The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Business Register extract

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The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Business Register extract

CCI number 24495550

Page 1 (of 2)

Legal entity RSIN Legal form

Legal Entity Name Date of incorporation Activities

Establishment Establishment number Nam e Visiting address Postal address Telephone number Fax number Internet address Email address Date of incorporation Activities

Authorised representatives Name Date of entry into office Contents of power of attorney

Name Date of entry into office Title Contents of power of attorn ey

Name Date of en t ry into office Title Contents of power of atto rn ey

800216295 Publiekrechtelijke Rechtspersoon (comparable with Legal person governed by public law): University or University Hospital Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 01-02-1973

.S..B..l.-.c..o..d..e.:...8..5.4..2...-..T..e..r.t.i.a..r.y...e.d..u..c. .a..t.i.o..n. .......... ..... ..... ................... ........... .. .... .. ........ .. .... .. ....

000014354292 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062PA Rotterdam Postbus 1738, 3000DR Rotterdam +31104081751 +31104089073 e 01 -02-1973 SB l- code: 8542 - Tertiary education For further information on ac tiv ities, see Dutch extract.

Voor (overige) volm ach ten zie opgave 01-01-2010 (registration date: 03-08-2010) Limited power of attorn ey. Consult file for restriction s.

H.A.P. Pols 08-11-2013 (registration date: 24-06-2014) Rector Magnifi cus Full power of attorney

K.F.B. Baele 01 -1 2-2015 (regi stration date: 01-12-2015) Voorzittervan het college van bestuur Full power of attorn ey

Waannerk '



A ce rtified extract Is an official proof of regi stration in th e Business Regist er. Certified extracts Issued on paper are signed and co nt ain a mlcrot ext and UV logo print ed on 'optically dull' paper.

CCI number 24495550 Page 2 (of 2)

The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Business Register extract

Extract was made on 01-06-201 7 at 11.36 hours. For extract

mw. Hankie van Baasbank, Raad van Bestuur

Waa rm ~ rk

KvK . '

A certified extra ct ls an official proof of registration In th e Bus iness Register. Certifie d exlrac t s Issued on paper are signed and co ntai n a mlcrotext and UV logo printed on 'optically dull' paper.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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