
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, CRPF, AVADI, CHENNAI – 65STUDY MATERIAL FOR SESSION ENDING EXAMINATION 2019-20CLASS: IIISUBJECT: ENGLISHReading Read the passage and answer the following:I. Mother, your baby is silly! She is so very childish! She does not know the difference between the lights in the streets and the bright stars. When we play with pebbles, she thinks they are real food. She even tries to put them into the mouth. When I open a book before her and asked her to read, she tears the papers.Tick the correct answer:1 Who is silly in the passage? [ ]a. babyb. motherc. school master2. What does the baby do with the pebbles? [ ]a. play with pebbles b. put into the mouth c. throwing outComplete the sentence correctly:3. The baby is so ______________ childish.4. She _____________ to put them into the mouth.5. Write the opposite of dark X ______________6. Write the similar word for “STONES” - _____________7. Write the plural ofa. baby – 8. Complete the spelling:a. M ___ T ____ E ____9. Write TRUE or false:i. The baby thinks the pebbles as real food. []ii. When I open a book before her, she used to read. []II) Once upon a time there was a small hill. A path went up the hill. It went through thick and lovely woods of pine and fir trees. People often walked on it to a holy place. One day when the sun shone high in the sky, many people were seen climbing up the hill. They were climbing slowly and carefully. A girl also climbed the hill with them. Her name was Meena. Meena was twelve years old. She carried a small boy on her back. He was four years old. His hair was curly. His eyes were black and his face was as fresh as the morning dew.Q-1 Where were the people going?1 mark_________________________________________________________________________Q-2 What is the age of Meena?1 mark_______________________________________________________________________Q-3 The eyes of the boy were _______ in colour.1 markQ-4 Write the plural of1 markEye _____Q-5 Opposite of 1 markBig X _________Q-6 Who was four years old? (Tick the correct answer)1 markMeenaPeopleBoyGirlQ-7 Which trees are mentioned in the passage?1 mark _____________________________________________________Q-8 Complete the spelling1 mark __ U R __ YQ-9 True OR FalseThe people were climbing slowly and carefully. [ ]Q-10 Write the word from the paragraph which meansTinyIII) LION; (roaring) who are you? CAMEL: (Looking down at the lion). I am the ship of the desert. Who are you? LION: Don’t you know me? I’m the king of the forest. CAMEL: Are you? Ho, I see. LION: (FROWNING) you call yourself the ship of the desert. How can you be a ship, you’re an animal? Camel: (smiling) so I am. People call me the ship of the desert. I can walk across the desert even on a hot afternoon. The sand burns but it doesn’t bother me. LION: I can’t believe it. CAMEL: can you walk across a desert? LION: (BLINKING): NO , I can’t, but I can run in the forest. CAMEL: ( with disdain): every animal can do that. I alone can run on sand. I can run at 25 kilometers an hour.Q1. What are the character names in the above conversation?ANS. ____________________________________________________________________Q2. Who is the ship of the desert?ANS. ___________________________________________________________________ Q3. Who is the king of the forest?ANS. ____________________________________________________________________Q4. The sound of the lion is called ________________Q5. Write the “ing form” for the word BLINK ________________________Q6. Write the opposite word for “cold” ________________________________Q7. Write the plural for “LION” __________________________Q8. Complete the spelling:D ___ S ____ R _____Q9. True or False:a. Lion can walk across the desert. ()b. A camel can run at 35 kilometers an hour on sand. () WRITINGPROSEQ-1 Why does the washer man bring donkeys?ANS: The washer man brings donkeys to carry the dirty clothes.Q.2. Why do you think Meera was carrying her brother?Ans: Meera was carrying her brother because he was unable to walk.Q-3 For how many weeks can a camel store food in in it’s hump?ANS: A camel can store food for two weeks in it’s hump.Q-4 What does the baby do with the book?ANS: The baby tear the pages of the book with her hands. Q-5 . Where were the people going in the chapter “He is my brother”?ANS: The people were going up to the hill to visit a holy place.Q6. What happened to the little tiger cub when he chased the frog?ANS: The little tiger cub get frightened when he chased a frog because he saw a tiger which was bigger than his mother.Q.7. What does the baby do with the pebbles? ANS: The baby tries to put them into the mouth thinking them as a real food. Q8. What does the camel eat in the desert?ANS: The camel eats the leaves and thorny bushes in the desert. POETRYQ-9 Why did the child go with the puppy?ANS: The child went with the puppy to roll and play.Q 10. Who does the postman bring letter for?ANS. The postman brings the letters for mother and father.Q-11. Complete the blanks: a. The lion walks on padded paws. b. The squirrel leaps from limb to limb.“There are lots of thingsThey won’t let me do”Q 12 Who are “ them” and “they” in the poem ‘Don't tel?ANS. THEM and THEY in the poem are the elder people.Q-13 Why do boys and girls have the most fun?ANS. The boys and girls have most fun because they leap, walk, dance and runQ.14. What is the secret the speaker is hiding in the poem “DON’T TELL”? ANS. The speaker was hiding a secret that he was a giant inside.Q. 15. Where was the man going in the poem “PUPPY AND I”?ANS: The man was going down to the village to get some bread.Q.16. Does the child ever get a letter?ANS: No, the child never gets a letter.GRAMMAR Q-1 Write the opposite ofLong X ________c. In X _________________e. sad X ____________Never X ________d. Beautiful X _______________ANSWERSa. short b. alwaysc. outd. uglye. happyQ-2 Write the past tense ofWalk _______b. Talk - _______________e. come - ____________Say ________c. Go - _________________ANSWERS:a. walkedb. saidc. talkedd. wente. cameQ-3 Underline the silent letters. W al k c. k n o w e. c a l m M o r ed. c r a w lANSWERS:a. lb. ec. k d. we. lQ-4 Add ‘ly’ and fill in the blank:He is _____________ smart. (real) We should eat _____________. (slow)The new shoes are ________________ (love)Let us sing __________________ (soft)We should write the notes ______________________ (neat)ANSWERS:a. reallyb slowlyc. lovelyd. softlye. neatluQ-5 Choose the right word and fill in.I write with my ____________ hand. (right / write) I can ____________ the bird’s song. (hear / here)We went to picnic in the last ________________ (weak/week)I will practice daily an __________ of maths. (our/hour)I don’t _______________ , who you are? (know/no)ANSWERSa. right b. hearc. weekd. houre. konw. Q-6 Name the person who – makes people laugh _______________ brings letters for us _____________Treats the patients __________________Teaches in the class _________________Travel in a space craft _________________ANSWERS:a. clownb. postman c. doctord. teachere. astronautQ-7 Write the full forms of the following: He’s- _________________ Don’t - ________________Can’t –________________We’re – __________________I’m – ______________________ANSWERS:a. he is b. do notc. cannot d. we aree. I amQ-8 Write the homes of the following animals:rabbit-_______________ tiger –__________________Bee – ____________________Ant – ____________________Spider-_______________________ANSWERS:a. burrowb. denc. bee hived. ant hille. webQ-9 Fill in the blanks with plurals:One duck, many ____________ . One child, many ____________.One fox, many _______________One camel, many __________________One goose, many _____________________ANSWERS:a. ducksb. childrenc. foxesd. camels e. geeseQ-10 Write the similar words of pebbles - ______________joy- ___________________silly – _____________________mischievous - _________________fetch - _________________ANSWERS:a. stonesb. happy c. foolish d. naughtye. get/ carryQ-11 Write the young ones of the following animals: a) cat - ____________________ b) horse- __________________c. dog - _________________d. duck - _______________________e. sheep -_______________________ANSWERS:a. kittenb. coltc. puppyd. ducklinge. lambQ-12 Choose the right words: a)_________________ is a man’s best friend.(Monkey/Dog) b)______________________ is the ship of the desert.(Camel/Dog)c. ____________________ carry loads. (donkey/goat)d. ___________________ gives the milk. (cow/rabbit)e. _____________________ lays the eggs. (hen/pig)ANSWERS:a. dogb. camelc. donkeyd. cowe. henQ-13 Write the rhyming words of:hare- ____________________hay- ___________get- _____________fine- ______________hill- ________________ANSWERS:a. fare, dare, careb. lay, day, pay, sayc. net, wet, pet, letd. nine, mine, line, winee. pill, nil, kill, fillQ-14 Write the sounds made by the following animals:elephant- ________________tiger- ____________________cow - __________________cat -___________________horse - __________________ANSWERS:a. trumpetsb. roarsc. moosd. mewsneighsQ-15 Write the movements of Squirrels _____________Worms ____________Birds - ________________Snake - __________________Seals - __________________ANSWERS:a. leapsb. wigglesc. flyd. crawle. dive/swimCreative Writing Q-1. Write a small paragraph about your favourite animal. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q.2. Write a paragraph on “ the ship of the desert”.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Q-3. Look at the picture belowNow complete the paragraph about the pictureIt is a festival day. The children are ____________ in the ___________.Four children are _________ the kites. One _________ and her _________ are sitting on the __________. They are watching the other children fly _________.There is one big ___________.The children are very __________.They are having a lot of _________ Q. 4. Observe the picture Now complete the paragraph.It is a forest scene. There are so many _________________ in the picture. There is a _______________ in the pond. There are colourful _________________ around the pond. Kangaroo and ______________ are talking with each other and the remaining ______________________ are watching them. There are huge and long _____________ in the forest. Spelling Model questions:Q-1 Write the missing letters:B_AC_BO_RDQ-2 Write a meaningful word: OFWL __________Q-3 Make two words using the letters of given words:FROWNING __________ ___________ Q-4 Choose the correct pair: ( pp/ tt/ ll)Pu _ _ yQ-5 Circle the correct spelling:Elephant Elaphant ElephatnLEARN THE SPELLINGS:1. black board2. wolf3. puppy4. bull5. blinking6. frowning7. pounced8. washerman9. letters10. sister11. astronaut12. elephant13. bellowed 14. wonderingly15. flesh16.Padded17. nonody18. frightened10. jungle20. cobbler21. lessons22. switched23. naughty24. mischievous25. interrupt ................

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