Agencies for - Ms. Thibeault's Class Site

Suggested Agencies

for Christian Services

|Organization & |Phone / Fax / |Contact |Description |

|Address |e-mail / website |Person | |

|Alzheimer Assoc. of Sask. Inc. |949-4141 |Joanne Michael, |provides family support, offers public |

|Suite 230 – 408 Broad Street |1-800-263-3367 |Support |education, and promotes research into the|

|Regina, SK S4R 1X3 |Fax: 949-3069 |Co-ordinator |cause and treatment of dementia |

| | | |Monday – Friday: |

| | | |8:30 AM – 4:30 PM |

|Blue Mantle |565-8025 |Dave Barrett, Mgr. |second-hand clothing for men, women and |

|1735 – 11 Avenue |565-8025 - Bluetique | |children, household items and used |

|Regina, SK S4P 0H7 | | |furniture are sold at low cost; (also |

| | | |operates the Blue Mantle Bluetique at |

| | | |1835 – 7 Avenue. |

| | | |Hours:Tuesday - Saturday |

| | | |10:00 AM – 5:00 PM) |

| | | |Blue Mantle hours: |

| | | |Tues-Fri:1:30 PM-4:30 PM Sat. – 9:30 AM –|

| | | |4:30 PM |

|Camp Cana Colony |789-8276 |Rev. John Weckend |family camp experience |

|2636 – 7 Avenue, E. | | | |

|Regina, SK S4N 6A3 | | | |

|Camp Kenosee |453-6200 |Rev. D. Banga |boys and girls camp |

|Box 310 |577-4624 (camp) | | |

|Carlyle, SK S0C 0R0 | | | |

|Camp Monahan |924-0992 | | |

|(Lebret) |924-0802 | | |

|1 St. John Place | | | |

|Regina, SK S4R 2W3 | | | |

|Camp O’Neill |728-5548 |Ivadelle Apple | |

|(Round Lake) |793-4338 (camp) | | |

|Bangor, SK S0A 0E0 | | | |

|Canadian Blood Services |347-2600 | | |

|2571 Broad Street | | | |

|Regina, SK S4P 4H6 | | | |

|Canadian Cancer |757-4260 |Rita Archer, Exec. |A non-profit voluntary organization aimed|

|Society, SK Division |569-2133 |Dir. |at providing public education, patient |

|340 – 1870 Albert St. | | |services and research. Information on |

|Regina, SK S4P 4B7 | | |cancer is provided to the general public |

| | | |by means of pamphlets, videos, workshops,|

| | | |and guest speakers. |

|Canadian Diabetes Association |584-8445 |Jordana Ball, Regina |Services include quarterly free public |

|4420 Albert Street |586-9704 |Br. Coord - |educational adult support group, parent |

|Regina, SK S4S 6B4 | |584-0186 |and child support group, resource center,|

| | |Kim Sander, Support |displays and presentations |

| | |Serv. 584-8445 | |

|Canadian Mental Health |525-5601 | | |

|2702 – 12 Avenue | | | |

|Regina, SK S4T 1J2 | | | |

|Canadian Paraplegic Association |584-0101 | | |

|210-4401 Albert St. |584-0008 | | |

|Regina, SK S4S 6B6 | | | |

|Canadian Red Cross Society |522-2605 | | |

|100 – 2050 Cornwall Street | | | |

|Regina, SK S4P 2K5 | | | |

|Cancer Society, Regina Unit |522-7347 |Brenda Bancescu, Mgr. |a fund raising organization for the |

|1470 Wascana Street |347-0727 | |Canadian Cancer Society; provides funds |

|Regina, SK S4T 4J5 | | |for research and services to cancer |

| | | |patients; provides educational material |

| | | |to the public. Other chapters are: Living|

| | | |with Cancer, Reach to Recovery, Living |

| | | |with Breast Cancer, which are sponsored |

| | | |by the Cancer Society. |

|Catholic Family Services |525-0521 | | |

|449 Broad Street, N. | | | |

|Regina, SK S4R 2X8 | | | |

|Computers for Kids Canada Inc. |924-0236 |Todd Myhre |enables children in the province to learn|

|1450 Park Street |Fax: 924-0203 |924-0236 / |to work with a computer; donations of |

|Regina, SK S4N 2G2 | |Bill McMinn |computers and equipment, from both |

| | | |corporate and private sectors, are |

| | |winter hours: Mon – |repaired and updated by volunteers. |

| | |Fri |This program is geared toward families |

| | |10:00 AM – |whose income is below the poverty line as|

| | |4:00 PM |determined by the provincial government |

| | | |and Statistics Canada. |

|Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Young |780-9278 |Wendy Machmer, Exec. |program of individual challenge; offers |

|Canadians Challenge |1-866-319-3853 |Dir. – 780-9278 |to young people a balanced, |

|1860 Lorne Street |Fax: 781-6021 | |non-competitive program of voluntary |

|Regina, SK S4P 2L7 |dukeofed@ | |activities which encourage personal |

| | | |discovery and growth, self-reliance, |

| | | |perseverance, responsibility to |

| | | |themselves and service to their community|

| | | |Services available – training for |

| | | |leaders; expedition opportunities for |

| | | |youth; recognition of youth through award|

| | | |ceremonies with the Lieutenant Governor |

| | | |and members of the Royal Family (open to |

| | | |youth, ages 14-25; adult leaders age 18 |

| | | |and over) |

| | | |Registration fee - $25.00 |

|Dragon Boat Festival Inc. Regina |525-2626 |Margo Jones, Pres. |celebrates the multicultural heritage of |

|5120 – 10 Avenue |543-0523 |586-3184 |Canada and gives Regina people a chance |

|Regina, SK S4T 7P5 |morgoles& |543-6868 |to learn about a Chinese tradition; |

| | | |encourages team spirit and interaction |

| | | |among groups. Annual event held during |

| | | |Labour Day weekend in Wascana Park with |

| | | |entertainment in the park, children’s |

| | | |activities, Asian arts tent, Dragons’ |

| | | |Lair with entertainment |

|Extendicare – Parkside |586-0220 | |Monday to Thursday – wheel, walk, set-up,|

|4540 Rae Street | | |distribute, dance, bingo, cards, games, |

|Regina, SK S4S 3B4 | | |choirs visit, visiting, letter or card |

| | | |writing |

|Extendicare – |586-1787 | |Monday to Friday & Sunday – Gourmet Club:|

|Rae Street | | |3:30-6:00 PM; portering to entertainment,|

|4125 Rae Street | | |dances, cards and games |

|Regina, SK S4S 2A5 | | | |

|Extendicare-Sunset |586-3355 | |Monday to Saturday – group preferred as |

|260 Sunset Drive | | |orientation is necessary; includes carpet|

|Regina, SK S4S 2S3 | | |bowling, cards, games, reflections, bingo|

|Family Service Regina |757-6675 | | |

|2020 Halifax Street | | | |

|Regina, SK S4P 1T7 | | | |

|Government House Historical Society|787-5363 – Volunteer Co-ordinator |Karen Jackson, Pres. |provides educational meetings and |

|c/o Government House |Fax: 787-5714 |787-5363 |newsletters to members; tours available |

|4607 Dewdney Avenue | | |upon request; events include |

|Regina, SK S4T 1B7 | | |‘Antiquities, Artifacts and Art, Once |

| | | |Upon a Time Room; Victorian Tea, Garden |

| | | |Committee and other activities throughout|

| | | |the year; volunteers needed |

|Habitat for Humanity |522-9700 | | |

|1630 – 8 Avenue | | | |

|Regina, SK S4R 1E5 | | | |

|Heart & Stroke Foundation |569-8433 |Leann Hanna | |

|2360 – 2 Avenue | | | |

|Regina, SK S4R 1A6 | | | |

|Humane Society |543-6363 | | |

|Albert St & Armour Rd. | | | |

|Regina, SK | | | |

|Kidney Foundation |347-0711 |Wayne Kuss | |

|1545C McAra Street | | | |

|Regina, SK S4N 6H4 | | | |

|Learning Centre |766-6009 |Gail Douglas, |Volunteer tutors are trained and matched |

|Regina Public Library | |Supervisor |with adults who want to upgrade their |

|2311 – 12 Avenue | | |literacy skills. This may include |

|2nd Floor | | |reading, writing, math, GED preparation, |

|Regina, SK S4P 3Z5 | | |or learning English as a second Language.|

| | | |Volunteers work on a one-to-one or small |

| | | |group basis with students. This is a |

| | | |free service. |

|Life Saving Society Canada, |780-9255 |Dale Measner, CEO |Promotes and encourages Canadians to |

|Saskatchewan Branch |Fax: 780-9498 | |train for aquatic life-saving and |

|2224 Smith Street | |Mon. – Fri. - 9:00 AM |life-guarding skills; conducts a public |

|Regina, SK S4P 2P4 |lifesaving@ |– 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM –|awareness campaign “Water Smart” which |

| | |5:00 PM |promotes safe activities in, on, and |

| | | |around water; offers Boat Operator |

| | | |Accredited training; five classifications|

| | | |of membership; annual awards issued for |

| | | |acts of bravery to lay people as well as |

| | | |Life Saving Society members. |

|Literacy Unit (Regina Public |777-6009 | |Volunteer tutors are trained and matched |

|Library) | | |with adults who want to upgrade their |

|2311 - 12 Avenue | | |literacy skills. This may include |

|2nd Floor | | |reading, writing, Math, GED preparation |

|Regina, SK | | |or learning English as a second language.|

| | | |Volunteers work on a one-to-one or small |

|mailing address: | | |group basis with students. This is a |

|Box 2311 | | |free service. Open to adults 16 years of|

|Regina, SK S4P 3Z5 | | |age or older; learners must be a Canadian|

| | | |citizen or a landed immigrant. |

|Liver Foundation |789-1088 |Lorraine Johnson | |

|2550 Broad Street | | | |

|Regina, SK S4P 3Z4 | | | |

|MacKenzie Art Gallery |584-4250 ext. 4257 |Kay Hamon, President -|The MacKenzie Gallery volunteers assist |

|T.C. Douglas Building | |586-2033 |at gallery functions (gallery tours, show|

|3475 Albert Street | |Vivian Norbraten, |openings. Resource centre, gift shop & |

|Regina, SK S4S 6X6 | |V. P – 586-4365 |the Traveling Art Program to elementary |

| | | |schools); also involved in fundraising; |

| | | |in return for these hours of service, the|

| | | |volunteers receive newsletters, |

| | | |invitations to special functions, art |

| | | |history lectures & courses, discounts at |

| | | |the Gallery Shop. |

|Marian Centre |757-0073 | |come for a day (9:30 AM – 4:00 PM or 5:00|

|1835 Halifax Street | | |PM); prepare, serve, clean-up - Monday |

|Regina, SK S4P 1T4 | | |to Saturday; cleaning, yard work, |

| | | |laundry, ironing, small maintenance, talk|

| | | |about Who and Why |

|Multiple Sclerosis Society |522-5600 |Bill |canvassing |

|150 Albert Street |565-0477 | | |

|Regina, SK S4R 0R4 | | | |

|Muscular Dystophy Association of |761-2520 | | |

|Canada | | | |

|Box 844 | | | |

|Regina, SK S4P 3B1 | | | |

|Northwest Leisure Centre |777-7045 | |supervising and assisting in gym or swim |

|1127 Arnason St., N. | | |programs |

|Regina, SK S4P 3C8 | | | |

|Parish Ministry |Blessed Sacrament – 522-7422 | |help out with children’s liturgy at any |

| |Canadian Martyrs – 543-9322 | |of the Eucharistic celebrations; |

| |Christ the King -586-9020 | |babysitting for Baptismal classes (phone |

| |Good Samaritan – 543-5355 | |parish to check dates and times); help |

| |Holy Child – 789-8276 | |out at the parish bazaars (set up, clean |

| | | |up, look after tables, etc.); help serve |

| |Holy Cross – 757-1325 | |coffee on Coffee Sundays; get involved |

| |Holy Family – 949-7678 | |with music ministry; help to decorate the|

| | | |church for special occasions; other jobs |

| |Holy Rosary – 565-0909 | |that may come up from time to time – |

| |Holy Trinity – 543-3838 | |contact your parish |

| |Little Flower – 522-8583 | | |

| |Resurrection – 352-0800 | | |

| |Sacred Heart – 525-0502 | | |

| |St. Anne – 586-0449 | | |

| |St. Anthony – 522-3363 | | |

| |St. Cecilia | | |

| |St. Charles | | |

| |St. Jean Baptiste – 586-5006 | | |

| |St. Martin – 586-5655 | | |

| |St. Mary – 522-3361 | | |

| |St. Peter – 545-4411 | | |

| |Ukrainian Catholic: | | |

| |At. Athanasius – 543-8162 | | |

| |St. Basil’s – 522-0221 | | |

|Rainbow Youth Centre |757-9743 |Danielle Pass, Exec. |Offers recreational activities, |

|977 McTavish Street |Fax: 757-9759 |Dir. |health-oriented projects, workshops, arts|

|Regina, SK S4T 3V2 | | |& crafts and sports; offers personal and |

| |dpass@ | |skill-development classes such as anger |

| | | |management, skills for adolescents; |

| | | |provides staff training for other |

| | | |community agencies. |

| | | |Youth Programming hours: 3:30 PM – 8:45 |

| | | |PM |

| | | |Centre hours: Mon – Fri – 9:00 AM – 9:00 |

| | | |PM |

| | | |Services available: |

| | | |Programs include after-school and evening|

| | | |activities, anger management education, |

| | | |substance education, young parents’ |

| | | |employment program; offers a hot supper |

| | | |program Monday - Friday at 5:00 PMopen to|

| | | |anyone 11-19 years of age (up to 25 years|

| | | |for specialized programs) |

| | | |** Free of charge ** |

|Regina Community Basketball |584-3222 |Dean Bates, Pres. – |Basketball league for 6-17 year olds in |

|Association |Fax: 586-5633 |539-2311 |Regina and surrounding area; has over 200|

|(Community Basketball Association, | |Rod Allen – V. Pres. -|teams; season runs from October to April |

|Regina) |rcba@ |584-3913 | |

|P.O. Box 37031 | |Marg Barr, Exec. Dir –|open to boys and girls ages 6 - 17 |

|Regina, SK S4S 7K3 | |584-3222 | |

| | |Tim Artemenko – Tech. | |

| | |Dir. 789-7797 | |

|Regina Friendship Centre |525-5459 | | |

|1440 Scarth Street | | | |

|Regina, SK S4R 2E9 | | | |

|Regina Lutheran Home |543-4055 |Ray Brady, |Provides recreational and life enrichment|

|1925 – 5 Avenue, N. | |Manager of Volunteers |services to extended care residents and |

|Regina, SK S4R 7W1 | | |all other patients at Wascana |

| | | |Rehabilitation Centre. Volunteer |

| | | |placement available seven (7) days a |

| | | |week. |

|Regina Open Door Society |352-3500 | |Tutors for children of recent immigrants |

|1855 Smith Street | | |in grades 8 – 12 |

|Regina, SK S4P 2N5 | | | |

|Regina Pioneer Village |757-5646 | |Glee Club, sewing, drama, games & films |

|430 Pioneer Drive | | | |

|Regina, SK S4T 6L8 | | | |

|Regina Plains Museum |780-9435 |Christa Donaldson, |Regina’s civic museum collection reflects|

|1835 Scarth Street |Fax: 565-2979 |Exec. Dir. |the cultural, historical and economic |

|Regina, SK S4P 2G9 | | |history of the Queen City; home of the |

| | | |Glass Wheat Field; reflects the |

|Alternate name: | | |development and growth of Regina Catholic|

|Plains Museum | | |School Board |

| | | | |

| | | |Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri. |

| | | |10:00 AM - 4:00 PM |

| | | |Thurs.- 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM |

| | | |Sat. - variable - call for hours |

| | | |** Free Admission ** |

| | | | |

| | | |Open to any interested volunteer |

|Regina Pro Life Association |569-1985 | | |

|715 Victoria Avenue | | | |

|Regina, SK S4N 0R4 | | | |

|Royal Saskatchewan Museum |757-5951 | |A non-profit volunteer organization that |

|Associates |787-2815 | |supports the activities of the Royal |

|2445 Albert Street |Fax: 787-2820 | |Sask. Museum. Associates operate the |

|Regina, SK S4P 4W7 | | |Museum Shop, sponsor family programs, |

| | | |teach school classes, give tours, assist |

|Alternate Name: | | |curators, raise funds and learn more |

|Saskatchewan Museum Associates, | | |about natural history, archaeology and |

|Royal | | |earth sciences |

|Salvation Army – William Booth |543-0655 | |being a friend to the elderly |

|Special Care Home | | | |

|50 Angus Road | | | |

|Regina, SK S4R 8P6 | | | |

|Sandra Schmirler Leisure Centre |777-7590 | | |

|3130 East Woodhams Drive | | | |

|Regina, SK | | | |

|Santa Maria Volunteers |584-5566 |Mary Gazda, Chair - |provides entertainment, gifts and comfort|

|4215 Regina Avenue | |586-4472 / |to Santa Maria Nursing Home residents |

|Regina, SK S4S 0J5 | |Betty Bolen, Secretary| |

| | |- 586-9587 | |

|Santas Anonymous |569-1300 |Marcie Watson, |collects and distributes toys (new toys |

|#210 -2401 Sask Dr. |757-3299 |Promotions Director |only) at Christmas time for less |

|Regina, SK S4P 4H8 |nwatson@ | |privileged children in Regina; works in |

| | | |conjunction with the Salvation Army, |

| | | |which registers needy families. |

| | | |Volunteers are welcome during the time of|

| | | |our annual campaign to wrap and deliver |

| | | |gifts to families (before Christmas at |

| | | |Green & White Lounge, Taylor Field). |

|Saskatchewan Abilities Council |569-9048 | |assisting in programs for physically |

|825 McDonald Street | | |disabled persons |

|Regina, SK S4N 2X5 | | | |

|Save the Children - Canada |1-800-668-5036 |Iris Sinclair, Chair -|A non-political fund-raising organization|

|7 Lawson Street | |545-4011 |which deals with protecting the rights of|

|Regina, SK S4R 3P5 |iwsinc@ | |children in the developing world and |

| | | |disaster areas, as well as Canada |

|Alternate name: | | |** Open to anyone ** |

|Children - Canada, Save the | | | |

| | | |Hours: September - June - meetings on 4th|

| | | |Tuesday of every month, at noon, at the |

| | | |Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre |

|Senior Citizens’ Service |525-2154 | | |

|2134 Winnipeg Street | | | |

|Regina, SK S4P 3X6 | | | |

|Senior Power of Regina |757-4664 | | |

|1264 Athol Street | | | |

|Regina, SK S4T 7V3 | | | |

|Serena Saskatchewan |1-800-667-1637 | | |

|Box 7375 | | | |

|Regina, SK S7K 4J3 | | | |

|Sofia House |565-2537 / 565-2538 – Child Support Worker |Reggy Hennig |provides second stage housing for women |

|Box 37125 | | |and children who have experienced abuse; |

|Regina, SK S4S 7K3 |565-6060 – Women’s Council | |does counseling, referrals, children’s |

| | | |programs and support groups |

| |Fax: 565-2376 | |Hours: Monday – Friday |

| | | |9:00 AM – 5:00 PM |

| | | | |

|UNICEF Regina |352-5449 | |raises funds for UNICEF activities for |

|2724 – 13 Avenue | | |children in developing countries: |

|Regina, SK S4T 1N3 | | |immunization, health services; raises the|

| | | |empathy of Canadians for people in |

| | | |developing countries; volunteers needed |

| | | |in marketing, education, administrative |

| | | |activities including Halloween campaign |

| | | |and Greeting Card campaign |

|United Way of Regina |757-5671 |Wayne Hellquist, Exec.|The United Way Campaign involves |

|2022 Halifax Street |522-7199 |Dir. |business, labour, employee groups & |

|Regina, SK S4P 1T7 | | |individuals to raise funds which are |

| | | |allocated to member agencies to meet the |

| | | |most critical needs. |

| | | | |

|Visitation House |352-0016 |Cheryl Dudgeon, Dir |Note: Due to the nature of the clientele |

|900 – 11 Avenue | | |that they serve, they request only female|

|Regina, SK S4N 0K7 | | |volunteers. |

|War Amputations Key Tag Service |359-0459 | | |

|(no mailing address available) | | | |

|Wascana Rehabilitation Centre |766-5218 |Ray Brady, Manager of |Provides recreational and life enrichment|

|2180 – 23 Avenue |766-5246 |Volunteers |services to extended care residents and |

|Regina, SK S4S 0A5 | | |all other patients at Wascana |

| | | |Rehabilitation Centre; |

| | | |volunteer placement available seven days |

| | | |a week. |

|YMCA |757-9622 | | |

|2400 – 13 Avenue |525-5508 | | |

|Regina, SK S4P 0V9 | | | |

|YWCA |525-2141 | | |

|1940 McIntyre Street |525-2171 | | |

|Regina, SK S4P 2R3 | | | |

|Youth Literacy |777-6068 | |Program offered through the Learning |

|Program |777-6009 | |Centre of the Regina Public Library. |

|Regina Public Library | | |Trains youth tutors to teach youth who |

|2311 – 12 Avenue | | |want to upgrade their reading and writing|

|Regina, SK S4P 3Z5 | | |skills or English as a second language. |

| | | |Volunteers work on a one-to-one basis |

| | | |with students. |

|Youth Unlimited |525-2148 | | |

|3014 Dewdney Avenue | | | |

|Regina, SK S4T 0Y2 | | | |

February 18, 2009


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