Short Story Work

While traveling the steep and winding trail, Michael and Jake stopped and looked at a stunning feature against the forest. They have to make the ruthless trail to the mountain station before night, to deliver the medicine to the sick warden. The stunning feature was an odd haze of stamina drawing off the mountaintop. Michael, a handsome mess with an unshaven face, stood in wonder as the feeling of rime filled the air. Jake grabbed Michael’s arm in stillness as Michael, trapped in the hypnotism of the speed, fell to the ground with the trembling of the earth. With his jacket sleeve now ripped, and his backpack filled with medicine tumbling down the hill, Michael began to freak.

“What about the medicine?” he screamed, as Jack tried to pull him toward the giant rock, escaping the moving earth.

In his normal everyday life, Michael was a selfish man, who did not even want to embark on this journey for reasons of the pressures it would bring him as a man. He lost his father at a young age and did not have a male figure around to teach him the likeliness of manhood. He spent most of his adolescence as a disturbance to society and not caring about who he impinged on along the way.

This journey to the mountain station was Jake’s idea, to get Michael’s head out of the clouds.

“This man is someone’s father, and if I don’t help him, the kid will end up an asshole like you,” said Jake.

“Ha! Very funny, you wish you were me,” said Michael, even though deep-seated fear rose inside of him.

Michael hastily thought about the catch-22 his life has been and didn’t want this anguish to become someone else’s burden. He sprang up to his feet and countered the moving ground, determined to reach that backpack and get it to the mountain station before the avalanche engulfed him.

Short Story Work

Bridget and Kris arrived in England the next day at Heathrow Airport, colliding with many tourists trying to get in and out of the terminal. It was very windy and cold as usual and Bridget was glad that she had her scarf to keep her neck warm. In their warm jackets, they ran to the airport entrance to hail a cab to the train station. They were in for another long trip as they would be traveling by train from London to Stratford upon Avon; the home of Shakespeare. This was their first trip together in their new life. What better place to build memories, than to go to a place that shared a crucial part in their first moments together. Who is one to say that Shakespeare didn’t understand love at first sight? His words echoed through Bridget’s heart as she reached Stratford upon Avon to hear the chimes ringing through the tower of the Holy Trinity Church.

Stratford, considered one of the most romantic place in the world was something that was significant to both Bridget and Kris since Shakespeare was a writer they both loved so much. Bridget had made sure to grab a Map of Attractions before getting off the train because she knew there were some special places she wanted to go one of them being the Falstaff’s Experience. After setting up their hotel at Stretton House, Kris complained about being hungry.

“Where shall we go to get something to eat?”

“I grabbed this map, there should be some pub listings here somewhere,” said Bridget, as she looked cautiously. “Here is one, The Salmon Trail. That sounds rather delicious if you ask me. I bet they have some very delicious tasting brews there too.”

“Sounds like a plan to me, as long as my stomach is full, I am pleased,” said Kris.

After hailing a cab, they traveled to The Salmon Trail and refreshed with some of the best fish and chips either had in a long time.

“I could never get enough of those,” said Kris.

“Neither could I!” Bridget said. As she smiled her beautiful face glowed by the fireside in the antique inn. “How beautiful it is here, so peaceful and serene; Shakespeare must have had one special time here to produce the exquisite words he wrote.”

After their meal it was still rather early and they wanted to enjoy the time they had there. Kris could think of nothing else that he wanted to do but take Bridget for a romantic ride on the Avon. One of the most romantic places to go in Stratford, Kris wanted to spoil Bridget in the splendors of Shakespeare’s world. At the Waterside, there were so many activities for Bridget and Kris to do, but more than anything he wanted to paddle that beautiful brunette around the river.

“Bridget, I have something special I want to share with you,” he said. “But in order to not ruin my surprise I am going to blindfold you with my scarf.”

“Okay, just don’t let anything bite me or let me fall,” Bridget giggled.

After renting a small boat, Kris took the blindfolded Bridget down to the waterside of the river and helped her inside of her present. Kris rowed her down to a very beautiful spot of the Waterside, the Bancroft Gardens. Here Kris removed the blindfold and let Bridget’s beautiful green eyes gaze upon the gardens.

“This place is absolutely beautiful,” she said.

“Yes, but it doesn’t hold a candle’s breath to you,” said Kris who then began, “Bridget … Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou are more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all to short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm’d; And every fair from fair sometimes declines, By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; Now shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee”.

With Shakespeare’s words, he took her heart; she knew that he was the one. How anyone could recite such loving words. Bridget looked upon this man with passion that she had never felt before.

In all honesty, she thought to herself, I think that he is the one, I truly do.

“Is everything okay? I think I rendered you speechless again,” he said.

“I am fine, more than fine, I am wonderful. I am feeling things that I never thought that I would ever feel. Thing’s that I can’t explain to anyone, those are the feelings that I am feeling right now.” Bridget felt like these past two days were the most important, the best days of her life. She had just married the man of her dreams and is now on the most romantic adventure of her life.

After the boat ride, Bridget and Kris decided to walk back to their hotel room. Laughing about the previous day and how they would spend their honeymoon. Just then, Kris tripped over a small gap in the sidewalk, landing face first in the mud. As he stood up Bridget couldn’t help but laugh hysterically.

“You look absolutely ridiculous!” she exclaimed.

“Why thank you, I have always loved the taste of mud and brick in my mouth. I hear some pregnant ladies crave it too.”

“What is that stuck to your arm?” ask Bridget.

“I don’t know. It looks like some sort of flyer,” he said. The flyer was an advertisement for a day at Falstaff Experience. “This looks so interesting. I have never been there before, what about you?”

“Neither have I. Wouldn’t it be wild if we went tomorrow?”

Kris didn’t even have to speak words to answer; his smile spoke for him; for they knew all about how funny Falstaff was during Queen Elizabeth’s time. They ran quickly back to the inn and spent the night making love until the sun came up.

A Surprise

I had no picture

Of your feminity,

But a little girl

You turned out to be.

I can give you all the little things

My mother made for me.

Dresses, dolls and ornaments

To place on Christmas trees.

I cannot wait to see

When the first step will be,

Hear your first word or

When you say you love me.

I love you so much

Given a sweet surprise.

My blessing from Heaven

I have won a beautiful prize.


Loud and Crazy



Luminous virtuoso

Absolutely fabulous!

Honeydew Melon

How sweet you are,

Like honeydew melon,

Tasty and replenishing

The soul’s mood.

You glow like the moon,

Casting light onto shadows,

Bringing forth your love,

Irresistible to devour.

I love your essence,

How sweet you are,

Like honeydew melon,

A delightful savor of love.

Resonating Laila

She is my Eric Clapton’s song

So wild and cheerfully strong,

I cannot honestly believe

That soon she will be three.

Laila, like the strings on the guitar

Her attitude plays on the air

Plucking each and every note

Running in her bright green coat.

The first time we heard the chorus

She smiled and her jumps were joyous

That is the moment I realized,

That Laila, the song, she idealized.

Bumble Bee

In that yellow and black tutu

She dances up the street

With her pumpkin bag

Yearning for a treat.

As she buzzes along

She pollinates each door

Like the nectars of flowers

The candy if fancied more.

Trick Trick Pease, she says

Getting sweets she smiles

Buzzing along the street

She sings all the while.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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