What This Workshop Will Cover...

? An introduction to learning styles in general; ? Characteristics of the four styles covered in this

workshop (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic); ? A quick and easy learning styles survey; ? Tips and strategies to improve on your personal learning style!

What Is A Learning Style?

Learning styles are ways, approaches or methods of learning. Everyone learns by using a combination of all four styles, but many have one or two particular styles that stand out above the rest. It is believed that by discovering the learning style that produces the best results students can realize greater success in class.

The 4 Learning Styles

1. to see what they are learning; benefit from

graphs, illustrations and presentations.

2. Auditory...learn best by listening to instructions, lectures;

tend to read out loud; remember things that are told to them.

3. Reading/Writing...learn best by reading and writing; benefit

from writing and rewriting notes and using textbooks, handouts, glossaries, etc.

4. Kinesthetic...hands-on learners; need to be active; learn best

from direct experience or performing tasks.

The Visual Learner

Visual Learners can typically visualize a clear picture of an experience. They tend to take numerous, detailed notes and sit in the front of the classroom where they can clearly see the chalkboard. Visual Learners learn best if the information presented is accompanied by graphs, illustrations, even videos! Organization is key to the Visual Learner, and so quite often rely on calendars and day planners to keep track of assignments, presentations, exams, and so on.


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