Knights of Columbus Newsletter - Ad America

Knights of Columbus


Charity ~ Unity ~ Fraternity ~ Patriotism

Official Newsletter of the Knights of Columbus of Missouri


"We are Knights of JOY - Jesus Only You!"

APRIL 2022


Brother Knights and Ladies: As you read this newsletter, we are in

the last weeks of Lent. Soon we will enter into Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum. May we use this time to grow in holiness as Catholics as we prepare ourselves for Christ's Resurrection at Easter.

Within the newsletter, you will see an advertisement for the Fraternal Benefit Night on April 20th. Please consider attending and promoting it within your council. Moreover, please invite some prospective Knights and their families as well. While many of us perhaps are familiar with Supreme's insurance/ financial products, there are likely many men in our councils, and their wives, who are not. When Blessed Michael McGivney founded the Order, he hoped that the Knights would care for the widow and orphan. One of the ways we do that is through the promotion of the Order's insurance/financial programs. Since you need to complete two fraternal benefit nights for the Founder's Award, take some time to familiarize yourself with the requirements of Form 11077 on the Supreme website.

Please continue to do what you can for those displaced by the war in Ukraine. Consider donating to Supreme's Ukraine Solidarity Fund: . But while your donations are important, please continue to pray for a peaceful resolution in Ukraine. As our Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelly, told us, "While the benefits of our prayers may not be as tangible as dollars spent on food or medicine, we trust that their efforts are even more important."

May we continue to ask for the intercession of Mary in her Immaculate Heart and for our founder, Blessed Michael McGivney. And may you all have a Happy Easter later this month. Vivat Jesus!


Welcome to the halfway point of the Lenten season. If you have held true to your Lenten sacrifice, prayers, and abstinence then I commend you. If things have been a struggle, as it has been for me, then always keep on trying. Finishing your goal in spite of occasional weaknesses is far better than not finishing at all. With that said, I need to make you aware of a situation that has arisen with our Religious Information Bureau or R.I.B. Appeal. Through all the craziness that has been Covid and our economy, we are waiting for envelopes to arrive so as to send out our second appeal letter. This typically would happen in late February or early March. However, as of this writing, we are still a number of weeks out before the appeal letter will be sent. Please keep an eye out for a letter from the Knights of Columbus Religious Information Bureau and help out our four dioceses if you can. If nothing else, you can donate now at rib. In remembering Christ's death and resurrection during this season, I humbly ask that you remember our Memorial board. The Missouri Knights of Columbus have established a Memorial board as a way of honoring our deceased Knights. The board is always on display at our State Convention in April. To help cover the expense of the board and grant program, you can set up a memorial for a deceased Brother Knight or Lady Auxiliary member on the Memorial Board. You can send your $25 donation check made out to Columbian Charities to the Memorial Board Chairman, Mike Deamos.Your fallen Knight or Lady will be remembered at the Memorial Mass Sunday morning at the State Convention and will also be recognized on the Memorial Board. If you have questions, please contact Mike at 816-405-7418. Speaking of our State Convention, we will have a booth in the atrium on Friday night that I ask that you come by and see. The booth will not only have information about our programs but will also display the winners of the Msgr Mancuso Grants. You can also get some information on how to get a personalized Missouri Knights of Columbus License Plate. Finally, I feel it necessary to give a shout out to our four Diocesan Chairmen. They too will be at the booth on Friday night and are definitely worth meeting. If your council has an idea for a Faith based event, they are your "go to" Knights. Please come see them at the State Convention. They can help you turn an idea into a reality. God Bless all of you and may you have a Blessed Lenten season.



Brother Knights and LadyAuxiliary/Assembly Members,

Amy and I hope this finds all ofyou healthy and doing well. We are looking forward to seeingyou all at the State Convention. We are excited to be able topresent the Lady Of The Year.

Thank you to all who sent in a nomination.On a closing note Amy and I are reminding all members andyour families to contact other members of both your family andalso of your Knights family to see how they are doing, and to alsoshare with them a prayer or a Bible verse to praise our Lordduring this Lenten Season. Lastly Amy and I are also asking foryou to call and check on our elderly and Clergy. Let them knowthey are in our prays, and our thoughts.

Be safe, stay healthy, and most importantly may God blessand protect you all.



Hail Marys

To End



We have reached the last quarter of the fraternal year and our chances of reaching Circle of Honor are still in sight! Degrees should be happening this month as a result of the Membership Drives that all Councils were requested to hold during the month of March. It should be every Council's goal to be a Star Council this year. We have 3 months to get this done and I believe we can do it! How you ask? As previously stated, we should be holding degrees in every District to bring in all of the prospects from the Membership Drives. Now is the time to ask RCIA members to join. They will be joining the Church at Easter and are eager to express their newfound faith. Now is the also the time to ask those young men graduating from high school to join the Knights. Many of them will be going off to college, so the time to get them in is now! Don't forget about college graduates, nephews, cousins, brothers and of course sons of current Knights. Ask all male RCIA sponsors as well if they are not already Knights. Maybe you didn't get through your parish list back in December. There are eligible men out there that need to be asked and all we have to do is be the person to ask the question. The easiest group of course are those that have already joined the Knights via the online membership. They have already shown enough interest in the Knights to join so why not invite them to finish the journey and become a full member of your local Council? Make sure you invite their families to join them in participating in the unified exemplification degree. If you are unsure whether your council has any online members in your area you can check with your District Deputy as they get an updated report twice a month.Don't forget about the recruiting incentive that are currently running: ? Every Unified Degree hosted by a council during the months of March and April will be entered into a drawing for $300 and there will be a total of four winners drawn. You're form 450 must be received in order to qualify for the drawing. ? During this last quarter of the fraternal year (April ? June) the Top Proposer in each Diocese will receive $200, second place will receive $100 and third place $50 with a minimum of 5 new members to qualify. ? District Deputies ? the horse race for the Gold KofC Wrist Watch being sponsored by our Worthy Supreme Director John Appelbaum is still going through Friday of the State Convention. ? Supreme is still offering the FREE on-line membership for one year using the code MCGIVNEY2020 until the end of June. Have your prospect sign up as a new online member and then have him take the degree and transfer into your local council! For all Delegates and Attendees at our upcoming State Convention, please stop by the Membership table in the Atrium on Friday evening. Members of the Membership Team, would be very happy to visit with you. We want all councils to succeed, and conducting service programs and being active recruiters are both crucial to a council's short-term and long-term success. Asking men to join the Knights is the only way that we can continue to provide the services, support and man power to some many vital programs and institutions in the Missouri jurisdiction. As always, please Remember to Celebrate Everything!

Page 2 ? Volume 8, No. 10 ? "We are Knights of JOY - Jesus Only You!" ? April 2022


March 20, marked the return of the Free Throw Championship, after a year of Covid hiatus. Thank you to GK Tim Vargesko and the members of Columbia Council 1529, host Council for the Final; and all the other Knights, parents, and school volunteers who helped with the contest at all levels. Thank you also to Fr. Tolton High School in Columbia for providing the Finals location! The gym was packed and rocking with competitors and families, with a number of close contests and tie-breakers. Winners, who will have their scoring histories forwarded to New Haven to compete for the International Championship, were:

Age 9 year old 10-year-old 11-year-old 12-year-old 13-year-old 14-year-old


Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls


Simon Eckhart Hattie Gruver Evan Moylan Aubrey Carroll Brayden Howell Danica Hanneken Benton Hentges Ealynne Bostick James Wesolich Ellie Tiburzi Waylen Owens Courtney Epplin


Pierce City St. James Kansas City Rolla DeSoto Washington Tipton Centralia Chesterfield Glendale Shelbina St. Charles


21 15 20 17 22 22 22 18 23 22 22 23

Meanwhile, please continue your support for the Wheelchair Mission. The first and most important objective of the Mission is to identify those individuals in our community in need of a wheelchair. Councils should make sure that their respective pastors and parish offices know also, because sometimes parishes get requests for assistance which may not otherwise trickle down to Councils.

We've handed out at least 36 wheelchairs so far this fraternal year, including several recently to whom pictures of the recipients have been posted on our state Facebook page. We're continuing to fundraise to maintain our wheelchair stock. We are at about 70% of our goal to raise enough for a new shipment: $150 per wheelchair, 110 wheelchairs per semi-trailer load, $16,500. Sample wheelchairs, such as the one that will be on display at State Convention, are available for fundraisers that engage our entire parish communities. Consider a pancake breakfast, church drive, or second collection to support the Mission if your Council has not done so already.

If you are planning on coming to State Convention, our state Museum and Archive, in the basement of Helias Council, will be open concurrent with the Friday night steak dinner. Our state archive contains many interesting memorabilia of more than 100 years of State Council history. Our state archivist, Tony Dohmen, will be conducting tours and answering your questions.

Finally, the Missouri General Assembly is in its peak season, and Knights families are urged to subscribe online to both the Missouri Catholic Advocacy Network, a service of the Missouri Catholic Conference; and Supreme's new, issues-based Faithful Citizenship program, in order to be informed on issues of public policy informed by our shared Catholic faith. Check them out at and en/faithfulcitizenship.



April - May 2022

Sunday, April 3, 2022 11:00 AM Lees Summit St. Margaret of Scotland Church ? Council #6819 Wednesday, April 20, 2022 6:30 PM Holts Summit ? St. Andrews Church (in Bldg. next to Church) ? Council #8400 Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:00 PM Jefferson City ? St. Peters Parish

Helias Council #1054 Saturday, May 21, 2022 6:00 PM Wentzville ? St. Gianna Church

Council #14561


Happy Easter to our brothers and their families across Missouri, hope everyone has a safe and spiritual celebration.

We are starting to see more and more people retuning to in-person church, with most all restrictions gone! Now, it is time we have events again, bring your church family back to gather. Therefore, I would like to see councils start to think about Family Week. As part of the Faith in Action in the Family programs, it's time to plan a Family Week for your parish.

Planning a week of activities for your parish is what we need to bring our parish community back together. As leaders of your councils plan a special week in the next few months to promote Catholic family values and stressing the importance of families as the foundation of our domestic church. This event is usually celebrated in the summer to commemorate Blessed Michael McGivney, but it can take place anytime during the year.

Activities that you could plan would include Family Picnic, movie night, going to a local sporting event, include Family prayer night to name a few. There are resources at our supreme website. familyweek

Speaking of local sporting event, Dave Dillion our State Family Involvement Chairman has been in touch with the Royals and has agreed on a date for our Knights at the Royals game and tailgate. June 24th with the tailgate starting around 1pm and game will start at3:10pm with the Athletics coming to town this should be a great game. So, mark your calendars, as we expect this to be a great family day at the "K". Look for the flyer that is circulating around and will have flyers at the State Convention. Plan a fun family, friends, and neighbors' event with the Knights. We will have our own area that you can park, visit and enjoy the fantastic food that will be served for you.

Also at State Convention, Michael Koehler will have all the information for the Cardinals game coming up September 18th versus the Reds. This no doubt will be a fantastic game. We will have more information coming soon.


"Defending Life with JOY" Greetings Brother Knights It is hard to believe that another fraternal year is winding down. I must give a big THANK YOU to all my chairman for a wonderful job on their programs. And a Thank You to all brothers and ladies who supported our programs. Now is the time to start planning your next Roses for Life event by inventorying your rose supply so you can get that order in on time. With summer approaching Special Olympic events will be taking place so let's get your councils involved and support our athletes.Meet Life phase 2 is started up and we have seen councils contribute but we need to get more councils involved. The more donations we receive the more babies we can save. The 11th annual Midwest March for Life is set for April 20th in Jefferson City. For more information contact Dennis Fessler at 573-575-8668 or visit Thank you again for all your support and let's finish the year strong by each recruiting one new member.

St. Andrews Council 8400 sponsored a Reverse Advent Calendar program where they asked every member of Council 8400 to save one packaged food item a day during Advent. Through the program Council 8400 donated 2,080 pounds of canned goods to the Holts Summit Food Pantry. This donation helped meet their demand from the Holts Summit community. In 2021 the Food Pantry served over 982 families. The Council has also donated 230.25 pounds of prepared food to the Holts Summit Soup Kitchen. Through 2022 to date the Soup Kitchen has been feeding 250 diners every Tuesday and Thursday.

Make Plans To Attend The K of C Horseshoe Tournament

August 19, 20 & 21, 2022 Hosted by

St. Isidore Council #5898 Leopold, MO

Tournament Director Alan Beussink Grand Knight Arnold R. Jansen Hotel Informatation Contact Derek Halter @ 573-382-6070


Please Pray for a

Mark Your Calendars

For The 11th Annual BBQ Cookoff

When:July 29-30,2022

Second Miracle toward


Hosted By: Wm. J. Barnwell Council #1263 Perryville, Missouri

Located at St. Vincent de Paul Picnic Grounds

For more information contact Chairman Ed Cirar guild@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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