infested with vermin, that the men threw their underwear away & it being cold winter weather, they nearly all died of pneumonia, but he was sent to a hospital with French Camp fever & out of 20 in his ward,

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the other nineteen died of pneumonia. He said they got word that the Germans were going to make a drive to break through their lines & they prepared for them along an eighty mile front from Chateau Thierry to Soissous & their lines were twelve deep, hub to hub & a telephone for every four guns & he had charge of a telephone on the center, 40 miles from Chateau Thierry where the 149th was placed & the first shell from the Germans’ guns fell a few feet back of him but being so immense, went deep in the ground throwing up the earth tremendously. He said their gun was so rapid fire that a ball fired to light about four miles ahead would not light until they would have a dozen more in the air. He said shortly before midnight on July14th, Bastile [sic] day, the word came that the German fire would commence at midnight & every telephone along the 80 mile line rang & the ball above was a minute past midnight on the morning of the 15th & they kept the balls falling so fast on their barrage line & so thick that in the first three hours, 180,000 Germans marching to it were killed. The French General had arranged breastworks back for a position of retreat & after three days fighting, he found the 149th Regiment occupying its original position & was amazed beyond measure & rattled that the American troops had stood their ground when none of the French or English had.

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He promised to write me a detailed sketch of his service for my book. His mother is a large, well built wholesome woman & her mother is about the average size. HE went out about 8 o’clock & returning a few minutes before 11, he walked with me to the 73d Stat [sic] Jeffery St where I took a street car at 11 PM to go to 65th St on my way to find the home of Dr. Florence Thompson, dentist at 6438 Blackstone Ave 2d floor apartment, Tel Midway 6215 to whom Mabel telephoned to have her wait up for me. I got off at 65th St & walked two blocks west to Blackstone Ave & turning north, reached Florence’s home at 11:11 PM & was with her until 12:30 AM & she gave me the record shown on page 166 of her father’s family. Her niece, Helen Imogene Page 166, a few evenings ago, was at the home of a Presbyterian preacher in the neighborhood whose son she met at school in the university who asked her if her Thompsons were Scotch. His name, he said, was Thomas Thomson Campbell. Mrs. Boyd in speaking of the determined manner of her mother said that once when two of her sons were walking with a couple of young girls, one of whom became the wife of one of them, she went up to them & slapped them severely on the cheeks. Florence is a large well developed woman. I took the Illinois Central at 62d St & reached the hotel at 1:22 AM. It is no 4:55 AM & I will go to bed. JVT

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At Blackstone Hotel, Room 1010 Chicago, Ills, Oct 14, 1922 1:05 PM

I got up this morning at 8:05, got my breakfast & found there has been no city directory gotten out for 10 yrs by reason of the high prices obtaining because of the war, which made a prohibitive price of $50 per copy. It hen used the telephone & got track of three of the parties I wanted to see, really five, but could not reach any James Fulton answering to the party I want yet, nor no trace of S. Thompson Blackburn, nor can I find the name of Mrs. Leshe Moon, Judge Grosscup’s daughter in the telephone directory, nor could the Congress Hotel tell me where she is.

Erastus Howard Scott, son of Miriam Thompson, 13th child of Robt Thompson Sen. of James of Jacob answered very kindly & asked me to come to his office in the same block as this Hotel, around the corner at Nos 623 to 633 S. Wabash Ave Tel Harrison 8136 9th floor, at 11 AM which I did & found him a fine specimen of vigorous manhood abt 6 ft high with a strong smiling face & closely cropped beard all over his face, quite distinguished looking. He said his mother Miriam was very much interested in family history & had given infor-

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mation from which they had made up a family tree for five generations back, which he proposed having his stenographer copy & mail to me but I told him I preferred to have it recorded in my book if he would let me have it over night, whereupon, he promised to send it to me here this afternoon & said he would call tomorrow afternoon with his own family record before going to his son’s as arranged to see their new baby born recently. He lives at No. 4338 Oakenwald Ave which you reach by taking the Kenwood elevated at Congress, Second St north & go to end of the line. His brother, Harry Fletcher Scott, an old bachelor, is now living at Athens, O where he now is & for many years has been a teacher in the old University there. E.H. thought he might have the old bible record of their parents, but says all the dates in it are incorporated in the family tree he has. I then left him at 11:30 & walked around on Michigan Ave to the Auditorium Hotel where I secured Rand McNally & Co California & Colorado & other things & coming back stopped in the Congress Hotel & got a Rand McNally & Co Nebraska & other things & coming on to the Blackstone waited at 12:30 for Nelson G. Harris who I arranged to have call. He was half hour late & had other appointments

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to go to so he gave me the short record of his brother & himself viz:

Nelson Glenn Harris, born Oct 3, 1863 on a farm 6 miles from Talleyrand, Iowa near where Keota now is, in Keokuk Co., Iowa. He married 1st, Sept 15, 1892, Miss Berenice [sic] Valiquet, daughter of Maxim (pronounced Max-ime’ – Max-eem) Valiquet & his wife Louise La Fontaine, who was born in Montreal, Canada, May 3, 1865 & who died Mch 6, 1918. They had two children & a miscarriage, viz:

1. Unnamed daughter, born June 1894 weighed 13 lbs & only lived two days.

2. Unnamed son, born Sept 1896 weighed 16 lbs & only lived ten minutes

He married 2nd Apr 18, 1922 Mrs. Ella Marie Myers (nee Taylor) who was born in Chicago, Ills. He is a factory manager or Industrial Engineer & his telephone there is Irving 10028. His office is at No. 20 W. Jackson St where his telephone is Harrison 6400. He says he is much of an auto fiend & a very fast driver. Says he drove from here to his mother’s in Keota, Iowa 310 miles in 10 hours & drove her from Keota to Talleyrand 7 miles in 10 minutes. Says he has driving a mile a minute with his mother & she was game & never flinched nor asked him to slow up. Milon Reed Harris born July 6, 1861, a brother of Nelson G. is a voice culturist

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& choir director & lives at No. 4848 N. Monticello Ave, Chicago, Ills Tel Irving 4212 & has a studio at room 922 Kimball Bldg Corner Jackson & Wabash. He was born on same farm his brother Nelson G. was born on. He married Feby 28, 1897, Miss Janet Wilson, who was born 56 or 57 yrs ago in Canada of a Scotch family. They have never had any children. Nelson G. Harris, is a slender man of average height & build with smooth face & looks like a long liver. He says his mother is 88 yrs old, wonderfully active for her age & with memory still good as ever & he thinks she has her own & her parents bible record. She lives in her own home, a woman living with her, right in Keota, Iowa, on Broadway two blocks west of the P.O. on N.W. corner of St. Her husband was J.P.H. Harris who died 6 or 7 yrs ago. Her daughter & another son live near Keota. He says she had a lot of old books & papers that lay on top of a book case & might have old letters if Milon R. has not thrown them out, as he is inclined that way. Nelson G. will write her tomorrow that I will be there to see her about Wednesday or Thursday. He said she had a great affection for his first wife & almost died after his wife’s death, very similar to the effect of poor Mary’s death on mother. He recently head [sic] his second wife out

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& his mother is very much in love with her. I told him to get some young Harris’ to perpetuate the name & he says nothing would give him more pleasure.

He never heard of the Jenkins. He left at 1:30 PM

In phoning this morning, I got William Edwin Rothermel, son of Joel H. Rothermel of Phila, Pa who lives at No. 830 Oakwood Boulevard, Chicago, Ills Tel Oakland 1987. He has the neuritis & couldn’t come in & said he had sent his record to Mrs. McDowell, Narbeth, Pa, but would be very glad to see me if I would come out today after 2:30 PM. He said to take Cottage Grove Ave Car on Wabash & go south to 39th St or Oakwood Blvd & come to corner of Ellis Ave. top floor. He said there were some other Rothermels out there who spelled their name the same way who it might be desirable to go & see. It is no 3:11 PM & I will start out to see him.

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At residence of William Henry Rothermel No 4524 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago, Ills Oct 13, 1922 6 PM

After Mr. R’s brother went to the meeting at Allentown Pa, about the fortune, he told them to proper spelling of the name was Rothermel, so that this family has spelled the name that way ever since.

Mr. R. says his brother, Sam’l A., took great interest in family lore & it is barely possible his widow in Los Angeles, Calif. Might have some records he had gathered.

Mr. R. Says his wife knew of Andrew J. Redburn & her brother, John P. Davies was a brother, high degree Mason with him & will have her make inquiry of her sister & see if any of the children are living there yet. Mr. R. says that about 7 yrs ago, he met in his office at Burlington, Iowa, a man named Misner who was in the insurance & real estate business, a younger man than himself who said his mother was a Rothermel & who seemed to know something about the Rotharmel family tree. Go see him. Mr. R. says his brother, Chas T., who was older & who was before the war around among the Penna relatives always said that their father, Henry D. & the artist were second

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cousins. Mr. R. speaks also of a William Rothermel who was an editor in Harrisburg, Pa during or after the Civil War & who married into the Fisher family, who he always understood was a first cousin of the artist. Says the Fisher family were blood relatives of the Rothermels. Ask Sarah Brown.

Leaving at 8:44 PM

Mr. R’s two sons, Wm H. & Sam’l A. were both in the World War & were abroad about 15 months during which time they were in the hospital service there. Mr. Rothermel gave me the information recorded on the two following pages, except the records of his own children which were given me across the street at No. 4523 Oakenwald, the residence of his son, Charles T., where I had gone at 5:55 PM to wait their return from the football game & where I was recd by Wm H. III & Chas t. Jr. (Bunnie) aged 5 & 3 yrs respectively. Chas T., a wholesome young man & his wife, a beautiful girl, soon came in, followed by his father. Chas T. made out with his wife’s help, his own record & that of his brother’s & his father invited me & took me across the street to his own home which he owns to an excellent dinner of Calf’s liver, bacon & onions & was very kind & helpful. Mr. R. walked with me in a drizzling rain to 47th St. & put me on a Cottage Grove car at 9:06 PM that brought me to Wabash & 7th St just back of this motel.

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[Descendant Chart]

Samuel Rodearmel, [sic] married Elizabeth


Jacob Rodearmel, married Jane Gallagher. He came west about 1858 or 1859 & located at Freeport, Ills where he was a grain merchant, owning elevators. He moved to Nevada, Iowa abt 1870 & bought land there that had coal under it & got in the coal business there. They both died & are buried there, dying around near 1880 aged probably 75 yrs. [3 children:]

Sarah Rodearmel, dead, married Eugene Ogden. Both died at Nevada, Iowa. [Child:]

Eugene Ogden, only child, lives now in Nevada, Iowa

Robert Rodearmel, dead, married Jennie _____. She is living in Chicago, Ills. He died in Minneapolis, Minn 3 or 4 yrs ago. [2 children:]

Eugene Rodearmel, married & both died here in Chicago, Ill. No issue. Buried in Mt. Greenwood? Cemetery

Maud Rodearmel, married Edgar O. Burton, No. 5446 Cornell Ave. Her mother lives with her. He is a railroad man. [2 children:]

Robert Burton

_____ Burton

Montgomery Gallagher Rodearmel, married Louise Waldron. She is dead. He lives at the Plaza Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn., with a daughter. He was & is a manufacturer’s agent, born in 1857. He spells is Rodearmel. He can give record of his father’s family. [2 children:]

i. Myrtle Rodearmel, married & lives in Minneapolis

ii. Alice Rodearmel, unmarried. Lives at Plaza with her father.

Henry David Rodearmel, [son of Samuel Rodearmel & Elizabeth], see book 9 Pages 80-84, born Nov 3, 1817 in Pottstown, Montgomery Co., Pa, ob Feby 26, 1895 aged 77 yrs 3 mos & 23 days & is buried at Freeport, Ills. Married Sept 7, 1840 to Miss Anna Mary Wolfe, dau of Anthony & Catharine Wolfe of Brush Valley, Centre Co., Pa, related to the family of Gen. Wolfe of Quebec fame. She was born in Miles Tp, Centre Co., Pa July 2, 1819. Her father was a farmer in Centre Co., Pa not very far from Bellefonte, Pa where she was born on a farm. She was born see above & died & buried at Freeport, Ill. June 6, 1875. They moved to Freeport, Ill. In 1862 from Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., Pa. He was born around Northumberland Co. near New Berlin, Pa., was in the lumber business, logging, etc. & went in the grain elevator business with his brother Jacob when he came west. Thinks his sister at Freeport, Ill has his father’s bible which he said he saw when out there not long ago. He lived with his daughter, Olive, the 1st 8 or 10 yrs of his life. [6 children:]

a. Charles Theodore Rodearmel, born Dec 9, 1841 in Miles Tp, Centre Co., Pa, married Feb 14, 1865 in Wilkes-Barre, Pa, ob several yrs ago in Dallas, Tex. Married Lizzie B. Niceley, daughter of Geo W. Niceley of Nanticoke, Pa. Both dead & buried at Freeport, Ill. No issue. He was in the insurance business (fire) in Chicago.

A Sarah Catherine Rodearmel, b. Sept 29, 1844 in Limestone Tp, Lycoming Co., Pa, married Feby 17, 1880 to Joseph Brown of Sunbury, Pa. Both living at Ipswich, South Dakota. Write to her for name of her grandfather & earlier ancestors. Retired capitalist. [child:]

Willard Brown, an only child, married a Milwaukee girl. He in furniture & undertaking.

b. Arthur J. Rodearmel, born Jany 7, 1846 in New Berlin, Pa, Union Co., ob 1921, married Ella Snyder of Freeport, Ills. She lives at Freeport, Ill & he is buried there. No issue. He was a boot & shoe merchant.

c. Samuel Anthony Rodearmel, B Jany 1, 1849 in New Berlin, Union Co., Pa, ob July 5, 1916 in Los Angeles, Calif., married Dec 16, 1875, Ada Edith Goodale, born Dec 28, 1849 in Middleburg, O of Elgin, Ill. She is living at Los Angeles, Calif, daughter of Justin P. Goodale. Her mother was Sarah Ann Kent. He died there but is buried at Oak Park Cemetery here. Lives at 443 Van Ness Ave. [4 children:]

i. Amy Rodearmel, born Mch 11, 1878 at Chicago, Ills, ob July 7, 1914 at Los Angeles, Calif., unmarried. Buried Oak Park

ii. Edith Rodearmel, born Jany 3, 1882 at Chicago, Ills, married Oct 14, 1908 to Carl Tracy Solleder, son of J.M. & Alice Solleder who was born Feby 8, 1883 & live at Ramona Park, Calif. [2 children:]

Samuel Kent Solleder, b. Aug 6, 1909

Alice Ada Solleder, b. July 12, 1919 at Los Angeles.

iii. Alice Kent Rodearmel, B Aug 29, 1887 at Oak Park Ills, married Oct 18, 1919 to Willard Roy Bell, son of James Bell who was born May 27, 1888 & live at Ramona Park, Calif. No issue.

iv. Marjorie Ada Rodearmel, born Oct 19, 1889 at Oak Park, Ills & died there Sept 5, 1891.

d. Olive Jane Rodearmel, [daughter of Henry David Rodearmel], B. Nov 5, 1851 at New Berlin, Union Co., Pa, married J. Reitzell Young on Dec 23, 1873 of Freeport, Ills. He was a merchant & farmer & died at Freeport. She has her father’s bible & lives at No. 854 West Stephenson St., Freeport, Ills. [5 children:]

Harry A. Young, married. No issue.

Anna Young, married _______ Grandsen. He died. No issue.

Edna Young, married Rev. George Beam, both living at Dayton, O. [3 children:]

Son, Nevin Beam

Daughter Beam

Son Beam

Martha Young, unmarried & at home with her mother

Charles Young, married & live at Freeport, Ills.

e. William Henry Rothermel, [son of Henry David Rodearmel], b Apr 22nd, 1856 in Pine Creek Tp, Clinton Co., Pa, married Sept 24, 1884 to Grace Ellen (or Allen) Davies, daughter of Wm P. Davies & his wife Anna Pugh. She was born Sept 5, 1863. Both living at 4524 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago, Ills. He my informant of tonight. She is now on a visit at Racine, Wis. [3 children:]

Wm Harry Rothermel Jr, born at Racine, Wis., Aug 7, 1888, married June 18, 1921 to Thersa [sic] Wilson born at Lexington, MO, daughter of Stephen & Lucy Wilson [child:]

Stephen Wilson Rothermel, born Aug 18, 1922

Charles Theodore Rothermel, born in Chicago, Ills, May 12, 1890, married Jany 24, 1916 to Louise Johnson, born Chicago, Ills, July 8, 1890, daughter of Wm Lee Johnson & his wife Dora Waltson. [2 children:]

Wm Henry Rothermel III, born Jany 2, 1917

Chas Theodore Rothermel Jr., Born Sept 23, 1919

Sam A. Rothermel, born in Chicago, Ills, Sept 24, 1894, married Nov 20, 1920 to Frances Roberts, daughter of Charles Roberts & his wife Grace Walsh. No issue.

Hannah Maria Rodearmel [daughter of Samuel Rodearmel & Elizabeth] married Albert Potts of Jersey Shore, Pa where he was a shoe merchant & where they both died. [2 children:]

Albert Potts, lives in Jersey Shore & runs the shoe store. Write to him. Married & has issue. Ask for his grandfather’s bible.

Charles Potts, lives at Jersey Shore, Pa. Married, but thinks no issue.

A daughter [of Samuel Rodearmel & Elizabeth], thinks her name was Jennie Rodearmel. “Came out west & visited us”. She & her mother lived with her sister, Hannah Maria Potts, who would no doubt have gotten her father’s bible & if so Albert would have it. She died at Jersey Shore, Pa, no doubt.

Abraham Rodearmel. He married & had a whole raft of children. Says his wife as a likeable little woman. He was a merchant, dry goods, he thinks at Jersey Shore, Pa. Both dead. [child:}

Abraham Rodearmel, bright & active & thinks is running the store at Jersey Shore, Pa & says to write to him.

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The Blackstone, Chicago Ills Room 1010 Oct 15, 1922 9 AM I took a Cottage Grove St Car back of the hotel corner 7*-" St & Wabash Ave at 3:15 PM yesterday afternoon, standing all the way in a very crowded car to Oakwood Boulevard where I alighted & went one block east to the left to 830 Oakwood Boulevard to the top or 6*-" floor, arriving simultaneously with a lithe gray haired woman who proved to be Mrs Wm Edwin Rothermel & we entered together & found Mr R. reclining an the settee, suffering from neuritus who said his left leg seemed as if it was afire. She showed the effects of his suffering is a smooth faced positive man, about my height, but slightly wasted in flesh & perceptibly cross-eyed. He said he had sent Minnie Rothermel McDowell, Narberth Pa, his first cousin, the full data, so far as he could of his father's & his own family for me, & she would send it to me. He said he was not so well informed as his father died in 1868 when he was 13 yrs old ( he s'd he was born in 1855) & his mother dying the same year 1868 before he was 14. so that he did not get by reason thereof the history of the earlier Rothermels, that otherwise, he would. He said his grandmother Rothermel lived with his father Joel, who got the home farm of his father Abraham & when he, Joel, died, his brother Samuel Hunter Rothermel (Mrs McD's father) bought it to keep

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a home +or his mother who lived to be 92 or 94 yrs old & was never on the RR cars in her life, although living right at Hunters Sta Pa on their old farm named +or her maiden name. Wm Edwin's (his wife called him "Ed") Uncle Lewis was his guardian & when he came a+ age, Sam'l H. Rothermel, son of his Uncle William, came to him & borrowed $2500 & went in to an unsuccessful business (a coal?) venture, but paid it all back in small amts later. He said he had never known a dishonest Rothermel & said they were very clannish. He told me about the Kittie Seer or Sehr estate which consisted of a large farm of over 200 A which Sold +or, he thought, over $30,000 & which was much in the courts & out of which he got $50 when he was abt 25 or 26 say 1880 to 1881 paid to him by his Uncle Lewis who purchased his claim & who with his brother Sam'l H. was making the fight +or the estate which was compromised & the Western Penn- heirs got half & the eastern Penn- heirs the other half. It occurs to me that the auditors report in this case which ought to be a matter of record would be valuable in giving descent of the various heirs as I understand she was of the Rothermel blood, was unmarried & aged he thought 82 or 83 when she died. Wm E. showed me a photo on the wall of his daughter Florence, his only child who died a few yrs since of "Flu" & pneumonia.

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He is a very likable character, but his wife seems to be a chronic contender & nagger. He said his father was one of six brothers whose combined heighth was 36 +t 6 in & his father, Joel 6 +t 2 3/4 in was the tallest of the six, his brother Sam'l H. being 6 +t I in. He says his brother Chester J. a+ Phil- Pa has their father's bible with record. They spoke of Louise Rothermel Merrill of Exeter NH whose mother Annie Smith was a sister of Mrs Minnie R. McDowell & said Louise was very much interested in family genealogy. Wm E. said he always understood that his father, Joel, & the artist P. Fred were second cousins. He referred me to Wm H. Rothermel as the party from the west he had spoken of meeting & directed me how to go to his residence about 6 or 8 blocks south. I arrived at Wm E's at 3:50 & left at 5:05 Pm. Going to Wm H's the maid told me he was not home yet & asked me to go across the street to his son's & await his arrival where I was admitted by a petite young maid & near entertained by the two boys until their parents came in from the football game & the record I got from them is noted on pages 176 to 179 inclusive. Wm H. said when his two sons were in the hospital in France, part of their duty was to take the names, ages & address etc of the patients brought in & one very seriously wounded boy was a Rothermel

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from Sunbury Pa who they saw got the very best attention but had to have a leg amputated & when he was discharged, they gave him Francs equal to $20 to $30 which greatly affected him & he was very grateful, as well as surprised. I got to the Hotel 9:35 PM & went over to the LaSalle Hotel to see if there was any mail +or me, but there was not. I found in my box here a letter from E.H. Scott enclosing the record prepared from the information given by his mother nee Miriam R. Thompson & +or her which goes back one generation further than former information on this side & fortunately gives the County in Ireland - Fermanagh - from whence Jacob Thompson came. I will now record same on the following pages as I am to return it to him when he calls this afternoon. I find from the card an the envelope enclosing same that Mr Scott lived out where I was last evening Wm E. Rothermels No 830 Oakwood Blvd being corner of Ellis Ave & the Card gives: "E.H. Scott 4216 Ellis Ave Chicago" & the Ellis Ave address is stricken out & he wrote: "4338 Oakenwald Ave" which I passed in walking up to Wm H. Rothermel’s On the foolscap sheet of record penciled on both sides was given the Scott record which I am copying on Page 186 on one side & on the other side was the Thompson record & at the bottom of the page in addition to what I embodied in the table 184 & 185 was written the following which I am entering Page 186 com line 17.

V8 Page 184 & V8 Page 185

Descendant Chart]

John Thompson, born in Scotland

[his son was:]

Jacob Thompson Born Fermanagh Co Ireland married _____ Downerd, Place Derby Ireland

[Their son was:]

James Thompson, born 1758, died 1835 born Fayette Co., Pa? Ob in Ohio. Married Mary Jackson, Bucks Co., Pa. She was born 1761 in Penna & died 1835 in Ohio. She was daughter of Robert Jackson born 1733 (son of Hugh Jackson of Ireland) & his wife Mary Henthorn born 1733 Chester Co., Pa & she the daughter of James & Mary Henthorn.

[Their son was:]

Robert Thompson, born Feby 5, 1780, Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co., Pa. He died in 1861. Married 1st Susannah Torrence Apr 1, 1802. She was born Mch 13, 1783 & had seven children. Married 2nd Hannah Power Dec 15, 1814 & had one child. Married 3rd Catharine Conner Sept 16, 1819. She was born Apr 21, 1793 in Penna & died 1874, daughter of James? Conner of Ireland & his wife Mary Conner whose mother was a Miss Stevenson. He had six children by her.

[children by 1st wife:]

1. Samuel Thompson, born in Pa, Apr 3, 1804

2. James Thompson, born in Pa Dec 24, 1805

3. William Thompson, born in Pa Feby 6, 1807

4. Robert Thompson, born in Pa Sept 24, 1808

5. Mary Ann Thompson, born in Pa May 17, 1810

6. Jane Thompson, born May 22, 1812

7. Harrison Thompson, born Oct 16, 1813

[child by 2nd wife:]

1. Martha S. Thompson, born Oct 18, 1815

[children by 3rd wife:]

John C. Thompson, born Oct 9, 1820

Eliza Thompson, born May 7, 1822

Mehetable Thompson, born Apr 12, 1824

Susannah Thompson, born July 2, 1826, married Dec 26, 1848 to Silvester F. Scott who was born Mar 9, 1825

Miriam Rebecca Thompson, born July 18, 1828, married Sept 4, 1849 to John Wesley Scott who was born Nov 11, 1822 in Morgan Co., now Noble Co., O at Hiramsburg, O. The children, six sons, were all born at Hiramsburg, Ohio. He was son of Francis & Mary Meek Scott see next page. She died Dec 26, 1891. [6 children:]

1. Cyrus Meek Scott, born in Morgan Co, now Noble Co., O at Hiramsburg, O on June 12, 1851. Married 1st Sept 10, 1872 Margaret A. Moore. Married 2nd, June 17, 1891 Mary E. McDonald. [3 children:]

Bertie O. Scott, born Sept 3, 1876 ob Sept 9, 1876

Daisy V. Scott, born Mch 7, 1878, married May 28, 1901 to C.M. Beckett who was born Aug 5, 1874 near Hiramsburg, O, son of Leander Beckett & his wife Nancy “E.” Combs. [3 children:]

Frederick Scott Beckett, born Jany 27, 1903

Margaret Ellen Beckett, born Sept 30, 1907

Robert Charles Beckett, born Oct 12, 1917

Ernest R. Scott [son of Cyrus Meek Scott], born Aug 25, 1880

2. Robert Francis Scott, born Aug 26, 1852, ob Apr 3, 1862

3. Erastus Howard Scott, born June 8, 1855, married 1st June 26, 1878 at Adrian, Mich to Fannie S. Bradley. Married 2nd Aug 17, 1886 to Felicia H. Hiatt.

4. Charles Danus [best guess] Scott, born Mch 3, 1858, married 1st, Sept 27, 1881 to Laura J. Felkley. Married 2nd Etta ______

5. Wilber Burt Scott, born Nov 9, 1865, married Oct 28, 1886 to Maude Racey.

6. Harry Fletcher Scott, born May 17, 1869, unmarried.

Howard S. Thompson, [son of Robert Thompson & Mary Conner] b. Sept 5, 1833

V8 Page 186

Robert Scott, born Apr 2, 1750

Catharine Scott, born May 20, 1751

Francis Scott born Dec 22, 1781 Donegal Co., Ireland

Mary (Meek) Scott born March 28, 1788 Brooke Co., VA

Their Children:

1. Robert Fletcher Scott born Oct 11, 1810 Jefferson Co., O

2. Isaac M. Scott born July 6, 1813, Brooke Co, VA

3. Elizabeth Scott born Oct 25, 1815 Washington Co., Pa or Ohio

4. Catharine Scott born Sept 13, 1818 Morgan Co., Ohio

5. Erastus H. Scott born Sept 16, 1820 Morgan Co., Ohio

6. John Wesley Scott born Nov 11, 1822 Morgan Co., Ohio

7. Silvester F. Scott born March 9, 1825 Morgan Co., Ohio

8. George W. Scott born Feby 11, 1828 Morgan Co., Ohio

“James Thompson [this is line 17 referred to previously CW]

William Thompson

Jacob Thompson

2 sisters married Calles

1 sister married Brown

2 sisters married Frames

1 sister married Moss

1 sister married Jackson

(I think the above refers to James Thompson 1758-1835 & his brothers & sisters & the William is as I had pointed no doubt he of Menallen Tp whose nuncupative will 1793? is on record at Uniontown, Pa., the father of Hugh Thompson, the great grandfather of Judge Hugh Thompson Mathers of Sidney, O., Apr 10, 1923 the above deduction is questionable. JVT. Also one of the sisters who married a Frame was Jane, wife of David Frame buried at the Washington Presbyterian Cemetery near the Infirmary

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the grandparents of Nancy Downard Finley who I saw in Cambridge, O in July last the day I left.

The one who married a Moss was probably the progenitor of the worthy Moss family living back of the present Hugh Thompson Huston family, one of whom is housekeeper for Caleb W. Woodward, Grand Ridge, Ills, who I saw last Sept (1921) there.

See if two of the others were not Fayette Co., Pa Brown & Jackson families & find who the Calles were.

Robert Thompson

Jacob Thompson

William Thompson

Elijah Thompson

Abraham Thompson

James Thompson

David Thompson

Joseph Thompson

Mary Thompson married Frame

Ann Thompson married Rich.

The above conclusions are emphasized & I feel are proved by the above list of ten of the children a+ James Thompson at the head of the first list & being the succeeding generation in the direct line of Mrs Scott's family viz who by former records we know to be the children of James Thompson 1758 - 1835. My deductions above are further corroborated by Mrs Nancy D. Finley's statement that her grandmother was a Thompson & she was given Downard in her name because it was an old family name. Go see her sister on the farm who has the family bible record.

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3:44 PM 15th Erastus H. Scott has just left my room 1010 having called in a half hour before & says the record about the Thompsons on page 186 line lines 17 to 24 inclusive & page 187 lines 15 to 24 inclusive were copied either by his brother Harry F. or himself from a paper of his mother's on which she had written these names just as they copied them & as I have copied them here. He doesn't know where she got the information, but he found it in her handwriting. Mr Scott recalls that when he was a boy, probably in the late sixties or early seventies, his mother was corresponding with a James Thompson in Kansas, he didn't know the town & s'd the letters were not extant, who was older than his mother, but didn't know whether it was her Uncle or not, see line 20 preceding page, who was getting a record of the Thompson genealogy & said there was a big fortune in England coming to the Thompsons. He gave me some further Scott data about the marriages of himself & brothers, but did not have a record of his own & brother's children, but said he would gather that in & send to me. I will make note below & in table of the additional data he gave me on two type written sheets which I am to mail back to him tonight. I handed back to him what he sent in to me last night.

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From the Scott record of marriages handed me this afternoon by Erastus H. Scott


Francis Scott and Mary Meek Oct 10, 1809

Robert F. Scott and Martha Lambert Mch 4, 1841

Elizabeth Scott and John Combs Apr 25, 1838

Catharine Scott and John Thrapp Feby 4, 1842

Silvester Scott and Susannah Thompson Dec 26, 1848

John W. Scott and Miriam R. Thompson Sept 4, 1849

Erastus H. Scott and Mary A. Rainey Oct 5, 1851

The other marriages & two of these I have entered in the table page 185


1. Father & Mother of Francis

{ Robert Scott Apr 2, 1821 age 71 yrs

{ Catharine Scott May 20, 1837 age 86 yrs

2. Francis Scott Dec 24, 1851 age 70 yrs

Mary Scott May 8, l850 age 62 yrs

3. Miriam R. Scott Dec 26, 1891

4. Robert F. Scott Apr 3, 1862

Their children. This refers to the children of Robert Scott 1750-1821. Robert died in Brooke Co Va. 3 daughters, Mrs. Cree, Hunter, & Henderson lived in Brooke Co VA.

Charles died in or near Peoria, Ills. The family of Charles all dead but two sons who were last known in Alabama.

John died in Kentucky, unmarried.

Francis died 1851 aged 70 yrs

This family crossed from Ireland when our grandfather (Francis) was eleven years old. There were also two daughters:

Mary, who married David Burt & whose family are all dead.

Catherine who married Wm McCarrell. They lived in Harrison Co., Ohio, but we know nothing further of them.

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Meek family from Wales, Samuel and Guy came with Lord Baltimore to Maryland. Our family descendants of Guy Meek.

Isaac Meek, First Sheriff of Ohio Co., Va. 1798.

Isaac Meek, representative, first Ohio Legislature at Chillicothe, then Capital, died 1840 aged 96 yrs.

1) Robert, oldest son of Robert Scott


a) Eliza married Reason Reeves (VA)

b) Parmelia married Robert Hopkins (VA)

c) Katherine married _____ Crea (VA)

d) Mary married Hunter (VA)

e) Gardner unmarried

f) Ellen unmarried

g) Robert unmarried

h) Rachel married Rev. Hudson

i) McKindree lives at Evanston

j) Washington lives at Minneapolis

k) David went to Nebraska

l) Fletcher lives District of Columbia

m) Emma married, unknown

2) Catherine married Wm McCarrell (Harrison Co., O)

a) Scott McCarrell went to Iowa

b) Catherine married (Dutch Jake)

c) Two younger children

3) Mary married David Burt

a) Cyrus unmarried

b) Catherine married Otho Wilson

c) Fletcher, family at Columbus & Cleveland

d) William family in Missouri

e) Nancy (Milner)

f) Eliza married Thos McDonald (Iowa)

4) Francis

5) Charles

a) Cyrus married at Cambridge

b) Franklin, unmarried

c) Washington, unmarried }supposed to have gone to Alabama

d) John, unmarried }supposed to have gone to Alabama

6) John, died unmarried

Of the Rothermel's in the Chicago Telephone Book viz:

Chas T. rl est 39 S. La Salle Tel Central 2375 }This is son of Wm H. whom I saw

r. 4523 Oakenwald Tel Drexel 7697

Sam A. r. 1366 E. 57 tel Hyde Park 9251 also son of Wm H.

W.H. Jr r. 1222 E. 52 Tel Dorchester 8210 Also son of Wm H.

Wm H. r. 4524 Oakenwald Av Tel Drexel 1384 my host & informant

Wm E. r 830 Oakwood Blvd Tel Oakland 1987 also my informant

The other Rothermels are:

Anna r. 5516 S. Union Av Tel Englewood 4310 did not call

Chas M. r. 3520 5*-" Av Tel Nevada 1188 did not call

Frank r. 4827 N. Leavitt Tel Ravenwood 3764 did not call

George r. 4827 N. Leavitt Tel Ravenswood 4213 did not call

Louis r. 2521 Ainelia Tel Ravenswood 4949 did not call

Peter r. 7219 Princeton Av Tel Stewart 2464 called four times & could not raise anyone.

Valentin ints 301 24th Tel Victory 1923 did not call.

It is now 8:20 PM & I will go to dinner. Andrew called at 7;55 & I had a satisfactory good talk with him. 9:22 PM 15th, 1 just called Peter Rothermel above at 9:11 after finishing my dinner & he said he had been away & just returned a half hour ago. He said his grandfather, George Adam Rothermel, his father Adam Rothermel & himself, Peter Rothermel all came to the United States together in 1881 from Hesse Darmstadt Germany. He said that about 2 yrs ago, a young man from Phil- Pa called on him

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& said he was getting up history of the Rothermel family. Asking his name, he didn't know, but said it was not Rothermel, but his middle name was Rothermel.

Wm H. Rothermel who I saw last night, is the same build & almost a dead ringer in size, appearance & demeanor for Peter Fred Rothermel Jr the Atty, son of the artist in Phila Pa.

Aside from the other writing I have done, I have sent out nine letters today:

Hotel Jefferson, St Louis MO

Hon Hugh T. Mathers, Sidney, Ohio

Eugene Ogden, Nevada, Iowa

Montgomery G. Rodearmel c/o Hotel Plaza Minneapolis, Minn.

Mrs. Joseph Brown, Ipswich, South Dakota Albert Pott, Jersey Shore, Pa

Abraham Rodearmel, Jersey Shore Pa

Mrs. Jennie Mills, Dwight Illinois

Hon A.A. Thompson, Uniontown, Pa

There has not been a directory of Chicago Ills put out for ten years, they tell me at the Blackstone, but the telephone book discloses the following family names in addition to the Rothermels noted above:


Herbert r. 131 N. Aust Tel Columbus 2577

Jas C. r 509 N. Ridgeway Av Tel Ked-ze 1366

Jas T. r 4803 S. Wabash Av Tel Kenwood 5681

Mrs. Leola r 4602 S. Dearborn Tel Drexel 1813 Morris D. r 511 W. 6216 Tel Englewood 5735

Ross r 1856 Berenice Av Tel Buckingham 0564

Thos A r 1200 Sherwin Tel Rogers Park 5809

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Carrithers, Clara r 6234 Prairie Av Tel Normal 7459

Carrithers, & Co Stationers 223 W. Madison Tel State 8087

Carothers 4, Geo C. Jas A. Robt Henry & Wm H

Carrouthers, Mrs. Rose r 2432 S. Wabash Av Tel Victory 8753

Carruthers, 13

Caruthers 10

Crothers 5

Finleys 54

Jack 25

Kilgore 10

Markle 0

Merkel 24

Merkle 18

Redburn 0

Thompson 10 columns

Thomson I column

It is now 11:07 PM & I will read up today's paper & go to bed as I am to be called at 6 AM

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At residence of Elizabeth Jolly Jeneson, Jackson St, across from the church? Oswego, Kendall Co, Illinois Oct 16, 1922 11:33 AM

I left Chicago Ills this morning at 8 AM an the C.B&O RR & arriving shortly after 10, checked my satchel at the Sta. & going to Mr. Bell's ice cream store, he directed me here which-is four squares straight back from the station & as he says, is the only stone house in the town. I walked out here with this book & going round to the side door was met at the door by a small kindly faced woman who asked me to come in. It was Mrs. Jeneson who has been in her 92nd yr since Sept 30th last as her brother Robert Jolly who appeared from an adjoining room said. He is a medium sized man & said he served 3 yrs & 2 mos lacking 2 days in the Civil War. He said this substantial good old house which is an a big lot with trees was built by his mother's only full brother, John Mason Crothers in 1852, who was a lawyer here, this being then, the county seat, which however, has since been moved to Yorkville Tp. He & his sister both say their grandfather Rev Samuel Crothers was the first Presbyterian minister to preach in the state of Illinois, riding horseback

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through Illinois to Iowa & preaching at many points. She said too, that their pastor here, Rev Craighead when east not long since saw a history of her great grandfather Benjamin Crothers service in the Rev War. Robert says he lives +our blocks from here & I must see him & get reference to where he saw it. Robert says his grandfather, Rev Sam'l Crothers owned a farm at Cynthiana Ky & his sister spoke of some of the relatives living in Paris Ky & of Lexington Ky. In her young days, she taught school in Covington KY.

V8 Page 196 & V8 Page 197

[Descendant Chart which I enter in outline form]

Benjamin Crothers [this is a guess from preceding information. The top of this page is cut off & unreadable] B. [cut off] Brandywine [guess] Pa. 1750 [guess, could be 1760] & died near Lexington, Ky July 1800. He married Susannah Lockhart. She by great effort put her son, Samuel, through College after her husband died.


1) Samuel Crothers, Born in Franklin Co., Pa Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1783. Married 1st March 2, 1813 on a Tuesday, Mary McChord who was born at Lexington, Ky Sept 13, 1789. Married 2nd ______ Alexander of Paris, Ky, married 3rd Mary Young of Highland Co., O whose parents came from Va. Married 4th Amanda McKaig. She was a Dunlap & married 1st a Foster & 2nd a McKaig of Chillicothe.

a) Isabella Stuart Crothers, by 1st wife, Born Saturday 8 AM June 18,1814 near Lexington, Ky, died June 9, 1896. Married Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1830 to David Jolly who was born Oct. 16, 1802 at Chillicothe, O, son of David Jolly, Sen., a wonderful hunter & marksman who never was known to miss a shot & who came from Virginia. She thinks from abt Wheeling. David Jolly Jr. died in this house Dec. 1867 aged 65 yrs. She too died in this house & they are both buried in the town cemetery right near here. Her father, Rev. Sam’l Crothers died in this house in adjoining room in 1856. They were both Presbyterians as were all the connection.

i) Elizabeth Mary Thornton Jolly, Born Sept 30, 1831, married Nov. 1, 1852 to Thomas Hickman Jeneson who was born Feby 11, 1830 in Scotland & was educated at St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Scotland. He died in Jacksonville, Ills. Aug 6, 1877 & is buried there.

ii) Samuel Crothers Jolly, Born July 19, 1833, died young in Hillsboro, O & buried there aged near 12 yrs. See 2nd Samuel next page.

iii) Amanda Matilda Jolly B. June 2, 1835, married 1853 to James Cutter from Cambridge, Mass. Lived here & moved to Cambridge, Mass where both died & are buried see page 198.

iv) Ann Mariah Jolly, B. Sept 6, 1837. She died an infant in Hillsobro. See 2nd Anna next page.

v) John Mason Jolly B. Oct. 8, 1839, died when a boy

vi) Kate Jolly, older than Anna, born in Hillsboro & died an infant before Anna was born & was put in a trunk to be taken home etc. See pages 203 & 204.

vii) David Jolly B. Ob in Chillicothe, O when a young boy.

viii) Robert Henry Thompson Jolly, B. Sept 11, 1844 at Hillsboro, O. Enlisted Sept. 11, 1861 in this town & served until mustered out Nov. 9, 1864 in Co. C 4th Ills Cavalry. Unmarried. My informant along with his sister.

ix) Charles Fraley Scott, B. 1846, ob Mch 1879 in Chicago, Ills & is buried here. He was Co. F. U.S. Regulars in Civil War, enlisted in Spring of 1862 & was discharged for disability before Robt got back & was never well afterwards. Unmarried.

x) Anna Crothers Jolly, born here in Oswego, married in 1874 in Chicago, Ills to Chas A. Dew, an Englishman. He is dead & she is living on Boyleston St., Boston, Mass. Write to her.

1) Charles A. Dew Jr., Died aged abt 4 or 5 yrs.

xi) Belle Jolly, born in Oswego, Ills & died an infant.

xii) Samuel C. Jolly, born in 1859 as Robt says he was a baby when he went to war in 1861. He was killed by a street car in Chicago abt 10 yrs ago. Married Irene Degaunt of French descent. She is living in NY City.

1) Lyle Jolly, married & lives in Boston, Mass. Just lately married.

2) Irene Jolly, married & lives at Minneapolis, Minn. Has a son.

b) John Mason Crothers, born Thursday 11 AM Apr 17, 1817 at Greenfield, O. Married Tuesday Sept 9, 1845, 1st Catharine Cottle from Mass & who had lived in Maine & New Hampshire. Married 2nd Miss Nancy Ann Foster, dau of Dr. Foster & Amanda, the 4th wife of Sam’l Crothers above on Tuesday Oct. 28, 1851.

c) Susanna Jane Crothers, Born Monday 2 PM Jany 1, 1821 at Greenfield, O.

d) James Young Crothers, by 3rd wife, born Saturday 9 AM July 17, 1830 at Greenfield, O.

e) Samuel Dickey Crothers, by 3rd wife, Born Saturday 9 AM Apr 20, 1833. Married Mary Dunlap who was born Monday 6 AM Nov 2, 1836 at Greenfield, O.

f) William Benjamin Crothers, Born Wednesday, 2 PM May 1842.

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[Descendant chart which I enter in outline form]

Amanda Matilda Jolly married James Cutter, see page 196.


1) Marianna Cutter, married ______ Cushion. He dead. She lives in Boston, Mass. No issue.

2) Eva Cutter, married Walter King. Both living in Boston, Mass.

a) Richard King, a civil engineer with a big coal company out in Wyoming

3) Lizzie Cutter, dead, married a “Nigh” Sleeper, also dead

a) Dewight Sleeper, married

b) Gordon Sleeper, unmarried

c) Milton Sleeper, unmarried

Thinks all three live in New Hampshire.

4) Lillian Cutter, married Robt Winkley & both live in Boston, Mass. He has had charge of Col. Thrope’s [sic] estate. He, Thrope, was first bicycle man & went then in auto business & left a seven million dollar estate. Robt was his secy. No issue.

5) Arthur Cutter, died unmarried abt 10 yrs ago aged abt 26 or 28.

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[Descendant chart which I enter in outline form]

Elizabeth Mary Thornton Jolly, married Thomas H. Jeneson. Mrs. Jeneson said she had two or three stillborn children.


1) Helen Louisa Jeneson, born Nov 28, 1853 in Oswego, Ills. Married Charles Sylvester Cremer of Springfield, Ills. He is dead shortly after Mrs. J’s mother in 1896 & she lives here with her mother & Uncle but is now on a visit to St. Joe, MO. They were married at Jacksonville, Ills Sept 2, 1872. He was born in Jacksonville, Ills Feby 15, 1838.

a) Clara Louise Cremer, born Feby 22, 1873, married Alfred Ransome Chessmore on Oct 9, 1902 & both living in St. Joe, MO where he runs a big seed house, a business he inherited from his father. He is son of Alfred M. Chessmore & his wife, Lucy E. Brown & was born Jany 30, 1881.

i) Alford Milton Chessmore, born (aged 16 hrs) at St Joe, MO Apr 20, 1907.

b) Allie Cremer, a girl, born Sept 2, 1879 in Jacksonville, Ills. Married Robert Lyle McClelland in Jany 6, 1912 & both live there. He is a veterinary surgeon & is stock inspector at the stock yards. No issue. Living in Chicago, Ills. He is son of Robert Clement McClelland & his wife Grace Anne Young. He was born in Andover, O Jany 8, 1880.

c) Lyle Hayward Cremer, unmarried, lives in Chicago & is a traveling salesman. Born Jany 22, 1883.

2) Jessie Clark Jeneson, Born Aug 28, 1856 in Oswego, Ills, ob Oct 17, 1857

3) David Jolly Jeneson, Born Sept 30, 1861 in Chicago, Ills, ob Oct 21, 1861

4) Mary Isabella Stuart Jeneson, Born Mch 17, 1863 in Chicago, Ills, married Wm Fowler Denney of Aurora, Ills about Apr 28, 1896. Both living two blocks from here. He is an upholsterer by trade & works for the railroad Co., 3rd rail. None of the children married. All living at home. He was born at Aurora, Ills June 20, 1858, son of Thomas Denney & wife Mary Fowler, both born in England.

a) Ruth O. Denney, Born Aug 2, 1898 at Aurora, Ills.

b) Doris Newbert Denney, Born Jany 9, 1902 at Aurora, Ills.

c) Wayne Fowler Denney, Born July 18, 1903 at Oswego, Ills.

5) Annie McCord Jeneson, Born July 31, 1865 in Jacksonville, Ills, ob Oct 24, 1877.

6) Edward Kirby Jeneson, Born Dec 19, 1867 in Jacksonville, Ills. He died in Peoria, Ills where he was foreman on the Gazette, aged 30 odd years. Married Kate Hanna & she is living in Peoria, Ills at 810 S. Adams St.

a) Edward Kirby Jeneson Jr., He was an infant when his father died. Is unmarried, but engaged. Builds tanks for the Indiana Oil Co.

7) Margaret Allen Moore Jeneson, Born Nov 15, 1872 in Jacksonville, Ills. Died unmarried at Mt. Low, Calif & was cremated & ashes sent home. Worked 7 yrs for Pullman Co. on the coast. Had consumption. Died Aug 3, 1899.

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Monmouth, Ills, Colonial Hotel, Room 29, Oct. 16, 1922 11:55 PM

I bid my two good friends goodbye at 4:55 PM after getting from their records & memories & the data on the four pages preceding the dates of the births & marriages being taken from Bible sheet records which Mrs. Jeneson said she got from an old Bible which had fallen all to pieces. It gave the record of Rev. Samuel Crothers first marriage & the births as noted on pages 196 & 197 of seven of his children. She stating that the first two were by 1st wife & the 4th & 5th by 3rd wife & she was not sure about the others, but I have that record from her aunt Mary Narcissus Crothers, July 27? Last.

I will not write to Rev. Craighead for information as to where he saw an account of the Revolutionary War record of her great grandfather, Benjamin Crothers. Her grandfather, Samuel Crothers was baptized at Rocky Spring Church by the Rev. War Soldier Parson Craighead.

Mrs Jeneson spoke of one of her ancestors, it might have been her grandmother Crothers or her great grandmother Crothers being a very industrious woman & when spinning her flax, would lay her Bible beside her with Scott's Concordance on one side & another concordance on a chair

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on the other side & when she would get tired spinning, she would read the bible & concordances & then ask her husband or son, who would give his version & she would say "yes, yes, you think it that, Scott says it is this & the other commentator, that, but I think you are all wrong & it is so & so".

She said her grandfather, David Jolly Sr was a great hunter & an unerring shot & that when living at a very early day in Chillicothe 0, the provisions gave out & the town was in great alarm. A committee of the citizens waited upon David Jolly & said they would take care of his farm & attend to the farm work if he would go into the woods & shoot some game. He went on this mission & secured sufficient to supply the town & thereby saved many lives.

Another time, he was going to mill & as he always carried his gun with him, he was prepared when he heard a rustle in a tree ahead of him & in the road ahead was a woman on horseback. Then a panther sprang from the tree where he had heard the rustle, at the woman. He fired & killed the panther, but as it fell, struck the woman with one paw & tore off one breast. He took the woman on his horse to the nearest house where

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she was given attention, recovered & lived to be an old woman. This occurred between Chillicothe & Hillsboro, O.

She said a Miss Jolly from Indianapolis Ind, attending a Chautauqua meeting recently came to see them & was getting up a History of the Jolly family & in her family were the same names as in theirs viz: David, John etc. She said the fine old desk I was writing on in their living room, had belonged to her husband's father, Robert Jeneson. He was a midshipman in the English navy & Lord Nelson promoted him to a captain & put him in charge of the first vessel he ever captured & sent him home with it. He was English, but his wife, nee Clark was Scotch. Both came to Oswego Ills & lived there to be very old & are buried in the cemetery there. An older son, David Jeneson was in the Civil War & her husband Thos H. wanted to go, but her mother wouldn't let him, telling him he would have to stay at home & take care of the families as his brother David & his wife's father, two brothers & a brother-in-law had all gone to war.

Robert Henry Thompson Jolly said he was named, I think, he said for an Uncle Robert Stewart who had married a sister of his

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father's & for Judge Henry Thompson of Hillsboro 0. He was in the following battles: Fort Henry, Tenn, Fort Donaldson Tenn, Shiloh, Tenn, Iuka Springs, Miss, Coffeyville, Miss & in many skirmishes. He was captured near Hernandez, Miss 20 miles from Memphis Tenn & sent to Jackson Miss where he was paroled & was sent to New Orleans La where he saw Abner Crothers & his brother who was starting to Texas & from New Orleans, he was sent to New York, then to Phila, then to Baito, then to Annapolis Md & coming from Annapolis, he & a couple associates jumped off of train & spent two weeks in Mifflin & Centre Cos Pa about Bellefonte Pa & then went to Chicago & joined their Co. His parents' children prior to 1850 were all born in Hillsboro 0 from whence they came to Oswego Ills. where they landed Sept 11, 1850 when Robert was just six yrs old. His father, David Jolly had the contract for building to sections of the canal in Ohio & his sister Katie Cottle died where the family was with him during this work & the Cholera being rampant - although she did not die of cholera - her mother put her in her trunk to take her back to Hillsboro 0. The trunk was stolen from the boot of the stagecoach

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on the way & was found in a lumber yard broken open, the robbers having fled when finding her body in the trunk.

They said their relative, Eliza Williams married U.S. Senator "Don" Cameron & lived at Washington DC where Mrs. Jeneson said one of the relatives writing her said she opined that she, Mrs. J., was happier in her quiet home duties than Eliza was in her splendor & big house with 25 servants. Eliza was the daughter of Harbert Williams whose mother, I believe was Jane, sister of Rev Samuel Crothers, see in the Crothers family history written in their old age by Samuel Crothers & his daughter Elizabeth Jolly & which they allowed me to bring along to copy & to be returned to them by registered mail. Among the letters being one I wrote their mother Isabella Jolly in July 1891 & about which I had remembered. It is now 4:14 AM & I will quit & go to bed. JVT

This was the 120th, anniversary of the birth of David Jolly Jr, the parents of my hostess & host & the 30th anniversary of the death of my brother-in-law, John A. Niccalls & I had a dream of meeting him in life the night before, his exact image, but he denied that he was John A. Niccolls. Mrs Jeneson is active & spry & was doing her own work & drying apples, notwithstanding she was in her 92nd yr. Robert was unshaven & uncouth looking, but I noticed him out the window feeding the chickens, stepping about active as a boy notwithstanding his 78 yrs.

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At residence of Prof Russell Graham No 513 N 9th, St, Monmouth Ills Oct 17, 1922 10 AM

I arrived here about 15 minutes ago & the maid went upstairs & told Mrs. Margaret Ann Thompson she had a caller & she came down herself, using one crutch as a cane, which the maid says she does two or three times daily coming down & going up herself. She is a fine well preserved woman of large build, but not fleshy & wears a white patch over her left eye, covering a rose cancer which she showed me & which first appeared as a small pimple about two years ago. She says she completed her 99th year on May 19, 1922 & is in her 100th year. She says her mother's father, Wm Gillespie used to tell her when she was six years old about his services in the Revolutionary War & she says her cousin has told her of seeing his tombstone at Beech Springs Cem, Harrison Co Ohio which says that he was a Revolutionary Soldier. She says her mother, a daughter of Wm Gillespie died when she was 5 or 6 yrs old & she just remembers seeing her in her coffin & laying her hand on her cold face, but does not recall anything that she ever heard her say, but has heard that the James Gillespie Blaine family were relatives, but she does not know from what State her grandfather entered the Rev. War. She says her grandson Kenneth W. Thompson

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son of her son James Pressley Thompson of 2428 W. 24th ST Minneapolis Minn with whom he lives, being unmarried, has been getting up a history of the Thompson family & wrote her & she sent him an envelope full of newspaper clippings that her husband Hugh Laughlin Thompson had cut out & saved many of them giving outline histories of the Thompsons. I will write to him. She also says to see her nephew (which I had intended doing) James F. Thompson living at 121 S. 10th St here, a son of her sister & of John Thompson who was a brother of her husband.

She says her father was James Francis & her mother was Ann Gillespie & her husband's father was Hugh Thompson & his mother was Elizabeth & they are buried at Piney Fork & her own parents are buried at Beech Springs & says all were United Presbyterians & that she & her husband were members of the Piney Fork Church & were married there by Rev Dr. Clokey & came from there to Monmouth Ills & are members of the U.P. Church here of which James F. Thompson is an elder. She does not know much about the earlier history of the Thompsons, but says to ask her nephew James F. who she thinks will know. She says the right spelling of the name is Thompson & her husband used to write it that way, but being appointed clerk of the Hender-

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son Co circuit courts at Oquawka, Ills, which office he held for 8 yrs he dropped the p & always wrote it "Hugh L. Thomson" as it appears frequently on the records there.

She cannot tell about the relationship if any of the Laughlins with the Pgh Laughlins & knows but little of the Scroggs relationship except that she said they were Scotch & we were always proud of them because they were good Christian people. She did not know of one having married Eleanor Jack & had not knowledge of the Jack family.

Prof Graham says he is a native of Ohio, just east of Columbus 0 & that his parents came to Illinois in 1850 when he was 3 yrs old. Says he preached at Biggsville III between here & the River for 13 yrs & has been a Prof in the college for 36 yrs. Says they now have 370 in the college classes, boys & girls, being a co-ed college.

My informant, born Margaret Ann Francis May 19, 1823 in Piney Fork section of Jefferson Co 0 18 miles back from Steubenville 0 (where, ie at Steubenville, however she never was) came to Illinois when her youngest son was a small child. Prof Graham has given me also the address of John N. Thompson son of Wm Judkins Thompson in a clothing store 67 Public Square Tel 72 who resides at 217 South C St Tel 1362 who he said wd be interested. It is 11:33 AM & I am leaving.

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At residence of James Francis Thompson, No 121 S. 10th ST Monmouth, Ills Oct 17, 1922 12:28 PM I arrived here at 11:55 AM & was admitted by Mrs Thomson who says she is the daughter of Hamlin Russell Norcross of Erie Pa & his wife Clarinda Hoge. She called her husband James F. Thomson & he has phoned to his niece Jessie Lena Showman, daughter of his brother Hugh, who lives 4 miles south west of here, whose P.O. address is Kirkwood Ills RFD who says she has an extra copy of the Francis family which has a record in it of two of the families of Thomson. Mr. T. says his own sister, Margaret Emma McCoy, living about 1 1/2 miles east of Kirkwood, Ills & near to Mrs. Shawman's has some of the old Thompson family bible records & I will go to see her this afternoon after going to Mrs. Shawmans.

Mr. T. says his Uncles Hugh L. & Wm Judkins were the first to come out here & when they did, by reason of investigations, Hugh L. made, he was not sure whether Thompson or Thomson was right, so they both changed the spelling to Thomson, saying it was at least as near right as the other way of spelling. The earliest information about the Thompson family that he recalls is what his father, John Thompson & his

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Uncle Hugh L. Thomson who told him that there were two Thomson brothers went over from Scotland to the North of Ireland. Mrs. T. says Rev Wm Roland Thompson, preaching, they think in Penna, commenced to get up a History of the family, but didn't complete it. He has a brother, Rev Ezekiel Thompson, also a U.P. They are sons of Moses Thompson who was the youngest brother of Mr. T's father. Mr. T. thinks Mrs. McCoy can give the address of Rev Wm Roland Thompson.

James Francis Thomson was born Oct 20, 1844 in Smithfield Tp, Jefferson Co Ohio & moved from there to Biggsville, Henderson Co Ills in 1867 & came from there to the farm east of Kirkwood, Warren Co Ills in 1870. Went to another farm in 1881 on which his son Carl now lives & came to Monmouth Ills 20 yrs ago say 1902. He has been a member of the U.P. church since the Spring of 1864 & was an elder in the Kirkwood U.P. Ch there for 20 yrs & was elected an elder of the 2nd U.P. church here 19 yrs ago & has held the office continually since. He volunteered & joined the National Guard in Jefferson Co 0 in Aug 1863 & were not called for service until May 2, 1864 when he entered Co H 157th O.V.1. at Camp Chase 4 miles fr Columbus 0. He got his discharge Sept 2, 1864. Ten days after he was called, he was in the Potomac Army. His Co being green troops were back of the old soldiers during the battle of the Wilderness. He draws now a pension of $50 per month.

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The Francis family history was prepared by Rev Wm M. Richie D.D. & Hugh R. Thomson Esq, an older brother of my informant of the moment. It was published by George 0. Richie, commercial J & H [best guess] Printer, Candler, Florida. Mr. T. has penciled some data which he says are births etc that have occurred since the book was published. Mr. T. says it was published shortly after their grandson Donald was born & they think about 1905. The additional information they are giving me & which is not printed in the book is:

Page 13 of Francis Book

4) James Francis Thompson

I) Carl H. have no issue

II) Frank Norcross

A) Donald Charles Born Oct 3, 1905 in book

B) Carl Kenneth born July 4, 1914

III) Margaret Ferne born Sept 23, 1883, m. Aug 15, 1911 to Timothy James Campbell of Newton Iowa where they live & where he is an attorney at law. He was born Sept 29, 1883 in Jasper Co, Iowa. He is a son of James Campbell & his wife Nancy Emily Hill.

A) A stillborn daughter b July 25, 1913

B) Timothy James Campbell 8 Feby 15, 1917

C) Mary Emily Campbell b Sept 8, 1919

D) Margaret Bertha Campbell b Mch 31, 1922

5) Amanda Jane Thompson

III) Blanche Martin m. Frank Montecue

H) John

5) Mary Almyra died at Superior Neb June 10, 1919

6) William E. lives now at Medford Okla

I) James Floyd Thompson now at Medford Okla

A) Blix Thomson, a daughter

9) [sic] John Alexander B May 9, 1855 died Aug 18, 1906 (the printed date of 1907 being wrong.

Mr. T. says his cousin John N. is in Schloss's store on the public square & his residence south C. Street is three squares beyond. He says to go south & went to reach Mrs. Walter W. Shawman. Mr. T. & his wife are both of average size. She was born in Tompkins Tp, this Co out near Shawman's. She very kindly proposed getting dinner for me, but I bade her to not do so as I did not eat at noon. Am leaving 1:46 PM When I left Margaret Ann Thompson, she asked me to remember her on her 100th birthday anniversary on May 19th next-which is the same birth date as Mr. Redburn. Her hair is still thick on her head, is white as snow & her brow is a succession of fine wrinkles. The maid furnished her a light lunch with coffee, while I was talking & said she ate six times a day. The correct spelling of Shauman is with a u & not a w as it erroneously appears in the Francis book as they told me, see the pages following. Mrs. T. said the Norcross family was French & was profuse in regrets that I was leaving without partaking of anything to eat in their house.

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At residence of William Walter Shauman, Tompkins Tp, Warren Co Ills Oct 17, 1922 1:33 PM

Mrs. Shauman has produced the Francis book Page 12 shows:

2) Hugh R. Thomson (the R. but a letter)

I) Jessie Lena B. Sept 9, 1870 on this farm which was her father's the old house having stood just where this one is built. M. Feby 27, 1894 to W.W. Shauman, son of John Isaac Shauman & his wife Emily Claybaugh. Her father, Wm Claybaugh was a brother of Dr Joseph Claybaugh who founded the college or U.P. seminary at Xenia 0. W.W.S. was born in this Tp Jany 19, 1871

B) Hugh McNary B July 26, 1896 m. Oct 1, 1919 to Dorothy Ruth Burgland, born Oct 8, 1896, the daughter of Peter Burgland & his wife who was a Tarbox. She was born in Okla & her mother dying when she was six, she was brought here & raised.

1) Marian Ruth, b Nov 17, 1921

C) Bertha Elizabeth, at home, unmarried

D) Dorothy Emily, sophomore at Ames Iowa

E) Laura Alice, in high school Monmouth, senior year.

The whole family are members of the U.P. Church at Kirkwood III 3 1/2 miles west being fifth generation at that church from her grandfather to her grandchild.

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2. Hugh R. Thomson died Dec 27th, 1913. He was born Nov 22, 1838, not May as printed in the book. This book, Mrs. S. is letting me have is the one her father had & her stepmother gave to her after his death. He was an elder at Kirkwood from 1883 or thereabouts until he moved to Monmouth Ills in 1893 & thereafter until his death was chairman of the Board of Trustees of the 1st U.P. Church Monmouth Ills. Mr. Shauman has 54 young calves & says he bought 900 more from Edgar Thompson in north west Nebraska that his son has gone to bring them in & Mr. Shauman will keep 150 or 200 of them, he having bought them to supply his neighbors & himself.

Leaving at 4:11 PM

Mr. Shauman is a stalwart man about 5 ft 10 in height, with a short crop of black whiskers all over his face & his wife is a blonde & is large build of average height & broad hips, is not handsome, but was very kind & considerate as was he. They called to their daughter Bertha Elizabeth who answered from upstairs for some of the data above given.

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At residence of Margaret Emma McCoy, Tompkins Tp, Warren Co Ills Oct 17, 1922 4:33 PM

I arrived here at 4:17 & met Mrs. McCoy's son, a fine stalwart sandy complected smooth faced man in the yard & he brought me in & introduced me to his mother, a tall slender, smiling woman, agile & quick who has gone upstairs & brought down the old family bible of her father, John Thompson who was son of Hugh Thompson & Elizabeth Scroggs. This residence is on the right hand side of the road opposite a school house & is just two miles direct west from Mrs. Shauman's who was on the left hand side of the road just before we reached another school house. I am copying from the old Bible which was published in NY in 1847 by Robert Sears.


John Thompson and Rachel Francis were united in marriage March 31, 1836

John V. Smith & Ann Thompson Feby 20, 1856 by Rev Wm Lorimer

Wm B. McLaughlin & Elizabeth Thompson by Rev J.M. Jamison [no date]

Hugh R. Thompson & Sarah J. McNary

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Mch 6, 1867 by Rev J.M. Jamison

J.M. Martin & Amanda J. Thompson Apr 28, 1870 by Rev J.M. Waddle

James F. Thompson & Mary E. Norcross

Wm E. Thompson & Maggie E. Martin Dec 31st 1874 by Rev J.M. Waddle See book 9 page 353 & 4

Around Christmas when they were married, [the 31st added later, apparently]

Joseph William McCoy & Margaret Emma Thompson June 15, 1875 by Rev J.M Waddle.

John Alexander Thompson & Luella Rankin Feby 14, 1877 by Rev Marion Morrison.

Emrick R. Taylor & Mary Almira Thompson Dec 21, 1880 by Rev L.N. Lafferty


John Thompson was born May 5, 1816

Rachel Thompson was born Apr 27, 1816

Their children:

1. Ann Thompson was born Dec 25, 1836

2. Hugh Thompson was born Nov 22, 1838

3. Elizabeth Thompson was born Oct 18, 1841

4. James Francis Thompson was born Oct 20, 1844

5. Amanda Jane Thompson was born Feby 19, 1847

6. Mary Almira Thompson was born Mch 14, 1849

7. William Elbridge Thompson was born Feby 11, 1851

8. Margaret Emma Thompson was born May 8, 1853

9. John Alexander Thompson was born May 9, 1855

Elizabeth McLaughlin is living at Adam 0

Wm E. Thompson is living Medford Okla

James F. Thompson is living Monmouth Ills

Margaret E. McCoy is living here & is my informant of this afternoon. I am adding the data about Mrs.

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McCoy's family that is not given in the book.8

8) Margaret Emma

I) Ralph Thompson m. Lulu Randall who was born Apr 20, 1876, daughter of Walter Randall & his wife Samantha Brown

A) Louise Isabel born Aug 2a, 1903

B) Mildred Lorene born Oct 1?, 1908

C) Margaret Ruth born Jany 12, 1912

Mrs. McCoy thinks Mabel, wife of Carl H. Thompson living second house on left hand side of road east of here can give dates of birth of her sister Blanche's children. Mrs McCoy can't give the address of Rev Wm Roland Thompson but says W.H. Thompson, Cadiz 0. can.

Leaving 5:18 PM

Mrs. McCoy (it was erroneously spelled McCay in the Francis book) says this 8O acres belongs to her & her son Ralph T. has a quarter 160 A on beyond on which he has a tenant living who farms it.

At residence of Carl H. Thomson Tompkins Tp, Warren Co Ills Oct 17, 1922 5:33 PM

I have just arrived & the shades of night are falling, but I am taking down by pencil (& transcribing) what Mabel, Carl's wife is taking over

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the phone from her sister Blanche whom she has called to the phone at Biggsville III some 8 or 9 miles west see page 14 Francis book for Blanche's children whose name is Monticue & not Mantecue as in the book

5) Amanda Jane

III) (which should be I see dates) Blanche

A) Elsie Monticue (Oaks) born Jany 12, 1892

B) Verne Martin born Aug 8, 1893

C) Ralph Eugene born Aug 3, 1895

D) Mabel Monticue (Wise) born Dec 23, 1896

E) Rachel Manticue (Lovedahl) born July 9, 1899

F) Eva born Nov 18, 1901

G) Raymond Theodore born Oct 26, 1903

H) John Milton born Aug 4, 1917

A) Elsie married Aug 24, 1914 to Forrest Oaks & have four children:

1) Edward born May 24, 1915

2) Eugene born Aug 2, 1916 & died Apr 27, 1917

3) Robert Francis born Dec 27, 1917

4) Eva Louise born Nov 18, 1919

5) Earl Milton born Dec 9, 1921

B) Verne Martin is not married

C) Ralph Eugene married Feby 9, 1918 to Margaret Elizabeth Dalton & have one child

1) Jean Elizabeth born June 20, 1920

D) Mabel married Oct 30, 1920 to John William Wise & have one child:

1) Doris Catherine Born Mch 24, 1922 E.

E) Rachel married Feby 26, 1918 to August Chalmer Lovedahl & have two children:

1) Blanche Lucile born Jany 17, 1920

2) Bessie Alline born Feby 22, 1922

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F & G, Eva & Raymond T. are unmarried.

Mabel is a beautiful fine large buxom modest woman, with a lovely, clean, peach complexion & was very kind helpful & gracious. Her husband Carl H. came in while she was taking the above information over the phone & I was taking it down in the darkness & wanted to know what it was all about. I told him & he said he guessed the old saying that you couldn't drive a Scotchman but could lead him was true. He is a fine physical specimen of ideal build & is a handsome young man. I left at 5:55 PM & Eugene Rhea, chauffeur for his Uncle Harry Rhea & who was born in Galesburg Ills July 9, 1902 drove me in to Monmouth Ills arriving at the Colonial Hotel at 6:11 PM. I got my dinner & at 7:40 PM started out to Eleanor Ills having first noted from a piece of paper pinned in the Francis book Prof Russell Graham loaned me the death of his wife Page 20 viz:

5. Elizabeth Thompson Graham died Oct 27, 1914.

I stopped at his residence & ringing the bell, he came to the door & I handed back to him the copy of the Francis book he had loaned me. We drove on to the village of Eleanor & through it more than a mile & were:

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At residence of Rev James William Johnston, Sumner Tp, Warren Co, Ills Oct 17, 1922 8:33 PM

Mr. Johnston is medium sized virile man in overalls with a heavy brown moustache & young looking for 73 yrs admitted me & his wife, a large reddish faced woman entered & both were very kind & she asked me to stay all night & said they were glad I had called. They gave me information as follows:

James William Johnston born Aug 20, 1849 & on Dec 25, 1890 married Maria Reed McClintock who was born near Mercer Pa July 12, 1861 the daughter of Rev Joseph William McClintock & his second wife Jane McFate.

After two years at Wooster, 0 College Mr. Johnston came to Monmouth & entered the sophomore class in Monmouth college in 1872 & graduated in 1875 & going that year to the U.P. Theological Seminary at Newburgh NY, he graduated there in 1878 & filled charges at Lenox, Iowa, Saltsburg Pa, Ainsworth, Iowa, Sunbeam, Ills, Reading, Iowa, Parma, Idaho, Flat Creek, Iowa & Morning Sun, Iowa.

They have but one child. Neile Ewart Johnston born Apr 1, 1898 at Sunbeam Mercer Co Ills, who after three years in the college at Monmouth Ills is now a Junior

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in Ames Agricultural College at Ames Iowa preparing for teaching in Agriculture. Mr. Johnston says his father, James Johnston was born Nov 1798 in Fayette Co Pa & died in Holmes Co 0 about 1871.

I finished & left at 9 PM

After I left James F. Thomson's in the afternoon, I walked on out to 1311 East Broadway to the home of Miss Anna K. Johnston whom I visited about Sept 24th last year & going all around the house & out to their chicken house, I found no one & concluded no one was at home & leaving at 2:07 PM in a half hour walking in reached the store of Schloss Bros Co No 67 Public Square, Clothiers & met Mr. John Newton Thompson, who was behind the counter, a handsome smooth faced blonde with fine complexion & youthful appearance the son of William Judkins Thompson who says he is the window trimmer for the store & as an avocation paints pictures & has an exhibition of them each year in one of the stores in town, which always attract a crowd. He first exhibited his pictures when a school boy in his teens & crowds flocked then to the store windows to see them.

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He said he was born in New Castle, Pa, but didn't know when which has always caused him much embarrassment & to cap the climax, when he was a boy, he had the small pox - but I saw no visible markings - & his brother & sister practically walked off with his share of his father's estate evidently figuring that the small pox would carry him off. He said his father, Wm Judkins Thompson died here in Mch? 1870, was snow on the ground when he was buried. He said there was a child born to his parents named John Joseph who he thinks was born Sept 7, or 9th 1861 who died aged abt 1 yr. He does not think the entry in the bible was made until some years later & the entry in the bible by his mother has this John J. & his own John N. so jumbled up that it is undecipherable. He said he at one time was much interested in getting up a record of the Thomsons & gathered many records & upon Rev Wm Roland Thompson applying to him for them he sent them to him & he never returned them & was not even gracious enough to acknowledge their receipt. He said the Swan that followed the Mayflower, brought over a Thomson whose epaulets are at Plymouth & who with his wife used to walk 5 miles to

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church. He said some of his Thompsons were settled at Newtown, not far from Gettysburgh Pa, but near the Maryland line & he thought it was part time in Penna & part time in Maryland. He said his sister, Elizabeth T. Bailey got his father's family bible with record & she lives now at Los Angeles Calif. He said he thought he was born about two yrs after the birth of John Joseph. He said too that his wife was interested in the family genealogical records & I think I must go see her in the morning.

He gave me the following list of their father's family.

1. Will C. Thompson lives Ponca Okla. Has a son in Marvin Refining Co auditing dept RR out?

2. Mrs Elizabeth T. Bailey, Los Angeles Calif. Has father's bible

3. John Joseph Thomson, born Sept 7 or 9 1861 lived but one year

4. John Newton Thompson, my informant in Schloss Bros Co Store age 62? Phone no 1362 married Anna Layman.

5. Harry D. Thomson 1039 West 21st ST Los Angeles Calif.

It is now 4:44 AM 18th & I have finished, am up to date & will go to bed as I am sleepy. JVT

James F. Thompson, Margaret Ann Thomson, Jesse Lean Shauman, Margaret Emma McCoy, Carl & Mabel Thompson & Rev James Wm Johnston all expressed themselves as wanting to get one of my books.

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At residence of John Newton Thomson No 217 South C Street Tel 1362 Monmouth Ills Oct 18, 1922 9:11 AM

I took Rhea's taxi at the Colonial Hotel & stopped here on my way to the station. Mrs. Thomson admitted me but said she was very busy with her work & could only see me for a few minutes, so I penciled down hurriedly what she told me along with her mother & am now transcribing it in the writing room of the Commercial Hotel Columbus Junction Iowa at 2:33 Pm where I have a wait of two hours to get a train to Keota. Mrs. T. said her maiden name was Anna Layman born June 12, 1865 in Litchfield Ky less than 50 miles from Lincoln's birthplace, the daughter of Thos G. Layman & his wife Josephine Bonaparte Cox and she was married to John Newton Thomson Mch 26, 1885, but have never had any issue. She is a petite prim, distinguished looking woman of medium height but below average weight. She says her husband was born Sept 9, 1860 & this corresponds with his statement of being 62 yrs old, but would fix the date of the brother John Joseph who died when one year old two yrs before this date or in 1858 instead of two yrs later in 1862.

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His mother died Jany 1, 1897, this date being arrived at from two other family occurrences figured out by herself & her mother who had come. Her mother is well preserved & active for her age & would pass for a much younger woman. She is of average height & weight.

Mrs. Layman's father was Ralph Cox from near Pittsburgh Pa of the neighborhood of Brownsville Pa where he was born in 1809. He had brothers John & Benjamin.

Ralph's father was also Benjamin Cox & Benjamin Cox was a son of Friend Cox, her great grandfather who lived near Brownsville, Pa. She did not however know of or ever hear of my old College chum, Friend Cox, then 1868 to 1871 from Powhatan Point Ohio, on the Ohio River. She said her grandfather Benjamin had a brother Enoch. She, Josephine Bonaparte Cox was born Oct 28, 1843 in Hudsonville, Breckenridge Co Ky.

They said that Abraham Lincoln was in Monmouth Ills in 1858 & went into the photograph gallery of her husband's father, viz William Judkins Thomson & had his picture taken by Wm Judkins Thomson whose son William C. was there at the time & Lincoln took him on his knee &

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asked him if wouldn't like some candy & took him out & got him some. They say Rev Ezekiel Thompson, bro of Rev Wm Roland Thompson, lives at Crawfordsville, Iowa & would be able to give Roland's address who Mrs T. who was at St Clairsville 0 but wasn't sure.

Will C., her husband's brother, above referred to in the Lincoln episode, lives five miles out of Ponca Okla on a farm. His son's name is Harry G. Thomson & he is with the Marland Refining Go Ponca Okla

Mrs. Layman says her father's brother, Benjamin Cox was a steamboat man. Mrs. Layman said she had a lot of relatives at McKeesport Pa, some of their names being Capt Pollard, Capt Hammitt & Capt Custer. Mrs. T. is anxious to join the D.A.R. & wants me to write & let her know if I can find of any of her Cox relatives or ancestors rather being in the Revolutionary War. Look up Capt M.A. Cox's history in the Fayette Co History & call up Mrs Wm J. Parshall about it when I get home. I left at 9:33 AM & took the 9:40 train which was 5 or 10 minutes late on the C.B&O RR for Burlington Iowa where I arrived about 11:15 AM

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At office of Edward M. & Isabel W. (man & wife) Wesner Room 422 Tama Building, Burlington Iowa Oct 18, 1922 12:11 PM

When I arrived at the C.B&O station, I asked the ticket agt if he knew any Misners, the name Wm H. Rothermel gave me in the insurance or R.E. business here & he s'd he did not & found no such name in the directory, but suggested that Mr. Wesner, insurance agt in the Tama building might be who I was hunting. I went across the street after ckg my satchel to the Union Hotel & got first relief since was in Chicago & walked north 4 blocks & west one & found no one in the Wesner office but the stenographer, Miss Jordan, an Iowa girl, who s'd Mr. Wesner was in Chicago Ills attending the underwriters convention & would not be back until tomorrow night, but she suggested that Mrs. Wesner would be in soon if I would wait. After about 15 minutes, she came in, a well dressed, attractive good looking woman. She is an ideal business woman, strong, capable & handsome & acts quickly. She telephoned to her husband's sister, Miss Rebecca Rothermel Wesner, aged about 60 who works daily from 8 AM to 6 PM with an hour for lunch for the Burlington

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Hawkeye, as she is not in affluent circumstances. Mrs. Wesner had told me that her husband's mother was a Mellinger & that his father was a good man but was super sensitive & very very queer, a Penna Dutchman, with all their peculiarities as depicted in "Erstwhile Susan". Rebecca H. said her father's mother was a Rothermel & that he had run off from home. Mrs W. said, when he was sixteen yrs old & came west. He got letters from time to time from his home folks begging him to write & let them know how he was getting on & the impression of the family is that he never wrote. He was very uncommunicative with his family about his relatives back east. His name was William Wesner & his wife as Mrs. W., her daughter-in-law, says is a small woman & a jewel but a little deaf as was her husband. Her name is Louise Wesner & she lives at 701 south 4th ST Burlington Iowa Tel 2335 J in her name Rebecca R, her daughter, lives with her, but Rebecca R's phone by day 8 AM to 6 PM at the Burlington Hawkeye is No 54

Ed M. Wesner's residence is No 711 Sumner St Tel 3031 Burlington Iowa & I told Mrs. W. that I expected to be back

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Friday or Saturday from Guthrie Center, Iowa. She said the best Hotel here for sleeping is the "Burlington", but the best for eating is the Union Hotel across from the C.B.&O Station.

[6]Mrs. Isabel W. Wesner, who says her maiden name was Johnson said her sister-in-law, Rebecca R was a little bit of a woman & had but limited means, living with her mother & carries all her groceries home herself. July 28/24 Lucy E. Wesner says she, Isabel was born Dec 21, she thinks 1869 but wouldn't want it published. Regarding the Penna Dutch dominating spirit of the men with their women, said she was there once & her mother-in-law proposed giving her some lettuce to take home & he, an old man, hard of hearing asked his wife what she was talking about & when she told him, he got all in a tremor of excitement & holding out his trembling hands, told her she couldn't take it until he told her where to pick it, notwithstanding he had neither spaded, worked or had anything to do with the garden.

Mrs. W. said one of her Johnson near relatives was the wife of the noted U.S. minister abroad Richard or Robert Washburn Child. When she was married, they lived in a rented house but they now own their home,

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& her husband had hooks in the kitchen where he hung his clothes. She proposed hanging them in the stair way & he absolutely refused saying he would hang them in the kitchen because his father had always done so. She just as positively told him if he hung them there she would burn them & she won the day, but says she doesn't believe he has forgiven her to this day. When she told this to her mother-in-law, she said she wished his father (her husband) "had married a Johnson". She said they had the Rothermel coat of Arms & I will have to ask how they got them.

Before Isabel came in, I talked to the stenographer, Miss Jordan, an Iowa girl, who s'd Mr. E.M. Wesner was in Chicago Ills attending an insurance conference & would get home tomorrow night, so I arranged to see him on Friday or Saturday when I get back from Keota & Guthrie Centre Iowa. I left at 12:22 PM & walked around to the Burlington Hotel & got a taxi & went to the C.B&O Sta & got my satchel & then to the C.R.I&P Sta & took the 12:40 PM train & arrived at Columbus Jct abt 2 PM & having near 2 1/2 hrs to wait went to Commercial Hotel writing room & wrote up from scratch paper pages 223 to 3rd line on this page when I went to Sta & found 4:25 train over a half hour late, but got here to Keota abt 6:30 PM & came to the Lindle Hotel where I have written up the bals of this page.

V8 Page 230

At residence of Hannah Jane Harris (at Harris & McFarland corner) being on Broadway two squares west of the P.O. & the N.W. corner of the street, Keota, Keokuk, Co, Iowa Oct 18, 1922 7:44 PM

I arrived here a half hour ago walking around from the Lindle Hotel three blocks east & 1 block north where I went from the Station & got my supper & secured a room. Mrs. Harris met me at the door & asked me in. She is in her 89th ' year & is remarkably well preserved for one of her years & doesn't look to be 70, not having a wrinkle in her face & her hair has not even turned gray, being a brown. She says they came out here 69 yrs ago in Conestoga wagons, which they slept in & sat on the ground. They were four weeks on the trip & she was 19 yrs old arriving in this Co below Talleys and Iowa in Nov 1853. She was 20 the following Jany & she was married when she was 21. When they arrived, it was hard to get a house & they moved in a big long log house with three windows in it, with several panes, broken out & they fastened horse blankets over the windows to keep from freezing. They lived in this house until Spring & moved in an-

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other log house nearby in the spring & that was the house she was married in.

She says her grandparents, Samuel & Elizabeth Reed had five sons & five daughters, everyone of whom were living when their parents died, they two being the first deaths in the family. She says her mother told her that her grandmother died when she was a baby & possibly her grandfather too. She says there were two Lecky boys "high fliers" & a girl, came to visit them all in Ohio when she was a small girl.

Keota, Keokuk Iowa, Lindle Hotel Oct 18, 1922 11:27 PM

Mrs. Harris is wrong in the division of the sex of her grandparents family. There were ten children, but there were six boys & four girls. I wrote the above at her home & also the record of her Uncle James family on the next two pages, but the ink giving out, I wrote down with pencil on scratch paper what she told me about her father's family until 9:30 PM when she said she was tired as she had not gotten any sleep last night, so I left at 9:33 PM & walking up here, stopped at Pettis Drug store & got ink & pens to take with me in the morning for continuation of our conference at 9 AM. I will put what she told me about her father's family in a genealogical table on pages 234 & 235. It is now 1:11 AM, 19th & I have made entry of all she told me up to 9:30 PM

V8 Page 232 & V8 Page 233

[Descendant Chart]

Elizabeth Lecky, born in Fayette Co., Pa & married Samuel Reed also from Fayette Co., Pa. They moved to Ohio & Mrs. Reed [unreadable, cut off] when Mrs. Harris was [unreadable, cut off]


I) James Reed, see book 7 pages 370 & 413, the oldest. He moved off the farm into Milford Center, O & lived there many yrs & is buried in the old graveyard. He visited his brother John here & lived to be an old man, dying many yrs after John moved here & dying before John. He married 1st Annie P. Robinson. She died long before he did & he married 2nd, an old maid in Milford Center, O whose name she thinks was Elizabeth Martin, but both being old, there were no children, but he had 14 children of whom 12 lived to maturity. She could recall but 11 as given here. The figures indicate the order of the girls ages. Anna P. Reed, 1st wife, died Aug 14, 1850, aged 46 yrs 3 mos 21 days, born say Apr 24, 1804.

1) Sarah Jane Reed, oldest girl, married Wm Winget, a widower

a) A daughter Winget, married & lived on Darby Creek

b) A daughter Winget, died young, unmarried

2) Elizabeth Reed, died in Ohio, a young woman, unmarried. Took a bad cold & settled in her head. Mrs. H. was just a little girl when she died. Ob Nov 28, 1847, aged 20 yrs 7 mos 27 days, born say Apr1, 1827. See book 7, p. 413 item 130.

3) Lucinda Reed, married David Winget, a widower & brother of Wm. Lived in Marysville, O. Had but one child.

a) Robert? Winget

4) Mary Reed, died unmarried, an old maid in Ohio on the old farm. Had fits.

5) Malinda Reed, married a farmer & lived in Ohio & had children.

6) Emiline Reed, married Quincy Porter & lived in Milford Center. He went into consumption. Thinks she is still living in Milford Center, O.

a) A son Porter, thinks got married since they left.

b) A daughter Porter, at home

c) A daughter Porter, married & died leaving two children.

7) Euphemia Reed, thinks she died when nearly a young woman.

8) Robinson Reed, unmarried “wasn’t extra smart”, died an old bachelor.

9) Lecky Reed, married & lived below Milford where he was a farmer. Moved N.W. of Marysville, O. Don’t know abt children.

10) William Reed, married Maria Crow, a schoolmate of Mrs. H. & “a mighty nice woman”. Lived out from Marysville where he had a farm & she thinks had six children, but don’t know their names.

11) Cyrus H. Reed, went to Civil War, Company B, 32nd Reg. OVI. Don’t know abt him. He died of measles at Clinton, Miss. Feby 8, 1864 aged 21 yrs 10 mos 7 days, born say Apr 1, 1842 [last added later]

12) John M. Reed, ob Apr 18? 1825 aged 20 mos 13 days, born say Aug 5, 1823, book 7 p. 413 item 130.

Mrs. Harris said several of her Uncle James’ children died in or near there teens. Said it wasn’t consumption, but didn’t seem to have the strength necessary.

V8 Page 234 & V8 Page 235

[Descendant chart]

John Reed, born June 17, 1796. Moved from Old Ohio home where all of his children were born, to this Keokuk Co., Iowa in Nov. 1853. Five of his eight children died in Ohio & were but three left to come west, viz: Oliver, Hannah J. & Eliza. They lost three children of diptheria [sic] in one week back in O, viz: Josephine aged abt 12, Mary Ann aged abt 5 & Zelinda aged abt 3. Mrs. H. thinks this was when she was about 14 yrs old. She had but light touch of it. These children were all younger than her, but Harvey & Agnes, older than she, died young before she was born or when she was a baby & all five are buried in a row in the old graveyard back in Ohio. He married in Ohio Jane Ann Snodgrass in Ohio, dau of James? Snodgrass. She was 82 yrs & some mos & died in this house & is buried at Talleyrand where her husband who died years before was buried in the cemetery at the edge of the town there. Her birthday was in June. He died on his farm near there, died in the winter lacking a few months of 78 yrs. His record is on tombstone, but hers is not.


I) Oliver Reed, she thinks was the oldest. He & his second wife both died in the yellow house here in town just across the RR & is buried in the cemetery here ¾ mile north which I will go & see in the morning. She thinks he was 78 yrs old. Married 1st in Ohio, Martha Vastine. Married 2nd in Iowa, Electa Ann Harris, a sister of Mrs. Harris’s husband. He had eight children. Martha died 2 yrs after marriage without issue. All the children by 2nd wife.

A) Delmar Reed, called “Dell”, born Feby 10, has mail route No. 2 here & lives in Keota, Iowa 2 blocks N.W. Married a widow woman named Edgerton who had one daughter & he has had four children, three of them living. See page 240.

1) Lela Reed, born 7 Oct 1896, married & lives up west in a new town. Married Ora L. Frederick Nov. 1920 on Thanksgiving & live in Hanclock [Hancock? Handock?] Iowa.

a) Dean Romayne Frederick, born Jany 15, 1922.

2) Leon Reed, born Oct 15, 1897, ob Oct 10, 1918. Started to World War & died of “Flu” before he got there aged 21 unmarried.

3) Loren Reed, born Aug 13, 1899, at home unmarried.

4) Olive Reed, born Apr 18, 1903, at home unmarried.

A) Janie Reed, married ______ Richardson, who came from Oskaloosa. Both living in Muscatine, Iowa.

1) Frank Richardson, unmarried.

2) A daughter Richardson, unmarried.

B) Eva Reed, an old maid “stays among them at Muscatine, Iowa.”

C) Matie Reed, married Alva Feustel. He died 1 ½ yrs ago. She is living at Muscatine, Iowa. He was a traveling salesman.

1) Ruth Feustel, single

2) Harold Feustel, took his father’s place as drummer for same house, single.

3) Glenn Feustel, married & lives at Muscatine, Iowa

D) Myrtle Reed, married Lincoln Frey & live out on the Singmaster place. Both living. The Singmasters are rich horse raisers & farm is near here. They had three little boys that died young & four living as follows:

1) Lloyd Frey. He is a banker at Wapello, Iowa, married & has one child.

2) Bergie Frey, married ______ Evans, a lumberman in town & have 3 girls & a boy.

3) Lester Frey, married, a farmer below town, have two children.

4) Marie Frey, married ______ Arms? A farmer & live down toward Fairfield, Iowa. Have on e little boy.

E) Ethelda Reed, died aged 5, of diptheria [sic]

F) 2 boys Reed died, infants.

I) Harvey Reed, thinks he died of cholera morbus [son of John & Jane Ann Reed]

II) Agnes M. Reed, born say Apr 6, 1826, ob June 6, 1834, aged 8 yrs 2 mos. See book 7, p. 413 item 132. Thinks she died of cholera morbus.

III) Eliza Reed, married John Vastine in Ohio in the spring of 1853 until he was of age Jany or Feby was married next week after he came of age. He was a brother of Martha. They lived in Richland, Iowa, 14 miles from here. Both died there & buried in Talleyrand, Iowa.

A) Fay Vastine, died when a little boy & buried at Talleyrand

B) Josephine Vastine, married Jim Morrow. Both living at Richland, Iowa. He was in the Civil War & draws a pension. He was widower from MO with 3 children & two married & 1 boy at home & she had 8 children by him & all are married. Get record from her.

IV) Hannah Jane Reed, Born Jany 11, 1834, moved to Iowa in Nov. 1853 & married on Jany 10, 1855 to James Patterson Henderson Harris who was born July 3, 1832 in Ohio & they came on a boat to Iowa about 2 yrs before the Reeds. He died in this house Aug 17, 1913, aged 81 yrs 1 mo & 14 days & is buried at the cemetery here. She was married, she says, just one week before she was 21. The bible record give 1856 as date of marriage which is wrong? See page 238 for her youngest child.

A) Amanda Lucretia Harris, born June 16, 1859, ob June 9? 1863. Said she was born 3 yrs after she was married.

B) Milon Reed Harris, Born July 6, 1861. He is a singer & lives in Chicago. Married Feby 28, 1897 to Janet Wilson from Canada who was born abt 1865. No issue. Live at No. 4848 N. Monticello Ave. See page 174.

C) Nelson Glen Harris, Born Oct 3, 1863, married 1st Sept 15, 1892, Berenice Valiquet who was born May 3, 1865 in Montreal, Canada, daughter of Maxime Valiquet & his wife Louise LaFontaine. She died Mch 6, 1918. Married 2nd Apr 18, 1922 Mrs. Ella Marie Myers (nee Taylor) who was born in Chicago, Ills, July 6, 1879 & they live at 4834 N. St Louis Ave, Chicago. See page 173.

1) Unnamed daughter Harris, born June 1894 & lived two days.

2) Unnamed son Harris, born & died Sept 1896

D) Charles Oran Harris, Born Aug 21, 1866 in Lafayette Tp, 1 mile from here. Married Margaret Chesnie. Both living here. He runs U.S. mail route No. 1. She was born Feby 4, 1869, same day as Leotta. They were married Mch or Apr almost 25 yrs ago.

1) Pauline Harris, born Apr 1, 1894, ob Aug 2, 1913 of consumption, unmarried. Had just finished her education.

E) Leotta Ethelda Harris, born Feby 4, 1869, married Charles Kreger, a farmer on Mrs. H’s old farm 2 miles from here. Married 27 or 28 yrs ago. Both living & she could give some information.

1) Margery Kreger, born Mch? 1896, married Feby 28, 1916 to Harlan Emery & both living 2 miles east of here on a rented farm.

a) Kreger Duke Emery, born Feby 1918

2) Esther Kreger, born Mch 1901. She went 2 or 3 yrs to Coe College & is teaching her first school in Cumberland, Iowa. Unmarried.

V) Josephine Reed [dau of John & Jane Ann Reed] born say Aug 28, 1836, ob Nov 4, 1848 aged 12 yrs 2 mos 7 days. Book 7 p. 413.

VI) Mary Ann Reed, born say Mch 8, 1843, ob Nov 10, 1848 aged 5 yrs 8 mos 2 days. See book 7 p. 413 item 132.

VII) Zelinda Reed, the youngest, born say July 7, 1846, ob Nov 11, 1848 aged 2 yrs, 4 mos 4 days. Book 7, page 414, item 132, where tombstone gives her name as Zeloba G. & not Zelinda.

V8 Page 236 & V8 Page 237

[Descendant Chart]

I) Reed

A) Samuel Reed, born May 2, 1790, married Joanna Hathaway

1) Unknown child Reed

2) Harriet Reed, married Oliver Seaton & lived in Sigourney, Iowa where she died. He lived yrs after & married again. Thinks she had two girls.

a) A daughter Seaton, married & lived away from Sigourney.

b) A daughter Seaton

3) Salome Reed, married Dr. Davis. Thinks she died in Richland, Iowa, was of delicate health. He was an old spiritualist.

a) A daughter Davis, married in Richland & he died & she went away off & got married again. Had 2 boys by 1st husband.

b) Mary Davis, married & went away off west.

c) A daughter Davis

B) Thomas Reed, born Jany 23, 1802 [1803? Unreadable, cut off] Married Jane T. Robinson. Don’t know her name. He died in Ohio, both of them after Mrs. H. came west. None of them married when she came west. For names of some children, see pages 238 & 239 & see also Book 7 pages 466 & 467.

C) James M. Reed, 1805-1879, married Hugh Mitchell.

1) John Mitchell, married in Ohio to Rebecca _______, a fine woman. Both dead & buried at Richland, Iowa. Jennie & John were both unmarried. Lived on the farm & in big house & saved to get rich & Jennie died & John died 2 mos later. Mrs. H. always liked the elder John, her 1st cousin & his wife.

a) Laura Mitchell, married & both live down by Fairfield, Iowa. Well to do. No issue.

b) Louie Mitchell, married ______ Kenney & lived in Richland, Iowa

i) A Daughter, married. He died.

ii) A Daughter, goes to high school.

c) Jennie Mitchell, ob, unmarried

d) Tinnie Mitchell, she died long ago. Married _____ Brown.

i) A son Brown, married 1st, married 2nd. He owns a fine farm 4 miles out of Richland, Iowa

e) John Mitchell, ob, unmarried

f) A son Mitchell, married. Lived on farm he owned near Richland, Iowa. Both dead. Were well off.

i) Columbus Mitchell, thinks he got the home farm.

ii) A daughter Mitchell. Don’t know.

iii) Glenn Mitchell. Don’t know

2) Charles Reed, married & died out west.

3) Eliza Reed, married Simon Vastine, brother of John. She lived & died at Richland, Iowa. She died at her son, Frank’s.

a) Frank Vastine, died on the farm by Richland Iowa & left children. Thinks all dead but 2 boys. His widow lives in Richland, Iowa.

b) 2 boys Vastine

4) Hugh Reed, little boy when they left.

V8 Page 238

At residence of Hannah Jane Harris, Keota, Iowa, Oct 19, 1922 9:33 AM

I got back here this morning at above hour after being out at the cemetery from 7:33 to 8:55 AM & Mrs. Harris has given me the record of her sister Eliza’s & her own on page 234 & 235 & of her Uncle Samuel on Page 236 & now, when taking record of her Uncle Thomas on same page 236, she tells me of her youngest child, a son, whose name did not appear on the bible leaf record written by her husband from which I took the dates of birth of her other children on page 235. His name was:

Ross Leon Harris, born Oct 1, 1871. He died in Chicago, Ills of diabetes Dec 10? 1901, aged 30 yrs & is buried here.

Says monument is just as you go in. Oliver is buried on the north side on the rise. He was never married. Mathew, son of Thomas, wrote her a long letter when he heard she was going to get married & gave her advice & wrote each other a time or two afterwards, but she has never heard from him since. She don’t know anything about what became of any of her Uncle Thomas’ children. Said they were all at home unmarried when they came west. Said Maria was

V8 Page 239

A good girl & Adaline too & she liked them & said Martha was a baby. Said her Uncle Thomas carried on awfully when they were leaving, dreading the separation from his brother & cried like a child & patting her on the head, said “Hannah, I’ll never see you again” & he never did.

Mrs. Harris knew of the Leckys & heard often of the Dunlaps & thought one of them lived at Milford Center, O. She says her mother was a twin of James Snodgrass. They are the only ones of the family living. They did live in Knoxville, Iowa a long time but don’t know whether they are still there or not. Never heard of any Jenkins, Wilson, Sproat, or Huston relatives, but remembers seeing or hearing of John Lecky, but don’t know what became of him. Says her brother, Oliver Reed, taught school for thirty winters.

Mrs. Harris is very much the build of Mrs. Mary L. Hess, is round shoulders & a woman of large build. She says her mother always spoke of her husband, John Reed, having been born in Allegheny Co., Pa, but she says it may have been Fayette Co. Says it runs in her mind that Eva, daughter of Oliver got the old bible record or part of it. Leaving 12:11 PM

V8 Page 240

At residence of Delmar Harris Reed S.W. corner of Green? & another St, Keota, Iowa, Oct 18, 1922 12:33 PM

Mrs. Reed has given me the dates of birth of her children entered in the table in this colored ink on page 234 & says her maiden name was:

Mary Catharine Smith, born Mch 7, 1858 in Decatur Co., Iowa, daughter of Mordecai Smith & his wife Elizabeth Ann William.

She married first to Albert Edgington about 38 yrs ago in Ringgold Co., Iowa. He was born in Ohio & his people died when he was small. He died about 35 yr in Ringgold Co., Iowa & is buried at Tingley. He was 36 or 37 when he died. They had two children:

1. Myrtle Edgington, born Aug 25, 1885 & is teaching in the public schools at Ames, Iowa

2. Albertine Edgington born Aug 10, 1887 & died May 109, 1889.

Mrs. Edgington married Delmar H. Reed Oct 30, 1895 in Tingley , Ringgold Co., Iowa & have lived here about 25 yrs. Albert Edgington had a sister who was married to Levi Howland & lived, she thinks, down in Wayne Co., Iowa & died leaving three children, Alice, oldest, William & a daughter, Ettie, who married & died leaving two children.

Alice married a Hancock, Wayne Co. & did live at Centerville, Iowa. No issue.

V8 Page 241

William married & has children. Don’t know where he lived, but it was at a town in South of Centerville, Iowa

Leaving at 1 PM

At residence of Mrs. Tryphena Thomson, widow of Thomas S. Thomson, North West Corner of Green & Iowa St., Keota, Iowa, Oct 19, 1922, 2:02 PM

Mrs. Thomson says her husband Thomas Smith Thomson was born in Lawrence Co., Pa & she has often heard him speak of New Castle, Pa. His father, John Thomson, who married Eliza Smith, came, she said, from Ohio about Cleveland to Lawrence Co., Pa. She has just telephoned to her husband’s first cousin, Josephine Thomson, daughter of Alexander Thomson & she says her grandfather was also Alexander Thomson & he came to New Castle, Pa. When it was a new country & died there or in that Co. & is buried at New Bedford. She gives these names over the phone.

[Descendant chart]

Robert Thomson, family came to Eastern Pa abt 1736. This, from David M. Thomson below 9/20/23


I) Alexander Thomson

A) Robert Thomson

1) Ira Thomson, 1134 J. ST, Eureka, Calif.

B) David Thomson

C) Thomas Thomson, blind

D) John Thomson, married Eliza Smith

1) Robert Thomson, lived Keota, Iowa

2) Thomas S. Thomson, born Jany 23, 1845, ob Feby 20, 1921. Married Nov 9, 1876 to Tryphena Bradford who was born May 4, 1850. She my informant.

3) Della Thomson

4) Jeremiah D. Thomson

E) Milton Thomson

F) Alexander Thomson

1) David M. Thomson

2) William Thomson

3) Artie Thomson, a girl

4) Josephine Thomson, unmarried, gave information over the phone.

G) Rebecca Thomson, married William Sowash

H) Jane Thomson, married _____ Sheboy

I) Mary Thomson, married

J) Kate Thomson, married a McConaghy

Leaving 2:35 PM

At residence of Brown B. Belford, Kirkville, Wapello Co., Richland Tp, Iowa, Oct 19, 1922 9:13 PM

I arrived here half an hour ago to see Mrs. Harriet Cordelia Redburn who is here since yesterday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Belford, having been driven down from Fremont by her brother-in-law, J. Roof who I got in touch with through Mr. & Mrs. Geo F. Joesting of the Fremont Hotel.

Mrs. R. says her mother-in-law told her that her husband, James T. Redburn, had two houses, a big one & a little one, close together & he left his older children in the big house & he & his second wife & her three children & his two youngest children, Jimmy & Andrew, lived in the small house. She said Jimmy & Andrew were small boys & she had charge of them. They moved from Fayette Co., Pa to Guernsey Co., O (& he wd say “hooppole Tp) & it was there that Henry S. was born. Thinks the others were all born before they came to Guernsey Co & from there they moved to Guthrie Centre, Iowa. She thinks they didn’t like it in Nebraska & didn’t stay there long. He was dead before they went to Kansas.

Lydia Ann Medill left three children: May, Sherman & Nannie.

May married a Hollingsworth & she died leaving one child, Carrie.

V8 Page 243

Nannie died unmarried & she says Sherman Medill tried to get her entire estate, but Carrie took it to law & recovered $60,000 from him. The last Mrs. R. heard, Carrie was living in Chicago, Ills, but don’t know whether she was married or not. Mrs. J.T. Redburn’s daughter, Mary Elizabeth Campbell, married Hugh Stewart & lived in Des Moines, Iowa. She is dead. He was a carpenter.

Robert Campbell married Rachel _____, an Irish girl who “had the map of Ireland right on her”. They lived at Cambridge, O where he died & she died very soon after. Thinks he was in a bank there, was out one winter on a visit.

Thomas was married to Sarah Harris, the daughter of a sister of his mother who had married a Harris & had by her ten children, nine of whom died in infancy. The youngest, Charles was in the battle of Wounded Knee with the Indians & had his left lower jaw shot off which was replaced by a silver plate. He married, but don’t know where he lives.

Of Mrs. R’s children:

Frank was born near her old home in Mahaska Co.

Harold C. was born about a mile off, also in Mahaska Co.

Joseph Boone, born near old White School house in Mahaska Co.

Emilue [sic] born west of Kirkville in Mahaska Co.

Bruce & Bert born in Kirkville, Iowa in Wapello Co.

Gay, born near No. 3 coal mine, Wapello Co.

Baby Homer born Kirkville, Iowa in Wapello Co.

Henrietta & Hazel born Kirkville, Iowa in Wapello Co.

Helen born near Unionville, MO.

V8 Page 244 & V8 Page 245

[Descendant Chart]

James T. Redburn, according to Mrs. Redburn died at Guthrie Centre, Iowa when her husband, Henry S. Redburn, was ten years old & as he was born July 6, 1847, that would make the date of his death 1857, as his widow, who lived with Mrs. R. & her son, Henry S., the winter of 1873 has often told her & he was, she said, 85 yrs old when he died & she says he is buried at Guthrie Centre, Iowa in a country cemetery, she thinks half a mile out. He & his family were living there then & the boys, Martin & Joe were running a saw mill there. Mrs. Redburn, wife of James T., boarded the men who were working at the saw mill & one of the played the fiddle & he, James T. Redburn got up & danced the Fishers hornpipe as nimble footed as a boy. About thee days thereafter, or in less than a week, he took a chill & died in 24 hours. Mrs. R. doesn’t know the exact date of his death, nor whether there is a marker at his grave. His wife, Jemima Turney was but 11 mos old when her mother went out to the well to draw a bucket of water & dropped dead. She was born May 2, 1802. After her mother’s death, her father bound the children out & she was bound out to a man named Flanagan (Flenniken) where she remained until she married Robert Campbell, but Mrs. R. does not recall that she ever heard her say how old she was when she married Campbell or how old she was when she married Mr. Redburn. She died at Leavenworth, Kansas with her daughter Lou Quinche in the summer time, shortly after she was 82 yrs old, say in 1884. She had three children by her first husband, viz: Robert, Thomas & Mary Elizabeth & she had eight children to him. She says Mr. Redburn had nine children to his first wife & eight to his second & the three children of hers made Mrs. Redburn’s husband, Henry S., the youngest of twenty children as she says & not of 21 as Bert told me. Mrs. Redburn died of cramp colic, was sick only one day & is buried at a little graveyard at Spring Dale out from Leavenworth. June 30, 1923. Aunt Harriet Cordelia is wrong about James T. Redburn Sr having died at Guthrie Centre, Iowa. See statement of his daughter, Priscilla Emilu Quinche at East Las Vegas, New Mex. Dec 17, 1922 on pages 605 & 606 front in this book.


I) Desdemona Redburn, oldest

II) Nancy Redburn

III) Robert Redburn

IV) “Sallie” F. Redburn

V) Mary Redburn

VI) 2 boys Redburn

VII) James T. Redburn, b. May 19, 1822, ob May 23, 1877

VIII) Andrew J. Redburn,

IX) Martin Van Buren Redburn born Mch 11, 1833? Married Georgia Gordon of around Leavenworth, Ks. Both living in Oklahoma on a ranch the last she heard about 15 yrs ago.

A) Arthur Redburn

B) Jimmy Redburn, was working as a roustabout 12 yrs ago abt the mines at Buxton, Iowa

C) A daughter Redburn, died aged 3 yrs

D) A daughter Redburn, called “Babe” grew up

E) Manley [Mauley?] Redburn

X) Joseph Benton Redburn, Had 9 children, born May 25, 1835

XI) Rebecca Redburn, evidently the oldest of 2nd wife’s children, born say 1831. She died at the age of 16, unmarried of consumption having taken cold & was ailing several years. Thought she died in Pa? Mrs. Q. says she was born Nov 16, say 1831 & died when she, Mrs. Q, was 12 yrs old aged 18 yrs 8 mos & 9 days & was buried at Bethel graveyard near Cambridge, O.

XII) Priscilla Emilue Redburn, Born Apr 7, 1837, married Charles Quinche, a Frenchman. His mother, who could talk no English, came to Kansas on a visit. Were both living last she heard. Had 5 children.

XIII) Lydia Ann Redburn, born [no month] 16, 1839, married Jim Medill. Thinks was a nephew of U.S. Senator Medill of Ohio. Had 3 children.

XIV) A daughter Redburn, died when aged 11 mos. Thinks they died in Ohio

XV) A daughter Redburn, died when aged 13 mos. Thinks she died in Ohio.

XVI) Henry Clay Redburn, after the man who ran for President. At school, the boys called him “Mud” & he said he wouldn’t have the Clay any more & he changed it to Stewart after Hugh Stewart who married Mary Elizabeth Campbell & who he regarded so highly. Married Feby 14, 1872 at her old home in Mahaska Co., Iowa 4 miles N.W. of Kirkville, Iowa to Harriet Cordelia Shrader who was born in DeKalb Co at Spencersville, Ind & moved to Iowa home when 3 yrs old. Born Dec 4, 1853. He was born July 6, 1847 & died Apr 17, 1910 here in Kirkville, Iowa & is buried in the cemetery here. Her permanent address is at her daughter Henrietta’s No. 409 3rd Ave. West, Oskaloosa, Iowa.

a Frank Redburn, see book 9, p. 228 & 9. Born Jany 20, 1873, married Sept 15, 1895 to Lena Dell Grogan. She was born Jany 28, 1875. Lives at Colorado Springs, Col

b Walter Clifton Redburn, born July 20, 1895, married in Neb. & live in Casper, Wyoming & have 5 children.

c Corda Eunice Redburn, born Dec 19, 1898, married Leon Sherwood & live at Colorado Springs, Col.

d Doris Marie Sherwood

e Bernice May Redburn, born Oct 9, 1900, teaching

f Cloyd Hubert Redburn, born Dec 14, 1902

g Marvin Dean Redburn, born Aug 22, 1909

h Kenneth Leroy Redburn, born Nov 18, 1914

i Harrold Clifton Redburn, born Feby 22, 1875, married in Moulton, Iowa Mch 31, 1896 to Miss Garfield Garey & lives in Ottumwa, Iowa. See page 246

j Joseph Boone Redburn, born July 20, 1877, married July 20, 1899 to Goldie McCoy at Moulton, Iowa. Parted. He is in Bozeman, Montana. See page 246.

k Emilue Redburn, born Dec 16, 1879, ob Dec 17, 1882 aged 3 yrs 1 day

l Bruce Redburn, born Aug 2, 1882 & died Dec 22, 1882

m Bert Redburn, born Feby 8, 1884, married Selma Hanson

n Ernest Redburn, born Dec 16

o Gay Redburn, born Oct 31, 1886, married July 14, 1917 to Nellie Petichard & live at Fort Des Moines where he drives a laundry truck.

p Robert Lawrence Redburn, born June 25, 1918, ob Apr 19, 1920

q Homer Redburn, born Aug 2, 1888, ob Aug 4, 1888

r Henrietta Redburn, born June 15, 1890, married Nov 27, 1912 to Wm F. Hasson of Oskaloosa, Iowa & both living there where he is a RR man. Live at 409 3rd Ave West.

s Francis William Redburn, born Dec 25, 1913

t Florence Wilma Redburn, born Mch 13, 1917

u Jackson Fleming Redburn, born Mch 24, 1918

v Hazel Redburn, born Oct 28, 1892, married Sept 1918 in St Louis, MO to Matthew Lynch, who was born Oct 28, 1886 & live in Des Moines where they run the Elgin Hotel. No issue.

w Helen Redburn born July 14, 1896, died Nov 14, 1896.

Finished at 11:55 PM

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[Descendant Chart]

Harrold Clifton Redburn


I) Helen Ethel Redburn, born Feby 8, 1900, married Wm Henry Thomas on Jany 9, 1919.

A) Wm Harrold Thomas, born Oct 13, 1920

B) Gene Maxine Thomas, born July 17, 1922

II) Louis Garey Redburn, born June 12, 1902, married May 31, 1920 to Esther Lerche & live in Ottumwa, Iowa where he is supt of 3rd floor in Harper & McIntyre Wholesale house.

A) Doris May Redburn, born June 16, 1922

Joseph Boone Redburn


Donald Martell Redburn, born Mch 8, 1901. He is in Des Moines, Iowa with his mother who was born Sept 17, 1884 & she married 2nd a Martin who died of pneumonia & married 3rd an Italian & are separated & she married 4th a man named Vreeland, a fine looking man, but no other issue.

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At residence of John Griffeth Thomas. No. 803 State St, Guthrie Centre, Guthrie Co., Iowa, Oct 20, 1922 4:17 PM.

I arrived here at 3:33 PM & found the house closed & a grandson or two of Mr. Thomas, viz: John Walter Thomas went across to the school house for his Aunt Cora Thomas who teaches the primary grade & she appeared at 3:55 PM & has gone upstairs & brought down the bible of her grandfather, Ebenezer Finley, son of James of Ebenezer of Rev. James Finley from which I copy:

Ebenezer Finley and Elizabeth Lyons were married by Rev. W.G. Keil Oct 12, 1837.

Their children:

1. John R. Finley and Hester A. Thompson were married by Rev. Wm Ferguson Feby 21, 1861

2. Mary E. Finley & Mansel Millhone were married by Rev. J.C. Courtright Jany 6, 1870

3. Levi L. Finley and [blank line] were married Jany 13, 1872

4. Margaret Angeline Finley & John G. Thomas were married by Evans Thompson (a Wesleyan Methodist Preacher & full cousin of Ebenezer Finley) Dec 4, 1873


Ebenezer Finley was born in Fayette Go Penn July 31, 1813

Elizabeth Lyons was born in Guernsey Co 0 Dec 20, 1818

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Their children:

1. John Ray Finley born in Guernsey Co 0 Feby 26, 1839

2. Levi Lyons Finley born in Guernsey Co 0 Aug 16, 1842

3. Mary Emeline Finley born in Guernsey Co 0 Sept 7, 1850

4. Margaret Angeline Finley born in Guernsey Co 0 May 9, 1854

The above record was written by Rev Evans Thompson & is practically identical with father's handwriting.

Mary E. Millhone died at her home in Senecaville Ohio Apr 11, 1877

Ebenezer Finley died Dec 4, 1890 F

From the bible of John G. Thomas & his wife John Griffett Thomas born Oct 24, 1849

Margaret Angeline Thomas born May 9, 1854

Their children:

1. Horace Dwight Thomas born Sept 13, 1874

2. Carl Waldo Thomas born Jany 31, 1879

3. Ray Finley Thomas born July 29, 1885

4. Cora Ethel Thomas born Aug 1, 1887

Margaret Angeline Thomas died in this house Dec 14, 1917 & is buried in the mausoleum in the Union cem east of town.

Miss Cora & her father both say those two are the only old bibles they have & he says his wife never got the old James Finley bible. They are giving me the following about the family.

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Horace Dwight Thomas married: 1st Josephine Metz June 2, 1896 & had two children:

1. Paul Foster Thomas born Feby 4, 1898 & he married Dorothy Daughtery an Nov 1, 1919. She was born Feby 9, 1899 & have one child

A. Dorothy Jane born July 4, 1920

2. Pauline Margaret Thomas, born Feby 14, 1900 & she married Lyle Hill. They have separated

2nd Pearl Viegren, a widow whose maiden name was Erwin. They have no issue. She was born May 10, 1874. Was in the oil business in Wyoming

2. Carl Waldo Thomas & Nellie Washburn were married Sept 4, 1901. She was born may 17, 1879. Their children:

1. Ruth Thomas born Aug 7, 1904

2. Rex Thomas born May 10, 1907 He lives on Mr T's farm 2 miles NW of Guthrie Centre Iowa

3. John Sheldon Thomas born July 28, 1916

3. Ray Finley Thomas & Grace Beatty were married Feby 3, 1909. She was born July 30, 1886. Their children:

Helen Thomas born Dec 1, 1909

Mary Thomas born May 15, 1912

John Walker Thomas born Aug 11, 1913

Cora Ethel Thomas my associate informant with her father is unmarried.

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Rev Evan Thompson died at Senecaville 0 Monday Oct 19, 1909.

John G. Thomas was born near Senecaville, Richland Tp, the son of Enoch John Thomas & his wife Mary Ann Griffeth.

Leaving 6:06 PM

Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa Room 541 Oct 20, 1922 11:20 PM

I walked out yesterday morning from the Lindle Hotel to the north side of the town to the cemetery & was there from 7:33 to e:55 AM & made note of the following from the tombstone records at Keota, Iowa

1. George Thompson Go A 25th Reg lowa lnft Jany 22, 1819, Nov 15, 1863

Sarah, his wife, Sept 15, 1827, Oct 31, 1915

Howard, Infant son of C.W. & Ella Russell Oct 10, 1899

2. A. Thomson died May 1, 1879 aged 60 years

3. Hon John F. Wilson 1808 - 1096

Jane M., wife of Hon Jno F. Wilson died Mch 26, 1880 aged 70 yrs

4. James C. Winget born Nov 8, 1829 died Dec 13, 1897 aged 68 yrs I mo 5 days.

Martha A. his wife born July 26, 1837 died July 1, 1916 aged 78 yrs 11 mos 6 days

John, youngest child of James C. & M.A. Winget born Jany 20, 1879 died Feby 1, 1882.

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Luther, son of JC & M.A. Winget born Dec 21, 1863, died Dec 17, 1916 aged 52 yrs 11 mos 26 days

5. Geo R Divelbiss, born May 14, 1842 died Aug 29, 1920

Mary J. his wife born May 27, 1850, died Apr 20, 1904

6. Thomson Monument

Marza 1885 - 1908

Thomas S. Thomson died Feby 20, 1921 aged 77 yrs 27 days

7. John Randolph, May 5, 1648, Feby 17, 1917

8. R.M. Thompson, Oct 17, 1641, Apr 22, 1908, The above three in a row

9. Samuel Singmaster, father Sept 17, 1807, Apr 17, 1899

Mary, wife of S. Singmaster, Mother, Feby 15, 1810, Dec 17, 1894

Talleyrand Cem. Talleyrand Iowa, Oct 19, 1922 3:18 PM

10. Mary, wife of Hilton Reed died May 5, 1889 aged 23 yrs 3 mos 2 days

Sylven, son of H & M.E. Reed died May 5, 1889 aged 5 yrs 6 mos 9 days

George Reed, Co H 25 Ohio Inf. W.B. Crawford, living near, who appeared says he died abt 20 yrs ago & was, he thinks aged abt 64 yrs.

11. Henry Fulton died Sept 30, 1883 aged 67 yrs 7 mos Mary A. Fulton, died Jany 31, 1883 aged 64 yrs 7 days

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Martha E. Fulton died May 10, 1860 aged 1 yr 12 days

William J. Fulton Co F 5th Reg, Iowa Vol Nobly he fell at Iuka Miss Sept 19, 1862 aged 19 yrs 3 mos 19 days

12. Milliken Monument

Samuel M. 1801 - 1874

Sarah 1809 - 1876

Philip Milliken Oct 2, 1837, July 12, 1914. These are back in far NW corner.

13. Simon B. Vastine born Oct 20, 1830 died Feby 3, 1871

Margaret A. Vastine, born Feby 22, 1845 died Sept 13, 1876

Catharine, wife of John C. Vastine born Feby 11, 1799, died Jany 30, 1873

John C. Vastine, born Sept 17, 1791, died Sept 4, 1871

14. John, husband of Jane A. Reed died Apr 5, 1874 aged 77 yrs 9 mos 18 days. This is Hannah J. Harris's father

15. John H. Vastine died Oct 18, 1900 aged 68 yrs 7 mos 16 days

Eliza D. born Aug 26, 1831

Fay R. Vastine born Dec 10, 1865 died Apr 4, 1873

16. Robert, son of H.E. & H.M. Reed died July 10, 1871 aged 2 yrs

Helen M. Reed died Mar 17, 1876 aged 33 yrs 7 mos

Elizabeth Reed died Sept 16, 1867 aged 30 yrs 8 mos

W.B. Crawford said that the mother of Vernon? Reed, a millionaire of Colorado or out that way was buried near these, but no marker

Leaving 3:55 PM

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At the residence last night in Kirkville, Iowa of Brown B. Belford, Aunt H. Cordelia Redburn said her mother-in-law, Jemima Redburn when she was the widow Campbell was a dressmaker. She thought probably in Masontown Pa & was sitting by a window sewing when James T. Redburn Sr just came to see her & she then hated the sight of him & when he came in & spoke to her, though very politely, she threw his stove pipe hat out the window. His long beard & hair was then white as snow & he continued to wear a long beard until he died. Both of her husbands were school teachers. She said James T. Redburn Sr had taught school in one place in Penna for 20 yrs (I think he taught there nearly 40 yrs). She told Aunt H. Cordelia this, the winter of 1873 when she lived with them. Aunt H. Cardelia said her own father Geo B. Shrader was 80 yrs old when he died & his hair was jet black. She was in Abbott Hospital, Oskaloosa Iowa for 10 weeks (& underwent an operation for appendicitis & inward ulcers so Jay Roof said) & she said her hair which was beginning to turn gray, came out & has now come in again a dark brown. She didn't think J.T.R. taught any after coming to Iowa. She said he always wore

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a high hat. She said that her husband, Henry S. & Rev John Redburn of Moulton Iowa who was a Baptist preacher figured that Rev John's father, William Redburn was the oldest & Henry S's father James T. Redburn was the youngest of their father's sons. She gave me as her permanent address if I should need to write her about the O.J. Stough proceeding of which I told her as: H. Cordelia Redburn No 409 3rd Ave West, Oskaloosa, Iowa c/o Mrs W.F. Hasson. She said her mother had eleven children of which the first died young & she was next & out of the eleven herself, & Mrs Belford, my kind good hostess of last night & another sister out west in Colorado I think she said are the only three living. She said Mrs Jay Roof was her youngest sister & she died some 5 or 6 yrs ago & she has kept house for him part of the time since. There were five of the Roof brothers & there [sic] names were each comprised of but three letters & were or are Jay, Guy, Ray, Don & Ben. Aunt H. Cordelia's mother was Catharine Miller of Spencerville, DeKalb Co, Indiana & she married George

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Brown Schrader. Her, Catharine Miller's first cousin, a man named Zimmerman was engaged to marry Mary Redburn, youngest daughter of James T. Redburn Sr by his first wife, a fine worthy & beautiful girl as she was told, who was visiting in Indiana or Zimmerman was visiting in Ohio when they met & his people caused the engagement to be broken off & she went into a decline & died two years thereafter. Cordelia said her sister, Mrs Belford was born in Wisconsin & she spoke up & said "I am the only badger in the family". Mrs Belford is tall & slender, but well proportioned & is a handsome & good woman who expressed herself as opposed to all work & ball playing on Sunday. Aunt Cordelia is heavy set, not quite so tall & is much the build of Jane Yarnall (Cline), but is active & says she is entirely well again. Her little grandson Jackson Fleming Hasson, see page 245, a bright little 4 year old was with them last night & was up & ate breakfast with us at six o'clock this morning. Aunt Cordelia has a fine memory & gave me all the data on pages 244 & 245 & 246 including dates of birth, marriage & death from memory. Mr Belford's father was Brown Belford & Mr B put another B in his name

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to distinguish them in getting mail. Cordelia said Rev Walter B. Redburn son of Rev John was a Methodist preacher. Her son, Bert, stayed with Rachel? widow of Rev John, the winter after his death. He, Rev John Redburn, celebrated his 91st birthday anniversary in the spring & Cordelia said her children put 91 cents in the S.S. box at the time & he died a month later in the early spring after he was 19 yrs old & it was at the time of the Spanish American War about which he remarked saying "we could whip them with our hands tied behind our backs". Jay Roof said last night driving me from Fremont to Kirkville, Iowa, that Henry S. Redburn, a carpenter by trade, was a drinking man & would get drunk & didn't leave Aunt Cordelia anything to live on. He said her children had to pay her bill at the hospital. While she is heavy set & fleshy, she is not fat. She said she followed nursing as a profession for ten years after her husband's death & told a doctor at the hospital which greatly amused him that she had helped to raise her mother's eleven children, had raised eleven of her own & was helping to raise the other people's eleven & she might have added that her husband was the youngest of his mother's eleven.

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She said James T. Redburn Sr never got a pension himself, but having served in the War of 1812, his widow had a party (she named him) apply for her & he got her a pension.

As I was leaving Kirksville this morning, I noticed a big cemetery right in the town. I met Mr. & Mrs. Belford's son Joe, a big Babe Ruth build of a man who left about 6:30 AM to go to work digging coal. Mr. Roof was very kind to me last night & is a very helpful worthy man. Mrs. Joesting also was most obliging & is a large fine looking woman.

Yesterday afternoon, L.W. Palmer of Keata & W.B. Crawford of near Talleyrand said Vernon? Reed's mother was buried at Talleyrand Cem near where the little marker item 16 page 252 is but there was no stone to mark her grave notwithstanding her son Vernon was a millionaire out west. L.W.P. said Ben D. Sauders, Keota, Iowa could tell about who his parents were. I stopped at the store when I got in Keota, but he had left for home & I didn't get to see him. L.W.P. s'd he wd see him & write me.

Yesterday morning, after coming in from the cemetery, I went to see Mrs. Harris again & she gave me her time until noon & I completed

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my interview with her as recorded on pages 235 to 239 inclusive. I then walked up three blacks NW to home of Delmer Reed, but he had not gotten home & his wife gave me their own record on page 240. I then retraced back past Mrs. Harris, a block east & across the RR tracks a block south to residence of Chas 0. Harris & met his wife, a pleasant distinguished looking woman who wanted me to come in & wait for him, but as she said he was going to attend a hog sale on the hill beyond where a big crowd was gathering, I excused myself & walking back to the Lindle Hotel, paid my bill & Mr. Isaac got me L.W. Palmer who took me himself first to Talleyrand & sent me to Fremont. He said they never had had such a big crop of apples, pears, peaches, corn & oats as this yr & said they were giving apples away & they were rotting on the ground. The conductor this morning on the CRI&P from Kirkville to Des Moines said windfalls were 50 cts a bushel & priced apples $1 & that millions of bushels in the state had gone to waste. Said grapes, pears & peaches were the heaviest crop ever known. L.W. Palmer said the peach crop was so heavy that it broke down many of the trees. I got in Des Moines this morning at 11:11 AM & as there was no train

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west until 5:42, I hired Philip DeSilva, born in Chicago Ills Sept 10, 1896 where his parents had come in 1894 from near Scranton Pa to drive me to Guthrie Center Iowa at 20 cts a mile & going, we went west in Adel insteading [sic] of turning north to Panther Tavern & the Panora Speedway & went south through Redfield & Dexter, making the distance 76 miles & we came back through Panora, Panther Tavern & Adel making but 57 miles with two or three miles at each end about town.

We reached the cemetery east of Guthrie Centre at 2:50 PM & covered both sides of the road by 3:28 PM & could not find any marker for James T. Redburn grave, but noted:

17. Keys Thomas, June 9, 1852, Nov 15, 1918

18. Dr Oscar Fordyce 1860-1910

We then drove in town & were a half hour finding the John S. Thomas people, none of whom were at home but two of his grandsons coming home from school across the street hunted up their Aunt Cora Ethel Thomas, a beautiful, plump, beaming black haired & black eyed young girl who walked with a slight limp & when I told her who I was, she was delighted & took me in & got out the

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old Bibles & shortly thereafter, her father, a smooth, wrinkled faced man, with stern expression but very kindly appeared. They both were very anxious to have me stay over night with them but I told them the auto was waiting & I must return but I hoped when back a year or two later, I could be with them. Cora is a D.A.R. through her father & was delighted when I told her she could join through her mother too & I would send her the data so she could join. They jointly gave me the information on pages 247 to top of 250 & Mr. Thomas said he would see if he could find any information about James T. Redburn's grave & write me. Cora left with a lady friend to a meeting of the Eastern Stars where she was to have dinner. The two boys, grandchildren, John Walker & John Sheldon were fine attractive children & also one of the granddaughters that I met.

Mr. Thomas gave me the address of B.E. Finley Pampa Texas which is in the Panhandle & is on the Santa Fe RR & where he is President of the First Natl Bank. He is the father of Will T. Finley who I saw at "Jakes" & who Mr. Thomas

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says was born at Panora, Iowa through which we passed.

We came in Grand Ave, which is Philip said the longest street in the city extending about 12 miles from west 56th St-,to east 30th St & on which he says all the wealthy people live & he showed me on the right hand or south side of the street the white house which is the home of Ex Gov A.B. Cummins & adjoining or just east of the Cummins home is that of Hubbell, the richest man in the state who although about 80 yrs old goes to his office every day. We left Guthrie Center at 6:15 PM & got here at 8:22 PM passing every car we saw on the road, but nobody passed us. I went to the C.B&O Station & ticket agt Mrs. Davis there said the first train to Burlington Iowa was 7:45 in the morning & being a local train did not get there until 2:15 PM, so I resigned myself to my fate, came here got a room & my dinner at 9 PM first I had eaten since 6 AM, called up Cousin Mrs. Geo R. Easter, Walnut 5032 at 1435 11th St who said her mother, Rachel Jane Johnson & her daughter & herself were all well, but the last word she had from Anaheim, Calif, was that her Uncle Rev Dr Abraham Markle was in very poor health. I am to be called at 5:30 AM as I want to take a cold bath & get my breakfast & as I am written up to date & it is just 4 AM 21st I will go to bed.

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At residence of Louisa Eba Wesner NO 701 South Fourth St Burlington Iowa Oct 21, 1922 7:33 PM

Mrs. Wesner is the widow of William Mabery Wesner & she is the daughter of William Mellinger & his wife Elizabeth Eba & she was born in Annville, Lebanon Co Pa on Feby 14, 1835 & was married at Burlington Iowa on Feby 14. 1856 to William Mabery Wesner who was born Apr 1, 1827 in the Tp of Amity Berks Co Pa & a certificate of birth & baptism which shows that:

"William Mabery Wesner, a son of Wm Wesner & wife Rebecca, a daughter of John Rhoadarmer was born on Apr 1, 1827 in Amity Tp, Berks Co Pa in North America & was baptized on Aug 29, 1839 by the Revd Conrad Miller. His sponsors were his father by himself".

Mrs. Wesner says her husband's mother died when he was two months old. E.M. saying from the effects of childbirth.

The certificate has six verses of poetry & figures of standing women with wings on each side & branches below each on each of which are two birds with brilliant plumage & is artistic.

Mrs. W. does not know where her husband's mother was buried nor how old she was when she died. Says her own father & three of his sons

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were tinners.

She says her husband died on Apr 3, 1905 in this house & is buried here in Aspen Grove Cem. He was six feet in heighth & a picture of him they show me shows a strong face & a long flowing snow white beard. Mrs. W. says it was white when she was married. He was a cabinet maker & trimmer by trade & came west shortly after he learned his trade. After leaving Penna, he went to Wooster 0 where he remained probably a year or two & a letter written by Johnson Wareham written July 6, 1851 directed to him at Springfield Clark Co 0 E.M. says he was for many years foreman of the CB&O RR pattern shops.

They produce letters from which I make note:

1. A letter dated Urbana July 9, 1849 signed by Jesse Rhoadarmer to Wm M. Wesner at Wooster Wayne Go 0 in which he is addressed as "dear Cousin" while the postmark is dim, it looks like Urbana 0 but nevertheless investigate about Mrs. Markle at Urbana Ills.

2. A letter dated Berks Apr 29th, 1851 signed by Rebeckah K. Rhoadarmer to William M. Wesner in which she addresses him as "dear cousin" in which she speaks of having recently "moved up to the home you once called

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home, the home where our grandfather died. She speaks of going to school yet & studying geography. The letter is postmarked Douglassville May 1. E.M. says his father told him Douglassville was where they used to call Amity.

3. A letter dated Douglassville Dec 4, 1849 from Rebeckah K. Rhoadermer to Wm M. Wesner calling him dear cousin says she is going to school in Douglassville & that she has been to "see your brother, he & his family are all well, Aunt Mary Ann is not home just now" she speaks of his brother Mahlon.

4. A letter dated Jany 30, 1852 to Wm M. Wesner at Burlington P.D. Des Moines Co Iowa from Rebekah K. Rhoadarmer in which she calls him "dear cousin" & postmarked at Douglassville Jany 31. Speaks of Aunt Mary Ann [note says: See book 12, page 182] not being well. Also speaks of "Uncle John & Cousin Peter, write of coming to see us in the spring". Also says at end "In regard to your father, he is well, he said he would like to see you".

Mrs. W. says her husband's father married a second wife & the boys left home then. He had but three children by his first wife so E.M. says viz Mahlon, Peter & William all boys, no girls

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5. A letter dated Berks June 25, 1851 from Rebeckah K. Rhoadarmer to William M. Wesner addressing him as "Dear Cousin" & addressed to him at Springfield, Clark Co 0 in which she speaks of "Ann" living in "our lower house as" we moved up where our dear grandparents breathed their last" She says her Aunt Mary wishes he would not go to Iowa, but would stay in Ohio. This letter is posted at Douglassville June 25.

E.M. says his father came to Burlington Iowa in 1851 & that he & all the family were born in this house. His mother & he say that when his mother died, he was taken by his grandfather Rhoadamer & his Aunt Mary, the maiden sister of his mother & they raised him up to the time he went to his trade & he lived for three years with the man he learned his trade & then as E.M. says "he dug out". Says he was a clever man at his trade & says he made a combined bureau & bookcase in the corner of this room, a fine piece of black walnut was made entire by him. He had they say, lovely dark blue eyes.

6. A letter dated Perry County June 27, 1847 & postmarked Petersburg Pa & addressed to "Wm Mabary Wasner. Weaverton P.D.

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Berks Co Pa from Mary Ann Rhoadearmer in which she addresses him "dear Nephew" in which it is evident she is away an a visit as she says she is not homesick yet & intends to stay until they are done with their hay harvest & then Andrew & Hannah is going with me to Green Castle. Says they are all well pleased with the place but Rebecca Fisher & she says there is no place like Amity.

7. A letter dated Green Castle Pa Feby 8, 1852 from John M. Rhoadarmer to William M. Wasner, Burlington P.O. Des Moines Co Iowa, addressing him as "dear nephew" speaks of Peter (probably his brother Peter) being at his house & mentions his, Peter's, father-in-law having died last fall & says your Aunt Mary Ann is sick. Asks him to write & let him know how his Uncle William & cousin Jeremiah were getting along as they won't write.

8. A letter dated Green Castle Jany 20, 1863 from same John M. Rhoadarmer to him addressing him "dear Nephew" says his brother Peter has gone to war & is wounded in his two front fingers on his right hand. Says "your cousin Hiram Rhoadarmer lives in Iowa within 5 or 6 miles of the City of Iowa in Pleasant Valley". "He is farming, Jeremiah is running cars

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from Green Castle to Phila He is a war Democrat. He has bitter words in his letter against Lincoln. E.M. says his father came to Burlington Iowa in 1651 & says he, E.M. was born in the present home of his mother & sisters & that all the family were born there. Mrs Wesner is as her daughter-in-law said, a real jewell & is full of jovial good humor & sunshine & is well preserved & not at all feeble for one in her 88th yr & is a handsome little woman. Her daughters, Rebecca & Lucy both at home single are both small & gray, but are excellent women & all three of them & their brother too were extremely kind & asked me to come back again & make them a longer visit. They have a drawer full of old letters & papers & I only got to read over eight of them & made notations as above when I had to leave at 10:40 to go down the hill, E.M. accompanying me to make the 11:10 PM train for St Louis MO. They gave me several of the old letters from which to get data desired & to be returned by registered mail. E.M. is a strong vigorous man, very well preserved with full clean face, active & virile. He said the insurance Cos he represented lost two & a half million dollars in the San Francisco Calif earthquake & fire & he was there several weeks making the adjustments.

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At residence of Mrs. Jennie Butler 5534 Barmer Ave Tel Forest 3060 St Louis MO Oct 22, 1922 2:40 PM

I arrived here at 2 o'c & Mrs. B. has brought her papers & her mother, Mr.s Lucy Gere [best guess] Markle has come in. She says she was born at Williamsburg, Mass not far from Deerfield & her parents came to Oxford, Ohio when she was two yrs old. The dates are taken from the family bible published in 1857 by the American bible Society & well bound in Green leather with the name "Markle" imprinted on the front cover. Mrs. Butler's first three children were born in St Joe MO & the other two in St Louis MO

Mrs. Butler produces a letter which I copy as follows:

"Markle, Harris & Co, Props Stone Flouring Mills, Waupun Wis Nov 24, 1896.

Mrs. Lucy S. Markle,

I saw a notice of you closing the estate of Samuel Markle so I send you a history of the Markle Family. I am a son of George Markle & grandson of Abram Markle, Terre Haute, Indiana. My Unkle [sicl Henry once lived at Racine Wis. His wife's name was Lucy. Please write & give me some history of your family, Yours T.W. Markle. He enclosed the 4 page history of Uncle Joe which I think I have.

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Mrs. Butler shows me a large picture of her father standing between his two sisters, Georgetta & Ella who are sitting which shows him to be a large handsome man. She says he was 6 it 1 in & weighed 250 lbs. He was engaged for several years in shipping walnut lumber to Europe & was abroad several times himself on that business & for many years had charge of a land office in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

Mr. Butler wishes me to send her a list of the children of Christian Mercklen, the emigrant & also of his youngest son Casper Markle, my great grandfather which I have told her I would do & she promises to get a fuller record from her brother Charles & to get a full record of the children of her brother Frank B., many of whom are married & have children & of her brother Minor M. & send to me. Mrs. Butler is a bright active well developed woman with full unwrinkled face & is quick & alert. Her mother is very well preserved for one in her 87th year & is not at all feeble. She is above medium height & is about medium weight & is in appearance an attractive woman. She, however,, knows nothing about the early Markle genealogy & can’t see why I would be working on such a big task. Her daughter is just the reverse & is very much interested & thinks it most commendable for me to be gathering the records & says she will help any she can.

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[descendant chart]

Joseph B. Markle, son of George Markle of Casper. He married Elizabeth McCollough, born 1800 & they think is buried in Ohio. She was the daughter of Samuel McCollough & his wife Sarah Robb. Mrs. Lucy G. Markle remembers her & her son. Sam’l M. went home from St Joe, MO to the funeral.


I) Ann Markle, married ____ Hough

II) Jane Markle

III) Samuel McCollough Markle, born in Ohio July 15, 1830 & died at Jonesboro, Ark. Dec 6, 1895 & is buried in Mt. Mora Cemetery, St. Joe, MO. He was married 1st Oct 11, 1835 at Oxford, O to Mary R. Gere who was born at Williamsburg, Mass Nov 1, 1831 & died at St Joe Nov 28, 1866 & is buried in same cemetery. Married 2nd May 14, 1867 to Lucy Brown Gere, born at Williamsburg, Mass., March 27, 1836 & is here beside me now, living with her daughter & they two are my informants of the day. There were four children by first wife & four by his second wife.

A) Walter Gere Markle, twin, born at Oxford, O Feby 26, 1856, ob at Oxford, O on Jany 11, 1865

B) Herbert Emmerson Markle, twin born at Oxford, O Feby 26, 1856, ob Mch 10, 1856 at Oxford, O.

C) Effie Helm Markle, born at Sunnyside, Kankakee, Ills, Aug 12, 1857, married on Thanksgiving day, Nov 30, 1882? To Albert Eaton Jenkins of St. Joe, MO. She died in Galveston, Texas Jany 13, 1920 & is buried at Lexington, KY. He is probably living in Galveston, is a builder. [Footnote:] Albert E. Jenkins is son of Seymour Jenkins & his wife Sabria C. Ayers. Albert Eaton Jenkins was born at Taylorsville, Bartholomew Co., Ind on Aug 27, 1853. This is taken from his parent’s bible by his sister, Cora. I changed date of Effie’s birth & death to conform to her son’s letter, but I changed it back to bible record 1857-1920. JVT

1) Nellie Markle Jenkins, born Jany 16, 1884, ob Dec 24, 1890 at St Joe, MO

2) Seymour Markle Jenkins, born Oct 24, 1891 at Rusk, Texas. Married March 14, 1913 Edna Hartung in St Louis, MO vicinity & is with “Celita Products Co” 337 Guardian Bldg, Cleveland, O & is very successful. See book 11, p. 345

a) Russell Stuart Jenkins, born Nov 21, 1917, ob Nov 22, 1917

b) Stuart Markle Jenkins, Born Aug 14, 1923

D) Charles Noble Markle, born at Oxford, O, Apr 18, 1861, married 1st Hattie Brubaker on Dec 25, 1880 in Leavenworth, Kansas. She was born Oct 2, 1858. Divorced after living together 33 yrs on Oct 8, 1902 at Galveston, Texas. She is daughter of John & Mary Brubaker. Married 2nd just after his divorce viz: on Oct 12, 1912 at Lexington, Ky Elizabeth Cox Muir, widow of _____ Muir & whose maiden name was Elizabeth Cox. They are both living very happily at the Rice Hotel, Houston, Tex where he is in the steel business. No issue by 2nd wife. She was born Paris, Ky Nov 24, 1864, daughter of W.G. Cox & his wife Sarah Stone.

1) Samuel M. Markle, twin, born Oct 21, 1881 in St Joe. He was married & divorced & died aged over 30 yrs without issue & buried at Leavenworth, Ks. He died Dec 16, 1917.

2) Lucy Markle, twin, born Oct 21, 1881 in St Joe about, married Capt. I.S. Gottschalk. Both living at Leavenworth, Kans. No issue.

3) Hazel C. Markle, born June 25, 1889, married Ben H. Knipe, both living at Leavenworth, Kans. Married Jany 1911.

a) Charles Knipe, born Nov 1911

E) Frank Barrows Markle, born at St Joe, MO on July 18, 1868, married Dec 20, 1888 in St Joe, MO to Cassie McDonald. Both living No. 3202 Ave P, Galveston, Tex & is V.P. of Texas Carnegie Steel Co. Have 8 children. She was born in Philadelphia, Pa, Jany 8, 1860, daughter of Wilfred MacDonald & his wife Hannah E. Hirst. See page 13 for continued record.

F) Williard Percy Markle, Born at St Joe, MO on Dec 31, 1869. Married 1st at St Louis, Mo, Edith Hall Sept 12, 1890. Divorced Dec 10, 1895. No issue. On Oct 31, 1904, married 2nd Ione Henderson Wilson at Hot Springs, Ark. Oct 31, 1904. Have no issue. Both living No. 287 Kenilworth Place, Memphis, Tenn. Where he is in cotton & plantation line. She was born Clarksville, Mo. May 21, 1870, daughter of James Thomas Wilson of Synthiana, IY & his wife Mary Jane Henderson of Fray, MO.

G) Jennie Gere Markle, born at St Joe, Mo Jany 21, 1871 to Henry Stuart Butler at St Joe, MO who was born Mch 17, 1864 in St Louis MO, the son of Henry Martin Butler & his wife Anna Stuart. He died no Nov 19, 1911 in St Louis, Mo & is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Kirkwood, MO.

1) Frank Stuart Butler, born Sept 28, 1892, ob Oct 5, 1892 at St Joe, MO

2) Stuart Markle Butler, Born July 2, 1896, married June 7, 1919 to Lucile Woods who was born in Sept 1896.

a) Jane Woods Butler, born June 1920 in St Louis, MO

3) Lucy Butler, born July 31, 1898, married Oct 10, 1922 in this house to Ralph Footer Bixby who was born Mch 1899, now on their wedding trip to Europe.

4) Henry Jocelyn Butler, born Mch 17, 1905

5) Jane Gere Butler, born Jany 17, 1909

H) Minor Milliken Markle, born at St Joe, Mo, Friday, May 1, 1874, named for a famous General from Oxford, O who was killed at Gettysburg, Pa. Married Sadie Davis of Jonesboro, Ark, Mch 4, 1903 at Jonesboro, Ark. Both living at Jonesboro, Ark where he is an abstractor. Have 4 or 5 children. She was born Jonesboro, Ark July 26, 1882 daughter of Alex M. Davis & his wife Sarah Clark.

1) Marian Markle, born Aug 7, 1904

2) Madeline Markle, born Oct 14, 1905

3) Minor M. Markle Jr., Born Aug 25, 1907, ob Apr 28, 1909

4) Lucy Markle, born Dec 22, 1909

5) Minor M. Markle Jr.,, born Mch 13, 1912

6) Jennie Markle, born Oct 8, 1916

IV) Elizabeth Markle, married John Bender. See pages 382 & 383.

V) John Markle, died when a small child

VI) A child Markle

VII) Ella Markle, called Dolly, married John G. Drew who is V. Pt Mo Pac RR & they live at Hotel Essex 56th St & Madison Av NY

A) Elizabeth Drew, married Dr. H.E. Happel & live here on Clayton Road, Tel Wydown 267-J

B) Charles Smith Drew, lives Catonsville, Md

VIII) Fannie Markle, married Charles Matera, 1st cousin of Mr. Bender. She lives yet at Leadville, Col. & he is too. She had twins, a boy & a girl.

IX) Ella Markle, married John C. Bender for his 2nd wife. Both buried at St Joe, Mo. She died Apr 1, 1917. See pages 382 & 383.

A) Walter Comstock Bender lives 25th & Jule Sts, St Joe, MO

X) Georgetta Markle, married James Horner

XI) Lewis Markle, married

XII) Mattie Markle, married

XIII) Joseph Whitesell Markle

V8 Page 272

Hotel Jefferson, Room 508, St Louis, Mo, Oct 22, 1922 10 PM

I arrived here this morning at 9:30 AM, the train being two hours late. I got my breakfast & called up Jennie M. Butler & the maid said she was at Sunday School & for me to call between 12:30 & 1 o’clock. I got shaved, partly read the paper & got directions from the porter. I called up as above indicated & Mrs. Butler said to come right out, so I started on the street car at 1:30 PM taking a “Page” car at corner Washington & 12th St. one block north of this hotel & going over the same route I did last year, reached there via: 5534 Bartmer Ave at 2 PM. Mrs. B. was very kind & the information she & her mother gave me is noted on pages 268 to 271 inclusive. Mrs. Markle gave me the list of Joseph B. Markle’s children which I do not think is quite correct. The dates of birth & death of Samuel M. Markle & the death of his first wife, his marriages & the birth of all his children & the death of the first two are taken from his family bible. I did not have time last night to get the bible record of the Wesner family, but they promised to send it to me. E.M. said walking down to the station that there were six children, viz: a son died young, 2nd, himself, Edwin M., then Rebecca R, then Carrie who is married to J. Tom Hardin, Vice Prest of a bank at Beatrice Nebraska

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& then Lucy & a son who are twins. E.M’s wife was married first to a Parker & her daughter, Maud Parker is the wife of Richard Washburn Child, a New England man who is now our Ambassador to Italy & they are living in Rome. He says his relatives, the Wesners Mellingers & Forneys own three blocks along So. 4th St. South from their own home on. He said his father had attended one of the meetings held to try & get the fortune coming to the Rothermels through the Zimmermans. This must have been when he was a young man as he never went back after he left home. They said he always spoke most highly of his cousin, Rebeckah K. Rhoadimer, a beautiful black eyed & black haired girl, whose picture they had & whose several letters indicate she was in love with him which might have militated against his going back. E.M. thinks he had some disagreement with one of his brothers.

When at John G. Thomas, Guthrie Center, Iowa, Friday afternoon 20th, he said they came to Iowa by train & he arrived at Guthrie Center Mch 31, 1881. He is now a member of the School Board at Guthrie Center, Iowa. It is charming to hear one speak so affectionately about his own people as E.M. Wesner does of his mother & sisters.

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On Thursday afternoon the 19th at Keota, Iowa, I went around to see Mrs. Randolph at her daughter's. She is 93 yrs old & is getting feeble. She says her maiden name was Erwin & her Randolphs came from Crawford Co Pa. From her home, I went across the street to the corner house, the home of Mrs. Tryphena Thomson & have made a record of what I learned there on page 241. The autos in Iowa have one & two numbers before the dash & the cars are numbered independently of those numbers which represent the different 98 counties of the state, each county having a number commencing at Des Moines with Polk Co as number one. I noticed in the Directory here: Rotharmel, Emil F., Coal 3976-77 Papin h 4034 Gratiot Rothermels 17 Both of Mrs. Butler's boys were in this afternoon & are fine handsome black haired boys. Her daughter-in-law, Lucile Woods Butler, who I saw last year was also in with her beautiful & charming little 2 yrs & 4 mos old daughter Jane Woods Butler who I swung two or three times much to her delight. I left Mrs. Butler's at 6:11 & got to the Hotel at 6;44 Pm got my dinner & called up N.B. Patterson & got his wife who said he was in NY for a week, wrote up pages 267 & 269 & there [sic] three pages. Called up several persons & it is now 11:17 PM & I will write Rose & go to bed.

V8 Page 275

At residence of Ella E. Axtell Kramer, No 5756 Maple Ave Vincent Apartments St Louis MO Oct 23, 1922 9:40 AM

I left the Hotel Jefferson at 8:55 AM & took a Hodiamant Car across the st at Washington & 12th & got off at Goodfellow Ave & walked two blacks to the right to Maple Ave & find this number just around the corner. Mrs. Kramer received me at the head of the stairs & says she has been suffering greatly recently from a nervous breakdown & a broken foot. She is much the type of Sallie Brown & reminds me very much of her. She is the daughter of Edna Ann Rodarmel who was the daughter of Sam'l A. of Washington Ind.

Edna Ann Rodarmel was born Apr 20, 1836

Edna Ann Axtell died Apr 24, 1917 in this house & is buried in the cemetery at Washington Ind. She was married on Oct 16, 1862 to Thomas J. Axtell who was born Feby 2, 1835 in Washington Co Pa & died in Washington Ind Jany 2, 1915. He was the son of Thomas Axtell & his wife Mary Weir. They had three children viz:

1. Dr Edwin R. Axtell born Wash Ind Feby 7, 1866 & married Sept 1891 in Denver Col to Miss Grace H. Coffin of Rockville, Ind. He practiced in Denver Col & died there Dec 15th l899 & was cremated. They had no children. She survived him & has married a man by name of McCoy & is still living near Rockville Ind. His hand became infected from

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a wound on his hand, during an operation on Dec 1, & died two weeks later.

2. Frank Foye Axtell born in Wash Ind, Aug 18, 1867. He is living in Port Arthur Texas where he has been with the Texas Co of the Standard Oil. He was married in Sept 15, 1904 to Hattie Duncan daughter of William Duncan a farmer in Wash Ind. She is living & they have two children:

1. Edwin R. Axtell

2. Frank Foye Axtell Jr

3. Ella Edna Axtell born Wash Ind Oct 29, 1869 married Sept 8, 1903 at Wash Ind to George Francis Kramer who was born Nov 27, 1871? His parents were from Germany & were Catholics & his mother died when he was a child. He is a Protestant & traveling salesman the Renard Linoleum & Rug Co. Have but one child:

1. Francis Axtell Kramer born at Washington, Ind born May 28, 1905 He is in College at the Washington University here in St Louis Ma in the Freshman Class. This is about 5 miles out from Hotel Jefferson.

Leaving 10:35 AM

She says Edna Axtell Rodarmel separated from Clyde Chase about 11 yrs ago & she is living here as: Miss Edna A. Chase No 410 DeBaliviere Ave Tel Cabanny 5739-J abt 7 blocks from here where I am going to try to see her or find where she works.

10:40 PM Hotel Jefferson, I walked over to the above No where she has room 19 but she was not at home. I have the record by letter from F.F. Axtell at home.

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At residence of John William Taylor No 2328 Esther Ave, St Louis Ma Oct 23, 1922 1:50 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & find Mr. Taylor, a well preserved & strong faced man. He says he went to the Pacific Coast when a young man & was in business in Salem, Oregon & advanced his age in order to vote for Lincoln, six months before he was of age. He says his mother was a Thompson & his father, a Virginian from Morgantown. The oldest child in the family was Elizabeth Taylor & she married Simon Kruson Young, son of Wm Young. She had the family record & lived at Caldwell 0. Both are dead. Had 8 or 9 children & Susan F. Saltsgaver can give their record.

Hotel Jefferson 10:44 PM

Mr. & Mrs. Taylor & their daughter Blanche gave me the records on the next two pages of their own family & certain of his brothers & sisters. Mr. Taylor had a stroke 20 yrs ago & has not been able to work since & his memory has been affected thereby. He was very kind & so were his wife & daughter, Blanche proposed driving me over in her Ford to No 40 Washington Terrace to see Minnie (Mrs. H.H. Culver) middle one of the three daughters of Norval Taylor, brother of John W. They say he did not have any sons. We drove over through Forest Park, but the colored butler at Culver's said the family were all in the city.

V8 Page 278 & V8 Page 279

[Descendant Chart]

Harriet Jackson Thompson, daughter of William Thompson & Elizabeth Finley married Henry Taylor


I) Norval Wilson Taylor, married Margaret McWilliams of Sarahsville, Ohio which was then the County Seat of Noble Co. He died Sept 1, 1919 on Labor day here in St Louis, Mo & is buried at Bellefontaine Cemetery. He had no sons, they say, but 3 daughters, the oldest & youngest married & living in Chicago, Ill & the middle one, Minnie, is married to H.H. Culver

II) John William Taylor, born Feby 17, 1841 in Greenwood, Richland Tp, Guernsey Co, O. Married Nov 29, 1881 at Bunker Hill, Ills to Annie Elizabeth Richards, daughter of John S. Richards, A lawyer at Reading, Pa & his wife Julia Van Ness. She was born in Reading, Pa Jany 8, 1860 & live at No. 2328 Esther Ave, Clifton Heights, suburb of St Louis, Mo, abt six miles from the court house.

1) Warren Melville Taylor, Born Dec 29, 1882, ob Oct 18, 1919 married Feby 17, 1908 to Hazel Smith, daughter of Wm Smith. She lives here at 440 odd page Boulevard St Louis. He died at Pine Bluff, Ark.

A) Melville Smith Taylor, born Nov 27? 1912

2) Julia Van Ness Taylor, born Dec 22, 1884, married Dec 19, 1904 to Oscar Bertrand Kline of St Louis, Mo, an accountant. Both living at 6233 Clifton Ave, St Louis, Mo, near here & has seven children, a record of which Mrs. T. will send me. He was born Aug 14, 1880, son of George Renard Kline & wife Jennie Teresa Powers.

A) Elizabeth Jane Kline, born Feby 1, 1906

B) George Renard Kline, born Sept 9, 1907

C) Madelon Taylor Kline, born June 13, 1909

D) Jane Kline, born Mch 27, 1911

E) John William Kline, born July 20, 1913

F) Oscar Bertrand Kline, born June 16, 1915

G) Warren Melville Kline, born Feb 26, 1919

H) Robert Stumpson Kline, born Dec 22, 1922

3) John Norval Taylor, born Apr 13, 1888, married Apr 14, 1909 to Julia May Cummings of St Louis, Mo, daughter of Frank Cummings. She was born Nov 14, 1891. Both living in Memphis, Tenn where he is with a wholesale dry good firm, viz: the Wm R. Moore Co.

A) Virginia Ann Taylor, born Jany 3? 1910

4) Margaret Anna Taylor, born Mch 25, 1891, married Dec 26, 1911 to Ralph Duane Rogers, born Sept 11, 1890 at Chicago & they live at No. 35 Crescent Drive, Glencoe, Ills & he is of the Rogers Printing & Eng Co. & has 3 children. Write her for her record. Son of Chas Duane Rogers & wife Mary L. Crandall. His envelope give address of 2001 Colument Ave, Chicago, Ills.

A) Mary Francis Rogers, born Jun 19, 1914 at Chicago, Ills.

B) Margaret Jane Rogers, born Jany 15, 1919 at Chicago, Ills

C) Chas Duane Rogers, born Feb 17, 1922 at Montclair, NJ

5) Blanche Richards Taylor, born Oct 17, 1893, married June 14, 1915 5o Frank Coates Foster, of St Louis, Mo, son of Wm J. Foster & his wife Hattie Coates, daughter of Col. Coates. He was born in Louisana [sic] Mo, Feby 21, 1893 & he is yardmaster here for terminal RR

A) Lucia Rebecca Foster, born Mch 20, 1916

B) Unnamed son Foster, lived 10 hrs, born & died Dec 19, 1918

6) Francis Galt Taylor, born Oct 11, 1897, married Oct 17, 1917 at Gettysburgh, Pa when he was in Camp to Anna Elizabeth or “Betty” Campbell of Hbg, an orphan, they dying when she was an infant. He was in the army 22 mos & around 19 mos, he went in the Regular Army when 18 & was gassed at Cantigay, France & now received $100 per mo fr the Gov., was in 6 battles. Has 3 children & his mother will have him send us their record.

A) Robert Galt Taylor, born July 19, 1918

B) John Norvell Taylor, born Feby 4, 1920

C) Margaret Anna Taylor, born Dec 29, 1920

III) Susan Finley Taylor [daughter of Henry & Harriet J. Taylor] married Wm Saltsgaver & both are living at Kenniwick, Washington, where they are old citizens & have had three children. Write to her. She writes Oct 28, 1922, a small envelope, that she was born at Whigville, Noble Co., O, Apr 6, 1852 & on Sept 25, 1870, was married at Sarahsville, O to Wilbert W. Saltsgaver, who was born at Fairview, O, Jany 20, 1850, the son of Jacob Saltsgaver & his wife, Mary Gleaves [Sleaves?]

1) Theodore Paul Saltsgaver, born July 15, 1871 at Hartford, Guernsey Co., O, married at Guthrie Center, Iowa, May 1900 to Nina Counser & live at Seattle, Wash.

A) Helen Ruth Saltsgaver

B) Nellie Jarvis Saltsgaver

2) George A. Saltsgaver, born Mch 18, 1877 at Sarahsville, O, married at Mt Ephraim, O, Aug 27, 1899 to Cythera Murphy, daughter of James M. Murphy. They live at Grand Junction, Colorado

3) Mary Harriet Saltsgaver, born June 10, 1886 near Guthrie Center, Iowa, married at Guthrie Center, Iowa Dec 31, 1903 to Harry R. Love & died May 10, 1919 at Paseo Hospital near Kennewick, Washington.

A) Wilberta Rose Love

B) Lillian Josephine Love

C) Fletcher Love

D) Harry Robert Love

V8 Page 280

At residence of Miss Elizabeth Rothermel, No 3850 Juniata Ave, St. Louis, Mo, Oct 23, 1922 6 PM

Miss Rothermel says her father came from Germany from a town, Swingaberg? Which she thinks is in the neighborhood of Hesse Darmstadt as he often spoke of that place. He traveled much over his section of Europe & worked in the wine cellars making wine. Fred Wm, who has come in, says the name of the place his father came from is Zwineringberg & his mother came from Manheim.

Finished 7 PM

Hotel Jefferson 10:55 PM

After walking over to Edna A. Chase’s this forenoon, I walked back to the corner of DeBalivier & Delmar Aves & took a street car into this hotel. Mrs. Kramer’s no. is 5756 Maple Ave & no 5657 as I had it. It then went South three blocks to Pine St on 12th & took a Tower Grove car to the loop on 4th St & out to No. 2328 Esther Ave (the directory erroneously has it 328) which while back of the lake & in the Park instead of an Avenue, is but a little used grass road down a ravine & going up the steps, I went in & found

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My relatives as above indicated.

In going into Mrs. Culver’s, I noticed Mrs. Taylor’s left foot was turned in & that she limped & she explained that 30 yrs ago, when Margaret A., her daughter, was a baby, she had lost a leg on the RR at the Union Sta. Here & had a wooden leg. She said her son, Warren M., suffered intensely from a cancer at the base of the spine & she sat at his bedside for six months before his death at Pine Bluff, Arkansas & that he had $5000 insurance by which they get $50 to month to educate his son who she keeps & boards & gets but $20 of it & the widow unjustly gets $30. Mrs. T. says that her daughter, Margaret Ann, was the only one of her family that married any money & that Mr. Rogers is in very good circumstances. She said something about Blanche’s husband’s real name being Thornton & of his being adopted by the Coates. Blanche thought it was Col. Kersey Coates. Blanche let me out at the entrance of Wash Terrace & I walked one block to the corner by the Westminster Pres. Churchy & took a car & came back to this hotel & called up the Boyd & Bradley Furniture Co., 2924 Olive St, Tel Central 8514-R on the Kinloch Tel & a man answering said Wm C. Boyd was away from home, in Texas & would not be back for a week. I called up Fredk W. Rothermel, Victor 2619-R on the Kinlock [sic] Tel Co & his sister answered & I took an Olive St Car & went out.

V8 page 282 & V8 Page 283

[Descendant Chart ROTHERMEL]


I) Peter Rothermel, a dwarf & mischiefmaker. Did not come to America. Married & had children who she thinks are in California. His father called him Fritz. Was a hunchback.

II) William Rothermel, born in Germany June 30, 1821 & died Aug 22, 1893 in St Louis, Mo & is buried in old St Marcus Cemetery here. He came to America at the age of 31, say in 1853 & after a 3 mos courtship, married here in St Louis, Mo, Aug 21, 1853 to Philopena Furstenfeld, who was born at Bingen on the Rhine in Germany Apr 11, 1832 & died in this house Jany 5, 1918 & is buried same cemetery. He enlisted in the Civil War & did service for 13 mos, patrolling bridges, He was a cooper by trade & made beer barrels & was at the head of his profession & the largest barrel exhibited at the World’s Fair, Chicago, was made by him. Their children, all born in St Louis, Mo & the six that have died all died there & the five who married, all married in St Louis, Mo.

1) William Rothermel Jr., born Aug 31, 1854, ob June 20, 1908, married Mary Hessler on June 15, 1881. She is living & was born Aug 31, 1862 at Long Prairie, Ills. She lives 3518 S. Broadway, St Louis, Mo. No issue, but adopted a boy:

A) William Rothermel, lives in St Louis, Mo with his mother.

2) Barbara Rothermel, born Apr 8, 1856, died aged 5 yrs on Dec 19, 1860.

3) Anna Mary Rothermel, born Jany 23, 1858, died aged abt 5 yrs, Oct 27, 1862

4) Katherine Rothermel, born Dec 18, 1859, married Geo Everhart Bruck. Both living at 1851 Russell Ave, married Sept 25, 1879. He was born May 7, 1858 at Giesen, Upper Hessen, Germany. Have had 8 children, 4 dead.

5) Clara Rothermel, born Oct 27, 1862, married John Sponnagel. He is dead & she is living at 3310 Winnebago ST, St Louis, Mo. Married July 19, 1882. He born Feby 15, 1860 at Sharkof, near Manhiem, Germany & died Sept 30, 1899 at Indianapolis, Ind. Had 3 children, one dead.

6) Frederick Wm Rothermel, born Sept 10, 1864, married Jany 1, 1921 & divorced same day to _____. He objected to telling her name, in fact, his sister knew nothing of it. Lives 3850 A, Juniata, St, St Louis, Mo.

7) Henry Rothermel, born Aug 9, 1866, ob aged 10 yrs in Sept., was drowned in Mississippi River & never found, ob Oct 6, 1875.

8) Elizabeth Rothermel, born Aug 18, 1868, my informant, unmarried.

9) August Rothermel, born Jany 25, 1871. He has the family bible record. Married Theresa A. Hoffman. Both living at 3302 Winnebago St, St Louis, Mo. No issue. Married July 10, 1902. She was born at Highland, Ills Oct 10, 1875. No issue.

10) Emelia Rothermel, died an infant. Born Jany 2, 1873, ob Feby 12, 1873

11) Matilda Rothermel, died an infant. Mathilda, born Feby 21, 1874 died Oct 14, 1874.

12) Christian Rothermel, born March 28, 1876, married Emelia Weineck. She is living. He disappeared in 1908. No issue. Married Feby 16, 1899. She was born Sept 22, 1874 at St Louis, MO. He deserted her in Jun 1906 & has not since been heard from. She had an uncontrollable tempter. Her address is 2831 McNair Ave, St. Louis, Mo.

III) John Rothermel, There was a brother that went to California. It might have been John, are not sure.

IV) Phillip? Rothermel,

V) Frederick Rothermel,

VI) Barbara Rothermel, August says these 3 [Phillip, Frederick & Barbara] remained in Germany where his sister Clara Sponagel visited them in 1883.

VII) Jacob Rothermel, was younger than William & came over several years before. He was a whipmaker & had about seven boys & two girls. Poisoned himself in St Louis, Mo, was dishonorable. Married St Louis, Mo 1851 to Katherine Roth who was born at Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. She divorced him many yrs before he died for cruelty or non-support, took the children & raised them. See book 5, p 280

1) Jacob Rothermel, oldest

2) William Rothermel,

3) Paul W. Rothermel,

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Hotel Jefferson, Oct 23, 1922, 11:40 PM, St Louis, Mo

On going to 3850 Juniata Ave, I was admitted by Miss Elizabeth Rothermel, who said it was her home. She was well dressed & comely, a fine looking woman & gave me all the dates on 282 & 283 from memory. Her brother, Fredk W. who came in about 6:30 PM is a cynical kind of a fellow with a pockmarked face. The whip maker Uncle they mention is, I think, the same as the father of the Rothermel I met in Sept last year at St Joe, Mo, compare records. Miss R. wanted me to write her if I found any of the descendants in California of her father’s brother who went there. She thought they went to San Francisco.

Coming back, I got here a5t 8 PM & at once called up on the Kinlock Tel Co Emil F. Rotharmel who lives 3975 Papin Tel Delmar 50-L & he said he came to America in 1894 from Saxony, Prussia. I was intending to go see:

Paul W. Rothermel, Music teacher, 5519 A Minnesota Ave, but from what Miss Elizabeth said, concluded he was son of her Uncle Jacob & also that Paul W. Rothermel Jr, bottler h 520 A Eiler, Tel Laclede 310-L was his son, so that these four names I selected from the 17 Rothermels here are all recent arrivals from Europe & I think many of the others are Jacob's descendants.

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Fredk W. said he had quit working for the Hartman Produce Co Last May. It was 9 o'clock when I got through my dinner & I then got my reservation for Sedalia MO on the 2:05 AM train tonight.

I then came up to my room & called up Edna Axtell Chase at No 410 DeValiviere Ave Cubanny 5739-J & she said she had been back to Washington Ind a month ago to see her mother who had been ill but was better & said she had spoken very highly of me. Edna said she was married Jany 11, 1906 to Clyde R. Chase, but she didn't know the date of his birth. Said she had a stillborn boy born Sept 18, 1909 & for that reason, she retained the name of Chase, as she & her husband have been divorced. She was very sorry she missed seeing me & said if I came back to let her know & come to see her. She expressed herself as glad that I had seen Ella Kramer of whom she spoke very highly. She said Ella’s mother had a wonderful genealogical tree that had been gotten up by her great Uncle Jim Ball of the Ball family including Gen Geo Washington & she had no doubt it would be found among the other family papers of her mother which Ella said were in a box in the basement which they hadn't opened.

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I then called up Mrs. H.H. Culver at 40 Washington Terrace, Bellphone Forest 379 ST Louis MO & she said they had sickness in the family & that she would write me, giving the data desired & I gave her my name & home address over the phone. I have written up the record to date & will now write to:

Susan F. Saltsgaver, Kennewick, Wash

Thomas Jefferson Taylor , e. 729 DeSmet Ave, Spokane Wash

Margaret A. Rogers No 35 Crescent Drove, Glencoe, Ills

Mrs. Ella Kramer says she has box in basement unpacked in which her mother had down dates for everything. She says when she unpacks, she will send it to me if she finds it. Says she don't want it returned. Says her mother remembered everything & she remembers nothing scarcely. She has a scrap book of her brother, Dr Axtell, which is very full & complete. It is now 1:28 AM & I will pack up, pay my bill & go to the station. JVT

V8 Page 287 & VS Page 288 [missing]

V8 Page 289

Helen produces his discharge which shows that Wm A. Thompson, Private of Capt Joseph D. Taylor of Co E 88th, Reg, Ohio Inf was a volunteer & enrolled July 14, 1863. The discharge is dated Camp Chase, O, Aug 25, 1864. The cft is signed by Geo W. Neff Colonel, commanding the Reg. & states that he was 5 ft 9 in high, fair complexion, blue eyes & dark hair & by occupation, when enrolled was a farmer for 3 yrs & was discharged by reason of physical disability.

Wm A. Thompson's application for pension which Helen says was written by her at his dictation (this a copy of what she sent in) shows that he was born Nov 25, 1838 in Senecaville O, wife's name was Mary Thompson, maiden name, Mary Casner married Oct 11, 1861. States he never had any other wife, nor she any other husband. States they have been living together as man & wife for 54 yrs & gives names & dates of birth of all his children living & dead.

Charles Sumner Thompson born March 10, 1863 now dead

John William Thompson born June 23, 1865, now dead

Delia Ann Thompson born Aug 25, 1867, living

Zonetta Thompson born Dec 1, 1870 now dead

George William Lewis Thompson, born June 12, 1872, now dead

Paul Casner Thompson, born Oct 1, 1875, living

Dated June 11, 1915, signed William A. Thompson by Helen L. Thompson. He got $72 pension a month & Mrs. T. now gets $30 a month & expects to have it increased to $50 in Dec.

V8 Page 290 & V8 Page 291

[Descendant Chart]

Peter Casner, a very tall straight fine looking man, is, she said, buried on the Casner farm up on the hill, with his wife Jane? & she thinks there is a tombstone to his grave.

[his son:]

Vandal Casner, born abt 1770 & died Mch 26, 1845 aged 75 yrs, married Elizabeth Hill. They are buried in the old family graveyard & she remembers seeing the dates on the tombstones. Mrs. Eloise M. Roberts, Avard, Okla, writes Aug 6, 1923, large env. That she was born Aug 1776 & died Sept 3, 1843 & that in the fall of 1823, they moved from Virginia to Ohio in a light wagon of his own making to visit their son John who had lived Ohio for some time. They then homesteaded the land on which they afterwards lived & are buried near Cumberland, Ohio. See book 10, ps 98 & 99

[children of Vandal & Elizabeth]

I) John Casner, married Jane? Finley, a most beautiful woman & daughter of Uncle Patrick Finley. He owned a big farm in back of “Uncle Adams”. Don’t think he had any children. Ob Sept 26, 1888, I think.

II) Benjamin Casner, married “loveliest woman that ever did live” Peggy ______. No issue. Lived in Guernsey Co., O, “close to us”.

III) Barbara Casner, married John Stout. Her brothers opposed the union & stole her out of the buggy from him, but she eloped with him later. He was a fine man & she a lovely woman. They lived & died in Kansas on a farm near Sabetha, Nemaha Co. Had 5 sons & no daughters, who live there. One looked like an Indian & was smart, witty & rich. See book 10 pages 98 & 99 & letter of 7/25/23, small envelope fr Lizzie Finley.

IV) William Casner, married Ann Rich, a very smart woman when she was 16, daughter of Abram Rich & his wife Ann Thompson. Thinks her son Paul has his bible record. Both buried in Senecaville, O. Married 2nd Catharine _______.

1) John Casner, born May 2, 1839 in Guernsey Co., O, ob Jany 30, 1917 in Fort Scott, Kansas & is buried in a beautiful graveyard there. Married Nov 5, 1861 to Sarah Ann Gooden who was born June 21, 1839.

A) John Casner,

B) Tamar Casner, married Flanigan & lives Fort Scott, Ks. See pages 479 to 484 incl.

2) Martha A. Casner, born Dec 13, 1840, ob Oct 23, 1904. Married John Potts. He is dead. Lived in Guernsey Co., O. Had two girls.

A) Susan Potts, married Theo Foster Gooden. Both living Senecaville, O, he a nephew of Sarah H. Casner [rest cut off]

B) Anna Potts, married 1st, an Ansberry & lived in Iowa & divorced & then married 2nd a Norton. Had a son by Ansberry & 2 children by Norton.

3) Mary Casner, born Aug 28, 1842, married Oct 11, 1861 by Rev. W.H. McFarland of Cambridge, O, a Pres. Minister to Wm A. Thompson, son of Wm of Judge Wm who was born in Guernsey Co., O, Nov 25, 1838 & died in Warrensburg, Mo Nov 19, 1920 & is buried in Crown Hill cemetery, Sedalia, Mo. Their children were all born in Guernsey Co., Ohio. See pages 292 & 293.

4) Adam Casner, died aged 8 yrs.

5) Melissa Casner, died aged 11 yrs of scarlet fever & her mother died 2 weeks later. Most beautiful children in the region.

6) Vandal Casner, Killed in Civil War at Whitehouse Landing, aged abt 18, joined the army after his mother’s death when 16. he was unmarried.

7) Samantha Casner, ob. Married Justus Riggs & had 5 children.

8) Susan Casner, ob _____ of brain fever, aged 5 yrs

9) Abraham Casner, youngest, born ___. His mother died when he was aged 15 mos. He lives in Senecaville, O. Married Mary Emerson. Both living. Have four children. He can give date.

10) Alice Casner, by 2nd wife, only child by 2nd wife, Mrs. Casner thinks in Jany 1866 being a week or so older than her daughter Odella. She married Abram? Hutchinson & both were living in Senecaville, O when Mrs. C. last heard from them abt 15 yrs ago & have had two girls. Her mother lived & died with her. I think her mother would have taken the William Casner family bible & that Alice would have gotten it. Look this up.

V) Susan Casner [daughter of William Casner & Ann Rich], married Elijah Millhone & lived just across “the creek from where we lived”. He was a Baptist & she a Methodist. He broke the ice & put her in.

1) Adam Millhone,

2) Ezra Millhone,

3) Elizabeth Millhone,

4) A son Millhone, married daughter of Dr. Teeters. He lived in the old home.

VI) George Casner, married Jane Thompson, sister of Wm Atwell Thompson. He died & she lives in Kansas 40 miles south of Fort Scott. Had but 3 children. [Footnote:] Nov 23, 1922. Mrs. Mary Thompson was wrong or I got it wrong. It was this George Casner’s son who married Jane E. Thompson, both of whom I have seen here today & they have been my informants for record on page 564. JVT

1) William Casner, wild duck, married twice, settled down now

2) Margaretta Casner, married Worth Meeks, son of Joshua

3) Mildred Casner, married

VII) Adam Casner, fine man, very wealthy. Married 1st _____ Rich, a first cousin of Mrs. T’s mother, Ann Rich. Married 2nd _____ Meeks. Married 3rd Elizabeth Carson, says she is living in Oklahoma with her son Vandal, says she was 40 yrs younger than him.

VIII) Elizabeth Casner, married Peter Meghan “a dirty little Catholic”. Had 3 children all Protestants. Live in Chillicothe, O.

IX) Sarah Casner, married Daniel Bates. He was universalist & she was buried at Senecaville, O.

1) Harriet Bates, married & lives in Guthrie Centre, Iowa

2) William Bates, married & lives in Guthrie Centre, Iowa

3) David Bates, unmarried, a violinist, made them

4) Ella Bates, don’t know whether she married or not

V8 page 292 & V8 Page 293

[Descendant Chart]

Wm Atwell Thompson & Mary Casner


I) Charles Sumner Thompson, born Mch 10, 1863, ob Nov 6, 1915 in Kansas City, Mo & is buried by his wife in the old cemetery at Independence, Mo. Married Gertrude May Williamson, daughter of Daniel Williamson & his wife Louisa Soaper. She died in 1899 when Helen was 6 mos old. He was a telegraph operator. His brother Paul got his family bible with record so Helen says.

1) Glenn Charles Thompson, was in Muskogee, Okla last heard from

2) Paul Edward Thompson, was in Muskogee, Okla last heard from

3) Helen Louisa Thompson, born Sept 25, 1898 in Independence, Mo. Married Aug 10, 1919 at Fort Scott, Kansas to Benj Cyrus Russell, son of Rev. James Morgan Russell & his wife Vannie May Curry who was born Feby 4, 1899 in KY at Paducah. He is in R.E. & loan business.

A) James Wallace Russell, born May 10, 1922 & live at West Broadway & State Fair Blvd. He was born in the Warrensburgh, Mo Clinic.

II) John William Thompson, Born June 23, 1865 ob in infancy in O & is buried in Senecaville, O.

III) Delia Ann Thompson, born Aug 25, 1867, married Samuel W. Nicholson of Cambridge, O. He died about 6 yrs ago & she is living. Said to be worth a million dollars.

1) Lucile Nicholson, married Eugene Evans of Uhrichsville, O, a millionaire. He has a cut glass & a tile factory. No issue. Live at Uhrichsville, O.

2) Andrew Nicholson, unmarried

IV) Zonetta Thompson, born Dec 1, 1870 ob ______ aged 3 weeks & is buried in cemetery there in Ohio

V) George William Lewis Thompson, born June 12, 1872, ob ____ in Sedalia, Mo, aged 21 yrs, unmarried & is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery here.

VI) Paul Casner Thompson, born Oct 1, 1875, married Nov 19, 1899 to Nita B. McGuire. Both living at corner Thompson & Linden Aves, Independence, Mo. See them & get records. They have five children. Daughter of John A. McGuire & his wife Emeline Ivins Bills who was born at Allentown, New Jersey on Oct 15, 1876, children all born in Independence, Mo.

1) Edward Bills Thompson, born Sept 15, 1900. He is now a junior in Kansas Univ. at Lawrence, Kans. Rooms 1324 Ohio St at a private home

2) Charles Alvin Thompson, born Mch 21, 1903. Finished 4 yrs in High & it taking an electrical course in Kansas City, Mo.

3) Mary Pauline Thompson, born Jany 6, 1908, is a freshman in high school here.

4) John William Thompson, born Apr 9, 1913, he is in 4th grade, ward school

5) Paul Casner Thompson, Jr. born Sept 21, 1916, ob Oct 27, 1921 of spinal meningitis only sick two days. Was a very bright child.

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On night before their 59th wedding anniversary viz on Oct 10, 1920, their house at No 1418 South Missouri Ave, Sedalia, Mo was burned along with many of their papers. The family bible was much dilapidated & falling to pieces & Helen picked up some of it & thinks the family record was in it which she gave to her Uncle Paul. Mrs. T. thinks her Uncle Adam's 3rd wife, lives in Oklahoma. Thinks her son Paul can give address. He died in Noble Co 0 & is buried at Cohens Church (Methodist) there. He was 94 & died of old age.

Leaving at 3: 11 PM

Pleasant Hill MO writing room office, Oct 24, 1922 9:55 PM

Mrs. W.W. Russell kindly proposed driving me over to the hotel or station in her car if I would wait a few minutes so while waiting Mrs. Thompson said that John Finley son of James married Emily Stout (which I learned last July 14) daughter of her Aunt Barbara Casner Stout, see page 290 who she said was a beautiful woman. She has heard of the law suit & says it was generally thought that Milton Finley, son of John & Emily above, had burned the family

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bible of his grandfather James Finley & they once thought of doing something with him for it. His demeanor when I was at his house on July 14th last & his aloofness is all added proof that he did, so I think I can give up hope of finding it & hunt up the births from each separate family.

Mrs. T. said there were some of her Thompson relatives living between Caldwell, Belle Valley & Ava Ohio in Noble Co, country people & one of the daughters, Susan, married a rich farmer there. She knew Langdon S. Thompson & said he was the son of Robert & that she once lived alongside of him. She remembers seeing her husband's grandmother Elizabeth Finley Thompson. I told her I had seen John W. Taylor yesterday in St Louis Mo & she said he was the black sheep in the family & that "he played off on doc Ferguson's daughter, a beautiful girl for whom she was very sorry".

Mrs. T. is an active, robust woman apparently in the prime of life notwithstanding her 80 yrs & says she can stand & do more work now than her granddaughter. Everyone of her relatives she spoke of were lovely fine or beautiful & reliance can not be placed on all of her statements, as no difference who you spoke of she

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had heard her husband speak of them. She, however, named Peter Casner as her great grandfather without my suggesting his name.

A coincidence is shown on Page 289 in which Wm A. Thompson. her husband's discharge is signed by our own Fayette Co Dr Geo W. Neff, as I think it is his own handwriting. She said she named her youngest son Paul. Mrs W.W. Russell drove me about town for almost an hour accompanied by her daughter Dorothy Jean & her sister-in-law, Helen L. Russell. They pointed out many of the public buildings & in the centre of the town was a fine big residence with spacious grounds about it, the home of Mrs. Coffin nee Smith for whom they said the town was named her name they thought being Adalia or something similar form which they arrived at Sedalia. They drove me out beyond the SW corner of the town to the State Fair grounds & through them. They are fine & there must be three dozen buildings or more, most of them brick for taking care of all the stock, poultry etc. They left me out at the Sta & I found the 5 o'c train was an hour & a quarter late & then a half hour more, so it being local, I waited & took the 7 o'c tr express which was only a half hour late & I arrived here at 9:30 & it is now 10:40 PM & I will go to my room [faded]

V8 Page 297

At residence of W.T. Nichols, Big Creek Tp, Cass Co MO Oct 25, 1922 8:55 AM

I left Pleasant Hill ME) at 8 o’clock with W.N. Peak, a native Missourian driving me & came out past Plum Grove School House to this beautifully located farm which is 4 miles south west of Pleasant Hill. Mrs. W.T.N. received us & said her mother-in-law had gone to the neighboring house on an errand for her & she phoned her & she soon walked up. Mrs. Nicholls was Elizabeth Williams born in South Huntingdon Tp, Westmoreland, Co Pa near Smithton June 20, 1842 & she is the last one of her family, she being daughter of Thomas Williams & his wife Margaret Hough, who she says was the daughter of David Hough, who Mrs. N. remembers, but she says her grandmother Barbara _____ was dead before she was born. He married 2nd the widow Bryan & she died & then he married 3rd an old girl who worked for Dr Rider of Mt Pleasant with whom he was doctoring. He had ten children by his first wife, six girls she thinks, but had no children by his 2nd or 3rd wives. He lived to be 86 yrs old & is buried at Rehoboth, where he was an elder for many years. He was one of five brothers & one sister who came from east of the mountains, Joseph, Peter, Paul, David, being four of them & Eve who married a Snyder & lived 2 miles fr Smithton. Joseph married a Waltz & her sister married Archibald Boyd & their daughter Elizabeth Boyd

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married William Nicholls & their son, Archibald Boyd Nicholls born in South Huntingdon Tp, Westmoreland Co Pa Nov 16, 1840 & died at Scottdale Pa Feby 20, 1922 & is buried in the Markle Cem near Millgrove on Nov 16, 1862 was married at Mt Pleasant Pa to Elizabeth Williams above. She says her grandfather Williams was Daniel Williams & his wife was a Fiscus & they lived up by Greensburgh & Greensburg has spread out over their farm. She says her great Uncle Joseph Hough, was married twice, his first wife being a Waltz, but she may have been the widow Colglazer when he married her, as she seems to think she had heard her husband say so. He married second a widow Bell viz Nancy nee Finley, the daughter of Squire Andrew Finley by whom he had one child a daughter called Josephine. Mrs. N. remembers Joseph Hough & says he is buried at the Lutheran Church at or near Smithton Pa. She has heard them talking of Andrew Finley, son of Squire Andrew going west, but she don't know to what state it was. Mrs. N. says her daughter, Olive Taylor lives out the brick road from Scottdale out Main St west about 3/4 miles 2nd brick house out of town on left hand side, just beside another brick house.

Mr N. address is Pleasant Hill M RFD 1

I had to rush off to make my train & Mrs. Nicholls said to tell her daughter

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Olive Taylor to give me the dates & record from her family bible. She is a rather large stockily built woman, but not tall & looks much younger than she is. Her son Wm T. lived in Big Creek Tp & was a slender man & was very kind & asked me to stay with him over night & come back again. He said he would send me the record of his children.

V8 Page 300

[Descendant Chart]

Joseph Hough, married 1st The widow Colglazer nee Waltz & married 2nd the widow Bell viz Nancv, the daughter of Andrew Finley


I) Daniel Hough, lives on hill above Port Royal married 1st & had 2 boys & 2 girls marrued 2nd widow Bennett (of Sea) nee Polly Smith & had 4 children, 3 boys & 1 girl. Married 3rd widow Sallie Wagner nee Hepler & had a boy & a girl by her. His 3 wives buried at Lutheran Ch Smithton Pa. He came west & died in the West & is buried there & his 3rd wife went back to Penna. Thinks his son by wife who is or was living in Rostraver & with whom his another died & who married Mollie Smith would have his father bible record.

II) Joseph Hough, married _____ Forsythe & lived at mouth of Jacobs Creek is buried at Lutheran Church. Had a large family nearly all boys lived in the neighborhood.

III) Solomon Hough, married _____ Rhodes & owned a farm near mouth of Jacob's Creek. Think buried at Lutheran Ch Smithton. He had 2 girls & 3 boys one girl married a Hough & lives in Smithton.

1) Sol Hough,

2) Pete Hough,

3) Joe Hough,

4) Elizabeth Hough, married & is a widow in Smithton

5) Charlotte Hough, married ______ Hough, At Smithton

IV) Paul Hough, Married ______ Smith had a mill at Port Royal which he sold & moved to near Uniontown Pa

1) Nettie Hough, Married Snider Zundel & lived in Rostraver. Both dead

2) Jane Hough, married

V) Sallie Hough, m. David Bennett & went to Sewickly Ch. Lived near her father's

1) Sarah, Bennett, married David Bell, Big family by Sewickly Ch

2) Frances or 'Frank' Bennett, married. Wm Bell a bro of David. Has big family

A) Charlotte Bell, Married Col. ______ Null & lived in Gbg

B) 2 other girls Bell,

C) Sarah Florence Bell, married Arch B. Hunter I was at her home, a grand woman,

D) John Bell,

E) Walter Bell,

F) Boys Bell ,

3) Mary or 'Polly" Bennett, married Joseph Darr. Had a farm near to Bennetts & then went to Rostraver & then to West Newton.

A) Annetta Darr, died unmarried in Florida

B) Ida,? Darr, unmarried lives in West N.

4) Ellen Bennett, Married Jacob Rhodes Both dead. Lived with Mr Bennett at the home now occupied by Francis Williams nephew of Mrs. N. Had 5 or 6 children. Most of them dead. 3rd one was at W.L. Scholl's

5) Charlotte Bennett, married Daniel Hough, son of Wm. Thinks they are both dead. moved to Fayette Co. Had 4 children

6) Joseph Bennett, married a Francy up by Scottdale. Both dead. Lost their boy. Had two girls, says Mrs. Wm L. Scholl can tell about them.

VI) Lottie Hough, married Potter & lived near Port Royla where he had a farm just above Port Royal, but one child

1) A daughter Potter, younger than Mrs. N. Married ______ Stewart & a year ago were both living in Rostraver Tp where he had a farm.

VII) Maria Hough, married a follish man up by Jacob’s Creek who waved his warms & hat one day & stopped the train only to tell them to stop next day as they wanted to go to West Newton. No issue.

V8 Page 301 [blank]

V8 Page 302 & V8 Page 303

[Descendant Chart]

Archibald Boyd m. Mary? Waltz, sister of the first wife of Joseph Hough see page 300.


William Boyd, m. Nellie Robertson

Archibald, m. McCune. He dead & she living on the farm out beyond Madison with her sons.

Joanna, m. John Broddy. He is dead & she lives about Irwin Pa with her daughter.

Ella Broddy, m. Evans who was shot while hunting. Has two sons grown up & married.

John Boyd, m.1 from up about Mt P. No issue. M.2. Mattie Davis. No issue. All dead & buried at Middle Ch Mt Pleasant Pa

Archibald Boyd, M. Elizabeth Pinkerton a sister of Mrs Jane Markle. Both dead & buried West Newton Cem.

John, lives on farm near Israel Miller farm. M. Kiefer & have 3 girls & one boy.

Archibald, m. Israel Painter's daughter of the Willow Tree

A dau, M. Valentine & live in West Newton Pa

A dau, m. Don Kelly & lived on a farm above Port Royal

A dau, m. Lloyd Hunter, a grandson of Florence

Elizabeth, at home, unmarried.

Ettie Boyd, unmarried, lives in Gbg

Alma Boyd, M. Rev Getty

Boy, went away off west unmarried, a rover

Grace Boyd, m. McIntosh?

Josiah Boyd, m. Caroline? Frick, dau of Geo Frick. He died of typhoid fever six weeks after he was married & without issue & was buried at the Lutheran Ch cem. She married again but is now dead.

Elizabeth Boyd, m. William Nicholls, son of James Nicholls & his wife Rebecca, who lived up from Suterville Pa. They lived with Mrs N. when they died 30 yrs or so ago up in the seventies. He died in Feby & she died in May of same year & are buried at Markle Cem, Mill Grove & have markers to the graves. They had six children, 3 boys & 3 girls. Thinks their son John got the family bible as she thinks it was left there at least was not brought to her home.

Archibald Boyd Nicholls, B Nov 16, 1840 ob Feby 20, 1922 m. Nov 16,

1862 to Elizabeth Williams who was born June 20, 1842 see page 304

Rebecca Nicholls M. Daniel Williams, a bro of Mrs N & had 8 boys & 1 girl

James Nicholls, m. Jennie Holmes. He died in York, Neb & she is living.

Bertha, m. McMillan. Live on a farm in Nebraska

Mary, m. Patterson

Mary Ann Nichols, m. Gideon Cochran & never went to housekeeping & she died of tuberculosis at the Waltz place near Mendon & is buried in Markle Cem. He is dead & buried about Scottdale where his parents lived.

Archibald Boyd Cochran, died of typhoid fever, got over it & ate too soon & died aged 23 of dropsy & is buried at Markles Sharp [rest is cut off]

Rachel Nicholls, m. Albert Pore, son of Chris & nephew of Josiah. Both dead & buried at the Dick U.P. Ch

Wilmer, dead

Harry, dead

Both died unm of typhoid fever just when grown

Margaret, dead

Sarah, m. Carl Mathias & live in Sewickly Tp

Albert, m. Jessie Gaut, dau of Frank A. & lives over by Dick Church

Roy, m. Rebecca Mason, dau of Dave Mason of Turkeytown & live on farm here. John Boyd Nicholls. He is dead & buried in West Newton Pa. m. Lida Bamford. She is living among the children & thinks she would have his father's bible. She is living with her daughter Mrs Painter at the old Jno N. Robb place

Elizabeth, m. Lee Painter

Boyd, lives in Gbg

Delphy, a boy, lives in Pleasant Unity

V8 Page 304 & V8 Page 305

[Descendant Chart]

Archibald Boyd Nicholls m. Elizabeth Williams, see page 302


Boyd E. Nicholls B Oct 16, 1863 ob Sept 17, 1864 aged 11 months

William Thomas Nicholls, B May 18, 1865 in South Huntingdon Tp. M. Aug 31 1887 to Lettie Ann Morrison, dau of Robert Morrison & his wife Elizabeth Campbell born May 30, 1866 in Adams Co O near Youngstown O.

Elizabeth, B Sept 26, 1889, m.

Robert Earl, B Dec 14, 1890, m.

Archibald Reed, B Aug 31, 1892, unmarried & at home

Mary Lucile, B Feby 1, 1894 ob Nov 14, 1912 m. Henry Seymour. June 16, 1912. No issue. He is living.

Raymond Murray, B Mch 14, 1896 ob Oct 21, 1896

Anna Belle, B Aug 28, 1897 m. Edgar Johnson & live in this Co where he is a farmer.

Thomas Mason

Roy Williams

Elroy P. Nicholls, B July 10, 1867 m. Vinie McLean & live on the old farm at Mendon. Both living & have 3 girls living, one boy dead.

Gretta Ann Nicholls, B Feby 25, 1871 m. Jacob L. Hough son of William of William. He living & she died about a yr after marriage leaving one daughter & is buried at Lutheran church.

Naomi Hough, m & lives in Minnestoa where he is a doctor. His name is Dr James McCarney, Minneapolis, Minn see book 12 p 449

John Calvin, Born Dec 25, 1872 m. Anna Scholl dau of Wm S. Scholl & have 6 children living & 4 dead.

Minnie Elizabeth Nicholls, B Sept 28, 1874 m. Milo Scholl, son of W.L. Scholl & had 4 children living & 4 dead. Both living

Margaret Alverda Nicholls Born Apr 10, 1878 m. Albert Fretts & live on a farm close to Scottdale Pa. Both living & have nine children see book 12 p 422

Jacob Edgar Nicholls, born May 2, 1880 mar Ella Gwynn & live near to Smithton, a farmer & have 5 boys & 3 girls. Both living.

Emma Pinckney, B May 15, 1883 ob Oct 13, 1884 aged 17 mos

Olive Edna Nicholls, the youngest. M. George Taylor & both living at Scottdale Pa, work at Casket factory. Mr & Mrs N. made their home with them for the last 14 yrs. Born Mch 9, 1885

Emogene, aged 15 b Sept 27, 1907

Russell, died aged 5 of appendicitis. B Dec 17, 1909 ob Oct 1, 1914

Norma Alverda, aged 10 b Feby 3, 1912

See Book 12 p 449-450

V8 Page 306

At residence of Paul Casner Thompson, corner of Thompson & Linden Aves, Independence Mo Oct 25, 1922 3:06 PM

I arrived here at 2 PM & was admitted by Mrs T. & she has given me her own record entered in place on page 293 in this colored ink & the names & dates of birth of her children & the death of Paul C Jr which has greatly upset her. By her deductions, we have changed the date of Helen's birth to 1898 as she was born before Mrs T. was married.

Mrs T. says her husband was with the Missouri Pacific RR Co for 26 yrs prior to the strike three years ago, when he lost his seniority but had an excellent service record. he is now with the Kansas City Terminal RR. Mrs T. says there is a Dr Emery Thompson living in Holden Mo, Johnson Co on the Mo Pacif where I came through last night & his father, who would be 80 or upwards is still living there & came from Guernsey Co O & that her father-in-law, Wm A.T. when told of it said they were related & he was probably the son of one of the old Thompsons who came out to Mo. Mrs T. says they are influential refined well to do people.

She said "father Wm A" was a humorous joking man with white skin & red youthful face & that his father William Thompson was a man six feet tall lank & rawboned. She says Glenn

V8 Page 307

Charles Thompson, son of Charles S. page 292, was married & had a child & he lost them they dying from the "flu".

She says her father-in-law was a handsome fine looking man & had a wealth of curly hair.

J.W. came in from school with another boy & later Pauline came in a very capable attractive young girl who wore in her Halloween cap & she is making her own dress for Halloween in which she is appearing as a pumpkin

5:44 PM. Paul C. has arrived from his work & is upstairs washing up. Mrs T. spoke of her Uncle King's daughter, a large handsome unmarried girl who is selling stock of a casket Co for which she is traveling having been here for dinner a year or so ago. Paul C. says about 15 yrs ago, his mother wanted him to take the Casner bible, but he didn't take it because his father had it in his tin box or satchel & wanted to keep it. Paul says the night of the fire, his father took this box & satchel over to the Thomas Steele home where he went that night after the fire & Paul says the neighbors told him he had saved his valuables & put them in his satchel which he had with him at Steeles. Paul says they have all those papers. He dont' know the address of

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his nephews Glenn or Paul Edward Thompson. Paul says that he recalls that his father spoke of Vandal Casner's father being Peter Casner. Paul does not know the address of the widow or 3d wife of his mother's Uncle Adam Casner.

Paul says his brother Charles S. told him that a Dr Thompson considered the best eye specialist in Kansas City, MO was a third cousin of theirs. He has looked him up in telephone book & his name or address is:

Thomson Optical Co Lobby of Hotel Baltimore K.C. MO

A.W. Thompson 3710 Benton Blv Wabash 2663 The Thompson at Holden Mo:

Dr Emery Thompson, Holden Mo & he was mayor of Holden Mo. Said call John Gardner of Independence & he could tell. Paul thinks A.W. Thompson is well up in years. Paul says he will look up the old records which he thinks they have in Sedalia & will send them to me. & I am to return by registered mail. I told him about L. King Thompson's cheerfulness & he then said that his father never worried a bit & had lots to worry about including loss of money. I told him that my father's philosophy was the same.

Paul says a B.W. Stout living just across the street - Linden - from here is one of the relatives, a descendant of Barbara, see page 290.

10/31/22. Do not think he is related. JVT

V8 Page 309

Kansas City MO, Muehlebach Hotel Room 529 Oct 26, 1922 8:27 AM

I arrived here last night at 10:30 PM on the street car from Independence MO 10 miles east. I reached Paul C. Thompson's yesterday afternoon & he was at his work & did not return until 5:30 PM. His wife who is a small nervous woman was very kind & gave me their immediate family record which is shown on page 293 & other data given by her & her husband is noted on the tree pages preceding this.

In reading over what his mother told me about her Aunt Barbara Casner marrying a Stout, Paul said there was a Stout relative living just across Linden Ave, opposite his home, so after eating a good dinner prepared by Mrs T & her daughter, Pauline, Paul & I went across & met Brad W. Stout, a large heavy set dark complected man & his wife. He said his father was Stephen H. Stout & that his Uncle, a brother of Stephen H. was still living in Toledo O aged about 80. He said another Uncle Braddock W. Stout, for whom he was named, had died last week at the residence of his son Joseph in Western Nebraska, aged 98 yrs & that a son of his, Charles Stout, a RR man, lived at or near Sabetha Kansas but his daughter, who had the family records, Mrs Etta Cox lives at 4148 Harrison Boulevard, Kansas City, MO Tel Valentine 1605-W & advised me to see her. His

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wife phoned to her, but she had gone out. Pauline, speaking of her grandfather, Wm A. Thompson, venerated & loved him & said he had the loveliest sparkling blue eyes, she had ever known. Paul in speaking of his father, said he was a very brainy man, had a wonderful memory & could have told about the family as he had a lovely & lively interest in everything that was Thompson.

Paul's wife, Nita, went across the street somewhere to call up about the Thompsons at Holden MO & learned that the Doctor, Emery Thompson, lived on Vine St & that the town was full of Thompsons, all related & that the Doctor had a sister here in Kansas City MO but she was unable to get D.J. Krahl or his wife on the phone as they had come recently to Independence from Holden Mo & advised me to call chief operator, which I did when I got to the Watkins hotel & find their No in Independence is 1831-R. I have just phoned Mrs D.J. Krahl at Independence Mo & she does not know of any sister of Dr Emery Thompson living in Kansas City, but says he has a sister living in Holden MO & his father's name is Laban Thompson. I had to make two transfers last night, one at Troost Ave & one at 12th St to reach this hotel & commenced reading over this week's references to new places to go but fell asleep at page 280 & at 12:30 AM went to bed & slept well until 6:50 AM when I got up. It is now 9 AM & I will map out today's work.

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At residence of Chas E. Jack, No 2628 Campbell St Tel Delaware 0116 Kansas City MO Oct 26, 1922 5:20 PM

I arrived here at 5 o'clock by taxi from the Muehlebach Hotel & Mr Jack was standing in the yard & his wife was in the door. She has brought out a fine well preserved big Bible published by John Edwin Potter 617 Samson St Phila Pa from which I copy:


Charles B. Jack was born Jany 13, 1822

Talitha A. Jack was born Aug 4, 1818

Charles Edward Jack was born Aug 12, 1849

Charles Carroll Jack was born May 22, 1872

William Airey Jack was born Nov 3, 1878

The last two above being sons of Chas E. Jack


Andrew Jack died Feby 26, 1847

Margaret Jack died Dec 23, 1856

Mary Ann Sloat died Mch 31, 1856

Janet A. Jack died Mch 11, 1862

Harriet Sloat died Jany 28, 1876

Charles B. Jack died Jany 2, 1899

Talitha A. Jack died Apr 6, 1907

On a small printed page giving births of ten Carroll Children the 4th is: Talitha Carroll was born Aug 4th, 1818.

On a slip of paper is written in pencil: Edward Jack born July 4th 1809 died Aug 13, 1890 age 81 years 1 mo & 9 days. Mr Jack says this is a brother of his father & the father of Col "Bill" Jack of Harrisburg Pa

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On another piece of paper:

J.W. Jack died July 7, 1882

Ann R. Givvins died July 25, 1882

Elizabeth Jack died Oct 26, 1882

Taressa Jack died Par 11, 1883

Susannah Carroll died Dec 11, 1882 in 90th year of her age

William C. Carroll died Feby 25, 1883

Mary Askins died Jany 31, 1887

Rose Askins died Oct 19, 1887

Mr Jack's maiden Aunts lived & died at Wrightsville, York Co Pa which had been the home of his father. His wife says he used to say his grandfather Jack came from Cork Ireland, but he denies it.

Leaving 6:25 PM

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[Descendant Chart]



Charles B. Jack, born Jany 13, 1822 mar Talitha Carroll who was born Aug 4, 1818

Charles Edward Jack, the only child, Born Aug 12, 1849. He died Jany 6, 1923 JVT 7/23/23. Mar in Baltimore Md in Aug 24, 1872 when he was 23 to Sallie E. Nicol born Mch 2, 1854 at Baltimore Md Dau of David Nicol & his wife Sarah Ann Farlow.

Charles Carroll Jack, B May 22, 1872, m. Jennie May Moore. Both living at Detroit Mich where he is with the Burroughs Adding Machine Co. No issue.

William Airey Jack, B Nov 3, 1878 m.1. Pauline Adler divorced. m.2. Etta May Lacey & lived in St Louis Mo at 4931 Spalding Ave.

Miriam, by 1st wife, married & lives in Chicago Ills

Dorothy Jule Jack, by 2d wife B May 30, 1918

William Lacey Jack, by 2d wife B Dec 1, 1919

Edward Jack, m.

William Jack, He ran the Penna Hotel at Harrisburg Pa

Ann R., m. Givvens. Lived in York Pa

A son

Mary Ann, m. Henry? Sloat

Harriet, m. Henry Sloat

Elizabeth, unmarried

Taressa, unmarried, called "Tacy"

Andrew Jack, a farmer

V8 Page 314

At residence of Francis Marion Redburn No 1812 E 36th ST Kansas City MO Oct 26, 1922 8:10 PM

I came out here on a street car from the Muehlebach Hotel. Mr Redburn's father was Francis Marion Redburn. F.M. says his father was raised on a farm & walked ten miles to Princeton, Ind to study law at night. F.M. says there is a man of about 35 yrs working for Jones Store Co at 12th & Main here who is a Redburn. F.M. says he is 5 ft 2 in & weighs but 95 lbs & his left eye is defective having lost it, he says, when a year old from a sore eye when a baby. He was so small that many people came to look at him. Said he only weighed two pounds at birth & lived the first year in a basket of cotton & weighed but five pounds when a year old. Says, however, that his health is good. His wife went upstairs & brought down a slipper with the sole but three inches long which he said he walked in. She also showed a remarkably small well made pair of boots which they said we wore when seven years old. which are the same size as an over shoe she produced which she said her daughter wore when one year old. Their daughter Eula L. lives at home but was out tonight

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& I missed seeing her. Their daughter Alice C. is tall & slender & is working in Chicago. F.M. III was at home, a fine thoughtful ten year old. They were anxious that I go see his mother & sister at Joplin Mo & I will try to do so. He said his father was scrupulously honest & believed other people were & trusted too much to what people told him & irresponsible mining sharpers fleeced him when he went to Joplin. They said to see Delia Bush who is in the General Hospital & is a daughter of Rev John Redburn & his last wife & who they say is well informed about the Redburn history.

V8 Page 316 & V8 Page 317

[Descendant Chart]



Rev John Redburn see pages 361-364 & 536 born 1807 died 1898 aged 91 yrs & 1 mos see page 360 for correct dates. Delia says he was born Apr 18, 1808 & died Apr 25, 1899.

Rev W.B. Redburn

Jennie, m. Abe Shipley & lives Kansas City Kan at 1270 Osage Ave Both living. No issue.

Delia Redburn, m.1. Edward Lockhart, m.2. Bush He is dead & she is in the General Hospital here where she had an operation for dropsy one week ago.

Henry? older than John & William died abt 1835 see page 536

A son,

Samuel Redburn, runs the Redburn Hotel at Tarlequah [best guess] Oklahoma. Thinks he was an only child. His mother lived in St Louis where she married the 2d time.

A son, viz William Redburn, see pages 364 & 512

Francis Marion Redburn, born in Gibson Co Indiana Oct 31, 1836. He died in Joplin Mo Nov 6, 1902. He was elected circuit judge of Jasper Co Mo on Nov 4, 1902 & died two days later from typhoid pneumonia & his mother had died some yrs before he did of pneumonia aged 90 yrs or over. She is buried at Princeton, Ind & he is buried at Joplin Mo. He was a member of the Methodist Church. He served in the Civil War Co K 29th Ind. He was a Republican. He was one of the oldest members of the Jasper Co bar & universally esteemed for his unassailable character. He was honorable & conscientious & his ability was unquestioned. He studied law in Princeton Ind & in July 1861 enlisted in Co K 29th Indiana Inf Volunteers as 1st Lieut & served 3 yrs being in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Champions Hill, Fort Gibson the siege of Vicksburg, Jackson & many others. After the battle of Shiloh, he was promoted to Capt of his Co & after the siege of Vicksburgh, was promoted to Major. He was mustered out at New Orleans LA in Oct 1864 & rtd to Princeton Ind & resumed the practice of the Law but soon went to Missouri & was admitted to the bar in Keytesville, Chariton Co Mo in May 1865 where he was circuit judge for 5 or 6 yrs. He was in 1866 elected clerk of the courts & recorder there. He came to Joplin Mo in 1877 & his son says lost $100,000 in a mine venture there. He married at Brunswick Chariton Co Mo May 17, 1866 Miss Mary Jane Beasley of that Co. He was the oldest member of the S.A.R. He was 6 ft 2 in & weighed 190 & was erect & straight. She was born Sept 21, 1846 & is living in Joplin Mo at No 515 W 3d St

A stillborn boy

Francis Marion Redburn Jr, born Nov 22, 1869 at Keytesville MO m. Nov 2, 1892 to Betty Knight dau of Ervin P. Knight & his wife Ella Lee Hyatt who was born Mch 7, 1873 at Warrensburg Mo. He has been a telegraph operator & has 33 yrs continuous service with the W.U. Tel Co 25 of which has been here in Kansas City 4 in Chicago & 4 in Joplin Mo. Children all born in Kansas City.

A still born girl, B Nov 16, 1893

Eula Lee, B June 25, 1896 at home, unm

Alice Camilla, B Sept 4, 1898 home, unm

Francis Marion III, Born Nov 6, 1912

Ida May, B June 19, 1872 m. Jany 6, 1918 to John B. Dickinson & are divorced. No issue. She is living at Joplin Mo with her mother.

Arminda, m. Aydelotte & at last reports was living in Princeton Ind. Has children

Jasper, married & has a family & a farmer in Oklahoma. Ask fam. [Sam?] for his address.



Abraham, see page 537

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Kansas City Mo, Muehlebach Hotel, Room 529 Oct 27, 1922 3:18 AM

I got in from F.M. Redburn's at 10:44 Pm this or last night & wrote what is in this colored ink on pages 298 two lines & 11 lines on page 299 & also what is in this colored ink on last part of page 314 & first half of 315, after waking up from a four hour's sleep in my chair.

I phoned A.O. Thompson of the A.O.T. lumber Co this morning & he invited me to lunch with him & came over to my room at 11:40 AM 26th & took me to the Rotary Club luncheon at the Baltimore, an excellent luncheon, where there were about 500 men for luncheon. He is son of Robert Jackson Thompson & he a son of David Thompson, twin brother of Joseph born in Fayette Co Pa in 1803 & they the youngest of James Thompson's children & he is greatly interested in the family quest, & asked me to go home with him tonight but as I had made the appointment with Mrs Redburn for the night, we arranged that i go with him this Friday night & make up the genealogical tables, the dates for which we will get later from his Uncle Jacob Thompson living at Manhattan Kansas, where he proposes going with me Saturday afternoon. His present wife was a widow when he married her & she

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had a daughter by her former husband who was married last week & has just got back from her wedding trip. We came back to this room after luncheon & talked until 2:30 PM when he took me up on the roof garden of the Kansas City Club, just a square below the "Baltimore" & showed me a fine view of the city, the manufacturing part of which is across the Kaw River & is Kansas City Kansas. He then had his Auto come & drove me out to my appointment with Mrs Etta Cox at No 4148 Harrison Blvd who is a petite pleasant woman with a wealth of white gray hair born, she said in 1863, the daughter of Braddock Stout (not Bradley) who was born she said in 1835 & died Oct 8, 1922 aged 87 & not 98. He was son of William Stout, of Westmoreland Co Pa whose father was Levi Stout & whose mother - the wife of Levi - was a Sartorius, English of the family that Nellie Grant's husband belonged to. She did not know of any Barbara Casner in their line, but said her grandfather William Stout of Westnd Co Pa had a brother James & other brothers & that she did not know whom James married, but it might have been Barbara nor died she know where his descendants were, but said the Stouts were French. She gave me the name of a younger brother of her father viz Isaac Newton

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Stout, 1165 Huron St, Toledo O who might know & I will write to him. She also thought I might get some information from Alfred Stout at no 2836 Terrace here Tel Grand 3598. I then bid her goodbye & took a street car back to the hotel & telephoning several parties made appointments to go to see them today Friday as A.O.T. said he would send his car to take me around tomorrow.

I called up Chas E. Jack & his wife answered & I took a taxi & went out to their residence & have noted on pages 311 to 313 what I gleaned there. He was struck by a truck abt 3 or 4 yrs ago & the injuries he received in his head has shattered his mind & he has no memory. They claimed to have an older leather brown backed bible with an older record & hunted all through their book case but could not find it. They walked with me to the street car & I got back here at 7 Pm & without waiting to get anything to teat went right out to F.M. Redburn as noted on pages 314 to 317 inclusive & then took a street car in having bid them goodbye at 10:11 PM & I have several appointments commencing at 8 AM & as it is now 4:11 AM. I will go to bed. F.M. Redburn & wife know nothing of the other four Redburns listed in the directory, did not know they were here.

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At residence of Sylvester Engle Markle NO 1407 # 8th St Kansas City Mo Oct 27, 1922 10:27 AM

I arrived here 10 minutes ago & met Mr Markle at the door. He says he has been a tailor here for 26 years & he is giving me the information on the next page.

Says Stanton V. Markle is no relation of his.

Says he knows Dorothy but her husband was not related that he ever knew

He has often heard his mother speak of Berks Co Pa & knows she came form there & he has no doubt his father came from there too, as he probably, got acquainted there with his mother. He says his brother Fred S. wouldn't know what their grandfather's name was but that Moses would. Said all have been prosperous & never gave their parents any trouble. Says those in east are all prosperous & his brother in California is well off.

Leaving 11:22 AM

Mr Markle says when he was a boy about 14 or 15 yrs old there was a Markle living near Shmokin Pa who was a brewer. Mr M. has the professional look & build of a tailor is abt 5 ft 7 stocky & substantial build with smooth face & smokes the proverbial pipe.

V8 Page 322 & V8 Page 323

[Descendant Chart]



Moses Markle, mar ________ & lived along Knob Mountain near Summerhill in Montour Co Pa & had 30 or 40 A of land . He died about 1898 aged over 60 probably died in 1883 or 1884 see book 9 page 210 think he is Daniel's son JVT 7/15/23

Odd, a boy, mar & died shortly after aged 27 yrs & before his father. No issue.

Elizabeth, M. Obediah Mikle, a farmer says she is living there yet. Has issue.

June, married Called "Babe" & is still living there in the Summerhill dist.

A daughter, mar Richard Turby & lived in Stoner Town Pa. He had a limestone quarry & burned & sold lime. Don't think they had any issue.

Conrad Markle, Born near Knob Mountain Columbia Co Pa. He was a gardener & trucker on 30 A of land he owned in Briar Creek Tp near Berwick Pa where he died about 1909 aged 82 yrs & is buried there in Summer Hill Cem & his wife also. She died abt 2 yrs before he did. He mar Susan D. Staley, a native of Germany but was raised in his neighborhood where her parents came when she was a child.

1. Moses, m.1. m.2. Lives in Berwick Pa was a shoemaker is now a Capitalist would have father's bible record. Has one boy.

2. Charles, m. She living in Kansas City Ks at Chelsea Place & has 2 chil. He dead.

Charles, m. lives at Chelsea Place A RR fireman

Susan, m. & lives at Chelsea Place

4. Sylvester E., B in Briar Creek Tp Columbia Co Pa May 25, 1861 & came to K.C. in 1888. m. Oct 1900 to Grace G. Greenwood who was born Jany 18, 1872 dau of John Greenwood & his wife Charity Nicholas. No issue.

5. Frederick Staley, lives 237 N. Irving Boulevard, Los Angeles Calif which he owns. He is a contractor & builder. He married May _______, a Swede in Denver Col who was born in Sweden. Both living No issue.

6. Miner D. married & lives on a farm, he bought near Berwick Pa & has a dairy

7. Daniel, married & lives in Berwick Pa a foreman at Car works

8. David, married & lives in Berwick Pa & works in car works

9. Susan Delilah, after her mother m. Mikle. She dead & he living near Berwick Pa & left children

3. A daughter, died unnamed

V8 Page 324

At residence of Henry Harrison Carrothers No 3222 Cleveland Ave, Kansas City Mo Oct 27, 1922 11:50 AM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & Mr C. says his brother George Ezra Carrothers No 1857 Windermere Ave East Cleveland O is getting up a record of their immediate family & has had it printed in pamphlet form & I could get it from him. Mrs C. says they have a Carrothers family reunion every year somewhere around Peru Indiana which Mr C. says is his native place being born there July 30, 1889, son of Wm Oreon Carrothers & his father came to Indiana from Ohio. Mr C. came here from Indiana about three years ago. He was married in Winnipeg Canada (where there are lots of Carrothers) July 9, 1917 to Ora Gwendolyn Burton daughter of Wm Henry Burton & his wife Sophia Steinke, who was born in Lake Tp Newton Co Ind on Feby 29, 1892. They have one child.

1. Doris Eleanor Carrothers born May 6, 1918 at Indianapolis Ind. Mrs C. had a school friend named Florence Carithers from 628 East Oak St. Princeton Ind in 1911. She doesn't know whether she is married or not. Mr C. says his grandfather was one of three brothers who went from Ohio to Ind.

Leaving 12:08 PM

George E. is Asst Supt of Schools see page 338 at Cleveland O.

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At store of A.C. McClurg & Co No 108 W 9th St Kansas City Mo Oct 26, 1922 12:44 Pm wholesale book store

I arrived here five minutes ago having this morning called the home of Frank L. Carrothers 4225 Locust ST & his wife answered that he was here. He says his grandfather, Dr George Washington Carrothers lived in Mansfield O & from there moved to Olney Ills where he practiced for a number of years & then moved to Fairfield Ill & lived there several yrs until his death & is buried at Olney Ills. He had a brother Samuel Carrothers & he had four sons & one daughter John in the Navy, graduate of Annapolis, George, lived in Olney Ills, Thinks died young, Lake, lived in Olney Ills & died there, Mary Elizabeth, mar Allen Humes Baker & lived in Olney Ills & then in Fair filed Ills & moved to Carthage Mo where she died leaving a son Geo C. Baker living in Omaha Neb & a daughter Katherine married Lew N. Manley in the R.E. business here living at 4227 Locust & she may have her grandfather's bible, Mr C. will see & write me.

William Gaylord Carrothers, born June 9, & is about 71 yrs old & lives at No 1363 1/2 West Jefferson St, Los Angeles Calif & was here on a visit & returned about a week ago. His wife is living also.

He has 8 children of whom my

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present informant, Frank L. is the eldest & was born in Fairfield Ills Nov 29, 1872. Have been with this house at Chicago Ills for 12 yrs & came here Feby 1, 1922 as manager of their Kansas City branch. Was married 1st Oct 1st 1896 to Margaret Hollister. She died Mch 26, 1906? & had by her one child:

1. William Gaylord Carrothers born Aug 4, 1900

M. 2nd Nov 10, 1910? at Fairfield Ills to Miss Anna Jessop, daughter of Robert N. Jessop & his wife Joe Hand, who was born Apr 21, 1874. No issue.

Mr C. says he is sure his father will gladly give me more complete information so am deferring record of other members of the family until I see him. He says however that his grandfather's antecedents were from Penna. His grandfather, father & entire family were Methodists says she has run across a Rev Carothers, a Pres minister in Granada Miss who had a son Neal Carothers.

Leaving 1:22 PM

V8 Page 327

At residence of Smiley Barnes 4219 W. Prospect Place, Kansas City Mo Oct 27, 1922 3:06 PM

I arrived here at 2:55 PM & was admitted by Mrs Barnes, a matronly substantial woman who says she does not have the record of her parents, the family bible being she thinks back at Stronghurst Ills & she will give me reference to her brothers & sisters back there, she being the youngest of the family. She says her father was 14 yrs older than her mother. Her mother Sarah Jane Carothers born Feby 19, 1825, daughter of Andrew Carothers son of Rodger. She says her mother's older sister Mary Ann? was married to a Fickes (John?) before her mother came to Illinois with her father whose first wife died in Cumb Co before he left & he married 2d wife in Ills & is buried at Stronghurst Ills & has marker. She say her two Uncles John & Andrew & her Aunts Harriet who mar Samuel McIlhenny & Caroline mar Samuel Rankin, came out with her mother & their father Mrs McIlhenny has one son John McIlhenny aged 71 or 72 living in Stronghurst Ills. Mrs B. says Mrs Fickes remained at Carlisle Pa & she thinks her children are living there. Was two boys Andrew & William & son of Wm Rev Herman Fickes a Pres was at Stronghurst a year ago & preached for them.

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Mrs Barnes says her father, John Burnham Fort was born in Ky July 1811 & died Mch abt 6th 1903 lacking a few months of being 92 yrs old . He died near Stronghurst & is buried at Olena Ill NW. He married Sarah Jane Carothers when she was 23 or 24 & he 37 or 38 say in 1848 or 1849 & she died Sept 1886 & is buried at same place Their children were:

1. John Marion, who died at Stronghurst Ills & she thinks he would have had his parents bible record. His widow is living at the old home & had children.

2. Caroline Virginia ("Jennie") single & living in Stronghurst & her father & her lived together & she might have the bible

3. Myra, mar Elias Fort 4th or 5th cousin & he is dead & she is living with Jennie. No issue.

4. Chas Edward, married & living in Stronghurst. Owns the old farm but lives in town. He has 3 girls & 5 boys.

5. Mary Eugenia, mar Frank Davis. She is dead at Stronghurst & he is living No issue.

6. Florence, single & living by herself in Stronghurst Ills

7. Anna Burnham Fort, born near Olena Ills Aug 3, 1865 & was married Feby 19, 1885 at the old home farm near where Stronghurst Ills now is, but there was no town there until a year or so later, when the Santa Fe RR was built to Isaiah Smiley Barnes who was born in Illinois Oct 7, 1862 the son of Wm Phineas Barnes & his wife Maria Jane Brooks &

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both are living. They came just after marriage to Linn Co Kansas, where they lived on a farm for 5 yrs & then came to Kansas City Mo where he is a cattle & live stock salesman. Have children as follows:

1. Nellie, born in Linn Co Ks Mch 1, 1886

2. Mary Eugenia born in Linn Co Ks May 8, 1888

3. John Smiley born in Kansas City Mo May 26, 1890

4. Anne born in Kansas City Mo Nov 26, 1892

5. Florence in Rosedale Ks June 12, 1895

6. Marian born in Rosedale Ks Sept 29, 1897

7. Myra Caroline born in Rosedale Ks Sept 14, 19011

8. Dorothy born in Rosedale Ks June 3, 1906

All living & all single except Mary Eugenia & John S.

2. Mary Eugenia mar in Dec 1918? at El Paso Texas to Robert A. Cochrane & they are living at No 806 East Manor Drive, Englewood, a suburb of Los Angeles Calif. No issue.

3. John Smiley mar Nellie Jones of Kansas City Mo & lives here & works on the road. No issue. They have a farm down by Gardner & he contemplates going to it. Lives 4537 Wornall Road Kansas City Mo See book 5 page 328 & book 16 P 235

Leaving 4:04 PM

V8 Page 330

At residence of Alvah Otis Thompson No 1015 W 58th St Terrace Kansas City MO Oct 27, 1922 9:15 PM

I arrived here behind time at 7 PM & Mr T. is giving me the record of his grandfather David Thompson's descendants which I am noting commencing on page 332 page 334 two of Rachel Connet's children died in a windstorm, a cyclone.

A.O. says that after his father's first wife died, he enlisted in the Civil War at Salisbury Ind in 1862 & served until the war closed & was discharged in the grand review at Wash D.C. Served under Gen Sherman & was in the march to the sea & was in the battles that sector participated in, including Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta etc. He got a bruised knee cap on the forced march to Atlanta which developed into a stiff knee at right angles which necessitated his using one or two crutches the remainder of his life. A.O. & his wife have shown me many fine photographs of their relatives including excellent pictures of his grandfather & his sons & daughters & the Kilpatricks. He says once when out hunting deer, he, his grandfather, saw a big buck deer coming & got behind a tree & as it came by, jumped & threw his arms around the deer's neck & threw it & while the deer nearly killed him, he succeeded in killing the deer which was being chased by the dogs. At Manhattan Kan, Sunday 29th, his Uncle Jacob D. Thompson says he was laying behind a log & when the deer jumped over the log he grabbed

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its feet & threw it & finally killed it but was terribly lacerated & almost disembowelled in the fray & was a long time recovering from it.

Many of the dates on the next two or three pages were take from the "Genealogy of the Connet Family" by Rev Alfred Connet ctg 53 pages & published in 1905, but copies of which if available could be had from Oliver Connet of Balto Md, a half brother of Rev Alfred.

The dates of Robt J. Thompson's family are taken from his big family bible which A.O. has. The Connet book also shows that:

John Nelson Connet, born June 23, 1830 in Greene Co Pa & who died at Baileyville Kan Sept 19, 1889 where he had a Genl Mdse store married 1st on Apr 11, 1854, Mary Emily,daughter of Wm & Mary Ann (Thompson) Rose who was born Mch 16, 1836 near Senecaville O & died Aug 4, 1871 at Stanford Ind married 2d near Senecaville O Mrs Mary Richey widow of Thos J. Richey & daughter of James & Mary (Hammond) Elliott on Apr 7, 1872 & had issue as follows:

She, Mary Elliott Richey was born Dec 5, 1837 near Steubenville O.

1. Martha Ann Connett born Mch 14, 1855 } born near

2. William Homer Connett born Aug 24, 1856} Senecaville O

3. Melville Rose Connett born Sept 5, 1859 & living }at

4. Fred Marvin Connett born Oct 10, 1868 & living }Stanford

5. Frank B. Connett born Apr 11, 1870 & living }Ind

6. Ralph Alonzo Connett born May 3, 1877 & living in K.C. MO

7. Carrie Helen Connett born Apr 20, 1882 & living in K.C. MO

1. Martha Ann Connet mar July 21, 1872 at Cincinnati Green Co Ind Dr James Henderson Gaston (son of James & Polly

to page 336

V8 Page 332 & V8 Page 333 & V8 Page 334

[Descendant Chart]

David Thompson born in Fayette Co Pa Mch 4, 1803. Removed with his parents when a young man to Guernsey Co O. He died near Beatrice Neb 10 miles out on the Kilpatrick farm at the home of his daughter Rachel Kilpatrick about Feby 20 or 22d, 1883 a few days short of 80 yrs old. He was buried at a church yard near the farm, but was removed to the Kilpatrick mausoleum at the Beatrice cemetery. He & two of his older sons, Abraham & William went overland to California in 1849 where he gave his attention more to itinerant preaching than he did to gold mining. In returning from California, he fearlessly broke away from the caravan & made the trip home alone. He married in Guernsey Co O to Ruth Jackson & moved to Will Co Ill about 1842 & from there to Jasper Co Mo in 1843 & went from there to California in 1849 & his wife died in jasper Co Mo about 1855 & is buried on their old farm 2 miles north west of Carl Junct where Spring River crosses the Kansas State lane the burying ground being out in the open pasture, but no markers except native rock with the lettering defaced. He never married again. His son Jacob D. said Sunday 29th that it was 1851 that he went to California & he only went once.

Hannah Thompson, B Sept 15, 1823 (see page 397) ob Nov 3, 1896 m. John Thompson son of Jacob her 1st cousin. He was born Jany 21, 1821 & died June 14, 1889.

Salathiel, was in 97th Ind V.I. ob. M.1. Rebecaa died & buried at Sabetha Ks, M.2. Mary Black. She is living at Fairview Brown Co Kan where he died & is buried, was Shff of Brown Co Ks.

2. Mary by 1st wife, m. King & he left her. She living. No issue

1. Cora by 1st wife m. Gillian lived at Topeka Ks.

A daughter, m. Fisher & lives at Wichita Kan & her mother lives with her


Lloyd, by 2d wife married & is in Sheet iron flume business in Denver Col


Ruth, m. & both dead. No issue.

Jacob, m. Belle Moose Both living in S.W. Kan. Have several children.

Cephas, M. Samantha. & he is living at Oklahoma Has children

Derinda, m. Slagle & he dead & she is living with her dau (At Columbia MO) who mar a teacher in the State Univ A.O. thinks she wd have her parents family bible.

William K. Thompson, B Oct 14, 1828 ob Oct 19, 1868 m. Fannie Secrest she survived him & died abt 10 yrs ago or 20. She born Mch 30, 1833 see page 334 ob Oct 15, 1905.

Abram J. Thompson, B Aug 10, 1832 or 1833 ob Aug 12, 1875 aged 40 yrs M. Phoebe Tucker who was born Dec 17, 1836 & died Dec 20, 1902 five miles south of Sabetha, Nemaha Co Ks at Capiomaina County G.y at the edge of town where both are buried see page 352.

John Austin, B Mch 6, 1859 m. & both living in Kansas, Lost Springs, M[unreadable] Co

Martha Izetta, B Dec 14, 1862 m. Mch 5, 1879 to Wm Homer Connet, children all born at Baileyville Ks except last two.

Earnest Nelson, B Aug 11, 1882 ob Jany 6, 1890

Mary Emma, B Apr 24, 1884 at Baileyville Ks. Lives in Kansas City Mo. single

Grace Myrtle, B Sept 28, 1885 m. Dr Young & live Salina Kan

Harold John, B Dec 28, 1890 thinks mar & lives at Manhattan where his mother a widow lives

Edna, B Feby 24, 1894 m. Riggs [this may be crossed out, hard to tell] & has 3 children page 348

Lester, B May 17, 1896 born in the Cyclone, single living at [unreadable]

Ruth, B June 29, 1901 single at school at Emporia Ks at Axtell Ks.

Helen, B Aug 28, 1903 at Axtell Ks at Sabetha Manhattan

[rest of line unreadable]

Emma Ella, B Sept 2, 1865 ob Mch 10, 1882 unmarried. Lived with her Aunt Rachel K.

Olive, B Feby 7, 1869 m. & living in Kansas Pottawatamie Co. Has 3 or 4 boys at Oldsburg Ks

Rachel, B Mch 4, 1874 m. Fred Thompson, not related so far as they know.

Rachel Thompson, ob M. Samuel Kilpatrick Think I have this from Marian D. Kilpatrick.

Sarah Ann, ob, mar Downey did live in Jasper Co Mo & abt 1857 went back Salisbury Ind & then back to Guernsey Co O. Ask Mrs Kilpatrick.


a boy

A girl

a girl

Isaac Thompson see 410 & 412) Twin of Abraham B Aug 10, 1833 ob Feby 7, 1917 in Osborne Kansas & is buried there. M. Dec 16, 1872 to Mary Lucinda Hafery whose mother was a Thompson a descendant of James 1758-1835 & she is living at Osborne, Kan aged abt 80. Try to see her. She will have bible See page 412 this book.

Ralph Edward, B Oct 15, 1873 see p 412 m.1. on Mch 28, 1894 to Blanche L. DeFrance m.2 Truskett & one separated? He lives at Pueblo Colo & is with the DeLavial cream separator. Had 4 or 5 children by 1st wife none by second.

Owen, m. & are both living out or abt Hutchinson Kan Thinks has children

Edna, m. & has children. They live at Cedarville Kan on north branch of Solomon River. Have children.

Jacob Downard Thompson, B July 13, 1836 at Nelsonville, Ohio mar Nov 8, 1860 to Mary Ann Glenn. She died in Oct 14, 1921 & was born Apr 14, 1842 near Linneas MO & buried at Edmond Ks & he is living at Manhattan Kansas aged 86 yrs see page 350.

Robert Jackson [twin] B May 25, 1838 ob Feby 21, 1905 m.1. Mch 8, 1860 to Delilah Edwards who was born Dec 23, 1836 She died Mch 27, 1861. He mar 2 Aug 24, 1865 at Champaign Ill to Minerva Connet who was born Sept 20, 1839 & died Sept 20, 1911.

Salathiel, by 1st wife, B Mch 22, 1861 & died Mch 22, 1861

Alva Otis, B May 26, 1867 at Champaign Ills M.1. June 28, 1892 to Nellie L. Bruce who was born Nov 4, 1870 & he divorced her Nov 4, 1912 m.2. on Jany 26, 1918 to Mrs Gertrude Bruce nee McKamey who was born July 9, 1877 my informant.

Philip Bruce Thompson, Born Kansas City Mo Sept 13, 1897. He was killed in an elevator accident at Atlantic Hotel Chicago Ills Aug 15, 1918 on his way to enlist in the World War. Graduate of Culver Ind. military school & was 2 yrs [line unreadable] Buried First Hillery K.C. MO

Isaac Edgar, B in Champaign Ill May 9, 1869 ob at Lawrence Kans where he was in his last year at Kansas Univ Dec 22, 1895 He & his parents are buried in Oak Hill Cem Lawrence Kan.

Rebecca, B May 25, 1838 [twin] ob. m. to Samuel Hull Lived in Texas & Kansas? She died at Kaney Kan. Had 4 or 5 children.

Margaret Thompson, B Feby m.1. Caleb Davis who died m.2. to George Blair & both are living at Wenatchie Wash.

Charles Davis, B say 1866 ob at Wenatchie aged 22.

2. William Kile Thompson, m. Frances Secrest in St Mo M. Aug 23, 1852. He died 5 miles south of Sabetha Nemaha Co Ks from page 332.

Ruth Elizabeth, B Nov 29, 1856 ob m. Elias Boal Perry on May 25, 1876.

Howard, m. & living

Rachel Keziah, B May 19, 1859 mar Melville Rose Connet. Both living Seneca Ks where he is cashier of Bank mar Nov 2, 1879

Lela Frances, B June 7, 1881 ob May 17, 1896 at Seneca Kans in a cyclone

Clyde Raymond, B Oct 25, 1883 ob Nov 20, 1887

Wm Nelson, B Apr 25, 1886 ob May 17, 1896 at Seneca Kan in a cyclone.

William Kile Jr, B Apr 7, 1868 mar 1. Aug 29, 1889 see next page. He lives on a farm near Tonganoxie Kan & thinks he could give his parents bible record.

Isaac Newton B July 1, 1853 ob Aug 23, 1853.

Jacob Thompson [twin of Mary Glenn] from page 333. He lives now with his daughter Alpha Bales at Manhattan Kan. See fuller record of his children on pages 350 & 351 which A.O.T. & I got Sunday afternoon 1 to 5:30 PM at Mrs Bales home see further at pages 347 to 349. Also pages 350 & 351 JVT Oct 30, 1922 2:40 AM

Alpha, a girl m. to Wm W. Bales & both living at Manhattan Kansas.

Nellie, m to Curtis Bailes, bro of W.W. & live near Densmore Norton Co Kan 2 chil [different spellings as entered in notebooks]

Nannie, m. to Pierce & he lives near Densmore Ks. Had 4 or 5 chil.

Alexander, m.2. & lives near Portland Oregon. She was two terms in Oregon State Legislature. No issue. M.1. & divorced.

David, ob at age of abt 12

Abram, m. to Houghton. Both living at or near Densmore Kan where he is a farmer & stock grower clear thinker with right ideas.

Kile, aged 24 m. He is a farm adviser for Jewell Co Kan & lives at Mankato.

Ben, unm & lives here at YMCA Bldg

A son

Edgar, m. & is a farmer living near Densmore Ks & has a boy & a girl

Robert, m. & is a druggist at or near Colfax Washington Don't know about issue.

Mary Glenn [twin of Jacob, see above]

V8 Page 335

2. Margaret Finley Thompson born Aug 23, 1854 & died May 29, 1863 daugher of Wm Kile Thompson

From Page 346

Mrs Vernie Thompson, his wife, got out her father-in-law's bible & from it & memory, gave us the dates of her father-in-law's record on page 332 & 334 & her husband's & his children's record on this page.

[Descendant Chart]

William Kile Thompson Jr m.1. Aug 29, 1889 to Nettie Marsh. She died Aug 17, 1902. m.2. Aug 19, 1904 to Vernie B. Witnzer born Oct 10, 1875


Leslie Ray by 1st wife B July 10, 1890 Prin at Iola Kan

Wm Joseph, B Aug 29, 1906

Melville Kile B Sept 6, 1908

Rachel Frances, Born July 7, 1915

V8 Page 336

From page 331

Bryan Gaston, who was born about 1838 or 1840 & had the following children:

1. Grace Filena Gaston born June 8, 1873 m. Robt Farren [Farrer?] 2. Edmund Audley Gaston born July 29, 1875 m. & a dentist

3. Otis Tell Gaston born June 2, 1878 m. & a dentist

4. Edith Vivian Gaston born July 29, 1880, single

5. Mary Prairie Gaston born Aug 18, 1883 ob Apr 13, 1899

6. James Hubert Gaston born Jany 18, 1886, living

7. Wendell Nelson Gaston born June 25, 1895, living

4. Fred Marvin Connet, mar at Axtell Ks Sept 2, 1891 to Ida J., daughter of John & Mary (Kinsley) Curtis, who was born Oct 20, 1864 at Truro Ills & have the following children. She died at Pgh Kansas abt 1920 & he living.

1. Chester Francis Connett born Sept 12, 1892 & m.

2. Ina Connet born Sept 10, 1894, single [variations in spelling of surname as noted]

3. Vena Carrie Connet born Apr 3, 1897, single

4. Nelson Marvin Connet born Apr 5, 1901, single

5. Bernice Vivian Connet born Feby 12, 1903, single

The first three were born at Baileyville Ks & the last two at Gas, Ks.

5. Frank B. Connet mar at Joplin Mo on June 17, 1897 to Vena Pearl, daughter of Rev Jacob B. & Mary M. (Slater) Welty who was born July 26, 1875 at Maquoketa, Iowa. Their children are:

1. Paul Nelson Connet, born Sept 28, 1898 & m.

2. Melville Dwight Connet born Sept 13, 1902.

Both born in Kansas City MO

6. Ralph Alonzo Connet mar in Kansas City Mo Jany 22, 1902 to Louisa Mary, daughter

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of Rev. Sanford George & Louisa Jane (Drury) Fisher, who was born Jany 25, 1880 at Grand Ridge Ills & have issue:

1. Dorothy Louisa Connet born Apr 16, 1903

2. Ralph Connet born 1907? both at Kansas City Mo

7. Carrie Helen Connet married to Henry Norton abt 2 or 3 yrs ago & who lives at NO 1219 Bales Ave & who we met there today. No issue

1. Grace Filena Gaston, mar at Axtell Ks Aug 9, 1899 to Robert Kilby son of Horatio Nelson & Martha Laura (Minter) Farrar who was born Sept 23, 1870 & was principal of the schools at Downs Kan and think is now at Brownsville Texas. No issue.

2. Edmund Audley Gaston mar at Axtell Ks Nov 20, 1901 to Effie May, daughter of Geo C. & Sarah (Petre) Ford, who was born Sept 18, 1878 at Axtell Ks & live at Axtell Kansas.

Finished at 1:50 AM 28th

A.O. told me he came to Kansas City Mo in May 1889 & was with the Badger Lumber Co for 26 yrs & during said employ in 1903 he built 100 houses on Bales Ave etc & sold them clearing good money & built too the Densmore Hotel all or part of which he still owns. Said he started up six yrs ago for himself. He further sd that his Uncle Saml Kilpatrick homesteaded 3000 acres in Nebraska & his sons now own it & also 38000 a ranch in Western Neb. Saml died when comparatively young & it was his widow Rachel to whom the boys are indebted for their success in life.

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At residence of H.H. Carrothers No 3222 Cleveland Ave Kansas City MO Oct 27, 1922 12:15 PM (Transcribed at A.O.T's 7 AM 28th)

In addition to what is on page 324, Mr C. said his wife had lost two children & it wasn't by reason of the expense of raising them that he didn't have more children. He is a swarthy well built man with smooth face about 5 ft 8 in & she is a sweet beautiful young girl with florid complexion. He is one of eleven children. Ask his brother for the address of the NY man who wrote saying he was getting up a history of the family & whose letter they forwarded to his brother. Mrs C. was doing her own work & was getting dinner when I was there.

At front porch of Geo Goodwin No 1738 Holley St at residence of his Uncle on his mother's side to see Obie Lewis Redburn whose home which he owns is around the corner a square at No 1828 Mercer street, Kansas City Mo Oct 27, 1922 1:55 PM Transcribed 7:30 AM 28th at A.O.T's

I went to his residence & the middle aged woman living adjoining said he had just gone to his Uncle Goodwin's who was sick with heart trouble. She said her first husband Johnson was a brother of Obie's mother & her present husband is a Johnston. Going to Goodwin's, Obie came to the door & by reason of the sickness within we sat down in the swing on the porch.

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Obie said his father, James Monroe Redburn, is son of "Mack" ie John McMillan Redburn & that the family were general Baptists. John McMillan Redburn had two older half brothers (evidently his mother's children by a former husband) viz "Dick" Smith & Brooks Smith.

Obie remembers his grandfather Redburn who he says died in West Plains, Howell Co Mo about 10 or 12 yrs ago & thinks there is a marker at his grave which he thinks is at Park Chapel g.y. His wife died 5 yrs ago this coming winter. He was about 76 yrs old He had five boys & one girl named by Obie as near as he could in the order of their ages.

1. James Monroe Redburn, oldest, born Dec 15, 1855 & who married Talitha Wiggs who was born Aug 3, 1865 being ten yrs younger than her husband. Both of them were here visiting Obie & left for home 5 o'clock yesterday evening. They live 5 miles south of Alton (Co seat) of Oregon Co MO which has no RR & the nearest RR is the "Frisco" at Thayer Mo & his home is 11 miles north of Thayer Mo his P.O. being Star Route, Thayer MO & I must go see him. I believe his grandfather would be a brother of Rev John Redburn. They have 5 children living & 3 dead viz.

1. Obie L. the oldest born Nov 12, 1888 in Oregon Co Mo who was married Feby 21, 1909 at Oregon Co to Fannie Brazeal daughter of Robert Brazeal & his wife Martha Williams who was born in Arkansas on Sept 10, 1889. Both living & have two children

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1. Emma Armenda Redburn born Dec 19, 1901

2. Gracie Isabel Redburn born July 6, 1912

Obie says he has a cousin Oma Redburn, daughter of John McMillan Redburn Jr "Mack" who works here at some private house.

From here down, they are bros & sisters of James M. & not his children.

2. Susan, married James Foster & live in Oregon Co Mo & have 3 boys & 3 girls, 1 girl dead. She is dead six yrs ago. He ran off with another woman.

3. Jason Redburn died at West Plains MO married & his widow lives in West Plains Mo 28 miles fr Thayer Mo & was "a whole house full of children"

4. Charles, living in Oregon Co Mo near Rover Mo married & wife is living. He is a farmer & have six children.

5. John McMillan Redburn Jr ("Mack") living in Oregon Co Mo near Reva, a farmer & has about 6 children.

6. Haywood Redburn, living in Arkansas, don't know place but in toward Walnut Ridge on a farm which he rents, married & have two children.

7. Ed Redburn living at Alton Okla where he is farming married & has 4 or 5 children

He says his grandfather Redburn came from Illinois to Oregon Co Mo knows nothing about Hazel or James E. Redburn. He is an Oiler for the Frisco RR, is 5 ft 9 in & weighs 175 lbs & has blue eyes, smooth face & black hair.

Leaving at 2:33 PM

Obie has a hacking cough & very black heavy eyebrows that meet.

V8 Page 341

At residence of Stanton Victor Markle No 3722 Silver Ave, Kansas City, Kansas 5:11 PM but moving tomorrow to 4014 Metropolitan Ave, Kansas City, Kansas Oct 27th, 1922 (Transcribed 6:40 AM 29th at Muehlebach)

Mr Markle says his father was Francis Markle who was the youngest of the family & was born at or near Branford, Ontario abt Apr 1822 & died at Columbiaville Michigan in Nov 1903 aged 81 past, was a farmer & is buried at Woodlawn Cem there & has a marker. He married Anna Vermilya who was born Sept 5, 1832 & died about Easter time aged 82 or 83 & is buried same place.

He, Francis, had brothers George & Virol & a sister Rebecca.

1. George married & died in Waterford Ontario without issue.

2. Virol married & lived at Columbiaville Mich & died there. He had the following children viz: John, George, James & Hannah. He don't know where they are, but 10 yrs ago, George was working in a sanitarium at Lapeer Mich & about the same time, John was at Marquette Mich. James was teaching school at Mio Mich where it took two days by ox team & you had to walk the rest of the way. There was also a son Manuel who lived at Ludington Mich where he was a farmer. Hannah died unmarried.

3. Rebecca married John Petone? a mischiefmaker in the family & lived in Oaklnad, Ontario. No issue.

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4. Francis had three children viz:

1. Norman Jonathan Markle born & died Apr 1921 aged 71 yrs at Detroit Mich & is buried there in the Woodmere Cem. His widow is also dead. They had but one child:

Stanton Jay Markle aged 47 yrs who lives in Detroit Mich is in the R.E. business is married & have one child, Virginia.

2. Melissa Markle 8 yrs younger than Norman J. & 15 yrs older than Stanton V. She married Porter Murphy & both are living at No 5503 4th Ave, Detroit Mich where he is secy of the board of Public Works. He has spent much time in gathering up the records of the Markle family & could give valuable information & would answer a letter if I would write him & tell him I was referred to him by Stanton V. They have but one child, a boy:

1. Winfred Wright Murphy, who is married & lives in NY City & has two daughters.

3. Stanton Victor Markle born at Columbiaville Mch 26, 1868 & was married Aug 5, 1891 at Tawas City Mich to Mary Gertrude Bonker, daughter of Wm Bonker (Pro. Bunker) & his wife Viola Morse, who was born at Tawas City Mich July 31, 1875 & have two children:

1. Harold Victor Markle born Sept 13, 1892

2. Faith Elouise Markle born Feby 23, 1903

Harold V. married May 7, 1913 to Lucy Clark & both are living at Phoenix Arizona where he is a machinist. No issue.

Stanton V. is bill clerk for the Santa Fe RR Co Has been train dispatcher

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telegraph operator etc. He came here in Mch 1906. He is about my height & is a spare man, good face & humorous. His wife is a large well built blonde of about same height. Faith was interested & is an attractive handsome big girl. S.V. thinks he recalls that the records his brother-in-law has stated there was an Abraham in the line of their ancestors. He said the family are all Protestants.

Left at 5:55 PM

At residence of Mrs Mary G. Jack No 915 W. 32nd St Kansas City Mo Oct 28, 1922 10:22 AM

Arrived here 5 minutes ago & was admitted by Mrs Jack's daughter, Miss Norah, a dark complected swarthy little girl of abt 110 lbs with a short but perceptible black moustache. She did not enter into the spirit of my quest & wanted to know why I hadn't seen her relatives in Phila of whom I had never before heard. She however went into a back downstairs room where her mother was sick & wrote down & brought from their bible record & with the help of her mother, whom I did not see, the following record of their family: See Book 13 P 161.

Richard Jack born Sept 1846 ob Aug 3, 1896 aged 50 in K.C. MO mar 1. Feby 8, 1875 Maggie Sheehan, mar 2. June 26, 1885 Mary Sheehan (sister of Maggie) who was born Nov 25, 1857

Their children were: 4 by 1st & 5 by 2d wife.

1. Louis C. Jack born Nov 18, 1875 married

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2. Walter Jack born Dec 22, 1877, dead

3. Richard Jack born July 26, 1879, married

4. Mary Jack born Dec 24, 1881, living, single

5. Frank Barron Jack born Mch 30, 1887, living, single

6. Elizabeth Jack born Aug 27, 1889, living, single

7. Norah Jack born Dec 31, 1890, living, single

9. Maurice Jack born July 24, 1892, died 1897

8. William Jack born Dec 31, 1890, died 1891

Miss Norah, my informant is I think a school teacher. She said her father, Richard had a brother Louis Jack, who lived in Phila Pa & had practiced dentistry. He, however has died & was succeeded in the dentistry by two sons, the name of one of the sons being Forrest Jack.

I left at 10:40 AM

At residence & store of Nicholas Rothermel No 2852 South West Boulevard Kansas City Mo Oct 28, 1922 10:44 AM

I find Mr Rothermel alone in his store & hardware store. He is a big stolid German with a decided German accent & twang weighing say 220 lbs & 5 ft 10 in high & not fat, but big all the way up, with a big head shaped like that of Dr G.A. Shane at Waynesburg O. He says he came to the U.S. in 1883 from Hesse, Darmstadt & is sandy complected. He says he was born in the town of Kirschhausen in Oden Wald (a mountain district) in the State of Hesse Darmstadt on May 15, 1861. His father, Adam

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Rothermel died Feby 4, 1909 in his 89th yr, having been born in Jany 1821. He died at Kirschhausen where he was born & always lived. He had 8 children of whom but three grew up viz his brother Peter, his sister Katrina & himself.

Adam's father was Peter (Rothy) Rothermel, once Protty, the youngest of the family & Dr Shane was the youngest boy in his family & Nicholas Rothermel was the youngest of his family & remembers seeing his grandfather Peter, as an invalid in bed when he was a little boy. Peter also lived at Kirschhausen & died there aged 97 years, when Nicholas was a child say 6 to 10 yrs old. Thinks he always lived at Kirschhausen, but don't know for sure. Says he had a wart standing up on top of his bald head, that as children they made sport about. He said his great grandfather (the father of Peter) was from Holland. Thinks his grandfather was taken by Napoleon I & put in his army & taken to some other country, he thought Russia, to fight his battles & who when opportunity offered deserted the army & later got back home. He says his brother Peter was a farmer & his grandfather Peter was a farmer & a blacksmith.

Nicholas Rothermel married in Kansas

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City Mo to Mary Fomlmer [Fomemer?] in 1893 but have no issue living. He said William A. Rothermel of 3020 Terrace who clerks for him is an adopted son. His old home, he says was fifteen miles from the Rhine & was directly east of Worms. He says that years ago, he saw a Rothermel, a tall man & a farmer in Springfield Mo. He has lived 35 yrs in Kansas City MO.

Left at 11:22 AM

At residence of John C. Rothermel, Marshall Apts No 819 E 11th ST Kansas City Mo Oct 28, 1922 11:33 AM

They live in Aptmt K on the top floor where on walking up, I found his wife, a small slender woman who said her husband John C. Rothermel was aged 32 yrs & his father John Peter Rothermel was aged 57 yrs & lived with them & both were at work & were musicians. She said John, Peter's father was from St Louis Mo & was a whip maker

Left at 11:44 AM

Polk then called up A.O. Thompson & dropping me at the Muehlebach Hotel drove home with the marketing for Mrs T. while I paid my bill, got shaved & he & A.O.T. came again for me at 1:15 PM & after fixing their tire, we drove over through K.C. Kan & got Frank Connet & drove through Tonganoxie & six miles beyond to Wm K. Thompson's Jr & found no one at home, but waiting awhile, his wife, son & daughter drove in See page 335

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At residence of William W. Bales No 1018 Kearny St, Manhattan Kansas Oct 29, 1922 1:11 PM

A.O. Thompson & I arrived here on time at 12:55 PM on the Union Pacific RR having left Kansas City Mo at 8:40 AM. Chas Carroll taxi boy drove us out here & A.O. has introduced me to Mr & Mrs Bales. Mr Bales is a small man & his wife is a large woman of fine appearance but not over size, with a good shaped head & a strong face with her hair around the temples turning gray. Her father, Jacob Downard Thompson, son of David 1803-1883 is a small man & his hair which he has, as he is not bald at all, has turned gray but is not white. He is in his 87th year.

Ethel says they had an old paper which was given to A.O. & he has not returned but they say Mrs Marian D. Kilpatrick has a copy. Ethel L. produces an old Coles Concordance of which 958 pages remain, the first page being page & with a leather back well preserved which belonged to her great grandfather David Thompson & in which on the inside front cover he had written his name etc as follows: (The Concordance is 2 in thick 4 in wide & 6 in long)

"David Thompson was born March the 4th 1803, Fayette Co Pennsylvania, Manalon Township, Dunlaps Creek" This was written with pencil but Ethel inked over it. Mrs Bales says she has just talked

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to Mrs W.O. Dunn, living here nee Nina Gist, daughter of Rebecca Gist, who died here in Manhattan Kan Sept 1920 aged 92 yrs who was a daughter of John Thompson, son of James of Jacob. Mrs Dunn says her brother Joseph Gist a R.E. dealer living in Enid Oklahoma is gathering the records of his grandfather John Thompson's descendants & his mother gave him all the family records she had to help him in his quest.

John Austin Thompson, son of Abram page 332 lives in Marion Co Kan at Lost Springs & has six children. He is a farmer one mile S.E. of Lost Springs.

Wm Homer Connet was born Aug 24, 1856. He died Aug 24, 1916 aged 60 yrs. Helen Connet says her sister Grace's husband page 332 is Dr Pearl Raymond Young & were married June 12, 1906. They have no issue. He was born Dec 15, 1876

Page 332, her brother Harold was married Oct 1, 1913 to Elizabeth Shearer daughter of John Shearer & his wife Martha Moffit. John Shearer came to this country from Scotland. Elizabeth was born Dec 24, 1884. They have 4 children:

1. Harold John Connet Jr born Nov 23, 1914

2. Donald Marshall Connet born Dec 14, 1917

3. Russell Moffit Connet born May 13, 1919

4. Martha Winifred Connet born Apr 19, 1921

Harold is a mechanic in a garage

Edna Connet page 332 on Nov 19, 1913 married to Pearl L. Kirk son of James Kirk

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& his wife Adaline Wager, who was born July 28, 1890. They live at Axtell Kan where he is a farmer & have 3 children viz:

1. Martha Adaline born Feby 27, 1915

2. Dorothy Louise born May 4, 1918

3. Glenda Grace born Mch 12, 1920

Jacob D. Thompson say that his grandmother, Mary Jackson, wife of James was a first cousin of the father of Stonewall Jackson & that he, Stonewall's father visited his grandfather James Thompson in Ohio.

He says his father's Uncle Jacob Thompson did not marry till late in life & he did not have any children. Thinks he died in Fayette Co as it was in Pa that he died. Jacob further said that his grandmother Mary Jackson Thompson wife of James was 52 yrs old when his father David & his twin brother Joseph were born Mch 4, 1803. [unreadable] 9 & 424 see Book 7 p 354 line 10 She was but 42 yrs old. He said too that in addition to his father's Uncle Jacob mentioned above, he had an Uncle William Thompson who left descendants & also had another Uncle whose name he don't now know who went to North or South Carolina with the Henthorns. He said too that his father had an Aunt who married a Brown & lived in Fayette Co Pa but he don't know either her or his first name. He didn't know of any aunts of his father who had married Calles, Frames, Moss, or Jackson. He s'd his grandfather James Thompson had a big farm & farmed extensively & that his mother Ruth Jackson, no relation of his grandmother was working for his grandparents in the house & his father met & wooed her there.

V8 Page 350 & V8 Page 351

[Descendant Chart]

Jacob Downard Thompson & Mary Glenn see page 333. He is living here with his oldest daughter Refer also to page 334.


Alpharetta Thompson, Born at Lecompton, Kansas Dec 24, 1861 & was mar on Nov 14, 1884 at Densmore Kansas to Wilford W. Bales who was born Sept 17, 1864.

Harold W., B Aug 1, 1885 mar Dec 25, 1913 to Alice Ross, dau of C.W. Ross & his wife who was a Holler who was born Sept 4, 1891. No issue. He lives Syracuse NY where he is tuberculosis inspector bureau of animal industry. Harold grad in 1909 fr K.A.C. here.

Ethel Loleta, B Mch 23, 1889 at Densmore Kan. Has taught school 10 yrs since her graduation from Kansas Ag College here in 1912. At home unmarried & my informant for this record.

Herbert, B at Densmore Ks Oct 12, 1896 & is at home unm & is a senior in K.A.C. here was 9 or 10 mos in training camp of World War but didn't get abroad.

Nellie C. Thompson, Born near Sabetha but in Brown Co Kansas Aug 11, 1866 & mar near Densmore Ks Feby 1, 1906 to Curtis Alvernus Bales, bro of W.W. who was born Apr 11, 1871 son of Jonathan Bales & his wife Rachel Trueblood.

Rachel Mary, B Dec 15, 1907

Robert Carl, B June 8, 1909

Both born near Densmore Kan where their parents live.

Nancy Ellen Thompson, B Dec 14, 1868 at Lecompton Kan Mar Apr 29, 1891 to E. Pierce Griffith son of John Griffith & his wife Binnie Rhodes, who was born Apr 29, 1871. She died Jany 3, 1899 in Norton Co Kan where he, a farmer lives having remarried. Children all born near Densmore Ks.

Ralph, B Aug 1, 1891 mar Aug 14, 1918 to Anna Biles born 1897 dau of Wm Biles & wife Amanda Oley. He has a garage at Densmore Ks.

Harold Leland B Sept 9, 1921

Carol Louine Griffith, Born May 13, 1923

Ross, B Dec 13, 1892 m. Dec 24, 1913 to Mary Thomas dau of Philip Thomas & Columbia Davtis [best guess] Thomas & both living near Densmore Ks where he is a farmer. Children all born near Densmore Ks. She born in Ohio in 1897.

Mildred Maria, B Jany 15, 1917

Helen Lucile, B Oct 24, 1918

Margaret Louise B Aug 10, 1920

John Jacob, B Feby 10, 1896 mar May 18, 1921 to Elsie Archer. They live at Concordia Kan where he is an Arts Salesman. No issue yet. She was born in Nebraska Nov 26, 1900 son of Taylor Archer & wife Dora Harmon.

Jack Eldon, B June 27, 1923

Ruth Ione, B Aug 1, 1897 mar Jany 1, 1918 to Glenn Tupper & live near Densmore Ks where he is a farmer. His mother's name was Eliza Hyers & his father Wallace Tupper. He was born in Norton Co Ks Aug 29th 1892.

Neva Marie, Born Feby 4, 1918

Lloyd Leroy, Born Aug 12, 1919

Alexander Thompson, B Apr 2, 1871 mar 1. Bernice _______. Divorced. She is living. Mar 2. Sylvia W. McGuire, a widow who was married first to a Myers & 2d to McGuire & was from KY. She is living but he had no issue by either wife. He was born in Brown Co near Sabetha Kan. He lives at Portland Oregon where he is a shoe salesman.

David Thompson, B June 3d 1873 ob June 30, 1886 born in Brown Co Kan near Sabetha & died near Densmore Ks & is buried at Edmond Ks.

Abram Kyle, B in Brown Co near Sabetha Kan B May 6, 1876 mar June 8, 1898 to Susan Belle Houghton dau of Edward L. Houghton & his wife Ione Shellenbarger who was born July 6, 1878. They live near Densmore Ks where he is a farmer. Both living children all born near Densmore Ks.

Kyle David, B May 8, 1899 mar July 30, 1920 to Margaret Hulse dau of Fred Hulse & his wife Carrie Johnston. He is agl agt of Jewell Co Ks & lives at Mankato Ks. Margaret was born Dec 14, 1899.

Terry Jean, a girl B Sept 11, 1921 at Manhattan Kan

Benjamin Abram, B May 7, 1901 he is unmarried & lives at the YMCA Kansas City MO.

Leonard, B Apr 5, 1913

Edgar Emanuel, Born near Glen Elder Kan Mch 24, 1879 mar to Mary Alice Goodwin dau of Samuel Goodwin & his wife Flora Clark who was born Mch 9, 1890. They were mar in June 26, 1907. He is a farmer near Densmore Ks & both are living. Children born near Densmore Ks

Alice Fay, B May 9, 1909

Ralph Edgar, B Sept 7, 1912

Robert Chester Thompson, B near Desmore Kan Dec 4, 1884 & mar July 27, 1910 to Minnie Cheeseman, daughter of Geo N. Cheeseman & his wife Addie Gilden, who was born Oct 25, 1886 & both are living at Colfax, Washington where he is a pharmacist.

Neva Lois Thompson, B at Colfax, Wash. June 8, 1911

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[Descendant Chart]

Abram Jackson Thompson & Phoebe Ann Tucker see page 332. They were both of Carthage MO & were married there April 17, 1856 by Joseph Doughty pastor, witness Harriet Tucker & Martha Tucker, her sisters.


3. John Austin Thompson, B Mch 6, 1859 in Johnson Co Texas on Brazos River near Buchanan. They changed the name since the war. He married Jany 18, 1893 at Sabetha Ks Minnie Miranda Wilks who was born Sept 25, 1869 at Falls City Neb & both living at Lost Springs, Marion Co Kansas where he is a farmer 1 1/2 miles SE. She is a dau of Joseph Robert Wilks, an Englishman & his wife Mary Helen Nettleton.

Earnest Daryl, B Apr 9, 1894 m. Mch 17, 1920 at Lost Springs Ks Marie Magdalena Resser, dau of Benj Franklin Reeser & his wife Elizabeth Meyers. She was born in Woodford Co Ills Nov 21, 1899.

Thelma Ruth Thompson, Born Jany 10, 1921

Emma Frances, B Mch 4, 1898 m. Mch 6, 1920 to Thos Claude Galbraith son of J. Wm Galbraith & his wife Diana Frances Mastin. He was born Nov 18, 1895 at Lost Springs Ks & died Apr 16, 1922 in Emporia Ks but is buried here. Died from heart lesions contracted at Camp Pike Ark where he was taking vocational training. Children both born at Herington Kan

Jane Frances, [date unreadable] 1920

Thomas Claude Jr, B May 7, 1922

Helen Agnes, B June 7, 1901, at home unmarried

Florence Marion, B Feby 17, 1904 at home unmarried

Both in Methodist College at Winfield Kan

Rachel May, B Dec 28, 1907 at home, single

Ruth Minnie, B Apr 17, 1914

4. Martha Izetta Thompson, B Dec 14, 1862 m. Wm Homer Connet who was born Aug 24, 1856 & died Aug 24, 1916 see record page 332.

5. Emma Ellen [Elma?] B Sept 2, 1856 ob Mch 10, 1882 see page 332

7. Mary Olive, B Feby 7, 1869 m. Wm Wesley Schlaegal on Mch 28, 1893. Both living at Oldburg Kan where he is a farmer & carpenter, son of Philip Schlaegal & his wife Catherine Pryode. The children were all gorn at Baileyville Kan. Nov 6/22 Ethel L. Bales said she wd get record of this family & send to me.

1. Merrel Philip, a boy B Jany 22, 1894 home single, a veterinary doctor

3. Lois Wilma, B May 7, 1898 m. Floyd R. Hohn farmer near Oldburg on May 30, 1907 at Alto Vista Ks. He was born Agu 25, 1901 Oldburg Ks son of John Hohn & his wife Hulda Johnson

2. Kyle McKinley, B Sept 13, 1896 at Topeka Ks, m. May 7, 1921 to Edythe Sutherland born in Topeka Ks Aug 7, 1897 dau of Chas Sutherland & his wife Elizabeth Johnson. Kyle is a farmer.

Irene Christine, Born Dec 8, 1922

4. Rachel Vivian, B Dec 10, 1903 married in Clay Center Ks Sept 24, 1922 to Leo A. Forsburg born in Oldburg Ks Aug 14, 1900 son of John Forsburg & his wife EuSeca [sic] Johnson

5. Oliver Homer B July 24, 1911, single

6. Francis Neel, B Sept 24, 1914

8. Rachel Alberta, B Mch 7, 1875 m. Apr 19, 1893 to Fred DeLass Thompson, son of S.F. Thompson of Sabetha Ks but formerly of Ohio. Both living near Kincaid Anderson Co Kan on a farm. Their children were born at Baileyville Kan except the youngest which was born in Soldier Kan see page 555.

Lloyd Douglas, B Mch 26, 1895 m. Mabel Holeman see page 555

Iola Marie, B June 3, 1897 single

Dorothy Jessie, B June 12, 1899 m. Royal Umphrey [sic] & live in Manhattan Ks. He was abroad in World War see page 555

Mildred Vivian, B Aug 27, 1901, single

John Finley, B Sept 15, 1906, single

6. Harriet Belle, B Dec 28, 1867 ob Aug 20, 1875

1. David [twin] B Aug 2, 1857 ob Nov 16, 1858

2. William [twin] B Aug 2, 1857 ob Oct 4, 1857

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Kansas City Mo Muehlebach Hotel Room 537 Oct 30, 1922 3:05 AM

Coming in last night on the train 5:53 to 9:45 PM from Manhattan, Kansas, A.O.T. told me that his grandfather David Thompson lived with A.O.'s parents his later years & went on a visit to the Kilpatricks & died there two months later form what his grandfather contended & said was a sliver or splinter of wood he got in his throat from the sugar & which stuck in his throat & caused him trouble form which he died & said that Will Kilpatrick had told him he believed that he would have lived to be a hundred but for this. He told me on the train tonight of his distressful years with his first wife & of her jealous hysterical disposition & that when he divorced here in 1912, he was worth $150,000 of which he allowed third for their son, third for himself & gave her $50,000 of which he pd $30,000 by mtge on the Densmore Hotel payable in semi-an payts of $3000 which he regularly met & cleared off in 1917, surprising her as she thought he couldn't pay it & she would get the Hotel. He said his present wife had lost a baby since their marriage & he wished they could have a child which I suggested he had best get for her. he showed me Saturday on the way to Tonganoxie Ks, a balance sheet of his firm showing they had up to Sept 30 this year 9 mos, done eleven hundred thousand dollars worth of business & had $460,000 due on their books. It is 3:22 AM & I will go to bed. JVT

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Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City Mo Oct 30, 1922 9:55 AM

Earl Foster Carothers of 4015 Olive ST this City has called in with his father, Rev Samuel Carothers of Cameron MO of the M.E. Church born Aug 25, 1853 in Canton Lewis Co Mo the son of Lewis Ferrce Carothers who lived in Allegheny Co Pa near Pgh Pa who was a farmer & also a carpenter & contractor. Lewis had brothers & sisters, Armstrong, John Calvin, James Harvey, Andrew J. & Sarah, married James Heckard, Mrs Malinda Carothers, widow of the late Andrew J. Carothers, now living at Portland Oregon in the City aged abt 80 yrs has the family record from the old bible of her father-in-law whose name was James Carothers & which Rev Carothers recently got & sent to his nephew Manville Carothers, son of John C. Carothers at Kirksville Adair Co Mo where he is 1st Asst P.M. & who for 20 yrs has been connected with the P.O. & is a candidate for appointment as P.M. & he for ten yrs or more has been gathering records of his immediate family.

Rev. Carothers says that a John Carothers who he thinks was a cousin of his father came to Shelby Co Mo from Penna & located near the farm home of John Calvin Carothers above near Clarence Mo

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where they are all buried & his daughter Kate married Scott Eskridge who was for many years a conductor on the CB&O RR from Quincy Ill to Kansas City Mo & who 20 yrs ago lived in K.C. MO when Rev C. called on him. Says he has not been dead long & thinks his widow is living in this city & we find in the telephone book here:

A.G. Eskridge r 1345 Haskell Av Tel Fairfax 4325. Rev C. was married Mch 13, 1878 at Memphis Mo to Edna Gertrude Kutzner dau of Col Edward A. Kutzner of near Shamokin Pa who lived to be 91 yrs & 17 days old & his wife Elizabeth Jane Simington & both are living at Cameron MO & have had the following children: [margin note reads:] Manville Carothers writes Dec 14/25 that his Uncle Samuel's wife died Oct 1925. JVT.

1. Edward Simington Carothers born in Memphis Mo Jany 15, 1879 & is living at Seattle Wash where he is in the automobile business & who was married at Jamesport Mo about 1902 to Lettie J. Justice & have one child:

1. Kathryn Elizabeth born Mch 1908

2. Earl Foster Carothers born in Mound City MO May 19, 1885 & is living here as above engaged as a salesman & was married Nov 8, 1917 on election day to Ada Ann Kocher (Ko' her pro) of Concordia Kan, dau of Wm G. Kocher & his wife who was born Aug 1888 & have one boy.

1. George Kocher born June 8, 1913 an adopted son, who was his wife's child by a former marriage to Esterline.

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3. Edna Gertrude born Jany 15, 1889 at Carrollton Mo & on Oct 27, 1914 at St Joe, Mo was married to Frederick William Troester & they live in St Joe Mo where he is a dentist & have one child.

1. Frederick William Jr born Oct 25, 1922

Rev Carothers' wife was born Nov 11, 1856 at Keosauqua, Iowa ob Oct 1925. The oldest son of Rev C's Uncle John Calvin Carothers viz Wm H. Carothers aged about 75 yrs lives in Ellensburg, Washington, would be glad to answer letter of inquiry by saying Rev C. referred me to him. His Aunt Malinda would also write or Rev C. may give further information if I write to his home at Cameron Mo. Rev Carothers' is going up to St Joe to see his daughter & would like to see me after I see his nephew, Manville & leaves me his address there viz: Dr S. Carothers c/o Dr W.F. Troester Home No 2307 Goff Ave St Joe Mo Tel 5795 (5785)

He & his son have just left at 11 AM & I am now going to see Mrs Jack. Apr 26, 1931 Rev Dr Samuel Carothers died Aug 21, 1923 from a 2d stroke of apoplexy see B 25 P 56 et seq.

At residence of Mrs Lucy M. Jack who is living at the Geo H. Nettleton home in Kansas City Mo Oct 30, 1922 12:22 PM

(Transcribing 4:40 PM 30th at Muehlebach Hotel)

I left here at 11:40 AM in a hired auto & going to No 3211 Wayne Ave Tel Linwood O 544 I got Mrs Emma C. Jack & drove over

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to this home where we went up to the 2d floor & Emma introduced me to her sister-in-law, Mrs Lucy M. Jack, widow of John William Jack, who died Sept 4, 1901 at Camden Point, Platte Co Mo. Her maiden name was Lucy M. Parrish, daughter of Isaac O Parrish of Ky & his wife Talitha Morton & she was born in Liberty, Clay Co, MO on May 13, 1845. She had by him two children viz:

1. Otie Addison Jack born Oct 23, 1878 & was married in 1917 to a widow, Mrs Hallie Tacwell & they are living at Lamar Colorado where he has a lady's ready to wear store. No issue.

2. John Milton Jack born Aug 9, 1880 & married in 1907 to Mercedes ______ from St Joe Mo. He died May 29, 1908 at Platte City Mo & she is living, having remarried. No issue.

Mrs Jack says her father-in-law, Alfred Jack, had a brother Cubbison Jack who lived at Platte City MO & also a brother William A. who lived at Pleasant Hill, a retired man, who she thinks died there. He had a number of children. Cubbison's children probably live in Winchester Kansas, so Emma thought. Mrs Mary Brock aged abt 78 yrs, a sister of John Wm Jack is now at St Joe Mo living with her daughter, Mrs Dr J. Frank Owens on Jule St near 24th, could give fuller information about her grandfather William Jack who owned many lands in Kansas City Mo which he leased for 99 yrs

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He died in Platte City Mo. Mrs Lucy M. Jack had an old yellow piece of crumpled worn paper on which there was a broad page of typewritten record of her husband's immediate family which she loaned to me to have copied & return to her with a carbon copy & of which I am to send a carbon copy to Emma & by reason of this, I didn't take down here the information generally contained therein. Mrs Emma Cockrill Jack, widow of Archibald Ridings Jack who died Sept 25, 1903 in Coffeyville Kan then gave me her record. he is buried in Platte City MO. He married May 13, 1886 Miss Emma Cockrill, daughter of Edmund Chapman Cockrill of Platte Co Mo & his wife Lucretia M. McCluer of Hopkinsville Ky. Emma was born in Platte City Mo Feby 25, 1864 & lives now at 3211 Wayne Ave Linview Apts this city.

Her children are:

1. Lucien Milton Jack born Mch 23, 1887

2. Archibald Cockrill Jack born Nov 28, 1888

3. Gordon Lee Jack born Nov 29, 1890

4. Dorothy Emma Jack born July 18, 1894

5. Helen Morton Jack born Aug 3, 1900

3. Gordon Lee Jack married June 1915 Miss Mary Piper from Marshall Mo daughter of Mortimer Piper & his first wife who was born in 1895 & was married when she was 20. They have two children.

1. Gordon Mortimer Jack born Mch 31, 1916

2. Archibald Charles Jack born Feby 10, 1918

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Gordon lives near Tulsa Okla where he is in the oil business.

The other four children are at home unmarried. Emma is tall & slender & has good carriage. Lucy M. Jack said her husband was in Col Gate's Co from Mo in the Confederate army. She is a rather heavy set, not fat, about 5 ft 6 & weighs probably 170 lbs & has a good face & is very well preserved & would not be taken to be 77 yrs old.

Leaving 12:55 PM

I then drove back with Mrs Emma Jack to her home.

I then drove to No 3742 Park Ave tel Linwood 3517 where I arrived at 1:27 PM & a short round faced young girl who came to the door said Margaret E. Carruthers did not live there, that they had moved in three weeks ago & did not know who had moved out of the house. I went to the next house & the old lady who came to the door said she knew nothing about them as she had just moved in last Friday 27th inst.

We then drove to Lillian Caruthers home only to find that she was a nigger living at 2316 Highland Tel Clifton 2503 & getting no response to my knock the black woman in the yard adjoining said she wasn't home but that her mother lived opposite across the street, but I wasn't interested.

Driving then to No 1208 Locust to find

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James E. Redburn but a red haired woman who came to the door said he didn't live there now but that his wife from whom he was separated did, & she owned the building, but was out when I called at 1:44 PM but would be in this evening & could tell where his people were.

We then drove over past the Union Sta & was:

At General Hospital Kansas City MO Oct 30, 1922 2:14 PM

Going to the 3d floor, I found Mrs Delia Bush in a long room where a dozen or two women were lying on beds with sparse covering over them. Delia says her father Rev John Redburn died at Moulton, Iowa & is buried in the Harden family cemetery 1 1/2 miles north, a private cem where only the Hardens & her parents are buried. Her mother's name was Rachel Jane & she was his second wife & Delia was her 11th & last child.

Delia says her father was born Apr 18, 1808 & died Apr 25, 1899 aged 91 yrs & 7 days. She said he was very anxious to pass the 91 yr mark & for many days would ask his wife what date it was each morning being anxious to get past the 18th & evidently then let up on it. Delia thought there were but the four brothers

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in her father's family & one sister, but was not sure. She could only name three of the brothers viz: Michael, James, & her father, John & William (see page 364) & she could not recall the name of the other one & Susan who she thought was the only sister she ever heard him speak of. Their father was William Redburn but she don't know where he died. See page 510. Not sure whether Susan ever married. Rev John Redburn m.1. Prudence Summers who was a cousin to his 2d wife & by her had four children but by reason of so much suffering, the past year or so, her memory is greatly impaired & she could not recall their names, nor does she know where the 1st wife died. He married 2d Rachel Jane Smothers & had by her eleven children. She died two or three yrs after he did. Delia says there is a shaft monument in the Hardin burying ground which has on it the names of Mr & Mrs Hardin & the names of Rev John Redburn & his 2d wife on the four sides thereof. Says they were not related to the Hardins but were just old time friends. She says she doesn't have her father's bible, says it was left with her sister Malinda Stephens at whose home her mother died. She says Mrs Stephens is now dead, dying about 7 miles from Bedford Iowa. Her husband's name was Edwd Stephens. He was killed by lightning & the shock caused her death two weeks later.

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She don't know which of their children got the bible.

Rev John Redburn's children were: 1 to 4 Delia don't recall their names.

5. Rebecca Susan. She is living at Springfield Las Animas Co Colorado aged 81 yrs the widow of Nathan Bray. She had 12 children. Some died when infants. She lives alone in the town in a little house which she owns & her P.O. is Springfield Col & she can give more of the early history of the family.

6. John Riley Redburn married Martha Jane John who lived outside of Moulton Iowa. Delia says he is living at Oklahoma City, Okla quite an old man. His wife died many years ago. He may have a little home of his own or he may be "baching" round. He was eccentric. Had about 7 children.

7. Evaline, who died in infancy,she thinks was next

8. William Michael, died unmarried aged 18 at Pleasant Hill Mo & is buried there in the Little Baptist Church g.y. on the hillside at a little hamlet, not far from town called Elm Spring in Johnson Co Mo of which Holden is the county seat. Delia says she was there when 6 yrs old & that her father was preacher there.

9. William Henry died in infancy in Southern Ills

10. Elizabeth Malinda who married Ed Stephens noted above at bottom of preceding page & lived near Bedford Iowa where her mother died. She

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is dead & left children:

1. Ida May, unmarried, died when 22

2. William

3. Rachel

4. John

5. George is all she recalls

11. Rev Walter Barnhart Redburn (Barnhart was an old family name on her grandmother Redburn's side). He was a Methodist preacher but went into the Baptist Church & is now pastor of one of the Baptist Churches at Sacramento City Calif. He married Margaret John, a sister of his brother John R's wife & had 3 children, George & one died in infancy.

12. a little daughter, d.y.

13. Arminta Jane Redburn married Abraham Shipley & lives in Kansas City, Kansas at No 1272 (or 1270) Osage Ave. She is 67 & he is 80. Never had any children.

14. Mary Eliza Redburn married William Summers & both are living at Schell City Mo where he is in the express business. She has had five children viz: William, John, Delia, a younger daughter & their baby was Walter.

15. Amanda Adelia Redburn, my informant of the afternoon who was born Apr 6, 1867 in Appanoose Co Iowa at Promise City, a little town NW of Centerville the county seat. Mar 1st in Kansas City Mo to Edward Madison

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Lockhart, a corn & produce merchant who is dead. Mar 2d June 30, 1900 in Beaumont Texas to Geo H. Bush who died Nov 2, 1915 aged 65 yrs. He was a native of Boston Mass & was in the RR business all his life. His father, Geo H. Bush Sr was a Swedenborgian minister a Theologian & writer & his name she says is in the religious encyclopedias. He was Pres of NY Univ & Professor of Languages for many years. He owned the land where the NY Terminal is going in but his widow unwittingly signed it away. Delia says she never had any children. Has been bedfast since Nov 3d 1921 & was operated on Oct 19, 1922 for some dropsical trouble & is progressing well. She says her father's work was largely traveling around with his saddle bags doing pioneer work. See page 512, 317, & [unreadable]

She says Frank M's father Judge F.M. Redburn was her first cousin being a son of her father's brother William. She thinks the father of Obie Redburn is probably a son of James Redburn, brother of her father. She figures that Hazel's father, A.F. Redburn living in Oklahoma is probably a son of her brother John Riley Redburn as he had a son Bert & Frank & a son Drury & a daughter Delia & another son. She says most of her people are church going people

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& that anyone wd take her father's word as readily as his bond. She has same shaped forehead as my dear Mary, with black eyes & same wonderful skin. She was in bed & I noticed the vaccination mark on her upper left arm. Says her friends have planned the winter for her. I gave her five dollars. She said that at a recent big womens meeting at this hotel, someone mounted a chair when the meeting was breaking up & proposed that the wealth of flowers be sent to some shut in & five women at once called out "Send them to Delia Bush" & they were sent to her. I left at 3;33 PM & took a Holmes St street Car back of the hospital & reached the hotel about 3:55 PM & walked down St & was soon:

At Dorothy B. Markle's, Lee Building corner Main & 10th Sts Kansas City Mo Oct 30, 1922 4:11 PM

Mrs Markle is a large tall attractive looking black haired woman with a winning smile & impresses you as a good woman & versed in business. She owns the cigar & pop stand in the small lobby of the Lee Bldg & had a steady string of customers. She says her husband Charles Bowman Markle died 8 mos after their marriage & she

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consequently didn't get much of the family history. Says his father, Jesse Markle aged over 80 yrs & his mother are living at Littleton Colorado & she thinks Jesse's father is also Jesse & that they came from the State of Indiana but she didn't know what part & that there was a French Canadian strain in the family.

Charles Bowman Markle (his mother was a Bowman) was born in the State of Indiana & was an engineer & was killed at Paragon, Old Mexico Feby 18, 1904 & was buried in Monterey, Mexico. See Book 9 page 210. He was about 40 yrs old. She thinks he was born in 1864 or 1865 & was the oldest child of his parents & was married may 10, 1903 to Dorothy Miller daughter of Andrew Jackson Miller & Mary Hargrave, his wife & she says she was born in Grundy Co Mo Oct 1, 1882 just five days older than John & had no issue.

Left at 4:33 PM

I then came to the hotel & wrote at the window until it got dark & went to the stenographer & gave her the Carothers & Jack papers to copy got shaved & then walked six blocks & was:

At the YWCA building No 1020 McGee St Kansas City Mo Oct 30, 1922 at 6:17 PM

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where I found the hallway & room full of young women & upon asking the young girl at the desk for Hazel L. Redburn, a little 5 ft high girl, wearing glasses, but not weighing more that 90 lbs but very pretty & attractive stepped up & said she was Hazel Lucile Redburn working for Montgomery Wards & Co & living at 137 S. Lawndale Ave where the telephone Melrose 2978 R is under the name of her Aunt her mother's sister. Mrs T.J. Gaw, Hazel's grandfather is John Riley Redburn whose wife she said was Jane John & she thinks he is now living at Erick Okla with his:

1. son Lindsey, she says his son

2. Bert is married & has 4 children & lives at Athelson Kansas (or MO) & 3. his daughter Delia married Ben Brumfield & lives in Kansas & has 2 children &

4. his daughter Hettie married Roy Westfall & has she thinks 5 children but don't know where she lives.

5. His son Adam Franklin Redburn lives at Cheyenne Okla. She says get hold of him & can get most of the history. He married 1. Celia Blake & had by her but one child:

1. Hazel Lucile Redburn born Aug 7, 1896 at Grant City MO, my


He married 2d Margaret Wolf & has had two:

1. Clarence died aged 2 yrs

3. Aubrey Franklin born Aug 4, 1910 aged 12 yrs

Left at 6:33 PM

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I then walked out 12th St two blocks further & was:

At NO 1208 Locust St at residence of Lou Williams Redburn Kansas City Mo Oct 30, 1922 6:44 PM

She said her maiden name was Lou Williams & that she married on Nov 1, 1921 James E. Redburn, aged 38 yrs who she divorced Sept 27, 1922. She thinks he now lives at 1228 Wyandotte St here at the Phillips Boarding house where his father lives too & his mother who is separated from her husband lives in the neighborhood. He has a sister Gertrude Redburn.

I find in Tel Directory Mrs Artie Phillips No 1428 Wyandotte Tel Delaware 0229. See pages 370 & 371 Left at 6:47 PM

I then walked back to this hotel & got my dinner & have been transcribing from page 358, but at 9:40 PM went to the public stenographer's office & got the Carothers & Jack papers she copied.

This morning when waiting for Earl F. Carothers & his father to come in I called up the American Central Life Ins Co & talked to Rachel Ann Johnson, but she is not the one I want. Said she used to get mail from Iowa directed to Rachel Jane Johnson. I also called the American Rlw Ex Co & was told that after today, Frank Drum would be at the Union Sta office in Money Dept 2:30 to 10 PM.

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A party, Mr Frank L. Carrothers No 108 W 9th St Kansas City Mo advised as most important to see is:

Chas C. Ward, Internal Revenue Agt, 512 Flora Bldg, San Francisco Calif or possibly it is his wife, about the Carrothers history. It is now 3:33 AM 31st Oct & I will go to bed. JVT

Muehlebach Hotel Kansas City Mo Oct 31, 1922 9:48 AM Room 537

I have just rtd 15 minutes ago from No 1426 Wyandotte being the north house of Mrs Phillips boarding house & going up to the 3d floor to room 40 to find Mr Redburn, an old man as Mrs Philips said over the phone, I found the door padlocked at NO 40 a very small inside room, so I walked back here 3 1/2 squares. I am now going to read over the records of this book, commencing where I left off at Page 280 Oct 23, 1922 to see what references I have gotten since then to take in on my trip in Mo, Kansas, Okla, Calif, Colorado & Nebraska & make note of same.

Room 537 4:28 PM

I worked at the above until 3:15 PM & got to page 343 & then got a taxi & went over in the rain to the Union Sta to see Frank Markle Drum at the AM Railway Ex Co office.

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At American Railway Express Co office Union Sta Kansas City Mo Oct 31, 1922 3:33 PM

I sent word into Mr Drum & he came out, a middle-aged slender bright business man & he said he had the data I wanted at home & would mail it to me this week to the Muehlebach Hotel & said he wanted one of the books when they came out. He arranged also to come to the hotel to see me some night after 10 PM if I would phone him when I got back. His work hours are 2:30 to 10 PM. He used to see David Smith here, but don't know whether he is here now or not. He says his name is Frank Markle Drum. I got a ticket to Gault Mo & took a taxi to:

No 1426 Wyandotte St Kansas City Mo Oct 31, 1922 4 PM

Alighting here, a well built medium sized man in front of the house when I asked for Mr Redburn said he was one of them & his name was Henry Luther Caesar born in Green Co Mo in 1861 & his father Jesse, born in Tenn & died in Green Co Mo in 1864 was the son of Isaac who came from Tenn (middle Tenn) to Green Co MO about 1855 & died shortly after (his widow dying ad did Jesse when H.L.C. was a child). He got out a photograph of a number of men & a woman in white in the foreground who he said was his mother,

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aged 78 from Siloam Springs Ark & I noticed the envelope was directed to "Henry Redfearn" which he said was his right name & that James E. living near was his son. I then told him it was an entirely different family & the error arose from his son being reported in the directory erroneously as Redburn when it should have been Redfearn. I then bid him goodbye & came to the hotel & paid my bill & will continue reading up until time to go to the train.

Commercial Hotel, Gault, Grundy Co MO Oct 31, 1922 11:59 PM

I arrived here by taxi through the mud & black darkness from the Sta 3/4 mile off two hours ago & have read up this book to date & made my memordanda. The Halloweeners have been tearing about this small town. The proprietress of the hotel, Mrs Alice Ralls who has been running it 15 yrs says she knows Jim Meighen who lives near town & Jacob Wilford lives near him. I have been reading & writing in the office & as I am up to date & it is past midnight, I will go to bed.

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At office of Commercial Hotel, Gault Mo Nov 1, 1922 11:44 AM See Book 7 page 272

Elmer E. & William M. Wilford have just come in & have the leaves from the old bible record of their parents which shows that:

Jacob Wilford was born Dec 24, 1839

Elizabeth Riggs was born Oct 19, 1842 (Elmer E. says they were married Mch 31, 1862 in Guernsey Co O. & their children per record are:

1. Elmer Ellsworth Wilford born May 30, 1863

2. Daniel Theotus Wilford born Oct 2, 1864

3. Mary Emiline Wilford born Oct 8, 1867

4. Jane Wilford born Nov 9, 1868

5. John DeWitt Wilford born Oct 19, 1870

6. Robert B. Wilford born July 8, 1872

7. Ann Eliza Wilford born Dec 18, 1873

8. Infant boy Wilford born Aug 25, 1876

9. Ieta (pro Etta) Wilford born Dec 15, 1878

10. William Meighen Wilford born Oct 2, 1881


Infant baby died Sept 18, 1876

Ieta Wilford died Feby 19, 1880

* Elizabeth Wilford died Jany 10, 1916

* Jacob Wilford died Jany 12, 1916

* These two are the parents of the above children.

1. Elmer E. Wilford says he was married Nov 17, 1901 to Ella Barbara Simpson, daughter of Thomas Simpson

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& his wife Mary Ann Weston, who was born in Sullivan Co MO Oct 22, 1867 & both living in Liberty Tp, this Co 3 1/2 miles north of Gault & their children are: His P.O. address Galt MO RFD

1. Lee Audry Wilford, born July 8, 1903 in Liberty Tp

2. Fay Olin (a boy) Wilford born Apr 18, 1905 in Liberty Tp

3. Lavetta Agnes Wilford born Sept 16, 1907 in Liberty Tp

All single & at home.

10. William M. says he was married Dec 1, 1901, just two weeks after Elmer E. to Vernie Ethel Grim, daughter of Joseph D. Grim & his wife Jane Warner who was born in Nodaway Co MO June 7?, 1884 & both living in Liberty Tp 4 3/4 miles NW of Galt MO & have three children. He is a farmer & brought above record in.

1. Clifton DeWitt Wilford born Aug 8, 1904

2. Floyd Aloin Wilford born May 12, 1907

3. Elgeva Wilford born June 11, 1911

2. Daniel T. Wilford came to the Commercial Hotel about 8:30 AM Nov 1, 1922 & I took down on scratch paper the following data which I am now transcribing at 11:44 PM at the Stephenson Hotel in the office writing room at Kirksville MO

D.T. said his father came to Missouri in Dec 1869 (Elmer E. says it was in the summer) & that three or four of his children were born in Ohio & balance in Liberty Tp. The record of the births of their ten children is given on preceding page with authority

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followed immediately with the record of Elmer E. the oldest as given by himself & William M. the youngest as given by himself both of whom came in to the hotel through the rain on telephone call from D.T. Daniel T. gave me the other records as follows: I going with him to his home fourth house beyond the school house on the right hand side where I got from his wife & their bible the record of his family.

2. Daniel Theotus Wilford born Oct 2, 1864 married Mch 9, 1890 to Martha Cooksey daughter of John S. Cooksey & his wife Mary Ann Miner who was born in Saline Co Ills Jany 29, 1865 both living.

Their children are:


1. Infant boy unnamed born Feby 5, 1891, Feby 7, 1891

2. Delbert Sylvester Wilford born Aug 5, 1892

3. Goldie A. Wilford born Oct 27, 1893

4. Infant daughter Wilford born Jany 25, 1895, Jany 25, 1895

5. Grace Wilford born Mch 5, 1896

6. Fern L. Wilford born June 10, 1899

7. Mary Elizabeth Wilford born Aug 15, 1901

8. Karl Wilford born Jany 9, 1903

9. Infant daughter Wilford born Mch 16, 1906, Mch 27, 1906

10. Thelma Irene Wilford born July 10, 1909


Delbert S. Wilford & Winnie Martin married Sept 2, 1917. No issue.

Goldie A. Wilford & John Leakey (pro Lakey) married July 26, 1916 & have one child

1. Leroy Leakey born July 1917

Grace Wilford & Wayne Musgrave

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were married Oct 4, 1914 & have one child:

1. Margaret Musgrave born Apr 1917

Fern L. Wilford & Geo W. Neff were married Aug 30, 1917 & have one child:

1. Georgia Neff, born Feby 25? 1920. He was in the World War 18 mos being abroad one year.

Mary E. Wilford & Robert Thomas Stickler married Jany 22, 1919 & have two children:

1. Don Ray Stickler, born Nov 1919 on Thanksgiving Day

2. Doris Stickler born May 25? 1921

3. Mary Emiline Wilford born in Ohio married Peter Lerry [Larry?] Peterson Oct 14, 1888 at Galt MO & both are living at 6928 Garner Ave St Louis Mo where he for years has been a street car inspector. He was born Aug 24, 1862 at Quebec, Germany, son of Matice & Anges [sic] Peterson & have three children. She has her parents family bible with record which however I got but write her for it & her own record.

1. William Edward Peterson born May 27, 1891 at Racine Wis, mar June 16, 1912 to Beryle Caudle dau of George Caudle & wife Clara Hunt. She was born July 1891 & have three children:

A. Wm Edward Jr born Mar 24, 1913

B. Ruth Frances born Jany 22, 1915

C. Jane Caroline born May 6, 1921

3. Minnie Peterson born Apr 5, 1901 at St Louis Mo mar May 5, 1920 to Charles Robert Fleming son of Robert B. Fleming & his wife Ellen Pruitt who was born in St Louis Mo Jany 29, 1898. Have one child viz Charles Robt Jr Born Feby 10, 1923 in St Louis MO.

2. Roy Peterson born Feby 20, 1896 in St Louis Mo married Dec 8, 1916 to Alice Zerrer who was born at St Charles Mo Nov 18, 1896 daughter of Joseph Zerrer & his wife Anna Ruebling & have one child viz:

A. Melborn Lee Roy Peterson born in St Louis Mo Feby 21, 1918

4. Jane Wilford married Jany 22, 1887 at Ohio Charles Henry Elledge, son of Uriah Elledge & his wife Delia A. who was born Oct 1, 1864 at Griggsville Ills & live 7 miles NW of Galt on her father's old farm P.O. Galt RFD 1 write her for her record:

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1. Gertrude Jane Elledge born Mch 11, 1895 at Griggsville Ills mar June 3, 1914 to Raymond Roy Shaw born at Griggsville Ills Sept 15, 1888 son of John Shaw & wife Martha Ann Crawford & have issue:

I. Iris Evelyn Shaw born Dec 17, 1916

II. Florence Irene Shaw born Oct 29, 1918

III. Bessie Gertrude Shaw born Sept 10, 1920

2. Uriah Wilford Elledge born Dec 7, 1900 at Griggsville Ills mar Dec 18, 1919 to Naomi Lee Paramore daughter of Wm Harvey Paramore born July 10, 1873 & wife (mar Dec 18, 1899) Lula Ann Kelso born July 10, 1876 & live this side of Spickard Mo & have one child.

1. Charles William Elledge born Dec 26, 1921 near Galt MO

3. Florence Elledge born Apr 10, 1904 at Griggsville Ills, single

4. Annabel Elledge, a girl born Oct 14, 1907 at Griggsville, Ills single.

5. John DeWitt Wilford Born Oct 19, 1870 in Grundy Co MO P.O. Dunlap Mo Route 1 mar Apr 3, 1898 to Mollie Belle Herrod born in Grundy Co Mo Sept 17, 1880 dau of Geo Washington Herrod & wife Elizabeth Warren & both living 5 1/2 m NW of Galt where he is a farmer & have six children viz:

1. George Raymond Wilford, born Apr 19, 1899, He married Aug 29,

1920 Chloe Snapp born Feby 8, 1905 in Mercer Co Mo dau of Oren Snapp & wife Lucy Garrot & have dau Ruby Ilean born Grundy Co June 15, 1921.

2. Roy Robert Wilford born Aug 29, 1901

3. Minte Marie Wilford born Oct 13, 1903 She mar Oct 24, 1923 Charley Lee Shira born Oct 8, 1900 in Grundy Co Mo son of Ed Shira & wife Nora Hobbs.

4. Wilma Ruth Wilford born July 31, 1906

5. Clyde Olan Wilford born Mch 9, 1909

6. Clarence Oral Wilford born Feby 27, 1918

6. Robert Benson Wilford born July 8, 1872 P.O. Galt MO RD 1 on Mch 17, 1895 mar Susan Ellen Herrod sister of Mollie & dau of George W. Herrod & his wife Elizabeth Warren who was born Oct 12, 1874. NO issue. He lives 6 1/2 ms NW of Galt MO & is a farmer.

7. Annie Eliza Wilford born Dec 18, 1873 P.O. 4366 Swan Ave St Louis Mo mar March 1, 1891 at Galt MO to Edd L. Fleshman born Sept 6, 1869 son of Sam'l P. Fleshman & his wife Rachel Priest where he is a carpenter & contractor & have 4 children:

[7]ä__ V8 Page 304 & V8 Page 305_1_y_1_¶m_

2. Sammie Fleshman was born Apr 13, 1897 at St Louis MO

3. Addie Ethel Fleshman was born July 31, 1901 at St Louis MO

[8]K_Å(§(__(_╒§(e((__ä_([children]_(__§H§(O_(x____ Alber

5. Edna Loura Fleshman was born Mch 27, 1905 at St Louis MO

6. Clarence Fleshman was born Feby 4, 1909 at Delnorth Colo [I'll bet this is Del Norte Colo. CW]

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See book 7 p 272

Susannah Riggs, daughter of Jane Finley Riggs married James Meighen Nov 21, 1858 & came to Missouri some years after the Wilfords came & both land in Myers Tp adjg Wilfords. They both died before Jacob Wilford & wife & both are buried at Berry g.y. Myers Tp & have tombstones as have Wilfords. D.T. gives me the following list of children but not entirely in order of their ages.

1. Della Meighen, the oldest, M.1. Bart Larr. He was killed in St Louis Mo was called out of the house & hit over the head with a club. Had by him 3 children: 2 living.

1. Jimmy Larr did live in St Louis MO

2. John Larr, lives in Trenton MO

3. girl, d.y.

m.2. Milton Davis & both are living at Mercer Mo. No issue. She has her parents bible with the record. Write her for it. Her address is Della Davis, Mercer MO see book 12 P 352.

2. William Meighen lives 6 1/2 miles NW of here P.O. Galt RD 1 he is a farmer He married Allie Root & have: See book 10 page 456

1. Merle Meighen, married June Daniels & have two children

2. Gala married Arthur Rhodes, farmer & live 11 miles N of Galt MO & have one child.

3. Bert Meighen lives Trenton Mo & chores around Mar Maggie Gibson both living. Have 4 children. See Book 10 Page 125 & 359

4.Sheridan Lives in town at Mercer Mo farmer M.1. Florence Loroman & had 1 child that died. m.2. Mrs Susie Davis Underwood & had 1 child that died. See Book 12 P 353

5. Sherman, married a sister of Ed Fleshman. He is dead. She living had two boys. Ask Annie Fleshman St Louis Mo for record. He & Sheridan were twins. See Book 10 Page 125 for record

Go to Page 384

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"The Stephenson" Hotel Lobby office writing room Kirksville MO Adair Co Nov 1, 1922 8:17 PM

I arrived in town on the Quincy Omaha & Kansas City RR from Gault MO (having left there at 2 PM) about 4:30 & took a taxi to the post office where I met Manville Carothers who has been employed three years has been Asst P.M. He gave me to copy, the record from the family bible of his great grandfather, James Carothers, which his Uncle Rev Dr Samuel Carothers got recently from his Aunt Malinda Carothers of Portland Oregon, widow of Andrew Jackson Carothers referred to on page 354. I have had this copied & compared it myself & have it with a carbon in my pocket. From the P.O., I went over to the Court House NW Corner basement & met Manville's father, John Calvin Carothers born 1849 who had over the door "Carothers Land Titles & abstracts" & found him as was his son, of the unmistakable Carothers type. Manville says he is 5 ft 10 1/2 inches & his father says he used to measure 6 ft 1/2 inch & when 19 teaching school weighed 200 lbs, but he now is slender & has a heavy moustache. He said his father Lewis F. Carothers was a Capt in the Mexican War going from Missouri & when mus-

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tered in, measured 6 ft 1/2 inch. He went in the Civil War shortly after it started, entering the 4th Provisional Reg fr Shelby Co Mo & was a Capt in the Civil War also & didn't draw any pay until after he had returned home & Jno C. he remembers the sheets with which he was paid as big as a newspaper of five dollar bills, called Union Military bonds, but were really cash bills. His father clipped them apart & gave them to him to count & there were 285 five dollar bills making $1425, but they were about 5% below par, but a RR having some prairie lands for sale offered to take them at par & his father bought seven 40 A tracts or 280 A at $4 per acre which with 320 A he already owned made 600 A. Shortly after the Civil War, two men from Illinois came to his home & offered him $50 per acre for his 600 A & Lewis F. turned to his wife & asked her if she would sign the deed & she s'd if it was worth that much to them it was worth that to them too as they had no debts & their young orchard planted 15 yrs before was attractive so the $30,000 offer was turned down. John C. could not give any earlier history of the family except to say that his grandfather James Carothers born 1788 had run off from his Cumberland Valley home

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when 18 or 19 yrs old & gone to Allegheny Co near Pgh, because his father had remarried & he didn't get on pleasantly with his stepmother. Upon asking for his own bible record, he walked back to the P.O. & his son said he had it. I then walked down to this hotel & when Manville finished with this work for the day, he came here at 6:45 PM & I got a taxi & went out to his home NO 1601 South Halburton Ave 1 1/4 miles out just across the city line in Benton Tp. He gave me his grandfather Lewis F. Carothers family bible with record & also his father John Calvin Carothers Bible with his family record, both big books which I brought to this hotel & the stenographer is copying the records from them. He also let me bring with me "Historical Sketches of the Campbell, Pilcher & Kindred Families" including the Bowen, Russell, Owen, Grant, Goodwin, Amis, Carothers, Hope, Taliaferro & Powell Families by Margaret Campbell Pilcher, Nashville Tenn Press of Marshall & Bruce Co Nashville Tenn Copyright 1911 by Margaret Campbell Pilcher. The Carothers Family commences at Page 369 & goes to & includes page 384 & a page picture opposite of the home of John Carothers Union Dist South Carolina built in 1810. The book contains 444 pages.

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In addition to the book is a blue print chart in width 70 lines of this book & in depth 50 lines of "Carothers & Hope Charts" having seven columns the 4th, 5th, & 6th columns being prolific of names & which with the book, I must write to Nashville for & try to get.

On the Lewis F. Carothers Bible are pasted three death notice clippings from newspapers as follows:

1. "Carothers" - "Jany 1, 1871 Angelica, beloved wife of Judge L.F. Carothers, at his residence near Clarence MO aged 49 yrs & states she was a sufferer for many months & that she joined the M.E. Church in her 16th yr etc.

2. "Carothers" - "Near Clarence Mo in peace July 18, 1871 Lewis F. Carothers. He was born in Allegheny Co Pa Nov 14, 1816. He came west with his father in 1836 & lived a short time in Ralls Co & then came to Shelby Co in the fall of 1844, same year at a camp meeting on Otter Creek, he was converted & joined the M.E. Church" etc.

3. "Obituary, died on the 21st day of Dec 1872 Mrs Mary E. Purdy, formerly Mary E. Carothers. The deceased was married in Jany last to Mr George Purdy & was a faithful wife until sickness & death came" etc. Clarence Dec 24, 1872 J.F. Carothers.

The Lewis F. Carothers bible was published by Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co Phila 1846. The John C. Carothers bible was published by R.T. Root, Burlington Iowa. No date but entd according to Act of Congress in 1873 by Hubbard Bros.

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At residence of Walter C. Bender No 2529 Jule St St Joe MO Nov 2, 1922 12:22 PM (See Pages 270 & 271)

I arrived here 10 minutes ago walking up from 2411 Jule St where I called to see Mrs Mary B. Brock & Mrs Bender tells me her husband is away until tomorrow night on a fishing trip. She has gone upstairs & brought down her husband's father's big bible which is well preserved & was published in 1867 at NY by American Bible Soc & has record which I copy as follows:

Marriages Married at Oxford Ohio Jany 12, 1865 John C. Bender to Elizabeth M. Markle.

Married at Oxford Ohio Nov 14 1871, John C. Bender to Ella A. Markle

Married at St Louis Mo October 1915 Horace Ellery Happel to Elizabeth Graham Drew.

Married at ST Joseph Mo Mch 19, 1890 John G. Drew to Ella M. Bender

Married at St Joseph Mo Oct 9, 1901 Walter Comstock Bender to Emma H. Rogers daughter of Jesse H. Rogers & his wife Sarah May Minturn

Married at Aberdeen Scotland June 26, 1919 Charles Smith Drew to Mary Lillian Buchanan Smith, daughter of Sir George Adam Smith & Lady Lillian Adam-Smith of Aberdeen Scotland.

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Rosa H. born May 16, 1866

John C. born Aug 30, 1867

Ella M. born Feby 7, 1870

Walter C. born Dec 7, 1872

Charles Smith Drew born Sept 17, 1891

Elizabeth Graham Drew [no date]

John Rogers Bender born Mch 6, 1907 at St Joe

Sarah Katharine Bender born Aug 12, 1916 at St Joe

John Graham Drew II born June 27, 1920 at St Louis MO

Emma H. Rogers born Aug 21, 1879 at Amazonia Mo


Rosa died July 29, 1866 at St Joe MO

John C. died Sept 12, 1868 at Oxford O

Lizzie M. died Sept 5, 1869 at St Joe MO

Elizabeth Markle died Jany 12, 1883 in Oxford O

John C. Bender died Apr 18, 1901 in St Joe MO

Ella Markle Bender died Apr 1, 1917 in St Louis MO

John C. Bender was born June 5, 1831 son of Peter Bender born Apr 15, 1807 & Mary Bender born Apr 10, 1803 his wife. He is buried Mount Mora Cem St Joe Mo.

Leaving 12:55 PM

Mrs Bender is a large beautiful young woman & was very kind & gracious & regretted that I missed seeing her husband & also that she had a luncheon & card party engagement for 1 o'c & the lady drove up for her just as I left. By her direction, I took a Jule St car back to 10th & transferred to a Frederick Ave Car to 16th & walked North up Mt Mora Road to See 388

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From Page 377

6. Vista Meighen see Book 10 page 456, a boy, Farmer lives 7 1/2 miles west of Gault MO married Fleta Campbell & have 3 children living & one dead. Their oldest, Jay, is preacher in Ohio near Cincinnati O.

7. Daniel Meighen, see book 10 Page 457, lives in Southern Mo & have a large family so Elmer E. says P.O. is Eldorado Springs Mo Oct 28, 1923. The Wilfords were Methodists. D.T's children joined the Christian Church just near where they lived.

D.T. & I then walked around through the mud, the rain having ceased temporarily to:

At Payne's Undertaking rooms Galt Ave Nov 1, 1922 10:05 AM

Mr Payne looked at his burial record & found that:

Elizabeth Wilford died Jany 10, 1916 aged 72 yrs

Jacob Wilford died Jany 12, 1916 aged 76 yrs

He died 32 hours after his wife & they were both buried in the same grave at Berry g.y. Myers Tp. He died fr La Grippe & his wife from pneumonia. He was aged 76 yrs & 18 days.

The record of Payne's Predecessor showed that:

James Meighen died Mch 31, 1908 aged 69 yrs & was buried Apr 2, 1908

Just 2 mos & 2 days after his wife's death. He was found dead in bed with his son Sheridan with whom he was sleeping.

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Susannah Meighen died jany 29, 1908 aged 70 yrs & buried Jany 31st.

Elmer E. Wilford says his Uncle James Meighen put down in writing his days transactions every day & kept it in a box which he kept locked & says his daughter Della Davis would have all these papers. He says Dan Meighen was married twice & have 5 or 6 children & lives at Southern MO.

Elmer E., Daniel T. & William M. on my invitation had dinner with me at the Commercial Hotel & we all walked across the street through the mud to the depot & the 1:16 Pm train being late, Elmer E. waited until it came at 2 PM & I left on it for Kirksville Mo. Elmer E. is a tall six footer & slender with his right hand taken off in a cane mill. He is the only one of the children that was back to Guernsey Co on a visit. Daniel T. is also tall abt 5 ft 10 with a moustache & almost a dead ringer for Steven A. Moredock. Wm M. is a heavier man well built.

Sabetha Kansas, Nemaha Co Nov 2, 1922 at Room 23 Lanning Hotel 10:22 PM

I have noted on pages 378 to 381 my visit yesterday to Kirksville MO. I left there last night abt 1 AM for St Joe Mo going south to Macon Mo where we changed

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cars & getting one of the western chair seat cars, we reached St Joe at 7:40 this morning, sleeping in the chair & not having my clothes off, went to the Robidoux Hotel, where I was assigned to Room 632, got shaved got my breakfast & walked out 5 or 6 blocks to Walter C. Bender's Drugstore No 1027 Frederick Ave Tel 3351 & was told he was out of the city. I then walked back to the Hotel & took there a Jule St Car & went to the:

Residence of Dr J. Frank Owen, No 2411 Jule St St Joe MO Nov 2, 1922 11 AM

And was admitted by Mrs Owen's mother, Mrs Mary B. Brock who is a very likable & attractive woman & is active & vigorous for one of 78 with scarcely a gray hair. She has a head of heavy dark brown, almost black hair & is much interested in the Jack genealogy. She is daughter of Alfred Jack & granddaughter of William Jack. She says her father Alfred Jack was over 6 ft tall, as were most of his brothers, but she says her grandfather William Jack was not so tall. She remembers him very well. She says her Uncle's name was A. Culberson Jack, not Cubbison & that her grandfather Capt Wm Jack came from Blount Co Tennessee where he was born Mch 19, 1778

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& died in Platte City Mo June 8, 1864 as stated in "The Annals of Platte Co Mo" by Dr W.M. Paxton, printed in Kansas City Mo by Hudson - Kimberly Printing Co in 1897 which I must get. Capt Wm Jack is buried she said at Platte City Mo in lot of Dr Marshall in the older cemetery & has a marker. She don't know his father's name or that of any of his brothers. On pages 363 to 365 is given a list of his descendants. He was married in 1801 to Esther Harris who was born Sept 5, 1780 & died in 1863. They were living in Ky in the Great revival from which the Cumberland Pres Church sprung & he was one of its founders. On page 365, the book shows that Alfred Jack's 4th child, Mary Bethenia Jack, my informant was born Nov 25, 1844 & married Dec 3, 1867 Robert Cross Brock. She has 3 pages 6 columns of records written in fine writing in her father's bible which she says she wrote herself & which is copied mainly from the aforesaid History, but in which she says her grandfather was born in Blount Co Tenn. Her impression is that her grandfather's people were Scotch-Irish. Left at 12 o'clock noon & walked on to 2527 Jule ST next block to residence of Walter C. Bender which is on the apex of the hill & have noted on pages 382 & 383 my visit there.

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At Mt Mora Cemetery St Joe MO Nov 2, 1922 1:40 PM

Mt Mora Road runs right into the Cem over the gates is the name & the years 1851 - 1903. I asked the sexton where the Markles & Benders were buried & walked back to the west side of the cem toward N.W. corner & just along & across the drive way found the graves of my relatives.

1. Samuel M. Markle Born July 15, 1830 died Dec 6, 1895

Joseph B. Markle born at Oxford Ohio Nov 10, 1844, died Dec 11, 1866

Nellie Markle Jenkins Jany 16, 1884, Dec 24, 1890

Mary G., wife of S.M. Markle died Nov 28, 1866 aged 34 yrs

Rosa H., infant daughter of John C. & Elizabeth M. Bender, born May 16, 1866, died July 29, 1866

Elizabeth M. wife of John C. Bender Born June 9, 1834 Past to Spirit life Sept 5, 1869. Gone home.

John C. Bender June 5, 1831, Apr 18, 1901

Ella M. Bender 1844 - 1917

Mrs W.C. Bender said his mother would never tell her age but said the marble man got the date somehow. Just as I came out, I noticed three immense big granite slabs 6 ft long 3 ft wide & 2 ft thick over the graves of Amos M. Brown, his wife & son, a good idea.

Left 1:49 PM

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I then took a car in to the Hotel & found there was a 2:55 PM train on the Rock Island for Sabetha Kan & calling phone for Rev Dr Sam'l Carothers, could not raise him. I then got the little bit of work the stenographer had written & took the train & reached Horton Kan at 4:30 & having an hour until the train came north to this town, a motor train, I drove to the Grand Hotel, Horton & arranged there & after arrival here, my Kansas itinerary, got my supper & finished writing up my Galt records & will now write up my cash acct book & go to bed as it is 12:12 AM 3d

At residence of Mrs Eliza C. Thompson No 1015 Dakota St Sabetha Kansas Nov 3, 1922 8:40 AM

I arrived here about 8 o'clock (At Lanning Hotel 4:25 PM) & a handsome pleasant faced woman called from the window upstairs & I asked if she was Miss Grace & she s'd she was. She came down & let me in & as they had had their breakfast, we went to work on the family record making out what is on the next two pages in the above colored ink what they two told me from memory. Grace's first name was that, viz Norwista, of an old sweetheart of her father's before he first met her mother & he wanted to name his first daughter Norwista, but Mrs T. said she was too jealous then to agree to it, but ten yrs later when Grace was born, she rather liked the name & didn't object. The old flame, Norwista at last accounts was still living. Grace walked a couple blocks & showed me where Mrs Dunlap lived.

V8 Page 390 & V8 Page 391

[Descendant Chart]

William Thompson, son of James Madison & "Betsy" Thompson was born Nov 7, 1845 in Guernsey Co O in what is now Wayne Tp, Noble Co O. He enlisted in Co E, 122 O.V.I. & in 1862 served until the close of the war when he was discharged. He ran off to go to the war. He married Dec 24, 1870 near Whigville, Nobel Co O to Eliza Cleary, daughter of John Cleary & his wife Ann Dempsey, both natives of Ireland, one from King & the other from Queen, N. of Ireland. She was born in Guernsey Co O. June 4, 1845 & went to housekeeping first in a little house across the road from Robt S. Thompson's home & came in March 1875 to Rock Creek Tp, Nemaha Co Kan where he bought 160 A where they lived until his death May 25, 1904 at St Joe Mo in Sisters Hospital from results of an operation & is buried in Sabetha Cem. While he in later years was known as Wm K., his wife says he entered the army as William & really had no other name. He was a Wesleyan Methodist & a Republican. Their first two children were born in Ohio, the others in Kansas, married by Rev Harmon Doan. He put the "K" in his name so his mail would not go to the other numerous William Thompsons.


Harmon Doan Thompson, B Sept 27, 1871 & lived at 812 Dakota St Sabetha Kan Mar July 9, 1918 in Denver Col to Clara A. Deaver daughter of Wm C. & Adelia Deaver of Deavertown O who was born July 15, 1884. He is a carpenter. No issue. Both living. He too is a Methodist & a Republican. She is a Democrat.

Anniola Thompson, Born June 3, 1874 & mar Feby 3, 1895 at the farm to Wm Ernest Franklin, son of Swayzie Franklin & his wife Margaret Ann Danford, who was born in Ohio Aug 23, 1869 & both are living here at 6278 Washington Ave where he is a farmer & he is a Methodist & Republican & have two boys both born in Rock Creek Tp.

2. William Swayzie Franklin Born July 30, 1898, single

3. Wendell Howard Franklin Born Mch 31, 1905, single

1. Unnamed son, born & died Apr 5, 1896

Joseph Edwin, B Nov 29, 1879 ob Feby 11, 1907 unmarried & is buried at Sabetha Cem Here.

Norwista Grace Thompson, Born May 20, 1884 & is called "Grace" & is unmarried & lives with her mother. My informant along with her mother.

Finished at 10:05 AM JVT

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At residence of Mrs Keller No 1111 West Ohio Street, Sabetha Kansas Nov 3, 1922 10:44 AM where Mrs Sarah Ann Dunlap lives.

Mrs Dunlap admitted me & says her name before marriage was Sarah Ann France, daughter of Michael France & his wife Catharine Hartzell & she was born June 29, 1836 in Derry Tp, Westmoreland Co Pa near Blairsville. Her husband, Thomas Dunlap was the son of Daniel who in turn was the son of Thomas Dunlap & his wife Jemima Jack. Says her husband often talked to her of the Jacks but she don't recall that he ever spoke or knew of any old Jack Bible. Never minds of his speaking of any Cooper or Clark relatives of the Jacks however. She says her own & her husband's family bible with their record was burned up here when the citizens Natl Bank was burned since her husband's death where she had it & other valuables stored.

Mrs Keller at lunch, to which she invited me, said the streets south of Main are named for the States & those north of Main St are named for the Presidents.

Mrs Dunlap says she is too old to vote would be a bother getting around. Says she was back in Penna at her old home for a year & a half abt 1906 & enjoyed her visit immensely, was in Pgh seven weeks & at Becks

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Run near Pgh at a widow Millers she saw a Dunlap book or genealogy which was 2 or 3 inches thick & gave a record of her Dunlaps along with others, the original ancestor having come over on the Mayflower. Mrs Miller promised her the book after her death, but a young man took it, who claimed she had promised it to him before. She was a sister-in-law of Mr Thomas Dunlaps's mother. Says there are other Dunlaps out here, but they are not related. Her family is the only ones of her relatives out here.

Leaving at 1:11 PM

(At Lanning Hotel 4:55 PM 3d) Mrs Dunlap gave me the information noted on the next two pages, assisted at times by Mrs Keller. I then walked back to Grace's to see if she had heard from Mary Black Thompson 2d wife & widow of Salathiel Thompson to whom she had telephoned early this forenoon at Fairview in Brown Col 5 miles from here. She got her on the phone & learned she was leaving on the noon train for Denver Col to see her son Lloyd, so there is no need of going to Fairview. Grace thinks Lloyd can give me the record there of her children & that Jacob, brother of Salathiel living at Lone Elm, Kan can give his record & she gave me the address of Cephas & Derinda in Okla. Neither Grace or her mother or Mrs Dunlap or Mrs Keller knew of any Stouts ever living here. Grace then directed me to drop one block north to Ohio & go east to the Sabetha Cem which is a mile out just beyond & adjoining the SE corner of the town where I arrived at 2:25 PM see page 396.

V8 Page 394 & V8 Page 395

[Descendant Chart]

Thomas Dunlap was born in Derry Tp, Westnd Co Pa Aug 9, 1826 & was married Feby 26, 1852 to Sarah Ann France, a neighbor see page 392 before she was 16 who was born June 29, 1836 & is my informant of the day. She has had seven children in all none born in Penna but were born in Ashland Co O about 2 miles north of Ashland O where they moved in 1853 from Westmoreland Co Pa. From Ashland Co O they moved to a farm 6 miles south of Winona, Marshall Co, Illinois where her sixth child was born. After about 11 or 12 yrs in Illinois, they moved to a farm 1 1/2 miles NE of Washington, Iowa & lived there about 12 yrs & came to Kansas in 1897 (some of the former places of residence must be wrong) & settled a half mile east of here in Brown Co Ks. Thomas Dunlap died on the farm Sept 5, 1897 from heart trouble & is buried in Sabetha Cem.


Millicent Amanda Dunlap Born Oct 9, 1855 & died aged 5 yrs on a Jany 21 or 22 1861 & was buried at Ashland O.

Mary Catherine, B July 16, 1858 & died aged abt 46. Mar 1. John McConnell Mar @. Robert M. Geer who lives in Brown Co 2 miles east of here near Morrel, straight east of here. She had one child by each husband. She is buried in Sabetha Cem & has a marker. John McConnell was buried at Oneida Kansas 9 miles SW of here. She died Jany 16, 1904.

Robert Elmer McConnell, Born Aug 16, 1881 ob Unmarried aged abt 36. He enlisted for World War & was shorthand writer in the office in St Louis Mo when he died. He is buried here in Sabetha Cem. Is not sure whether marker has been put up or not. Yes. & it says he died May 23, 1918.

Merrill Geer, Born Sept? Mar abt 5 yrs ago to Hazel Parmer aged abt 30 yrs. He lives on the farm with his father.

Roy Geer, aged abt 4 yrs B. May

Nathaniel Doty Dunlap, Born Nov 13, 1862 & he is living in Sabetha Kan. M. July 11, 1904 to Birdie Riffer who died Sept 19, 1904 & is buried in Sabetha Cem here. No issue. She was born July 6, 1871 She was dau of Henry & E. Riffer.

France Delbert Dunlap, Born Apr 21, 1867 died of the "flu" Jany 1919 mar Elizabeth Brangher [Braugher?] of Sabetha Kan who is now living in Southern? Calif. No issue. She remarried to a Smith. He is buried in Sabetha Cem & has a marker which shows that Elizabeth his wife was born in 1872 & is still living.

Sadie Dunlap, B Mch 9, 1868 ob Oct 31, 1876 in Iowa & is buried in Washington, Iowa

Ida Belle Dunlap, Born in Illinois July 1875? was a yr or more old when Sadie died. M. William Klepper & both are living in St Joe Mo where he is a banker with the "old Enzy? Bank". Have never had but one child.

Mary Klepper, Born Sept 20, 1899 as she was 23 her last birthday. At home unmarried.

Harley Emery Dunlap, the youngest, born in Iowa in the Summer, married in Hiawatha Kan to Mary Hampton, daughter of Joseph Hampton of Woodlawn Kan. Both are living at Falls City Neb in the town & he is a day laborer. The six sons are all at home unmarried. Write to him for his own record.

Elmer Dunlap, aged over 21 yrs




Homer Dunlap

Orin Dunlap, aged 8 or 9 yrs

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At Sabetha Cemetery, Sabetha Kansas Nov 3, 1922 2:25 PM (transcribed 5:55 Pm same day at Lanning Hotel)

The cemetery is divided into four sectors & i went in at the entrance gate & going to the right took the S.W. sector first:

1. Isaac Dreibelbis born Sept 16, 1813 died Sept 5, 1896

Hannah, his wife born Nov 14, 1823, died Oct 28, 1912

Catharine, daughter of I. & H. Dreibelbiss died Jany 7, 1887 aged 46 yrs 5 mos 28 days

Lilly, daughter of I & H Dreibelbis died Aug 9, 1899 aged 21 yrs 9 mos 17 days.

Everett S. son of GF & Allie Joss died Apr 16, 1894 aged 2 yrs 9 mos 16 days

2. Birdie Dunlap born July 6, 1871, died Sept 19, 1904

Harry, son of H & E Riffer died Mch 27, 1879, aged 4 yrs 11 mos 27 days

3. Robert M. Geer (room for his record)

His wife

Catharine M. born July 16, 1858, died Jany 16, 1904

To the right is his former wife & smaller monument

Ada, wife of R.M. Geer died May 9, 1881 aged 36 yrs 8 mos 24 days & to the left is a fine flat or semi flat marker being Catharine M's son by her first husband.

U.S. Soldier Robert E. McConnell Aug 16, 1881, May 23, 1918

4. J. Thompson (John) Born Jany 21, 1821 died June 14, 1889

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Hannah Thompson (his wife) born Sept 15, 1823 died Nov 3, 1896

Rebecca, wife of Salathiel Thompson died Nov 4, 1878 aged 32 yrs 2 mos 27 days.

Julia A., daughter of S & Rebecca Thompson died Sept 21, 1879 aged 3 yrs 12 days.

Harry, infant son of J & J Thompson died Dec 24, 1879 aged 2 mos 22 days.

5. Hiram Fulton Apr 24, 1821 Nov 11, 1907

Catharine M. Baker his wife, Jany 23, 1828, Jany 6, 1912

Then in NW sector

6. Thomas Dunlap Born Aug 9, 1826 died Sept 5, 1897

7. William Thompson Nov 7, 1845, May 25, 1904 Co E 122 R.O. Vol Inf

Joseph Edwin, Nov 29, 1879, Feby 11, 1907

Then in NE sector

8. France D. Dunlap 1867 - 1919

Elizabeth, his wife 1872 -

Nothing in SE sector desired. Left 3:44 PM

I then walked in town & went to the City Hall & found Miss Hill a beautiful blackeyed black haired swarthy vampish young girl with whom I left at 4:04 PM the remaining records except the genealogical tree that I got from Manville on the 1st at Kirksville Mo which she said she would copy & bring to the Lanning Hotel or me. It is now 6:40 PM & I will go to supper.

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[Descendant Chart]

Great great grandparent James Carothers


Great Grandparents

James Carothers Born Aug 1788 in Cumb. Co Pa Saryh Forsyth? Their children were:


Louis Ferree

John Calvin

James Harvey

Andrew Jackson




Louis Ferree Carothers, Clarence MO Born Nov 14, 1816 Allegheny Co Pa died July 18, 1871 Shelby Co Mo cabinet maker & farmer. Married Feby 3, 1844 to Angelica Miller who was born about 1821 in Bourbon Co Ky & died Jany 1, 1871 in Shelby Co Mo. Their children (10 of them)

James F.

Sarah F.

John C.

Mary Elizabeth


Ella Ann



Ida &


Edwin Winship Parcels, Kirksville MO born Mch 5, 1822 at Elizabethtown KY died Mch 16, 1912. Retired merchant. Married 1849 to Rebecca Ann Rowland who was born June 10, 1833 Winchester Ky & died Dec 18, 1913. Their children (10 of them)

John Monro

Mary Elizabeth

James F.

Edwin Winship Jr



Emma Cathering

George Rowland

Anna Bell

Effie Rebecca


John Calvin Carothers, Kirksville MO Born Feby 23, 1849 Canton MO occupation abstractor of land titles. married May 23, 1872 to Mary Elizabeth Parcels who was born Jany 15, 1853 in Kirksville Mo & died Dec 24, 1904. Their children (6 of them)

Wilbur Ferree


Ralph Elma

Earnest Donald

Mary Edith

John Carl


Manville Carothers, Kirksville MO Born Dec 13, 1875 Kirksville Mo Asst Postmaster. Married Oct 10, 1900 to Mabel Rose Barrett. Their children (6 of them)

Mary Margaret

Carol Bessie

Doris Isabel

Barret Manville

John Reuben (dead)

Mabel Elizabeth

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I got my supper & when I came out at 7:25 PM, N. Doty Dunlap stepped up & introduced himself & came up to my room for half an hour. He corrected the date of his own birth on page 394 & gave me the name of his wife's father. He said he was not married until the summer of 1904 & that his wife died three months after their marriage. he says his mother is a year older than what she gave me & is in her 88th year. He said he would get the date of his marriage & bring it in tonight. He said it was 1906 that his mother made her visit back to Pa & that she then broke up housekeeping & her effects including bible record were boxed up & at his room over the bank building when it burned down. It is now 8:30 & is raining in torrents. Doty Dunlap is a spare intelligent looking man & says he has often shipped mules to Blairsville. His mother is about 5 ft 3 in, a little over average avoirdupois & is not feeble & her hair is not white yet, but her memory is bad.

N. Grace Thompson is a bright handsome woman & was very kind & helpful. Her mother is a slender woman about 5 ft 7 & looks to be much younger than she is. She is quick & active, full of fun & humor. She said it was a very bitter cold day when they were married & that her husband in riding 8 or 10 miles to the wedding had to stop twice & get his feet warm. I told her he had the right spirit as a bridegroom coming to a wedding should not get cold feet.

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At residence of John H. Van Kirk, Logan Tp, Washington Co 6 3/4 miles south east of Washington Kansas Nov 4, 1922 11:44 AM

I arrived here at 11 AM by Ford Auto driven by its owner Bill Mooney, we having left Washington Kan at 9:44 AM & went out 1 1/2 miles to the Wash City Cem & after taking records there went back to Washington & took another road out here. We found Mr Van Kirk & a young man in the yard working on a roll of barbed wire. He has brought out a big book viz: "Portrait & Biographical Album of Washington Clay & Riley Counties, Kansas, Chicago Chapman Bros 1890" which was copyrighted by Chapman Bros 1885 containing 1231 pages & on pages 962 & 963 is an article on Johnson Van Kirk which states that his farm of 160 A is on Section 19 Logan Tp, Wash Co where he has orchard & vineyard & is engaged in farm & stock raising. Says he is the son of Henry & Elizabeth Pettit Van Kirk natives of New Jersey & says they are of Holland extraction & that the grandfather Wm Van Kirk served for 3 mos during the Rev War & subsequently preempted land in Washington Co Pa where he passed the remainder of his life. Henry Van Kirk was 18 yrs old when the family settled in W. Pa where he died at the age of 62 yrs, his wife dying at age of 42. Of his family, it says Sarah Ann was the wife of W.M. Evans & died at Malvern Iowa & names six other children in addition to Johnson who was born in Washington Co Pa Dec 2, 1827 where he was reared on a

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farm & resided in his native state until 1859. He volunteered for the Mexican War but was not mustered in as no more troops were needed. He married Miss Mary A. Porter, a native of Fayette Co Pa on Dec 4, 1847. Ten (10) yrs later, they removed to Illinois settling at Ottawa where he purchased 80 A. & then 40 A & lived there until 1870 & moved to Streator & then rented a farm near Dwight Ills & in 1875 he came to Kansas by train & wagon. In Jany 1876, he stopped at Highland Doniphan Co where he followed farming for five yrs & then came to Wash Co Kansas. They were the parents it says of seven children two of whom have died. They were:

1. Thomas Henry who died unmarried aged 23 in Ills & is buried at Dwight Ills.

2. Cephas Porter died at Streator Ills aged 6 yrs

3. Sadie mar Thos D. Bowers of Streator Ills where they both died having 3 daughters & 2 sons:

1. Alice mar Elza Burtwell & live near Streator, 2 children

2. Lou mar West Rinker & live Grand Ridge, 4 children

3. Ella May mar Harry Crosby & live in Grand Ridge, 2 children

4. Altamont Johnson. He died a young boy unmarried.

5. Leslie Dighton, He is a railroader running out of Streator born June 12, 1896.

4. Ella, mar John J. Fishel & both are living at Grand Ridge Fla where he is a retired Civil War veteran & owns 240 A of land there & draws $72 per month pension. Have 3 living children & 1 dead.

2. William J. mar a widow & lives in Burd City Kan, 2 children

1. Ruth mar Albert Wester & live near Grand Ridge Fla, 3 children, Farmer

3. Robert, at Burd City Kansas Unmarried.

4. A child died in infancy

5. James Wilson, mar Lettie Cochran. She living. He died here July 22, 1906 & is buried in Wash Cem. Had two boys both died in infancy. He was born Aug 10, 1861 & was married Mch 5, 1902. She was born July 17, 1866.

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6. John Henry Van Kirk, my informant of today, born Dec 13, 1867 at Streator Ills & was married May 3, 1893 to Jennie Knott, daughter of Joseph Knott & his wife Mary Knott who was born in Cinica (is it Geneca?) Co O near Tiffin Mch 11, 1869 & both are living here in this house my kind hosts of the day with whom I have had dinner & have had children as follows:

1. Mabel, born Feby 14, 1894 living at home

2. Mary born June 23, 1896 died Nov 27, 1896

3. Charles Edwin born Jany 19, 1900 at home unmarried

4. Lucretia born May 9, 1902 died July 28, 1909

5. John Henry Jr born Apr 19, 1906 at home unmarried.

They were all born in this house where their grandfather Johnson Van Kirk settled 42 yrs ago. The farm contains 160 A.

7. Catharine, mar Robert P. Brown. He was cashier of a bank at Barnes Kan & was shot & killed in the bank by a robber. She lives at Baldwin Kansas & got most of her mother's papers as she was living with her when she died. She has three children:

1. Eleanor born Jany 26, 1901 at Washington Kan

2. Drury born Jany 11, 1905 at Washington Kan

3. Mary born June 25, 1911 at Barnes Kan

Mr Johnson Van Kirk was a Republican a member of the Presbyterian Church of which he has been an elder since he was 25 ordained at McClellandtown Pa installed at Farm Ridge Church Ills at Highland Kan & Washington Kan. He died in this house July 26, 1897. His wife was born May 28, 1829 & died in Washington Kan at the home of Mrs R.P. Brown June 29, 1919 & is buried in the family lot where too are buried her husband & her father & mother.

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Mr Van Kirk produces one sheet two pages of the "Genius of Liberty, Union Feby 17, 1824" on the top of which is written "Reflections on the Battle of New Orleans by T. Wilson" which he said his mother had shown him & he read but it is not in this half of the paper & he don't know whether it is about the house or not. "Thomas Wilson was her grandfather & J.H.V. says she & her mother were two of the best women that ever lived & that there were none better."

The paper publishes a statement of receipts & expenditures of Fayette Co Pa for 1823 in which the Coms were Abner Greenland, Robert Boyd & Nathaniel Mitchel, Richard Beeson Clk & which shows payt of $300 to Hugh Thompson Treas of Agricultural Society & Hugh Thompson's acct as Treas of said society appears dated Jany 28, 1824 & certified to by Samuel Cleowenger, Ellis Baily & John Fuller auditors.

On page 430 is an article on Martin Thompson who J.H.V. says was killed in Kansas City Mo cor 12th & Main when driving a fool horse which ran off with him. The article says he was born in Morgan Co O Apr 7, 1850 the son of John & Rebecca (Coler) Thompson a farmer of Morgan Co O where he died aged 46 & his father Hugh Thompson a pioneer of Oregon to which he removed in 1852 & lived there to a good old age.

The records I took at the Washington City Kansas Cem. Nov 4, 1922 10:22 AM were as follows:

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1. Cephas Porter died June 10, 1873 aged 65 yrs.

Johnson Van Kirk Dec 2, 1827 July 24, 1897

Mary A. Van Kirk, no dates cut yet

Louisa B., daughter of R & H.B. McKay 1878 - 1889

Infant son of James & Lottie Van Kirk

Mary E. dau of J.J. & E.J. Fishel died Sept 26, 1902 aged 3 mos

Leaving 10:27 AM

Mr Van Kirk shows me a very fine picture of his father side view with whiskers all over his face. Have finished & leaving at 2:55 PM to take the train at Greenleaf for Concordia Ks JVT

At residence of A. Markle French No 720 Cedar ST Concordia Kansas Nov 4, 1922 8:50 PM

I arrived here about 8 o'clock having first called on the phone & found that A. Markle French Esq had gone to Bellsville Ks & would not be back until tomorrow forenoon & that Mrs Peterson lived on the farm 2 1/2 miles out of Jamestown Kan & her father Nicholas French is on a visit for a month past to his daughter Dencie's at Joplin Mo & her address is Mrs Dr Hugh Duncan McGaughey, residence 332 Pearl St Joplin Mo. Mrs Peterson is

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Mrs Antonia Peterson,Jamestown RFD 1 Kan about 2 miles NE of the town.

Mr N. French's birthday is Mch 31, 1845 & his wife Caroline Elizabeth Markle was born Feby 22, 1849 & is buried at Fairview on the French Cem just west of Concordia Ks having died Mch 2, 1920. Mr F's full name is Nicholas Mark French & he was born at Ingersol Ontario Canada, the son of Samuel Truman French who was born in the Green Mountains of Vermont Aug 8, 1814 & his wife Sarah Taylor Nicholas M. French & Caroline Elizabeth Markle were married Dec 31, 1872 at Fairburg Ill & had but sic children viz: all of whom were born on the farm in Grant Tp Cloud Co Kansas as follows:

1. A. Markle French born Jany 11, 1874

2. Fred DeLoss French born Oct 20, 1875

3. Don Leid French born July 10, 1878

4. Fay Scott French born Nov 18, 1880

5. Dencie Elizabeth French born Sept 18, 1882

6. Osey Gail French born Apr 25, 1891.

1. A. Markle French & Mary Jane Daniels were married on the farm near Jamestown Ks Jany 18, 1902. She is the daughter of Isaac C. Daniels who was born in Montrose Pa June 9, 1845 & Margaret Hurst his wife. She was born in Belleville Ontario Canada Apr 12, 1845 Mary Jane Daniels was born in Osborne Tp Ottagama Co Wis Oct 29, 1876 & both are living at 720 Cedar St Concordia Ks.

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Mr French graduated from Kansas Univ at Lawrence Kan in 1898 & was admitted to the bar there say June 11, 1898 & practiced in Jamestown until 1911 Nov & then at Wichita Ks until Aug 1, 1913 & the balance of the time here & is 6 ft 3/4 in tall & weighs 220 lb & have one child viz:

A. Margaret Hollis French born Dec 19, 1916.

2. Fred DeLoss French in June 1902 married Etta Rose McMillan daughter of Alex McMillan & his wife Eliza A. who was born in Buffalo Tp Cloud Co Ks. He is a farmer in Grant Tp. Their children are: (born in Grant Tp)

1. Teddy French

2. Maxwell Nicholas French

3. Zella Rose French

4. Herman Frederick French

3. Don Leid French died Feby 1898 unmarried & is buried in Fairview Cem in same lot as his mother as was Zella Rose.

4. Fay Scott French was married to Clara Nelson, daughter of James Nelson who was born in Norway Tp, Republic Co Ks. he is a farmer in Grant Tp & have had two children born in Kansas City Mo viz:

A. Mary Faith, born Aug 5, 1921, died Jany 1, 1922 at Jamestown Kan & is buried in Fairview Cem Buffalo Tp Cloud Co Kan

B. Eslie Arline born July 27, 1922

5. Dencie Elizabeth French was married in Concordia Kan to Dr Hugh Duncan McGaughey

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His office is in the Frisco Bldg Joplin Mo & he was abroad 28 mos in the World War & was in the hospital at Brest France an X-Ray specialist. They have the following children.

A. John French born at Jamestown Ks

B. Mary French born at Jamestown Ks Dec 25

C. Irma Faye French born at Jamestown Ks

D. Carolyn L. born at Joplin MO

6. Osey Gail French was married in Concordia Ks to Anton R. Peterson, son of George Peter Peterson & his wife Martha Christenson who was born at Wisconsin & he is a farmer living now on the Nicholas M. French farm with him. They have but one child:

A. Martha Elizabeth

Mr French says he met an A. Markle in Wymore Neb who runs the depot eating house at the Burlington depot where he has been since 1906 & Mr F. saw him there last in Jany of this yr. He is about my size & build.

Mrs S. Johnson Markle (Anna) lives on South Santa Fe, Chanute Kan.

In a letter dated Feby 20, 1912 at Carthage Ills from Dr Jasper N. Markle to A. Markle French, he makes the following statements inter alia

He says his father, John Markle, son of Abraham was born Dec 25, 1806 in Jefferson Co O & was

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married to Jane Black Johnston May 5, 1836 by Rev John B. Tittbode at Amsterdam Jeff Co O. He died Sept 12, 1861 at Franklin, Harrison Co O & is buried in Island Creek g.y. Jeff Co O. His father Abraham Markle & his mother Rachel Blackburn were both born in Penna. Jane Black Johnston was born Jany 17, 1816 in Amsterdam Jeff Co O. & died Nov 10, 1866 in Franklin, Harrison Co O & is buried beside her husband. They had seven children, the first born died. The children were named as follows in the order of their birth.

1. David Johnson Markle born Mch 31, 1837 & died Aug 5, 1842 at Eastport

2. Jasper Newton Markle born Oct 4, 1838 at Tuscarawas Co O

3. Abraham Markle born Mch 13, 1841 at Tuscarawas Co O

4. Rachel Jane Markle born Feby 26, 1843 at Tuscarawas Co O

5. Samuel Johnson Markle born Mch 28, 1845 at Tuscarawas Co O

6. Mariah Margaret Markle born Sept 24, 1847 at Tuscarawas Co O

7. Caroline Elizabeth Markle born Feby 22, 1849 at New Market, now Scio O.

2. Jasper Newton Markle & Susannah Phillips were married Dec 21, 1865 in Morristown Belmont Co O by Rev T.R. Crawford who was born Mch 8, 1843 at New Athens Harrison Co O & have 3 children:

A. Delafal Markle born Aug 25, 1867 in Chillicothe, Wapello Co Iowa He married Julia Lynn Dec 20, 1900 at Chicago Ills & has 3 children:

1. Julia Genevieve Markle born July 10, 1902 at Olney O

2. DeLafal Markle Jr born Aug 29, 1904 at Olney

3. Robert Mark Markle born Feby 23, 1906 at Olney O

B. George Shane Markle born Feby 22, 1872 at Eddyville, Iowa & died at Long Point Livingston Co Ills Aug 20, 1874.

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c. Holly Amphion Markle born Dec 30, 1881 at Long Point Ills & married 1. to Bessie Gay at St Joseph Mo Apr 17, 1910. He has married a second time. He gave me record Sept 1921.

3. Abraham Markle married to Cynthia Spence June 28, 1865 at Newark O by Rev L. Taft. He is a Christian preacher & have no issue.

4. Rachel Jane Markle gave me her record Sept 17, 1921

5. Samuel Johnson Markle died in Chanute Kansas get their record there.

6. Maria Margaret Markle. I got her record Oct 21, 1921

7. Caroline Elizabeth Markle have just gotten her record above.

He then proceeds to give the name of Abraham's father as Jacob in which he is wrong.

Mr French says his grandfather & grandmother French were both in their 8th yr when they died & his great grandfather French either Gideon or David was 98 & his wife died at 102 from falling in a creek & his great great grandfather French was 109 & his name was Gideon or David & he walked 3 miles for a gallon of whiskey when 107.

An old Markle heirlooms either Gen'l or Dencie have the old sugar bowl & Fred has the old copper teakettle that came through the Blackburns. Mr French says Mrs Elliott at the old home has an old gun that some of the family had at Valley Forge with the name "A. Myrcle Valley Forge 1776" on it, that her son John got a flintlock musket.

Leaving 1235 AM 5th

A. is but an initial in the name of A. Markle French.

V8 Page 410

At residence of Mrs Mary Lucinda Thompson NO 303 South 8th St Osborne Kansas Nov 5, 1922 2:02 PM

I arrived here almost an hour ago & find Mrs Thompson in the kitchen of her little frame cottage home where I am writing, it being the only room in which she has fire & where she lives alone. She is of medium height & build & doesn't have any gray hairs, her hair being dark & sandy. She says she has just recently had a sick spell, but is better. She says her husband Isaac Jackson Thompson was a twin of Abraham. She has shown me letters from the Kilpatricks & A. Thompson Secrest & has gotten out her husband's family bible a big book the Domestic Bible published at St Louis Mo by the Western Book & Bible Co but is without date. She says her husband went overland to California with his father when 17 yrs old, the year she was born 1850. From the Bible, I take their date of marriage the cft for which is in the bible & the dates of birth of her children & which I enter in the genealogical table on page 412. She says her mother was before marriage Rebecca Thompson, daughter of John Thompson, son of James 1758 - 1835 & that she was married twice. Mrs T. says she has an older sister Lydia Jane Tucker living at Clinton

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Douglas Co Kansas with her two younger children who might give the record. Says her mother gave her an old small dilapidated bible which she has but there is no record in it, but fears there might have been & it may have dropped out & been lost.

Mrs T. shows me a letter from Kilpatrick Bros dated June 12, 1914 to their Uncle Isaac Thompson, her husband, recommending the use of paraffin oil & saying all of them had been taking it & saying it was an excellent medicine acting as a lubricant for the bowels & colon & is excellent for correcting constipation & keeping a person regular. Says the amt to be taken is from one to two tablespoonfuls (starting with one) to be taken in the evening before retiring & in the morning before breakfast, increase dose to two tablespoonsful after telling for two weeks. Will probably be several weeks before there is any noticeable effect from taking it. Says Robert learned of it on his trip abroad, but says they had been taking it before. They are sending him a gallon. Say it is highly recommended by physicians for people afflicted with rheumatism.

They refer to a trip on June 8, 1914 to Jasper Co Mo where their parents live in South east quarter section 26, Twin Grove Tp where the old log house still stood "in which Robert & myself (Wm?) were born."

Finished 5:33 Pm & waiting for taxi.

V8 Page 412 & V8 Page 413 & V8 Page 414

[Descendant Chart James Thompson] [children]

David Thompson was a twin brother to Joseph Thompson & were sons of James 1758 - 1835 see page 289.

[children of David]

Isaac Jackson Thompson, [twin] Born Aug 10, 1833 in Guernsey Co O. He was married Dec 16, 1872 at Sabetha Kansas by Rev Edward Gill. M.E. minister, to Mary Lucinda Hafer. He died Feby 7, 1917. She was born Oct 17, 1850 in Jasper Co Mo. He died here in Osborne & is buried in the cemetery here. Refer back to Page 332 & 333.

Ralph Edward Thompson, Born Oct 15, 1873 in Thayer Co Nebraska m. Mch 28, 1894 at Fairburg Neb to Blanche L. DeFrance who died. he lives in Pueblo Col No 1134 Cedar St & his P.O. address is Box 729. he is a traveling salesman. She did at Hutchinson Kan & is buried there. She was born in Mercer Co Pa, dau of James Arthur DeFrance & his wife Rebecca White & she died Sept 30, 1907. M.2. Touskett.

1. Leon Earl, B Jany 9th 1895. He was in France in the World War. Is unmarried. Born at Alexander Neb Thayer Co enlisted in World War Mch 1918 at Joplin Mo sailed for France July 1918 landed back July 1919 served in 28th Eng Corp. Lives 5 1/2 S. Main Sta Lead S. Dakota

2. Marie Rebecca, B Sept 20th, 1897 m. Oct 23, 1918 to Harry H. Brown born May 4, 1893 at Tussener [best guess] Texas who was in the World War fr July 1, 1918 to Dec 22, 1918. No issue. Son of Wm Hy Brown & wife Bird Inman. Live in Boulder Col where he is going to school & she is teaching. She was born in Osborn Co Kan.

4. Ralph Edward Jr, B May 3, 1901. He & his bro Leon are working together in South Dakota. Is unmarried He was born in Rooks Co Ks.

5. Ruth Elizabeth, B Dec 8th, 1903 at Hutchinson Kan unmarried went to Boulder Col to school & is teaching this winter.

6. Charles Owen, B Apr 23, 1906 in Hutchinson Ks & died aged 18 mos & died July 29, 1907.

3. Arthur, Born Apr 12, 1900 died Apr 13, 1900

Elmer Owen Thompson, born Dec 10, 1876 in Thayer Co Neb M. Dec at Plainville Kansas to Bernice Thurston. Both living in Barber Co Kansas at Isabel Ks where he is a farmer. His 3 oldest children born at Turon Ks & the other six where they now live. Mr T. will send me dates.

Rae, a girl

Elmer Owen


Ralph Edward


Orman Isaac [twin]

Margaret Belle [twin]

Mary Rebecca


Edna Leona Thompson, Born Oct 13, 1878 in Thayer Co Neb M. June 19, 1904 to Walter Eugene Kendrick Born July 28, 1876 at Friend Neb. Both living at Cedarville in Smith Co Kansas He is son of Samuel M.

Kendrick & his wife Sarah E. Sullivan.

Ethel Pauline, B Mch 4, 1905 at Harlan Kansas

Wilma Edna, B June 10, 1907 at Harlan Kansas

Walter Roscoe or Roscoe Walter B Nov 24, 1910 at Densmore Kan

Leon Robert Thompson, Born Aug 3, 1888 in Thayer Co Neb & died there Oct 21, 1890.

Abram Thompson [twin of Isaac Jackson] Born Aug 10, 1833 in Guernsey Co O. See page 352.

Jacob Downard Thompson, see page 350

John Thompson Born May 7, 1788 married Elizabeth DeLong. They both died in Jasper Co Mo near Carthage. She thinks probably Mrs Dunn at Manhattan Kansas would have his bible or know about it. He has her mother's bible. She lives at No 730 Leavenworth St Manhattan Kan. John Thompson died July 3, 1856. The dates of his & his son James birth & death & of his son Thomas birth here & his daughter Tabitha's & confirmation of Mary's birth on page 489 & dates of his first wife's birth & death book 9 page 146 & & are from Oliver B. Mason, El Dorado Kan.

1. James, B Feby 27, 1814 Presbyterian preacher was never married Died Mch 5, 1854 in Jasper Co Mo

2. Thomas O. B July 23, 1819 he went to California in 1852 & never returned. Jno I. Dollison writes 10/28/23 that he married "Feeby Hage" & went to Calif as above. See book 9 p 146 was he married twice?

Celesta, see book 9 P 146

Newton in Calif

Logan, in Calif

4. Ann, m. James Dollison & he went back to Ohio after she died in Mo & mar again. She left 4 children see Book 9 P 146-7 see Book 12 P 26

5. Susannah, m. William Mason a farmer near Fort Scott where she died. She had 6 children, some living there yet.

3. Nancy, m. Owen Johnson a farmer near Fort Scott Kan where both died. Thinks she had 4 children still living there.

Rebecca Jackson Thompson by 2d wife, born in Guernsey Co O Aug 2,

1829 m.1. in Ohio to William Harrison Hafer in 1846 thinks in Oct or Nov. He was born near Senecaville O & died in Ills in July 1850. M.2. in Mo to Thomas Gist. She thinks in Mch 1853 ("after I was 2 yrs old) His folks was from Ky. He was born in Cooper Co MO Mch 8, 1829 & died Manhattan Kansas July 13,1898. She died Sept 29, 1920 at Manhattan Kansas. M. Hafer's mother's name was Lydia & she was living in Wheeling WVA when he died in 1850.

Lydia Jane, called "Jennie" Hafer b. Guernsey Co O Aug 17, 1847 married to John Milton Tucker on Apr 7, 1867. She was born in Pike Co O dau of Wm Tucker & wife Harriet Doughty May 4, 1828. He died May 6, 1903 at Clinton Kan where their children were born.

Luetta Lena, B July 17, 1868 m. Apr 25, 1905 to Daniel Henry Warner son of Henry Warner & wife Susann T. Winter live in Topeka, Ks & have 3 children. He was born near Fayetteville Ind Aug 6, 1863.

Gladys Eloise, B Feby 17, 1907 in Topeka High School.

Mabel Lorraine, B May 9, 1908 in Topeka high school

Everett Tucker, B Sept 27, 1909 in Topeka high school

Ervin Kenneth, B Nov 4, 1913.

Corinne Olive, B Sept 29, 1871

William Ivan, B Sept 22, 1874

At home with their mother unmarried in Clinton Kan He is the "Village Blacksmith"

Mary Lucinda Hafer, B Oct 17, 1850 my informant of the day see page 412

William Jasper Gist, Born Jany 1, 1854 in Nelson Co Mo m. Chloie Lovisa Bacon, who was born Nov 3, 1856 in Miama Ind. Iva H. born in Harlan Co, Lois R in Pawnee Co & others in Thayer Co Neb.

Effie Lena, B Nov 14, 1877

Iva Harriet, B Oct 30, 1879

Olive Mary, B Nov 3, 1881

Chester Thomas, B Apr 27, 1885

Lois Rebecca, B Aug 21, 1892

Gladys Grace, B Nov 22, 1895

John Martin Gist B Jasper Co MO May 6, 1856 was in Philippine was & in Calif when last heard from 8/4/23 in State hospital in Stockton Calif see page 98

Owen James Gist, B Aug 30, 1859 at Shawnee town, Johnson Co Ks 8/4/23 at Whitehall Mont. M to Julia May Elmer on Oct 11, 1885 she was born Apr 5, 1869 in Bates Co Mo see page 98 this book

Almon E. B Aug 11, 1887 at Des Moines Iowa

Lois, B June 26, 1889 at Des Moines Iowa

Ray, a girl, B Nov 16, 1892 at Waitsburg Wash

Joseph Thompson Gist, B Jany 27, 1862 in Lawrence Ks M. to Minnie Alice Lauver who was born Apr 12, 1866 at Millerstown Pa children all born Enid Okla where he lives. She is dead. She died Oct 16, 1909 was married Feby 11, 1893 at LaJunta Colorado.

Manfred DeLong, B Dec 30, 1893 in World War

Dorothy Rebecca, B Oct 23, 1895

Harold Eugene, B Sept 5, 1897

Walter Ellis, B Aug 12, 1899

Joseph Maurice, B Apr 21, 1901

Nina Frances Gist, B Jany 15, 1868 at Morrill Brown Co Kan M. William Oliver Dunn. who was born Nov 2, 1867 at Rockport, Atchison Co MO & both are living at Manhattan Kan where he is in the Real estate business married Oct 23, 1890 see page 421.

William Oliver Jr, B at Belleville Kan Sept 4, 1891 m. Edna Glover dau of Glover & his wife Emily R. Clark who was born June 1891 & they are living in Nebraska City Neb where he is manager of the Elec Light Gas & Water Co of the City.

Dorothy, B Feby 10, 1914 at Manhattan Kansas

Robert Clark, B Sept 29, 1916 at Manhattan Kansas

Richard Wm, B Oct 15, 1918 at Nebraska City Neb

Kenneth Arthur, B June 28, 1922 at Nebraska City Neb

Nadia Dunn, B at Belleville Republic Co Kan Sept 18, 1896 m. June 8, 1918 to Harry Gilbert Corby born May 25, 1895 at Pleasanton Kansas son of Jay Corby & his wife Nellie May DeForest & live here at Manhattan with her parents.

Harry Gilbert Corby Jr, Born August 20, 1922

Almon Arthur Gist, [twin] B at Morrill Brown Co Ks June 7, 1870 married to Mae Etta Hallowell who was born at Sigourney Keokuk Co Iowa Feby 15, 1870. She died at Chanute Kan in Oct 1920 & is buried at Manhattan Kansas. M.2. Eva Brock & he lives in Chanute Kan where he is a traveling train master. He got up years ago when at Fort Riley Kan a small leaflet 16 by 20 lines with blackboard covers giving a page to his father & mother each & one to each of her children giving their births & the births of the parties they married & all of their children's birth from which I have taken the dates on the preceding page & this of his mother's descendants.

Edwinna Gist, Born Apr 12, 1896 at Manhattan Riley Co Kansas. She is married & lived in Chicago Ills but now

lives in Arkansas City Kansas. Her husband's name is Fred Leach where he is an advertising artist.

Alvin Gist [twin] B at Morrill Kan June 7, 1870 & died same day.

V8 Page 415

Clay Center Kansas New Hotel Bonham Nov 6, 1922 9:26 AM Room 76

I left Osborne Kansas last night at 6:35 Pm being driven from Mrs Mary L. Thompson's to the station by H.J. Palmer born in Osborne Co Kan Dec 26, 1897 & who is badly crippled by two turned in feet resulting from an attack of scarlet fever when eleven yrs old. I reached Clifton Kansas at midnight & walked 3 1/2 blocks with a little snow white dog as chaperone to the Rock Island depot where I sat for 3 1/2 hours in their well heated waiting room until 3:28 AM leaving the dog in the well warmed waiting room took the train for Clay Center Ks arriving at this hotel at 4 AM & coming to this room slept until & & got my breakfast read the paper & walked two blocks to the Priest Drug Co where I was told that John Agnew had left 6 mos ago & was now with his mother who was living with her son-in-law Clarence Packard on a farm 3 miles east of Enterprise, Dickinson Co Kansas 35 miles off in the next county south of this, so I am taking the 10:25 AM train for there on the Union Pacific RR via Junction City Ks 9:40 AM

At residence of Clarence Edward Packard Center Tp, Dickinson Co Kansas (P.O. Enterprise RFD No 1 Kansas) Nov 6, 1922 1:35 PM

I have just arrived here from Junction City Ks driven 23 miles by auto by Ivan Clinkenbeard & find Mrs Agnew & her daughter & son John P. & she has gotten out her family bible from which I am taking dates to make table on next page:

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[Descendant Chart]

Edwin Holmes Agnew Born Sept 15, 1854 in Cumberland Co Pa the son of Rebecca Carothers & her husband Agnew. He died July 16, 1905 at Colorado Springs Colorado & is buried at the Evergreen Cemetery. He was married Sept 13, 1882 near Italy in Ellis Co Texas to Ada Jones, daughter of Harry Jones & his wife Sarah. he died when she was 4 & she when she was 7 yrs old. She was born July 27, 1864 & is my informant of the day. Her mother Sarah was an Indian.


Lizzie Alberta, B Nov 28, 1884 in Ellis Co Texas M. Oct 21, 1907 to John Morgan Fisher from Nashville Tenn Both living at 1222 West Pratt St Indianapolis Ind. where he is a mechanic.

Lewis Agnew Fisher, Born Aug 5, 1908 near Longford Kansas

Josie Realsa, B Apr 7, 1887 in Hubbell Neb M. Aug 31, 1908 to Melvin Eugene Schultz of Fredonia Ks where they both live & are both photographers & have a gallery there.

Twila Evelyn, B Apr 28, 1910 near Longford Ks

Claude Elmer, B June 8, 1912 at Fall River Ks

Edward Beem B Oct 14, 1889 in Hardy Neb m. Mch 8, 1915 to Wanda Maybelle Swader who was born Mch 12, 1897 dau of Henry Swader & his wife Cora Lamb. Both living on a farm 4 miles west of Longford Kan.

Edwin Hayes, B Sept 8, 1918 from Longford Ks

Edna M., B Apr 21, 1892 at Hastings Neb died Dec 6, 1897 at Abilene Kan & is buried there.

Louana Marguerite, B July 13, 1895 at Pleasant Hill Mo m. Dec 18, 1913 to Clarence E. Packard who was born Nov 20, 1891 at Terrapin Lake this Co the son of Augustus Packard who was the first white settler in this section among the Indians & his wife Sarah Shey & both have lived on this farm since their marriage he owning 80 A & 30 A of timber. His father came here in 1847 fr Athens Co Ohio.

Ruth Sarah, B June 16, 1915 ob Apr 16, 1916

Alva Marie, a girl birthday set for Sept 16, 1917 adopted but not legally abt 4 yrs ago.

Dewey Conklin, B Apr 20, 1898 near Solomon Kan, m. July 26, 1919 to Grace Angus who was then 18 born say in 1901 of Rosedale MO both living in Topeka Kan where he is foreman of Kaw Mill. No issue.

Ruby Helen, B Dec 8, 1900 near Longford Ks unmarried & living now with her sister Josie at Fredonia Kansas.

John Parker Agnew, B Aug 18, 1903 at Lawrence Kan unmarried & now here, was a clerk for 4 yrs with Priest Drug Co in Clay Center Kansas.

Aug 10, 1927, he writes from the R.A.R. Co P.O. Box 338 Kansas City Mo saying I promised to send him a book which I dont' recall & asking me to send it. I am writing him c/o G.E. Packard enterprises Kan that it will take 5 yrs more to gather the records. see book 5 p 269.

Leaving at 2:35 PM JVT

V8 Page 417

At residence of W.W. Bales 1018 Kearny St Manhattan Kan Nov 6, 1922 8:33 PM

I arrived here at 8 PM driven over from his home by W.O. Dunn.

Jacob D. Thompson, aged 86, says his Uncle Elijah Thompson married Mehetable Burnet in Guernsey Co O & moved to Illinois & the place he lived was on a farm near Kankakee City Ills & had a large family, at least three sons & went from there to Jasper Co mo & then went to California, east of Sacramento toward the mountains, he thinks about 1853 at or near Marysville or Grass Valley. His oldest son, Isaac Newton Thompson went back to Ohio & married one of his mother's kinsfolk Vance & brought her to Jasper Co Mo where he lived several years & had two children that he knew of, Martha & Madison. He started overland to California in the 50s & died on the way. She then married Joshua Martin & he was misrepresented, shot & killed during the Civil War abt 6 miles from Joplin Mo by bushwhackers, but was a good man. Joshua was a widower with two children when he married Isaac Thompson's widow. Her name was Sarah Martin, the last he knew of her & she might be living yet near Lecompton Kansas.

Elijah's daughter Sarah married a farmer Andrew Yates & lived a few miles north of Kankakee.

Elijah's daughter Ann, mar Harvey Roundsville & lived two miles down the Kankakee River.

V8 Page 418 [missing]

V8 Page 419

was Nathan, & he went from Georgia to Calif.

Mr & Mrs Roundsville had several children, Milton & Sarah were the oldest. Elijah's three sons that went to Calif with him were Madison, Harvey & John. Harvey mar in MO & took his wife with him & the last he heard he was living in Calif in the mountains mining but his family were about Wheatland Calif. John mar at Virginia City Nev (married a Catholic, the only Thompson that he knows who did) & thinks he died there.

Says now that his Uncle Elijah's wife was a Burnet & Isaac's wife Vance was a relative.

Madison was Elijah's youngest son but Amanda was the youngest of the family. Madison never married He died in Arizona near the Mexican line.

Speaking of his Uncle Joseph's family about whom I asked him.

1. Ellen, never heard of her

2. James, says he didn't marry

3. William, married a Hillegas, who lived at Shawneetown, Kan abt 20 miles fr Kansas City, Kansas. Hillegas lived a few miles south of Lecompton Ks. Wm had a son James & other children but don't know where they are.

4. Samuel died in Jasper Co Mo aged 14 or 15 yrs

5. Rebecca died in Jasper Co Mo aged abt 20 yr single

6. Martha died in Shawneetown Ks aged abt 17 yrs, single

7. David married & lived at Burlingame Ks wd be abt 70 if living. Thinks Joe T. Gist of Enid Okla wd know .

8. Mary Ann mar Jeremiah King, lived first in Lecompton then to Emporium & last heard of at Burlingame Ks.

V8 Page 420

At residence of Wm O. Dunn 730 Leavenworth St, Manhattan Kansas Nov 6, 1922 10 PM

I was here between 7 & 8 & then went over to see Jacob D. Thompson at 8 & came back here at 9:30 PM. Mrs Dunn says her Aunt Nancy was five years older than her mother & that they two were the only children of John Thompson by his first wife DeLong & she was a sister of James DeLong, minister of the U.S. to Morocco under Lincoln & who Mrs Dunn when abt 14 visited with her mother at his home in Lawrence Kansas. The DeLong family moved from Lawrence to Wichita but she doesn't know whether it was before or after his death. John Thompson married a second time & was survived by his second wife who was the mother of Rev James Thomas, Ann & Susannah & Mrs D. does not know of any other brothers & sisters of her mother. Says her mother said one brother was a preacher & the other a regular devil.

Of her father's family, she remembers that her grandmother Gist, a fine old Southern lady & a widow used to have differences with her mother on the slavery question. She, however, does not know the name of her grandfather Gist, but says while they were from MO, she recalls her father telling her they came from Ky. When I told her they went from Fayette Co Pa to Ky & that Christopher Gist entertained Washington

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at his home in our Co when Washington was 19, she said she had an Uncle Christopher Gist, but had never heard of B. Gratz Brown. She says that her brother Joseph T. Gist living in Enid Okla where he owns several business houses can give full information about the descendants of John Thompson.

William O. Dunn is the son of Martin Van Buren Dunn & his wife Minerva Oliver from the state of Indiana at Logansport, Ind.

Leaving at 10:55 PM

Manhattan, Kansas Gillette Hotel Room 15 Nov 6th 1922 11:33 PM

The Packard home see page 415 is 2 miles east & 1 miles north of Enterprise Kansas & sets back from the road, some 300 or 400 yards & is an old plain unpainted house. Mrs Packard is a fine smiling buxom girl & does not show any Indian blood, but her brother John P. who is smaller & looks like his mother does. Their mother is a very small weazened [sic] face woman, dark & swarthy complected & shows the Indian blood that Andrew Agnew told me about. She said she only weighed 83 lbs. They were all very kind & helpful & Mrs Agnew had a good record in her bible. I did not see Mr Packard during the hour I was there. He was out at the stable or barn talking to my driver Clinkenbeard who he told that his wife being half Indian had $50,000 coming to her with 50

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years interest from the government. He also told Clinkenbeard that his father buried $10,000 in gold on the farm which so far he has never found, but has dug up pretty much all the yard. He said his father was mad at all the rest of the family but wanted him to have the gold & commenced several times to tell him where it was buried but someone always came in & he would then shut up like a clam. he said he brought him at one time $1500 in gold collected by him for the sale of land, his father having taken up large areas about this home which is on Smoky Hill River. We then drove back to Junction City, Kansas a 44 miles drive in all arriving at 4 PM. i got my dinner, sauer Kraut, lima beans, cold slaw & ice cream at the Good Eats Cafe opposite the Bartell House where I had gone from the train just at 12 o'c noon but didn't stop to eat then. Then went to the Sta & took Union Pacific train at 5 PM for Manhattan Kan arriving here at 6 Pm & after looking over my matters phoned Mrs W.O. Dunn's & went around there at 6:45 PM & after a short talk with her & her son-in-law & beautiful daughter & husband, who all came in later, Mr Dunn drove me around to 1018 Kearney St where I met again Mr & Mrs W.W. Bales, their daughter & son & Mrs Bale's father Jacob Downard Thompson aged 86 yrs

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getting there at just 8 o'c & just as he was about to go to bed. I have noted on pages 417 to 419 both inclusive what he told me. I then bid him goodbye at 9:30 & went back to Dunns as Mr Corby had come over for me in their machine. Mrs Dunn says her mother's Uncle James DeLong was a very small man, with hair as white as snow when she & her mother went to see them. Mrs Dunn is of medium heavy build of passive temperament & homely but her daughter is a beautiful young girl & enters more concernedly into the spirit of the quest. Mr Dunn is a large big faced & big headed man of substantial build & weighing probably 220 lbs, but like his wife cannot give the name of his father's father. Their son-in-law Harry G. Corby said his great grandfather was a French Canadian living in Montreal & wrote his name Corbeaux & ran off from home because they wished to make a Catholic Priest of him & became a Protestant coming to Ohio where his son married a Wagner & had seven sons & etc. he drove me to this hotel at 11 Pm. It is now 2:46 AM & as I am to be called at 4:50 AM to take the 5:36 AM train for St Marys, Kansas, I will go to bed.

V8 Page 424

At residence of Mrs Hester Ann (Hettie) DeVolld, Emmet Tp, Pottawatomie Co Kansas Nov 7, 1922 Election Day 9:53 AM

I arrived here 15 minutes ago driven out from ST Marys by Fred Coleman, a 15 mos over seas World War Doctor in the hospitals & a native of Jackson Co Kan east of here. He told me that the Village of Emmett through which we passed was Jess Willard's home & that he once kept a livery barn here. This farm house, a good frame one, painted is 1 1/2 miles north of Emmett & Mrs DeVolld's son, a handsome young man was just driving out with his auto as we drove in & Mrs DeVolld met me at the door & says she can give the record of her grandfather James Finley's marriages & a list, in order of the ages, of all his children but can't give the dates of their birth but can give such record of her father, James Finley's family, so I am starting a family tree, commencing with her grandfather on page 426.

Mrs DeV. says that John Thompson Bell that married her sister was from about Barnesville O & his mother, who died when he was a small child, was a Thompson & he had an Uncle Robert Thompson. He entered the Civil War in 1861 & served 3 yrs & then re-enlisted & served until the war closed.

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Antoinette Findlay who married Charles Wm Bell was daughter of David Findlay whose people or himself came from Penna years ago.

Mrs DeVolld gave me the entire record, names, births, marriages, & deaths on the next four pages from memory. Lawrence is taking me in his machine & am Leaving at 2:22 PM

[Descendant Chart]

Nancy Jane or Annie Thompson who died abt 1853 married William Bell see page 427 From letter of Nov 22, 1923 large env. filed from Georgia B Whitlet RD! Dale Okla I make this table. Nancy J. had Uncles viz Rev Saml Finley & Preston Finley the latter edited the Gazette? at Xenia O.

Martha, oldest predeceased her mother

Jane Bell, m. Ephraim Richeson & went to Ills before 1865 celebrated their golden wedding. Both dead. Had 5 boys & 3 girls.

John Richeson, Isabel Ills w. 12/3/23

John Thompson Bell, B July 11, 1840 at Barnesville O. See Page 427 served 4 yrs in Civil War moved to Kansas in 1869.

Robert Bell, m. Libbie _______. He died prior to 1917 widow at Lima O if living had 2 boys & 3 girls.

Maude Curtiss, eldest Summerfield O W 12/3/23

Clarissa Bell, a baby when her mother died. Adopted by a Cowden family & Mar a Hayes who soon died & she mar 2d John Henderson & moved to SE Kansas died 4 yrs ago 2 sons & 2 daughters yet living.

Rev Robert Graham Thompson, went to California. A daughter may be living in Kansas. Was raised in Indiana, was chaplain of 64th Ohio in Civil War. He married Sarah E. Brown dau of Joseph Brown of Rutland Vt.

Maria Graham Thompson, Born June 27, 1853 DeKalb? O M. Apr 22, 1880 to Wm Park at Kingsville MO [or O]. She had 3 children, triplets & she died Sept 1, 1915 in Kansas at Harper see book 12 P 184.

Carrie Park, lived at Duquoin Harper Co Kan m. Hoover & lives now June 19, 1924 at Harper Ks

Saml Findley lives at Roosevelt Okla w 6/20/24 see book 12 p 219

Robt Scott, youngest son Lives 511 E. Washington Ave Santa Anna Calif w 6/20/24 should have records as his father died at his home see book 12 P 219.

V8 Page 426 & V8 Page 427

[Descendant Chart]

James Finley, son of Ebenezer Finley & grandson of Rev James Finley died, Mrs DeV. says at his farm on Opossum Run in Guernsey Co O in the summer of 1861 & was aged between 75 & 76 yrs. She says she was ten years old at the time & remembers him well as she with her parents had moved in the house to run the farm & lived with him when he died. She said his wife who was a fine woman if she was a step grandmother was living with them at the time & survived him several years. She says she remembers the old family bible, a large one so well & that her grandmother used to read it so much. It had the record in it which she has often seen & she feels sure that she, his widow got the big bile as she never saw it after she left. She said her nephew John Brokaw came for her & took a lot of her things. The widow continued to live in one part of the house & Mrs DeV & her parents in the other part until Sept 1868 & it is during all through that period that Mrs DeV saw her reading in the old bible. In Sept 1868, she went to live with her sister, Jane Brokaw, wife of John Brokaw to Flushing O or some other small town near it & in the vicinity of Barnesville O which at that time was the station on the B&O RR nearest to John Brokaw's home who was a farmer. Later in the fall of 1868, John Brokaw, her nephew came for her things & it was then the Bible was taken too as she never saw it afterwards. She died at her sister's some 3 or 4 yrs later & thinks she was brought to Senecaville O for burial but in this she might be mistaken. The Brokaw's had two sons & an adopted daughter, John being the younger of the sons, but she don't know whether they are still there or not. He married 1st a Fulton. She thinks her name was Elizabeth & she was the mother of all of his children. Her sister Catharine (Aunt Katy) married his brother Joseph & she lost her mind, but was always kept at home & Mrs DeV remembers here & says she didn't die until after they moved west. Margaret & Rachel Fulton, her sisters married Hannas & lived toward Cleveland O & after Rachel's husband died, she married a Tannehill who she remembers seeing once when he came on a visit. She died & when Mrs DeV's father, James Finley was 9 yrs old, he married 2d Miss Mary McKillen & she is the party above referred to as step grandmother. He had no children by her. She was a good size woman but not fleshy. He was tall & spare probably 6 ft as his children were abt that height.


John Finley, m. Emily Stout. I got his record.

Jane Fulton, m. David Riggs. Have their record

Ebenezer, m. "Betsy" Lyons have his record

Eliza, m. John Atwell & lived at Senecaville O. Thinks they moved away.

Henrietta, was young woman & Mrs DeV was small child.

William, m. Margaret Schroyer

Mary Elizabeth Finley, only child. m. Merryman Leeper & had 3 children when she came west & lived up Opossum Run.

Rachel m. Wesley Dennison & lived in Senecaville O. Had four children.


William Reed


Rebecca Ann

Mary Ann, m. Robt McCune

William, married Elizabeth Orr nee Umstot. No issue

Bert, was in Civil War ob Sept 20, 1868 unmarried.

Frank, d.y. aged abt 10.

James Finley, born Apr 2, 1820 in Guernsey Co O & died Feby 24, 1897 in this house, he was then making his home with Mrs DeVolld & is buried at the Holton Jackson Co Kan Cem alongside of his wife. He married on Nov 28, 1845 Margaret Arndt who was born Apr 26, 1828 near Sarahsville O, the daughter of Charles Arndt & his wife Nancy Agnes Festler. She died June 21, 1896 at Holton Ks. He moved from Guernsey Co O to his farm near Holton Kan in Dec 1869. He was a member of the Pres Ch at Holton Ks & was a Republican. His three children were born near Senecaville O on a farm in Noble Co O.

Philena Doolittle Finley, B Sept 24, 1846 ob Apr 21 1904 at Cherryvale Kans M. John Thompson Bell who was born July 11, 1840 at Barnesville Ohio. They were married at Senecaville O Nov 11, 1865. He died May 17, 1917 at old soldiers home Leavenworth Ks son of William Bell & his wife Nancy Jane Thompson[9]___(Paul says his bro Georgiana Bell, B June 15, 1867 in Noble Co O. She says in Senecaville O. m. Nathaniel Whittet in Dec 13, 1895 at Onaga Kan & both living at Dale Okla where he is a farmer 1 1/2 miles out. she thinks east thinks he was born May 17, 1870 at Holton Kan, son of James Edward Whittet & his wife Laursay Ann Green. Her 3 children all born at Dale Okla.

John Edward Whittet, Born Feby 11, 1897 married & lives on farm near Dale Okla m. May 15, 1920 at Tecumseh Okla to Lillian Branson who was born Sept 18, 1898 at Sevierville Tenn, dau of Beecher Meek Branson & wife Mary Ellen McMahon.

Horace Eugene, B Sept 18, 1898 not married

William Finley, B Feby 12, 1901, not married.

Charles William Bell, B Feby 15, 1869 at Senecaville O m. Antoinette Findlay in May 1903 Live at No 1035 10th St Boulder Colorado

Philena, B Jany 17, 1906 & died Jany 1, 1919

Delia, B Mch 30, 1908.

Hester Ann Finley born Apr 23, 1851 my very good informant of the day M. Oct 7, 1868 at Senecaville O to William McWilliam DeVolld who was born Sept 4, 1844 near Caldwell O, the son of Levi DeVolld & his wife Elizabeth Smith. He died Oct 3, 1889 & is buried at St Clair Cem 3 miles north of here. They left Guernsey Co Ohio Mch 10, 1869 & came to Holden Kansas & after 2 yrs there & then came to this farm of 240 A in Apr 1, 1871.

Charles Arndt Finley, B Nov 4, 1853, ob Nov 26, 1915 at Castleton Utah & is buried at Holton beside his parents. Was never married. He was mining in the Utah Copper mines.

Rebecca Finley, the youngest, married John Schroyer a brother of Margaret, the wife of Wm. She had but two children.



V8 Page 428 & V8 Page 429

[Descendant Chart]

Hester Ann Finley & William M. DeVolld see page 427 [children]

Orion, B Mch 8, 1870 m. Nov 3, 1891 Daisy Hammond who was born Mch 8, 1873 dau of Frank Hammond & his wife Clara Ott. Both living at Bartlesville, Okla where he has an oil factory.

Vivian, B July 30, 1897 m. June 4, 1916 to Ed McCutcheon & lives at Bartlesville, Okla

Billie John McCutcheon, B May 26, 1917

Charles LeRoy, B Apr 1, 1903 to Millie Gideon who was born June 7, 1883 dau of Thomas Gideon & his wife Susan Bowen & lived in St Clair Tp this Co 4 miles north of here where he was a farmer. She was here today. Their children were all born in St Clair Tp & are at home unmarried. He died Sept 2, 1921 in St Clair Tp & is buried at St Clair Cem.

Edith, B Feby 15, 1904 at home single

Susie, B June 19, 1905 she was here today

William, B Mch 30, 1907

Hettie Belle, B June 17, 1910

Aldine, B Feby 21, 1914

James Monroe B Jany 28, 1876 m. June 8, 1910 Mabel Owens who was born Feby 25, 1887 daughter of Wm Owens & his wife Graham. Both living 1 1/2 miles east of here in this Tp where he is a farmer. Their children were all born in this Tp.

Maxine, B Mch 17, 1911

David, B July 30? 1913

Joseph (Joe), B Dec 17, 1914

Doris DeVolld, B Jany 28, 1919

Robert Clark, B Nov 29, 1877 m. Nov 20, 1904 Mabel Osborne & both living at Glen Rock, Wyoming where he is a baker & have two children both born at Great Bend, Kansas & are at home unmarried.

Arline, B Nov 20,1905

Linas, B May 17, 1907

Bertha Hortense, B Oct 15, 1879 m. Mch 4, 1902 to Benjamin F. Stephens whose father aged 80 lives in Topeka Ks. Both living at No 1700 Bolles Ave Topeka Ks where he is a carpenter. First child born in St Clair Tp the other two at Anago Kansas. All three at home unmarried His father is George Stephens aged 88 past.

Melvin, B Feby 20, 1904

Merle, B Feby 14, 1913

May, B May 5, 1917

Margaret Elizabeth, B Apr 20, 1881 m. Apr 5, 1905 Stephen Ross son of Frank Ross & his wife Mary Witten. Both living at Anago Kan where he is a bridge contractor on the RR. Their 2 oldest children born in this Tp & the other two in Anago all at home single.

Fern, B Apr 8, 1906

Grace, B Apr 13, 1913

Wilma, B June 26, 1916

Stephen Ross Jr, B July 2, 1922

Lena Belle, B Dec 23, 1883 m. Dec 29, 1910 Vernon Kelly who was born July 1883 in Leavenworth Co Kansas. Both living at Omaha Neb where he clerks in a store. Their three children all born in Omaha & all at home.

Paul Kelly, B Sept 11, 1917

Harold Kelly, B June 20, 1919

Philena Grace, B June 18, 1922

Lawrence Berry, B Sept 13, 1886 at home unmarried.

Grace Alethe, B June 18, 1895 m. Feby 17, 1914 to William Frederick Henning son of William Henning of Great Bend Kan where both are living & he is a farmer six miles north of town.

Ruby Henning, Born Feby 9, 1918

V8 Page 430

At residence of Jeremiah Edward Boyd No 1505 Western Ave Topeka Kansas, Nov 7, 1922 9:35 PM

I came out here about 8:15 from the National Hotel & find Mr Boyd is the Edwd Boyd that Helen E. Dunbar had referred me having bought this home & moved from Van Buren St Feby 1909. Mr Boyd's mother, Isabella, was a daughter of Jeremiah Boyd, who was a son of Joseph Heister Boyd, who was a son of John Boyd. He remembers hearing his mother speak of Ann Jack, the wife of his great grandfather William Boyd, as one of his ancestors. I am making a genealogical table commencing on page 432 embracing what he tells me about their immediate family history. Mr Boyd says his grandfather, John Boyd died on his farm 2 1/2 miles from Connellsville north & near to the Yough River in which his father used often to go swimming. The residence on it was a large brick house & was visited by Mr Boyd 25 yrs ago & in it his father was born. he doesn't recall who owned it then nor does he know who his grandfather married. Mr Boyd says that his parents family bible was burned along with other of their effects at the CB&O RR station at Otis, Colorado where they were about to shipped in 1901, following his mother's death.

V8 Page 431

Joseph Heister Boyd was a farmer & millwright in Penna & in 1857 moved to Livingston Co Ills where he bought 260 A of Illinois Central RR land at $12, $13, & $14 per acre raw prairie land & farmed same until 1878 when he bought land in Edwards Co near Albion Ill, the Co seat 3 miles off. From there, he moved to Fairburg, Neb about 1882. From there, he removed about 1888 to near Otis, Wash Co Colorado, where Mrs Boyd died & he died at the home of his daughter Belle viz Mrs Belle Barrett wife of Arison Barret. No 125, Cumberland St, Howell Ind, a part of Evansville Ind. Mr Boyd went for a couple of years from Ills to Fulton Mo & then to Mexico Mo before going to Nebraska

Mr Boyd was entertained when back in Fayette Co Pa by the daughters of his Uncle Thomas's son, John see page 433. Mr Boyd has given me the records on the four pages following & it is now 12:30 AM 8th & he has asked me to stay all night with him & will now go to bed.

V8 Page 432 & V8 Page 433

[Descendant Chart]

William Boyd who died in Bullskin Tp, Fayette Co Pa was married to Ann Jack.





Thomas Boyd, He married in Fayette Co Pa & remained there where he was a farmer having to the old home place of his father. July 4/24, it was his Uncle Thomas who got the old Wm Boyd homestead. See book 12 page 224 & Book 5 P 444.

John, living in C'ville, Pa. Married PRR man

Thomas, married? Live in Fay Co, farmer

Robert, married, a farmer lived in Fayette Co Pa


Joseph Heister Boyd, Born in Fayette Co Pa on July 18, 1821 & died at Evansville Ind (& is buried there) June 24, 1906. He married Isabella Long Boyd, daughter of his Uncle Jeremiah Boyd, who was born Nov 14, 1826 at the Crossings in Maryland on the State Line (Masons & Dixons). She died Oct 23, 1901 at Otis, Colorado.

Walter Boyd, b 1852 in Fayette Co Pa ob in Otis Col 1906 unmarried & is buried there with his mother.

Belle Crawford, B 1854 in Fayette Co Pa M. Harrison Barrett & lives Howell Ind see page 431. Mr B. thinks she is able to give fullest account of the family records. See her. Both living where he has been a saw mill operator but is now retired. Get record.

1. Nellie

2. Rosie

3. Maude

4. Elsie

5. Harry

James Frank, B 1856 in Fayette Co Pa ob in Ills was unmarried

Elizabeth, B 1858 in Reading Ills ob near Albion Ills abt 1882 unmarried.

Rosalie, B 1860 at Reading Ills ob at or near Mexico Mo abt 1884 unmarried.

Jeremiah Edward, B Jany 5, 1862 at Reading, Livingston Co Ills on a farm 3 miles west of Reading & 2 1/2 miles from Munster Ill which was their P.O. Married May 18, 1904 at Carlisle Ills to Emma Adaline Fink who was born Nov 14, 1868 at Carlisle Ills, daughter of Edwin A. Fink & his wife Beulah Ann Johnson. They came here in the fall of 1904 & have lived here since nearly all the time in this house.

Edith May Boyd, B Apr 17, 1905 at Topeka Kan at home & abt finishing high school.

Carlyle Edward, B July 16, 1909 in this house. He is very mechanical

Arthur, B 1864 at Reading Ills ob near Otis Colo abt 1892 unmarried & is buried there.

John Henry (Called Harry) B 1866 at Reading Ills ob at Fairburg Neb in 1888 & is buried there. He was unmarried.

William Boyd, [son of John of William]. He enlisted early in 1861 in Ill in 21 I.V. Inf & rose to a Capt & was killed at Kenesaw Mountain in 1863 on Shermans March to the sea, unmarried.

Elizabeth Ann, m. Henry Blackstone of Fayette Co Pa & had several children.

Sarah Boyd, m. Zadok Walker of near Dunbar Pa. He died in his old age at the Soldiers Home, Dayton O was 4 yrs in Civil War & was promoted to captain. She died in Fay Co Pa

John Walker, married

Mattie, married & lived in Ohio?

Jeremiah [son of William & Ann] see page 434

Randolph, He went to Galva Ill & his family live there. This is a son of Thomas & does not belong here.

V8 Page 434 & V8 Page 435

Jeremiah Boyd married Elizabeth Long. He was a doctor practiced for many years Phila.


James Boyd, lawyer RR lawyer at Norristown Pa became a millionaire. Married Ann ______.

Howard, married

Wallace, thinks was single

Hamilton Boyd, very able & smart & well educated, a book worm & wrote some books & may have made a family record. M. Ann Overholt & went to Reading Ills about 1857 & died at his daughter Belle's in Simpson Kan.

Isabel, Born Sept 24, 1849 in Hancock Co Ohio m. in 1871 Nicholas Weaver, born July 10, 1847 in Westnd Co Pa. Both living at Simpson Mitchell Co Kansas. Love to talk of old times & think she can give the family record. Her father died at her house. Her husband is from Westnd Co Pa & is a son of David B. Weaver & his wife Jane Daugherty.

4. Christoper B July 4, 1879 m. Jany 22, 1902 to Sadie Darro born Mch 19, 1811 at Asherville KS dau of Russell Darrow & wife Mary McCracken. No issue.

5. Ralph E. B Oct 30, 1881 m. Oct 27, 1908 to Vina Roderman who was dau of Henry Rodiman & wife Flora Miller & was born May 12, 1889 & died July 3, 1920. She was born at Asherville Kansas.

Lois Mae, B Nov 1, 1910, writer of letter

Audrey Jean, B Feby 8, 1920

1. David B., Dead, B Mch 21, 1872 ob at Lancaster Pa Dec 25, 1897.

3. Reno, dead, B July 19, 1876 ob Denver Col Aug 28, 1918

2. Fannie M., m. Andrew Franks in Apr 6, 1899 son of Jacob Franks & wife Mary jane Coldren of Fayette Co pa. She born Jany 30, 1874. He born Sept 7, 1866.

Audrey Beryle, Born Apr 16, 1901

Annie, M. Ham Patterson an old widower with money at Reading, Ills & had two girls living about Streator Ill. Annie is dead.



Christopher Columbus, B Jany 17, 1862 in Reading Tp, Livingston Ills. M. a school teacher fr Fayette Co Pa. She died & two of her maiden sisters from Fay. Co Pa are keeping house for him in Iowa. He has some children. Ask Mrs Weaver. She says his P.O. address is Fremont Iowa. He writes Oct 2/23 that on Mch 14, 1894 at Scottdale Pa he marred Lorinda G. Merritt, born in Tyrone Tp, Fayette Pa May 23, 1863 & died near Fremont Iowa Aug 6, 1899 dau of Jonathan Merrit of Scottdale Pa. Still living & his wife Mary Torrence. Their 3 children all unmarried were born on the farm near Fremont Iowa.

Anna Merritt, B Jany 18, 1895

Jonathan Merritt, B May 30, 1896

Lorinda Merritt Boyd, B Aug 6, 1899

Margaret, m. Ward Swift. Both living on a farm near Streator Ills Have 2 or 3 children. Ask Mrs Weaver

Fannie, unmarried & lives on old place at Reading Ills with Mrs Swift. P.O. address 7/14/23 is Streator Ills RFD 1.

Isabella Long Boyd, born Nov 14, 1826 see page 432

Albert G., He was in the Civil War. Married & lived at Nashville, Ills

James, lived in MO, a farmer married

George, a fancy stock man & farmer at Whitehall Ills, married

William, living in St Louis No 2928 Olive ST Boyd & Bradley Furniture Co worth $50,000 married twice

Ella, m Graham & separated. Lives at Heber Ark, great business woman.

Boydie Graham, married & has children. Her husband a farmer in Arkansas. Annie, Single & lives with Ella in Heber Arkansas.

Elizabeth Boyd, M. Wm H. Ewing our favorite Uncle, a fine man. Both died at Grand Ridge Ill near the edge of town where he had a small poultry farm.

Helen Ewing, only child used to come to Mr B's home & stay 6 mos at a time. His mother "Aunt Belle' being her favorite aunt.

Mary Boyd, M. Charles Rugh of Connellsville Pa, an old bachelor or widower & both lived in Connellsville Pa where he thinks they died. Can't recall abt children. Were at Illinois on their wedding trip when Mr B. was "a Kid". She was youngest girl.

George Washington Boyd, youngest of the family. He married Ann ______. from Ironton O & went to Tennessee at the close of the war & made pig iron at Waynesboro Tenn where he was very successful. Both lived & died there. He had a lot of sons, six he thought, but no girls. Thinks they all live in the home neighborhood & are all professional men except Albert, being two or three lawyers & a doctor or two.

Albert, oldest, farmer

George, lives in Waynesboro, Tenn


Frank, lawyer

Harry, doctor

Another son?

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Baldwin City, Kansas Bank Hotel office Nov 8, 1922 5:33 PM

I got to bed last night at 1 AM got up at 6:50 & had breakfast at 7:30 & Mr Boyd taking Edith to school took me to the National Hotel where we arrived abt 8:15 AM. He was leaving at once with his wife & son on a long drive selling adding machines for the Add Index Corporation of NY which he represents. They were all four very kind to me. Mrs Boyd's people were Penna Dutch & lived at Hogestown, near the Susquehanna River, in Cumberland Co Pa toward Harrisburg Pa. She is average size & build & has a pleasant attractive face. Edith is a very pretty girl & "Lyle" is of an investigating turn of mind & at once wanted to know just how we were related & I gave him both lines ie his father's & my own. Mr Boyd is a six footer with a smooth face, big jaws, big nose & ears & much to remind me of G.R. Scrugham but not so big in body weighing probably 185 lbs. I had a good clean bed with loads of covers as the night was the coldest since I left home. Had a good breakfast prepared by Mrs Boyd & Edith.

When at Mrs Dunn's at Manhattan Monday night, the 6th, she spoke of some old papers of her mother's having been left at the old home 1 1/2 miles north of the College & her son-

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in-law, Harry G. Corby said he had seen some of them there in a room upstairs & in the attic, the house being occupied by a tenant who runs the farm. I told them to get them & bring them in & save them & look them over & let me know what they disclosed & he said he would.

At residence of Mrs across the street from the Bank Hotel, Baldwin City, Kansas Nov 8, 1922 9:27 PM

Mr Malone brought me over here as every room in his house, the Bank Hotel was taken when I came back from Mrs Brown's.

Mrs Hettie DeVolld, as she prefers to be called was, as she told me yesterday, a Presbyterian at Horton, Kan but is a Methodist at Emmet because there is no Pres. church. Lawrence said coming in that he was a Republican. He is a fine handsome well built young man about six feet tall & neither fleshy or slender. Mrs DeVolld has the Finley characteristics & is well preserved, though wrinkled & has a wonderful memory.

Lawrence said Jess Willard was born in St Clair Tp, 3 miles north of their home & ran the livery barn at Emmett & was a good citizen, always peaceable. Lawrence said his mother was a big woman whom he knew, but his father was see page 439

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At residence of Katherine High Brown, Baldwin City, Douglas Co Kansas 4th ST No 508 near Elm Nov 8, 1922 7:05 PM

Drury Brown came to the Bank Hotel for me at 6:20 & we walked around here & Mrs Brown is giving me the following information.

Kate High Van Kirk was born at Streator Ills Aug 28, 1870 & was married Nov 30, 1899 at Clifton Kansas to Robert Pratt Brown who was born in Washington Co Kansas Aug 19, 1871 the son of Fritz Brown & his wife Sarah E. Edies. He was shot & killed by a bank robber in the Barnes State Bank of Barnes Washington Co Kansas of which he was cashier Mch 29, 1913.

A record of the births of her three children is shown on page 402. Lettie C. Van Kirk, widow of James W. Van Kirk married W.F. Starcher & both are living at Colby, Thomas Co Kansas Sadie E. Van Kirk see 401 was born July 4, 1853 in Fayette Co Pa. (Mrs Barnes) She died June 7, 1917 at Streator Ill & is buried there & her husband Thomas Dighton Bowers died July 8, 1917. Ella Jane Van Kirk was born in Fayette Co Pa Oct 18, 1855 & on Mch 28, 1894 she married John J. Fishel & both are living at Grand Ridge Fla.

Mrs Brown says she sent her mother's scrap book to her sister, Mrs Fishel in Florida.

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Sadie E. Van Kirk & Thomas D. Bowers were married Mch 4, 1873. Mrs Brown don't remember hearing her mother speak of the Jenkins.

Leaving 8:30 PM

From page 437

dead before Lawrence was born & also died 4 mos before Jess, the youngest of four boys, a posthumous child was born. The oldest boy is in the P.O. at Topeka Kansas, one is in Okla & one in Iowa, all medium sized men, but Jess. I got to the station at Emmett at 2:35 PM & found the 3:20 PM train for Topeka is 3p minutes late (it didn't come until 4) & am waiting in the station waiting room. When it did come, it was a long freight train with a small passenger behind & made several stops & didn't reach Topeka until abt 6:10 PM when I took a taxi to the National Hotel got room 511, got shaved & got my supper & could not find in the tel or city directory any Edwd Boyd, but did find in the city directory:

Jeremiah E. Boyd, trav agt, wife Emma r 1505 Western Ave also found in the directory Carothers 4, Carruther 3, Finley 4, Jack 2 & no Markle, Redburn or Rothermel. I got a taxi & drove out to 1505 Western Ave & found Mr Boyd to be the man I was

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seeking & his wife, daughter & son & on pages 430 to 435 inclusive is recorded what he told me. Arriving at the National Hotel this morning, I called up Benjamin F. Stephens residence No 1700 Bolles Ave Tel White 2778 & a young woman answering who I understood was his daughter said to call white 3174 for his father George Stephens & upon doing so, a lady said he couldn't come to the phone as he was sick in bed aged 88 yrs. So I asked her to ask him if he knew what became of John Carothers family of Winchester Kan. She replied that he was childish & didn't know but said to call his son Clay Stephens on the phone NO 1995, where he was working at the Christian Church. He said that he didn't live at Winchester, but did live at Nortonville Kansas, a little North 30 yrs ago & had heard of the Carothers who used to call at his home when he was a boy. He said his father had had a stroke a week ago. Said he didn't know whether any of the Carothers were there now, or not. I then took the 9:35 AM train on the AT&SF RR for Burlingame Kansas arriving:

At Burlingame Kansas, waiting room at Sta Nov 8, 1922 10:40 AM

Asking a man

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about the station for David Thompson or Jeremiah King, he told me to phone Mrs L.S. Cox Tel 266 which I did & she said her father, Robert Thompson came to this country from Scotland when 21 yrs old & that the Thompson sisters farmers were her sister. She said the David Thompsons went to Marion, Marion Co Kansas & the Jeremiah Kings she thought to Harveyville Kansas, just wet of here. Said to call her next door neighbor, Dr Henry Canfield Tel 84 & he could tell, but he couldn't. I then went to the P.O. & the postmaster said there was a David A. King on the RFD No 4 Burlingame Kan route who might know. I then went across to the Enterprise-Chronicle office & the editor, Mr Stoddard took me back to his elderly pressman who said he knew a Lee King & sd Will Dutton, farm RFD Harveyville Kan had married his sister & could be gotten by phone through Harveyville. I then went to Hotel Williams & tried for 20 minutes to get him but could not raise him there or at the Everest Hotel, Osage City Kan from which I called when I got there. The pressman said Walter Thompson had gone from Harveyville to Marion Ks. The postmaster didn't know David Thompson but thought William & Walter at Harveyville Kan might be his sons. Said William had died & Walter Thompson had moved to Marion Kansas. I then took train

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on the AT & ST RR to Osage City, Kan where I got my lunch & waited until 2:35 PM & took the MO Pacif to Ottawa & waited there 3/4 of an hour & got train on the AT & SF RR to Baldwin City Kansas arriving here at 5 PM & phoning second time NO 225 to Mrs Katherine Brown, her son Drury answered & came to the hotel for me as recorded at pages 438 & 439. Drury is a bright capable boy & was interested & 11 11 yr old Mary with her month old kitten walking over the keys of the piano, making music was cute & attractive. Eleanor was rather listless, but their mother is homely & does not have her mother's love of family lore & said she had burned up a lot of her mother's letters, but none that were of any value but she wouldn't know what was valuable. She will try to get what she can for me. She seemed to be more interested to know if there was any money in the quest. They didn't know how they were related to Prest W.G. Harding & were surprised when I told them she was his second cousin & Drury took it down. I also gave her a Wilson diagram showing her to be my fifth cousin. So altogether, the day has not been crowned with success in covering the two towns that have been hard to reach. It is now 12:15 AM 9th & I must write up my cash acct Book.

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2:40 AM 9th

Have just finished writing up my cash acct book & mile record.

Drury Brown said that Baker College here where he is a freshman has 500 students is co-ed & he says the oldest college in Kansas established in 1858 a Methodist Inst with Fleming of WVA Prest & he believes is the oldest college west of the Mississippi River. It is 3:42 AM & I will now go to bed.

Hotel Olathe Downstairs writing room Olathe Johnson Co Kansas Nov 9, 1922 10 PM

I am now transcribing what I have taken down today by hurried pencil sketches & will date them when as & where taken.

Bank Hotel office, Baldwin Kansas Nov 9, 1922 8:30 AM

I saw Perry Stover Auto livery Service this morning at the P.O. where he was assisting in sorting the mail. He says his people came from Bellefonte Center Co Pa. His father, Noah Stover died about 9 yrs ago, say 1913, aged abt 65 when back to Bellefonte Pa on a visit but his remains were brought back here for burial. He had brothers Abraham & Isaac. I left Baldwin City in one of Stovers Autos abt 8:35 & reached Olathe Ks at 9:50 AM

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At C.H. Hyer & Sons Mfrs of Olathe Cowboy boots & shoes. Olathe Kansas 3rd floor NW corner Nov 9, 1922 10:11 AM

I found the name of David Thompson in the tel book tel NO 16 as residing on N. Walnut ST & calling up his wife answered & said I would find him at Hyers. I went to him & found him busy making shoes,a fine young man with open countenance & a wealth of brown hair. He said his father was David Thompson who is now dead, but his widow (David's mother) Lillian Thompson, lives with her daughter Mrs R.C. Walton, Bonner Springs Kan where Mr W. works at the power plant.

David & Lillian Thompson had the following children:

1. John M. Thompson, living north of Little Rock Ark

2. Olive Thompson, married R.C. Walton as above

3. Lawrence E. Thompson, lives Florence, Colorado

4. David E. Thompson, my informant lives 214 S. Walnut St

5. Harry Gilbert Thompson, lives Kansas City, Kansas & works Proctor & Gambles soap factory.

David E. says his father's mother lives with her son Robert at Belton Mo 20 miles SE of here in the town where he is well known. She has a son Calvin who lives in Kansas City MO.

David E. Thompson says he was born in Johnson Co Kan March 4, 1897 & on Jany 15, 1919 married Lillian Carrier who was born Jany 31, 1901 & have one child:

1. Rex David Thompson born Dec 2, 1920. He says his father came from about Coultersville Ills, he thinks with his father

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or other relatives, as he was married after coming here. He said Mrs Wm J. Cook here in town is some relation to his father. Thinks she was or is older than his father.

Left 11:11 AM

At residence of Mrs Lena Wendt No 233 S. Keeler St Olathe Kan Nov 9th 1922 11:40 AM

This residence is just across the street from the residence of Wm J. Cook No 230 S. Keeler St Tel 270 & she is caring for the chickens etc. I walked out here (being directed by Mr Zimmerman produce man across the street from Hyers where I found A.F. Gubrick [Gulick?] who could give no information about the Thompsons but Mr Z. could) & found the house locked up but going across the street Mrs Wendt said that Mr & Mrs W.J. Cook left at 9 AM yesterday for Ottawa Kan on a visit to their daughter, Mrs James Lawson who lives on a farm out from Ottawa. She thought Mrs Cook was 78 yrs old & said her name was Thompson & that her father was a Civil War soldier & was killed in battle & they never found his grave. She said Mrs David Taggart, who had lived 3 houses south of here, but died 2 mos ago, & her husband then went to live with their son Frank Taggart at or near Eureka Kan SE of here. Mrs Taggart was a cousin of Mrs Cook & when Mrs Cook's parents died, she went to live with Mrs Taggart's parents.

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Mrs Wendt said a brother of Mrs Cook lives at Morse, this Co in town where he has a team & works on the road or wherever he can get anything to do. Thought his name was Joseph (it is Andrew M.) Thompson & says he is married but has no children. Don't think Mrs Cook has any sisters. Says Mrs Lawson is their only child, but they have an adopted son Eugene Cook a good Christian who lives at Beaver Falls Pa. Mrs Lawson has 3 children.

Says Mrs Cook's people came from Ohio. She thinks Andrew Thompson living in this Co SE of here is a brother of Mrs Cook, living at Morse or Eureka or Stanley all little towns. Aside from Frank, Mrs Taggart had one daughter who died not long ago, named Mrs Cantrell? leaving 3 children viz Hazel, Audrey & Lucile, all girls. Hazel is married & lives in Kansas City. Mrs Wendt said her own maiden name was Hansen & she is from near Copenhagen, Denmark. She said Mrs Cook's name is Mattie.

Mrs Wendt showed me the picture on the wall of her son George, 32 yrs old, a fine tall soldierly bearing man, who was killed in Argonne Forest battle in the World War & was buried in the American Cem there with 6000 others but his remains were brought back & buried in this Co out by Morse. She did not learn of his death until 6 mos after. She draws $57.50 a month pension which she gives to her other

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sons as she gets it, as they need it more than she does. She has 4 other sons, George was unmarried & lived with her, papered the room I was in & put foundation under the house. She is a fine Christian woman & said she was 73 yrs old.

Left 12:22 PM

(Transcribing at Paola Ks Com Hotel office writing table Nov 10, 1922 7:44 AM)

In walking out to Mrs Cook's, I saw on my left a very large red brick building with spacious grounds about it which later Russell Boyle told me was the State Deaf & Dumb Institute. When I got to the Hotel Olathe, lunch was on so I ate & then called up John G. Mitchell Tel 1150 & his wife answered saying his father & mother lived in Olathe so I called Wm S. Mitchell's living at 218 E. Cedar St & Mrs Mitchell answered that her husband's father was Matthew Mitchell & she knew nothing of a Peairs connection or of a John Mitchell who had married a Peairs.

I then called Tel 64 & Russell Boyle came & I engaged him to drive me out to Morse & we started at 2 PM & found his wife well up in years in their little cottage home who told us her husband Andrew M. Thompson was 2 1/2 miles out in the country doing some work for Mr Lowman, the banker. We drove out & found him & another man who had just driven in to a new tenement house opposite the residence with a load of wood.

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At Sam Lowman`s Oxford Tp, Johnson Co Kan Nov 9, 1922 2:55 PM

Questioning Mr Thompson about his ancestors, he could only go back to his grandfather, Joseph Thompson who by reason of his dislike & opposition to slavery came across from Kentucky to Adams Co Ohio & located near to Marble Furnace near Tranquillity P.O. His wife was a Milligan & he gave me the name of certain of his children as near in the order of their ages as he could as follows:

1. John Thompson was in Civil War & died of disease the day before the battle of Shiloh & his coffin was said to have been made from the floor of Shiloh Church.

2. William, went in the Civil War & was never heard of. He had prior to the war married a Kentucky wife & had 4 or 5 children.

3? Robert lived in Coultersville, Ills & died there of cholera about 1849 & thinks he was unmarried.

4. Joseph, came to Kansas & died at a son's in Texas

5. David, went to California & left a family there.

6. Mary married 1st James Delano & 2d Wm Hancock

7. Andrew, died in Johnson Co Kansas

John the oldest was his father & had but two children:

1. Martha, born about 1843 married Wm J. Cook

2. Andrew Milligan Thompson, my informant of the afternoon born near Marble Furnace, Adams Co O Apr 13, 1849 & who on Dec 28, 1880 was married to Lillus Murphy who was born Feby 2, 1849, the daughter of Thomas C. Murphy & his wife Rachel Suiter & says they have never had any children. He says he came here from Adams Co Ohio in 1876 & have lived

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in Morse however only since Mch 1921. He is a tall independent bearing man & looks wonderfully like Cousin Andrew Jackson Thompson of Kansas City MO. He spoke of a John Mitchell living a couple miles away so I left him at 3:11 PM & drove to Mitchell's only to learn that she was the one I had called up, so we left Mitchells' at 3:33 PM for Belton MO & arrived:

At residence of Robert Finney Thompson back of the RR Sta Belton, Missouri Nov 9, 1922 5 PM

Arriving here, I met Robert's wife & daughter who were coming from the house adjoining & they took me inside & called Robert's mother, a fine patriarchal motherly woman in a black bonnet rather fleshy, but quick & active for one in her 83d yr but one to whom your heart warms instantly by reason of her cheerful smile, strong features & her innate spirit of helpfulness. She at first was a little uncertain but later said she was sure that her husband's grandfather was:

John Thompson, who she said lived at or near Lexington Ky & married a Moore, a Scotch lady, who owned much land where the city of Paris, France now is (did she or her family name Paris KY?) & should have had from it Many millions which neither she or her heirs ever received. She did not know of any of his children but

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Joseph Thompson who moved from about Lexington Ky to Adams Co Ohio. He was a strong abolitionist & his house & that of his son Joseph, her husband, were in active use & occupancy as stations on the "Underground Railroad" during the pre war period. He married Mary Milligan a NY lady who went to Penna & from there to Ohio where he married her. He died in 1849 of the cholera at Coultersville Ills & is buried there in the City Cem along with a cousin of his named Milligan, who died at the same time & an old sandstone bearing date of 1849 marks their graves. His widow died in Olathe Kan in 1865 "the last year of the war" she said & is buried in the Olathe Cem & has a marker, she being, Robert says, the second person buried in that cem. Mrs T. says she would have been 80 yrs old & that she & her husband were about the same age. His cousin Milligan buried him Mrs T. said & then died himself of the cholera the next day. Their children were: in order of their ages as Mrs T. remembers:

1. John Thompson, the oldest

2. Joseph McNeil Thompson

3. Andrew Milligan Thompson

4. Robert Thompson

6. Mary Thompson

7. James Thompson

5. William Thompson

8. David Thompson

Mrs T. thinks either Agnes Wilson, Martha Cook or Dave Taggart would have the bible record of the elder Joseph Thompson, her father-in-law. She & her son then gives following about his descendants:

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1. John died in the Civil War. He married Miss Sarah Woods of Ohio & had but two children:

1. Martha, married Wm J. Cook

2. Andrew Milligan who I had just seen.

2. Joseph McNiel Thompson born in Ohio & married June 21, 1858 to Maria Elizabeth Hissong, daughter of Jacob Hissong & his wife Matilda Lindsay of Scotch descent, who was born near Mercersburg, in Franklin Co Pa Sept 15, 1840 & who in appearance size & manner reminded me much of Aunt Matilda. Joseph McNiel Thompson died 22 or 23 yrs ago at the insane asylum in Texas (Moran?). He was 20 yrs older than his wife she said. Either David E. Thompson, Lena Wendt or Andrew M. Thompson told me he was an old bachelor when he married a young girl in her teens. Their children were:

1. Calvin Todd Thompson, Born June 15, 1861 & is living at 4105 McGie St Kansas City Mo is married & has 4 children

2. David Steel Thompson born Sept 17, (was 4 weeks old the day of the battle of Westport with Price). he is dead. He married Miss Lillie McKee of Olathe Ks & she is living at Bonner Springs Kan with her daughter & 4 sons see page 444.

3. Robert Finney Thompson born Feby 28, 1866 at Coultersville Ills & married Jany 10, 1894 at St Louis Mo to Josephine Etienne, daughter of Baptiste Etienne & his wife Josephine Gobel who was born in Coultersville Ills Aug 1, 1870 & came here from Coultersville Ills.

Carried to Page 455

Left at 9:30 AM for Ossawatamie & back now 4:50 PM to Com Hotel Paola Ks.

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At residence of Chas E. Curry SW Corner of Second & Poplar Sts Winchester, Jefferson Co Kansas Nov 11, 1922 12:27 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & Mrs Curry says her father, Samuel Carithers & his father John Carithers came from Ireland. her aunt Elizabeth Carithers living here 82 yrs old or over will she says be able to give me information much further back so I am only taking from her the record of her father & his descendants which I am entering in a genealogical table commencing on next page.

11/12/22 10:33 Am Fort Scott Kan. By the time I got down the six lines on next page about her father, Mrs Curry s'd she must go to the P.O. to let her assistant go to dinner & directed me to her sister Mrs Wilkinson who she said wd go with me to their Aunt's. I then walked around & in five minutes was: I left 12:55 PM having waited 10 minutes on the porch for a heavy downpour of rain to cease.

At residence of Mrs Lillian Wilkinson SE corner of 3d & Main Sts Winchester Kan Nov 11, 1922 1 PM

Mrs Wilkinson, a sister of Mrs Curry is busy house cleaning getting ready to have her Aunt Elizabeth Carithers who is 87 move in. She says James Carithers, a first cousin of her Aunt, aged 90 yrs lives at Coldwater, Mich. She is giving me the list of her father's descendants on next page. Says her Aunt can give me record fr "Dan to Barsheba"

Leaving 1:27 PM

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[Descendant Chart]

Samuel Carithers born in Ireland Aug 26, 1822? came to America she thinks when about 17 & after tarrying awhile in NY City, went to California, Michigan & settled on a farm. He was married there on Nov 5, 1850 to Martha Lewis who was then aged 18 or 20 being born Aug 25, _______, the daughter of Asa Lewis & his wife Mary Ann Stewart. He moved from Michigan to Winchester Kansas in 1870 where he bought a farm one mile NE of town. he died Oct 19, 1898 at Coyville Kansas & is buried.


Mary Carithers, B Aug 2,1 852 m. R.J.C. Dodds & both are now living at Pittsburgh Pa with their daughter, Mrs Rev Boyd Tweed in the city.

Sarah Carithers, B Aug 9, 1854? m. Joseph W. Ackley & both living at Fort Dodge, Kan lives at the soldiers Home camp there. he is a Civil War veteran. Have six children living.

Amelia Carithers, B Aug 3, 1856? m. Ramsey Thornburg. He was A Civil War Veteran & died 6 or 7 yrs ago & she lives at 1239 Fayette N.W. Pittsburg. Pa she had 5 children all living. She has her father's family bible.

Asa Lewis Carithers B Sept 30, 1858? (2 yrs younger than Amelia) ob Dec 1, 1920 here & is buried here. Was never married. He was P.M. here for 21 to 24 yrs continuously before his death.

Lillian Jane Carithers, B Dec 11, 1870 in California Branch Co Mich M. Dec 26, 1888 at Winchester Kan to David Wilkinson, who was born Sept 15, 1856 in Parkville Mo He died here Feby 12, 1909 No issue. She my present informant.

Altha Belle Carithers, B June 5, 1875 mar May 12, 1914 to Chas E. Curry who was born Mch 25, 1870 son of Thos Curry & his wife Nancy Kerr. He has the drugstore in town & she is postmistress since her brother's death. Has been in the office about 24 yrs. No issue. He was a widower with two children.

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At residence of Miss Elizabeth Carithers, Winchester Kansas, first house on North side of the street immediately east of & adjoining the Catholic Church Nov 11, 1922 2:11 PM

I arrived here abt 15 minutes ago & find Miss Carithers active & not at all feeble but she is hard of hearing. She is medium size, rather spare & her hair is only turning gray. She says her father,John Carithers came to America from the north of Ireland in 1832 tarrying awhile in the city of NY where she was born in 1835. His younger brother, Samuel followed later & he was followed by another brother, James who was also younger than her father. They came from Ralphoe (she pro. Ra' phoe) having lived at Burnside, where is a River which was near to Ralphoe, but she don't recall the name of the Co. She thinks it was Antrim when I mentioned that name & asked her & her mother was County Donegal. These brothers had three sisters. Their father was Moses Carithers & she says his wife's name was Sarah Kelsey, a very fine woman, she said she was told by her mother. She has her name written down in the Bible but it at this moment is at the church. She says either Moses Carithers or his forbears came to Ireland from Scotland as she was always told they were Scotch. She says her Uncle James was the father of the James Carithers, still living with his daughter at Coldwater Mich,

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but she don't think he is 90 yet as Mrs Wilkinson said but says he is older than she is. I am embodying the information she gives in a genealogical table commencing on the next page. She says she doesn't have her father's bible which she said would all be in leaves & was left in Mich, but she can give names of his children & the dates of their birth from memory.

Her mother, Lydia Speer was daughter of Lydia Sproul whose mother's maiden name was Lydia McDonald.

Old Dr Sproul, who had a congregation in Pittsburg Pa for a long time was a cousin of her mother. He was a Covenanter & he had two boys who were preachers.

AT Goodlander Hotel Fort Scott Kan Nov 12, 1922 11:17 AM

When I got the six children of Moses Carithers listed on the two succeeding pages, my fountain pen gave out & I took down what she told me about the children of her Uncle James & her father John in pencil & am now entering same in proper place in the table.

Miss Carithers has evidently been well educated as she was specific in her information & particularly in spelling of Sproul, Leighton, Speer &c, saying her mother's name was Speer, "to discern not to cut". She is a good Christian Covenanter. Miss Carithers remembered the birthdays of her brothers & sisters, but could not on the spur of the moment recall the years, the sudden & unexpected asking of so many questions tiring her & somewhat disconcerting her. She is about 5 ft 5 inches high of rather slender form & a keen intelligent face & a well chiselled head. As I approached the house, she was out pumping a bucket of water & I followed her in the back door. Left at 3:55 PM with her earnestly [bottom line mostly cut off] my success in such a big undertaking.

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[Descendant Chart]

Moses Carithers owned the farm on which he lived at Burnside near Raphoe County Donegal Ireland. Either he or his forebears came from Scotland. He married Sarah Kelsey & died in Ireland at Burnside in his home but did not reach the age of her own father. She does not know the name of his father or any of his brothers or sisters. She thinks he died after her father came to America & his widow Sarah came then to America dying in Balto Md with one or the other of her sons, Samuel or James who was living there. She says now she has her name right & that is was Sarah Kelsey. She was well up in yrs, she thinks 75 or 80 when she died. She is giving me now the names of the sons which she says is the correct order, but she don't know just where the daughters came in. Says the daughters all three married & came to America long years after her father came but she knows nothing later of them as her father never saw any of them after he left Ireland.


John Carithers. He was born in Ireland Apr 12, 1792 & died Oct 1886 here in Winchester Kan with my informant & her sister & is buried in the Cem her in north part of town & has a marker. He out lived all of his family. He married in Ireland Lydia Speer (to discern not to cut) who was born May 1, 1788? & died in California Mich in the bounds of the Cedar Lake Congregation Nov 1866 aged about 80 & was buried the day before Thanksgiving up Cedar Lake Cem & has tombstone. He was a farmer & owned a farm in Ireland & also in Michigan when he came there. All of his children were born in Ireland except my informant. He moved in 1837 from NY City to Lucas Co now Fulton Co near Maumee City O & not liking it there, moved in the summer of 1848 to Mich.

Moses Carithers, Born Apr 9th or 10th & died at Shelbyville, Ind in 1904?

Leonidas Bradley Carithers living at Shelbyville, Ind.

Anna Carithers, single lives at Shelbyville, Ind

Several, dead

Samuel Carithers, Born Aug 25, see page 468 & 469

Lydia Carithers born May 25, Married Rev John French, pastor of Cedar Lake Congregation Michigan for over 30 yrs. She died at Beaver Falls Pa 15 yrs ago where she took her children to Geneva College. She spoke of her having one daughter living as noted below. She is 4th Lydia named for her mother & her mother & her mother see P 472 [best guess, last two numbers very blurred]

Eliza Jane French, called "Lida" Living unmarried in Glendale California (aged past 50) abt 9 miles from Los Angeles Calif.

Sarah Carithers, born Apr 9th or 10th. She was born on one of these days & her bro Moses on the other. She died in Ireland aged abt 3 yrs.

Mary Jane Carithers, Born Jany 14, She died here at Winchester Kansas Apr 23, 1914 aged 83 yrs past, unmarried & is buried at Winchester Ks & has a tombstone.

John James Carithers, Born in Ireland & was a year old when they came to America in the summer of 1832. He was a member of Cedar Lake Cong & died unmarried in Oct 1856 aged 26 yrs & is buried alongside his mother in Cedar Lake Cem & has a tombstone.

Elizabeth Carithers, Born in New York City NY Sept 18, 1835, my good informant of the day. She said she came to Kansas in 1867 (55 yrs ago) with the family of Revb Josiah Dodds, father of R.J.C. Dodds who was pastor of the Covenanter Cong here. Her father lived with her & her sister Mary Jane the later years of his life or rather they lived with him.

James Carithers. He came to America after John & lived a time in Balto Md & went then to California Michigan where he died. He married Mary

Samuel, married & died in Mich & left issue

Alexander, married & died in Mich & left issue

John, married & went to Alabama, left issue

Moses, Thinks he went south but don't know about him.

James Carithers, living at Coldwater Mich 90 yrs old

Sarah Jane Carithers, married a McCormick who died & she is a widow living at Leighton Alabama where her son is Post Master.

Samuel Carithers, He came to America & lived for a time in Balto Md where he was shot & killed while his brother John lived in NY. Don't know whether it was politics or whether they were drunk. He was married but left no issue.

Sallie Carithers, M. Walker who before his marriage was a British Soldier in the Battle of Waterloo. He was not even wounded & always said the battle was nothing to the burning. Said they made a bonfire & burned the dead & lots of the living who were wounded & who the surgeons said couldn't live, although he, Walker, said many of them plead [sic] to not be burned up but the surgeons were inexorable & said "no, they couldn't live". They came to NY City years after her father did but she can't tell anything further about the family.

Mary Carithers, married, but don't know to whom or a thing about them except that they came to America years after her father did.

Eliza or Elizabeth Carithers married & what was said about Mary applies to her. Miss C. thinks she was named for her fathers youngest sister & her mother's cousin Elizabeth Hamilton.

V8 Page 474

Fort Scott, Kansas Goodlander Hotel Room 51, 3d floor fronting on Wall St Nov 12, 1922 12:25 PM

After leaving Miss Elizabeth Carithers, I walked briskly the several blocks to the Frisco depot, the only RR there where I arrived shortly after 4 PM & found the train scheduled to go at 4 PM was not expected until 5 PM & would take 2 1/2 hours to cover the 24 4/10 miles to Leavenworth Ks it being a freight train with one coach for passengers behind. I then went across the street to the Wallace Motor Co recommended by Mrs Curry to have them drive me to Leavenworth but upon sitting down on a bench in front of their garage, under an awning to talk to the two men there, I found that Mr Wallace was out of town & the man in charge following his policy would not let his car go out in the mud & rain & while I was talking, another very heavy shower occurred. He called up the other garage but the Propr was out in the country with his car so after the rain ceased, I went back to the station & they told me the train had left Valley Falls at 4:10 PM 11 miles off & would be there about 5 but it didn't get in until 5:30 PM. However, I concluded there was nothing to do but wait for it & telegraphed Frank M. Drum that I would not be able to get to Kansas City MO in time to keep my appointment to go out home with him. A still heavier downpour, a regular waterspout fell between 5 & 5:30 PM

While this shower was on, I talked at the door of the waiting room to a well built strong virile man of 5 ft 10 weighing say 180 lbs who said his name was John Keys who said he was born in Logan Co O near Bellefontaine in 1856 the son of John Keys 1802-1884 who was born

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in Ireland & came to America in 1818, when 16 yrs old landing at Phila near where he blacksmithed till 1837 when he moved to Logan Co O & bought land which went to my informant's brother & his son now owns & farms it. His grandfather was also John Keys & he has a son John the 4th of the name in succession. He came from Ohio to Winchester, Kan in 1887 I think he said & when I told him that being born when his father was 54 yrs old gave him practical immunity from disease & an excellent prospect of long life, he was much gratified. I was so busy all day with the Carithers that I never thought until leaving of the children of Culbertson Jack but at any rate would not have had time to hunt them up, but Post mistress Mrs Curry could have told me if any of them were there. The train came in at 5:33 PM & fortunately the passenger coach was equipped with chairs.

I got up yesterday morning at the Meuhlebach Hotel Kansas City MO at 5 o'c took a good cold bath, went to corner Main & 10th St & took the 6 o'c Interurban for Leavenworth Ks arriving 7:55 AM got shaved & got two fried eggs & a cheese sandwich from the colored man in charge of the restaurant at the station for breakfast & the 8:30 AM freight & one passenger coach did not leave until 9:30. While waiting for it, I met a tall 6 feet even unshaven twitching eye, man who said he was going to Winchester Kan was a native of Albany NY region named Huggins who said he knew the Carothers at Winchester & that a Mr Carothers & his sister ran the post office. He had also been in Seattle Wash & was entertained there by

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Robt J.C. Dodds who married Mary Carothers. Huggins is a Covenanter preacher. Arriving at Winchester, he walked with me to the P.O. a square from the station & found that Mr Carithers had died two yrs ago & following directions of the lady in the P.O., went to the next street & turned to the left going one block east & then turned to the right & went two blocks south & to the house beyond the last one on the right hand side & found Mrs Curry who is a fine looking woman medium size & build who impresses you as a good business woman, is handsome & looks good for 40 yrs more. I have recorded what she told me on pages 467 & 468 & 469. She directed me to go one black west & then one block north to her sister Mrs Wilkinson's who was extremely busy but sat down & gave me the additional information on pages 467 to 469 inclusive. She is a very intelligent handsome woman, vigorous & able, a little larger & heavier than her sister, but very capable. She was cleaning house getting ready to bring her Aunt Elizabeth in with her, was all torn up & had a big brawny red faced Irishman? whom she called "Harvey" helping her move the furniture around. They directed me to her Aunt's home in the north part of town adjoining the Catholic Church. I arrived at Leavenworth at 8 PM went to Manhattan Restnt & got a piece of custard pie & also 1 ham & two egg sandwiches which I took along to eat on the car, the first since breakfast & left at 8:20 PM on the same

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Interurban I came upon for Kansas City Mo arriving at the Meuhlebach Hotel at 10 PM. I called on the phone Fairfax 2163 being J.E. McKay living at 1031 Rowland Ave, Kansas City Kan, the same residence number given me for H. Belle McKay & her husband Robert, but got no answer. I then learned upon asking the porter that I could get a train at 11 PM on the Frisco Road for Fort Scott Kan & both the porter & the clerk at the Meuhlebach recommended the Goodlander as the best hotel here so I came on the 11 PM & reached this hotel at 2:22 AM went to bed at 2:45 & got up at 7:45 AM got my breakfast at 8:30 to 9, read today's paper for an hour, downstairs & have written up yesterday's doings & this record to date & will now write up my cash account book & then map out how best to quickly cover my itinerary in Southern MO & South eastern Kansas. I recall that Clarence Earl Rea & his father told me they had gas from their own well to heat their house. They had their land leased for some years for Oil getting over $1500 in rentals & when the Co finally drilled, they got no oil & not enough gas to pipe, so they turned the leases back to Mr Rea & it amply supplies him. It is now 2:07 PM

It rained hard after I got to my room at 2:30 this morning & rained about all the way last night from Leavenworth to Kansas City & has sprinkled some during today & it is a dark murky overcast day. I have written up my C.A. book & will go at my itinerary. It is 3:37 PM

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5:50 PM 12th

When in Kirksville MO on 1st inst, Mr Manville Carothers let me have a circular advertising:

"Historical Sketches of the Campbell, Pilcher & kindred Families including the Bowen, Russell, Owen, Grant, Goodwin, Amis, Carothers, Hope, Taliaferro & Powell Families by Margaret Campbell Pilcher Nashville Tenn" ctg 444 pages in which prices for the book delivered outside of Nashville by mail or express is $5.25 & the Carothers chart, a blue print is 1.50 & the letter to Mr Carothers postmarked "Nashville Tenn Dec 4, 1919 1 PM" bears the return card of "Mrs J.S. Pilcher, 1701 Division St, Nashville Tenn" & I am sending her a ck for $7 & asking her to send me the book & chart to Uniontown Pa & am returning the circular along with the other papers he gave me to Manville Carothers, Kirksville Mo by registered mail in the morning & am also writing to:

Laban Thompson, Holden MO

Robert M. Geer, Sabetha RFD Kan

A.G. Eskridge 345 Haskell Ave Kansas City MO

Isaac N. Stout, 1165 Huron St, Toledo OHio

George E. Carrothers 1857 Windermuth Av East Cleveland O

Kittie M. Quinche 721 Sixth St East Las Vegas NM

Porter Murphy 5503 Fourth Ave, Detroit Mich

Rev Dr Sam'l Carothers, Cameron Mo

James Carithers Coldwater Mich

Mrs Sarah Jane McCormick, Leighton, Ala

Frank M. Drum Box 84, North Kansas City, MO.

V8 Page 479

Mrs H. Belle McKay 1031 Rowland Ave Kansas City Kan

Mrs Arminta J. shipley 1272 Osage AVe, Kansas City Kan

Mrs Rose S. Maloney, 248 Ocean Road Deal NJ

Mrs Helen E. Dunbar 321 W 22d ST Oklahoma City, Okla

O.J. Stough, San Diego, Calif

Pasquale Pallini, Uniontown Pa

Minnie L. Redburn, Uniontown Pa

Samuel McClay, Pittsburgh Pa

Reliance LIfe Insurance Co Pittsburgh Pa

It was still raining at 1 AM 13th when I went to bed.

At residence of John William Casner Scott Tp, Bourbon Co Kan Nov 13, 1922 9:33 AM

I arrived here 10 minutes ago & Mr Casner says that his mother 83 yrs old widow of John Casner living in the edge of Fort Scott at 2001 Margrave ST can give a fuller record as he can only go back to his grandfather. He has brought out a family register however of his own family which shows that he:

John William Casner was born Apr 3, 1863

Minerva Mason was born Jany 18, 1865

They were married May 3, 1885 in this Co by Robert Moore J.P.

Their children are:

1. Jesse Casner was born Oct 23, 1885

2. Oscar Casner was born July 21, 1887

3. Blanche Casner was born Mch 16, 1891

4. Oren Casner was born Jany 3, 1893

5. Laurence Casner was born Sept 25, 1895

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6. Florence Casner was born Sept 25, 1895

7. Ruth Casner was born Aug 25, 1898

8. John Gooden Casner was born May 14, 1900

9. Glen Casner was born May 25, 1902

10. Harold Casner was born Oct 3, 1904

11. Genevieve Casner was born Apr 27, 1908


1. Jesse Casner was married Sept 17, 1911 to Della Chase of this county & live in Fort Scott Ks where he is a stationary engineer & have two children:

1. Velma Casner aged 6 yrs

2. Laurence Donald Casner aged 4 yrs

2. Oscar Casner was married in June 14, 1914 to Stella Reinecke born Sept 13, 1888, daughter of George Wm Reinecke & his wife Mary Jane Carlton. They live in Ellsworth Kan where he is a miller & have one child:

1. Harold Oscar Casner born Nov 28, 1915 aged 7 yrs?

3. Blanche Casner was married Oct 24, 1909 to Charles H. Norton born Sept 21, 1885 son of Bert Norton both living in Fort Scott where he is a railroad fireman. P.O. address 206 S. Barbee Tell 2092 Have 3 children:

1. Ruth Ella Norton born May 7, 1912 aged 9 yrs?

2. Lois Norton born Oct 6, 1914 aged 7 yrs?

3. Jean Norton born Oct 13, 1921 aged 18 mos?

4. Orin Blaine Casner was married June 25, 1916 to Pearl Hartman born Mch 11, 1893 daughter of Millard Hartman & his wife Agnes Wagner & lives north of Fort Scott & is a laborer. Have two children: P.O. address Fort Scott RFD 3

1. Eldon Casner born Apr 16, 1917 aged 5 yrs

2. Edwin Casner born Aug 12, 1921 aged 2 yrs

5. Florence Casner was married July 4, 1916

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to Harry Umstead, son of John Umstead & his wife Mary? Brennen. They live in Minneapolis Minn where he is a Bell telephone lineman & have 3 children:

1. Arnold Martin aged 5 yrs

2. Joyce Minerva aged 2 1/2 yrs

3. Betty aged 8 mos?

7.Ruth Casner died Oct 27, 1904

5,8,9,10 & 11 are all at home & are unmarried.

Mrs Casner is living & Mr Casner is my informant of the morning. He is a medium sized man, farmer type & has black hair & moustache.

Leaving 10:22 AM

Mr Casner said they came to Kansas in 1879 & his farm contains 103 A. His father had moved from Guernsey Co O to Greene Co Ind about 1869. His wife Manerva Mason was daughter of William Mason & his wife Susannah Thompson, daughter of John of James 1758-1835 being her youngest child. Mrs Casner's home is about 5 miles out & is by a lake & adjoining the Reservoir that furnishes the water supply for Fort Scott so Walter E. Green tells me. Four of Mr Casner's sons all grown were at the house & in the room when I was there.

She was away from home & I didn't get to see her, nor her daughter Genevieve.

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At residence of Sarah Ann Casner No 2001 Margrave St South edge of Fort Scott Kansas Nov 13, 1922 11:33 AM

Mrs Casner says she was born in Guernsey Co O June 21, 1839 see page 290 the daughter of Wm Fairfax Gooden & his wife Tamar Lent. He came to Ohio from Green Co Pa & had a brother Thomas Gooden. Wm F. Gooden died in Ohio aged 92 yrs & she thinks it was about 30 yrs ago.

Mrs C. produces a certificate of her husband's war record which states that he enlisted from Guernsey Co O to serve for 3 yrs or during the war & was mustered in at Zanesville O Aug 22, 1862 as a private of Capt Chas J. Gibeant's Co "E" 122d Reg O.V.I. Col Wm H. Ball commanding.

Left Camp Zanesville Oct 23, 1862 descended the Muskingum River by boat to Parkersburg WVA then by rail to Clarksburg where it was assigned to 2d Brigade, Milroy's Div Army of WVA. Began its first march in a blinding snowstorm up the south branch of the Potomac via Wardensville where it defeated McNeils's guerillas thence to Strasburg & through Moorefield & Romeny to Winchester VA where it arrived Jany 1, 1863. It participated in many scouts & expeditions & was assigned to 2d Brigade 3d Div 6th Army corps, Army of the Potomac; moved to NY City & took part in quelling the riots; returned to the front & participated in the battles of Brandy Sta, Mine Run or Locust Grove, The Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Tstopotomoy, Cold Harbor, Siege of Petersburg, Reamis Sta VA Monocacy Md Snickers Ferry, Charlestown, Halltown and Smithfield, Opequam or Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Assault & fall of Petersburg, Sailors Creek, Appomattox or Lee's Surrender & a number of minor engagements. John Casner was captured May 6, 1864 at the battle

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of the Wilderness Va & confined in Andersonville Prison Ga for abt & mos then sent to Prison at Florence SC thence to Charleston SC where he was paroled & sent to Parole Camp, Annapolis Md & exchanged. He was granted a furlough home & was never able to rejoin his regiment. Had a proud record for bravery. Revd Honorable Discharge at Camp Chase Columbus O June 9, 1865. He is a son of William & Ann Rich Casner & was born in Guernsey Co O May 2, 1839 & was married Nov 5, 1861 to Sarah A. Gooden to which union seven children were born six of whom are living viz. J.W., Mary, Jennie, wife of Wm Flanagan, Otto, Gooden, & Addie. His brother, Vandal Casner served in Co E 122d Ohio, was wounded at Cold Harbor VA from which he died. Compiled from official sources by soldiers & sailors historical & Benevolent Society, Wash DC Dec 15, 1905. No 61598, M. Wallingsford Historian.

Mr Casner gives me a penciled mem on the back of Index page 683 giving names & dates of birth of her children as follows: 1. John Wm Fairfax Casner was born Apr 3, 1863

2. Odella Casner was born Jany 21, 1866

3. Mary Casner was born Oct 14, 1868

4. Tamer Casner was born Apr 18, 1870

5. Otto Casner was born March 31, 1873

6. Gooden Casner was born May 2, 1875

7. Addie Casner was born Apr 22, 1881

Three of Mrs Casner's brothers, as per above cft viz Thomas, William & Ebenezer Gooden served in the war in the 122d, 65th & 97th Ohio respectively.

V8 Page 484

1. John Wm F. Casner. I got his record this morning pages 479-481

2. Odella Casner, married William Leander Mason, son of William Mason & a brother of John Wm & wife in Nov 1885 being about two months before she was 20. She died in Apr 2?, 1887 at Rockford Valley. She had a daughter

1. Blanche Odella born Say Mch 9? 1887 & died Apr 9, 1887 just one

week after it's mother's death.

He is married 2d time & lives at Garden City Ks

3. Mary, at home unmarried, called "Mollie"

4. Tamer married on May 31, 1891 at Oswego Kan when abt 20 to William F. Flanigan who was born in Mill Hall Pa, son of G. Logan Flanigan from Penna. Both living at Trinidad Col where he is a railroader & have two children:

1. Adrian Earlcourt Flanigan B. Nov 1, aged 27 yrs & is unmarried.

2. Ione Odell b Feby 1904 aged abt 19 married when 18 in Mch 19, 1922 to Paul Edwin Rizer of Trinidad Col & live there. He is son of Wm Edward Rizer & wife Zelma Ann Eales.

5 & 6 Otto & Gooden at home, unmarried

7. Addie married Edward Enhellig of Fort Scott Ks when about 24 & both living at Frontenac Kan a little town south of here where he is a meat cutter in a packing house. They have three children:

1. Dale, a boy born Mch 1909 aged 13 yrs

2. Ruth born Oct 11, 1912 aged 10 yrs

3. Dorothy born Nov 1914 aged 8 yrs

I got from the war record cft the record of John Casner's birth & marriage & that of his wife entered on page 290. She also gave me from a printed memorial the date of Mrs Pott's birth & death & from memory, the record of her children page 290. She also told me of Wm Casner her father-in-law being married the second time & record of their daughter Alice noted on page 291 & very important which see. Finished 1:50 PM & waiting fr taxi to come.

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At residence of Robert Henry Warren No 1800 South Main St Fort Scott Kansas Nov 13, 1922 2:50 PM

I arrived here at 2:11 PM from Mrs Casner's & was admitted by Mrs Warren who called her mother, Mrs Brown who spoke of Rebecca Gist being her Aunt but while she remembers her grandfather as "Grandpa Thompson" but didn't know his name but I locate him as John Thompson. See page 413. She says her grandfather was married four times & says her mother, Ann, Susannah & Rebecca page 413 were children of the 1st wife & that there were three children, James, Mary, & Tabitha by second wife, though he had children by 3d wife, but none by 4th. I am putting what she give me in a table commencing on next page. She doesn't know about an Uncle Thomas.

Israel Keys Brown was son of Ezekiel Brown & his wife Cornelia Keys natives of Massachusetts. Mrs Brown's children were all born at Cato, Crawford Co Kansas. The address of Mrs Brown's brother, James Johnson's son in Calif is: John T. Johnson Box 232 Route 3 Anaheim Calif & he & the others live around there. Two of his daughters are married & live at Stark Kans. Owen Leibman's first wife was Stephine, her first name & he divorced her or she him & married Mrs Grace Cole (page 486). Owen Jr is by 1st wife & the other 2 by 2d wife. Left 6 PM

V8 Page 486 & V8 Page 487

John Thompson see page 413 was married 4 times. Leander Morrison see page 489 writes that he moved from Ohio [best guess] to Jasper Co MO in 1850.


Nancy Thompson, B Sept 21, 1823 ob May 12? 1907. M. to Owen Johnson, a native of Green Co Penna, born Oct 6, 1820 ob Apr 17, 1899. (son of David & his wife who was a Cummins)

1. Armintha Jane, B May 25, 1846 m. David Hart of Illinois. He died Apr 10, 1922 at Winslow, Arizona & she lives there in the town & could give better record. See Book 9 page 145.

William, oldest



Anna, m. Ed Thurston. She is dead. No issue living a little

girl died.


2. Edith Evelyn, B Apr 16, 1848 in Guernsey Co O & named for her grandmother Johnson M. Apr 16, 1867 to Israel Keys Brown near Uniontown Kansas. He was born Dec 22, 1840 & died Apr 1, 1908.

Dollie Elmina B June 13, 1868 m. Lath McWilliams. Both living near Girard Ks 5 m E where he is a farmer.

Israel, dead

Irvin G. B June 10, 1902 going to college at Manhattan Ks

Clarence, dead

Owen Clarence, B July 25, 1871 m. Lois Gates both living Phila Pa where he is a minister & edits the Baptist Quarterly.

Carl Brown, B May 21, 1903

Armintha Cornelia, B Nov 1, 1873 m. Albert Dick Nance both living at Nioteze Ks where he is a farmer m. Feby 9, 1896. He was born Mch 7, 1873 in Crawford Co Kan.

3. Mabel Dell Born Mch 21, 1901

2. Ward Douglass Monroe B Dec 7, 1898

1. Edith Jane, B May 9, 1897

4. Kay Cecil, B May 1, 1903

8. Bernice Louise, B July 6, 1913

6. Dollie Beulah, B Jany 31, 1908

7. Albert Earl, B June 18, 1910

5. Mary Pearl, B Sept 25, 1905

9. Clifford Keys, B Mch 10, 1916

Nannie Genevieve B Oct 28, 1877 m. Albert Farmer both living by Girard Ks, Farmers.

Ralph, B Oct 10, 1901, single

Don, B Oct 25, 1906

Kenneth, B July 13, 1915

Chad, B June 23, 1880 ob Dec 14, 1888

Mary Adaline, B Feby 20, 1889 m Dec 14, 1907 to Robert Hy Warren who was born Feby 9, 1870 & live 1800 S. Main St Ft Scott where he was a RR man & is now selling milk.

Morris Warren, B July 7, 1909

Evelyn Elizabeth, B Nov 14, 1914

3. Mary E. [dau of Nancy & Owen Johnson] B July 20, 1850 m. Rev Saml Wallace a Pres. She is dead. Had 9 children. He living at Wichita Ks married again. See page 588.

4. Simon Cummins, B June 24, 1853 lives on a farm south west of Uniontown Ks m. Rachel Dolilaby [best guess] Noble. Both living P.O. Uniontown Ks Route 3. She was born Aug 8, 1855 dau of Isaiah Jackson Nobel & his wife Elizabeth Jones see p 488.

Junius Johnson, mail clerk on train lives Kansas City MO married & has 3 children 2 boys & a girl

Olive Johnson, M. Jesse Anderson, farmer near Uniontown Ks & have one boy.

Laurence, m. Lillie Newell & have a girl & a boy.

7. James, B Apr 28, 1859 m. Elmina Griffith. Both living at Anaheim Calif where he has a small orange farm. Have 5 chil. Get record there.

5. Emma, B Apr 11, 1855 M[10]* Frank Leihman Feby 26, 1881. He is dead & she lives with a daughter in Western Kan. He was born Dec 1, 1845 & died Feby 10, 1908

Owen Leihman, married & has 3 children


a boy?

Mary Alice Lucy Jane

Edna Leihman, Born June 25, 1884 in Bronson Kan m. LaVern Newell on Mch 9th, 1912 & live in California P.O. 1841 34th Ave Oakland, Calif

Clinton Edgar, Born June 21, 1914 in Kansas City MO

A boy, Sidney LaVern, Born Sept 22, 1920 in Redlands Calif

2 stillborn children

6. Susan, B July 28, 1857. She is dead M. Jno Stewart had 4 child see item 12 page 602 [first number almost impossible to read, this is a guess.] Mrs Stewart died Nov 19, 1898

Marion, m. Mary Hutchins Both living at Holley Col see page 488

Harry, B Mch 31 m. Iva _______ Have 3 child living He lives at Holly Col see book 9 P 232

Edith Stewart, B Apr 5, 1891 unmarried yet. Lives at Wichita Kan

Elmer J. B Sept 12,1894 Mrs Brown took him when he was 4 yrs old at his mother's death. M. Mabel Helen Fulks & live in Kansas City Mo where he works at the Faith Iron Works NO 7007 Agnes Ave Kansas City Mo. He writes July 22, 1923 fr 3139 West 86 St Cleveland O. She was born Apr 22, 1896 in Springfield MO dau of Jacob Warren Fulks & wife Mary Emma Cornwell. They were married Apr 12, 1914 Chil in Chicago Ills all born in K.C. MO.

1. Roy Calvin, B Mch 22, 1915 in Kansas City MO

3. Ray Leon, B Jany 17, 1920

2. Earl Warren, B Dec 18, 1916, ob Dec 18, 1918

4. Elmer Donald, Born July 3, 1922

8. John Thompson, B Jany 10, 1862 ob Apr 11, 1916 m. Georgia Anderson who is living in Newark NJ Had girl died aged 1 wk.

9. Robert F. Johnson, B Jany 24, 1866 the youngest. He married Lydia _____ & both are living at San Luis Obispo California where he is a RR engineer.

Ila Johnson, an only child married & lives in Calif & has one child, a boy.

Susannah Thompson, married William Mason & lived in Rockford Valley west of Uniontown Kansas where she died shortly after the Civil War leaving seven children. After her death, he married her step sister, Mrs Nancy Hinton, daughter of John Thompson's 3d wife by a former husband, one of her daughters Nannie, wife of John H. Gordon 610 West 5th St Tel 1304 W. Fort Scott Kan can give record of births etc. see page 492.

V8 Page 488 & V8 Page 489

[Descendant Charts]

Susan Johnson mar John Stewart


Marion Stewart. He was born June 21, 1883 m. Mary Hutchins born Dec 2, 1885 at Cato Kan dau of Nathan Hutchins & his wife California Coonrod. They were married at Independence Kan July 27, 1904 see book 9 page 230.

3. Ralph Arthur, B Aug 3, 1909 ob Feby 14, 1911

1. Clifford Leonard, B June 30, 1905

2. Gertrude, B June 28, 1907

4. Raymond Francis, B Aug 10, 1911

5. Susan Nellie, B Aug 20, 1914

6. Mabel Irene, B Nov 10, 1918

[Descendant Chart]

Simon Cummins Johnson was married Oct 8, 1874 children all born in Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Ks.


Junius Johnson, Born Aug 22, 1875 mar June 20, 1897 to Wilhelmina Herman who was born Dec 22, 1875 the daughter of Henry Hermann & his wife Charlotte.

Junius A. b Aug 31, 1904 in High school

Walter Sidney, b Nov 4, 1908 in high school

Mary Elouise, B Nov 17, 1912 all at home

Olive Johnson, Born Nov 8, 1880 mar Dec 2, 1903 to Jesse C. Anderson who was born July 30, 1897 at Lawrence? Ks son of Thos H. Anderson & his wife Mary E. Sigerson & live in Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Ks.

Lyle Vernon, B Jany 25, 1913 in this Tp

Laurence V. Johnson, Born Nov 19, 1885 mar Dec 24, 1907 to Lillie May Newell who was born may 18, 1886 the daughter of Geo Dallas Newell & his wife Sarah Lookinbill Laurence is a farmer & lives 2 miles east fr here in this Tp.

Margery Olivia, B Aug 21, 1910

Mildred Marie, B June 14, 1918

[Descendant Chart]

John Thompson, see pages 413, 486 & 487


Ann Thompson, dau of 2d wife, m. James Dollison & not Donaldson. He took the children back to Ohio & married again. She died Oct 10, 1859 see too, Book 9 p 147. See book 12 P 26.

3. Nancy Sovina, see book 12 p 26 & 27

1. Saulsbury, dead, a preacher

2. John, married & visited in Kansas with a grown son. Lived in Guernsey Co O Mrs Tucker writes that he lives at Newark O.


5. A dau, Martha Rebecca

4. A dau, Athelina Armintha

Rebecca J., by 2d wife m.1. m.2. Gist see page 413

Mary Thompson, by 1st wife born Feby 6, 1818 in Guernsey Co O m. Thomas Darr. Lived in Jasper Co Mo 10 ms fr Carthage & then came to Bourbon Co Ks & died on Paint Creek near Uniontown Kan Both dead. Had 4 or 5 children all dead. She died at Miltons in Pgh Kan & is buried there. He died Jany 3, 1872 & she died May 14, 1904 aged 86 yrs 3 mos 8 days. She was converted when she joined Cumb Pres ch left 4 children.

John T. died in Pgh Kan unmarried

Hannah m. & moved west in state had 2 or 3 boys. She married John Wesley Mason bro of Wm Ellis Mason. Both dead at Greenwich Kan & the family lives in the town. Had ten children, two dead & 8 living see page 589.

Francine, a girl died unm years ago soon after the war.

Milton L., married & died in Pgh Kan Mrs Gordon thinks they had one child. He is living at 1002 S. Broadway Pittsburgh Kans.

David F. Darr, M. Louisa ______. He dead. She is living at Modesto Calif. east of the town.

A dau

Tabitha Thompson, by 1st wife, Born Dec 8, 1820 m. James Morrison. She died at Savonsburg Ks Mch 6? 1893 aged 73 yrs & is buried there. He died before they came to Kansas.

Kankawa Okla Dec 4, 1922 Mary King gives this addition record:

1. Rebecca Morrison, m. Salathiel Thompson. Have gotten record this Dec 4, 1922 from Mary King.

4. Jacob Homer Morrison Born Aug 8, 1851 at Senecaville O being 18 mos younger than Leander. Died May 16, 1919 at Three Forks Mont. M. Mary Selina Robb of near Elsmore Kan. She lives in State of Wash where he died [this is the old information, Three Forks Mont is the most current. CW] in fall of 1919. She was born May 16,1860 at Uniontown Kan & mar there Aug 16, 1879 & now lives 4335 Proctor Place San Diego Calif. She is daughter of James Milton Robb a native of Iowa & his wife Hannah Maria Alsop. He was son of Wm Robb & his wife Ruth.

Charles Homer, born Uniontown Ks Dec 2, 1880

Emma Ethel, B Uniontown Ks Apr 30, 1883

Mary Adella, Born Blue Mound Ks, Oct 2, 1885

Ceta May Born Tacoma Wash May 2, 1888

Stella Maud, June 10, 1894 in St John Wash & died at Three Forks Montana Mch [unreadable] 1920.

James Ralph, Born at Rockford Wash Aug 16, 1896

Theo Ruth, Born Rockford Wash Sept 23, 1904

3. Leander Born Jany 6, 1848? Living in Kansas thinks about Savonsburg Ks, single.

5. Matilda, died unmarried in Fort Scott Ks fully 26 yrs ago & is buried by her mother at Savonsburg Ks. She died Sept 1893. Thinks she was born in 1858 as she was 13 when they came to Kansas in 1871.

2.Ann Morrison, mar Wm W. Moffitt. She dead & he living abt Savonburg Ks & her brother Leander lives with him. Had two children. One dead. His P.O. Erie Neomo [best guess] Co Ks RFD c/o Robert Coover

A dau, Elsie, m & lives near Savonsburg Ks mar Robert Coover & live near Erie Kansas.

Edna Louise Coover Born Apr 19, 1922

A dau, dead.

James Thompson, by 1st wife, died an old bachelor.

V8 Page 490

At residence of John H. Gordon, No 610 West 5th Street, Fort Scott Kansas Nov 13, 1922 8:11 PM

I arrived here about twenty minutes go & have met Mrs Gordon & two of her daughters. Mrs Gordon thought her sister had it, her parents bible record, out beyond Uniontown Kansas ie Mrs Mary Keggreis, but Bessie phoned them & got her out of bed & she said she didn't have it but thought her brother Alvin Mason had it but we couldn't raise him. She produces an obituary of her father from which I take the salient points given & enter in the table I am making commencing page 492. This obituary says his first wife Susannah Thompson died Sept 24, 1864 but Mrs Gordon said she died after the war closed & when her daughter Minerva now Mrs John W. Casner was about 9 mos old & as the records I got this morning shows, she, Minerva, was born Jany 18, 1865, it would make the death of her mother a year later or 1865 & Mrs Gordon says she was 15 when her mother died & she was born in 1850 & she took care of the family along with the others & when her father got married again, they stayed as a family by themselves. She remembers her grandfather John Thompson & says

V8 Page 491

she was four years old when he died about Carthage Mo & is buried in the Martin g.y. quite a ways from Carthage. Says he died from the dropsy. Was a big man, but not tall.

Leaving 11:11 PM

When at Mrs Sarah Ann Casner's, she told me that Mrs Eva Brown living at No 1800 South Main St with her daughter Mrs R.H. Warren was a Johnson before marriage & her mother was a Thompson & said her mother could go back on the History of the Thompsons for "ten generations" & tell all about them. She died years ago & was related to the Guernsey Co Thompsons & the mother of Minerva Mason, her son, John W's wife, was a sister of Mrs Johnson. Accordingly, I went right over to Mrs Warren's as noted on pages 485 to 489 inclusive. Mrs Brown then told me about her first cousin, Mrs Jno H. Gordon so I went in to the hotel got shaved & shined, got my supper & took a taxi through the darkness to Mrs Gordon's as noted on the preceding page & she & her two daughters, Bessie J. & Virgil M. gave me the principal draft of the information in the tables 492 to 495 inclusive & their own record complete with blanks to be filled in as I would see the several parties who I concluded to go & see.

V8 Page 492 & V8 Page 493

[Descendant Chart]

Susannah Thompson, see page 486 was born in Guernsey Co O Aug 3, 1827 & died in Rockford Valley, Bourbon Co Kansas about 7 miles south of Uniontown Kansas on Sept 24, 1865 & is buried in Mason cemetery on the farm of her husband. She was married 1848 in Guernsey Co O to William Ellis Mason who was born in Green Co Pa Sept 5, 1828 (Mrs G. thinks he was 2 yrs younger than her mother) & he died March 21, 1906 aged 77 yrs 6 mos & 16 days at Savonsburg Allen Co Ks & is buried beside his first wife in the Mason g.y. above mentioned. He was son of Benjamin Mason & his wife Nancy Johnson a sister of Owen Johnson who married Susann's sister Nancy Thompson. He moved from Penna to Ohio with his parents when 16 say in 1844 & in 1850 moved with his family to Mo & in 1857 to Kansas. He was converted about 40 yrs before his death & joined the Cumb Pres Ch. He enlisted in Co K 12th Kansas Inf & served 2 yrs & 11 mos. He had nine children by his first wife. He married 2d Dec 21, 1873 Mrs Nancy Hinton, widow of Guy Hinton nee Smith whose mother became the 3d wife of John Thompson. There was no issue to this union. See page 494. This 2d wife was the daughter of Andrew Smith &his wife Nancy Baird & she was born ear Senecaville O Sept 22, 1825 came to Mo in 1850 & on July 10, 1855 mar Guy Hinton in Jasper Co Mo & in June 1857 moved to Bourbon Co Kan. She died Dec 30, 1912. Guy Hinton was born in Orange Co Va Aug 13, 1809 & died on Mch 13, 1869.


1. Alvin Sylvester Mason, see page 500 No 4. Born in Ohio July 26, 1848 m. Nov 11, 1871 in Bourbon Co Ks to Margaret Popkins of Mich. He is a farmer living 9 miles south west of Uniontown Ks. Both living. she was born Jany 17, 1849.

Nettie Mason, B Aug 4, 1872 m. Rev Edwd Daniels Meth. & live Columbus Ks. No issue.

Charles Newton Mason, B June 18, 1883 m. Feby 23, 1903 to Agnes Johnson who was born Feby 5, 1884 dau of Frank Johnson. No issue.

2. Nancy Jane Mason, B in Mo Jasper Co Oct 16, 1850 m. Apr 3, 1870 to John Henry Gordon (Yuhon Henerick Damgaard) a Dane Born Dec 20, 1844 at S'ogaard, Landboskale Schleswig-Holstech & came to America in 1866. Both living here. She my joint informant.

Armine Dennis, B July 3, 1871 ob Apr 7, 1897 at Colorado Springs Col unmarried.

Annie Arvilla B Sept 26, 1874 m. Aug 14, 1907 to Wm Cecil Burnaman & both living at Washington Kansas where he is a doctor. he was son of Pardee Burnaman & wife Minnie Matteson.

Gordon Pardue Burnaman, Born Aug 9, 1913

William Otto, B Dec 25, 1876 ob Aug 14, 1891 in Fort Scott, Kan

Bertha Susannah, B Sept 21, 1878 ob in Rockford Valley aged 3 yrs on Oct 31, 1880 see item 4 page 501.

Raymond Charles, B June 10, 1880 died in Rockford Valley Oct 12, 1882 aged 2 yrs see 4 P 500

Bert Eston, B July 11, 1883 m. May 23, 1906 to Edith Hall who was born Aug 19, 1883 both living at La Grange, Ills where he is a manual training supervisor & R.E. man. She is dau of A.K. Hall born Jany 15, 1835 & his wife Margaret Blairborn Oct 12, 1843.

Ruth Alberta, B Aug 23, 1907, ob Mch 23, 1917

John Vincent, B Dec 26, 1909

David Byron, B Aug 13, 1916

Robert Hall, B Jany 9, 1921 Bessie Jeanetta, B Mch 12, 1886 at home unmarried a stenographer My

joint informant of the evening.

Lovey Odell, B July 15, 1888 died in Rockford Valley aged 3 mos

Virgil May, B Dec 12, 1889 at home unmarried a teacher in the high school here & my joint informant with her mother & sister.

3. Martha Francini Mason, B in Mo Aug 27, 1852 m. July 17, 1877 in Bourbon Co Ks to Ephraim Gay. he is dead. She lives on a farm near Elsmore in eastern part of Allen Co Ks & have 8 children. see page 494. He was a widower with 3 children. He was born Sept 20, 1838 in Ohio Guernsey Co & died July 3, 1913.

4. David Herschel, B in Mo June 2, 1855 He was the baby when they moved from Mo in a covered wagon. M. Betty Hobson. Both living near Savonsburg Ks & have 3 boys. see page 495 married Dec 14, 1879 in Bourbon Co Ks by Rev McKesson, Meth min.

7. William Leander [twin] B in Kansas the beginning of the war just before their father went to war see page 484 Line 2 B Sept 11, 1862 m. 2nd to Myrtle Moore & live Garden City Ks.

Winnie, B May 30, 1892 ob Dec 25, 1920 unmarried.

Lee Mason, at home unmarried.

8. Emily Susannah, [twin] b in Kansas the beginning of the war just before their father went to war B Sept 11, 1862 ob Mch 13, 1907 m. Feby 16, 1882 to Erastus Poole who is also dead see page 495.

1. Odie see page 495 b Jany 6, 1883 m. Lulu Turner



3. Pearl Poole, B Apr 23, 1886 m. Nora Edith Perry Sept 30, 1908. She was born Aug 4, 1889 see page 495.

Mildred Poole, B Sept 9, 1909

4. Ernest, B Apr 23, 1892 M. Oct 1, 1913 live in Bronson Ks see page 495

6. Roy Wm , unm B Mch 18, 1899 living at Odie's

7. Bertie Leo, B July 2, 1904 unm living at Odies

2. Joseph Austin, B Sept 30, 1884 ob Oct 14, 1892 aged 8 yrs 14 days

5. Lena May, born Nov 19, 1896 ob Jany 14, 1897 see no 9 page 502.

6. Harmon Benton, B in Kansas Feby 8, 1860 m. Mch 1, 1899 to Fannie Heckman who was born Jany 9, 1876. Both living near Uniontown Kan. see P 500.

2. Hazel, B Jany 9, 1902

1. Lester, B Jany 1, 1900

3. Iva Susannah, B Mch 1, 1913

5. Mary Ann, B in Kansas Oct 4, 1857 m. Feby 15, 1887 to Wm Butler Kegerreis from Pa & live on the old Mason farm which they bought & on which is the g.y. Both living. He was born at Fannettsburg Pa Oct 1, 1849 & both living. He was son of Jacob Kegerreis & his wife Sarah Royer


4. Ernest Mason, B Jany 12, 1896 ob July 1, 1896

Mary Florence, B May 23, 1911

Raymond Elroy, B Dec 6, 1913

Robert Dale, B Oct 1, 1919

Doris Maxine, B Jany 24, 1922

1. Harmon Roy Kegerreis B Jany 19, 188 m. Dec 15, 1909 to Lena Anderson who was born Jany 2, 1891 a sister of Jesse Anderson who married Olive Johnson

2. Savilla Vernetta, B Mch 8, 1890, unmarried

3. Estella Jane, B Nov 21, 1892, unmarried

5. Wm Glenn, B May 28, 1897, unmarried

9. Minerva Eleanor Mason, B in Kansas Jany 18, 1865 m. May 3,1885 to John Wm Casner see pages 479 to 481 inclusive.

V8 Page 494 & V8 Page 495

[Descendant Chart]

Susannah Thompson & Wm E. Mason


Martha Francina Mason, All married but Willard & Charles m. Ephraim Gay see 492 her P.O. is Elsmore Ks RFD live east of town.

Myrtle Belle, B Feby 16, 1876 m. when 22 to Norris Alexander David see book 9 p 233. He is dead & she lives in Western Ks in Kinsley Kan & has 2 boys & 1 girl all at home Married Nov 17, 1899

1. Arthur Bryan, B Feby 1, 1903

3. Wallace Jefferson, B Jany 4, 1908

2. Martha Elizabeth Evelyne, born Dec 4, 1904

Gertrude, B May 23, 1878 m. when 25 to Harry Kline who is dead. he was a Meth preacher. She lives in Vashon Island Washington where she teaches.

Bessie, in school

Bonnie, girl in school

Louise, B July 17, 1880 m. when 21 to Wiley Woods. Both living in Tacoma Wash where he owns a store in Vienancebus [best guess] No issue.

Minerva Odelle, B Mch 27, 1882 m. when 20 to Ralph Harris. Both living at Bronson Kan where he is a travelling salesman. No issue.

Charles Edward, B Jany 26, 1885 traveling salesman unmarried.

Willard Newton, B July 9, 1887 at home "an old bachelor living with his mother".

Wesley Raymond, B Dec 17, 1889 m. when abt 25 to Clara White. Both living Muscogee Okla where he works for the RR. K.O. & G. No issue. She had one child.

Susannah Genevieve, B Apr 22, 1893 m when abt 22 to Lawrence Marrs & both living in Allen Co Ks where he is a farmer.

Gladys Marrs, B May 10? 1919

David Herschel fr page 492. his wife's name is Rebecca Ellosa Hobson born Mch 9, 1858 in Bourbon Co Ks daughter of George Hobson & his wife Ada L. Smith.

Clarence, B Sept 13, 1881 & on Feby 14, 192 m. Mabel Gemmil who was born July 1893?. She has died. No issue surviving. She was daughter of A. Lincoln Gemmill & his wife Mary Weddell of Ills whose folks came fr Penna. She died Jany 31, 1919 aged 26 yrs.

Clarence Lester Mason, Born May 8, 1917 died May 29, 1917 aged 3 weeks.

George Wm, B Mch 14, 1884 m. Sept 12, 1913 to Fay Forrester. Lives at Hiattville Ks where children were born & have two children. She was born Jany 1898 dau of Wm Forrester & his wife Martha Carpenter. He is a teamster.

Clarence William, B June 6, 1915

Laurence Robert, B July 15, 1920

Ross Elliott, Born May 6, 1888 at home unmarried & has poor health.

Emily Susannah, see page 493 m. Erastus Pool son of____________. He was born Dec 10, 1860 & died May 14, 1915.

Odie Pool, m. Mch 8, 1905 near Uniontown Kan to Lula Alice Turner who was born there on Nov 13, 1884, the daughter of John Turner & his wife Eliza Jane Brown, he from Camden Co NJ & she fr Tennessee.

Hazel Ruth, B Oct 5, 1913

Ethel Illah, B Sept 3, 1919

Pearl Pool, see page 493 m. Nora Edith Perry daughter of William Forsythe Perry & his wife Nellie Frear.

Ernest Pool, from p 493 married Edith Blanche Robinson daughter of Samuel Robinson & his wife Della Wolf.

Lorrene, (a girl) B July 7? 1914

Dorothy Fern, B Nov 11, 1915 died Jany 6, 1917

Leota Maxine, B July 1917

Ruth Elizabeth, born day before Thanksgiving Nov 27, or 28, 1921.

V8 Page 496

Mrs Brown says that Mrs Frank F. Pawling living at 1217 Scott St Tel 1821 is the daughter of a daughter of her grandfather John Thompson's 3d wife by a former husband Smith. Mrs Pawlings mother was a stepsister of Nancy Johnson being a daughter of John Thompson's 3d wife, Mrs Pawlings mother:

Married 1st a Henton

Married 2d Wm E. Mason (whose first wife had been Susanna Thompson) for his 2d wife.

At residence of Charles N. Mason, Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Kan Nov 14, 1922 11:20 AM

I left Fort Scott Ks in a Ford Car from the Stover taxi driven by Walter E. Green born in Mo Mch 19, 1897 at 9:15 AM & reached Uniontown Ks 16 miles west at 10:10 AM a nice little town in this Co of 30 inhabitants where Walter put on chains. We proceeded to Chas N's as above, Walter having learned in Uniontown Ks that Alvin S. Mason was at his son Charles. I went to the house & found Mrs Chas washing, a small little woman & she told me they were at work in the barnyard where I found them. Alvin S., a medium sized man with a gray mustache & Chas N. a strapping big bronzed six footer with a smooth face, aged beyond its years. They came with me to the house & gave me the data to fill in the remainder of their record as inserted & shown on Page 492. Mrs Chas saw a man drive up to Olive Anderson's across the way & thought it was her, Mrs Anderson's father Simon C. Johnson & phoning over found it was, we left at 11:52 AM & soon were:

V8 Page 497

At residence of Jesse Anderson Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Ks Nov 14, 1922 12:05 PM

We found Mr & Mrs Anderson & her parents Mr & Mrs Simon C. Johnson eating dinner to which they invited me but I asked S.C.J. to give me his attention & I interlined his wife's record as given by her on page 486 & had just gotten his name transferred to page 488 when my fountain pen gave out & I took down what he, his wife & daughter jointly gave me & am now 11:55 PM transcribing it on page 488. He gave me from memory, as was all the other record given by himself, wife & daughter the dates of death of his father & mother which I have entered in proper place on page 486 where I also entered record of his father's parents. he says Rev Sam;l D. Wallace who married his sister, Mary lives at NO 1341 S. Santa Fe St Wichita Kan & his brother James Johnson is at No 1243 Pearl St Anaheim Calif & Edna Leihman Newell lives in Oakland Calif. He says Colby Kan is in Thomas Co northwestern Kan Marion & Harry Stewart live on farms near Holley, Colorado which wd be their P.O. RFD. Edith Stewart works in a store at Wichita Ks & Rev Wallace can locate her. John Dollison & his son were here on a visit in 1904. He only recollects 2 girls & 2 boys in Dollison family & he played with Athlina & her older sister who were about his age. He says

V8 Page 498

Milton Darr page 489 is not dead, that it is his wife who is dead. He lives in Pittsburgh Kan. Says he hasn't seen him for 40 yrs. He don't think he had any children. Write him or get record from Hannah's children. He says a daughter of Hannah Mason wrote recently say that her Aunt Louisa widow of her Uncle David Darr had died within the last year at Modesto Calif, but thinks their daughter is married & living about Modesto Calif. Mr Simon C. Johnson is a very bright well informed man & has a very good memory. He is medium size & build, virile & strong. His wife is rather large, with gray hair, a fine imposing looking matronly woman & their daughter Olive is tall & large.

Leaving 1 Pm

We then went down to the church or school house & turned to the right & reaching the next house were:

At residence of Mr & Mrs Wm Butler Kegerreis Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Kan Nov 14, 1922 1:11 PM

Were admitted through the kitchen by Mrs K & her two daughters, Mrs K. who was Mary Ann Mason see page 493 is a small active lithe woman, but her daughters, but Savilla especially seemed cowed & are both modest demure girls & I

V8 Page 499

recall what their cousin Bessie Gordon said last night, that they might have been married but whenever the beaus came to see them their father persisted in staying in the room. Mrs K. said her parents came to Kansas in June 1857 & she was born Oct 4, following. After we called her last night, she hunted around & found the record of the births in her parents family, a flimsy yellow with age piece of paper with the lower left hand corner with parts of the names torn off & with the edges frayed near the dates of birth. From it, I entered the dates of birth of her brothers & sisters on Page 492 & 493, distinguishable from the different colored ink. She also gave me record of her own family as entered on page 493. Mrs K. said her brother Wm Leander Mason mar 1st Odella Casner & had one child that lived about three weeks & after Odella's death, just after the birth of the child, he mar 2, Myrtle Moore. His address is just Garden City, Kansas. Mrs Kegerreis own address is Uniontown Kansas RFD 3. She gave me an obituary notice of her Aunt Mary Darr which shows that Mrs Brown was wrong in her mother being from the first wife as Mrs Darr's birth as entered while there is earlier. She gave me the clipping & I am now making the further data it give on page 489. Have added the initials of the 3 boys as given in the notice & mailing it back to her. Her daughter Estella Called her Uncles & I got: Left 2 PM

V8 Page 500

From residence of Harmon Benton Mason, Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Kan Nov 14, 1922 at 1:40 PM

The record of the date of his marriage & the dates of birth of their three children as entered on page 493 & date of birth of his wife who with her daughter Hazel answered the phone when Estella called. Mrs Mason said she was the daughter of George Washington Heckman & his wife Nannie E. Kough

(It is now 3 AM 15th & I will go to bed & continue this in the morning)

(8:11 AM 15th resuming transcribing)

At Mason graveyard, Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Ks Nov 14, 1922 2:40 PM 1. Johny [sic] son of F.I. & M.F. Brown died Dec 2, 1880 aged 6 yrs 4 days.

2. Rev Wm D. Wallace A.C.P. minister who was born June 15, 1816 & died Mch 4, 1871 aged 34 yrs 8 mos 19 days.

3. E? B. Johnson Born Sept 6, 1867 died Apr 9, 1872

Palina [sic] G. Daughter of D & M. Johnson born Apr 26, 1875 died Feby 28, 1881.

4. Nellie, daughter of Alvin & Margaret Mason died Aug 13, 1882 aged 1 yr 19 days

W.E. Mason Co K 12 K.V.I. Sept 5, 1828 (error as it is 1858), Mar 21, 1906.

Susannah, wife of W.E. Mason born Aug 3, 1827 died Sept 24, 1865

Charles R., son of John & Nancy Gordon died Oct 12, 1882 aged 2 yrs 4 mos 2 days.

V8 Page 501

Bertha S. daughter of John & Nancy Gordon died Oct 31, 1880 aged 3 yrs 1 mo 10 days.

Lila, daughter of S.I. & O.V. Mason July 23, 1917, Jany 30, 1919

Fred W. Mason Jany 29, 1894, Oct 23, 1918

Alpharetta J. wife of Alvin Mason died May 7, 1899 aged 44 yrs 7 mos 23 days

Guy Mason died Aug 20, 1882 aged 8 mos 12 days } twins

Gertie Mason died Aug 18, 1882 aged 8 mos 10 days }

Frances A., wife of O.B. Mason died Sept 2, 1884 aged 37 yrs 3 mos 23 days

Above three on one stone.

Nancy, wife of Benjamin Mason died July 22, 1889 aged 77 yrs 3 mos 16 days

Benjamin Mason born Aug 5, 1806 died Jany 30, 1870

These are the parents of Wm E. Mason.

Simon C., son of B & Nancy Mason died Aug 15, 1875 aged 20 yrs

6. Mary, wife of Ephraim Gay (his first wife) died Nov 27, 1876 aged 29 yrs 11 mos 13 days

Lottie, daughter of E & M Gay died Aug 18, 1887 aged 16 yrs 6 mos 1 day

Ephraim Gay, Sept 20, 1838, July 3, 1913 (his parents both died before he was 3 yrs old)

7. Wm O. Johnson Feby 16, 1859, July 24, 1912

Wm H., son of W.O. & F.M. Johnson died Feby 20, 1883 aged 1 yr 1 mo 13 days

8. Lewis E., son of B.F. & M.F. Mason died Sept 4, 1870 aged 1 yr 9 mos 28 days.

V8 Page 502

Olive, daughter of John W & Hannah Mason born Dec 22, 1865 died Nov 30, 1883 aged 17 yrs 11 mos 8 days

Della A. wife of W.L. Mason died Apr 4, 1886 aged 20 yrs 2 mos 11 days

Infant daughter of Wm L & D.A. Mason died Apr 10, 1886 aged 20 days.

9. Joseph A., son of E & E.S. Pool died Oct 14, 1892 aged 8 yrs 14 days

Lena Mary, daughter of E & S. Pool Born Nov 19, 1896 died Jany 15, 1897

Emily S. wife of E. Pool born Sept 11, 1862, died Mch 13, 1907

Erastus Pool 1860-1915

Lovey Luella, daughter of N & N.S. Williams born June 24, 1884 died Dec 24, 1884

10. William M. Jackman sergeant Co K 12 Kansas Reg Vol Mch 28, 1834, July 13, 1922

Edith E. his wife Feby 22, 1839, Feby 1, 1921

11. Sarah Emily Henton, born Apr 7, 1857 died Oct 13, 1858

Guy Henton died Mch 13, 1869 aged 62 yrs 8 mos

Nancy Mason 1825 - 1912

Wm Harrison Henton born Mch 8, 1840 died Nov 19, 1861

Meritt Wiley Henton born Mch 13, 1836 died Apr 6, 1862

Herbin Harklan Henton born Apr 1, 1838 died Oct 14, 1861

12. Charlie F., son of J & S.N. Stewart born July 5, 1885 died June 17, 1887

13. Oliver Johnson died Apr 17, 1899 aged 78 yrs 6 mos 1 day

Leaving 3:20 PM

V8 Page 503

We then drove southward across an unused ridge road with fields full of surface rocks & boulders some 5 or 6 miles & came to a square house on right hand side of road, the:

Residence of David H. Mason, Elsmore Tp, Allen Co Kansas Nov 14, 1922 4:04 PM

Upon knocking, a gray haired fine faced matronly woman came to the door abt 5 ft 4 in & medium build & said Mr Mason was out after some Kaffir corn & seeing a man sitting back of the barn, I went & called him. He came up with his sack of corn almost out of breath & had to rest before he could continue being a great sufferer from asthma. He is tall & spare, with black piercing eyes & very black eyebrows & asked if I wasn't' joking when I told him I was getting up a history of the Thompson family. His wife looked up the records. I have entered in proper places on page 492 & 495 what they told me. Their son Clarence, a widower makes his home with them. He was away this afternoon & Ross E. was out trimming the hedge so I missed seeing them.

Left at 4:30 PM

We then drove south some 3 miles to Savonburg Ks & going to Smiths store, Mr F.E. Smith told me that Wm W. Moffitt's P.O. address was Erie, Neosho Co, Kan RFD & that his brother-in-law Leander Morrison lived with him & letter should be sent in

V8 Page 504

care of Robert Coover who married Mr Moffitt's daughter Elsie & live on the home farm which he said was 12 to 14 miles distant, so the roads being bad & it being 5 o'c. I gave up going to see them. See page 489 for entry of dates. We then drove on to the:

Residence of Martha Francina Gay, Marion Tp, Allen Co Kansas Nov 14, 1922 5:22 PM

Andrew admitted through the kitchen by Mrs Gay, a pleasant faced average sized woman with an attractive smile & hair turning gray, who was on the porch & she went upstairs & brought down a big rolled scroll family register from which she gave me the dates entered in place at page 492 & 494. She is part 70 but doesn't look to be 60.

When I asked her to consult again the record of her marriage she said it wasn't on the record but insisted that she was 25 when married & that July 17, 1877 was right even after I called her attention to Myrtle Belle's birth on Feby 16, 1876 which also she said was right & by referring to No 6 Page 501, I note that Myrtle was born nine months before Ephraim Gay's first wife died. Calling attention to this modestly disconcerted her & I was sorry, but think it as well to have confirmation.

Left at 6 PM

& went about 4 miles NE in the darkness & half a mile down in a field to:

V8 Page 505

Residence of Odie Pool, Marion Tp Bourbon Co Ks Nov 14, 1922 7 PM

Where we found the family at supper viz Odie & his two youngest brothers, his wife & their two little daughters & Miss Brenner. Mrs Poole, a tall handsome woman asked me to sit down & eat & to call Walter. He wouldn't come in, but I sat down & eat of excellent fat beefsteak, beans, potatoes, fine bread & apple butter & stewed strawberries, first since breakfast. I arrived 6:44 & after finishing supper, he gave me many dates, some of which his wife telephoned to his brother Pearl for, Mrs Pool bringing me ink I inserted the dates of birth of the five living boys on page 493 & Odie's record on page 495 & I am now entering record to the two children that died on page 493 & of Pearl & Ernest's families on page 495.

Odie is a solid well built heavy set man & is a fine character as is his wife & I was greatly attracted by their daughter Hazel Ruth who is wise beyond her years & was able to give many of the dates. She has a good open countenance & is a pretty little girl & I asked her to come & visit my granddaughter Mary Redburn Thompson who is near her age.

Leaving at 7:44 PM

We drove 8 or 9 miles through the darkness north & east & reached Uniontown Kan at 8:47 PM & covering the 16 miles over the state road to Fort Scott arrived at 9:40 AM.

V8 Page 506

I worked on bringing the record up & went to bed at 3 AM & got up at 6:55 AM got my breakfast & in recording the deaths at Mason's g.y. this morning note at NO 11 Page 502 that Mrs Gordon told her daughters that her father Wm E. Mason was buried by his first wife & that his second wife was buried by her first husband Henton, all in the same g.y. The Gordon girls Bessie & Virgie both have jet black hair & Bessie is much the larger of the two a big handsome buxom woman.

After breakfast this morning, I called the:

Residence of Charles H. Norton, No 206 South Barbee St Tell 2092 Nov 15, 1922 at 7:55 AM

He came to the phone & called his wife Blanche Casner Norton & she gave me the dates of birth of her husband & three children, which I have entered in place page 480.

Finished 7:59 AM

I then called the:

Residence of Orin Blaine Casner RFD 3 North of Fort Scott Kans Tel 681 N 7th Nov 15, 1922 8:01 AM

And his wife Pearl answered & gave date of her own & their two sons births which I have entered in place page 480.

Finished 8:04 AM

Have written up yesterday's work & am now ready to start out today 11:33 AM

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At residence of Mary E. Summers South Hickory St Schell City MO Nov 15, 1922 3:55 PM

I arrived here about a half hour ago & have met Mrs Summers & her daughter & little grandson & her husband. They have brought out their big bible which was copyrighted in 1899 & has in it the following record:


William Alexander Summers Aug 9, 1859

Mary Eliza Redburn was born June 25, 1860

They were married at Moulton Iowa Jany 20, 1884 by Rev J. Neal & was witnessed by Catherine Neal & John Redburn.

Their children were born:

1. Adelia Summers June 17, 1885

2. Corder Summers Dec 26, 1886

3. Alta Beryl Summers Nov 3, 1888

4. Perl Summers Apr 8, 1891

5. Earl Summers Apr 8, 1891

6. Clara Summers July 5, 1892

7. Archie Summers July 20, 1894

8. Walter Edward Summers Jany 20, 1896


Perl Summers died June 24, 1891

Earl Summers died Aug 19, 1891

Clara Summers died Aug 8, 1892

Archie Summers died Aug 7, 1894

William A. Summers was born in Appanoose Co near Centerville Iowa the son of Stockton Summers & his wife Elizabeth Simmons

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1. Adelia Summers was married Sept 10, 1903 in Macon Co Mo to Joseph D. Canada, son of Alexander Canada & his wife California St Clair & they live near Callao MO where he is a big successful farmer where he weighs 204 lbs. They have had four children viz:

1. Amy Canada, born July 10, 1904

2. Flossie Canada, born Sept 13, 1905

3. Eloie Ruth Canada born Sept 30, 1907

4. Joseph Clive Canada born Dec 9, 1917

Amy died July 20, 1904 aged ten days & others are all living. Eloie Ruth abt 5 ft 7 in weighs 202 lbs & is only 15 yrs old.

2. Corder Summers was married on Thanksgiving Nov 1912 to Jessie Field who was born Apr? 1885 the daughter of Jefferson Field & his wife Emma Morris. Both living near Callao in Macon Co Mo where he is a farmer a short, but big fat man weighs 179 & have two children:

1. Dorothy Agnes born Oct 13, 1914

2. Paul Edward born May 25, 1917

3. Alta Beryl was married May 10, 1919 in Nevada MO to Charles Frederick Sailor who was born at Montgomery City Mo May 30, 1870, the son of Wm Perkins Sailor & his wife Joanna Smith Weeks & lives here & have one child:

1. Charles Frederick Jr born Dec 25, 1919

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4. Walter Edward is living at home & is unmarried. He was in the World War going to camp Sept 19, 1917 & went overseas May 19, 1918 & was in the Argonne fight, Mese sector & was three days & nights without a bite to eat or drink & without sleep hauling ammunition.

Mrs Summers & Alta Beryl says that Delia, daughter of John Riley Redburn who married Ben Brumfield, live in Belpie Kansas where he has a store. Don't know whether they have any children or not. Mrs Summers thinks that Delia's sister Hettie Westfall lives in Taylor Co, Iowa. She says Pres Benj Harrison was related to her father Rev John Redburn as he had said. She says her father's father left him a fortune but he was away & they couldn't find him & he never got it. She says her father was a Major in the Mexican War & was, she thinks getting $12 a month pension & was exempted from paying taxes. He died at Moulton, Iowa. Says he told her he lived on the Potomac River & remembers throwing apples in the River when a boy. She says her father said his people settled at Hagerstown Md & that his mother was a German named Barnhart & his father was an Englishman. Mrs Summers says

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her sister, Arminda Jane Shipley see page 363 was born Apr 4, 1858 & her brother, Rev Walter B. Redburn was just two years older than her, born Apr 4, 1856. Mrs Summers says her mother's name Rachel Jane Dillon, but her stepfather's name was Sullivan & she often went by that name. She says her father's first wife was Prudence Summers from Ky, form the same place where her husband's father also came from, being the same locality. She spoke of a lawyer Frank Redburn at Joplin Mo who was a son of a brother of her father. This is no doubt the judge who died. Mrs Summers is much the build of Delia & has a good broad face, with the general Redburn skin & build. Her daughter is very dark complected.

Mrs Summers says she has somewhere about the house the family record of her father's family, giving his marriages & the births of all his children which was given to her about 15 yrs ago by her mother's half sister, Mrs Margaret Rice, which Alta says was written by her grandfather. They have both hunted for an hour or so & can't find it, but say if she finds it, she will send it to me so I can copy it & return. Her sister, Rebecca Susan Bray, widow of Nathan Junius Bray is living in Springfield Baca Co Col in the town.

Leaving 5:25 PM

V8 Page 511

Mitchell Hotel Room 3p Nevada Mo Nov 15, 1922 11:06 PM

After looking over the Kansas towns west of & near to Ft Scott, I find RR schedules such as to make them & continue on westward & hence found it best to cover the Mo towns first & finding I could get a train at 1:10 PM for Schell City Mo came on & going one block west from depot & then one south, then tree west & two south, I went in the yard of a little white frame one story house & finding a lady in the yard, she said she was Mrs Summers & invited me in through the kitchen & what I learned there is recorded on the four pages preceding. She said she bought the property which is five lots making about one acre. I then walked back to Hotel Shields adjg Sta & got my supper & then went west a block to the garage & waited there two hours before the Propr came in with the car & left abt 9 PM for here where I arrived at 10:20 PM coming south & west all the way 26 miles at rapid speed over the roughest roads I have yet struck. I am to be called at 3;30 AM to take the 4:10 Mo Pac for Joplin Mo & this room is not well heated, so I will go to bed. JVT

Mrs Summers & her daughter were very kind & Mrs S. insisted on my staying all night with them. Mr Summers is a small man & had just rtd two days before from Doniphan? Co north east Kansas where he had been gone for 6 mos? The grandson Charles F. Jr is a bright boy but is being humored too much.

V8 Page 512

At residence of Mary Jane Redburn No 515 W 3d ST Joplin Mo Nov 16, 1922 9 AM

Mrs Redburn's daughter has brought out Major F.M. Redburn big bible both covers gone which shows that:

Mary J. Beazley was married to Francis Marion Redburn May 17, 1866 which Mrs R says was in Brunswick Chariton Co MO

Their children were:

1. Francis Marion Redburn born Nov 22, 1869

2. Mary Ida Redburn born June 19, 1872


Francis Marion Redburn died Nov 6, 1903 from pneumonia

Mrs Redburn says she never knew him until about a year before his marriage after his return from the war when he was 28. He was born Oct 31, 1837 at or near Princeton, Indiana, the son of William Redburn who was a brother of Rev John Redburn. Mrs Redburn & her daughter say that F.M. had a sister Arminda in Princeton, Ind now dead but who had several children there. She was married to an Adylotte & their son Jim Adylotte now lives at Oklahoma City, Okla & who has made a million dollars or more in Oil & can tell about the family. Maj F.M. had another sister & a brother Jasper Redburn who was also in the Civil War & was a farmer living at the old farm, but a few miles from Princeton, Ind at the time of his death

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who left several children who are there yet. Mrs R. says her husband was circuit clerk & recorder of Chariton Co Mo for two terms embracing 8 yrs. He had located there on the advice of Judge Embree of Princeton Ind with whom he read law. He was admitted to the bar at Princeton Ind when 24 but went at once to the Civil War going in early & serving to the end, being promoted to Major & had the war lasted a short time longer would have been promoted to Col. He went to practicing at once at Brunswick MO on the return from the war & was married in his 29th year. Mrs Redburn was born in Brunswick Mo Sept 20, 1847, daughter of Robert Graves Beazley a native of VA & his wife Martha Jane Skinner, daughter of Isaac Skinner of Culpeper VA. He moved about 1876 to Joplin Mo & practiced law here until the time of his death & was elected Judge of the circuit court just before his death in Nov 1903, taking a cold while campaigning which turned to pneumonia. While still at Brunswick MO according to his daughter, he went back to Princeton Ind & brought back a record copied from his parent's bible record, they both being then living according to Mrs R. which he intended to copying in his bible record but never did & Mrs R does not know what became of it. She thinks Jasper's family back there would have the old bible. She says Sam Redburn a cousin of F.M. running a hotel at Talequah

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Okla, could give record of the family. Think he is 65 yrs old or upwards. Mary Ida Redburn says she was married Jany 6, 1918 to John Benjamin Dickinson, who was born Sept 24, 1857 in Texas, his parents having died when he was a child. They were divorced which she got in Feby 1921. No issue. He was a fine cultured man but felt he was an oil millionaire or felt like living as one. When failure came it upset him & he went off to Mexico & last he was heard of, he wrote from there to Mrs R. that he was going to Spain. Mrs R. speaks most highly of Major Redburn who was just six feet tall. Says as a boy, he wanted an education & told his father he wanted nothing from the estate but an education, so Jasper got the farm, but no education. Major's father was not favorable to giving him an education, but his mother who was a Hosick helped him to get an education & bought him an interest in a library where he got books to read. Mrs R. says his people were very strong northern people & her family were just the reverse & his people did not feel kindly at his marrying into a family of southern proclivities then, when sectional feeling were intense. Mrs R is a small prim, alert little woman not over 5 ft & brown hair, not a gray hair in her head. Her daughter has jet black hair & is tall about 5 ft 9 & slender but not then a handsome woman.

Leaving 10 AM

V8 Page 515

Writing Room upstairs [unreadable] Joplin MO Nov 16, 1922 11:30 AM

I sat down in the sitting room for a half hour's visit & talk with Mrs R & her daughter & they told me much about Judge Redburn. Mrs R. said Major Redburn, as she called him, was the best of husbands, kind generous, & devoted & said he read law with Judge James T. Embree at Princeton Ind & that he was very devoted to his mother, who she thought died ten or twelve yrs after they were married aged 80 yrs or older & that her husband was an old man when he died.

Judge Redburn was taken down sick on Friday morning, his birthday anniversary & a friend came in at 9:30 PM Tuesday Nov 4, 1903 & told him he had been successful against great odds & was elected & he died Thursday morning at 1 AM Nov 6th among his last words spoken to his wife & daughter being "Thank God, no man can say I haven't lived an honest life". His daughter could not read the fine notices about his death without her eyes filling with tears & her voice choking. She is a handsome woman. Mrs R. now gets a pension of $30 per month & says there is a bill before Congress to increase widow's pensions to $50 which I told her I would try to get our Congressman S.A. Kendall to support & also try to get him to get her the pay of a Major's widow by special act. She said Maj. Redburn always said he considered his a sacred service in the war & would take no pay or pension. Their home is a good one being on a

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good street, is well painted white & two stories high with a two story addition built on the back end. She having, she said, added a story on the front & put up the addition back giving them sixteen rooms & two baths & they rent these rooms to lodgers.

Major Redburn went to Carthage MO Thursday night Oct 30, & attended a political meeting & coming out of the over heated room felt a chill & his illness was developed by the next morning. His opponent for the Judgeship was Judge Dabbs, who was then on the bench & a very unscrupulous bad man. The county was strongly Democratic, but Major Redburn was elected by a big majority & was about if not the only Republican elected when in his conscious moments, after being told of his election, he realized & said to his family that Judge Dabbs would continue on the bench. The campaign was a bitter one but on Wednesday morning one of F.M.F's friends asked Barbee, owner of the Democratic paper why he hadn't said anything bad abt Maj Redburn in the paper & he replied that there wasn't anything bad against him to say. They said they never saw so many flowers as were sent to his funeral. Said his hair was entirely gray when he died. The outgoing member of Congress for their dist is McPherson, a Democrat, but Joe Manlove, living here head of the Ozark Trail is the new elected M.C. also a Democrat.

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Coming back to the hotel, I find I can't get a train to Springfield Mo where I must go to reach Elwood Mo until 4:10 PM

I had noticed in the telephone book this morning for Joplin MO

Carrithers, Geo res 906 Joplin Tel 4205

Carrithers, H.E. res 1722 Connor Tel 3650-W

Carrithers, J res 1026 Illinois Tel 4306-M

Carrithers, W.H. res 1218 Missouri Tel 3181

Redburn, Mary Jane res 515 W 3d St Tel 2929

Rodarme's Bakery res 527 Patterson Tel 3735

No Jacks, Markles, or Rothermels nor were there any Caruthers Jacks, Markles Kilgores, Redburns or Rothermels at either Carthage, Webb City, Carterville, Oronago, Carl Junction, Purcell, Alber or Neck? City Mo in the telephone Book

Last night at Nevada, Mo, I noticed in the Tel book:

Caruthers, J.H. res 409 W. Allison Tel 1357

Nothing else in other names.

I called up Geo Carrithers an hour ago & his daughter answered that he was at work but would be home at 12:15 PM & as it is that time now I will go around to see him. She said he was 69 & the oldest & that W.H. above was his brother & the other two were his sons.

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At residence of George Grimes Carrithers No 906 Joplin St Joplin Mo Nov 16, 1922 12:55 PM

I arrived here half an hour ago & found Mr Carrithers eating his lunch & his daughter, who says she is his only living child, admitted me. She is a small lithe active, quick little woman. He is a solid well built strong man & says he is 71 yrs old, but he doesn't look it by 15 yrs. He looks to me to be good for 20 yrs more. He said his mother's father George Grimes for whom he is named, came from Virginia to Indiana before it was a State & took up 2000 A of land in Clay Co east of Terre Haute in the big timber east of Brazil, Ind where there were an abundance of big oaks & poplars & that he gave each son 160 A & each daughter 80 A & this gave his father a start & all of his twelve children six boys & six girls were born on this 80 A.

he says he can go back no further than his grandfather Thomas Carrithers who with his brother Adam Carrithers came with their families from Ky, he can't tell what town or Co at an early day before it was a state to Indiana. His grandfather settling as above in Clay Co & his brother Adam in Sullivan, Sullivan Co about 15 or 20 miles south of Terre Haute Ind.

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Colonia Hotel, Room F, Springfield Mo Nov 16, 1922 11:22 PM

I got up at 3:30 this morning at Nevada Mo & took the 4:10 train which was late & arrived at Joplin Mo at 7 AM went to the Connor, got shaved & shined & got my breakfast & went around to Mrs Mary Jane Redburn's. See pages 512 to 516 inclusive & then after writing an hour at the hotel went to Geo G. Carrithers who was very kind, see preceding page. I am putting much or most of the record I got from him & his brother Wm Henry Carrithers in a genealogical table commencing on next page. Mrs Gilbert left at 1:22 PM saying she had to go to work. When Geo G. gave me some blank sheets to write on he said they didn't cost him anything as he worked in a printing factory. He has a moustache & no gray hairs. The record of dates on next page of his family is taken from his family bible, a thick small one. I called a taxi & left Geo G's at 2:33 PM & drove to:

Residence of William Henry Carrithers No 1218 Missouri Ave Joplin Mo Nov 16, 1922 2:44 PM

He gave me a paper which was sent to him from his mother in an envelope postmarked "Centerpoint Ind Mar 17, 1902" giving the dates of birth of all of his parents' children which I have embodied in the table on the next two pages. The paper stated that Grandfather Grimes was 76 yrs 6 mos 29 days old at death & that his father was aged 45 at death & his mother was 74 at present. His wife had their 8 children's birth written off on a paper from which I copied & he gave me record his his children's marriages & their children from memory.

Left at 3:33 PM & went to hotel & Frisco Sta.

V8 Page 520 & V8 Page 521

[Descendant Chart]



Thomas Carrithers was a farmer living in Kentucky. Geo G. thinks not far from Louisville Ky. & at an early day removed from KY to Clay Co Ind see page 518. Geo G. remembers him well & says he was 16 or 17 years old when he died, he having survived Geo G's father William Porter Carrithers (called Porter). Thomas & his wife lived with his son Wm Porter & when he died, they went to live with their son, James in the neighborhood where Mrs Carrithers died & is buried. Thomas then went to live with his brother Adam in Sullivan Co Ind where he died a few months later & is buried there. His wife's name was Sallie, but he don't know her maiden name. The paper I saw at Wm H's states she was 79 yrs old when she died & Thomas, her husband was aged 82 at his death some 3 mos later when Geo G. was in his 17th yr. They were married in KY or before there is. He has heard of five sons, & one daughter. He & all of his family were Republicans. Mch 30/26 Ross of Brazil Ind writes that came fr Ky to Ind in 1818 & to Clay Co in 1831. Says their History says he emigrated from Penna & that he died Sept 15, 1868 aged 85 yrs.

Alexander Carrithers, Went as a young man to the Mexican War & was killed & buried there & was not married.

William Porter, Born in Ky, thinks near to Louisville Ky Mch 11, 1821 & was drowned in Clay Co Ind Sept 2, 1866 in a Swollen stream which he entered on horseback seeking to rescue his son who had been drowned an hour before. He married Mary Grimes, who was born at Harper's Ferry Va Dec 21, 1827, the daughter of Geo Grimes. They were married in Sugar Ridge Tp, Clay Co, Ind. She died in Chehalis, Washington where she had gone a visit 9 mos before to visit her son James & had a stroke or two & died Dec 19, 1904 & is buried out there beside her son John on her birthday. Children all born on the 80 A farm in Clay Co MO.

Sarah Elizabeth ("Sis") Born on Dec 2, 1844 before her mother was 17 yrs old.

Flavius, B Mch 15, 1846 ob Apr 16, 1909 see page 567

Eleanor, B Apr 9, 1848 ob Oct 13, 1869

Alexander, B Dec 15, 1849 drowned Sept 2, 1866

George Grimes, B Oct 24, 1851 Republican & voted for Grant who I told him was his relative. Married Sept 27, 1874 to Eliza A. Harris who was born Aug 17, 1851 & died Mch 16, 1921 aged 69 yrs 5 mos 29 days.

Lena Leota Carrithers Born Sept 1, 1875 m. Dec 21, 1897 to Harry Gilbert who was born Mch 8? 1873 & died Mch 15, 1919 aged 46 yrs 2 mos 9 days.

Georgia Leland Gilbert, Born Nov 5, 1903

Maud Ethel, B May 25, 1879 ob Aug 27, 1880 aged 1 yr 3 mos 2 days

Mary Gertrude Carrithers, B Sept 30, 1885 ob Apr 3, 1920 aged 34 yrs 9 mos & 3 days m. Oct 11, 1913 to C.F. DeGraff.

Charles Frederick DeGraff, born Dec 14, 1917

James T., B Sept 2, 1853 living at Centralia, Washington see page 567

Jane, B Jany 18, 1855

Mary Carrithers, B Aug 12, 1857

William Henry Carrithers, Born Aug 5, 1860 in Sugar Ridge Tp, Clay Co Indiana married Oct 28, 1879 by Saml I. Waters J.P. Clay Co Ind to Cassie M. Dickey daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Dickey who was born May 3, 1860. He is a car inspector on the "Frisco".

Oscar Thomas, B Aug 19, 1880 ob Aug 10, 1899 unmarried.

Edgar Leroy, B Dec 28, 1883 m. Mamie Gilbert sister of Harry (Page 520) He is a Mo Pac conductor & lives in Ft Scott Kan.




William Porter, B Dec 29, 1885 m. Fannie Clay both living here in Joplin MO where he is a "Frisco" conductor.



Harry Eugene, B June 29, 1889 m. Jesse Streby. Both living here in Joplin Mo where he is a Frisco fireman.

Lou Ann

Fred, B Mch 1, 1892 m. Lorene Bonton & live in Miami Okla where his is 1/3 owner of a hotel

Mary Dean

Helen Lonee

Jesse, nicknamed "Jack" B May 21, 1894 m. Nell Shade & both live here in Joplin Mo where he is a

Frisco Car inspector

Mary Carrithers, B Jany 9, 1897 m. "Jack" Tatum & both live in Kansas City MO where he is a St car conductor.

Merle, a boy

Richard Tatum

Lola Carrithers, Born May 13, 1900 m. Jodie Ingram & both living at No 1922 Grand NW corner Grand & 19th St. He is a miner in zinc mines here.

Mildred May

Bettie Belle

Oscar Gene Lydia, B Jany 3, 1863 [twin]

Martha, B Jany 3, 1863 [twin]

John Carrithers, B Mch 16, 1865 died May 10, 1900 being killed in a shovel factory from the bursting of a saw

in Chehalis Wash.

James Thomas was a farmer in Clay Co, Ind & is dead. Had 3

children that 3 children that Geo G. recalls all born in Clay Co Ind.



Florence, m. Jim Witte. He is dead. She is living in Indianapolis Ind with a daughter.

Hardy, died on his farm in Clay Co, Ind. Had 2 children both dead yrs ago.

A daughter, m. Tom Burns

A son

A son

One of these boys was Co surveyor of Clay Co, Ind when Geo G. was there on a visit in 1899 see b 16 p 243. A son?

John, was in Civil War & was in Libby prison where he was reprieved when almost starved & ate too much when he got out & it killed him. He was married but had no issue ob Apr 12, 1865 at Jacksonville Fla & is buried there.

Patsey, mar a Brook

Adam Carrithers, was younger than his brother Thomas whom he survived. He & his brother were men of about my size. Geo G. knows nothing of the families of his children but thinks some of their children would be in Sullivan Co Ind where he came to from Ky see page 518. He & all of his family were Democrats.




Hardy, the youngest

Think were one or two daughters

Margaret, m. a Sherwood

A daughter, m. a Miller

Adley, thinks was youngest & is likely living yet.

These last 3 given by Mrs Kennedy Peonia, Colo

V8 Page 522

Colonial Hotel Room F Springfield Mo Nov 17, 1922 2:55 AM

We changed cars at Monett Mo coming over & I got my supper there having three quarters of an hour wait & the train from there up was crowded & I got in conversation with a man in the seat I sat down in & found he was John Maxwell Carnahan, a U.S. Treasury Dept, Internal Revenue Service agt under A.W. Mellon & lives here at No 1039 Weller Ave, Springfield Mo Tel 5468 J. He said his great grandfather, Hugh Carnahan went from Washington Co Pa probably via of Ohio to Murpheysboro, Tenn & his wife was Margaret Tennyson. He was killed either in the War of 1812 or in some Indian encounter. He operated a flat boat & had 2000 acres of land he had taken up. After his death, his widow Margaret moved with her family to Jefferson Co MO (then Wash Co) south of St Louis MO in 1823 or 1824. In her old age, she told her children that her husband had an interest in land in Penna on which some city was built & she thought it might be Phila. Years after they came to Mo, a lawyer came from Tennessee & paid Hugh's son John Carnahan $800 for his interest in his father's estate. Hugh had tree sons, John, James & Hiram & five daughters.

John, the grandfather of my informant died in 1888 aged abt 80 yrs. He had

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1. Lee Thomas now living aged 74, father of my informant

2 & 3. John & Hugh who are dead

4. Robert aged 68 & 5. Richard aged 70

6. Solomon aged 64 &

7. James Newton Carnahan, a farmer in Okla who went there with the rush when it was opened for settlement who is aged about 90 yrs & lives in Sayre Okla with a married daughter whose husband has a store & who could give information perhaps about the earlier Carnahans who John M. was told came from Galway Scotland via of Ireland.

The telephone directory here shows:

Jack, J.C. res 1012 E. Locust Tel 5745 W.

Kilgore Mer Store 873 n. Boulevard Tel 4982

No Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel.

I told John M. Carnahan I had the Carnahan back 400 yrs & would write & give him some information about them. It is now 3:33 AM & the steam has gone off & I am up to date & will go to bed.

2 PM 17th I got up this morning at 7 AM & found it raining & it has never quit, got my breakfast & at 8:25 AM, started by taxi to Elwood MO.

Recall that Jno M. Carnahan who used to live just north of Ripley Co MO said that he used to know the Rodarmels in Ripley Co.

V8 Page 524 & V8 Page 525

[Descendant Chart]

Sarah A. Rodarmel, daughter of Friend S. Rodarmel & granddaughter of Joseph who was son of John of John the emigrant son was born Apr 8, 1851 & is now living with her daughter Barbara Amanda Klingensmith. She married June 17, 1868 at her father's in Daviess Co, Ind by Rev Ephraim Thomas, Peter Klingensmith born Feby 15, 1844, son of Gasper Klingensmith who was born Dec 24, 1820 & died Nov 5 1885 & his wife Barbara Klingensmith who was born Apr 4, 1822 & died Jany 19, 1865. They removed from Indiana to Cowley Co Kansas & after a residence there of 2 yrs & 5 mo, moved to Greene Co MO where she has lived ever since. These dates & those relating to their children are taken from the old dilapidated big bibles of Gasper & Peter Klingensmith, the latter published in 1876 at Dayton O by the United Brettin [best guess] Pub House. He died Jany 17, 1921.


Charles S. Klingensmith, Born Apr 23, 1869 m. Dec 10, 1890 to Lue A. Wilson.

Gasper S. Klingensmith, Born June 16, 1871 m. Aug 20, 1893 to Carrie Willey.

Jesse Ellsworth Klingensmith, Born Aug 26, 1872 m. Nov 19, 1902 to Bertha Wolkins who was born Oct 10, 1882 in Daviess Co Ind daughter of Joshua Wolkins & his wife Flora Ellen Lavely. Live in 1st Center Tp, Mr K is a farmer but is now working in the RR shops in Springfield MO.

Sidney Ray, B July 31, 1903

Mary Ann, B Oct 31, 1904

Clifford Peter, B Nov 13, 1905 ob Jany 19, 1906

Tommy Ellsworth, B Dec 3, 1906, ob Nov 26, 1907

Cora Frances, B Apr 9, 1908

Allie Violet, B July 2, 1909

Enze Louise, B May 18, 1911

Jesse Elbert, B Dec 17, 1916 going to school & "learning so well".

Lucy Ann Klingensmith, Born Sept 30, 1874 m. Mch 26, 1895 to Edwin A. Ginn who was born July 8, 1870 at Piqua Miami Co O the son of James Ginn & his wife Sarah Graham a farmer & both living in 1st Center Tp, Greene Co Ohio.

1. Flora Matilda, B Nov 19, 1896 m. Sept 30, 1914 to Robert Ervin Cooper who was born Sept 17? 1893 the son of John Cooper & his wife Belle Ramsey. He is farmer & lives 1st Center Tp, this Co.

Juanita LeVerne, B Aug 19, 1915

John Ervina, B. May 9, 1917

Lucy Belle, B Mch 10, 1920

Berry Clinton

2. Sarah Hamilton, B Jany 10, 1900 ob Jany 31, 1903

3. Theodore James, B Nov 9, 1906 in school

6. Lorine Dorothy, B Feby 12, 1915

5. Unnamed son, B Dec 20, 1908 & died same day

4. Unnamed daughter, B Jany 1907

Anne Augusta Klingensmith, Born Sept 19, 1876 died Nov 8, 1879

Edwin Ray Klingensmith, Born Oct 10, 1881. I am making up this family tree at his home in 2d Center Tp, Greene Co Mo as he has the two old bible records of his father & grandfather M. Jany 4, 1905 to Mary Claypool who was born Oct 27, 1886, the daughter of William Robert Claypool & his wife Mary Jane Lowrey.

Delbert James, B Aug 3, 1905

Lloyd Edwin, B Feby 8, 1908

Kathren Almeda, B Sept 9, 1913 ob Nov 1, 1914

Thelma Irene, B Nov 4, 1915

Virginia Ray, B Dec 12, 1919

Barbara Amanda Klingensmith, Born Oct 14, 1883, married she said this morning on March 9, 1911 (bible record says 1910) to Clarence Mitchell Kindrick who was born July 9, 1880 son of William Kindrick & his wife Elizabeth Wilson. They live in 1st Centre Tp, Green Co Mo where he is a farmer & have 3 children names & dates given from memory by Mrs K.

Robert Lee, B May 4, 1912

Clarence Mitchell Jr, B July 7, 1916

Charles William (Billy) B July 30, 1922

V8 Page 526

At residence of Clarence M. Kindrick 1st Center Tp, Greene Co MO right by Elwood Nov 17, 1922 9:05 AM

Came out to Elwood by Auto this morning & asking at Garage, the man directed me to Kindricks & going over was admitted by Mrs K's mother, Mrs Sarah Ann Klingensmith, a frail delicate woman & Mrs Kindrick soon appeared with her son "Billy" & gave me their record which I entered out at "Rays" on page 525 in the genealogical table made up at his home. Mrs Klingensmith said her grandfather, Joseph Rodarmel was twice married which record I got last year.

Left at 9:20 AM & went to:

Residence of Edwin Ray Klingensmith 2d Centre Tp Green Co Mo Nov 17, 1922

9:40 AM

I was admitted here by Mrs K. a very handsome black eyed black haired young mother whose won Delbert James soon appearing she sent him upstairs for the two old Klingensmith bibles which he brought down & which I made the basis for making up the table on the two pages preceding & got the dates for Peter Klingensmith & wife, his parents & their children & Mrs E.R.K. gave me from memory her own record & the births of their children which she said they had never written down yet. Thelma was at school, but Virginia, a pretty child was there, having Mrs K. said, just recovered a few days ago from diptheria.

Left 10:50 AM & drove to:

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Residence of Edwin A. Ginn & wife 1st Center Tp, Greene Co Pa [sic] Nov 17, 1922 11:11 AM

Mr Ginn admitted me & gave me his record & got down from the top of the cupboard their big bible from which Mrs Ginn who appeared read me the dates for her children's birth as entered on pages 524 & 525 & gave me from memory the record on the same pages of her daughter Flora's children except the baby's birth which she is going to send me. She said she wrote me before, but the letter came back. She is a fine looking good sized man [sic] but he is uncouth.

Left 11:35 AM

& reached:

Residence of Jesse E. Klingensmith 1st Center Tp Greene Co Pa [sic] Nov 17, 1922, 11:45 AM

His wife, the only one at home was busy making some scarlet navy suits but got me their big bible from which I put down a record of their children, their births & the deaths of the two & she gave me her own record all noted on pages 524 & 525. She is a very handsome buxom woman looking very like & of the type of Mrs Dr G.W. Neff decd but even more regular & finer chiseled & more beautiful face, but is not quite as tall.

Left at 12:11 PM & drove in to Springfield MO & went to the:

Residence of Wm Calvin Jack his brother James Campbell Jack in whose

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name the telephone is listed No 5745 W at No 1012 E. Locust St, Springfield MO Nov 17, 1922 1 PM

They were both sitting in the room, hale, virile men smooth faces & a handsome young woman sitting at the sewing machine & very intelligent proved to be the wife of Wm C. upon asking their full names & ages each gave his own viz:

James Campbell Jack born Jany 12, 1875 in Christian Co MO

William Calvin Jack born Dec 25, 1877 in Christian Co MO,

sons they said of:

John Calvin Jack born July 2, 1848 & died Feby 24, 1908

John C. has two brothers living close to Fordland, Webster Co MO 30 miles east viz William & James & also a sister, Frant Festerman, widow of John who is living in the town & who they both say has the old family bible of their grandfather - her father - William Jack who came to MO from Tenn, a single man & married here & died at Fordland MO at Mrs Festerman's home Mch 2, 1920 aged 93 yrs & they say she can give the record of the family. They don't know what part of Tenn he came from but say she can tell. They say he had a brother James, a preacher who came from Tenn & visited him abt 32 or 33 yrs ago. Mrs Wm C. says they were Presbyterians & they all say their grandfather claimed to have a fortune coming to him through some lands owned

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by his Aunt in Texas on which a big city was built. Will C. thought it was Galveston, but Jim C. don't think that is the place. His wife was Elvina Bell. She died several years before him.

Leaving 1:33 PM

Writing 7:30 AM 18th at Arcade Hotel West Plains MO

going then to the hotel, I engaged the taxi driver G.O. Sooter to drive me to Fordland to see their Aunt & paying my bill & writing up the three pages preceding this, while he was getting his lunch, we started as the clock struck three & he drove like Jehu over some terribly rough bottomed roads that jolted like thunder. Half way on the road, he stopped at his father-in-law's & got their daughter, a young girl as a guide past some of the roads they were improving. We stopped a half hour at Rogersville MO & put on chains, came through Henderson where Sooter as a boy had learned blacksmithing & which he said was named for an old man named Henderson & he got on wrong road & turned back & then got on an unused road in the woods & went two miles, toward Marshfield before he turned back & then got on another narrow road through the woods & overtook a man with a big truck, going slow who we couldn't pass & after two miles he stuck fast & couldn't get out, so we had to back up a hill & went through two gates & over two miles of a bypath, which the truck driver who left his wagon & went with us as a guide, said was a Tp road & finally reached Fordland MO in the darkness & rain, it having rained continually all day, went to the Frisco Sta, checked my heavy satchel, then to Mrs Allen's hotel & got my supper & her brother-in-law Wm Allen went with me, taking a lantern in the mud & darkness to the:

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Residence of Mrs Mary Frances Fesperman North ST Fordland, Webster Co Mo Nov 17, 1922 7:33 PM

Mrs F. had gone to bed, but after calling, got up & admitted me, the hour's conference being in her wrapper & barefeet. She was very kind & said when she could sit down & collect their thoughts & talk to her brother, Wm N. Jack she could think of more things & would write me by Reg mail the old papers of her father which she said he had & I would look them over & return them. She says her father, William Daugherty Jack was born Dec 21, 1827, that being so recorded too in his old Bible. He had brothers George, Wm D. himself, John, "Pleass" & Jim & a sister Emeline named here in the order of their ages. She thought he was born in VA & when I mentioned Martinsburg, she claimed to have heard him speak of it (see later).

Elviney Jack (his wife) as shown in bible was born Apr 10, 1829. Her name was Bell & she says she was born in Tennessee. She says her father's father was John Jack & that he died in Va (in Ala see later) a few years after Wm D. came to MO. She says her father, Wm D. Jack came to Mo in his teens, say aged 18 or 19, she thought & before he was 20, coming with his Uncle Bill Grimmet who had married a sister of his father John Jack. Grimmet went down to Little Rock, Ark & died there & his wife also. They had some children, but she don't know what became of them.

She says her Uncle George died in Texas not far from the Guadeloupe River where his brother

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Wm D. Jack visited him two or three times. George Jack was married twice, had one child by his first wife. His 2d wife was a widow with a son named Bill Trall (pro trawl) & her Uncle George had some children by her but don't know how many.

Martha Jack, a sister of Wm D's father, married a rich man named Miscal? or Miskell? & she was at her brother John Jack's a married woman when Wm D. was born & named him "William Daugherty Miscal Jack" putting the Miscal in for her husband & Wm D. had an old bible which her brother Wm Neill Jack living 3 miles NW of here has & in this old bible, her father had written his name in full. She thinks the lands in Texas from which the fortune of her Aunt came to her from her husband Miscal, they having no children was on the Guadeloupe River.

She says her grandmother Jack died when Wm D. was small long before he came out here. Says she died when her youngest child Emeline was abt two years old & George & Wm D kept house for their father & carried Emeline out to the fields on their back with them when going out to work. Her grandfather, John Jack then married a 2d wife & had some children, not so many, but a small family of which one was a daughter as she has heard her father speak of a half sister. She don't know the names of the 2d wife's children or what became of them.

She says her Uncle Rev James Jack came here from Tenn to visit his brother Wm D. & she heard him preach. He was a free will Baptist.

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She thinks there were three children in her father's family viz her two older brothers & herself when his father, John Jack died in Alabama on a farm. Thinks he was pretty old. Says one of her father's grandfather's lived to be 105 yrs old. Dont' know whether it was his father's father or his mother's father but says it was in Ala where her grandfather John Jack died. She says now she was mistaken about VA that it wasn't VA at all, but Alabama where her father came from. She says he recited to his granddaughter two weeks before he died two speeches he had committed when a boy in school & shortly thereafter had a stroke of paralysis & became speechless. Says her Uncle John died, she thinks in Ala & left one child, a boy, she thinks & her Uncle Pleass died there also, but don't know whether he had children.

She does know however that her Uncle Jim had children but don't know their names. He might be living yet.

Her brother William N. Jack gets his mail here at Fordland Mo no route.

Her father's children as recorded in his small well preserved leather back Bible which was printed in 1845 by the Am. Bible Society are:

1. John Calvin Jack born July 1, 1847 2. James Jack born Jany 25, 1849

3. Mary Frances Jack born Apr 7, 1851

4. Sirreney Emiline Jack born Feby 10, 1854

5. Sarah Elizabeth Jack born Nov 28, 1856

6. William Neill Jack born Feby 2, 1859

7. Quincey Lafayette Jack born Feby 23, 1862

8. George McClellan Jack born July 12, 1864

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She says Wm D. Jack was a Democrat & fought in the Confederate Army entering from this State & was in the service 6 mos & got the measles & was sent to the hospital where he nearly died & his wife hearing where he was, went & got him. He was in the Wilson Creek battle near Springfield MO. She said "the biggest battle they had" where she says the soldiers cemetery now is. That was on Aug 10, 1861 & she "heard the cannons roaring". I find also on next page birth of her youngest sister:

9. July Ann Jack born July 31, 1867


Quincey Lafayette Jack died Mch 7, 1876 aged 14 yrs 13 days

Marzello Elvina Macom born Oct 11, 1873

Leaving 8:35 PM

William Allen came back with his lantern & escorted me to the Frisco Sta & the train came on the minute & I left at 8:53 PM for West Plains, MO arriving here on time at 1 AM this morning, got up at 6:30 got my breakfast at & & it is now 9:15 AM & I have written up the five preceding pages & will go out & see if I can find the widow of Jason Redburn.

Hotel Matthewson Parsons Kansas Nov 20, 1922 7:11 PM

I went up the Arcade from the Arcade Hotel, West Plains MO Saturday morning the 18th inst to the "Journal"

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office & the young lady consulted Edith, who said that Mrs Jason S. Redburn had gone to Oklahoma, but she introduced me to Fred Nations, who was in charge of the office & who proved to be a veritable find for me as he knew all the Redburns. Said Jason's son, Ed, lived 2 1/2 miles from town & he proposed driving me if I wd wait until after the noon hour to Oregon & Ripley Cos which I eagerly accepted. He then got L.M. Hyder to come in his car to take me out to Ed's where I found his mother & him also & his son & daughter report of which will follow. She had her husband's bible record & I got at Charles Redburn's, the bible record of his family & the record as I went of many of the numerous descendants of his father, James McMillan Redburn, that I will enter them, commencing on page 536 in a genealogical table & recite as I go along my authority for the names & dates. Charles R. Redburn thought his grandfather's name was Abraham (but from his brother James positive statement Abraham was his father's Uncle) but is not positive & says he died in Illinois when his father was about 8 yrs old (see James M's positive statement that it was when he was 6 yrs old).

I arrived at:

Residence of S. Edward Redburn, Howell Co MO 2 miles NE of West Plains Mo Nov 18, 1922 11 AM

Arriving here in L.M. Hyder's auto & was admitted by "Ed's" daughter W. Viola & her grandmother coming in, said she had their bible

ie that of her husband Jason S. Redburn & herself & I assisted

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her in getting it down from the top of a cupboard or bookcase a very big well preserved book & the records as there given of themselves & the births marriages, & deaths of certain of their children & as supplemented & added to by her, Ed, Viola, & Clifford. I am entering commencing page 538 & covering that page. S. Edward & his mother moved to Oilton Okla in Dec 1920 arriving a week before Xmas & moved back here coming by wagon Sept 15, 1921 to this place which he now owns 20 A & died before he went to Okla. His Uncle A.P. Edmon Redburn did live at Oilton Okla not Alton, but now lives at Hallett Okla near Merrimac where W. Asa lives. He is a farmer, Randle C. Jolliff who is his stepson could direct. Mrs R. said Susan Foster died 6 or 7 yrs ago & that James M. Redburn can tell where Eldine, one of her daughters live. Said Chas R. Redburn lived 2 1/4 N. East of Rover MO & has the family bible of his father James McMillen Redburn who S. Ed thought was a brother of Rev John Redburn, John McMillen Redburn owns & lives on a farm adjoining his brother Charles. Mrs Florentine Redburn is a heavy set woman & is cross eyed. S. Ed is medium size. W. Viola is a bright girl but Clifford is a fine boy & I wish I could help him get an education. They wanted me to stay for dinner.

Left 12:25 PM

Went back to West Plains Mo got shaved got my lunch, & started about 1:15 PM with Fred Nations & arrived:

At residence of Charles Rathbone Redburn Highland Tp, Oregon Co Mo Nov 18, 1922 2:40 PM P.O. Rover MO Route 1

Where we found him & his wife & his brother John McMillen Redburn & his wife & got the records fr his father's bible noted on next two pages, see page 542.

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[Descendant Chart]



Redburn. Neither Chas R. or his brother John McMillan ("Mack") know what his name was, but their brother James M. thought it might have been Henry but he is not sure. He died when his son James McMillen Redburn was six yrs old & he says that John & William were younger than his father but don't know where Mary came in. James M. thinks his grandfather died in Hamilton Co Ills. He thinks his grandfather's wife was a McMillan inasmuch as John McMillen, father of Will McMillen now living two miles from West Plains Mo was a first cousin of his father, James McMillen Redburn & he says the above John McMillen's mother was not a Redburn. She, his grandmother, after her first husband Redburn died, married "Jackey" Smith & had 3 children by him. After Smith died, she married an Ogden (didn't know his first name) but she separated from him when James, my informant was 4 or 5 yrs old & came to his father's going later to her daughter Ann's where she died, the date he thinks probably being 15 to 18 yrs after he came to Mo which would be 1893 to 1896 as he says he came in the year 1878.

Mary Redburn, died in early life when about grown of consumption, unmarried.

James McMillen Redburn, was born in Illinois May 14, 1829. Chas R & J. "Mack" say that their father at different times lived in Hamilton, Saline, White, Gallatin & Franklin Cos, Ills all of which are contiguous & are in South eastern Ills where in 1895, Rev John Redburn told me his father William Redburn settled in 1818 when he left Masontown & Brownsville Pa in our county. He married Elizabeth Ann Martin who too was born in Ills. Chas R. says in Saline Co on Sept 21, 1830. They were married Oct 2, 1850. The authority for this & the names births & in part deaths of their 11 children is family bible, a small one with both covers gone printed in 1857 in NY by the American Bible Soc. the record being in his own handwriting & the bible in possession of his son Chas R. Redburn. In 1873, he moved from the Little Wasbash River in White Co Ills to Saline Co Ills & a year or better later went to Hamilton Co Ills. In 1880, he moved from Hamilton Co, Ills to Oregon Co Mo & located in Linn Tp Oregon Co Mo at the high elevation where Koskonong Mo now is & died in West Plains, Howell Co Mo May 28, 1910 & is buried 1 1/2 miles west from Chas R. Redburn's home, at what is called the "Redburn Cem" at the old Methodist Church & a small tombstone right at the entrance by the fence marks his grave having had 72 grandchildren, 27 great grandchildren & 4 or 5 great great grandchildren.

1. William Henry Redburn, Born Aug 13, 1851 & died Nov 6, 1852 aged 14 mos & 25 days

2. Susan Catherine Redburn, Born Oct 5, 1853 M.1. Martin Brade who died. M.2. James Foster who ran off. M.3. Joseph Howell who is living. She died say Dec 1917. The last 5 children by Foster.

Nannie Braden, by 1st husband

Wilburn, lives in Okla

John, lives in Okla


Eldine, M. Finis Clark & live near Thayer MO Her full name is Melissa Eldine


3. James Monroe Lewis Redburn, Born Dec 15, 1855 in Illinois M.1. Nancy Ann Johnson, dau James Johnson & his wife Frances Dean who was born Apr 17, 1855 & died Mch 26, 1887. This marriage occurred Nov 20, 1877 at McLeansboro, Ills. He married 2d Nov 20, 1889 in Linn Tp, Oregon Co Mo Talitha Wiggs dau of Judge Albert Newton Wiggs & his wife Elizabeth Braden who was born near Pickett Ark Aug 3, 1865. see page 541.

5. Charles Rathbone Redburn, Born June 6, 1859. He married Apr 15, 1883 Mrs Mary A. Hines, widow of Chas Thomas Hines & daughter of Balwin Vaughn & his wife Elender Curtis who was born in Lawrence Co Tenn Jany 28, 1853 See Page 539. He said he got Rathbone from their family doctor in Illinois.

6. Samuel Henry A. Redburn, born Nov 7, 1861 & died May 18, 1862 aged 6 mos 1 days [may be a months entry not visible in the spine of the book]

7. John McMillen Redburn Born May 29, 1863 m. Nov 28, 1886 at Koshkonong Mo by Rev James Wiggs to Lydia Manila Craig (called Nila), daughter of David Craig & his wife Mary Ramsey who was born in Williamson Co Ills June 25, 1867 & were both at Chas R's & live on adjoining farm in same Tp & has 120 A. He bought last year 30 A going into church & g.y. for $700 & says he is giving it to his son see page 540.

8. Calvin Hawood Redburn Born Aug 20, 1866. He was a Biggers Ark near Cherokee Bay when last heard from. M.1. Alice Batman She left him. M.2. Cinda [looks like Ciyda] Bates. She died M.3 Mary Taylor, parted. Has 4 children all by 1st wife.





9. Archa Phelix Edmon Redburn, born Oct 1, 1868. He is a farmer 3 or 4 miles from Merrimack, Okla M.1. Minnie Mark Lovelace & she died Feby 18, 1893 aged 22 yrs leaving one child. They were married Oct 9, 1894. She was born July 10, 1869. M.2. Belva Rettie Jolliff, widow of Elijah Jolliff by whom he has 5 children living & one dead. see Book 9. Pages 410 & 411. She was mar to Elijah Jolliff abt 1884 & he died Oct 22, 1893 see book 9 p 412. Both living.

1. Nettie Elizabeth (Lizzie) by 1st wife born Dec 18, 1892 mar on Thanksgiving day 1911 to Ernest Eugene Stephenson who was born June 9, 1885 see book 9 ps 409 & 411. Live at Altoona Kan.

Rubie Marie, B Sept 1912 ob aged 3 wks

Harold Eugene B Sept 18, 1913

Zelma Fay, B Mch 1916

Neoma Ruth, B Mch 13, 1917 ob Jany 1919

Hazel Irene, B Dec? 1919

A boy B Nov 22, 1926.

5. Loise Daniel, a boy aged 20 B Aug 19, 1901 unm at home

6. Wm Archie aged 17? b may 23, 1904 at home unm

3. Emma Rachel, aged 23 B July 21, 1897 M. July 18, 1916 to Wardie Grubb a farmer near see book 9 page 411.

Mildred, B July 6, 1917

Kenneth Allen, B Oct 8, 1919

Clifford Harold, B Mch 6, 1922

7. Goldie May, aged 9 yrs B Dec 4, 1912 in school

4. Amy Viola, died aged 4 yrs B Apr 2, 1899 ob Oct 19, 1904.

2. Orela Francine, a boy died aged 21 b Jany 28, 1896 ob Dec 28, 1917 unm.

10. Martha Ann, B. Nov 30, 1870 ob Dec 24, 1874

11. Mary Alizabeth, B Oct 15, 1873 ob Apr 30, 1874

4. Jason Smith Redburn, Born Dec 30, 1857 see page 538.

John Redburn, [son of Redburn] was small of stature. He was raised in Hamilton Co MO & went from there to some place in Kansas where his train ran away with him & he was killed when his 3 children were about grown. James M., my informant says when he was 16 yrs old, say 1872, he met them at his grandmother's who was at [unreadable]quality, Ills, with her son-in-law John Henson who married her daughter Ann Smith

James, the oldest


These two were about the age of James M.

George, younger

William Redburn, was still smaller than John in stature. He went to the Civil War & his two sons younger than James M. & abt the age of his brothers Chas & "Mack" lived with their Uncle James McM R when their father was in the Civil War. He moved north to Jacksonville Ills where the insane asylum is. He has not heard of his Uncle William's death & thinks he may be living yet.



Don't know what became of them, would like to hear.

Probably other children

These three children [below] of widow Redburn by her 2d husband. Brook Smith, he died Dec 30, 1921 aged 83 or 84 yrs near McLeansboro, Hamilton Co Ills

Mary Ann, M. Otis Tatum & lives at McLeansboro, Hamilton Co Ills Route 3.

"Dick" Smith. He died a good while ago.

Ann Smith, married John Henson. She died at Eldorado Ills & he is still living there.

Abraham Redburn [brother of Redburn]. James Monroe Redburn recall hearing his father speak often of having an Uncle Abraham Redburn & is positive of this.

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[Descendant Chart]

Jason Smith Redburn see page 537 was born Dec 31, 1857 (His father's bible say Dec 30) in Illinois. Florentine Vinson was born in Illinois Jany 20, 1860, daughter of Louis Alin Vinson, who was born Jany 3, 1828 & died Jany 5, 1870 & his wife Sarah Ann Webb who was born Feby 22, 1831 & died Sept 15, 1874. Jason S. Redburn of Hamilton Co ills & Florentine Vinson of Saline Co Ills were married at Raleigh Precinct Oct 16, 1879 by John M. Burnett J.P. witnesses Elder W.P. Hancock & James Wall. He died Feby 27, 1919. Fred nations s'd he was a hard working prosperous man who sold his farm & moved into West Plains Mo where the curbstone brokers fleeced him & he died penniless. They said his child was the first burial in the Redburn Cem. Lorn McDaniel writes Apr 9, 1923 that Florentine Redburn was born Jany 20, 1856.


Jason Martin B Aug 12, 1880 m. June 21, 1901 to Emma Jolliff of Ills only daughter of Elijah Jolliff, who was born Aug 1, 1884. Both living in Highland Tp Oregon Mo where he owns 160 A.

Nellie May, B July 1, 1904 ob Apr 7, 1906

Bertha Anna, B Dec 3, 1906

Claude Eddie, B Nov 7, 1908

Lawrence, B Oct 4, 1910

Louie Elijah, B Aug 7, 1912

Ella May, B Mch 23, 1914

Clara Ellen, B June 30, 1916

Dewey Jason, B Aug 11, 1918

Ople Flora, B Sept 17, 1919

Edith Lara Redburn, Born Mch 30, 1922

Samuel Edward B Oct 28, 1881 m. Aug 1906 to Mary Andrews dau of Penn Monroe Andrews & his wife Vista Holmes who was born Aug 6, 1887. They have separated.

Winnie Viola, B June 25, 1907

Clifford, B Nov 4, 1910 a fine head & face, bright & intelligent.

Missy [Misiy?] Rilla B Apr 2, 1884 m. Aug? 1901 when past 17 to Lorn McDaniel & both living at Woodward Okla where he is a farmer 3 miles out. He gets his mail Woodward Okla RFD 1 He was born Mch 18, 1880.

1. William Smith Edward B may 25, 1902

2. Grace May Belle, B Oct 31, 1903 & M. Dec 10, 1919 his 2d wife to Randle Casey Jolliff who was born May 5, 1893 one of 4 sons of Elijah Jolliff & his wife Retta Willard.

Dorothy, b Feby 27, 1921

Helen Louise, B Oct 21, 1922

3. Ernest Lee, B July 20, 1905

4. Lora Lourena, B Mch 17, 1907

5. Earl, B Jany 31st, 1909

7. Dorothy Gertrude, B Mch 15, 1911

8. Flora Elsie Wanda, B Mch 7, 1913

11. Robert Harry Jesse Otto, Born Nov 1, 1921

6. Nellie, dead, B Jany 31, 1909 ob Sept 8, 1910

9. Alfred Alvin B Dec 2, 1915, dead ob Dec 15, 1915

10. Chas Lorn, dead Born & died Oct 5, 1919 William Asa, B Sept 20, 1886 see 9 p 408. M. June 23, 1912 Grace Ellen Stephenson & both living in Merrimac Okla where he is a farmer abt 5 miles out.

Elsie May, B June 26, 1914

Edna Irene, B Apr 30, 1917

Bonnie Fay, a girl b Oct 5, 1919

Neva Clarissa, b July 20, 1889 m. Oct 24, 1906 to Ernest Lorn Andrews born Sept 21, 1883 son of P. Monroe Andrews & his wife Viola Holmes. Live in Highland Tp, Oregon Co Mo. He owns 160 A

Ida Laura, B May 10, 1908

Helen Blanche, B Feby 23, 1911

Lela Esther, B Mch 23, 1913

Wayne Paul, B Dec 2, 1915

Glenn Roy, B Sept 11, 1917

Leamon Floyd, B Aug 20, 1921

Anna Elizabeth, B Mch 4, 1891 m. Feby 1910 to Geo Tune. Both living at Woodward Okla where he is a farmer 5 miles out on same route Rilla is viz RFD 1.

Everett Smith




Paul Henry

Earl, B Sept 19, 1895 ob Apr 2, 1900

Eva Eldine, B Mch 3, 1898 m. Sept 1921 at Oilton Okla Lee Lobaugh & both living at Shamrock Okla where he is an oil worker.

Fountain Lee born 1922.

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[Descendant Chart]

Charles R. Redburn see page 536 & Mary A. Hines. She had two children by her first husband. He owns 80 A of land where he lives. His P.O. is Rover Mo Route 1.


James Albert B Jany 12, 1884 M.1. Aug 13, 1905 to Jennie Childers dau of Milus Childers & his wife Margaret Symers. She was born Aug 18, 1887 & died Feby 26, 1909. M.3. Nov 30, 1912 to Emma Clark dau of John Clark & his wife Donnie Bruce who was born Aug 24, 1895. M.2. Emma Bridel who is dead. No issue by her. He lives in Highland Tp & owns 80 A.

Avvie Viola by 1st wife, B Nov 26, 1906, single

Leonard Lawson, by 1st wife, B July 8, 1908

Fred Leo, By 3d wife B Feby 28, 1913

Arthur Lester, by 3d wife B may 23, 1915

Henry Lloyd Leland, by 3d wife B oct 10, 1918

Mary Allina, by 3d wife, B July 28, 1922

William Franklin, B Feby 3, 1886 m. Nov 14, 1905 to Mary Sylvania Childers dau of Milus Childers & sister of Jennie who was born Sept 11, 1889. They were married at her home by Rev. J.E. Vaughn Gel Baptist minister & witnessed by J.A. Redburn & his first wife Liza Jane Redburn. Lives in Highland Tp & owns 80 A.

Austin D. B Mch 11, 1906

Stella Mabel, B Nov 25 1907

Marion Lee Andrew, B Dec 25, 1909

Goldie May, B Feby 19, 1912

Bettie Ann, Born & died July 5, 1887

Arthur Cleveland, B Oct 28, 1888 m. Feby 4, 1909 Effie King & live abt 2 miles north west of Cull in Howell Co MO a farmer & have 4 children, 1 dead. Fred Nations says his P.O. is West Plains RFD wrote 11/21/22 Effie King born Apr 9, 1885 in Howell Co Mo dau of James Alford King & wife Sarah Jane Pool. Last child born in Howell Co MO.

Mary Onice Redburn, Born in Oregon Co MO Nov 17, 1909 died on Aug 1, 1912

Grover Spears Born Sept 5, 1912

Virginia Louise Bonr Dec 31, 1914

Vida Jane, B Feby 2, 1918

Dortha Elzora, B Dec 1, 1920

Wm King, B Apr 7, 1923

Bessie Adaline, B May 27, 1890 m. Nov 16, 1907 to Wm Elijah Cowens who was born June 1, 1890 & live in Thayer Tp Oregon Co Mo P.O. Thayer Route 1 W. 11/21 He son of Wm Cowens & his wife Mary Elizabeth Jolliff

Aldon Alice B Dec 20, 1908 ob Aug 10, 1909

Calvin C.M. B July 3, 1910 ob Jany 24, 1911

Columbus Marion, B Mch 6, 1912 ob July 12, 1913

Clifton Eugene B Nov 28, 1916 youngest who is living

Laura Belle, B Dec 27, 1891 ob Nov 29, 1896

Ezra Pear, B jany 29, 1894 m. Oct 22, 1912 to Savannah Jane Francis, dau of Columbus Marshall Francis & his wife Eva King. She was born Oct 10, 1892 he owns 20 A same Tp

Charles Columbus B Nov 29, 1913

Calvon Aldon, B Nov 9, 1915

Henry, born & died Jany 6, 1896

Nora May Redburn, B June 26, 1898 m. Feby 19, 1913 John Wesley Highfill. Both living in this Tp abt 8 m S.E. where he is a laborer. He was born Aug 3, 1887 in Howell Co MO son of Wm Hy Highfill & wife Evaline Porter King.

Bessie Vernon, B Apr 24, 1915 in Ionia Col Mich

Clarice Sylvania, B Mch 18, 1917 in Oregon Co MO

Laura Caroline B Jany 27, 1919 in Oregon Co MO

James Franklin, B May 28, 1922 in Oregon Co MO

V8 Page 540

[Descendant Chart]

John McMillen Redburn see page 537 & Lydia Manila Craig. His P.O. is Rover MO Route 1.


Clarissa Evaline, B Aug 25, 1887 m. Charles Luther Jolliff, son of Elijah Jolliff & his wife Alpharetta Faulkner. He is a farmer 2 miles north of Rover MO in Highland Tp w 11/21/22 [25?] He was born Jany 2, 1890 & they were married Dec 11, 1907

Joe Jessie B Sept 29, 1909

Elsie Marie, B Oct 15, 1911

Martha LuEllen, B Oct 15, 1913

Clarence McMillen, B Nov 28, 1915

Harvey Augustus, B July 2, 1889 m. Apr 25, 1916 [11]les of Brandy Sta,êü Dakota & both now living at Shidler Okla in the town where he works on Public Works.

Florence Irene, B Feby 13, 1920

Harold Eugene, B Feby 2, 1923

Elbert McMillen, B Oct 17, 1891. He enlisted in the World War July 5, 1918 & died Oct 2, 1918 crossing in the Prest Grant & buried at sea, was unmarried.

Salem Oscar, B Dec 2, 1893 enlisted in the World War Aug 1917 & went over May 1918 in medical corps. Served along the Rhine after armistice & got home Aug 1919. Unmarried. At home.

Lemuel Irison, He changed to Lemuel Lenison B Feby 27, 1896 enlisted in World War in Oct 1917 & went abroad abt Apr 1918 was in the Infantry & was in 5 battles & got 5 bars or stars, was sounded & came home in 1919 & enlisted another yr serving 3 yrs in all & got out Sept 1920. Now in Kansas City, MO Unmarried.

Albert Elza Born & died May 14, 1899

Naomi Catherine, B Apr 17, 1901 m. Oct 27, 1922 to James Wesley Davis & live on Park Ave, Kansas City Mo where he is a street car mnotorman

Chester Arthur, B Mch 9, 1906. At home

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James M. Lewis Redburn had three children by his first wife & eight by his second wife, eleven in all. He came from Illinois to Missouri in 1878 & located 4 miles north of Thayer, Mo near Wyandotte & came to this his present home 13 yrs ago which is 5 miles SW of Alton, his P.O. being Thayer Mo Star Route. She says he weighs 250 lbs & is the biggest Redburn he knows. See page 536. He has 240 A in his farm 3 of them one way & 2 the other.


Frances Elizabeth, B Dec 15, 1879 ob [unreadable month] 18, 1882.

Dora May, B May 23, 1882 ob Apr 24, 1904 married to Quincey Harmon who likewise is dead.

Ida Harmon, who married George Crews. He is dead & she died aged 22 yrs. She was born Mch? 1899

Thelma Lorena, aged 6 yrs

Thurman, aged 3 yrs

Cora Lee B Mch 8, 1886 m. Walter Vogan. Both living at Goodland Kansas where he is a railroader.

Ora Maglina, B July 7, 1910

Edith Odata, B June 5, 1913

Sherman Henry, B June 15, 1915

Earnest Elmer, B Dec 22, 1917

Obie Lewis, B Nov 12, 1888 m. Feby 21, 1909 to Fannie Brazeal dau of Robt Brazeal & his wife Martha Williams who was born Sept 10, 1889 in Ark. See page 339. Living 1828 Mercer St K.C. MO

Emma Armenda, B Dec 19, 1909

Gracie Isabel, B July 6, 1912

Henry Felix, B Jany 18, 1890 M.1. Mch 1914 to Harriet Adaline Fuller who was born Jany 25, 1894 & died Feby 28, 1920. M.2. Nov 10, 1921 to Grace Ella Morrison who was born Apr 20, 1904 & he has just gone to Kansas City MO

Mildred Irene Redburn, B June 30, 1915 & lives with her grandparents. A Beautiful flaxen haired girl.

Nora Margie, B Feby 9, 1892 ob Nov 19, 1905

Jesse McMillen, B Dec 13, 1893 m. in fall of 1915 to Gertie Blankenship who was born Mch 12, 1898 & was one yr older than Ida. Both living at Lincoln Neb where he works in a grocery store. No issue.

Ruthie Victoria, Born & died Mch 20, 1895

Talitha Elizabeth, B Feby 1, 1896 m. Aug 19, 1920 to Albert Edward Holmes who was born Jany 10, 1893 & live on this farm.

Herman Roy Holmes, Born Sept 19, 1921

Freddie Winston, B Oct 11, 1898 ob Oct 29, 1904

Dovie Abigail Redburn, Born Dec 19, 1904 m. Mch 5, 1922 to George Wm Ferrell who was born Aug 7, 1903 the son of Thomas Richard Ferrell & his wife Louisa Caroline Burgett (he doesn't know her parentage). They were both at their parents tonight. She is a bright pretty young girl.

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Continued from Page 535

It took over two hours at Chas R. Redburn's. He is of medium build with short cropped gray whiskers all over his face & looked much like James B. Abraham. His wife is a large martronly woman older than him. His brother Jno "Mack" is slightly larger than Chas R. has a smooth face & his wife is of medium build & slender & is better educated. They were all desirous of having us stay all night. I left at 4:44 PM & drove back well toward Rover & went in a gate on the left in a hollow & drove back through the land Jno "Mack" R who was with us, had bought to the old church which now is only used for funeral services to:

The Redburn graveyard or Cem Highland Tp, Oregon Co MO Nov 19, 1922 4:55 PM

1. James M. Redburn Born May 14, 1829 died May 28, 1910

Elizabeth A. Redburn born Sept 21, 1830 died Jany 25, 1918

Jason S. Redburn born Dec 31, 1861 (this is wrong) died Feby 27, 1919

Nellie May, daughter of Martin J & E.L. Born July 1, 1904 died Apr 7, 1906 Gracey M. (daughter of Jason S. (this the first burial) born Apr 9, 1894. died Apr or Aug 15, 1895

Left 5:05 PM

"Mack" said his son Harvey A. living in Shidler Okla says there is a George Redburn gets mail there.

We then drove back to the

Residence of Ezra P. Redburn, Highland Tp, Oregon Co Mo, Nov 17, 1922 5:25 PM

His is a small inferior house & his wife, a small uneducated woman & they are the least prosperous of any, on his 20 acres. They gave me their record which I entered on page 539. He smokes a pipe. Saw both of them & the two children.

Left 5:30 PM

We then went to the next house up the road on the hill & were at:

Residence of Randle Casey Jolliff, Highland Tp, Oregon Co MO Nov 18, 1922 5:35 PM

He, & his wife with her young baby in her arms gave me their Redburn record which I entered on page 538. He was first married on Mch 11, 1911 to Ora Trantham who died 4 yrs ago & boy her he had:

Richard Glenn Jolliff born Mch 27, 1914

Raymond Carl Jolliff born Sept 22, 1917

His present wife Grace is a pretty young girl & says her father Lorn McDaniel was born Mch 18, 1879. Randle's mother was 49 her last birthday. Elijah Jolliff her first husband died when Randle was six months old & about two yrs later she married A.P. Edmon Redburn & live now at Merrinack Okla which is their P.O. & she has children by him 4 living & 2 dead. I have entered on Page 537 the ages they gave me.

Left 5:50 PM & drove to next house, the:

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Residence of James Albert Redburn, Highland Tp, Oregon Co MO Nov 18, 1922 5:55 PM

They gave me their record which I entered on page 539. He omitted giving his second marriage which his father gave me briefly & I overlooked it. The house was full of children. He is a good substantial man & smokes a pipe as do the younger generation, but Fed say the older generation do not use tobacco.

Left 6:05 PM

Jas A. went with us around the corner of first road turning south to:

Residence of Wm Franklin Redburn Highland Tp, Oregon Co MO Nov 18, 1922 6:20 PM

They were eating supper here & it smelled awful good & they insisted on us eating but I told them I had had my two meals for the day. The house here was full of children as at Jas A's & W.F. was a sturdy substantial farmer smoking a pipe too. They gave me their record which I entered on page 539 & the dates there entered are as they gave them. I left at 6:30 PM

We then drove quite a distance south to:

Residence of Ernest L. Andrews, Highland Tp, Oregon Co Nov 18, 1922 6:44 PM

Here, we found Mrs Andrews

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a small woman & her six children all in their bare feet & Mr A. came in just before we left. She gave me the record of her family which I have entered on page 538.

Finished at 6:58 PM & left. We then drove quite a distance in the darkness & turning in at a gate on the left hand side went through two or three more gates & bars. I think fully a mile before we came to the:

Residence of J. Martin Redburn, Highland Tp, Oregon Co MO Nov 18, 1922 7:25 PM

He is a strong big good natured man & his wife is a very pretty woman with a well chiseled face & an attractive smile, with the youthful appearance that bearing ten children or more gives, with baby Edith L. in her arms. I think the children, 9 living, were all there, making eleven in the family & he wanted us to stay all night & said while he had a house full, he could take care of us. I am entering now on pages 538 & 539, a list of his & her children. J Martin & his wife say they were both born in Illinois about half way between Centralia & Hoilton.

Left at 7:42 PM

We then drove on toward Alton & got to the house at the top of the hill where we had been told Henry Redburn, son of James M. lived at 8:20 PM, a man came out of the dark house who s'd his name was Harmon & that Hy Redburn who worked for him had gone to Kansas City Mo on Thursday of last week. We reached Alton & were at:

V8 Page 546

Thos H. Booker's private house hotel, Alton Oregon Co Mo (a county seat with only 484 inhabitants) Nov 18, 1922 9 PM

Fred Nations said they "the kids", the younger generation had added an S to their name, it having been just Nation. He said his father was Rev John Logan Nation & I think preached James McMillen Redburn's funeral sermon. His father also named John Logan Nation was killed in the Confederate Army but his widow, Fred's grandmother is still living in MO, somewhere over 90 years, having remarried. She is a Catholic & wanted to make a priest out of Fred's father who was 23 yrs in a convent & when he turned Protestant, she disowned him. Asking Fred what relation he was to Carrie Nation, he s'd her husband was a second cousin of his father. We found this town in darkness & had to get Booker out of bed to show me to this room with two beds & one room connecting also with two beds at 9 PM & I wanted to write up this record as I have done tonight but as there was only a lamp & a small stand & no heat on the room to keep me warm, the only thing to do was to go to bed which I did at 9:11 PM.

L.M. Hyder told me today about Greer Spring 8 miles fr here which he w'd puts out two billion cubic feet of water per minute & forms Spring River which can't be forded & in which the water is very cold & abounds in rainbow trout & black bass. it is s'd to be the largest spring in the world.

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At residence of James Monroe Lewis Redburn, Piney Tp, Oregon Co MO Nov 19, 1922 6 PM

Arrived here 5 minutes ago. He said he signs his name James L. Redburn & said when his Uncle William's two boys were at his father's during the war, he himself was big enough to hoe tobacco & they weren't big enough to do anything. Mr R. is about like Joe Barton in appearance but is taller than he was. He was very kind & is anxious to learn what became of the children of his Uncles John & William. He told his wife to get us some supper & she prepared a very good one with Dovie's help which we greatly relished. They want a copy of the History as does Mrs J. Martin Redburn. We left at 7:55 PM

They insisted on us staying all night.

Arcade Hotel office West Plains Mo Nov 19, 1922 11:22 PM (still transcribing)

I got up at Alton Mo at 6:30 Am got my breakfast at 7 at Bookers & left with Fred Nations at 7:55 Am in his Ford car for Doniphan MO, the county seat of Ripley Co 40 miles east. The morning was rare as a day in June & the ride through the foothills & table lands of the Ozarks was a charm & a delight. We crossed the Eleven Points River, a stream of remarkably clear mountain water coming largely from Greer Spring via Spring River, small & medium sized timber lined our way through most of the way, abounding in black oaks & red oaks which predominated. I say four bunches

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or flocks of fine white goats, two of them ctg fully 100 each, also, some cotton growing by the wayside & hogs & pigs galore feeding on the nuts in the woods. Fred stayed last night with his Uncle & Aunt (his mother's sister) in Alton Mo where his mother's mother, Mrs Tess aged 89 yrs lives & draws a pension, her husband, Fred's grandfather having been killed in the Civil War. Her maiden name was Brashear & she had a brother of John. We crossed also the Current River. Just before entering Doniphan at 10:50 AM, we enquired on the way of perhaps a dozen people but none of them ever heard of Rodarmels in the Co. We made too many inquiries at Doniphan likewise without success. I paid for four insertions bi-weekly of an ad in the Prospect News & left at 11:33 Am on our return trip arriving at Alton Mo at 2:30 PM. Fred got some gasoline & we started north & 9 miles reached Greer Spring MO which I walked down the hill a half mile to see & took a drink from the River it forms just opposite where it gushes out at the rate according to L.M. Hyder of two billion cubic feet a minute. The water is cool & refreshing & rainbow trout & black bass abound in it. The current is so strong that it is impossible to sink heavy weights in it. I walked back up the steep hill the half mile & that wasn't so easy. Driving back to Alton, we drove 5 miles south on the Thayer Road & turning to the right just before reaching a bridge we meandered a mile in the darkness through the woods to the home of James Monroe Lewis Redburn, a big full faced man of 250 lbs who was very kind & remembered more about the earlier times than his brothers. We had fine pork steak

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& excellent light biscuits for supper. I have recorded on page 541 & on 536 what they gave us. We told them we must get back to West Plains so I could take the 1 Am train for Fort Scott Ks so we left at 8 PM & drove back to Alton, through the darkness & on here where we arrived at 10:40 PM. Am now waiting for the 1 AM train for Fort Scott Kan, having finished Mo. Is is just midnight. We had one stretch of 10 miles Fred s'd without a house on the road & several of two to five miles without encountering a residence.

Goodlander Hotel, Fort Scott, Kansas Room 76 (4th Floor) Nov 20, 1922 10:55 AM

I went across the street to

Office of H.L. Stout Fort Scott Kan Nov 20, 1922 10:10 AM

He is a tall quick, smooth faced man & said his Stouts hailed from New Jersey via NY state & Pontiac Mich & he knew nothing of Barbara Casner & I conclude he is not of the line I seek.

I then went to:

Fort Scott Kansas, M.S.P.O. Genl Delivery Nov 20, 1922

I introduced myself to Mrs Tillie Fulton, widow of Orville James Fulton. She says his father was William S. Fulton who lived at Salem Ills. She was very kind & said a James B. Fulton, aged 50 yrs or over who

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used to live here had moved to Hiattsville, Kan in this county. I phoned there & the operator reports that he does not live there any more having removed to Oklahoma about a yr ago, but she don't know to what town.

In the telephone book here I find:

Carothers, W.H. res 116 N. Caldwell Tel 598 W.

Carrithers, Miss Dorothy Res 610 S. Lowman Tel 1259

Carruthers, R.N. Res 105 S. Crawford Tel 943

no Jack, Kilgore, Markle, Redburn or Rothermel, I started to make the 11:23 Am train for Parsons Ks & found it was an hour late & went back to my room & called the above numbers by telephone & got:

Phone No 598 W. W.H. Carothers, residence No 116 N. Caldwell St Fort Scott Kan Nov 20, 1922 11:20 AM

Mrs Carothers answered & said he was aged 41 yrs & had just gone to the country. Said his father's name was Richard. She said to write to his brother: Morris Andrew Carothers NO 616 W. Rogers Ave, Clinton MO

who was 16 or 17 yrs old when the family came to MO. She said her husband also had a brother in Topeka Ks & one who is unmarried in Bunker Hill Ks. He also has an Aunt or had, about Westfield Ills who if living would know.

Rang off at 11:30 AM

I then called up:

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Phone No 943 R.N. Caruthers residence NO 105 S. Crawford St Fort Scott Kan Nov 20, 1922 11:33 AM

His wife answered that he was aged 35, was out but would be back in 10 minutes & would call. He, however did not get in until 12 o'c noon just as I was leaving for the train & said his father's name was Robert & his grandfather's name was also Robert, he thought. I told him I would write to him. I then left for the train.

I had however called:

Phone NO 1259, Miss Dorothy Carrithers No 610 S. Lowman St Fort Scott, Kansas Nov 20, 1922 11:35 AM

She said her father Edgar Carrithers was out of the city until Wednesday & that he was the son of Wm H. Carrithers of Joplin Mo who I saw. She said her cousin B.F. Carrithers, aged 50 to 60 had a record of the family. Miss Dorothy called back at 11:52 AM & said the address of

B.F. Carrithers was Severy Kansas where he is with a bank. Rank off at 11:55 AM & R.N.C. called up as above. I got the train for Parsons at 1:10 PM & reached here at 2:55 PM, got this room ie I came to:

Hotel Matthewson Room 57 3d floor corner 5 windows Nov 21, 1922 11:27 Am Parsons Ks.

I got in at 3 Pm here & took a taxi to 1205 N 26th St to:

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Elsie Rogers, daughter of Wm Rea. I came back & phoned to Cherryvale Ks to her brother Frank Rea & his wife answered that he had gone Blackwell Okla but that she would give me his & her record whenever I called. I then wrote to Mrs Finis Clark, Thayer, Mo & went to the P.O. & at 5 o'c went out again to 12:05 N. 26th St & Elsie's husband J.C. Rodgers came to the door & called Elsie who is a very Pretty young girl. She s'd her mother lived about 12 miles out being two miles beyond Dennis on a farm, she thought her brother Frank at Cherryvale Ks got the old bible both records being in one book & said if I didn't get it there, she would go out with me to her mother's I then came back got shaved got my dinner & went to work at 7:30 PM last night on the Redburn & worked without ceasing & without napping until 7:33 AM this morning when I went down & got my breakfast & found the 8:20 AM train for Kincaid Ks was 3 hrs late so I came back at 8:11 & continued on my records only to find at 10:44 AM that it wouldn't go out until 12:05 PM, so I have caught up to date on all my transcribing & am ready to pack up & got to that train. It is 11:42 AM & I have not been sleepy yet.

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At residence of Jacob Thompson, Lone Elm, Anderson Co Kansas Nov 21, 1922 4:25 PM

I arrived here at 4 PM & Mr Thompson is giving me from memory the record of his own family. He tells me that the bible record of his parents & possibly of his grandparents are with his sister Derinda Stahl in Tonkawa, Oklahoma, where she will be easily found. If necessary call on the Presbyterian preacher to locate her. He will write to her that I am coming within the next two weeks.

Derinda Stahl's address is No 212 N 7th St Tonkawa Okla. His brother Cephas Lovejoy Thompson lives in Enid Okla. Salatheil's daughter, Mary King, living with Derinda can give her father's family. Mr T. says she never forgot anything in her life. The record he gave me is on page 554. He weighs 200 heighth abt 5 ft 7 in & he is very heavy set & chunky, a strong Presbyterian & Republican.

Leaving 5:30 PM

At residence of Fred D. Thompson, Rich Tp Anderson Co Kan Nov 21, 1922 7;44 AM

I arrived here at 7:05 PM & Mr Thompson has shown me a Thompson Family History gotten up by his grandfather, William Thompson's brother of Rev Samuel Findley Thompson in which his preface is dated Oxford O Jany 1, 1898 & published in 1898 at Hamilton O by Brown & Whitaker printers. Mrs T. says her brother, John Austin Thompson at Lost Springs Ks living in the town has her father's family bible so I am only taking from her now the record of her immediate family which I am entering on page 555.

Leaving at 8:33 PM. He is 6 ft 2 in height & weighs 250 lbs.

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[Descendant Chart]

Jacob Thompson, son of John of Jacob & of Hannah of David, the said Jacob & David being sons of James Thompson 1758-1835 was born in Solsberry Green Co Indiana Dec 31, 1856. He removed from Indiana with his parents in Dec 1871 to Sabetha Kansas where his father bought land & located. He was married Feby 19,1879 at Sabetha Kansas by Rev Underwood to Jennie Moose who was born in Monmouth Ills Feby 19, 1862, the daughter of George Moose & his wife Margaret Eckenrode. He has lived at Sabetha 2 yrs after marriage, then at Axtell Kan & then at Beaver City, Neb 2 yrs & then in Colorado for 3 yrs & then again back to Sabetha Ks for 2 yrs then to Baileyville Kan for 20 yrs then to Soldier Kan for 8 yrs & then to Lone Elm on Mch 2, 1912 & has been here since. He has been very successful in breeding & raising spotted Poland China Hogs where he owns his home with 20 A of land.


Ethel Blanche B at Sabetha Kan Aug 28, 1880 & is at home single

Maud, B at Sabetha Ks May 25, 1884 & died Aug 26, 1884

George Cephas, B in Abbott Col Dec 8, 1888 m. Cora Bell Shantz dau of Willis Shantz & his wife _________ Walker & both living at Soldier Kan where he is a farmer. Mar Mch 8.

Helen, B Aug 17, 1910

Elbert, B June 1915

Frank Freark, B at Baileyville Ks Feby 4, 1895 m. July 5, 1914 to May Rudisill & both are living at Blue Mound, Kan where he is a farmer

Arla, B Jany 1916

Ralph, B Jany 1918

Herman Hobart, B at Baileyville Ks Sept 20, 1846. M. Jany 22, 1919 to Blanche Church dau of Chas Church & his wife Ella Howard. Both living here where he has a general store.

Max Eugene B Mch 21, 1920

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[Descendant Chart]

Rachel Alberta Thompson daughter of Abram Thompson, twin brother of Isaac J. Thompson who was son of David of James 1758-1835 was born at Sabetha Kan Mch 7, 1875 the youngest of the family, her father dying in August 12, 1875 following her birth. She married Apr 19, 1893 at Sabetha Ks by Rev F.F. Freank to Fred DeLois Thompson, son of Samuel Findley Thompson who was son of William & he a son of Adam who was born Feby 6, 1795 in Adams Co Pa & was son of William. He was born July 23, 1870 in Madison Co Iowa. Have lived on this farm of 160 A since Feby 1910. All born at Baileyville Ks except the youngest born at Soldier Ks see pages 332 & 352.


Lloyd Douglass, B Mch 26, 1895 m. Feby 24, 1920 to Mabel Holeman who was born Aug 12, 1899 daughter of Wm Holeman & his wife Dora Drury. They live at Selma Kan where he is a farmer.

Lloyd Urless Thompson, B Nov 19, 1920

Iola Marie, B June 3, 1897 at home unmarried.

Dorothy Jessie, B June 12, 1899 M. May 2, 1918 to Royal Umphries who was born Apr 1895, son of Mark Umphries & his wife Ida Garrison. He is in school at Manhattan Ks

Eileen Frances, B Dec 2, 1918

Ewell Dennis, B Mch 4, 1920

Mildred Lucile, B Oct 30, 1921

Mildred Vivian, B Aug 27, 1901 in school at Emporium Kansas at the Normal

John Finley Thompson, Born Sept 15, 1906 is in high school.

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At residence of Peter Hubert Robins No 608 North Oak St Eureka Greenwood Co Kansas Nov 22, 1922 5:22 PM

I arrived here & find Mr Robins out but Mrs Robins, his second wife has brought his big well preserved bible from which I am making up the genealogical table commencing on page 558. The bible was published by Butler Bros NY & Chicago without dates but containing the revised version of 1881. Mr Robins has come in & says he came here from Guernsey Co Ohio & settled in this town in March 1899 & has lived here ever since. Charles came out here several years before he did.

Eureka Kansas, Greenwood Hotel Room 19 Nov 22, 1922 7:15 PM

I just come out from supper & find Peter H. Robins waiting for me with his brother Chas A. who is giving me his record which I am entering on page 559. Mr Robins took me to his nephew Ralph P's on Walnut St & his record is locked up in the bank & he arranged to bring it to the hotel at 9 in the morning. Mr Robins then brought me to his own home No 111 S. School St where I am writing in this colored ink & in same ink have completed with his wife's help, the record of his own family on page 559.

Peter D. Robins was born Apr 8, 1814 & died in 1894

9:30 PM John Chase Robins now at my room

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No 19, says his father, Madison D. Robins was in the coal business all of his life & his brother John was associated with him until he died. His brother, Alex S. was associated with M.D. in the mines at Hartford & Lore City O. In earlier years M.D. & John were in the poultry & commission business in Lore City O & when Morgan raided Ohio, he burned the station over their heads having first rifled the safe, which dropped into Leatherwood Creek when the building burned & years after was taken out a mile below & taken to Newark O as a relic. Morgan took Chase's Uncle John Robins with him as a guide to Wheeling WVA & then told him to go. M.D. Robins was actively engaged in furthering every public enterprise for the good of the community. J. Chase Robins says he is 6 ft 2 in tall & his general appearance & smile & face is very like E.E. Strickler. He has he says a remarkably good memory for names & faces that gives him especial aptitude for a hotel clerk.

V8 Page 558 & V8 Page 559

[Descendant Chart]



Peter Hubert Robins was born by my records June 5, 1846. He married 1st Aug 12, 1869 Harriet Amelia Cummings in Ohio, dau of Wm Cummings & she was born Apr 1, 1849 & died Jany 15, 1906. He married 2d Feby 17, 1916 Mrs Nannie Gabriella Taylor widow of Albert Gallitan Taylor, daughter of Robert Mitchell Hayten & his wife Lucinda Kirby who was born in Polk Co Mo Apr 23, 1857.

William Alvin Robins, B. Oct 21, 1870 ob Aug 9, 1871.1

Olive Melvera Robins, Born May 19, 1874 m. Aug 1895 to Harry Elmer Robb of Neal this county. Both living at Millerton Okla in the town where he is a Banker in the Millerton Bank. They have lost 3 children. See book 7 page 315.

3. Preston R. born Jany 1, 1902 in Mena Arkansas, unmarried.

5. Nelson (call him Bill) B Aug 4, 1911 in Millerton, Okla

Chas Abraham Robins, Born in Guernsey Co O Oct 28, 1857 m. in Guernsey Co O Dec 21, 1878 to Flora Laverna Young who was born Jany 26, 1862 the daughter of Wm Young & his wife Sarah Martha Robison. Came direct from Guernsey Co O to this town Oct 19, 1884 & have lived here continuously ever since & is a dealer in livestock.

James Arthur, Born in Ohio Sept 26, 1880 m. Sept 3rd 1901 to Emma May Hale who was born [unreadable word] on Mch 4, 1882, daughter of Bowen Hale & his wife Abbie Hale. Both living in Greenwood Co Ks 10 ms north where he is a farmer.

Harold Arthur, B Aug 9, 1903

Mary Hale, B Sept 26, 1910 here with her grandparents going to school

John W. B Oct 1, 1915

Martha Bessie. B in Ohio Mch 1, 1882 m. Jany 1, 1914 to Archibald R. Weaver son of Henry Weaver & his wife Bonnie who was born Nov 1880 & live at Baxter Springs Kansas where he is chief of police. No issue.

Madison Robins, Born Jany 8, 1840 & died Jany 13th or 14th 1898 born in Valley Tp, Guernsey Co O & died in Cambridge O M. Mary I. Millhone, daughter of Isaac Millhone, see book 7 p 314.

John Chase B Sept 15, 1870 is a bachelor. Has been in Eureka Kan since 1899 & is now Lyndon Hotel wants a book

Edith, dead

A son, dead

Martha Grace

James Millhone

Alexander Sproat Robins, Born Mch 26, 1844 in Hartford, now Buffalo O & died at his daughter's, Sewickley Pa Feby 10, 1914 & was buried in Cambridge O. He was married March 3, 1867 to Jemima Frances Moore dau of Joseph Moore & his wife Mahala Collins who was born Aug 14, 1843 in Valley Tp, Guernsey Co O. See book 7 p 314

Ralph Preston Robins, Born Sept 7, 1868. M.2. July 3, 1903 to Thelma Jackson who was born July 12, 1884 & ob Nov 13, 1917. M.3. Dec 28, 1918 to Phebe Russell who was born Jany 26, 1886 & they are living very happily together at No 215 N. Walnut St Eureka Ks Tel 680. No issue. M.1. Bessie Dilley see book 7 p 314

Daisy Robins, Born Sept 14, 1879 m. Albert Wirth, son of Andrew Wirth & his wife Louisa James & live now at 645 Maple Lane Sewickley Pa where he is a Penna RR Co official

Frances L. B Mch 13, 1907

Andrew Alexander, B July 4, 1912

V8 Page 560

[Descendant Chart]

Morris Carothers [may be a name preceding Morris, I can't tell & it's smudged CW] was married 4 times see record got at Champaign Ills abt Sept 30, 1921 Book 5 p 484-5


William, by 1st wife. In Civil War.

Joseph, by 1st wife.

Abraham, by 2d wife

Josiah, by 2d wife

Sarah Elizabeth, she married Lewis Gobel & lived at Westfield Ills M.2. Henry Rennels.

Jacob Crothers by 2d wife, B Oct 20, 1833 ob Apr 3, 1911 m. Feby 26, 1854 Lovina Hougham, daughter of Moses Hougham who was born Jany 14, 1832 & died May 12, 1896. Mrs Snodgrass sd her father's mother died when he was six mos old & he feeling he was an orphan ran off from home when he was 16 or 17 yrs old. He was a widely known pioneer preacher of Eastern


Mary Demia, Born May 25, 1857 in Spring Creek Tp. M. Feby 18, 1883 to William Ward who was born Aug 14, 1836, son of Joseph Pollock Ward & his wife Emelin Lawhead.

Clarence Wm, B Feby 10, 1884 m. Aug 22, 1912 Maud M. Merrill dau of Martin Luther Merrill & his wife Mary Meredith who was born July 24, 1885. Farmer

Victor Merrell, B Aug 24, 1913

Mary Opal, B May 9, 1916

Harvey Jacob, B Aug 4, 1886 m. Feby 1, 1911 to Grace May Ralston, dau of David Washington Ralston & his wife Flora A. Beers of Ohio who was born Apr 20, 1888

Marian Thelma Ward, Born Apr 25, 1912

Inez Ethel, B Aug 9, 1890. At home, single, a teacher [looks like leather]

Glenn Jackson, B Feby 19, 1897 died July 7, 1898

John, B Apr 12, 1859 ob Jany 4, 1863

Martha Ellen, B Nov 6, 1863 m. Mch 19, 1885 in Spring Tp to Wm Tilden Mickens, son of John Mickens & his wife Susan Miller who was born Apr 16, 1858

Albert Jacob, B Mch 19, 1886 M.1. Ruby Whitney who he divorced. No issue. M.2. Hattie Connell who he divorced. M.3 Mrs Bessie Tateman, nee Mapel a widow with 5 children from whom he separated 8 days later & he lives near & "baches"

William James Mickens B May 1915 by 2d wife. He is

with his father

Arthur Wm, B May 16, 1887 m. abt 15 yrs ago to Nora Higgins, dau of James Higgins a fine woman who was born Nov 11

Beulah, aged 10 hrs

Ferrill Mickens, B Sept 1915

Grover Cleveland, B Dec 8, 1892 m 8 yrs ago to Rosa Turner dau of Louis Turner & his wife Ida Hollaway & live Silver Creek Neb. A farmer

Audrey Pearl, B Sept? 1916 in Kansas

Merrill, a boy B July 1920 in Nebraska

John Oscar, B Apr 18, 1895 m. abt 5 yrs ago to Nellie Stern a bad one & are separated & he is at home & has the children.

John Oscar, B Aug 1, 1918

Virgil Mickens, B Oct 1919

Mary Jane, B Mch 1, 1898 m. Sept 10, 1917 to Martin Luther Meairs who was born May 4, 1890 & live near.

Martin Luther Meairs Jr, B Jany 12, 1919

Sarah Ida, B Dec 24, 1865. She would not give her name sd she didn't was to be in the record. She married Wm E. Snodgrass. B.F. Carothers later writes to put her in.

Kline, single, at home

Warren Snodgrass, married & has a baby girl.

Addie Jane Carothers, Born Sept 29, 1868 died Mch 13, 1904. She married James Murray, but died without issue. He married again & is living in Texas.

John, by 3d wife, In Civil War died in Soldiers Home Leavenworth Ks

Jackson, by 3d wife, in Civil War

Amanda Jane, M. Geo Bishop an old soldier. She was living in Marion Ind a few yrs ago & may be living yet.

Nancy, by 3d wife, m. Adam Biggs, children in Calif

Mary Frances, by 4th wife

Lavina Belle, by 4th wife

Malinda, by 4th wife

V8 Page 561

At residence Harvey J. Ward, Spring Creek Tp, Coffey Co Kansas Nov 22, 1922 10:10 AM

Mrs Ward who admitted me is a handsome woman over average size. She says their P.O. address is: LeRoy Kansas RFD 1. She gave me her husband's & her own records entered in table in preceding page & I went on west to next house after turning north & was:

At residence Clarence Wm Ward, Spring Creek Tp, Nov 22, 1922 10:22 AM

Where I saw Mrs Ward at the back kitchen & too her own & husband's record at back kitchen door without being admitted, as entered in table page 560 & continuing on north past the old Jacob Crothers farm & home on the left was soon at:

Residence of Wm Ward, Spring Cr Tp Nov 22/22 10:37 AM

Mrs Ward was loth [sic] to admit me but did & could give much information abt her grandfather's family which I incorporated in table as well as her own her husband's & their children's births etc. She says there is a Prof. Willis H. Carothers at Emporia Kan, a Congregationalist whose position in the Normal there is nest to that of the President. I then retraced & went east a mile from Harvey J's to the:

Residence of Wm E. Snodgrass Spring Cr Tp Nov 22/22 11:11 AM

Mrs Snodgrass like her sister, Mrs Ward is a small slender woman & was not [blotted] getting her father's family bible but did & gave me the records in it except her own name & birth but gave me the name of her two sons. I then [last line cut off]

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Residence of Wm T. Mickens Spring Cr Tp Nov 22/22 11:59 AM

Mrs Mickens asked me in & at once commenced giving me the record of her family which is entered in place on page 560. She is larger physically & mentally than her sisters & is a heavy set hardworking woman reminding me very much in demeanor of Dr Henry Eastman. She says her son, Grover c. lives on a Banker's place & runs it for half & has 160 hogs. Her husband & son John & & another came in just as I had finished. John O. is a fine wholesome boy & Mr M. is a small man with his right eye out, but he is a live wire & a positive character & entered into the spirit of my quest & said he would want a book.

I left at 12:44 PM

Greenwood Hotel Eureka Kansas Greenwood Co Nov 23, 1922 1:25 AM

I slept well last night, two in one, & got up at 6:30 got my breakfast at 7, left at 7:30 with Walt Hobert & drove 28 miles to Neosho Falls, Ks where Mr Linn in the Neosho Falls State Bank called in a neighbor who located the Jacob Crothers daughters for me who I saw as above. After leaving Mrs Mickens, we drove north to the first corner & turning west, continued abt 5 miles into LeRoy Ks where we arrived at 1 Pm & found the 1:15 train for Eureka was a half hour late. We changed cars at Yates Center Ks where I waited over an hour & arrived here at 5 Pm which I find to be the livest town I have struck in Kansas booming with oil men. Have found all four of the Robins relatives & got records as noted above. The heat has gone off & it is getting cold & I will go to bed. It is 1:37 AM

V8 Page 563

At residence of George Casner & his wife Jane E. Thompson Casner, Severy, Greenwood Co Kan south end of Kansas? Ave Nov 23, 1922 1:17 PM

I arrived here at 12:55 PM & found Mr Casner sitting on the porch. He is old & feeble but heavy & fleshy with a full face. He took me in & introduced me to his wife who is quite active for her age & went upstairs on the jump for their bible which is big old & dilapidated. She is hard of hearing, but has a fine strong face, has been a large woman & her hair is white. She brought me a two foot square picture of her father & mother which shows him with a smooth face, a very handsome man in appearance, much like father's earlier likenesses. She said his mother was a Finley & she remembers her half brothers & half sisters Robert & Ebenezer Finley & Jane Hibbs, who she says used to visit them. Mr Casner says he was born in VA near Parkersburg & that his father, George Casner, a son of Vandal, died when he was 6 mos old & when he was 3 yrs old, his Uncle Wm Casner came & took his mother & the children back to Ohio. Mrs C. has brought me the family bible from which I take their birth & marriage & that of their children, commencing on next page. Came to a farm in this Co in 1897 & came to town 14 yrs ago. Says a Thos E. Thompson edits the paper at Howard Kan. Mrs Casner says go to page 565

V8 Page 564

[Descendant Chart]

George Casner, son of Vandal Casner was a farmer & was cleaning out a well & the damp or impure air killed in VA. He married Margaret Yeager? She died in Noble Co O when her son George was abt 7 yrs old. Thinks all of their children were born in VA.


William Casner, Born 1827 & died May 1922 aged 95 yrs near Boise City, Idaho, where he had a ranch. Married in Van Buren Co Iowa to Elizabeth Graham. had 9 or 10 children. All born in Idaho.

Nettie, oldest, single would be one to write to for record. P.O. Thorn Creek Idaho 15 ms fr Boise City Idaho.









Susan Casner, married. Lived in Va near Parkersburg.

Hull Casner, m. a widow named Barnes & lived in Noble Co O near Mt Ephraim.

Payton Casner, M. Clara Hayes. She died in this house & he died later "up north in Kansas".

Guy Casner, only child, deaf, dumb & crazy was in asylum at

Osawatomie Ks

John Casner, M. Julia Van Noy. He died near Pella, Iowa. Had but one child.

William Casner, don't know where he is.

George Washington Casner, B Jany 17, 1841 in VA m. Nov 29, 1866 in Guernsey Co O by Rev James Rich, son of A & A. to Jane Elizabeth Thompson who was born May 23, 1845 daughter of William Thompson & his wife Margaret Dilley. He enlisted in 1862 in the Civil War & served 3 yrs until its close, was in the battles of Winchester Locust Grove, Cold Harbor, Gettysburg & many others including the Wilderness, Petersburg & Richmond. He draws now a pension of $50 a month & his wife says that is their living. Their children all born in Senecaville O. In 1883 moved fr Ohio to MO

Maggie Almeda Casner, Born July 18, 1868, M. Nov 1891 Ellsworth Erastus Meek, son of Joshua D. Meek with whose ways the son was disgusted & his wife Mareta Frame, his 1st wife She was dau of John Frame & his wife who was an Emerson. He was born Oct 1863. She has always had poor health. They both live here where he clerks & a petition of 600 signers asks for his appointment as postmaster as he has been deputy for ten yrs & has run the office.

Infant daughter died unnamed aged abt two days

William Evans Casner, Born March 8, 1870 M.1. June 14, 1897 to Edith White, separated & divorced M.2. Dec? 1918 to Olive Wormington, daughter of Sanford Wormington & his wife Bertha White & both living in next house adjoining this on the north where he works in R.E. business. No issue.

Mildred Casner, Born July 23, 1881. M. Oct 30, 1899 to James William Riley (he has dropped James) son of John Wesley Riley & his wife, Victoria Lindsey. He was born in October 1876? He is a farmer living 6 miles east of here owning 160 A that Mr & Mrs C. used to live on. Both living.

Mildred Marie, B June 29, 1900 m. Oct 1919 to Henry Aitken

Donald, B Feby 13, 1922 9 mos old & weighs 28 lbs.

Elizabeth V., B Mch 3, 1902 single. Is teaching for 2 yrs past

Dorothy Margaret, B June 24, 1904 ob June 4, 1908

Janice, B Aug 5, 1909

Joyce, B Jany 1, 1914

William Rex, B Mch 23, 1918

See page 291.

V8 Page 565

her brother Charles Whitfield Thompson was her mother's 3d child (& she the 5th) & says he died aged abt 4 mos & is buried in the Senecaville O cem & there is a marker to his grave buried she thinks in same lot with her father & mother.

Mrs C. says she thinks Adam Casner's widow went out to Colorado to her daughter Almeda's who married a Horton near Olathe, she thinks & died there. Said her son Vandal also went to Colorado & she doesn't know of his going to Okla. Her daughter Margaret Casner married George Richey & lived south of Senecaville O.

Mrs C. says that Barbara Casner stepped on a thorn & they had to cut her foot off & she walked with a crutch. She married a Stout, don't remember his first name, in fact never heard it. She had one daughter Emily. The family moved fr Ohio to Ottumwa Iowa in a covered wagon & John Finley followed the wagon & she jumped out the back of the wagon & went with Finley & the family didn't miss her. Milton Finley at Cumberland O is their son. Mr & Mrs C. said three of Barbara's sons were John, Leger & George. She visited Barbara in Oct 1868 (when her oldest child Maggie was 3 mos old) the only time she ever saw her. She was then a widow living with her son John on a farm a short distance out of Ottumwa Iowa. Haven't heard from them for 40 yrs.

Finished & leaving at 3:33 PM

V8 Page 566

Eureka Kansas, Hotel Greenwood Nov 23, 1922 8 AM

I find in the telephone Directory:

Carrithers, B.H. res Climax RFD No 1 Tel 46 F3

Chas A. Robins who came to the hotel this morning said Climax was half way between Eureka & Severy & that Ben Carrithers was in the bank there. I then recd a call from:

Ralph Preston Robins of 215 N. Walnut St who came to my room 19 Nov 23, 1922 9 AM

He gave me his father's record with that of himself & sister which I have noted in the table Page 559. He left at 9:22 AM

I then started at 9:25 AM & arrived:

At Climax State Bank B.H. Carrithers Cashr Nov 23, 1922 11:25 AM

Mr B.H. Carrithers has the distinguishing Caruthers facial mould & the slender spare tall build which has obtained through many generations. He gave me the following data of his immediate family which I penciled down as I did R.P. Robins & an now transcribing at 7:48 PM at the Midway Cafe, Severy Kan

Porter Carrithers, died near Center Point Clay Co Ind when his son Flavius was abt 18 yrs old. He had sons:

Geo G. & Wm H. who I saw last week in

V8 Page 567

Joplin MO, James T. now living at Centralia Washington & my informant's father:

Flavius Carrithers born Mch 15, 1846 & died Apr 16, 1909 at Severy Kan & who was married about 1866 to Sarah I. Hawkins daughter of Bennie Hawkins & who was born Nov 14, 1848 & died June 22, 1899. They had but two children:

1. Charles Porter Carrithers born July 19, 1869 & lives at No 921 Buena Ave Chicago Ills

2. Bennie Hawkins Carrithers born July 24, 1871 in Fall River Tp, Greenwood Co Kan & married June 25, 1893 to Lillie Welch who was born Oct 23, 1873 & they have three children:

1. Harold Dayton, born June 24, 1895

2. Hazel born Jany 14, 1897

3. Howard born Jany 27, 1899

1. Harold D. married Lena Wells of Parsons Ks & both living at Cedar Rapids Iowa where he is Civil engineer for the Iowa State Highway Com & have issue:

1. Max Gordon born July 18, 1918

2. Charles Edwin aged 2 yrs

2. Hazel married Race Parks & live at Eureka Kan where he is with Standard Oil Co.

1. Paul Howard born July 3, 1920

3. Howard married Ruth Work & both living in Dallas Texas where he is mgr of Collection dept of Federal Reserve Bank. No issue.

Mr Carrithers knows George Casner of Severy who he says is living but feeble. Says he is problably living with his son-in-

V8 Page 568

law Wm Riley abt 6 or 7 miles east. Thinks his wife is dead & that I had best see Mrs Riley. Says he would like to see his son Wm E. Casner for whom he recently cashed ack for $188 which was dishonored. Says to inquire at Bank in Severy.

Says he does not know of any Howard Springs but says he knew an old man Thomas C. Dunlap. Says that John Ronen, now deputy shff & recently elected sheriff, a democrat, married his daughter & would get mail if I wrote to: Mrs John Ronen, Eureka Kan.

Left 12:07 PM

I was agreeably surprised to find both Mr & Mrs Geo Casner living both of whom had been reported dead & they are excellent people. I was with them 3 hrs & recorded on pages 563 to 565 inclusive what they told me. I went up town & got I. Ora Smith who Mr Casner recommended & when I was back at 4 o'c to get my satchel, their daughter, Mrs Meeks & her husband came in. She is an attractive woman with good face & he is a man of very good appearance. They were all glad to see me & invited me to come back. They recommended me to see Tom E. Thompson, editor of the newspaper at Howard Ks, so we drove there covering the 13 miles in 40 minutes & were:

At office rooms of Thos E. Thompson editor of the Howard Courant, Howard,

Elk Co Kan Nov 23, 1922 4:50 PM

Mr T. says that

V8 Page 569

Ernest C. Dunlap Editor & Prop of the Daily News, Enid Okla aged abt 45 a college graduate, is a son of Joseph Dunlap who died near here about 10 yrs ago aged he thought ten yrs older than himself & he had two or three brothers here, but they are now all gone. Said that Ernest came back here a yr or so ago & buried the last of the family that was left, he thought an aged maiden woman.

Mr T. gave me to read, copy & return, an old letter dated in Maine 1894 to his father which he found among his papers in which his grandfather Samuel Thompson born I think 1781 is named with about a dozen other children & which I think is one of the Maine families named in Anjou's book. He said Samuel died near Salem in Henry Co Iowa in 1866 & he, T.E.T was at the funeral. He had children, Frank, Samuel, Ebenezer, Thomas, Leonard, & Asa. Asa, the father of Thos S.T. my informant died in Howard Kan 1896 aged 65 yrs. Thos E Thompson was born in Henry Co Iowa May 2, 1860.

Leaving 5:05 PM

Midway Cafe, Severy Kan Nov 23, 1922 6:06 PM (reached it at 9 PM)

I recall that B.H. Carrithers said he had had a letter from Anjou which he threw in the waste basket.

V8 Page 570

I got in from Howard at 5:55 PM, having started over with Isaac Orion Smith in his 6 yr old Ford car at 4 PM & after a 15 minutes conference with Tom E. Thompson, who has the Thompson build, returned, coming back, I saw there over my left shoulder at 5:19 PM in Elk Co Ks this side of Howard, a mile or two, the grandest most beautiful sunset I think that I ever saw, a picture beggaring description. The sun had disappeared & the after glow in the heavens was as if it hung over a seething caldron with plenty of white heat back ground & a great abundance of vari colored scarlet glow & curtains of lavender & purple. This still continued at 5:39 PM but with diminished splendor.

I recall that last night, J. Chase Robins s'd that since he passed his childhood, he had never been sick a day in his life. Starting from Eureka Ks this morning with Jesse A. Jenne in his car (he was recommended to me last night by Chas A. Robins who sd he was crippled from spinal trouble in a football game when a boy). I met with my first auto accident at 9:30 AM at 2d crossing, he running into "Jims" car Hitting Jims hind wheel fender & turning our car entirely around & crushing down our right hind wheel as it crushed against the curb, but no one was hurt. "Jim" had in his car, the widow of Jake Elliott who was shot & killed at Eureka last week. It took 1 1/4 hours before we got a new wheel on & proceeded at 10:45 AM.

It is now 9:33 PM & I will go across to the Frisco Sta to the 10:05 PM train for Cherryvale Kan.

V8 Page 571

At residence of Frank Rea No 329 E. 7th St Cherryvale, Montgomery Co Kansas. Nov 24, 1922 9:35 AM

I walked around here abt 8 or 9 blocks from the Leatherneck Hotel & found Mrs Rea & her three boys at home. The two girls are in school & Mr Rea is at Blackwell Okla. The oldest boy Donal had a spell of sickness which impaired his mind. Mrs Rea had the old bible of her husband's grandfather, a small one printed by the American Bible Society NY 1871 & is well preserved. From it, I corrected on page 454, the date of Saml T. Rea's birth & added the date of Jno J. Rea's marriage to Belle C. Thompson & on same page noted record of Frank & his wife as given orally by her & record of their children from her family record book & am noting here the additional records which were in the old bible:

John Jay Rea was born Apr 5, 1824

Belle C. Thompson was born Apr 20, 1825 & was married to John Jay Rea Nov 16, 1854 & died Oct 12, 1879.

Amanda Dewey was born Mch 14, 1832 was married to E.P. Dunham June 6, 1852 became a widow Aug 9, 1891 was remarried to John Jay Rea Aug 17, 1892 & died Jany 15, 1895.

Joseph Rea died Apr 19, 1862 aged 65 yrs 6 mos 29 days

Jane Rea, wife of Joseph Rea died May 21, 1859 aged 58 yrs 8 mos 17 days

Wm Wallace Rea, son of Jso & Jane Rea died Aug 1, 1848 aged 13 yrs 2 mos 8 days.

Joseph Rea son of Jso & Jane Rea died Aug 13, 1845 aged 5 yrs 2 mos 27 days

In a book "Forty years pastorate & Reminiscence by Rev T.R. Crawford D.D." Pub at Wheeling WVA 1887 by Daily Intelligencer, says he was pastor of Pres Ch of Nottingham O & on page 86 says "Rev John Rea D.D. son of Joseph & Isabel Rea was born in Village of Tully Ireland in 1772 came to U.S. when 18 in 1793 married Elizabeth Christy of Westnd Co Pa & had 7 sons & 2 daughters 4 of whom are still living & one grandson, Rev David Thompson is laboring on Jeddo Japan under direction of Pres Board of Foreign missions. See page 577.

V8 Page 572

At residence of John Fullerton No 703 W 7th St Chanute Neosho Co Kan Nov 24, 1922 1:37 PM

I arrived here 15 min ago & have met Mr & Mrs F. who are in the room & their son George. They are giving me the following record:

John Fullerton was born in South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co Pa Oct 26, 1864 the son of John Fullerton & grandson of Samuel Fullerton & his wife Sarah Kilgore Olive Dessa McGrew was born in London precinct, Nemaha, Nebraska Mch 4, 1871 the daughter of George Sisson McGrew & Martha Peery his wife & granddaughter of James B. McGrew. They were married in Auburn, Neb by Rev Moore on Sept 6, 1894. They lived first in Nebraska 3 yrs & then to Ottumwa Iowa 2 yrs then to Des Moines, Iowa abt 11 yrs & from there in 1909 to Chillicothe Mo & after 9 yrs there came to Chanute Kan in Oct 1918.

Their children are:

1. Samuel Glenn born Auburn Neb Mch 26, 1896

2. George Bryan born Auburn Neb Oct 27, 1897

3. Clara Bell born Ottumwa Iowa Mch 6, 1899

4. Margaret Jane born Des Moines Iowa Feby 3, 1901

5. Martha born Des Moines Iowa Nov 25, 1906

1. Samuel Glenn was married in Kansas City Mo Feby 1922 to Louise Cooper No issue. Living in Kansas City Mo where he is a shoe salesman.

2. George B. is at home unmarried as are also Clara B. & Martha both unmarried.

4. Margaret Jane married Apr 6, 1922 to Paul C. Elliott son of Elmer Elliott &

V8 Page 573

his wife. They live at Gridley Kansas where he is with the Western Drilling Tool & Supply Co a member of the firm. No issue.

Mrs F. don't know her great grandfather McGrew's name unless it was George. Her grandfather was James McGrew. He had some brothers, but she don't know their names. he was married twice & she thinks his first wife's name was Mary, but says her mother will know. She thinks he was past 80 when he died. She saw him when aged 5 yrs on a trip back to Pa. His children were Jacob, Susannah, John, George S., Martha, Jeannette, Dessie, & Samuel Wakefield.

Martha married Jonathan Marsh

& Dessie married Joshua Blake &

Jeanette married Lash &

Susannah died unmarried in West Newton Pa in 1904 or 1905 near 80 yrs. She had some of the old records as she had taken care of her father & they would go to her nephew Samuel Lash who lives in West Newton & who she raised after his mother died. Cassius Marsh son of Martha, also living in West Newton wd have some records. Mrs F. says her mother, Martha McGrew, living at No 1021 East 18th St Auburn Neb would be able to give information & have records. She was born Nov 3, 1851? She gets a pension her husband having been in the Civil War & carried a bullet in his side.

Leaving 2:30 PM

V8 Page 574 [missing]

V8 Page 575

J. Fletcher Markle died in Chanute Ks Sept 2, 1919 by Automobile accident.

Births of grandchildren:

Harry Markle Beardsley born in Chanute Ks Dec 27, 1893

Bruce Hedrick Markle born in Chanute Ks Nov 9, 1908

Carrie Alice Markle born in Chanute Ks Dec 30, 1915

Lois Ann Markle born in Chanute Ks Aug 2, 1917

1. Lulu Estelle died unmarried

2. Carrie Alice mar A.O. Beardsley who was born June 23, 1865? He for many years has been master mechanic of the A.T. & Santa Fe terminal at Chicago Ill & is very able & highly respected. He had pneumonia & was 30 days unconscious & tuberculosis has developed & he is in Lamessa Calif, a mountain town out of San Diego Calif with his wife. Has a hole in his chest for past year. Have had but one child. See Book 11 P 456

1. Harry M. noted above, a newspaper man at Chicago. He was mar in 1917 to Josephine Brandenburg of Chicago Ills. He was abroad in the World War, sent to Siberia & was gone 22 mos was a "Sargeant". He has 2 chil.

1. Barbara Margaret, aged 2 1/2 yrs

2. Harrison Thompson, aged 3 mos

3. John Fletcher, see above was killed by auto driven by girl who was with him going over a bridge between here & Humbolt & the machine fell on him & killed him. He was then mgr for Commonwealth Oil Co. Had been a Santa Fe conductor for 20 yrs. He had but one child:

Bruce H. now a junior in high school. He got the home & will have good estate. His mother died Sept 1917 of the flu. No one was better liked than Fletcher nor more respected.

V8 Page 576

4. Maggie McMains married as above & died without issue. Her second husband Elmer Gessard survived her & is living in Argentine Kansas.

5. A.B. Married as above & had two children, Carrie Alice & Lois Ann as above noted who are in school in San Francisco Calif where they are living with their mother who went off & left. A.B. got a divorce & married in Calif. She was a grass widow when she married A.B. (her maiden name was Stewart) & had a little girl Ruth Long who was adopted by A.B. at Erie Co seat of Neosho Co Ks &is now Ruth Markle & is living here with her grandmother Stewart. She is 12 yrs old. A.B. lives here with his mother & is a tool dresser in the oil trade.

Mrs Markle is the daughter of John P. Newman & his wife Letticia Wood. Her husband S.J. Markle enlisted at the beginning of the war, reenlisted & served until the war closed & was wounded three times. He was in the battles at Little Kenesaw Mountain where he was wounded, Duvals Bluff, Vicksburg in a 3 days battle. He was in Co B 30th Ohio Inf & his brother Dr Jasper Newton Markle was in the same Co. His death resulted from an abscess in his side 20 yrs later from a part of a bomb shell he carried in his side & which always bothered him. She gets $30 a month pension paid monthly & owns this home. She is of a cheerful disposition & is very strong & well, her hair is all gray is heavy set abt 5 ft 5 & has lived in Chanute 46 yrs coming here in 1876.

Leaving 4:22 PM

V8 Page 577

Oriental Hotel, Chanute Kan Nov 24/22 5:26 PM

From page 571

After marriage, he graduated at Jefferson College when it was but a small school kept in a log cabin near Canonburg Pa was among the first alumni & studied theology under direction of Rev Dr John McMillen & was licensed to preach by the Ohio Pres in June 1803. He died of decay of the vital powers Feby 12, 1855 at his residence near Unionvale O in the 83d yr of his age & the 52d yr of his ministry.

Leaving 10:16 AM

At the Oriental Hotel, Chanute I got Pages Chanute City Directory for 1922-1923 which shows:

Finley, James W. (Grace M.) Atty 16 1/2 N. Lincoln r 317 Highland

Markle, Harvey (Vada), Mech Santa Fe r 923 S. Central also our know Markles.

No Caruthers, Jacks, Redburns, or Rothermels.

At residence of J.C. & Elsie Rodgers No 1205 N 26th ST Parsons Kansas Nov 24, 1922 8:22 PM

I arrived here about 10 minutes ago & Elsie gave me the dates of her mother's birth & marriage & her own record & Mr R gave his & all are noted in the table on page 454. She showed me in the downstairs bedroom, front, a remarkably pretty quilt, which looked just like new, made 80 yrs ago by her grandmother Rea when she was Belle C. Thompson, before she was married with beautiful symmetrical figures on a white body with the figures in green & red, the green turning grayish. She said she wouldn't sell it to me, but might will it to me. They asked me to stay all night as did Fullertons at Chanute. Both Mrs Fullerton & Mrs Markle were abt as big as a barrel around the waist. Elsie said her grandmother Rea ie Belle C. Thompson born 1825 & two or three of her sisters made 38 quilts like the one she showed me, one winter.

V8 Page 578

At residence of Albert Dick Nance, Niotaze, Chautauqua Co Kan Nov 25, 1922 5:13 PM

Arrived here at 5 o'c & Mrs Nance has given me from her bible record the dates of her children's birth & their marriage & Mr Nance has given his birth entered in the table on page 486 & is giving me this further record:

1. Edith Jane was married Nov 23, 1921 to Lee Wyman & live at Havana Montgomery Co Ka where he is a tool dresser. No issue. He was born Sept 9, 1896 son of Will Wyman.

2. Ward Douglass was married Dec 24, 1920 to Bertha Beatrice Bartley who was born Dec 12, 1900 daughter of George Bartley & his wife Emma Keeling. He lives at Independence Kan where he a Santa Fe switchman. No issue.

3. Mabel Dell died Oct 29, 1913 the other children are all at home single

Mr Nance's father was Wm Douglass Nance & his wife was Jane Williams. His mother Jane Williams was fr Greensburg, Greene Co Ky.

Leaving 5:30 PM

Ward D. Nance enlisted at Caney Kan & was a corporal in 35th Div 139th Inf Co D & Lee Wyman enlisted & was a private in same Co. Their division broke the Hindenburg line. Both went abroad Apr 25,1 918 & rtd together May 9, 1919. Ward was gassed abt Sept 29, 1918 & Lee was slightly wounded. Both were tin the Argonne fight for five successive days of battle. A. Dick Nance is a fine man, almost a dead ringer in appearance for Carl W. Bowlby of Wbg Pa. She is an excellent woman doing her own work. Slender & of medium build. They were very kind & their daughter Dollie Beulah born in 1908 is very bright & gave dates & names several times when her father & mother could not remember.

V8 Page 579

Residence of Henry Watton & his wife Fannie, School St Sedan Chautauqua Co Kan Nov 25, 1922 7:22 Pm Transcribed 26th 10:30 Pm Broadview, Wichita Ks.

Mrs Watton gave me dates & information that were corroborated by the old bible record found today & I am making a genealogical table commencing on next page & using the dates given in the bible supplemented by what she told me. Fannie felt sure that the oldest son George got the bible as Allen Rodarmel's widow told her son James that she wanted his son George to have it & Fannie says she never remembers seeing the bible after he was here to visit his father in his last illness. The bible was just the New Testament, medium size, big print & laid on the stand. James' son Clarence asked Mrs W. "Mama can I have the bible" to which she replied she didn't know whether it was here as she hadn't recently seen it. This was when Clarence was at the funeral. George didn't get back to the funeral but came to mos later. Mrs W. says the bible had James record & also Allen's & she thinks older ones further back. It had a leather back which was loose. Thinks it was answering a letter recd a fr Wm F. Rodimel after James death that Pearl gave the dates which both Pearl & her mother now recall & that being the case, Mrs W. says the bible will be out at the farm upstairs with their other books. A tenant named Swany is on the farm. They say that Anthony Gortney, who married Frances Rodarmel, sister of James, is dead & so is she. She was dead at the time James son Wesley died at the home of his Uncle Anthony Gortney. The Gortney's had:

1. Charles married

2. Emma, married Bill Englehart & live at Pryor Creek, Okla & left one child.

3 & 4. Joe & Jim both married & 5 Milissa died unmarried.

James Rodarmel's 2d wife had a daughter by her first husband, Carrie M. Cunningham born Apr 11, 1878 who mar 1st Tom Peterson & had two children & mar 2d Geo Whitaker & both are living at Pratt Kan 82 miles west of Wichita. Fannie had by her first husband 1. Herbert died aged 21 mos 2, Nina Marian Mack born Mch 25 1892 & M.1. John Smith by whom she had 2 children & divorced & m.2. Mahlon McGowan & live in Ranger Tex. 3. Emma born Feby 5, 1895 married Alvin Williams & live at Pierceville Kan & have 3 children. To page 582

V8 Page 580 & V8 Page 581

[Descendant Chart]

James Rodarmel was born in Pike Co Ind the son of Allen Rodarmel Aug 22, 1842 & died at Sedan Kansas Mch 29, 1915 aged 72 yrs & mos & days. He had A. for Adams in his name, but not liking it he crossed it off the bible record. He [unreadable few words] at the age of 16 yrs & joined the Baptist Church in which his father was a deacon. He volunteered at the breaking out of the Civil War enlisting for 3 yrs in 58 Reg Co E Ind Vol but after 9 mos service owing to disabilities, he was honorably discharged. He moved from Indiana in 1870 to MO & from there in 1872 to Chautauqua Co Kansas & settled on a farm 9 miles north of Sedan in Lafayette Tp in St Charles School Dist. He died fr a cancer as big as a bucket on the side of his head & neck & was down sick 7 mos & from Nov until his death, he required such constant attention that his wife never had her clothes off. He married 1st Aug 9, 1862 Margaret Muhr, born Sept 24, 1839 near the Rhine in Germany, the daughter of Robert & Mary Muhr who came with her parents to America when she was six weeks old. They were married in Pike Co Ind. She died in Chautauqua Co Kan Jany 26, 1882. He married 2d Oct 5, 1882 Elizabeth Cunningham a widow nee Lawyer who was born May 6, 1853 in Chautauqua Co Kan. She died in 1893 so Fannie says. She was a native of Indiana. He married 3d Sept 19, 1895 Fannie Meek Born Sept 26, 1870 8 miles NE of Van Buren Ark the widow of DeWitt Clinton Meek who died when their daughter Nina was 11 mos old. She is the daughter of Frederick LaPlant who was a full blooded French man coming from near Paris, France & his wife Fannie Cordell. She married 3 on Dec 12, 1915 Henry Watton who was born Aug 8, 1866 in Harrison Co Iowa the son of Jeremiah Dale Watton & his wife Mary Park a native of Penn. He was a native of Ohio. He & his first two wives are buried at St Charles g.y. a cemetery named for St Charles School Dist. There are tombstones with inscriptions to both of his wives, but none to him.


Cordelia L. B. July 20, 1863 in Pike Co Ind. M.1. Feby 13, 1889 Thos Andrew Beechem, son of Andrew Beechem & his wife Mary Trammell who was born in Ark near Little Rock June 10, 1849 & died Jany 1, 1910 M.2. June 18, 1912 Benj Franklin Jaco who was born July 20, 1843 in West Union WVA son of a Methodist minister. He served all through the Civil War for 4 yrs & is living in Soldiers home at Leavenworth Kan being divorced. No issue by Jaco, 5 by 1st.

Myrtle Maud, B July 14, 1890, m. Oct 1, 1908 Henry Hans Petersen, son of Hans Peterson & his wife Carlina Rymer who was born Apr 9, 1872 in Neb. Both living in rush Co Ks where he is a farmer.

Della May Petersen, Born June 17, 1917

Nettie Charlotte, B Nov 4, 1893 m. Jany 26, 1911 Carl Benj Christianson, son of Louis Christianson see book 9 apge 24, who was born May 23 1883. Her mother lives with them & their P.O. is Larned Ks RFD. Nettie born in Neso Co Kan

Lester Allen, B Feby 29, 1912

Delma Delia, B Mch 1, 1914 a beautiful girl

Luella Charlotte, B July 30, 1922

Clarence Andrew, B July 11, 1895 m. July 25, 1915 Elizabeth Cline who was born in VA Jany 6, 1885 & they are living along the RR in Pawnee Co Ks 4 m SW of Larned Ks where he is a farmer. No issue.

Maggie Ellen, B June 16, 1897 m. Feby 11, 1915 Leonard Eskew who was born Jany 6, son of James & Minnie Eskew. She died of flu Nov 26, 1918. He is a farmer in Pawnee Co, south of Larned Ks

Wesley Lilburn, B Feby 12, 1916

Estella May, B Dec 25, 1900 the youngest. M. June 4, 1919 John Herman Folkerts who was born Mch 17, 1893 in Neb, son of John & Hannah Folkerts both emigrants fr Hanover Germany. They are separated.

Betty May, B Aug 21, 1922 at Pawnee Co Kansas

Lottie Frances, B Dec 19, 1865 in Pike Co Ind. Mar 1 1883 Robert Alfred Peterson. M.2. Nov 7, 1917 to Frank Revelette Sr who died Dec 22, 1919 see book 11 P 320

George A., B Apr 30, 1868

A still born child

Maggie M., B. Jany 8, 1872

Eliza E., B Nov 20, 1874

James Wesley, B Sept 30, 1877 died aged 17 or 18 of congestive chills at Pryor Creek Okla? & is buried at Bryant Chapel 6 ms east. No tombstone. single.

Hugh J. Rodarmel, B Apr 15, 1880. His P.O. address is Boxelder Colo m. Dec 22, 1908 to Winifred Eleanor Neff born Dec 23, 1878 near Wahoo Neb dau of Henry E. Neff & his wfie Seretta J. Bassett. Nellie was born & died on the ranch near Buford Wyo. The other three all born at St Johns Hospital Cheyenne Wyo. Their ranch now is in Colorado in the mountains.

Hugh J. was born near Sedan Kans. Their address Aug 30, 1923 is Granite Canon [best guess followed by an unreadable word] Margaret May, Born Sept 26, 1909

Helen Ethel, B Nov 18, 1910

Nellie Elizabeth, B Mch 7, 1912, ob Apr 17, 1912

Dorothy Eleanor, B Apr 20, 1913

Charles C. B July 3, 1883

William Owens, B Sept 26, 1884 m. Aug 31, 1906 Mattie Theodora Chase who was born in Kiowa Co Kan Jany 12, 1888

Wilbur Alonzo, B Jany 29, 1909

Ruthamay, B Jany 26, 1914

Stillborn girl, B Oct 16, 1919

Stillborn boy, B Mch 2, 1921

Curtis Benjamin, B July 25, 1886 m. May 28, 1914 to Grace Belle Tolbert dau of Isaac Jefferson Tolbert & his wife Alberta Hook who was born at Longton Kan Sept 8, 1888. They live 922 E 2d St Hutchinson Ks

Mary Elizabeth B Mch 13, 1915 ob Mch 20, 1915

Anabel, B July 27, 1916, ob Jany 28, 1918

Robt Lowry, B Nov 8, 1917

Jem Arthur, B May 30, 1919

Mildred Laverne, B Sept 4, 1920 ob July 21, 1921

Arlene Virginia, B Nov 16, 1921

Iva A. B Mch 22, 1888

Clarence H., B Aug 10, 1891

Mary Etta, B Feby 24, 1893 m. Aug 22, 1911 to Marion Albert Behee who was born Mch 20, 1888 see book 9 P 16

Dortha Lee, B June 25, 1912, a girl

Albert Clay, B Mch 31, 1914

Viola Virginia, B Sept 21, 1916

Lillian Luella, B Mch 9, 1919

Clifford Frederick, B May 15, 1922

LeRoy Rodarmel, B Mch 5, 1895 m. Jany 25, 1918 to Mabel Hall. Bot living at Elgin Kan where he is an electrician

Earnest Allen B Sept 30, 1898 in Lafayette Tp, M. Sept 9, 1922 to Goldie Mae Bryant dau of Dick Bryant who was born July 4, 1905 & living at his mother's

Pearl Born Dec 20, 1902 in Lafayette Tp Chau Co Kansas. M. Dec 25, 1919 to Alva Clarence Ferguson (son of Geo M. Ferguson & his wife Viola Christena Wright) who was born in Wash Tp this co Nov 26, 1901 & their P.O. address is Box 207 Sedan Kan

James Carl Ferguson, B Aug 9, 1920

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From Page 579

Fannie's son LeRoy Rodarmel enlisted in the World War at Neodeoha Kan & went abroad in Feby 1918 & was there just a yr to a day. He was in the signal corp & in the Argonne fight & got mustard gas on his leg which sent him to the hospital 3 or 4 times. Have two children dead.

Mr & Mrs Watton have an adopted son: viz Henry Watton Jr born Sept 19, 1918. She says her husband, James Rodarmel told her that a Joseph Rodarmel, a brother of Allen, was coming from Penna en route to Indiana (I think it must have been fr Indiana to Illinois) & on the way stopped at a blacksmith shop & the blacksmith in Illinois & the blacksmith named Smith took a great liking to Joseph & prevailed on them to leave him, he promising to set him out when 21, at which time he could go to them or stay with him. When 21, he went back to his parents & married & then went to live with his foster parent, Smith in Ills taking however the name Joseph Smith Rodarmel. He got a team wagon & harness as his outfit. He was one of the younger children. James Rodarmel's baby sister & his favorite Mary married a Heacock who ran off & left her. They lived in Indiana. Pearl says her brother Wm at Dodge City, can give name of an old Soldier at Ft Dodge Ks who was an old school friend of her father who could give information & he would come in Dodge City if Bill would call him. Pearl thinks her sister Iva Barnes lives at Cleveland Okla or near there. Wm at Dodge City can tell her address. William Watton brother of Henry was born Apr 21, 1864.

Left at 10:10 PM

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Bradford Hotel, Sedan Kan Nov 26, 1922 7:11 AM (Transcribing at Broadview, Wichita Nov 27/22 2:25 AM)

C.W. Smith, the Prop drove me in his Studebaker Special a fine big car to Niotaze last evening starting at 4:11 & getting back at 6;11 Pm. We found A. Dick Nance & his wife & abt a half dozen of his children in a small frame house painted white, neat & comfortable on the edge of the town on his farm. We passed the gasoline sta of W.H. Sprowe near Pern Kan, elected on 7th inst as Republican member of Congress for 3d Dist which embraces 8 counties by 520 majority. He lives here in Sedan & would have been defeated except for the big vote he got here. Sedan alone giving him a majority of t27 votes. Smith says they are nearly all Republicans here. Later in the evening however, while Cousin Fannie Watton is a Republican, her brother-in-law Wm Watton is a Democrat & sd the normal Rep majority in this Dist was 10,000 which does not show Sprowl to be very popular. I got my supper when I got in & Mr Smith drove me over to Mrs Watton's at 7 Pm where I found her a very wholesome moderately large matronly woman with a good face & a good Christian woman. She was very willing & helpful in my quest as were all of them. They live in a small frame house near the edge of town & I met there her husband a medium sized man, his brother Wm Watton abt 6 ft all a laboring man who had lived with the Gortneys & other of the relatives across the line south in Okla & could remember many things the others couldn't. There was also Pearl, her youngest child & the 17th child of James Rodarmel, a pretty well built young girl of 20 who was very kind & her husband Alva C. Ferguson & their little two yr old boy Jimmie. Also her brother Earnest A. Rodarmel & his recently wedded wife. Pearl wouldn't see her Uncle Wm F. when he was here refusing to come downstairs. Henry told me this morning that he had beat his brother James out of a good team. He, W.F. is very stingy & close & was not respected. Mrs W. s'd she asked her husband James if she should notify him to come when it developed that the end was near & he sd "No, but send for George". We arranged last night that Mr Watton & Earnest A. would go

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out to the farm this morning with me to try to find the old bible which after recalling that Pearl had answered a letter of her Uncle Wm F. giving the dates of birth etc led them to conclude it had not been gotten by either of the sons, but must be out there. They are to phone me here when they are ready which they thought wd be abt 9 o'c. I have had my breakfast & is now 8:15 AM. They did not get ready to start until after ten & Fannie & Earnest's wife & little Harry Jr went also & we were soon at the

Old Jeremiah D. Watton Home, Lafayette, Chau Co Kan St Charles Dist Nov 26, 1922 11:06 AM

This farm house is occupied by a tenant Swaney. Mrs Swaney took us up to the attic of the frame house where we found an old testament, a small one split in two & dilapidated published by the Am. Bible Soc NY 1873 with record of James Rodarmel's first two marriages & births of those wives & death of the first & births of all of their children but May which I have embodied in the table on pages 580 & 581. This had the dates I particularly wanted but was not the bible we was looking for, which Mrs W. then sd must be in a dresser drawer over at the Old Rodarmel home 1 1/2 miles east so we left at 11:26 AM & were soon:

At residence of Joseph Wesley Watton (the old James Rodarmel home) in Lafayette Tp Chau Co Ks Nov 26/22 11:33 AM

Just arrived here & Mr & Mrs Henry Watton are in a front room looking through the dresser drawers & I was waiting in the sitting room when Mrs J.W. Watton came in from the kitchen & I asked her if she had ever seen the old bible or testament when she walked over to a chest by the telephone & picked it up, the New testament in big print & of the exact size Fannie had described, but the back was gone & the front & back pages. It commenced with the 1st chapter of Matthew & ended with Rev

21. When

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Fannie & her husband came in & sd it wasn't there whereupon I handed it to her & she said that was the one we were hunting being the bible or testament of James Rodarmel's mother & she said the family record was on the blank leaves in front & back. She said they with the back might be in a box she has at her present home & if she can find same, she will register it to me to be rtd after I take copy. She took the testament with her & Henry took the one at the other house. Joseph W. Watton is another brother of Henry & both he & his wife have cross austere countenances. Left at 12 o'c noon. We left Fannie, Harry & Junior at Swaney's to go back with her son Earnest A. Rodarmel & wife & we hurried back to Sedan being driven by Grant Hutchinson, a cousin of Fannie & who works for Mr Smith accompanied by his wife & little girl. We got to the hotel, got my satchel, paid my bill & rushed to the Sta getting there just as the train pulled in, got my ticket for Wichita & got on. Fannie had their adopted son Henry Jr a wonderfully handsome intelligent 4 yr old boy. The land we passed over this morning going north to the old home is very rocky & rates at $20 to $40 per acre & Henry Watton sd it was the roughest county in the state. The old Rothermel home is 1 1/2 miles east of the old Watton home. The train started out of Sedan abt on time & continuing on time reached Conway Springs Ks at 4:40 Pm on time but had to wait there 2 1/2 hours for the train to come from the south to bring us to Wichita where we arrived at 8:20 PM have had my dinner & written up this record & it has just struck 4 Am & I will go to bed.

At residence of Alexander S. Thompson 150 Cleveland Ave Wichita Kan Nov 27, 1922 8:55 AM

I arrived here 10 min ago & Mr T. is giving me his record from his bible. See next page. He had a letter last week from his mother bidding him farewell from which he thinks she is failing.

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[Descendant Chart]

Alexander Scroggs Thomson, son of Hugh L. Thomson was born in Jefferson Co O near Smithfield O July 4, 1844. Moved in 1853 with his parents to Henderson Co Ills where he was married on Oct 17, 1867 to Miss Rachel Freetley McMillan, daughter of James McMillan & his wife Mary Thompson of Kershaw Dist South Carolina. She was born in Henderson Co Ills Aug 3, 1845. They removed in 1879 to near Lyons, Rice Co Kan. In 1893 they moved to Minneapolis Minn & in Jany 1895 moved here to Wichita Kan. He had a general store while in Lyons Kan but not since. See Book 7 P 500.


William McMillan, B July 23, 1868 in Oquawka Ills ob Feby 15, 1870

Margaret Elizabeth, B Feby 8, 1871 in Oquawka Ills ob Oct 21, 1917 in Wichita Ks. M. June 21, 1894 here in Wichita Ks to Robert Taylor Anderson, who was born July 13, 1866 & is living now in Emporia Kan. He has been a wholesale clothing merchant. Children all single.

Ruth, B Jany 6, 1896 at Loveland Col

Rachel Eleanor, B Sept 30, 1898 at Loveland Col ob July 15, 1914, unmarried.

Dorothy Thomson, B Nov 17, 1901 at Canyon City Col

Donald Alexander, B June 21, 1904 at Sterling Kan

Margaret Elizabeth, B Jany 27, 1906 at Sterling Kan

Frederick Russell, B Nov 11, 1873 near Biggsville Ill. He was married & is separated. He is with a large Dept store as asst mgr in NY City. No issue. Mch 3, 1925. He died Aug 22, 1924 of heart failure in NY City & was buried there.

Mary Lida, B Jany 18, 1877 near Biggsville Ill m. Oct 22, 1902 here in Wichita to William Taylor Terrill, a native of England. They are separated. He is living in Chicago Ill & she lives here in the city where she teaches music.

William Russell Terrill, B Aug 4, 1905 at Chicago Ills. He lives with his mother & is in High school here.

A stillborn daughter, B Nov 1886 in Lyons Kansas.

Mr & Mrs T. says that his parents came out to Lyons Kan when they lived there & celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with them. Mr T. remembers when a boy aged abt 7 of seeing a Robert Thompson, a very old man who lived in Jeff Co O & he thinks was a 1st cousin of his grandfather Hugh Thompson. He died in Ohio. His son, Robert was one & the others sons moved to Whiteside Co ills. A daughter of old Robert, Mary, lived with Mr T's parents & came to Ills with them & went up to Whiteside Co & married a Rexroad. Mr & Mrs T. are U.Ps & he is an elder in the 1st U.P. church here. Mr T. enlisted in 1861 in 10th Ills V. Inf in the Civil War & served abt 1 yr & was in a few smaller battles. He gets the regular pension of $50 per month.

Leaving 10:11 AM

Mr T. is abt 6 ft 2 in & slender with whiskers all over his face. She too is tall & slender & suffers from the asthma.

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At residence of Rev Samuel D. Wallace No 1341 S. Santa Fe Ave Wichita Kansas Nov 27, 1922 10:44 AM

Mr Wallace, a large man weighing 204 lbs & 5 ft 11 in tall recd me & gave me the record of his family which I am entering on the next page in the form of a table. Refer to page 486.

Rev Wallace says Miss Edith Stewart works in the Boston store here, corner Douglas & Main Sts on the 3d floor in the drapery dept. Mr W's daughter, Ethel Wallace by his 2d wife works at the W.U. Tel Co office in this the Broadview Hotel. He says the Masons are living in Greenwich Kan & says to see John who carries the mail & if he don't have the record, his brother Ellis might. Ellis is a section hand on the MO Pacif. He says they are peculiar & are part Indian as there was some Indian blood in the Masons. He spoke very highly of their mother who died a couple yrs ago.

Leaving 11:22 AM

At Broadview Hotel Wichita Nov 27, 1922 12:35 PM. Conference with Miss Edith Stewart at writing room.

Miss Edith came in pursuant to appt made over the phone by Ethel Wallace. She is a very pretty girl with the identical red hair & winning smile of Isabel N. Evans & looks very very like her but is not so tall & is more slight & is very petite & sweet. She gave me her brother's address at K.C. Mo & her Aunt Emma's at Colby Kan & sd she wd write to her father & get record & send it to me. She had to go back to work & left at 1:05 PM.

I then got an auto & drove to:

Residences of Ellis McKindree Mason & John H. Mason Central Ave Greenwich Kan Nov 27, 1922 3 PM

We find here at Ellis's the big well preserved bible of their mother with an abundance of dates which I am embodying in table on page 589.

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[Descendant Chart]

John Thompson


Nancy Thompson, born Sept 21, 1823 mar Owen Johnson see page 486.

Mary E. Johnson, born July 20, 1850 in Jasper Co Mo died June 29, 1888 in Sedgwick Co Kan. See page 486. She married Nov 7, 1871 in Bourbon Co Kan Rev Samuel Davidson Wallace, son of Rev Wm Donaldson Wallace & his wife Martha Jane Jones. he was born Aug 30, 1849 in Davis Co Iowa. He was licensed by the Cum. Pres Ch by the Wichita Pres & preached 40 yrs when physical disabilities compelled him to retire from active work. He mar 2nd Oct 10, 1889 Ella I. Haynes who is living & by whom he has 4 children. His first wife's children were all born in Sedgwick Co Kansas.

Iva Etta, B Aug 29, 1872 m. Sept 2, 1891 to Ezra Ullysses Widick son of James H. Widick. He was born Apr 13, 1869 at Decatur Ill. Both living in Butler Co Kan where he is a farmer 3 miles out of town fr P.O. Towanda Kansas RD. They have five children living & one dead all born at Benton Kansas.

Earl Leroy, b. June 18, 1893 m. May 1, 1918 to Vina Myrtle Wait born Nov 10, 1891 at Towanda Ks

Gilbert Leroy B Dec 31, 1920 at Towanda Kansas

Freda Elaine, B Nov 6, 1922 at Towanda Kan.

Elmer Allen, B Sept 15, 1895 m. Dec 22, 1916 to Ruth Haley born June 9, 1896 at Ottumwa Iowa.

Wilbur Allen, B Dec 23, 1917 at Benton Kan

Mary Louella, B July 27, 1897 m. May 11, 1918 Chester Alonzo Hall born May 23, 1892 at Benton Ks

Edith Naomi, B Jany 12, 1923 at Whitewater Kansas

Cecil C. B Sept 8, 1899 m. Nov 18, 1920 to Bertha Clair Nye born Mch 23, 1901 at Turley Kan.

Samuel Virgil

William Leslie, B Mch 21, 1907

Susie, B Aug 7, 1874 ob Nov 2, 1878 of diptheria

Bertie Samuel, B Jany 1, 1877 ob Nov 20, 1878 of diptheria

Amy E., B Mch 9, 1879 ob Jany 31, 1880 of spinal trouble

Samuel Leslie, B Dec 19, 1880 at Buffalo Ks m. Dec 3, 1904 to Bertha May Riley, daughter of Wm & Mary Eliza Magill Riley. She was born Oct 19, 1883 at Keete [best guess] Ks both living at 1318 W 51st Los Angeles Calif where he is chief clerk for "Santa Fe" RR for 20 yrs under Mr Bassett

Lawrence Leslie, Born 416 Polk St Topeka Ks Jany 13, 1906

Mary Ola, B 423 Polk St Topeka Ks Nov 15, 1909

Hobart Alan, B 1438 E 21st St Los Angeles Calif Feby 27 1912

William Davidson, B Mch 22, 1883. M. in Topeka Ks to Bessie Irwin. Both living at Topeka Kan where he is mgr of Longren Aircraft Corp. No issue.

Louella, B Nov 23, 1885 m. Mch 16, 1918 at Topeka Kan to Bert McDermond & live at Topeka Ks where he works for the "Santa Fe" RR. No issue.

Ray O, [twin] B June 21, 1883 prematurely at 8 mos ob July 30, 1888

Roy P, [twin B June 21, 1883 prematurely at 8 mos ob Aug 6, 1888.

Mary Thompson [dau of John] Born Feby 6, 1818 mar Sept 14, 1843 Thomas Darr see page 489.

Hannah Darr, Born June 25, 1844 & died Sept 23, 1920 at Greenwich Ks. She married Mch 23, 1865 John Wesley Mason who was born Oct 17, 1836 & died June 26, 1916. She died in the house where I took this down by pencil now occupied by her son Ellis who lived with her & now lives alone unmarried in it. Their big bible was published by the N.D. Thompson pub Co No date.

Olive Jane, B Dec 22, 1865 ob Nov 30, 1883 unmarried.

Ellis McKindree, B Sept 25, 1867, unmarried.

Oliver Benton, B Dec 31, 1869 m. Dec 20, 1891 Lillie Lamoin Wallace who was born Oct 24, 1872 dau of Wm D. Wallace Jr (son of Rev Wm D) & his wife Marthesia DeLong. He lives at 992 N. Orient St Eldorado Kan & John H. says he got the old bible of his grandmother Darr with record.

William Wesley, B. Dec 5, 1892 m. Nov 26, 1912 to Pearl Claypool dau of Mace & Nevada Claypool.

Nevada Lemoin, B Aug 26, 1913 ob June 18, 1917

Irene, B Nov 20, 1915

Floyd Oliver, B Dec 30, 1917

Oletha May, B Jany 28, 1895

Daisy Gertrude, B Jany 13, 1899 ob Feby 18, 1900

John Harman, B Jany 14, 1872 M. Oct 18, 1894 to Jessie Chipps born Oct 21, 1876 dau of Joseph Chipps of Wbg WVA & his wife Martha Wallace dau of Rev Wm D. my informants of the day. Living in Greenwich Kansas.

Nellie Belle Mason, B Aug 22, 1895 ob July 31, 1903

Helen, B Jany 30, 1895

Lena Francis, B June 18, 1898

Roy Herman, B Apr 14, 1902

Daisie Juanita, Born Aug 24, 1906 [twin]

Donnie Leota, Born Aug 24, 1906 [twin]

Iza Greenbery B Nov 2, 1873 m. Dec 23, 1900 to Lela Wallace born May 13, 1882 dau of Wm D. Wallace & wife Marthesia DeLong sister of O.B.'s wife.

Edith Lamoin, B June 23, 1901, ob June 17, 1913

Harold Ellis, B May 11, 1906.

Chester Lavine, B June 15, 1908

Nancy Eleanor, B Apr 1, 1876 M. July 4, 1893 Wm J. Delong who was born Nov 27, 1869 son of Simpson DeLong & his wife Mary E. Wallace dau of Rev Wm D.W.

Mary Olive B Sept 15, 1894 m. May 24, 1916 to Roy Davis

Amelia Iota, B Sept 13, 1917

Robert Lee, B July 11, 1919

Viola Allegra, B Dec 8, 1904

Thelma Berdine, B Sept 30, 1909

Wilma Anita, B Aug 9, 1912

Opal Wynona, B June 28, 1915

Otis Wesley, B July 4, 1878 m. Aug 3, 1919 to Mary Evelyn Wallace who was born Mch 24, 1894 dau of Wm D. Wallace who was son of Jeff & he a son of Rev Wm D & his wife Lizzie Edwards

Naomi Ruth, B June 15, 1920

Gladys S. B Dec 28, 1921

Simon Milborn, B Jany 11, 1882? ob Sept 18, 1883

Mary Melissa, B July 11, 1883 m. Dec 16, 1903 James C. DeLong born Feby 23, 1879 brother of Wm J. DeLong. No issue.

Wm Andrew, B May 3, 1886 m. Sept 15, 1910 Edna C. McDonald. Her middle name, Christina who was born Oct 5, 1893

Mildred Myrtle, B Aug 13, 1911

Dorothy May, B Feby 27, 1914

Elsie Hannah, B Aug 5, 1916

Vera Marie, B May 19, 1919

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At residence of Fred Tangeman, Newton Tp, Harvey Co Kan Nov 28, 1922 9:05 AM. Transcribed at Worthington Hotel Herington Ks same day 9:30 PM

Mr Tangeman (his name is not Tangerine as I had it) says that his wife's sister Miss Mary Weddell living with her brother Jesse Weddell, farmer abt 4 miles from Ashland Neb (he thinks West) would have the bible of her father Jesse Weddell. She is over 70 yrs old. Thinks she could give data as she has a wonderful memory & she can give addresses of the others. Mr T. says he does not have any old bible records. He is a fine type of man. His wife Margaret Weddell, daughter of Jesse Weddell & his wife Sarah Jane Weaver born 1823, who in turn was daughter of Jacob Weaver & his wife Mary Thompson, daughter of William of Dr Samuel Thompson, was born in Westnd Co Pa at the old homestead for generations of the Weddell family Dec 30, 1857 & died Apr 11, 1908 in Newton Tp. Harvey Co Kan in this house six months after they moved in. She was married in Newton Ks Mch 1, 1883 to Fred Tangeman who was born in Londonville, Ashland Co O Apr 5, 1858, the son of Chas Henry Tangeman & his wife Anna Schiedt (pro Sheet). He moved fr Londonville O to Hayesville O & in Feby 1880 moved to this Harvey Co Kan & have children:

1. Anna M. Tangerman born Jany 22, 1884

2. William Henry born Nov 6, 1885

3. Jesse Tangerman born Nov 20, 1887

4. Meta Jane Tangerman born Nov 9, 1891

1. Anna M. married Aug 25, 1909 John Dudte (pro Dute) who was born May 11, son of Michael Dudte & his wife Sophia Hawkey & both are living in Highland Tp this Co 3 miles north where he is a farmer & have 7 children.

1. Margaret Sophia Dudte born May 4, 1910

2. Gertrude Elizabeth Dudte born Nov 22, 1911

3. Henry Frederick Dudte born Mch 10, 1914

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4. Mary Edna Dudte born Apr 6, 1916

5. Jessie Helen Dudte born Oct 2, 1918

6. Harry Michael Dudte born May 8, 1920

7. Dorothy Dute born Sept 12, 1921

2. William Henry mar June? 1912 Ruth Van Doren who was born Nov 19, 1890 daughter of Henry Van Doren & his wife Margaret. He lives at Ontario Calif (a mile south of Upland on the "Santa Fe") where his address is 215 El Morado Court. He is in the Hot Point Electric Factory at Ontario & has children:

1. Joseph Robert Tangerman, born July 12, 1914

2. Margaret Elizabeth Tangerman, born May 16, 1917

3. Jeanne Ruth Tangerman born Jany 27, 1921

3. Jesse was killed May 15, 1917 & was unmarried. His horse scared at the street car & ran away with him.

4. Meta Jane married Nov 8, 1919 John S. Newlin who was born Oct 1893 the son of Abner B. Newlin & his wife Emma. Both living at Lewis, Edwards Co Kan where he is a farmer. He was abroad in the World War was in some of the worst battles & never had a scratch & later was with the army of occupation in Germany. Have two children:

1. Margaret Jane Newlin, born Aug 6, 1920

2. William Claire Newlon born July 1, 1922

Mr Tangerman married 2d Sept 14, 1910 Edna Arnold who was born at Okawville Ills Sept 5, 1879 daughter of Alouis Arnold, a Swiss & his wife Emma Gaskill but have no issue. She is my good informant of the morning.

Mr T. says that Flora J. Sands died at Peabody Kan without issue, but her sister Jessie can give record. Left at 10 AM & went to Wallard Service Sta where I dismissed taxi & Mr Tangeman came in & introduced me there to B.W. Plummer son-in-law of Sam Hackney. He, Mr T. drove me to see the others.

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At residence of B.W. Plummer No 708 E 27th St Newton Kan Nov 28, 1922 10:33 AM

We found Sam Hackney here. He is a small man in more ways than one & gave me from his family bible but most ably assisted by Mrs Plummer his record as follows:

Anna Mary Lecky, daughter of William Lecky & his wife Elizabeth Edgar a sister of Henry & Alex Black (she being his 2d wife & he her 2d husband, Geo W. Green's wife being her daughter by her first husband Edgar) was born Nov 29, 1852 in Fayette Co Pa near McClellandtown Pa & was married Mch 2, 1871 to Samuel Hackney, son of John Hackney & his wife Isabel Ebert. He was born July 29, 1851. He moved from Penna July 13, 1871 & arrived July 10, 1871 in Harvey Co Kan (now part of Marion) & has lived here ever since. He has three children living & three dead viz:

1. Frank Ebert Hackney born Mch 25, 1872

2. Nora Jane Hackney born Oct 25, 1873

3. Bessie Belle Hackney born Aug 21, 1877

4. Bruce Edgar Hackney born Jany 25, 1880

5. Amy Frances Hackney born Apr 23, 1882

6. Laura Elyda Hackney born Nov 21, 1890

Mrs Hackney died May 2, 1919

Amy Frances Hackney died Aug 18, 1882

Bruce Edgar Hackney died Jany 17, 1885

Bessie Belle Hackney died Jany 17, 1885

These two latter were poisoned by the doctor giving them corrosive sublimate in mistake.

1. Frank E. married 1st Aug 15, 1895 to Elizabeth Glenn daughter of Robert Glenn. She died Apr 23, 1897? he married 2nd on Apr 5, 1905 Ida Blanche Brown who was born Mch 30, 1880 & died Jany 22. She was the daughter of Ed D. Brown. Frank E. lives on the old home farm in Highland Tp & is a widower. He had but one child by each wife viz:

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1. Clifford Irl Hackney Born July 14, 1896 & lives at home with his father. His P.O. is Walton Kan RFD & he is the party to write to for the record.

2. Donald Hackney, born Jany 14, 1910 Mrs Plummer said they had 2 or 3 children that died.

2. Nora Jane married Aug 14, 1895 Bennett Grove who was born Sept 14, 1866 son of Alfred H. Grove & his wife Louisa Morris of Farmland, Randolph Co Ind. Both living in Newton Ks at 120 E. 9th ST. He is a teacher. They have but one child viz:

1. Elvin Leslie Grove born July 8, 1896. He married on Dec 24, 1919 Myrtle McCann. They have one child

1. Duane Samuel born Jany 17, 1921

Elvin is a civil engineer for "Santa Fe"

6. Laura Elyda married Oct 12, 1911 Bernard Watrous Plummer who was born Dec 17, 1882 at Yates Center Ks the son of Thomas W. Plummer & his wife Mary Frances Hamilton. No issue. This is their home. Mr P. runs the Willard Service Sta battery. Mrs Plummer says her Aunt Emma Lecky who married Elihu Jackson lives now in Peabody Ks. She is a widow & had six children viz:

1. Eldest child, dead

2. Lizzie mar Payne & live in Wichita Kan

3. harry dead was married & divorced, no issue

4. Edward, at home single

5. Inez, mar Walter Slocum & live about Peabody Ks

6. Mabel born Nov 18, 1891 at home single. Mrs P. says to write to her at Peabody Ks & she will give record. Left 11:11 AM

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We then drove down abt a block to a big brick house on same side of street, the residence of Virginia W. Hudson but got no response & house seemed to be closed. Then drove to Rufus Phillip's home & met him & his daughter. He is a fine man & looked very well. Had two men & a woman visitors fr Clinton Iowa. His son Luther who lives on & runs the farm came in just as we were leaving at 12 o'c noon after a pleasant half hour with them. We then drove to the A.T. & S.F. Sta & found I could get train at 1:05 PM for Peabody & change there to C.R.I. & Pac for Lost Springs Ks. We then drove to No 1107 N. Main St arriving just as Miss Jessie M. Clark was entering. Went in & Mr T. introduced me, he having made appt by phone for Willard Service Sta for meeting at this hour.

At Miss Jessie M. Clark's No 1107 N. Maint St Newton Kan Nov 28, 1922 12:11 PM

Miss Clark is a large framed woman with big broad face with somewhat the expression of Mrs Mary G. Coburn & I should say was 5 ft 9 or 10 in tall. She showed me a photo of her father Oscar Clark & his wife, both handsome good faces taken here when they celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage in this house on Mch 4, 1913 when all their descendants were present & Miss C. had an autographed copy of the photo for everyone even down to the great grandchild to hand round as the last course. I told her I wanted a copy for my book & she s'd I could get one. Mr T. says she is the best primary grade teacher in the town. She loaned me her copy of the Clark family Hist which I told her I wd copy at Okla City & register Orig back to her with two carbon copies. We left at 12:40 PM

Driving me back to the Sta, Mr T told me with choking voice of a butchering operation for inward goiter

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that took his wife from him. He also told of Mr Weddell his father-in-law, a fine man being heart broken at the loss of the old home farm in Westnd Co Pa which was foreclosed on by his creditor & sold for a song following Mr Weddells' failure & that of his bank in West Newton Pa during the panic of 1873 distress. He spoke of his lonesomeness for a couple years after his wife's death & of his daughter offering to break her engagement to keep house for him which he would not allow her to do. He is abt 5 ft 7 in & has gray blue eyes & very short mustache. he was very hospitable & wanted me to stay for dinner & overnight. His wife is an intelligent attractive woman. Mr T. brought me to the Sta & put me on the train due to go at 1:05 PM but did not depart until 1:35 & ran to Peabody without a stop & I had a taxi rush me to the Rock Island Depot & got the 2:10 train for Lost Springs Ks where I arrived at 3:15 PM. I got a taxi & went 1 3/4 miles SE to the:

John A. Thompson farm Lost Springs Tp Nov 28/22 4:08 PM

He was out in the field with his son shucking corn & while waiting for him to come in his son's wife a handsome black eyed buxom brunette gave me her own & her husband's record. Have entered what she gave me in table Page 352. When John A. came in, he drove me to his own:

Residence of John A. Thompson Lost Springs Marion Co Kan Nov 28, 1922 5:50 PM

I found here a very fine family. He was very kind & Mrs T. & her 3 daughters that were there also. I found the old bible of his father, Abraham J. Thompson here & am inserting the dates fr it in table on pages 332, 352 & 353 as space permits. he says his great Uncle Joseph Thompson died in Douglas Co Kansas near Big Springs abt 55 yrs ago.

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He says he knows of John Law who is a worthless fellow, but don't know where he is now but thinks Jacob Thompson of Lone Elm Ks would know. Says his brother Geo Law was at Sabetha abt 6 yrs ago & thinks he is there yet. Says John Law's wife whom he knew very well was Sarah Hague & her father was English & her mother Irish. She was struck by lightning & killed in one of the SE counties of Kansas. Mrs T. thinks at Belle Plaine & says she left 3 children viz:

Charles, Della & Ernest the last being 15 mos old at her death. Her maiden sister, Mary Hague, single, lives now at Baldwin Kan. She took the children & raised them making great sacrifices to do so. John Law coaxed Della away when she was 15 & at 16 she got married to a man named Gentry & lives 5 or 6 miles south of Ottawa Kan & has children. John Law coaxed Ernest away from his Aunt when he became 21 yrs old.

John A. thought it might have been his great Uncle Joe's James that Mrs Scott corresponded with. He knows nothing of Rebecca daughter of his great Uncle Abraham Thompson who married Larrick & came to Kansas. They asked me to stay for supper & I had a very good meal & they called up the Lost Springs Garage for me & Bill Wilder came & drove me here to Herington Ks abt 9 miles north where I arrived at 7:55 PM 28th at the Worthington Hotel & I have been writing in the downstairs office continuously since from page 590 & on table page 389 & correcting dates & filling in dates & names on pages 332, 352 & 353 & I have now finished to date & it is 2:50 Am & I want to take the 3:10 AM train 29th to Hutchinson Kansas.

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At residence of Samuel Clarence Ross NE part of Coldwater, Comanche Co Kansas Nov 30, 1922 Thanksgiving day 5:26 PM

I arrived here near an hour ago on Robert Calloway's spring wagon. I met him at the station where he was loading his spring wagon full of mail from off the train & I left my satchel at his house where I got a room for the night. Mrs Ross is crippled from having broke her leg near the knee & walks about the house by shoving her rocking chair before her. She is a small woman weighing probably not over 90 lbs but has the youngest face & the clearest sparkling dancing eyes for 86 yrs old that I have ever seen. She says that Robt Fulton, the inventor was a first cousin of her mother he being the oldest son of the oldest brother of her father James Fulton who was very little older than his nephew Robert. She says her mother's great grandfather Fulton went over form Scotland to Ireland in 1690 & was one of the three in his company that were not killed in the Battle of the Boyne in which he fought. She says that Victor Donahey, a son of John A. Donahey of No 1887 Hillside Ave E. Cleveland O is a relative. She has a letter dated New Phil O Nov 14, 1922 to her sister Sarah E. Logan from him telling about Victor's election Nov 7, last as Governor of Ohio on the Democratic ticket. She says John A. Donahey is 77 yrs old. She says he & her sister Sarah were born on the same day. His father was James Donahey & James' mother was Nancy Craynor who married a Donahey, the father of James & she thinks his name was Philip. Mrs Ross has seen her tombstone in the g.y. a mile fr Tippecanoe Harrison Co O on her Uncle Wm Fulton's farm which he gave a 99 yr lease on for a g.y. This Nancy Craynor was a first cousin of Mrs Ross's mother, her mother she thinks being one of the nine daughters of Dr Samuel Thompson. See page 601.

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[Descendant Chart]

Elizabeth Fulton the 8th youngest child of James & Nancy (Agnes Thompson) Fulton was born near Bakerstown Butler Co Pa on Feby 16, 1803. Her father died in Butler Co Pa when she was 18 yrs old. Mrs Ross has seen his tombstone in the U.P. g.y. near Bakerstown Pa. She says he was afflicted with heart trouble & died at the age of 61 yrs. She says he was visiting some people 7 miles from his home & got on his horse there & started home & when about out of sight of the home he had visited got off & hitched his horse & died right there & these friends found him. She says too that her mother was just a day or two within 12 yrs old when her cousin Robert Fulton died in NY Feby 24, 1815. Says he was born in 1760. Says when Robert came over to Pgh Pa, his Uncle James Fulton met him there. She says she remembers seeing her grandmother Fulton when she was abt 5 yrs old who was then an old woman & her granddaughter Nancy Clendening, an old maid abt as old as Mrs Ross's mother & one of the 7 daughters of her mother Polly who had no sons lived with her. Mrs Ross said they moved from Pa to Ohio when she was 5 yrs old in 1842. Mrs Ross said her grandmother died in Pa after they went to Ohio. Her mother died Dec 23, 1876 at New Athens O where she lived with her daughter Sarah E. & was buried there. Her husband Samuel Logan died Mch 16, 1865 on his farm one mile from Tippecanoe O & was buried 7 miles off at the Feed Spring Pres CH. He was born May 1, 1801 in Allegheny Co Pa. They were married Sept 12, 1826 in Allegheny Co Pa by Rev McConnell a Pres preacher. Their children were all born in Allegheny Co Pa except Bent & his twin & Sarah. Mrs Ross says her father couldn't beat the idea of any of his children getting married.


James Logan, B Sept 16, 1827 ob Dec 16, 1840 aged 13 yrs 3 mos of scarlet fever.

Alexander Logan, B Dec 12, 1828 ob Nov 30, 1898 in Harrison Co O m. Mch 6, 1867 to Matilda Copeland who was born May 12, 1840 & died abt 1916 in Harrison Co O

Eliza Ann, B Mch 6, 1868 unmarried Living on old farm near Tippecanoe O.

Osie Ellen, B 1871 m. at 25 or 26 to Wilson Jackson. Is dead & left 4 or 5 children see book 9 page 550

Samuel Cheever, B 1873 an old bachelor & is a RR Bridge inspector Lives at Cuyahoga Falls.

Walter, B 1875? M. Hogue. Both living near West Chester O Farmer has 2 girls

Martha Logan, B in Penna near Allegheny May 28, 1830 ob Apr 6, 1912 in Cortland Neb. M. Sept 6, 1866 to Ziba Yarnall son of Aaron Yarnall & his wife Harriet Polson. He died Dec 30, 1900 at Cortland Neb. He served in the Civil War & was wounded in the hip & a piece of shrapnel working down his leg caused its amputation later. He was a big man of over 20 lbs S.T. Logan says he weighed 300 lbs Apr 22/23 see book 7 page 134.

Mary Elizabeth, B Jany 3, 1868 m. Henry Heustis both living in Oregon & have 2 boys see book 7 p 133

John Bennington, B Dec 20, 1869 ob in Harlan Co Nebraska Aug 29, 1907 m. June 17, 1896 Goodwin, She lives Cortland Neb Had 6 children all girls.

Hattie (Harriet), B Dec 2, 1878 married 3 or 4 times see book 7 p 133

William, B Dec 2, 1874 he died aged 6 yrs ob Oct 14, 1882.

John Logan, B 1832 ob Dec 5, 1840

Thompson Logan, B July 24, 1834 ob Dec 5, 1840

Both [two above] died on same day 11 days before their brother Jimmy. They are buried in Pres Cross Roads Ch in Allegheny Co Pa

Lucinda Logan. B Nov 21, 1836 my fine informant of the night. Was named for Lucinda McCurdy a relative of her mother M. June 27, 1867 to James Milton Ross who was born Apr 21, 1843 & was a widower with one child. He was son of James Ross, a native of Cecil Co Md & his wife Jemima Hines. She being Penna Dutch. She died Apr 22, 1904 aged 61 yrs 1 day in Woods Co Okla near Abbie, a town that is no more. Married in Ohio. Left Ohio in Apr 1870 & moved to Hardin Co Iowa & 2 yrs later moved to Montezuma Iowa & then to Grinwall Iowa for one year & then to Gage Co Neb in 1879 Moved to Smith Co Kan then to Jewell O then back to Neb & fr there to Woods Co Okla 1895 & fr there to Lebanon Mo & from there to Coldwater Kansas abt 1911 Sept 20, 1924 Sarah E. Logan writes Sept 15, 1924 that her sister Lucinda Logan Ross died May 12, 1924.

Samuel Clarence, B June 18, 1868 in Ohio. Unmarried & living here with his mother. Works for A.T. & S.F. RR got word tonight that he was layed off as they are cutting down the Co

Thomas Waddle, B Sept 30, 1869 in Harrison Co O. M. Nov 20, 1895 in the fall to Otilla Belle Nokes daughter of Sidney Leonard Nokes & his wife Barbara Elizabeth Welker. Both living near Philipsburg Lacleda Co MO P.O. Conway Mo Route 1 Have 2 dead & 11 living children write [unreadable] See page 600. She, Otilla Bell was born Sept 22, 1879

Sarah Elizabeth Ross, B Oct 29, 1871 in Poweshick Co Iowa M.1. Oct 4, 1892 to Thomas Craig who was born May 12, 1850 & died May 11, 1905 aged 55 at Kent Oregon, son of Thomas Craig & his wife Sarah Knox of Jno Knox family. M.2. May 19, 1907 to Theodore Walton Osman who was born July 4, 1856 & died July 11, 1915 in Coldwater Kan the son of Edward Walton Osman & has had 4 children 2 living & 2 dead. see page 600 no issue by Osman

James Logan, B Feby 13, 1874 ob Apr 21, 1898 from rheumatism of the heart from which he lay sick 75 days. He was witty & was unmarried. His death was a severe blow to his mother who was nervous for a few years thereafter born in Poweshick Co Iowa

Ida May Ross, B Feby 5, 1876 m. Jany 5, 1897 to Willis Walter Finney who was born Feby 15, 1872? Both living here in Coldwater where he is a laborer. Had been a farmer in Poweshick Co Iowa She was married at Alva, Okla

Martha Andora Ross, B Nov 18, 1878 in Poweshick Co Iowa m. Oct 14, 1901 at Alva Okla to Iowa John Sidney Nokes son of Leonard Sidney Nokes, & his wife Barbara Elizabeth Welker who was born Feby 22, 1876. They both live here in Coldwater Kan where he works in a hardware store, children are all single

Milton Sidney B Nov 15, 1902

Grace Irene B Jany 3, 1904

Gertrude Elida, B Aug 26, 1905

Melvin Frederick, Born Sept 1, 1907 here now

James Ross, B Nov 15, 1911

Luella Fern, B May 14, 1914

William Donald, B July 1, 1838 ob Feby 1, 1913 in Uhrichsville O M. Sept 1865 to Isabel Caldwell who then aged 21 or 22 dau of John Caldwell & his Elizabeth Granfell. She died May 1921 on Uhrichsville O. Got record fr Robt A. Logan Logansport Ind see book 7 p 135.

Harvey Logan, B Apr 12, 1840 ob Feby 14,1907 m. Aug 13, 1868 to [12] NY City & took part in quelling the3ü(▐ü(J___(riots; returned to the

in Arkansas City Kansas & are buried there she born Apr 22 [unreadable] Jeff Co O ob Dec 28, 1914.

Mary Elizabeth, B May 23, 1869 near Tippecanoe O. M Apr 7, 1906 at Arkansas City to Thomas Watkinson Both living by Arkansas City Kan No issue, was 40 when married. He born Feby 1, 1864 at Egmondville Canada

Margaret Ellen, B Aug 18, 1870 near Tippecanoe O. m. Edward Allen Smith on June 10, 1896 at Ark City Ks. He born Oct 8, 1868 in Franklin Co O. Divorced. June 13, 1921. Had 2 or 3 children before she left him. She lives at Okmulbee Oklahoma. Her two older children were born near Arkansas City Kan & Ruth E. the youngest born in Arkansas City Kan.

Emory Logan Smith, Born May 23, 1897

Gertrude Ellen, B Apr 25, 1899 mar at Shawnee Okla May 22 1917 to Edward Dengler who was born in Chicago Ills June 14, 1895.

Ruth Josephine Dengler Born May 6, 1918 at Shawnee Okla

Ruth Elizabeth, B Aug 14, 1906 Unnamed twin son, B Feby 22, 1843 lived but one hour

Bennington Logan, B Feby 22, 1843 ob Jany 15, 1919 in Shadeland Pa Crawford Co was named for Bennington Fulton. He was born in Washington Tp, Harrison Co O & so was his sister Sarah E. M. at New Concord O to Ruth Ann Orr. (She didn't like Ruth & called herself Annie) She died May 7, 1918 at Shadeland Crawford Co Pa. He worked at building the stairway at Oak Hill. They were married in 1869. She was born Oct 1842 dau of Thomas Orr & wife Nancy Creighton

Ralph Evermont, B April 23, 1869 at Tippecanoe O married & died leaving 3 chil. See book 9 page 551 ob Oct 29, 1911 see book 7 p 133.

Doria Orr, Born Dec 16, 1870 at Orrville O , a boy, died shortly after his father, unmarried died of flu at Springboro Pa Mch 30, 1919

Gabrielle Greeley, called "Gay". Is unmarried. Is running a chicken ranch at Felton California Born at Mansfield O Mch 16, 1873

Robert Atcheson, Born Mch 8, 1880 at New Concord Ohio married & live at 2301 Garden Ave Cleveland O where he is an electrician one child. M. Elsie St Johns.

Beatrice Virginia

Sarah Elizabeth Logan, Born Oct 12, 1845 & weighed 12 lbs at birth & hair an inch long on her head when born. She had several offers of marriage but told her sister she didn't want to have any babies. She almost died when a year old & Lucinda then 10 sd she wouldn't let them bury her if she died as she loved her so. She was always delicate.

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[Ross] [children]

Sarah Elizabeth Ross see page 599

Unnamed son B July 1, 1893 ob July 12, 1893

Lois Craig, B Oct 8, 1895, m. Nov 6, 1916 to Thomas Jefferson Bratcher who was born Sept 11, 1895 the son of Ezra Bratcher & his wife Orilla. Both living in Pratt Kan where he works in the round house.

Brice Linus, B Aug 26, 1917

Bryan Marens, B Aug 26, 1917

Born in Coldwater Kansas [twins above]

Lowell Logan, B Jany 21, 1921 born at Protection Ks

Herbert Douglass B Nov 6, 1922 born at Pratt Kan

Pearl Craig, B Feby 15, 1898 m. Dec 26, 1919 to Ray Wenholz who was born Apr 24, 1897 & died Feby 18, 1920 at Hutchinson Kan where he was a contractor & was working on a tower 67 ft high & a whirlwind broke the derrick 15 ft from the top & he was killed when he lit. His father is G.W. Wenholz. No issue. She is going to Arkansas City Business College & is teaching in it also.

Brice Craig, B Nov 11, 1900 ob Oct 6, 1905

Ida May Ross, see page 599. Her children all single

Willis Lee, B Nov 26, 1897, single

James Leslie, B Sept 3, 1899

Carl, B July 19, 1902

Unnamed dau, was blind, born Mch 1904 ob aged 4 mos the day Sec John Hay died.

Hazel Marian, B Oct 6, 1906

Earl, B Sept 18, 1908

Elida, B Mch 19, 1910

Robert Fulton, B Feby 27, 1913 the day Mrs Ross broke her leg

William Henry, B Aug 18, 1916

Alice May, B Jany 15, 1919

Eva Alwilla, B Nov 15, 1921

Thomas Waddel Ross, see page 598

Infant daughter, b Prematurely July 8, 1896 died July 9, 1896

Infant Son, premature birth born & died July 20, 1897

Lucinda May, B July 14, 1898 in Woods Co Okla M. May 19, 1917 to Grover Cleveland Deyoe who was born Dec 20, 1891 son of Joseph Francis Deyoe & his wife Mary Jane Smalley. Their 4 children born in Coldwater Kansas

Mary Opal [twin] Born May 9, 1919

Marjorie Ottill [twin] born May 9, 1919

Joseph Ross, B July 19, 1920

Fred Merlin, B Oct 19, 1922

Martha Andora, B Mch 31, 1900 in Woods Co Okla. Deaf mute. At home single.

Cassandra Bell, B Sept 27, 1901 in Woods Co Okla M. Oct 29, 1919 to David Melvin Fisher born Sept 30, 1900 at Des Moines Iowa, son of

Joel Melvin Fisher & his wife Martha Alvira Christ. Their P.O. is Phillipsburg MO Route 1, Box 77.

Melvin Ross, B Feby 15, 1921 ob Nov 3, 1922 of membranous croup

Eula Alvira, B Dec 13, 1922

Thomas James, B Jany 29, 1903 in Woods Co Okla is in Kansas

Gladys Elizabeth, B Nov 8, 1904 in Woods Co Okla m. Mch 14, 1921 to Elmer Ellis Swigert at Lebanon Mo. He was born Jany 14, 1898 son of Henry Ellis Swigert & his wife Catharine Arminta Haney.

Barbara Elizabeth, B Jany 21, 1922

George Clarence, B Sept 3, 1906 at Lebanon MO

Bennington, B Feby 6, 1908 at Lebanon MO

Sidney Leonard, B Sept 16, 1909

Wm Daniel, B June 29, 1914 at Lebanon Mo

Robert Albert, B June 19, 1916 at Lebanon MO

John Samuel, B Feby 12, 1919.

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From Page 597 11:07 PM

Mrs Ross says that Hal M. Black a lawyer at Wichita Kan is a son of Dr Black, & whose wife was Mary Boyd Fulton, a daughter of James Fulton & his wife Mary Boyd & James Fulton was a son of Mrs Ross' Uncle William Fulton (twin brother of Robert, both of whom lived to be over 80) whose first wife as a sister of the elder Samuel Thompson & a daughter of Wm of Dr Samuel. Three of her uncle Wm Fulton's children married Boyds,

bro & sisters, viz James above married Mary Boyd. William married Eliza Boyd, & Sarah married John Boyd. The mother of these boys was in NY when Robert Fulton was buried, arriving from Ireland, her name being White, as she was not then married. She says that Robert above referred to, the twin, was taken by some of the Fulton relatives in Westmoreland Co PA & always afterwards lived there.

Mrs. Ross says her uncle James Fulton lived at or near the old home at Bakerstown PA & had a wife who was a sister of his brother John's wife. Their children were: Sarah Jane, Nancy, Bennington, James, George, Wm, Eliza, Mary Ann, & Robert. Nancy married a Fleming. She doesn't know what became of her daughter Sarah, who married a McClellan. Thinks her uncle Samuel Fulton had 7 or 8 children but don't know their names. Says her uncle Jesse Fulton had, she thinks, five children, but she only remember Nancy Ellen. Says her uncle John Fulton, the oldest, only had one child, being over 40 when he married a wife as old. His name was John Nelson Fulton, got wealthy, had one baby in 1859 when she was back. Her uncle Wm Fulton's children were: Samuel Thompson, William, James, Robert & Sarah. Robert died when a young man. Her uncle Robert Fulton's children were: Alexander, James, William, Robert, Humphrey, John, Nancy, & Margaret. Margaret died unmarried when a young woman. Samuel Ross says he say [sic] in the newspaper a few days ago (2 m's ago) says that Blackburn who married Luella Fulton, daughter of Samuel Thompson Fulton of William of James & Agnes was at Herington, Kansas.

Mrs. Osman says her daughter, Pearl Wenholz has met a young Thomas Fulton, whose father is living at Hardy, Okla, & say they are related to the inventor. See Pearl at Arkansas City, Kan.

Mrs. Ross has heard her mother speak of her Aunt Campbell, her Aunt Craynor, her Aunt Leech, (the mother of John Leech who lived near Steubenville, who was her 1st cousin (her Aunt Caldwell for whom Caldwell, O was named & Lucinda McCurdy's

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for whom she was named. She don't recall ever hearing of the Shannons, Jefferies, Oliver, Simeral, McGrew, McLucas, or Brotherton aunts, nor of Samuel Thompson, the brother of her grandmother. No doubt, the names she mentions above of Craynor, Caldwell & Leech are the second husbands of her aunts. She says one of her mother's uncles lived near Mt Vernon, the home of George Washington & kept slaves, but never sold but one that he was afraid of & who, after sale was taken to Mississippi. Thinks he finally set his slaves free. It is now 12:17 am, Dec 1, 1922, & Samuel is going with me to where I got a room from Robert Calloway & Mrs. Osman has gotten a friend of hers, a young man, to drive me in the morning starting at & am to Dodge, Kan, 70 miles off.

See Funk & Wagnall's Encyclopedia Number 24

At residence of Rev James Winfield Thompson, no 1010 Avenue A, Dodge City, Ford Co, Kansas, Dec 1, 1922, 11:33 am.

I arrived here 15 minutes ago with Mrs. Osman & have met Rev Thompson & his wife. Rev T says they had a written record that gave the name of his great grandfather Thompson, but he doesn't remember what it was. The book was burned up in Pittsburgh PA when the home of his brother, William Jeffries Thompson, who had it & other mementoes was burned. He said he heard them talk of Berks Co PA & he thinks his grandfather, James Thompson, came from Berks Co PA or an adjoining county. He says his grandfather sprang from one of three brothers whom [sic] came from Ireland, he don't know what co, at a very early part of the settlement of this county. One settled in New England, he named possibly Massachusetts or Vermont, one went to North Carolina & founded the Thompson family there, & the other settled in NY state. His grandfather, James, comes from this NY family. He says he married first in Berks Co PA, a relative of the Abraham Lincoln family & he thinks her name was Nancy as he believes his daughter Nancy, was named for her. He married second, also in Berks Co PA, Margaret Elder, daughter of Thomas Elder. His children in the order of their ages were as follows: by first wife: 1. William, 2. Nancy, 3. Benjamin, then his wife died & he married second & by her

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had 4. John Elder, 5. James, 6. Robert, 7. Lucretia, & 8. Henry. The youngest, James Thompson, with his family moved to Ohio, settling in Holmes Co Ohio in 1816 or 1818. He thinks all the children were born in PA, unless it might be that Henry may have been born in Ohio. His son, John Elder, remained in Penna. He died before my informant, Rev J.W. was born, she thinks it was in the early '40s, & he was 83 yrs old. He is buried in the Methodist G.Y. at Nashville, Holmes Co, O. He doesn't know the names of any of his brothers of sisters. He said his Aunt Nancy could tell the earlier generations away back. He gives the lines of his uncles & aunts as follows:

1. William Thompson was a farmer in Holmes Co O, near his father's. He married Matilda Hurd & had 3 children, viz: John Lincoln, Catherine Ann, & Robert, all dead. He can give their descendants.

2. Nancy Thompson married Thomas Elder Jr, a nephew of Margaret Elder, the second wife of her father. Was married in Penna & he died in Penna & she came to Ohio with her father, with her only child, Thompson Elder, who was raised by his grandfather & was a delicate child. He lived to be an old man & left children of whom were: Dr Wm Thompson Elder, dead & Thomas, dead. Lived in Holmes Co O.

3. Benjamin married Nancy Liggett & lived in Ashland Co, O near Londonville, O. Children: George, Robert, Henry, John, Lucinda, Matilda.

4. John Elder married & died in Berks Co PA & had a daughter, an only child, who married & died in Berks Co PA.

5. James married Mary Ann Jeffries, a daughter of a wealthy coal man in PA who had coke ovens. His name was Taylor Jeffries an Englishman & his line appears in the Darlington Book, his mother being a Darlington. He was born in 1815 & died in 1883 aged 68 yrs, & is buried in Wooster O Cem & has a large monument. His father had a tombstone at Nashville. His children: John Elder, Wm Jeffries, James Winfield my informant & Taylor Vance a m. Dr James Winfield was born in Plimpton Tp, Homes Co O Aug 23, 1848 & on May 24, 1877 was married to Martha S. Ebright who was born Mch 6, 1850, the daughter of Rev Geo Ebright & his wife Rachel Hathaway & have but two children, Dr Winfield Otis, living & George Ebright, M.D. who died Apr 9, 1922 following an operation from appendicitis was 6 ft 5 tall & weighed 180. He was born Jany 5, 1891. Dr W.O. was born Sept 29, 1978 & has 2 boys.

6. Robert married May Ann Liggett, a niece of Benjamin's wife. He was a farmer & died in Ashtabula, O. Had but 2 children that lived: Geo Elder living in Cleveland O & Margaret Jane who married Newton Fanah who was killed.

7. Lucretia married William Allis & he dead. She living, a very old lady, living on Euclid Ave, Cleveland O with her daughter Margaret Hiles who runs an employment bureau.

8. Henry, died an old bachelor with his brother Robt in Ashtabula O.

Leaving 12:44 PM

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Charles Elliott Carpenter Born Apr 25, 1885 Christine Carpenter born May 18, 1891, Miriam Carpenter born July 8, 1898

[1.] Mother: Mary Wilson Elliott Born Paradise Pa Dec 3, 1861

[2.] Father: Robert Peter Carpenter born Palmeto Tenn Aug 11, 1857 Married June 20, 1882.

[Robert Peter Carpenter, #2 was son of:]

[3.] Grandfather: Samuel Carpenter born Bedford Co Tenn Nov 2, 1827 died Oswego Kansas Dec 7, 1903.

[4.] Grandmother: Sarah E. Montgomery born Newberry SC Feby 26, 1833 died Oswego Kan May 15, 1907 Married Mch 14, 1855.

[Mary Wilson Elliott #1 was daughter of:]

[5.] Grandfather: Rev John Elliott Born Wellsville O Apr 13, 1829 Married June 14, 1859 to:

[6.] Grandmother: Elizabeth Wilson born Potters Mills Pa March 25, 1833, died Kansas City Mo Feby 17, 1900.

[Samuel Carpenter #3 was son of:]

[7.] Great Grandfather: Peter Carpenter born Knob Creek NC Mar 29, 1791

died Bloomfield Ia Apr 14, 1865, married Oct 28, 1813 to:

[8.] Great Grandmother: Margaret Ramsey born Lincoln Co NC Sept 6, 1794 died Marshall Co Tenn Nov 6, 1842.

[Sarah E. Montgomery #4 was daughter of:]

[9.] Great Grandfather: Thomas Montgomery born Newberry SC Jany 26, 1808 died Bloomfield Iowa Mar 2, 1864 married Nov 10, 1828 to:

[10.] Great Grandmother: Mary Fleming born Newberry SC Nov 15, 1805 died Palmetto Tenn Dec 11, 1898.

[Rev John Elliott #5 was son of:]

[11.] Great Grandfather: George Elliott born Minto, Scotland 1795 died Beaver Pa Dec 1885 Married:

[12.] Great Grandmother Elizabeth McDonald whose mother was a Duncan.

[Elizabeth Wilson #6 was daughter of:]

[13.] Great Grandfather: William I. Wilson born Centre County Pa died Centre Co Pa. married:

[14.] Great Grandmother: Mary Potter.

[Peter Carpenter #7 was son of:]

[15.] Great Great Grandfather: Joseph Carpenter, born Jany 21, 1753 died Jany 24, 1839 Cleavland Co NC. Married:

[16.] Great Great Grandmother: Susannah Eakins born N.C. NC 1750 died N.C. Oct 27, 1825 Cleavland Co.

[Margaret Ramsey #8 was daughter of:]

[17.] Great Great Grandfather: Samuel Ramsey Born N.C. died Tenn. Married [18.] Great Great Grandmother: Mary Orr Born N.C. died Tenn.

[Thomas Montgomery #9 was son of:]

[19.] Great Great Grandfather: Robert Montgomery born Ireland Jany 5, 1784 died Newberry S.C. Aug 10, 1825. Married:

[20.] Great Great Grandmother: Esther Spence born SC May 2, 1777 died Tenn Nov 10, 1859.

[Mary Fleming #10 was daughter of:]

[21.] Great Great Grandfather: Joseph Fleming born Ireland died SC Jany 1830. Married:

[22.] Great Great Grandfather: Elizabeth Barnes born Ireland died S.C.

[No further information on parents of #11, George Elliott or #12 Elizabeth McDonald, his wife]

[William I. Wilson #13 was the son of:]

[23.] Great Great Grandfather: Hugh Wilson born Sept 27, 1760 died Oct 9, 1845. Married Feby 19, 1790 to:

[24.] Great Great Grandmother: Catharine Irvine Born Pa Nov 16, 1768.

[Mary Potter #14 was the daughter of:]

[25.] Great Great Grandfather: James Potter born Tyrone Ireland 1729 died Penna Nov 28, 1789. Married:

[26.] Great Great Grandmother: Mary Brown

[Joseph Carpenter #15 was son of:]

[27.] G.G.G. Grandfather: Hezekiah Carpenter born 1725 died 1778 Married [28.] G.G.G. Grandmother: [unknown]

[Susannah Eakens #16 was daughter of:]

[29.] G.G.G. Grandfather ___________ Eakers

[30.] G.G.G. Grandmother [unknown]

[Samuel Ramsey #17 was son of:]

[31.] G.G.G. Grandfather: William Ramsey born NC 1730 died NC 1804. Married;

[32.] G.G.G. Grandmother: Margaret Polk

[Mary Orr #18 was daughter of:] [33.] G.G.G. Grandfather: John Orr born Ireland Died NC, married:

[34.] G.G.G. Grandmother: Elizabeth

[Robert Montgomery #19 was son of:]

[35.] G.G.G. Grandfather: William Montgomery born Ireland,died Chester SC Married.

[36.] G.G.G. Grandmother [unknown]

[Esther Spence #20 was daughter of:]

[37.] G.G.G. Grandfather: Andrew Spence born Ireland died SC Married

[38.] G.G.G. Grandmother: ________ Caldwell

[Joseph Fleming #21 & his wife Elizabeth Barnes #22 have no further listings on their line other than the note that both their parents came from Ireland]

[Hugh Wilson #23 has no further listing.]

[Catharine Irvine #24 was the daughter of:]

[39.] G.G.G. Grandfather: William Irvine born Ireland died Pa Nov 18, 1795 Married:

[40.] G.G.G. Grandmother: _________ Armstrong

[James Potter #25 was the son of:]

[41.] G.G.G. Grandfather: Lieut John Potter, married:

[42.] G.G.G. Grandmother: [unknown]

[Mary Brown #26 was the daughter of:]

[43.] G.G.G. Grandfather: Judge Brown Mifflin Co Pa. Married:

[44.] G.G.G. Grandmother: [unknown]

The above is copied from a paper loaned me today by Robt P. Carpenter & which I am to return tomorrow. JVT Dec 2, 1922 11:22 PM

V8 Page 605

[First line partially cut off] was born in Washington Co MD on June [unreadable date] 1772. Mrs Quinche doesn't know when he came to Fayette Co Pa. He married 1st Rebecca Harrison. Mrs Q. says he taught school for 25 yrs in one school house at or near Masontown Pa. He married 2d at Masontown Pa Mrs Jemima Campbell widow of Robert James Campbell whose maiden name was Turney. She lived at Greensboro Pa when she was Mrs Campbell. Don't know date of either marriage. Her mother died when she was a few weeks old & her father married again & her brother Joseph thinking she was not treated right, stole her out one morning & carried her on his back to the Flenniken family who said they would care for her & they raised her & for a long time, she thought they were her parents. She says her father with his family left Masontown Pa in Mch 1840 just before she was 3 yrs old & went by stage no doubt from Uniontown Pa to Wheeling WVA where they took a boat & went by boat & then went to Cambridge, Guernsey Co O where they settled on a farm about six miles from Cambridge O. She thinks north west. There were Indians there then & his arm ctd 160 A he having traded his place at Masontown Pa for it. The party going, consisted of James T. Redburn & his wife Jemima & her children by her first husband viz Robert, Mary & Thomas Campbell (who she says stayed with them a long time) & Rebecca, Martin Van Buren, Joseph Benton, Priscilla Emilu, herself & Lydia Redburn who wasn't quite six months old. She said her father went back to the Washington Co Md farm to visit his sisters Lydia & Priscilla who were living alone on their sheep farm & they took him on horseback to the stagecoach & going to it, he told them there would probably be a baby at home when he got back & whether it was a boy or girl he would call it Priscilla at which his sister Priscilla laughed heartily. When he got back she was born & he looked at her & said "My God, mother where did that nose come from" & told her she was already named. She says "He was a proud little Englishman". He was rather short, but broad shouldered, & a little round shouldered. She thinks he told her that his father came from England. She said a Banker in Uniontown Ludington hearing of her being called Priscilla & not liking the name, sent her a big lot of presents & told her to take his wife's name Emilu. She says the boys undertook to carry on the farm in Guernsey Co O & her father saying he didn't want to be idle, went to making salt barrels, there being a salt plant near & followed it for several years making many hundreds & saying he could make a living at it. In May 1854, the family consisting of James T. Redburn & wife & their children, Martin, Joseph, Priscilla Emilu, Lydia & Henry, he having sold the farm, went to Zanesville O & took a boat down the Muskingum to the Ohio & down it to the Mississippi & up to Keokuk, none of the children being married & from there went inland 200 miles to Bear Grove & her brothers who were Carpenters put up a shack where they lived until the next spring & in May 1855 the family went by wagon to Omaha Neb via Council Bluffs she thinks near 300 miles in all. Her brothers, Martin,& Joe jumped some claims & preempted the same & laid out a town on same which they called Woodsville. This town of Woodsville Neb fronted on the Missouri River & was 50 miles above Omaha toward Running Water & 50 miles below Running water there had been 60 people living on the town site & a flood that spring over flowed it. Her brothers built a 3 story block house there of logs & Mrs Q says she looked down the MO River from the 3d Story & could & did see the moat of Omaha. Her father died there after an illness of two days from congestive chills & fever taking one chill which was followed by another. He was buried at a little town called Tekamur Neb up the River abt 25 miles above Woodsville the next morning that being the nearest graveyard, but no stone marks his grave. The 3 story building was full of the sick coming from the fever resulting from the overflow (see book 9 P 486 line 27 He died 1857 I guess)

V8 Page 606

She says she had taken their family bible & many other valuables to the 3d story of this building & after her father died & they all being sick left by boat on Oct 1, 1855 leaving everything behind including the bible & went to Leavenworth Kansas & settled about 6 miles west of Leavenworth. None of the children were married then. She thinks the name of the man that her brothers sold to was Livingston. The boys wrote him a time or two about the bible, but he said he knew nothing about it. She says there were 16 down sick in the house & Martin & Joe were too sick to go to her father & she too was sick, but she called to Joe to go to him & he said he was just sleeping, but she knowing he was breathing heavy, went to him & spoke to him but he couldn't answer & she laid his head on her left arm & he died. An Irishman McDonald was there & was superstitious & said there should be something read & she got the testament & he read the 12th chapter of Romans. She said her father was down at the boat landing 2 or 3 weeks before his death & someone asked him if he could dance, calling him Capt. He said to a man standing by, "Can you whistle a certain tune". The man said yes & Capt Redburn said "you whistle the tune & I will give you back the $50 note you owe me", & he did, the man whistling & Capt Redburn dancing. This she says was abt the time that her brother, Uncle James T. Redburn passed by their Woodsville home in a boat, he having been up the Missouri River on business & when he got to Omaha, he looked at the land books & found the names of his father & brothers & when he got home wrote to the address given on the land books & thus they learned of his having been by there & he learned of his father's death. He wrote to his father who got it before his death. Was was a Capt, she thinks in the War of 1812 when he was wounded & by reason of the wound, he was put at office work. She says that shortly after, they moved to Guernsey Co O, that Desdemona, Sarah F. & Mary the first two married, came to their home to make them a visit & see their father. She says that her brother came there twice to make them a visit & once had with him his son Jimmy (I mean her brother James T.) & she thinks she was 11 to 15 yrs old & she said there was a stream of water near the house & one morning James T. Jr told his son Jimmy he could go down & take a bath in it when the sun came up. We went down & gathered some pebbles & when he came back, his father asked him if he had done what he told him & he said "no the water looked too cold". He then sd he wd whip him & J.T. Sr said "No, you won't Jimmy & said I said then "I will never like him again for whipping that little boy so". She said Jimmy died from injuries or rupture resulting from lifting a sack of grain. Mrs Q. says her mother was born May 12, not 2d in 1802 & died Aug 2, 1885[13]Mrs C her 84th yr although Mrs Q thought she was in her 85th yr. She says she took sick Thursday night & died Sunday. She says her brother Joe started a dry good store in the 3 story building & sold the store & building all to Livingston. She says she always heard there were 9 children of her father to his first wife. She says a daughter of her father next to Lydia was not named but it might have been Carrie. The other girl was Margaret Elizabeth & she died at the age of 18 mos. They were both born in Ohio & died there & are buried in Bethel g.y. Mrs Q was old enough to take care of Margaret Elizabeth. This & preceding page taken down at 7:21 6th ST East [unreadable] Dec 17, 1922 4 to 8:44 Pm as given to me by Mrs Quinche See Bk 23 P 534


*1 Feby 8, 1925, Mary E. Ramsey, writing Jany 24, 1925 to Dora E. Gunnett, says her children were Edward, Albert & Harrington, the first two being dead. Al left children. Ed & Harrington had none. Harrington is in NY City head of the L.C. Smith Typewriter Co. Their mother's middle name was Smith viz Eliza Smith Jack. She being 10 page 142.

*2 Feby 8, 1925, Mrs Mary E. Ramsey in a 16 page letter dated Jany 24, 1925 to Dora E. Gunnett, says Alexander Jack is a myth so far as she knows. She says that her grandfather, Wade H. Jack "thought he might be descended from him" as "he was the man who left the great fortune that proved such a myth" & she goes on to say "when I wrote the list of names of our family, I headed it with this name for no particular reason other than that". So remove him from the head of the column. [This note appears V8 P 140. CW]

*3 Nov 30, 1924, the records of Woodford Co Ky at Versailles Ky show that John Jack & Mary Mason were married in Woodford Co Ky Dec 1, 1789 by the Rev Samuel Shannon, witnesses John Jack & Moses Craig. See records sent Oct 21, 1924 by Katharine B. Smith, Shelbyville Ky to Dora E. Gunnett.

[1] Jany 11, 1928. See book 13 p 597 & 602, Book 22 p 26-29 & 40-3.

[2] James Benjamin Bell was born near Barnesville, O, son of James Bell & his wife Lydia Douglas.

[3] Her first husband was Ray Parker who is living in Ohio. They having been divorced JVT 7/28/24 see letter J. Lucy E. Wesner Small env July 19, 1924 she had 2 chil Ray Parker & Maud Parker who married Richard Washburn Child, Ambassador to Italy.

*1 Esta May Fleshman & Henry S. Ritchie were married May 25, 1912 at St Louis MO. Henry S. Ritchie born in Blaine Ky Aug 11, 1888 son of John Ritchie & wife Mirinda Lyons.

*2 Anne N. Fleshman & Harrison Cunningham married Dec 25, 1919. Harrison Cunningham born at Cook Sta Mo Feby 26, 1899 son of James R. Cunningham & wife Rebecca Haley

*3 See page 425

*1 His correct & full name was Frank Edward Emil Lehmann, son of William Lehmann. Their oldest child, Owen William Lehmann was born Jany 1, 1882 in Bronson Kan & was married in 1919 in Northern Calif to a widow Mrs Grace Cole & have issue viz:

1. Robert Wm Lehmann born July 2, 1920 in Aberdeen Ari [Arizona?]

2. Mary Alice Lucy Jane Lehmann born June 8, 1922 in Napa Calif

LaVern Newell's mother's maiden name is Lilly Kent. Ernest Edwin Golden's mother's maiden name is Elizabeth Myrtle Hines.

*2 She was born at Des Moines Iowa Aug 9, 1898 the daughter of Philip Sheridan Tobin & his wife Eliza Ann Orr.

*3 She was daughter of Mathew Barr & his wife Margaret Williamson

*4 Mch 30, 1923 Kittie M. Quinche wrote Dec 31, 1922 semi-large env saying they had definitely found this date as Aug 2, 1885 making her grandmother 83 yrs old. JVT.


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