Orders & Observations Conference Call7 August 2014+1 770 657 9270, Passcode: 653212#Attendees: NameOrganization1Riki MerrickVernetzt, LLC2Kathy WalshLabCorp3Lori DieterleKaiser Permanente4Lorraine ConstableConstable Consulting5Ron Van DuyneCDC6Robert Dieterle789Regrets: Rob HausamCo-Chair: Lorraine ConstableScribe: Riki MerrickAgenda/Minutes:Agenda ReviewAnnouncements: Approve Minutes from last call = 7/03/2014, no quorum on call from 7/31/2014 – Motion to approve as distributed Kathy Walsh, Ron van Duyne, no further discussion, against:0, abstain: 0, in favor: 5Ballot Reconciliation:#992 and 991: Created from comment #125 on 7/3/2014 - Similar to #110; The typeCode drives what data elements are going to be needed - should not be a continous hierarchy I think, but rather a way to separate at the high level - how this is best accomplished in the data exchange world is still being debated - any suggestions are welcome - Also not sure if at the conceptual level we need to consider the hierarchical nature of the assigned / suggested terminology - will reach out via email on 8/7/2014#126: What is the goal? Goal is to capture all possible business needs in this model, then for a specific business need / use case this model can be constrained further to v2.x or v3Consider taking out the sentence starting with "Specifically, units should …" because at the conceptual model won't need to specify to this level. Mark Jones, Riki Merrick, - persuasive with mod – further discussion: where was this again? In the definition of an attribute to the specimen class – vote: against:0, abstain: 0, in favor: 6#127: We are not modeling specific AOEs in this model – most of those are characteristics of the subject also, but we understand that for some tests, not all the collected specimen is sent in, in those cases you would have an AOE. Cancer testing also relies on knowing the size of the tumor tissue excised. Is original meaning amount available at accessioning – in one processing, step, but for a derived specimen that would be the parent specimen original amount. Should the statement include “as received by the actor”? use of collection in the definition is unfortunate as it seems to muddy the waters. Motion to update definition to "The initial volume, mass or size of the specimen." We agree that for specific tests an AOE about the total collected specimen, even if less was shipped, is needed (e.g 24 hr urine) - that is a different observation. Kathy Walsh, Riki Merrick - not persuasive with mod – no further discussion – vote: against:0, abstain: 0, in favor: 6#128: Specimenpurity and concentration are specimen evaluations that are performed prior to testing - verify with Phil Pochon via email#129: Processing is not further defined - do we need an additional parameter as part of the processing class to indicate purpose of processing? Add attribute of Processing Reason - coded. Riki Merrick, Mark Jones – persuasive - no further discussion – vote: against:0, abstain: 0, in favor: 6See others grouper – mark off when all comments have been dispositioned:Applies to #130, #131, #132, #133, #134, #135, #136, #137, #139, #140, #141Format related items – covered by #93, so copied votes from that negative to these A-S/A-C items:Applies to #6, #76, #89, #91, #94Bob D drops off#86: Agreed this may need more work - possibly using containerMaterialCode in both places may be good - or just use it in the parameters?Motion to move container MaterialCode from container to container parameters and review other attributes in container for similar treatment. Mark Jones, Riki Merrick– persuasive with mod - no further discussion – vote: against:0, abstain: 0, in favor: 5Spreadsheet at end of call: Please review the remaining comments and add to the proposed dispositions. Hopefully we can close this out soon.Next call is in 2 weeks = 8/21/2014 from 12-1 PM EDTCall adjourned 12:59 PM EDT ................

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