*This is a training manual from Project Evangelism which is based in Murlough House, Keel Point, Dundrum Co. Down, N.I. BT33 0NQTel. 028 4375 1480Email: projectevangelism@ Website: Contact John Moxen - Home tel. 028 4375 1259Courses provided by Project Evangelism:Discipleship Personal evangelismWho am I? How does God see me?Why Did I do that? Based on Transform Temperament by Tim Le Haye Lessons on Christian LivingThese courses can be delivered either at Murlough House or in your own Church.Spirit Controlled TemperamentsA Training ManualCONTENTSSourced from ‘Spirit-Controlled Temperament’ by Tim LaHaye“A Spirit-Controlled Temperament” Temperaments – WeaknessesTemperaments - Strengths Transformed temperaments Peter the SanguineAbraham the PhlegmaticMoses the MelancholyPaul the Choleric Sarah – A Transformed Temperament Transformed Walk Quenching the Holy Spirit through fear Grieving the Holy Spirit though anger When tempted, no one should say ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Pornographic literature, laptop, TV. Turn TV off.The word of God in our heart and mind. James - when a man is tempted he is led away from righteousness. Psalm 119:9-11 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your word. I seek You with all my heart: do not let me stray from your commands . I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Spiritually grieving, quenching, resisting the Holy Spirit. Keep short accounts – illustration. Confession Repentance Walk away Often it is our selfishnessMany words beginning with self in our dictionariesSomething must release anger and selfishness The word of God – let the word of God dwell in you richly. Grieving the Holy Spirit through AngerEphesians 4:29-32Many Christians lose the testimony and grieve the Holt Spirit through anger. Sometimes we are not willing to face up to sins of emotions. We can stop advancing in our Christian life without gaining victory over emotions. Victor outside but not inside. We need to come to grips with our emotions that churn within. Galatians 5:20 We are told if we do such things a tense anxious will become irritable, anger often the reaction to produce fear. A fearful person will be angry.Anger and fear quench the Holy Spirit.Out of anger comeBitternessWrathMaliceClamourEnvyResentmentIntoleranceCriticismRevengeHatredSeditionsJealousyAttackGossipSarcasmUn-forgivenessAnger can affect us socially and physically, can make us make the wrong decisions.Time and money are wasted by it. SPIRIT-CONTROLLED TEMPERAMENTTemperament: You’re born with it.Question: Why is it that I cannot control myself? Black and white dog.Romans 7:18-20: “It is no more I” I = the soul, will, mind.Sin is: natural, weakness, original sin.We inherit basic temperaments from our parents, both strengths and weaknesses.The Bible’s definition of temperaments: “The natural man”; “ The flesh”; “ The old man” and “Corruptible flesh” .Temperament is made up of inborn traits that subconsciously affect man’s behaviour.Traits are arranged genetically on the basis of nationality, sex, race and other hereditary factors. More traits are from grandparents. Colour of eyes, hair and body size differ; so do traits of temperament.CHARACTER – The Bible calls it “the hidden man” or “of the heart”. The character is a result of natural temperaments modified by childhood, training, education, basic attitudes, beliefs, principles and motivations. Called “the soul” – mind, emotions, will.PERSONALITY – Outward expression of ourselves which could be our character or not. May act a part today, e.g. holding of a cigarette and other plying to the norm produces mental and spiritual chaos if against character and personality temperaments, e.g. “Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.”1 Samuel 16:7 “Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23 The place to change the man is the heart, not outside.SUMMARY: Temperament = Combination of traits we are born withCharacter = Civilised temperamentsPersonality =The face we show(Emotions: A person’s sex will affect his/her temperament. Men never cry.)Many are successful in developing their character and improving their personality, but few are able to change their temperament.Temperament CAN be changedPaul’s cry, “What a wretched man I am!” Romans 7:24. His answer, “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, behold, the new has come!” Temperament is our OLD nature. Man needs a NEW nature. We are “participants in the Divine Nature.” 2 Peter 1:4. We all have our besetting sin, e.g. King Aga.Satan knows our major temperament weaknesses. He will use all his power to defeat us. His desire is to see us defeated by our own weaknesses.Dr Henry Brandt says he has no answer to some people’s problems if they do not become a Christian. Yet, on the other hand, the Spirit takes the weak and depraved temperament and transforms it into a living example. The transforming temperament at times is not seen in the home, but this is the failure to abide in Christ. John 15:1-14. Ephesians 5:18 – filling of the Holy Spirit.Sin begins in the mind, you commit adultery first in the mind. James 1:13-15Fear keeps us from pleasing God by faith Hebrews 11:6Cost of fear - socialDo not enjoy companyNo friendsCost – physicalStress2/3 of physical illness are the result of thisCost – spiritualKeeps us from trusting God’s call on our lives and let opportunity go by.Quenching the Holy Spirit through FearThessalonians 5:16:19Quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit are two sins we must guard against in order to maintain a Spirit-filled life. We can grieve the Holy Spirit through anger and fear.Quenching the Holy Spirit and grieving does not eliminate the Holy Spirit from our lives but does restrict Him in our lives. Philippians 4:4 In everything give thanks. Thessalonians 5:18 If we do not accept and rejoice in all situations we can step out of God’s will. Psalm 101:102. We should be able to rejoice always whatever our circumstances. Rejoice evermore and in everything give thanks. We must live by faith. It is faith in God’s word, His love. God’s power and His plan for our lives and rejoicing through the Holy Spirit whatever the circumstances.An unthankful attitude that quenches the Holy Spirit is caused by unbelief in God’s faithfulness about our circumstances of life.Fear is universal. Adam and Eve – disobedience. Brought fear – we hide ourselves Genesis 3:8-10The further man goes from God in disobedience to God, experiences more fear.The more a man obeys God and Trust Him the less he will experience fear.Jesus spoke to His disciples about fear. Fear not little flock. Be not faithless but believing. O you of little faith. Don’t let your heart be troubled.Fear grips our world today if people would admit it. No values, no absolutes. Today’s media beams into our homes – war, famine, distress. Matthew 24:6Not sin or sorrow but fear is major in our lives today.Fear is a small rivulet or droplet on our minds. When the droplet turns to rivulet, then the stream becomes a river and then a raging torrent cutting a channel in which all other thoughts are drownedTEMPERAMENTSWEAKNESSESSANGUINEWeak-willedUnstableUndisciplinedRestlessUndependableEgocentricLoudExaggeratesFearfulPHLEGMATICStingyFearfulIndecisiveSpectatorSelf-protectiveSelfishUnmotivatedMELANCHOLYSelf-centredMoodyNegativeTheoreticalImpracticalUnsociableCriticalRevengefulRigid CHOLERICAngry CruelSarcasticDomineeringInconsiderateProudSelf-sufficientUnemotionalCraftyTEMPERAMENTSSTRENGTHSSANGUINETalkativeOutgoingEnthusiasticWarmPersonableFriendlyCompassionateCarefreePHLEGMATICCalmEasy-goingDependableEfficientConservativePracticalLeaderDiplomatHumourousMELANCHOLYGiftedAnalyticalSensitivePerfectionistAestheticIdealisticLoyalSelf-sacrificingCHOLERICStrong-willedDeterminedIndependentOptimisticPracticalProductiveDecisiveLeaderConfidentc. If we allow old thought patterns in we will not enjoy the peace of God. Let us be honest – lust, worry, self-pity, anger are fun but afterwards misery. Nobody loves me I think I’ll go and eat worms. Shopping list for walking in the SpiritGod’s perfect will - seek itTithing Loving partnerWorking in the Church (what do you do?)Scales. Philippians 4:13 take Him at His word. Anything short of that is sin. Forgetting past failures – push forward.Sanguines and Cholerics have the same problem as sin – which grieve and quench the Holy SpiritConfess immediately and don’t let the old feelings control.If you think self-righteously of how you have been insulted, cheated – it will trigger feelings that are the result of thought patterns. Walking on the grass – if a sign says “Keep Off” you want to walk on it. Ephesians 5:30-32Don’t grieve God. Don’t break His heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for Himself. Don’t take such a gift for granted. Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.Face your sin. Road rage. Pray for him. In everything give thanks, give a gift to those that make you mad. Make better friends than enemies. How to walk in the Spirit. Filling of the Holy Spirit is just the beginning, now we must walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:16 it is not enough to start, it is step by step.Daily Priority – No Bible No breakfast; No Bible No bed. No Bible No FaceBook, No Bible No Laptop. TRANSFORMED TEMPERAMENTS – PETER – SANGUINEPeter is the best loved disciple because he is a complete extrovert. His shortcomings are open to all. Peter stumbles through the pages of the Gospels. He is loveable and laughable one minute and downright disgusting the next.Peter is seen as a warm, friendly, outgoing person. He is happy go lucky, an optimist, generous, compassionate, responsive to his surroundings, to the moods and feelings of others.Peter is seen as warm, and yet he has his weaknesses. He is weak-willed emotionally. Unstable and explosive. Restless and egotistical. Success in youth rarely lives up to expectations. He had great difficulty in following through on details. He was almost never quiet. Beneath his bold exterior he is often insecure and fearful.He would make a good salesman, speaker, actor or less frequent leader.Peter is the most important man in the Bible. Acts 1:10 – he spoke more frequently than the other disciples. He rebukes the Lord, is reproved by the Lord.Yet on the other hand, no disciple gave such outspoken testimony. Peter had charisma, drawing power.Peter leaves the impression of great physical stature as he strides through the Scriptures. No matter what he did in life, he became a leader. He was born that way.The Gospels and Acts make it easy to diagnose his weaknesses, and his strength, Peter, when filled with the Holy Spirit, is successful. An example of what the Holy Spirit can be in the life of a man who will surrender to Him.IMPULSIVEAndrew first brought Peter. He seems anything but a promising leader. He was boisterous, profane, opinionated, impulsive, a fisherman, ugly. When Peter acted, it was spontaneous. Instantaneous, straightaway – as the Scripture says: always opening his mouth. He had ‘foot-in-mouth’ disease.Matthew 4:20 – His response was to straightway drop his netsMark 1:29,30 – he opened his home although his mother-in-law was ill.Matthew 14:28,29 – “Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water...”Although full of bravado, he was yet quite fearful. He leaps before he looks, instead of looking to the Lord. When he saw the wind and the waves he began to sink. Jesus said, “ You of little faith. Why did you doubt?”SANGUINEHe leaps before he looks and then trembles at the possible consequences. He will not wait on the Lord. If he is Spirit-filled, he will keep his eyes on the Lord, not on his circumstances. Yet he had enough faith to climb out of the boat. Matthew 17:1-3 – it is good for us to be here. Let us make three tabernacles. Sanguine. When he does not know what to do he talks. What would two men want with tents? On this occasion he was so mistaken that the Almighty spoke.IMPULSIVEPeter’s impulsiveness occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane. John 18:10. He cut off a man’s right ear. Jesus asked Peter “Do you think I cannot call on my Father and He will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” Matthew 26:53. Peter’s problem was that he did not think. John outran Peter. Matthew 28:6. But Peter did not stop at the door. He pushed in. He did not stop to look for evidence but rushed out again. John saw and believed. Peter’s impulsiveness – I go fishing. John 21:1-11. He forgot about his fishing and cloak and jumped into the water.UNINHIBITEDNot all Peter’s actions were negative. On occasion he said unexpected, wonderful things that warm you heart. Luke 5:1-11. ButTake God at His word and believe you are filled. Romans 14:23. Claim his promises that if you ask He will give it. Matthew 7:7-11 Everything that does not come from faith is sin.Thank Him for his filling and repeat this procedure each time you realise you have sinned. 1st Thessalonians 5:18 Do not grieve the Holy Spirit Ephesians 4:30But you think it cannot be that simple.You asked Jesus to come into your heart. Did He not come? You asked and He came. Why not ask Him to fill you with His Spirit? It is as easy as breathing, you simply breathe in.Don’t dig up the potatoes to see if they are growing!We have a strong will/temperament and habits and when we sin we are disappointed and say it does not work.Melancholies and Phlegmatics have a habit of doubt. Negative, worry, anxiety. Don’t give me those negative waves, inconsistent and strong unbroken wills. Do not rely on your feelings. 3 Little men on a wall – Fact, Faith & Feeling. When Fact leads Faith follows so does Feeling. When Feeling leads, they fall off the wallWhat you fill your mind with will control you. Philippians 2 or leave, assume??2nd Corinthians 10:5 we take every thought captive to be obedient to Jesus Christ.Transformed WalkThe secret of a Transformed temperament is the filling of the Holy Spirit, not just on a single occasion but by being filled again and again. (not the same as receiving the Spirit as a ‘seal’ or ‘down-payment’)We are leaky vessels and need to be refilled. The Holy Spirit is a person and seeks to have more room in our hearts. We can be knocked down but not knocked out.Ephesians 5:18 be not drunk. 1-7 walk in love. 8-14 walking in the light is walking in wisdom 21Galatians 5:16 walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Cure for your weakness is walking in the Spirit.Examine yourself and confess all known sin 1st John1:9Submit yourself completely to God Romans 6:11-13Ask to be filled with His Spirit –That means you must not give sin a vote in the way you conduct your lives. Don’t give it the time of day. Don’t even run little errands that are connected with that old way of life. Throw yourselves wholeheartedly and full-time – remember, you’ve been raised from the dead! – into God’s way of doing things. Sin can’t tell you how to live. After all, you’re not living under that old tyranny any longer. You’re living in the freedom of God. Romans 6:11-13because you say so, I will let down the nets. Depressed, had fished all night.UNASHAMEDFell down at Jesus’ knee.OUTSPOKENThou art the Christ. Matthew 16:13-20. His reply so delighted the Lord that His reply was, “Blessed are you, Simon.” It demonstrates that even God was speaking to Peter’s heart, because Sanguines are responsive and motivated. They can walk with God if they read His Word regularly. He was asked the question and he answered what he felt. John 6:66-69. To whom shall we go?BIGHEADMatthew 16:17. His downfall Vs 23. Get behind me, Satan. Peter said Satan was a lion from experience. 1 Peter 5:5-9SELF-SEEKINGMatthew 19:27. We have forsaken allBOASTFULMatthew 26:33. ‘Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will. ‘ Luke 9:10,12WEAKWILLEDAll mouth. Lied. Stole. Sex. Sin. Luke 9:30-32SIMON’S DENIALRecorded in the four Gospels. Shows what God can do with a jellyfish. Matthew 26:32, 40, 69,75. John 18:15-18. Influenced by his environment. Trouble started when he left the fellowship and joined the enemy. Warm hands. Cold Shoulder. The pressure was too great. “This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth, he denied it again with an oath.” Peter remembers Jesus’ words and goes outside and weeps bitterly. Easy remorse, easy confessions lead to fall and fall again. Peter experienced the depths of remorse.John 21. Jesus asked, “Do you love me?” Which is the highest love? Agape. Simon said, “I am fond of you.” Jesus changed the word to “Are you fond of me?” Peter was grieved. “Lord you know all things.” He was wounded deeply. The denial was still in his mind. The sanguine had finally learned his lesson. The only hope was a life dependent on the Holy Spirit. Peter discovered that he could not trust his emotions. He was therefore reluctant to give his answer. Instead he wanted to prove his love by his actions. A life-changing decision marked his life. From here on, he became stable and marked, and filled with the Holy Spirit.CONSISTENCYActs 3. Not just an outburst. Instead a consistent life. He went into the temple at the hour of prayer. Spiritual discipline is difficult for a sanguine. Melancholy John would do what is right. He had faith instead of fear. This makes him available. Acts 4:4, Peter does not seek the glory for himself, but uses this opportunity to preach Christ.INCONSISTENCYInconsistency is the Sanguine’s greatest problem. A life of extremes. Hot one minute, cold the next. You get angry with yourself, disgusted with your change from hot to cold. You are Peter, a stone. When a man or woman becomes a Christian they become a new creature. Now the old and new nature is typical of Peter and his new name. Peter is now rocklike. Stable. From Simon, change of character. 1 John 2 .. “I write to you, young men, because you are strong and and the word of God lives in you and you have overcome the evil one.” Baby Christians do not overcome the world. Only as we mature in Christ and are controlled by the Holy Spirit does the new control the old. The change is more evident in the Sanguine. The Spirit-controlled Christian will cease to be himself. After Peter’s filling of the Holy Spirit, Simon no longer erupts in uncontrollable behaviour. The dynamic, loveable character is still evident as we shall see; but the weaknesses are modified by strengths, and God is glorified in the transformation.FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRITActs 1:15. Not often intelligent. Worked hard. Had courage.Her pride would not let her admit she had gone out of God’s will. She blames Abraham for Ishmael. Genesis 16:5.Again it leads to failure. Her cruel and angry nature is seen in verse 6 as she afflicts Hagar.Hagar flees to the desert. God sends water and an angel.Genesis 18:12 ... God promises a child, and Sarai laughs the laughter of doubt Laughter leads to lies.Our failure to obey God leads us into many problems.Pride will not admit it was wrong. Blame others. Pride is an abomination. The proud will be brought low. Pride comes before a fall.Pride breaks up the home, friendships, fellowship.Pride produces anger – tempers fly boil inside.Anger produces cruelty, and harsh word that sting and hurt.We need the fruit of love. Gentleness. Not a haughty spirit. Self-control.SARAI IS CHANGED TO SARAHShe has come to the end ofHer selfHer plansHer schemesThere is no hope unless God steps in. She is 90 years old. At last faith triumphs.ISAAC IS BORNThirteen years later, obstacles are removed. Not till we cease fighting will we see blessing. When we come to the end of self, God will work. Faith must mark our lives.God promises them both sons as stars. Seeds of doubt creep in; impatience. Sarai blames God, taking her eyes off the stars and God’s promises.In her own self-sufficiency, she sets about her own plan to bring God’s purpose to pass. Sarai’s crafty nature works out a plan. The domineering nature of Sarai persuades Abram to take Hagar. This strong willed, determined woman gives him Hagar for his wife. She displays an independent spirit. She becomes self-sufficient in the provision of a son. But it is neither God’s time nor plan.Abram’s lack of faith in going to Egypt bears its fruit in Hagar. You reap what you sow. The next step establishes a river of blood that still flows today. So the princess is marred and disfigured by cruelty. Hagar despises Sarai, and Sarai’s cruel and domineering nature is revealed. Unmoved and unemotional she is hard on Hagar. No feelings. So much so that Hagar flees from Sarai and then returns. Sarai could not get rid of her failure just like that. Great sorrow was there and two nations.So often seeds of doubt creep into our lives. God is not working quickly enough to suit us.Impatience produces its own plan.The strong will of self launches out on its own, independent of God and His plan and purpose for our lives.This can only meet in disaster to us and others.The strong will needs to be Christ controlled, Christ directed.Our determined spirit needs His control and direction.Independent spirits need Christ’s control.Self-sufficient spirits need to have faith.The fruit of the Spirit.Sarai’s failure to wait leads Hagar to despise her.One failure leads to another.Acts 4:8. Peter did not seek to gather boldness but he was relaxed and impelled by the Holy Spirit. Going to pray in the temple. Sanguine – difficult in prayer meeting. Only attractive if self-controlled. Acts 1:15. First sign of change. He stood up. Before this he ran away, cursed, lied. He preached the first sermon by the church. Really this message was from God. God wants to use men today. Thousands of souls came to know Jesus. Sanguine. When He speaks you know if it is of the Spirit or of the flesh. Not uptight. Flexible. Stopped to heal lame man. Did not get to the temple. Peter led by the Spirit. Seized the opportunity to preach the Gospel. The Holy Spirit gave the results. 5,000 converted.COURAGENo coward now. No curses. Now boldness, controlled by the Spirit. No striving for power. Not uptight. Just available.WISDOMHas wisdom to handle the Pharisees. Acts 4:31 – handled Ananias. Chapter 5 – no hot temper. Spirit-controlled. Acts 5:41 – Peter had wisdom in answering authorities. He did not blow his top or say he had no right to say that to me. He will be cool, calm, for Christians expect you to be.JOYActs 5:41 – went away rejoicing.Ephesians – the fruit of the Spirit will be joy in your life.1 Thessalonians – If you have a griping spirit, criticising, grumbling, you do not have the joy of the Holy Spirit.HUMILITYHumility is not in any Sanguine’s temperament . Big-headed. Blows his own trumpet. Galatians 2:11 – withstood Paul to his face. Ate with the Gentiles; in Jerusalem, ate with the Jews. Sort out problem.LEADERSHIPPaul and Barnabas. Acts 15. All things that God had done. Peter rose and spoke and all kept silence. Sanguines get agitate. Do not pour oil on troubled waters but stir them up MATURITY2 Peter 3:15TRANSFORMED Galatians 5:18They are a rebuke to Pharaoh. Genesis 13:3; and return to Bethel, the altar, a place of commitment. Their lives were marked by altars.When we set out on a journey of faith, God promises to be with us. “I am with you always.”When God sends us a test, or a trial comes our way, we turn to the world – EGYPT – for a solution. Shows our lack of faith in God to meet our need. Leads to fear and we, like Abram and Sarai, live a lie.We are three people:What men see.What we see.What God sees.Our unbelief needs to be replaced:Fear becomes faith and peace.Living a lie is replaced by goodness.Go back to the altar, the cross, with confession and repentanceLearn to walk by faith again.It is God’s plan and purpose to change us into His likeness, transform our temperaments. When we set out on the journey of faith, famine is sent to test us and to change us. So often we go to Egypt for help, like Abram and Sarai, rather than to God.Egypt:We look at the problem and not at the promises.World:We cannot see all the things working together for good, and like Sarai and Abram, live a lie.Like Jonah, we run away from God’s plan and purpose for our lives and lose our testimony like Abram and Sarai.We will be like Abram and Sarai and have to retrace our steps to the altar of sacrifice at Bethel, to, to learn the lessons of faith.You foolish Galatians! Chapter 3SARAH – A TRANSFORMED TEMPERAMENTI want to look at the life of Sarai who became Sarah. To help you understand I have used Tim LaHayes’ book “Spirit-Controlled Temperament.”We are born with a certain temperament: Phlegmatic, Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholy.We have up to 80% of one of these temperaments. A temperament is made up of inborn traits which affect our subconscious behaviour. These traits are passed on by our parents, but often we seem to have more of our grandparents. Both physical and inner personality traits are hereditary. The Bible calls this the hidden man.Sarai became Sarah.This is the story of a woman’s influence on her husband. Sarai, a quarrelsome and contentious woman becomes Sarah, the princess or chieftain of two nations. Sarah’s name is only one of two women who are in the gallery of faith. Hebrews 11:11,30.Sarai was said to be beautiful. Jewish tradition says she was unique like Eve, setting out with Aram on the journey of faith. God gave them seven promises.Genesis 12:2 ... I will make you a great nation.Genesis 12:2 ... I will bless youGenesis 12:2 ... Thou shat be a blessingGenesis 12:2 ... I will make your name greatGenesis 12:3 ... I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse youGenesis 12:3 ... In you shall all families of the earth be blessed Genesis 12:7 ... I will give you this land.They meet their first test, and unbelief in God causes a famine. They go to Egypt to meet their need. The fear of men brings a snare. Fear makes them lie. The beautiful Sarai is disfigured by living the lie. ABRAHAM THE PHLEGMATICSeveral of the men God used in the Bible days seem to possess a high degree of Phlegmatic temperament, namely: Noah, Samuel, Daniel, Joseph (the husband of Mary), Nathaniel, Philip and the Apostle James. The best illustration for the purpose of this study is Abraham.In summary the Phlegmatic has the following:Characteristics:Calm, easy-going natureClever wit, dry humourJoy to have aroundMr Nice GuyUsually good people – act more like Christians before salvationCheerful, work well with othersEfficient, conservative, dependableWitty person with practical turn of mindStrengths:Make good diplomats as they are natural peacemakersTeachers, doctors, scientists, comedians, magazine & book editorsWhen externally motivated, they are capable leaders.Weaknesses:Greatest is lack of motivationCan ignore workProne to be stubborn, stingy and indecisivePotential:The secret of motivation is vision. Whenever a person has goals and objective, he is motivated. When Phegmatics are filled with the spirit and thus properly motivated, they make successful servants of God.ABRAHAM THE PHLEGMATIC ...Revered by more people that any man except the Lord Jesus, Abraham would never have achieved greatness without the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. His life, an illustration of what God can do with a Phlegmatic yielded to His will and filled with His Spirit.Success when walking in the Spirit, and depending on the Lord.Total failure when he grieved the Spirit through fear and doubt.Characteristics of Abraham:Abraham was cautious.God’s calling ... Genesis 12:1Abraham’s reaction:Ur was a large, idolatrous city. This was no place for the ancestors of God’s chosen people. Abraham was slow to obey. He was dependent on his father and relatives. His father, Terah, died so he took his nephew Lot with him. He was his security blanket. Became a problem.Seems very difficult for Phlegmatics to trust God fully. Fear most common problem. Tendency to be anxious for everything. Reluctant to venture into the unknown, hesitant and indecisive. The Phlegmatic is usable by God when he learns to trust the Lord alone.God’s six promises. Past tense. Had already been given but not received.I will make you into a great nation.I will bless you.I will make your name great.You will be a blessing.I will bless those that bless you and whosoever curses you I will curse. All the people of the earth will be blessed through you.Faith is simply taking God at His Word and launching out upon His promises.Paul experienced faith. He had faith in himself. He needed faith in God. Acts 27:25 says, “I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me.” Acts 27:2-5Paul experienced humility. Act 14:11-15 Saw them as gods. 2 Corinthians 12:17. Romans 8:28. Counted as rubbish. Philippians 3:8. Thorn in flesh. We are not gods. Acts 14.Paul’s Macedonian call. 2 Corinthians 11:23, 28. READ.Is there enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian?It is not where I have come from but where I am going.What is the evidence that I am being converted?Are these the things that characterise your life, mark you out as a disciple?If not, we must ask ourselves a question: Am I truly a converted person? – and if not, I need to be converted inside, not only outside. I need to surrender my will, my all to Christ and live a transformed life.Paul experienced transformation. The choleric disciple was redirected by the Holy Spirit in the way he should go.We are now going to examine some of Paul’s temperament traits that are opposite to a natural choleric. Paul’s obedience comes naturally, because a choleric is indecisive. But humility came into his heart. This haughty Pharisee cannot be explained by natural means. In spite of his great potential, he is in more need of a Spirit-filled characteristic than any other temperament. Galatians 5:22,23. All are found in Paul’s life.Paul experienced love. This is the greatest need of the choleric. By nature they are unfeeling, hard, unemotional. Find it hard to express love. Compassion is foreign to the choleric. As we read the life of the Apostle Paul, we find him a loving choleric. The Holy Spirit took away his anger and bitterness and gave him compassion and made him a warm-hearted person. Romans 10:1; 9:1-3. He would change his place in heaven for hell that they may be saved. Self-love of the choleric makes this almost impossible, except by the Holy Spirit. He loved the churches. Philippians 4:4, 1 Thessalonians 4:4.Instead of griping, fuming, complaining, get on your knees and rejoice in what you have got. Confess your thanklessness. If you are not a rejoicing Christian, you are not a Spirit-filled Christian.Paul was at peace. This is foreign to the carnal choleric. He has no peace and he resents others having it. The only peace he has is when he is doing something, pushing forward, restless. We might think he finds peace only in action, but the Holy Spirit has modified Paul. Happy is the Christian who does not let circumstances affect his heart. But when everything is going wrong, it is difficult to have peace. Paul was all right when preaching, but to be shut up in prison and have peace was Holy Spirit given. Philippians 4:5,7. He could write, “Do not be anxious about anything.”Paul experienced gentleness. Carnal cholerics are not gentle by nature. We see him blast Barnabas, now he is gentle with Timothy. Later he says, “get Mark and bring him with you.” 2 Timothy 4:11.Paul experienced meekness.Abraham was slow to act in faith. It would have saved him much heartache and confusion. Later God promised, “To your offspring I will give this land.” Genesis 12:7 Abraham was childless, God fulfilled His promise when it became biologically impossible. He illustrated His faithfulness.James 1:2,3 – God increases our faith by testingGenesis 12:10 – Abraham was tested in Egypt. False security.Abraham was peaceable. Phlegmatics love peace. Usually their desire for peace and harmony is greater than their desire for personal passions – Abraham gave Lot his choice of land. Genesis 13:8,9. After separation from Lot, God gave Abraham title to the land of Canaan. Genesis 13:14-17.God wants to bless His children, but He requires absolute faith, for “without faith it is impossible please God” Hebrews 11:6Abraham was reliable. What you are under pressure is what you are! Mr Phlegmatic under pressure by nature comes out best. War with Kedorlaomer, king of Elam. Genesis 14:14-16. Abraham rescues Lot. Concern for loved ones takes precedence over personal safety. This action revealed latent leadership qualities. Calm unemotional response to victory. Not a braggart. Gave credit to God, and for that reason faithfully gave tithes. Phlegmatics are probably most consistent in tithing. They are systematic. Phlegmatics are inclined to do “acceptable” things.Abraham was passive. They have a natural tendency to be a peacemaker. They are passive in conflict unless a crisis is involved. Result – tendency of male Phlegmatics to be “hen-pecked” by their wives. Genesis 16 – Sarai’s influence over Abraham. Because of impatience, Sarai devised her own plan. The Bible tells us “And Abram agreed to what Sarai said.” Abraham’s agreement brought tragedy that continues today. Weakness caused him to send away Ishmael.Phlegmatics need to learn that nothing is ever accomplished by compromise.They can become “hen-pecked” men. Cannot have a spiritual home unless the man is the head of the house. Children of feminine-dominated homes are ill prepared for life.Abraham’s example of a temperament modified by God, and he became a dominant leader in his home. Ultimately, Sarai acknowledged him as spiritual leader and family head. 1 Peter 3:1-6Abraham was fearful. Fear is negative and destructive. Moses and Abraham had problems with innate fear. The only true cure for this temperament disposition is the supernatural power of God. Both Moses and Abraham illustrated this in their lives.Abraham in Egypt – lied about Sarai’s relation to himAbraham and Abimelech. Genesis 20. Repeats same sinUnbelief was Abraham’s biggest problem. The more Abraham learned about God, the more he trusted Him, the less fearful he was. Genesis 15:. The less he depended on human solution. Ultimately he became known as the “father of the faithful.”The key to consistent faith is hearing God’s word, obeying it as the reliable guide of a loving Father, and confessing and forsaking every lapse.Abraham was transformed. His strength was proved in his willingness to sacrifice Isaac. Genesis 22. This growth of faith illustrates the growth of faith needed. The faith which God provides every believer. Hebrews 11:19 – believed God so implicitly that he expected God to resurrect Isaac if he died on the altar.Abraham got that faith by taking God at His word and acting upon His promises. Faith does not need answers, but only direction.Abraham’s transformation. – such transformation is available to every child of God who will be filled with the Holy Spirit and directed by the Word of God.You will be thrilled with what God can do with a Phlegmatic who is fully yielded to His will. Romans 6:11-13Paul was dynamic. He had a dynamic leadership. Acts 2The first missionary team. Barnabas invites Saul. After chapter 13, it is Paul and Barnabas.Leadership flashes across the book of Acts. 16:18; 27:21-25. Only a Spirit-controlled choleric could react like this. Boldly proclaims the Gospel. No fear. Acts 22.Paul was practical, very practical. Last 2 or 3 chapters of his epistles. The epistles follow a pattern, Doctrinal instruction. Questions, answers and practical exhortation.Use orange code. The last chapters of the epistles will be almost covered with orange.Paul was a crusader. Cholerics will say, “Let’s get organised. Let’s do something.” Galatians 2. Paul spoke to their faces, but must be motivated by the Holy Spirit.Paul was controversial. Cholerics will stir things up everywhere – whether in the Spirit or in the flesh. People will love him or hate him. One group make a vow to kill him. Not all were controversial. Luke and Timothy followed him halfway round the world.Paul was motivated. He was the most optimistic, human apostle. He suffered more than any known missionary. 2 Corinthians 11. Humanly speaking, the natural temptation is to give up. But not the Spirit-controlled temperament. Not Paul. Acts 14:19-21. Most Christians would have fled home, never to go again. He was beaten, near death.Paul had a vision. He was motivated by the Holy Spirit. Philippians 3:13,14. Paul forgot the stoning, shipwrecks, etc. He was always looking to his goal. Next to the Holy Spirit, the filling of the Holy Spirit is the secret of his motivation. When we complain and gripe, we are looking backward. If you are an unmotivated, frustrated, ineffective Christian, check for habits that grieve the Holy Spirit. Examine your goals. If you want to do something tomorrow, you will go to bed early. The day before, sit down and write out what you are going to do. It will help you to keep a time list. As you think so, you are an example of this study.The flesh was brought into subjection. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. If you are weak in your thinking, indecisive, it will follow through in your life. Proverbs 23:7. Success in Christian life begins in the mind and is shaped by the will. If you indulge the weakness, pamper the excuses, there will be no change. Philippians 4:13. Strong will power made the choleric a very strong person. A dynamic person. He seemed undeterred, tireless, full of faith. Strong willed people can have dangerous self-confidence instead of faith. Not by might, not by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord.Paul was persistent and this can get us far from the will of God. He was misguided by his persistence. Acts 20,22,23.In all your ways acknowledge Him. The Holy Spirit revealed God’s will in Chapter 21. Either the prophets were wrong or Paul. Hard- headed cholerics are recommended by godly men to change direction, seek God’s will. This is a hard choice because cholerics thrive on opposition. The temptation of a choleric is to push without knowing it is God’s will. They need the Holy Spirit to guide.Paul thought by shaving his head he could please the Jews. Don’t do wrong to do right. Paul paid dearly for this. Two years in prison. Yet God used him to write his letters.Paul was hostile. Hostility and anger mark his temperament. We do not see it often in Paul’s life after his conversion. John Mark incident. Chapter 15:39. Paul’s anger. Chapter 23:3. God shall smite you. He apologised but it was an outburst of anger. I am not criticising Paul, just illustrating. We do not have to be dominated by anger.Paul was self-sufficient. The choleric is self-sufficient, independent. The more successful he becomes, the more self-sufficient. It can make him a loner. Not that he dislikes people but that he will do things for himself. Most people would sink into obscurity and wait for help but not Paul. Acts 17:34. Yet, nevertheless, self-sufficiency and independence may limit your effectiveness for God because you do not feel you need to live a devotional life and depend on the Holy Spirit. Only when he realises his helplessness will his strong will come into play to discipline his temperament. For the strong-willed it is hard to kick against the pricks. That is why a light from heaven. Acts 9:1-8.MOSES THE MELANCHOLYMelancholy is the richest and most talented of all the temperaments, The following is a summary of the characteristics or strength and weaknesses of this temperament.Strengths:Sensitive, appreciative of fine artsAnalyticalSelf-sacrificingFaithful friendNot out-going or pushyGreat artistsComposersPhilosophersInventorsTheoreticiansWeaknesses:give in to negative thinking that exaggerate its pessimistic tendencies. Tends to be moody, critical, pessimistic and self-centred.Potential:Productive for God when controlled by the Holy SpiritThe secret of motivation is one’s thinking pattern, and the key to a proper thinkingpattern is the Spirit-filled life. Rule to follow: Question the validity of every negativethought, counter it with positive thought and claim. Philippians 4:13.MOSES THE MELANCHOLY ....Moses was 40 years in the court of Egypt.40 years in the backside of the desert.At 80, God called him from the bush.Moses was gifted. Acts 7:22 .. Moses “was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was powerful in speech and action.” He had the ability to lead 3 million people. He led them though the desert.He was a judge, prophet and a mediator.He showed how gifted a melancholy can be.Melancholy people have a capacity for the dramatic and rise to great heights on occasion. Moses’ appearance before the Egyptian Pharaoh – delivered the warning of God, and eventually convinced the stubborn king with 10 miraculous plagues to let God’s people go free.As a rule, melancholy people excel under pressure because external motivation spurs their latent talents. Tends to recede to apathy afterwards.Moses was self-sacrificing. He finds it difficult to find ease and comfort without a guilt complex. Moses’ crucial decision, Hebrews 11:24-27: “By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt; because he was looking ahead to his reward. By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible.”Seems easier for a melancholy person to see through the sham and the shallow material rewards this world offers and to rightly evaluate eternal things. Missionaries – higher than average melancholies.Moses was negative. Self-sacrificing could be self-serving.Pride. He remembers his mistakes rather than his successes.Moses was self-depreciating. Talents neglected because of inordinate feeling of inferiority. Melancholy people are perfectionists; consequently, dissatisfied with anything they do or anyone else does. Impossible to graciously receive commendation or congratulations – he remembers his mistakes rather than the overall success.RECAP:He was a born leader by natural instinct. He was very zealous and activity prone.He was an angry, hostile, bitter individual. Paul would have been a leader even if he were not converted.Paul met the Lord on the Damascus Road. In his conversion he heard a voice and saw a light. He lost his sight and was blind for a day. No food. Ananias lays his hands on him. Calls him brother Saul. The scales fell from his eyes and he was baptised. His meeting with the Lord Jesus was dramatic, but it is not the supernatural things that happen AROUND you, but IN YOU. It is not a dramatic, emotional experience but an inner transformation. Has there been a spiritual surrender in your life like Saul? This intolerant self-righteous Pharisee was transformed. The intolerant became loving. The proud and determined became humble. The cold, calculating, crafty became warm. The cruel, unemotional became gentle. The destroyer became sacrificial. His was a radical transformation. Has this happened to you?His encounter on the Damascus Road changed the direction of his leadership but did not lessen it. In fact, the Holy Spirit used this dynamic leadership to glorify Christ. The Holy Spirit redirects our strength to glorify God and tempers our weakness. Saul became Paul – A Spirit-controlled choleric.Paul has a strong will. This is one of the best of the choleric’s temperament. If pointed in the right direction. They are most successful, not because of their natural abilities, and more gifted than others, but determination and strong will. They stick at it until it is accomplished. 1Corinthians 9:24-27. He is temperate in all things. Paul knew where he was and where he was going. He said, “I beat my body and make it my slave.” If you don’t determine in your mind to do it, it will never be done. 2 Corinthians 2:5-10.PAUL THE CHOLERICThe best illustration of Choleric temperament is found in Paul. And what a temperament change! The Holy Spirit modifies a strong-willed person after conversion. Very little is known of him before the conversion but 95% of the record is after he was converted and filled with the Holy Spirit.Cholerics are:Strong willed.Natural leaders.Very optimistic.Filled with projects or objectives.Sees them through.Weaknesses:Hot tempered.Harsh or cruel.Cutting and sarcastic.Cholerics make good:SupervisorsGeneralsCrusadersOrganisersNot normally about to do precise work. Saul of Tarsus had a choleric temperament but was well-educated and very religious. He was first seen at the stoning of Stephen. Acts 7:54. READ.Paul was the leader. Clothes at his feet. Member of the Sanhedrin.Cholerics are cruel. Most dictators would have a choleric temperament. From the beginning Paul continued his harsh cruel ways.One of the most difficult things for him to do was to show the milk of human kindness. He is blunt, sarcastic and has a cutting tongue. Paul makes his cruel mark in the early chapters of Acts. The great persecution. Breathing out slaughter. Ruthless in his attempt to destroy the church. Ananias did not believe Paul could change and was unwilling to go.Criticism makes a deep impression on a melancholy person’s nature, and may discourage further effort. Makes excuses not to undertake a project – self-protective instinct.Moses’ excuses to God’s calling at the burning bush. They are a classic example of melancholies’ low esteem of themselves. Result: A gifted and sincere man can live far below his potential. Moses’ example of what can happen when he committed himself to God’s sure leading.I don’t have the talent.I cannot speak.No one will believe me.What shall I say?I don’t want to go.Moses’ fifth excuse possibly reveals his pent-up hostility and bitterness from 40 years of isolation in the wilderness. Exodus 3:18,19. Fear of rejection.Moses was angry. Anger often stalks the temperament of a melancholy. Exodus 16:20; 32:19; James 1:20. Kept the manna. Golden calf and broken commandments, He was hot, hungry. The three million put him under pressure. Numbers 20:9-12. Moses told to speak to the rock, but the struck it in anger. Result: “... And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, because you did not trust in me enough to honour me as Holy in the sight of the Israelites,, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.”The heartaches of un-confessed anger in the lives of God’s people. Learn from Moses’ experience by seeking the transforming grace of the Holy Spirit for all forms of angry hostility.Moses was depressed. Exodus 2:11-15. He despaired of life and asked God to let him die. He thought he would be rejected again.Numbers 11:10-15 ..If your attitude is consistently thankful to God, you cannot become depressed. But if you focus on unfavourable circumstances around you, you will frequently be depressed. Remember Moses; reaction to the situation caused his depression, not the circumstances in themselves.Moses was a perfectionist. Latter half of Exodus and the books of Numbers and Leviticus – how God used this characteristic.God gave Moses the meticulously minute details of His law; the ceremonial law, the governmental law and the instruction of the priesthood. He also gave Moses the specific measurements and materials for building the tabernacle.God’s standard of righteousness is so exact that only a Spirit-filled melancholy like Moses could have been His instrument for such an undertaking.This trait – hard time delegating authority and responsibility. Do it all himself. Exodus 18. Conscientious Moses – advised by Jethro, his father-in-law, to select qualified men to divide the populace into small groups and rule over their affairs.D.L.Moody: “Instead of doing the work of ten men, get ten men to work.”When motivated by the Holy Spirit, Mr Melancholy will tend to get his eyes off details and onto important projects. Motivating others for the mission field, instead of being a one-man band.Moses was loyal. Loyalty and faithfulness – are two of the most admirable traits. Does not make friends easily – intensely loyal to those he acquires. This trait makes him particularly devoted to God when filled with the Spirit. Moses is the example of dedication, directed by the Holy Spirit. His devotion seems to have grown through the 40 years he served God.Moses had faith. To open the Red Sea. Exodus 14.Manna from heaven. Exodus 16Water from the rock. Exodus 17.If I can’t be perfect, I don’t want to do it. Failed in the end.SUMMARY:Moses’ example of a transformed temperament, achieving the potentials:He changed from an insecure, doubtful, pessimistic, compulsive, depressed man to the responsible father-image for the people, who responded to his leadership. As he walked with God, so the Israelites walked.He turned to God when problems arose.He obeyed God’s instructions.His faith is a tribute to what God can do with a fearful, negative, melancholy temperament dedicated to His will. ................

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