
Chapter 10—Abraham Honaker

First Generation

1. Abraham[1] Honaker. His was the only Honaker will in Bland County Will Book 1, which covers the period 1861-1901, as abstracted by Bogle.

An unidentified gunsmith book said that his shop was near Plumb Creek, New River area, then-Montgomery Co., Va., on his 510 acres, deeds dated 1823-1836.

He married Sarah Ann Cline, daughter of Peter Cline and Elizabeth Rife (also Riffe) ca. 1803 in Virginia. Born ca. 1784 in Montgomery Co., Va. in the part that is now either Wythe or Bland County. Died after 1870 in Bland Co., Va., as she was living with her son Andrew Jackson Honaker at the 1870 census. In 2010 there existed a Cline Family Assn., 31636 Winners Circle, Avon Lake OH 44012, devoted to study of the descendants of Peter Cline, “Revolutionary War Soldier & Pioneer of the Tug River Region of Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky.”

In 2002, family researcher Judith (Gordon) Blackwell found a court case in Montgomery County in which Sarah Ann (Cline) Honaker and her sister-in-law Peggy, wife of Michael Cline, had wielded a weapon against a court official and recovered two saddles he had taken from Michael for indebtedness. The handwritten document:

Commonwealth vs. Salley Honaker—Indictment for a breach of the peace.

Virginia Montgomery County

To wit

The Grandjurors for the Commonwealth and for the body of the County of Montgomery impannelled in the Superior Court of Law held for said County this 3rd day of October 1814 upon their oath present that Salley Honaker spinster & wife of Abram Honaker late of the County aforesaid on or about the fifteenth day of October [sic] July in the year of Christ One thousand and eight hundred and fourteen at the County of Montgomery aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of Law appointed by Law to be holden in and for the County of Montgomery aforesaid with force and arms an assault did make in and upon the body of One William Elliott a constable who was then and there duly executing his office as constable by executing an attachment obtained from Ezekiel Howard a justice of the peace in & for Montgomery in favour of James Fuller against the property of Michael Cline an absconding debtor and him the said William Elliott she the said Salley Honaker did then and there beat wound and ill treat and other wrongs and enormities then and there did commit to the evil example of all others in like cases offending and against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth.

Upon the Information of William Elliott a constable in and for Montgomery County prosecutor. A. Lewis, foreman. William Elliott Sworn in Court to give evidence to the Grand Jury upon this Indictment. E. Rawlins, D.C., Oct. 2nd 1814.


vi. Mary (called Polly). Her husband Claibourn died in 1904.

x. Sarah E. (called Sally). The marriage to Andrew J. Breeding was listed by Vogt, Pulaski County Virginia Marriages 1839-1857. Some sources attribute a second marriage to John S. Ewart 25 May 1852 in Pulaski County. However, Vogt and Smith-Riffe identify that wife as Sarah Jane Honaker, whom we believe to be Sarah Jane[4] (Henry[3], Jesse[2], Henry[1]).

xi. Edith (called Edie). Several researchers reported Edith as a daughter of Abraham. Edith may have been instead the granddaughter of Abraham’s brother Henry. Abraham’s son Jacob married Jane Bradshaw, and Edith married, first, William Bradshaw. The Bradshaw parents are not fully identified, so we can’t tell whether Jane and William were siblings.

Second Generation

2. Samuel C.[2] Honaker (Abraham[1]). Born 20 Aug 1806 in Montgomery (also reported as Wythe) Co., Va. Died after 1880 in Missouri. He was a miller.

Family researcher Mary Alice Culbreath King determined in 2007 that Samuel’s family was enumerated in the 1830 Montgomery Co., Va., census, on the line just below Abraham Honaker. The listing shows two males under 5 years and one female under 5 years. That census did not name the children. We know that Elinder Jane and Peter Abraham were two of the three, but not the identity of the other child, who may subsequently have died, or could have been Hugh M., reportedly born the same year as Elinder Jane.

His family was enumerated in the 1850 Pulaski Co., Va. census. Researcher Joan Nichols reported that in 1849 Samuel appeared in court owing $404, putting up collateral which the court allowed him to keep because it was needed to help him repay the debt, which was satisfied 9 Dec 1852. Things must have improved significantly, because in Nov 1853 he bought 140 acres, with “houses, mills & machinery and fixtures”, for $500 on Chadwicks Creek of the Big Sandy River, Greenup Co., Ky. He appeared on Greenup County tax lists in 1855 (four children), 1856 (four children) and 1857 (three children; John W. is shown separately).

Samuel C. and Hugh M. Honaker

There is a relationship between Samuel C. and Hugh M. Honaker. Hugh’s line is listed in this book’s Unidentified Chapter. He was born the same year that Samuel’s eldest child was born, 1827, which suggests that he may have been a nephew; or he may have been descended from another family line altogether. Hugh M. Honaker preceded Samuel C. Honaker to Greenup County, being enumerated there in the 1850 census.

Research on Greenup Co., Ky. tax lists by family genealogist Joan Nichols showed that there were two lists from 1839 to 1857. “In the early years,” she said, “there was only one list for each year. Later, the list was in two parts, named Part 1 and Part 2 or Upper District and Lower District. Upper and lower were in relation to the Ohio River. Therefore, Upper District was closer to Pittsburgh and Lower District was closer to Louisville.”

Tax list entries from 1851 to 1857 identified Hugh, M.H. and H.M. Honaker, who Joan believed to be Hugh M. Entries from 1855 to 1857 identified Samuel, S.C. and S., who Joan believed to be Samuel C. Most interestingly, Joan found that in 1856 “S. & H.M.” Honaker were recorded as jointly owning eight cattle valued at $1,000.

Joan recorded the following extract from the tax lists: 1851, Part 1—Hugh Honaker, 1 white male, 1 town lot, value $200; 1852, Upper District—M.H. Honaker, 1 white male, 2 town lots, value $450; 1853—no tax book; 1854—no Honaker entries; 1855, Part 1—Charles Honaker, 1 white male; H.M. Honaker, 1 white male, 2 town lots, value $1,500, 1 timepiece, value $5; Samuel Honaker, 1 white male, 4 children, 200 acres Catletts Creek, value $1,000, 1 timepiece, value $10, 1 horse, value $100, 5 cattle, value $25; 1856, Part 1—Will Honaker, 1 white male, Charles Honaker, 1 white male, S.C. Honaker, 1 white male, 4 children, 140 acres Chadwicks Creek, value $500, 1 horse, value $75, 7 cattle, value $30, S.& H.M. Honaker, 8 cattle, value $275, value under equalization law $1,000, H.M. Honaker, 1 white male, 3 town lots, value $2,000; 1857, Part 1—Samuel Honaker, 1 white male, 3 children, 1 horse, value $80, 8 cattle, not valued, H.M. Honaker, 1 white male, 200 acres Campbell Branch, value $500, 2 town lots, value $2,100, timepiece, value $6, John W., 1 white male, 1 child. None of the tax list entries for Hugh listed any children although he had three between 1854 and 1858.

In Sep 1858, Samuel sold his holdings in Butler County for $1,800. Between then and the 1860 census, he moved the family to Missouri, where they were enumerated in the 1860 Cole Co., Mo., census, Jefferson City, Clark Twp., household #405 (all born in Virginia), as Samuel Hormiker, 53, $100 of personal property, farmer; Milly, 50; Chester, 22; Samuel, 18; Harry, 16; Elizabeth, 14.

A granddaughter, Dessie Arden (Honiker) Sestak, said that the Honaker and Morgan families traveled to the Mary’s Home and Eugene, Mo., area together in the same wagon train. The Morgans were from Ohio.

He married, first, Emilina (also Emilia) (called Millie) Unknown ca. 1825 in Wythe Co., Va. The service was performed by Lewis G. Wood/Woods. Born ca. 1810 in England. Her birthplace was recorded in a Missouri census report for her son Samuel L.

There is confusion among three similarly named reported daughters, Elinder Jane, Sarah Ellen, and Eleanor. Census data, which should clarify this, instead complicate it. We are not sure our version of names is correct, but since three different birthdates were reported and are plausible, we assume all three existed. Samuel’s eldest child and daughter was reported as Elinder Jane, Ellen, Elenor, Ellena, Ellander, and Elvira. Two of those names, Ellen and Eleanor, were also reported for sisters. We have determined the eldest daughter’s correct given name is Elinder Jane because it was written so in her own hand, but we do not know what nicknames she (and the others) may have gone by.


2. i. Elinder Jane[3]. Born 18 Dec 1827.

ii. Unknown son.

12. iii. Peter Abraham. Born 11 Nov 1829.

2. iv. Mary Emily (also Emly) (called Emly). Born 1 Oct 1831 in Virginia.

2. v. Oscar F. (also Osker F. and S.) Born in Jun 1832.

2. vi. John W. Born ca. 1836.

vii. Chester B. [spelled the surname Honiker]. Born ca. 1838 in Wythe County. Moved to Jefferson City, Mo., with his parents ca. 1859. He married Lucy Frances Hartt, daughter of Hiram Butler Tolliver Hartt and Sophronia Amacilla Carter. Born 16 Oct 1843 in Missouri. There were no children.

13. viii. Samuel L. Born 23 Sep 1839.

14. ix. Charles B. [spelled the surname Honiker]. Born ca. 1840.

x. Henry (Harry on the 1860 census). Born ca. 1843 in Wythe County. Moved to Jefferson City, Mo., with his parents ca. 1859.

15. xi. Sarah Ellen. Born ca. 1844.

xii. Elizabeth. Born ca. 1845 in Wythe County. Moved to Jefferson City, Mo., with her parents ca. 1859.

xiii. Eleanor. Born ca. 1848 in Wythe County. She did not appear with the family on the 1860 census.

He married, second, Brittania Murice Jenkins, daughter of Harrison Harvey Jenkins and Lydia M. Berry, 26 Mar 1871 in Miller Co., Mo. The service was performed by William E. Lurton, justice of the peace. It was also her second marriage. Born ca. 1837 in Tennessee. Died after 1880 in Missouri. Children:

xiv. Robert Lee. Born 27 Aug 1875 in Miller County. Died 19 Nov 1876 in Miller County. Buried in Jenkins Cemetery, Miller County.

3. Margaret J.[2] Honaker (called Peggy) (Abraham[1]). Born 29 Apr 1808 in Montgomery Co., Va. Died after 1880 in Dublin, Pulaski Co., Va. The 1840 and 1860 censusus enumerated her in Pulaski County.

She married William James Journell (also Jenelle and Gherknell), son of John Charles Journell and Polly Unknown, 19 Jul 1827 in Montgomery County. Born Sep 1809 in Augusta Co., Va. Virginia death records show that Margaret reported his death as 15 Jul 1879 in Montgomery County. On-line genealogy records give the death as in Bland Co., Va. He was a farmer. Sherwood, 54th Virginia Infantry, lists him as a private in Co. F, 54th Virginia Infantry, C.S.A. Children:

16. i. Benjamin Franklin[3]. Born 1828 in Montgomery Co., Va.

17. ii. Mary Ann. Born 18 Apr 1830 in Montgomery or Giles Co., Va.

18. iii. Henry. Born 14 Sep 1832 in Pulaski Co., Va.

19. iv. Sarah Elizabeth. Born 1834 in Montgomery County.

20. v. Melvina. Born 5 Apr 1836 in Pulaski County.

21. vi. Elmira Ellen. Born 20 Aug 1839 in Pulaski County.

22. vii. William Crockett. Born Dec 1841 in Pulaski County.

23. viii. James Mitchell. Born ca. 1843 in Pulaski County.

24. ix. Charles Russell. Born ca. 1844 in Pulaski County

25. x. John C. Born ca. 1845 in Giles County.

xi. Ralph. Born ca. 1845.

xii. Jane. Born ca. 1846 in Virginia. Died before 1860.

26. xiii. Andrew Jackson. Born 1850 (also 1852 in Giles County.

xiv. Josephus. Born 1856.

xv. Janus. Born 1863.

4. Jacob[2] Honaker (Abraham[l]). He is listed by Hutslar, Gunsmiths of Ohio.

5. Peter Cline[2] Honaker (Abraham[l]). He and his family were enumerated in the 1850 Tazewell Co., Va., census as Honacre.

He married Mary Ann Haven Davidson, eldest child (of eight) of James Cartmill Davidson and Julia Haven Brown, in Rocky Gap, Va. (also reported as unknown city, North Carolina.) Haigler, Davidson Family of Virginia and West Virginia, said that James Cartmill Davidson was recommended in 1823 for lieutenant in the Army of Tazewell [Va.] and refers to him with that title. Haigler said also that Tazewell Co., Va., marriage records show the marriage of Peter Cline and Mary Ann as 23 May 1842, the most authoritative source to date. Children:

iv. Peter C. Jr. Virginia death records indicate he died of diphtheria 22 Sep 1861 at age 7 and a half, and that he was born in Bland County.

6. Henry[2] Honaker (Abraham[l]). Born 15 Mar 1815 in Montgomery Co., Va. The 1840 census enumerated him and Elizabeth on June 1, living in Newbern, Pulaski Co., Va. Subsequent censuses gave variant spellings for the surname, and birth years that varied by up to several years. By way of explanation, spelling and dates were frequently offhand in those days. Even in the present day, enumerators accept estimated dates from adult sources who are not necessarily family members. Because researcher and census dates vary for the family, we’re uncertsain that dates and birth order are correct as given below. We hope that some day family Bible entries may provide more certainty.

The 1850 census enumerated Henry’s family on July 22, living in the Western District, Tazewell Co., Va.: Henry Honeacre, 35, cabinetmaker, b. in Va.; Elizabeth, 30, b. in Va.; William C., 10, b. in Va.; And[rew] J., 9, b. in Va.; Mary J., 6, b. in Va.; Jas. D., 3, b. in Va.; Sarah C., 3, b. in Va. The 1860 census enumerated the family Sept. 11, living in Giles Co., Va.: Henry Honaker, 45, blacksmith, b. in Va.; Elizabeth, 39, b. in Va.; William, 18, farm laborer, b. in Va.; Andrew, 16, farm laborer, b. in Va.; Mary, 13, b. in Va.; James, 11, b. in Va.; Sarah, 10, b. in Va.; Margaret, 7, b. in Va.; Erastus, 5, b. in Va.; Charles, 3, b. in Va.; John, 2, b. in Va.

The 1870 census enumerated Henry’s family August 31 in Beaver Pond, Mercer Co., W.Va.: Henry Honaker, 50, blacksmith, b. in Va.; Sarah, 39, housekeeper, b. in Va.; Caroline V., 9, b. in Va. Robert L., 2, b. in W.Va.; Russel B., 3 mo., b. in W.Va.; and six Hager surname children between the ages of 9 and 12, all born in Virginia (born to Sarah and her first husband)—William W., James M., Archibald B., Alexander, Mary L., and Saulda A.

The 1880 census enumerated Henry’s family June 26 in Peters Creek, Pike Co., Ky.: Henry Honaker, 65, farmer, b. in Va., parents b. in Va.; Sarah, 45, keeping house, b. in Va., parents born in Va.; Victoria, 21, working on farm, b. in Va., parents born in Va.; Robert L., 13, farm laborer, b. in Va., parents born in Va.; Russel B., 11, farm laborer, b. in Va., parents born in Va. Victoria, above, was born Mary L. Victoria Hager, a daughter of Sarah and her first husband.

He married, first, Elizabeth Carbough 15 Feb 1840 in Pulaski Co., Va. The minister was Edward Morgan. The marriage was listed by Vogt, Pulaski County Virginia Marriages 1839-1857. Researchers reported her born 10 Oct 1812. Died before 1867. Children:

38. i. William Carlton[3]. Born 1840 in Virginia.

39. ii. Andrew Jackson. Born 5 Nov 1843 in Radford, Va.

iii. Mary J. Born ca. 1844 in Va. Died 14 Dec 1861 in Bland Co., Va. Virginia death records indicate she died of diphtheria at age 17.

41. iv. James David (called Jim). Born 1847 in Tazewell, Va.

v. Sarah C. Born ca. 1848 in Virginia. Died of diphtheria 17 Dec 1861 in Bland Co., Va. One researcher reported that she married James Gibson, unlikely considering her age.

vi. Nancy S. Born ca. 1852 in Virginia.

vii. Margaret. Born ca. 1853 in Virginia.

viii. Erastus G. Born ca. 1854 in Virginia.

ix. Charles H. Born 10 Sep 1856 in Wolf Creek, Tazewell Co., Va. Virginia state records

indicate that he died 23 Dec 1861 in Bland Co., Va.

x. John M. Born ca. 1858 in Virginia. He married Jeanette Graham (called Jenny) 5 Sep

1883 in Mercer Co., W.Va.

6. xi. Caroline Virginia. Born 15 Jun 1861 in Wolf Creek, Bland Co., Va.

One researcher reported that of their children, ten died of “black diphtheria,” thought to be whooping cough—Mary, Sarah, Nancy, Margaret, and six of the seven sons. Nancy, Margaret, Erastus and John are not listed in the household in the 1870 census. Researchers reported two more children who would have been born during the time that Henry and Elizabeth were married, but the two do not appear on the 1850 census as they should have. They are (1) Alice E. Honaker, b. ca. 1846, m. Isaac P. Scott 1 Mar 1883, one known child, Virginia, who m. Unknown Green; (2) Abraham Honaker, b. ca. 1849, m. Jane French.

Henry married, second, Sarah Stump Hager, daughter of William Stump and Mary Unknown, widow of William Russell Hager, 6 Feb 1867, in Mercer Co., W.Va. West Virginia marriage records gave Henry’s age as 46 years, 10-mo., 22-days, blacksmith, widower. Evan H. Brown performed the ceremony. Sarah, born May 1830 in Tazewell Co., Va., was 35 years, 6-mo., 8 days, widowed. She married, first, William Hager 21 Jan 1847. He died 9 Nov 1864. She brought their six children to her second marriage. She married, third, William Blankenship 7 Jul 1892 in Pike Co., Ky. The 1900 census enumerated her in Blackberry, Pike County: Sarah Blankinsky, 70, b. May 1830, married 8 years, mother of 15 children, 10 living; Victory Hager, 40, stepdaughter [Mary L.Victoria Hager.]

Children (of Henry and Sarah):

xii. Robert L. Born 6 Nov 1867 in Mercer Co., W.Va.

xiii. Russel B. Born 16 Aug 1969 in Mercer County.

7. John M.[2] Honaker (Abraham[l]). He is listed by Hutslar, Gunsmiths of Ohio.

He married Julia Ann Carter. She was enumerated in the 1880 Brown County census with her sons James and John, and her grandson, Thomas [Sheldon] Tucker. Living adjacent to Julia were her daughter and son-in-law, Hannah and Daniel Tucker, and the three other children they had at the time.

In 2002 a descendant, Carole Anderson, reported that she had received a photo of a gravestone from Mt. Orab, Ohio, Cemetery in which the stone was inscribed Wm Honaker Col, 31 USV Inf. 1861–1865. We suspect that this William was John’s stepson, William A. Dean, who was commonly known with the Honaker surname, but whose obituary identified him with the correct surname, Dean. The Ohio Historical Society lists a William Dean who was born 10 Jan 1838, and died 27 Jun 1915 in Middletown, Butler Co., Ohio, buried Mt. Orab, Ohio, 29 Jun 1915. William’s wife provided the information, saying that William was the son of George Dean and Julia Carter, both born in West Virginia.

8. James A.[2] Honaker (Abraham[l]). See photograph. Raleigh County death records indicate he was 78, a gunsmith, died of old age, and his death was reported by [Robert] Lewis Hunter, son-in-law.

On 8 Aug 2007, Honaker Family Assn. chaplain and historian Rev. Albert Elswick, then of Ripplemead, Va., wrote the following article for the Winter 2007 Honaker Family Newsletter:

The First Homestead of James A. Honaker

Among all of the Honaker gunsmiths perhaps the best known—in the family at least—is James A. Honaker, son of gunsmith Abraham Honaker and his wife Sarah Ann (Sally) Cline Honaker. He was born on the New River in what was then Montgomery County, Va., but in that part of the county which is now Pulaski County, on July 6, 1818, and died on July 24, 1897, at Arnett, Raleigh County, W.Va.

He married Minerva Ann Kirk in Pulaski County on Oct. 12, 1845. She was born Sept. 14, 1829 and died at Arnett Feb. 3, 1892. According to our Honaker Family in America, pp. 899-900, James and Minerva had 17 children. Apparently the first eight were born while they lived in Virginia—Sarah Etta, Elizabeth Jane, Olevia Ann, Paulina Obedience, Andrew Abraham, Arminta Mandona, Mary Luther, and William Baxter.

James and Minerva evidently moved across the county line into Giles Co., Va., soon after their marriage since they are listed in the 1850 U.S. Census of that county, living in house no. 825. The record lists: Honaker, James, 32, gunsmith; Manerva, 21; Sarah, 4; Elizabeth, 2; “Allevion” [Olevia Ann], 1; Martha, 2 mo.; Jernell, Franklin, 21, gunsmith.

The last entry is what makes the life of “Uncle” (actually great-great-great Uncle) James Honaker so very interesting to me. “Franklin Jernell” in this 1850 census record, the earliest known record mentioning him by name, is none other than my own great-great-grandfather, Benjamin Franklin Journell, son of William J. Journell, and Margaret J. (Honaker) Journell—James A. Honaker’s older sister.

Benjamin Franklin Journell was born in what is now Pulaski Co., Va., about 1828–1829, and as a loyal soldier of the Confederacy, was shot dead, in the back, by Yankee bushwhackers in front of his house in Fayette Co., (now W.Va.), probably late in 1862. Oddly enough he is also listed in the same 1850 Census of Giles County in the household of his parents, house no. 852. The census taker apparently could not spell the unfamiliar name and rendered it “Gerknell!”

Evidently William and Margaret were living a few miles southeast of James Honaker, close to the line between Pulaski and Giles Counties, and near where Little Creek flows through a gap in Walker Mountain and joins Walkers Creek in its northerly course to the New River between Pembroke and Pearisburg.

But of even more interest to me than where Benjamin Franklin Journell was living in 1850 is the fact that he, too, is listed by the census taker as a “Gunsmith.” It is quite apparent that he had been apprenticed to his uncle James to learn the family trade. Now, based on his age, it would seem that this arrangement had become something of a partnership.

My grandmother, Clara Etta Journell Elswick Green, had told me in the mid-1970s that he was indeed a gunsmith and, because of it, was very valuable to the Confederate army. I have never yet found a gun he made, but I have people on the lookout for one! I hope those who read this article will also be on the lookout for me!

James Honaker and Benjamin F. Journell also appear on the Giles County tax list of 1854. Benjamin is charged with one tithable (taxable male over 18) and billed $2. James is also, but his total tax bill is $2.59. The poll tax was evidently more than the real estate tax! Those were the days!

But, just where did James A. Honaker live? Either because someone casually offered an opinion, or because I simply assumed it, I had long thought that he (and, thus, my Benjamin Franklin Journell) lived on, or near, Wolf Creek, in or around what is now Rocky Gap, Va., in present Bland County. Bland County was created in 1861 and the area around Rocky Gap was taken from Giles County. James’ brother, Peter Cline Honaker, also a gunsmith, lived at Rocky Gap, and is buried there in his own family cemetery, which overlooks I-77. Another brother, Andrew Jackson Honaker (in whose home their parents Abraham and Sally Honaker spent their last years) lived further up Wolf Creek, near the present Tazewell Co., Va., line.

Well, I could not have been more wrong! Last December I had occasion to be doing some research on another of my ancestral Giles County families, the Drakes, in the Local History Room of the Pearisburg Library. I am now happily retired and very much at home in Giles County. Quite by chance I happened upon a two-volume historical and architectural survey of the county done by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the 1930s. The WPA was a Depression-era federal employment program.

As I casually browsed through it, much to my amazement, I found a report on the “James Haanaker House” done by one Lula V. White, of Narrows, Va., Nov. 3, 1937. It is a three-page report. The first is a title page, the second contains historical information, and the third an architectural description.

Lengthy correspondence with the Library of Virginia in Richmond (which holds the originals of these records,) and the Alderman Library of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, failed to produce a picture of the house. This was a major disappointment since most of the buildings in the survey were photographed at the time.

This left me with only Ms. White’s description to work with. Page two of her report states that the house was located “¼ mile [south] from Bane, Va., on Route #100 to north [really west] of highway, north [really west] of big Walkers Creek.” At that time what is a two-lane road along the east side of Walkers Creek (now designated as Giles County Route 749) and now a four-lane Route 100, southeast of Walkers Creek, was a narrow road, the old Pulaski-Giles Turnpike. It crossed the creek at a ford where there is now a low-water bridge, and then ran along the west side of the creek out to the Route 100 of 2007, at what is still called Bane.

Ms. White states that the house was built “Prior to 1851” and lists the known owners in succession as “James Haanaker, Oliver Gordon, and Arthur Brown.” She then describes the house as she saw it in 1937: “This is a story and a half log house with two windows and one door which has been torn away. The floors and stairway are also gone. The house has a shingle roof. The chimney is torn away and the logs are badly decayed. The chinking is gone from between the logs, and the building leans to one side.”

Apparently everything in the house which could be put to use had aleady been stripped from it.

Commenting on its “Historical Significance” Ms. White writes (my emphasis) “James Haanaker made muzzle loading rifles here from 1851 until he left. Flood water got in this house in 1878.” She lists her informants as “Mr. Frank Brown and Mr. Arthur Brown, both of Bane, Va.”

On page three of her report, Ms. White gives a more complete description of the house. She states that the “Building Plan” is Square, that the house has a cellar, that it is two stories, built of logs, that it has a Gabled Roof which is Shingle, that no chimney remains, that it has two windows and “Both are gone,” that it has no porch, that the door was “torn away.” She describes what was left of the interior, saying that it had two large rooms, that the ceiling height was “8 ft.,” again that the “Stairway [was] torn away” and that the “Door is gone” and “Locks & hinges [are] all gone” as are the floors and mantel(s). She sums up her report by saying that the house is in “Poor Condition, has never been repaired”—something of an understatement

Having read this sad report about an important Honaker home, and one where my own great-great-grandfather had spent a very significant phase of his life, I reluctantly concluded, considering its condition in 1937,

that it had not survived the passing of these 70 years. But, I was still anxious to find its actual location.

At this point I talked with my neighbor, Gale Blevins, a retired employee of the county highway department, who outlined the changes in the road system in that area over the years (see above.) In addition, he told me that his grandfather had owned and rented large tracts of land in the Bane area and, correctly, suggested where I should look for the house site. He also suggested I speak with Frank Brown, namesake and kinsman of Ms. White’s 1937 informant.

An elderly gentleman, he is Sunday school superintendent and lay leader of Bane’s Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church which I attend occasionally. Ellian Diamond (1825-1899), Benjamin Franklin Journell’s mother-in-law, and thus, my great-great-great grandmother, is buried in their churchyard, on a cliff just down the creek from the homesite.

On the far side of Walkers Creek from present Route 100, across a low-water bridge, the upper end of Route 749, is a small bottom fringed by steep hills. There are presently four houses there, a modern ranch at the head of the bottom, next a very early two-story house part way up the hill, which was surely there in James Honaker’s time, then a small gray cottage, and finally a large new ranch, recently completed. Frank Brown directed me to a level place about halfway between the two latter houses, evidently a collapsed cellar hole. The land is posted so I viewed the site from as close as I dared without running the risk of flying bullets!

However, I wanted to be sure I had really found the homeplace, so off to the Circuit Clerk’s Office I went. Giles County celebrated its 200th Anniversary last year and, except for its incomplete marriage records, it has quite good records beginning in 1806. I quickly found two deeds in the name of James Honaker. The first, recorded in Deed Book I, pp. 87-88, is dated Sept. 22, 1851. It states that Thomas C. Farley and Eliza(beth) his wife are selling a tract of 40 acres, more or less, to James Honaker. It further states that James had actually bought this property Dec. 20, 1850, by means of a “title bond” (i.e. a mortgage) which was now fully paid so the land was being transferred to him. Actually the family had evidently lived there for some time prior to December. The 1850 census had been taken based on the date of June 1, 1850, and the deed goes on to say, “...for the further consideration of one Dollar in hand paid to the said Thomas C. Farley & Elizabeth his wife they do hereby grant unto the said Honaker his heirs & etc a certain free and unlimited right of way to and use of a Spring upon said Farleys land being the Same Spring now used by the said Honaker for water and also the right to erect and keep for his Honaker own use a Spring house at and over the said Spring...”

Incidentally, this spring house is still standing—more of which shortly.

Now I had no doubt I had found the right homeplace, for next after James A. Honaker’s house, no. 825, the 1850 census lists four separate Farley families—in houses no. 826, 827, 828, and 829—Thomas C. and Eliza(beth) Farley being in house no. 829.

Then the question arose in my mind as to low long the Honakers, and my Benjamin Franklin Journell, might have lived on this land before the Honakers moved to Raleigh Co., W.Va., where they lived out the rest of their lives. I knew from the 1860 census of Fayette Co., W.Va., that my Journells had already moved to Fayette County by that year. So, I turned to Giles County Deed Book K, pp. 206–207 and found that James and Minerva Honaker had sold their homeplace, as Ms. White had stated—correctly—in her 1937 WPA survey report, to one Oliver Gordon.

The deed is dated Aug. 14, 1856 and the tract is listed as containing 48 acres more or less. The metes and bounds are the same as in 1851, so James had apparently had the land resurveyed during his time on it. The deed also states that the 48 acres is sold [my emphasis] “with the appertinances thereunto belonging.” This wording normally indicates a house, and perhaps other buildings. This deed of sale, for whatever reason, makes no specific mention of the spring or of the springhouse.

Three days before the deed of sale was drawn up, James had gone to the clerk’s office and picked up his 1851 deed of purchase. His deed of sale, dated Aug. 14, was not recorded with the clerk until Dec. 8, 1856. This may provide a clue as to when he actually moved his family to Raleigh County.

At this point it seemed that I had gone as far as I could with my investigations, since James’ old house had apparently “returned to the earth as it was,” to quote Scripture. I did have a slight hope that I might be able to locate a picture of it, which might have been taken some time before it had disappeared, so, at Pleasant Hill Church one Sunday, I again spoke with Frank Brown. He matter-of-factly replied that a cousin of his, Lena Gail (Brown) Cox, had grown up on the place and still lived there—in the small gray cottage mentioned above!

I was finally able to meet and interview Gail Cox on July 26th. She is the daughter of Wesley Bullard “Skinny” and Lennie Evangeline (Stoneman) Brown. She informed me that Wesley was born in the old log house on Jan. 26, 1916 and that she and her husband, the late Carl Cox, who died in 2000, had lived in it until the 1990s and that it had caught fire and burned to the ground while they were in the process of moving from it into a mobile home which had been set up next door!

I was totally confused by this since her statements contradicted the information about the Honaker house which had been recorded by Ms. White in 1937. I showed her this report and she studied it carefully and shook her head. She had no idea what house was being referred to in it, but said that her “old log house was the gunsmith’s house,” and “the old people” used to say there were gun parts buried in the yard, though none had ever been found.

The house she knew and lived in most of her life, which stood on the very spot where the small gray cottage we were in at that moment stands, had been a two-story log house, originally with a dog trot in the center on the first floor, which was later enclosed and made into a bedroom.

In her lifetime the house had six rooms, three down and three up, with rock chimneys at each end, and a double porch across the front. A wood frame ell had been added at the back for a kitchen. Gail Cox then proceeded to draw me rough sketches of the house’s façade and of its floor plan—as she knew them.

I then asked her about the spring referred to in the 1851 deed. It is still there, and the stone springhouse too—presumably built by James A. Honaker since the deed gave him permission to build one (see above.) Gail informed me that in her younger days the spring was still their water source but was now polluted and the water no longer drinkable. Naturally, I was anxious to go down and see and photograph it. She informed me that it is located down under the hill in a thicket “crawling with snakes,” but I was welcome to go see it! I decided to take her word for its being as she described it.

Gail has no pictures of the old house since many things were lost when it burned in the 1990s. However, she informed me that the Giles County Historical Society used to publish an annual calendar with drawings of historic sites, and that a drawing of it had once been published in one of them.

I visited the Historical Society’s library, and could not find the particular calendar I was seeking, but thanks to Mrs. Temple Lawrence, a local historian who serves there, who searched her own personal collection, found it, and sent me a copy of the drawing, we now have a picture of how it looked in the 1980s.

While I was at the Historical Society, Mrs. Lawrence brought me loose files on the Brown and Cox families. In the former I found a statement written by Gail Cox’s father, Wesley “Skinny” Brown, in his own hand, under date of Sept. 5, 1980. I quote it in its entirety since it sheds light on our story:

“To whom & what this may concern: Nimrod & Sarah Lucas Brown purchased the home and 322 acres of land from Judith Clay Farley—the widow of Thomas C Farley 1809 as told to me by Etta Reynolds a cousin of my father who lived to be 94 yrs old.

“Description of the Old Log house on the west bank’s of Walker’s creek of the old turn pike was erected a double log house with a dog trot in the middle, chinked with wooden Block’s dobed [daubed] with a camel hair & clay mud. 2 rock chimneys one on each end—Original Board Roof, it also had a chicken ladder stair way in the lower Room facing the west end.

“Both lower Room’s had fire place, the lower room facing the creek [the east room, on the right in the drawing] [my emphasis] had a black smith shop in it, as I have been told by my uncle.

“Each year the garden is plowed, disced & after a Rain Indian arrow heads can still be found. I was also told by my Oldest uncle that a field up the hollow [west of the house] was called Indin hollow field that a white man Kiled an Indian there and took him around bured him there, it is called the graveyard field. There is a Rock but no name on it.”

Well, my search for James Honaker’s first homestead began with a mystery, and, so it seems, ends with one! There is no question of its location, that is quite plain from the deeds and the spring and all the informants. The question is which house was James’? This is the question because it seems obvious that two different houses have been found! The house described by Ms. White in 1937 had two rooms, was square, and was one-and-a-half stories high. The house described by Wesley Brown and his daughter Gail, and pictured in the 1988 Historical Society Calender, had five, later six, rooms, was rectangular, and was a full two stories high. The only thing these two houses had in common is that both were located on the same plot of ground, and both were built of logs!

My personal opinion, and this is all it is, my opinion, based on my extensive research into the matter, and noting contradictory as well as patently correct information by all the informants, is that the house Gail Brown lived in until it burned in the 1990s, and not the one described by Ms. White, is the true home of James A. and Minerva Honaker. I have four reasons for believing this:

The first “reason” is really just an observation. Comparing the size of the family with the size of their house makes the five-room house more plausible than the two-room house, especially when one includes a gunsmith’s shop into the bargain. Granted, the two-room log house described by Ms. White was as typical of houses in 18th and 19th century Appalachia as the ranch-style house is in 21st century America. However, by 1856 James and Minerva had eight children, six girls and two boys, adding up to a family of ten, plus my Benjamin Franklin Journell, which makes eleven. And, while there is no proof that Benjamin lived on in the house after he married, he did marry Susan Diamond in Giles County about 1855, and their eldest son, Josephus, was born in Giles County Mar. 5, 1856, five months before James and Minerva sold out and moved to West Virginia. Potentially, then, we could have found a family of 13, including two married couples and nine children, in addition to a gunsmith’s shop large enough for two grown men to work in, all in two rooms. To me, this is most unlikely.

It is possible that the house described by Ms. White in 1937 was the original house on the 40 or 48-acre farm purchased in 1851 and continued to serve as the workshop after James built the larger house. And since the larger house originally had a dog trot, it is quite likely that it had been built in two parts at two different times, as many, if not most, dog trot houses were. However, my second reason for believing that Gail’s house was James and Minerva’s home, rather than the other, is the statement made by her father in 1980 that “the lower room facing the creek had a black smith shop in it (my emphasis.) This was the room closest to the creek, and, especially to the Pulaski-Giles Turnpike, which crossed the creek quite close to it—a great business location! However, it must be obvious to anyone that no one in their right mind would put a black smith shop, with its open forge, its flying sparks and its stifling heat, in a house, especially a log house, which indeed did burn down 140-some years later! A gunsmith’s shop, however, is quite a different matter, and I believe Wesley Brown misspoke and intended to call it a “gunsmith shop” which all other informants locate on this land.

This brings me to my third reason for believing we have found James and Minerva’s house—the question of the ownership of James’ land. According to Wesley Brown, his ancestors, Nimrod and Sarah (Lucas) Brown had purchased a 322-acre farm of Thomas “C.” Farley in 1809 from his widow, Judith (Clay) Farley, the land on which, he assumed, his house stood. I have no doubt such a transaction took place, but it did not include James Honaker’s 40 or 48 acres. For a fact, Thomas Farley Sr. (ca. 1725-1796), a soldier of the Revolution, and Judith (Clay) his wife, had extensive land holdings along Walkers Creek. He seems to have been buried down the creek where the Daughters of the American Revolution later erected a monument in his honor. This land, between Walkers Creek, Route 749, and the four-lane Route 100, is now a small park called “the Farley Memorial Wayside,” but it is some distance from the site of the old Honaker-Brown house, and on the other side of the creek. Most importantly, the land on which Gail’s house stood was not part of the 322 acre 1809 purchase. According to Ms. White, and confirmed by James A. Honaker’s own deeds, his land was purchased not in 1809 from the land of Thomas Farley Sr., nor from the land of his son, Thomas Farley Jr. (1760-1839), but from a third Thomas Farley, apparently Thomas Jr.’s son or grandson! And, James Honaker did not sell this land to any of the Browns but to Oliver Gordon. Oliver Gordon (1827-1897) and his wife, Sarah Johnston Gordon (1827-1899), apparently spent their lives on the Farley-Honaker land, and are buried in Pleasant Hill Methodist Church Cemetery near Ellian Diamond, Benjamin Franklin Journell’s mother-in-law, who may actually have been related to Sarah.

And this brings me to my fourth reason for believing that Gail’s house was indeed James and Minerva’s. I am convinced that Ms. White confused the ruined house with the dog trot house. I am convinced because Ms. White was far from accurate in her conclusions. One glaring example involves a house she identified in another report as the “Old Indian Fort.” In this report she places it on Route 100 between Pearisburg and Bane. On the map of the historical sites she inventoried, she places it a few miles south, off Route 100 on Wabash Turnpike. I researched this property extensively also, for a very personal reason. Susan Diamond, Benjamin Franklin Journell’s wife, was described by my grandmother, Clara Etta Journell Elswick Green, as having been born in Giles County and having been “a full-blooded Cherokee.” Her photograph certainly bears out this claim. Since Ms. White had written of an Indian house in the same area where Benjamin Franklin Journell was living at the time, my curiosity was aroused. When I finally found the site of this house, thanks to Gale Blevins, it was at neither location that Ms. White described, but miles from either, at the southwest corner of Routes 663 and 659, near Little Sugar Run, in the valley over the ridge from Walkers Creek and the Honaker land! Gail actually recognized it (it stood into the 1960s) and remarked that it was “a country mile across the hill” from her homeplace. While I cannot prove it was indeed Susan Diamond’s house, its real location, not Ms. White’s two incorrect ones, makes the possibility greater. It is not at all difficult to picture Benjamin walking “a country mile” across the hill to go “sparking” his “fair Indian maid” as an old song puts it!

On 21 Mar 2008, Al wrote the following article for the Summer 2008 Honaker Family Newsletter:

New Revelations on Honaker Gunmaking

This past fall, I learned of an exhibit, “Into the Wilderness: The Settlement of Virginia’s Frontier,” at the William King Regional Arts Center in Abingdon, Va. Such an exhibit would have been of great interest to me in general since I now live in Giles Co., Va., some thirty miles down the New River (northwest) of Radford, Va., which is quite near where my Elswick sixth great-grandfather, John Elswick Jr., settled in 1745, and some thirty-five miles from Draper, Va., where our common ancestor, Hans Jacob Honaker, settled about 1784 and died and was buried in 1796.

But the exhibit was of much more than general interest. Among the items in it were, apparently, three generations of Honaker rifle guns, one attributed to Hans Jacob (1718-1796), one or two to his son, Abraham (1774-1869) and two to Abraham’s son, James A. (1818-1897), the most prolific and best known of all the Honaker gunsmiths. This was doubly interesting to me since I was even then in the process of writing the article on James’ early career here in Giles County, which was published in our Winter, 2007 newsletter.

On Oct. 6, 2007, the exhibit’s curatorial consultant, Colonial Williamsburg Master Gunsmith Wallace Gusler, was scheduled as special guest lecturer in Abingdon. He restored the Abraham rifle at Colonial Williamsburg and spoke with our group some years ago when we had our reunion there, in order to “visit” the gun, which is on permanent display at Williamsburg’s DeWitt Wallace Gallery. I hoped to talk to Mr. Gusler about his view of the authenticity of the newly-identified Hans Jacob rifle, ca. 1771, and the newly-identified Abraham rifle, ca. 1825.

Murphy’s Law being what it is, I was unable to be there to meet Mr. Gusler on the day he spoke. But I was finally able to get to the exhibit on Oct. 19, and saw all five of the Honaker guns for myself—actually I was in the process of photographing them when I was politely but firmly stopped dead in my tracks! After some persuasion I was granted a brief “audience” with the Arts Center Curator of Decorative and Folk Art, Trisha Maust-Blosser. She listened to the background information on our Honaker gunsmiths which I attempted to give her, and my noting of errors in the exhibit labels—with an air of yankee detached academic tolerance, but was polite. And she did, graciously, give me a copy of the exhibit catalog and arranged for me to receive a quantity of posters advertising the exhibit, which feature a color picture of the stock of the Hans Jacob Gun, the same picture that is on the catalog cover. I have a number of the posters picturing the Hans Jacob rifle gun and will bring them to our August reunion and will be happy to give them to interested family members, first come, first served!

The catalog has a picture of the carving on the butt of the Hans Jacob rifle gun: “Fig. 4—detail—Rifle Gun, ca. 1771, attributed to Hans Jacob Honaker, Shenandoah County, Va.” It also has a full-length picture of one of the James rifle guns: “Fig. 11—Rifle Gun, ca. 1840, signed ‘Jas Honaker for LP’. Lock signed ‘J. Stonesifer’, Pulaski County, Va.”

Then the catalog summarizes the data on the five Honaker rifle guns in the exhibit:

(1) “Rifle Gun Attributed to Hans Jacob Honaker/dated 1771/American, Frederick County, Va./Iron, steel, brass, curly maple, & hickory ramrod”

(2) “Rifle Gun/Signed Jas. Honaker (James Honaker,)/ca. 1845/American, Giles County, Va./Iron, steel, brass, silver, curly maple, & hickory ramrod/Two Turkey Calls, Bullet Mold, Steel Cleaning Wiper, Powder Measure, & Shot Bag/Accessories for Honaker rifle above” [If I might interject, it is exceedingly rare for the whole kit to come down intact for over 160 years, along with the gun.]

(3) “Rifle Gun/Attributed to Abraham Honaker, ca. 1825/American, Pulaski County, Va./Iron mounted, steel, curly maple, & hickory ramrod”

(4) “Rifle Gun/Honaker Family, ca. 1840/American, Probably Pulaski County, Va./Iron mounted, steel, curly maple, & hickory ramrod”

(5) “Rifle Gun/Signed Jas. Honaker (James Honaker),/Pulaski County, Va., ca. 1840/Iron, steel, brass, curly maple & hickory ramrod”

While this information in the exhibit catalog is quite interesting in itself, it is really bare-bones. The information on the exhibit labels in the cases, however, was much more detailed, revealing, and interesting. When I inquired at the main desk about obtaining copies of them, as I was being given the posters, the extremely gracious clerk promised to send them to me and she was true to her word:

William King Regional Arts Center—Abingdon, Va.

Into the Wilderness: The Settlement of Virginia’s Frontier

July 28, 2007 – January 6, 2008

Rifle Gun with brass barrel, dated 1771, attributed to Hans Jacob Honaker, Frederick County, Virginia. Overall length 60¾”, barrel length 45¼”, smooth bore, .62 caliber. ID#6.

The attribution of this example to Hans Jacob Honaker is based on many unusual details it shares with the later work of Jacob’s son, Abraham, and his grandsons.

This rifle is the only known American-made brass barrel from the 18th Century. It is the earliest dated (1771) brass box rifle (an American invention) known. The hind sight (blade broken off) was a “leaf sight,” having a hinged leaf in front of the fixed blade that could be raised for long range shooting. While these were quite common on Germanic rifles, this example is one of only two from 18th Century America. The three-dimensional shaping of the breech stock with massive cheek piece also makes this example extremely rare. Its flint lock is of Germanic origin and remains in its original state. The cock is a ca. 1785 replacement and was salvaged from an English flint lock. The rifle bore was reamed out to utilize the rifle as a shot gun; however, the leaf sight is strong evidence of it having been originally rifled. Many early rifles had their bores altered later in their use, probably due to the lack of big game hunting in the east during the 19th Century.

Rifle Gun, ca. 1840, signed “Jas. Honaker for LP”. Lock signed “J. Stonesifer”, thumb piece signed “J.H. Bentz”. Pulaski or Giles County, Virginia, ca. 1845. Overall length 60½”, barrel length 43 7/16”, rifled with seven furrows, .36 caliber. ID#15.

James Honaker (1810-1898), the maker (in part) of this rifle, was the son of Abraham (1774-1866) and worked in his father’s shop in Pulaski County. In the 1840s James moved to Giles County, Virginia, and later to Raleigh and Mercer counties (now West Virginia.) J. Stonesifer was probably a member of the Stonesifer gunsmiths of Maryland. Stonesifer appears to have been the engraver of all the metal parts, while Honaker did the stocking, carving, and the exceptional trigger guard. Honaker probably restocked the Stonesifer rifle, re-using the inlays, patch box, etc. This is an outstanding work of art by Honaker and Stonesifer and is in untouched original condition. The shot bag, bullet mould, and turkey calls survive with the rifle.

Shot Bag, Bullet Mold, Powder Measure and two Turkey Calls (made from turkey wing bones). ID#15.

These accessories descended with the James Honaker and John Stonesifer rifle in a West Virginia family.

Rifle Gun, ca. 1825, attributed to Abraham Honaker, Pulaski County, Virginia. Overall length 61 7/8”, barrel length 45¼”, rifled with seven furrows, .41 caliber. ID#20.

This rifle has iron mountings finished with fine filed moldings and facets. Its curly maple has a deep red-black color and is in excellent condition. The Honaker family produced the finest iron mounted rifles made in the South.

Rifle Gun, ca. 1840, probably Abraham Honaker shop, Pulaski County, Virginia. Overall length 59”, barrel length 42¾”, rifled with seven furrows, .41 caliber. ID#21.

Rifle Gun, ca. 1830, signed “Jas Honaker” (James Honaker, 1810-1898), Pulaski County, Virginia. Overall length 57 7/8”, barrel length 42”, .37 caliber. ID#39.

In contrast to the Jacob Shaffer rifle shown in this exhibition, this example is quite lightweight and represents the “squirrel rifle.” The patch box finial was a popular design used by James’s father, Abraham; one example has the bird holding a small bird and another is holding a fish in its talons. A similar bird motif was used by George Peterman of Botetourt County and is shown in this exhibition.

At this point I would like to offer some comments and observations on the text of the exhibit labels. Most important, of course, is the first one which attributes the 1771 rifle gun to Hans Jacob Honaker. One thing, there is a confusion between his residence—in one place it is given as Frederick County, Va., and in another as Shenandoah County. Hans Jacob came to Virginia about 1765 and settled on Passage Creek at what is now Waterlick. It was then part of Frederick County, but in 1772 it became part of Dunmore County, the name of which was changed to Shenandoah during the Revolution.

Back to the gun—I am, by no means, an expert on early guns, but I could not help noting that this gun, made over fifty years before Abraham’s, was rather crude in comparison to his or any of James’. The stock was shorter, thicker, and clumsier, and much more reminiscent of European-made rifles of the period.

Of course, since Hans Jacob was born in Switzerland and came to America when he was thirty-one, this would not be unusual. The label notes, “The attribution of this example to Hans Jacob Honaker is based on many unusual details it shares with the later work of Jacob’s son, Abraham, and his grandsons.” The label goes on with a memorable statement about this gun, “This rifle is the earliest dated (1771) brass box rifle (an American invention) known.” If our Hans Jacob was indeed a gunsmith and did make this rifle gun, we have something else about him to be very proud of! More on this below.

The labels for the two James A. rifle guns have a glaring, and possibly significant error, which I pointed out to the curator, without avail—both labels say James A. was born in 1810—despite the fact that the exact date of his birth—July 6, 1818—is known, documented, and published in our genealogy! The label dates his second rifle gun at about 1830—when James would have been twelve. Now, there is no question that he was a superb gunsmith, but there is no evidence that he was a child prodigy! Something is wrong with this date—but there is no question that it is his work, for he signed it.

The label on the first rifle gun dates it at about 1845, and correctly states it could have been made either in Pulaski or Giles County. However, it also implies that he was not the original maker of this rifle gun, but that he made alterations to a Maryland-made Stonesifer gun since the lock bears that name, and the thumb piece the name Bentz. Certainly gunsmiths repaired and altered older guns by other makers, but, as I have been told, they were not averse to using “boughten” parts on their pieces, especially if requested to do so by the customer.

The exhibit label of the rifle gun attributed to Abraham gives an incorrect date of death—as I also pointed out that day, without success. He died on Wolf Creek in Bland County, Va., in 1869, not in 1866, as the label states. On the day of my visit in Abingdon, I brought along the colored print of his rifle gun which is at Colonial Williamsburg, and carefully compared it with the one in the exhibit, apparently made about the same time—about 1825. Again, I do not pretend to be a gun expert, but I was struck by the dramatic resemblance between the two—not only in their overall appearance, but in so many small details. For what it is worth, I have no doubt that he made this one also. This is extremely important to our family history, and to me personally, as I descend from Abraham. Until this exhibit, the rifle gun in Williamsburg was the only one by him that had apparently ever been found, and so, was known.

And now for the most curious of the Honaker rifle guns in the exhibit. The catalog stated that it is from the “Honaker Family” and dates it about 1840. The exhibit label gives the same date, but states that it is “probably Abraham Honaker shop.” Abraham had nine sons and, Jacob (1810-1865), James A. (1818-1897), William C. (1825-1900) are well-documented as having been gunsmiths. I have been told that Peter C. (1812-1874) and Andrew J. (1824-1925) – in whose home Abraham died – also knew the gunsmith’s craft. Jacob and John both moved to Ohio, the first about 1839-1840, the other about 1845. In addition, Henry (born 1815) and John (1816-1879) are known to have been blacksmiths, so they would have likely had some acquaintance with gunsmithing, certainly with most of the tools. So, there can be little doubt that Abraham had abundant “personnel” for his own shop, even if he did not train apprentices outside his own family.

The question remains, though, who made this particular rifle gun. Again I was struck by its resemblance to the Williamsburg rifle gun. In 1840, Abraham was about 66. There was no such thing as retirement at 65 back then, and he did live until he was 95, and still had the mental capacity to write his will! I am no gun expert, but I do not have much difficulty believing he made this rifle gun also, be it with or without the aid of some of his sons!

There are two questions, both very important to our family history, that concern us. First was whether our Hans Jacob Honaker actually made the rifle gun in the exhibit. I have commented on that already. But the second question is, perhaps, even more important. Was Hans Jacob even a gunsmith?

Since I was not able to talk with Mr. Gusler, I called upon a less well-known, local, consultant, my friend and neighbor, Gale Blevins, who deals in guns, and was a considerable help to me when I wrote the article on James A. Honaker’s life and work here in Giles County. Because the old time estate inventories can provide major insights into the lives of our ancestors, Gale and I sat down with Hans Jacob’s to see if we could find any possessions which might indicate whether he was, indeed, a gunsmith, or not.

At the time of Hans Jacob’s death, Pulaski County, the location of Draper, did not exist. That part of old Montgomery County where he lived, which (with additional territory from Montgomery County) became Pulaski County in 1839, had recently—in 1790—become part of the new county of Wythe. Therefore, Hans Jacob’s estate papers are on record in Wythe Courthouse, and I possess photocopies of them. At about age 77, on Aug. 12, 1795 (coincidentally, close to the annual date of our reunions!) he executed his last will and testament, which he signed with an “H” as his mark, though we know he could write. Probably he was too ill or too feeble to write his full name.

The original will is in a file drawer marked “Wills Etc. 1796-1814-1820” in Bundle 2. It was presented for probate before the county justices on May 10, 1796, indicating that he was now dead. In due course, the court clerk transcribed it into Will Book 1 on pages 39 and 40. In short order, on May 21 and 23, an inventory of his estate was taken and duly received during the June, 1796 term of the county court. The court clerk dutifully recorded it in Will Book 1, on pages 42-45. Its value was £434.15.5, which is 434 pounds, 15 shillings, and 5 pence, a considerable sum for that time and place.

Before we began our study of this inventory, Gale explained to me that a gunsmith in that period would have required all the tools and equipment used by a blacksmith. In addition, he would have needed a reamer, steel for the gun barrels, steel for the springs, brass, small screws, and a number of small metal hand tools for the finer work.

Hans Jacob owned “1 old shotgun” valued at 12 shillings, and a good many tools—none expressly designated as gunsmithing tools. However, he had tools such as would have been needed by a gunsmith, Gale pointed out. These included 1 hammer, 4 augers, 2 pair of pinchers (pincers), a sawset, and a vise. Though this is probably inconclusive, I will make one final point. Abraham, in 1795, was yet unmarried and probably still at home. He was then about 21, about the same age as James A. when we have evidence of his working as a gunsmith, and the same age his nephew and apprentice, my great-great-grandfather, Benjamin Franklin Journell, was when listed as a gunsmith in James’ household in the 1850 Census of Giles County, Va.

In my humble opinion, it is more likely than not that Hans Jacob was indeed a gunsmith and that when he was too old or feeble to do this intricate work any longer, he gave his tools to his son Abraham, who already had learned, or was in the process of learning, the trade, and thus they do not appear in the inventory of his estate. This opinion can probably not be proved with the records we have available over 200 years later, but it cannot be disproved either!

So, where do we stand with our history of the Honaker gunsmiths after this unique exhibit in Abingdon? We now have the first specific evidence yet found that our immigrant ancestor, Hans Jacob Honaker, was likely a gunsmith, something we have wondered about for many years, as well as actual pictures of his one known rifle gun. Secondly, in addition to the one previously known rifle gun by our Abraham Honaker—the one at Williamsburg—we now know of another, and possibly a third, both previously unknown to us, as well as important information about them.

Finally, we have data on two more extant rifle guns, made by our most prolific gunsmith, James A. Honaker, to add to the list of his surviving creations. I inquired at the museum when I was there about the present owners and locations of these five rifle guns, but I was not surprised—our world being what it is anymore—that they were unwilling and unable to reveal that critical information. It is enough to know that they all still exist, that they are treasured, and that they are safe.

James married Minerva Ann Kirk, daughter of Andrew Lloyd Kirk and Obedience French. The marriage was listed by Vogt, Pulaski County Virginia Marriages 1839-1857. Obedience was a daughter of Mitchell and Phoebe Belcher Clay, pioneer settlers of Mercer Co., (West) Va., whose family were victims of a Shawnee Indian attack in 1783, the so-called Clay Massacre. Beckley [W. Va.] Post-Herald columnist Shirley Donnelly wrote about the event 5 Sep 1979. The column was reprinted in his book, A Keepsake I, II, III. A sculpture representing Mitchell and Phoebe, titled Torment in Stone, was placed on the grounds of the Mercer County Courthouse, Princeton. Children:

8. ix. Laura Josephine. Born 15 Jul 1857 in Mercer Co., (West) Va.

x. Nancy Ellen. Born 26 Jan 1859. She married Allen Workman. [Her cousin by the same name, daughter of William Crockett[2] Honaker, married James Clinton Burgess.]

8. xii. Louemma Jackson (called Sis). Born 6 Oct 1861 in Mercer Co., (West) Va.

9. Andrew Jackson[2] Honaker (Abraham[l]). Children:

iii. Rebecca Jane. Born 3 Feb 1852. Two Rebecca Janes were reported to have married Samuel B. Owens 1 Nov 1863 in Russell Co., Va., this one and Rebecca Jane[3] (Nicholas[1], Samuel P.[2]). We do not know which is correct. A Rebecca Jane was listed by Harman, Harman-Harmon Genealogy and Biography, as having married Arista Gratton Harmon, son of the Rev. Adam Quinn Harmon and Susanna Eaton, 17 Jul 1873 in Bland Co., Va. Arista died in Apr 1876 and there were no children. The identity of the Rebecca who married Arista is presently unknown. There were a half-dozen known Rebecca Janes who were of marriageable age at the time. Bland County was formed from Giles, Wythe and Tazewell Counties. Rebecca Jane[3], daughter of Andrew Jackson, lived in Tazewell County and seems to be the most likely to have married Arista.

10. William Crockett[2] Honaker (called Billy) (Abraham[l]). Born 22 Sep 1825 in Montgomery Co., Va. Died 30 Jul 1900 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. He is listed in gunsmith references as a gunmaker. An unidentified West Virginia gunsmiths book reported that Billy’s gunsmith shop was in Saxon, Brackenridge area, Raleigh County, and that he taught his son James Benjamin the trade.

He married Sarah Ann French, daughter of Hugh Caperton French and Livicia (and Levicie) Love Lambert. Their marriage date has been reported as 20 Apr, 7 May, and 18 Sep 1846 in Giles Co., Va. Born 1822 (also 1823 and 1824) in Giles County. Died 18 Sep 1886 in Raleigh Co., W.Va.

Smith-Riffe records of the French family in Charleston, W.Va., reported by News Notes, Fayette & Raleigh Cos. [W.Va.] Genealogical Society, Spring 2001, show the marriage of William and Sarah 20 Apr 1846 in Tazewell, Va. (the date 7 May 1846 also appears with no explanation; possibly they first eloped and were married a second time in the presence of family. A Honaker researcher needs to visit and interpret this record.) They were married by E. Duncan. Smith-Riffe French family papers, reported by News Notes, Fayette & Raleigh Cos. [W.Va.] Genealogical Society, Summer 2001, contain a 17 Jan 1929 letter by Thomas J. Honaker, Sarah’s grandson, in which he said Sarah’s parents were Hugh French and Bibby Lambert.

Billy’s family was enumerated in the 1880 Raleigh County census living in Marsh Fork District. There were two dwellings, 93 and 94, families 96 and 97. The first dwelling contained William C., 53, mill wright, b. in Va., father b. in England, mother b. in Va.; Sarah A., 55, keeping house; Cintha V., 17, attending school; Lavicy A., 13, attending school; William S., 10, attending school. The second dwelling contained Billy’s son John, 32, farming; Sarah A., 32, keeping house; Bezzle, 10, works on farm, attending school; Jasper, 8, attending school; Jehu, 5, attending school; George T., 3; Mary A., 2.


55. i. John Henry[3]. Born 13 Sep 1847 in Mercer Co., (West) Va.

ii. Sarah A. (called Sallie) Born 24 Jul 1848 in Bland, Va. Died 21 Jul 1902 in Mercer Co.,

W.Va. Buried next to her brother John Henry in Methodist Church Cemetery, Montcalm. She married Charles A. Hambrick, son of Righley Hambrick and Margaret Broce, 28 Mar 1867. Born 27 Mar 1844 in Tazewell Co., Va. He enlisted 20 Mar 1864 in Co. H, 60th Virginia Infantry Regiment. He was then described as 6 ft., dark eyes and dark hair.

56. iii. James Buchanan. Born Sep 1852 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., (West) Va.

iv. Laura J. (also Laura Jerni and Laura Jems) (called Lou Emma). Born 12 Mar 1854 in

Mercer County. Died 3 Nov 1936 in Raleigh County. Buried in Tabor Cemetery, Saxon, Raleigh County. She married Obediah Tabor (called Obe), son of Andrew Jackson Tabor and Juliana Belcher, 14 Aug 1873 in Mercer County. Born 20 Aug 1853 in Tazewell Co., Va. Died 17 Mar 1920 in Raleigh County. Buried in Tabor Cemetery. They had four children.

v. Minerva Ann. Born 20 Mar 1856 in Raleigh County. Died in Raleigh County. She married James Floyd Dew, son of John Dew and Mary Ann Unknown, 29 Apr 1875 in Raleigh County. Raleigh County marriage records indicate she was 17, born in Raleigh Co., [West] Va.; he was 23 years and 11 months, born in Mercer Co., [West] Virginia; both were residents of Raleigh County; married by James F. Webb. Born 27 Feb 1850 in Raleigh County. Died 30 Mar 1935 in Raleigh County. Buried in Pratt Cemetery, Kanawha Co., W.Va. They had four children.

10. vi. Mary Luther. Born 1 May 1859 (also reported as 13 May 1855) in Mercer Co. (West) Va.

vii. Nancy Ellen. Born ca. 1861 in Mercer Co. (West) Va. She married James Clinton

Burgess, son of John Anderson Burgess and Virginia C. Trump and half brother to Nancy’s sister Louisa’s husband John, 24 Dec 1879 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 1848 (also reported as 1856) in Logan Co., (West) Va. Died 1880 in Raleigh County. They had five children. [Nancy Ellen’s cousin by the same name, daughter of James A.[2] Honaker, married Allen Workman.]

10. viii. Centhia Victoria (also Cintha Victoria) (called Victoria). Born 1863 in Mercer Co., (West) Va.

ix. Louisa Levicey A. (also Lavicy, Levicy and Lovicey). Born 27 Sep 1866 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died after 1930 in Morris, Ramsey Co., N.D. She married John Whitten Burgess, son of Lavert S. Burgess and Sarah M. Unknown (also reported as John Anderson Burgess and Susan Ziegler, which would make him a half brother of Louisa’s sister Nancy’s husband James), 9 Jan 1883 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. County marriage records indicate she was 16 and John was 22 years, 1 month, 5 days, born in Raleigh County.Born 8 Dec 1860 in Raleigh County. Died after 1930 in Morris, N.D. They were enumerated in 1900 living in Rock, W.Va., but moved to Morris before the 1910 census and lived there for the rest of their lives. Among their children were a son named Sheffer, after Louisa’s brother.

10. x. William Sheffer (also Sheff). Born 20 Sep 1869 in Mercer Co., W.Va.

11. Abraham[2] Honaker, Jr. (also seen as Abram) (Abraham[l]). He was also reported born in Draper Valley, Pulaski Co., Va. Smith-Riffe French family papers, reported by News Notes, Fayette & Raleigh Cos. [W.Va.] Genealogical Society, Summer 2001, indicate he married Elizabeth Jane (called Eliza Jane) French 29 Jan 1846 in Giles Co., Va., and that John S. French provided surety. She was reported born in Montgomery Co., Va., and in Draper Valley, Pulaski County.

Third Generation

2.i. Elinder Jane[3] Honaker (Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 18 Dec 1827 in Virginia. Died in 1897. Buried in Eureka Valley Cemetery, Riley Co., Kan.

In the 1850 census she was recorded as Elenor, living in her father’s household in Pulaski Co., Va. In the 1860 census, she was recorded as Ellena, living with her husband Job Wood in Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Ind. In the 1870 census, she was recorded as Elinder, living with her husband in Clark Twp., Cole Co., Mo., on the same land that her brother lived on in 1880. In 1875, she was recorded as Ellen in Ogden Twp., Riley Co., Kan. In 1880, she was recorded as Ellander, living with her second husband, William Wood. In 1885, she was recorded as Ellander J., living with her brother, Peter A. Honaker, in Manhattan, Riley Co., Kan. Descendant David L. Lies reported in 1999 that the family Bible, in her own handwriting, gives the name as Elinder Jane.

She was reported by one researcher to have also lived in Greenup Co., Ky., after her first marriage.

She married first, Jobe Wood 7 Sep 1854 in Greenup Co., Ky. Born 26 Jan 1816 in England. Died ca. 1876 in Ogden Twp., Riley Co., Kan. He was a laborer. Children:

2.i. i. Samuel David[4]. Born 18 Jun 1855 in Kentucky.

ii. James Abraham. Born 29 Jun 1856. Died 25 Sep 1859. Buried in Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Ind. An entry in the family Bible says “Samuel D. Wood, Wm. R. Wood, Emila E. Wood were Baptised in M.E.C. in Columbus Ind. By Rev. J.A. Brouse, Pastor, Oct. 23rd 1859. The funeral of James A. Wood was preached at the same time and by the same.”

iii. William Richard. Born 9 Oct 1857 in Indiana. Baptized 23 Oct 1859 in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Columbus, Ind. He was a farmer. He married Maggie Languin. Born in 1857 in Kansas.

2.i. iv. Amelia Elizabeth (also Emila Elisabeth). Born 15 Jan 1859.

2.i. v. John Louis (also reported as John Lewis). Born 28 Feb 1861.

vi. Hezekiah Nolen (also seen as Nolan) (called Nolen). Born 13 Apr 1862 in Missouri. He was a laborer. He married Lucy J. Honiker, Abraham fourth-generation #14.i., daughter of Charles B. Honiker and Melvina Jane Jenkins.

vii Francis Elen. Born 18 Jun 1863.

viii. Chester Bulard. Born 27 Oct 1864.

ix. Jobe Edward. Born in Jan 1865.

2.i. x. Oscar Fitzalen. Born 15 Mar 1867.

xi. Sarah Elen. Born 15 Sep 1868 in Missouri.

xii. Mary Elen. Born 14 Feb 1871.

She married, second, William Wood, her first husband’s brother, 3 Jul 1876 in Ogden, Kan. They divorced in 1882. Born ca. 1820 in Liverpool, England. Died in 1883 in Riley Co., Kan. Buried in Protestant Cemetery, Ogden. He was a policeman, freighter and farmer. He married, first, Sarah Jones in England; and Elizabeth Busby, 21 Aug 1865.

2.iv. Mary Emily[3] Honaker (also Emly) (called Emly) (Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 1 Oct 1831 in Virginia. Died 18 Jun 1903, probably in St. Louis, Mo. Information about Emly is from research by her descendant Mary Alice Culbreath King.

She married James Cary 10 Jan 1850 in Shepherd’s Church, Newbern, Pulaski Co., Va. Born 6 Jun 1826 in North Carolina. Died 14 Sep 1878 in Missouri.

Birth records for Pulaski Co., Va., show that James Cary, farmer, and his wife Mary Emily [maiden surname not given], had a daughter, Mary Amelia Cary, in Mar 1853. The daughter was listed as Emelia in the 1860 census.

A family Bible is the source for marriage, birth and death information on Emly’s family. An inside page identified it as presented to Mrs. Emly Cary by Rose Cary – Katie Martin, 18 Jan 1893. There is a marriage certification that James Cary of North Carolina and Emly Honaker of New Burn, Va., “Were joined together by me in the Bonds of Holy Matrimony at Shepherd’s Church, Pulaski Co., Va., on the 10th day of January in the year of our Lord 1850.” Witnesses were Jane Honaker and Robert Rogers. The certification is signed George Painter, Minister. Births and deaths entered are James Cary, b. June 6, 1826—North Carolina, d. Sept. 14, 1878—Missouri; Mary Emily Honaker, b. Oct. 1, 1831—Virginia, d. June 18, 1903—Missouri, married Jan. 10, 1850 at Shepard’s Church, Pulaski Co., Va. Children: Hamilton S. Cary, b. Oct. 2, 1850—Virginia; Jane Cary, b. Dec. 9, 1851—Virginia, d. July 31, 1861—Missouri, 9 yrs; Amelia Cary Mumberauer, b. Mar. 15, 1853—Virginia, d. Dec. 23, 1908; Sarah A. Cary Disher, b. Jan. 5, 1855—Kentucky; Mary Cary, b. Sept. 27, 1856—Kentucky, d. Aug. 2, 1861—Missouri, 5 yrs; James Bullard Cary, b. Aug. 10, 1858—Kentucky, d. Jan. 1945; Samuel Cary, b. Oct. 12, 1860—Missouri, d. Oct. 28, 1860—Missouri, 16 days; Virginia A. & America E. “Mollie” Cary (twins), b. Sept. 7, 1862—Missouri; Elizabeth “Bess” Cary Murphy, b. Mar. 10, 1864—Missouri, d. July 18, 1937; Melissa Isabelle “Belle” Cary Childers, b. Aug. 28, 1867—Missouri, d. June 8, 1920; John A. Cary, b. Sept. 17, 1870—Missouri, and Rose Eline Cary Johnson Carlson, b. July 11, 1872—Missouri, d. Mar. 1945.

The 1850 census enumerator found James and Emly on 21 Jul at household #191, 48th District, Pulaski Co., Va., (line 18, p. 235.) James was 21, identified as a laborer born in North Carolina, and Emly was 19, born in Virginia. Their first child had not yet been born. In household #192 was Sarah Cary, 62, presumably James’ mother, born in North Carolina; living with Sarah was Nancy Wright, 28, presumably James’ older sister, born in North Carolina, and three Wright children, Thomas, age 10, James, age 4, and Agnus, age 1. At household #194 was a Honaker man and wife, he 20, a laborer, and she 18. Their given names are difficult to read and might be Peter and Martha J.; proximity suggests the man may be Emly’s slightly older brother. There was a Peter Abraham[3] (Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]) who married a Martha at that time in Pulaski County. That Peter had an older sister of Emly’s age. The sister has been reported as Elvira, Elinder, Elenor, Ellen and Ellena, none resembling the name Emly, and was living in her father’s household during the 1850 Pulaski County census. Curiously, she moved to Missouri as did Emly. The 1850 census showed that James and Emly lived near Henry and Sallie Colfee Honaker and Abraham Honaker.

The 1860 census found James and Emly on 8 Jun at household #114 in Waynesville, Pulaski Co., Mo. (line 91, p. 18.) James was identified as a farm laborer with real estate valued at $400 and personal estate of $150. The children recorded were Hamilton, age 10; Emelia, 8; Jane, 7; Sarah, 6; Mary, 4, and James B., 2. The first three were marked born in Virginia; the last three in Kentucky. (Three of the children died while they lived in Waynesville—Samuel, Jane and Mary.)

No 1870 census information has been found for the family.

The 1880 census found Emly on 28 Jun at household #443 in Benton Twp., Osage Co., Mo. (line 11, p. 48.) She was then a widow, 49 years old, a homemaker. In the household were her children James B., age 21, occupation farming; Virginia, 17, written in by the enumerator but then crossed out, an indication that she was living elsewhere; Elizabeth, 15; Bell, 12; John, 10; and Rosie, 8.

The 1900 census in St. Louis, Mo., found “Emily” 6 Jun in the 24th Ward on Columbia Avenue. She was 68, widowed, head of household, mother of 13, 10 children living. In the household were her daughter Belle (surname appears to be Heigt, not fully legible), age 28, married 13 years, mother of 1; and Belle’s daughter Mary Emily, age 6.


i. Hamilton S.[2] Born 2 Oct 1850 in Virginia.

ii. Jane. Born 9 Dec 1851 in Virginia. Died 31 Jul 1861 in Missouri.

iii. Amelia (Emelia in the 1860 census). Born 15 Mar 1853 in Virginia. Died 23 Dec 1908.

She married Unknown Mumberauer.

iv. Sarah A. Born 5 Jan 1855 in Warren Co., Ky. She married Unknown Disher.

v. Mary. Born 27 Sep 1856 in Warren Co., Ky. Died 2 Aug 1861 in Missouri.

vi. James Bullard. Born 10 Aug 1858 near Bowling Green, Ky. Died 3 Jan 1945. Buried in

Hunter, Woodruff Co., Ark.

vii. Samuel. Born 12 Oct 1860 in Missouri. Died 28 Oct 1860 in Missouri.

viii. America E. (twin) (called Mollie). Born 7 Sep 1862 in Missouri.

ix. Virginia A. (twin) Born 7 Sep 1862 in Missouri.

x. Elizabeth (called Bess). Born 10 Mar 1864 in Missouri. Died 18 Jul 1937. Married Unknown Murphy.

2.iv. xi. Melissa Isabelle (called Belle). Born 28 Aug 1867 in Missouri.

xii. John A. Born 17 Sep 1870 in Missouri.

xiii. Rose Eline. Born 11 Jul 1872 in Missouri. Died in Mar 1945 in St. Louis. She married, first, Unknown Johnson. She married, second, Unknown Carlson.

2.v. Oscar F.[3] Honaker (also Osker F. and S.) (Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born in Jun 1832 (1900 census date; other censuses suggest he was born in 1834) in Wythe Co., Va. His family appeared in the 1860 Mechanicsburg, Giles Co., Va., census, p. 896-7, household #871, as Oscar Honaker, 27, $95 in personal property, farm laborer; Mary, 23; John, 7; Samuel, 5; Margaret, 4; William, 3; Sarah, 1.

Sherwood’s 54th Virginia Infantry says he enlisted in the C.S.A. 9 Sep 1861 at Newbern, Pulaski Co., Va., was present on duty rosters of 1 Jan 1862 and 31 Dec 1863; that he was detailed to drive supply wagons 22 May 1964; that he was age 16 in the 1850 Pulaski County census. Also in Company F were his uncles Abraham[2] Honaker and William James Journell (husband of Margaret J.[2] Honaker, and cousins Henry[3] and James Mitchell[3] Journell, William’s sons. Oscar’s commanding officer commended him after the Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., 1863, because “Private Oscar F. Honaker, Company F, 54th Virginia regiment, captured the regimental flag of the 22nd Michigan regiment.”

The family appeared in the 1870 Newbern, Dublin Twp., Pulaski County census, household #437, as Osker F. Honaker, 37, farm laborer, could not read or write, eligible to vote; Mary, 34, keeping house; Samuel W., 16, farm laborer, could not write; Margaret J., 14; William H., 12, farm laborer; Sarah F., 11, could not write; Seticia V., 7; Emma, 5; Mary E., 3; Sarah, eight months.

In the 1880 census, the family was in Pearisburg District, Giles County, dwelling #339, listed as Oscar Honaker, 46, carpenter; Mary, 43, keeping house; daughters Florence, 18; Tissue, 16; Emma, 13; Mary, 12; Laura, 10; Nannie, 9; Minnie, 8; Edward, 7, son; Dollie, 5, daughter. At dwelling #338 in this census were William and Lizzie Honaker, Oscar’s son and daughter-in-law. Dwelling #331 was a list of prison inmates. The neighborhood was mixed black-white-mulatto.

We do not have an 1890 census for Oscar’s family. The 1900 Pearisburg District Giles County census shows Osker S. Honaker as head of household #24. He was 67, farmer, widowed, born Jun 1832 in Virginia, not able to read or write, owner of home and farm. Resident were Helen [or Heven] C. Honaker, 19, daughter, born Apr 1881, could read and write; May Honaker, 10, daughter, born May 1890, at school. Also in the household were Minnie Dawdy, 29, daughter, born Aug 1870, washerwoman, widowed, mother of four living children, could read and write; Harry Dawdy, 8, grandson, born Jan 1892, at school; Georgia Dawdy, 6, granddaughter, born May 1894, at school; Mable Dawdy, 1, granddaughter, born Jun 1898; Ella Paul, 27, daughter, born May 1873, seamstress, widowed, mother of four living children, could read and right; Helen M. Paul, 8, granddaughter, born Dec 1891, at school; Laura, 6, granddaughter, born Dec 1893, at school; Norman, 5, born Jan 1895; and Earl K., 3, grandson, born Feb 1897.

He married Mary A. Reese, daughter of John Reese and Sarah Unknown, 15 Dec 1852 in Pulaski Co., Va. The marriage was listed by Vogt, Pulaski County Virginia Marriages 1839-1857. Born ca. 1836 in Pulaski County. Died of flux 19 Dec 1893 in Bluff City, Bland County. Virginia death records show her as Mary E. and give her age at death as 57. Various censuses show the following children in the household. The earlier censuses did not identify family relationships. In them we have assumed that the children were those of Oscar and Mary. Later censuses did identify family relationships; we have listed all the names even though there is the possibility that the census enumerator incorrectly listed grandchildren as children. There is a listing problem because some names show up on later censuses but not on earlier ones where the age would warrant. Children:

i. John Waller[4]. Born in May 1853 in Pulaski County. He was not with the family starting

with the 1870 census.

2.v. ii. Samuel Winton (called Winton). Born in Sep 1854.

2.v. iii. Margaret J. Born 8 Aug 1855 in Pulaski County.

2.v. iv. William H. Born ca. 1857.

v. Sarah F. Born ca. 1859. Could have been the Florence in the 1880 census.

vi. Florence M. Born 14 Apr 1861 in Pulaski County. Did not appear on the 1870 census but

was 18 on the 1880 census.

vii. Seticia V. Born ca. 1863. Probably the Tissue in the 1880 census. The census enumerator

may have misunderstood the name.

viii. Emma (also Emily). Born 16 Mar 1866 in Pulaski County.

ix. Mary E. Born ca. 1867.

x. Sarah. Born in Nov 1869. Listed in the 1870 census but not in the 1880 census. May have

been Laura listed in the 1880 census. The census enumerator may have misunderstood the name.

xi. Laura. Born ca. 1870.

2.v. xii. Minnie. Born in Aug 1870

xiii. Nannie. Born ca. 1871. Found only on the 1880 census, she may have been Minnie. The

census enumerator may have misunderstood.

2.v. xiv. Ella C. Born in May 1873.

xv. Edward. Born ca. 1873.

xvi. Dolly. Born 8 Nov 1874 in Giles County.

xvii. Oscar F. Born 6 May 1876 in Giles County.

xviii. Helen [or Heven] C. Born in Apr 1881.

xix. May. Born in May 1890.

2.vi. John W.[3] Honaker (Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born ca. 1836 in Virginia. We do not have a conclusive trail on John W., who was not in his parents’ household on the 1857 Greenup Co., Ky. tax list. His father sold his Greenup County mill and property shortly afterwards and moved with some of the younger family to Missouri, but John was not among them at the 1860 census.

Instead, we find John Wallace Honaker, of appropriate name and age, in the 1860 Catlettsburg, Boyd Co., Ky. census [in 1860, Greenup, Carter and Lawrence counties gave up land to create Boyd County], household #58, listed as John Honaker, 25, $200 in personal property, farmer, born in Virginia; Octavia, 20, born in Kentucky; James M., 3, born in Kentucky; Carter B., 2, born in Kentucky. The fit is very close to our missing John W., and we have continued his line here in the belief that he is Samuel’s son of the same name.

The 1870 District 2 Bolts Fork [ten miles southwest of Catlettsburg], Boyd County census listed household #205 as Jno. W. Honaker, 29, carpenter, $200 in personal property, born in Virginia, all the other residents born in Kentucky; Octavia, 29, keeping house; James M., 15, had attended school that year, could not write; Chester B., 11, could not write; Cynthia A., 9; Jno. W., 8; Margaret A., 6, Hester A., 3.

He married Octavia Arthur, daughter of James Eli Arthur (born in Kentucky) and Margaret Octavia Shockey (born in Virginia), in Greenup Co., Ky. The marriage license may misspell her name as Andonia. Born 1 Jan 1842 in Kentucky. Died 24 Dec 1918 in Denning, Ark. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Denning; gravestone inscription, “A tender mother and a faithful friend”. Children:

2.vi. i. James M.[4] Born ca. 1857.

ii. Chester B. (also Chesterfield, recorded as Carter B. in the 1860 census.) Born ca. 1858 in Kentucky. Died 4 May 1885 in Catlettsburg, Boyd Co., Ky. He married Anne Ruff 23 Dec 1882 in Catlettsburg. Born ca. 1867 in Lawrence Co., Ohio. They lived in Catlettsburg.

Honaker Family Newsletter, May-Jun 2000:

“At Catlettsburg last Saturday night, three men, Chess Honaker, Dave Stewart, Pete Canterberry and three others went to a house of ill fame. They were drunk and refused admittance. They tried to force their way in. Near by lived a colored man, Henry Freese, a sort of guard and defender of the baudy house in time of trouble. He was summoned by the frail inmates and rushed to the scene with a couple revolvers, which he fired into the crowd of men who were trying to get in. He fired five times and hit the three persons named. Honaker was shot in the bowels and died Sunday. The other two were shot in thigh and leg. Freese is in jail.”

The Ironton [Ohio] Register, 7 May 1885

The Hanging of Henry Freese, by Evelyn Scyphers Jackson

The events of history too often become so hazy with the passage of time that, like concentric circles emanating from the splash of a stone breaking the smooth surface of a lake, they fade into oblivion, or the facts become so distorted as to resemble nothing like the original occurrence. So it is with the hanging of Henry Freese that took place in Catlettsburg, Ky., on a Friday, 14 Aug 1885.

From the meagre available records we know that Freese, a black man, was charged with the wilful murder of one Chester Honaker on 4 May 1885 at the door of the White Bear, an old whitewashed building used as a house of prostitution on upper Louisa Street, above the old Tom Brown home. Since Honaker died on a Monday morning, and the grand jury was in session at that time, Freese was indicted by that body on the same day and his trial set to begin the following week. The criminal records for this period are missing from the court house in Catlettsburg and we know only from the order book that he was found guilty on 13 May, after 28 minutes of deliberation, and sentenced to death.

In a newspaper interview some 45 years afterward, J.C. Richardson, the man who had been sheriff at the time of the incident, stated that it had occurred over jealousy of a white woman, but a newspaper account at the time of the hanging indicates other, vague reasons. With the number of local citizens involved in the scandal, perhaps this was used as justification for hastening Freese to the noose.

The truth may never be learned but we can draw a fairly accurate picture from the reported facts. It seems that a group of “gentlemen” were standing on the platform outside the White Bear on a Saturday night, threatening to “break down the door if they were not admitted.” About this time one of the girls, Annie Johnson, ran to a house occupied by a Dotson woman and Henry Freese, and asked Freese to go and “drive the men away.” Dotson was Henry’s mistress.

Henry Freese armed himself with three loaded revolvers, left the Dotson house by a back exit and reached the corner at the front of the White Bear, to the foot of some steps leading to a small platform about five feet off the ground.

There he found a group of men standing on the platform, still demanding admission to the house. Without having been seen by them, or they even suspecting he was near, he began firing a self-cocking revolver and fired five shots into the crowd as fast as he could pull the trigger.

Chester Honaker was shot in the abdomen, the ball ranging upward and lodging in the spinal column just below the left kidney. He died at 8 o’clock on Monday morning, 4 May. Perry Canterberry (sic) was shot in the left leg just above the knee, and “old man David Stewart” was shot in the calf of the right leg, the bullet passing out in front of the knee.

And so, the deed was done that would cost Freese his life. He fled back to the Dotson house and then went on down into town, perhaps hoping to lose himself among the weekend inebriates. The next morning (Sunday) the women who were occupying the White Bear, and the men who were with them Saturday night were arrested. Detective Millard F. Rule arrested Henry Freese, who first denied that he had any knowledge of the matter until he was told that Annie Johnson had informed on him. He then confessed, it is claimed.

Police Judge McCall set his bail at $5,000, in default—naturally—of which he was committed to jail and immediately indicted by the grand jury. It is reported that he received a “fair and impartial trial” and his case was argued by “an able attorney,” whose name is not revealed.

Those who served on the jury that returned the guilty verdict against Freese were William Davis, Volney O. Davis, Robert Davis, John Simpson, J.P. McGlothlin, Larkin Wells, Charles Williams, Henry White, Addison Bartram, Robert Ford, Charles W. Berger and James Hunt.

Some of those called as witnesses for the Commonwealth were J.M. Chaffin, Richard Webb, Annie Johnson, Mollie Chapman, George Cole, Millard Rule, Early Stockwell, William Clark, Lizzie Carter, Ballard Faulkner, Alice Adkins, T.J. Ewing, Wade Bryant, George Armstrong and Wayne Damron. Five of the above were also called to testify in behalf of defendant Freese. J.M. Ferguson was a member of the grand jury; J.C. Richardson was sheriff and Hiram Runyon and L.L. Kibbe were deputies.

As was usual with hangings in those days, the newspaper played it up big and the public adored it. It gave them some place to go for the thrill of viewing death first hand. Afterwards, the paper had this to say about the hanging:

“On Friday morning before the hour for the execution of Freese, the people began to come in from every nook and corner in the county, on horseback, in wagons and on foot. At 7 o’clock the train on the C&O Railroad brought nearly 200 people from West Virginia. At 8 o’clock the Chattarol Railway and the steamer Lightwood brought down from the Sandy Valley seven or eight hundred people, and thus they came in up to the hour of execution.

“On Thursday night Freese retired about 12 o’clock and slept soundly until 8 o’clock Friday morning, when he arose, ate a hearty breakfast and apparently looked happy. At 9 o’clock members of the press were admitted to the jail to talk with Freese.

“When asked by a reporter if he was prepared to die, he replied, ‘The Lord has pardoned my sins and I am ready to die, willing to die and want to die.’ At 10 o’clock Revs. Jackson and Garred held services with him and at 12 he was taken from the jail to the scaffold, which he mounted with a firm and steady step. On the scaffold the hymn All Must Be to Judgment Brought was sung and Freese was then asked if he had anything to say.

“He arose to his feet and said, ‘I bid you all goodbye and hope to see you on the other shore. That’s all I have to say, goodbye.’ The rope was placed around his neck, the black cap adjusted and the trap was sprung at 12:37. In 18½ minutes Drs. Riffe, Smiley and Gould pronounced him dead. He was then cut down by Sheriff Richardson and placed in a neat, rosewood coffin, nicely finished, with a plate on the lid bearing the words ‘Rest in Peace.’ His remains were given over to his friends and were buried on Sunday afternoon”

Shortly after the execution a poem appeared on the scene, “supposed to have been composed by Henry Freese,” but having all the earmarks of a J.W. Day composition, which, as anyone who has read one of them knows, automatically appeared after every local tragedy, and was concocted as a balm to lull the remaining citizenry back into a sense of guiltless serenity.

This article appeared in Tree Shaker, Oct 1996, Eastern Kentucky Genealogical Society, Inc., and is reprinted by permission. The Ironton Register newspaper item is courtesy of Sheri Pettit, Genealogy Room, Boyd County [Ky.] Public Library.

2.vi. iii. Cynthia A. Born ca. 1861.

2.vi. iv. John Wallace, Jr. Born 15 Feb 1865.

2.vi. v. Margaret A. Born ca. 1864 in Kentucky.

vi. Hester A. Born ca. 1867 in Kentucky. She lived in Catlettsburg. She married Thomas

Damaron 2 Oct 1883 in Catlettsburg. Born ca. 1862 in Catlettsburg.

vii. Elizabeth (called Lizzie). Born ca. 1870 in Kentucky. She married Thomas Thacker 14 Jul 1886 in Boyd Co., Ky.

viii. Ann H. She married Unknown Snow. This Ann might be Hester A., who was reported as Ann on one census, identifiable because of birth year.

Octavia married, second, Henry Clay Deegins (also Deegin/Diggins), son of William Deegins (born in Kentucky) and Amanda McIntyre, 25 May 1874, in Octavia’s home in Catlettsburg, Boyd Co., Ky. Henry was 20, Octavia 33 and widowed. Born 3 Jun 1850 in Illinois. Died 22 Jan 1919 in Denning, Ark. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Denning; gravestone inscription, “Father let thy grace be given, That we may meet in Heaven”. Octavia and Henry had three children—Melvina Deegins, born 8 Jun 1876; Amanda Deegins, born 23 Jun 1880; Jennie Alice Deegins, born 13 Sep 1881; and adopted James Madison Honaker, Octavia’s grandson from her first marriage, in the process changing his surname to James Madison Deegins.

The 1880 Durbin, Boyd Co., Ky. census recorded household #91 as Henry C. Deegan, 27, railroad laborer, could not read or write, born in Illinois, disabled and seven months out of work; Octvie Deegan, 38, wife, keeping house, born in Kentucky; Melvinie Deegan, 4, daughter, born in Kentucky; Termandy Deegan, 1, daughter, no birthplace indicated; Hester Honaker, 12, daughter, born in Kentucky, could not read or write, attended school that year; Elizabeth Honaker, 10, daughter, born in Kentucky, could not read or write, attended school that year. Also in the household were William Brumfield, 22, relationship not indicated (husband of Octavia’s daughter Cynthia), laborer, born in Virginia; Setha [Cynthia] A. Brumfield, 19, wife, keeping house, born in Kentucky; Harry N. Brumfield, 10 months old, son, born in Virginia.

Close by in the 1880 census, household #87, (all born in Kentucky) were Christofer Deegan, 45, farmer, could not read or write; Martha Deegan, 40, wife, keeping house; James Honaker [Octavia’s eldest son], 23, son-in-law, laborer, could not write; Jane Honaker, 19, wife, could not write; Charles W. Honaker, 3, son; Tennisee E. Honaker, 2, daughter; Jane Honaker, 3 months, daughter, born in March. We do not know the relationship between Henry C. and Christofer Deegan.

6.xi. Caroline Virginia[3] Honaker (Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Jun 1861 in Wolf Creek, Bland Co., Va. Died 11 Apr 1925 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Rocky Gap, Bland Co., Va.

The 1880 census found Caroline and her husband James on June 8 at Rocky Gap, Bland County, living in the household of his parents. James was 22, working on farm, b. in Va.; parents b. in Va.; Caroline was 18, b. in Va.; parents b. in Va. The 1900 census found the family still in Rocky Gap June 1: James V. Gibson, 42, b. Feb 1858, m. 1879; Caroline V., 40, b. Jan 1860, mother of 12 children, 10 living; Maggie M., 19, b. Aug 1880 in Va.; Ellie M., 18, b. Apr 1882 in Va.; Charley B., 16, b. Nov 1883 in W.Va.; Fredrick L., 15, b. Jun 1884 in Va.; Willie H., 13, b. Jun 1886 in Va.; Edora, 8, b. Jun 1891 in W.Va.; Clide B. (daughter), 7, b. Feb 1893 in W.Va.; Cleo G., 4, b. Jun 1895 in Va.; Cecil Ethel (daughter), 3, b. Apr 1897 in Va.; Joseph S., 1, b. Mar 1899 in Va.

The 1910 census found the family in Rocky Gap on April 15: James V. Gibson, 53; Caroline V., 49; Maggie M., 29, married; Clidie B., 18; Cleo G., 15; Cecil E., 13; Joseph S., 11; James F. Enich, 6, b. in Va., (grandson), father b. in Ohio; Willie F. Enich, 1 year 7-mo., b. in Va.; grandson, father b. in Ohio. Researcher Brenda Mosrie reported in 2013 that “Enich” should have been “Evick”. The 1920 census found the family still in Rocky Gap on January 5: James V. Gibson, 61; Caroline V., 58; Shelby, 20, son, b. in Va.; Maggie Evic, 38, daughter, widowed; Fred Evic, 15, grandson, parents b. in Va.; Pauline Evic, 10, granddaughter, b. in Va.

She married James V. Gibson, son of Samuel T. Gibson and Jane Unknown in 1879. Born Feb 1858 in Virginia. Children:

6.xi. i. Maggie M[4]. Born Aug 1880 in Virginia. In the 1910 census she was living with her

parents but enumerated as married. Two grandchildren also were shown in her parents’ household, Maggie’s children. In the 1920 census she was still living with her parents, enumerated as a widow.

ii. Ellie M. Born Apr 1882 in Virginia.

iii. Charley B. Born Nov 1883 in West Virginia.

iv. Fredrick L. Born Jun 1884 in Virginia.

v. Willie H. Born Jun 1886 in Virginia.

vi. Jordan Woods (twin). Born 15 Feb 1889. Died 26 Feb 1889.

vii. Pearly Grace (twin). Born 15 Feb 1889. Died 23 Feb 1889.

viii. Edora E. Born Jun 1891 in West Virginia.

ix. Clide B.(f.) Born Feb 1893 in West Virginia.

x. Cleo G. Born Jun 1895 in Virginia.

xi. Cecil Ethel(f.) Born Apr 1897 in Virginia.

xii. Joseph S. Born Mar 1899 in Virginia.

xiii. Shelby. Born ca. 1900 in Virginia. Not listed in the household in 1900 or 1910 censuses,

he was enumerated as a son in the 1920 census. He could have been Joseph S. or a grandson.

8.ix. Laura Josephine[3] Honaker (James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Jul 1857 in Mercer Co., (West) Va. Died 22 Jan (also reported as 22 Jun) 1918 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried in Van Sarrett Cemetery, Arnett.

She married Van Sanford Sarrett, son of John Tinsley Sarrett and Nancy Combs, 7 Jun 1877 in Arnett. Various spellings of Van’s surname were reported; we have accepted Raleigh Co., W.Va. marriage records as authoritative. Van was 22, Laura was 18 when they were married by Joseph N. Eastep. Born 15 Aug 1854 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., (West) Va. Buried in Van Sarrett Cemetery. He was a brother of Viola F. Sarrett who married Laura’s brother William Baxter. Children:

8.ix. i. Malone L. (called Loney)[4] Born ca. 1878 in Arnett.

ii. William P.

iii. Bertha.

iv. Donna Bell (called Tossie).

v. Sina.

8.xii. Louemma Jackson[3] Honaker (called Sis) (James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 6 Oct 1861 in Mercer Co., (West) Va. Died 1894 or 1899 in Floyd Co., Ky.

She married William Andrew Wills, son of Hiram Wills and Catherine Massey, ca. 1880 in West Virginia. Born 1 May 1858 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 24 Jan 1925 in Bull Creek, Floyd Co., Ky. Buried in Wills Cemetery, Bull Creek. Children:

i. Nora[4]. Born 18 Mar 1881 in Logan Co., W.Va.

ii. Richard. Born 16 Apr 1882 in Floyd Co., Ky.

iii. Charlie. Born 23 Aug 1883 in Floyd County. Died 28 Oct 1883 in Floyd County. Buried in Wills Cemetery, Bull Creek.

iv. James Hiram. Born 6 Feb 1885 in Floyd County. Died 27 Apr 1973 in Gallia Co., Ohio.

v. Laura. Born 6 Jul 1886 in Floyd County.

vi. William A. Born 26 Oct 1893 in Floyd County. Died 29 Nov 1972 in Floyd County. Buried in Richmond Cemetery, Prestonsburg, Floyd County.

10.vi. Mary Luther[3] Honaker (William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 May 1859 (also reported as 13 May 1855) in Mercer Co., (West) Va. Died 18 Nov 1930 in Pine Knob, Raleigh Co., W.Va. She and her family were enumerated in the Raleigh Co., W.Va. census, Marsh Fork District, 4 Jun 1900 as dwelling and family #45: Webb, A. Whitten, 40, married 23 years, b. Sep 1859, farmer; Mary L., 41, m. 23 years, b. May 1859; children all born in West Virginia; Lenini [illegible] C., daughter, 17, b. Jun 1882; Loyd B., son, 14, b. Apr 1886; E. Dow, daughter, 10, b. Sep 1889; Ina A., daughter, 8, b. Jul 1891; A. Brook, daughter, 5, born Nov 1894; Marjy B., daughter, 3, b. May 1897; Minnie, daughter, 5 mo., b. Feb 1900. The family was enumerated in the Raleigh Co., Pine Grove Precinct census 21 Apr 1910 as household and family #63: Webb, A. Whitten, 50, married 34 years, retail store merchant; Mary L., 50, married 34 years, mother of 9 children, all living; Lloyd, son, 25, farm laborer; Ina, 19; Brooke, 16; Marjy, 13; Minnie, 10.

She married Andrew Witten (also Whitten) Webb, son of James Franklin Webb and Mary Jane Cook, 29 Jul 1876 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 4 Sep 1859 (also reported as 4 Sep 1854) in Marsh Fork, Raleigh Co., (West) Va. Died 22 Aug 1950 in Raleigh County. The marriage record gives his middle name as Witten; 1900 and 1910 censuses give it as Whitten.

The loss of 1890 census records in a fire in 1921 poses a problem with Mary Luther’s descendant information. The 1910 census shows Mary Luther at age 50 with nine children, all living. However, the first census records available to us after her marriage show the eldest still at home as Lena C., born 19 Jun 1881 (or Jun 1882), and seven in all, with the youngest being Minnie, born Feb. 1900. The 1910 census reveals that Lena is no longer in her parents’ home; with the other six still there. This means that the two unaccounted for children probably were born prior to Lena. Researchers reported the existence of three more, Cora V., Sara J. and Faye Hindrick.

Although not proved by Mary Luther’s census records, a Raleigh County researcher reported in 2009 the existence of a marriage between Sarah Webb and Isaac Hendricks 26 Apr 1895. The marriage was recorded as Hendrix, subsequently recorded as Hendricks. If Sarah is the Sara J. reported by researchers as a daughter of Mary Luther, and if she were born the year after Mary Luther’s marriage, she could be old enough to be the Sarah Webb to have married Isaac Hendricks in 1895. Her listing has been so reported by some researchers and continues below under that premise. Children:

10.vi. i. Sara J.[4]

ii. Cora V.

10.vi. iii. Lena C. Born 19 Jun 1881 (1900 census gives Jun 1882) in Raleigh County.

iv. Lloyd B. Born Apr 1886.

v. E. Dow. Born Sep 1889.

vi. Ina A. Born Jul 1891.

vii. Almeda Brooke. Born Nov 1894.

viii. Marjy B. Born May 1897.

ix. Minnie. Born Feb 1900.

10.viii. Centhia Victoria[3] Honaker (also Cintha) (called Victoria) (William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1863 in Mercer Co., (West) Va.

She married, first, Napolean Bonaparte Allen Wills, son of William Joseph Wills and Ingabo Allen, 21 Jan 1881 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 10 Jun 1858 in Raleigh County. Died 15 Nov 1935 in Burning Springs, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Sharon Cemetery, Kanawha County. They divorced. He remarried Emma Lee Dooley.


10.viii. i. Joe Nathan[4].

ii. Robert.

iii. Virgie. She married Unknown Brown.

iv. Icie. She married Homer Kincaid.

v. Beatrice.

vi. Ruby.

She married, second, Unknown Hardman.

10.x. William Sheffer[3] Honaker (called Sheff) (William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Sep 1869 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 23 Jun 1955 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. His middle name was not previously known in the family. It may have been in honor of the Schaffer family who were gunsmiths known to Abraham[1] and William Crockett[2], who may have been instrumental in teaching the Honakers the gunsmithing trade. It could also been in honor of a well-known regional evangelist, Robert S. Sheffey (1820-1902). Sheffey married Margaret Jane Honaker, an Abraham descendant. His picture appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2001.

He married Clarie (also Clorie and Cloris) E. Stump, daughter of James Berl Stump and Sara A. Carr, 28 Apr 1897. The wedding was performed by Sheff’s brother John Henry. Born 1876 in Floyd, Va. Died 7 Feb 1968 in Beckley.


i. Rubye Sara[4]. She married, first, Unknown. She married, second, Robert Gregg

Wilbourn and lived in Morgantown, W.Va. In 2002 a grandson, David Gregg Wilbourn, was identified.

13. Samuel L.[3] Honaker (Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Moved to Jefferson City, Mo., with his parents ca. 1859.

14. Charles B.[3] Honiker (Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

i. Lucy J.[4] Born in 1865 in Missouri. She married Hezekiah Nolen Wood, Abraham

fourth-generation #2.i.vi., son of Jobe Wood and Elinder Jane Honaker.

16. Benjamin Franklin[3] Journell (Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Benjamin and his son Charles were killed in their home in Fayette Co., W.Va. during the Civil War by northern bushwhackers who shot Benjamin in the back, then set the house on fire, killing him and Charles.

He married Susan Diamond, said to be a full-blooded Cherokee. In 1871, Susan married, second, William H. Cash in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Children (of Benjamin and Susan):

16. i. Josephus E.[4] (used the name Joseph in legal documents; also known as Joe Cash,

his stepfather’s surname). Born 5 Mar 1856 in Giles Co., Va.

ii. Charles E. Died in Fayette Co., W.Va.

iii. James William (occasionally used the surname Cash, as did some of his descendants.)

17. Mary Ann[3] Journell (Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 Apr 1830 in either Montgomery or Giles Co., Va. Died 26 Feb 1914 in Dublin, Pulaski Co., Va. Buried in Highland Cemetery, Dublin.

She married Peter Conrad Tickle, son of Daniel Tickle and Elizabeth Lineberry (called Betsy), 18 Nov 1852 in Pulaski County. Born Mar 1830 (also reported as Aug 1830) in Orange Co., N.C. Died 13 Feb 1903 in Pulaski County. Buried in Highland Cemetery, Dublin. Peter, a brother of Josiah who married her sister Elmira, was a private in Co. I, 36th Regiment, Virginia Infantry. He was discharged at Charleston, W.Va. Jun 1865 after being held as a prisoner of war. Children:

74. i. John H.[4] Born ca. 1854 in Pulaski or Giles Co., Va.

ii. Sarah E. Born ca. 1855 in Pulaski County. She married Unknown Lambert.

75. iii. Margaret Ann. Born ca. 1856 in Giles Co., Va.

83. iv. Cynthia Victoria. Born 22 Feb 1858 in Pulaski County. Died 1 Sep 1917. Buried

in Highland Cemetery, Dublin. She married Charles Madison Waterson[4] Carden (called Charlie) (Abraham[1]) and their descendants follow his listing.

v. Elizabeth Jane. Born 2 Jul 1860 in Pulaski County. She married John Caves 4 Mar 1881.

vi. Peter E. Born ca. 1862 in Bland Co., Va. He married, first, Rosa Collins 10 Sep 1884. He

married, second, Alice Fieck Gardner 24 Sep 1906 in Radford, Va. He married, third, Fannie Caldwell Elswick 23 Apr 1919 in Pulaski County. He married, fourth, Mary Snyder Stone 19 Apr 1929 in Pulaski County.

17. vii. Sylvia Caldonia. Born ca. 1864 in Bland Co., Va.

77. viii. Harriett E. Born 11 Nov 1866 in Giles County.

78. ix. Ella Catherine. Born 11 Jan 1870 in Parrott, Pulaski County.

79. x. Mary Josephine. Born 7 Sep 1871 in Bland Co., Va.

80. xi. William H. Born 17 Aug 1875 in Pulaski County.

18. Henry[3] Jennelle (Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 Sep 1832 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died 20 Sep 1905 in Eggleston, Giles Co., Va. Buried in a field near the intersections of State Routes 730 and 663, ¼ mile northwest of Eggleston Road. The tombstone reads Henry Jennelle, Pvt., Co. F, 54 Regt., Va. lnf., Civil War, born 14 Sep 1832, died 20 Sep 1905.

The 1860 census emumerated him at age 28 in Western District, Pulaski County. The 1880 and 1900 censusus enumerated him in Walkers Creek, Giles County. The name is recorded as Jennelle in the 1880 Giles County census. His Civil War service is listed in Sherwood’s 54th Virginia Infantry, and in Giles County Virginia History—Families. He enlisted 9 Sep 1861 in Newbern, Va., with Co F, 54th Virginia Infantry. He was recorded as present for duty in company rosters dated I Jan 1862, 31 Dec 1863 and 29 Feb 1864. He was detailed as a nurse at Emory & Henry College 31 Oct 1863. He was taken prisoner near Atlanta 20 Jul 1864 and sent to Camp Douglas, Ill., where he was held until released on oath in Jun 1865. He was described as having dark complexion, hair and grey eyes, 5-ft. 9-inches, a resident of Pulaski, Co., Va.

He married, first, Araminta Ann (also Mary Arimenta and Arementa) Burton in Giles Co., Va. Born ca. 1835 (also 1838) in Giles County. Children:

i. George William[4]. Born 11 May 1867 in Pulaski County. Died 1940 in Giles Co., Va. Buried in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Trigg, Giles Co., Va. He married Nancy Bolton Croy 11 Feb 1891 in Giles County.

ii. James A. or H. Born 1870 in Pulaski County. He married Vernie E. Brotherton 13 or 17 Jan 1894 in Giles County.

iii. E.S. (also Sue). Born 1872 in Virginia.

iv. C.H. Born 1874 in Virginia.

v. E.M. Born 1876 in Virginia.

vi. Turah M. Born 1878 in Virginia. Married Unknown Markey.

vii. D. Edward. Born 1883 in Virginia.

18. viii. Julian Andrew. Born 29 Apr 1885 in Giles Co., Va.

viii. Robert Early. Born 1887.

ix. Andrew A. Born 1890.

x. Alden.

xi. Roosevelt.

He married, second, Mattie Outz 8 Jan or 16 Feb 1904. Born 1873. Died 1948. Children:

xii. Benjamin R. Born 1907. Died 1954.

21. Elmira[3] Journell (called Ellen) (Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Josiah Tickle, son of Daniel Tickle and Elizabeth Lineberry (called Betsy). Her sister Mary Ann married his brother Peter C. Children:

21. i. James Harvey[4]. Born in 1859.

23. James Mitchell[3] Journell (Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Virginia death records recorded him as James M. “Jernele,” that he died of liver disease at age 52, and that his death was reported by his wife C.J. Jernele. He served in the 54thVirginia Infantry during the Civil War. His service is listed in Sherwood’s 54th Virginia Infantry.

24. Charles Russell[3] Journell (Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

24. vii. Frank W. [Jennelle]. Born in Jan 1885.

28. Benjamin[3] Honaker (Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Benjamin moved his family to Missouri in 1870 or 1871. They were enumerated 1 Jun 1880 in the Lincoln Twp., Nodaway Co., Mo., census. He was listed as a farmer. Elliott, Elizabeth and Mary were listed as “at school.” Elliott and Elizabeth were listed as born in Ohio. Mary, Fred, James and Vera were listed as born in Missouri. Children:

28. iv. Fred. Born 7 Sep 1875.

28. vii. Clara. Born Jun 1882.

31. Luemma Jackson[3] Honaker (also reported as Lucinda) (called Emma) (Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Robert Howe (reported by one researcher as Robert Hall) Bailey. Children:

i. Sallie Anne Howe[4].

vi. James Earl. In 2000 his descendants still lived on family land in Bluefield, W.Va.

31. ix. Charles Straley.

x. John Alexander Douglas.

xi. Unknown daughter. Born and died in 1873.

xii. Sarah.

Another Luemma J. Honaker existed in the same timeframe and place but her identity is not presently known. She was born ca. 1855 in Mercer Co., (West) Va., and married Obediah Tabor 14 Aug 1873 in Mercer County. Born ca. 1853 in Tazewell Co., Va. They were enumerated in the 1920 Raleigh Co., W.Va. census in Marsh Fork District, Pine Grove Precinct, as household #202. Also resident in the household was Chessie Hunter, a 16-year-old granddaughter. The Marsh Fork area Honakers were Abraham descendants, so she must have been a close relative of Luemma Jackson[3] above.

32. James Davidson[3] Honaker (Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]).

History of the Honaker Church

Prior to the Civil War, a log church was built for worshiping tand schooling. The site of the church is now beneath Interstate 77 on Wolf Creek just pas the Conrad Tuggle home. During the Civil War, the building was used as a clinic for wounded soldiers. The Northern armies came out of Princeton, W.Va. across the mountain and passed through Rocky Gap. The citizens of Rocky Gap who were not in service knew that they were coming and they did not want the Yankees to get their supplies that they had in the church. Because of this, the citizens burned the church.

In 1887, the citizens of the community decided to build the one-room frame building which is located on the Raleigh-Grayson Turnpike, better known as the Camp Road, which was the main road through Rocky Gap at that time. The land was donated by J.D. and Annie Honaker. The deed for the land was dated Aug. 30, 1908. The church was used prior to this time, but the deed could not go into effect until the land was completely paid for. The church was named Honaker Chapel.

Four denominations worshiped here. They were the Methodists, the Baptists, the Presbyterians, and the Lutherans. The Methodists, however, owned the land. It was referred to as a “union” church. Each Sunday of the month a pastor from each of the four denominations held the worship service. Anyone from the four denominations was welcome to attend. Sunday School began at the church sometime prior to 1923. The Sunday School was not divided by denomination.

The structure of the church consisted of only one room with a big potbelly stove in the middle of it and oil lamps on the walls. A porch was added on sometime afterwards. Organizations in the church included the Epworth League (youth organization) and the women’s organization. There was also the Laymen’s Club.

The most famous event held at the church appears to be the quarterly Conference meeting in the summer. There was about 150 to 200 people who attended this event. The Conference lasted for two days; Saturday they held the business part and Sunday, the worship service and dinner. It seems that the dinner is what everyone remembers. It was referred to in those days as dinner on the ground. The food was spread out on blankets to the right and left of a walkway. The reason for this being that there just wasn’t enough room in the church to have a dinner this big. Most of the people came only for Sunday. They would arrive early in the morning. Most had to walk, some had buggies or wagons, and others asked somebody to bring them. It was a great day for fellowship. The people of those days did not have many forms of amusement. This is why everyone looked forward to the day so much.

In 1957, the Methodists decided that they wanted to move out and build their own church. The congregation had just grown too bit. In 1958 when the Methodists moved out, the Baptists decided they also wanted their own church. The Baptists approached the Methodists about buying it from them, and the building was then sold to the Baptists for the sum of $600.

The Baptist women continued their organization. There was also a Laymen’s Revival and singings, referred to as 5th Sunday singings. An organized youth function was held at the church. Members who had not been presently attending came to church. The meal was then held inside the church. Additions had been made to the church sometime after the Baptists bought it. Sunday School rooms were added along with a kitchen and rest rooms. A furnace was also added.

The last worship service was held in the church around 1992. The Baptists felt led to close the doors of the church then. The attendance was down and financially they could no longer keep the doors open.

In the fall of 1993, the Bland County School Board started looking closely at the prospect of buying the church from the Baptists. Sometime prior to 1993, in 1989 or 1990, an agreement had been signed stating that if the church property came up for sale that the school board would make every attempt to purchase it. The price that was negotiated was $12,000. This included the building, land, and various items in the church such as the pews and the piano. At the November 22nd meeting, the purchasing was temporarily scotched. At the next meeting, the Bland County School Board voted unanimously to recommend the purchase.

The purchase had now been made. The building is used as an auditorium for the Mountain Academic Conference Competition matches. There are also plans to use the building for assemblies, Parent Teacher Association meetings and other community purposes.

Honaker Church has a long and interesting history. It served its purpose well as a church, but the time came to close its doors. It is now benefiting the students of Rocky Gap High School. In my opinion, the purchase of the church was a great investment. Note: The Honaker church building is now also the home of the Bland County

History Archives.

–Holly Boone, class of 1995, Bland County History Archives, 2000

The Bland Co., Va., History Archives are maintained by the students of Rocky Gap High School.

A “J.D.” Honaker of Rocky Gap, Bland Co., Va., Republican, served as a delegate to the Republican National Convention from Virginia in 1904. We’re not certain about his identity, but proximity and timeline suggests it was James Davidson.

35. John Robert[3] Honaker (Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Nov 1858 in Rocky Gap, Va. Died 2 Jul 1935.

He married Mary Jane Scott 25 Feb 1885. Born 31 May 1861. Died 3 Sep 1951. Children:

35. i. Ada Anne[4]. Born 17 Dec 1885.

35. ii. Lelia Mae. Born 17 Mar 1887.

105. iii. Lombe Scott. Born 25 Sep 1888.

iv. Ethel Rebecca. Born 3 Feb 1890. Died 23 Mar 1973. She never married.

v. Stuart French. Born 3 Apr 1891. Died 17 Mar 1982. He married, first, Vera McCoy. She

brought two children to the marriage, Jack and Malcolm McCoy. He married, second, Lucille Unknown.

35. vi. Virginia Elsimore. Born 9 Dec 1893.

vii. Andrew Peter. Born 24 Mar 1896. He married Gertrude Unknown.

36. Matilda Jane[3] Honaker (called Tillie) (Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]).

She married John Mack Tuggle (Haigler, Davidson Family of Virginia and West Virginia, referred to him James Mack Tuggle)

38. William Carlton[3] Honaker (Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1840 in Virginia. Died 1921. He and his family were enumerated in the 1880 Tazewell Co., Va., census, living in Jeffersonville.

He married Mary Jane Ratliff, daughter of Louis Ratliff and Unknown. Born ca. 1843 in Virginia. Children:

i. Minnie[4].

ii. Lubina Belle (called Fannie). Born ca. 1867 in Virginia. Died 1936. She married Jessie

Crockett Worley. Born 1856. Died 1944

115. iii. John Robert. Born Nov 1868 in Virginia.

iv. Robert. Born ca. 1869 in Virginia. He married Mary Miller.

v. Charles Daniel. Born ca. 1871 in Virginia. Died 1938. He married Esther Louise Dooley.

vi. Margaret Nancy G. (called Maggie). Born ca. 1872 in Virginia. Died 1934. She married

Andrew Jackson Horton. Born 1867. Died 1929.

38. vii. George Perry (also Perry George), (called Perry). Born ca. 1874 in Tazewell Co., Va.

Aliff. Born 1876.

viii. Martha. Born ca. 1876 in Virginia.

38. ix. William Sidney (called Sidney). Born ca. 1879 in Virginia.

39. Andrew Jackson[3] Honaker (Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Nov 1843 in Radford, Va. Died 31 May 1937 at the home of his son, Thomas Graham Honaker, 10 Meadows Ct., Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried in Wildwood Cemetery, Beckley. The death certificate identified him as a carpenter and gave stomatitis as cause of death.

He was held, first, for a year or more as a prisoner of war at Sandusky Island Prison, Lake Erie, before being transferred to Camp Oliver P. Morton in Indianapolis, Ind. Camp Morton was at the site of the present day Hoosier Dome arena. Andrew Jackson’s Southern Cross of Honor was inherited by his great grandson Thomas G. Honaker III in 1960. Tom gave the Honaker Family Association beautiful photographs of the medal.

An unidentified gunsmith book reported that Andrew Jackson was listed as a gunsmith in the censuses of 1870, 1880 and 1900.

He and his family were enumerated in the 1920 Raleigh Co., W.Va., census, living on Kanawha St., City of Beckley. They were listed as Andrew J. Honaker, 76, house carpenter; Ettie L., 48, wife; Harry, 16, son; Luther, 12, son; Ida, 10, daughter.

He married, second, Etta Lucille Georgia Jones (called Ettie). Died about 1972.


39. xii. Frank E. Born ca. 1899.

39. xiii. Harry B. Born 11 Dec 1902.

124. xiv. Luther Rogers. Born ca. 1908.

126. xvi. Ida Jane. Born 26 Jun 1910.

41. James David[3] Honaker (called Jim) (Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Their son Charles said that the James David family traveled to West Virginia by covered wagon from Rocky Gap, Va., about 1890. They settled on Big Branch, in a hollow on Big Laurel Road, Big Laurel Creek near Griffithsville, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

His wife Susan Hartsella (also reported as Harriet) Linkous was born 18 Jan 1855 in Tazewell Co., Va. We accept as authoritative the middle name Hartsella given by Linkous, Linkous Family History Expanded. Her mother was Emmaline Simpson Surface. Jim and Susan are buried in Plumley Cemetery, Big Laurel Road near Griffithsville, Lincoln Co., W.Va. New information on Jim’s and Emmaline’s children:

i. Laura Belle[4]. Also reported born 3 Jul 1876 in Bland Co., Va. Died of diptheria 19 Sep 1911 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. Buried in Plumley Cemetery. She married Thomas Smith. Died in 1959. There were no children. Linkous, Linkous Family History Expanded, said that Laura and her brother Willie worked in a Springfield, Ohio harness factory and died of a strange disease that killed several workers there.

41. ii. Julia.

41. iii. Charles Robert Johnson Miller (called Charlie Robert). Born 29 Jan 1881.

41. v. Okie Reta. Born in Apr 1886.

vi. George Willie (called Willie). Born 17 Jan 1894 in Bland Co., Va. Died of diptheria 19 Sep 1911 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. Buried in Plumley Cemetery.

43. Andrew Jackson[3] Honaker (John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Jan 1846 in Brown Co., Ohio. Died 18 Feb 1934 in Lemon, Butler Co., Ohio. Buried in Mt. Orab [Ohio] Cemetery. He lived in Excello, Ohio. John Honaker of Excello, probably Andrew’s son, provided the death certificate information, saying Andrew’s father John was born in Virginia.

The 1880 Green Twp., Brown County census enumerated the family as Andrew J., 33; wife Amanda, 29; Addie, 8; John, 6; Maggie, 4; William, 2; Lee, 1; all born in Ohio; the family name was recorded as Honaller, perhaps because the enumerator did not make a legible “k.” The 1900 Pike Twp., Brown County census enumerated the family as Andrew, b. Jan 1846; Amanda, b. Feb 1851, mother of 10 children, eight living; married 28 years; four children at home—Ada, b. Jan(?) 1894, Harry, b. Aug 1891, Julia, b. Sep 1888, and James, b. Feb. 1883.

He married Amanda Wilson, daughter of Wright Wilson and Margaret Fry. Born 14 Feb 1851 in Ohio. Died 6 Feb 1912 in Tate, Clermont Co., Ohio. Buried in Mt. Orab Cemetery. A.J. Honaker of Batavia, Ohio, presumably her husband, provided the death certificate information.


i. Addie[4]. Born 1872 in Ohio. Buried in Mt. Orab Cemetery.

ii. John. Born 1874 in Ohio.

iii. Maggie. Born 1876 in Ohio.

iv. William. Born 1878 in Ohio. Buried in Mt. Orab Cemetery.

v. Lee[4]. Born 1879 in Ohio.

vi. James. Born Feb 1883.

43. vii. Julia A.[4]. Born 2 Sep 1888 in Brown County.

viii. Harry. Born Aug 1891.

ix. Ada. Born Jan(?) 1894. Buried in Mt. Orab Cemetery.

x. Charles. Buried in Mt. Orab Cemetery.

47. John Cunningham[3] Honaker (John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1859 in Green Twp., Brown Co., Ohio (one researcher reported Rocky Gap, Bland Co., Va.). Died in 1925 in Brown County. Buried in Bloomrose Cemetery, Williamsburg, Brown County.

He married Anna Schuyler, daughter of Unknown Schuyler and Rachel Livingood. Born in 1860. Died in 1951. Buried in Bloomrose Cemetery. Children:

i. Louella[4] (also Lula). Died 1948. Buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati,

Ohio. She married Stanley F. Hutchinson.

ii. Beatrice. She married Henry L. MacDonald.

iii. Maxine. She married John W. Anderson and had two children.

iv. Alice. Died 19 Dec 1952. She married Harry Stamm.

v. Harry. Born 30 Apr 1890. Died May 1981. Buried in Bloomrose Cemetery. He never


vi. Clarence. Born 12 Feb 1899. Died 25 Aug 1899. Buried in Bloomrose Cemetery.

vii. Clarice. Born 14 Sep 1900. Died Dec 1986 in Cincinnati, Ohio. She married Albert

William Dallas.

48. Sarah Etta[3] Honaker (James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Died in Mercer Co., W.Va. See photographs [Mary Redmond]. Born 9 Oct 1846 in Giles Co., Va. Died 17 Mar 1917 in West Virginia. Buried in Red Warrior Cemetery, Cabin Creek, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Cemetery records give Sarah’s birth year as 1848.

She married, first, Armstead A. Hurst, son of William R. Hurst and Susanna Nestor, 27 May 1866. Born Nov 1846 in Pulaski, Va. (also reported as 18 Jan 1847 in Carroll Co., Va.) Died of consumption 24 Mar 1879 in Mercer Co., W.Va. He served with Mercer County’s Co. H, 60th Virginia infantry, during the Civil War. He was a farmer. His brother Thomas Jefferson Hurst married, second, Sarah Etta’s sister Matilda Allice Honaker.

The 1880 Mercer Co., W.Va. Census, for Rock, W.Va., enumerated the family 22 Jun 1880 as dwelling 88, household 88—Sarah E. Hurst, [age illegible], renter, widowed, farming & housewife, born in Va., parents born in Va.; James W., son, 13, works on farm, born in W.Va.; Eda M., dau, 11, works on farm, born in W.Va.; Wattson E., son, 10, works on farm, born in W.Va.; Mary A.M., dau, 7, b. in W.Va.; Arley J., son, 4, b. in W.Va.; Elbert S., son, 3, b. in W.Va.

Some information attributed to a Hurst family history has been reported as incorrect by descendants of Sarah Etta’s daughter Eda and son Arley. We take their version as authoritative since they were close to the principals. The incorrect information showed Arley to have married Ida E. White, who was actually his brother James’s wife, and Eda spelled as Edna.


48. i. James William[4]. Born Jan 1867 in Mercer County.

48. ii. Eda Melton. Born 8 Mar 1869 in Mercer County.

137. iii. Wattson E. Born 5 May 1870 in West Virginia.

138. iv. Mary A.M. (called Arminta). Born 1873 in West Virginia.

48. v. Arley Joseph (called Joe). Born Sep 1874 in West Virginia.

vi. Elbert Snowden (called Snowden). Born 8 Feb 1877 in West Virginia [the 1900 census

gives Feb 1878.]

vii. Rosey I. (also L.) Born 3 Nov 1877. She does not appear in the 1880 census.

She married, second, William Wilson (also reported as William B.) Abbott 24 Mar 1882 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 1854 in Virginia or present-day West Virginia. Died 1925. Buried in Red Warrior Cemetery. Sarah and William lived near Naoma, W.Va., and are buried together.

The 1900 Mercer County Census, Cabin Creek District, enumerated the family 15 Jun 1900 as dwelling 367, household 367, with no mention of William. It gives the family as S.E. Abbott, 53, renter, head of household, b. Oct 1846, married 20 years, mother of 12, ten children living, b. in W.Va., can read & write; Forest, son, 17, b. Dec 1882 [month and year illegible] in W.Va, mine laborer, can read & write; 0 months unemployed; Crockett, son, 16, b. Jan 1884 in W.Va., mine laborer, can read & write, 0 months unemployed; India, dau, 15, b. May 1885 in W.Va., can read & write; Maude, dau, 12, b. Feb 1888 in W.Va., at school, can read & write, Snowden Hurst, son, 22, b. Feb 1878 in W.Va., mine laborer, can read & write. The 1900 Mercer County census also records Sarah’s son Joe and his family nearby as dwelling 365, household 365.

The 1910 Kanawha County Census, Cabin Creek District, enumerated the family 5 May 1910 as dwelling 425, household 427. By that time Sarah was living with just one son. The census gives the family as Sarah Abbott, head of household; Crockett, son, coal mine laborer. There is other information on this census but it is illegible. Living nearby is Sarah’s son Joe, at dwelling 435, household 437.


viii. Forrest (called Fid.) Born Dec 1882[?] in West Virginia. He married Unknown McMillion and was a pharmacist in Whitesville, W.Va.

48. ix. Crockett (called Crick). Born Jan 1884 in West Virginia.

x. India (called In). Born May 1885 in West Virginia. She married Oscar Harris and had four unidentified children.

48. xi. Maude Lee. Born 20 Feb 1887 in West Virginia [the 1900 census gives Feb 1888.]

xii. Unknown. Does not appear on the 1880 or 1900 census.

49. Olevia Ann[3] Honaker (James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. Born 29 Nov 1848 in Mercer Co., (West) Va. Died 30 Apr 1926. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak, Mercer County. She was a large, neat woman who did beautiful needlework, loved flowers, and kept a good home with her husband in Pinoak, near Princeton, Mercer County.

She married Rufus Buren McComas (called Rufe), son of Archibald McComas and Savilla/Servilla/Survilla Frances Bailey, 11 Jul 1869 in Dunn, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 11 Feb 1850 in Mercer County. Died 11 Jul 1942 (also reported as 1949) in Mercer County. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. He was one of the first graduates of Concord College, Athens, W.Va. His father Archibald was a Primitive Baptist preacher who organized the Rich Creek, W.Va. Primitive Baptist Church in Lashmeet, Mercer County, in 1851. Rufe was one of the first two paid schoolteachers in Mercer County. The other teacher was Della Burnside. She taught in a rented stockroom at a Princeton store, and even in a jail cell before a schoolhouse was built for her. Rufe built the first schoolhouse in the county, Rich Creek School, at Pinoak, where he taught. He also built two or three other log schoolhouses. He taught subscription school before that. At age eleven, he spent the winter with his uncle, who taught school, and received what education he had. Afterwards, he had the responsibility of teaching his brothers, sister, and several cousins. He was also a stone mason, made and sold chairs with woven seats, and operated a grist mill located between Pinoak and Spanishbury on Rich Creek. In latter years, he lived with his daughter Dulcie Crotty and granddaughter Erma Fay Crotty, then ten, his youngest granddaughter. About a year before he died, there was an item in Grit feature tabloid newspaper that attributed to him the greatest number of descendants for any living person—264 living (eight children, 51 grandchildren, 164 great grandchildren, 41 great great grandchildren. Only five bore the name McComas; three grandsons were in the U.S. Army.

In 2008 descendant Carolyn (Billings) Shinault reported the following article taken from the worldwide web: The [Rufus Buren McComas] family farm was purchased by Rufus in the late 1800s from William Hearst from nearby Lashmeet, W.Va. The purchase price was $1,600 and a mule and comprised 1,200 acres. The property is located at the beginning of Cline’s Country Road along the left side. Mr. McComas cleared the land and built this original farm house while raising a family. The farm and family prospered and became key members of the Pinoak, Matoka, and Lashmeet communities. Around the turn of the century, Rufus’s neighbor on the right side of Cline’s Country Road passed away and another 400 acres was purchased bringing the


139. i. Servilla Frances[4] (called Fanny). Born 5 Oct 1870 in Pinoak.

49. ii. Virginia Elmira. Born 30 Jun 1872 (also reported as 3 Sep 1872) in Pinoak.

140. iii. Mary Magnolia (called Nola). Born 9 Nov 1874 in Pinoak.

141. iv. Elsa Ann. Born 16 Dec 1876 in Pinoak.

142. v. Millard Filmore. Born 9 Dec 1878 (also reported as 9 Dec 1880) in Pinoak.

143. vi. Flossie Louella. Born 4 Dec 1881 in Pinoak

vii. Vera Rosine. Born 25 Jul 1885. Died 1 Sep 1885. She was the first to be buried in

McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. The story of the cemetery is that her father Rufe was working in Matoaka, W.Va., when she became sick. After a few days when she did not improve, Olevia sent word to Rufe, who finished the day’s work and came home after dark. On the way, he cut a walking stick. When he crossed the ridge in sight of the house, he heard a strange sound in the woods nearby. He followed it and it seemed to be coming out of the ground. He stuck his walking stick into the ground to mark the location, thinking that he would come back the next day to investigate. Later that night as she died, Vera made the same strange sound. Taking this as an opem, Rufe buried her on the spot wher the first sound originated.

144. viii. Loren Cogle. Born 10 Dec 1886 in Pinoak.

145. ix. Dulcy Bea. Born 23 Jan 1891 in Pinoak.

50. Andrew Abraham[3] Honaker (called Andy) (James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Apr (also reported as May) in Pulaski, Va. Died 11 May 1940 in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va. Buried in Miller Cemetery, Rock Creek, Raleigh Co., W.Va. He was a prominent resident of Whitesville and lived where the Armstrong Funeral Home stood in 1998.

He married, first, Elizabeth F. Hunter, daughter of William Hunter and Mahala Pettry, 23 Aug 1870. Born 23 Mar 1851 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 23 Dec 1887 in Raleigh County. She was a sister of Lewis Hunter, who married Andy’s sister Arminta Mandona Honaker. Children:

146. i. James Albert[4].

ii. Robert Wirt. Born 22 Feb 1873 (his gravestone says 1874). Died 1939. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va.

147. iii. William Clayton.

148. iv. Charles Blackford.

149. v. Lela.

vi. F. Gilbert. Born 12 Jul 1883.

He married, second, Martha Ann Acord, daughter of John Acord (also reported as William B. Acord and Sara McMillion), 1 Oct 1888. Born 1871 in Raleigh County. Died 25 Mar 1943. Buried in Miller Cemetery, Rock Creek. Andy’s marriage certificate (Raleigh Co., W Va. Book No. 1850-95, p. 44) to Martha Ann gave his age as 37 years, 4 months, 18 days, born in Mercer Co., W.Va., a widower. She was 19 years, 11 days, born in Raleigh Co., W.Va. They were married by Thomas Parris. Children:

150. vii. Heber.

50. viii. Herbert Ward. Born 17 Nov 1891.

50. ix. Ressa Lee. Born 5 Oct 1894.

50. x. Minerva (called Minnie).

50. xi. Marie.

50. xii. Hulda.

52. Mary Luther[3] Honaker (James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs [courtesy of William Darrell Miller.] Raleigh Co., W.Va. marriage records indicate that Mary Luther was 20 and Anderson was 28 when they married by Joseph N. Eastep; that Mary was born in Mercer Co., W.Va. and Anderson was born in Raleigh Co., W.Va.

53. William Baxter[3] Honaker (James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Nov 1855 in Mercer Co. (West) Va. Died 22 Apr 1936 (a family Bible gives 25 Mar 1939) in Arnett, Raleigh County. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett.

The 1880 Raleigh County census listed household #110 as William B., 24; Viola A.F., 26; Charles B., stepson (of William), 7; Flory, daughter, 1; William V., 2 mo., born March; they were living adjacent to the farms of Pyrrhus McGinnis and James Honaker. The 1900 Raleigh County census listed household #78 as William, b. Nov 1855, m. 22 years; Viola F., b. Jul 1853; mother of 14 children, 12 living; William V., b. Mar 1879; Lula F., b. Nov 1882; Nancy E., b. Jan 1885; Ida J., b. Nov 1886; John A., b. Apr 1888; Annie R., b. Nov 1889; James P., Mar 1892; Furbee F., b. Jun 1894; Dewey D., b. Jan 1898. The 1910 Raleigh County census listed household #126 as William Baxter, 54, m. 23 yrs; Viola, 56, mother of 14 children, 12 living; John, 21; James, 18; Dewey, 12. The 1920 Raleigh County census listed household #118, Pine Grove District, as William B., 64; Viola T., 66; Pheoba, 24, divorced; Henry, 21, carpenter; Almeda, 19, daughter-in-law; Dormen, one month, grandson. Living next to them in household #119 was their son William’s family.

William Baxter married Violet (also Viola) A.F. Sarette (also Sarett and Sarrett), daughter of John Tinsley Sarette and Nancy Combs, 26 Apr 1878 in Arnett. Raleigh County marriage records state the groom was 22 years, 5 months, 7 days and the bride, Violett Sarrett, was 23 years, 4 months; both born in Raleigh County. Born 2 Jul 1853 in Arnett. Died 3 Oct 1934 (a family Bible gives 3 Oct 1936) in Arnett. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett. She was a sister of Van S. Sarette, who married William’s sister Laura Josephine. In 2002, a web site on the Combs family said that Viola had a child, Charles (called Bird) [Sarrette] in a former relationship with Perry Hedrick Thompson. Charles was never enumerated living in the William Baxter household. Children (of William Baxter and Violet):

8.ix.i. i. Flora B.[4] Born 1879 in Arnett. She married her cousin Malone L.[4] Sarrett. Their children continue under his listing.

Raleigh County marriage records also show the marriage of a Flora B. Honaker, age 17 (born 1859), to William P. Sarrett, age 18 (born 1858), 25 Dec 1896; the identity of this Flora, a generation earlier, is not presently known, and there is no William P. Sarrett in our database.

157. ii. William Van (called Parker). Born Mar 1880 in Arnett.

53. x. Minerva Mae (called Minnie). Born 4 Jun 1881 in Arnett.

iii. Lula Forest. Born Nov 1882 in Arnett. She married Sanky Linis Dillion (called Sank) 21 Sep 1903 in Raleigh County. Born 1881 in Raleigh County.

iv. Nancy E. Born Jan 1885 in Arnett.

53. v. Ida J. Born Nov 1886.

53. vi. John Ashby. Born 27 Apr 1888 in Arnett.

vii. Annie R. Born Nov 1889 in Arnett.

158. viii. James Perry. Born 21 Mar 1892 in Arnett.

ix. Pheoba F. (also Ferba, Ferbio, Furbee and Phorba) (recorded in the 1900 census as Furbee F., and in Raleigh County marriage records, in her first marriage, as Ferba). Born Jun 1894 in Arnett. She married, first, Lewis P. Lilly 10 Mar 1909 in Raleigh County. The service was performed at her family home by John A. Cook. Lewis was born 1888 in Raleigh County. The 1920 census enumerator found her in her parents’ household and identified her as divorced. She married, second, Ash Cook.

159. xi. Dewey Dwight. Born 1898.

53. xii. Henry. Born ca. 1899.

xiii. Etta. Born in Arnett. She died young.

xiv. Romanza (called Manzie). Born 1889 in Arnett. She lived in Dorothy, W.Va. She married William B. Cook 28 Apr 1906 in Raleigh County. Born 1887 in Raleigh County. Manzie had a daughter who married and was a foster parent to Billy Edd Wheeler until he was 16. Billy became a well known song writer, creating Country Roads and others sung by nationally-known artists.

54. Matilda Allice[3] Honaker (called Allie) (James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

A published history of Allie’s husband’s ancestry gives her parents as William J. and Manerva Honaker. Raleigh Co., W.Va. marriage records give her parents as William B. and Manerva Honaker and say she was 17 years, 14 days, born in Mercer Co., W.Va.; Thomas was 22 years, 5 months, 14 days, born in Mercer County. They were married 24 Mar 1884.

Family researchers who reported Allie’s information to us say that these records are incorrect. However, it is most odd, and inexplicable, that the marriage records give Matilda’s parents as William B. and Manerva, whom we are unable to identify at present.

Her husband Thomas Jefferson Hurst was a brother of Armstead A. Hurst, who married her sister Sarah Etta. (A Hurst genealogical web page gives his birthplace as Floyd Co., Va., and says he married, first, Martha Z. Huffman, born before 1860, died 3 Dec 1883; they had one child, Arvil Venira Hurst, born 1 Oct 1882, died Jun 1949, married Julia Frances Shrewsbury, daughter of James William Shrewsbury and Julia Ann Basham, 25 Sep 1902, born 1 Aug 1887, died 11 Apr 1968.) Children (of Allie and Thomas):

i. Lundy[4]. Born ca. 1890.

iii. Carlos. Born ca. 1898.

iv. Flora. Born ca. 1886.

v. Tommy. Born ca. 1896.

x. Hubert. Born ca. 1892.

55. John Henry[3] Honaker (William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Sep 1847 (his son William B. gave 9 Jul 1847 as John Henry’s birth date on the death certificate) in Marsh Fork, Raleigh Co. (West) Va. Died 9 Jan 1923 in Montcalm, Mercer County. Buried in Methodist Church Cemetery (also called Herndon Cemetery and as Cheer Cemetery for families buried there, Montcalm. He was a Methodist Episcopal minister at Montcalm Church on Methodist Hill. The death certificate identified him as a retired merchant.

The 1880 census for Marsh Fork, Raleigh County, did not record John Henry, but enumerated Sarah A., wife, 32, b. in Virginia; Bezzle, 10, farm worker; Jasper, 8; Jehu, 5; George T., 3; and Mary A., 2.

He married Sarah Elizabeth Belcher, daughter of Christian Belcher and Mary M. Holstein (called Polly), 18 May 1869 in Mercer County. Born 18 Nov 1848 (headstone gives 11 Nov 1847) in Duhring, Mercer Co., (West) Va. Died of stomach cancer 12 Apr 1927 in Montcalm. Buried in Methodist Church Cemetery, Montcalm. Children:

160. i. William Bezalell[4]. Born 11 Feb 1870 in Mercer County.

161. ii. Jasper Lee. Born 21 Sep 1871 in Mercer County.

iii. Elkanah S.[4] Born 15 Jul 1873 in Mercer County. Died of “sore throat” 7 Nov 1875 in Raleigh County.

162. iv. Jehu C. Born 24 Mar 1875 in Mercer County.

163. v. George Thomas. Born 3 Apr 1877 in Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa.

55. vi. Mary Alice. Born 13 Jan 1879 in Marsh Fork, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

vii. Laura. Born 13 Jan 1881 in Raleigh County. Died 22 Mar 1960 in Mercer County. She

married Unknown Meadows. Born 1878 in West Virginia.

164. viii. Sallie P. Born 1885 in Raleigh County.

55. ix. Effie May. Born Aug 1886 in Raleigh County.

x. Lawrence (reported by niece Anita in 2014). Died in the 1970s. He was a pharmacist who

never married.

56. James Buchanan[3] Honaker (William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). His middle name was also reported as Ballard and Benjamin. We have taken Buchanan as authoritative, from the Rev. Denzil R. Daniel, a family historian whose father was a brother to James’s wife. Born Sep 1852 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., (West) Va. Died 28 Feb 1912 in Glen Daniel, Raleigh County. Buried in Saxon. A gunsmith, he also operated a grist mill and general store. He lived near Brackenridge River in Raleigh County, near Marsh Fork. His work as a gunsmith is discussed in two appendices of this book, The Honaker Gunsmiths and The Honaker Riflemakers: Abraham Descendants.

He married Mary Virginia Daniel, daughter of Jesse Edward Daniel and Sarah L. Moore (also reported as Sarah Crabtree) (called Sally) in 1874. Born 20 May 1854 in Raleigh County. Died 1900 in Raleigh County. Smith-Riffe genealogical records reprinted in News Notes, Fayette & Raleigh Counties Genealogical Society, Fall 1998, say that Mary was born in 1854, and that her mother’s name was Sallie Moore. Children:

i. Sarah[4]. Born ca. 1875.

ii. Thomas Jesse. See photograph and music cover. His middle name was also reported as Jefferson. We have taken Jesse as authoritative, from the Rev. Daniel, the death certificate (informant being his wife) and from the gravestone. Born 6 Jun 1876 in Saxon, W.Va. Died of cancer 25 Oct 1942 in Charleston, W.Va. He and his wife are buried in Roselawn section, Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va. He married Hettie Jo Laverty Gates 13 Jul 1910 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 18 May 1886 in Raleigh County. Died 14 Jul 1966.

Information originally reported to us about him was that he was trained in gunsmithing by his father, was a state senator, Secretary of State under West Virginia Gov. Connelley (1928-1932) and founded the Raleigh Herald newspaper. A nephew, James R. Honaker, said that Thomas was a poet laureate of West Virginia. The information has not been corroborated. The West Virginia Archives said in 2007 that he was not Secretary of State at the beginning of the Connelley administration, but could have worked in the secretary’s office or in some other capacity in the administration.

He wrote two state songs, West Virginia Hills (not the well-known version sung today) and Hail West Virginia. West Virginia Hills was reprinted by the Honaker Family Association in 2007 and is available for sale from the association.

His cousin, Dr. George Thomas Honaker, a retired surgeon when he applied for membership in the California Society of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution 13 Aug 1951, said that his deceased cousin Thomas J. Honaker had been a member of the West Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution.

West Virginia Hillbilly, Richwood, W.Va., 7 Jul 1988: The Reader Writes—Dear Jim: The poem, “West Virginia,” by the late T.J. Honaker, Beckley, W.Va. (West Virginia Hillbilly, June 16, 1988), called to mind many fond memories of my native Raleigh County, and especially, my birthplace and rural boyhood home community at Saxon. The Hillbilly inquired, “and who was he? (Honaker)”.

T.J. (Thomas Jesse) Honaker (1874-1942), was the oldest of 13 children born to James Buchanan and Mary Virginia Daniel Honaker, Saxon; he and my late father, Ash H. Daniel, were first cousins. Tom Honaker was one of the many distinguished and honored citizens Raleigh County gave to the Mountain State and nation. His early education, such as was available at that time in rural and somewhat isolated communities at that time, was a one-room school at Honaker Mill (Saxon), taught by the late herb Doctor James F. Webb (born Carroll, Co., Va., 1831).

By pulling himself up by the grace of God and his own bootstraps, Tom Honaker at one time or another across his 68 years developed into a distinguished poet, writer, editor, and for some time, owner of the Beckley Post-Herald. Mr. Honaker served as Secretary of the State Board of Education of West Virginia; he was an employee for several years of Mr. Jackson Smith while he was Clerk of Raleigh County Circuit Court; he distinguished himself as treasurer of Beckley City Council, in 1916–1917. Prior to the previously mentioned, at the early age of 31, he was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt, the Postmaster of Beckley, in which office he served from 1905 to 1907.

T.J. Honaker married a widow, Mrs. Hattie Laverty Gates. Widow Gates had children by her previous husband, but none were born to the second marriage. Upon Mr. Honaker’s death in 1942, at Charleston, as I recall, his earthly remains were laid to rest at Sunset, Beckley, W.Va. Raleigh County, and more especially, Saxon, the place of his birth, can take great pride in giving this multi-talented servant to the Mountain State.

Denzil R. Daniel, 908 Dewberry Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

In the same issue of Hillbilly appeared a poem originally printed on a penny postcard. Under a state seal were the title, West Virginia, and the following lines:

Magnolias bloom in Southern lands, And the pines wave up in Maine; Pacific tides kiss Western sands, Golden grains grow on the plain. But in grand old West Virginia—Sweetest spot ’neath Heaven’s dome—If there’s love and goodness in you, Oh! How sweet is “Home, Sweet Home.” Here lovers stroll ’mong rocks and hills, Where the streams so sweetly flow; In pleasant shades the wild bird trills, And the Rhododendrons grow. The mountain girls are sweet and true, And the mountain boys are free—That’s why I send this card to you, Hoping that you’ll think of me.

Copyright, 1907, by T.J. Honaker, Beckley, W.Va.

“What better way for Hillbillies to wish each other a happy 125th birthday than by reproducing this card which, eighty years ago, one T.J. Honaker of Beckley, and who knows who he was?, printed up for people to send out with a penny stamp! So, rip off this front page and let it be your state’s birthday greeting in this year Nineteen Eighty-eight. (Reprinted from June 17 Hillbilly)”

A Diamond Jubilee Edition of the Beckley Post-Herald, 2 Aug 1975, marked 75 years of the newspaper’s publication. Researcher Jean R. Monk (jeanrm@) said in 2000 that the issue contained an article and copy of a document showing that T.J. Honaker purchased the newspaper from Dr. J.A. Campbell in 1903. A photograph cutline accompanying the article—

Whereas, T.J. Hanaker, on the 27th day of March, 1903, purchased from J.A. Campbell the printing plant known as the Raleigh Herald, for the sum of $1700.00, and whereas, a certain amount of money has got to be paid on or before the 9th day of April, 1903, to-wit, the said amount of $1700.00, and whereas the said T.J. Honaker has made arrangements to borrow the same from the Bank of Raleigh, Beckley, West Va., and whereas, the said T.J. Honaker agrees to keep the interest due thereon to said Bank paid promptly, and to pay off said sum of $1700.00 as rapidly as practicable, and to run said paper in the interest of the Republican party and it’s principles, in an honorable, clean and decent manner, and whereas the said T.J. Honaker agrees to secure the undersigned by deed of trust on the said plant, and as soon as practible, insure the same in a safe and reputable Insurance Company, to secure and protect the undersigned to the extent of the liabilities of each, hereinafter named, that is to say, we the undersigned, promise and guarantee the amount set opposite each of our names, but each one to be liable, only to the extent of the amount set opposite his name; the amount hereto subscribed is for the purpose of securing and saving harmless, any indorser, or indorsers, on any note, made by the said T.J. Honaker, for the purpose of raising said $1700.00, for the paying for the said printing plant, or as well as the indorser or indorsers of any renewal or renewals of said note, and for the payment of which, as above set forth, we promise and bind ourselves to pay.

Given under our hands, this the 28th day of March, 1903. [Each signator agreed to pay $100]. A.P. Farley, H.A. Daniel(?), Harry C. Ellett, G.W. Richardson, A.A. Lilly N.P., John W. Hatcher, Owen Davis, Harry Cook, John Anderson, P.L. Blankenship, Will R. Campbell, T.J. McGinnis, M.F. Matheny, A.B. Clay, W.J. Daniel, A.W. Webb, W.C. Acord, T.K. Scott, M.L. Lynch(?), Albert Williams, J.W. Harper, J.W. Ball, N.A. Campbell(?), David Robertson.

At the bottom is what looks to be “G.W.” Then “Sold to Sam Dixon Mt. Hope.” There is also a signature of Mrs. Maud Richardson Hedrick. for reasons unknown.

Thomas was postmaster of Raleigh Co., W.Va. from 27 Jan 1905 to 28 May 1907.

Beckley’s Earliest History, unknown publisher and date, p. 62, (year 1910): Thomas J. Honaker (1876-1942), with photograph, cutline “Photo Courtesy Post-Herald,” caption “Thomas J. Honaker, Poet, Owner-Editor Raleigh Herald; Poet Laureate of West Virginia; native son”:

Perhaps the most unique document ever recorded in the Raleigh County Court House is the deed marking the purchase of a certain piece of land [owned] by John and Susan Laverty, written by one of Beckley’s most colorful personalities, Thomas J. Honaker—in poetry. The deed in its entirety follows: Deed Book 45 [or 46], p. 261 John Laverty and wife To Londie[?] M. Gates, et al

This deed made on Christmas day, Nineteen hundred and ten,

Anniversary of the birth of Him who died for men,

Between John and Susan Laverty, Who are husband and wife,

Parties of the first part, Who are feeble now, in life,

The parties of the second part, We will now recall,

They are the names that follow, Which number nine, in all:

Lonie M., Hen H., and Ott Gates, Kelly Clay and Radie Clay, And Emmett Harper next,

Montie Laverty, John Laverty, And last is Grade Cook, Which completes the text.


That in consideration, Of the affection and love,

We bear the nine grandchildren, Which are named above

We do hereby give and grant The following real estate,

With warranty that’s general, And which is situate.

In Grand old Raleigh County, And in West Virginia State

In the district of Marsh Fork,

Near where Rock Creek’s waters prate.

And to be more definite, We’ll give you mete and bound,

So all may know exactly, Just what the lines surround.

Beginning at a stake on East side of the ridge, S. 65’ W., 176 feet to a stake on West side of said ridge; S. 25’ E., 247 feet to a stake in and at the head of a small drain N. 65’ E. 176 feet to a stake on top of the ridge above the Cemetery: N. 25’ W. 247 feet to the beginning, containing one acre.

The above tract is granted Which we do now attest,

To themselves and loved ones, For their final place of rest.

The same is meant to be conveyed, Unto them and their heirs forever.

So that all may have their six by three When the cords of life shall sever.

And witness now our signatures, Our solemn seals of love.

And may there be reunion, Unbroken, up above.

John Laverty (seal) Susan Laverty [seal]

iii. Martha J. Born ca. 1878.

165. iv. Albert Waymon (called Jake). Born 3 Apr 1879 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

v. William A. Born ca. 1879.

vi. Lizzie.

vii. Lennie C. Born ca. 1880. She married Henry Franklin Humphrey, son of William

Humphrey and Catherine Unknown, 11 Jan 1897 in Fayette Co., W.Va. F.S. McNuly performed the ceremony. They divorced 23 Sep 1899 in Fayetteville, Fayette County. A granddaughter, Sandra Johnson, lived in Duluth, Minn., in 1997.

viii. Annie.

ix. Mary.

56. x. Artie M. Born ca. 1883.

xi. Jenny.

xii. Wayne.

xiii. Kelly.

56. xiv. George Johnson. Born 9 May 1887.

166. xv. John Huling. Born 19 Jul 1896.

In 2002 James Buchanan’s grandson James R. Honaker said that one of James Buchanan’s daughters married Jackie Star, lived in Skelton, W.Va., had two sons killed in submarines in the South Pacific during World War II, and a daughter, Madeline, who lived in Oceana, W.Va.

Charles Honaker, probably a grandson, married Addie Cozart. Because we cannot presently tie him to James, we have placed him and his descendants in the Unknown Chapter.

57. Andrew Jackson[3] Honaker (Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Apr 1851 in Giles Co., Va.

The 1880 census found Andrew Jackson and his family in Newbern, Pulaski Co., Va. The census recorded him as 31, a widower and farm laborer born in Virginia, father and mother born in Virginia. Also in the household were John L., 8; James W., 7; Charles E., 3; Martha Skelton, 35; Margaret Skelton, 36.

In the 1900 census, he and his family were in the Auburn District, Montgomery Co., Va. He was a farmer.

He married, first, Unknown. Children:

57. i. John Lewis[4] Born 16 Sep 1872 in Virginia.

57. ii. James William. Born 29 Apr 1873 in Radford, Va.

iii. Charles E. Born 1877 in Virginia.

He married, second, Louisa Smith, daughter of Charles Smith and Catherine Unknown., 14 Mar 1878 in Pulaski Co., Va. They were married by George Stewart. Born 1858 in Montgomery Co., Va. Apparently died before the 1880 census, since Andrew was listed as a widower then.

He married, third, Martha B. Skelton, daughter of M. Skelton and N. Unknown, 17 May 1881 in Pulaski Co., Va. They were married by W.H. Price. Born Apr 1850 in Montgomery Co., Va. One researcher reported their two children below were adopted, but we’re not sure. They were raised with the Honaker surname:

iv. Lilly C.[4] Born Dec 1881.

57. v. Bessie L. Born Mar 1896 in Virginia.

58. James William[3] Honaker (called Bill) (Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). See photographs. It was first reported that he was James Walter Honaker, born 26 Aug 1856 in Giles Co., Va., died 7 Jul 1933 in Pocahontas, Tazewell Co., Va., buried in Pocahontas Cemetery. It was later reported by a great granddaughter that his middle name was William, that his birth year was 1858, and that he died in Bluefield [W.Va.] Sanitarium.

James moved his family from Giles County to Bluefield, W.Va. in 1887, where he operated a store. In 1900, after the store burned, he moved the family to Pocahontas, Va. In addition to being a storekeeper, during his lifetime he worked as a coal mine blacksmith, and drove the first streetcar in Bluefield, which was pulled by a team of horses; and in Pocahontas operated a taxicab company. An Aug 1933 obituary in the Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph noted that he possessed a wealth of information concerning the area’s early history.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph , Jul 1933: Pocahontas Man Dies of Wounds—Tazewell County Officials Seek Assailants of J.W. Honaker; Robbery Believed Motive of Crime

Tazewell county authorities late yesterday were without any tangible clues that might lead to the identity of the two persons who Tuesday night attacked J.W. Honaker, 73, of Pocahontas, inflicting wounds that resulted in his death early Friday morning.

Mr. Honaker, one of the early citizens of Bluefield, was attacked by two men near his home. Unconscious, he was brought to the Bluefield sanitarium early Wednesday morning. He died about 6 a.m Friday. In the belief that robbery was the motive of the attack, authorities have traced every possible clue but to no avail.

Mr. Honaker left home about 9 o’clock Tuesday evening with a colored man, Charles Oberton, who worked for him at intervals. They were on separate errands, Mr. Honaker to deliver a wagon part he had repaired for a neighbor, Bob Boone, while the colored man was to deliver a message from Mr. Honaker to another resident in a different direction.

Oberton was endeavoring to light his pipe and had fallen several feet to the rear. After reaching down to strike a match on a rock, he raised himself erect just in time to hear thudding blows and see three figures instead of one ahead of him. There was a loud scuffle, climaxed with Oberton being spied out in the shadows in the next instant. “Get him, too!” one of the men shouted, at which Oberton fled back to the Honaker home. Procuring a shotgun and enlisting the aid of a friend, he returned to find Mr. Honaker unconscious and prostrate in a pool of blood.

Mrs. Honaker supplied authorities with the information her husband was carrying fifty dollars in currency at the time he left home. There was no trace of it on his person when found. Mr. Honaker had resided in Pocahontas since 1900, and before that lived in Bluefield for thirteen years. With a team of horses he pulled the first horse-drawn street car in Bluefield. He possessed a wealth of information concerning the early history of this entire section.

Surviving are his widow, who before marriage was Miss Susan Williams, of Pembroke, and six children—Edgar, Estil and Albert Honaker, all of Pocahontas; Harvey Honaker, of Elkhorn; Mrs. Lon Overstreet and Mrs. Alex Reed, both of Pocahontas. There are thirty-six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church in Pocahontas this afternoon at 4 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. R.H. Bowden, assisted by the Rev. A.V. Rudy. Burial will be in the Pocahontas cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frazier will sing.

He married Elizabeth Susan Williams (also reported as Susan Elizabeth) (called Sue), daughter of Harvey Andy Williams and Sarah Hodge (also reported as Hoge), 27 Jun 1878. The Rev. Jacob Douthat performed the ceremony at James’ family home in Pembroke, Va. Sue was born 11 May 1854 in Giles County. Died 3 Feb 1941 in Pocahontas. Buried in Pocahontas Cemetery. At the time of her marriage she was a Giles County schoolteacher. Children:

167. i. Edgar Jackson[4]. Born 14 May 1879.

ii. Walter J. Born 12 Feb 1882 in Giles Co., Va. Died in a coal mine accident. He was enumerated in the 1900 census as an 18-year-old teamster living in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va.

iii. John Harvey. Born 14 May 1884 in Giles Co., Va., according to Giles County birth records. One researcher reported 6 Aug 1884. He married Nannie Unknown. He relocated to Michigan.

168. iv. Estel French. Born 13 Mar 1887.

58. v. Albert Newton (called Al). Born 1 Apr 1890 in Bluefield, W.Va.

vi. Bessie B. Born 19 Jan 1893 in Bluefield, W.Va. She married Lon Overstreet.

169. vii. Elsie Jane. Born 24 Oct 1895 in Bluefield, W.Va.

59. Victoria Jane[3] Honaker (Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 Nov 1861 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died 1900 in Summers Co., W.Va. In 1880, she and her family were enumerated in Pembroke District, Giles Co., Va.

She married John C. Vickers, son of Harrison Vickers and Zerilda Bateman, 14 Mar 1877 in Giles (also reported as Summers) County. Born ca. 1846 in Pulaski County. He was a stone mason. Children:

i. William E.[4] Born ca. 1878 in Virginia (also reported as West Virginia).

ii. Charles B. Born ca. 1879 in Virginia (also West Virginia).

107. William Davidson[3] Tuggle (called Bill) (Matilda Jane[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Wanda Wolford (also Wholford.) Haigler, Davidson Family of Virginia and West Virginia, reported her as Sandra Sehlford.

Fourth Generation

2.i.i. Samuel David[4] Wood (Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born l8 Jun l855 in Kentucky. Baptized in the Methodist Episcopal Church 23 Oct 1859 in Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Ind. He was a hostler and farmer.

He married Mary A. Unknown. Born 8 Aug 1866 in Kansas. Died 1 Nov 1899 in Riley Co., Kan. Children:

i. George E.[5] Born 4 Feb 1882 in Riley Co., Kan. Died 8 Mar 1884 in Riley County.

2.i.iv. Amelia Elizabeth[4] Wood (also Emila Elisabeth) (Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born l5 Jan 1859 in Indiana. Died 17 Oct 1946 in Ogden, Riley Co., Kan. Buried in Ogden. Baptized 23 Oct 1859 in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Columbus, Ind.

She married her first cousin, James Wood, eldest son of William Wood and Sarah Jones, 18 Apr 1880 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Mo. Born 27 Sep 1844 in Liverpool, England. Died 5 Sep 1921 in Ogden, Kan. Buried in Ogden. He was a freighter and farmer.

Connelley, Kansas and Kansans: Vol. 4, contained the following profile of him: James Wood.

Among her valued citizens, Kansas can number yet many of her pioneers, not the floating population of her earliest territorial days, but men who came to the state as home seekers, even before the outbreak of the Civil War. These courageous and resourceful men are universally held in honorable esteem for the great progress made by Kansas was founded upon their hardihood and energy. One of these is found in James Wood, a representative citizen and a substantial farmer of Ogden Township, Riley County.

James Wood was born in England, Sept. 27, 1844, the eldest son of William and Sarah (Jones) Wood. They came to the United States in 1850, accompanied by their three sons, James, Thomas and William. After living about five years in Greenup Co., Ky., the family moved to La Salle Co., Ill., thence to Kansas, in the fall of 1857. They settled on the present farm of James Wood, in Ogden Township. Three more sons had been added to the family: Edward and Joseph, both of whom were born in Kentucky, and Charles, who was born in Illinois. The mother of James Wood died in 1862 and the father for his second wife chose Mrs. Elizabeth (Busby) Green, who became the mother of two children: Mary Ann and Ellen Elizabeth. After her death William Wood married a third time but there was no issue of that marriage.

From 1860 to 1866 William Wood was engaged in the freighting business, owning his own outfit and operating between Leavenworth and Fort Dodge. After retiring from this strenuous business he was engaged exclusively until his death in 1883, at the age of 63 years, in farming in Riley County. He was a man of true worth, of strong force of character, and his business efforts were attended with satisfying success. He was a consistent Christian, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was a careful and judicious father and kind and helpful neighbor.

James Wood was but six years of age when his parents cane to America and 13 when they came to Kansas. Children of pioneers had comparatively few educational advantages and James found his time taken up in attending to clearing up his father’s farm while the latter maintained his freighting business. After he was 21 years old he embarked in the same business for himself and during the two years in which he was so engaged had some thrilling experiences including two attacks by Indians on him with other freighters. In 1864, at Cow Creek, between Forts Riley and Larned, about 300 Indians opened fire upon the party of freighters which consisted of about 100 men. The fight lasted seven days and resulted in the killing of two of the freighters by the savages. The second attack from the Indians was made at Downer’s Station, on the Smoky Hill River, when the Indians numbered about 50 and the freighters 12. This was a sharp skirmish and the Indians succeeded in killing one of the party and captured two horses. Mr. Wood finally retired from this dangerous business, one that at the time was an absolute necessity because of lack of other methods of transportation, and then went into the peaceful, if laborious business of farming and stockraising. He has been eminently successful and now owns 640 acres of fine Kansas River valley land, on which are modern improvements including a handsome and commodious residence. Mr. Wood owns additionally 200 acres of ridge land, which he uses for grazing purposes.

Mr. Wood was married Apr. 18,1880, to Miss Amelia Elizabeth Wood, who is a daughter of Job and Eleanor Jane (Honaker) Wood. She was born in Indiana, Jan. 15, 1859. Her father, who was a brother of the late William Wood, was born in England and came to the United States in 1850. He lived first in Kentucky, then in Illinois and later in Missouri, and came to Kansas in 1873 and settled in Ogden Township, Riley County, where he died when aged 60 years.

Mrs. James Wood is one of a family of 12 children born to her parents and was in her 15th year when she came to Kansas and was 21 when she was married to Mr. Wood, he being then almost 36 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Wood are the parents of the following children: William Harry, Elsie Jane, James Clarence, Charles Henry and Job Elbert and Joseph Albert, twins. Job Elbert, Joseph Albert and Charles and William all live with their parents. James Clarence resides at Junction City and Elsie Jane, who is the wife of I.J. Shockley, a farmer, lives in Riley County.

Although nominally a democrat, Mr. Wood has always felt that he had the right to vote independently when his judgment prompted him. He has never desired public office for himself but has been the kind of citizen that has assisted good and competent men for positions of responsibility. He has long been identified with the Order of Odd Fellows. Mrs. Wood belongs to the Christian Church. Having spent the larger part of his life in Riley County and been a man of influence and importance in all that makes for good citizenship he has a very wide acquaintance and friends of many years standing.


i. William Harry[5]. Born 7 Apr 1881 in Ogden, Kan. Died 29 Jul 1949 in Ogden. He married Besse Faber Myers 5 Apr 1918 in Manhattan, Riley Co., Kan.

ii. Elsie Jane. Born 23 Feb 1883 in Ogden, Kan. Died 23 Feb 1958 in Manhattan, Kan. She married I. Jay Shockley 23 Feb 1905 in Ogden. He was a farmer.

iii. James Clarence. Born 10 Nov 1885 in Ogden, Kan. Died in Jan 1970 in Topeka, Shawnee Co., Kan. He married Josephine Myrtle Neffe 20 Jul 1910 in Junction City, Kan.

iv. Charles Henry. Born 27 Sep 1887 in Ogden, Kan. He married Jean Blazing 15 Sep 1923.

v. Jobe Elbert (twin). Born 7 Jul 1889 in Ogden, Kan. He married Viola Esther Hines 2 Jul 1926 in Alma, Kan.

vi. Joseph Albert (twin). Born 7 Jul 1889 in Ogden, Kan. He married Mary Melissa Hines in Jun 1935 in Alma, Kan.

2.i.v. John Louis[4] Wood (also reported as John Lewis) (Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Feb 1861 in Missouri. Died in Aug 1936 in Junction City, Geary Co., Kan. Buried in Ogden [Kan.] Catholic Cemetery, Riley County. He was a laborer.

He married Anna Elizabeth Fox, daughter of John Fox and Julia Umscheid, 13 Apr 1891 in McDowell Creek, Riley Co., Kan. Born 16 Oct 1870 in Riley County. Died 11 Jul 1952 in Junction City. Buried in Ogden Catholic Cemetery. Children:

i. Lawrence[5]. Born 12 Feb 1892 in Geary County. Died in Sep 1963 in San Diego, Calif.

He married Agnes McAliff in 1919.

2.i.v. ii. Julia. Born 29 Nov 1894.

iii. Edward. Born 3 Jan 1898 in Ashland. Died 14 Jul 1901. Buried in Ogden Catholic


2.i.v. iv. John Louis Jr.[5] (called Jack) Born 29 Mar 1901.

2.i.v. v. William Edward. Born 23 Aug 1910.

2.i.x. Oscar Fitzalen[4] Wood (Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Mar 1867 in Missouri. Died 4 Jan 1902 in Manhattan, Riley Co., Kan. Buried in Sunset Cemetery, Manhattan. He was a farmer.

Manhattan [Kan.] Mercury, 8 Jan 1902: THE GRAVE. [WOOD]—On Sat., Jan. 4, 1902, at his house near Eureka Lake, Oscar [Wood] died of dropsy. Mr. [Wood] has been ill for the past 15 months and has been confined to his bed and a chair during this time. He was one of Riley county’s best known farmers, having for a long time lived near the Lake. A wife is left to mourn his loss.

Manhattan [Kan.] Nationalist, 9 Jan 1902: Oscar Wood Dead. Oscar Wood died at his residence in Eureka Valley Sat., Jan. 4, 1902, aged 34 years. The deceased was a victim of dropsy, having suffered with this disease for nearly two years. For the past year he has been able neither to lie down nor stand up. His suffering has been almost beyond human endurance. All the assistance that could be rendered by loving hands and medical skill was unable to give relief. Mr. Wood spent practically all his life in this vicinity. He was married in 1891 to Elsie Smith, who with one son survives him. Several years ago he united with the Christian church, of which he ever since been a consistent and conscientious member. His sufferings were bore patiently and cheerfully, feeling that he would be restored. But the suffering was greater than his strength, and death finally gained the victory. The funeral services were held at the house, conducted by Rev. Rosenstein, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Manhattan cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends showed their respect by their presence. The bereaved wife and son have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.

He married Margaret Elsie Smith (called Effie), daughter of Robert Bruce Smith and Martha Ellen Thomas, 11 Jan 1891 in Manhattan. Born 1 Apr 1867 in Iowa. Died 20 Sep 1930 in Howard, Elk Co., Kan. Buried in Sunset Cemetery, Manhattan. Effie was a college dean.

Manhattan Mercury, 22 Sep 1930: MRS. EFFIE WOOD DEAD. Mrs. Effie Wood, resident of Manhattan until about six years ago, died Sunday night in the home of her brother, Ned Smith, at Howard. She had been making her home in Wichita. The body will be brought here for funeral services Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Southern funeral home.

A similar death notice appeared in The Manhattan Republic, 25 Sep 1930.

An account of the couple’s marriage appeared in the Manhattan [Kan.] Daily Report, 12 Jan 1891: Married Sunday, Jan. llth, by Elder A.J. Thomson, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Oscar Wood and Miss Effie Smith, both of Manhattan.

A brief account was also published in The Manhattan Mercury, 14 Jan 1891. Children:

2.i.x. i. Willis Bruce[5]. Born 24 Oct 1891.

2.iii.ii. Samuel Winton[4] Honaker (called Winton) (Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Sep 1854 in Pulaski Co., Va. He was a blacksmith. In the Pulaski County 1880 census, the family was recorded as Winton, 22; Sallie, 21, Robert, 2, son. In the Pulaski County 1900 census, the family was recorded as Wint, 45, born Sep 1854; Sallie, 37, born Jul 1862, bother of 10 children, 9 living; Maggie, 16, born Jun 1883; Laura, 15, born Aug 1884; Annie, 12, born Sep 1887; Mary, 11, born Apr 1889; John, 9, born Jul 1890; Rosa, 7, born Apr 1893; Charles, 5, born Dec 1894.

He married Sarah Freeman (called Sallie), daughter of William W. Freeman and Judy [or Juda] Unknown, 20 Sep 1877 in Pulaski County. Born in Jul 1862 in Wythe Co., Va. Children:

i. Robert Emmett[5]. The 1880 census recorded his age as 2. Pulaski County birth records

give his birth date as 25 Mar 1879.

2.iii.ii. ii. Margaret Jane (called Maggie). The 1900 census recorded her birth as Jun 1883. The

McDowell Co., W.Va. death register gave her birth as 1 Sep 1883.

iii. Laura. The 1900 census recorded her birth as Aug 1884. Pulaski County birth records

give her birth date as 13 Apr 1885.

iv. Nannie May (called Annie). The 1900 census recorded her birth as Sep 1887. Pulaski

County birth records give her birth date as 28 Jul 1887.

v. Mary. The 1900 census recorded her birth as Apr 1889. Pulaski County birth records give

her birth date as 3 Apr 1889.

vi. John. The 1900 census recorded his birth as Jul 1890.

vii. Edward. Pulaski County birth records give his birth date as 15 Dec 1890.

viii. Rosa. The 1900 census recorded her birth as Apr 1893.

ix. Charles. The 1900 census recorded his birth as Dec 1894.

x. Unknown.

2.iv.xi. Melissa Isabelle[4] Cary (called Belle) (Mary Emily[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Aug 1867 in Missouri. Died 8 Jun 1920 in Valhalla, St. Louis, Mo. Buried in Valhalla Cemetery.

She married, first, Unknown Heitz ca. 1887. Children:

i. Mary Emily[3]. Born 28 Jul 1893.

She married, second, James Benjamin Childers.

2.iv.iii. Margaret J.[4] Honaker (Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 8 Aug 1855 in Pulaski Co., Va. Recorded as Margaret I. on birth records, Margaret in the 1860 census, and Margaret J. in the 1870 census. She did not appear in her parents’ household in the 1880 census, when she would have been 24. However, a Margaret Taylor, wife of William A. Taylor, was enumerated in the 1880 census, p. 36, living in Pearisburg, Va., and a “Maggie” and “Andrew” Taylor were enumerated in the 1900 Giles County census, p. 162B, in Pearisburg; children were John, William, Sallie, Mary Jane, Thomas Andrew, James and Annie. The 1900 census shows Maggie born Aug 1856. (One researcher gave the date as 5 Aug 1856.) The birthdate and proximity suggest that she is our Margaret J. If so, the following are correct.

She married William Andrew Taylor, son of James A. Taylor and Sarah E. Clyburn, 29 Apr 1878 in Giles Co., Va. Born Jun 1858 in Virginia. Died in Virginia. Children:

i. John William[5]. Born May 1879.

ii. Sallie. Born May 1881.

2.iv.iii. iii. Mary Jane. Born 23 Feb 1883 in Giles Co., Va.

2.iv.iii. iv. Thomas Andrew. Born 20 May 1889.

v. James. Born 1893.

vi. Annie. Born 1896.

vii. Daniel. Born 1898.

2.iv.iv. William H.[4] Honaker (Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Sep 1856 in Giles Co., Va.

His family was listed in the 1900 Pearisburg District, Giles Co., Va., census as household #28, four dwellings distant from his father. The family was enumerated as William H. Honaker, 43, born Sep 1856, married 22 years, carpenter, could read and write, rented a house; Elizabeth, 41, born Dec 1858, mother of nine children, six children living, could read and write; Osker F., son, 16, born Feb 1884, carpenter, could read and write; John F., son, 12, born Apr 1888, at school; Della, daughter, 9, born Dec 1890, a school; Edward J., son, 5, born Aug 1894; Harry, 2, born Dec 1897.

In the 1910 Pearisburg District census, the family was household #31, listed as William Honaker, 51, one marriage, railroad laborer, had been out of work for three weeks in 1909 and was out of work on 15 Apr 1910 (date used by the government to calculate unemployment statistics), could not read and write, had attended school since 1 Sep 1909, rented a house; Elizabeth, 51, one marriage, mother of nine children, six children living; John, 22, son, railroad laborer; Edward, 16, son; Harry, 13, son; and a boarder, Emil Bauman, 20, railroad laborer. The 1910 census implies William was laid off from his railroad job and differs from the 1900 census because it indicates he was not literate. It also shows that he had attended school recently, unusual for a person of his age. We do not know whether this was enumerator error, whether William was receiving tutoring to become literate, or if there is another explanation.

He married Elizabeth Clyburn (called Lizzie) 24 Apr 1876 in Giles County. Children (there were nine by the 1900 census, six of whom were living, but only five are known):

i. Osker F.[5] Born in Feb 1884.

ii. John F. Born in Apr 1888.

iii. Della. Born in Dec 1890.

iv. Edward J. Born in Aug 1894.

v. Harry. Born in Dec 1897.

2.iv.xii. Minnie[4] Honaker (Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Aug 1870 in Virginia.

She married Unknown Dawdy. Died before the 1900 Giles Co., Va., census. Children:

i. Harry[5]. Born in Jan 1892.

ii. Georgia. Born in May 1894.

iii. Mable. Born in Jun 1898.

iv. unknown. Born before 1900.

2.iv.xiv. Ella C.[4] Honaker (Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in May 1873 in Virginia.

She married Unknown Paul. Died before the 1900 Giles Co., Va. census. Children:

i. Helen M.[5] Born in Dec 1891.

ii. Laura. Born in Dec 1893.

iii. Norman. Born in Jan 1895.

iv. Earl K. Born in Feb 1897.

2.v.i. James M.[4] Honaker (John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born ca. 1857 in Kentucky. The 1880 Boyd Co., Ky. census found him, his wife, and children living with his father-in-law in household #87 (detailed in preceding generation information.)

He married, first, Jane L. Deegan (Deegans/Deegins/Diggins), daughter of Christofer C. Deegan and Martha Leslie,

31 Dec 1875 in Boyd Co., Ky. Born ca. 1861 in Kentucky. They lived in Catlettsburg, Ky. Children:

i. Charles W.[5] Born ca. 1877 in Kentucky.

ii. Tennessee E. (f.) Born ca. 1878 in Kentucky.

iii. Jane. Born in Mar 1880 in Kentucky.

iv. Carrie or Phoebe. Born ca. 1880. In 2000, researcher Rhonda Nunley Crawford said her

great grandmother was a Phoebe Honaker, parents Jim and Jane, a brother named Wilbure; she married a Poe; was buried in Harmon Cemetery, Lawrence Co., Ky., and so was Wilbure (possibly Charles W. above.) The family lived in Louisa, Buchanan Co., Ky. This might be that Phoebe.

v. James Madison [Deegins]. Born in Feb 1882. He was enumerated 16 Jun 1900 in the Hogan Twp., Franklin Co., Ark., census. James Madison Honaker (may have been James Jr.,) was adopted by his grandparents, Henry Clay and Octavia (Arthur) Honaker Deegins. We do not know the reason for this. An explanation may be that his mother died while he was an infant, which would have made it impossible for his father to raise him and the others. He married Maxie Arthur, daughter of David Lovejoy and Columbia Arthur. Born 7 Sep 1892. Died ca. Oct 1977 in Aurora, Dearborn Co., Ind.

He married, second, Sarah E. Macy. Children:

v. Otto. Born ca. 1902.

vi. Hattie. Born ca. 1905.

vii. Octavia. Born ca. 1908.

2.v.iii. Cynthia A.[4] Honaker (John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born ca. 1861 in Boyd Co., Ky. Died ca. 1899. She, her husband, and son were living in the household of her stepfather and mother, Henry C. and Octavia Deegan, during the 1880 Boyd County census.

She married William W. Brumfield 31 Jul 1878 in Boyd County. Born ca. 1859 in Catlettsburg, Boyd County. They lived in Catlettsburg. Children:

i. Harry N.[5] Born in 1879.

2.v.iv. John Wallace[4] Honaker Jr. (John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. See photograph [Mary Lillian Craycraft]. Born 15 Feb 1865 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Died 3 Dec 1950.

The 1880 Boyd Co., Ky, census, Precinct 6, Upper Cattlettsburg, White’s Creek, enumerated household #35 (all born in Kentucky), the residence of Arthur Eli, 60, farmer; and his wife Margaret, 60, she could not read or write; their daughters Elizabeth and Columbia; Johnnie Honaker, 17, nephew, working on the farm; and Margaret Honaker, 14, niece.

The 1900 Boyd County census, Precinct 14, enumerated household #152 (all born in Kentucky, all except the youngest able to read and write) as follows—John Honaker, 37, born Feb 1863, married 17 years, farmer, owned (by mortgage) his farm; Emaline, 35, wife, married 17 years, mother of five living children, parents born in Virginia; Lyda, 15, daughter, born May 1885, at school; Freddie, 13, son, born Mar 1887, at school; Lota, 10, daughter, born Jan 1890, at school; Lillian, 4, daughter, born Feb 1896; Lura, 1, daughter, born Dec 1898.

The 1920 Boyd County census, Right hand fork of White’s Creek, enumerated household #53 (all born in Kentucky, all but the youngest able to read and write) as follows—John Honaker, 56, farmer, owned property with mortgage; Emiline, 54, wife; Lily, 23, daughter; Lura, 21, daughter; Tony, 17, son; Addie, 14, daughter, attended school that year. Also resident in the household was John’s younger brother Fred and his family—Fred Honaker, 32, farmer, rented property; Mary, 31, wife; Nora, 12, daughter, attended school that year; Ora, 9, daughter, attended school that year; Emiline, 4, daughter.

He married Emaline Blankenship 1 Feb 1883, probably in Boyd County. Born 18 Apr 1863 in Catlettsburg. Died 21 Aug 1921 in Catlettsburg, where they lived. Buried in Clarkson Cemetery, Catlettsburg. Children:

2.v.iv. i. Lydia[5]. Born 26 May 1885.

2.v.iv. ii. Fred. Born 31 Mar 1887.

2.v.iv. iii. Lota. Born 6 Jan 1890.

2.v.iv. iv. Lillian (Lily in the 1920 census). Born 13 Feb 1896.

2.v.iv. v. Lura. Born 13 Dec 1898.

2.v.iv. vi. Tony Wallace [spelled the name Honacher]. Born 17 Mar 1902.

2.v.iv. vii. Adeline (Addie in the 1920 census). Born 17 May 1905.

2.v.v. Margaret A.[4] Honaker (John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. The 1870 census gives Margaret’s age as 6, indicating an approximate birth year of 1864, born in Kentucky.

The 1880 Boyd Co., Ky, census, Precinct 6, Upper Cattlettsburg, White’s Creek, enumerated household #35 (all born in Kentucky), the residence of Arthur Eli, 60, farmer; and his wife Margaret, 60, she could not read or write; their daughters Elizabeth and Columbia; Johnnie Honaker, 17, nephew, working on the farm; and Margaret Honaker, 14, niece.

Subsequent research has identified a Margaret Amelia Honniker, born 25 Feb 1860 in Kentucky, died 14 Jan 1930 in Arkansas, married John Anderson Plymale. Born in 1861 in Pikeville, Ky. Died 28 Jun 1932 in Arkansas. We do not know whether Margaret A. and Margaret Amelia are the same person. There is a five or six year reported difference in age. One would think the census would not mistake a ten-year-old for a five-year-old. Otherwise, the two appear to be a close fit, and we will report Margaret Amelia’s line as though she were Margaret A., until future research may show otherwise. Margaret Amelia and John had 12 children, only one of whom was reported):

2.v.v. i. William Ernest[5].

6.xi.i. Maggie M.[4] Honaker (Caroline Virginia[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born Aug 1880 in Rocky Gap, Bland Co., Va. In the 1910 census she was living with her parents in Rocky Gap, enumerated as married. In that census, two of Maggie’s children were also in that household, James F. Evick and Willie F. Evick. In the 1920 census Maggie was still living with her parents, enumerated as a widow. Oddly, neither James nor Willie was in the household, but two different children were, Fred Evick and Pauline Evick. She may have come to her parents’ home with James and Willie, pregnant with Pauline, but what of Fred?

She married Unknown Evick. Born in Ohio. Died between 1910 and 1920. Children:

i. James F.[5] Born ca. 1904 in Virginia.

ii. Fred. Born ca. 1905 in Virginia.

iii. Willie P. Born ca. 1909 in Virginia.

iv. Pauline. Born ca. 1910 in Virginia

8.ix.i. Malone L.[4] Sarrett (called Loney) (Laura Josephine[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1878 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 1947 in Arnett. Buried in Van Sarrett Cemetery, Arnett.

He married his cousin Flora B.[4] Honaker, (Abraham[1]). Born 1879 in Arnett. Children:

8.ix.i. i. Elsie Mae[5]. Born 23 Apr 1897 in Arnett.

ii. Roy.

10.vi.i. Sara J.[4] Webb (Mary Luther[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Isaac Hendrix, son of James Keatley Hendrix and Emily Jane Dickens, 26 Apr 1895. Children (eight sons and one daughter preceded the two known daughters below). The children all used the surname Hendricks.

10.vi.i. i. Ethel[5]. Born ca. 1921.

ii. Dora. In 2002 she lived in Smithers, (a town situated in both Fayette & Kanawha Counties,) W.Va. She married, first, Unknown Walker. She married, second, Unknown Clonch.

10.vi.iii. Lena C.[4] Webb (Mary Luther[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Jun 1881 (1900 census gives Jun 1882) in Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She married Lewis Webb, son of William Brown and Susannah Webb. Born 21 Jan 1875 in Raleigh County. Died in Raleigh County. Children:

i. Lloyd[5].

10.viii.i. Joe Nathan[4] Wills (Centhia Victoria[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Nettie Bonds. Children:

10.viii.i. i. Edith Opal[5].

16.i. Josephus[4] Journell (called Joe Cash) (Benjamin Franklin[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). See photographs. Born 5 Mar 1856 in Giles Co., Va. Died 22 May 1932 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. He used the name Joseph Journell in legal documents but was known in Clay and Kanawha Counties, W.Va., as “Joe Cash,” his stepfather’s surname. His granddaughter Barbara Louise (Journell) Comer said in 2016 that he lived on the Elk River in Clay Co., W.Va., built a huge boarding house and 16 houses on his several hundred acres. She said that she and her siblings were born and lived on his property there.

Unknown newspaper, 12 May 1932: Death of Joe Cash, Elk River Character, Mourned in County—Widely Known and Likeable Fisherman Succumbs at 85; Many Local Dignitaries Were His Nimrod Friends

The “Elk river fisherman,” Joe Cash, is dead. Eighty-five, dim of sight, Joe Cash passed on Wednesday at his home along King Eddy. His death was speeded when in his declining health he went in a hillside apple orchard and fell out and broke his leg.

The orchard was on the steep side of a hill—so steep, Joe’s friends said, that Joe didn’t pick the apples but waited for them to fall from the trees and roll down into his yard. In his tumble Joe rolled out of the orchard, fracturing a bone in his leg.

Funeral services were bring arranged for him Thursday. He is to be buried near his place, along the Elk, which for years has been a rendezvous of fishermen.

Joe Cash, at 85, was one of the most likeable characters the county perhaps has known. The valley’s fishermen, especially the older heads, were well acquainted with him, and the tales of his prowess and troubles are legion. Perhaps his two most noted friends were former Gov. William A. MacCorkle and Councilman H.L. Wehrle. The latter, on Thursday, became his historian.

“He was known to all us older fellows,” said Mr. Wehrle. “There were Governor MacCorkle, Judge Samuel C. Burdette and Judge Frank A. Guthrie, who spent time frequently at his camp. “But Governor MacCorkle—there was a friend. He got Joe out of seven marriages. “Six times the governor went into court for Joe. When Joe made his seventh request, the governor said to him, “Joe, I’m ashamed to go into court for you. You’ve been divorced from six wives. The court will ridicule me.”

Joe told him: “ ‘Billie’—He always called him that, and his voice would squeak way up high—‘If you get this for me I’ll swear to God I’m never going to marry another as long as I live.’ He held to his bargain. From all of these marriages Joe had three children one of whom is dead. They’re a married daughter and a boy about 10 years old left.

“Joe was always into trouble. A good many years ago he hit a man on the head with a poker. No, he wasn’t prosecuted. They figured they couldn’t prove it and anyway—this man was just like Joe so perhaps society was better off. That’s why Joe moved up Elk.

“Why the stories we know about that man would fill several books. Governor MacCorkle never was an after dinner speaker or a toastmaster that he didn’t refer to Joe Cash and some of the trouble he’d been into. Joe was a good fisherman—about the best these parts have seen. He caught whoppers, as big as the ones that got away. All us fishermen dropped into his place for a yarn.

“Governor MacCorkle represented Joe for 45 years. Every lawyer in town knew him, as a prosecuting counsel usually, and they all liked him. One day the governor took a minister out fishing with Joe. It was the only time he tried that. Joe either ignored or forgot he had a man of the cloth with him.

“If you were Joe’s friend there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for you. If he didn’t like you, it was wise to leave him alone. And for his friends he would always point out where the fish were biting best and would help you catch them.

“There are many stories about him. They aren’t just stories, either. Perhaps one of the best was the time Joe was dynamiting fish, and Uncle Dan Cunningham, who was a game warden then, went out to catch him. Joe didn’t let on he knew who Dan was, and he and Dan went out to dynamite some fish. Dan handed him the dynamite to throw in the river. Joe lit the fuse and dropped it into the boat. ‘Now, jump,’ he waid to Dan. Dan threw out the dynamite and gave up trying to catch Joe.

Joe Cash, a Clay County Legend, by Eloise Boggs

Clay County has had quite a few legendary men about whom much has been written, still more told, and, sad to say, much too much forgotten. Such a man was Joe Cash, who lived in my community many years ago when I was a little girl. Born Josephus Journell in 1856 in Virginia, Joe was brought up in West Virginia by a stepfather, William Cash, whom his mother married after the death of Joe’s father in the Civil War. Joe adopted the surname of his stepfather.

Joe Cash lived alongise the [Baltimore & Ohio] Railroad on Elk about a mile or so below Camp Creek Railroad Station (Levi Reed had the Procious Post Office and a general store there between the railroad the the bridge which crosses Elk River. Creed and JoAnna Samples now live where the Levi Reed house was.) One of Joe’s relatives—Frank, as I recall—lived next to Joe and there were other houses there in the bottom often referred to then as “Cash Town.” I don’t recall what Joe Cash looked like, although I must have seen him numerous times since we passed his house every Sunday as we walked from back on the hill and down the tracks to Apex to attend Sunday School. I do remember well his wife Martha, referred to simply as Marth Cash and a character in her own right. She was a Myers and had married a Goff before she married Joe.

Joe and Marth had a son, Howard “Jim” Cash who attended school at Oak Hill and is in the 1928-29 school picture, all smiles, which was his usual expression. “Jim” used to toss snowballs at us little ones at school and we scrambled to catch them because inside the snowball Jim had hidden a piece of hard candy. These details I remember, but not Joe himself. However, for some reason, the sight of tall black leather boots reminds me of Joe Cash. The boots were probably part of Joe’s fishing gear, for Joe was a fisherman if ever there was one. Most of the stories written about Joehad to do with fishing.

Another thing that Joe did well was make moonshine. Some of the fishing stories written about Joe have to do with his hobnobbing with dignitaries from Charleston, taking them fishing and even selling fish to Governor MacCorkle. It has been said that he also used to sell them some of his “white lightning” once in a while, but those are the things that don’t get into print.

Anyway, it was reputed to be of a quality that would sell well in high places, and with this practice as with others in his life, Joe was always able to stay a step or two ahead of the law.

I doubt that anyone in the area knew Joe Cash any better than Howard White, who grew up on his father’s (Brad White’s) farm which joined Joe’s hillside property. In Hickory and Lady Slippers, Vol. I, Howard sums up the legendary Joe Cash in his article, “An Accomplished Witness.”

“Old Joe Journell, alias Joe Cash, came from Old Virginia (he always said) to the neighborhood of

Charleston just after the Civil War. Here he worked around the wharves and sold fish that he took out of the river, and at times he worked with the timber that had been “run” down Elk River. He became adept at handling a jonboat or in making fish traps and nets, but he never learned to read or write. He did learn to talk, however, and could tell the best fish tale imaginable.

“His ability to catch fish—by fair means or foul—and his genial disposition had the effect of making him many friends. Before he was forty, he had four wives, all living, and the elite of the valley came to Joe’s houseboat or to his river shack to hear a fish tale or to go with him after the finny tribe. Governor MacCorkle, Sam and Adam Littlepage, Judge Sam Burdette and others of prominent station were firm friends of Old Joe and often served him a good term in times of need.

“Our hero had many friends in the capital city when he came to the wilds of the Elk in the early nineties. But he seldom returned to see them. One thing, however, never failed to take him back to town—when a wife ran off, everybody knew that Joe would be going to the city next day for another woman.

“In his new home he attended strictly to his own business. He would lend a neighbor any tool he had, and he had more than all his neighbors together, and he would tell a sick friend a story that would make him forget that he was ill; then he would borrow a tree from you before you knew if—if it had logs in it that could be slipped into the river (Joe was a riverman and never had a team.)

“He settled on the bank of the river just below the Tom Rock, a place with plenty of garden space and a long blue eddy to fish in. Here he made a log boom of logs fastened end-to-end with chain dogs. This boom was used to aid him in stopping the logs that came down the river, or to hold those that he had already stopped. You see, at this time the Hardmans, the Waggys, and other lumbermen who had drifted logs out of the river, had thousands of them in the driftwood on the bars and islands from Charleston to Sutton. Some of the logs, of course, would sink when put into the river, and these were the logs that interested Joe. He claimed that a sunken log was a lost log and the man who raised it had the right to use it, sell it, or saw off the end if he wanted to; and when a freshet came, Joe and his woman could be seen darting out into the current and guiding the best logs into the open-mouth boom, Joe working the oars dexterously and tirelessly, with the woman sitting in the stern of the boat with an axe. The cunning old boatman would work his way up the river a little way, and when he saw a log coming, he would meet it at right angles in mid-stream. As he turned the boat in a flash, the old girl nailed the fine log with the axe, and almost before she was in balance, the expert oarsman was towing his catch to the boom.

“Joseph Journell, alias Joe Cash, was charged countless times with ‘bobbing’ logs, but they never got him. He had been ‘struck’ for two years in his young days for appropriating a yoke of cattle, but they never got him after that. He always attended Circuit Court in his own behalf, either to answer to a charge of rafting the wrong logs or to living with the wrong woman. But he contended that a man had a right to hire himself a cook, and he usually got away with it.”

Joe Cash, born Josephus Journell, died in 1932 and is buried in the Reed-Walker Cemetery not far from where he lived.

Clay County Free Press, Clay, W.Va., 19 Nov 1975: Governor MacCorkle Buys a Fish

Once upon a time there lived on the bank of Elk River in the lower end of Clay County one Joe Cash, who made a precarious living catching stray saw logs, and as a guide for Charleston dudes who visited that part of the county for the purpose of trying their hands of the piscatorial art of catching any kind of fish that would fall for the artificial lure offered to it.

One of Joe’s regular customers was William A. MacCorkle, chief executive of the Imperial State of West Virginia. On one of his many trips up Elk River the governor told Joe that if at any time he caught a real fine black bass, a fish for which the river was famous, to be sure and bring it to him at the executive mansion in Charleston and he would reward him liberally. One morning Joe succeeded in landing a very fine bass, one weighing four or five pounds, which he knew would please His Excellency very much. Joe wrapped up the fish in some newspapers, informed his wife of his contemplated trip to the executive mansion, and took his departure for Porters, the railroad station about a mile below his residence, where he expected to catch the morning passenger train for Charleston.

When he arrived at Porters, the train was reported late, and Joe retired to a saloon across Porters Creek, run by one Rarick, to while away the time. He laid his bundle, containing the fish, on the bar and ordered a drink. About this time a man, a stranger to Joe, came into the saloon, carrying a bundle similar to Joe’s and having laid his bundle on the bar alongside of Joe’s ordered a drink.

In a few minutes he had Joe engaged in conversation. After having consumed the drinks already ordered, they each ordered another drink, and still another, until both of them were beginning to feel the effects of the liquor. About this time the locomotive whistle blew for Porters, and each of them seized a bundle, and they both ran to catch the train.

In due time Joe arrived at the executive mansion, pounded on the front door until it was opened by the butler, and demanded of the latter an audience with His Excellency, the governor. The butler eyed Joe closely, scanned his tattered old hat, his unwashed face, his ragged clothes and faded shoes, and asked Joe his name, place of abode, and business. Joe was not accustomed to so much ceremony, and being somewhat ruffled by the cold, haughty politeness of the butler, exclaimed in a loud voice, “You tell that redheaded Bill MacCorkle that Joe Cash is out here with the biggest black bass ever caught in Clay County.” Thereupon the butler carefully closed the door and retreated to the governor’s office and delivered Joe’s message.

In due time, Joe was ushered into the governor’s presence. He laid his bundle on the table, saying, “Governor, here is that black bass I promised you. If I hadn’t had the best fishing tackle in the state, I never would have landed him. He is as strong as Mart Boggs’ mule and weighs at least ten pounds. He’s the biggest black bass that ever swum in Elk River.”

The governor, somewhat excited, pulled out a ten dollar bill, shoved it into Joe’s hand, thanked him profusely for the fish, and commenced to cut the string and open up the bundle. In the meantime Joe had started for the door. When the paper was removed, there lay before the astonished eyes of the governor a large yellow-bellied catfish, which by real sportsmen is regarded as unfit for food. By this time Joe had reached the door, but the governor, being angry, exclaimed, “Come back here, Cash. What do you you mean by playing a trick like this on me?”

Joe came back, puzzled at the governor’s words, and not knowing what it was all about. Having reached the table, he gazed long and intently at the catfish, too astonished to utter a word. He looked at the fish, then at the governor, his face registering astonishment and consternation. Finally he recovered his composure enough to say, “Governor, I’ve caught many a gol-derned black bass in Clay County and sold it in Kanawha County, but this is the first one I ever caught in Clay County that turned to a ‘yeller’-bellied catfish in Kanawha County.”

He married many times, but only one wife’s name was reported. She was Martha Ellen Jones, daughter of Abraham P. Jones and Mary Elizabeth Taylor of Roane Co., W.Va. Born 1880. Died 1949. She married, first, William Goff and in that marriage had two children, Sophronia and Ida May.

Children (with Martha; all three used the surnames Journell and Cash):

i. Cora Ellen[5]. Born 1905. Died 1922. She never married.

ii. Goldie Louise (called Kathryn). Born 1910. Died 1983. She had no children.

16.i. iii. Joseph Howard. Born 27 Jun 1919 in a boarding house owned by his father in Procious,

Clay Co., W.Va.

17.vii. Sylvia Caldonia[4] Tickle (Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Nov 1864 in Bland (also reported as Giles) Co., Va. Died 7 Feb 1945 in Dublin, Pulaski Co., Va. Buried Mountain View Cemetery, Dublin.

She married Thomas Jefferson Halsey 7 May 1883 (also reported as 7 May 1884) in Bland County. Born May 1856 in Wythe Co., Va. Died 12 Mar 1902 in Wythe County. Buried Crockett’s Cove, Wythe County. Children:

17.vii. i. Albert Cecil[5]. Born 21 Nov 1890 in Wythe Co., Va.

18.viii. Julian Andrew[4] Jennelle (Henry[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Apr 1885 in Giles Co., Va. Died ca. 1920 in Giles County. Buried in Albert Cemetery, Giles County. The 1900, 1910 and 1920 censuses enumerated him in Walkers Creek District, Giles County.

He married Fannie Ersie Albert. Born 1889. Died 1922. Children:

i. Carl W.[5] Born 1908. Died 1971.

ii. Eugene C. Born 1911. Died 1993.

iii. Bea. Born 1911.

18.viii. iv. Ruby Thelma. Born 9 Jun 1914 In Giles County.

v. Ernest M. Born 1914.

vi. Julian A., Jr. Born 1916. Died 1962.

vii. James Leroy. Born 1917. Died 1944.

21.i. James Harvey[4] Tickle (Elmira[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1859. His burial place was not reported. Many of the Tickle family of that time were buried in Frieden Cemetery near Burlington, N.C. They were of German origin.

He married Emma Moye 18 Dec 1880 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died in Freeman, W.Va. Buried in Baptist Cemetery, Bramwell, W.Va. Her son Clyde was a West Virginia state trooper who was unwed but had a child. The child was playing with his father’s gun when it discharged, killing his Grandmother Emma.


21.i. i. Elsie Mary[5].

ii. Clyde. He was known to have had a child.

23.ii. Johnny[4] Journell (James Mitchell[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 May 1873.

He married Mary Ella Journell 8 Jan 1899 in Giles Co., Va. Children:

i. Johnny, Jr.[5]

ii. Margaret. She married Unknown Johnston.

iii. Thelma. She married Unknown Barksdale.

iv. Ruby. She married Unknown Parcell.

23.ii. v. Roy Alvin. Born 6 Mar 1910.

vi. Frances. She married Unknown Huddleston.

24.vii. Frank W.[5] Jennelle (Charles Russell[4], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born in Jan 1885. The 1920 Pulaski Co., Va., census enumerated the family as household #1312, Frank W. Jennelle, 34; Annie Carrie, 34; Russell, 7; Margaret, 4; Edith, 2; Orville, 2 months.

He married Annie Carrie Gibson (called Carrie) 26 Jun 1907 in Pulaski Co., Va. Born ca. 1885. Children:

i. Russell[5]. Born ca. 1913.

ii. Margaret. Born ca. 1916. She married Unknown Callahan, son of Willie Kyle Callahan

by his first marriage, before Willie married Abraham descendant Margaret Louise[6] White.

24.vii. iii. Edith. Born ca. 1918.

iv. Orville. Born ca. May 1920. He married Betty Jean Sumner. They divorced.

28.iv. Fred[4] Honaker (Benjamin[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Sep 1875 in Missouri. Died 9 Mar 1952 in Ainsworth, Neb.

He married Nancy Lamar, daughter of James Severs Lamar and Leila McCord (called Ida). Born in Sep 1875 in Nodaway Co., Mo.

In 2000, researcher Heather McClaren Sipes was looking for a great grandfather Fred Honaker who married her great grandmother in Nodaway Co., Mo. Subject to future confirmation, we assume that this is the correct Fred because he was enumerated in Nodaway Co., Mo., as a child in the census, 1 Jun 1880. He is the only Fred that we know of to date who is a likely candidate.

A computer genealogical registry, , in 2000 showed a Fred Honaker who died 9 Mar 1952. His wife was Nancy Lamar, daughter of James Severs Lamar and Leila McCord (called Ida), born in Sep 1875 in Nodaway Co., Mo., died after 1952. It was Heather’s understanding that Leila had Indian blood. Fred and Nancy married 21 Dec 1892 and had nine children.

A query by Ruth Petracek in Orange County California Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Jun 1987), cited the same information in the preceding paragraph, adding that the older children were born in Missouri, but the family moved to Ainsworth, Neb., after 1910, which is where Fred died.


28.iv. i. Litha[5].

ii. Otis.

iii. Ruth.

28.iv. iv. Harley A.

v. Pete.

vi. Harry.

vii. Fred.

viii. Esther.

ix. Gail.

28.vii. Clara[4] Honaker (Benjamin[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born Jun 1882.

She married Charlie Daugherty. Children:

28.vii. i. Glenn A. (called Shag) Born 14 Aug 1910 in Elmo, Mo.

ii. Geneva. Died before 2012. She married Unknown Barr.

31.ix. Charles Straley[4] Bailey (Luemma Jackson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Jun 1889. Died after Sep 1954. He lived at the old home place. Portraits of Charles and Effie were inherited by their grandson, Gregory A. Bailey.

He married Effie Burroughs. Children:

31.ix. i. Unknown son[5].

35.i. Ada Anne[4] Honaker (John Robert[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Dec 1885. Died 31 Jan 1976. She lived in Rocky Gap, Va., prior to her marriage.

She married Joseph Crockett[5] Shaffer (Henry[1]), para. 35, Henry Chapter book supplement. Born 19 Jan 1880. Died 19 Oct 1958. Their children are under his listing.

35.ii. Lelia Mae[4] Honaker (John Robert[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Mar 1887. Died 9 Jul 1983.

She married Leon Rives. Children:

35.ii. i. Lombe[5].

ii. Eleanor. Born 9 Jul 1920. Died 13 Jun 1991. She married Unknown Clark.

35.vi. Virginia Elsimore[4] Honaker (John Robert[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Dec 1893. Died 20 Jun 1933.

She married John Umberger. Children:

i. John Paul[5]. Born 3 Feb 1920. Died 12 Apr 1973.

ii. Helen.

iii. Harold.

iv. Richard

38.vii. George Perry[4] Honaker (also Perry George) (called Sidney) (William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1874 in Tazewell Co., Va. Died 1954 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va.

He married Isabell Aliff 1876. Children:

38.vii. i. Garnard (also Garnett) Rufus[5]. Born 17 Jun 1905.

38.ix. William Sidney[4] Honaker (called Sidney) (William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1879 in Virginia. Died 1947.

He married Bertie Ann Sarver. Born 1876. Died 1963. Children:

i. John F.[5]

ii. William Sidney, Jr.

39.xii. Frank E.[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1899. Died 22 Aug 1987 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 24 Aug 1987: The Rev. Frank Honaker, 88, of Beckley, died Saturday, at Pine Lodge Nursing Home, Beckley, after a long illness. He was a Church of God minister with 55 years’ service and had served as an evangelist and pastor in Southern West Virginia. He was an Army veteran of World War I.

Surviving: wife, Marie Honaker; sons, Frank E. Jr. and Jerry Everette of Orlando, Fla.; sister, Ida Richards of Cleveland, Ohio; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Melton Mortuary, Beckley, with the Rev. George Bostic officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity.

Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the mortuary.

In 2006, his niece, Betty Lou (Honaker) Osborne, wrote the following about him: “My first 12 years we lived close to Uncle Frank and his family. He was a Church of God preacher like my dad [Harry B.] He and his family sang on the radio in Beckley, W.Va. We would get together often.”

He married Marie Stumbo(?). Children:

i. Frank E.[5] Jr. He married Gerry Everette and lived in Florida. His niece Betty (Honaker) Osborne said in 2007 that she and her husband Ira visited him, and he took them to a daughter’s house to show them a beautiful grandfather clock he had made for her from a kit. Frank gave Ira the address to order the kits and Ira made eight of them. He sold six, kept one, and his daughter-in-law had one in 2007.

ii. Vivian.

iii. Geneva.

39.xiii. Harry Beasley[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. Born 11 Dec 1902 in Beckley, W.Va. Died of cardiac arrest Apr 1965 in Martinsville, Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, W.Va.

Unknown newspaper, 1965: Services for Harry B. Honaker, 62, Martinsville, Va., formerly of Montcalm, were conducted at 2 p.m. today in the Burns Wornal Chapel of Memorial Funeral Directory in Princeton with the Rev. John Asbury and the Rev. Newton McBride in charge. Burial was in Roselawn Memorial Gardens. Honaker died Monday evening at his home. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lucille Riggs Honaker; four daughters, Mrs. Robert Costa of Keystone, Mrs. Vera Thomas of Martinsville, Va., and Mrs. Christine Palmer and Mrs. Betty Osborne, addresses unknown; a sister, Mrs. Ida Richards of Cleveland, Ohio; two brothers, W.W. and S.E. Honaker, both of Beckley; and a half brother, T.D. Honaker of Beckley.

In 2006, his daughter Betty Lou wrote the following about the family: “When we were young, we lived on Cressline Drive in Pulaski, Va. My dad worked at Coleman Furniture Factory. We had a nice, small home where my mother’s folks lived. Dad was a Church of God preacher. I remember he would go on revivals and sometimes I would go with him. Later, when I was about 10 or 11, we went to Montcalm, W.Va., where he pastored a church. It was then that Mom and Dad separated, and I don’t know much about where he was. I remember when my first son was about five or six, we went to visit him and his new wife, Lucille Riggs. He had been working in the coal mines. He was in the Welch, W.Va. hospital and my sister and I went to the hospital to see him. He lived in Kimball, W.Va. He had his leg taken off from an accident in the mines. We didn’t keep in touch too much.”

He married, first, Flona Jane Hughes, daughter of Jacob Watsel Hughes and Rhoda Jane Hawkins, 25 Jan 1925 in Beckley, W.Va. They divorced ca. 1941 in Pulaski, Va. Born 18 Jun 1902 in Pocahontas, Va. Died 24 Feb 1979 in Marshallton, Del., near Wilmington. Buried in Gracelawn Memorial Park, Wilmington.

Flona brought two children to the marriage, William Orville Bower and Edith Marcella Bower, from a prior marriage to Quency Bower [spelling correct], who died in Jun 1923 as a result of a coal mine accident. William Orville, born 18 Jun 1920, died 9 Feb 1976, retired as a U.S. Navy chief petty officer. Edith Marcella, born 23 Aug 1923, died Oct 1972, served in the U.S. Army Women’s Army Corps ca. 1944-45; her son Alvin Lee retired from a career in the U.S. Air Force. Flona married Quency 31 Dec 1919 at her home in Bacontown, W.Va. After Harry Beasley’s death she married, third, Jacob Frank Walker in late 1947 in Wilmington, Del. Died of cardiac arrest.

News Journal, Wilmington, Del., unknown date: Flona J. Walker, 76, of 2110 Louise Ave., Eastburn Heights, died Saturday in the Delaware Division after an apparent heart attack. She is survived by her husband, J. Frank; a son, Charles F. of Lyndalia; three daughters, Betty Ann Raymont of Gordy Estates, [Clara Christina] Palmer of Elkton, Md., and Betty Lou Osborne of Lancaster, Calif.; a brother, Charles Hughes of Norfolk, Va.; three sisters, Hester Sinsel of Portland, Ore., Dora Stout of Chincoteague, Va., and Reba Mabe of Clinton, Tenn.; and 21 grandchildren and [10 great-grandchildren and 15 great-great-grandchildren.] Services will be tomorrow afternoon at 2:15 at the Gracelawn Memorial Chapel. Friends may call at the Spicer-Mullikin Funeral Home, N. DuPont Parkway and E. Van Buren Ave., Wilmington Manor, tonight. Entombment will be in Gracelawn Memorial Park.

Children (of Harry and Flona):

39.xiii. i. Betty Lou[5]. Born 2 Jun 1929 in Pulaski, Va.

39.xiii. ii. Clara Christina. Born 25 Dec 1931 in Bluefield, Va.

He married, second, Lucille Riggs. She brought two children to the marriage, mentioned in Harry’s obituary as Mrs. Robert Costa and Mrs. Vera Thomas.

41.ii. Julia[4] Honaker (James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Died in 1966.

She married, second, Grant Lovejoy. Children:

i. Pearl[5].

ii. Troy.

41.iii. Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4] Honaker (called Charlie Robert) (James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Jan 1881 in Rocky Gap, Va. Died 13 Feb 1978 in Sias, W.Va. Buried in Plumley Cemetery, Big Laurel Road near Griffithsville, Lincoln Co., W.Va. He was a farmer, raising tobacco and garden crops. He and his wife never had running water or a bathroom in their home. They did install a telephone in the 1970s. They both attended the funeral of their oldest daughter, Lola, in 1976. She was 72 at the time. Charlie Robert lived to be 97 but began having memory problems only in the last year of his life.

Funeral home card: Charlie Robert Honaker, born Jan. 29, 1881, died Feb. 13, 1978, age 97 years 16 days. Funeral services 11 a.m. Thurs., Feb. 16, 1978 at the Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin, W.Va., with the Revs. Roy Withrow and Oshel Bell officiating. Burial will be in Plumley Cemetery at Sais (Big Laurel), W.Va. Son of the late Jim and Susann Linkous Honaker. Survivors: widow, Sarah Elizabeth Smith Honaker; three sons, Claude, Collie and Billy; four daughters, Opal Adkins, Estel Adkins, Nellie Plumley and Lena Adkins; 33 grandchildren, 79 great grandchildren, and 39 great great grandchildren.

He married Sarah Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Harvey Smith and Elizabeth Adkins. Born 25 Jul 1890 in Jinks (now Sais), W.Va. Died 14 Apr 1983 in Hamlin, W.Va. Buried in Plumley Cemetery. Her parents and brother Link (Lankazerious) also are buried there. After her husband’s death, Sarah lived with her daughter and son-in-law, Estel and Albert Adkins, until her death. She had fallen and was no longer able to walk.

Funeral home card: Sarah Elizabeth Honaker, born July 25, 1890, died Apr. 14, 1983, age 92 years 8 months 19 days. Funeral services will be Sun., Apr. 17, 1983 at 11 a.m. at the Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin, W.Va., with the Revs. Russell Adkins and Oshel Bell officiating. Interment will be in the Plumley Cemetery, Big Laurel, near Sais, W.Va. She was the daughter of the late Harvey and Elizabeth Adkins Smith, and the widow of Charlie R. Honaker. Surviving are two sons, Collie and Billy Honaker; four daughters, Opal Adkins, Estel Adkins, Nellie Plumley, and Lena Adkins; 32 grandchildren, 153 great grandchildren, and 66 great great grandchildren.


41.iii. i. Lola Ann[5].

41.iii. ii. Alma Opal. Born 24 Oct 1914.

41.iii. iii. Estel Geneva. Born 15 Aug 1915.

41.iii. iv. Claude C.

41.iii. v. Nellie Brooke.

41.iii. vi. Collie Conrad.

vii. Charles William (called Billy). He married Iva Dean Adkins (Linkous reported Iva Deon Sias Adkins), daughter of Ferguson Adkins and Pearl Green. There were no children.

41.iii. viii. Lena Helen.

ix. Betty Lee. Stillborn 30 Jun 1930 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. Buried in Plumley Cemetery.

41.v. Okie Reta[4] Honaker (James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in Apr 1886. Died 1943.

Linkous, Linkous Family History Expanded, gave the name as Okey Reda and said she lived with Charlie Linkous (possibly her mother’s brother, called Doc) until she was 16. Linkous continued that her husband George had played the harmonica since he was nine; was postmaster at Maurie, W.Va. from 1903 to 1905; operated a store with his brother John at Gink, W.Va. from 1905 to 1921; had a horse and buggy postal delivery route from Yawkey to Hamlin, W.Va. from 1921 to 1925; then had a 12-mile route from Yawkey to Woodville, W.Va.

She married George Clarkson Smith, son of Harvey Smith and Elizabeth Adkins. Born in 1875. Died in 1976 (Linkous gives 1973) in Ohio. Children:

41.v. i. Beulah Marie[5]. Born in 1906.

ii. Thellie Thurman. Born in 1909 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died in the 1918 influenza epidemic in Lincoln County. Buried in Plumley Cemetery, Big Laurel Road near Griffithsville, Lincoln County.

41.v. iii. John James. Born in 1911.

41.v. iv. Odus Odburt. Born in 1913.

41.v. v. Gleneth Savanna. Born 22 Dec 1915 in Hager, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

41.v. vi. Carney Chaffey. Born in 1918.

41.v. vii. Elden Elsworth. Born in 1920.

41.v. viii. Weynona Juanita. Born in 1922.

41.v. ix. George Harvey. Born in 1925.

41.v. x. Lucille Hattie. Born in 1929.

43.vii. Julia A.[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Sep 1888 in Brown Co., Ohio. Died 24 Mar 1955 in Jamestown, N.Y. Buried in Myrtle Cem., Clarks Corners, Poland, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.

Jamestown [N.Y.] Sun, 25 Mar 1955: Mrs. Julia A. Wheeler, 66, wife of Henry C. Wheeler of I-47 Baker Parkway, died in WCA Hospital at 1:25 a.m. Thurs., March 24, 1955. Mrs. Wheeler was born in Brown County, Ohio, Sept. 2, 1888, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Honaker. Prior to moving to Jamestown in 1930 she resided in Cleveland. In addition to her husband she is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Rose Sager and Miss DeMaris Wheeler of Jamestown and Mrs. Donna Gydosh and Mrs. Violet Gerber of Cleveland; two step-daughters, Miss Pauline Wheeler and Mrs. Doris VanSyckle of Cleveland; six sons, Gordon Wheeler and Jack Wheeler of Jamestown; Vernon Conrey and Charles Barrett of California; Andrew L. Barrett of North Carolina; William E. Barrett of Cleveland; a sister, Mrs. Ada Hamilton of Cleveland; two brothers, John Honaker of Ecelio, Ohip and Harry Honaker of Indiana; 14 grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; four nieces and nephews. Mrs. Wheeler was preceded in death by two sons, Alton Wheeler and Stanley Wheeler. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday from the Garrity Funeral Home. The Rev. S.H. Rowe, pastor of Busti Church of God, will officiate. Burial will be in Myrtle Cemetery of Clarks Corners.

She married, first, Unknown Conrey ca. 1906. Died in 1910 before his daughter Violet was born. Children:

i. Robert Vernon[5]. Born 19 May 1907. Died 5 Sep 1988 according to the Social Security

Death Index.

43.vii. ii. Violet. Born in 1910.

She married, second, Edward Taylor Barrett ca. 1911. They lived first in Connorsville, Ind., then in Cleveland, Ohio. An Edw. T. was listed in the 1918 Cleveland city directory, probably this Edward, and the family was enumerated in the 1920 Cleveland census. Children:

iii. William Taylor. Born 14 Apr 1913 in Connorsville, Ind. He married, first, Unknown.

They divorced with no known children. He married, second, Carmella Scotese. They had no children.

43.vii. iv. Charles Frederick. Born 23 Jun 1914 in Connorsville.

v. Hellen Blossom. Died in infancy.

vi. Audrey MaDonna. Born in 1919 or 1920 in Cleveland, Ohio. She married and had

three or four unknown children.

43.vii. vii. Andrew Lee. Born in 1922 in Cleveland.

She married, third, Henry Case Wheeler (called Case). He was a widower who brought children to the marriage. His daughter Rose said there were six children by his former marriage. Julia’s obituary identifies just two who were from that marriage. Children (of Julia and Henry):

viii. Gordon. He married and had three or four unknown children.

ix. Rose. She married several times and had an unknown daughter in the first marriage.

x. Jack. He never married.

xi. DeMaris. He married Marshal Munson. They divorced with two or more children.

48.i. James William[4] Hurst (Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]. Born Jan 1867 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 20 unknown month 1871 (also reported as after 1889). He was named for his maternal grandfather. The 1900 Mercer County census, Beaver Pond District, listed James’s family as dwelling 134, household 168, consisting of J.W. Hurst, 33, married 10 years, b. Jan 1867 in W.Va., parents born in W.Va., carpenter, unemployed 5 mo., can read & write; Ida E., wife, 27, married 10 years, b. Sep l872 in W.Va., parents b. in W.Va., can read & write, mother of 4 living children; Lillian E., dau, 9, b. Aug 1890 in W.Va.; Clyde E, dau, 8, b. Apr 1892 in W.Va.; Etta D., dau, 6, b. May 1894 in W.Va.; William T., son, 3, b. Mar 1897 in W.Va.

He married Ida E. White, daughter of Thomas H. White and unknown, 17 Sep 1889 in Mercer County. Born Sep 1872 in Mercer County. Died after 1889. Children:

i. Lillian E.[5] Born Aug 1890 in West Virginia.

ii. Clyde E.(f) Born Apr 1892 in West Virginia.

iii. Etta D. Born May 1894 in West Virginia.

iv. William T. Born Mar 1897 in West Virginia.

48.ii. Eda Melton[4] Hurst (Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). See photographs [Mary Redmond and Billie Jean Cameresi.] Born 8 Mar 1869 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died ca. 1913 in Crumpler (Windmill Gap), W.Va. Her daughter Clarence said her mother had a bad cough for several years before she died; she may have had tuberculosis, which her father died from. Her son Forrest said that although he was only two when she died, he remembered her in her coffin, with a baby; however, no baby is listed in the family Bible.

She married Levi Edward Bailey, son of Wilson Lee Bailey and Elizabeth McComas, ca. 1888 in West Virginia. Born 4 Oct 1869 (in Kanawha Co., W.Va., according to death certificate information provided by his son Forrest; his daughter Clarence said he was born in McComas, Mercer Co., W.Va.) Died of prostate cancer 24 Apr 1947 in Bluefield, W.Va. He was a farmer. He also married Anna Ratliffe.

A granddaughter, Mary Redmond, provided this recollection in 2002: “I remember Grandpa Bailey as a tall, very thin man with a fringe of silver hair from ear to ear, totally bald on top. He was a rather cold man who didn’t seem to realize we kids were around, much less show any signs of affection for us. He came through Ashland every Saturday during the late summer and fall with a wagon pulled by his mule, Tobe, from which he sold fruits and vegetables grown on his farm. He had a 98-acre farm on the mountain above Crumpler with a very large orchard where he grew many varieties of apples, pears, peaches and grapes. After grandpa died, dad [Forrest] decided he wanted to live on the farm. When he had the deed searched, he said that the farm had actually belonged to his mother, given to her by her father. Grandpa had let it go for taxes and then bought it back in his and his second wife’s names.”


48.ii. i. Denna George Washington[5] (called Denny). Born 27 Jan 1889 in West Virginia.

48.ii. ii. Clarence Ada. Born 22 Jan 1893 in West Virginia.

iii. Ivan Victor. Born 10 Jun 1895 in West Virginia. Died 16 Sep 1924 in West Virginia.

Buried in Beggs Cemetery, Windmill Gap, W.Va. The gravestone indicates he was a Private First Class, 18th Infantry Division [World War I.] After the war he was a miner employed by Ashland [W.Va.] Coal & Coke Co., and was killed in a mining accident. Married Rosa Eanes. His niece Mary Redmond said that her mother told her that Rosa was pregnant with twins at the time of his death. They were miscarried or stillborn. “Twins of Ivan Bailey” are buried in Beggs Cemetery.

iv. Blondon Dewey. Born 10 Jan 1898 in West Virginia. Died 1976 in Tampa, Fla. He

left West Virginia and was living in Pensacola, Fla., at the time of his father’s death in

1947. He married, first, Sarah Bowman. They divorced. He married, second, Eula

Unknown before 1947. Blondon and Sarah cared for his sister Vesta’s young daughter, Billie Jean Lawson. After their divorce, Sarah continued to care for her; years later she lived with Billie Jean and cared for her children.

48.ii. v. Zona Jane. Born 6 Jan 1901 in West Virginia.

48.ii. vi. Olin Dale. Born 10 Jun 1903 in West Virginia.

48.ii. vii. Vesta Loette. Born 16 Dec 1906 in West Virginia.

48.ii. viii. Forrest Edward. Born 19 Aug 1910 in Crumpler.

48.v. Arley Joseph[4] Hurst (called Joe) (Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born Sep 1874 in West Virginia. Died 1917. Buried in Red Warrior Cemetery, Cabin Creek, Kanawha Co., W.Va., where cemetery records identify him as Joseph Hurst. A granddaughter, Mary (Hurst) Bond, thought he was named for his mother’s brother Joseph Honaker.

He married Marcia Isabelle Crawford (called Isabelle and Belle) 29 Nov 1898 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Kanawha County marriage records show that “A. Joseph Hurst” was 24 and “Isabel Crawford” was 17. Born Dec 1880 in West Virginia. Died 1929. Buried in Red Warrior Cemetery, where cemetery records give her name as Isabelle Crawford Hurst.

The 1900 Mercer Co., W.Va. Census, Cabin Creek District, enumerated the family 15 Jun 1900 as dwelling 365, household 365, as Joe Hurst, head of household, renter, 25, b. Sep 1874 in W.Va., “no record” of parents’ birthplaces, married one year, coal miner, 2 months not employed, cannot read or write; Belle, wife, 19, born Dec 1880 in W.Va., married one year, mother of one, one child living; Mabel, dau, b, Dec 1899 in W.Va. In this census, Joe’s mother was two households away, dwelling 367.

The 1910 Kanawha Co., W.Va. Census, Cabin Creek District, Eskdale, W.Va., enumerated the family 6 May 1910 as dwelling 435, household 437, as Joseph Hurst, renter, 36, married 11 years, coal miner; Belle, wife, married 11 years, mother of seven children, six living; Mable, dau, 10, born in W.Va.; Ethel, dau, 8, born in W.Va.; Susan, dau, 7, born in W.Va.; Leslie, son, 5, born in W.Va.; Arthur, son, 3, born in W.Va.; Eldon, son, [illegible fraction indicating months,] born in W.Va. There is additional but illegible information in this census report. In this census, Joe’s mother was nearby, dwelling 425.


i. Mabel[5]. Born Dec 1899 in West Virginia. She married Clark Caldwell.

ii. Ethel. Born 1902. She married Calvin Hover.

iii. Susan. Born 1903. She married Phil Murray.

iv. Leslie C. Born 1905. He married Thelma Unknown.

v. Arthur Andrews. Born 24 Oct 1907 in Eskdale, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Arthur filed a delayed birth certificate for himself 5 Apr 1942, giving his address as Cabin Creek, W.Va. Among the documents supporting his birthdate were his employment records at Pure Oil Co., a major oil company which operated service stations. In 2004 he lived in Cabin Creek. He married Virginia Slack. Born 1908.

vi. Eldon E. Born 1908. He married Betty Harris.

48.v. vii. Emerson Ray (called Red). Born 26 Oct 1912 in Chelay, Kanawha County.

viii. Evelyn Sue. Born 1911. She married John Howell.

ix. Armstead (called Babe.) Born 1914. Named after his paternal grandfather, he never


48.ix. Crockett[4] Abbott (called Crick) (Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph [Mary Redmond.] Born Jan 1884 in West Virginia. A brakeman for the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, he lived first in Whitesville, W.Va. At the time of his wife’s death, they lived at 2735 Forrestal Ave., St. Albans, W.Va.

He married Daisy Flowers. Died at age 74 in Charleston, W.Va. Children:

i. Glenn Edward[5]. He lived in Leesburg, Fla.

ii. unknown daughter. She married Frank Holderby and lived in St. Albans.

iii. unknown daughter. She married Ernest Pettry and lived in St. Albans.

48.xi. Maude Lee[4] Abbott (Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 20 Feb 1887 [the 1900 census gives Feb 1888] in West Virginia. Died 16 Sep 1945 in Kanawha Valley Hospital, Charleston, W.Va., of complications from breast cancer. Buried in Pine Knob [W.Va.] Cemetery. She was believed to be a licensed midwife.

Obituaries were published in the Post-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., and Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette. At the time of her death her home was Sundial, Raleigh Co., W.Va., and there were 24 grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Mrs. Stollie Parsons at the family home in Pettry Bottom.

She married Alvin Lee Hendricks, son of Napoleon B. Hendricks and Virginia C. Dickens, ca. 1905. Born ca. 1887. Children:

48.xi. i. Erma Lafonne[5] (called Lafonne). Born 19 Jul 1925.

48.xi. ii. Alba Merrill.

48.xi. iii. Sadie.

iv. Kenneth.

v. Wayne. He was living at home in Sundial, W.Va. at the time of his mother’s death. Died in his 20s of complications related to diabetes.

vi. Unknown daughter. She married Robert Workman and lived in Pine Knob, W.Va.

49.ii. Virginia Elmira[4] McComas (Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. Born 3 Sep 1872 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 27 Aug 1907 in Smokeless, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak.

She married John William Shrewsbury 3 Mar 1893 in Mercer County. Born 10 Dec 1873 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 9 Feb 1946 in Bluefield, Mercer County. Buried in Mount Olive Cemetery, Mercer County. After Virginia’s death, John married, second, Mattie Lee White. Children:

i. Candis A.[5] Born 15 Jan 1894 in Pinoak. Died 30 Jul 1974 in Roanoke, Va. Buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Roanoke. She married Charles Law and Charles Shutt.

ii. Blanche M. Born 22 Aug 1896 in Pinoak. Died 10 Nov 1917. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. She married Greford Clark.

49.ii. iii. Lonnie Preston. Born 17 Dec 1898 in Pinoak.

iv. Alva. Born 4 Mar 1901 in Hiawatha, Mercer County. Died 2 Jun 1913 in Smokeless, Mercer County. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery.

49.ii. v. Eva Catherine. Born 1 Sep 1903 in Pinoak.

vi. Thelma. Born 10 Oct 1905 in Pinoak. Died 1 Jul 1979 in Princeton. Buried in McComas- Crotty Cemetery. She married Wade McKinley Laxton.

50.viii. Herbert Ward[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Nov 1891.

He married Edna Zimmerman Whitfelt. Children:

i. Arbeth[5]. (f)

50.ix. Ressa Lee[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Her birth certificate did not give a middle name. Born 5 Oct 1894 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 11 Nov 1967 in Sarasota, Fla.

She married Timothy Ross Blizzard (called Ross), son of Timothy C. Blizzard and Sarah Rebekah Rodgers, 13 Dec 1913 or 1914. Born 30 May 1888 in East Bank, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died in 1971 in Sarasota, Fla. Children:

i. Richard R.[5] Born 20 Sep 1914 in Eskdale, W.Va.

50.ix. ii. Thelma Louise. Born 13 Aug 1916.

iii. Leroy K. Born 20 Jan 1919 in Whitesville, W.Va. Died 19 Nov 1941.

50.ix. iv. Billie Lee. Born 26 May 1921.

50.ix. v. Bernard Karl. Born 14 Jun 1923.

50.ix. vi. Jeanne Carol. Born 1 Jun 1926.

vii. Martha Rebecca. Born 28 Jun 1930 in Whitesville, W.Va. Died 29 Jun 1930 in Whitesville.

50.ix. viii. David Lawrence. Born 11 Aug 1932.

50.x. Minerva[4] Honaker (called Minnie) (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). She lived in Marysville, Ohio.

She married Frank Altizer. Children:

i. Virginia[5].

ii. Polly.

iii. Frank, Jr.

iv. Betty.

v. James.

50.xi. Marie[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Lawrence Lester Wall. Children:

50.xi. i. Tembra Ann[5] (called Temmy) Born 9 Jul 1937 in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va.

50.xii. Hulda[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Otis Wilson. Children: (three are known, but there were more)

i. Helen[5].

ii. Dawn.

iii. Douglas.

53.vi. Ida J.[4] Honaker (William B.[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born Nov 1886 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She married Walter Cook 17 Dec 1901 in Raleigh County. Born 1884. Children:

53.vi. i. Orval Douglas[5]. Born 7 Nov 1904.

53.vii. John Ashby[4] Honaker (William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Apr 1888 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died in Arnett. John registered in Raleigh County for the World War I draft. The 1920 Raleigh County census identified John’s family as household #254, Clear Fork District, Dorothy [W.Va.] Precinct: John, 32; Ina, 28; Bessie, 7; Delmer, 5; Delilia Dickens, 48, widow, John’s mother-in-law. The 1930 Raleigh County census idenfied them as living in Marsh Fork: John A., 41; Ina, 38; Bessie, 17; Delmar, 14.

He married Ina Dickens, daughter of Unknown Dickens and Delilia Unknown, 18 Jan 1911 in Raleigh County. Born ca. 1892. Children:

53.vii. i. Bessie Lee[5]. Born 2 Feb 1913 in Arnett.

53.vii. ii. Delmar (also Delmer). Born ca. 1915

53.vi. Henry[4] Honaker (William B.[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1899. The 1920 Raleigh Co., W.Va. census found him, his wife, and son living with his father in household #118, Pine Grove District. He was identified as a carpenter.

He married Almeda Unknown. Born ca. 1901. Children:

i. Dormen[5]. Born ca. May 1920. He was one month old on census day.

53.x. Minerva Mae[4] Honaker (called Minnie) (William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Jun 1881 in Arnett, W.Va. Buried in Beckley, W.Va.

She married William David Miller 27 Apr 1898 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 1875 in Wythe Co., Va. Buried in Beckley. His name was reported by a researcher as David Willouby Miller. We take the marriage record to be the accurate name. Children:

i. Edith[5]. She married Unknown and had three children, Bobby, June, and Mary.

53.x. ii. Mildred. Born 31 Mar 1898

55.vi. Mary Alice[4] Honaker (John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Jan 1879 in Marsh Fork, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jan 1933 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Her brother Jehu married Ameida Neal, sister of Mary Alice’s husband.

She married Valdiva Hamilton Neal, son of James Henry Neal and Cynthia W. Bailey, 20 Apr 1898 in Mercer County. The ceremony was performed by G.C. Anderson. Born 6 Jan 1876. Died Aug 1963. Children:

i. Warner[5]. Born 3 Aug 1901. Died 21 Nov 1990. He was a high school vice-principal at

Montcalm [W.Va.] High School.

ii. Audrey. Born 1910. She married Claude Shelton Bailey. They divorced.

55.ix. Effie May[4] Honaker (John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born Aug 1886 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died after 1923 in Mercer Co., W.Va. She married Harry F. Brittingham, son of George R. Brittingham and Laura B. Melvin, 22 Nov 1909 in Raleigh County. Born 12 Aug 1881 in Pocomoke, Worcester Co., Md. It was Harry’s second marriage. He was featured in The History of West Virginia—Old and New, 1923. Children:

i. Clayton W.[5] Born 22 Dec 1911.

56.x. Artie M.[4] Honaker (James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Raleigh County [W.Va.] Marriages, Haga, lists Artie M. Honaker, 21, who married Charles E. Young, 25, 18 May 1904 in Raleigh County. They were both born in Raleigh County. Artie’s nephew James R. Honaker said in 2002 that Artie and Charles lived in Saxon, W.Va. He gave the children’s names as Omer, Dolf, Prince, Howard, Edgar and Jesse.

Artie M. and Charles E. Young were enumerated in the 1920 Raleigh County census as household #203. Children:

i. Homer[5] (also reported as Omer). Born ca. 1906. He died before 2004.

ii. Morrell (f.) Born ca. 1908. She died before 2004.

iii. Doff (m.) (also reported as Dolf) Born ca. 1910. He died before 2004.

iv. Earl. Born ca. 1914. He died before 2004.

v. Prince. Born ca. 1916. He died before 2004.

vi. Edgar. Born ca. 1919. He was nine months old on census day. He died before 2004.

vii. Jesse. He died before 2004.

viii. John Howard (called Howard). Born 12 Jul 1922. He married Belle Unknown. In 2002 they lived in Saxon in a home built by Memphis Hawley, father of Artie’s sister-in-law Gertrude Lane Hawley.

56.xiv. George Johnson[4] Honaker (James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 May 1887. Died 14 May 1972. He lived a quarter mile from Coal Marsh Baptist Church in Glen Daniel, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

He married, first, Effie May Lucas. Born 1893. Died 1938. Children:

56.xiv. i. Ralph James[5]. Born 9 Nov 1917 in Glen Daniel.

56.xiv. ii. Mary Madeline. Born 4 Aug 1917 in Glen Daniel.

iii. Howard Johnson. Born 1920. Died before 2011.

iv. George Johnson, Jr. Born 1925. Died 28 Jun 1990 in Beckley, Raleigh County.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 30 Jun 1990: George Honaker Jr., 63, of Glen Daniel, Raleigh County, died June 28, 1990 in Raleigh General Hospital, Beckley, after a short illness. Williams-Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Sophia, is in charge of arrangements.

56.xiv. v. Edith P. Born 22 Dec 1926 in Surveyor, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

vi. Virginia. She married Unknown Iber.

vii. Betty. She married Unknown Fagg.

ix. Marina (also reported as Marie). Died before 2014. She married Unknown Gibson.

x. Dee Acord. Died before 2014.

He married, second, Rosie Bell Gibson. Born 11 May 1922. Children:

xi. Douglas Carl.

xii. Charles Randall (called Randy).

xiii. Mary. She married Unknown Dale.

xiv. Patricia Ann.

xv. Jackie.

57.i. John Lewis[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 Sep 1872 in Virginia.

He married Leona Elizabeth Roop. Children:

57.i. i. Lewis Robert[5]. Born 24 Nov 1897.

57.ii. James William[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). We’re not certain about his birthdate. He was reported born 29 Apr 1873 in Radford, Tazewell Co., Va. In his second marriage application, at age 80, he reported being born 26 Apr 1874 in Pulaski, Pulaski Co., Va. His daughter-in-law Amanda, informant for Andrew Spurgeon Wesley’s death in 1931, reported that James was born in Pulaski County. Died 19 Mar 1955 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, Va. The 1880 census enumerated him in Newbern, Pulaski Co., Va. The 1910 census found him and his family in Red Sulphur Spring District, Monroe Co., W.Va. In the household were James W., 35; Mary E., 36; James G., 13; Andrew S., 12; Roxie, 10; Pansy, 8; Lacy R., 6; Stella V., 4; Annie, 3; Catherine 1½. The 1920 census found him and his family in District 124, Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va., and recorded his occupation as laborer. The 1930 census found him and his family in Ceredo, Wayne Co., W.Va. A descendant, Fred Hoke, said he remembered James William sitting on the front porch at his sister Silvia’s home, playing the harmonica and fiddle simultaneously.

He married, first, Mary Elizabeth Helvey McGuire, daughter of James Helvey and Nancy Bane, 21 Jan 1894 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Born 18 Oct 1871 in Dry Valley, Montgomery Co., Va., according to the death certificate. Her daughter Pansey was the informant. (Mary’s daughter-in-law Amanda, informant for Andrew Spurgeon Wesley’s death in 1931, reported that both his parents were born in Pulaski Co., Va.) Died 31 Oct 1953 in Ronceverte, W.Va. Buried in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, Va.

She was enumerated in the 1880 census in Central Depot, Montgomery Co., Va., as age 6. In the 1910 and 1920 censuses, she was in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va., listed as born in Va., father and mother born in Va. A grandson, Raymond Honaker, said he remembered as a child visiting her brother, Bob or Bill Helvey, a West Virginia blacksmith. Children:

57.ii. i. James Golden[5] (called Jim). Born 4 Aug 1896 in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii. ii. Andrew Spurgeon Wesley. Born 22 Nov 1897 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii. iii. Roxie Grace. Born 31 Aug 1899 in Monroe County.

57.ii. iv. Pansey Mae. Born 28 Aug 1901 in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County.

57.ii. v. Lacy Raymond. Born 9 Apr 1903 in Monroe County.

57.ii. vi. Stella Virginia. Born 5 Jul 1906 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii. vii. Annie Sallie. Born 15 Apr 1907 in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County.

57.ii. viii. Catherine Alice. Born 26 Jan 1909 in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County.

57.ii. ix. Ida Mae. Born 22 Dec 1911 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii. x. Evelyn Mae. Born 24 Sep 1913 in Monroe Co., W.Va.

He married, second, Lucrecia Surratt Sullivan, daughter of Abel Surratt and Jennette Bullion, and widow of Unknown Sullivan, 16 Jul 1954 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Born 19 Dec 1879 in Sylvadus, Carroll Co., Va. Died 28 Jan 1963 in Seaford, Del. At the time of their marriage application, 13 Jul 1954, he was 80, a widower, living in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.; she was 74, a widow, living in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va. The ceremony was performed by Nellie Wanda Marquess, Methodist minister.

57.v. Bessie L.[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Mar 1896 in Virginia. Died 9 Jan 1961 in Floyd Co., Ky.

She married Wiley C. Pennington. Born 19 Apr 1889 in Virginia. Died Aug 1975 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio. The 1930 census enumerated him as age 41 in District 6, Floyd Co., Ky. Children:

i. Elza[5]. Died Feb 2003.

ii. Thelma. Born 1913.

iii. Eliza. Born ca. 1917.

iv. Ethel. Born 1918.

v. Hershal. Born 1919.

vi. Hubert. Born 11 Mar 1920. Died 25 Jan 1992 in Ligon, Floyd Co., Ky.

vii. Francis. Born 1924.

viii. Ellis. Born 1926.

ix. Donal.

x. Unknown.

58.v. Albert Newton[4] Honaker (called Al) (James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Apr 1890 in Bluefield, W.Va. Died of tongue cancer 27 Sep 1946 at his home, 16 St. Clair St., Pocahontas, Va. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va.

He was a coal mine main line motorman, first aid instructor, musical instrument teacher, and professional musician who lived and worked in Pocahontas. He played in the Pocahontas Band and in a radio orchestra, and was a member of the West Virginia National Guard. He enlisted 21 Nov 1933 and was discharged 31 Dec 1940 after serving three enlistments with the Band Section, Service Co., 150th Infantry. He also served Pocahontas American Legion Post No. 14 as a musician. He and his wife Dora were long-time members of the First United Methodist Church, Pocahontas, and he was a member of the church board. Photographs of them appear in their daughter Earnestine’s book, Pocahontas. Al enjoyed gardening, music, and carpentry, and was a capable automotive mechanic. He was also an excellent baseball pitcher.

He married Callie Dora Mitchell (called Dora) daughter of James DeWitt Mitchell and Delia Virginia Poindexter Mitchell Robbins, Sunday evening, 2 Jun 1912 in her family’s home in Pocahontas. The Rev. W.M. Minter performed the ceremony. Following the ceremony, the couple and guests walked to the evening service of their church. Born 25 Jun 1894 in Franklin Co., Va. Died 22 Oct 1962 in Alexandria, Va. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va.

Dora was raised on a family farm in Franklin County and moved with them to Pocahontas in 1908. Tragically, her eldest brother Earle was killed in a mine accident in Boissevain, Va., within hours of her marriage to Albert. In 1913, her brother Jarvey Roosevelt Mitchell (called Mitch) and her two sisters, Ada and Mary, came to live with Dora and Albert until they became adults and established their own households. Dora enjoyed sewing and was interested in serving her church and the needy. She was a communion steward and member of the Women’s Society of Christian Service. Children of Albert and Dora:

58.v. i. Lana Virginia[5] (called Lana).

58.v. ii. Lillian Muriel (called Lil).

58.v. iii. Ruth Earnestine (called Teeny).

58.v. iv. Albert N., Jr. (called Al).

58.v. v. Buford Anderson (changed his name to Jack Buford (called Buddy or Butch).

61. Peter Sidney[4] Honaker (Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Died 26 Jan 1919 [changed date] in Parsons, Labette Co., Kan. At the time his residence was 2518 Dirr St., Parsons. Buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Parsons.

His wife Lydia Jane was the daughter of Benjamin Franklin Wrestler and Martha Jane Long. Buried in Leanna Cemetery, southeast of Humbolt, Kan. The grave is marked with a small stone inscribed “Grandmother,” and is in the Wrestler plot. A granddaughter, Ruby Courtney, remembered when Lydia Jane died. “It was close to Christmas and it was bitter cold with lots of snow. My dad, Aunt Stell and her husband Tony went to Humbolt. My dad had a Model T Ford. They snapped the ising glass windows in place, as cars did not have heaters. They took blankets, pillows, food and lots of warm clothing. I think the bad weather was the reason she was not buried beside Peter.” Children:

i. Emma Catherine[5]. Stillborn 24 Jun 1878 in Brown Co., Ohio.

iii. Martha Jane. Stillborn 23 Jun 1882 in Brown Co., Ohio.

67. George A.[4] Honaker (Samuel L.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph, 2001 gift of Terri Parrish of Marshall, Mo., and Louise Cox of Antioch, Tenn. This photograph is marked on the back, in pencil, “George Honaker, Henley, Mo.” It was purchased by Terri Parrish for $1 at a garage sale in case the subject might be a relative of Louise Cox, who had Honakers in her indirect family line. Louise sent it to us to forward to any descendants who may be known. At the time we received the photograph, there were dozens of George Honakers known to us, half of them alive when the photograph would have been made. Henley, population 80 in the 1990 census, is in Cole County south of Jefferson City in central Missouri. Only one George was known to have lived in Cole Co., Mo., and that was this George A. We believe the image is of him.

79. Mary Josephine[4] Tickle (Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Sep 1871 in Bland Co., Va. Died 23 Mar 1965. Buried in Sifford Cemetery, Parrott, Pulaski Co., Va.

She married William Alexander Hamilton, son of Thomas B. Hamilton and Matilda Elizabeth Nigh, 20 Nov 1894 in Bland County. Born 4 May 1865 in Bland County. Died 25 Apr 1937. Buried in Sifford Cemetery. Children:

i. William Ford[5] (called Ford). Born 25 Sep 1895 in Bland County. Died 29 Mar 1939 in a coal mining accident, Parrott, Pulaski County. He married Lottie May Linkous 19 Dec 1916. She married, second, Fulton Lindsey 17 Jul 1942.

79. ii. Effie Mae. Born 23 Nov 1896 in Bland County. She married Atlas Burnett[5] Giles, son

of Albert Sterling Giles and Mary Ann[4] Honaker (Martin[1], 9 Mar 1917 in Pulaski County. Their descendants continue under his listing.

iii. Everette Alexander. Born 28 Mar 1898 in Parrott, Pulaski County. Died 6 Nov 1957. Buried in Sunrise Cemetery, Fairlawn, Va. He married Thelma Croy.

iv. Prince Albert[5]. Born 13 Jul 1899. Died 25 May 1960. Buried in Sifford Cemetery, Parrott, Pulaski County. He married Gladys Jean Sifford 9 Dec 1919 in Pulaski County.

v. Cecil Jasper. Born 11 Sep 1901. Died 26 May 1957. Buried in Sifford Cemetery. He married Kathleen Jane Purdy 14 Jan 1923 in Pulaski.

vi. Ribble Jason. Born 24 Jun 1903 in Pulaski County. Died 17 Sep 1997. Buried in Sifford Cemetery, Parrott, Pulaski County. He married Ethel Brownie Foster 30 Jul 1930.

vii. Charlie Lawrence. Born 28 Dec 1904. Died 20 Dec 1935.

viii. Ruby Ellen. Born 13 May 1911. Died 14 Jun 2006. She married Gratton Smith 4 Dec 1928.

ix. Edna. She married Jesse C. Harrell 15 Dec 1923 in Pulaski County.

x. Alpha Josephine. She married Roy Phillips 16 Sep 1932 in Pulaski County.

xi. Kenneth.

83. Charles Madison Waterson[4] Carden (called Charlie) (Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Children:

83. iii. James Stern. Born 31 Mar 1884.

87. George Walter[4] Carden (Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Florence Scott Linkous, daughter of John Riley Linkous and Martha Frances Ann Cupp.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 26 Jun 1931: Mrs. Florence Scott Carden, 52, wife of George W. Carden, of Belspring, died yesterday in a local hospital. Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, Jack and Lincoln Carden, of Belspring, and four daughters: Mrs. J.S. White, Belspring; Mrs. Ernest L. Chinault, Belspring; Mrs. Nick [Stamatas], New Rochelle, N.Y.; and Miss Catherine Carden, of Belspring. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.


87. v. Abraham Lincoln. Born 28 Jan 1911.

92. Cora Susan[4] Journell (Charles Russell[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1877 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died 30 Dec 1950. Buried in Westview Cemetery, Radford, Va.

She married Charles C. Saul 7 Jun 1897 in Pulaski County. Children:

i. Unknown[5]. She married Donald Patrick.

ii. Unknown. She married Cameron Ratcliff.

iii. Kathleen.

iv. Janey Agnes. She married Rufus Allen Fisher (called R.A.) In 2007 Cindy Easter reported that she was a great granddaughter of Janey Agnes.

v. Dennis.

vi. Frank.

vii. Lylod.

viii. W.P.

ix. Jesse.

97. Wesley James[4] Honaker (called Wes) (John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). [correct name spelling]

99. James Cline[4] Honaker (James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Children:

viii. John Bogle. He married Eloise Unknown.

101. James Roland[4] Honaker (William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Children:

i. James Roland, Jr.[5] He was a second lieutenant in the 600th Bomber Squadron, 398th Bomber

Group, U.S. Army Air Corps. He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal and other awards and buried in Ardennes, France.

102. William Blair[4] Honaker (called Blair) (William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 2 Jan 1887 in Frenchville (now Oakvale), W.Va. Died 6 Jul 1943 in Oakvale, Mercer Co., W.Va.

He married Mary Margaret Boggess 7 Jun 1923. Children:

102. i. Carl Boggess[5]. Born 10 Sep 1926.

ii. Randolph. Resides in Oakvale, W.Va., and in 2001 still owned a large portion of the old

family farm.

104. Bess Sims[4] Honaker (William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Jun 1895 in Frenchville, now Oakvale, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 7 Aug 1968 in Cincinnati, Hamiton Co., Ohio.

She married Charles Raymond Eanes. Children:

i. Charles Raymond[5] Jr.

ii. Howard Tracy.

104. iii. Peter Cline. Born 15 Sep 1921.

105. Lombe Scott[4] Honaker (John Robert[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Sep 1888. Died 4 Sep 1964. He was athletic director and coach of Maryville [Tenn.] College for many years, and the athletic field and stadium were named in his honor. An article about his son, dean of the College of Education, East Tennessee State University, said that Lombe Sr. had been athletic director of Maryville College for 39 years.

In 2010 Maryville College Director of Communications Karen B. Eldridge was kind enough to provide the following articles from college files:

Unknown source (with photograph): Coach Honaker, 38 Years at MC, Stricken, Dies

Coach Lombe Scott Honaker, who came to Maryville College in 1921 as Director of Athletics and head coach of football, basketball, and baseball, died suddenly at his home in Maryville a few days before the opening of school this fall. Although Coach Honaker had retired in 1959, he remained active in community affairs and was a loyal supporter of the Scot teams he coached for so many years.

For 38 years Coach Honaker was Athletic Director and head coach at Maryville. At the time of his retirement his long service received wide attention. His record is probably not equalled in the United States. He coached each of three major sports for more than 40 playing seasons, and his total career covered 45 years, in which he coached football teams for 42 years, basketball teams for 40 years, and baseball teams for 41 years.

At the time of his retirement at Maryville there was only one other college coach in the country who had been in active service longer at one institution. In January, 1959, Coach Honaker was presented a plaque by the American Association of Baseball Coaches for his contributions to college baseball.

A native of Bland, Va., where he was born in 1888, Coach Honaker held the B.A. degree from Roanoke College, Va.,where he graduated in 1912. Before he came to Maryville he was a high school principal, teacher, and coach. Coach Honaker came to Maryville from Lincoln College in Illinois after coaching there and at Baldwin-Wallace in Ohio and Southwestern University in Texas.

Maryville College’s football field is named in his honor, and a memorial service for him was to be held Oct. 10 at the first home football game.

“The quality and depth of Coach Honaker’s character and manly influence were felt by generations of Maryville students and by all who knew him,” Dr. Joseph J. Copeland, Maryville College president, said. “He was held in highest respect and esteem throughout his long career at Maryville College. His death will occasion sadness in the hearts of the hundreds of young men he coached and those who knew him and worked with him in the College and the community.”

Lloyd, Maryville College, a History of 150 Years: 1819-1969:


As reported earlier in this chapter, Maryville College appointed its first full-time coach in 1903. From then until 1921, a considerable number of men served as coaches of the various sports, their terms usually being for only one, two, or three years. Some were young men earning a little money before going on to further study.

In 1921 Lombe Scott Honaker, who had been a coach at Southwestern University, Texas, became

Associate Professor of Physical Training and Director of Athletics, a position he held with some advance in title until his retirement 38 years later, in 1959. Until near the end of that period, he served with marked success as coach of three major sports, football, basketball, and baseball. A coaching staff was assembled and the College’s athletic program was steadily developed and stabilized. One member of the staff, John A. Davis, ’30, has served since 1940. Coach Honaker received a number of national recognitions and trophies, his career being an outstanding one in the nation’s athletic history. He died in 1964, and in 1968 he was elected posthumously to the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame.

His successor is Boydson H. Baird, ’41, who as a student played under him, returned to Maryville in 1959 from a coaching position at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, and has now served a full decade. Since the 1920s, all permanent full-time coaches have held faculty rank; and their long tenures witness to the fact that the College does not dismiss coaches merely because a team has a losing season and fans agitate for a change, as they sometimes do. They are selected with the same regard for character and dedication to Christian higher education as are other members of the faculty. Their influence on students has been consistently constructive.

He married Helen Brooks. Born ca. 1896. Died ca. 1994. Buried in Grandview Cemetery, Maryville.

Maryville College newspaper, ca. 1995: Helen Brooks Honaker, 98, widow of Lombe Honaker, athletic director and coach at the College for many years, died at Asbury Acres Nursing Home Jan. 20. She came to Maryville in 1921 when her husband joined the College faculty. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her son, L. Scott Honaker, Jr. She was a member of Broadway Methodist Church in Maryville. Survivors include her son, S. Ross Honaker of Maryville, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Burial was in Grandview Cemetery.


105. i. Lombe Scott,[5] Jr.

ii. S. Ross (called Ross).

115. John Robert[4] Honaker (William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born Nov 1868. The 1900 Tazewell Co., Va., census enumerated him and his family in Clear Fork District.

He married Mary L. Ratliff (called Molly). Born Jan 1878. Children:

115. i. Beatrice R.[5] Born Jul 1894.

115. ii. Myrtle E. Born Aug 1896. An obituary appeared in Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 2

Oct 2002, which may involve this Myrtle and her descendants, since geography and dates suggest it could be her. Based on this feasibility, we are continuing this Myrtle’s line.

iii. Carl Elbert. Born 1901. Died 1967. He married Roxie E. Unknown. Born 1906. Died 1984.

iv. Ellen E. Born 1911.

115. v. John Walter. Born 1914.

vi. Hattie.

117. George Washington Lee[4] Honaker (called Lee) (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Buried in Teays Hill Cemetery, St. Albans, W.Va. One researcher reported that Lee was chief detective for the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency of Bluefield, Va., the well known coal union strike-breaking firm, but this seems a poor fit with Lee’s previously reported history.

He married, first, Rachel Elizabeth Bailey, daughter of Zachariah Henry Bailey Jr. and Elizabeth Dillon (also reported as Dillion). Zachariah was a brother of Aaron Bailey, great grandfather of Walter Martin[10] Bailey (Frederick[1]).

He married, second, Blanche V. Perry 26 May 1915. Born 11 Sep 1880. Died 15 Sep 1994. Buried in Teays Hill Cemetery, St. Albans. Researcher Penny Ramsey Morris said in 2000 that her Grandparents Solomon Franklin Ramsey and Lula Virginia Perry are buried next to the four-casket crypt of W.L. Honaker and his wife Blanche, and Joseph E. Perry and his wife Virginia L. Miller. Penny was told by her mother that those in the crypt were Lula’s relatives. One might conclude that Joseph and Virginia were Blanche’s parents, but this is not known.

118. Charles W.[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Children:

118. i. Charles L.[5] Born 1897 in West Virginia.

118. ii. Thelma. Born 1898 in West Virginia.

iii. Geressa. Born 1900 in West Virginia.

iv. Margaret. Born 1903 in West Virginia.

118. v. Frank M. Born 1910 in West Virginia.

vi. Ethel. She married Unknown Arbaugh.

119. Henry Huston[4] Honaker (called H.H.) (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Aug 1873 in Tazewell Co., Va. Died 8 Nov 1939 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Resthaven Memorial Park, Princeton.

Unknown newspaper, Bluefield, W.Va., unknown date: Honaker Funeral Rites Saturday—Will Be Conducted from First Methodist Church: Henry Horiston Honaker, 66, retired mine superintendent of the United Pocahontas Coal company at Crumpler, W.Va., died Wednesday night of a brief illness. His mining career covered a period of 55 years, the last 23 years being spent in the service of the United Pocahontas Coal company. Although he had been in failing health for several years, Mr. Honaker only retired from work the first of September and moved to Princeton to make his home. He was an active member of the following organizations: Masonic blue lodge; the Commandery Knights Templar, the Beni Kedem Temple, the Scottish rite at Wheeling [W.Va.], the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Red Men and the Knights of Pythias. He was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Crumpler. Funeral service will be conducted by the Rev. Z.D. Holbrook at 1 o’clock Saturday afternoon at the First Methodist church, in Princeton. Burial will be in Resthaven Memorial Park cemetery, Princeton. The body will lie in state at the home on Main street from 1:30 [stet.] this morning until Saturday at 11:30 o’clock when it will be taken to the church to remain until the hour of the service. Active pallbearers will be H.C. Faust, C.W. Meadows, B.F. Wood, C. Maxie, J.B. Gillenwater, O.B. Otey, E.P. Walker, A.B. Pierce. Honorary pallbearers: [illegible] Fowlkes, A.L. Kemp, Fred [illegible], W.R. Shelton, Sr., Lon Overstreet, Dr. Bracy, Dr. Edward [illegible], Kirk Rinner, W.W. Greer, Ba[illegible] Jones, C.E. Loudermilk, Bill German, Sol Baach, Jim Jones and Oscar Ratliff. Henry H. Honaker leaves his widow and the following children: L.H. Honaker of Bishop, Va.; Mrs. Hazel Setliff, Bertram and Alonza of Crumpler; Mrs. L.B. White of Ashland, W.Va.; Mrs. Tony Franes of Northfork; Luther Honaker of Morgantown; Mrs. Sherman Bailey of War, and June of Princeton; two sisters, Mrs. Elmer Ord of Point Pleasant and Mrs. Wallace Carter of Mt. Hope, and two brothers, W.L. Honaker of Logan and G.T. Honaker of Beckley.

He married Mary Etta Miller, daughter of Joseph Burgess Miller and Charity Annie Snow, 28 Nov 1900 in Pocahontas, Va. Born 18 May 1880 in Ore Knob, N.C. Died 30 Apr 1955 in Princeton. Buried in Princeton.

He was superintendent of the coal mines in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va, during the era of major labor unrest. He and Mary Etta lived in Crumpler. Children:

243. i. Lionel Huston[5]. Born 25 Oct 1901 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va.

119. ii. Hazel Gaynell. Born 25 Oct 1903 in Pocahontas, Tazewell Co., Va.

iii. Milton Bertram (called Bert). Born 22 Jan 1906 in Springton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 5 Oct 1981 in West Palm Beach, Fla.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 8 Oct 1981: Milton "Bert" Honaker, 75, of West Palm Beach, Fla., formery of Princeton, died Monday at his residence after a long illness. Born at Springton, he was a son of the late Henry H. and Mary Etta Miller Honaker. He was a retired employee of the Whitney Pratt Aircraft Corp. and a veteran of World War II, having served with the 101 Airborne Division. He had resided in Florida for the past 25 years, moving there from Princeton. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Reba Smith Honaker; one stepson, Freddy Williams of Princeton; one brother, Luther Honaker of Santee, S C.; five sisters, Mrs. Hazel Setliff, Mrs. Frank “Bernice” Good and Mrs. Tony “Vivian” Franes, all of Princeton, Mrs. L.B. “Ferol” White of Montcalm and Mrs. June Martin of Phoenix, Ariz. Memorial services will be conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. at Resthaven Park Cemetery Mausoleum in Princeton with Rev. Amos Turner and L. White, Jr. officiating.

He enlisted in the U.S. Army 24 Mar 1942 at Fort Thomas, Newport, Ky. He was 5-ft. 7-in. and 160 lb. He married, first, Maxine Thompson, daughter of David L. Thompson Sr. and Samantha Blackburn, 16 Jun 1928. Born 26 Feb 1906 in Louisa, Lawrence Co., Ky. Died 12 Feb 1929 in Lawrence County. He married, second, Reba Smith 12 Apr 1943. Born 23 Nov 1912. Died 1990. There were no children in either marriage.

119. iv. Ferol Virginia. Born 17 Jan 1906 in Pocahontas.

v. Luther Burgess. Born 18 Jan 1910 in Springton. Died 18 Oct 2011 in Temecula, Riverside Co., Calif. He was a United Airlines pilot. He married Virginia Shelton, daughter of W.R. Shelton and Annie V. Unknown, 1931. Born 1912. Died 2002 in Clemson, Anderson Co., S.C. They had no children.

vi. Woodrow Henry. Born 10 Jan 1912 in Ashland. Died 15 Jul 1933 in Crumpler,

McDowell Co., W.Va. He was a lifelong invalid.

119. vii. Bernice Clara. Born 23 Nov 1914 in Ashland.

244. viii. Vivian Anne. Born 16 Aug 1916 in Crumpler.

119. ix. Alonzo Mack. Born 21 Jan 1920 in Crumpler.

119. x. June Etta. Born 29 Jun 1922 in Crumpler.

121. India Anna[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. Born 29 Dec 1878 in Bluefield, W.Va. Died 4 May 1961 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Suncrest Cemetery, Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W.Va. She and her family lived in a home on Three Mile Creek Road, two miles from State Rt. 35, three miles south of Henderson, Mason Co., W.Va. The home was still standing in 2009.

Point Pleasant Register, May 1961: Mrs. India Anna Ord, 82, of Poca, formerly of Henderson, died Thursday in Thomas Memorial Hospital, Charleston. She was a member of Concord Baptist Church at Henderson. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Chester Rogers and Mrs. Katherine Hudson, both of Henderson, Mrs. Worthy Rogers of West Columbia, and Mrs. C.W. [Mattox], of Middleport, Ohio; four sons, Charles R., Carl, Lorain and Lowell, all of Poca; a brother, T.G. Honaker of Beckley; two half-brothers, William and Frank Honaker, both of Beckley; 33 grandchildren, and 22 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon at the Concord Baptist Church, with the Rev. Harry Miller officiating. Burial will follow in Suncrest cemetery. Friends may call at the Chapman Wilcoxen Mortuary after 3 p.m. Saturday until the hour of service.

She married Elmer NMN Ord, son of Elsdon NMN Ord (born in England) and Ella Chester, 18 Dec 1901 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Born 8 Feb 1878 in New Haven, Mason Co., W.Va. Died 24 Mar 1954 in Mason County. Buried in Suncrest Cemetery, Point Pleasant.

Point Pleasant Register, 23 Mar 1954: Elmer Ord, 76, a life-long Mason County farmer who made his home on Three Mile Creek died in Holzer Hospital yesterday afternoon. He had been a patient there since yesterday morning. Mr. Ord was born at New Haven, the son of the late Elsdon and Ella Chester Ord. He is survived by his wife, India Anna Honaker Ord; four daughters, Mrs. Edna Mattox of Middleport, Mrs. Margaret Rogers of West Columbia, Mrs. Glenna Rogers and Mrs. Katherine Hudson, both of Henderson; four sons, Carl, Lowell, Loraine Eugene, and Charles Ray, all of Nitro; two brothers, John Ord of Mason, and Walter Ord of Ferndale, Md.; 33 grandchildren, ten great grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Concord Baptist Church. The body will be taken to the church one hour before services, and burial will be in Suncrest Cemetery by the Crow Funeral Home. The body will be taken to the home of the daughter, Mrs. Glenna Rogers, in Henderson this evening and friends will be received there after 6 p.m.


i. Edna V.[5] Born 13 Dec 1902 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died in Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W.Va. Buried in Suncrest Cemetery, Point Pleasant. She lived for a time in Middleport, Ohio, across the Ohio River from Point Pleasant, but lived most of her life in Mason Co., W.Va. She married Carl W. Mattox 12 Jun 1920 in Point Pleasant. Buried in Suncrest Cemetery.

ii. Robert Edward. Born 27 Mar 1904 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 23 Dec 1926 in Mason County. Buried in Pisgah Cemetery, Redmond Ridge Road, Mason County.

iii. Carl. Born 27 Jul 1906 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 4 Mar 1977 in Poca, Putnam Co., W.Va. He settled in Poca, and worked in a chemical plant in Nitro, W.Va. He married Freda T. Morrow 6 Jul 1927.

iv. Lowell Andrew. Born 1 Jul 1908 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died in Poca, Putnam Co., W.Va. He settled in Poca, and worked in a chemical plant in Nitro, W.Va. He married Beatrice Windon 15 Sep1934 in Point Pleasant, W.Va.

121. v. Glenna Mae. Born 27 Jan 1911 in Fayette Co., W.Va.

vi. Margaret Bell. Born 5 May 1912 in Mason Co., W.Va. Died 5 May 1970 in Mason, Mason County. Buried in Kirkland Cemetery, State Rt. 62 north of Point Pleasant, Mason County. She settled in West Columbia, Mason County. She married Worthy Earle Rogers, son of Frank Rogers and Sarah Neal, brother of her sister Glenna’s husband, 27 Feb 1932 in Mason County. Buried in Kirkland Cemetery.

vii. Clifford. Born 27 Mar 1913 in Mason County. Died 1917 in Mason County. Buried in Pisgah Cemetery, Mason County.

viii. Katherine M. (called Toots). Born 11 Nov 1916 in Mason Co., W.Va. Died in Mason County. She settled in Henderson, Mason County. She married Robert M. Hudson 1 Jun 1932 in Mason County.

ix. Loraine Eugene (called Babe). Born 1 Apr 1918 in Mason Co., W.Va. Died 5 Nov 1966 in Poca, Putnam Co., W.Va. He settled in Poca and worked in a chemical plant in Nitro, W.Va., where he was killed in a plant explosion. He married Maxine Gay Craigo (called Gay). After his death she remarried Curtis Winters.

x. Earl. Born 7 Oct 1919 in Mason County. Died 1919 in Mason County. Buried in Pisgah Cemetery, Mason County.

246. xi. Charles Ray. Born 26 Oct 1921 in Mason County.

122. Thomas Graham[4] Honaker (called Graham) (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 May 1883 in Graham, Tazewell Co., Va. The middle name was given because he was the first child born in Graham, which changed its name to Bluefield in 1921 with “the marriage of the two Virginias.” The high school was still named Graham High School, however, as of 1998. Died of prostate cancer 6 Nov 1970 at Pinecrest Sanitarium in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Harper Road Cemetery, Beckley, W.Va. He was a coal miner, and a machinist for the last 30 years of his life. He was an ardent democrat and faithful member of the First Baptist Church in Beckley.

He married Arlena Mitchem (called Lena) 14 Aug 1908 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born ca. 1891 in Beckley, Raleigh County. Died in 1968. Buried in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley. Children:

247. i. Thomas G., Jr.[5]

ii. Lillian. Born 11 Sep 1910 in Beckley, W.Va. Died 16 Apr 1989 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Harper Road Cemetery, Beckley.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 17 Apr 1989: Mrs. Lillian Honaker Ratliff, 78, of Beckley, died April 16, 1989, in Memorial Division, CAMC, after a long illness. She was a retired bookkeeper and accountant. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Beckley, American Baptist Women, Beckley Home Demonstration Club and Beckley Shepherd Center. Surviving: husband, Clair Frank “Chick” Ratliff; brother, Troy Mitchem Sr. of Beckley. Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at First Baptist Church, Beckley, with the Rev. Robert Seymour and the Rev. Holley Faulkner officiating. Burial will be in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at Melton Mortuary, Beckley. The family suggests memorials to First Baptist Church, 422 Neville St., Beckley, W.Va. 25801.

Woodrow Wilson High School web site): Lillian Honaker Ratliff, 78, of 206 West Locust Drive [presumably Beckley, W.Va.] died Sun., April 16, [1989] at 1:53 a.m. in a Charleston medical center after a long illness. Born Sept. 11, 1910, in Raleigh County, she was the daughter of the late Thomas Graham and Lena Mitchem Honaker Sr. Mrs. Ratliff was a lifelong resident of Raleigh County, a retired bookkeeper and accountant, a homemaker, and was a 1928 graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School at Beckley. She was a very active member of the First Baptist Church where she was past superintendent of the Junior Department of the church, past president of the American Baptist Women, served in various capacities of the Raleigh County Association of the American Baptist Women, a former member and past president of the Beckley Home Demonstration Club, and a member of the Beckley Shepherd’s Center. She was preceded in death by a brother, Thomas G. Honaker Jr. Survivors include her husband, Clair Frank (Chick) Ratliff; a foster brother, Troy Mitchem Sr. of Beckley; three nieces and two nephews. Services will be today at 2 p.m. in the First Baptist Church, 422 Neville St., Beckley, with the Revs. Robert Seymour and Holley Faulkner officiating. Burial will be in the Sunset Memorial Park at Beckley. Pallbearers will be James W. Patton, Earl Whitner, Thomas Honaker Jr., John Harman, Bud Hardison, Leon Neal and John Ratliff. Any donations of sympathy may be made to the First Baptist Church, 422 Neville St., Beckley, WV 25801. The family may be reached at the home of Troy Mitchem Sr., 315 Park Ave., Beckley. The Melton Mortuary at Beckley is in charge of the arrangements.

She married Clair Frank Ratliff (called Chick), who was from Hinton, W.Va. He owned a roofing business. Buried in Harper Road Cemetery. They had no children.

123. Anna Belle[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Wallace T. Carter in 1902. Children:

i. Edward Earl[5] (called Earl.) Born 1917. Died 1966. He never married.

123. ii. Helen Lucille. Born 19 Jun 1920 in Turkey Knob, W.Va.

iii. Gedie V. Died very young.

iv. Hassell Thornton. Died 9 Sep 1976.

v. Grace Catherine. Died 1935. The family believed she was murdered.

248. vi. Myrtle Irene (called Irene.)

vii. Robert Francis. Died 5 Aug 1976.

viii. William David (called David.) Died 1961 in a coal mining accident.

ix. Dorothy Mae. Died after 1977. She married, first, Unknown Hurd. She married, second,

Unknown Brown.

x. Anna Belle. In 2009 she lived in Dunbar, W.Va., with her husband Glen Callihan.

124. Luther Rogers[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1908.

He married Unknown. Children:

124. i. Betty[5]. Probably born in the 1920s.

125. William Wesley[4] Honaker (called Bill) (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Apr 1892. Died 9 Feb 1970 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

In 2006 his niece, Betty Lou (Honaker) Osborne, wrote the following about him: “I remember going to Uncle Bill and Aunt Daisy’s house often. They had a daughter, a captain in the Salvation Army. They had a big, beautiful picture of her on the wall. Aunt Daisy was always nice to us when we would go there.”

He married Daisy Elizabeth Meador, daughter of William E. Meador and Tina Unknown. Born 4 Nov 1893 in Summers Co., W.Va. Died 22 Aug 1985 in Beckley. Buried Blue Ridge Memorial Cem., Prosperity, Fayette Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 23 Aug 1985: Mrs. Daisy E. Honaker, 91, of Beckley, died Thursday in Pine Lodge Extended Care Center, Beckley, after a long illness. She was born in Summers County. She was a member of First United Methodist Church, Beckley, where she was a teacher of the Jane Anderson Bible Class. She was president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and a volunteer at Beckley [Veteran’s Administration] Hospital. Surviving: son, William F. of Goldsboro, N.C.; daughters, Mrs Eloise Kennison, Helen Janney and Sally Gallaher, all of Beckley, Mrs. Katheryn Cox of Dallas, Mrs. Patricia Wiseman of Melbourne, Fla.; brother, Thomas Niles of Michigan; sisters, Crystal Thompson of Michigan, Mabel Lilly of Hinton; 16 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday in First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Raymond Rowe officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Rose-Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beckley, and one hour before the service at the church.


i. Lillian[5]. Born 21 Jul 1918. Died 4 Jul 1983 in Melbourne, Brevard Co., Fla. She

married William Bonds.

ii. Katheryn. She married Major Cox. In 1985 she lived in Dallas, Texas.

125. iii. Patricia Ann (called Patty.) Born in Beckley.

iv. Helen. She married Unknown Janney. In 1985 she lived in Beckley.

v. Sally. She married Unknown Gallaher. In 1985 she lived in Beckley.

vi. William F. In 1985 he lived in Goldsboro, N.C.

vii. Eloise. She married Unknown Kennison. In 1985 she lived in Beckley.

126. Ida Jane[4] Honaker (Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). In 2000 she was living in a nursing home, location not known.

In 2006 her niece, Betty Lou (Honaker) Osborne, wrote the following about her: “We went to see Aunt Ida two or three times in Beckley, W.Va. [She was abandoned by her first husband, but] she joked that she sent him after salt and he never came back.”

She married, first, Thurman Paxton. They divorced. Children:

iii. Betty Jo. Born 20 Jun 1933. She married Unknown Colvenbach and in 2000 lived in

Roaming Shores, Ohio.

127. John Floyd[4] Honaker (called Floyd) (James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Jul 1883 in Rocky Gap, Bland Co., Va. Died 6 Sep 1959 in Midkiff, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Buried in McComas Cemetery, Midkiff. He was a Mason and farmer.

He married, first, Rosalee Adkins. Born 1883. Died 13 Feb 1911. Children:

249. i. Golden Frear[5]. Born 26 Apr 1904 in Hager, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

250. ii. Martha Mae. Born 29 Oct 1906 in Hager.

251. iii. Hallie Homer. Born 2 Sep 1908 in Hager.

252. iv. Ronald Denver. Born 6 Jun 1910 in Hager.

He married, second, Leva Florence Plumley, daughter of Evi Plumley and Martha Jane Smith, 16 Mar 1917 in Hager, Lincoln County. Shuck, Our Families, reported the marriage as 16 Mar 1918. Born 25 Dec 1883 in Hager. Died 7 Feb 1978 in Midkiff. Buried in McComas Cemetery, Midkiff. Shuck, Our Families, reported that she was buried in Plumley Cemetery. She previously married Isaac F. Sias 8 Jan 1910. She and John Floyd had five children:

253. v. Kenneth Albert. Born 20 Dec 1919 in Hager.

254. vi. Emma Flossie. Born 9 Jun 1921 in Hager.

vii. Essie Marie. Born 3 Nov 1922 in Sweetland, Lincoln County. Died 3 Aug 1923 in Hager.

Buried in Plumley Cemetery, Hager.

255. viii. Elza Carl (called Pete). Born 28 Aug 1924 in Hager

ix. Ethel Madge. Born 29 Sep 1926 in Hager. Died 15 Oct 2009 in South Point, Lawrence Co., Ohio. Buried in McComas Cemetery, Branchland, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., and Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 17 Oct 2009: Ethel Madge Honaker, 83, of South Point, Ohio, formerly of Lincoln County [W.Va.] died Thursday at Heartland Care of Riverview, South Point. She was a retired cook for Lincoln County Schools. Funeral service will be 11 a.m. Monday at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin [W.Va.] Burial will follow at McComas Cemetery, Branchland [W.Va.] Visitation will be one hour prior to service at the funeral home.

136. Francis Eare[4] Honaker (called Frank) (James[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1892. Died 2 Jan 1971. Buried Mt. Orab Cem., Green Twp., Mt. Orab, Brown Co., Ohio. In his early adult years he operated two restaurants in Mt. Orab and helped his father farm. In later years he was a mail carrier and had a grocery store and cream station.

He married Emma Jewell Preston, daughter of James Preston and Ella Hodgson, 31 Jul 1916. Born 1894. Died 22 Aug 1969. Buried Mt. Orab Cem. Children:

136. i. Harold Earl[5]. Born 5 Jun 1917 in Mt. Orab.

ii. Dorothy Jean. Born 12 Jul 1918 in Mt. Orab. She married, first, Harold Young 11 Jan

1935. They divorced. She married, second, Clarence Edwin Smith 16 May 1942 in Mt. Orab.

iii. Mary Eileen. Born 25 Dec 1919 in Mt. Orab. Died 12 Jan 2010. Buried Mt. Orab Cem.

Clermont Sun, Batavia, Ohio, 24 Mar 2010: Mary Eileen Honaker, 90, of Mt. Orab and formerly of Norwood, died Tue., Jan. 12, 2010. She was born Dec. 25, 1919 in Mt. Orab, the daughter of Frank and Emma Preston Honaker. Miss Honaker was a retired U.S. Postal worker and a member of Norwood Wesleyan Church. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, Harold Honaker and Clarence Honaker and two sisters, Betty Kincheloe and Dorothy Smith. She is survived by numerous nieces and nephews and many friends. Funeral services were held Jan. 14 at Norwood Wesleyan Church. Interment at Mt. Orab Cemetery in Green Township. Memorials may be made to Gideons International. Megie Funeral Home served the family.

iv. Betty Louise. Born 25 Jun 1922 in Bardwell, Brown Co., Ohio. She married Albert Lee

Kincheloe 12 May 1945 in Fayetteville, Brown Co., Ohio.

v. Clarence Howard. Born 2 Sep 1930 in Greenbush, Brown Co., Ohio. Died 11 May 1988

in Mt. Orab. He married Margaret McManus 21 Sep 1957 in Mowrystown, Highland Co., Ohio.

138. Mary A.M.[4] Hurst (called Arminta and Minnie) (Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). She lived in Charleston, W.Va.

139. Servilla Frances[4] McComas (called Fanny) (Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Oct 1870 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 23 Apr 1948 in Bluestone, near Lashmeet, Mercer County. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak.

She married Eanon/Enon Mills. Children:

i. Emerson[5]. He married Clarice White.

ii. Rozella. She married, first, Giles Shrewsbury. She married, second, Hayden Wimmer.

iii. Rufus Clayton. Born 2 May 1891. He married Dora Arizona Cook.

iv. Elbert Baxter. He married Onvie Lotie Lemon.

v. Howard. He married Unknown.

vi. Okley. He married Nova Shrewsbury.

vii. Coval.

viii. Wilder. Died 1 Aug 1974. He married Delila Delp.

ix. Ile S. He married Unknown Reid.

x. Claron. Died 1 Jul 1984. He married Garnet Reid.

xi. Ofa.

xii. Thorwell. He married Clelia Ross.

xiii. Bonnie. She married David LeRoy.

xiv. Burwin Dale. He married Ruby Lee White.

xv. Woodrow. He married Thelma Anderson.

xvi. James B. He married Christine Vaught.

xvii. Albert. He married Helen Syres.

140. Mary Magnolia[4] McComas (called Nola) (Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 9 Nov 1874 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 14 Sep 1956 in Lashmeet, Mercer County. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. History of the Walker Family, Walker, said that Nola and her husband Freland lived at Lashmeet and were members of Rich Creek Primitive Baptist Church for many years.

She married Freland H. Dillon, son of Henderson F. Dillon and Mercena F. Walker, 16 Sep 1891. Born 18 Aug 1871. Died 18 Nov 1951. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery. Children:

i. Clifton C.[5] Died 25 Jan 1968. He married, first, Dora Boice. He married, second, Lena


ii. Carl V. He married, first, Hazel Stovall. He married, second, Ada Walker. He married,

third, Celia Unknown.

iii. Belva Iris. Died 1983. She married Ed H. Kester, son of Mack Kester (second husband of

her aunt Flossie[4] McComas and brother to Pansy, wife of her uncle Millard Filmore[4] McComas.)

iv. Arlie R. Born 30 Aug 1894. Died 10 Dec 1979. She married Chester Hurst. Died 1968.

v. Virgil H. He married Bessie Karnes.

263. vi. Roma.

141. Elsa Ann[4] McComas (also seen as Elzie Ann) (called Elzie) (Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 16 Dec 1876 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 15 Nov 1965 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. She was a very small woman with tiny feet. She wore size three shoes which were a half size too large.

She married Gilbert Walker 6 Aug 1896. Born 9 Aug 1878. Died 13 May 1948. He was for many years pastor of Rich Creek Primitive Baptist Church. Bart Tose, son-in-law to Archibald McComas, followed Arch as pastor of the church. Millard Crotty and Clifton Dillon, grandsons of Rufus McComas, were preachers and deacons of the church and Millard was its associate pastor. Children:

i. Lawrence[5].

ii. Lester. Born 15 Oct 1899. Died 13 May 1959. He married Vertie Shaw.

iii. Ivan. He married Brookie White.

iv. Eldridge. He married Nanny Tillie.

v. Gilvin. He married Unknown Cooper.

vi. Delmar.

vii. Tony.

viii. Mabel. Died 9 Feb 1971. She married Walter Stevens.

ix. Claude D. Died 8 Dec 1971. He married Pansy Perkins.

x. Myrtle. She married Unknown Davis.

142. Millard Filmore[4] McComas (Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. Born 9 Dec 1878 (also reported as 9 Dec 1880) in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 22 Jun 1968 in Princeton, Mercer County. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. In 2012 his granddaughter Rondell Belt, daughter of Everett Lowery, said that Millard built the house in Matoka, Mercer County, where her father was born, and which was still standing in 2012. It had an addition, she said, but if you look carefully you can see the original structure. Everett inherited a rocking chair and clock that his father built, and Rondell inherited a child’s split bottom rocking chair that Millard made with oak slats which he wove into the frame. He was, she said, “a jack of all trades, a master carpenter, a blacksmith, a vet, and a beekeeper…one census has him listed as a coal mine blacksmith…he was in his 60s when I was born but he didn’t talk much and didn’t smile much. I often wondered what drew all of his wives to him. We will never know. His kids were so different from him. They were all talkers. When Aunt Iva was around, no one else got a chance to talk. She had the strongest personality of all. Aunt Verlie was much the same. Uncle Earl was funny but controlling and wanted things his way.  Dad is more relaxed and giving but very personable. Aunt Murrell and Aunt Omega were the mildest of the group but still very personable.  Aunt Omega doted on her nieces and nephews.  She and I corresponded often.  I saved one of her letters and am so glad that I did.”

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 23 Jun 1968: Millard F. McComas, 89, of Princeton, formerly of Marmet, [died] Saturday in a Princeton hospital. Member of Primitive Baptist Church, Flattop, a retired farmer, and native of Mercer County. Surviving: widow, Verda M.; sons, Earl of Coolridge and Everett of Marmet; daughters, Mrs. Murrell McPherson of Princeton, Mrs. Arnold Donaldson of Sacramento, Calif., Mrs. Agile Midkiff of Coolridge and Mrs. Roy Harmon of Croydon, Pa.; sister, Mrs. Dulsie Meadows of Matoaka. Service 1 p.m. Lash Meet Primitive Baptist Church. McComas Cemetery, Pinoak. Callers to Bailey Funeral Home, Princeton, after 4 p.m. today.

He married, first, Louvernia Lilly (called Vernie), daughter of Andrew Jackson Lilly and Sarah Elizabeth Lyons, and sister of Oliver Lilly, first husband of Millard’s sister Flossie McComas, 2 Nov 1898. Born 15 Oct 1880 in Camp Creek, Mercer County. Died of blood poisoning 2 Feb 1902. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. Children:

264. i. Murrel Olive[5]. Born 3 Apr 1900 in Lashmeet, Mercer Co., W.Va.

ii. Opal Claire. Born 27 Jan 1902. Died 3 Feb 1902. Buried in her mother’s arms.

He married, second, Zulema Guthrie Thaxton (called Lema), 15 Nov 1907. Born 2 Oct 1872. Died 24 Aug 1909. She was a widow who brought two sons to the marriage. She and Millard raised them and they later moved to the Toledo, Ohio area. Children (of Millard and Lema):

iii. Omega Zulema (called Miggie). Died 1996 in California, where she lived for over 50

years. The remains were cremated and interred with those of her second husband. She was a dictation secretary for California governors Jerry Brown and Ronald Reagan. She married, first, Tom Haynes. They divorced. She married, second, Arnold Danielson.

iv. Unnamed son. Born and died 2 Oct 1908.

He married, third, Pansy Ettalee Kester, daughter of Mack Kester, second husband of his sister Flossie, 28 Sep 1910. Born 6 Jul 1888 in Mercer County. Died 29 Mar 1939 in Cool Ridge, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

Unknown newspaper and date: Coolridge Woman Paralysis Victim—Mrs. Pansy E. McComas Dies After Illness of Several Years—Mrs. Pansy E. McComas, 50 years old, of Coolridge, died at her home Wednesday afternoon from the effects of a paralytic stroke. She had been in ill health for several years. Born in Mercer County, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kester. Mrs. McComas is survived by her husband, Millard S. McComas, of Coolridge; two sons, Earl R. McComas, Coolridge, and Everett L. McComas, Coolridge; two daughters, Mrs. Adgile Midkiff, Coolridge, and Mrs. Roy Harmon, Killarney; step-daughter, Mrs. C.C. McPherson, Princeton; Mrs. Tom Haynes, Bluefield; three brothers, Ed Kester, Rock, Ote Kester, Wyco, and Leonard Kester, Fitzpatrick; sister, Mrs. William Lusk, Spanishburg; five grandchildren and six step-grandchildren. She was a member of the Rich Creek Baptist church. Funeral services will be conducted at the Rich Creek church Friday morning at 11 o’clock by the Rev. Eugene Nichols and the Rev. L.L. Foley. Burial will be in the family cemetery.


265. v. Verlie Azel. Born 26 Sep 1911 in Lashmeet.

266. vi. Iva Fay. Born 8 Nov 1913.

267. vii. Earl Ray. Born 20 Sep 1915 in Kegley, Mercer County.

viii. Emmett Carnice. Born 5 Sep 1917 in Mercer County. Died of meningitis 17 Mar 1937 in

Beckley, Raleigh County. He was a coal miner, age 19, living in Lillybrook, Raleigh County, when he died. Buried in Pinoak, Mercer County. Arrangements were by Calfee & Son Funeral Home, Beckley.

ix. Omar Ellis. Born 6 Jan 1920. Died 8 Jan 1920.

268. x. Everett Lowery. Born 1 Mar 1921 in Matoaka, Mercer County.

He married, fourth, Verda Mills 14 Sep 1939. Born 9 Aug 1900. Died 29 May 1982. There were no children.

143. Flossie Louella[4] McComas (Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Dec 1881 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 3 Jan 1928 in Lashmeet, Mercer County. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. She was an outspoken, independent woman and resolute member of Rich Creek Primitive Baptist Church. She lived alone for several years after her children had all left home. She could shoot well and feared no one. She had a fox horn to call her neighbors if she got sick. When her three younger children were grown and could not get along, she left without telling them where she was going and came to a sister’s house for a week, leaving them to fare for themselves. She had no more trouble with them. Her nephew Darrel McPherson said she had whiskers which she usually shaved, but would sometimes grow just to beard the young men, including himself. It took several years, he said, for him to grow enough beard to hold his own with her. She loved to relate family history, which inspired Darrel’s love for the same. Flossie possessed the family’s James A. Honaker dulcimer, which was to pass to the first grandchild who learned to play it. When Flossie’s sister Dulcy was learning to play, Dulcy demonstrated her ability in hopes that it would win her the instrument. After she’d finished, Flossie asked for it, demonstrated her own ability, and claimed it. Their brother Millard made a copy of it which he gave to Dulcy. While Millard was working on it, his son Earl also made one. Like his father, Earl gave the one he made to his sister, Murrel Olive. Several years before she died, Murrell Olive returned it to him so it would remain in his family and to alleviate the problem of her three different grandchildren all wanting it.

She married, first, Oliver Lilly, brother of Louverne Lilly, first wife of Flossie’s brother Millard Filmore McComas. Children:

i. Hazel[5]. She married Gilbert Laxton.

269. ii. Glacie.

iii. Beulah. She married Walter Dean.

iv. Arthur. He married Unknown and had one son.

She married, second, Mack Kester, father of Pansy Kester, third wife of Flossie’s brother Millard Filmore McComas. Children:

v. Elmer. He made a career of the U.S. Army and never married.

vi. Frank. He married Irene Gullion.

vii. Vernice (called Vida). She married Jessie Willard Gullion. Died 9 Oct 1988.

144. Loren Cogle[4] McComas (Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Dec 1886 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 19 May 1928 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. A photograph of him with his gun and two bears appeared in a Baily family history book by Richard Baily and a Mercer County history book. The picture was made between 1903 and 1908 and was inherited by his nephew Darrel McPherson of Princeton, Mercer County.

He married Zella Huffman. Born 26 Oct 1889. Died 7 Feb 1973. Children:

i. Dasil[5].

ii. Rema. She married Roy Lovel.

iii. Verlice. She married Unknown Odom.

iv. Alene. She married Unknown Higgins.

v. Mayford.

145. Dulcy Bea[4] McComas (Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 23 Jan 1891 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 14 Jan 1987 in Princeton, Mercer County. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak.

She married Charles Daniel Crotty, son of William Anderson Crotty and Julia (Thompson) Oliver, 27 Mar 1912 in Pinoak. Born 19 Feb 1874 in Concord Church, Mercer County. Died 30 Oct 1936 in Pinoak. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery. Children:

i. Edith Lucille[6]. Born 23 Jan 1913 in Pinoak. She married James Wdward Hill 13 May

1931 in Lashmeet, Mercer County. Died 14 Feb 1993.

ii. Loren Clyde (called Clyde). Born 16 Dec 1914 in Hatcher, Mercer County. He married,

first, Gertrude Mable Davis 10 Jan 1937. Died 2 May 1992. He married, second, Grace Sopsher 7 Oct 1995.

iii. John Millard (called Millard). Born 10 Apr 1916 in Hatcher, Mercer County. Died 10

Aug 1977 in Princeton. He married Edna Wavey Walker 14 Sep 1935 in Pinoak. Died 28 Nov 1983.

iv. Lawrence Edward. Born 15 Apr 1918. He married Kathleen Hill 2 Mar 1938 in Princeton.

270. v. Blanche Mae. Born 15 Mar 1920 in Pinoak.

vi. Homer. Born and died 19 Dec 1922 in Pinoak.

vii. Erma Fay. Born 19 Dec 1931 in Pinoak. She married Henry Beecher Meadows II, 27 Jun

1948 in Jumping Branch, Summers Co., W.Va.

She married, second, Armstadt Meadows.

146. James Albert[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham [l]). Born 26 Oct 1871 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 26 Oct 1922. Buried in Hill Top Cemetery, Hill Top, Fayette Co., W.Va. He was a builder who lived in Scarbro, Fayette County.

He married Julia Frances Pettry, daughter of Burrell Pettry and Nancy Alice Jarrell, 11 Nov 1891 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Born 28 Jul (also reported as 13 Aug) 1871 in Launa, W.Va. Died 15 Feb 1930 in Scarbro, Fayette Co., W.Va. Burried in Hill Top Cemetery. She was a midwife at times. Children:

i. Mamie[5]. Born 8 Aug 1892 in Launa, W.Va. Died 3 Apr 1982 in Oak Hill, Fayette Co.,

W.Va. She married Charles Elmer Shrewsbury 15 Sep 1920.

146. ii. Marshie. Born 3 May 1895 in Launa.

iii. Theodore. Reported born 17 Sep 1897 in Launa, W.Va. Died 29 Jun 1898. Raleigh Co., W.Va. death records report a Clayton Honaker, son of J.A. and J. Honaker, who died 27 Jun 1898 of fever at the age of nine months and 10 days. Clayton’s lifespan is about the same as that reported for Theodore, and Clayton could have been named for William Clayton[4], James Albert’s brother. Thus he may have been the same child as Theodore.

271. iv. Robert Travers. Born 5 Oct 1900 in Scarbro, W.Va.

146. v. Elizabeth. Born 28 Jul 1903.

vi. John Roy. Born 11 Dec 1906. Died 3 Feb 1961. He married Edna Pack.

vii. Julia A. Born 21 Sep 1915. Died 14 Feb 1916.

147. William Clayton[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Aug 1876. He and his family were enumerated in the 1910 and 1920 Raleigh Co., W.Va. censuses. The 1910 census recorded that he had been married twice, that he had been married ten years (we assume this means to his then-current wife), that his wife Barbara also had been married twice, and there were three children in the household—Bessie, Ray, and Wirt. The 1920 census identified him as a grocery clerk, with a younger wife, Lillie F., with Ray and Wirt in the household.

He married, first, Unknown. Children:

i. William C.[5], Jr.

ii. Bessie. Born ca. 1896.

iii. Ray. Born ca. 1902. Died 31 Jan 1988 in Columbus, Ga.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 2 Feb 1988: Ray Honaker, 86, of Sylvester, Boone County, died Jan. 31, 1988, in Muscogee Nursing Home, Columbus, Ga., after a long illness. He was a retired railroad engineer with C&O Railway. He was a member of Pinehurst Baptist Church and was past master of Boone Masonic Lodge, Whitesville. Surviving: half sister, Mrs. Julia Ann Smith of Princeton. Service will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Valley Funeral Home, Whitesville, with the Rev. Howard Gwinn Jr. officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, with Masonic graveside rites. Friends may call after 6 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.

He married Pearl Evans.

He married, second, Barbara Hunter, 13 Apr 1901 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 1876. She previously married Unknown Peters, and Raleigh County marriage records give her name as Barbara Peters. Children (of William and Barbara):

iv. Robert Wirt (called Wirt). Born ca. 1906.

He married, third, Lettie or Lillie Fay Jarrell (identified as Lillie F. in the 1920 census). Born ca. 1899. Children:

147. v. Julia Ann. Born 30 Jun 1923 in West Virginia

148. Charles Blackford[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Charles and his family were enumerated in the 1910 and 1920 Raleigh Co., W.Va. censuses. The 1920 Clear Fork District census identified Charles as a coal company carpenter.

He married Rosa B. Bailey (listed as Rosie on the censuses). Children:

148. i. Orva[5] (f.) (Orvie on the 1920 census). Born ca. 1903.

ii. Onie (f.) (Anie on the 1910 census, Omie on the 1920 census). Born ca. 1905.

iii. Herbert Harold. Born ca. 1907. Died 10 Mar 1984 in Beckley, W.Va. He was a coal

miner. He married Phyllis Audrey Moore, daughter of Ira Moore Sr. and Nellie Mae Smith. Born 4 May 1912 in Winifrede, W.Va. Died 14 Feb 2004 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Pineview Cemetery, Orgas, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 16 Feb 2004: Phyllis Audrey Honaker, 91, died Sat., Feb. 14, 2004 at Heartland of Charleston Nursing Home following a long illness. Born 4 May 1912 in Winifrede, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Ira and Nellie Mae Smith Moore Sr. Mrs. Honaker was a housewife. She was a member of the Colcord Presbyterian Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Herbert Honaker; three sisters, Mary Green, Nellie Mae Green and Ida Moore; brother, Seybert Moore. Survivors include two brothers, Don Moore of Whitesville, W.Va., Ira Moore Jr. of Canton, Ohio; a sister, [Effie Elizabeth] Wiseman of [Winifrede,] Virginia; several nieces and nephews. Service will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Valley Funeral Home, Whitesville Chapel, with David Pettry, CLP, officiating. Burial will follow in Pineview Cemetery, Orgas. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Arrangements are by Valley Funeral Home, Whitesville.

iv. Opha (f.) (Apha on the 1910 census, Opia on the 1920 census). Born ca. 1908.

v. Bradie. Born ca. Jan 1910. Was seven months old when the 1910 census was taken. Not

listed on the 1920 census, apparently deceased.

vi. Bess. Born ca. 1911.

vii. Blanche. Born ca. 1915. She married Unknown Lamon.

272. viii. Charles Bernard (called Bernard). Born ca. Jan 1918.

ix. Ella. Born ca. Feb 1920.

x. Barbara.

149. Lela[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Children:

i. Carl[5]. Born ca. 1900.

ii. Dottie. Born ca. 1902.

iii. Connie. Born ca. 1904.

149. iv. Opal. Born ca. 1906.

v. Darl.

vi. Rosalie.

vii. Peter W. (twin)

viii. unknown (twin). Died.

150. Heber[4] Honaker (Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 25 Jul 1889 in Darby, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 22 Apr 1969 in Amelia, Ohio. Buried in Green Mound Cemetery, New Richmond, Ohio. His son Eugene said that Heber inherited the gunsmithing tools used by his famous grandfather James A., but their whereabouts was no longer known. Heber was a carpenter and builder.

He married Rose Marjorie Day, daughter of James Kilby Day and Laura Flanagan, 29 Jul 1911 in Amelia. Born 18 Dec 1891 in Amelia. Died 29 Mar 1983 in Amelia. Buried in Green Mound Cemetery, New Richmond. Children:

273. i. Homer Ellis[5] (called Ellis). Born 20 Sep 1912 in Jarrolds Valley, W.Va.

150. ii. Bernice LaVern. Born 25 Oct 1915 in Jarrolds Valley.

150. iii. Eugene Thurl. Born 5 May 1918 in Jarrolds Valley.

153. Duffie[4] Miller (Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

186. ii. Annie. [corrected spelling]

156. ChapHannah[4] Honaker (called Hannah) (Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

156. v. Kenneth Dale. Born 27 May 1934 in Pine Knob, W.Va.

157. William Van[4] Honaker (called Parker) (William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Mar 1880 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 21 Sep 1955 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, later called Honaker Cemetery #1, Arnett.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 24 Sep 1955: Honaker, William Van (Parker)—Service will be at 2:30 p.m. today in Arnett Chapel with Rev. Wade Webb and Rev. Virgil Cook officiating. Burial will be in Green Hill Cemetery at Arnett under the direction of Armstrong mortuary of Whitesville. Mr. Honaker, 75, a retired miner of Arnett, Raleigh County, died Wednesday night in Raleigh General Hospital at Beckley after a long illness. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sinie Cook Honaker; two daughters, Mrs. Lula Dickens and Mrs. Maxine Daniels, both of Arnett; two sons, Baxter and Byrd, both of Arnett; four sisters, Mrs. Anne Cook of Dorothy, Mrs. Lula Dillon of MacArthur, Mrs. Minnie Miller of Crab Orchard, and Mrs. Ferby Kincaid of Lecanto, Fla.; three brothers, John and Dewey, both of Arnett, and James of Dorothy; 19 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The body is at the home.

The 1920 Raleigh Co., W.Va. census identified the family as household #119, Pine Grove District. The census enumerator recorded his name as William P. His wife Sina and the four children below were listed on this census.

He married Sina Bell Cook, daughter of William Pemberton Cook Sr. (called Pemb) and Luverna Wills, 25 Apr 1902 in Arnett. Born 14 Feb 1882 in Arnett. Died 17 Aug 1971 in Arnett at the home of her daughter Maxine. One researcher reported that she married, first, a Webb. A close relative, Rebecca Cook, said in 2003 that Sina’s sister Lula married Chub Webb but that Sina never married a Webb. Rebecca also said that Sina was a Christian all her life. A neighbor and pallbearer, J.D. Bailey, said that when Sina died the biggest branch in his apple tree cracked and broke, sounding like dynamite.

Sina is buried in Honaker Cemetery #1, Arnett.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., unknown date—Arnett Resident Succumbs at 89—Arnett (RNS)—Mrs. Sinia Belle Honaker, 89, of Arnett died at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at her home after a long illness. Born Feb. 14, 1882, at Arnett, she was the daughter of the late William and Verne Wills Cook. She was a member of the Arnett Chapel and the Arnett Ladies Aid. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Maxine Lemon of Arnett; a son, Baxter Honaker of Arnett; a sister, Mrs. Lula Webb of Edwight; 21 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 11:30 a.m. Friday at the Arnett Chapel with Rev. John Richardson and Rev. Wade Webb in charge. Burial will be in the Honaker Cemetery at Arnett. The body will be taken from Armstrong Funeral Home in Whitesville to the home of daughter, Mrs. Maxine Lemon, at 5 p.m. today. Pallbearers include William Brown, Quentin Asbury, Ross and Jack Honaker, Charles and Albert Cook, Omer Acord, Parker Webb, and J.D. Bailey.


157. i. Lula.[5] Born 23 Feb 1903 in Arnett.

303. ii. Byrd D. Born 1907 in Arnett.

iii. Myrtle E. Born 1915 in Arnett. Died 1926. Buried in Cook Cemetery, Arnett. Her sister Maxine said that Myrtle died after falling and hitting her head while playing.

157. iv. William Baxter (called Baxter). Born 29 May 1917 in Arnett.

157. v. Rosa Maxine (called Maxine). Born 30 Nov 1923 in Arnett.

158. James Perry[4] Honaker (William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Children:

He married, first, Grace Lee Dickens, daughter of James Franklin Dickens and Delilah Miller (daughter of William Miller (called Pete) and Juliann Gunnoe), ca. 1912.

158. i. James Edward[5]. Born 16 Apr 1913 in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

158. iii. Earl Damon. Born 14 Jul 1917 in Dorothy.

158. iv. Garnet Wanda. Born 7 Feb 1921 in Dorothy.

158. v. Eleanor (called Pat). Born 1 Oct 1925 in Dorothy.

158. vi. Herbert Hoover. Born 3 Feb 1930 in Dorothy.

ix. Harry David. In Aug 1994 he and Carol lived at 7033 Clear Fork Rd., Ameagle, W.Va. In 2012 he lived in Whitesville, W.Va.

158. x. Johnny Robert. Born 26 Aug 1947.

159. Dewey Dwight[4] Honaker (William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Jan 1898 in Arnett, W.Va. Died in 1961. He was a coal miner.

He married Alwilda Pettry (called Wilda) 29 Jan 1919 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born ca. 1900 in Dry Creek, W.Va. Died 4 Jan 1985 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 6 Jan 1985: Mrs. Wilda Honaker, 84, of Arnett, Raleigh County, died Friday in Beckley Hospital after a long illness. She was born at Dry Creek and was a member of Arnett Assembly of God Church. Surviving: sons, Jack, Ross and Ted, all of Arnett; Kermit of Mabscott and Sherman of Brunswick, Ohio; daughters, Violet Marshall and Patty Honaker, both of Arnett; 19 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren. Service will be noon Monday at Arnett Assembly of God Church with the Rev. George Hendrick and the Rev. Jack Henry officiating. Burial will be in Honaker family cemetery, Arnett. Friends may call after 6 p.m. today at the church. Melton Mortuary, Beckley, is in charge of arrangements.


159. i. Troy Dover[5] (changed his name to Jack). Born 25 Nov 1919 in Arnett.

159. ii. Kermit. Born in 1931 in Arnett.

305. iii. James Ross (called Ross). Born ca. 1932.

159. iv. Theodore (called Ted). Born ca. 1937.

v. Sherman. In 2004 he lived in Bolt, W.Va. He married Gladys M. Pettry. He also married

Carol Unknown.

159. vi. Kitty.

vii. Violet. In 2004 she lived in Arnett. She married Unknown Marshall.

viii. Patsy (called Patty.) Born 24 Jun 1940 in Arnett. Died 15 Dec 2009 in Charleston, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 18 Dec 2009: Patsy (Patty) Honaker of Arnett died Tue., Dec. 15, 2009 at the Charleston [W.Va.] Area Medical Center following a long illness. She was 69 years of age. Funeral services will be Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Arnett Assembly of God. Friends may visit from 6 to 9 p.m. today, Friday at the church.

Online condolences may be sent to the family at . Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Beckley.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 19 Dec 2009: On Tue., Dec. 15th, 2009, our beautiful Patty Honaker of Arnett was welcomed into Heaven. A patient at the Charleston Area Medical Center, she was 69 years of age and had been battling a long illness. Born Patsy Honaker on June 24, 1940 at Arnett, she was the youngest of eight children born to the late Dewey and Wilda Pettry Honaker. Brothers, Jack and Ted and a sister, Kitty Matthews all preceded her in death. Patty as she was affectionately known all her life was a graduate of Marsh Fork High School and was a disabled beautician. Patty was a big sister rather than just an aunt to all her nieces and nephews and their families. In addition to her parents and siblings, nieces, Annie Honaker Smith and Linda Matthews Hawkins and nephews, Bill and Steve Matthews and Robert Honaker all preceded her in death. Left to cherish her memory is a sister, Violet Marshall of Arnett; brothers, Ross Honaker of Arnett, Kermit Honaker and his wife Sally and William Sherman Honaker and his wife Carol all of Beckley; a large extended family of nieces, nephews and their families as well as friends of the Arnett community survive. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Monday at the Arnett Assembly of God Church. Burial will follow in the Honaker Cemetery #2 beside the church. The family will receive friends from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday at the church. Family members will serve as pallbearers. Online condolences may be sent to the family at Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Inc, Beckley.

160. William Bezalell[4] Honaker (William Baxter[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]. Born 11 Feb (also Oct) 1870 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 9 Apr 1945 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va. Buried in Spring Hill Cemetery, Huntington.

He married Cynthia May (also Mary) Surrett (also Surratt), daughter of the Rev. John H. Surrett and Jeanette J. Cantley, 21 Apr 1892 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 11 Mar 1872 in Raleigh County. Died 22 Jun 1967 in Huntington. Buried in Spring Hill Cemetery. Children:

160. i. William Lee[5]. Born 31 Mar 1895 in Montcalm, Mercer County.

ii. Howard Hedley[5]. Born 7 Apr 1900 in Mercer County. Died 9 Jul 1960 in Huntington.

He married Lois Ruth Humphreys.

iii. Harold Rodney. Born 1901 in Mercer County. He married Margaret Jane Moore 26 Nov

1936 in Cabell County.

306. iv. Robert Milton. Born 9 Mar 1913 in Matoaka, Mercer County.

v. Georgia. She married S.T. Nugen.

vi. Jeanette (called Nettie). Born in McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 11 May 1995 in Huntington,

Cabell County. Entombed in Ridgelawn Cemetery Abbey of Devotion, Huntington.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, 12 May 1995: Jeanette “Nettie” Honaker

McGuire died May 11, 1995 at her residence, Huntington, W.Va. A retired Cabell County schoolteacher, she was born in McDowell Co., W.Va., a daughter of William B. and Cynthia May Surratt Honaker. She had been a resident of Huntington since 1919 and received a masters degree from Marshall University. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church and its Woman’s Society, the Retired Teachers Association of W.Va. and Cabell Co., and the Huntington Woman’s Club. For several years she was education chairman for the Easter Seal Society. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil Albert McGuire. She is survived by several nieces and nephews. Services were held May 14 at Klingel-Carpenter Mortuary, with Dr. James R. Denney officiating. Entombment followed at the Ridgelawn Cemetery Abbey of Devotion.

161. Jasper Lee[4] Honaker (John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Sep 1871 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died of cerebral thrombosis 23 May 1956 in Bluefield [W.Va.] Sanitarium, Mercer County. Buried in Methodist Church Cemetery, also called Herndon Cemetery, Montcalm, in a grave marked by a field stone. He lived in Montcalm where he owned a general store, Honaker and Sons. His death certificate gave his occupation as coal miner.

He married Cordelia Frances Cook (called Fannie), daughter of James Perry Cook (called Perry) (great grandson of John Cook, first settler of Wyoming Co., W.Va.) and Julia Ann Sarrett, 11 Nov 1891 in Wyoming Co., W.Va. Born 5 Nov 1872 (also 1873) in Arnett, Marsh Fork, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died of heart failure 8 Sep 1958 in Montcalm. Buried in Methodist Church Cemetery, in a grave marked by a field stone.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 9 Sep 1958: Mrs. Fannie Cordelia Honaker, 85, of Montcalm, died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Winnie Shrader in Montcalm. She was a member of the Montcalm Methodist Church and was born Nov. 5, 1872. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. [Icey] Watkins of Bluefield, Mrs. Bessie Pennington of Melvin, Ky., Mrs. Nina Sargent of Tazewell, Va.; two sons, Lacy Honaker of Montcalm and James Honaker of Spencer; one brother, John Cook of Arnett; two sisters, Mrs. Laura McGraw of McGraw and Mrs. Alice McGinnis of Portland, Ore.; 40 grandchildren, 79 great-grandchildren and six great-great grandchildren. Honorary pallbearers are J.C. Fanning, Dr. P.R. Fox and W.L. Warden and members of the Men’s Bible Class of the Montcalm Methodist Church. Pallbearers are S.W. Foy, T.A. Warden, R.S. Vawter, Henry Sargent, Roy Lacy, Curtis Neal, Edgar Watkins, Harley Dunford, Clyde Smith, Adam O’Donnell and Zakie Stowers. Funeral services will be conducted from the Montcalm Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Thursday. Interment will follow in the Herndon Cemetery in Montcalm. The deceased will remain at the Cravens Funeral Home until 10 a.m. Wednesday, and then will be taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Winnie Shrader in Montcalm.

In 2012, Frances’ granddaughter Judy Louise[6] (Honaker) Peck wrote the following notes about Frances.

“She was related to John D. Cook (Cooke) who was the first settler of Wyoming Co., W.Va. He was her great great great grandfather. Her genealogy is as follows: (1) John D. Cooke and Eleanor “Nellie” Pemberton Goodall, her great great great grandparents; (2) William Cook and Catherine Stewart (daughter of Capt. Ralph Stewart and his second wife, Mary “Polly” Clay.) Mary Clay was the daughter of Mitchell Clay and Phoebe Belcher. Mitchell was the first settler in Mercer Co., W.Va. These were her great great grandparents [Captain Stewart’s grave is marked by Daughters of the American Revolution at the Keatley Cemetery, Clear Fork, W.Va., between Oceana and Kopperston. His burial place is the James Mandeville Homestead, at what was formerly known as the Craney post office. The cemetery also has been known as the Cozort Cemetery]; (3) Pemberton Cook and Ruth Shumate, her great grandparents; (4) James Perry Cook and Julie Anne Sarrett, her parents.

“John D. ‘Little Jack’ Cooke was born 28 Jun 1752 in Westminster, London, England. He arrived in Virginia in 1772 at the age of 21. He died 21 Nov 1832 at the age of 80 in Mouth of Laurel, Wyoming Co. (West) Va. He married Eleanor “Nellie” Pemberton Goodall 6 Apr 1773 in Shenandoah, Prince William Co., Va. She also had arrived in 1772. He was the first Cooke to come to America. He was a Revolutionary War soldier, first fighting in Lord Dunmore’s War in 1773, Indian scout, and first settler of Wyoming Co., (West) Va. There are DAR plaques for John Cook and Ralph Stewart (the second settler of Wyoming County, who was also a grandfather of hers) in Wyoming County.

“West Virginia Historical Plaque inscription: ‘John Cooke—First settler of Wyoming County. He was born in London, 1752, and kidnapped and sold to Virginia planter as an indentured servant. He was a revolutionary soldier and fought in battles of Point Pleasant, Monmouth and Stony Point. In lieu of army pay, he was given grant of land in Montgomery County, Virginia, located on Little Laurel, on which he and two sons settled, 1799. He is buried here in the Delilah Chapel graveyard.”

Children (all born on what was called Honaker Curve in Montcalm):

161. i. Icie Leona[5]. Born 21 Jul 1892.

161. ii. Bessie A. Born 13 Sep 1895.

307. iii. Lacy Lee. Born 2 Feb 1894.

iv. James Henry. Born 12 Sep 1897. Died 15 Nov 1971 in Spencer, Roane Co., W.Va. He

married Ollie M. Perkins 4 Jan 1927 in Mercer Co., W.Va. The ceremony was performed by G.M. Scott. They divorced before the 1930 census, which showed him living with his parents.

v. Sydney. Born late 1899. He was enumerated on the 1900 census as 11-months but is not

shown on the 1910 census. He probably was named for his uncle, Dr. Sydney J. Daniel.

161. vi. Nina Agnes. Born 24 Jan 1901.

161. vii. Winifred Romanzie. Born 23 Feb 1903.

162. Jehu C.[4] Honaker (John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Mar 1875 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died of cancer 5 Jan 1917 in Montcalm, Mercer County (birth certificate states Raleigh County). Buried in Methodist Church Cemetery, Montcalm.

He married Almeida Donna Neal (called Donnie), daughter of James Henry Neal and Cynthia W. Bailey, 20 Apr 1899 in Mercer County. Born 1 Sep 1872 in Mercer County. Died 2 Dec 1943 in Bartley, W.Va. Buried in Monte Vista Cemetery, Bluefield, W.Va.

163. George Thomas[4] Honaker (John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Apr 1877 in Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa. Died 22 Feb 1953 in San Leandro, Alameda Co., Calif. His ashes are interred in Chapel of Chimes, Oakland, Alameda County. He was a physician who graduated Barnes Medical College, St. Louis, Mo., in 1900 and was licensed in California in 1920. He was a member of Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association and California Medical Association, and associate member of the American Medical Association.

Chapel, Gun Collector’s Handbook of Values, 1947, was dedicated to Dr. George T. Honaker, no explanation given. In Chapt. 25, American Gunmakers of the Flintlock Period, the author included the following: “J. Honaker, of Pennsylvania, was famous for his turkey rifles. His relatives in Virginia and West Virginia also made rifles, and the descendant of one of those pioneers is the man to whom this book is dedicated.”

We cannot determine with certainty the George T. Honaker or J. Honaker referenced, but the only presently-known Dr. George T. Honaker was George Thomas[4], a physician descended from Honaker gunmakers, who lived in California at the time the book was written. There are a number of J. Honaker gunmakers who might have been among those intended above, the most likely of whom would be James A., who made highly regarded mountain rifles but lived in West Virginia, not Pennsylvania.

On 13 Aug 1951, the California Society of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution approved a membership application by George Thomas Honaker, age 74, who stated he was a retired surgeon living at 510 Glenn Dr., San Leandro, Calif. George Thomas claimed lineal descendancy from Matthew French, b. 1734 in Westmorland Co., Va., d. 1814 in Giles Co., Va. French, George Thomas said, served as a private, Montgomery Co., Va. Militia, in 1781 in Capt. Thomas Shannon’s company, Col. William Preston’s regiment, participating in the Battles of Wetzel Mills and Guilford Court House. George Thomas also said that his deceased cousin, Thomas J. [Jesse] Honaker had been a member of the West Virginia Society of Sons of the American Revolution.

He married Josephine Frances Stone, daughter of Jason David Stone and Leonora Gertrude Bowen, 31 May 1905. Born 21 Mar 1880 in Chicago, Ill. Died 22 Oct 1969 in Greenwood, Lawrence Co., S.D. Children:

309. i. Helen Bowen[5]. Born 6 Jun 1906

ii. Unknown. Died several days after birth.

iii. Unknown. Died several days after birth.

164. Sallie P.[4] Honaker (John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1885 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died after 1942 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

She married John Preston Necessary, son of John Wesley Necessary and Lucinda C. Pruitt, 29 Jun 1904 in Mercer Co., W.Va. It was his second marriage. Born 16 Feb 1881 in Tannersville, Tazewell Co., Va. Died Jan 1969 in Huntington. Children:

i. Margery[5]. She married Unknown Fisher.

ii. Unknown.

iii. Unknown.

iv. Unknown.

v. Unknown.

165. Albert Waymon[4] Honaker (called Jake) (James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Apr 1879 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 30 Oct 1961 in Beckley, Raleigh County. Buried in a Honaker family cemetery in Saxon.

Unknown Beckley newspaper, 31 Oct 1961: Honaker Funeral Scheduled Today—Albert (Jake) Honaker, 82, of [Saxon], died at 4 a.m. Monday in a local hospital following an extended illness. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. today in the Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church with the Rev. Virgil Cook officiating. Burial will be in the family cemetery at [Saxon.] Born at [Saxon], April 3, 1879, he was a son of the late James and Mary Daniel Honaker, and was a life long resident of Raleigh County. He was a retired carpenter and did much of the construction of the Starr Methodist Church of which he was a member. Honaker was a charter member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge 361, Glen Daniel, and was active in the Republican party in Raleigh County. He was a supporter of the former president, Theodore Roosevelt, and rode horseback to campaign for him. Married to the former Bertie Manning in 1902, a son Junior, preceded him in death in 1954. Survivors include his wife; four daughters, Mrs. Mildred Brown and Mrs. Nettie [Treadway], both of Maxwell Hill, Mrs. [Opha] Daniel of Dry Creek and Mrs. Mary Ann Brooks of Portland, Ore; 10 sons, Thomas, Theodore, George, and Fred, all of [Saxon], Bill of Cleveland, Ohio, Randall of Parkersburg, and Carl, Denver, Douglas and Jack, all of Beckley; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Daniel of Rio Grande, Ohio, and Mrs. Lennie Edison of West Frankfort, Ill., two brothers, John of Beckley and George of Glen Daniel; 76 grandchildren; and 50 great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Edgar Young, Howard Young, Garnett Tabor, George Honaker Jr., Bert Milam and Ernes Mankin. The body will be taken from the Melton Mortuary to the church at noon today. The Glen Daniel IOOF Lodge will conduct graveside rites.

HONAKER, Albert (Jake) [Waymon], age 82, of Saxon. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m., Tuesday, in the Breckenridge Baptist Church [Bolt, W.Va., the Revs. Virgil Cook, L.W. Stanley, and Robert Dent officiating.] Burial will follow in the family cemetery, in Saxon. Honorary pallbearers will be members of the Glen Daniel Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge No. 361, Dr. Doff Daniel, Jr., Dr. Ross Daniel, Dr. Doff Daniel, Sr., Leslie Daniel, Jess Daniel, Ash Daniel, Blaine Daniel, Ira Lilly and French Lucas. Arrangements by Melton Mortuary.

He lived on a farm between Bolt and Saxon. A photograph of Jake and his family appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 1994, and a photograph of Jake and Bertie appears in this book’s appendix, The Honaker Riflemakers: Abraham Descendants.

An unidentified book on West Virginia gunsmiths reported that Albert was the son of James Benjamin Honaker, and that Albert’s son Denver Abraham had written the author, “My Dad, Albert Honaker, told me they all had to work from daybreak to dark just to survive. He used to spend all day searching the woods for proper and suitable wood for the stocks of his Daddy’s guns. His Dad supposedly worked all the time. He couldn’t remember him not working.”

He married Bertie Alice Manning, daughter of Andrew Johnson Manning and Clementine Trump, 3 Sep 1902 in Saxon. Born 29 Apr 1885 in Saxon. Died 21 Sep 1971 in Beckley. Buried with her husband.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 2 Sep 1971: Saxon—Mrs. Bertie Alice Honaker, 86, of Saxon, Raleigh County, died Tuesday in a Beckley hospital. She was a native of Saxon and a lifelong resident of Raleigh County. Mrs. Honaker was a member of Breckenridge Baptist Church at Bolt. Surviving: daughters, Mrs. Wanie Brown of Orlando, Fla., Mrs. Dovenor Daniels of Dry Creek, Mrs. A.C. Brooks of Portland, Ore., Mrs. C.B. Treadway of Beckley; sons, Tom, Ted, and Fred, all of Saxon, Douglas of Sprague, Carl and Jack, both of Beckley, Denver of Prosperity, George of Friars Hill, Bill of Cleveland, Ohio; brothers, Hub Manning of Huntington, Winifred Manning of Pineville, Augustus Manning of Lester; sisters, Mrs. Clara Lucas of Sophia, Mrs. Maude Snuffer of Lester, Mrs. Ollie Eskew of Rock Creek; 86 grandchildren; 83 great-grandchildren; ten great-great grandchildren. Service will be 1:30 p.m. Friday in Breckenridge Baptist Church at Bolt with the Rev. C.P. Conley, the Rev. Virgil Cook and the Rev. Doff Harvey officiating. Burial will be in family cemetery at Saxon. Friends may call after 5 p.m. today at Melton Funeral Home in Beckley.


165. i. Mildred Alice[5]. Born 12 Jun 1903.

310. ii. Nettie Mae. Born 13 Oct 1904 in Saxon.

311. iii. Opha Ellison (called Ophie). Born 9 Dec 1905 in Saxon.

165. iv. Thomas James (called Tom). Born 8 Sep 1907 in Saxon.

165. v. William Taft (called Bill). Born 21 Feb 1909 in Saxon.

165. vi. George Jefferies (called George). Born 5 Feb 1911 in Saxon.

165. vii. Theodore (called Ted). Born 17 Dec 1912 in Saxon.

165. viii. Carl Johnson (called Carl). Born 1 Jul 1914 in Saxon.

165. ix. Denver Abraham (called Denver). Born 27 Apr 1916.

165. x. Douglas Fairbanks (called Doug and Red). Born 23 Apr 1918 in Saxon.

165. xi. Randale John. Born 16 Jul 1924 in Saxon.

312. xii. Frederick Gene (called Fred). Born 1 May 1920 in Saxon.

165. xiii. Albert Waymon, Jr. (called Junior). Born in Sep 1921.

165. xiv. Jack Dempsey. Born 22 Dec 1927 in Saxon.

313. xv. Mary Anne. Born 7 Dec 1929 in Saxon.

166. John Huling[4] Honaker (James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Jul 1894 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 11 Apr 1964 in Beckley, W.Va. He and his wife Gertrude are buried in the Ridgelawn section, Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va., about 50 ft. east of her parents’ graves in the Hillcrest section. He was a blacksmith in Glen Rogers, Wyoming Co., W.Va., from 1919 to 1956. His son James R. said in 2002 that John Huling was the youngest child of James Buchanan.

He married Gertrude Lane Hawley, daughter of Mennis E. Hawley and Rosa Anne McMillian in Saxon, W.Va. Born 3 Mar 1900 at home in Saxon. Died 30 Sep 1981 in Saxon. Children:

166. i. Ruby Ann[5]. Born 29 Jun 1918 in Mabin, W.Va.

166. ii. Dorothy May. Born 24 Feb 1920 in Mabin.

166. iii. John Huling, Jr. (called Shorty). Born 7 Dec 1924 in Glen Rogers, W.Va.

166. iv. James Richard (called Jim). Born 13 Oct 1926 in Glen Rogers.

167. Edgar Jackson[4] Honaker (James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 May 1879 in Pocahontas, Va. Died 7 Jan 1961. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va.

He married Lula Mae Atkins. Born 18 Sep 1887. Died 5 May 1978. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va. Children:

167. i. Clarence Sawyer[5]. Born 28 Jun 1905.

ii. Bernard.

iii. Oscar.

iv. Eugene.

v. Leonard.

vi. Ethel.

vii. Mary.

viii. Lucile

168. Estel French[4] Honaker (James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Pocahontas, Va. Died in Welch, W.Va. Buried in Bluewell, W.Va.

He married, second, Bertie May Short, daughter of James Short and Lula Mae Thompson, in 1920 in Virginia. Born 22 Apr 1905 in Simmons, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 19 Apr 1979 in Hudson, Fla. Buried in Grace Memorial Cemetery, Springhill, Fla. Children:

168. v. Olivia Foree (called Lee). Born 25 May 1922.

vii. Russell Foree. Born and died in 1928 in Pocahontas, Va. Buried in Pocahontas with his Honaker grandparents and other relatives.

168. viii. Dorothy May. Born 6 May 1926.

x. Fannie Mae. In 2009 she lived in Bluefield, Va. She married and had a large family, but in 2009 was not in touch with her siblings and nothing else could be learned about her.

169. Elsie Jane[4] Honaker (James William[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Oct 1895 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 12 May 1988 in Bluefield.

She married, first, James David Bowling. Children:

i. Robert[5]. Born 5 Aug 1911 in Boissevain, Va. Died 27 Dec 2000 in Bluefield, Va. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bluewell, Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 1 Jan 2001: Pocahontas, Va.—Robert “Uncle Bob” Bowling, 89, of Pocahontas, went to be with the Lord Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2000, at a Bluefield hospital. Born in Boissevain, Va., on Aug. 5, 1911, the son of the late James David Bowling and Elsie Jane Honaker Bowling Harrison Reed. He was a WWII veteran and was retired from Consolidation Coal Company. He made his home with his niece, Peggy Dawson and her husband, Donny. He was preceded in death by an infant brother, Peery Brittian Bowling, a brother James Vance Reid; and a sister, Virginia Reid Shew. He is survived by three brothers, Paul Bowling and wife, Gladys, Walkertown, N.C., Carl Harrison and wife, Nellie, Brooksville, Fla., Garnet Reid and wife, Ruth, Abbs Valley, Va.; three sisters, Ruth Bowling Armstrong Royal, Durant, Miss., Mary Reid Armstrong, Pocahontas, and Shirley Reid Whitt, Island Lake, Ill.; a brother-in-law, Carl Shew, Pocahontas. He is also survived by nieces, Peggy Armstrong Dawson, Pocahontas, Martha Shew Grose, Boissevain, Linda Shew Treadway, Gastonia, N.C., whom he raised. He is also survived by numerous other nieces, nephews and senior companion caretaker, Henry “Hank” Wolfe, Pocahontas. “Uncle Bob” dedicated his life to a large family which were his mother, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. He was thought of as a father, grandfather and great grandfather. The family wishes to thank Rev. William Davis of the Pocahontas Baptist Church for his presence with us in the morning of “Uncle Bob’s” death at the hospital. Funeral services will be conducted on Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Rodriguez-Pocahontas Funeral Home Chapel. Pocahontas, with the Rev. William Davis officiating. Burial to follow at the Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bluewell. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m., today at the funeral home. Friends and nephews will serve as pallbearers. Graveside rites will be conducted by VFW #9696, Bluefield, Va., and American Legion Post No. 14, Pocahontas.

169. ii. Paul Cecil. Born 21 Dec 1919.

iii. Peery Brittian. Died in infancy.

iv. Ruth. She married, first, Unknown Armstrong. She married, second, Unknown Royal.

She married, second, Unknown Harrison. Children:

v. Carl. He married Nellie Unknown.

She married, third, William Alec Reid. Children:

169. vi. Garnet W. Born ca. 1927 in Pocahontas, Va.

vii. James Vance.

169. viii. Virginia.

169 ix. Mary Louise. Born 5 Jul 1932 in Big Vain, Va. ix.

x. Shirley. She married Unknown Whitt.

Fifth Generation

2.i.v.ii. Julia[5] Wood (John Louis[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Nov 1894 in Ashland, Riley Co., Kan. Died 5 Jun 1988 in Junction City, Geary Co., Kan.

She married Harvey Wilson 9 Jun 1917 in Riley County. Children:

i. Dean[6].

ii. Anna. She was a teacher. She married Frank Goggin. He worked at Ft.Riley, Kan.

2.i.v.iv. John Louis[5] Wood Jr. (called Jack) (John Louis[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Mar 1901 in Junction City, Geary Co., Kan. Died 10 Sep 1975 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Mo. Buried in Skiddy [Kan.] Cemetery, Geary County. He owned and operated a trucking business.

He married, first, Ruth Leila Smythe, daughter of James A. Smythe and Cora Mabel Kemph, 27 Apr 1927 in St. John’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Mo. Born 29 Dec 1901 in Skiddy. Died 4 Jan 1964 in Junction City. Buried in Skiddy Cemetery. She was a rural school teacher in Junction City. Children:

i. Jimmy Dean[6]. Born 17 Aug 1929 in Salina, Saline Co., Kan. Died in Sep 1990 in

Junction City. He was an equipment operator for the City of Junction City. He married Geraldine Louise Christensen, daughter of Clarence Christensen and Mae Barnett, 30 Nov 1969 in Junction City. Born 11 Mar 1928 in Bristow, Creek Co., Okla.

2.i.v.iv. ii. Joanne Cora. Born 8 Apr 1932.

2.i.v.iv. iii. Julia Irene (called Judy). Born 23 Apr 1934.

iv. John Louis. Born 30 Aug 1940 in Junction City. Died 31 Aug 1940 in Junction City.

Buried Highland Cemetery, Junction City.

v. Joe Dennis. Born 22 Oct 1944 in Junction City. Died 2 Nov 1944 in Junction City.

Buried Highland Cemetery, Junction City.

He married, second, Louise M. Unknown in 1964. Born in 1907. Died ca. 1966.

He married, third, Opal Unknown ca. 1967.

2.i.v.v. William Edward[5] Wood (John Louis[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 23 Aug 1910 in Geary Co., Kan. Died 20 Jan 1972 in Junction City, Geary County. Buried in Ogden [Kan.] Catholic Cemetery, Riley County. He was a farmer.

He married Helene Elizabeth Knudson, daughter of Henry Anthony Knudson and Matilda Sahlberg (called Tillie) 20 Jul 1935 in Salina, Saline Co., Kan. Born 24 May 1914 in Dwight, Morris Co., Kan. Died 16 Jul 1990 in Dwight. Buried in Ogden [Kan.] Catholic Cemetery, Riley County. Children:

i. Carol[6]. She married Chester A. Klitzke.

2.i.x.i. Willis Bruce[5] Wood (Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Oct 1891 in Ogden, Kan. Died 29 Jul 1941 in Wichita, Kan.

He married Hazel Lurella Smith, daughter of James Calvin Smith and Carrie Elizabeth Boardman, 14 Jun 1911 in Manhattan, Kan. Born 30 Sep 1890 in West Moreland, Riley Co., Kan. Died 26 Feb 1970 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kan. Buried in Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kan. She was an employee of the Osborne Hat Shop in Wichita. She married, second, Oscar William Shultz, son of William T.S. Shultz and Frances Phipps, 19 Mar 1942 in Wichita. He had five children from a prior marriage to Bertha E. Sawyer—H. Leon, Max E., Evelyn, Pauline, and Ray. Born 20 Apr 1887. Died 6 Jun 1960. Buried in Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kan.

Unknown Wichita newspaper and date: Mrs. Hazel L. Shults, 79, of 902 N. Custer, retired employee of former Osborne Hat Shop here, died Thursday. Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Lahey's Crest Hill Mortuary. Burial will be in White Chapel Memorial Gardens. Born at Westmoreland, Kan., she came here in 1925. Her husband, Oscar W., died in 1960. Survivors include a son, O. Eldon Wood, Salina, Kan., two daughters, Mrs. Virginia L. Roets and Mrs. Beth Riley, and two stepsons, Max and H. Leon of Wichita; two step-daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Wilderom, Wichita, and Mrs. Pauline Langdon, Warrensburg, Mo., and three sisters, Mrs. Lucy McCormick, Canon City, Colo., and Mrs. Myrna [illegible] and Mrs. Leona Dob[illegible] of Manhattan, Kan.

The funeral program indicated that the Rev. Lee Baggett officiated. Music included The Lord's Prayer The Old Rugged Cross, and In the Garden, by Nancy Barton, organist. Casket bearers were Robert D. Mardis, Jesse M. Riley, Bernard W. Roets, H. Leon and Max E. Shults, and Marion P. Wilderom.

Children (of Willis Bruce and Hazel Lurella):

2.i.x.i. i. Oscar Eldon[6]. Born 3 Jan 1912.

2.i.x.i. ii. Margaret Elizabeth (called Beth). Born 9 Jul 1913.

2.i.x.i. iii. Virginia Louise. Born 27 Apr 1925.

2.iii.ii.ii. Margaret Jane[5] Honaker (called Maggie) (Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Sep 1883 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died 5 Apr 1962 in Vivian, McDowell Co., W.Va. Family legend is that she was descended from American Indians. In her old age, she was remembered as sitting in her rocking chair, chewing tobacco, doing crossword puzzles. She made exceptional angel food cake and was very sharp.

She married William Robert Sheffey, son of Daniel Winton Sheffey and Mary A. Allison (called Polly), 29 Oct 1902 in Pulaski Co., Va. Born 17 May 1868 in Wytheville, Wythe Co., Va. Died ca. 1930 in Eckman, W.Va. He was a coal miner and railroad worker. He previously married Florence Unknown and had three children in that marriage—Fred Grayson, Lee, and Marymae.

William was a grandson of a noted Methodist itinerant preacher, the Rev. Robert Sayers Sheffey, for whom Southwest Virginia roads, churches and an elementary school are named. A Virginia roadside marker near Trigg and Staffordsville, Va., commemorates him. His gravestone in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Giles Co., Va., “In Memory of Our Father, Rev. Robert S. Sheffey, Born July 4, 1820, Died August 30, 1902, Fully consecrated to God’s service, he preached the Gospel, without money and without price, and has entered upon his reward. The poor were sorry when he died.”

Brother Sheffey, Barberry: “The name of ‘Uncle Bob’ Sheffey is known in almost every home, village, town and city of Southwestern Virginia, Southern West Virginia and East Tennessee…..Southwestern Virginia has produced great men in every walk of life…but no man has lived between Roanoke and Bristol and between the Blue Ridge and Flat Top mountains who has made a deeper impression on the whole people of that part of the state than Rev. Robert Sayers Sheffey…..In the field of prayer, no prophet of old was ever held in greater reverence by his generation than Robert Sayers Sheffey…..His family has long been prominent in affairs of state, and his ancestors and descendants are among the most noteworthy in the entire Southwestern portion of Virginia.”

The Saint of the Wilderness, Carr: “No revenue officer in the entire United States, at any period of history, wrecked more whiskey stills than Robert Sheffey. He is also mentioned in A History of the Middle New River Settlements and Continuous Territory, Johnson.

Children (of Maggie and William):

2.iii.ii.ii. i. Cora Bell[6]. Born in Mar 1904.

ii. Nellie Irene. Born ca. 1905 in Radford, Va.

2.iii.ii.ii. iii. Robert Winton. Born 21 May 1908 in Radford, Va.

2.iii.ii.ii. iv. Rena Virginia (called Virginia). Born 30 Apr 1910 in Radford, Va.

v. Ruby Alice. Born ca. 1911 in Radford, Va. She was a waitress.

vi. John Lewis. Born ca. 1913 in Radford, Va. Died ca. 1980 in Lynchburg, Va. He was a

coal miner.

vii. William Lacey. Born 4 May 1916 in Radford, Va. Died 3 Dec 1975 in Los Angeles,

Calif. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, a coal miner and truck driver.

viii. Ann Catherine. Born in Oct 1921 in Eckman, W.Va. She was a WAVE in World War II

and a secretary. [Women Accepted in Volunteer Emergency Service, WAVES, were U.S. Navy military.]

2.iv.iii.iii. Mary Jane[5] Taylor (Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 23 Feb 1883 in Giles Co., Va. Died 27 Apr 1953 in Beverly, Randolph Co., W.Va. Buried in Maplewood Cemetery, Elkins, W.Va.

Elkins [W.Va.] Inter-Mountain, 27 Apr 1953: Mrs. Ernest Dies at Beverly Home Monday Afternoon—Mrs. Mary Jane (Taylor) Ernest, 70, resident of Beverly for the past 12 years, and former resident of Elkins for 20 years, died yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at her residence in Beverly. Mrs. Ernest had been in ill health for the past three years, and her condition had been critical for the past three months. The deceased was born Feb. 23, 1883, in Giles Co., Va., a daughter of William A. and Margaret (Honaker) Taylor. She was the wife of John A. Ernest who died Aug. 3, 1924. Mrs. Ernest was a member of the Baptist church. She is survived by two sons, Earl F. Ernest, serving with the U.S. Army, and now stationed at Ft. Sill, Okla., and John H. Ernest of Morgantown; and five daughters, Gladys, wife of Elmer Rowan of Morgantown, Sadie, wife of Nuncy Peppo of this city, Thelma, wife of Lester Harper of Beverly, Talma, wife of Harry (Bus) Skidmore of Elkins and Opal, wife of Theodore Pennington of this city. Also surviving is one brother, William Taylor of Pearisburg, Va., and one sister, Mrs. Fred Davis of Matoka, W.Va. Two sons and one daughter preceded her in death. There are six grandchildren surviving. Friends will be received at the residence in Beverly after four o’clock this afternoon until ten o’clock Wednesday morning when the body will be returned to the John W. Lohr Funeral Home where friends may call until one o’clock and where final rites will be conducted at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. E.A. Winn, pastor of the First Church of Christ, will officiate, and interment will follow in the Maplewood Cemetery.

She married John Ashley Earnest, son of Levi Earnest and Elmira Ferguson, ca. 1903. Born Dec 1873 in Kings Creek, Caldwell Co., N.C. Died 3 Aug 1926 in Giles Co., Va. Children:

i. Robert[6]. Born and died in infancy before 1910.

ii. Gladys. Born 7 May 1908 in W.Va. Died 22 May 1993 in Elkins. She married Elmer Rowan.

iii. Agnes. Born Dec 1909 in West Virginia. Died before 1920 in West Virginia.

iv. Sadie. Born 1 May 1911 in West Virginia. Died Jan 1977. She married Nuncy Peppo. Born 13 Jul 1905. Died Aug 1970 in Hallwood, Accomack, Va.

v. Opal. Born 1912 in West Virginia. She married Theodore Pennington.

vi. Talma. Born 1913 in West Virginia. She married Harry Harry Skidmore (called Bus).

vii. Thelma. Born 1914 in West Virginia. She married Lester Harper.

2.iv.iii.iii. viii. John Harold. Born 15 May 1915 in Alpina, Beckley, W.Va.

2.iv.iii.iii. ix. Earl Felix. Born 11 Apr 1917 in McAlpin, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

x. William Levi. Born 13 Jan 1923 in McAlpin, W.Va. Died 19 Jan 1923 in McAlpin.

2.iv.iii.iv. Thomas Andrew[5] Taylor (Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 May 1889.

He married Mary Dalton. Born 1897 in Virginia. Children:

i. Maggie[6]. Born 1919 in Virginia.

2.v.iv.i. Lydia[5] Honaker (John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 26 May 1885 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Died 13 Oct 1982.

She married Garfield Robinette. Born 28 Jun 1882 in Boyd Co., Ky. Children:

2.v.iv.i. i. Teddy[6].

2.v.iv.i. ii. Eddy.

iii. Harry.

iv. Alan. Born 25 Jul 1915. Died 18 Jul 1954 in Whites Creek, Boyd Co., Ky.

2.v.iv.i. v. Irene.

2.v.iv.ii. Fred[5] Honaker (John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 31 Mar 1887 in Kentucky. Died 13 Aug 1972.

The 1910 Boyd Co., Ky. census, Magisterial District 1, Catlettsburg, White’s Creek, household #165, listed the family as Fred Honaker, 23, married 3 years, born in Kentucky, farmer, could read and write, rented a farm; Mary, 22, wife, married three years, mother of one living child, born in Kentucky, could read and write; Nora, 2, daughter, born in Kentucky. The 1920 Boyd County census recorded Fred and his family living in the same household as his older brother John.

He married Mary Unknown ca. 1907. Born ca. 1888 in Kentucky. Children:

Nora, 12, daughter, attended school that year; Ora, 9, daughter, attended school that year; Emiline, 4, daughter.

i. Nora[6]. Born ca. 1908 in Kentucky.

ii. Ora (f.) Born ca. 1911 in Kentucky.

iii. Emaline. Born ca. 1916 in Kentucky.

iv. Fred, Jr.

2.v.iv.iii. Lota[5] Honaker (John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 6 Jan 1890. Died 2 Oct 1918. Buried Clarkson Cemetery, Catlettsburg, Boyd Co., Ky.

She married Richard Arthur. Children:

2.v.iv.iii. i. Gracie[6].

ii. Ruby. Born 8 Dec 1916. Died 14 Mar 1919 in Catlettsburg. Buried Clarkson Cemetery.

2.v.iv.iv. Lillian[5] Honaker (also Lilly) (John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 13 Feb 1896 in Silver Run, Catlettsburg, Ky. Died 29 Sep 1976 in Ashland, Ky. Buried in Clarkson Cemetery, Catlettsburg. A Special Certificate of Birth was recorded for Lillian in Catlettsburg, Boyd County, 31 Aug 1957, apparently in the absense of a regular birth certificate. It was sworn to by her cousin Oliver Blankinship. It gives her parents’ birthplace as Catlettsburg and her address as Rt. 1, Catlettsburg.

She married George Harrison Clarkson in Jul 1922 in Ironton, Ohio. Born 19 Nov 1888 in Boyd Co., Ky. Died 30 Oct 1966 in Ashland. Children:

2.v.iv.iv. i. William Henderson, II[6]. Born 10 Aug 1922 in Catlettsburg, Ky.

ii. George H., Jr. Born in Dec 1930 in Catlettsburg. Died in Jan 1931 in Catlettsburg. Buried in Clarkson Cemetery, Catlettsburg.

iii. John Wallace. Born 19 Aug 1932 in Catlettsburg. Died in Nov 1938 in Catlettsburg. Buried in Clarkson Cemetery, Catlettsburg.

2.v.iv.v. Lura[5] Honaker (John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 13 Dec 1898. Died 14 Jul 1973.

She married John Burt Fields. Children:

2.v.iv.v. i. Dorothy Madeline[6]. Born 1 Aug 1923.

ii. John B., Jr. Born 27 Jun 1925. Died 18 May 1983.

2.v.iv.v. iii. Gladys Frances (called Corky). Born 25 Jan 1928.

2.v.iv.v. iv. Betty Jo. Born 6 Jun 1931.

v. Phillip Edward. Born 30 Sep 1933. He married Shirley Russell.

2.v.iv.v. vi. Robert Curtis. Born 4 Feb 1936.

vii. Bonnie Irene. Born 8 Mar 1941.

2.v.iv.vi. Tony Wallace[5] Honacher (John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 17 Mar 1902 in Kentucky. Died 7 Feb 1974 in Ceredo, W.Va. Moved to Kenova, W.Va., in the 1920s. A daughter-in-law, Mary Lee (Napier) Honacher, said in 1998 that he was of unusually small stature.

He married Sophie Davis, daughter of Ramsom Cleveland Davis and Alice Smith. Born 24 Nov 1904 in Boyd Co., Ky. Died 11 Sep 1993 in Ceredo, W.Va. Buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, unknown place.

Wayne County News, Wayne, W.Va., 22 Sep 1993: Mrs. Sophie D. Honacher, 88, of Ceredo, died Sept. 11, 1993 at her home. She was born Nov. 24, 1904 in Boyd Co., Ky. She was the daughter of the late R.C. and Alice Smith Davis. She was preceded in death by her husband, Tony W. Honacher; two sons, John T. Honacher and Jack W. Honacher; one granddaughter, Mary Ellen Keyser; and one brother, Wallace Davis. Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, Roy and Patty Honacher of Knoxville, Tenn.; one daughter-in-law, Mary Lee Honacher of Kenova; five granddaughters, Bitsy Preston of Charleston, W.Va., Sherry K. Adams of Columbus, Ohio, Nancy Douse and Cynthia Honacher, both of West Palm Beach, Fla., and Margaret Honacher of Tarpon Springs, Fla.; and two grandsons, Charles Ray Honacher of East Hampton, Conn., and Jack W. Honacher Jr. of West Palm Beach, Fla. Funeral services were conducted Sept. 14, 1993 at Rollins Funeral Home, Inc., Kenova, by Rev. Heron Adkins. Burial was in Hillcrest Cemetery.


2.v.iv.vi. i. John Tony[6]. Born 9 Sep 1922 in Boyd Co., Ky.

2.v.iv.vi. ii. Roy Cleveland. Born 17 Sep 1924 in Kenova, W.Va.

2.v.iv.vi. iii. Jack Wallace. Born ca. 1926.

2.v.iv.vii. Adeline[5] Honaker (also Addie) (John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 17 May 1905.

She married, first, Jack Scarbury. Children:

i. Jack, Jr.[6]

She married, second, Homer Lonsway.

2.v.v.i. William Ernest[5] Plymale (Margaret A.[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born in Barnes, Ark.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Lois Margaret[6]. Lois’ middle name is for her grandmother.

8.ix.i.i. Elsie Mae[5] Sarrett (Malone L.[4], Laura Josephine[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Apr 1897 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 1935 in Arnett. Buried in Van Sarrett Cemetery, Arnett.

She married William Harrison Wills, son of Thomas M. Wills and Nellie Browning, 28 Feb 1913. Born 9 May 1890. Died 29 Dec 1989 in Arnett. Buried in Van Sarrett Cemetery. Children:

i. William Arnett[6]. He married Nina Combs.

ii. Aymer. He married Garnet Cook.

iii. Madeline. She married Chris Dickens.

8.ix.i.i. iv. Joe Roy. Born 10 Jul 1929 in Arnett.

v. Dallas. He married Edna Ferguson.

10.vi.i.i. Ethel[5] Hendricks (Mary Luther[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Jul 1920 in Peach Tree, W.Va. Died 4 Jan 2002 in Powellton, Fayette Co., W.Va. Buried in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens, Glasgow, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Unknown newspaper and date: Ethel Hendricks Keeney Butcher, 81, of Powellton went home to the Lord on Fri., Jan. 4, 2002, after a battle with lung cancer. Her family would like to thank everyone who visited, sent flowers or food, or volunteered their time to keep her company during her last days. The family appreciates everyone’s generosity in our time of sorrow. She was born July 23, 1920, in Peach Tree, and was the daughter of the late Isaac and Sarah Webb Hendricks. She was also preceded in death by the father of her children, William “Cracker” Keeney, and the husband with whom she grew old, Thomas “Windy” Butcher. Also preceding her in death were eight brothers, one sister, and a son, William “Rusty” Keeney. She was a Christian and a member of Campbell Memorial Baptist Church in Smithers. Surviving Mrs. Butcher are a sister, Dora Walker Clonch of Smithers; daughters, Sandra Pauley, and her husband, Bob, of Cannelton and Rosalie Laverty, and her husband, Bobby, of Brunswick, Ohio; son, Richard “Fat Cat” Keeney of Kimberly; “adopted” daughter, Phyllis Honaker Hendricks of Olmstead Township, Ohio; granddaughter, Stephanie Laverty Zytowiecki, and her husband, Jim, of Brunswick, Ohio; grandsons, Bobby Pauley of Nitro, James “Jay” Pauley, and his wife, Melinda, of Smithers, Bobby Laverty, and his wife, Jill, of Columbia Station, Ohio; great-granddaughters, Kristin and Brooke Pauley of Smithers and Elaina Laverty of Columbia Station, Ohio; great-grandson, Garrett Laverty of Columbia Station, Ohio; and special friend, Jack McCoy of Smithers. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at O’Dell Funeral Home, Montgomery, with the Rev. Chester Bird officiating. Burial will follow in Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens at Glasgow. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today, Jan. 5, at the [remainder missing]

She married, first, William Keeney (called Cracker). Children:

i. William[6] (called Rusty). Died before 2002.

10.vi.i.i. ii. Sandra. She married Bob Pauley.

10.vi.i.i. iii. Rosalie. She married Bobby Laverty.

iv. Richard (called Fat Cat).

She married, second, Thomas Butcher (called Windy).

10.viii.i.i. Edith Opal[5] Wills (Joe Nathan[4], Centhia Victoria[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Harold R. Via. Children:

10.viii.i.i. i. Harold Joe[6]. Born 4 Sep 1936.

16.i.iii. Joseph Howard[5] Journell (Josephus[4], Benjamin Franklin[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). He also used the surname Cash. Born 27 Jun 1919 in a boarding house owned by his father in Procious, Clay Co., W.Va. Died 4 Aug 1974 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Spring Hill Cemetery, Charleston.

He married Flossie Ann Pennington, daughter of Luther Henry Pennington and Letha Houchins of Fayette Co., W.Va., 5 Oct 1938 in Procious. Born 16 Jan 1924 at Lookout, Fayette County. Died 18 Oct 1998 in Melbourne, Brevard Co., Fla. Buried in Virginia. Children:

i. Cara Lee[6]. Born 21 Jul 1938 in Procious. Died of brain cancer 18 May 1993 in Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., Va. Named by her grandmother for cara [Latin], meaning “dear.” She married Unknown Purifoy.

ii. Joseph Charles (called Jimmy). Born 9 Sep 1939 in Procious. Died 2 Oct 2000 in Melbourne, Fla.

16.i.iii. iii. Barbara Louise. Born 24 Jun 1941 in Procious.

16.i.iii. iv. Joyce Ann. Born 11 Dec 1942 in Procious.

v. Michael Howard. Born 9 Nov 1954 in Maysel, Clay Co., W.Va. Died of cardiac arrest 27 Nov 2005 in Melbourne, Fla.

Joseph’s daughter Barbara wrote the following narrative about her life: My Heart Belongs in Procious

For the most of us so blessed, the best part of us, the things we like best about ourselves, come from our roots in Clay Co., W.Va. For me, home was Procious. Having lived in several states, counties and communities, my heart belongs in Procious, where I was born and lived for several years.

We lived on Elk River about a mile below the Camp Creek Bridge. My granddad, Josephus “Joe Cash” Journell, bought the property in the late 1880s and built several homes there. The main house, where he lived, was his boarding house. He had weekend guests from Charleston, among whom were Governor William MacCorkle, Judges Samuel Burdette and Frank A. Guthrie and Councilman H.L. Wehrle. Around Procious, his closest friends were the Brad White family, especially Howard and Lina, the Boggs family, and the Reeds, to name a few. Granddad named his only son, my father, after Howard E. White, and my father named his youngest son Howard. The name was passed on down to my nephew.

Grandad was married several times, but his only children were by Grandma Martha Jones Cash. Martha came from Roane County, the daughter of Mary Elizabeth Taylor and Abraham P. Jones. Mary later married Isaac Samuel Myers when Martha was three years old. Grandma Martha was married once before Granddad Joe to William Goff. From this marriage came two children, Sophronia and Ida May Goff.

Joe and Martha had three children, Cora Ellen (who passed away at age 17), Golda and my dad, Joseph Howard. Daddy had five children, the only grandchildren of Granddad Joe. Joe passed away in 1932 when my dad was twelve years old.

Daddy met Mommy when the Ratliff family took her in at age eleven. She had run away from home in Fayette County due to abusive foster parents. My parents were married at a very young age. Of their five children, I am the only one surviving.

We enjoyed our childhood at Procious. I loved the stories the older folks would tell me about Granddad Joe, and through the years I have collected a few but have heard there were many more. Thanks to Eloise Boggs for sharing stories she had about him, from her own memory and from publications such as Hickory and Lady Slippers and others.

My childhood memories consist of Granddad’s fruit treets, the homes he built and the beautiful landscaping he had made from the wilderness. My wonderful friends whose memories I have carried throughout my life are Jerri Schoolcraft, Mary Vaughan, Mildred Welch, Shirley Foreman, Lois James and my wonderful teachers at Dulls Creek. Webb White, Mrs. Burnside and Lucille Gillespie. Neighbors I remember fondly are Joe and Freda James, Frank J. Fisher, Mrs. Maston, Eddie Sink, Fred Booker, James Runnions, the Deaners, and Nora Mullins, just to name a few.

We loved walking up the railroad track and across the bridge to Leatha Foreman’s store. Grandma would also take me to Benny Vaughan’s store up at Dulls Creek. When we kids were in school, Grandma never failed to give us a banana flip cake and a Sunkist orange. My memories of Grandma Martha are of her loving ways. She felt blessed having us with Daddy, the only one of her children togive her grandchildren. She taught us how to milk her cow, feed the chickens and how to pluck the chicken for Sunday dinner. We would help her catch the hogs that had rooted their way underneath the fence, when we heard a train coming. She taught us how to cook, can, make soap, boil the white clothes in a wash tub over an open fire and scrub them on a washboard. She taught us how to churn and how to raise a garden.

We loved watching for the passenger train (the Baltimore & Ohio tracks ran past our house). We would go running when we heard it coming because we knew the engineers would throw candies and magazines to us.

I was eight years old when Grandma passed away in 1949. Daddy had been home from the war three years. He picked up where Granddad left off. He got his first job with Evans Lumber, built boats and raised night crawlers. My brother and I would gather moss from fallen trees and keep it in large tubs for the night crawlers. Daddy had a sign across the river which read “Night Crawlers for Sale, $2/100. Customers would holler to us across the river how many they wanted, and we would count them out and take them across the river to them

Daddy was a great fisherman like Granddad, but he didn’t get to spend so much time on the Elk. He got a job with Carbide and Alloy and the long drive took him away from home more. That finally took us all away from the land we loved so much. The homes are all gone now but the memories will forever be with me. I wanted to write these memories to share with others, remembering my grandfather and his life on the Elk.

--Barbara Journell/Cash Comer, Eskdale, W.Va.

17.vii.i. Albert Cecil[5] Halsey (Sylvia Caldonia[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Nov 1890 in Wythe Co., Va. Died 26 Oct 1952 in Montgomery Co., Va. Buried Mountain View Cemetery, Dublin, Va. He built and repaired boats.

He married Clara Mae Smith 23 Dec 1911 in Pulaski Co., Va. Born 30 Dec 1885 in Pulaski County. Died 24 May 1972 in Stanley Co., N.C. Buried Mountain View Cemetery, Dublin. Children:

17.vii.i. i. Ella Mae[6].

17.vii.i. ii. John Jefferson. Born 27 Sep 1912 in Pulaski Co., Va.

iii. Wilmer Jesse.

iv. Mary Glenna.

18.viii.iv. Ruby Thelma[5] Jennelle (Julian Andrew[4], Henry[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 9 Jun 1914 In Giles Co., Va. Died 10 Apr 1990 in Roanoke, Va. The 1920 census enumerated her with her parents and siblings in Giles County. The 1930 census enumerated her in Barkers Ridge, Wyoming Co., W.Va. The 1940 census enumerated her in Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., Va.

She married Walter Sidney Miller. Born 1911. Died 1974. Children:

i. Jerome Sidney[6]. Born 1937.

ii. Sidney. Born 1939.

18.viii.iv. iii. Walter Michael. Born 4 Dec 1944 in Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., Va.

21.i.i. Elsie Mary[5] Tickle (James Harvey[4], Elmira[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Thomas Jefferson Thompson. Children:

21.i.i. i. Charles Frederick[6].

23.ii.v. Roy Alvin[5] Journell (Johnny[4], James Mitchell[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 6 Mar 1910. Died 3 Feb 1999. Buried in Birchlawn Abbey, Pearisburg, Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 4 Feb 1999: Journell, Roy Alvin, 88, of Pearisburg, passed away Wednesday morning, Feb. 3, 1999 at Carilion Radford Community Hospital. Mr. Journell was born Mar. 6,1910 and was a son of the late Johnny and Mary Ella Journell. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Johnny Journell, Jr. and three sisters, Margaret J. Johnston, Thelma J. Barksdale and Ruby Parcell. Mr. Journell was a retired employee of Celanese and a farmer. He was a member of the Riverview Baptist Church in Ripplemead, Va. Mr. Journell is survived by his wife, Margaret Marie Bales Journell of Pearisburg; four sons, Bernard N. Journell of Roanoke, Donald L. Journell of Pearisburg, Roger K. Journell of Roanoke, Larry W. Journell of Pearisburg; four daughters, Dorothy L. Spangler, Roanoke, Phyllis G. Dennis, Pearisburg, Diane P. Miles, Pearisburg, Gerrie E. Torray, Potomac, Md.; one sister, Francis Huddleston of Bedford; 17 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Fri., Feb. 5, 1999 at 2 p.m. at the Givens Funeral Chapel in Pearisburg, Va., with the Rev. Shahn Wilburn officiating, with burial following in Birchlawn Abbey in Pearisburg. The family will receive friends at the Givens Funeral Home in

Pearisburg Thursday evening from 6 to 9 p. m.

He married Margaret Marie Bales, daughter of William Harrison Bales and Mary Elizabeth Morris. Born 30 Sep 1911 in Giles Co., Va. Died 26 Aug 2011 in Pearisburg, Va. Entombed in Birtchlawn Abbey, Pearisburg.

Richmond [Va.] Times Dispatch, 27 Aug 2011: Margaret Marie Journell, 99, of the Wilburn Valley Community at Pearisburg, departed this life on Friday morning, Aug. 26, 2011, at her home in the loving care of her family. Born on Sept. 30, 1911, in Giles County, she was a daughter of the late William Harrison and Mary Elizabeth Morris Bales. She was a devoted mother, the matriarch of her family and attended Riverview Baptist Church in Ripplemead. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Roy A. Journell; her sisters, Frances Woodyard and Nancy Routten; and her brothers, Warren Pete Bales and Garfield Bales. She leaves to cherish her memory her four sons and daughters-in-law, Bernard and June Journell, of Narrows, Don Journell, of Pearisburg, Roger Journell and Kisun Hosterman, of Roanoke, and Larry and Margie Journell, of Pearisburg; her four daughters and sons-in-law, Dorothy and Dan Level, of Roanoke, Phyllis and Teddy Dennis, of Pearisburg, Diane and Robert Miles, of Pearisburg, and Gerrie Torray, of Potomac, Md.; her sister, Ida B. Layman, of New Castle, Va.; her grandchildren, Lisa Locker, Michael Spangler, Kathy Evans, Jim (Debbie) Keith, Steve (Margy), and Rick (Kim) Journell, Sandy (Ray) Reed, Kim Ashley, Karen (Richard) Atkins, Tim, Todd, Troy Dennis, Rob, Jeff, and Greg (Jill) Miles, and Kelly (Alex) Garcia; her 19 great-grandchildren; and her six great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. on Mon., Aug. 29, 2011, at Riverview Baptist Church in Ripplemead with Pastor Shahn Wilburn officiating. Entombment will follow in Birchlawn Abbey in Pearisburg. The family will receive friends at Riverview Baptist Church on Sunday evening, Aug. 28, 2011, from 6 until 8 p.m. The family would like to gratefully acknowledge the devoted care given to their mother by her daughter-in-law, the late Linda Journell, for 12 years; and to thank her caregiver, Debbie Smith, and Good Samaritan Hospice, Nurse Susan Pratt, and Aide Ashley Bailey, for their kind care. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that contributions be made in her honor to Riverview Baptist Church Building Fund. The Kendall Funeral Home in Pembroke is in charge of the funeral arrangements. Online condolences may be sent by visiting .


i. Bernard N.[6]. He married June Unknown.

23.ii.v. ii. Donald L.

iii. Roger K. He married Kisun Hosterman.

iv. Larry W. He married Margie Unknown.

23.ii.v. v. Dorothy L.

vi. Phyllis G. She married Teddy Dennis.

vii. Diane P. She married Robert Miles.

viii. Gerrie E. She married Unknown Torray.

24.vii.iii. Edith[5] Jennell (Frank W.[4], Charles Russell[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Jun 1918. Died 16 Jul 2007 in Radford, Va. Buried in Sunrise Burial Park, Radford.

Mullins Funeral Home obituary, Radford, Va. (with photograph): Edith Jennell Cromer, 89, passed away Mon., July 16, 2007 at her home in Radford. She was a member of Belspring Presbyterian Church and was a retired cafeteria worker for 28 years at McHarg Elementary School. She was preceded in death by her husband, Guy E. Cromer, Sr., a son, Ronald W. Cromer, three brothers, Russell J. Jennell, Frank W. Jennell, Jr. and Orville H. Jennell. Survivors include a son, Guy E. Cromer, Jr. of Pulaski; granddaughters, Ginger L. Cromer and Sherry Cromer; grandsons, Steve E. Cromer and Ronald W. Cromer, Jr.; great grandchildren, Taylor Okes, Christian Cromer, Justin Cromer, Ashley Philpott, Sherri Philpott and Stephen Cromer, Jr.; and a sister, Margaret J. Callahan of Radford. Funeral services will be held Thurs., July 19, 2007 at 2 p.m. at the Mullins Funeral Home in Radford with Rev. Joe McCoy officiating. Interment will follow in the Sunrise Burial Park in Radford. The family will receive friends from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. The Cromer family is in the care of Mullins Funeral Home in Radford.

She married Guy E. Cromer. Died before 2007. Children:

i. Guy E.[6], Jr.

24.vii.iii. ii. Ronald Wayne. Born ca. 1942.

28.iv.i. Litha[5] Honaker (Fred[4], Benjamin[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Wesley McClaren Sr. in Nodaway Co., Mo. Children:

28.iv.i. i. Unknown[6].

28.iv.iv. Harley A.[5] Honaker (Fred[4], Benjamin[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Lenore Bolton. Children:

i. Donald Eugene[6]. He married Trudy Unknown.

ii. Charles Alfred. Died before 2016.

iii Sidney Dean. Died before 2016.

28.iv.iv. iv. Francis Robert (called Chip). Born 12 Dec 1929 in Ainsborth, Brown Co., Neb.

28.vii. Glenn A.[5] Daugherty (called Shag) (Clara[4], Benjamin[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Aug 1910 in Elmo, Mo. Died 4 Feb 2012 in Gassville, Ark. Buried in High Prairie Cemetery, Elmo, Mo.

Baxter Bulletin, Mountain Home, Ark., 7 Feb 2012: Glenn A. (Shag) Daugherty, age 101, of Mountain Home, Ark., passed from this life on Sat., Feb. 4, 2012 at the Gassville Nursing Home, Gassville, Ark. Glenn was born on Aug. 14, 1910, in Elmo, Mo. He was the son of the late Charlie and Clara (Honaker) Daugherty. He is preceded in death by his parents, and sister, Geneva Barr. He married Edna Holmes on Feb. 14, 1942. Glenn served his country honorably in the U.S. Army during WWII on the South Pacific Islands of New Guinea and Biak. After the war, he and Edna bought a farm southwest of Clarinda, Iowa, where he farmed for 29 years. He was a member of the Lions Club, College Springs, Iowa, the Methodist Church and the Masonic Lodge, both of Clarinda, Iowa. He was a substitute rural mail carrier out of both Clarinda and Shenandoah, Iowa for many years. After he retired from farming, he worked part time at the Walker-Merrick Funeral Home. Glenn and Edna moved to Mountain Home, Ark. in 1983. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church, Mountain Home and served as volunteer for Hospice of the Ozarks for many years. He is survived by his wife, Edna of 69 years; two sons, Allan and wife Judy (Thurman) of Mountain Home, Ark. and Charles and wife Beth (Hart) of San Miguel, Calif.; grandchildren, Jeffrey, Dustin and wife Jill, all of Marietta, Ga., Shannon and husband Ted Mahoney of Orleans, Mass., and Casey Daugherty of Scottsdale, Ariz.; great-grandchildren, Rylee Hayes, Clover and Miles Daugherty, Seamus and Dylan Mahoney, Riley and Hunter Gajdos, and several nieces, nephews, and cousins. A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m., Thurs., Feb. 9, 2012 at the Kirby & Family Funeral Home Chapel, Mountain Home, Ark. with Rev. Randy Ludwig officiating. Military honors will be provided by the Ozark [Veterans of Foreign Wars] Post 3246 honor guard. There will be a visitation at the Ritchie Funeral Home, Carinda, Iowa, followed by graveside services at the High Prairie Cemetery, Elmo, Mo. Arrangements are by Kirby & Family Funeral and Cremation Services. Visit an online obituary and guestbook at .

He married Edna Holmes 14 Feb 1942. She was living in 2012. Children:

i. Allan[5]. He married Judy Thurman.

ii. Charles. He married Beth Hart.

31.ix.i. Unknown[5] Bailey (Charles Straley[4], Luemma Jackson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Died at age 59 in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Valedictorian of his class at Bluefield [W.Va.] High School, he was the first of his line to attend college. He took an undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., and an M.D. from the Medical College of Virginia.

He married Unknown. In 2000 she lived in Bluefield, W.Va. Children:

31.ix.i. i. Gregory A.[6] He married Cindy Unknown. In 2000 he and she were students at

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C.

35.ii.i. Lombe[5] Rives (Lelia Mae[4], John Robert[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Died ca. 1982.

He married Eunice Unknown. Children:

35.ii.i. i. Eleanor[6]. Born 9 Jul 1920.

ii. Karen.

iii. unknown.

iv. unknown son.

38.vii.i. Garnard Rufus[5] Honaker (George Perry[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Jun 1905. Died Sep 1983 in Princeton, Mercer County, W.Va.

He married Cleo Neal 1927 in Mercer County. Born 24 Oct 1893. Children:

i. Richard Carlos[6]. Born 28 Oct 1928. Died 29 Nov 1970 in Winston-Salem, N.C. He

married Wanda E. Compton. Born 1936. Died 2013. They had two sons.

ii. Betty Jo. Born 3 Mar 1930. Died 19 Nov 2008 in Arizona. She married, first, Howard

Stoller. She married, second, Ronald Park.

iii. Kenneth R. Born 1932.

iv. Gary D. Born 1935.

38.vii.i. v. Kenneth Ray. Born 20 Oct 1932 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va.

39.xiii.i. Betty Lou[5] Honaker (Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. Born 2 Jun 1929 in Pulaski, Va. She and her husband Ira met and lived in Elkton, Md., but moved to Palmdale, Calif., in 1953 or 1954 with her sister Christina and Christina’s husband Doug. They returned to Maryland from 1954 to 1956, then went back to California until Feb 1994 when they returned to Maryland to retire. They lived in California for 28 years.

In California, Ira first worked at Rocketdyne, in Industry and Conoga Park, Calif., as a motor and engine inspector for the Space Shuttle, from 1956–1960. He went to barber school at night, graduated 11 Nov 1960, and obtained his barber’s license in 1961. He then owned and operated Ira’s Barber Shop in Palmdale (in 2006 operated by his son Ira, Jr.) In 1964, Betty obtained a beautician’s license and started the Cut & Curl Beauty Shop about five miles away in Lancaster, Calif.

For about ten years, beginning in 1978, they travelled around the southwestern U.S. in their Executive Motor Home selling Indian jewelry, purses, belts and buckles at rock and gem shows. They met many interesting people whom they kept in touch with for many years thereafter. They continued the sales business until 1991 when Betty Lou had heart bypass surgery. They moved back to Elkton, Md. in 1994, where they still lived in 2007, and were members of Maranatha Baptist Church. Betty enjoyed playing the keyboard.

She married Ira Elmer Osborne, son of Whitten James Osborne and Louisa Jane Day of Bradshaw, W.Va., 21 Jan 1946 in Welch, W.Va. Born 12 Feb 1926 in Jolo, W.Va. Whitten James Osborne, son of Jackson Osborne and Lydia Mullins, was a brother of Lillie Osborne, who married Flaven Martin[5] Honaker (called Flavie), (Martin[1]) Jan 1907.

Ira served in the U.S. Navy from 1944 to 1948, where he was a CR, 20mm gunner, seaman first class, first on the destroyer escort DE-220 Francis M. Robinson, then on DE-345 USS Robert Brazier. The Robinson sank the first Japanese submarine in the Atlantic 13 May 1944 northwest of the Cape Verde Islands. The sub had been the German U-1224, redesignated RO-501 when it was transferred to the Japanese Imperial Navy. It was enroute to Japan when sunk. Ira’s Navy decorations included the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Ribbon, American Theater Ribbon with two battle stars, and Presidential Unit Citation. His photograph and war service are commemorated in the World War II National Memorial registry. After he and Betty moved to California, he was a barber for 46 years. In 2007 he enjoyed stock car races and cutting hair.

Virginia Mountaineer, Grundy, Va., 17 Jan 2008 (with photograph): Celebrates 62 Years—

Ira and Betty Osborne will celebrate their 62nd anniversary Jan. 21, 2008. They were married at Welch, W.Va. in 1946 while Ira was on leave from the U.S. Navy. Ira was born at Gourd Gap. Ira’s mom was the daughter of Tom Day and Elvie Mullins. His dad was Whitten Osborne, son of Jackson Osborne and Lydia Mullins. They lived on Bradshaw Mountain and at one time Slate Creek. Betty’s mom and dad were Fiona Hughes and Harry Honaker, of Pulaski. Ira and Betty live in Elkton, Md. and have two sons, Ira Jr. and Donald Ray Osborne, grandson of Darryl Keith Osborne. Ira joined the Navy in 1944 in WWII and received many medals. He will also be 82 years old February 12 and Betty will be 79 in June.

Virginia Mountaineer, Grundy, Va., 5 Feb 2009 (with photograph): Celebrates 63 Years—

Ira and Betty Osborne celebrated their 63rd anniversary Jan. 21, 2009. They married in Welch, W.Va., in 1946 while Ira was on leave from the U.S. Navy. Betty’s parents were Flona Hughes, of Pulaski and Harry Honaker, of Beckley, W.Va. Ira’s parents were Whitten Osborne, of Slate Creek and Jane Day, of Jolo, W.Va. Ira and Betty live in Elkton, Md. They have two sons, Ira Jr. and Donald Ray, of Elkton, Md. Betty will be 80 years old on June 2, 2009 and Ira will be 83 years old on Feb. 12, 2009.


39.xiii.i. i. Ira Elmer[6], Jr. Born 11 Mar 1948 in Elkton, Md.

ii. Bobby Ray. Born and died 14 Oct 1949 in Elkton. Buried in Gilpen Manor Cemetery,


39.xiii.i. iii. Donald Ray. Born 2 Sep 1955 in Elkton

39.xiii.ii. Clara Christina[5] Honaker (Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. Born 25 Dec 1931 in Bluefield, Va. Died of acute respiratory failure and heart disease 7 Dec 1983 in Las Vegas, Nev. Buried in Desert Lawn Cemetery, Palmdale, Calif. She was a licensed practical nurse. After her husband died, she lived with his daughter Connie in Las Vegas.

She married J.E. Douglas Palmer 4 Nov 1950 in Elkton, Md. Born 15 Nov 1923 in Lynch, Harlan Co., Ky. Died 4 Jan 1975. Buried in Desert Lawn Cemetery. He was a truck driver. He brought a 7-year-old daughter, Connie, to the marriage, whom Christina raised as her own. Connie grew up with her Aunt Betty Lou’s children and in 2007 lived in Arkansas. She married Raymond Callahan and had three children—Kathy Rae, Richard, and Randy.

Unknown newspaper and date: Funeral services for J.E. Douglas Palmer, 51, were conducted Wed., Jan. 8, in the Chapel of the Valley by the Rev. Viola Curley of the Pentecostal Holiness Church of La Mirada. Interment followed at Desert Lawn Memorial Park. A resident of Palmdale the past two years, Mr. Palmer had been employed by Evans Products Company. He was born Nov. 15, 1923, in Kentucky and died Jan. 4, in Palmdale. Mr. Palmer is survived by his widow, Mrs. Clara nee Honaker Palmer of the family home, whom he wed during 1950 in Maryland; three sons, J.E. Palmer Jr., of Texas, Frank Palmer of Palmdale, Ronnie Palmer of Ireland; two daughters, Mrs. Connie Callahan of Nevada, Mrs. Flona Guns of Maryland; four brothers, Edward Palmer of Ohio, Robert, John and Henry Palmer, all of Maryland; and six grandchildren.

Children (of Christina and Douglas):

39.xiii.ii. i. Flona Jane[6] (called Janie). Born 11 Oct 1954 in Bell Gardens, Calif.

ii. Colleen Annette. Born 27 Nov 1958 in Norwalk, Calif. Died of congestive heart failure 24 Apr 1959 in Norwalk. Buried in Park Lawn Cemetery, Norwalk.

39.xiii.ii. iii. Frank Richard[6] (called Rick). Born 1960 in Downey, Calif.

41.iii.i. Lola Ann[5] Honaker (Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1904. Died 23 Aug 1976 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried Walker Adkins Cemetery, Sias, W.Va.

She married Warren Adkins. Buried Walker Adkins Cemetery. Children:

i. Blinard[6].

ii. Basil.

iii. Bennie.

iv. Rumzy.

v. Burny.

vi. Aredeth Lou.

vii. Thelma.

viii. Sarah.

ix. Diana.

x. Sue.

xi. Windel.

41.iii.i. xii. Ruth.

41.iii.ii. Alma Opal[5] Honaker (Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Oct 1914 in Hager, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 6 Jun 2014. Buried in Powell Cemetery, Hamlin, Lincoln County.

Lincoln Journal, Hamlin, W.Va., 6 Jun 2014 and Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 7 Jun 2014: Alma Opal Adkins of Hamlin, W.Va., born Oct. 24, 1914, passed away June 6, 2014, at the age of 101 years, 7 months and 13 days. She was the daughter of the late Charlie and Sarah Smith Honaker and was a homemaker. She was also preceded in death by her husband Winford Adkins; one son, Lonnie Adkins; three brothers, Claude, Collie and Billy Honaker; and three sisters, Lola Adkins, Nellie Plumley and Estel Adkins. She is survived by three daughters, June Walls, Betty Kanna and Phyllis (Roger) Walls; grandchildren Carolyn, Donna, Lisa (Jeff), Sandy (Mike), Brenda, Sheila, Gene and Craig and a host of great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be 1 p.m. Sun., June 6, 2014 at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin, W.Va., with Rev. Russell “Buck” Adkins and Brother Oshel Bell officiating. Interment will follow at Powell Cemetery, Hamlin, W.Va. Visitation will be one hour prior to service.

She married Winford Adkins. Born ca. 1909 in Hager, W.Va. Died 10 May 1995 in East Liverpool, W.Va. Buried in Powell Cem., Hamlin, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 May 1995: Winford Adkins, 86, of East Liverpool, formerly of Hamlin, W.Va., died May 10, 1995, in East Liverpool. He was born in Hager, W.Va., and was a retired construction worker. Surviving: wife, Alma Opal Honaker Adkins; son, Lonnie L. of Hamlin; daughters, June Walls of Hamlin, Betty Linville and Phyllis Walls, both of East Liverpool; brothers, Carlos of Midland, Pa., Jessie of Cleveland; sisters, Lizzie Adkins and Ilene Plumley, both of Hamlin; 10 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin, with the Rev. Russell Adkins officiating. Burial will be in Powell Cemetery, Hamlin. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.


i. Lonnie L.[6] Died before 2014.

41.iii.ii. ii. June.

iii. Phyllis. Married Roger Walls.

iv. Betty. Married Unknown Linville and Unknown Kanna.

41.iii.iii.Estel Geneva[5] Honaker (Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Aug 1915 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 10 Feb 1983 (also reported as 1984) in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery, Sais, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

She married Albert Ben Adkins, son of Ben H. Adkins and Sallie Unknown, 16 Mar 1932 in Myra, W.Va. Born 23 Aug 1911 in Hager, W.Va. Died 25 Sep 1982 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery. Children:

i. Unnamed son[6]. Stillborn 30 Apr 1932. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery.

ii. Unnamed daughter. Stillborn 30 May 1933. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery.

41.iii.iii. iii. Dottie Lou.

41.iii.iv. Claude C.[5] Honaker (Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born

10 Dec 1908 in Hager, W.Va. Died 29 Mar 1978 in Hager. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery, Sias, W.Va.

He married Tina Irene Adkins, daughter of Doss Adkins and Martha Strickland. Born 29 May 1905 in Hager. Died 15 Jan 1974 in Hager. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery.

Funeral card: Tina Irene Honaker, born May 29, 1905, died Jan. 15, 1974, age 68 years, 6 months, 17 days.

Daughter of the late Doss and Martha Strickland Adkins. Funeral services Jan. 18, 1974 at 11 a.m., Koontz Funeral Home, Rev. Roscoe Bias officiating. Burial in Walker Adkins Cemetery. Surviving, husband Claude Honaker; three daughters, Gaynelle Plumley, [Swanna] Collins and Leva Mae Flowers; three sons, Bob, Linuel, and Henry Honaker; two sisters, Neva Coffey and Ada Smith.


41.iii.iv. i. Linuel Arthur[6]. Born ca. 1932.

41.iii.iv. ii. Swanna Lee.

41.iii.iv. iii. Henry.

iv. Bob. He married Fran Unknown.

41.iii.iv. v. Leva Mae. (Linkous gave Luea May).

vi. Gaynelle. She married Unknown Plumley.

41.iii.v. Nellie Brooke[5] Honaker (Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Died before 2014.

She married Caudle Plumley. In 2000 they lived in Sais, W.Va. Born ca. 1919. Died 23 Oct 2014.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 28 Oct 2014: Caulde Plumley, 95, of Branchland, W.Va., widower of Nellie Brooke Honaker Plumley, died Oct. 23. Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Koontz Funeral Home; interment in Walker Adkins Cemetery. Visitation 1 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.

There is some confusion about Nellie’s children. Researchers reported a son, James Patton, who married Rose McVee. However, when Nellie’s son Slim died, his obituary listed no brother named James Patton but instead two sisters, Pat and Rose Plumley. Children:

41.iii.v. i. Slim Eli[6].

41.iii.v. ii. Shorty Clenton.

iii. Vivien. He lived in Florida.

iv. James Patton (called Pat). He married Rose McVee.

41.iii.vi. Collie Conrad[5] Honaker (Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Sep 1921 in Hager, W.Va. Died 14 Sep 1993 in Hager. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery, Sias, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 16 Sep 1993: Collie Conard Honaker, 70, of Sias, Lincoln County, died Sept. 14, 1993, after he fell off a tractor and was run over, according to a state police spokesman at the Hamlin detachment. Surviving: wife, Mauna Adkins Honaker; sons, Gene of Morristown, Tenn., Roger Dale and Rickie, both of Sias; brother, Billy of Sias; sisters, Lena Adkins and Nellie Plumley, both of Sias, Opal Adkins of East Liverpool, Ohio; eight grandchildren; two stepgrandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Friday at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin, with the Rev. Russell Adkins and the Rev. Paul Stephens officiating. Burial will be in Walker-Adkins Cemetery, Sias. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 15 Sep 1993: Lincoln Man Killed in Tractor Accident Sias [W.Va.]—A Lincoln County man was killed Tuesday afternoon when he fell off a tractor and was partially run over. State police identified the dead man as Collie Honaker, 71, of Big Laurel Road, said a spokesman at the Hamlin detachment of the state police. Honaker was plowing a field about 1:10 p.m. when he fell off the tractor and his foot became hung in the gear shift. He was then partially run over by the tractor and found a short time later by his wife, the spokesman said. Honaker was pronounced dead at the scene.

He married Mauna Lee Adkins (Linkous reported Mauna Dell Adkins). Born 23 Mar 1930. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 8Oct 2013: Mauna Adkins Honaker, 83, of Branchland, died Oct. 6, 2013. Service will be 11 a.m. Wed., Oct. 9, at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tue.,

Oct. 8, at the funeral home.


i. Roger Dale[6].

41.iii.vi. ii. David Allen.

41.iii.vi. iii. Ricky Maywood.

iv. Ronnie Gene.

41.iii.vi. v. Jeffrey Myron.

vi. Daniel. (reported by Linkous)

41.iii.viii. Lena Helen[5] Honaker (Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Orville Oda Adkins. Born 20 Feb 1922 in Sais, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died in 1991. He served with General Patton’s Third Army at the Battle of the Bulge, Germany, and became a farmer. Five of their children were killed in a house fire in 1971 or 1975 (Linkous gave 1975) and buried in a common grave at Palermo, W.Va. Children:

i. Patton[6] (called Pat). Born in 1951. Died 18 Apr 1971 or 1975 in Sias, W.Va.

ii. Charles. Born in 1952. Died 18 Apr 1971 or 1975.

iii. David. Born 7 Jul 1955. Died 18 Apr 1971 or 1975.

iv. Rosalyn (Linkous gave Rosa Lynn). Born 24 Mar 1957. Died 18 Apr 1971 or 1975.

v. Roy Albert. Born in 1960. Died 18 Apr 1971 or 1975.

vi. Steven Clyde. Born 19 Dec 1947. Died 5 Jun 1990.

vii. Hope Sharlene.

viii. Verna Lee (Linkous gave Vernia)

ix. Keith.

41.v.i. Beulah Marie[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1906. Linkous, Linkous Family History Expanded, said that Beulah was raised in Griffithsville, W.Va.; was a homemaker until 1961; was then a women’s dormitory mother at Michigan State University for five years; then was a dormitory mother for 264 young men at Farris State University, Big Rapids, Mich. She retired in 1977 and moved to California to be with her son Bill.

She married Liston William Mason in 1930. Born in 1895. Died in 1959. Children:

41.v.i. i. William Liston[6]. Born in 1933.

41.v.iii. John James[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1911. Died in 1989.

He married, first, Grace Roberts. Born in 1913. Children:

41.v.iii. i. Reta Juanita. Born in 1933.

41.v.iii. ii. Velma Jean. Born in 1937.

41.v.iii. iii. Ruth Marie. Born in 1942.

41.v.iii. iv. Donna Louise. Born in 1944.

He married, second, Eloise J. Unknown. Born in 1920. Died in 1994.

41.v.iv. Odus Odburt[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1913. Linkous said that Odus moved from West Virginia first to Michigan and then to Lancaster, Ohio. He was employed by Omar Bread Co., Curtiss-Wright Aviation, North American Aviation, Rockwell International, Anchor-Hocking, and as an oil field worker.

He married Helen Joy Kane in Lancaster, Ohio. Born in 1920. Children:

41.v.iv. i. Twila Kay[6]. Born in 1941.

41.v.v. Gleneth Savanna[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Dec 1915 in Hager, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 1 Apr 2015 in Rockbridge, Hocking Co., Ohio. Buried in Floral Hills Memory Gardens, Lancaster, Fairfield Co., Ohio.

Eagle-Gazette, Lancaster, Ohio, 3 Apr 2015: Rockbridge—Gleneth S. Kane, 99, of Rockbridge, passed away on Wed., April 1, 2015 at Rockmill Rehabilitation Center. She was born Dec. 22, 1915 in [Hager], W.Va., and was the daughter of George and Okey (Honaker) Smith. She was a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Circleville. Gleneth is survived by two sons, Robert (Juanita) Kane of Laurelville and David (Caroline) Kane of Rockbridge; daughter, Judy Kane of Rockbridge; daughter-in-law, Carolyn Kane of Lancaster; 11 grandchildren and numerous great and great great grandchildren; brother, Odus Smith of Lancaster; special niece, Twila and Tom Huber of Baltimore and many other nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, John W. Kane Jr.; sons, John W. Kane III and Gary Lee Kane Sr., and five brothers and three sisters. The family would like to thank the staff at Rockmill and Central Ohio Hospice for their [care] of Gleneth during her stay. A memorial service will be held 2 p.m. Mon., April 6, 2014 at the Taylor Funeral Home in Amanda with John Boice officiating. The family will receive friends from 2–4 & 6–8 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Her cremains will be buried in Floral Hills Memory Gardens in Lancaster at a later date. Please visit to share [a] memory of Gleneth.

She married John Wesley Kane Jr. in Lancaster, Ohio. Born 1913. Children:

41.v.v. i. John W. III [6] Born in 1940.

ii. Robert Eugene. Born in 1941. He married Juanita Mae Hines in 1966. Born in 1947.

41.v.v. iii. David Clarkson. Born in 1942.

41.v.v. iv. Gary Lee. Born in 1945.

41.v.v. v. Judy Elizabeth. Born in 1949.

41.v.vi. Carney Chaffey[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1918. Linkous said that Carney grew up near Yawkey and Griffithsville, W.Va., moved to Ohio in 1934, and served with the U.S. Army in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

He married Lois Compton in Allentown, Pa. Born in 1928. Died in 1987. Children:

41.v.vi. i. Don Gene[6]. Born in 1948.

41.v.vi. ii. Jerry Lee. Born in 1950.

41.v.vi. iii. Paul David. Born in 1952.

iv. Ruth Ann. Born and died in 1962.

41.v.x. Lucille Hattie[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1929. She lived in Florida.

One researcher reported that she married John Kane.

Linkous reported that she married Charles Homer See. Born in 1927. Children:

41.v.x. i. Rebekah Susan[6]. Born in 1949.

41.v.x. ii. Craig Anthony. Born in 1953.

iii. Michelle Ann. Born in 1963.

41.v.vii. Elden Elsworth[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1920 in Lincoln Co., W.Va. Linkous, Linkous Family History Expanded, reported that Elden served with the 82nd Airborne Division in four major battles in the European Theater, U.S. Army, during World War II; became a 32nd degree Mason and life member of Masonic Lodge 406; and retired in Alma, Mich. Linkous added that several members of the family worked in the oil fields of Ohio and Michigan.

He married Lucille D. Hasbrook in Alma, Mich. Born in 1924. Died in 1976. Children:

41.v.vii. i. Carma Lee[6]. Born in 1951.

41.v.viii. Weynona Juanita[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1922 in Yawkey, W.Va. Linkous said that Weynona and her husband lived in La Crescenta, Calif., in 1970, and originated and organized Smith family history records in 1980.

She married Arthur Dale Weaver in 1950. Born in 1921. Children:

i. Paul Thomas[6]. Born in 1952. He graduated from Cresenta Valley High School, La Crescenta., Calif., in 1970. He took a bachelor’s degree from California State University, San Francisco, in 1974, and a master’s from University of San Fernando Valley College of Law in 1979.

ii. Jeffrey Lynn. Born in 1956.

41.v.ix. George Harvey[5] Smith (Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1925. Died in 1993. Linkous, Linkous Family History Expanded, reported that George was a coal miner for ten years, then moved to Bluefield, W.Va., where he worked for Jewel Tea for 15 years, then was employed by Acme Markets for 20 years, retiring as a manager.

He married Betty Jane Barker in 1946. Born in 1927. Children:

41.v.ix. i. Linda Lou[6]. Born in 1948.

43.vii.ii. Violet[5] Conrey (Julia[4], Andrew Jackson[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1910.

She married Charles Gerber. Children:

i. David[6].

ii. Diane.

iii. Kathy.

43.vii.iv. Charles Frederick[5] Barrett (Julia[4], Andrew Jackson[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 23 Jun 1914 in Connorsville, Ind. He abandoned the family when the children were young.

He married Marion Leonard. Children:

43.vii.iv. i. Carole Annette[6]. Born 13 Jan 1944 in Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.

43.vii.iv. ii. Louis Alexander. Born 29 Sep 1952 in Helmuth, N.Y.

43.vii.vii. Andrew Lee[5] Barrett (Julia[4], Andrew Jackson[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1922 in Cleveland, Ohio.

He married several times and had one child:

i. Candie[6].

48.ii.i. Denna George Washington[5] Bailey (called Denny) (Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph. Born 27 Jan 1889 in West Virginia. Died 1979 in Roanoke, Va. In 2002 his niece Mary Redmond recalled the following: “Uncle Denny was a good-natured man who seemed happy and contented. He left Ashland, W.Va., when I was quite young and moved to Pulaski, Va., where he worked in the Radford “powder plant” [Ammunition Depot.] He was a skilled carpenter and had a house full of items he’d built. He provided a large part of Dad’s [Forrest] upbringing. He told me once that Grandpa Bailey used to bring Dad to his house after the harvest was all in. Dad would be barefoot and practically in rags. Denny would get him cleaned up, clothed, and in school. Come springtime, Grandpa Bailey would come to get Dad and take him back to the farm to help with the planting. This went on for years until Dad became old enough to be on his own. Dad loved Uncle Denny dearly and apparently the feeling was returned. Uncles Denny and Olin came to Ashland every summer to spend their vacations with us. Uncle Denny and Aunt Emmy moved to Roanoke, Va., in their later years and lived with their youngest son, Basil, until their deaths.”

He married Emma Ether Bailey [name spelled correctly] ca. 1910. Died in Virginia. Children:

i. Robert A.[6] Born in West Virginia. Died 1985 in Virginia. Married Lona Lee Keiser.

ii. Arthur Vern. Born in West Virginia. Married Catherine Correll.

iii. Pansy Fay. Born in West Virginia. Married Clyde Vipperman.

iv. Basil Dewey. Born 22 Oct 1928 in West Virginia. Married Alice Lovelace 3 Sep 1960.

48.ii.ii. Clarence Ada[5] Bailey (Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph [Mary Redmond.] Born 22 Jan 1893 in West Virginia. Died in Florida. In 2002 her niece Mary Redmond recalled the following: “Aunt Clarence was a beautiful, well-dressed woman. As a child, I was very much in awe of her. As I grew up, I realized that she was a truly elegant lady but also warm and loving. She and Uncle Fred lived in Montcalm, W.Va. After his death she moved to Florida where she later remarried. The last time I talked to her was in the early 1980s. She then lived in an apartment in Titusville, Fla. I believe she was the last of her generation to pass away.”

She married, first, Fred Schrader. Died in Montcalm, W.Va. Children:

i. William[6].

ii. Fred.

iii. Vivian.

iv. Jack.

She married, second, Harry Hardy.

48.ii.v. Zona Jane[5] Bailey (Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph [Mary Redmond.] Born 6 Jan 1901 in West Virginia. Died in Tampa, Fla.

She married Hugh Maynard Lewis. Children:

i. Harold[6]. Married Jeanette Hurst.

ii. Rae Maxine.

iii. Robert Lee.

iv. Richard Gerald.

48.ii.vi. Olin Dale[5] Bailey (Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Jun 1903 in West Virginia. Died 1976 in Roanoke, Va.

He married Carrie Lawson. Children:

i. Guin[6]. He was killed in action in the U.S. Navy during World War II.

ii. Phillip.

iii. Keith.

48.ii.vii. Vesta Loette[5] Bailey (Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph. Born 16 Dec 1906 in West Virginia. Died Feb 1929 in West Virginia, a week after her daughter Billie Jean was born.

She married Sam Lawson. Children:

i. Sam Lawson[6], Jr.

ii. Shirley. She married Unknown Saunders.

iii. Joan. She married Unknown Braford.

iv. Brenda. She married Unknown Stoner.

v. Fred.

48.ii.vii. vi. Billie Jean. Born 11 Feb 1929 in Montcalm, W.Va.

48.ii.viii. Forrest Edward[5] Bailey (Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph [Mary Redmond.] Born 19 Aug 1910 in Crumpler (Windmill Gap), W.Va. Died of diabetes 23 Aug 1974 in Wyandotte, Wayne Co., Mich. Buried Oak Ridge Cem., Flat Rock, Mich. His delayed birth certificate revealed that he had worked for Ashland [W.Va.] Mining Corp. in 1943.

Unknown Michigan newspaper, unknown date: Carleton [Mich.]—Forrest E. Bailey, 64, of Treadwell’s Motor Home Park, 11150 Telegraph Rd., Carleton, died Friday in Wyandotte General Hospital of complications of diabetes. Friends may call after 6 tonight at the Arthur Bobcean Funeral Home, Inc., where funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Monday with Lowell Thomas of the Flat Rock congregation of Jehovah’s Witness officiating. Burial will be in [Oak Ridge] Cemetery, Flat Rock. The son of Levi and Edie Bailey, he was born Aug. 19, 1910, in Ashland, W.Va. He married Lillian Hart, Mar. 29, 1930, in Switchback, W.Va. He was employed as a sprayman at the Ford Motor Co. in Dearborn and retired in 1969. He moved his family to Carleton in 1970 from River Rouge and was a member of Local 600, United Auto Workers, and the Jehovah’s Witness congregation of Flat Rock. Surviving are his wife; stepmother, Annie Bailey, of Covington, Va.; four sons, Charles and Donald of River Rouge, Richard of Lincoln Park and James of Carleton; four daughters, Mrs. Mary [Redmond] of Lincoln Park, Mrs. Phyllis [Atwell] of Dearborn Heights, Mrs. Betty Stevens and Mrs. Lillian [Garvin], both of Taylor; three brothers, D.G. Bailey and [Olin] of Roanoke, [Va.], and Blonden of Tampa, Fla.; a half brother, C.F. Bailey of W.Va.; two sisters, Mrs. H.M. Lewis of Tampa, Fla., and Mrs. Harry Hardy of Deland, Fla.; five half sisters, Mrs. Clinton Bailey, Mrs. Lee Ailstock, Mrs. Verla Hart, Mrs. Betty Odell and Miss Frances Bailey; eleven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Mr. Bailey was preceded in death by his parents, a brother and a sister.

He married Lillian Hart, daughter of Charlie Ramon Hart and Donie Emaline Conley, 29 Mar 1930 in Switchback, W.Va. Born 15 May 1914 in Toecane, N.C. Died 5 Jun 1999 in Ecorse, Mich.

In 2002 their daughter Mary Redmond recalled the following:

My father was born in Windmill Gap, W.Va., the youngest of eight children. His mother died

when he was two and he was raised mainly by his older brothers and sisters. He was 6-ft. tall, weighed about 180 lb., and had black hair and gray eyes. Dad’s ancestors moved to southwest Virginia about 1760 from Chesterfield Co., Va., and were the first settlers in Tazewell County, part of which later became Mercer and McDowell Cos., W.Va.

My mother was born in Toecane, N.C. Her birth certificate, signed by Mrs. Martha J. Slagle, midwife, spells her name “Lilion” and says she was born in Bakersville, but Mom always said Toecane. According to my grandmother, Mom was a little thing weighing less than 5-lb. Her parents left Mitchell Co., N.C. when she was six or seven years old and moved to Big Hill, Ky. Then they went to Knoxville, Tenn., and to Clinchco, Va., before settling in Ashland, W.Va. about 1926. Ashland was a coal mining camp in McDowell County, but now, except for a very few scattered houses, it no longer exists.

Mom was a small woman with coal black hair, and her eyes were such a dark brown they looked black. She stood 5-ft. 3-in. tall and usually weighed about 115 lb. She was a very intelligent girl who dreamed of attending Berea College, Ky. Unfortunately, she dropped out of high school in tenth grade because she had to miss so much school she knew she would never graduate. She used to say rather bitterly that she was kept home every Monday to help with the laundry; she was kept home for a week every month when Granny “took to her bed”; and every time there was a new baby she was kept home. Mom was the oldest of ten children. Six survived to adulthood and three are still living.

In addition to being the best cook in the world, which was the opinion of all her children, Mom was a very talented seamstress. I think she could have been a great women’s clothing designer. She could see something she liked, go home and cut her own pattern for it out of a newspaper and make a much better piece of clothing than she had seen in the store, or even a picture in a magazine or newspaper. She also loved to read anything she could get her hands on—it didn’t matter what it was, as long as it was something to read. This was a passion she shared with Dad and all her children.

My parents married in Switchback, W.Va. not long after Dad returned home from serving in the army in Panama for a couple of years. He was 19 and she about six weeks shy of 16. He always said that he fell in love the moment he saw her and knew that he was going to marry her. That love never changed—they still held hands after 44 years together. He always maintained that they never had a fight, and, as far as I know, this was true. Mom would have liked to sometimes, but he wouldn’t. He would go out into the front yard where he knew she wouldn’t follow until she cooled off.

Mom had to be the disciplinarian in the family. Dad had endured a lot of physical and mental abuse by his stepmother as a child and could rarely bring himself to discipline us no matter how much we needed it. I remember getting one spanking from him, and this is because, for some reason, I had tried to hit Mom. It really did hurt him more than it did me.

Dad worked as a cutting machine operator in the coal mine at Ashland until 1953. At that time, the whole family moved to Dearborn, Mich., and he went to work as a spray painter at Ford Motor Co. He never liked working in a factory. He much preferred the coal mine.

Dad was diagnosed as diabetic in 1947. He began losing his sight in the 1960s because of diabetic hemorrhaging behind the eyes and had to take a medical retirement in 1968 at age 58. They sold their home in River Rouge, Mich., and moved into a house trailer in Flat Rock where they lived until he passed away. He died four days after his 64th birthday. Cause of death was uremia caused by total kidney failure as a direct result of diabetes.

Mom continued to live in the house trailer until 1984 when she moved into an apartment in a senior citizens building. That didn’t last very long. She couldn’t stand being with all those “old people.” She bought another trailer and continued to live alone. She valued her independence very much and wouldn’t even think about moving in with any of her children. She bowled in three leagues every week and was about the luckiest Bingo player I’ve ever known. But in 1995 she was hospitalized with cardiac hypertension and was told by her doctors she could no longer live alone. Very much against her wishes, she moved into her son Don’s home where she remained the rest of her life, four years.

She died of cardio-pulmonary arrest. For some reason, she was terrified of being in a dark room with the door shut. I think this is why she insisted on being cremated. We followed her wishes and her ashes were buried next to Dad in Flat Rock.

Mom and Dad had four sons and four daughters over a period of 20 years. As the oldest, I’m 20 years and 20 days older than the youngest, my brother Jim. We joke that Dad left us all a legacy; the daughters are all diabetic and the sons are all pretty well bald or getting there.


48.ii.viii. i. Mary Frances[6]. Born 9 Jan 1931 in Ashland, W.Va.

48.ii.viii. ii. Charles Edward. Born 12 Nov 1932 in Ashland.

iii. Phyllis June. Born 11 Jun 1935 in Ashland. In 2002 she lived in California. Married Harry Albert Atwell 29 Sep 1958 in Detroit, Mich. Born 10 Feb 1936 in Detroit. Died 23 Dec 1995 in Torrance, Calif. There were no children.

48.ii.viii. iv. Betty Sue. Born 5 Sep 1938 in Ashland.

48.ii.viii. v. Donald Ray. Born 17 Aug 1940 in Ashland.

vi. Lillian Ann. Born 22 Jul 1945 in Ashland. In 2002 she lived in California.

vii. Richard Lee. Born 17 Dec 1948 in Ashland. In 2002 he lived in New Jersey. He married

Cheryl Louise Storzbach, daughter of Arnold Allen Storzbach and Hazel Geraldine Church, 13 Jun 1969 in Allen Park, Mich. Born 27 Feb 1950. There were no children.

48.ii.viii. viii. James William. Born 29 Jan 1951 in Ashland.

48.v.vii. Emerson Ray[5] Hurst (called Red) (Arley Joseph[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 26 Oct 1912 in Chelay, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 23 Jun 2004 in Mesa, Ariz. His ashes were scattered around the graves of his parents and grandmother in Red Warrior Cemetery, Cabin Creek, W.Va., and a military marker was placed there in his memory.

From 1929 to 1932 he was a truck driver in West Virginia, making store deliveries. He enlisted in the U.S. Army 7 Nov 1938 and served throughout World War II until 18 Oct 1945, becoming a staff sergeant. He was a rifle instructor, anti-tank gun crewman, and heavy weapons specialist. He was non-commissioned officer in charge of an anti-tank platoon, laying minefields, tank traps and roadblocks. His daughter Mary Ann said he had been blown out of a tank and had a hip disability but would not collect his medical pension. He was awarded the American Defense Medal, Good Conduct Medal, European, African and Middle Eastern Service Medals, three overseas service bars, and rifle marksman sharpshooter badge. Military records showed him as 5-ft. 11½-in., 184 lb., red hair, blue eyes.

After the war he was a coal miner in West Virginia until a cave-in buried him for three days. He moved to Mesa, Ariz., ca. 1957, working for more than 20 years as a tapper in a steel manufacturing plant.

He married Lucy Ann Horrocks, daughter of Robert Joseph Horrocks and Georgia Anna Doorman, 13 Dec 1945 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. They divorced 24 Jul 1962 in Arizona. Born 27 Apr 1923 in Blue Creek, W.Va. Died 6 Nov 2002 in Palatka, Fla. Buried in Palatka Memorial Gardens. She was 5-ft. 2-in., 105 lb., with blue eyes and blonde hair. Her daughter Mary Ann said there wasn’t much that she couldn’t do. She could hunt, fish, garden, play guitar, compose and sing music, and write poetry. She married, first, Bartholomew Perry, a soldier killed in France 12 Jul 1944 during World War II. She brought their son Richard Lee Perry, born 1 May 1943 in Charleston, to her marriage with Emerson. Richard married Brenda Charlene Wilson 13 Nov 1962 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz. Lucy also married Robert Darnell Morrison.

Children (of Emerson and Lucy):

i. Evelyn Rebecca[6] (called Sissy by her father.) She changed her first name to Yvonne ca.

1974. Born 29 Dec 1947 in Chimney Corners, W.Va. Died 8 Aug 1990 in San Antonio, Texas. Buried in Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery. She married Alexandro Lara in 1963 in Phoenix. Yvonne was a hospice worker on her way to work when she was hit and killed by a truck.

ii. Marjie Alice. Born 11 Aug 1949 in Chimney Corners. She married, first, Tony Oakley in 1967 in Phoenix. She married, second, Dale Collens in 1990 in Jacksonville, Fla.

iii. Mary Ann. Born 21 May 1958 in Phoenix. In 2004 she lived in Elyria, Ohio. She married, first, Wayne Allen Mortimore 18 Jan 1975 in Phoenix. She married, second, Kenneth Dale Bond 14 Feb 1986 in Tempe, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

iv. Lucy Darlene (adopted). Born Lucy Darlene Morrison 25 Jul 1963 in Long Beach, Calif.

She was adopted by Emerson and Lucy 19 Oct 1966 in Maricopa Co., Ariz., with the surname changed to Hurst. She married, first, Richard Louis Laakman in 1988. She married, second, Joseph Stevens 27 Jul 1998 in Powderly, Texas.

48.xi.i. Erma Lafonne[5] Hendricks (called Lafonne) (Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Jul 1925. In 1945 she lived in Sundial, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She married Roy Clayton Rutter, son of Samuel Rutter and Cora Durphee. Born 3 Jul 1920. Died 27 Jun 1974. Children:

48.xi.i. i. Betty Lou[6]. Born 7 Sep 1945.

48.xi.i. ii. Sybil Jane. Born 13 Apr 1947.

iii. Jesse Lillard. Born 3 May 1949.

48.xi.i. iv. Sandra Kay. Born 28 Jan 1951.

v. Dianna Mae. Born 23 Jun 1954. She married Kessler Sidney Curry 28 Dec 1974. Born 14 Nov 1950.

48.xi.i. vi. Joyce Jean. Born 3 Dec 1957.

48.xi.ii. Alba Merrill[5] Hendricks (Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Nell Grace Dickens. Children:

48.xi.ii. i. Norman Eugene[6]. Born 27 Mar 1931.

48.xi.ii. ii. Dallas Augusta. Born 2 Jun 1933.

48.xi.ii. iii. Betty Lou. Born 23 Jul 1935.

iv. William Joseph. Born 6 Jul 1938. He married, first, Ilene Elizabeth Scott, born 14 Nov 1949 . They divorced. He married, second, Charlotte Katherine Moore. Born 11 Aug 1958. William had no children.

48.xi.ii. v. Patricia Ann. Born 8 Feb 1941.

48.xi.ii. vi. Kenneth McArthur. Born 28 Sep 1942.

48.xi.ii. vii. Thomas Alvin. Born 8 May 1944.

48.xi.ii. viii. Dora Marie. Born 5 Feb 1946.

48.xi.ii. ix. Barbara Ellen. Born 19 Aug 1948.

48.xi.ii. x. Dorothy Darlene. Born 7 May 1953.

48.xi.iii. Sadie[5] Hendricks (Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Oct 1911. Died 22 Jan 1984. Buried in a national military cemetery in South Carolina. The headstone gives her name as Hendrix, which was the original spelling. After her second divorce from Clayton Webb, she took a daughter and son Johnny to Washington, D.C., where she was a waitress and met Reid Ross.

She married, first, then divorced but remarried Clayton Webb. Born 1 Feb 1899. Died in a house fire in Mar 1965, along with his brother Albert. After Clayton’s divorce, he married Margie Hall


48.xi.iii. i. Jesse James Howard[6]. Born 21 Mar 1933.

48.xi.iii. ii. Chessie Mae. Born 6 Sep 1935.

48.xi.iii. iii. Dessie Marie. Born 8 Feb 1937.

48.xi.iii. iv. Peggy Ann. Born 21 Feb 1941.

48.xi.iii. v. John Francis (called Johnny). Born 27 Jun 1947.

She married, second, Reid R. Ross, who served a career in the U.S. Marine Corps

49.ii.iii. Lonnie Preston[5] Shrewsbury (Virginia Elmira[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 17 Dec 1898 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 17 Dec 1990 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in McComas-Crotty Cemetery, Pinoak. A U.S. Navy veteran of World War I, in 1921 he was a crew member of the USS Olympia at the time the Unknown Soldier was returned to America for interment in Arlington National Cemetery. He was Baptist, a retired coal miner and member of United Mine Workers of America, Lashmeet, W.Va.

He married Zettie Leah Laxton 30 Jun 1923 in Princeton. Children: (At the time of his death, there were 15 grandchildren 17 great grandchildren, and two great-great grandchildren.)

i. Dana Preston[6].

ii. Elladell P. She married Unknown Tolliver.

iii. Winnie. She married Unknown Blackwell.

iv. Lora. She married Unknown Midkiff.

v. Linda. She married Unknown Matthews.

49.ii.v. Eva Catherine[5] Shrewsbury (Virginia Elmira[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 1 Sep 1903 in Pinoak, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 6 Jan 1994 in Princeton, Mercer County. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton.

She married Bernard Wayne Taylor 12 Apr 1926 in Matoaka, Mercer County. Children:

49.ii.v. i. Betty Carol[6].

50.ix.ii. Thelma Louise[5] Blizzard (Ressie Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Aug 1916 in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va. Died 28 Apr 1985 in Sarasota, Manatee Co., Fla.

She married Charles Jordan, son of Charles William Jordan and Anna Mawson, 24 Feb 1934 in Mt. Hope, Fayette Co., W.Va. Born 24 Jun 1914 in Wevaco, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 12 Dec 1967 in Bradenton, Fla. Children:

i. Charles Richard[6]. Born 21 Feb 1935 in Ameagle, W.Va. Died of complications following a tonsillectomy in 1940 in Ameagle.

50.ix.ii. ii. Rollin Edward[6]. Born 5 Jul 1938.

50.ix.iv. Billie Lee[5] Blizzard (Ressie Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 May 1921 in Whitesville, W.Va.

She married Thomas H. Stamper 16 Feb 1941. Children:

i. Marlene Kay[6]. Born 30 Dec 1941

ii. Thomas H., Jr. Born 13 Mar 1956.

50.ix.v. Bernard Karl[5] Blizzard (Ressie Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Jun 1923 in Whitesville, W.Va. Died 3 May 1979.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Karl Lewis[6].

ii. Stephen.

iii. Richard.

50.ix.vi. Jeanne Carol[5] Blizzard (Ressie Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Jun 1926 in Whitesville, W.Va.

She married Edward Gore. Children:

i. Jeanne Lee[6].

ii. Billie Lee.

iii. Edgar, Jr.

50.ix.viii. David Lawrence[5] Blizzard (Ressie Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 Aug 1932 in Whitesville, W.Va.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Susan Jeanne[6].

ii. Mary Ellen.

50.xi.i. Tembra Ann[5] Lester (called Temmy) (Marie[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Jul 1937 in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va Died 22 Jan 2014 in Ansted, Fayette Co., W.Va. Buried in Restlawn Memory Gardens, Victor, Fayette County.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 24 Jan 2014: Ansted—Temmy Ann Wall Ervin, 76, of Ansted, passed away in Ansted, Wed., Jan. 22, 2014. She was born July 9, 1937, in Whitesville, W.Va. Temmy was the daughter of the late Lawrence Lester Wall and Marie Honaker Wall. She was preceded in death by her husband, E.L. “Chuck” Ervin, on July 21, 2004. Temmy was a retired school teacher for Fayette Co., W.Va.; she taught 28 years in the Ansted Elementary and Middle School System. She was a member of the Church of the Redeemer in Ansted. Survivors are a son, Link Ervin and his wife Ginger of Kings Mountain, N.C.; five grandchildren, Dylan Ervin, Landon Ervin, Owen Ervin, Kayla Ervin, Alyssa Ervin; and a loving granddaughter that will arrive soon. A private graveside service will be held Saturday, at Restlawn Memory Gardens in Victor. Friends may call from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, at Wallace and Wallace Funeral Home Chapel in Ansted. Online condolences may be sent to . Wallace and Wallace of Ansted is in charge of the arrangements.

She married E.L. Ervin (called Chuck). Died 21 Jul 2004. Children:

50.xi.i. i. Link[6].

53.vi.i. Orval Douglas[5] Cook (Ida[4], William B.[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Nov 1904 in Glen Jean, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 22 May 1962 in Crescent Junction, Wyo. Buried in Craig Cemetery, Craig, Moffatt Co., Colo.

He married Opal Laura Unknown 1 Dec 1923 in Charleston, W.Va. Born 18 Jul 1907 in Mabscott, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 3 Jan 1994 in Craig, Colo. Buried in Craig Cemetery. Children:

i. Ruth Pearl[6]. Born 3 Dec 1924 in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 30 Mar 1981 in La Barge, Wyo. Buried in Craig Cemetery. Married Keith Johnson.

ii. Orval D., Jr. (called Dick) Born 18 Sep 1926 in Dorothy, W.Va. Died 14 Jul 1984 in

Colorado. Buried in Craig Cemetery. Married Betty Ann Unknown 28 Feb 1946.

iii. Elmer, III (called Dusty). Born 22 Jan 1929 in Mt. Harris, Routt Co., Colo. Married


iv. Daniel George. Born 9 Jan 1931 in Mt. Harris, Colo. Died 23 Jun 1973 in St. George, Washington Co., Utah. Buried in Craig Cemetery. Married Unknown 26 Feb 1950. They divorced in 1968.

v. Donald. Born 22 Jan 1935 in Mt. Harris, Colo. Died 27 Apr 1992 in Craig, Colo. Buried in Craig Cemetery. Married Margaret Unknown.

53.vii.i. Bessie Lee[5] Honaker (John Ashby[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Feb 1913 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 16 Apr 2008 in Oak Hill, Fayette Co., W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 18 Apr 2008: Scarbro—Bessie Lee Honaker Stewart, 95, of Scarbro, died Wed., Apr. 16, 2008 at Plateau Medical Center in Oak Hill. Born Feb. 2, 1913, at Arnett, she was the daughter of the late John Ashby and Ina Honaker. She was a member of Full Gospel Church of Scarbro for 32 years and was considered the church mother. She was a homemaker. Bessie was the last surviving member of the immediate family. Her husband, Ralph H. Stewart, son, Richard Robert Stewart, brother, Delmer Honaker, grandson, Norman J. Stewart, and a granddaughter, Stephanie Annette Payne, all preceded her in death. Survivors include two daughters, Carolyn Lee Hagerman and husband, William, of Scarbro, with whom Bessie had made her home since 2002, and Virginia Annette Lilly and husband, Jerrell, of Newton, N.C.; grandchildren, Miranda Hose and husband, Mark, Regina Johnson and husband, Jonathan, Richard Stewart Jr. and wife, Lisa, Karen Payne, Meagan Bailey and husband, Marshall, and Debbie Stewart; granddaughter-in-law, Rita Stewart; 13 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Sat., Apr. 19, at Tyree Funeral Home, Mount Hope, with the Rev. Dorothy Osborne officiating. Burial will be at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends may call one hour before service Saturday at the funeral home. Online condolences may be sent at . Arrangements by Tyree Funeral Home, Mount Hope.

She married Ralph H. Stewart. Died before 2008. Children:

53.vii.i. i. Richard Robert[6].

ii. Carolyn Lee. She married William Hagerman.

iii. Virginia Annette. She married Jerrell Lilly.

53.vii.ii. Delmar[5] Honaker (also Delmer) (John Ashby[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1915.

He married Lou Vernie Cook. Children:

53.vii.ii. i. Paul[6].

53.vii.ii. ii. Vernon Dale. Born 19 Aug 1955 in Beckley, W.Va.

iii. Sparkie. Died as an infant.

iv. Mary Ann. Died as an infant.

v. Norma. She married Unknown Farley.

vi. Reba. She married Jimmy David Lucas.

53.vii.ii. vii. Damon.

viii. Bill.

53.x.ii. Mildred[5] Miller (Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 31 Mar 1898 in Arnett (also reported as Sun,) W.Va. Died 31 Oct 1974 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Beckley, W.Va.

She had one child with Delmar Ramsey:

53.x.ii. i. David D.[6] [Miller] Born 13 Sep 1915.

She married Fratie Carl Harris, son of Charley Thompson Harris and Zora Alice Phillips, Sep 1917 in Lilly Brook, W.Va. Died 20 Apr 1959 in West Palm Beach, Fla. Children:

53.x.ii. ii. Maxine Elaine[6]. Born 3 Jun 1918 in Bowyer, W.Va.

53.x.ii. iii. Mae Alice. Born 26 Mar 1920 in Bowyer.

53.x.ii. iv. Geraldine June. Born 5 Dec 1921 in Bowyer.

53.x.ii. v. Ernest Clyde. Born 15 May 1924 in Blue Jay #6, W.Va.

53.x.ii. vi. Mildred Ruth. Born 10 Jul 1926 in Blue Jay #6, W.Va.

53.x.ii. vii. Betty Jo. Born 2 Mar 1927 in Blue Jay #6, W.Va.

53.x.ii. viii. Cecil Carl. Born 8 Feb 1929 in Shady Spring, W.Va.

53.x.ii. ix. William Bobby. Born 14 Jan 1931 in Shady Spring.

53.x.ii. x. Mary Frances. Born 21 Mar 1933 in Shady Spring.

53.x.ii. xi. Dixie Lee. Born 2 Sep 1935 in Shady Spring.

53.x.ii. xii. Kathryn Lula. Born 11 Aug 1938 in Shady Spring.

53.x.ii. xiii. Patricia Sue. Born 10 Jun 1940 in Shady Spring.

54. Matilda Allice[3] Honaker (called Allie) (James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Thomas Jefferson Hurst, son of William R. Hurst and Susanna Nestor. Died 7 Dec 1936 in Rock, Mercer Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Lundy[4].

56.xiv.i. Ralph James[5] Honaker (George Johnson[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1917 in Glen Daniel, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died before 2011.

He married Juanita Elizabeth Hawley, daughter of Charles Hawley and Mary Elizabeth Walls. Born 9 Nov 1917 in Glen Daniel. Died 18 Jan 2004 in Berea, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Interred in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Beckley, Raleigh County.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., unknown date: Juanita Elizabeth Honaker, 86, formerly of Glen Daniel, passed away in Berea, Ohio, on Sun., Jan. 18, 2004, following a short illness. Born Nov. 9, 1917, at Glen Daniel, she was the daughter of the late Charles Hawley and Mary Elizabeth Walls Hawley. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph James Honaker; a son, James Honaker; two sisters, Ella Jean Alen and Avalene Helper; and a brother, Dean Hawley. Those left to cherish her memory are her children, Margaret Collins and husband, Moran, of Glen Daniel, Rita Whitehair and husband, Charles, of Berea, Carl Michael Honaker and wife, Diane, of Cleveland, Ohio, David Lee Honaker and wife, Ann, of Glen Morgan and Mary Birchfield and husband, Leslie, of Dawson; a brother, Charles Haley Jr. and wife, Helen, of Shady Spring; 17 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and a daughter-in-law, Sylvia Honaker. Service will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel, Beckley, with the Rev. Darrell McNeely officiating. Entombment will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Mausoleum of Faith. The family will receive friends 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home chapel. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley.


56.xiv.i. i. James Arthur[6]. Born 31 Aug 1940 in Saxon, Raleigh County.

ii. Margaret. She married Moran Collins.

iii. Rita. She married Charles Whitehair.

iv. Carl Michael. He married Diane Unknown.

v. David Lee. He married Ann Unknown.

vi. Mary. She married Leslie Birchfield.

56.xiv.ii. Mary Madeline[5] Honaker (George Johnson[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Aug 1917 in Glen Daniel, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 7 Dec 2011 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Huntington.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 9 Dec 2011: Mary Madeline Harmon, 94, of Huntington, went home to be with the Lord Wed., Dec. 7, 2011. She was born Aug. 4, 1917 in Glen Daniel to the late George J. Honaker and Effie Lucas Honaker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Carlos C. Harmon; a beloved grandson, Joseph Briar Harmon; one sister, Marie Gibson; and three brothers, Ralph Honaker, Howard Honaker and George Honaker. She is survived by one son, Sidney L. (Jeanne) Harmon; one daughter, Nancy Harmon (John) Board; one grandson, John Harmon (Megan) Board; two granddaughters, Amy LeAnn (Aaron) Lewis and Susan Harmon Pay; four great-granddaughters, Sydney Elisabeth Pay, Samantha LeAnn Pay, Sara Kate Lewis and Olivia Aaron Lewis; three sisters, Virginia Iber, Edith Hawley and Betty Fagg; and numerous nieces and nephews. Madeline was a devoted Christian and a member of First United Methodist Church of Huntington. She was retired from the Huntington Department Store, where she was manager of the women’s department. She was a longtime member of The Quota Club of Huntington. She always had a kind word and a big smile for everyone she met. Her encouragement and generosity will be remembered by all who knew her. She was named a “Hometown Hero” for her dedicated and untiring service to the Huntington Public Library. The family thanks her friend and caregiver, Margaret King, as well as all of the wonderful staff at Heartland of Riverview at South Point, Ohio, who cared for her diligently and compassionately. Funeral service will be conducted at 3 p.m. Sat., Dec. 10, 2011 at Beard Mortuary with the Rev. Paul Russell officiating. Burial will follow at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call one hour before the service at Beard Mortuary. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Huntington. Online condolences may be expressed at . Those we hold most dear never truly leave us; they live on in the kindness they showed, the comfort they shared and the love they brought into our lives. Madeline will be greatly missed by many.

She married Carlos C. Harmon. Died before 2011. Children:

i. Sidney L.[6] He married Jeanne Unknown.

56.xiv.ii. ii. Nancy. She married John Board.

56.xiv.v. Edith P.[5] Honaker (George Johnson[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Dec 1926 in Surveyor, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 16 Jan 2014 in Centreville, Bibb Co., Ala. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 22 Jan 2014: On Thurs., Jan. 16th, 2014, our most loved, Edith P. Hawley of Circleview Drive, Beckley, went to see her Lord and Savior at the home of her daughter, Sandy Jarrell in Centreville, Ala., following a short illness. She was in her 87th year. Born at Surveyor on Dec. 22nd, 1926, Edith was the daughter of the late George and Effie Lucas Honaker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her brothers, Dee Acord, Ralph, Howard and Junior Honaker and sisters, Madeline Harmon and Marie Gibson. Edith married the love of her life, Earl Hawley. To this union was born her children, James, Sandy and John. A devoted wife and mother, in her leisure time, Edith enjoyed reading, sewing, making quilts and spending time with her kitty cat, Babe. Earl has passed away as well as their son, James. Edith was a member of the First Baptist Church here in Beckley and worked for many years in the housewares department at Stone & Thomas. Left to cherish her memory are her surviving children, Sandy Jarrell and her husband, Jeff of Centreville, John Hawley and his wife, Debbie of Cheyenne, Wyo., and a daughter-in-law, Cherie Hawley. Edith was the doting “Maw Maw” to Amy Jarrell and Mike, Scotty Jarrell and his wife, Ginny, and Ryan and Niccole Hawley, J.E. Hawley and Andrea Radford and her husband Matt; the proud great grandmother of Alex Thomas, Jeffery and Jenna Jarrell, Picabo and Dayton Jarrell, Christian Hawley and Addison Radford; the fond sister of Virginia Iber and Betty Fagg. Edith was also survived by her stepmother, Rosie Honaker and half brothers, Doug, Randy and Jackie Honaker. On Thurs, Jan. 23nd, at 2 p.m., we will honor Edith with a Service of Remembrance at the Melton Mortuary Chapel. Rev. Andrew Davis will be officiating. The family will receive friends from noon until the service hour. Edith will be laid to rest in the Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens at Prosperity. Pallbearers will be Scotty Jarrell, Jim Cangemi, J.E. Hawley, Matt Radford, Alex Thomas and Mike Milam. Condolences may be sent to the family’s guestbook at . Arrangements by Melton Mortuary and Cremation Center, Beckley.

She married Earl Hawley. Died before 2014. Children:

i. Sandy[6]. She married Jeff Jarrell.

ii. James. Died before 2014. He married Cherie Unknown.

iii. John.

57.i.i. Lewis Robert[5] Honaker (John Lewis[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Nov 1897.

He married Myrtle O. Smith. Children:

i. Shirley A. She married Unknown Savage. In 2013 she lived in S. Zanesville, Ohio.

57.ii.i. James Golden[5] Honaker (called Jim) (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph. Born 4 Aug 1896 in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va. He was diabetic but died of cancer 24 Jun 1981 at Heritage House Nursing Home, Richmond, Ind. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. He was a farmer and logger. A son, Raymond, said that in his younger years, James Golden drank, played cards and gambled, but as he grew older quit these pursuits and became a church member. James Golden was enumerated in the 1920 census in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va.

About 1944, James and his sisters Stella, Ida, Catherine, and Evelyn and their families relocated to Fayette and Union Counties, Ind., looking for work as there was none to be found in West Virginia. Indiana Rex Blower Company and American Central were hiring.

Unknown Indiana newspaper, Jun 1981: Liberty—James G. Honaker, 84, died Wednesday afternoon at the Heritage House Nursing Home in Richmond. A native of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., he had lived in this area for the past 56 years. He worked at Roots Blower Company in Connorsville for 27 years, retiring in 1964. He then owned and operated a saw mill, located west of Liberty, for several years. His wife, Bessie, to whom he had been married for 66 years, preceded him in death on Jan. 4, 1981. Mr. Honaker had been a member of the Liberty Church of the Nazarene. Survivors include five sons, James of Omaha, Neb., Paul of Connersville, Quincy of Valencia, Calif., Carl of Tempe, Ariz., and Raymond of Westchester, Ohio; seven daughters, Mary Bennington of Dayton, Emma Pfender of Evansville, Gladys Fischell of Rushville, Helen Curran of Osgood, Arlene Duke of Richmond, Barbara Curran of Fairfield, Ohio, and Janice Lee of Middletown, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Earl (Evelyn) Ramsey of Connersville; 38 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Besides his wife, he was also preceded in death by two brothers, six sisters, one son, two daughters and one great-grandchild. Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Showalter-Blackwell, Baker-Fosdick Chapel, with Rev. John Porter and Rev. James Holden officiating. Burial will be in Dale Cemetery at Connorsville. Friends may call from 2 to 9 p.m. Friday at the chapel.

A recollection of James was provided by Joan Rose, his granddaughter, in 2007: “I remember one evening after a family get together, Grandpa and Grandma were leaving. We, my sisters and I, had been after him all evening. He had brought his harmonica with him and we wanted to hear him play. Hugs were given all around and Grandpa stepped into the garage. Grandpa pulled out his harmonica and started playing. He was dancing a jig as he was playing. Grandma was smiling so big. It was a wonderful memory.”

A scrapbook, written in ink, was prepared for James and Bessie and presented to them on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary (10 Jun 1964) [sic]:

Throughout the following pages the story of the Honaker family will be revealed. One can never forget the memories both happy and sad the laughter of the children as they have grown up, and the lasting friendship. Yes, Brother and Sister Honaker this is your life.

[Page 2] Well look here, were in Union, W.Va. at a community social. Why look over there, that looks like Bessie McGuire and a young man looking very wide eyed at her. Well I do believe it’s James Honaker [drawing of two young people.] [Page 3] Now time has passed and look down the road, could that be a horse drawn buggy? But who is in the front sit, well I see they are holding hands or could it be he is asking for her hand in marriage [drawing of young couple in a horse drawn buggy]. [Page 4] On Jun. 10, 1914 a special event. Bessie McGuire, now 15 and her bow Jame Honaker, 18 enter the sacred institutiion of marriage. [Page 5] There is love in the air and days seem short. An a cabin at Lewisbury, W.Va. has become there first home [drawing of one store cabin].

[Page 6] The year was quite a year for the Honakers’ –a year that expanded their corner of the world. And in 1916 they were holding there first child, a daughter: Mary Elizabeth Honaker. They saw her grown, learn and welcome her sister Emma Madeling. On Aug. 30, 1918 the third child, a son, James Ruffas discovered the world. On Apr. 7, 1920 they welcome another sister, Gladys Louise. Minnie Drisal Honaker, their fifth child died in infancy but their memories of heer are ever lasting. Then on Oct. 16, 1923 their second son was named Paul McGuire Honaker.

[Page 7] Their way of life has been influenced by numerous factors, changing times, size of family, depression and war. So the Honaker family has now moved by train from Virginia to Connersville, Ind., on the Potter Farm. With five children and their family still growing they make a new home. [Page 8] Constantly on the go the Honaker family moves from Potters Farm to Hanson Family and then to Brownsville. Their family now includes: Annalee Elna who marries Schlechteg, then later dies a the birth of her son danny. Her memories will be forever with her parents; a son, Quincy John born Mar. 27, 1927; a son, Carl Ezra born Mar. 30, 1929; a daughter, Helen Betty was born Dec. 7, 1931; a son, Raymond Lamont born Apr. 16, 1932; a daughter, Arlene Joyce born May 10, 1934; a daughter Barbara Jean born Apr. 15, 1938; a daughter, Janice Ann born Oct. [number crossed out] 9, 1939; a son, Stanley Golden born Aug. 17, 1942.

[Page 9] “Variety is the spice of Life.” This old proverb has been tested by the Honaker family. With energetic family not a minute must be wasted. [Page 10] Over the years memories are many but one more exciting experience Bessie will recall. The year 1944 as Bessie kneeled at an alter of prayer and excepted Jesus Christ our Lord as her personal Saviour. Her life in Christ was hard at first but as her experience grow deeper, her new life had become easier. Then in 1947, Bessie chosen mate, James Honaker excepted the way as his way. Then hand-in-hand and smiles-a-new-Bessie and Jim Honaker world widen and enabled them to tackle the future.

[Page 11] When tragedy struck the Honaker family in 1964. (The lost of there beloved son Stanley.) The Lord’s Grace was sufficate. Even though they were down hearted there strong faith and trust in God has given them peace of mind. Throughout there past years Bessie and James Honaker dedicated their lives to God. [Page 12] Times has truly changed from 1914. Their mode of living, transportation, Communication and mainly their religious phase of their lives. They work togather and are moving forward. Their family has grown, now with 13 living children, 40 Grandchildren and 5 Great Grandchildren. [Photo of James and Bessie with 13 children].

[Page 13] Bessie and James has 55 years of married life behind them. Truly memories must be many and rewarding and yes some said. But the Honaker’s have years ahead of them which they both, togather will see, an eternal home! They are “Looking for that blessid hope and glorious appearing of the Great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.” TiT: 2:13 [Page 14] Brother and Sister Honaker has had a rich, full 55 years, an we wish you many more years. Congratulations Bro & Sister Honaker. From: The Church of the Nazarene, Liberty, Ind. Stella and Walter Polston June 15, 1969 [Photo of a church]

[Page 15] There are two pictures on this page of inside the Church. One of James Golden Honaker, Bessie Honaker and the minister, Walter Polston, inside the Church; the other one of services going on inside the Church with the Honaker family in attendance with other Church members. This Scrap book was compose by Evenyln Coffman (wife of Walter Polston) [The rest of the book contains pictures of the family, mostly in church.]

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 30 Oct 1969: Liberty Apple Butter Makers—Women of the Church of the Nazarene, 218 West High St., made apple butter Thursday to raise money for church projects. Mrs. Walter Polston, wife of the pastor, said nearly five and one-half bushels of apples were hand-peeled Wednesday and the wood fire was started under a huge copper kettle at 7 a.m. Thursday. The cooking process took about nine hours. She estimated that about 65 pounds of sugar was consumed in the day-long process. Woman of the job estimated they would get about 100 pints of apple butter for their efforts. They expect to make about $125 on the project. The copper kettle was set up in the back yard of the church parsonage, immediately east of the church.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, Jun 1974: Couple Honored—Mr. and Mrs. James G. Honaker will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary Sun., June 9, with an open house from 2 to 5 p.m. at their home on [Rural Route] 2, Liberty. Mr. & Mrs. Honaker were married June 10, 1914, at Union, W.Va. They have 12 children living.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, Jun 1979: Couple Honored on 65th Anniversary—Mr. and Mrs. James G. Honaker celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary June 17 at a buffet dinner at the Holiday Inn, after which they were guests of honor at a reception held at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. John Fishell of Rushville. Mr. Honaker is retired from Roots-Blower. They now reside in Winton-Green Apartments in Connersville. All their surviving children were present for the occasion—Mr. and Mrs. James R. Honaker of Omaha, Neb., Paul Honaker of Connersville, Quincy Honaker of Los Angeles, Calif., Mr. & Mrs. Carl Honaker of Tempe, Ariz., Raymond Honaker of Hamilton, Ohio, Mrs. Mary Bennington of Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Jack (Emma) Pfender of Evansville, Mr. & Mrs. John (Gladys) Fishell of Rushville, Mr. & Mrs. Norman (Helen) Curran of Versailles, Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Janice) Lee of Liberty. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Evelyn) Ramsey, the latter of whom is Mr. Honaker’s only surviving sister; Rev. and Mrs. John Porter of Liberty; and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and special friends of the couple and their children.

He married Bessie Elizabeth McGuire, daughter of George McGuire and Mary Bland, 10 Jun 1914 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. (also reported as Gap Mills, W.Va., but newspaper stories on the occasion of their 65th anniversary give Union.) Born 10 Jan 1900 in Gap Mills. Died 4 Jan 1981 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville. Her son Raymond said she was raised by a nannie because her mother was a midwife and away from home a great deal. A small woman, she worked all the time as a homemaker. Raymond said she made great applesauce and could make a dollar go a long way.

Unknown newspaper, Jan 1981: Liberty—Mrs. Bessie E. Honaker, 80, former Liberty resident who had been a patient in Lincoln Manor Nursing Center, died Sunday evening in Fayette Memorial Hospital. She was born Jan. 10, 1900, in Monroe Co., [West] Va. to Rufus and Mary Bland McGuire. A lifetime resident of Union County, she was a member of the Liberty Nazarene Church. Survivors include her husband, James G. Honaker of Connersville, to whom she had been married 66 years; five sons, James R. of Omaha, Neb., Paul M. of Connersville, Quincy J. of Valencia, Calif., Carl E. of Tempe, Ariz., and Raymond L. of West Chester, Ohio; seven daughters, Mary E. Bennington of Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Emma M. Pfender of Evansville, Mrs. Gladys L. Fishell of Rushville, Mrs. Helen B. Curran of Osgood, Mrs. Arlene J. Duke of Richmond, Mrs. Barbara J. Curran of Fairfield, Ohio, and Mrs. Janice A. Lee of Middletown, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. Lomie Neal of Connorsville; 38 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Preceding her in death were a son, two daughters and one grandchild. Rev. John Porter will conduct funeral services at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Showalter-Blackwell, Baker-Fosdick Chapel where friends may call after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Burial will be in Dale Cemetery.

A recollection by Donna Mae Stanton, 2004: “Gap Mills’ original name was Moss Hole. Gap Mills had three mills, a Ford dealership and garage. The saw mill was at Rock Azalea in the location of the present Moncove Lake…the road that goes to Moncove Lake’s original name was Devil’s Hollow Road. Bessie McGuire Honaker was born in a house on this road, as well as the rest of the family.”


57.ii.i. i. Mary Elizabeth[6]. Born 26 Feb 1916 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va..

57.ii.i. ii. Emma Madeline. Born 24 Jul 1917 in Gap Mills.

57.ii.i. iii. James Rufus (called Jim). Born 30 Aug 1918 in Gap Mills.

57.ii.i. iv. Gladys Louise. Born 7 Apr 1920 in Gap Mills.

v. Minnie Driscel. Reported born 30 Mar 1924 in Gap Mills, Sweet Springs Twp., Monroe Co., W.Va. Died of pneumonia and bronchial infection as a complication of measles, 2 Dec 1925 in Gap Mills. Buried in Bernard (also reported as Barniel) Cemetery, Gap Mills. There is no headstone as the family was too poor. There are likely discrepancies in her birthdate, as she was reportedly born only five months after her brother Paul. Her mother Bessie was too ill to attend Minnie’s funeral; thereafter she had a recurring dream of swimming out in clear blue water to save her daughter but couldn’t reach her.

57.ii.i. vi. Paul McGuire. Born 16 Oct 1925 in West Virginia.

57.ii.i. vii. Anna Lee Elva. Born 25 Sep 1926 in Fayette Co., Ind.

57.ii.i. viii. Quincy John. Born 27 Mar 1927 in Fayette Co., Ind.

57.ii.i. ix. Carl Ezra. Born 30 Mar 1929 in Fayette Co., Ind.

57.ii.i. x. Helen Betty. Born 7 Dec 1930 in Fayette Co., Ind.

57.ii.i. xi. Arlene Joyce. Born 10 May 1934 on the Hanson farm, Connersville, Ind.

xii. [see last entry below]

57.ii.i. xiii. Barbara Jean. Born 15 Apr 1938 on a farm in Waterloo, Fayette Co., Ind.

57.ii.i. xiv. Janice Ann. Born 29 Oct 1939 on a farm in Waterloo.

xv. Stanley Golden. Born 17 Aug 1941 in Connersville, Ind. Died 30 Aug 1964 when struck and killed by a drunk driver in Connersville. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville. Services were Sept. 2, 1964 at 1:30 p.m. at Baker Funeral Home, Liberty, Ind. The Revs. Mark Story of Pilgrim Holiness Church, Bedford, Ind., and Walter Polston of Liberty Church of the Nazarene officiated. Pallbearers were Kenneth Smith, Dean Smith, Billy Warford, Junior Stanton, Eldridge Stelle, Virgil Wagner.

He had polio as a child and his left arm was thinner than the right. His brother Raymond said Stanley had a beautiful voice and sang in church. He had opportunities to sing outside of church but his parents wouldn’t permit it. Stanley was named in honor of the doctor who delivered him, Dr. Stanley Gordon, and was a cousin of Darlene Elizabeth[7] Honaker, whose husband’s father Glen Gordon Kaufman was given his middle name in honor of the doctor, who delivered him also.

News-Examiner, Connorsville, Ind., 2 Sep 1949: Brownsville Boy, 7, is Ill of Polio— Stanley Honaker, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Honaker of Brownsville, was taken to Riley Hospital, Indianapolis, Wednesday, for treatment of polio. This is Union county’s 14th polio case this season.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 30 Aug 1964: Brownsville Man Fatally Hurt in Crash— Stanley G. Honaker, 23, Brownsville, was fatally injured in a fiery two- car collision early Sunday morning on Indiana 1 at the north edge of Connersville, which also took the lives of two others and hospitalized Honaker’s companion, Miss Michela (Mickey) Cunnington, 17, [Rural Route] 4 Connersville. Miss Cunnington suffered head lacerations and possible internal injuries. David Lee Wilson, 21 and Gary Richard Schuerman, 18, both of Connersville, were trapped in a small foreign made car which caught fire when the gasoline tank exploded following the collision.

According to reports the two cars collided head-on after Wilson veered across the center line at a New York Central railroad crossing. Honaker was removed to Fayette Memorial Hospital where he died after being admitted, from a broken back and a fractured skull.

A native and lifelong resident of Brownsville, Honaker was a member of the Pilgrim Holiness church in College Corner and a graduate of the Brownsville High School. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Baker Funeral Home at Liberty with the Rev. Mark Story of the Pilgrim Holiness church and the Rev. Walter Poston of the Nazarene church of Liberty, officiating.

Burial was in Dale Cemetery at Connersville. Survivors are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Honaker; seven sisters, Mrs. Mary Pennington of Omaha, Neb., Mrs. Emma Josey of Evansville, Ind., Mrs. Gladys Fishell, Rushville, Ind., Mrs. Helen Curran, Versailles, Ind., Mrs. Arlene Duke, Connersville, Ind., Mrs. Barbara Thomas of Boggstown, Ind., and Janice Walker, Oxford, Ohio; five brothers, James R. Honaker, Omaha, Neb., Paul M. Honaker, Connersville, Quincy Honaker, Los Angeles, Calif., Carl E. Honaker, Monroe, Ind., and Raymond Honaker, College Corner.

57.ii.i. xvi. Raymond Lamont. Born 16 Apr 1932 on the Hanson farm, Connersville.

In addition to the children above, James had one child with unknown:

xii. Unknown [Honaker]. Born ca. 1935 in West Virginia.

57.ii.ii. Andrew Spurgeon Wesley[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 22 Nov 1897 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 24 Jul 1931 in Bellburn, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., as a result of a fractured skull when hit by falling slate in a coal mine accident. Buried in Mt. Pleasant, W.Va. His World War I draft registration card listed him as Spurgeon Andrew Honaker, age 18, born in Gap Mills, Monroe County, a laborer, of tall and slender build. The 1930 census found him and his family in Meadow Bluff District, Greenbrier County.

He married Amanda Webb (called Manda), daughter of George Thomas Webb, (a circuit-riding preacher), and Edith Mines. Born 8 Jun 1907. Died Jan 1986 in Jumping Branch, Summers Co., W.Va. Amanda was a sister of Jesse Hammonds Webb who married Andrew’s sister Annie. Children:

i. Calvin A.[6]. Born 1924 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. He enlisted in the U.S. Army 26 Feb 1943 in Roanoke, Va. Died ca. 1945 in World War II.

ii. Roscoe R. Born 1927 in Greenbrier County. Died ca. 1947 in a hunting accident in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii. Roxie Grace[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph. Born 31 Aug 1899 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 30 Dec 1974 in Rainelle, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. In the 1920 census she and her husband were enumerated in Second Creek, Monroe County; she was 20 and he 25; children were Cecil W., 2 years, 11 mo., Pauline, 1 year, 4 mo. In the 1930 census, the family was enumerated at Ft. Spring, Greenbrier County; her name was recorded as “Rosie.”

She married Sampson Eldrige Bostic (called Sam), son of Heu Caperton Bostick (called Cape) and Eliza Glover. Born 9 May 1897 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 10 Apr 1972 in Fairlea Nursing Home, Fairlea, Union Co., W.Va. Buried in Green Hill Cemetery, Union.

Unknown newspaper, probably The Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., unknown date: Mr. Sampson (Sam) Bostic, aged 74 years, of Union, died Mon., Apr. 10, 1972, in a Fairlea nursing home following a short illness. Born in Greenbrier county, May 9, 1897, he was a son of the late M.P. and Rachel Bostic. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Rose Dowdy of Union, and Mrs. Minta Hensley of St. Albans, and a brother, Mr. Elmer Bostic, Sinks Grove. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday morning in the chapel of Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home at Union, with the Rev. Billy Shiley officiating. Burial followed in Green Hill Cemetery at Union. Pallbearers were Marshall Honaker, Herford Bostic, Tom Wilson, Bob Dunbar, Jas. Robert and Jas. Allen Dowdy.


57.ii.iii. i. Cecil W.[6] Born 11 Feb 1917 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii. ii. Pauline Virginia. Born 18 Aug 1918 in Hollywood, Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii.iii. iii. Faye Ethel (also reported as Faye J.). Born 19 Jan 1919 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii. iv. Pearl Elizabeth. Born 6 Jun 1920 in Fort Spring, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

v. Roscoe. Born 1921 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iv. Pansey Mae[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Aug 1901 in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died Jul 1970 in Staunton, Va. Buried in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton. She was enumerated in the 1920 census living in Monroe County. She lived in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Andrew Darius Faulknier (called Darius), son of John Richard Faulknier and Minnie Bell Carlisle, the eldest of their 12 children, in West Virginia. Born 26 Sep 1894 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 30 Apr 1982 in Greenbrier Valley Hospital, Fairlea, W.Va. (also reported as Wolf Creek, Union Co., W.Va.) Buried in Gap Mills Cemetery. His obituary appeared in the Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., ca. 1 May 1982 but mistakenly gave his middle name as Davis. Services were at Gap Mills Methodist Church. Darious was enumerated as a farm laborer in the 1920 census. He worked harvesting grain on the Lewis farm between Union and Gap Mills, W.Va.; mined coal with his brothers near Beckley, W.Va.; and worked as a carpenter building houses in Hampton and Richmond, Va. Pansey and Darius separated when their children were small. His mother raised Virginia and Margaret until Virginia was able to care for her sister. Children:

57.ii.iv. i. Virginia Bell[6]. Born 24 Jun 1919 in Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii.iv. ii. Margaret McNeel. Born 29 Dec 1920 in Gap Mills.

57.ii.iv. iii. Bernard Andrew (called Bernie). Born 29 Apr 1924.

She married, second, Arthur Earl Byrd after 1924. He was employed in the dairy industry. He lived and died in Staunton.

She married, third, Unknown Talley.

57.ii.v. Lacy Raymond[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Apr 1903 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 5 Sep 1964 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Bethel Cemetery, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

He married, first, Hester Cardena McCullough (called Hattie; their marriage license records it as Hattie and gives his age as 19, hers as 21,) 10 Jan 1923 at the county court house in Monroe Co., W.Va. Born 9 Dec 2005 in Monroe County. It was reported to us that Hattie died Nov 1972 in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va. Buried in Bethel Cemetery, Princeton. However, her obituary below gives different information, and it is unquestionably the right Hattie.

Unknown newspaper and date: Alderson—Mrs. Hattie Honaker Thompson, 83, of Alderson [W.Va.] died Sept. 12, 1989 in a Fairlea hospital after a short illness. She attended Pence Springs Baptist Church, Pence Springs. Surviving: son, Lacy R. Honaker of Alderson, Andrew Honaker of Baltimore; daughters, Margarette Leech of Covington, Va., Betty Files of Baltimore, Lucille Lanahan of Eastern Shore, Md.; sisters, Sudie Spellman of Covington, Virgie Weiss of Gap Mills; 42 grandchildren; 76 great-grandchildren; 20 great-great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Friday at Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home, Union, with the Rev. Ronnie Cook and the Rev. James Watts officiating. Burial will be in Wickline Cemetery, Gap Mills. Friends may call after 2 p.m. at the funeral home.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 13 Sep 1989: Mrs. Hattie H. Thompson, 83, of Alderson died Sept. 12, 1989, in a Fairlea hospital after a short illness. She attended Pence Springs Baptist Church, Pence Springs. Surviving: son, Lacy R. Honaker of Alderson, Andrew Honaker of Baltimore; daughters, Margarette Leech of Covington, Va., Betty Files of Baltimore, Lucille Lanahan of Eastern Shore, Md.; sisters, Sudie Spellman of Covington, Virgie Weiss of Gap Mills; 42 grandchildren; 76 great-grandchildren; 20 great-great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Friday at Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home, Union, with the Rev. Ronnie Cook and the Rev. James Watts officiating. Burial will be in Wickline Cemetery, Gap Mills. Friends may call after 2 p.m. at the funeral home.


57.ii.v. i. Marshall Andrew[6] (called Andy).

ii. Polly.

iii. Betty. Died before 2016. She married Unknown Files.

57.ii.v. iv. Spurgon.

57.ii.v. v. Lacy Rowan (called Red). Born 5 Aug 1928 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii.v. vi. Marguerite (also Margarette). Born 29 Apr 1924 in Gap Mills.

vii. Cindy Ella. Born 6 Jul 1927 in Gap Mills. Died 19 Jul 1927 in Gap Mills. Buried in Wickline Cemetery, Gap Mills.

He married, second, Nellie Virginia Ganoe, daughter of Horace B. Ganoe and Bertha Unknown, in Greenville, W.Va. Born 28 Apr 1909 in Greenville. Died Jan 1986 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Bethel Cemetery, Princeton. Children:

57.ii.v. ix. Raymond Lee Roy. Born 3 Feb 1943 in Lurich, Giles Co., Va.

57.ii.v. x. Rebecca Marie. Born in Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii.v. xi. Delma J. Born Oct 1938 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

57.ii.vi. Stella Virginia[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Jul 1906 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died of a brain tumor 4 Feb 1949 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville, Union Co., Ind. She was enumerated in the 1920 Monroe Co., W.Va. census, living in Gap Mills. Her marriage certificate said he was 21, she 17, both born in Monroe County. She and her husband moved to Indiana in 1944 from Roncerverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., according to her grandson Steven Robert[7] Hoke.

About 1944, Stella, her sisters Ida, Catherine, and Evelyn and brother James and their families relocated to Fayette and Union Counties, Ind., looking for work as there was none to be found in West Virginia. Indiana Rex Blower Company and American Central were hiring.

She married Charles Roosevelt Hoke, son of Ulysses Grant Hoke and Mary Elizabeth Vance, 29 Nov 1922 in Union, Monroe County. Born 4 Jul 1901 in Hollywood, Monroe County. Died of cardiac arrest 29 Jun 1969 in Richmond, Ind. Buried near his father’s grave in Christian Union Cemetery.

Pladium-Item, Richmond, Ind., 30 June 1969: Brownsville—Charles R. Hoke, 68, died Sunday afternoon at Reid Memorial Hospital in Richmond following several months’ illness. Born in Glace, W.Va., he had been a resident of Brownsville for the past 24 years. A carpenter by trade, he retired in 1965 from the Roots Blower Co., in Connersville. He attended the Church of Christ in Christian Union in Brownsville. Survivors include his wife, Virginia; six daughters, Mrs. Sylvia Brown of Brownsville, Mrs. Elsie Nichols of Union, W.Va., Alice McKee of Scottsdale, Ariz., Mrs. Ruth Adams of Liberty, Mrs. Lucy Voiles of Greens Fork, Miss Charlene Hoke, at home; four sons, Robert of Liberty, Raymond of Oroville, Calif., Fred and Claude of Brownsville; three stepdaughters, Mrs. Hazel Wilcox and Mrs. Betty of Hoke of Brownsville, Mrs. Ruth Richardson of Servea, W.Va.; two stepsons, Frank Jackson of Connersville and Forrest Jackson of Second Creek, W.Va.; four sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Halvey of Hollywood, W.Va., Mrs. Rosella Norris and Mrs. Virginia Fury of Glace, W.Va., and Mrs. Martha Hylton of Ronceverte, W.Va.; four brothers, Jake and Clay of Glace, W.Va.; George of Hollywood, W.Va., and Harvey of Charlottesville, Va.; 32 grandchildren; 13 stepgrandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Services for Mr. Hoke will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the church of Christ in Christian Union, with Rev. Chestene Ward and Rev. Leamon Covington, officiating. Burial will be in Christian Union Cemetery in Brownsville. Friends may call at Baker Funeral Home beginning at 2 p.m. Tuesday and at the church beginning at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

Charles Roosevelt married, second, Helen Jeffries, and in that union produced a daughter Charlene who married Ira Ingang. Ira was a brother of Brenda Ingang, who married Charles Roosevelt’s son Claude from his first marriage to Stella. Charles married, third, Verilla Dunbar. Born 11 Oct 1914 in Sinks Grove, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 25 Sep 1970 in Richmond, Ind. Buried at the foot of Charles’ and Stella’s grave.

Children (of Stella and Charles): [note to Frieda—reset children order in correct sequence]

57.ii.vi. i. Sylvia H.[6] Born 29 Aug 1922 in Monroe Co., W.Va.

57.ii.vi. ii. Elsie Thelma. Born 15 Apr 1925 in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

57.ii.vi. iii. Robert James Born 28 Mar 1930 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

57.ii.vi. iv. Stella Ruth. Born 6 Feb 1931 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. (also reported as Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.; also Hollywood, Monroe Co., W.Va.; also Brownsville, Ind.)

57.ii.vi. v. Alice May. Born 24 Dec 1928 in West Virginia.

57.ii.vi. vi. Charles Raymond. Born 17 Jan 1933 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.

57.ii.vi. vii. Lucy M. Born Jun 1940 in West Virginia.

57.ii.vi. viii. Fred Jennings. Born 16 May 1943 in Union Co., W.Va.

57.ii.vi. ix. Claude Alexander. Born 1948 in West Virginia.

57.ii.vii. Annie Sallie[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Apr 1907 (also reported as 8 Jan 1908) in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died Jul 1979 in Belle, Kanawha Co., W.Va. (also reported as Clifton Forge, Va.) She was enumerated in the 1910 census in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va., age 3; the 1920 Monroe County census, living in Gap Mills; the 1930 Alleghany Co., Va., census, living in Covington, Va. She was diabetic. Her son Winston said that Annie had a pot of coffee spilled onto her head and upper body when she was very young, and that scaring caused her neck to grow to her shoulder. In later years she had surgery so that her head did not pull so much toward her shoulder. Winston said that for years she worked as a maid at Tanglewood Motel, cleaning 21 rooms, making $11.50 per week. He used to help her there until he graduated high school in 1961.

She married Jesse Hammonds Webb, son of George Thomas Webb, a circuit-riding preacher), and Edith Mines. Jesse was a brother of Amanda Webb who married Annie’s brother Andrew. Annie and her sister Catherine obtained their marriage licenses the same day, 21 Dec 1925 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. The license gave the names as Jesse H. Webb, 22, of Alleghany Co., Va., born in Bath Co., Va.; and Annie Sallie Honaker, 19, born in Monroe Co., W.Va. Jesse was born 5 Jan 1903 according to Social Security records (birthdates of 20 Sep 1899 and 10 Oct 1904 were reported by researchers, but those dates do not comport with census and marriage license records,) in Bath Co., Va. Died 6 Mar 1991 according to Social Security records (reported as Feb 1970 by researchers) in Calleghan, Alleghany Co., Va. He was enumerated with his parents and siblings in the 1910 Alleghany Co., Va., census living in Covington. In the 1920 Alleghany Co., census he was living in Dunlap. In the 1930 Alleghany census he was 26, living in Covington. He was a carpenter and timberman.

Children [Frieda realign children by birthdates]:

57.ii.vii. i. Clifford Samuel[6]. Born 31 Jan 1929 in Covington, Alleghany Co., Va.

ii. Randolph. Died of lung cancer 2008 in Virginia. He lived in Calleghan, Va.

57.ii.vii. iii. Dorothy.

57.ii.vii. iv. Marshall T. Born 2 Jan 1927 in Covington, Allegheny Co., Va.

57.ii.vii. v. Winston Franklin. Born May 1943 in Calleghan, Alleghany Co., Va.

57.ii.viii. Catherine Alice[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 26 Jan 1909 in Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 25 Oct 1969 in Laurel, Franklin Co., Ind. Buried in Laurel. She was enumerated in the 1920 Monroe Co., W.Va. census, living in Gap Mills.

About 1944, Catherine, her sisters Ida, Stella, and Evelyn and brother James and their families relocated to Fayette and Union Counties, Ind., looking for work as there was none to be found in West Virginia. Indiana Rex Blower Company and American Central were hiring.

She married Jesse McCoy Nester (called Red), son of Jonathan Nester (b. 1857 in Virginia) and Virginia Puckett (b. Mar 1858 in Carroll Co., Va.), 25 Dec 1925 in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Catherine and her sister Annie obtained their marriage licenses the same day, 21 Dec 1925 in Greenbrier County. Born 10 Oct 1905 in Glace, Monroe Co., W.Va.) Died 24 Dec 1984 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. Children:

i. John Everett[6]. Born 1926. He was a U.S. Navy Seaman 2nd Class killed in action at sea ca. 1942 in Southeast Asia during World War II.

57.ii.viii. ii. Oscar McCoy. Born 8 Aug 1930 in Rupert, W.Va.

57.ii.viii. iii. Ruby Virginia. Born 18 May 1932 in West Virginia.

57.ii.viii. iv. Irene C. Born 17 Nov 1936.

v. Unknown. Born ca. 1938. Married Unknown West.

57.ii.viii. vi. Naomi Ruth. Born 31 Mar 1940 in Indiana.

vii. Harriet (called Sis). (twin). Born 1942. Died of appendicitis in Indiana.

57.ii.viii. viii. Herman Wayne (called Bud). (Twin) Born 30 Oct 1944.

57.ii.viii. ix. Mildred. Born ca. 1945.

57.ii.ix. Ida Mae[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Dec 1911 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 30 Nov 1969 in Brownsville [also reported as Liberty], Union Co., Ind. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville. She was enumerated in the 1920 Monroe County census, living in Gap Mills. She was enumerated at age 19 in the 1930 Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. census.

About 1944, Ida, her sisters Stella, Catherine, and Evelyn and brother James and their families relocated to Fayette and Union Counties, Ind., looking for work as there was none to be found in West Virginia. Indiana Rex Blower Company and American Central were hiring.

She married Clyde Conway Crowder, son of James Crowder and Ida Nichols, 14 Jun 1926 in West Virginia. Born 16 May 1903 in Hollywood, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died Nov 1983 in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery. He was enumerated in 1910 in Second Creek District, Monroe Co., W.Va.; 1920 in Sweet Springs District, Monroe Co., W.Va.; and at age 26 in the 1930 Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. census. His World War II enlistment record indicated that he was born in Greenbrier Co., W.Va. in 1913, enlisted 14 Mar 1942 in Kentucky, had a grammar school education, was single with no dependents, was 5 ft. 6-in., weighing 121 lbs. After Ida’s death, he married again. Children:

57.ii.ix. i. Cleo H.[6] Born 1927 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

57.ii.ix. ii. Ralph Hayes. Born 10 Nov 1929 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

57.ii.ix. iii. Basil L. Born 21 May 1935 in Ronceverte, W.Va.

57.ii.x. Evelyn Mae[5] Honaker (James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Sep 1913 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died Jan 1985 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville. She was enumerated in the 1920 Monroe County census, living in Gap Mills; and in the 1930 census living in Precinct 1, Carson, Texas.

About 1944, Evelyn, her sisters Ida, Catherine, and Stella and brother James and their families relocated to Fayette and Union Counties, Ind., looking for work as there was none to be found in West Virginia. Indiana Rex Blower Company and American Central were hiring.

She married Earl Hamilton Ramsey, son of Wallace Ramsey and Lula Chisholm, 22 Dec 1928 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 4 Apr 1904 in Greenbrier County. Died 5 Feb 1988 in Fayette Co., Ind. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville. In the 1910 census he was enumerated in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.; in 1920 he was in Precinct 1, Carson, Texas. Children:

57.ii.x. i. Margaret A.[6] Born 1934 in Indiana.

58.v.i. Lana Virginia[5] Honaker (called Lana) (Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 9 Mar 1913 in Pocahontas, Va. Died in Apr 1972 in Bluefield, Va. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va. She graduated from Pocahontas [Va.] High School in 1930, and took her A.B. from Radford [Va.] State Teacher's College. She worked as a store clerk, telephone operator, homemaker, and elementary schoolteacher at Abbs Valley-Boissevain School, Va. Her interests included cooking, reading, and music. She was a pianist and choir member, and particularly enjoyed vocal duets. She was a member of the Virginia State Teachers Association and the Parent-Teachers Association, and of the Methodist church.

She married, first, Thomas Andrew French, 5 Apr 1935 in Williamson or Logan, W.Va. Born 4 Jun 1898. Died in Apr 1969. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va. He was a coal miner, and worked for ten years as a railroad machine shop welder. Children:

58.v.i. i. Thomas A., Jr.[6].

ii. Barbara. She married John Schleusner. In 1989 they lived in Valdosta, Ga.

iii. Freda. She married Jerry Ogle. In 1998 they lived in Panama, Okla.

iv. Donola Frances. She married Beverly V. Nininger. In 1998 they lived in Roanoke, Va.

She married, second, Ernest Head. Died ca. 1997. He taught Sunday School. His stepdaughter Barbara was in his class. Ernest also was the father of Randall Head, who in 1999 was a member of St. John's United Methodist Church in Springfield, Va., which was a church that Lana's brother had built up and served as minister

58.v.ii. Lillian Muriel[5] Honaker (called Lil) (Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 Dec 1915 at home in Pocahontas, Va. She graduated from Pocahontas [Va.] High School in 1932. In high school she was a basketball team forward for three years, during which time her school was the state championship team. Her interests include choir and duet singing, and hospital volunteer work. Since 1970 she has been given many honors for more than 17,500 volunteer hours at South Georgia Medical Center. She is a member of First Baptist Church, Valdosta, Ga. She and her husband were professional photographers. They live in Valdosta.

She married William Herschel Golden (called Bill), son of Benjamin Augustus Golden and Martha Jo McCord, 25 Apr 1936 in the Presiding Elders Home, Tazewell, Va. Born 4 Oct 1913 in Sylvester, Worth Co., Ga. Children:

i. Sandra[6]. Born and died 14 Jun 1937.

58.v.ii. ii. William H., Jr.[6].

58.v.ii. iii. Virginia Ann (called Ann).

58.v.ii. iv. Peggy Lynn (called Lynn).

58.v.ii. v. Donald Albert (called Don).

58.v.iii. Ruth Earnestine[5] Honaker (called Earnestine or Teeny) (Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Sep 1919 in Pocahontas, Va. Died of heart failure 8 Feb 1997 in Bluefield, Va. Interred in Woodlawn Memorial Mausoleum, Bluewell, W.Va. She graduated from Pocahontas [Va.] High School in 1936. She took an A.B. from Radford [Va.] State Teacher's College and attended Bluefield [W.Va.] State College, the College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Va., and James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va. She was a secretary for Pocahontas Fuel Company and an elementary schoolteacher and principal. Her interests included reading, writing, family genealogical research, history, homemaking, music, and gardening. She was a church choir member, and grand master, Order of the Eastern Star, Virginia Masonic Lodge, for two years during the 1980s. She was a United Methodist and lived with her family in Bluefield, Va.

She wrote History of the Bluefield Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, 1988; Our American Heritage—Confederately; Love is the Key—For the Presiding Officer, and Pocahontas—A Profile, in 1989, which is partly about her descendancy and contains family photographs. She also wrote a play based on the latter book in 1991, intended for presentation at the Pocahontas Opera House.

She married, first, Joseph Alley ca. 1940. He worked for American Electric Power Company. They divorced. Children:

58.v.iii. i. James Larry[6] (called Jim). He was known by the Brewster surname.

She married, second, Alexander Hawkins Brewster (called Hawkins) in Apr 1946 at Pocahontas [Va.] Methodist Church. The service was performed by the Rev. Arthur Phillips. Died 6 Nov 1972. Interred in Woodlawn Memorial Mausoleum, Bluewell, W.Va. Children:

58.v.iii. ii. Jack Alexander (called Jack).

58.v.iii. iii. Jeffrey Mark (called Mark).

58.v.iv. Albert Newton[5] Honaker, Jr. (called Al) (Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 25 Feb 1922 in Pocahontas, Va. Died 16 Feb 2007 in Arlington, Va. In 2007 the remains were planned to be scattered partly in the Sea of Galilee, and the remainder buried in National Memorial Park Cemetery, Falls Church, Va., in the family plot with his first and second wives.

Washington [D.C.] Post, 16 Mar 2007: Albert Newton Honaker Jr., 84, a Methodist minister who had worked in the Northern Virginia area since 1956 and retired from Vienna’s Epiphany United Methodist Church in 1992, died Feb. 16 at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington. He had congestive heart failure. Rev. Honaker, an Arlington resident, helped start an area chapter of the Walk to Emmaus spiritual renewal program and was involved in spiritual programs for teenagers and prisoners. Over the years, he also preached at Falcons Landing retirement community in Sterling and taught the Bible at the Hermitage retirement community in Alexandria. He was born in Pocahontas, in Southwestern Virginia, and was a Navy veteran of World War II. He then graduated from a business college in Bluefield, W.Va., and was a 1949 finance graduate of the University of Virginia. He received a master’s degree in divinity from Emory University in 1951. He led many church-related tours to the Middle East and traveled to India and Pakistan for missionary work. His first wife, Pearl Fisher Honaker, died in 1971. Survivors include his wife of 32 years, Arlin Gearhart Honaker of Arlington; four children from his first marriage, C. David Honaker of Denver, Richard A. Honaker of Dallas, Robert J. Honaker of Sterling and Ruth M. Honaker of Wilmington, Del.; a Vietnamese teenage refugee he and his second wife adopted, Theu Mai Weinberg of Chantilly; and three granddaughters.

Services were held at Trinity United Methodist Church, McLean, Va., 20 Feb 2007. The program offered a greeting by Trinity associate pastor Rev. Kathleene B. Card; meditation by Trinity pastor Rev. James C. Sprouse; remembrances by Rev. John A. Plummer, Oakton [Va.] United Methodist Church, Rev. Gregory B. West, Grace Harbor United Methodist Church, Suffolk, Va., Al’s spouse Arlin, and his son Richard A. The program offered the following profile of his life:

Albert Newton Honaker, Jr. was born in Pocahontas, Va. on Feb. 25, 1922. His father Albert was a coal miner and his mother Dora was a housewife. Albert attended school in Pocahontas and enlisted in the Navy in 1943 during World War II. He served during the war and then attended the University of Virginia with a major in finance. He married his high school sweetheart Virginia Pearl Fisher when he returned from his Navy service. After college he attended seminary at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga. He received his divinity degree in May 1951. He joined the Virginia Methodist Conference and his first church assignment was in Batesville, Va. near Charlottesville. He served churches throughout Virginia during his career as a Methodist minister. He retired in 1992.

In 1971 his beloved wife Pearl died after a 3½-year battle with breast cancer. He and Pearl had four children. Charles David was born in August 1949, Richard Albert was born in April 1951, Robert Jackson was born in July 1955 and Ruth Marie was born in 1961. He had three grandchildren, Michele (Richard) and Delany (Richard) and Kim (Theu and his son-in-law Doug Weinberg.) After Pearl’s death, Albert continued to preach and take care of his children. He met Arlin Gearhart and married her in January of 1975. A fifth child, Theu Mai was adopted in 1978. She came to this country from Vietnam during the war and became friends with Ruth and was adopted by the family. Al & Arlin’s beautiful marriage was a source of joy and peace until he died on Feb. 16, 2007. He died of heart disease and most of his family was with him to comfort him in his passing.

During his fine career he served churches in Batesville, Arlington, Springfield, Roanoke, Hampton, McLean, Woodbridge, Alexandria and Vienna. He was instrumental in the formation of the National Capital Area Walk to Emmaus—and served on many teams, as well as Chrysalis and Kairos. After his retirement he continued to preach at Falcon’s Landing, the Hermitage and various other quest preaching engagements. He was active in Bible study. He also led many tours to the Holy Land and other destinations worldwide.

Reverend Honaker was known and loved for his dedication to his Christian mission, his eloquent style of preaching, his personal commitment to his congregation and his wonderful example as a spouse, father and

grandfather. The legacy he left was one of love, dignity, Christian stewardship, devotion to his Lord and his family.

Al graduated from Pocahontas [Va.] High School in 1941, and from West Virginia Business College, Bluefield, W.Va., in May 1942. He became an accountant at Pocahontas Fuel Company until 30 Nov 1942 when he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. He served at Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Md.; Norfolk Naval Air Base, Va.; Camp Edwards, Mass.; and aboard the aircraft carrier USS Midway. After the war he was aboard the USS Midway in the Labrador Sea off Canada on a mission to determine the feasibility of launching aircraft in frigid waters. In 1946 he left the Navy to care for his father and to work again at Pocahontas Fuel Company.

In Sep 1946, after his marriage to Pearl Fisher, he enrolled at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He took a B.S. in Jun 1949. While attending the university, Al received the call to preach, and began serving the Woodridge Methodist Circuit. Two of the circuit's churches were 15 miles east of Charlottesville and another was 15 miles northwest, so he and Pearl traveled together in different directions on alternate Sundays.

In the Fall of 1949 he enrolled in Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. While there, he served the Dacula Methodist Charge, five churches 40 miles east of Atlanta. Following graduation in 1952 he returned to the Virginia Methodist Annual Conference and was appointed to a three-church charge at Batesville, Va., 15 miles southwest of Charlottesville, until 1956. He then served Arlington [Va.] United Methodist Church from 1956-57; St. John's United Methodist Church, Springfield, Va., from 1957-65; Huntington Court United Methodist Church, Roanoke, Va., 1965-67; Central United Methodist Church, Hampton, Va., 1967-68; Trinity United Methodist Church, McLean, Va., 1968-72; Calvary United Methodist Church, Alexandria, Va., 1972-74; St. Paul United Methodist Church, Woodbridge, Va., 1974-78; Lincolnia United Methodist Church, Alexandria, Va., 1978-83; Central United Methodist Church, Arlington, Va., 1983-86; and Epiphany United Methodist Church, Vienna, Va., 1986-1992.

He was ordained a deacon in 1950 and an elder in 1951 in the Virginia conference of the United Methodist Church. During his ministry he performed more than 600 marriages, built four educational units and a parsonage, planning two church buildings and an educational wing which were constructed by succeeding ministers, developing St. Johns UMC from 104 persons to 1,600, and other achievements. He was a member of interdenominational ministers' groups and district Methodist minister groups, and served as president of Charlottesville [Va.] District Methodist Ministers and the Virginia Council of Churches, Richmond. He is a member of Emmaus groups and KAIROS prison ministry.

He retired 30 Jun 1992 in Arlington, Va. In retirement, he devoted himself to personal interests including international travel. A tour director, he led groups to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Russia, China, Europe, India, Africa, Alaska, Greece, and other destinations. His tours visited the Holy Land 13 times.

During high school, Al played football. His later hobbies were reading, writing, preaching, teaching Bible classes, and automotive repair. A story about and photograph of him appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 1993. He last lived in Arlington, Va., with his wife Arlin.

He married, first, Virginia Pearl Fisher (called Pearl), daughter of the Rev. Charles MacPherson Fisher (called Charlie) and Effie Virginia Jackson (called Effie), 10 Sep 1946 in Chattanooga, Tenn. She was Al’s high school sweetheart. Her father performed the ceremony. He served 41 years as an active minister of the Methodist church. Pearl was born 16 Dec 1924 in Knoxville, Tenn. Died 24 Jan 1971 in Alexandria, Va. Buried in National Memorial Park Cemetery, Falls Church, Va.

Unknown Arlington, Va., newspaper, 27 Jan 1971: Funeral services were to be held this morning for Pearl F. Honaker, formerly a mathematics and English teacher at Poe Intermediate School in Annandale. Mrs. Honaker, 46, died of cancer Sunday at Alexandria Hospital. She lived at 1207 Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean. Born in Knoxville, Tenn., Mrs. Honaker was a 1944 graduate cum laude of Emory and Henry College, Emory, Va. She lived in Roanoke, Va., before moving to Springfield 12 years ago. From 1962-65 she taught at Poe Intermediate School. For the last three years, Mrs. Honaker lived in McLean, where her husband, the Rev. Albert N. Honaker, serves as minister at Trinity Methodist Church. Mrs. Honaker had finished writing a book, “Climbing Jacob's Ladder,” shortly before her death. The book, which is scheduled for publication in March, is a biography of her father, the Rev. C.M. Fisher, who is also a Methodist minister. She leaves her husband, [three] sons, C. David, Richard A., and Robert J.; and a daughter, Ruth M. Honaker, all of the home address. Also surviving are her father, the Rev. C.M. Fisher of Knoxville, Tenn., and a sister, Mrs. Ruth Westbrook of Nashua, N.H. Funeral services were scheduled for 10 a.m. today at the Trinity United Methodist Church with interment at National Memorial Park. The family suggests expressions of sympathy may be in the form of contributions to Emory and Henry College.

Unknown newspaper and date, accompanied by photograph: Pearl F. Honaker, 46, formerly a teacher in Fairfax and Arlington county schools, died of cancer Sunday at Alexandria Hospital. Mrs. Honaker was the wife and daughter of Methodist ministers. Her husband , the Rev. Albert N., is the minister at Trinity Methodist Church in McLean. She taught full-time at Poe Intermediate School in Annandale from 1962 to 1965 and had been a substitute teacher at other suburban Virginia schools. Just prior to her death, Mrs. Honaker had finished writing a book, “Climbing Jacob's Ladder,” about the life and ministry of her father. She lived at 1207 Dolley Madison Blvd. in McLean. Besides her husband, she is survived by a daughter, Ruth, of the home; three sons, Robert, of the home, and David and Richard, students at the University of Virginia; her father, the Rev. C. M. Fisher, of Knoxville; and a sister, Mrs. Robert Westbrook of Nassau, N.H.

Pearl was editor of her high school yearbook, and president and salutatorian of the 1940 class of Pocahontas [Va.] High School. She was graduated cum laude with an A.B. from Emory & Henry College, Emory, Va., in 1944. She was a Phi Beta Kappa at Emory & Henry, and on the college's debate team. From 1944 to the time of her marriage in 1946 she was director of Christian education, Mt. Vernon Place United Methodist Church, Danville, Va. She taught school in Roanoke and Hampton, Va., and from 1962 to 1965 taught math and English at Poe Intermediate School in Annandale, Va., and from 1965 to 1968 as a substitute teacher in Fairfax County and the northern Virginia area.

She taught piano, was an organist at many of the churches her husband served as pastor, and belonged to an organists' guild. Pearl wrote an eloquent biography about her father, Climbing Jacob's Ladder (Exposition Press, New York,) but died just before it was published in 1971. The book's dust jacket features her father's photograph. She enjoyed reading, writing, speaking, teaching, and music. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and various ministers' wives groups. Children:

i. Charles David[6] (called Dave). Born 22 Aug 1949 in Charlottesville, Va. During high school in Roanoke, Va., he was on the football team and captain of the 1967 baseball team. He attended the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, and served as a technical editor on projects for the National Roofing Contractors Association, the American Water Works Association, and a training division of United Airlines. His interests included sports, travel, photography, and music. He played guitar and piano, and composes music. He lived in Lakewood, Colo.

58.v. ii. Richard Albert (called Rich) .

iii. Robert Jackson (called Rob). Born 9 Jul 1954 in Charlottesville, Va. Died 22 May 2015. He graduated from Langley High School, McLean, Va., in 1972, and attended Ferrum [Va.] College and Radford [Va.] University. He played Little League Baseball and high school football and basketball. His interests included writing, science, and composing and playing music on guitar and piano. He was senior vice president of Without Equal Building Services, and lived in Sterling, Va.

iv. Ruth Marie (called Ru or Ruth). Born 15 Nov 1960 in Washington, D.C. In junior high school, she was a gymnast and earned awards in math, science, and French. In high school, she was a member of the National Junior Honor Society, National Honor Society, and Mathematical Association of America. She graduated from Woodbridge (Va.) High School in 1978. She took an Associate in Science in Veterinary Science and became a Virginia certified Animal Health Technician in 1982. She then went into human medicine and became a pharmacy coordinator for Zeneca Pharmaceuticals in Delaware.

Ruth's hobbies and interests included photography, writing real life experiences and poetry, genealogical research, music (guitar and piano), and sign language interpreting for the deaf. She enjoyed hiking and nature, riding sportbike motorcycles, and horseback riding. She collected old pharmacy bottles, stamps, and antiques; and enjoyed the “animal kingdom,” including cats, dogs, fish, ferrets, and exotics such as iguanas, tarantulas, and scorpions.

She helped the Animal Rescue League, assisted the women's shelter in Leesburg, Va., and kept current on medical developments. She was a Methodist, baptized by her father at St. John's United Methodist Church, Springfield, Va., in 1961.

Ruth’s life partner was Kenneth Ross Blankenship (called Ken), son of Walter Ross Blankenship and Sharon Rowan Blankenship Martin of Delaware.

58.v. v. Theu Kim Mai (informal adoption).

Al married, second, Arlin Kay Gearhart Gordon (called Arlin), daughter of Harold Leroy Gearhart and Kathryn Delphine Clemens, 11 Jan 1975 in Woodbridge, Va. (Al's daughter Ruth was “best man.”) Born 29 Mar 1938 in Milton, Pa. Arlin lived on a farm in New Columbia, Pa., for 22 years. She graduated from Milton Joint Senior High School in 1956 and was employed locally in the office of H. Warshow & Sons, Inc.

In 1960 she left the farm and completed an airline school in Kansas City, Mo. She then took a position with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C., during which time she was assigned to the Cuban unit during the 1962 Cuban Crisis and prepared minute-by-minute correspondence from FBI Director John Edgar Hoover to President John F. Kennedy. In 1962 she married James William Gordon (now deceased), who was a member of the U.S. Air Force. As a consequence of his military assignments she had employment opportunities in Austin, Texas and Lakenheath, England.

From 1962 to 1964, Arlin was employed by the Texas State Board of Control, Austin, under Gov. John Connally, and was preparing for the arrival of President Kennedy from Dallas to Austin on the day he was shot. In 1964, she returned to the FBI's Domestic Intelligence Division, Washington, D.C., where she worked on the Lee Harvey Oswald case. In 1965, she departed for England where she worked for the American Red Cross at Lakenheath Air Force Hospital. Upon her return to the U.S.A., she continued her government career in Washington, D.C., and was a Red Cross volunteer at Andrews AFB, Md., on weekends and evenings, for the returning wounded from the Vietnam War.

Arlin retired in 1998 after 32 years of U.S. Government service. In addition to the FBI, she worked for the Internal Revenue Service Intelligence Division; Office of the Secretary, Health & Human Services; Inspector General's office, Department of Education; and 20 years with the Secret Service. While with the Secret Service, her assignments included the 1972 Democratic and Republican Conventions and the inaugurals; working with agents that were with President Kennedy in Dallas; support for the director and staff; and 12 years as an employee development specialist at the James J. Rowley Training Center.

Her marriage to the Rev. Al Honaker provided her with a ready-made family, and she served with her husband in United Methodist churches in Woodbridge, Alexandria, North Arlington, and Vienna, Va. Other cultures and travel have always interested her. She has traveled extensively both in work assignments and foreign tour travel with her husband, visiting India, Pakistan, Australia, the British Isles, Europe, Israel, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, and other countries. She is a member of the United Methodist Church and the National Capital Area “Walk to Emmaus” Community. Other interests include gardening, cooking, piano, and collecting Hummel figurines.

58.v.v. Jack Buford[5] Honaker (called Buddy or Butch) (Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Buddy's birth name was Buford Anderson, which he changed when he came of age. Born in Oct 1926 in Pocahontas, Va. Died of a heart attack in 1956. He attended Pocahontas [Va.] High School. From 1944-46, he served in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Teton. He was a milk deliveryman in Bristol, Tenn., 1948-49, then worked for Homes Corporation, Waynesboro, Va., 1953-55. He was interested in sports, and was a United Methodist.

He married Eleanor Widener, daughter of H.H. Widener, an early settler of Pocahontas, Va. Eleanor later married Robert Alexander Sheffey Jr. and lived in Abingdon, Va.

Bristol (Tenn.-Va.) Herald Courier, 13 Aug 2012: Abingdon, Va.—Robert Alexander Sheffey Jr., age 85, passed away Sat., Aug. 11, 2012 at his home. Mr. Sheffey served in the U.S. Navy during the World War II era before attending and graduating from the electrical engineer program at Georgia Institute of Technology. Bob was very active as an elder, choir member and volunteer at Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church for many years. He worked as an electrical engineer for Appalachian Power Company and retired as engineering supervisor after 39 years of service. Mr. Sheffey was an avid golfer and enjoyed sports of every kind. He is preceded in death by his parents, Robert Alexander and Emily Cummings Mahood Sheffey and son, William David Sheffey. He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Eleanor Widener Honaker Sheffey; four sons, Jack “Buddy” (Alice) Honaker of Abingdon, Bo (Teresa) Sheffey of Gray, Tenn., Charles (Deborah) Sheffey of Johnson City, Tenn., and John Allen (Maria) Sheffey of Bedford, Texas; one daughter, Sharon (Steve) Schinasi of Cincinnati; one sister, Martha (Emile) Jeffrion of Huntsville, Ala.; 15 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Funeral services will be conducted at 11:30 a.m., Tue., Aug. 14, 2012, at the Forest Hills Chapel of Farris Funeral Service, 19415 Lee Hwy., Abingdon, VA 24210, with the Rev. John Markel and the Rev. Curtis Murray officiating. Interment will follow in Forest Hills Memory Gardens with grandsons serving as pallbearers and military rites being conducted by Highlands Veterans Honor Guard and the Virginia National Guard. Dr. William Mark Handy will serve as an honorary pallbearer. Visitation with the family will be held 10 to 11:30 a.m., just prior to the service on Tuesday. The family would like to extend special thanks to the staff of Johnston Memorial Hospital, Valley Healthcare Center, Total Care Hospice and Stephanie Jackson with Total Care Hospice. Those wishing to express sympathy online may do so by visiting and signing the online guest register. The family is being cared for by Farris Cremation & Funeral

Center, 19415 Lee Hwy., Abingdon, VA 24210 (276-623-2700).

Children (of Buddy and Eleanor):

58.v.v. i. Jack B., Jr. [6] (called Buddy).

58.v.v. ii. Sharon.

80.viii. Alma M.[5] Tickle (William H.[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1915.

She married, first, Robert T. Stilwell 2 Dec 1931 in Pulaski Co., Va. Children:

80.viii. i. William Taft[6]. Born 21 Jun 1932.

ii. Ronnie Leon.

She married, second, Marshall Newcomb.

83.iii. James Stern[5] Carden (Charles Madison Waterson[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 31 Mar 1884 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died 24 Oct 1950. Buried in Sifford Cemetery, Parrott, Pulaski Co., Va.

He married Emma Jane Collins, daughter of John Franklin Collins and Martha Waddell, 26 Jul 1905 in Pulaski County. Born 29 Aug 1888. Died 21 Feb 1981. Buried in Sifford Cemetery. Children:

i. Willie R.[6] Born 25 May 1906 in Pulaski County. Died 6 Nov 1994 in Tucson, Ariz.

Buried Westview Cemetery, Radford, Va. Married John A. Blue 17 Sep 1924.

ii. William N. Born in 1907.

iii. George R. Born in 1909 in Virginia.

iv. James Edgar. Born 21 Oct 1911 in Pulaski County. Died 10 Aug 1975. Buried in Sifford

Cemetery. Married Edna Irene Purdy 7 Jul 1951.

83.iii. v. Zelma. Born ca. 1913.

vi. Euna. Married Claude Maynard.

vii. Paul.

viii. Rose. Married Richard Dagenhart.

ix. Euvalee. Married Blane McGinnis.

83.iii. x. Alfred Graton (called Al). Born 28 Jun 1928.

87.v. Abraham Lincoln[5] Carden (George Walter[4], Melvina[3] ,Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

His wife Sinie Flinchum was the daughter of J. Filmore Flinchum and Mary Wilson. Born 10 Nov 1918 in Pulaski Co., Va. and in 1998 was still living. Children:

87.v. i. Catherine[6]. (adopted)

102.i. Carl Boggess[5] Honaker (William Blair[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Sep 1926 in Oakvale, W.Va.

He married, first, Dorothy Louise Scott, daughter of Lester Allen Scott and Nina Louise Roberts, 16 Jun 1956 in Athens, McMinn Co., Tenn. They divorced. Born 18 Jul 1934 in Riceville, McMinn Co., Tenn. Children:

i. Susan Marie[6]. Born 18 Feb 1967 in Cleveland, Bradley Co., Tenn. She married Brian Walter Wirzbicki 4 Jul 1999 in Gardner, Worcester Co., Mass.

He married, second, Bonnie Margaret Waechter 23 Nov 1990 in Knoxville, Tenn.

104.iii. Peter Cline[5] Eanes (Bess Sims[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Sep 1921.

He married Carrie Agnes Akers 15 Apr 1946. Born 20 Jun 1924. Children:

104.iii. i. Charlotte Anne[6]. Born 25 Jan 1947.

104.iii. ii. Carl Raymond. Born 15 Nov 1951.

104.iii. iii. Glenn Edward. Born 6 Nov 1952.

105. Lombe Scott[5] Honaker Jr. (Lombe Scott[4], John Robert[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). See photographs.

The Bulletin of East Tennessee State University, 1976-77, identified him as a professor and Dean of the College of Education, B.A., Maryville College, 1941; M.A., University of Northern Colorado, 1947; and Ed.D., University of Tennessee, 1953; he joined the faculty in 1954.

Accession No. 318 of the Archives of Appalachia, East Tennessee State, the Edith Keys Papers (1950-1981), contains a file on him [Honaker, Dr. Scott L.: 1-4], but the file has only a copy of his retirement luncheon program, no information about him.

East Tennessee State University Today, Sep 1980 (accompanied by a photograph of him with this cutline—Dr. L. Scott Honaker discusses the wing of the Warf-Pickel Hall that was eliminated before its construction.) Dean Honaker Reminisces

Retirement might eliminate the daily office routine for Dr. L. Scott Honaker, dean of the College of Education, but it certainly won’t stop his work with higher education. Honaker, who retired June 30 after almost 27 years with ETSU, has been a member of Appalachia Educational Laboratory since 1965, when it was established. His educational roots go back a long way to when his father was athletic director at Maryville College for 39 years. After a year of prep school at Baylor in Chattanooga, Dr. Honaker received his M.A. from Colorado State College of Education (now Northern Colorado.)

With an Ed.D. from the University of Tennessee, he set out to teach four years of health and physical education at Henderson State Teacher’s College in Arkansas, and served as assistant football coach, as well as head coach for basketball, tennis and track. He also worked three different years part-time in football and basketball at Maryville College and taught one year at UT before coming to ETSU in 1954 as an associate professor of P.E.

“President Emeritus Burgin E. Dossett asked me to start a graduate program in health and P.E.,” Dr. Honaker said. “We started as a graduate minor and when Dr. Sidney Rice came as chairman, we made it into a major area. I coached tennis until 1961, and from 1954-59 I was assistant basketball coach with Madison Brooks, coached the freshman basketball team and taught a full P.E. load.”

The Warf-Pickel Building hat houses the College of Education was the first facility to hold the total teacher education program. “Prior to this building, the department was scattered all over campus,” Dr. Honaker said. “And when it was built for approximately $1.9 million, the state eliminated a right wing that was to hold a library service center, a reading clinic, a two-floor teaching auditorium with a platform and all electrical and audiovisual aids, in addition to a human performance lab for psychology. “If we were to add it today, it would cost about $2 million just for that one wing.”

Dr. Honaker has seen the university grow from an enrollment of 1,800 students in 1954 to over 10,000 today. In his opinion, “One sign of development in institutional growth was the creation in 1955-56 of internal organization that recognized what we call ‘schools,’ which were the forerunners of the present ‘colleges.’ ” Dr. Honaker is the only dean the College of Education has ever had.

“Campus Briefs,” East Tennessee State University Today, Spring/Summer 1991: Out of Tragedy…Hope

From the tragedy of their untimely deaths, the lives of five members of the ETSU community have gained special meaning with the establishment of scholarships in their memory. …..Friends and family of ETSU’s former Dean of Education Dr. [L. Scott] Honaker established a scholarship award in his honor which will provide a full semester’s fees for one education graduate student. Honaker served as dean from 1963-80. …..

115.i. Beatrice R.[5] Honaker (John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born Jul 1894.

She married W.P. Whitley. Born 1890. Children:

i. Albert[6]. Born 1927.

ii. Evelyn. Born 1932.

115.ii. Myrtle E.[5] Honaker (John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born Aug 1896. An obituary appeared in Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 2 Oct 2002, which may involve this Myrtle and her descendants, since geography and dates suggest it could be her. Based on this feasibility, we are continuing this Myrtle’s line. The following is based on that assumption.

She married John Thomas Roten. Children:

i. Ola C.[6] She married Unknown Ledbetter.

ii. John Thomas, Jr.

iii. Everett.

iv. Douglas.

v. Cecil Ray.

vi. Curtis.

115.ii. vii. Dorcus Lozell. Born ca. 1932 in Bluefield, Va.

115.v. John Walter[5] Honaker (John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1914. Died 1969 (also reported as 1971.

He married Dorothy Edna Simpson. Born 1921. Died 1993. Children:

i. Helen[6]. Born 1936.

115.v. ii. Carl Allen. Born 1937.

115.v. iii. Tommy. Born 1939.

115.v. iv. Clara V. (also Claire) Honaker. Born 1943.

115.v. v. Helen Geraldine. Born 1936.

vi. Carrie Diane. Born and died 1952.

118.i. Charles L.[5] Honaker (Charles W.[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1897 in West Virginia. Born ca. 1896. Died 12 Jan 1989 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 14 Jan 1989: Honaker, Charles. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Prosperity, with the Rev. Holley Faulkner officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, with Masonic graveside rites. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mr. Honaker, 92, of Beckley, died Jan. 12, 1989 in a Beckley hospital. He was retired from the Appalachian Power Co. He was a member of First Baptist Church, Beckley, and the Hogue-Cook Sunday School Class. He was a Mason and a Shriner. He was a disabled Navy veteran of World War I. Surviving: son, Charles L. Jr. of Connellsville, Pa.; brother, Frank of Glen Daniel; sister, Ethel Arbaugh of White Sulphur Springs; two grandchildren; four great-grandchildren.

In 2006, Troy M. Hunter, a researcher from Glen Allen, Va., was looking for a connection to his great grandfather’s sister, Della Jane Phipps, b. 20 Sep 1895, d. between 1966 and 1977, d/o David Crockett Phipps and Mary Louvena Milam, who m., third, a Charles Honaker and lived in Beckley, W.Va. She also m. John A. Pomeroy and B.G. or George T. McGraw. Troy was unable to find a death record for Della Jane in Raleigh County. We do not know whether she may have married this Charles, but it is a possibility. He died at an advanced age and no wife is mentioned in the obituary, but he had one son.

118.ii. Thelma[5] Honaker (Charles W.[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1898 in West Virginia. An obituary appeared 30 Sep 2008 in the Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph which identified the deceased as a daughter of Bill Floyd Jr. and Thelma Honaker Floyd. The deceased lived in Mercer Co., W.Va., where Thelma[5] Honaker’s parents married, and where Thelma’s brother Charles L. is known to have lived. This Thelma probably also lived in Mercer County and was the right age to have a daughter the age of the deceased. For these circumstancial reasons, we are continuing this Thelma’s line as follows:

She married Bill Floyd Jr. Children:

i. Ruth[6]. She married Unknown Lazenby.

ii. Margaret. She married Unknown McKinney.

iii. Vivian. Born 22 Sep 1916 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 27 Sep 2008 in Bluefield. Buried in Monte Vista Park Cemetery, Green Valley, probably Bluefield.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 30 Sep 2008 (with photograph): Vivian Floyd Elmore, 92, of 2605 Leandrea Dr., Bluefield, W.Va., died Sat., Sept. 27, 2008 in a Bluefield hospital. Born Sept. 22, 1916 in Bluefield, W.Va., she was a daughter of the late Bill “Pop” Floyd Jr. and Thelma Honaker Floyd. Mrs. Elmore was a life member of the Trinity United Methodist Church of Bluefield and was a graduate of the McClain’s Business College. Vivian was also a member of the Evening Primrose Garden Club of Bluefield and was owner and operator of R and T Electric located in Falls Mills, Va. and operated the Cumberland Mart located in Bluefield, W.Va. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Elmore was preceded in death by her husband: Harry “Tracy” Elmore; a son: James A. “Jim” Broyles, II; a grandchild: Jami Broyles; a great-grandson: Jamie Leigh Broyles; and two sisters: Ruth Lazenby and Margaret McKinney. Survivors include: two sons: Farley “Bud” Litton, II and wife Sue of Burlington, N.C., Norman Galyon of Princeton, W.Va.; a stepson: Donald “Don” Elmore and wife Betty of Wytheville, Va.; a sister: Bonnie Pruett and husband Vic of Princeton, W.Va.; nine grandchildren: Kirk Litton and fiancee Janice Hodge of Christiansburg, Va., Eddie Litton and wife Charlotte of Owings, Md., Jimmy Broyles and wife Jessica of Bluefield, Va., Michelle Lee of Augusta, Ga., Joni Bressette and fiancee Chuck Dowell of Bluefield, W.Va., Tammy Fortner and husband Roger of Ekron, Ky., Angel Clemons and husband Mitch of Princeton, W.Va., Danielle Roberts and husband Rob of Richmond, Va., Brandon Elmore and wife Delana who are stationed in Savannah, Ga.; 17 great-grandchildren, two great-great grandchildren, special friends and daughters-in-law: Sandra Ball, Gerri Broyles, and Connie Elmore. Funeral services for Mrs. Elmore will be conducted Wed., Oct. 1, 2008 at 2 p.m. from the Mercer Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Homer Stuart officiating. Burial will follow at the Monte Vista Park Cemetery located in Green Valley. Serving the family as pallbearers will be: Jimmy Broyles, Hunter Broyles, Josh Broyles, Kirk Litton, Eddie Litton, Josh Litton and Brandon Elmore. Friends may call at the funeral home today, Sept. 30, 2008 from 7–9 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions, if desired, may be made to: Trinity United Methodist Church, 401 College Ave., Bluefield, WV 24701. Those wishing to share memories or condolence messages with the family may do so by visiting . Mercer Funeral Home and Crematory of Bluefield is serving the family of Vivian Elmore.

iv. Bonnie. She married Vic Pruett.

118.v. Frank M.[5] Honaker (Charles W.[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1910 in West Virginia. Died 24 Dec 1993 in Oak Hill, Fayette Co., W.Va. Buried in Cook Cemetry, Dameron, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 Dec 1993: Honaker, Frank M. Service will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Rose-Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beckley, with the Rev. John Buchanan officiating. Burial will be in Cook Cemetery, Dameron. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Honaker, 83, of Glen Daniel died Dec. 24, 1993, at Plateau Medical Center, Oak Hill, after a long illness. He was a retired machinist for Sophia Electric Co. and a Baptist. Surviving: sons, Tom of Clinton, Mich., Robert of Cape Coral, Fla.; daughters, Sue Crookshank and Marcene [missing], both of Glen Daniel; two grandchildren; one great-grandchild.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Tom[6].

ii. Sue. She married Unknown Crookshank.

iii. Marcene.

119.ii. Hazel Gaynell[5] Honaker (Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 25 Oct 1903 in Pocahontas, Tazewell Co., Va. Died 19 Apr 1995 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Resthaven Park Cemetery, Princeton.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 20 Apr 1995: Hazel Gaynell Setliff, 91, of 1503 Princeton Ave., Princeton, died Wed., April 19, 1995, in a Princeton hospital. Born in Pocahontas, Va., she was a daughter of the late Henry Houston and Mary Etta Miller Honaker. She was a retired nurse, having worked at the Princeton Memorial Hospital and was a former inspector for the Maidenform Corporation. She was a member of the Johnston Chapel Baptist Church in Princeton and had been a resident of Princeton since 1941, moving from Crumpler. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dennis Noel Setliff; one son, Houston Setliff; two sisters, Bernice Good and Ferol White, and four brothers, Lionel Honaker, Bertram Honaker, Woodrow Honaker and Alonzo Honaker. Survivors: son, Doris Lee Setliff of Radford, Va.; daughters, Blanche Helen Farley of Pikeville, Tenn., and Roberta Mary Jones of Princeton ; brother, Luther Honaker of Clemson, S.C.; sisters, Vivian Franes of Princeton and June Martin of Phoenix, Ariz.; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at l l a.m. Friday at the George W. Seaver Funeral Home Chapel in Princeton with the Rev John King officiating. Burial will be in the Resthaven Park Cemetery in Princeton. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married Dennis Noel Setliff, son of Robert Lee Setliff and Nancy Alberta Shelton, 6 Nov 1920 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va. Born 21 Aug 1896 in Dodson, Patrick Co., Va. Died 14 Jun 1927 in Crumpler. Children:

i. Huston Noel[6]. Born 1 Oct 1921 in Crumpler. Died 13 Feb 1982 in Columbus, Ohio. He

married, first, Ruth Elizabeth Wysong 1 Jun 1945. He married, second, Delores R. Jones 24 Nov 1976 in Franklin Co., Ohio. Born 3 Jan 1934 in Franklin County.

119.ii. ii. Doris Lee (m.) Born 16 Mar 1923 in Crumpler.

iii. Blanche Helen. Born 17 Jul 1924 in Crumpler. She married Cecil Farley 17 Oct 1952.

Born 17 Oct 1927.

iv. Roberta Mary. Born 4 Oct 1927 in Crumpler. Died 16 Sep 2005 at Duke University

Hospital, Durham, N.C. Entombed in Resthaven Park Cemetery Mausoleum, Princeton, W.Va.

Unknown newspaper and date: Princeton—Roberta Mary Jones, 77, of 1503 Princeton Ave., Princeton, died Fri., Sept. 16, 2005 at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C Born Oct. 4, 1927 in Crumpler, she was the daughter of the late Dennis Noel and Hazel Gaynell Honaker Setliff. She was a retired teachers aide working for the Mercer County Board of Education. She was a member of the Johnston Chapel Baptist Church in Princeton. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her first husband, Joseph K. Paciona and one brother, Houston Setliff. Survivors include her second husband, Fredrick H. “Ted” Jones of Princeton; one daughter, Joetta “Jodie” Bassett and her husband Charlie of Crossville, Tenn.; three stepsons, Dave Jones and Steve Jones both of Charlotte, N.C. and Scott Jones of Princeton; four step grandchildren; one brother, Doris Lee Setliff of Radford, Va. and one sister, Blanche Helen Flarley of Pikesville, Tenn.; and a host of cousins. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the George W. Seaver Chapel of Seaver Funeral Home in Princeton with the Rev. John King and the Rev. Jim Simmons officiating. Entombment will follow in Resthaven Park Cemetery Mausoleum in Princeton. Pallbearers will be Dave Jones, Steve Jones, Scott Jones, Eugene Broyles, Harold Holdren and John Robinson. Friends may call at Seaver Funeral Home in Princeton from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. today. The family can be reached at 1503 Princeton Ave., Princeton.

She married, first, Joseph K. Pacoina. She married, second, Frederick H. Jones (called Ted.)

119.iv. Ferol Virginia[5] Honaker (Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Jan 1906 in Pocahontas, Tazewell Co., Va. Died 26 Feb 1994 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 27 Feb 1997: Mrs. Lonnie B. “Ferol V.” White, Sr., 86, of Box 175, Montcalm, died Sat., Feb. 26, 1994, at a Bluefield hospital. Born in Pocahontas, Va., she was the daughter of the late Houston and Mary Etta Miller Honaker. She was a resident of Montcalm for 30 years and was a house wife. She was a member of the Montcalm United Methodist Church . She was preceded in death by her husband , Lonnie Boyd White, Sr. Survivors: sons, Lonnie B. White, Jr. of Ashland, Wallace Gene White, Homer Jackson White, Richard Lee White and James Larry White, all of Montcalm , Houston Ellis “Buddy” White of Pellham, N.H. an d Bertram Milton White of Haverhill, Mass.; brother, Luther Honaker of South Carolina; sisters, Vivian Franes and Hazel Setliff, both of Princeton; several grandchildren; and several great grandchildren. The funeral will be at I p.m. Monday a t Craven -Shires Funeral Hom e Chapel in Bluewell with Rev. D. Homer Stewart officiating. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married Lonnie Boyd White, son of William (also reported as Henry) Ellis White and Louvice Christian, 24 Nov 1924. Born 22 Feb 1900. Died 1 Dec 1986 in Montcalm. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 9 Dec 1986: Lonnie Boyd White Sr., 86, of Box 175, Montcalm, died Sunday in a Bluefield hospital. Born in Ashland, he was a son of the late Henry Ellis and Lovas Christian White. He had lived in Montcalm for 30 years and was a retired coal miner. He was a member of the [United Mine Workers of America] Local Union No. 6034, a lifetime member of the Order of the Purple Heart, a member of the Black Rock VFW Post, the VFW of Bramwell and the Montcalm United Methodist Church. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I, where he received the Purple Heart. Survivors: wife, Mrs. Ferol Honaker White; sons, Lonnie B. White Jr. of Ashland, Wallace Gene White, Homer Jackson White, Richard Lee White and James Larry White of Montcalm, Huston Ellis “Buddy" White of Salem, N.H., Bertram Milton White of Haverhill, Mass.; sisters, Mrs. Ruth Ratliff of Montcalm, Mrs. Edith Cowan of Bramwell, Mrs. Della Ratliff of Matewan, Mrs. Page Eaton of Pearisburg, Va.; 23 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren. Funeral will be Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Cravens-Shires Funeral Home Chapel in Bluewell with the Rev. Ralph Malcomb officiating and burial at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton. Friends may call at the funeral home from 6 to 9 p.m. today.


119.iv. i. Lonnie Boyd[6] Jr. Born 2 Apr 1926 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va.

119.iv. ii. Wallace Gene (called Gene). Born 31 May 1928 in Ashland.

119.iv. iii. Homer Jackson. Born 10 Oct 1930. In Ashland.

119.iv. iv. Richard Lee. Born 17 Dec 1932 in Ashland.

119.iv. v. Huston Ellis. (called Buddy). Born 10 Mar 1937 in Ashland.

vi. James Larry. Born 11 Nov 1941 in Ashland. Died 29 Mar 1997 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 2 Apr 1997: Jame s Larry White, 55, of Montcalm , died Saturday, March 29, 1997, at his home. Born Nov. 11 , 1941, at Ashland, he was the son of the late Lonnie White, Sr. and Ferol Honaker White. He was a former employee of Bluewell Public Service and Neal Security Service in Bluewell.

He was a member of Prosperity United Methodist Church at Windmill Gap. Survivors: wife, Belva Reynolds White of the home; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Sesto (Ann) Punturi, Jr. of Montcalm; one stepson, Bill Bostic of Bluefield; six brothers, Lonnie B. White, Jr. and wife, Maybelle of Ashland, Gene White and wife, Mary Nell, Jack White and wife, Betty, and Richard White and wife, Shirley, all of Montcalm , Buddy White and wife, Evelyn of Salem, N.H., and Bert White and wife, Darlene of Lawrence, Mass.; four step grandchildren, Sesto Punturi, III, Kevin Todd Punturi, William M. (B J.) Bostic, Jr. and Kimberly Ann Bostic, all of Montcalm. A private graveside service was held on Mon., March 31, 1997, with Rev. Paul Carpenter officiating. Burial was at the Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton. Bailey-Kirk Funeral Home in Princeton was in charge of arrangements.

vii Bertram Milton. He married Darlene Unknown.

119.vii. Bernice Clara[5] Honaker (Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Nov 1914 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 29 Jul 1993 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Resthaven Park Cemetery, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 1 Aug 1993: Princeton—Bernice B. Good, 78, of 904 N. Walker Street, died Thursday at a Bluefield hospital. Born in Ashland, she was the daughter of the late Henry Huston and Mary Etta Miller Honaker. She was a retired Mercer County Schools teacher, having taught at Silver Springs Elementary School in Princeton. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Princeton, and was also a member of the Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by four brothers. Lionel Honaker. Bertram Honaker, Woodrow Honaker and Alonzo Honaker. Survivors: husband, Frank W. Good; son , Sherman Huston Bailey of Rancho Cordova, Calif.; brother, Luther Honaker of Clemson , S.C .; sisters: Hazel Setliff and Vivian Franes, both of Princeton, Ferol White of Montcalm and June Martin of Phoenix, Ariz.; four grandchildren. The funeral will be at l l a.m. Monday at the George W. Seaver Funeral Home Chapel, Princeton, with the Rev. Clifford Schell officiating . Burial will follow at Resthaven Park Cemetery in Princeton. Friends may call today from 7 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home.

She married, first, Sherman Huston Bailey 28 Jan 1937. Born in Finney, Russell Co., Va. Children (of Bernice and Sherman):

119.vii. i. Sherman Huston[6]. Born 3 Sep 1937 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va.

She married, second, Frank William Good, son of Weilder M. Good and Nettie Kirkwood, in West Virginia. Born 2 Mar 1907 in Elliston, Montgomery Co., Va.. Died 16 Sep 1999 in Princeton. Buried in Resthaven Park Cemetery, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 22 Sep 1999: Princeton—Frank William Good, 92, of 904 North Walker Street, Princeton, died Thurs., Sept. 16, 1999, at Princeton Community Hospital. Born March 2, 1907, in [Elliston], Va., he was a son of the late Weilder M. and Nettie Kirkwood Good. He retired in 1968 from the United States Postal Service after 20 years of service in the Princeton area. He was a U.S. Army Signal Corps veteran of World War II. He was a member of First United Methodist Church, Princeton. He had been a resident of Princeton since 1912, moving from Ellison. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Bernice B. Honaker Good; and three sisters, Juanita Good, Margaret Good and Emma Kate Green. He is survived his stepson, Sherman Huston Bailey of Rancho Cordova, Calif. He is the last surviving member of his immediate family.

Graveside funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Thursday at Resthaven Memorial Park, Princeton, with Rev. Clifford Schell officiating. Friends may call at Seaver Flmeral Home, Princeton, from 10 until service hour on Thursday. Those attending the service are asked to meet at the funeral home by 10:45 on Thursday.

119.ix. Alonzo Mack[5] Honaker (called Lon) (Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Jan 1920 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 14 Sep 1961 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Ind. Buried in Danville [Ind.] South Cemetery. He graduated from North Fork [W.Va.] High School, McDowell Co., W.Va.

Indianapolis [Ind.] Star-News, unknown date: Alonzo (Lon) Honaker, resident of 498 West Main Street, Danville, died Thursday evening, in the West 10th Street Veterans’ Administration Hospital, Indianapolis, where he had been a patient for the past six days. Hde had been in ill health for the past six years. A native of West Virginia, he was born Jan. 21, 1920. He came to Danville seven years ago for residence and was employed with the Southeastern Trailways Bus Lines out of Indianapolis. He was a veteran of World War II. He enlisted in the Air Force on Dec. 7, 1940 the day war was declared and discharged as a corporal. He received his education in the schools of West Virginia and was a member of the Danville Methodist Church. Services were conducted, Sunday afternoon, in the Weaver Funeral Home with the Rev. John Rawlings and Rev. Robert Clayton officiating. Burial was in the Danville South Cemetery. Survivors include his widow, Frances Brown Honaker; three daughters, Carla, Judith and [Marisa Dee] Honaker, all at home; four brothers and four sisters.

Indianapolis [Ind.] Star-News, unknown date: Funeral services were conducted Sunday at 2:30 p.m., in Weaver Funeral Home, Danville, for Alonzo (Lon) Honaker, age 41, who died Thursday in West Tenth Street Veterans hospital, Indianapolis, where he had been a patient six days. He was born Jan. 21, 1920, in West Virginia, the son of Henry and Mary Etta Miller Honaker. He was married 17 years ago to Frances Brown in South Carolina. He attended the schools and was graduated from high school in West Virginia. He was a driver for Southeastern Trailways Bus Lines, since 1954, between Indianapolis and Cincinnati and had lived in Danville seven years. He was a member of the Methodist church and was a veteran of World War II. He had enlisted in the Army Dec. 7, 1940 and had received decorations for services. Survivors are the widow, Mrs. Frances Honaker, three daughters, Carla, Judith and [Marisa Dee], all at home, and four brothers and four sisters. Funeral services were under the direction of the Rev. John Rawlings and the Rev. Robert [illegible.] Burial was in Danville South cemetery.

He married Mary Frances Brown, daughter of Robert Henry Brown and Ollie Hester Minton, 15 Oct 1944 in Myrtle Beach, Horry Co., S.C. Born 12 Jan 1923 in Abingdon, Washington Co., Va. Died 21 Oct 1994 in North Salem, Hendricks Co., Ind. After Lon’s death she married, second, Marion Oliver Walker (called Bo), son of George Marion Walker and Azona Zendora Sparks, 7 Jun 1967 in Danville. Born 23 Nov 1918 in Danville.

Indianapolis [Ind.] Star-News and Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 24 Oct 1994: North Salem, Ind.—Mary Frances Walker, 71, of North Salem, died Fri., Oct. 21, 1994, at a Danville. Ind. hospital. Born in Abingdon. Va., she was the daughter of Nora Ollie Hester Minton Brown of Bluefield and the late Robert Henry Brown. She and her husband owned and operated “The Last Straw ” Antique Store in North Salem from 1977 to 1991. She had retired from the [Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service] office in Danville in 1985 after 28 years of service. She worked prior as a fingerprint specialist for the FBI in Washington. D.C. She was a member of the Danville United Methodist Church, a former Girl Scout leader and a member of the Business Women’s Professional Club, all of Danville. She was a graduate of Northfork High School. She was preceded in death by a brother Robert Brown. Survivors: husband. Marion O. “Bo” Walker of North Salem; daughters Judy Clark of Danville, Carla Parent of Crown Point, Ind., and Marisa Crouch of North Salem: stepson Michael Walker of Jamestown, Ind .; brother: Ronnie Brown of Lexington, N .C.; sisters Louise Belcher of Bluefield and Sharon Turner of Virginia Beach, Va.; and 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a m. today at Porter Funeral Home in North Salem with the Rev. Carol Fritz and the Rev. Louise Crouch officiating. Burial will follow at Fairview Cemetery in North Salem.

Indianapolis [Ind.] Star-News and Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 24 Oct 1994: Mary Frances Brown Walker, 71, North Salem, died Friday. Mrs. Walker co-owned and operated The Last Straw antique store, North Salem, retiring in 1991. She also had worked for [Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service] office, Danville, 18 years, retiring in 1985 as an assistant manager. She was a member of Danville United Methodist Church. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday in Porter Funeral Home, North Salem, with calling from 3 to 8 p.m. today. She was the widow of Lon Honaker. Survivors: husband Marion O. “Bo” Walker; daughters Judy Clark, Carla Parent, Marisa Crouch; stepson Michael Walker; mother Hester Minton Brown; brother Ronnie Brown; sisters Louise Belcher, Sharon Turner.


119.ix. i. Carla Lynne[6]. Born 17 Nov 1945 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

119.ix. ii. Judith Ann. Born 12 Dec 1946 in Princeton.

119.ix. iii. Marisa Dee. Born 20 Nov 1955 in Indianapolis, Ind.

119.x. June Etta[5] Honaker (Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Jun 1922 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 15 Sep 2005 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz. Buried in Resthaven Park West Cemetery, Glendale, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Ariz., 18 Sep 2005: June Etta Honaker-Martin, age 83, born in Southern West Virginia on June 29, 1922. She was the youngest of ten children of Houston and Mary Etta Honaker. She grew up in a small mining town of Crumpler, W.Va. The family moved to Princeton, W.Va., where June graduated from Princeton High School. June married M.G. Martin in 1944. They lived in Princeton until the death of her mother. They moved their family to Arizona in the 1950s, settling in the Sunnyslope area, where they raised their two children. June was widowed in 1973 after her husband suffered a six year long illness. During the time of his illness, June worked full time at Motorola and also took care of her husband. She proved to her whole family what a strong woman she was then and up until recently when she suffered a stroke from which she never fully recovered. June, or G.G. as she has been known, since the birth of her first great-grandson, is survived by one brother, Luther Honaker of S.C.; a daughter, Linda (Robert) Lindsey; and a son, L. Wayne Martin. She is also survived by three grandchildren, Pamela (Jon) Cherry, Cinda (Jason) Lindsey, and Brandon (Jennifer) Lindsey; and five great-grandchildren, Justin and Amber Shepard, Zachary Cherry, Owen and Bryce Lindsey. She was awaiting the birth of two more great-grandchildren although she didn’t know it. June always remained true to her native state and was proud to be a West Virginian. A graveside service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wed., Sept. 21, 2005 at Resthaven Park Cemetery, Glendale, Ariz. Arrangements under the care of Sunland Mortuary, Sun City, Ariz.

She married Mack Gilbert Martin Jr., son of Mack Gilbert Martin and Mae Alvis, 1 Mar 1942 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., W.Va. Born 7 Jun 1920 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 24 Oct 1973 in Phoenix. Buried in Resthaven Park West Cemetery, Glendale.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 26 Oct 1973: Mack G. Martin, S3, of Phoenix, Ariz., and formerly of Princeton, died Wednesday afternoon at a Phoenix hospital following a long illness. He was an employee of the Phoenix Board of Education and was a member of the First Christian Church of Phoenix. He was a graduate of Princeton High School and served in the U. S. Army in Europe during World War II. He had lived in Phoenix for the past 15 years. Born in Princeton, he was a son of Mrs. Mae Martin of Princeton and the late Gilbert Martin. Surviving in addition to his mother are his widow, Mrs. June Etta Honaker Martin; one daughter, Mrs. Linda Kay Lindsey of Phoenix; one son, Wayne Martin of Phoenix; two sisters, Mrs. Walter Fielder of Princeton, and Mrs. A. E. Nolder of South Gate, Mich.; and three grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at ll a.m. Saturday at the Hanson Funeral Home in Phoenix. Burial will follow in Phoenix. The family may be reached at 244 West Alice Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85021


i. Linda Kay[6]. Born 19 May 1946 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. She married Robert

LeRoy Lindsey 5 Dec 1964 in Phoenix. Born 11 Nov 1943.

ii. Lewis Wayne. Born 1 Dec 1954 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. He married Mary Merz

and Norma Unknown.

121.v. Glenna Mae[5] Ord (India Anna[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Jan 1911 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 14 Mar 1973 in Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W.Va. Buried in Kirkland Cemetery, State Rt. 62 north of Point Pleasant. She settled in Mason County.

She married Johile Chester Rogers, son of Frank Rogers and Sarah Neal, brother of her sister Margaret’s husband, 20 Jun 1928 in Point Pleasant. Born 9 Apr 1904 in Mason County. Died 1 Sep 1979 in Point Pleasant. Buried in Kirkland Cemetery.

Point Pleasant Register, 4 Sep 1979: Chester Rogers, 75, Henderson, died Saturday at 8:05 p.m. in the Holzer Medical Center. He was a retired employee of the Moore’s Store of Point Pleasant and a member of the Henderson Church of Christ. Born Apr. 9, 1904, in Mason County, he was a son of the late Frank and Sarah Neal Rogers. His wife was the late Glenna Ord Rogers who died March 14, 1973. Mr. Rogers is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Landis (Helen) Pearson and Mrs. Ronald (Barbara) Wickline, both of Henderson, and Mrs. John (Carol) Taylor, Jr. of Point Pleasant; one son, Charles Russell Rogers of Point Pleasant; a sister, Mrs. Vesta Lee of Henderson; a brother, Worthy Rogers of Point Pleasant; nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held today at 1 p.m. in the Henderson Church of Christ with Eugene Zopp, minister, officiating. Burial followed in Kirkland Memorial Gardens under the direction of the Crow-Hussell Funeral Home.

Children (all born at their parents’ home):

i. Helen Delores[6]. Born 6 Jan 1929 in Mason County. During her teens she lived at her grandparents’ house and walked two miles to the highway to catch the school bus. She graduated from Point Pleasant High School in 1945. She married Landis West Pearson 6 Apr 1948 in Pomeroy, Ohio.

ii. Charles Russell. Born 9 Sep 1936 in Mason County. Died 20 Jun 1990 in Allegheny Co., Pa. He married Beulah Sturgeon.

121.v. iii. Joycelyn Carol (called Carol). Born 12 Oct 1940 in Mason County.

iv. Barbara Sue. Born 8 Aug 1942 in Mason County. She married Ronald Lewis Wickline in Pearisburg, Giles Co., Va.

122.ii. Lillian[5] Honaker (Thomas Graham[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Died in 1991. She and her husband are buried in Harper Road Cemetery, Beckley, W.Va.

123.ii. Helen Lucille[5] Carter (Anna Belle[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Jun 1920 in Turkey Knob, W.Va. Died 2 Nov 2009 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 4 Nov 2009: Helen Richmond, age 89 of Beaver, died Mon., Nov. 2, 2009 at Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital following an extended illness. Born June 19, 1920 in Turkey Knob, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Wallace T. Carter and Anna Belle (Honaker) Carter. Helen was a graduate of Mt. Hope High School class of 1939. She attended nursing training from McKendree Hospital in 1939; she was employed at Pinecrest for over 24 years and retired from Beckley Hospital with 25 years of faithful service where she served as [a Licensed Practical Nurse.] She was a member of WOTM of Oak Hill; a member of Sophia Chapter Beta Sigma Phi; she was an avid bowler at Leisure Lanes and volunteered at Raleigh General Hospital for five years. Helen is preceded in death by [siblings] Earl, Hassell, Robert, David, (Skinny), Grace Carter, Irene Lay, and Dorothy Hurd Brown; first husband Joe Kochinsky; second husband Ramon Lorenzo; third husband Charles Richmond; and a special friend Carl Clay of Mt. Hope. Those left to cherish her memory include her son Kenneth (Tommy) Kochinsky and wife Jane of Cool Ridge; granddaughter Christine Kochinsky of Baltimore, Md.; great-granddaughter Jessica Brown; special nieces Karen Chandler Akers and Nancy Hurd; sister Annabelle Callihan and husband Glen of Dunbar and a host of nieces and nephews. Services will be conducted at 1 p.m., Fri., Nov. 6, 2009, at Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel, Beckley, with Pastor Ronnie Stapleton officiating. Interment will follow at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends may gather with the family from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home and one hour prior to service time on Friday. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. Online condolences may be sent to the family at . Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, 5251 Robert C. Byrd Dr., Beckley.

She married, first, Joe Kochinsky. Died before 2009. Children:

i. Kenneth Thomas[6]. He married Jane Unknown.

She married, second, Ramon Lorenzo. Died before 2009.

She married, third, Charles Richmond. Died before 2009.

124.i. Betty[5] Honaker (Luther Rogers[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Probably born in the 1920s in Fayette or Raleigh Co., W.Va.

In 2007, Betty (Honaker) Osborne, wrote the following: “Betty and I met probably 1949-1950. I worked at a toy factory in Elkton, Md. I had about eight or ten girls on my line. This young girl was new and she worked on my line. We started talking and she told me her father was Luther Honaker, so we were cousins. We talked a lot about our family. She told me that Uncle Luther was a bootlegger [who] would run moonshine in the back of his car at night from one place to another. He would hide it in the back of the car and he also got caught quite a few times. She only worked for me about a month and I never knew where she went.”

She married Donald Earl Martin in 1946 or 1947 in Fayette Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Unknown[6]. Died early.

ii. Unknown daughter. She was adopted by Unknown and Erma Louise (Martin) Garges.

Erma was Donald Martin’s sister. This unknown daughter had at least one child, Kara Gillenwater.

125.iii. Patricia Ann[5] Honaker (called Patty) (William Wesley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 12 Oct 2015. Buried in Resthaven Memorial Park, Louisville, Ky. In 1985 she lived in Melbourne, Brevard Co., Fla.

Florida Today, Melbourne, 14 Oct 2015: Patricia Ann Honaker Wiseman. On Oct. 12, 2015 our fun loving, precious wife, & mother took Jesus’ hand & crossed the Jordan. She is now with her mother, father, sisters, brother, many friends & her Lord & Savior. Patty, as she was known to everyone, was born in Beckley, W.Va., where she grew up & met her husband, Walter L. Wiseman. She had two daughters, Elizabeth Annette Adkins & Sonja Leigh Atwell, both residing in Kentucky. Patty was retired cosmetologist & dental assistant. She also served our country by working in the civil service department in the military. She followed her husband of 64 years through their military career. She loved to travel & has been throughout the U.S., France, Germany & England. Patty loved to cook and entertain.She lived her life to the fullest and loved her family dearly.

Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky., 14 Oct 2015, with photograph: Patricia Ann Honaker Wiseman. On Oct. 12, 2015 our fun loving, precious wife and mother took Jesus’ hand and crossed the Jordan. She is now with her mother, father, sisters, brother, many friends and her Lord & Savior. Patty, as she was known to everyone, was born in Beckley, W.Va., where she grew up and met her husband Walter L. Wiseman. She had two daughters, Elizabeth Annette Adkins and Sonja Leigh Atwell, both residing in Kentucky. Patty was retired cosmetologist and dental assistant. She also served our country by working in the civil service department in the military. She followed her husband of 64 years through their military career. She loved to travel and has been throughout the U.S., France, Germany and England. Patty loved to cook and entertain.She lived her life to the fullest and loved her family dearly.

Patty was preceded in death by her father, Mr. William Wesley Honaker; mother, Mrs. Daisy Elizabeth Honaker; sisters, Eloise D. Kennison, Lillian M. Bonds, Sally L. Gallaher and her brother William W. Honaker II. She is survived by her loving husband Walter L. Wiseman of Cave City, Ky.; two loving daughters, Elizabeth Annette Adkins and partner, Joe Hoover of Elizabethtown, Ky., and Sonja Leigh Atwell and husband Bruce Atwell of Hardyville, Ky.; six grandchildren, Korina Adkins, Jennifer Payne, Brett Atwell, Chloe Atwell, Jerrika Atwell and Timothy Jordan Atwell; two great granddaughters, Amber Rutherford and Julie Payne. She is also survived by two sisters, Kathryn Cox of Dallas, Texas and Helen M. Janney of Beckley, W.Va., and many nieces and nephews. The family wishes to express a sincere thanks to her caregivers, Dawn Smith, Mettie Jeffries, Renee Adwell and Shelby Audet. We will mourn her passing and celebrate her full and wonderful life. Funeral services will be held on Oct. 14, 2015 at 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in Arch L. Heady at Resthaven Chapel, 4400 Bardstown Road with entombment to follow in Resthaven Memorial Park. Visitation will be Wednesday from noon until the time of service at the funeral home. Please visit us online at

She married Walter L. Wiseman ca. 1951. Children:

125.iii. i. Elizabeth Annette[6]. She married Unknown Adkins.

125.iii. ii. Sonja Leigh. She married Bruce Atwell.

136.i. Harold Earl[5] Honaker (Francis Eare[5], James[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Jun 1917 in Mt. Orab, Brown Co., Ohio. Died 9 Jan 1994 in Mt. Orab.

He married, first, Ruth Bernice Robbins 1 Aug 1936 in Mt. Orab. Died 29 Aug 1963. Children:

136.i. i. Harold Earl[6] Jr. Born 19 Mar 1944 in Mt. Orab.

ii. Janet. Died before 2015. She married Unknown Landwehr.

iii. Joyce. She married Unknown Neal.

He married, second, Irene Bingham 27 May 1977.

146.ii. Marshie[5] Honaker (James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 May 1895 in Launa, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 3 Nov 1988 in Oak Hill, Fayette Co., W.Va. Buried Highlawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 5 Nov 1988: Mrs. Marshie Honaker Burgess, 93, of Oak Hill died Nov. 3, 1988, in Plateau Medical Center, Oak Hill, after a long illness. She was a retired Fayette County schoolteacher. She was a member of Oak Hill Baptist Church. Surviving: son, Dr. Clyde A. Burgess of Fort Knox, Ky.; daughter, Mrs. Kathryn Terwilleger of Hendersonville, N.C.; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill, with the Rev. Randolph F. Johnson officiating. Burial will be in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill. Friends may call from 6:30 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married Clyde Austin Burgess, son of Austin Burgess and Dorthea Bloxton, 28 Aug 1928 in Oak Hill. Born 8 Mar 1901 in Hill Top, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 9 Sep 1976 in Oak Hill, W.Va. Buried in Highlawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill. He was a builder and a Presbyterian. Children:

146.ii. i. Clyde Albert[6].

ii. Marcia Kathryn. Born 4 Oct 1931 in Oak Hill, W.Va. In 1996 she lived in Hendersonville, N.C., but moved away before 2001. In 2008 she lived in Willowstreet, Pa. She married George Parker Terwilleger 1 Sep 1950 in Scarbro, W.Va.

146.v. Elizabeth[5] Honaker (James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Jul 1903.

She married Wellington Ray Murdock 30 Nov 1920. Children:

146.v. i. Wellington Ray, Jr. Born 15 Sep 1923 in Scarbro, W.Va.

146.v. ii. James A.[6] Born 24 Jun 1925 in Scarbro.

iii. Richard A.

147.v. Julia Ann[5] Honaker (William Clayton[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Jun 1923 in West Virginia

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 15 Jun 2010 (with photograph): Princeton—Julia Ann Smith, 86, of Shadetree Circle, Princeton, died Sunday evening, June 13, 2010 at Bluefield Regional Medical Center. Born June 30, 1923, in West Virginia, she was the daughter of the late W.C. Honaker and Lettie Jarrell Honaker. Mrs. Smith was a graduate of Bluefield High School. While her health permitted, she was an active member of Greenview United Methodist Church in Green Valley where she served as the church pianist and organist for many years. Mrs. Smith was a free spirited and independent person; she enjoyed most of all her grandchildren and family. She loved music, whether playing the piano, listening to music of all variety and working in and around her garden. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her devoted husband, Irvin H. Smith and was the last surviving member of her immediate family. Survivors include her son, William I. “Jigger” Smith of Princeton; two grandchildren, Dr. Todd Smith and wife Jacinda of Princeton, Jason Smith and wife Shannon of Herndon, Va.; three great grandchildren, Kate Smith, Regan Smith, Andrew Smith. A service of celebration will be held at 6 p.m., Wed., June 16, 2010 at Greenview United Methodist Church in Green Valley with Pastor Brent Brown officiating. In honoring Mrs. Smith’s request, her body was given to Human Gift Registry with West Virginia University for anatomical studies. Following the services, a reception will be held in the Fellowship Hall of the church for a time of sharing and gathering. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts are requested to the Greenview United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 6130, Bluefield WV 24701. The honor of serving the Smith family has been given to the Memorial Funeral Directory & Cremation Centeron the Athens Road in Princeton.

She married Irvin H. Smith. Died before 2010. Children:

147.v. i. William I.[6] (called Jigger)

148.i. Orva[5] Honaker (Charles Blackford[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1903. Died 17 Oct 1989 in Milton, W.Va. Buried Mechanic Cemetery, Bloomingrose, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 18 Oct 1989: Mrs. Orva Honaker Toney, 86, of Comfort, Boone County, died Oct. 17, 1989, in Morris Memorial Nursing Home, Milton, after a long illness. She was a retired schoolteacher in Comfort and Savannah, Ga., a member of Comfort Presbyterian Church. Surviving: sons, Charles L., Frank M. Jr. both of Louisburg, N.C.; daughters, Ruth Branham of Augusta, Ga., Jeanne Hughes of Bellevue, Neb., Elizabeth Reese of Milton, Alice Gayheart of Savannah; brother, Bernard Honaker of San Diego, Calif.; sister, Blanche Lamon of San Diego; 14 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Leonard Johnson Funeral Home, Marmet. Burial will be in Mechanic Cemetery, Bloomingrose. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married Frank M. Toney. Children:

i. Charles L.

ii. Frank M., Jr.

iii. Ruth. She married Unknown Branham.

iv. Jeanne. She married Unknown Hughes.

v. Elizabeth. She married Unknown Reese.

vi. Alice. She married Unknown Gayheart.

149.iv. Opal[5] Surratt (Lela[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1906.

She married Unknown Chingle. Children:

i. Mary Lou. She married Unknown Harden. In 2000 she lived part of the year in

Whitesville, W.Va.

150.ii. Bernice LaVern[5] Honaker (Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 25 Oct 1915 in Jarrods Valley, W.Va. Died 16 Apr 2007 in Amelia, Ohio. Buried in Mt. Pisgah Cemetery, Amelia.

Cincinnati [Ohio] Enquirer, 18 Apr 2007: Bernice L. Nixon (nee Honaker), loving wife of the late Mora R. Nixon, beloved mother of Mark (Charlene) Nixon, Colleen (Roy) Spaulding, Loretta (Steve) Jackson and Annette (Jay) Myers, cherished grandmother of Michele, Jennifer, Russell, Sarah, Aaron, Brett, Bradley, Ben, Christopher, Evan and Melissa, dear sister of Eugene Honaker and the late Homer Honaker. Also survived by numerous nieces and nephews. Bernice, a resident of Amelia, died April 16, 2007. Age 91. Visitation Thursday from 12 noon until the time of funeral service at 2 p.m. at E.C. Nurre Funeral Home, St. Rt. 125, Amelia. Interment Mt. Pisgah Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Lingate Baptist Church, 3052 St. Rt. 132, Amelia, OH 45102.

She married Mora Randolph Nixon, son of Albert Nixon and Lucy Malone, ca. 1948 in Amelia, Ohio. Born 10 Mar 1916 in Clermont Co., Ohio. Died 17 Nov 1966. Children:

150.ii. i. Mark Cameron[6]. Born 21 Apr 1949 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

150.ii. ii. Colleen Lenore. Born 13 Mar 1951 in Cincinnati.

150.ii. iii. Loretta Gail. Born 13 Sep 1953 in Cincinnati.

150.ii. iv. Annette Elaine. Born 17 May 1955 in Cincinnati.

150.iii. Eugene Thurl[5] Honaker (called Gene) (Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 May 1918 in Jarrods Valley, W.Va. Died 11 Mar 2009. Buried in Mt. Pisgah Cemetery, Ohio Township, Ohio. He was a self-employed carpenter and builder who joked that his middle name was for the “thurl” he gave his parents because he was such a pretty baby.

Cincinnati [Ohio] Enquirer, 14 Mar 2009: Eugene T. Honaker, loving husband of Hazel Honaker (nee Hancock), dear father of Gloria (David) Fisher, William (Rebecca) Honaker, Paul (Linda) Honaker, Robin (Lavaine) Honaker and the late Rose Mary (Max) Benton. Also survived by 15 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Brother of the late Ellis Honaker and Bernice Nixon. Gene passed away Wed., March 11, 2009 at the age of 90. He was a resident of Pierce Twp. Visitation Monday 5 to 8 p.m. at the E.C. Nurre Funeral Home, 177 W. Main St. (St. Rt. 125), Amelia [Ohio]. Graveside services 10:30 a.m. Tue., March 14 at Mt. Pisgah Cemetery, followed by a fellowship meal at Lindale Baptist Church, 3052 St. Rt. 132, Amelia, Ohio at 12 noon, followed by memorial services 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the church. Memorials may be made to Crossroads Hospice, 4360 Glendale Milford Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242 or Lindale Baptist Church, 3052 St. Rt. 132, Amelia, OH 45102. .

A newspaper story about Gene, by Theresa L. Herron, staff writer for the Community Journal, Loveland, Ohio, appeared in a 10 Feb 1999 newspaper insert. The following story, based on her article, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999, and was accompanied by a photograph: Eugene T. Honaker—Citizen of Year.

Abraham descendant Eugene T. Honaker has been named Amelia, Ohio Citizen of the Year for 1998. Gene is a son of Heber and Rose M. (Day) Honaker, who lived in Amelia, and brother of the Rev. H. Ellis Honaker of Riverside, Calif. An article about Ellis appeared in the Summer 1994 newsletter.

Announcement of Gene’s award came in a proclamation by Amelia Mayor James C. Pemberton, 21 Dec 1998, presented on behalf of city council. The civic award is given to one person annually who’s given abundant time to worthwhile community causes, participated continuously in community projects, and been an exemplary example to fellow citizens. Gene was nominated for the award by the Amelia Recreation Commission, which recognized that his achievements excelled those of all other town residents.

Mayor Pemberton’s proclamation recognized Gene for fine carpentry work in the interior and exterior of the Amelia Municipal Building, ready availability when needed by the town, exemplary church and moral commitment, visits to nursing homes, and by his membership on the first Clermont Co., Ohio, building code committee. The mayor concluded that the community owed Gene a debt of gratitude which it might never be possible to repay.

The proclamation was followed by a special award by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio. Signed by President of the Ohio Senate Richard H. Finan and 14th District Sen. Doug White, it honored Gene in direct, powerful language:

You are, indeed, a remarkable individual, combining civic concern and dedication with selfless initiative to become a dynamic leader in the Amelia area, and this prestigious honor is a fitting tribute to you in recognition of the outstanding efforts which you have displayed in both your community and church. You are an exceptional local carpenter, and by your generosity and devotion to service, you have certainly distinguished yourself as a conscientious and hard-working Ohioan.

Willingly giving of your time, energy, and abilities, you have worked diligently to better the world around you, and through your selfless contributions, you have earned the respect and esteem of the entire community. We are certain that, in the years to come, you will continue to display the same unwavering commitment to excellence for which you have been recently honored, and you are truly deserving of high praise. Thus, with sincere pleasure, we commend you as Citizen of the Year and extend best wishes for ongoing success.

A newspaper story about Gene appeared in the Loveland, Ohio Community Journal, 10 Feb 1999. Reporter Theresa L. Herron cited details of his achievements. A village committee member told her that Gene’s work is everywhere in the municipal building.

“He’s Johnny-on-the-spot and he does it with a smile. I’ve never seen him without a smile and in a good mood.”

“He’s supposed to be retired,” the committeewoman continued. “He’s a very pleasant man.”

“They ask me to do things and I like to do them,” replied Gene, who’s been a carpenter for 60 of his 81 years, and presently helps his son Bill in the family business, Model Builders.

Gene was born in Jarrods Valley, W.Va., but relocated with his parents to Clermont Co., Ohio in 1935 during the depression, because his father was looking for better work. (Gene built a detailed birdhouse for a daughter in the shape of the home where he was born in West Virginia.)

Gene and his wife Hazel live on a parcel of land once owned by his Grandfather J.K. Day. Gene and Hazel raised five children, but only Bill has remained in the area. They have 15 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. The family plans to get together in August to celebrate Gene’s and Hazel’s 60th wedding anniversary. “We’ve had a good life,” Gene said.

The newspaper story about Gene noted that he’s continued the family tradition of building that began in Switzerland in the early 1700s, referring to our immigrant ancestor Hans Jacob Honaker, who was a carpenter near Zurich before sailing to Philadelphia in 1749. In addition to his work for the town, Gene is just as active at home, with gardening and cutting firewood. Hazel said that he was always building something.

“I stay young doing that,” Gene said with his customary smile.

A photograph of Gene and Hazel, commemorating their 60th wedding anniversary, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, July 1999. The family planned to gather 8 Aug 1999 to celebrate the event, which was 6 May 1999.

He married Hazel Virginia Hancock, daughter of Clayton Reuben Hancock and Mary Elizabeth Lillich, 6 May 1939 in Bethel, Ohio. Born 20 Jan 1918 in Batavia, Ohio. Children:

150.iii. i. Rose Mary[6]. Born 25 Aug 1940 in Amelia, Ohio.

150.iii. ii. Gloria Ann. Born 9 Jun 1943.

iii. Paul Stephen. Born 10 Jul 1949 in Amelia, Ohio. He was minister of music, Bon Air Baptist Church, Richmond, Va., and in 2009 lived in Richmond. He married Linda Joyce Fernald, daughter of Egbert Wright Fernald and Alma Rebecca Harris, 21 Jul 1979 in Richmond. Born 5 Jun 1952 in Hampton, Va. She was a teacher in Chesterfield Co., Va.

iv. William Eugene (called Bill). Born 2 Feb 1948 in Mariemont, Ohio. He was a carpenter and builder. In 2009 he lived in New Richmond, Ohio. He married Rebecca Lynn Brown, daughter of Robert Brown and Geraldine Clark, 23 Aug 1969 in New Richmond, Ohio. Born 18 Mar 1950 in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was a teacher in New Richmond.

150.iii. v. Robin Ellis. Born 28 Feb 1956.

156.v. Kenneth Dale[5] Honaker (called Dale) (Chap Hannah[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 May 1934 in Pine Knob, W.Va. Died 7 Nov 2003.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 11 Nov 2003: Kenneth Dale Miller, 69, was called to be with the Lord on Friday, Nov. 7, 2003. Dale was born April 27, 1934, at Pine Knob. He was the son of the late Chap and Pearl Miller. Mr. Miller was a veteran of the Korean Police Action. He served in the U.S. Army for six years. After his service in the Army, he spent time as a coal miner in West Virginia and retired from Hardrives Construction in Palm Beach Co., Fla., choosing to return to his roots to make West Virginia his final home. He attended Union Chapel at Pine Knob. He will be sadly missed by his wife of 37 years, Pansy; a daughter, Mary Ellen Barr and husband, Robert, of West Palm Beach, Fla.; a son, James, presently in the U.S. Army stationed at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii; one grandchild, Kenneth “Lex” Barr; two brothers, Byrd and wife, Opal, of Naoma and Eugene “Gene” of Barboursville. In addition to his immediate family, Dale was blessed with numerous caring nephews, nieces, cousins, neighbors and a church family that will forever keep him in their hearts. Homecoming celebration will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at Union Chapel at Pine Knob with the Rev. Ed Bolon officiating and the Rev. Reginald Berry assisting. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville. Arrangements by Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville.

He married, first, Kathleen Holliday. Children:

156.v. i. Mary Ellen[6]. She married Robert Barr.

He married, second, Pansy Holliday, Kathleen’s sister, after Kathleen died. Children:

ii. James.

157.i. Lula[5] Honaker (William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 23 Feb 1903 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 17 Sep 1968.

She had one child with Unknown:

i. Mary Elsie Ruth[6] (called Ruth) [Honaker].

She married Vernon Clinton Dickens (called Vernie) in 1924 in Arnett. Born 28 Feb 1902. Died 24 Dec 1969. Children:

ii. Christopher Eugene.

iii. Dolph.

iv. Paul Irvin.

v. William Lyndon

vi. Dardenella Irene.

157.iv. William Baxter[5] Honaker (called Baxter) (William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 May 1917 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 9 Aug 1979 while camping on the New River. He said that’s how he wanted to die. Buried in Honaker Cemetery #1, Arnett.

He married Mildred Adkins. Born 25 Jun 1920. Died 15 Apr 1972. Buried in Honaker Cemetery #1. Children:

157.iv. i. Sharon Ann[6]. Born 17 Aug 1944.

ii. William B., Jr. He married Kim Unknown.

iii. Sandy. She married Wayne Cook.

157.iv. iv. Carolyn Sue.

157.v. Rosa Maxine[5] Honaker (called Maxine) (William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Nov 1923 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 30 Jun 1987 in Beckley, W.Va.

She married Deane Lowell Daniel, son of Ashton Daniel and Sylvia Daniel [maiden name]. Born 30 Mar 1920 in Saxon, Raleigh County. Died 13 Oct 1963 in Beckley. Children:

158.i. James Edward[5] Honaker (James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 16 Apr 1913 in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 7 Apr 1990 in Pine Knob, W.Va. Buried Honaker Cemetery, Pine Knob.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Apr 1990: James Edward Honaker, 76, of Pineknob, Raleigh County, died April 7, 1990. He was a veteran of World War II and retired from [Bell] & Howell Corp., Chicago. He was a former miner. Surviving: wife, Maude; daughter, Janette Woodard of Naoma; sons, Donald of Icard, N.C., Ronald of Chicago; sisters, Ruth Anderson and Pat Drake, both of Crossville, Tenn., Garnet Roysdon of Covington, Ky., Mary Lawrence of Alabama; stepsisters, Edith Chambers of Elyria, Ohio, Juanita Jarrell of Ashland, Ohio; brother, Herbert of Sundial; half brothers, Harry David and Johnny, both of Ameagle, Jerry Richard of Garrison; stepbrothers, James Douglas of Ameagle, Ray Douglas Jr. of Beckley, Charles Douglas of Ashland, Ohio; 12 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Bethel Freewill Baptist Church, Pineknob, with the Rev. David Cook officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery, Pineknob. Friends may call after 6 p.m. today at the Honaker residence. Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, is in charge of arrangements.

He married Maude Kuhn. Born ca. 1921. Died 14 Dec 1990 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Pine Knob.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 Dec 1990: Mrs. Maude Honaker, 69, of Pineknob, Raleigh County, died Dec. 14, 1990, in Beckley Hospital of an apparent heart attack. Surviving: daughter, Janette D. Woodard of Naoma; sons, Donald E. of Connellys Springs, N.C., Ronald E. of Naoma; 12 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren. Service will be noon Sunday at the Honaker residence with the Rev. David Cook officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery, Pineknob. Friends may call after 6 p.m. today at the residence. Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, is in charge of arrangements.


158.i. i. Dixie Geneva[6]. Born 1 Feb 1943.

158.i. ii. Janette Dorothy.

158.i. iii. Donald Edward.

158.i. iv. Ronald Eugene.

158.iii. Earl Damon[5] Honaker (James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 Jul 1917 in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 29 Sep 1986 in Ocala, Fla.

He married, first, Ethel Hodge 1937 in Ameagle, W.Va.

He married, second, Shellia M. Unknown.

Children (mothers unknown):

i. Jerry L.[6] Born 9 Mar 1965 in Inverness, Fla. Died 29 Jan 2013 in Ocala, Fla. Buried in

Forest Lawn Funeral Home and Memory Gardens, Ocala.

Ocala Star-Banner, 3 Feb 2013: Jerry L. Honaker, 47, of Ocala passed away on

Tue., Jan. 29, 2013 in Ocala. He was born on March 9, 1965 in Inverness and moved to Ocala with his family in 1975. He was preceded in death by his father, Earl D. Honaker. Jerry is survived by his mother, Shellia M. Honaker; his brothers, James Taylor, Jeffrey Honaker, and Jerome Honaker; and many uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews and friends. A visitation will take place on Tue., Feb. 5, 2013 from 6 to 8 p.m. followed by a graveside service on Wed., Feb. 6, 2013, 2 p.m. at Forest Lawn Funeral Home and Memory

Gardens, 5740 S. Pine Ave., Ocala, FL 34480.

ii. Jeffrey.

iii. Jerome.

158.iv. Garnet Wanda[5] Honaker (James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Feb 1921 in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 25 Mar 2013. She lived in Florence, Boone Co., Ky.

Kentucky Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, 28 Mar 2013: Garnet Wanda Darensbourgh, age 91, passed away on March 25, 2013. Loving mother of Carolyn Jesse, of Florence, Jennifer Vice, of Covington, and Nancy Roysden of Florence. Dear sister to Jerry Honaker, of Whitesville, W.Va., Harry Honaker of Ameagle, W.Va., and Johnny Honaker of Dayton, Ohio. Loving grandmother of Ruth Ann Hughes, Karen Horner, Penney Brackett, Sara Moloney, John Plybon, Joseph, Dana, and James Vice, and 22 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her son, James Walker, and daughter, Ruth Ann Walker. Visitation Monday 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Middendorf Funeral Home, Ft. Wright. Service to follow at 12 p.m. Burial at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Online condolences may be sent to middendorf-.

She married, first, Willard Walker. Children:

i. James[6]. Died before 2013.

ii. Ruth Ann. Died before 2013.

She married, second, Unknown Darensbourgh.

158.vi. Herbert Hoover[5] Honaker (James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Feb 1930 in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 7 Aug 2003 in Hickory, N.C. Buried in Pineview Cemetery, Orgas, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 9 Aug 2003: Hickory, N.C.—Herbert H. Honaker, 73, died Aug. 7, 2003, at his residence. Born Feb. 3, 1930, at Dorothy, he was the son of the late James P. and Grace Lee Dickens Honaker. Mr. Honaker was an equipment operator, having worked for coal mines in West Virginia, and was a U.S. Army veteran. He was preceded in death by two brothers and one sister. Survivors include his wife, Anna Jones Honaker; a daughter and son-in-law, Cathy and Bill McLaine of Conover, N.C., daughter, Grace Honaker of Hickory, N.C., daughter and fiancé, Betsy Honaker and Terry Ross of Hickory, N.C.; son and daughter-in-law, Perry and Marla Honaker of Kentucky; a son, Herbert Jeffrey Honaker of Hickory; three sisters, Pat Drake of Colorado, Garnet Darlinburg of Kentucky, and Mary Lawrence of Alabama; three half brothers, Jerry Honaker and David Honaker, both of West Virginia, and Johnny Honaker of Ohio; and 11 grandchildren. Service will be 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Bass-Smith Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Joseph Yarbrough officiating. Graveside service will be 2 p.m. Monday at the Pineview Cemetery at Orgas. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. today at the Bass-Smith Funeral Home, Hickory, N.C. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Catawba Valley, 3975 Robinson Rd., Newton, NC 28658. Arrangements by Bass-Smith Funeral Home, Hickory, N.C.

He married Anna Mae Jones 9 Sep 1950 in Whitesville, W.Va. Children:

i. Cathy[6]. She married Bill McLaine.

ii. Grace.

iii. Betsy. She was engaged to Terry Ross.

iv. Perry. He married Marla Unknown.

v. Herbert Jeffrey.

158.v. Eleanor[5] Honaker (called Pat) (James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 1 Oct 1925 in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 20 Jul 2012 in Grand Junction, Colo.

Daily Sentinel, Grand Junction, Colo., 26 Sep 2012: Eleanor “Pat” Drake—Oct. 1, 1925–July 20, 2012. Eleanor “Pat” Drake passed away at Eagle Ridge of Grand Valley in Grand Junction, Colorado. She was 86 years old. Pat was born in Dorothy, W.Va., to Grace Dickens Honaker and James Perry Honaker. She was a factory worker, nurses’ assistant, and homemaker. She spent time in West Virginia, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, but Colorado was where she called home. Pat loved to play the organ, sing hymns, crochet, go for drives in the mountains, and she especially loved watching her Broncos play. Pat is survived by her son, Jim (Jamie) Thomas of Whitewater, Colo.; four daughters, Barbara (Ken) Tanis of Imlay City, Mich.; Rosa Lee Hall of Geneva, Ohio; JoAnn (Steve) Bennett of Quinnwood, W.Va., and Patty (Vern) Herold of Grand Junction. She is also survived by a sister, Garnett Darensbaugh of Florence, Ky., and three brothers, Jerry (Patty) Honaker of Whitesville, W.Va.; Harry (Carol) Honaker of Ameagle, W.Va., and Johnny Honaker of Dayton, Ohio; 11 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; three brothers; two sisters; a daughter, a son, and a granddaughter. A Celebration of Pat’s life will be held on Sun., Sept. 30, beginning at 1 p.m. at 35495 Golden Eagle Ct., in Whitewater, Colo. Any and all who knew Pat, please come help us celebrate her life.

She married Unknown Thomas and Unknown Drake. Children:

i. Jim[6]. He married Jamie Unknown.

ii. Barbara. She married Kwen Tanis and in 2012 lived in Imlay City, Mich.

iii. Rosa Lee. She married Unknown Hall and in 2012 lived in Geneva, Ohio.

iv. JoAnn. She married Steve Bennett and in 2012 lived in Quinnwood, W.Va.

v. Patty. She married Vern Herold and in 2012 lived in Grand Junction, Colo.

vi. unknown son. Died before 2012.

vii. unknown daughter. Died before 2012.

158.x. Johnny Robert[5] Honaker (James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Aug 1947.

He married Sandra Sue Jarrell. Children:

i. Johnny[6]. Born ca. 1973.

(Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 25 Mar 1987: Spellers Honing Skills for Regional Contest, by James McIntyre

They’re getting ready for the big show. Like a boxer sparring in preparation for a big fight, or a dancer stepping up practice sessions before a major performance, county spelling bee winners are honing their skills and poring over word lists to get ready for the Charleston Daily Mail Regional Spelling Bee next month. Winners and runners-up from 14 counties now have earned their seats at the regional bee, which will be held April 4 at the Capitol Plaza Theater in Charleston.

The regional bee, featuring two spellers each from 16 counties, is sponsored by the Charleston Daily Mail and the Kanawha County Schools Office of Community Education. The winner of the regional bee will receive an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Washington, D.C., for the Scripps-Howard National Spelling Bee May 20-24.

That’s the top of the spelling heap, where regional winners will try to land the title of National Champion. The winner of the regional bee also will go home with a 9-inch Zenith television set, donated by Zenith Corp. and Eskew, Smith and Cannon, a Charleston Zenith distributor. The regional runner-up will receive a 32-volume edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica, courtesy of the Encyclopaedia Brittannica, Inc. The third-place speller in the regional bee will win a copy of the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, courtesy of Random House.

The county winners and runners-up are one step closer to the goal after the recent spate of bees that almost completes the regional field. But it’s not all work and no play for these young whizzes. The leisure activities of the spellers are as varied as the words they have to spell, as a look at the winners and runners-up from the latest five bees will show. …..

The winner of the Raleigh County bee, Meredith Gordon, likes to dance in her spare time. Meredith correctly spelled “militancy” to come out in front of 18 spellers in the 30-minute bee. Meredith, a 14-year-old eighth-grader at Park Junior High School in Beckley, is the daughter of Conley and Beverly Gordon of Beckley. She enjoys typing class and playing in the band and wants to become a pharmacist. She defeated another sports fanatic, runner-up Johnny Honaker, who stumbled on “lushburg.” Johnny, 14, is an eighth-grader at Clear Fork High School in Colcord. He’s the son of Johnny and Sandra Honaker of Colcord, and enjoys football, baseball and basketball. His favorite class is shop and he wants to become a pilot. ….. But leisure activities will take a backseat as county spelling champs prepare for the regional bee. It’s almost time.

159.i. Jack[5] Honaker (Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born Troy Dover Honaker, he changed his name to Jack at age 20. Born 25 Nov 1919 in Arnett, W.Va. Died 24 Sep 2004. Buried in Honaker Cemetery No. 1, Arnett.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 27 Sep 2004: Jack Honaker, 84, of Arnett, was able to go home to heaven on Fri., Sept. 24, 2004. Born Nov. 25, 1919, in Arnett, he was the son of the late Dewey D. and Wilda Pettry Honaker. He lived his entire life in Arnett. He retired from Armco Steel Corp., Montcoal No. 7, after more than 40 years as a hoist man. He was a member of Local Union 6608 for more than 40 years. He loved his community and worked as a community activist with Raleigh County Community Action Association, the Marsh Fork Community Center and the Coal River Fire Department, as well as the Rod and Gun Club. He loved to hunt and fish. But his greatest love was his church, The Arnett Assembly of God. For more than 40 years he served as Adult Sunday school teacher, treasurer, and member of the deacon board. He volunteered for any outreach program and building project sponsored by the church. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Kitty Matthews; a brother, Ted Honaker; two children, Cledith Williams and Myrtle Winstead, and an infant great-grandson, Marion Capucini. Those left to go on without him are his wife of 60 years, Mary Burnside Honaker; six children, Jack Honaker Jr. of Pine Branch, Davy and Gladys Honaker of Arnett, Dewey Honaker and Jo of Rock Creek, Wilma and Stanley Cook, Mary Jane Honaker, Freida Williams, and daughter-in-law, Donna Williams, all of Arnett; 18 grandchildren; and 27 great-grandchildren. He is also survived by three brothers, Kermit and Sally Honaker of Mabscott, Sherman and Carol Honaker of Bolt, and Ross Honaker of Arnett; two sisters, Patty Honaker and Violet Marshall of Arnett; and his very special angel helpers, Mike and Diana Jourdan. Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Arnett Assembly of God Church in Arnett with the Revs. George Hendrick and Steve Tincher officiating. Burial will follow in the Honaker Cemetery No. 1, at Arnett. Grandsons will serve as pallbearers. William Brown, Larry Brown, Kenneth Martin and Joe Chambers will serve as honorary pallbearers. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the church. Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Beckley.

He married Mary Kathleen Burnside Williams, daughter of Dale Smith Burnside and Belva Belle Pettry. She was first married to Claude Williams, son of Jefferson Williams and Josie Richmond, and brought children from that marriage to the second marriage. Born 19 Oct 1915 in Hazy, W.Va. Died 20 Nov 2004. Buried in Honaker Cemetery No. 1, Arnett.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 23 Nov 2004: On Sat., Nov. 20, 2004, Jesus held out His arms, smiled and said, “Come Home, my weary child.” And, without hesitation, our beautiful, precious mommy left us. Mary Kathleen Burnside Honaker was born on Oct. 19, 1915, at Hazy, W.Va. She was the daughter of the late Dale Smith and Belva Belle Pettry Burnside. She was a lifelong resident of Raleigh County, living the last 60 years in Arnett, where her life revolved around her family, her church and helping those less fortunate. She was first and foremost a dedicated Christian mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. Mary was instrumental in the founding of the Arnett Assembly of God Church, where she was a charter member. She was the oldest member of the congregation. She held many positions at the church during the last 56 years, including Sunday School teacher, youth leader, WM president and choir leader. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 60 years, Jack Honaker Sr., who died on Sept. 24, 2004; four children, Mary Ann and Arbutus Williams, who died in infancy, Cledith Williams and Myrtle Winstead; a great-grandson, Marion Capucini; six siblings, Casper Eugene Burnside, Carmel Burnside, Ruby Browning, Virginia Burnside, Winnie Saddler and Lauana Clay. Mourning her loss are her children, Jack Honaker Jr., Davey and Gladys Honaker of Arnett, Dewey Honaker and Jo of Rock Creek, Mary Jane Honaker, Freida Williams and Wilma and Stanley Cook of Arnett; two sisters, Dolly and Ralph Sims of Doylestown, Ohio, and Faye and Kenneth Puckett of Williamsport, Ohio; a brother, Dorman and Helen Burnside of Ravenna, Ohio; 18 grandchildren; and 27 great-grandchildren, including her special grandsons, Josh Honaker of Wytheville, Va., and Jason Honaker of Arnett; and great-grandson, Justin Williams of Bradley. In addition are many nieces and nephews, all of whom she held dear in her heart. Among the many friends, we thank Diana and Mike Jourdan, Vanessa Harper, Danette Runion, William Brown and Hester Harvey for always being there. Service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Arnett Assembly of God Church, Arnett, with Pastor Steve Tincher and the Rev. George Hendrick officiating. Burial will follow in the Honaker Cemetery No. 1 at Arnett. Friends may

call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the church. Grandsons and Wesley Scarbrough will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Beckley.


i. Dewey[6]. In 2001 he lived in Arnett, W.Va. In 2004 he lived in Rock Creek, W.Va. He

married Unknown. They divorced.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 13 Jul 2000, reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Jul-Aug 2001, accompanied by a photograph by M.D. Morgan, cutline Help pours in: Dewey Honaker sits with just some of the toys and clothing he is giving away to needy families at the old Mount View High School outside of Arnett.

Arnett man wants to help needy—Gym of old school filled with many donated items, by Annette Z. Fox

A vision and prayers led Ohio missionaries to the small town of Arnett. And they didn’t depart without leaving something behind—enough to practically fill the entire gymnasium at the old Mount View High School on Route 3. The old school is now the home of Dewey Honaker, who calls it a castle. He has opened his doors to the young and offered them alternatives for amusement, such as games and other activities.

Honaker began going to church and, after having a vision to help residents of Arnett and surrounding areas, he began to pray. Those prayers resulted in a visit and now he has plenty to share with everyone. The Mansfield, Ohio, missionaries thought the Appalachian area could use some help, he said.

“I would just like to get everybody involved in it and there’s plenty for people,” Honaker said Wednesday. “There’s a need there and I’d just like for people to know that.”

While many of the residents around Arnett have picked up items they need, there is still more to go around, including clothing which include sizes from toddlers to 5X for both men and women. Other items consist of “all types of books,” appliances, furniture, bedding and household items.

“You name it, we’ve got it,” said Honaker, a member of the Arnett Assembly of God, which is sponsoring the mission. “I would like for some people who don’t have stuff to get it,” he commented. “Plus, I have one room that’s nothing but toys for children. You just don’t know what a good feeling it is to see kids go in there and come out with a toy. They’re so happy, especially when they don’t have any.”

When asked why he thinks things worked out the way they did, Honaker says, “God put us all together. That’s all I can tell you. I just prayed for it and He send them down here to me.”

Honaker urges anyone who may be in need—regardless of race or religion—to stop by and pick up items they may need. “I know there’s things they need and we’ve got it,” he said.

The missionaries are scheduled to visit Arnett again sometime in October, possibly with more items to donate. “It’s almost unbelievable because that’s a big gym and it’s almost completely full,” he said.

The items may be picked up Tuesday through Thursday from 1 to 5 p.m. However, if the case is an emergency, Honaker can be reached at other times at 854-1188.

ii. Jack, Jr. In 2002 he lived in Shady Spring, W.Va. In 2004 he lived in Pine Branch, W.Va. He married Barbara Unknown.

159.i. iii. David (called Davy).

iv. Freida Louise [Williams.] Born 30 Aug 1941 in Edwight [W.Va.] Died 11 Apr 2005. Buried in Honaker Cemetery No. 1, Arnett, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 13 Apr 2005—Freida Louise Williams went home to be with Jesus and her beloved “Cheetah” on Mon,, Apr. 11, 2005. Freida was

born Aug. 30, 1941 at Edwight. She was the daughter of the late Mary Burnside Honaker

and the late Jack Honaker Sr. She was the biological child of Claude Williams. She graduated from the West Virginia School for the Blind in Romney in 1963, where she excelled in piano and Spanish. She was a gifted piano player and used that gift as church pianist for the Arnett Assembly of God Church where she was a member. She loved to travel by bus, often visiting relatives and playing the piano and singing gospel songs for different churches. She loved her church family and was an avid prayer warrior. She helped teach the primary Sunday School class and helped with Bible School. Besides her parents, both of whom died in the fall of 2004, she was preceded in death by a brother, Cledith Cleo Williams, in 1987; and three sisters, Myrtle Winstead in February 2003, and Mary Ann and Arbutus Williams, who died in infancy. She was also preceded in death by a brother-in-law, D.H. Winstead. Survivors include three brothers, Jack Honaker Jr. of Bolt, David "Davey" Honaker and wife, Gladys, of Arnett and Dewey Honaker and Jo, of

Rock Creek; two sisters, Mary Jane Honaker, with whom she made her home, and Mrs. Stanley (Wilma) Cook; a sister-in-law, Donna Williams, all of Arnett. She is also survived by several nieces and nephews, most of whom she saw daily. Services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Arnett Assembly of God Church in Arnett, with Pastor Steve Tincher officiating. Burial will follow at the Honaker Cemetery No. 1 Arnett. Friends may call at the church on Wednesday after 6 p.m. Arrangements by Melton Mortuary Inc., Beckley [W.Va.]

v. Cledith Cleo [Williams]. Born ca. 1932 in Montcoal, W.Va. Died 1987 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 6 Jul 1987: Bay Village, Ohio—Cledith Cleo Williams, 55, of Bay Village, formerly of Arnett, Raleigh County, W.Va., died Friday in a Beckley hospital. He was born at Montcoal, W.Va., and was a typesetter and printer. He was a graduate of West Virginia School for the Deaf at Romney and was a former employee of the Charleston Daily Mail and the Cleveland Press. He was president of the Cleveland Association of the Deaf. He had toured as a semi-pro bowler. Surviving: wife, Donna Calhoun Williams; son, Jarvis of Brooklyn Heights, Ohio; daughters, Bonita Williams of Arnett, W.Va., Orabelle Williams of Bay Village; parents, Jack and Mary Honaker of Arnett; brothers, Jack Honaker Jr., David Honaker and Dewey Honaker, of Arnett; sisters, Myrtle Winstead of Winston-Salem, N.C., Freda Williams and Wilma Cook, of Arnett, Mary Jane Greenleaf of Avon Lake, Ohio; one grandchild. Service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday in Arnett Assembly of God Church with the Rev. Earl Cooper and the Rev. George Hendrick officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett. Friends may call after 6 p.m. Tuesday at the church. Melton Mortuary, Beckley, W.Va., is in charge of arrangements.

vi. Myrtle Kathleen. Born 3 Apr 1937 in Stickney, W.Va. Died 25 Feb 2002. Buried in

Honaker Family Cemetery No. 1, Arnett.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 27 Feb 2002: God unexpectedly sent His

angels to take our beautiful, precious Myrtle Kathleen Winstead of Beckley to her heavenly home on Tue., Feb. 25, 2002. Born April 3, 1937 at Stickney, she was the

daughter of Jack and Mary Burnside Honaker. She was a graduate of the West Virginia School for the Blind at Romney and a former employee of the Industries for the Blind in Winston-Salem, N.C. She was a member of Calvary Assembly of God Church, where she was a vital part of the music ministry and a teacher. She also taught Bible study classes at Manor House, where she resided. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dennis Harold “D.H.” Winstead; a brother, Cledith Cleo Williams; two infant sisters, Mary Ann

and Arbutus Williams; and her maternal grandparents, Dale Smith and Belva Belle Pettry

Burnside. Survivors include three sisters, Frieda Williams and Wilma Cook and her

husband, Stanley, of Arnett and Mary Jane Clay and her husband, James, of Maple Meadow; three brothers, Jack Honaker Jr. and Barbara of Shady Spring, David "Davey" Honaker and his wife, Gladys, of Arnett, and Dewey Honaker and Jo of Rock Creek; a sister-in-law, Donna Williams of Arnett; 17 nieces and nephews; 21 great-nieces and great-nephews; and a host of friends and relatives. She is also survived by a special friend, David Meyers of Hamilton, Ohio. Service will be 1 p.m. Friday at Calvary Assembly of God Church, Beckley, with Pastor John Jordan and the Rev. George Hendrick officiating. Burial will follow in Honaker Family Cemetery, No. 1, Arnett.

  Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the church. Nephews will serve as pallbearers.

159.i. vii. Wilma.

viii. Mary Jane. In 2004 she lived in Arnett. In 2002 she was married to James Clay and lived in Maple Meadow, W.Va., but in 2004 was using her maiden surname.

159.ii. Kermit[5] Honaker (Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Mar 1929 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 17 Apr 2012 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery #2, Arnett.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 Apr 2012: On Tue., April 17th, 2012, our most cherished, Kermit Honaker of Mabscott, passed away at the Summers County hospital following a long illness. He was in his 83rd year. The fourth of eight children, Kermit Honaker was born on March 27th, 1929, at Arnett. His parents were the late Dewey and Wilda Pettry Honaker. Brothers Jack and Ted and sisters Kitty Matthews and Patty Honaker have preceded him in death. Kermit spent his childhood at Arnett. He has been a resident of Mabscott since 1959, and was a member of the Church of Christ on Carriage Drive. A veteran of the Korean Conflict, Kermit served in the U.S. Army. Kermit was a retired coal miner with over 20 years of service in the mining industry. He retired from Maple Meadow Mining. On Sept. 4th, 1954, Kermit married Mary Shumate. To this union were born two sons, David Michael of Tucson, Ariz., and Kermit Joseph who has passed away on Feb. 5th, 2010. Kermit and Mary would have celebrated 58 years of marriage this coming September. There are five grandchildren, James Michael, David Joseph, Kermit Joseph II, Wesley Dean and Mary Jo. There are six great-grandchildren. Two brothers, Ross Honaker of Arnett and Sherman Honaker and his wife Carol of Beckley, and a sister, Violet Marshall of Arnett, also survive. Committal services will be noon Sat., April 21st, at the Honaker Cemetery #2 at Arnett. There will no visitation at the mortuary. Those wishing to attend the graveside services are asked to meet at the cemetery by 11:30 a.m. Condolences may be sent to the family’s guestbook at . Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Inc., Beckley.

He married Mary Shumate, 4 Sep 1954. Children:

i. David Michael[6]. In 2012 he lived in Tucson, Ariz.

159.ii. I Kermit Joseph (called Joe). Born 12 Mar 1956.

159.iv. Theodore[5] Honaker (called Ted) (Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1937. Died 13 Jan 1990 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery No. 2, Arnett, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 16 Jan 1990: Ted Honaker, 52, of Arnett, Raleigh County, died Jan. 13, 1990, in Raleigh General Hospital, Beckley, after a short illness. He was a construction worker and an Army veteran. Surviving: wife, Shirley Acord Honaker; sons, Theodore Jr. and Walter Lee, both at home; stepdaughter, Crystal Ann Acord at home; sisters, Violet Marshall and Patty Honaker, both of Arnett; brothers, Jack and Ross, both of Arnett, Kermit of Mabscott, Sherman of Cleveland. Service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at Assembly of God Church, Arnett, with the Rev. George Hendrick officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery No. 2, Arnett. Friends may call from 6 to 10 p.m today at the church. Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, is in charge of arrangements.

He married Shirley Acord. Children:

i. Theodore[6], Jr.

ii. Walter Lee.

159.vi. Kitty[5] Honaker (Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l ]). Died before 2004.

She married William James Mathews. Children:

159.vi. i. William James[6], Jr. Born 26 Apr 1946 in Baltimore, Md.

ii. Joan. She married Unknown VanMeter and in 2005 lived in Smithers, W.Va.

iii. Chuck. In 2005 he lived in Scott Depot, W.Va.

iv. Steve. In 2005 he lived in Julian, W.Va.

v. Linda. Died before 2005. She married Unknown Hawkins.

160.i. William Lee[5] Honaker (William Bezalell[4], William Baxter[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]. Born 31 Mar 1895 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 17 Mar 1945 in Mercer County. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bluefield, W.Va. He was a mining civil engineer.

He married, first, Martha Unknown. Children:

i. William Lee[6] Jr.

ii. Ruth.

iii. Anna Mary.

iv. Harold.

He married, second, Nona Lucille Wiles. Born 18 Jul 1915 in North Carolina. Died 7 Mar 1986 in Florida. Children:

160.i. v. Anita Lane. Born 4 Jul 1935 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va.

vi. Irma Lee. Born 7 Sep 1939. Died Aug 2011.

vii. George Thomas. Born 21Sep 1943(?) Died 1967 or 1968.

161.i. Icie Leona[5] Honaker (Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Jul 1892 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 2 Nov 1993, at age 101, in Montcalm.

She married James Franklin Watkins, son of Gordon James Watkins and Harriet Hairfield, 21 Mar 1910 in Mercer County. The ceremony was performed by David M. Scott. Born 1 Dec 1888 in Virginia. Died 15 Jan 1977 in Montcalm. Children:

i. Lucille Mae[6]. Born 12 Jan 1911 in Mercer County. Died 15 Nov 1991 at Duke

University Hospital, Durham, N.C. She married, first, Earl Snodgrass in Mercer County. Drowned in the Kanawha River in 1932 while working on a coal barge. She married, second, Stuart Granville White 1934 in Mercer County. Born 28 Feb 1914. Died Jun 1981 in Princeton, Mercer County.

ii. Roscoe F. Born 19 Mar 1912 in Mercer County. Died 15 Jul 1997 in Mercer County. He

never married.

iii. Paul Lee. Born 9 Apr 1913 in Mercer County. Died 30 Jul 1998 in Kannapolis, Cabarrus Co., N.C. He married Lillian Vernice Spicer 1936 in Mercer County. Born 1919. Died 1995.

161.i. iv. Bernard Owen. Born 11 May 1915 in Crystal, Mercer County.

161.i. v. Marjorie Eloise. Born 19 May 1917 in Montcalm, Mercer County.

vi. Joseph Ray (called Duke). Born 11 Feb 1922 in Crystal, Mercer County. Died 30 Oct 1989 in Bluefield, Mercer County. He married, first, Joyce Kilgore. He married, second, Maxine Miller.

vii. Roy James. Born 1 May 1924 in Mercer County. Died 27 Apr 2008 in Mercer County. He married, first, Emogene Warden 1947 in Mercer County. They divorced. He married, second, Lorena Viola Davidson 1964 in Mercer County.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, unknown date: Roy James Watkins, age 83,

of 1216 Heatherwood Road, Bluefield, W.Va., died on Sun., April 27, 2008 at a Bluefield hospital. Born on May 1, 1924 in Montcalm, he was a son of the late James F. and Icie Honaker Watkins. He had been a lifelong resident of Bluefield. He fought his last days with strong belief of God and church in his heart. He was a veteran of World War II and was a member of the VFW and American Legion. He was a baker and was retired from Deskins in Bluefield, Va., where he was manager of the cake decorating department. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Lorena Davidson Watkins; a daughter, Deanna Sizemore; a sister, Lucille White; and brothers, Thurman, Ray, Ralph, Paul, and Roscoe Watkins. Survivors include daughter, Sharon Stump Skidmore and husband Blaine of Bluefield; five grandchildren, Shawn Sizemore, David Lee, Elvis, Andrew, Westley; two great-grandchildren, Carlie and Abigail; one brother, Bernard Watkins of Montcalm; two sisters, Marjorie Wolfe of Bluefield, Betty Shaw and husband George of Princeton; special friend, Shirley Mullins of Bluefield, Va. Funeral services will be conducted on Thurs., May 1, 2008 at 1 p.m. at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell with the Rev. David Ratcliff officiating. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton where grandsons and family will serve as pallbearers. Friends may call on Wednesday from 6–8 p.m. at the funeral home. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell is serving the Watkins family.

xii. Thurman Sonny. Born 11 Apr 1926 in Mercer County. Died 29 Nov 1991 in Mercer County. He married Betty Jo Bell 1949 in Mercer County.

161.i. ix. Betty. Born 29 Nov 1930.

x. Ralph. Born 19 Apr 1920 in Crystal, Mercer County. Died 21 Sep 1921 in Crystal.

161.ii. Bessie A.[5] Honaker (Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Sep 1895 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died of breast cancer 9 Jan 1961 in Floyd, Ky. Buried in Newman Cemetery, Hi Hat, Ky.

She married Wiley Charles Pennington, son of Troy Pennington and Nancy Pope, 11 Jul 1914 in Mercer County. The ceremony was performed by James H. Johnston. Born 19 Apr 1889 in Washington Co., Va. Died 27 Aug 1975 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio. Buried in Newman Cemetery, Hi Hat, Ky. Children:

161.ii. i. Thelma Pauline[6]. Born 8 Aug 1913 in Montcalm.

ii. Elza Harold. Born 3 Jul 1916 in Crystal, Mercer County. Died 20 Feb 2003 in Romulus, Wayne Co., Mich. He married Ruth Mitchell. Born 1921. Died 1993.

iii. Ethel L. Born 22 Jun 1918 in Mercer County. Died 15 Sep 1999 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio. She married Ralph P. Littleton, son of Commodore Perry Littleton and Mary Elizabeth Unknown,. Born 1916. Died 1990.

iv. Hubert. Born 17 Jun 1919 in Mercer County. Died Apr 1980 in Pennington Gap, Lee Co., Va. He married Naomi Hall, daughter of the Rev. Jerry M. Hall and Mary Jane Unknown. Born 15 Jun 1921 in Ligon, Ky. Died 12 Feb 2004 in Ligon. They had four children.

161.ii. v. Hershell Lee. Born 1 Mar 1922 in Mercer County.

ix. Winifred Francis (called Francis). Born 17 Jan 1924 in Floyd Co., Ky. Died 9 Aug 2003 in Hilliard, Franklin Co., Ohio. She married Bruce C. Stanley. Born 1919. Died 1985.

vii. Ellis Troy. Born 30 Sep 1927 in Floyd Co., Ky. Died 22 Mar 1999 in Romulus, Wayne Co., Mich.

viii. Donald. Born 10 Dec 1930 in Floyd Co., Ky. Died 29 Aug 2006 in Fairfield, Butler Co., Ohio.

ix. Clarence L. Born 21 Jun 1935 in Floyd Co., Ky. Died 14 May 2001 in Romulus, Wayne Co., Mich.

x. Milford R. Born 11 Feb 1932 in Floyd Co., Ky. Died 21 Oct 1999 in Willoughby, Lake Co., Ohio.

161.vi. Nina Agnes[5] Honaker (Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Jan 1901. Died 4 Sep 1981 in Tazewell, Tazewell Co., Va. Buried in Maplewood Cemetery, North Tazewell.

She married James Harvey Sargent (called Harvey), son of Joseph Harvey Sargent and Virginia Rachel Davis, 28 Jul 1921 in Keystone, McDowell Co., W.Va. The ceremony was performed by J.R. Staley. Born 6 Dec 1900 in Tazewell County. Died 6 Jan 1956 in Tazewell County. Buried in Maplewood Cemetery, North Tazewell. Children:

i. James Harvey[6] Jr. Born 21 Mar 1926 in Tazewell County. Died 3 Feb 1992 in Tazewell

County. Buried in Maplewood Cemetery, North Tazewell. He married Isabel Waldron. Born 1 Jul 1932.

ii. Margaret M. Born 1927 in Tazewell County. Died before 2012. She married Unknown Leftwich and Unknown Kaptain.

161.vi. iii. Joseph Lee. Born 1929 in Amonate, Tazewell County.

iii. Lorraine. Born 1931 in Tazewell County. She married B. Jack Beavers, son of John Newton Beavers and Edith Shrader.

iv. Donald. Born in Tazewell, Va.

v. Dudley. Born in Tazewell, Va. He married Carol Unknown. In 2012 he lived in St. Petersburg, Fla.

vi. Sidney Ray (called Ray). Born 1933. Died 22 Oct 2006 in West Monroe, La.

vii. Richard. Born in Tazewell, Va.

161.vii. Winifred Romanzie[5] Honaker (called Winnie) (Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 23 Feb 1903 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 22 May 1998 in Mercer County.

She married Frank Howard Schrader, son of Rufus Jackson Schrader and Alice Corrilda Sluss. Born 17 Apr 1902 in Mud Fork, Tazewell Co., Va. Died 17 Jul 1980 in Montcalm, Mercer County.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 18 Jul 1980: Frank Howard Schrader, 78, of Montcalm, died Thursday in a Bluefield hospital after a long illness. Born in Mudfork, Va., he was a son of the late Rufus Jackson Schrader and Alice C. Sluss Schrader. He was a resident of Montcalm for 51 years. A retired miner, he was a charter member of [United Mine Workers of America] and was a member of the First Christian Church of Montcalm. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Winnie Honaker Schrader; one daughter, Mrs. Bill (Norma) Brady of Rt. 3, Bluefield; six grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at Cravens Shires Funeral Home Chapel in Bluewell with Rev. Tom McFadden and Rev. Paul Hall officiating. Burial will follow in Roselawn Memorial Gardens on Bluefield-Princeton Road. Grandsons and Donald Helmandollar will serve as pallbearers. Members of the Men’s Bible Class of the church will serve as honorary pallbearers. Flowerbearers: Hazel Gills and members of the church’s Ladies’ Bible Class. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 5 to 9 p.m.


161.vii. i. Norma[6] (adopted).

165.i. Mildred Alice[5] Honaker (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Jun 1903 in Saxon, W.Va.

She married Wannie Everett Brown in Dec 1922. Children:

165.i. i. Madge[6].

165.iv. Thomas James[5] Honaker (called Tom). (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 8 Sep 1907 in Saxon, W.Va. Died 15 May 1976 in Beckley, W.Va. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II.

He married Hester Genevie Milam. Born ca. 1923. Died 27 Aug 1990 in Fredericksburg, Va. Buried in Honaker Family Cemetery, Saxon, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 30 Aug 1990: Mrs. Hester Genevie Honaker, 67, of Spotsylvania [Va.], formerly of Smoot, W.Va., died Aug. 27, 1990, in Mary Washington Hospital, Fredericksburg, after a long illness. She was a 17-year resident of Saxon, W.Va., and a 15-year resident of Spotsylvania. She was a Christian. Surviving: daughters, Hilda Trump, with whom she made her home, Ruby S. Burton of Hartwood, Debra Barnett of Mogadore, Ohio, Karen Honaker of Alexandria, Ronetta Mills of Spotsylvania, Pamela Moyers of Knoxville, Tenn.; sons, Buster, of Goochland, Thomas and David, both of Spotsylvania; brothers, Howard and Homer Milam of Crawley, W.Va., Ralph and Carl Lee Milam, both of Cleveland; sisters, Runa Belcher of Anjean, W.Va., Margaret McClung of Baltimore; 13 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Service will be 3 p.m. Friday at Melton Mortuary, Beckley, W.Va., with the Rev. Johnny Milam officiating. Burial will be in Honaker family cemetery, Saxon. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. The family suggests donations to Jennie Oakes Lung Transplant Fund, Jefferson National Bank, 10424 Court House Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22553.


i. Hilda[6]. She married Unknown Trump.

ii. Ruby S. She married Unknown Burton.

iii. Debra. She married Unknown Barnett.

iv. Karen. Born in Saxon.

165.iv. v. Ronetta.

vi. Pamela. She married Unknown Moyers.

165.iv. vii. Buster Lee. Born ca. 1952.

viii. Thomas (called Poncho).

ix. David.

x. Dreama Kaye. Died before 2012.

165.v. William Taft[5] Honaker (called Bill) (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Feb 1909 in Saxon, W.Va. Died 4 Jun 1981 in Beckley, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 5 Jun 1981: Bill T. Honaker, 72, of 307 Burgess St., Beckley, died Thursday at 12:05 a.m. in a local hospital after a long illness. Born Feb. 21, 1809 at Saxon, he was a son of the late Albert and Bertie Manning Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a retired employee of J.L. Steel Co. in Cleveland, Ohio, and attended the First Church of God in Beckley. One daughter, Joann Honaker, died in 1973. Survivors include his wife, Wanda Honaker; one son, James Dwight Honaker of Dewey, Ariz.; two daughters, Mrs. Gary (Diane) Bare of Beckley and Mrs. Cecil (Wavelene) Carpenter of Grafton, Ohio; five brothers, Denver Honaker of Prosperity, Fred and Theodore (Ted) Honaker, both of Saxon, and Jack and Douglas Honaker, both of Beckley; three sisters, Mildred Brown of Tennessee, Nettie Treadway of Beckley and Mary Ann Brooks of Arizona; 14 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be Saturday at 1 p.m. in Melton Mortuary chapel in Beckley with the Rev. Eugene Ramsey officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Family Cemetery in Saxon. Friends may call today from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

He married, first, Blanch Evelyn Vandall in 1943. Disposition of the marriage is unknown. The obituary for his second wife did not mention two children identified in his own obituary, James and Wavelene, so they may have been children of his first marriage. We do not have enough information to know.

He married, second, Wanda Delcie Cox, daughter of William Albert Cox and Cora May Lilly. Born 4 Apr 1921 in Camp Creek, W.Va. Died 29 Aug 2010 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Tom Lilly Cemetery, Ghent, W.Va. She previously married Lewis French in 1940. Disposition of that marriage is also unknown.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 31 Aug 2010: Wanda Delcie Cox Honaker, age 89, of Beckley, passed away on Sun., Aug. 29, 2010, at the Heartland of Beckley Nursing Home following a long illness. Born on Apr. 4, 1921, at Camp Creek, W.Va., she was the daughter of the late William Albert Cox and Cora May Lilly Cox. Mrs. Honaker was a homemaker, and was a member of the Cross Point Church of God in Beckley, where she also served as a Sunday School teacher. Mrs. Honaker worked as a private sitter for the elderly for several years, and was a loving mother and grandmother. She had made her home in Beckley since 1971. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, William Taft Honaker; a daughter, Jo Ann Doris Dvorak; brothers, Teddy, Bobby, Brice, Trevor, and Toy; sisters, Glenda, Twila, and JoAnn; and granddaughters, Angela Marie Bair, and Dana Slusarczyk. Survivors include a daughter, Diana Bair and her husband Garry of Beckley; a granddaughter, Deadra Williams of Beckley; three grandsons, Justin Dvorak of Cleveland, Ohio, Jason Bair, and Christopher Bair, both of Beckley; two great-grandchildren, Nicholas Dvorak and John Alex Williams, both of Beckley; two great-great-grandchildren, Nicholas Philip Dvorak and Lucinda Nicole Dvorak of Beckley; a brother, Quinton Cox of Mobile, Ala., and one sister, Virginia Elizabeth Barber of Princeton. Funeral services will be conducted at the Rose and Quesenberry Peace Chapel in Beckley, on Sat., Sept. 4, 2010, at 11 a.m., with Rev. Vondie Cook officiating. Burial will follow at the Tom Lilly Cemetery at Ghent. Friends may call at the funeral home from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday. Pallbearers will be family members and friends. Online condolences may be sent to our guestbook at . Arrangements are by Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home, 1901 South Kanawha St., Beckley.


165.v. i. Jo Ann Doris[6]. Died 1973. She married Unknown Dvorak.

ii. James Dwight.

165.v. iii. Diana. She married Gary Bare (also Garry Bair.)

iv. Wavelene. She married Cecil Carpenter.

165.vi. George Jefferies[5] Honaker (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Feb 1911 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 23 Jul 1974 in Friars Hill, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Morningside Cemetery, Renick, Greenbrier County. He was a coal miner. His son Roger Lee said his father had red hair and always wore a hat, was a company man, a staunch Republican, and was known to run moonshine when the times made it necessary.

He married, first, Augusta Georgia Webb (called Georgie), daughter of Clayton Webb and Alma McGinnis (but raised by her mother and Jim Gallimore.) They divorced 1 Jun 1943 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 13 Feb 1956 of acute pancreatitis. Buried in Cold Creek, W.Va. Children:

165.vi. i. Rudy Jeffery[6]. Born 14 Sep 1938 in Sophia, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

165.vi. ii. Roger Lee. Born 30 Oct 1940 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

165.vi. iii. Elizabeth Ann. Born 17 May 1940.

He married, second, Julia Ellen Daniel, daughter of Jesse Edward Daniel and Beulah Ellen Jessup, 29 May 1945 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 2 Sep 1922 in Sophia, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 3 May 2008 in Friars Hill, W.Va. Buried in Morningside Cemetery, Renick, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 4 May 2008: Friars Hill—Julia Ellen Honaker, 85, of Friars Hill, passed away Sat., May 3, 2008, at Greenbrier Valley Medical Center in Fairlea. Born Sept. 2, 1922, at Sophia, she was the daughter of the late Jess and Beulah Jessup Daniel. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, George Honaker; an infant son, [Charles] Edward Honaker; sisters, Cynthia and Nancy Daniel, and Mary Manning; and a brother, Lindberg Daniel. Mrs. Honaker was of the Baptist faith and attended Trout Baptist Church. Survivors include her daughter, Lennie Banton and husband, Bobby, of Lewisburg; two sons, Harry Honaker and wife Lola, of Frankford and David Honaker and wife, Pearl, of White Sulphur Springs; two stepsons, Rudy Honaker of Liberty Center, Ohio, and Roger Honaker of Napoleon, Ohio; grandchildren, Jimmy Banton, Julie Banton, Tina Brownell, Tracy Honaker, Jimmy, Steven and Timmy Riffle, Belinda Arbogast and Donna Smith; 19 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Winona Quesenberry and Jim of Beckley and Nellie Anderson and Ferrell of Fairlea; and five brothers, Cody, Daniel, Terry Daniel and Brenda, Dennis Daniel and Dee, George Daniel and Janice, and Leslie Daniel and Linda, all of Fairdale. Service will be 2 p.m. Tue., May 6, at Morgan Funeral Home, Lewisburg, with the Rev. Roger Williams officiating. Burial will follow in Morningside Cemetery, Renick. The family will receive friends 6 to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Charlie Richmond, Carlos Manning, Jimmy Banton, Michael Blankenship, Timmy Riffle and Craig Daniel. Morgan Funeral Home, Lewisburg, is in charge of arrangements.


165.vi. iv. David Earl. Born 24 Jun 1948 in Beckley, W.Va.

v. Charles Edward. Born in Beckley. Died at birth or in infancy. Buried in a family cemetery in Saxon, W.Va.

165.vi. vi. Harry Dale. Born 14 Jul 1949 in Beckley.

165.vi. vii. Lennie Faye. Born 18 Oct 1950 in Beckley.

165.vii. Theodore[5] Honaker (called Ted) (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). The name was reported as Theodore Roosevelt but a grandson, son of Theodore Jr., said that his father and grandfather had no middle name, which we accept as authoritative. Born 17 Dec 1912 in Saxon, W.Va. Died 10 Apr 1993 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va.

Sunday Gazette-Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 11 Apr 1993: Theodore Honaker Sr., 80, of Saxon, died April 10, 1993, at Beckley [Veterans Administration] Medical Center after a long illness. He was a former coal miner, painter and carpenter. He was an Army veteran of World War II and a member of Star Methodist Church. He was a lifelong resident of the Saxon area. Surviving: wife, Irene; son, Theodore Jr. of Saxon; daughters, Ann Balcerzak of Cleveland, Ohio, Rosemary Fitzgerald and Hazel Hale, both of Saxon, Cheryl Payne of Ripley; brothers, Denver of Beckley, Jack D. of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., Douglas of Tucson, Ariz.; sisters, Mary Ann Brooks of Troutdale, Ore., Mildred Brown of Chattanooga, Tenn.; nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Service will be 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at Rose-Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beckley, with the Rev. Samuel Meadows officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.

He married Irene Trump, daughter of Cleve Trump and Hattie Daniel, in 1942. Born 8 Jul 1924 in Bolt, W.Va. Died 16 May 2006 in Daniels, W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 18 May 2006: Irene Honaker, 81, of Saxon, died Tue., May 16, 2006 at the Raleigh Center at Daniels following a long illness. Born July 8, 1924, at Bolt, she was the daughter of the late Cleve and Hattie Daniel Trump. Mrs. Honaker was a homemaker and a member of Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church at Bolt. She had made her home at Saxon for most of her life. She was preceded in death by her husband, Theodore Honaker Sr.; brothers, Audley and Juddie Trump; sisters, Maxine Daniel and Delsie Riley; and half sisters, Madge McClure and Inez Richardson. Survivors include a son, Theodore Honaker Jr. and wife, Margaret, of Saxon; daughters, Ann Balcerzak and husband, Eddie, of Cleveland, Ohio, Rosemary Fitzgerald and husband, Doug, of Saxon, Hazel Hale of Fairdale and Cheryl Who-laver of Pennsylvania; two brothers, Kenzie Trump of Bolt and Paul Trump of Bolt; nine grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Rose and Quesenberry Peace Chapel, Beckley, with the Rev. Jerry Brooks officiating. Burial will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Grandsons and nephews will serve as pallbearers. Condolences may be e-mailed to the family at roseandquesenberry@. Arrangements by Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beckley


165.vii. i. Theodore[6] Jr. Born 28 Jun 1942 in Trenton, N.J.

ii. Ann. Married Eddie Balcerzak. In 2006 she lived in Cleveland, Ohio.

iii. Rosemary. Married Doug Fitzgerald. In 2006 she lived in Saxon, W.Va.

iv. Hazel. Married Unknown Hale. In 2006 she lived in Fairdale, W.Va.

v. Cheryl. Married Unknown Payne. In 2006 she lived in Pennsylvania.

165.viii. Carl Johnson[5] Honaker (called Carl) (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Jul 1914 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 26 Feb 1972 in Beckley, W.Va.

He married Pearl R. Dillon. Died ca. 1946. Children:

i. Richard Stanley[6]. Born 15 Apr 1948.

ii. Buckey Wayne. Born 3 Jun 1944.

165.viii. iii. Phyllis Gayle. Born 2 Feb 1943 in Saxon.

iv. Carlos Gene. Born 23 Oct 1941.

165.ix. Denver Abraham[5] Honaker (called Denver). (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Apr 1916 in Saxon, W.Va. Died 19 Jan 2002 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 22 Jan 2002: Denver Abraham Honaker, 85, of Beckley, passed away Saturday, Jan. 19, 2002, at a local hospital following a short illness. Born April 27, 1916, at Saxon, he was the son of the late A.W. "Jake" and Bertie Manning Honaker. Mr. Honaker was the owner and operator of Honaker Coal Company, he was a member of the Oak Grove Christian Church and a member of the [United Mine Workers of America.] He was in the U.S. Navy, where he served in World War II and was an avid hunter and fisher and he enjoyed gardening. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Mary Ruth Honaker; eight brothers, Carl, George, Fred, Ted, Tom, A.W. Jr., Randall and William Honaker and three sisters, Nettie Treadway, Mildred Brown and Ophia Daniels. Survivors include his wife, In Chun Song Honaker of Beckley; five sons, Thomas Honaker and his wife, Violet of Prosperity, Philip Honaker and his wife, Glenna, of Beckley, Jim Honaker and his wife, Frankie, of Beckley, Paul Honaker and his wife, Cathy of Abingdon, Va., and Reuben Lee Honaker and his wife, Sandy of Maple Fork; three daughters, Shelby Moran Greene and her husband, Darel of Flat Top, Elizabeth "Betty" Ball and her husband, Leslie, of Stanaford, and Nancy Reynolds and her husband, Dennis of Florida; two brothers, Douglas Honaker and his wife, Rosie, of Florida and Jack Honaker and his wife, Nellie, of Florida; a sister, Mary Ann Brooks and her husband, Clifford of Portland, Ore.; 19 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel, Beckley, with Ken Overdorf officiating. Burial will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Grandsons will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley.

He married, first, Mary Ruth Hendrix, daughter of Isaac Hendrix and Sarah Webb, in Sep 1940. Born 3 Mar 1917. Died 30 Apr 1990 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Manning Cemetery, Saxon, Raleigh County.

Researchers reported that this couple divorced and that Mary Ruth was buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Her obituary indicates, however, that they were not divorced and she was not buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 5 May 1990: Mrs. Mary Ruth Hendrix Honaker, 72, of Prosperity, Raleigh County, died May 4, 1990, in a Beckley hospital, after a long illness. She was a homemaker and a member of Prosperity Fundamental Baptist Church. Surviving: husband, Denver Honaker; sons, Thomas and Paul, both of Prosperity, Phillip and James, both of Cabell Heights, Reuben Lee of Mount Hope, Russell Parsons and Keith Parsons, both of San Antonio, Texas; daughters, Shelby Moran and Nancy White, both of Prosperity, Elizabeth Ball of Stanaford; brothers, Herbert Hendrix of Princeton, Don Hendrix of Brooklyn, Ohio; sisters, Dora Clonch of Smithers, Ethel Buther of Powellton; 21 grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Service will be 11 a.m. Monday at Rose-Quesenberry Funeral Home, with Pastor Donovan Blankenship officiating. Burial will be in Manning Cemetery, Saxon, Raleigh County. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.


165.ix. i. Shelby Jean[6]. Born 22 Jul 1942.

165.ix. ii. Thomas Jefferson. Born 9 Oct 1943.

165.ix. iii. Elizabeth Louise (called Boots). Born 20 Mar 1945.

165.ix. iv. Philip Dale. Born 11 Apr 1946.

165.ix. v. James Denver. Born 19 Jan 1948.

165.ix. vi. Robert Paul. Born 3 Jul 1949.

165.ix. vii. Reuben Lee. Born 29 Sep 1950.

165.ix. viii. Nancy Ellen. Born 25 Jan 1952.

He married, second, In Chun Song in Seoul, South Korea.

165.x. Douglas Fairbanks[5] Honaker (called Doug and Red) (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Apr 1918 in Saxon, W.Va. Died 9 Apr 2005 in Palmetto, Fla. Inurned in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley, W.Va.

Register-Herald, 17 Apr 2005, Beckley, W.Va.: Palmetto, Fla.—Douglas Fairbanks “Red” Honaker, 86, of Palmetto, formerly of Beckley [W.Va.], passed away Apr. 9, 2005. Born April 23, 1918 at Saxon, [W.Va.], he was the son of the late A.W. “Jake” and Bertie Manning Honaker. Doug worked at the [Veterans Administration] hospital in Beckley as an engineer, served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and was a beekeeper, hunter and fisherman. He was a member of [American Federation of Government Employees, United Mine Workers of America, and Disabled American Veterans.] He was preceded in death by his grandson, Brian David Honaker; nine brothers, Tom, George, Ted, Bill, Carl, Denver, Fred, Randall and A.W. Jr.; and three sisters, Mildred Brown, Nettie Treadway and [Opha] Daniels. Survivors include his wife, Rosella Tasler Honaker; a daughter, Paula Jean Burhoe and Geno of Sarasota, Fla.; three sons, Douglas “Pete” Honaker and Monsita of Palmetto, Danny Honaker and Paula Jo of Bradenton, Fla., and Larry Glen Honaker and Edna of Beckley; three grandchildren, Norma “Snookie” Bowes of Sarasota, Daniel Honaker of Cool Ridge and Stephen Honaker of Beckley; four great-grandchildren, Austin and Ashley Bowes of Sarasota, and Andrew and Nicole Honaker of Beckley; a brother, Jack Honaker of Deland, Fla.; and a sister, Mary Ann Brooks and husband, Clifford, of Portland, Ore. Douglas was cremated in Bradenton. His remains will be placed at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. A celebration of his life will be 1 p.m. May 15 at the Dry Hill Community Center. In lieu of flowers, a memorial contribution may be made to Hospice of Southwest Florida, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34238, or Sahib Shrine Center, c/o Recorder, 600 N. Beneva Road, Sarasota, FL 34232. Arrangements by Toale Brothers Funeral Home, Bradenton.

He married Rosella Tasler (also reported as Rozella Tazzler). Born ca. 1921. Died 24 May 2008 in Palmetto, Fla. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 1 Jun 2008: Palmetto, Fla.—Rosella Tasler Honaker, 87, formerly of Beckley, a native of Yale, Iowa, died Sat., May 24, 2008. Per her request there was no memorial service. Interment at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. Arrangements by Toale Brothers Funeral Home & Crematory, Sarasota, Fla.


i. Paula Jean[6]. In 1999 she lived in Sarasota, Fla. She married Geno Burhoe.

ii. Douglas (called Pete). He married Monsita Unknown.

iii. Danny. He married Paula Jo Unknown.

iv. Larry Glen. He married Edna Unknown.

165.xi. Randale John[5] Honaker (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 16 Jul 1924 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 1 Oct 1969 in Coolville, Athens Co., Ohio. Buried in Our Lady of Loretto Cemetery, Long Bottom, Meigs Co., Ohio.

He married Patricia Strong, daughter of Bruce Albert Strong and Alice Rafferty, in 1944. Born 7 Sep 1923 in Washington, D.C. Died 5 Feb 2011 in Wellston, Jackson Co., Ohio. Buried in Our Lady of Loretto Cemetery.

Dayton [Ohio] Daily News, 6 Feb 2011: Patricia S. Honaker, age 87, of Wellston, passed away Sat., Feb. 5, 2011, at Edgewood Manor of Wellston. She was born Sept. 7, 1923 in Washington, D.C., the daughter of the late Bruce Albert Strong and Alice Rafferty Strong. Pat was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and homemaker. She was a member of the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Wellston where she was a member of the Altar and Rosary Society. She is survived by five children, Randale Honaker (Candice) of Centerville, Victoria Honaker Dailey of Wellston; Bruce Honaker (Susan) of Oakley, Calif., Dwight Honaker (Eula) of Alderson, W.Va., and Peaches Honaker Hill (Jack) of Belpre; 18 grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren; brother, Raymond Strong (Phyllis) of Maryland, as well as several nieces and nephews. Besides her parents, Pat was preceded in death by her husband, Randale John Honaker; son, Mark Honaker, brothers, Derwood “Corky” Strong and Bruce Strong, sister, Collette Strong and her infant twin. Calling hours will be Tuesday from 4 to 8 p.m. at the McWilliams Funeral Home in Wellston where rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church with Fr. Donald Maroon officiating. Burial will be in the Our Lady of Loretto Cemetery at [Long Bottom.] For those who wish, the family would appreciate memorial contributions be given to the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School tuition fund, 227 South New York Ave., Wellston, OH 45692. Condolences may be sent to the family at mcwilliamsfh@.


i. Victoria M.[6] Born 1953. In 2008 she was a national board certified teacher specializing in reading intervention, living in Wellston, Ohio. She married Unknown Dailey.

165.xi. ii. Randale John, II. Born 2 Aug 1952 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

iii. Bruce. In 2011 he lived in Oakley, Calif. He married Susan Unknown.

iv. Dwight. In 2011 he lived in Alderson, W.Va. He married Eula Unknown.

v. Peaches. In 2011 she lived in Belpre, Ohio. She married Jack Hill.

vi. Mark. Died 1 Dec 1987.

165.xiii. Albert Waymon[5] Honaker Jr. (called Junior) (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born in Sep 1921 in Saxon, W.Va. Died 13 Dec 1954 in Beckley, W.Va. He served in World War II.

He married Bonnie Hazel Age, daughter of Hack Age and Tishey Smith, in 1941 in Beckley. Born 29 Nov 1924 in Lincoln, Ill. Died 22 Nov 1988 in Cleveland, Ohio. Buried in Honaker Family Cemetery, Saxon, W.Va.

Raleigh Register, probably Beckley, W.Va., 24 Nov 1988 (with photograph)—Mrs. Bonnie Hazel Honaker, 63, of Fairdale, died Tue., Nov. 22, in a Cleveland, Ohio hospital following a short illness. Born Nov. 29, 1924, in Lincoln, Ill., she was the daughter of the late Hack and Tishey Smith Age. Mrs. Honaker was a homemaker and attended the Shiloh Community Church at Saxon. She was preceded in death by her husband, Albert Waymon Honaker Jr. in 1954 and a son, John Harry Honaker in 1979. Survivors include a son, Gary Lee Honaker of Fairdale; four daughters, Mrs. Willie (Shirley) Adkins of LaFayette, Tenn., Mrs. Larry (Patricia) Hale of North Ridgeville, Ohio, Mrs. Marvin (Katherine) Jarrell of Fairdale and Mrs. Jesse (Tina) Ayers of Shady Spring; two brothers, Willard Age of Kennesaw, Ga. And Robert Lee Age of Snow Hill, Md.; two sisters, Dola Davis of Red Boiling Springs, Tenn. and Moline Graybeal of Enola, Pa., and 15 grandchildren. Services will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Shiloh Community Church at Saxon with the Rev. Jerry E. Brooks officiating. Burial will be in the Honaker Family Cemetery at Saxon. Friends may call today from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Melton Mortuary in Beckley. Pallbearers will be Theodore Honaker Jr., Gary Hollandsworth, Roy Keith, Kevin Honaker, Bobby Blake and Link Pedigo.


165.xiii. i. John Harry[6].

ii. Gary Lee.

iii. Shirley. She married Willie Adkins and lived in LaFayette, Tenn.

iv. Patricia. She married Larry Hale and lived in North Ridgeville, Ohio.

v. Katherine. She married Marvin Jarrell and lived in Fairdale, W.Va.

vi. Tina. She married Jesse Ayers and lived in Shady Spring, W.Va.

165.xiv. Jack Dempsey[5] Honaker (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Dec 1927 in Saxon, W.Va. He served in World War II. Died 11 Nov 2013. Buried in Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, Fla.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 16 Nov 2013: DeLand, Fla.—Jack D. Honaker, 85, of DeLand, Fla., formerly of Beckley, went home on Mon., Nov. 11, 2013. He was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, Nellie; his parents, Bertie and Albert Honaker; 11 brothers, four sisters; and one granddaughter. Survivors include his three daughters, Vivian Stover, Debra Garrett and Cheryl McMillion; six grandchildren; six great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Memorial service will be 1 p.m., Sat., Nov. 16, 2013 at Trinity United Methodist Church in DeLand, Fla. Interment will follow in the spring at Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, Fla. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Haven Hospice, 211-B North Alabama Ave., DeLand, Fla. 32724. Service is under direction of Lankford Funeral Home, 220 E. New York Ave., DeLand, Fla.

He married Nellie Arbutus Devlin, daughter of Charles Edward Devlin and Eldora Hester McKinney, 2 Aug 1952 in Pearisburg, Va. Born 12 Aug 1928 in Stanaford, W.Va. Died 22 May 2003 in DeLand, Fla. The remains were inurned at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, Fla.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 24 May 2003: DeLand, Fla.—Nellie Devlin Honaker, 74, of South Stone Street, formerly of Stanaford [W.Va.], died Thur., May 22, 2003, in DeLand. She was born Aug. 12, 1928, in Stanaford, and had moved to the DeLand area in 1998, coming from Beckley. She was a homemaker and a member of the Order of Eastern Star in Beckley. Survivors include her husband of more than 50 years, Jack D. Honaker; three daughters, Vivian G. Stover of Big Springs, Ky., Debra S. Garrett of Lester and Cheryl L. McMillion of Lincolnton, N.C.; a sister, Opal Smith of Albion, Pa.; six grandchildren; two great-great grandchildren; and a nephew, Calvin Redden of Lake City, Pa. Arrangements by Lankford Funeral Home, 220 E. New York Ave., DeLand.


i. Vivian Gaye[6]. Born 29 Apr 1953 in Beckley, W.Va. In 2003 she lived in Big Springs,

Ky. She married Randall Nelson Stover.

ii. Debra Sue. Born 18 Feb 1956 in Beckley. In 2003 she lived in Lester, W.Va. She married

Brian Patrick Garrett.

iii. Cheryl Lynn. Born 10 Jan 1962 in Beckley. In 2003 she lived in Lincolnton, N.C. She

married Alan Dale McMillion.

166.i. Ruby Ann[5] Honaker (John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Jun 1918 in Mabin, W.Va. Died 30 Apr 1965 in Beckley, W.Va. She and her husband are buried in Ridgelawn section, Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va.

She married George Lewis Welshans, son of John Welshans and Susan Swearingen. Born 26 May 1912 in Colliers, Brooke Co., W.Va. Died in a motor vehicle accident 29 May 1965 in Goshen, Va. A U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, he then became a coal miner. At the time of his death he was a U.S. Post Office employee in the District of Columbia, living in Alexandria, Va. Children:

166.i. i. Jacqueline Elaine[6] (called Jackie). Born 10 Dec 1936 in Colliers.

166.ii. Dorothy May[5] Honaker (John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Feb 1920 in Mabin, W.Va. Died 11 Dec 2007 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Ridgelawn section, Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 13 Dec 2007: Dorothy May Johnson, 87, of Glen Daniel, died Tue., Dec. 11, 2007, at Sweet Run Elder Care, Huntington. She was born Feb. 24, 1920, a daughter of the late John and Gertrude Hawley Honaker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Fred Johnson, a sister, Ruby Welshans, and a brother, John Honaker. Dorothy was a member of Coal Marsh Baptist Church and was a retired [licensed practical nurse] for Raleigh General Hospital. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Toby and Steve Ellis of Huntington; three sons and daughters-in-law, Fred Johnson of Mesa, Ariz., John and Carol Johnson of Cleveland, Ohio, and Philip and Kim Johnson of Burbank, Calif; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law, James and Nola Honaker of Burbank; and a host of nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends noon to 2 p.m. Friday at Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley. Online condolences may be sent to . Service will be 2 p.m. Friday at Sunset Memorial Park Chapel, Beckley, with the Rev. Wallace York officiating. Burial will follow. Arrangements by Beard Mortuary, Huntington.

She married Fred Johnson. Born 26 Sep 1910. Died 22 Feb 1965. Buried in Ridgelawn section, Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va. Children:

166.ii. i. Fred Dale[6] (called Skee or Skeezix). Born 16 Oct 1940 in Glen Rogers, W.Va.

166.ii. ii. John Robert. Born 23 Jan 1943 in Glen Rogers.

166.ii. iii. Phillip Richard. Born 3 Sep 1947 in Glen Rogers.

166.ii. iv. Toby Lane. Born 28 Nov 1948 in Glen Rogers.

166.iii. John Huling[5] Honaker Jr. (called Shorty) (John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Dec 1924 in Glen Rogers, W.Va. Died 1979. He and his second wife are buried in Highlawn section, Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II.

He married, first, Julie Anthony. Children:

i. John Antony[6] (called Tony). Born 25 Jun 1951. He lived in Wilmington, Del.

ii. David. Born 13 Jun 1954. He lived in Wilmington.

He married, second, Jean Annabelle Phillips. Born 1928. Died 1993. Children:

iii. Terry. In 2003 he lived in Beckley, W.Va.

iv. Cathy.

v. Cheri.

166.iv. James Richard[5] Honaker (called Jim) (John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Oct 1926. in Glen Rogers, W.Va. Died 10 May 2011 in Henderson, Nev.

Las Vegas [Nev.] Review-Journal, May 11, 2011: James Richard Honaker, 84, of Henderson, passed away May 10, 2011. He was born Oct. 13, 1926, in Glen Rogers, W.Va., and was a one-year resident of Nevada. Jim served in the U.S. Navy and worked for more than 40 years as an engineer in aerospace. Jim was an avid fisherman and a lifelong bridge player. He was active in his church, the Magnolia Park United Methodist Church in Burbank, Calif. Most recently, he attended First Henderson United Methodist Church of Henderson. Jim sang with The Love Bugs as they weekly visited local convalescent hospitals. Jim was preceded in death by his parents, John Jurling Honaker and Gertrude Hawley Honaker; brother, John; and sisters, Ruby Welshans and Dorothy Johnson. Jim is survived by his wife, Nola R. Honaker; son, John “Randy” Honaker of Bend, Ore.; daughter, Sheri Nill of Henderson; and two stepdaughters, Dawn Hammond of Quartz Hill, Calif., and Terry Castleberry of Cambria, Calif. Jim was blessed to be the grandfather to 15 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Services will be at 3 p.m. Fri., May 13, at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills. Fellowship will follow at United Methodist. Services at 2 p.m. Wed., May 18, at First Henderson United Methodist Church, 609 E. Horizon Drive. Donations can be made to Alzheimer’s Association.

In 1944 he was selected Wyoming Co., W.Va.’s most valuable high school basketball player. He graduated from Glen Rogers [W.Va.] High School 12 Jun 1944. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served from June 1944 to June 1946, completing boot camp at Great Lakes [Ill.] Naval Training Center; then was assigned to San Diego, Calif., and deployed in the Pacific, including Pearl Harbor, Eniwetok, Saipan, Johnson Island, Maui, Leyte, and the occupation force in Tokyo Bay. He returned to Oakland, Calif., then Stockton, Calif., then Bainbridge, Md. He left the Navy as a Seaman First Class.

He took an Associate of Arts in Applied Science from West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery, W.Va., Jun 1951; a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Pacific State University, Los Angeles, Calif., in Jan 1962; and retired from the Rockwell Corporation 15 Jan 1992 after a career in the aerospace industry, working on the space shuttle and Apollo program. At Rockwell he was a member of the technical staff responsible for space shuttle parts and computer development. In 1971 he was president of the 350-member Litton Corp. Guidance & Control fishing club which sponsored freshwater and saltwater fishing trips and awarded trophies for largest fish. In 2003 he lived in Burbank, Calif.

An appendix to Honaker Family in America, The Honaker Riflemakers: Abraham Descendants, mentions James.

He married, first, Beulah Lois Griffith, daughter of William Kelly Griffith and Mary Jane Allen, 12 Aug 1946 in Pearisburg, Va. Born 13 Dec 1929 in Glen Rogers, W.Va. They divorced Oct 1951 in Pineville, W.Va. Children:

i. Richard James[6] (called Dickie). Born 4 Jul 1947 in Glen Rogers, W.Va. He was

adopted out and renamed Robert Ford Lozo.

He married, second, Margaret Louise Martin (called Marge), daughter of Arthur Martin and Octavia Saunders of Rural Route 2, Honaker, Va., 28 Jun 1954 in Hinton, W.Va. They divorced Sep 1978 in Burbank, Calif. Born 19 Dec 1928 in Honaker, Va. Died 10 Jan 1991 in Thousand Oaks, Calif. Buried in Conejo Mountain Cemetery, Camarillo, Calif. She graduated from Honaker High School in 1945. Children:

166.iv. ii. John Randall[6] (called Randy). Born 18 Aug 1957 in Glendale, Calif.

166.iv. iii. Sherie Anne. Born 28 Feb 1961 in Burbank, Calif.

He married, third, Nola Ruth Abel, daughter of Alfred Herman August Hoffman and Mona Muriel Hutchinson, 13 Oct 1978 in Burbank, Calif. Born 23 Jan 1929 on a farm in Outagamie Co., Wisc. She graduated from Clintonville [Wisc.] High School in 1946. She brought two children to the marriage, Dawn Lynn Hammond, born 18 Oct 1953 in Burbank; who in 2003 lived in Quartz Hill, Calif.; and Terry Lee Castleberry, born 19 Sep 1956 in Burbank, Calif., who in 2003 lived in Burbank.

167.i. Clarence Sawyer[5] Honaker (Edgar Jackson[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Jun 1905 in Pocahontas, Va. Died 17 Jan 1973 in Dunkirk, N.Y. Buried in Dunkirk.

He married, first, Georgia Marie Sage.

He married, second, Ellen Church. Buried in Dunkirk.

Children: (mother(s) not reported):

167.i. i. Harold Lee[6]. Born 31 Aug 1930.

ii. Louise.

iii. Clare.

iv. Bonnie.

167.i. v. Ronald Lee. Born 16 Jun 1946 in West Virginia.

vi. Eugene.

vii. Clarence S., Jr.

viii. Ricky.

ix. Richard.

168.v. Olivia Foree[5] Honaker (called Lee) (Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 25 May 1922 in Pocahontas, Va. Died 25 Aug 1999 in New Port Richey, Fla. Buried in Grace Memorial Cemetery, Hudson, Fla.

Unknown newspaper and date: Thompson, Olivia Spano, 77, of Hudson, died Wed., Aug. 25, 1999. Born in [Pocahontas, Va.], she was owner/proprietor of Spano's Italian Restaurant in Hudson. She was a member of St. Michael's Catholic Church. Survivors include her husband, Ben Jr.; a daughter, Anna L. Napolitano, New Port Richey; two brothers, Curtis Honaker, Bluefield, W.Va., Estil Honaker, Sterling Heights, Mich.; two sisters, Dorothy [Milner], Lewiston, Mich., and Edith Honaker, [New Hudson], Mich.; and two grandchildren. Family Funeral Care, Hudson.

Lee had been ill for some time before her death, but spent two weeks with her sister Dottie in Michigan, then attended the Honaker Family Association's annual reunion 14 Aug 1999 in Honaker, Va. She is shown in a reunion photograph, page 6, first row far right, Honaker Family Newsletter, Sep 1999.

She married, first, Salvatore Spano (called Sam) ca. 1942. Born in Italy. Died in Hudson, Fla. Interred in Grace Memorial Cemetery Mausoleum, Hudson. They divorced ca. 1974 in Hudson. Children:

i. Anna Lee[6]. Born 21 Dec 1957 in Detroit, Mich. She married Joseph Napolitano 1 Mar 1986 in New Port Richey Fla. Born 18 Mar 1958 in Naples, Italy. There were no children.

168.v. ii. James Vincent (called Jim). Born 18 Apr 1960.

Lee married, second, Benjamin Thompson Jr. in 1975 in Florida. Born ca. 1941 in Memphis, Tenn. There were no children.

168.viii. Dorothy May[5] Honaker (called Dottie) (Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 6 May 1926 in Pocahontas, Va.

She married, first, Thaddeus Joseph Flowers, son of Joseph Flowers and Stephanie Wasco, 23 Oct 1943 in Ferndale, Oakland Co., Mich. Born 20 Jul 1917 in Detroit, Mich. They divorced in 1973 in Pontiac, Mich. Children:

168.viii. i. Janice Dorothy[6]. Born 22 Dec 1944.

168.viii. ii. Donald Joseph. Born 26 Oct 1946 in Ferndale.

168.viii. iii. Phyllis Virginia. Born 7 Mar 1949.

iv. Robert Michael. Born 22 May 1950 in Ferndale, Mich. He had not married as of 1999.

She married, second, Edward Stanley Kancik (called Stan).

She married, third, Ray Glen Milner (called Ray).

169.ii. Paul Cecil[5] Bowling (Elsie Jane[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Dec 1919 in Boissevain, Va. Died 14 Mar 2001 in Walkertown, N.C. Buried in Gardens of Memory Cemetery, Walkertown.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 16 Mar 2001: Walkertown, N.C.—Paul Cecil Bowling, 81, of 6991 Walnut Cove Road, died Wed., March 14, 2001, at Forsyth Medical Center. Born Dec. 21, 1919, in Boissevain, Va., he was a son of James David and Elsie Jane Honaker Bowling. Mr. Bowling was a veteran of World War II, serving in the U.S. Navy. He was a member of the VFW Post 10471, Walkertown and the American Legion. He retired from Lentz Transfer and Storage after nine years of service. Mr. Bowling was a member of Welcome Door Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by two sons, Donald Bowling and Larry Bowling. Surviving are his wife, Gladys Carter Bowling of the home; six daughters and sons-in-law, Phyllis and James Bowman of Walkertown, Carol and James Edwards of Kernersville, N.C., Janet Whitlow of Kernersville and Sidney Whitlow of Las Vagas, Elladean and Roger Rowe of Griffin, Ga., Elaine and Eugene McGee of Walkertown and Katherine and Johnny Walker of Kernersville; a daughter-in-law, Rachel Bowling of Winston-Salem; three sons and daughters-in-law, Ricky and JoAnn Bowling of King, David Bowling and Sandy Reynolds of Walnut Cove and Vincent Bowling and Luann Binelli of Stokesdale; two brothers, Carl Harrison and wife, Nellie of Brooksville, Fla. and Garnet Reid and wife, Ruth of Abbs Valley, Va.; three sisters, Ruth Bowling Armstrong Royal of Durant, Miss., Mary Reid Armstrong of Pocahontas, Va. and Shirley Reid Whitt of Island Lake, Ill.; a brother-in-law, Carl Shew of Pocahontas,

Va.; 23 grandchildren and 29 great-grandchildren. A funeral service will be conducted 2 p.m. Sunday at Welcome Door Baptist Church by the Revs. Roger Pinnix and Richard Lenderman. Burial will follow in Gardens of Memory Cemetery, Walkertown. The family will receive friends at Hayworth-Miller-Cain Funeral Home, Kernersville from 7-9 p.m. Saturday.

He married Gladys Carter. Children:

i. Donald[6].

ii. Larry.

iii. Phyllis. She married James Bowman.

iv. Carol. She married James Edwards.

v. Janet. She married Sidney Whitlow.

vi. Elladean. She married Roger Rowe.

vii. Elaine. She married Eugene McGee.

viii. Katherine. She married Johnny Walker.

ix. Ricky. He married Jo Ann Unknown.

x. David. He married Sandy Reynolds.

xi. Vincent. He married Luann Binelli.

169.vi. Garnet W.[5] Reid (Elsie Jane[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1927 in Pocahontas, Va. Died 11 Dec 2003 in Bluefield, Va. Buried in Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 14 Dec 2003: Bluefield, Va.—Garnet W. Reid, 76, of Route 1, Box 299B, Bluefield, (Abbs Valley) Va., died Dec. 11, 2003 at his home. Born at Pocahontas, Va., he was the son of the late William Alec and Elsie Jane Honaker Reid. He served as a corporal in the U.S. Army, World War II, where he received the World War II Victory Medal. He was a member of the American Legion Post No. 14, Pocahontas, and was a member of the Moose Lodge No. 1521, Princeton. He retired from U.S. Steel Gary No. 14, in 1984 where he was a maintenance foreman. He was a member of the Abbs Valley Baptist Church where he was a former deacon and Sunday School superintendent. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by one sister, Virginia Reid Shew; four brothers, Robert Bowling, Paul Bowling, Carl Harrison and James “Crackcorn” Reid. Survivors are his wife of 54 years, Ruth Rider Reid of the home; four wonderful sons, Darrel Reid and wife, Faye, of Waldorf, Md., Rodney Reid and wife, Patti, of Abbs Valley, Thomas Reid and wife, Dianna of Abbs Valley, and James Reid and wife, Teresa of Inverness, Fla.; three sisters, Ruth Royal of Durant, Miss., Mary Armstrong of Pocahontas, and Shirley Whitt of Illinois; seven grandchildren, Kelly and Josh, Jason and Chris and Joseph; one great-grandson, Patrick Lambert; numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at Rodriguez Pocahontas Funeral Home on Monday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Paul Baker officiating. Burial will follow at the Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield, Va. Friends may call from 6–9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Graveside military rites will be conducted by American Legion Post No. 14, Pocahontas and VFW No. 9696, Bluefield, Va. Pallbearers are Hubert Asbury, Charlie Sarver, friends and family. Honorary pallbearer is Steve Miller.

He married Ruth Rider ca. 1949. Children:

i. Darrel[6]. He married Faye Unknown.

ii. Rodney. He married Patti Unknown.

iii. Thomas. He married Dianna Unknown.

iv. James. He married Teresa Unknown.

169.viii. Virginia[5] Reid (Elsie Jane[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Died before 2001.

She married Carl Shew. In 2001 he lived in Pocahontas, Va. Children:

i. Martha[6]. She married Unknown Grose and in 2001 lived in Boiseevain, Va.

ii. Linda. She married Unknown Treadway and in 2001 lived in Gastonia, N.C. Linda was

raised by her Uncle Bob.

169.ix. Mary Louise[5] Reid (Elsie Jane[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Jul 1932 in Big Vain, Va. Died 17 May 2012.

Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, W.Va., 20 May 2012 (with photograph): Boissevain, Va.—Mary Louise Armstrong is now dancing before the Lord with her loving Richard which was their favorite pastime, rejoicing in their reunion.She went to be with her Lord on May 17, 2012. She was born in Big Vain, Va. on July 5, 1932 to the late William A. and Elsie Honaker Reid. She was a loving mother and grandmother and will be greatly missed. She was of Baptist faith. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her loving husband of 45 years, James Richard Armstrong; sisters, Ruth Bowling Royal, Virginia Reid Shew; brothers, Robert Q. Bowling, Paul Bowling, Carl Harrison, Garnet Reid, and James Reid; also special daughter, Linda Shew Treadway. Those left to cherish her memory are daughters, Peggy Dawson and Donny of Pocahontas, Va., Patricia Resto and Junior of Owensboro, Ky.; and special daughter, Martha Grose and Jimmy of Boissevain, Va.; sons, James Armstrong of Pocahontas, Va., Timothy Armstrong and wife, Heidi of Chicago, Ill. And Robert Armstrong of Jarrett, Va.; sister-in-laws Gladys Bowling of Walkertown, N.C., Nellie Harrison of Brooksville, Fla., Ruth Reid of Bluefield, Va., Dollie Marcinkus of Barrington, Ill.; special friends, Connie Jennings of Tazewell, Va., Wanda McCrae and Hilda Carter of Pocahontas; 13 loving grandchildren, Donna Hathaway “Doug”, Scotty Dawson “Kristy”, Brett Hodock, Susie and Timmy Armstrong, Katie Rose and Richie Armstrong, Chris Myers, Michelle and Elsie Armstrong, Roxanne and Jacob Frothinghan, Nathanial and Josiah Resto; she also had ten great-grandchildren; and one great-great-granddaughter; along with numerous nieces and nephews; also her loving companions, her pets “Precious, Penny and Dobi.” Funeral services will be held Mon., May 21, 2012 at 1 p.m. at the Rodriguez Funeral Home in Pocahontas with the Rev. William Davis officiating. Interment will follow at Grandview Memory Gardens in Bluefield, Va. Friends may call Mon., May 21, 2012 at the Rodriguez Funeral Home in Pocahontas from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pallbearers will be family and friends. The Rodriguez Funeral Home in Pocahontas is serving the Armstrong family.

She married James Richard Armstrong. Died before 2012. Children:

i. Peggy[6]. She married Donny Dawson.

ii. Patricia. She married Junior Resto.

iii. Martha. She married Jimmy Grose.

iv. James.

v. Timothy. He married Heidi Unknown.

vi. Robert.

172. Mabel Estella[5] Honaker (Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. She was employed by the R.&L. Polk Co., unidentified city, Kan.

She married, second, Anthony B. James. He was also employed by the R.&L. Polk Company.

174. Paul Clarence[5] Honaker (called Paul) (Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Died 24 May 1933. Buried in Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kan. Paul was hospitalized at Wesley Hospital, Wichita, 2 May 1933 and died three weeks later.

Unknown newspaper, Wichita, Kan., date unknown: WICHITA ELECTRICIAN DIES. Paul Clarence Honaker, 35, 5930 South Lawrence, died in a local hospital Wednesday. He was an electrician with the Coleman Lamp Company. He was born in Stark and came here from Parsons 17 years ago. He is survived by his widow, Hazel; two daughters, Ruby and Mildred; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Stevens, Denver, Colo., Mrs. May Gilmer, Susanville, Calif., and Mrs. Tony B. James, 724 South Erie; a brother, Ralph, Stockton, Calif. Downing Mortuary is in charge.

Unknown newspaper, Wichita, Kan., date unknown: Funeral services for Paul Clarence Honaker were to be conducted at the Downing Mortuary at 3:30 p.m. Friday. Burial was to be in Wichita Park Cemetery.

He married Hazel Ruth Reed, daughter of James D. Reed and Mary Elma Carson, 27 Jul 1916 in Parsons, Kan. Died in Parsons. Buried in Wichita Park Cemetery. Hazel married, second, Fred P. Crispell.

Parsons [Kan.] Sun, 23 Jan 1978: Mrs. Hazel R. Crispell, 80, widow of Fred P. Crispell, a former Labette County and Parsons peace officer and county commissioner, died at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Her death occurred at the Labette County Medical Center where she had been a patient since Dec. 11. The Crispell home was at 1312 Washington. She was born on Sept. 27, 1897 near Dennis, a daughter of James D. and Mary Carson Reed. She moved to Vermillion, Ill. from Dennis and came to Parsons before her marriage here to Paul Clarence Honaker in July, 1916. They lived in Independence and Wichita and she moved to California in 1945, returning to Parsons in 1960. Honaker died on May 24, [1933]. She and Crispell were married on May 28, 1964. He died on Jan. 7,1968. She was employed by the Coleman Co. in Wichita for 12 years. She was a member of the Central Avenue Christian Church in Parsons, of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56, and also of the Crispell Family Association of the Huguenot Historical Society. Among the survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Clayton (Mildred) Callaway of Anderson, Calif., and Mrs. William (Ruby) Courtney of R. 4, Grove, Okla.; 16 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren; and one [newspaper clipping cut off).

The funeral program indicated that services were at 10 a.m. Wed., 25 Jan 1978 at Burris-Wall Funeral Home, Parsons, the Rev. Robert C. Brown officiating. Casket bearers were Monty Clevenger, Ivan Reed Jr., Courtney Sigwing, Ronald Sigwing Jr., John Tagard, and James Van Leeuwen. Committal services were at 3 p.m., with the Rev. Ted Christy officiating.

179. Delbert Lester[5] Honaker (George Franklin Abraham[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 12 Jan 1903. Died Jul 1986.

He married Flora Edna DeVore. Born 18 Nov 1901. Died Jun 1986. Children:

327. i. Donald Lester[6]. Born 1926 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

328. ii. Mary Lou. Born in Cincinnati.

182. Dessie Arden[5] Honiker (Cornelius Vanderbilt[4], Samuel L.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Feb 1897 in Mary’s Home, Mo. Died 5 Jun 1995 at a nursing home in Eldon, Mo. Buried in Enloe Cemetery, near Russellville, Cole Co., Mo.

Unknown newspaper & date: Dessie A. Sestak, 98, Russellville, died Monday at Eldon Health Care Center. She was born Feb. 24, 1897, in Marys Home, a daughter of Cornelius and Mary Eva Morgan Honaker. She was married May 30, 1915, in Eugene, to James Sestak, who died Nov. 5, 1985. She was a homemaker. She was a member of Dover Place Christian Church, St. Louis, and a past member of the Russellville Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include: one son, Bert Sestak, Russellville; two daughters, Virginia Spencer, Northglenn, Colo., and Fern Winkler, Russellville; 16 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. Two infant daughters preceded her in death, and one son, Joseph Sestak, died Feb. 25, 1992. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at Weber and Sons Funeral Home, Russellville. The Rev. David Grausnick will officiate. Burial will be in Enloe Cemetery, Russellville. Visitation will be from 6–8 p.m. Thursday. [Pallbearers were grandsons.]

She completed elementary education at Waterloo School, Hickory Hill, Mo., and at Blow School, St. Louis, Mo., and graduated from Eugene [Mo.] High School. She was a school teacher from 1914 to 1915, but spent the majority of her life as a homemaker in St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo. From 1931 to 1995 she lived on a family farm. She enjoyed oil painting, traveling, fishing, flower and vegetable gardening. “Most of all,” said her daughter Fern, “she loved to be with her family; her family was her life.”

She married James Albert Sestak (called Jim), son of John Sestak and Mary Ann Holzer, 30 May 1915 in Eugene, Cole Co., Mo. Born 7 Jun 1896 near Eugene. Died 5 Nov 1985 in Russellville. Buried in Enloe Cemetery.

Unknown newspaper & date: James A. Sestak, 89, Russellville, died Tue., Nov. 5 at St. Mary’s Health Center. He was born June 7, 1896, in Eugene, a son of John and Mary Holzer Sestak. He was married May 30, 1915, at Eugene, to Dessie A. Honiker, who survives at Osage Manor Nursing Home, Eldon. He was a retired farmer of the Russellville community and had been a resident of Osage Manor since February. Mr. Sestak was a member of the Russellville Masonic Lodge No. 90. Other survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Virginia Spencer, North Glenn, Colo., and Mrs. Fern Winkler, Smithville; two sons, Jacob Sestak, Jefferson City, and Bert Sestak, Russellville; one brother, Paul Sestak, Dothan, Ala.; 16 grandchildren and one step-grandson. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Weber and Sons Funeral Home, Russellville, with Rev. Eldon Myers officiating. Burial was in Enloe Cemetery there.

A notice appeared in the above newspaper after the funeral: The family of Jim Sestak would like to say thanks to Corticelli Church for furnishing the lunch the day of the funeral, Weber and Son Funeral Home at Russellville, Rev. Eldon Myers, Becky and Lou Ann for the music, all those that sent food, flowers, cards, calls and your prayers. God bless all. Dessie Sestak, Joe and Renota Sestak, Bert and Bonnie Sestak, Fern and Walter Sestak, Virginia and Parvin Spencer.

Jim completed elementary education at Waterloo School, Hickory Hill, Mo. He was a streetcar conductor in St. Louis and a railroad mechanic in Kansas City, but for most of his life was a farmer. In addition to his membership in the Masonic lodge, he was a Republican committeeman in Moniteau Co., Mo. His interests included woodworking and cattle raising. Children:

i. Noma Marie[6]. Spelling of given name is correct. Born 12 Apr 1916 in St. Louis. Died

15 Mar 1917 in St Louis. Buried Mt. Hope Cemetery, Lemay, St. Louis Co., Mo.

ii. Unnamed infant daughter. Stillborn 10 May 1917 in St. Louis. Buried Mt. Hope


331. iii. Joseph Ralph.

332. iv. Virginia Evelyn.

333. v. Charles Gilbert (called Bert).

334. vi. Hazel Fern.

186. Jack D.[5] Honiker (Curvan Z.[4], Charles B.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Agnes M. Unknown. Children:

i. Donald[6].

ii. Robert Reiman.

iii. Joan. She married Bob Schaefer.

iv. Patricia. She married Unknown Lawrence.

v. Jacqueline. She married Unknown Nolte.

vi. Sue. She married Errol Castens.

vii. Jack D., Jr. Born ca. 1955. Died 11 Nov 2014 in St. Louis, Mo. Buried in Jefferson

Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis. St. Louis [Mo.] Post-Dispatch, 13 Nov 2014: Jack D. Honaker Jr., 59, of St. Louis, [died] Nov. 11. Beloved brother of Sue (Errol) Castens and Joan (Bob) Schaefer; and close friend of the Misuraca family. Services: Graveside service Fri. 11/14 at 10:30, Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, departing from Lord Funeral Home at 10:15.

191. Leander Harrison[5] Banes (Margaret Ann[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Aug 1884 in Little Creek, Pulaski Co., Va. Died 5 Nov 1941.

He married Bessie Hoback. Born 18 Aug 1886. Died 5 Mar 1957. Children:

191. iii. Arthur Clifford. Born 27 Oct 1912 in Pulaski Co., Va.

198. Nettie Frances[5] Carden (George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Nettie Frances’s obituary was published in The Roanoke [Va.] Times. She and her first husband, George Floyd Creger Jr. divorced ca. 1921. He was the son of George Floyd Creger and Virginia Caroline Grubb.

Wytheville [Va.] Enterprise, unknown date: George Floyd Creger Jr., 83, died this morning in a Shawsville nursing home. He was a native of Wythe Co. and had made his home for the last 15 years with a daughter, Mrs. George Gordon of Belspring. He was a retired [Norfolk & Western Railroad] employee with 50 years service. Also surviving is another daughter, Mrs. Walter Robinson of Wytheville; nine grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren. The funeral will be Friday at 2 p.m. at Berea Church, Sand Mountain Community in Wythe Co. with burial in the church cemetery. The body will be removed from DeVilbiss Funeral Home to the church one hour before the service.

Her second husband, Nicholas George Stamatas, was the son of George Papageorgius and Pepia Unknown. Born 31 Dec 1899 on Euboea [Island], Marmarion Prefecture, Greece. Emigrated to Ellis Island, New York, N.Y., ca. 1916 and received citizenship 19 Aug 1941.

199. James William[5] Carden (called Jack) (George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Died 1 Apr 1999 in Radford, Va. Buried in Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin, Va.

Roanoke Times, 2 Apr 1999, accompanied by photograph, reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, May 1999: Jack Carden dies at 96. He was well-known in the Radford-Pulaski County area as a gospel singer on WRAD-AM for 40 years. By Ralph Berrier, Jr. THE ROANOKE TIMES.

Jack Carden did so much in his lifetime—sang on the radio, cut hair, mined coal and built boats—97 years was barely able to contain it all. A legend in the tiny Pulaski County community of Belspring whose boat-building exploits last year were the subject of a Roanoke Times story “The Boat That Jack Built,” Carden died Thursday morning at Carilion New River Valley Medical Center in Radford. He died after a short stay at a Radford nursing home—just six months after the death of his wife of 71 years, Georgia.

Carden was born Sept. 3, 1901, in Parrott, near the New River. He lived his entire life on the river, fishing it and boating on it in his homemade wooden skiffs. Health problems almost forced him to stop fishing for catfish—doctors told him he couldn't fish unless someone was in the boat with him—but he rallied to spend one more memorable summer on the New River.

Last spring, he told friends he was going to build a new boat to replace the old, worn-out water-logged boat he had used for several years. Working mostly alone except for the help of friends Kay and Gary Doyle, Carden finished the boat in about a week and was soon back on the river.

Carden was well-known in the Radford-Pulaski County area as a gospel singer who had a regular show on WRAD-AM for 40 years. His first job had been as a coal miner in the old mines near McCoy, but he left the mines in the 1920s and worked as a barber. Though he retired from barbering several years ago, he still had one regular customer as recently as last year. Cardoon is survived by daughters Juanita Nolen of Christiansburg and Geneva Akers of Belspring, and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Saver-Sanders & Mullins Funeral Home in Radford. Burial will follow in Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin. Ralph Berrier Jr. can be reached at 981-3338 or ralphb@.

At the time of his death, Jack was living at Wheatland Hills Nursing Home, Pulaski Co., Va., where he was undergoing physical therapy after a broken hip.

A major three-part series about Jack, illustrated with beautiful color photos, appeared in The Roanoke [Va.] Times, 13 Sep 1998, 15 Sep 1998 and 21 Dec 1998. It was serialized in Honaker Family Newsletter, beginning with the Spring 1999 issue.

A photograph with cutline and caption also appeared about him in The Floyd [Va.] Press in Sep 1998. Cutline: Jack Carden plays his guitar during the 11:00 morning service at Willis Baptist. Caption: Carden Preaches at 97.

Jack Carden has worn a lot of hats during his 97 years. Last month he came to Willis Baptist Church to sing and preach. According to one church member, the message centered around service, Carden encouraging the people to serve the Lord at a young age. A retired barber, Carden worked in the coal mines in younger years. For over 43 years, he played his guitar and sang gospel music in a radio program in Radford and Pulaski. Carden resides in Pulaski County.

He married Georgia Hess. Born 17 Aug 1907 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died 8 Aug 1998 in Radford, Va. Buried in Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin, Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, unknown date: Carden, Georgia Hess, 90, of Belspring, passed away Sat., Aug. 8,1998. She was “a virtuous woman,” beloved wife, caring mother and grandmother. Survivors include her husband of 71 years, James William “Jack” Carden of Belspring; two daughters, Mrs. Juanita Nolen of Christiansburg and Mrs. Geneva Akers of Belspring. Also surviving are six grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren, and faithful friend, Mrs. Kay Doyle. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Seaver-Sanders & Mullins Funeral Home in Radford, with the Rev. Joe McCoy officiating. Interment will follow in Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the Seaver-Sanders & Mullins Funeral Home in Radford.

204. Mildred Margaret[5] Honaker (William Elmer[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Born 25 May 1920. Died 1964 (also reported as 1969) in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio.

She married Oscar May. Children:

370. i. Janice Marie[6]. Born 21 Sep 1937 in Marion.

205. William Merle[5] Honaker (William Elmer[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Born 9 Jan 1924 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. In 2010 he lived in Phoenix, Ariz.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2010, with photograph: Married 60 Years—William “Bill” Merle Honaker and Mary Louise Triplett grew up in Marion, Ohio and were married Sept. 22, 1950 in Sandusky, Ohio. They lived in Shiloh and Whitehall, Ohio before retiring to Phoenix, Ariz.

Sixty-Five Years, by their son Doug, Aug. 5, 2015 (with then and now photos): Sept. 22, 1950–Sept. 22, 2015 Please join the Honaker Family in celebrating Mary & Bill’s 65th Wedding Anniversary! Sun., Sept. 27, 2015, 1–5 p.m., Fairway Recreation Center, 10600 West Peoria Ave., Sun City, AZ 85351. Snacks and beverages will be served. The only presents that are necessary is your presence. Please RSVP to Doug Honaker by Sat., Sept. 19, 2015, wdhonaker@, 480-200-5960 (text). For those that are not able to join us, we welcome you to send a note or greeting to the couple in care of: Doug Honaker, 4422 East Desert Wind Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85044.

Profile written by Doug: Bill and Mary (Triplett) Honaker: “Bill and Mary (Triplett) Honaker will have been married for 65 years on Sept. 22, 2015. They were both residents of Marion, Ohio. Bill served in the U.S. Army Air Corps and U.S. Air Force from 1943 to 1949, stationed in the Azores, Iwo Jima, and China, mustering out as a staff sergeant. After he left the service he took a job on the railroad in Sandusky, Ohio. They were married Sept. 22, 1950. They returned to Marion in early November. They lived in Marion until 1962 and then moved to Shiloh, Ohio, when the depot position Bill held moved to Shelby, Ohio. Bill was moved once again to the depot in Columbus in 1965. He retired in 1979 and moved to Sun City, Ariz. Mary worked for Lazarus Department Store in Columbus. She transferred to Bullock’s and Dillard’s in Phoenix in 1993. Their children, grand and great grandchildren have planned a reception for them Sept. 27, 2015.”

He married Mary Louise Triplett 22 Sep 1950 in Sandusky, Ohio. Born 12 Nov 1926 in Marion. Children:

i. William Douglas[6] (called Doug). Born 6 Apr 1951 in Marion. In 2010 he lived in


ii. Conni Lynn. Born 30 Jun 1954 in Marion. She married John R. Bellinger 12 Jul 1975.

iii. Cristy Ann. Born 5 Sep 1959 in Marion. She married Unknown Lopez.

iv. Brian Todd. Born 7 Mar 1964 in Shelby, Richland Co., Ohio. He married Carrie Forney.

209. Dorothea Marie[5] Honaker (Waneta Jay[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]).

She married, second, Robert Eugene Street, son of J.W. Viars and Mida P. Benedict.

210. Homer Merle[5] Honaker (Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Died 1981.

He married, second, Vera Ruthilla Hindman, daughter of John Hindman and Birdie Seckel, 17 Jan 1957 . Born 18 Sep 1926 in Marion, Ohio. Died 23 Jan 2009 in Marion. Buried in Caledonia Cemetery, Marion. She had a daughter by a prior marriage, Nancy Jo Carr, born 17 Feb 1949, who married Earsel W. Gilliam.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 27 Jan 2009: Vera R. Honaker, 82, Marion, died on Fri., Jan. 23, 2009 in the Marion Manor. She was born on Sept. 18, 1926 to the late John and Birdie (Seckel) Hindman in Marion. On Jan. 17, 1957, Vera was married to Homer M. Honaker who preceded her in death in 1981. Throughout her life, Vera was owner-operator of Homer’s Market here in Marion, a member of the Marion Hobby Club, and a member of the Prospect Street United Methodist Church Sunday Class and Prospect Street United Methodist Women. Vera also worked as a nurse’s aide at Marion General and in Bucyrus. Vera is survived by her daughter, Nancy (Earsel) Gilliam of Mansfield; sisters, Ruth (Fred) Haas and Ethel (Kenny) Ellinwood both of Marion; grandchildren, Earsel (Beth) Gilliam II and Nathan (Kelli) Gilliam; great grandchildren, Mackenna and Alexa Gilliam; nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Homer Honaker; parents, John and Birdie Hindman; brothers, Harlow and Robert Hindman; grandparents, Joe and Gertrude Seckel. Visitation will be Wed., Jan. 28, 2009 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Gunder/Hall & Folk Funeral Directors. A funeral service will be on Thurs., Jan. 29, 2009 at 11 a.m. in the funeral home with Pastor Joe Miller officiating. Burial will follow in Caledonia Cemetery. Memorial contributions can be made to the Prospect Street United Methodist Church or to the Marion General Hospice. Condolences may be expressed to the family by signing the guest book for Vera at .

211. Mary Alice[5] Honaker (Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Feb 1921 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio, where she made her home. Died before 2016.

She married Walter Eugene Jones, son of John William Jones and Emma Elizabeth Neidermaier, 17 Nov 1942 in Marion. Born 21 Aug 1924 in Marion. Died before 2016. Children:

380. i. Walter Wesley[6]. Born 11 Aug 1945 in Marion.

ii. David Eugene. Born 17 Mar 1947. Died 5 Oct 1952.

211. iii. John William. Born 24 Feb 1948 in Marion.

iv. Paul Devlin. Born 13 Apr 1949 in Marion. Died 7 Mar 2016. Buried in Marion Cemetery.

Marion Star, 10 Mar 2016: Paul Devlin Jones, age 66, of Marion entered into eternal rest on Mon., March 7, 2016, at 9:30 p.m. due to an extended illness. He was born in Marion to Walter E. and Mary A. (Honaker) Jones on April 13, 1949. Paul was the 4th of seven sons. He was easily spotted by his bright red hair. He worked various jobs before retiring, but always enjoyed yard sales, auctions, and his love of antiques. With his friendly nature, he would find friends and conversation easily. The family would like to thank special friends; Toney Risner and Kay Hayford for their love and support they have shared with Paul these many years. He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers; Walter W. (Sherry) Jones, John W. (Diane) Jones, & David Jones. Surviving are brothers; Kenneth R. (Carol) Jones, Donald M. (Rosalind) Jones, & Raymond H. (Sue) Jones. A graveside service will be conducted by Pastor Jeff Smith of Center Point Church in the Marion Cemetery on Sat., March 19, 2016 at 10 a.m. No visiting hours will be observed. Online condolences may be sent to .

381. v. Kenneth Robert. Born 1 Mar 1952 in Marion.

vi. Donald Max. Born 20 Nov 1953. He married Rosalind Unknown.

382. vii. Raymond Harold. Born 4 Jan 1956 in Marion.

212. Raymond Harold[5] Honaker (called Dick) (Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Dick’s wife Cora submitted a significant quantity of material about the family to Marion Co., Ohio Family Genealogies—Territorial Days to the Present, a publication of the Marion County Genealogy Society.

213. George Bertram[5] Honaker (Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Born 8 Feb 1925 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio, where he lived. Died 5 Jan 1999. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II.

He married Natoma Marie Long, daughter of George Emmett Long and Mildred Caroline Eckard, 7 Jul 1946 in Marion. Born 27 Apr 1930 in Richwood, Union Co., Ohio. Died 12 Jan 1996. Children:

384. i. Sally Ann[6]. Born 6 May 1948 in Marion.

385. ii. Lynn Ellen. Born 24 Jan 1950.

386. iii. Margo Lane. Born 9 Jul 1951 in Marion.

iv. Dennis Allan. Born 20 Aug 1956.

v. Robert Alan. Stillborn 1 Feb 1962.

vi. Audra Sue. Born 26 May 1966.

214. Wesley Junior[5] Honaker (Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Jan 1927 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. In 2013 he lived in Marion. A U.S. Army veteran of World War II, he was stationed at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where he retreaded tires and was a cook. After the war he was a member of Fraternal Order of Moose, and a member of Fraternal Order of Eagles. His son Steven said in 2013 that over the years his father had taken it upon himself to change his name to Jr., so some in the family thought he was a Jr., but he was a son of Wesley James Honaker, not a Jr.

He married Genevieve Lee Mayse (called Jenny), daughter of William Harrison Mayse and Mable Irene Delaney, 24 Jan 1947 in Greenup, Greenup Co., Ky., in a ceremony performed by the Rev. B.L. Allen. Born 30 Sep 1931 in Marion. Died 27 Nov 2009 in Marion. Buried in Chapel Heights Memory Gardens, Marion.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 30 Nov 2009: Genevieve L. “Jenny” Honaker, age 78, of Marion, Ohio passed away

Fri., Nov. 27, 2009 at Heartland of Marion. She was born Sept. 30, 1931 in Marion, Ohio to the late William and

Mable (Delaney) Mayse. She was the last member of her family. Jenny was a lifetime resident of Marion, ,Ohio; was of the Baptist faith, a member of Pleasant and Marion Senior Citizens Center and Moose Lodge #889. Loved by her family very much, Jenny is survived by her husband of 63 years, Wesley Honaker Jr.; two sons, Michael […] Honaker of Waldo, Ohio, Steven (Garnet) Honaker of Marion; her daughter, Pamela (Frank) Linniman of

Degraff, Ohio; five grandchildren, Michelle (Kevin) Wert, Kristina (Mike) French, Eric Honaker, Joe (Michelle) Honaker, Melanie Shaver; six step grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, Grant, Natalie, Brenna Wert, Ashley and Scott Shaver, Brenden and Alexandrea French; 13 step great grandchildren; and one step great great grandchild; sister in laws, Barbara, Shirley, Jackie, Debbie Honaker; brother in laws, Terry, Jack, Howard Honaker; special nephews, Curtis Webster, Roger (Jody) Berry; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; a daughter, Vicky Lynn; two brothers; and three sisters. Funeral services for Jenny will be Tue., Dec. 1, 2009 at 1 p.m. at the Boyd-Born Funeral Home with Pastor Timothy Compton officiating. Burial will follow at Chapel Heights Memory Gardens. Visitation will be Mon., Nov. 30, 2009 from 4-8 p.m. at the funeral home.


387. i. Michael Wesley[6]. Born 27 Jul 1948 in Marion.

388. ii. Steven James. Born 1 Oct 1949 in Marion.

iii. Pamela Kay. Born 10 Nov 1950 in Marion. She married Frank Henry Linniman Jr., son

of Frank Henry Linniman and Grace Marie Black, 1945 in Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio. Born 24 Jul 1946 in Sidney Pamela and Frank had no children. He had one child from a prior marriage.

iv. Vicky Lynn. Stillborn 14 Apr 1961 in Marion. Buried in Chapel Heights Memory

Gardens, Marion.

215. Jerry Richard[5] Honaker (Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 or 25 Nov 1928 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. Died 18 Jun 2003. He became an electrician in Jul 1950 and worked at Tecumseh Products in Marion. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War,serving 10 Nov 1950 to 7 Aug 1952, and was a member of Fraternal Order of Moose, Marion Hobby Club and Fraternal Order of Eagles Lodge #337. He and his wife Barbara collected coins and old costume jewelry.

He married Barbara Jean Seckel, daughter of Carl Forest Seckel of Caledonia, Ohio and Mildred Irene Mosier of Delaware Co., Ohio, 19 Mar 1951 in Marion. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Melvin Truex of the Church of Christ and Christian Union, Marion. Born 11 May 1933 in Marion. Died 3 Jul 2011 in Marion. Buried Waldo Cemetery, Marion.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 5 Jul 2011: Barbara J. Honaker, age 78, of Marion, passed away Sun., July 3, 2011 at Heartland of Marion. Born May 11, 1933 in Marion to the late Carl and Mildred (Mozier) Seckel. On March 19, 1951 Barbara married Jerry R. “Skeeter” Honaker and he preceded her in death on June 18, 2003. In the past Barbara was a member of Eagles Lodge, Moose Lodge, American Legion Post 584. She served as secretary for the Eagles Lodge for 13 years and served on the Marion City Board of Education from 1980-1984. Survivors include one son, Terry A. (Andrea) Honaker of Marion; one daughter, Roxanna J. (Ric) Ralston of Marion; daughter in law, Debra Honaker; special child, Danyle Lechler; brother, Robert Seckel; sister, Juanita K. McEvilly; ten grandchildren, Jerry Joshua and Justin Honaker, Rickey and Jamie Ralston, Misty Cross, Terry Jr., Brent, Alex and Arri Honaker; ten great-grandchildren, Samantha, Brooklyn, Skyler, Haeden and Mason Honaker, Kristie Quinn, Layne, Bailey, and Alexis Cross, and Kaden Ralston. Preceding Barbara in death are her parents; husband, Jerry; son, Jerry R. Honaker Jr; three brothers, Richard, Carl, and David Seckel; two sisters, Virginia Bowmer, and Wanda Cothran. Family will receive friends from 5 p.m. till 8 p.m. Wed., July 6, 2011 at Gunder/Hall & Folk Funeral Directors. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thurs., July 7, 2011 at Gunder/Hall & Folk Funeral Directors with Rev. Charles Bowling officiating. Burial will follow in Waldo Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice or the American Cancer Society. Condolences may be expressed to


389. i. Jerry Richard[6] Jr. Born 17 Jun 1953 in Marion.

215. ii. Roxanna Jean. Born 10 Jul 1954.

390. iii. Terry Allan. Born 31 Jul 1955 in Marion.

220. Howard Diehl[5] Honaker (Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Apr 1945 in Marion, Ohio. He became a police officer and made his home in Marion. He was a U.S. Army veteran, serving in Germany and Vietnam. In 2010 he lived in Mt. Gilead, Ohio.

He married Rose Marie Rhoden, daughter of Elwood Rhoden and Vera Dane Davidson, 28 Jun 1968 in Coperas Cove, Texas. Born 22 Jul 1947 in Marion. She was an accountant for National City Bank. Children:

i. Howard Eugene[6]. Born 13 Jul 1969.

ii. Wendy Sue. Born 10 Nov 1971.

227. Eula Lee[5] Honaker (James Cline[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

ix. John Samuel. Born 9 Oct 1929 in Bland Co., Va. Died 20 May 2006.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 23 May 2006: John S. Helvey, 76, of Wytheville, died Sat., May 20, 2006. Funeral Wednesday, 11 a.m. at Mt. Mitchell United Methodist Church. Arrangements by Grubb Funeral Home [Wytheville.]

x. Mary Madeline. Born 26 Apr 1931 in Bland Co., Va. Died 18 Aug 2006 in Vienna, Va. Buried in Fairfax Memorial Park, Fairfax, Va.

Washington [D.C.] Post, 20 Aug 2006: Mary Madeline Strohm died on Fri., Aug. 18, 2006 at her residence in Vienna, Va. Wife of the late Harry J. Strohm. Survived by her sisters, Edna Livengood, Dorothy Helvey and Barbara Garst; her brother, Wayne Helvey; many special nieces and nephews; grand-nieces and grand-nephews; and her cherished “exchange son,” David Taylor. Friends may call at the Money and King Funeral Home, 171 W. Maple Ave., Vienna, Va., on Tue., Aug. 22 from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Funeral services will be held on Wed., Aug. 23, 11 a.m. at Fairfax United Methodist Church, University Drive & Stratford Ave., Fairfax, Va. Interment will follow at Fairfax Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Capital Hospice, 6565 Arlington Blvd., #501, FALLS CHURCH VA 22042.

She married Harry J. Strohm.

230. Clara Belle[5] Honaker (James Davidson[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Jan 1917 in Rocky Gap, Va. Died 8 Jul 2010 in Bluefield, W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Bluefield.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 10 Jul 2010 (with photograph): Clara Belle Honaker Looney, 93, of 2212 Washington St., Bluefield, W.Va., died Thurs., July 8, 2010 at home. Born Jan. 28, 1917 in Rocky Gap, Va., she was a daughter of the late Edna N. and J.D. Honaker. Mrs. Looney graduated from Bluefield High School, Class of 1935 and attended Concord College. She worked for the American Cancer Society, Al Land’s Jewelry Store and was secretary for the Mercer County School System for 22 years serving at Cumberland Heights and Fairview Jr. High in Bluefield, W.Va. Her hobbies included golf and playing bridge. She loved her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren, and her pets through the years. Her latest dog was Tipper. She was also a long-time member of Trinity United Methodist Church in Bluefield. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 70 years, Harold Looney; brothers, James Luther Honaker and Thomas Honaker; and a granddaughter, Chris Simmons Presley. Clara Belle is survived by one son, William H. Looney, Jr. and wife Jonna of Bluefield; one daughter, Isabel Simmons and husband Danny of Bluefield; five grandchildren, Jon William Looney of Bluefield, Linda Looney Diemer and husband Mike of Raleigh, N.C., Danny T. Simmons, Jr. and Chrissie Reynolds of Pembroke, Va., Susan VanHoose and husband Greg, of Ravenswood, W.Va., and Tracy Freund and husband Drew of Bluefield, W.Va.; nine great grandchildren, Sidney and Nate Diemer of Raleigh, N.C., Amber Martinez and husband Randy of Ponchatoula, La., Jeremy Simmons and Jennifer Granderson of Abita Springs, La., Brittany and Justin Freund of Bluefield, Will, Rebecca and Sarah VanHoose of Ravenswood, W.Va.; five great great grandchildren, Julian, Isabella, Roman and Gracie Simmons and Claire Martinez, of Louisiana; several nieces and nephews; and caregivers, Delma Harden, Darlene Green, Anita Sudduth Buzzo, Christine Finley, Reese Southern and Carol Dassonville. Funeral services will be conducted on Sun., July 11, 2010, at 4 p.m. from the Mercer Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Susan Rector officiating. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Sunday from 2 p.m. until the service hour. Graveside services will be conducted on Mon., July 12, 2010 at 10 a.m. from Roselawn Memorial Gardens Mausoleum with the Rev. Susan Rector officiating. Those wishing to attend the services are asked to meet at the cemetery. Honorary pallbearers will be Jon William Looney, Danny Simmons, Jr., Jeremy Simmons, Mike Diemer, Greg VanHoose, John Honaker and Jim Honaker. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Trinity United Methodist Church, 401 College Ave., Bluefield, WV 24701, or Hospice of Bluefield, Rt. 2 Box 108, Bluefield, WV 24701.

She married William Harold Looney, son of William Nathaniel Looney and Ora Wilson, 1937 in Pearisburg, Va. Born 15 Aug 1914 in Princeton, W.Va. Died before 2010. Children:

402. i. William Harold, Jr.[6] Born 24 May 1938 in Bluefield.

403. ii. Frances Isabel (called Issy.) Born 24 May 1939 in Bluefield.

231. Mary Frances Kathryn[5] Honaker (James Roland[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Jun 1929 in Princeton, W.Va. Died 6 Dec 2009 in Chicago, Ill.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2010: Mary Kathryn Bookman, 80, of Chicago, Ill., was born into her eternal home Dec. 6, 2009. She was born into her earthly home in Princeton, W.Va., June 1, 1929. Upon entering her eternal home she was met by her husband of nearly 50 years James O’Dell Brookman Sr. She was also united with her parents, James Roland and Ada McAllister Honaker as well as her three brothers, James Roland Jr., John Tracy, Charles William and her sister Dorothy Pettrey. She was also reunited with her two sons, James O’Dell Jr. and Stephen Randolph and her granddaughter Stephanie Renee. Mary Kathryn is survived by her sister, Ann (late Ben) Lee, as well as her three daughters, Linda, Lavinia O’Toole, and Elizabeth Kimminau. She is also survived by her six grandchildren, Kelly (Lance) Lopez, Robert (Caroline) O’Toole, Barbara (Jeremy) Luther, Cyndi Brookman, Michael and Caitlin Kimminau. She is also survived by her great grandchildren, Rian Luther, Abigail, Izak, Mackenzie, and the happily anticipated Riley O’Toole. She is also survived by many nieces and nephews as well as grand nieces and grand nephews.

She married James O’Dell Brookman, son of James Brookman and Norma Gore, 22 Dec 1946 in Princeton, W.Va. Born 19 Dec 1925 in Pettry, W.Va.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 1996: James Odell Brookman, 69, husband of Mary Frances Kathryn (Honaker) died Dec. 13, 1995 in Chicago, Ill. He was a veteran of World War II, a retired employee of Western Electric, Inc., and a member of Masonic Lodge #815 of Chicago. He was preceded in death by his sons James, Jr., and Stephen R. Brookman; one granddaughter, Stephanie R. Brookman, and two brothers. He is survived by his wife of 49 years; three daughters, Linda Gaye Brookman, Davinia Diane (Brookman) O’Toole, and Elizabeth Kathryn (Brookman) Kimminau; six grandchildren; two sisters; and nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Dec. 15, 1995 in Blake-Lamb Funeral Home Chapel, Chicago. Burial was at Woodlawn Cemetery, Chicago.


i. Linda Gaye[6]. Born 20 Jul 1948 in Princeton, W.Va.

404. ii. Lavinia Diane. Born 20 Feb 1951 in Princeton.

405. iii. James O’Dell, Jr. Born 21 Jan 1953 in Princeton.

iv. Stephen Randolph. Born 27 Oct 1962 in Chicago. Died 28 Mar 1964 in Chicago.

406. v. Elizabeth Kathryn. Born 6 Aug 1965 in Chicago.

235. Edison Harlin[5] Ashworth (Beulah Faye[4], Mary Catherine[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). His and his wife’s last residence was 700 E. Flora St., Tampa.

He married Ramona Elizabeth Eckhardt. Died 14 Sep 1999 in Tampa. Buried in Myrtle Hill Cemetery. Children:

iii. Dale Buster. In 2001 he lived in Tampa.

237. James Tuggle[5] Ashworth (Beulah Faye[4], Mary Catherine[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Died 18 Sep 1996. Buried in Arlington National Cemetery. He was a colonel in the U.S. Air Force and worked at the Pentagon for many years. He lived in Catonsville, Md.

242. Ruth Thelma[5] Honaker (called Thelma) (George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph. Born 22 Nov 1902 on Ashland Mountain, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 9 Jul 1990 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. She and her third husband opened and operated a beauty shop until 1968 when it closed because he was ill. After his death she reopened it and the business continued until 1980 when she donated all her equipment to the Akron Senior Citizens Center. During her years as a cosmetologist she won many awards. She was active in charity works and often set aside one day a week to work for patrons unable to pay. Her retirement years were spent enjoying her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

She married, first, James Ellsworth George, son of Sarah Ann McCauley, 1 Dec 1916 in Cumberland Co., Md. They divorced 1921 in Akron. Born 27 Feb 1890 in Barbour Co., W.Va. Died 22 Oct 1975 in Barbour County.

In 2015, Thelma’s granddaughter Judi Spencer provided fascinating insight into how James gained his surname. He was the son of Sarah Ann McCauley, born 23 Mar 1850, died 3 Mar 1944. She first married George Anderson and had three children in that marriage; he died in 1865. She married, second, John R. George, born 1 Mar 1840, died 19 Dec 1881, a Civil War veteran whose battle injuries resulted in his death. Sarah and John married 3 Dec 1875 and had one son, Ephriam. Now bear in mind that James Ellsworth George, Thelma’s husband, was not born until 27 Feb 1890, nine years after his “father” had died. Alas, here enters bureaucracy which is ever challenging and in this case resistant to the facts of the matter. Family legend is that when James was born, his mother tried to register him as McCauley, but since she was the widow George, it couldn’t be permitted. Thus resulted the surname George.

James married, first, Icie Pearl Foster 20 Apr 1910. They divorced 1916. In that marriage there were two children, Arah Augustine George, born 1912, died 2001; and Ernest Taylor George, born 1913, died 1976. James married, third, Margaret Fitzwater (called Maggie), 1922. They had eight children. Children (of Thelma and James):

i. Unknown daughter[6]. Died at birth 1918.

417. ii. William Franklin. Born 7 Feb 1920 in Akron.

She married, second, Clarence Lavern Peters, son of August Peters and Lavesta (also VestaMae) Rearick, 21 Jan 1921. They divorced 1925. Born 28 Nov 1888 in Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio. Died 22 Oct 1962 in Erie Co., Ohio. Buried in Arlington [Va.] National Cemetery. He was a World War I veteran. He married, second, Cloa B. Mottice Newhouse 27 Mar 1926 in Akron. He married, third, Rhea Clinton 8 Jul 1930. Children (of Thelma and Clarence):

242. iii. Lee Roy (called Pete). Born 3 Jul 1922 in Akron.

She married, third, Earl Sherman Elzey, son of Sidney C. Elzey and Ida Janetta Hubbell, 15 Sep 1931. Born 17 Jul 1889 in Delaware, Ohio. Died 21 May 1970 in Akron. They had no children.

243. Lionel Huston[5] Honaker (Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 25 Oct 1901 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 25 Nov 1978 in Winston-Salem, Davidson Co., N.C. Buried in Roselawn Gardens, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 27 Nov 1978: Lionel Huston Honaker, Sr , 77, of Winston-Salem, N.C., formerly of Tazewell, Va., died in a Winston Salem hospital Saturday afternoon following a long illness. He was a retired coal miner, retiring from Consolidated Coal Co., in Bishop Va , a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saults and a member of the Bluefield Moose Lodge. Mr. Honaker had resided in Winston-Salem since 1969, moving there from Tazewell. Born in Ashland, October 25, 1901, he was the son of the late Henry H. and Mary Etta Miller Honaker. He was also preceded by his wife Stella Bailey Honaker on April 24, 1970, and two brothers, Alonzo and Woodrow Honaker. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Lorraine Neat of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Juean Fox of Dade City, Fla.; one son, Lionel H Honaker, Jr., of Tazewell; five sisters, Mrs. Hazel Setliff, Mrs. Vivian Franes and Mrs. Bernice Good, all of Princeton, Mrs. Ferol White of Montcalm and Mrs. June Martin of Phoenix, Ariz.; two brothers: Burt Honaker of W. Palm Beach, Fla., and Luther Honaker of Santee, S.C.; six grandchildren and four great grandchildren also survive. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m ., Tuesday from the George W. Seaver Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Wiley Neal officiating. Interment will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton. Pallbearers will be members of the Bluefield Moose Lodge and they will also conduct the graveside services. The body will remain at George W. Seaver Funeral Home where friends may call from 7-9 p.m .today.

He married Stella Beatrice Bailey, daughter of Orville Harrison Bailey and Fannie Elizabeth Shrewsbury, 23 Sep 1922 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va. Born 7 Jun 1903 in Beartown, Wyoming Co., W.Va. Died 24 Apr 1970 in Davidson Co., N.C. Buried in Roselawn Gardens, Princeton. Children:

418. i. Lionel Huston[6] Jr. Born 6 Nov 1923 in Crumpler.

243. ii. Lorraine Beatrice[6]. Born 14 Dec 1928 in Widemouth, Mercer Co., W.Va.

243. iii. Ramona Juean. Born 10 Mar 1932 in Mercer Co., W.Va.

244. Vivian Ann[5] Honaker (Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 16 Aug 1916 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 4 Oct 1997 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 6 Oct 1997: Vivian Honaker Franes, 81, of 301 Carter Drive, Princeton, died Sat., Oct. 4, 1997 in Princeton Community Hospital. Born in Crumpler on Aug. 16, 1916, she was the daughter of the late H.H. and Mary Miller Honaker She was retired after 30 years of service as a schoolteacher, having taught in the McDowell and Mercer County school systems. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Princeton where she attended the Cassidy-Pendleton Sunday School class and the Wesley Fellowship Circle. She also served as an officer in the United Methodist Women. She was a volunteer at Princeton Community Hospital and a member of the Princeton Delphian Club and the Retired Teachers Associations. She had been a resident of Princeton since 1974, moving from Bluefield. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Anthony J. Franes. Survivors include: one son, James Michael Franes of Las Vegas, Nev.; two grandchildren, Tony Franes II and Heather Franes Jess; one brother, Luke Honaker of Clemson, S.C., and one sister, June Martin of Phoenix, Ariz. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the George W. Seaver Funeral Home Chapel in Princeton with the Rev. Clifford Schell officiating. Burial will follow in Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton. Friends may call at the funeral home from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. today. Memorial contributions may be made to the First United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 304, Princeton, W.Va. 24704.

She married Anthony James Franes (called Tony) 29 Dec 1937. Born 18 Nov 1915 in Powhatan, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 5 Nov 1988 in Princeton. Children:

i. James Michael[6]. Born 2 Feb 1947 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. He married Ruth E.

Briggs 15 Aug 1970. Born 4 Aug 1948.

246. Charles Ray[5] Ord (India Anna[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Oct 1921 at home on Three Mile Creek Road, Mason Co., W.Va. He settled in Putnam County working at a chemical plant in Nitro, W.Va.

He married Juanita P. Rhodes 21 Nov 1945. Children:

i. Edward Lee[6]. He married Eloise LeMasters.

247. Thomas Graham[5] Honaker, Jr. (Thomas Graham[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 May 1921 in Beckley, W.Va. Died 7 Sep 1984 in Port St. Lucie, Fla., while visiting his son. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va. Thomas originally aspired to be a minister and his congregation sent him to Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, N.C. Instead of the ministry, however, he decided on a business career. During World War II he was a young officer in the U.S. Army 29th Infantry Division, the “Maryland-Virginia Blue-Grey,” which landed at Normandy, France, on D-Day and was in the Battles of St. Lo and the Bulge. During his wartime service, Thomas was twice awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star Medals, and three times was awarded the Purple Heart Medal. After the war he continued as a reserve officer and later retired as a colonel. He was president of Reid Belt and Rubber Co., Bluefield, W.Va., which at one time was the largest conveyor-belt supplier and repairer in area coal fields; was active in Masonic affairs as a 32nd degree Mason, member of Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, Jesters, and Temple; and in 1970 became potentate of Beni Kedem Temple, Charleston, W.Va. He was active in Republican politics and long-time chairman of the Mercer Co., W.Va., Board of Education; and for many years was chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Urban Housing Authority, Bluefield, W.Va. An urban housing development in Bluefield was named in his honor.

He married Belvia Mae Reid, daughter of Otis Ellery Reid and Lilly Mae Lovell, 25 Apr 1946 in Tazewell, Va. Born 26 Jan 1920 in Lillybrook, W.Va. She was a long time schoolteacher. In 1999 she was active in the Episcopal Church and was a fine artist who had won awards for oils and pastels. In 2001 she lived in Bluefield, W.Va.


420. i. Thomas G., III[6].

247. ii. Patricia Ann. Born 25 Jun 1954 in Bluefield, W.Va.

248. Myrtle Irene[5] Carter (called Irene) (Anna Belle[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

250. Martha Mae[5] Honaker (John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

She married, first, Ernest Sperry. Children:

i. Unknown son[6]. Died at an early age.

ii. George Edward. Born in Spurlocksville, W.Va.

iii. George Sharrel (Linkous reported Sharrel Gene). Born in Spurlocksville.

iv. Jim. Born in Spurlocksville.

251. Hallie Homer[5] Honaker (John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 2 Sep 1908 in Hager, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 7 Oct 1977 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Hallie and his wife Elva grew up in Lincoln County and lived in Hamlin for several years at the end of their lives.

He married Elva Adkins, daughter of Wootson Adkins (called Wootz) and Fenton Buzzard, 3 Feb 1934 in Sias, W.Va. Born 9 Sep 1916 (also reported as 9 Apr 1915) in Palermo, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 6 Jun 1999 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 7 Jun 1999 and 8 Jun 1999. The following obituary, 7 Jun 1999, contained errors which were corrected the following day. We do not have the corrected obituary and have made corrections and additions shown in brackets: Elva Honaker, 84, of Hamlin, [widow] of Hallie H. Honaker, died Sunday at St. Mary’s Hospital. She was a homemaker. [Survivors] include three sons, Russell Honaker of Chicago, Scott Honaker of Brewster, Ohio, and Bob Honaker of Sissonville; three [daughters], Emma Saunders of Culloden, Willa Jean Johnson of West Hamlin, and Anna Ancheta of Seattle; and two brothers, Hartley Adkins of Cedar Grove and Fred Adkins of Spurlocksville. Funeral 2 p.m. Tuesday at Koontz Funeral Home [Hamlin, W.Va.]; burial in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.


251. i. Russell Carrol[6] (called Billy). Born 7 Nov 1934.

251. ii. Scott Junior (called Buddy). Born 7 Dec 1935.

251. iii. Anna Lee. Born 29 Sep 1938.

iv. Willa Jean (Linkous reported Willa Joan). She married Wendell Johnson and had three or four children, names unknown.

v. Emma Dean. She married Billy Joe Saunders. There were no children.

251. vi. Bobby Ray (Linkous reported Gabby Ray).

252. Ronald Denver[5] Honaker (called Denver) (John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]).

Denver’s wife Alice Rosemary Coughlin was born 29 Aug 1920 (change) in Youngstown, Ohio. Died 26 Feb 2000 in Beaver, Pa. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Industry, Pa.

Beaver County Times, Beaver, Pa., 27 Feb 2000: Alice R. Honaker, 79, of Midland Heights, Midland, died Sat., Feb. 26, 2000 in the Beaver Valley Geriatric Center. Born Aug. 29, 1920 in Youngstown, Ohio, she was a daughter of the late Joseph A. and Gertrude Handel Coughlin. A veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps, serving during World War II, she was a member of the St. Blaise Parish Family, Midland. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Denver R. Honaker, on Jan. 7, 1979; a son, James Honaker, in 1972; four brothers, Joseph, Thomas, William and John Coughlin, and a sister, Therresa Coughlin. Surviving are three sons, Ronald E. Honaker, Midland, Richard L. Honaker, Girard, Ohio, and Joseph L. Honaker, Midland; three daughters, Mary Pat Cover, Stow, Ohio, Ruth Ann Hayes, Phoenix, Ariz., and Donna Jean Vought, Somers Point, N.J.; nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren, three brothers, the Rev. Father Howard “Bud” Coughlin, Simpsonville, S.C., Leo Coughlin, Hornell, N.Y., and Robert Coughlin, Dunwoody, Ga., and three sisters, Betty Lucas, Altodona, Calif., Agnes Daniels, Worth, Ill., and Sister Maria, Chardon, Ohio. Friends will be received today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the D.L. Williams Funeral Home, 848 Midland Ave., Midland. A Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated on Monday at 10 a.m. in St. Blaise Parish, Midland. Interment will follow in Oak Grove Cemetery, Industry. Full military rites will be conducted by the American Legion Post 481 Honor Guard. A vigil prayer service will be held today at 7:30 p.m. in the funeral home.

Alice was a charter member of Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation, Washington, D.C., sponsored by Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lucas, her eldest sister. The women’s memorial at Arlington National Cemetery lists her as a corporal in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. She served as a WAC from 22 Oct 1943 to 12 Nov 1945. At the time of her membership in the foundation, she gave her birthplace as Youngstown, Ohio, and her hometown as Midland, Pa. As memorable experiences, she said she remembered KP on Friday night, GI-ing the barracks and trips to the quartermaster outfit for weekend food; leaving Pittsburgh on an overnight Pullman train for Washington, D.C., with stops at towns enroute to pick up more women. When they got to Washington, in the rain, they marched up Pennsylvania Avenue to be sworn in at the Capitol. Then they were sent to Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., for basic training. “From the good friends I made there to the trip to Wright Field [Dayton, Ohio] and the friends made there, I think that first taste of Army life was it. I think I could write a book about this time of my life,” she concluded, “but I’m too busy!”


252. ii. Richard Lee.

252. iii. Mary Patricia.

iv. Joseph Lee (called Joe).

252. v. Ruth Ann. She married Unknown Hayes.

252. vii. Donna Jean.

253. Kenneth Albert[5] Honaker (John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 20 Dec 1919 in Hager, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 17 Mar 2015 in South Point, Lawrence Co., Ohio. Buried in Ridgelawn Memorial Park, Huntington, W.Va.

Herald-Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 20 Mar 2015: Kenneth A. Honaker, 95, of Huntington, W.Va., formerly of Midkiff, W.Va., passed away Tue., March 17, 2015 in Heartland of Riverview, South Point, Ohio. He was born Dec. 20, 1919 in Hager, W.Va., the son of the late John Floyd and Leva Plumley Honaker. In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by his loving wife, Edith Pennington Honaker; seven brothers and four sisters. He was a retired parts manager with the W.Va. Dept. of Highways, a U.S. Navy veteran and member and retired deacon at Lewis Memorial Baptist Church where he was faithful in the visitation program for the Lord for many years. He is survived by two daughters, Carol (Kenny) Lovejoy of South Point, Ohio and Patty (Andy) Arrington of Roanoke, Va.; grandchildren, Kimberly Lovejoy, Shawn Hogan, Todd and Donna Lovejoy, Kelly Hogan Schetselaar and Stefan Schetselaar, Bryan and Heather Hogan, Susan Lovejoy Yates and Scott Yates; seven great grandchildren. Graveside services will be conducted at 11 a.m. on Fri., March 20, 2015 at Ridgelawn Memorial Park, Huntington, W.Va., with Rev. Richard Sexton officiating. Henson & Kitchen Mortuary, Barboursville, is caring for the family. Burial will follow. Online condolences and memories may be shared with the family by visiting .

He married Edith Pearl Pennington 7 Apr 1941 in Midkiff, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Born 15 Nov 1920. Died 14 May 1989 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va. Children:

421. i. Carol Yvonne[6]. Born 18 Apr 1942 in East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio.

422. ii. Patty Louise. Born 18 Jun 1947 in Midkiff.

254. Emma Flossie[5] Honaker (John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. A photograph of four generations, from Emma to her great granddaughter and namesake, Emma Hope[8] Gilbert, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, May-Jun 2002. Born 9 Jun 1921 in Hager, W.Va. Died 18 Nov 2014 in Ohioville Beaver Co., Pa. Buried Oak Grove Cem., Industry, Beaver Co., Pa.

Noll Funeral Home, Beaver, Pa., 20 Nov 2014, with photograph: Emma Gibson, 93, of Ohioville, passed away suddenly Tue., Nov.18, 2014 at her home. Born June 9, 1921, she was a daughter of the late John Floyd and Leva Honaker, and had been a resident of Ohioville since 1955. She was active throughout her life in the Honaker Family Association. Preceding her in death, besides her parents, was her husband of 58 years, Raymond S Gibson on Sept. 28, 2003, a daughter, Sharon Diane Gibson, a brother, Elza “Pete” Honaker, a sister, Ethel Honaker, and an infant great-grandchild. She is survived by a son, Wayne (Julie) Gibson, Chippewa, a daughter, Rosaleen (Bill) Chludzinski, Rogers, Ohio, a brother, Kenneth Honaker, Huntington, W.Va., four grandchildren, Gregory (Nicole) Gibson, Brighton Township, Elizabeth Blume, Beaver Falls, Vicki (Pat) Gilbert, Lisbon, Ohio, William Jr. (Christine) Chludzinski, Lisbon, Ohio, eight great-grandchildren, Jacob and Joshua Gibson, Samantha, Jenny and Emma Gilbert, Lindsay, Kate and Megan Chludzinski. Friends will be received Thursday from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. in the Noll Funeral Home, Inc., 333 Third St., Beaver, where a funeral service will be conducted Friday at 11 a.m. Private interment will be at the Oak Grove Cemetery, Industry.

She completed her junior year at Guyan Valley High School, Branchland, Lincoln Co., W.Va., but left home and school 16 Mar 1942 after World War II broke out. She went to Midland, Pa., becoming a “Rosie the Riveter” at Curtiss-Wright Aircraft Co. at Beaver, Beaver Co., Pa. She was their first woman turret lathe operator, making fighter aircraft propellers. After the war was over, she said in 2001, she “went back home to West Virginia, got married and had been a housewife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother ever since.” A story about and photographs of Emma as a World War II defense factory worker appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Jan-Feb 2000. She was an avid gardener known for beautiful flowers, and a fine quilter with original ideas and detailed, small stitches.

She married Raymond Sidney Gibson, son of Joseph Braxton Gibson and Eva Bologna Brumett, 12 Oct 1945 in Hager, W.Va. Born 26 Aug 1917 in Jenkins, Letcher Co., Ky. Died 28 Sep 2003 in Beaver, Pa. Buried Oak Grove Cemetery, Industry.

Beaver County [Pa.] Times, 30 Sep 2003: Raymond S. Gibson, 86, of Ohioville, died unexpectedly Sunday evening, Sept. 28, 2003 in The Medical Center, Beaver. Born Aug. 26, 1917 in Jenkins, Ky., a son of the late Joseph and Eva Brummett Gibson, he had been a resident of Ohioville for the past 48 years. Mr. Gibson retired as a millwright in the blast furnace at the Crucible Stainless & Alloy Division of Colt Industries, Inc., Midland. A U.S. Army veteran of World War II, he was awarded the Purple Heart. He is survived by his wife of nearly 58 years, Emma Honaker Gibson; a son and daughter-in-law, Wayne and Julie Gibson, Ohioville; a daughter and son-in-law, Rosaleen and Bill Chludzinski, Rogers, Ohio; a sister and brother-in-law, Virginia and Daude Adkins, Midkiff, W.Va.; four grandchildren, Greg and his wife, Nicole Gibson, New Brighton; Elizabeth Gibson, Ohioville; Vicki and her husband, Pat Gilbert, Lisbon, Ohio, and Bill and his wife, Christine Chludzinski, Lisbon; seven great-grandchildren, Jacob Gibson, Samantha Chludzinski, Jenny and Emma Gilbert, Lindsey, Kate and Megan Chludzinski. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a daughter, Sharon Diane Gibson, and a sister, Opal Hammel. Friends will be received today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the Noll Funeral Home, 333 Third St., Beaver, where a service will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Richard L. Raines, pastor of Fairview Reformed Presbyterian Church, [Presbyterian Church in America], Ohioville. Interment and full military rites by the Midland American Legion will follow in Oak Grove Cemetery, Industry.

Raymond completed grade school in Cuzzie, W.Va., then worked from 1937 to 1940 in a telephone pole yard, peeling bark from poles with a drawknife, and dressing them with an adze. From 1940 to 1945 he served with the U.S. Army. From the fall of 1942 until June 1945, 33 months, he was with the 39th Infantry Division in North Africa and throughout Europe, where he was primarily an ammunition truck driver. He suffered an overextended elbow while landing in North Africa, and was wounded at St. Lo, France when a German sniper, chained to a tree, shot him in the shoulder. On one occasion he was loading ammunition as he was told he had mail. He said he’d wait. When he was told it was from Emma, he left to get it and the ammo dump was blown up. On another occasion he had the wheels blown off a jeep he was driving. He said he spent many a day and night in foxholes, with snow covering him, but was only one of thousands living in the same conditions. He received the Purple Heart Medal for the gunshot wound to the shoulder. He and Emma married shortly after he returned. He worked as an automotive mechanic at the Frank Adkins Garage in West Hamlin, W.Va. until relocating to Pennsylvania in 1948. He was a millwright for Crucible Steel Corp., Midland, Pa. from 8 Oct 1948 to 8 Nov 1979, 31 years, until retirement. Children:

423. i. Martha Rosaleen[6] (called Rosaleen). Born 22 Feb 1947 in Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

424. ii. Thomas Wayne (called Wayne). Born 17 Oct 1951 in East Liverpool, Ohio.

iii. Sharon Diane. Died before 2015.

255. Elza Carl[5] Honaker (called Pete) (John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 28 Aug 1924 in Hager, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Died 6 May 2014 in Springfield, Ohio.

Springfield [Ohio] News-Sun, 7 May 2014: Elza “Pete” Honaker, 89, of Springfield, passed away Tue., May 6, 2014 in his home. He was born Aug. 28, 1924 in Hager, W.Va., the son of the late John and Leva (Plumley) Honaker. He was a veteran of the United States Army and served our country proudly during World War II. Pete graduated from Marshall University in 1950. He taught at Guyan Valley High School in Branchland, W.Va. Pete then went on and taught at Cedarville High School and later retired from Springfield City Schools in 1980. He was a member of First Christian Church, Clark Lodge No. 101 The Ohio Mason and 32nd degree lifetime member of Scottish Rite Dayton. Pete enjoyed spending time with his family and former students. He also enjoyed camping, fishing, sports and gardening. Survivors include three children and spouses, Ronald R. and LaVee Honaker of Gaffney, S.C., Larry A. and Merrilee Honaker of Drexel, Mo., and Janice and Russ Hoagland of Springfield; grandchildren, Heather Elizabeth (Mike) Bolt, Jaime Honaker, Jessica Hoagland, Erin (Ben) Frey, Melanie (Eli) Patterson, Patrick Ball and Ashley (Jamie) Guy; great-grandson, Brittany and Amber Schumacher, Reid Guy, and Sydney, Kailyn and Maisie Patterson; one sister, Emma Gibson of Industry, Pa., and one brother, Kenneth Honaker of Huntington, W.Va. He was preceded in death by his wife of 66 years, Betty Honaker in July of 2012; two sisters, Ethel and Essie Honaker; six half-brothers; one half-sister and a close brother-in-law, Frank Gunsauley. A gathering of family and friends will be held on Fri., May 9, 2014 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home. Funeral services will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the funeral home with Joel Augustus officiating. Burial will follow in North Cemetery, Cedarville with military honors. Memorial gifts may be made to the American Cancer Society. You may express condolences to the family at .

Linkous reported that Pete served in the U.S. Army from 1943 to 1946; graduated from Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va., in 1950; pursued graduate courses at Antioch College and Miami University; and taught high school for 34 years.

In 2007 Pete wrote:

I was born three hollows south of Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va. and then up Big Laurel branch, with no road for another mile. Our mailing address was Hager, W.Va. We lived there for six years, at which time we moved to Mud River and then after another four years to Nine Mile, where our mailing address was Midkiff, W.Va., still in Lincoln County. I attended Midkiff Elementary School and graduated second in my class from Guyan Valley High School, Branchland, Lincoln County.

I enlisted in the army Mar. 29, 1943 and received my diploma while I was in basic training at Ft. Knox, Ky. After basic, I was sent, against my will, to dental tech school at Lawson General Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. Upon completion, I was shipped back to Ft. Knox to realize that my outfit was in Europe. Are you ready for some humor? I was awakened at 3 a.m. and told that I was in charge of the mess [dining hall]. After a week of almost poisoning the battalion, another Honaker, a cook from Honaker, Va., arrived, and I was relieved of the experience of my life.

I ended up in Co. A, 1st Bn., 79th Infantry Div. I spent my first few months in Europe escorting prisoners of war from camps to seaports for transfer to the U.S. I was in combat in France, Belgium and Germany.

I received my mustering out papers Mar. 31, 1946. There is much more about my army life, but I think I’ve said enough. The only thing I have to show for my military experience is a bad back. I also qualified for the World War II Victory Medal, European Theatre of Operations Medal, Combat Infantry badge, and was an expert marksman on different caliber machine guns.

I received a B.S. in Math and Earth Science from Marshall College (now University), Huntington, W.Va., in 1950; and subsequently did graduate work at Miami (Ohio) University and Wilberforce (Ohio) College. I completed a master’s level program in mathematics and earth science at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, in 1961.

After graduating from Marshall in 1950, I taught mathematics back at Guyan Valley High School, from which I had graduated. In 1955, we moved to Cedarville, Ohio, where I taught mathematics at Cedarville High School. In 1961, we moved to Springfield, Ohio, where I taught mathematics at the secondary level until retirement in 1980.

Teaching left my summers free for other employment. Over the years I worked for S.A. Healy Construction Co. out of Chicago and White Plains, N.Y. I drove an engineering truck at the Riverdale Dam, Riverdale, N.D.; was a tunnel mechanic on construction of the underground capitol at Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.; and supervised earth dumping at construction of The Dalles Dam, The Dalles, Ore.

I was initiated and inducted into Gamma Theta Upsilon, Beta Nu Chapter, in 1955. Over the years Betty and I have done a lot of camping, first in tents and then in motorhomes up to 27-feet. Now we’re members of Southgate Baptist Church in Springfield. I belong to Scottish Rite in Dayton, Ohio, and Clark Lodge 101 in Springfield, and the Disabled American Veterans. Betty and I are members of Home City Chapt. 258, Ohio Eastern Star, and received our 25-year pins in 2000. In 2005 I was flown on an honor flight from Dayton, Ohio to Washington, D.C., with a group of World War II veterans to see the dedication of the World War II Memorial.

Springfield [Ohio] News-Sun, 2 Jul 2006: Anniversaries—Mr. & Mrs. E.C. (Pete and Betty) Honaker, 1046 Bradford Drive, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a June 10 open house hosted by their family. The Honakers were married June 7, 1946, in Norfolk, Va. They are the parents of three children, Janice Hoagland and Ronald Honaker, both of Springfield; and Larry Honaker, Drexel, Mo. They have four grandchildren, three step-grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Both Mr. and Mrs. Honaker are retired from the Springfield City Schools.

He married Elizabeth Mae Gunsauley (called Betty), daughter of Larkin NMN Gunsauley and Martha Wallace Standley, 7 Jun 1946 in Portsmouth, Portsmouth Co., Va. Born 11 May 1928 in Midland, Beaver Co., Pa.

Died 17 Jul 2012 in Springfield, Ohio. Buried in North Cemetery, Cedarville, Ohio.

Springfield [Ohio] News-Sun, 19 Jul 2012: Elizabeth M. “Betty” Honaker, 84, of Springfield, died Tuesday afternoon, July 17, 2012 in Villa Springfield. She was born in Midland, Pa., on May 11, 1928, the daughter of the late Larkin and Martha (Standley) Gunsauley. Betty worked as a librarian for the Springfield City Schools. She was a member of First Christian Church and [Order of Eastern Star] Home City Chapter. She is survived by her husband of 66 years, Pete Honaker; three children and spouses, Ronald R. and LaVee Honaker of Gaffney, S.C., Larry A. and Merrilee Honaker of Drexel, Mo., and Janice and Russ Hoagland of Springfield; grandchildren, Heather Elizabeth (Mike) Bolt, Jaime Honaker, Jessica Hoagland, Erin (Ben) Frey, Melanie (Eli) Patterson, Patrick Ball, and Ashley (Jamie) Guy; and great grandchildren, Brittany and Amber Schumacher, Reid Guy, and Sydney and Kailyn Patterson. Also surviving are three brothers, Robert Gunsauley of Florida, Frank (JoEllen) Gunsauley of Kansas, and Thomas (Henrietta) Gunsauley of Wisconsin; numerous nieces and nephews including two special nieces, Susan Brotz and Lorie Bowman; several cousins; and many life-long friends. She was preceded in death by a sister, Sarah May. Betty’s funeral service will be held at 3 p.m. Friday in the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home with Sam Waldron officiating. A gathering of family and friends will be held one hour prior to the service. Burial will be in North Cemetery, Cedarville. If desired, memorial contributions may be made to First Christian Church, 3638 Middle Urbana Rd., Springfield, OH 45503. You may express condolences to the family at

She attended Midland public schools until her junior year, when her parents moved to Portsmouth, Va. There she had a part-time job and graduated from Alexander Park High School in 1946.

In 2006, she wrote, “After we got married we just loafed until Marshall opened for fall classes. My mother died just after Pete graduated and we took my two younger brothers to raise. I stayed at home and tried to be a sister, mother and wife, taking some extension courses given by Morris Harvey College, Charleston, W.Va. Upon moving to Ohio, I enrolled for night classes at Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio, and later transferred to Wright State University, Fairborn, Ohio. I became a secretary for Springfield Community Schools for three years. Later I was an elementary school librarian in Springfield until Pete retired. Then we began traveling around the U.S. and Canada.”


425. i. Ronald Ray[6].

426. ii. Larry Allan.

427. iii. Janice Lynne.

256. Fred McKinley[5] Crawford (David L.[4], Sarah Margaret[3], John M.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Florence Mae Beltz (called Mae), daughter of John Matthew Beltz and Lydia Moberly, 12 May 1918 in Hillsboro, Ohio. Born 12 May 1898 in Buford, Ohio. Died 2 Mar 2000. Children:

iii. Paul Frederick. Born 12 Sep 1921 in Buford, Ohio. Died 14 Jul 1998. He never married.

264. Murrel Olive[5] McComas (Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Apr 1900 in Lashmeet, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 5 Feb 1985 in Bluefield, W.Va. Buried in McPherson Cemetery, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. She was a teacher.

She married Clifton Charles McPherson, son of James Henry McPherson and Hannah Rosalita Hale, 19 Apr 1920 in Princeton. Born 16 Feb 1894 in Kegley, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 1 Feb 1954 in Princeton. Buried in McPherson Cemetery. Children:

438. i. James Millard[6]. Born 12 Jun 1921 in Mercer County.

439. ii. Elizabeth Juanita. Born 23 Jan 1923 in Mercer County.

440. iii. Opal Ray. Born 24 Dec 1924 in Mercer County.

441. iv. Clifton Charles, Jr. Born 11 Jul 1926 in Kegley, Mercer County.

442. v. Clarence Arnold. Born 11 Aug 1928 in Kegley.

443. vi. Darrel Blaine. Born 21 Feb 1934 in Kegley.

444. vii. Lowell Carnice. Born 11 Oct 1940 in Princeton, Mercer County.

265. Verlie Azel[5] McComas (Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Sep 1911 in Lashmeet, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 24 Oct 1993 in Shady Spring, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, Raleigh County.

Unknown newspaper, possibly Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va.: Mrs. Verlie A. McComas Midkiff, 82, of Shady Spring, died Sun., Oct. 24, 1993, at her home following a long illness. Born Sept. 24, 1911, at Lashmeet, she was the daughter of the late Millard Filmore and Pansy Kester McComas. Mrs. Midkiff was a homemaker and attended the Primitive Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Agile D. Midkiff, on Jan. 8, 1992; a grandson, Bruce Eric Midkiff, on Dec. 6, 1967; three sisters and four brothers. Survivors include two sons, Randolph G. “Ranny” Midkiff of Roanoke, Va., Barry Gene Midkiff of Croydon, Pa.; a daughter, Mrs. David (Deanna) Arthur of Shady Spring; a grandson she was living with at the time of her death, Terry Glenn Akers of Shady Spring; a brother, Everett McComas of Marmet; a sister, Omega Danielson of Sacramento, Calif., six other grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel with Elder David Bailey officiating. Burial will follow in the Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. Friends may call from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be family and friends. Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Prosperity.

She married Agile Duvile Midkiff. Born 19 Feb 1911. Died 8 Jan 1992. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity. Services were at 1 p.m., 10 Jan 1992 at the cemetery chapel, Elder David Bailey officiating.


i. Randolph Grant[5] (called Rannie). Born 22 Feb 1932. In 2012 he lived in Roanoke, Va.

He married Barbara Vest. Died before 2012.

ii. Barry Gene (called Gene). Born 12 Oct 1933. In 2012 he lived in Croydon, Pa. He

married Margaret Unknown.

iii. Deanna. Karolee. Born 10 Feb 1940. In 2012 she lived in Shady Spring, W.Va. She married David Arthur.

266. Iva Fay[5] McComas (Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 8 Nov 1913. Died of cancer 27 Jun 1988. Buried in Rosedale Memorial Park, Bensalem, Bucks Co., Pa. Services were at 10 a.m., 1 Jul 1988 at Molden Funeral Chapel, 133 Otter St., Bristol, Pa., the Rev. Robert Varner officiating. She lived in Croydon, Pa.

She married Roy Patrick Harmon. Children:

i. Jarvis Delmo[6] (called Jack). Born 3 Sep 1934. He retired, sold his home, bought and

travelled in a recreational vehicle. He married, first, Unknown. He married, second, Elsie Unknown.

ii. Delmar Ronald. Born 27 Feb 1936. In 2012 he lived in The Villages, Sumter Co., Fla. He

married Betty Unknown.

iii. Donald Kay. Born 2 Apr 1937. In 2012 he lived in Arizona. He married, first, Unknown.

He married, second, Shirley Unknown.

iv. Roy Patrick, Jr. (called Pat). Born 5 Sep 1948. In 2012 he lived in Croydon, Pa. He

married Unknown.

267. Earl Ray[5] McComas (Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Sep 1915 in Kegley, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died of silicosis 23 Apr 1993 in Beckley, W.Va. Interred in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Prosperity, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., with photograph: Earl Ray McComas, 77, of Shady Spring, died Fri., April 23, 1993, in a Beckley health care center following a long illness. Born Sept. 20, 1915, at Kegley, he was the eldest son of the late Millard F. and Pansy Kester McComas. Mr. McComas was a retired coal miner from Westmoreland Coal Company, was a lifelong member of the [United Mine Workers of America] Local No. 5955, member of the [National Rifle Association] and was a Primitive Baptist. He had moved to Raleigh County in 1934. He was preceded in death by two brothers and two sisters. Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Velma Orena Lilly McComas; two sons, Larry E. McComas and wife, Margaret and Garry K. McComas and wife, [Edith], all of Shady Spring; a daughter, Mrs. Charles (Martha Lee) Claypool of St. Albans; a brother, Everette McComas of Marmet; two sisters, Verlie Midkiff of Shady Spring and Mrs. Arnold (Omega) Danielson of Sacramento, Calif.; nine grandchildren; two stepgrandchildren; and three great grandchildren. Services will be 1 p.m. today at Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel, with the Elders Lewis Lester and Kenna Lilly officiating. Entombment will follow in the Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Prosperity. Friends called from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Prosperity.

He married Velma Orena Lilly, daughter of E.J. Lilly and Martha Meadows. Born 10 Nov 1920 in Whitby, Raleigh County. Died 24 Feb 2001 in Beckley, Raleigh County. Interred in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., with photograph: Velma Orena McComas, 80, of Shady Spring, [Raleigh County,] died Sat., Feb. 24, 2001, in a Beckley area hospital following a long illness. Born Nov. 10, 1920, in Whitby, she was the daughter of the late E.J. “Joe” Lilly and Martha Meadows Lilly Moomaw. Mrs. McComas was a homemaker and was of the Primitive Baptist faith. She was preceded in death by her husband, Earl R. McComas; and two brothers, Teddy Elmer Lilly and Billy Gene Lilly Sr. Survivors include two sons, Larry E. McComas and wife Margaret of Shady Spring and Garry K. McComas and wife Edith of Shady Spring; one daughter, Martha Lee Claypool and husband Charles of St. Albans; one brother, E.R. “Sonny” Lilly of Charles Town; nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel in Beckley with the Rev. David Trump officiating. Entombment will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley.


i. Larry Earl[6]. Born 27 Aug 1939. In 2012 he lived in Shady Spring, W.Va. He married,

first, Unknown. He married, second, Margaret Blair.

267. ii. Martha Lee. Born 4 Jul 1942 in Beckley.

iii. Garry Kent. Born 1 Apr 1946. In 2012 he lived in Shady Spring, W.Va. He married Edith


268. Everett Lowery[5] McComas (Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). See photographs. Born 1 Mar 1921 in Matoaka, Mercer Co., W.Va., in a home built by his father Millard. Died 5 Aug 2014 in Marmet, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 7 Aug 2014: Everett L. McComas, 93, of Marmet, passed away Tue., Aug. 5, 2014, at his home surrounded by his loving family. He was born in Matoaka on March 1, 1921, to the late Millard F. McComas and Pansy Kester McComas. He attended schools in the Matoaka area and took special welding classes at Beckley College at the beginning of World War II. As a result of the classes he got a job building Liberty ships at the Fairfield Shipyard in Baltimore, Md. He was instrumental in the construction of the S.S. John W. Brown, which is now a museum based in Baltimore. When the Brown was in the Cleveland, Ohio, area for repairs, Everett got a personal tour of the ship and he, his son and grandson took a cruise on Lake Erie on the ship. After several deferments, Everett joined the U.S. Navy and served as a gunner on troop transports during the rest of WWII. During his stint in the Navy he traveled around the world once, across the Atlantic five times and was in 17 countries. On one crossing of the Atlantic he was in a convoy of 120 ships which covered 20 square miles. At the time it was the biggest convoy to cross the Atlantic. Everett was part of a group of veterans in the 2000s, through the “Honor Flight Program,” that flew veterans to Washington, D.C., to tour all of the war monuments and met several U.S. senators. After WWII, Everett worked for several coal mining companies and finally joined the Kroger Company as a mechanic. Everett was a member of the Teamsters union and served as a union steward. He retired from Kroger in 1984 and became a neighborhood “fix-it man.” Everett loved to travel with his family and together they traveled to Canada, Mexico, Nova Scotia and all of the states except Alaska. Everett was a member and deacon at Marmet First Baptist Church. He was a dedicated member who spent hours updating and maintaining the church. He was also known for his many parts in the Bible school plays. He was preceded in death by his parents; stepmother, Verda Mills McComas; two brothers, Emmett and Earl; four sisters, Murriel McPherson, Omega Danielson, Iva Harmon and Verlie Midkiff; and son-in-law, Richard Belt. Everett is survived by his loving wife of 72 years, Wilda Bennett McComas; daughter, Rondell Belt of North Ridgeville, Ohio; son and daughter-in-law, Roger Todd and Becky McComas of Pratt; granddaughter and grandson-in-law, Rae Dawn and David Hadinger of Burbank, Calif.; grandson, Ryan Belt of North Ridgeville, Ohio; three great-grandchildren, Henry Hadinger, Reagan and Alyssa Belt; and numerous nieces and nephews. A tribute to Everett’s life will be held at noon, Sat., Aug. 9, at the First Baptist Church of Marmet with the Rev. Tom Burnside officiating. Interment will follow in the Vest Family Cemetery on Mount View Road, Jumping Branch. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home and one hour prior to the service at the church. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Marmet First Baptist Church, 8716 MacCorkle Ave., S.E., Marmet, WV 25315. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting . Harding Funerals & Cremations, 514 50th St., S.E., Kanawha City, is serving the McComas family.

Everett’s father Millard worked as a coal miner and had Everett quit school at the end of 9th grade to run the family farm. On 11 May 1942 Everett took a Certificate of Welding in Electric Welding from the Welding School of Beckley [W.Va.] College, to obtain work at the ship yards in Baltimore, Md. Because of this war-essential work he was deferred three or four times from service in the U.S. Navy. His first coal mining job was as a pony boy, hitching and unhitching ponies from coal wagons as they went into and out of the mines. Before Everett enlisted in the U.S. Navy, he worked in the shipyards as a master welder, building Liberty Ship hulls in Baltimore, Md. One of the two remaining Liberty Ships was the John W. Brown, which he worked on, which in 2012 was a Baltimore museum. When the museum learned that Everett had helped build it, they invited the family to tour it, and invited him to take a cruise on it.

Everett’s employment chronology: Bluejay Coal Company, punch mine owned by private Flowie Lynch, 1930, followed by employment at privately owned Oakes Coal Company, also punch mining. Springton Kingston Pocahontas Coal Co., late 1939. Whitby Coal Co., 1940 or 1941. Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyards, Baltimore, Md., 1942 to Oct 1943. Enlisted in the U.S. Navy Oct 1943, trained at Great Lakes Naval Training Station north of Chicago, then completed gunnery school at Gulfport, Miss., home ported at Naval Armed Guard Center, New Orleans, La. Posted for one year aboard the Edgar E Clark liberty ship built as a tank carrier. Transferred to Armed Guard Center in San Francisco as home base. Again assigned to the Edgar E. Clark which was converted to an aircraft carrier without flight deck, loaded with aircraft and sailed to India, returning via the Mediterranean and into New York. Then was assigned to the George W. McCrary, a liberty ship based in Brooklyn, and following that to the Mariposa, a troop transport, where he was posted for the rest of the war. Mustered out of the Navy in Nov 1946 and took a job with Lillybrook Coal Company, but left because of back problems. Then drove for Russell Bear Trucking Co., after which he worked as a mechanic and welder for Piper Corp., which strip mined in Killarny, Mt. Hope, Cabin Creek, Stephenson and Summersville. He became a mechanic for Kroger Co., the national grocery chain, in 1957, from which he retired in 1984. In sum, Everett sailed around the world once; transited the Atlantic round trip five times; and visited England, Italy, France, Sicily, North Africa, Mexico, Panama, Salvador, Canada, Egypt, Arabia, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Brazil, Guatemala and Cuba.

His service aboard the liberty ships was at a momentous and crucial time for America. Following is a description of the voyages he participated in:

Edgar E. Clark Liberty Ship—Caught it out of Panama City, Fla. It was specially constructed to carry tanks. Everett went around the world on this ship. Left Panama City and proceeded to Guatemala and Salvador to pick up soybeans and raw rubber. Proceeded to San Francisco and unloaded rubber and beans. Proceeded to Long Beach and picked up aircraft to take to India. Enroute stopped in Australia to take on fuel and water. Unloaded the aircraft in Calcutta. Loaded trucks and bombs and went around to the other side of India and unloaded them. (Rondell was born while I was in Long Beach; I was not given leave to go home.) Sailed to Sri Lanka and received orders to go to the Normandy invasion. Went through the Suez Canal. In the Indian Ocean the ship ran into a sandstorm for six days and nights, making no headway, preventing arrival at Normandy. We were not prepared for the storm and wrapped towels around our faces and work glasses. We

He married Wilda May Bennett, one of 11 children of Oliver Serenious Bennett and Caldonia Mae Vest (called Callie). Wilda grew up in Jumping Branch, Summers Co., W.Va. Born 9 Apr 1921 at her family farm in Jumping Branch. Her father owned a lumber mill and Wilda drove his lumber trucks.

Their daughter Rondell said that Everett and Wilda met at a square dance and dated on and off for two years. They finally eloped because her father did not want her to marry. Her mother had died and her father had Parkinson’s Disease. Wilda quit school to care for him. At the time Everett and Wilda married, Everett had a war-essential job at the Baltimore shipyards and could not get time off. He found a doctor who gave him a sick slip so he could take a sick day to get married. He and Wilda went to Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio, with her brother Roscoe, and married there 17 Oct 1942. Her sister moved in to care for their father and Everett and Wilda went back to Baltimore to live until Everett joined the Navy. By that time her mother was expecting their daughter Rondell and returned to her family farm in Jumping Branch to live. Rondell lived there until she was two.

When the war was over, Everett and Wilda bought a farm in Cherry Creek, close to his dad’s farm. Millard gave them a cow and gave Rondell a black angus to raise. When it was sold, it started her college fund. When she was six, the family moved to Marmet, just outside Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va., where they still lived in 2012. They were members of Marmet First Baptist Church; Everett was a deacon and for years was on the church maintenance committee. He was a union representative for Kroger’s. After retirement he became the neighborhood fix-it man, as well as maintenance man for the rental property that Rondell’s husband Rick inherited from his parents. “Dad,” she said, “just seems to know how to do and fix everything from cars to electrical and plumbing. He also loves to garden and has tomatoes and peppers growing along the garage wall. He evern grew potatoes in car tires.

“Mom has served on every committee possible at church and started a church library. She worked at Keifer’s Dry Goods and for Bill Reese Realty. Mom is an exceptional seamstress. She can look at something, create her own pattern and make it. She made all of the scarves, etc., for the church. She loves to work in the yard and plant flowers. She was outside doing just that this past week [16– 20 Apr 2012].”


268. i. Rondell Kaye[6]. Born 27 Apr 1944 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

ii. Roger Todd (called Todd). Born 20 Dec 1963 in Charleston, W.Va. He took a degree in accounting from the University of Charleston [W.Va.] He married Rebecca Tyler, daughter of William Edward Tyler and Dorothy Garnelda Moore, 26 Aug 1995 at First Baptist Church, Marmet, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born 23 Oct 1996. They had no children.

270. Blanche Mae[5] Crotty (Dulcy Bea[4], Olivia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Mar 1920 in Pinoak, W.Va. Died 11 Sep 2003.

271. Robert Travers[5] Honaker (James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Oct 1900 (also reported as 1901) in Scarbro, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 12 Mar 1953 (also reported as 1954) in Oak Hill (also reported as Scarbro), Fayette Co., W.Va. Children:

271. i. Charles Theodore (called Ted). Born 1919.

271. ii. William Thomas (called Bill). Born 1921.

272. Charles Bernard[5] Honaker (Charles Blackford[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Opal Marie Dillon, daughter of Clyde Dillon and Dottie M. Pettry. Born 20 Feb 1924 in Colcord, W.Va. Died before 2006.

273. Homer Ellis[5] Honaker (called Ellis) (Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 20 Sep 1912 in Jarrolds Valley, W.Va. Died 30 Dec 2002 in Riverside, Calif. Buried in Crestlawn Memorial Park, Riverside. He was a building contractor, pastor and missionary.

Press-Enterprise, Riverside, Calif., 2 Jan 2003: Homer Ellis Honaker, 90, died Monday at Cypress Gardens Convalescent Hospital in Riverside. Born in West Virginia, the Rev. Honaker lived in Riverside 18 years. He was a pastor and missionary for 50 years. He served the United Indian Mission at The Broken Arrow Bible Ranch in New Mexico for 15 years. He was a member of Cornerstone Fellowship Bible Church in Riverside. Rev. Honaker is survived by a daughter, Mary Lou Miller of Riverside; three granddaughters; five great-grandsons; a brother, Gene of Ohio; and a sister, Bernice Nixon of Ohio. Graveside services will be at 2:30 p.m. Friday at Pierce Brothers Crestlawn Memorial Park in Riverside. Friends may call from 5 until 7 p.m. today at Pierce Brothers Crestlawn Mortuary in Riverside. Memorial contributions: The Honaker Memorial Fund, United Indian Mission Finance Center in Glendale, Ariz.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 1994 (with photograph): Meet the Honaker Preachers—Rev. H. Ellis Honaker—Evangelical Pastor, Ret.

I was born Sept. 20, 1912 in Jarrolds Valley, W.Va., descended from Hans Jacob via Abraham, James Abraham, Andrew Abraham, and Heber Honaker. Andrew Jackson Honaker, the Confederate soldier pictured in the Winter 1993 Honaker newsletter, was the cousin of my grandfather, A.A. Honaker.

I was saved as a teen and dedicated my life to the Lord at the age of 35. On Dec. 27, 1936, I was married to Grayce Lytle. We first served at the Galilean Children’s Home in Kentucky. After the Lord called me to preach, I attended Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music, graduating in 1952. We then returned to Kentucky, where we taught Bible in public schools and worked in a Bible camp.

After I was ordained in March 1953, the Lord led us into a ministry of church planting in 1954. Starting with a group of ten people, I organized a church near Cincinnati, Ohio, then later organized two churches in the state of Washington, and was the first pastor of Calvary Bible Church in Flagstaff, Ariz.

In 1974, retiring from the pastorate, we joined United Indian Missions and worked at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch at Vanderwagen, N.M. There we were involved in maintenance, building and other activities which contributed to the Gospel outreach of the camp to Indian youth. While there, I was interim pastor for Navajo Bible Church at Fort Defiance, Ariz., for one year.

Since retiring in May 1985, we have lived in Riverside, Calif. I have served as pastor of visitation for our local church and supplied for pastorates in southern California. At the age of 81, I am chaplain of two nursing facilities, hold Bible classes and do room visitation each week.

Others active in ministry are two nephews, Rev. Robin E. Honaker and Paul S. Honaker. Robin is pastor to Navajos near Gallup, N.M., and Paul is Minister of Music at Bon Air Baptist Church in Richmond, Va. A

niece, Gloria Honaker Fisher, is wife of Dr. David Fisher, pastor of the Park Street Church in Boston, Mass.

—Rev. Ellis Honaker

He married Rosina Grayce Lytle (called Grace), daughter of George Orion Lytle and Josephine Bennett, 27 Dec 1936 in Amelia, Ohio. Born 6 Jun 1909 in Quincy, Wash. Died 16 Jul 2000 in Riverside. Buried in Crestlawn Memorial Park, Riverside.

Press-Enterprise, Riverside, Calif., 19 Jul 2000: Graveside services for Grayce Lytle Honaker, 91, will be at 1 p.m.Thursday at Pierce Brothers Crestlawn Memorial Park in Riverside. She died Sunday of congestive heart failure at Cypress Gardens Convalescent Hospital in Riverside. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Crestlawn Mortuary. A celebration of life will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at 160 Masters Ave., Riverside. Mrs. Honaker, who was born in Quincy, Wash., lived in Riverside 15 years. She was a teacher for 15 years in Washington and Ohio. She attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and received a bachelor’s degree in education from Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash. Mrs. Honaker was a member of Cornerstone Bible Fellowship Church in Riverside. She was a missionary worker at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch in Gallup, N.M. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, H. Ellis of Riverside, a daughter, Mary Lou Miller of Riverside, three grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. The family suggests memorial contributions to the Broken Arrow Bible Ranch, P.O. Box 6429, Glendale, AZ 85312.

The funeral program indicated that graveside services were conducted by Pastor Milton Vincent. Children:

453. i. Mary Louise[6]. Born 8 Apr 1941 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

283. Early General[5] Miller (William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Virginia Lee McNeely, daughter of Cecil Clyde McNeely and Erna Jarrell. Born 7 Nov 1915 in Jarrolds Valley, W.Va. Died 19 May 2001 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Miller Cemetery, Rock Creek, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 May 2001: Virginia Lee McNeely Miller, 85, of Rock Creek, formerly of the Pine Knob section of Naoma, died Sat., May 19, 2001 in a Beckley area care facility following a long illness. Born Nov. 7, 1915 at Jarrolds Valley, she was the daughter of the late C.C. and Erna Jarrell McNeely. Mrs. Miller was a retired cook for the Board of Education. She was a member of Marsh Fork Presbyterian Church, Dry Creek, where she served as deacon and elder. She traveled extensively after her retirement and was a member of the Travel Club in Charleston. She was preceded in death by her husband, Early Miller; and two sisters, Barbara Alford and Vera Hight. Survivors include two sons, Robert “Bob” Miller and his wife, Sue, of Rock Creek and Scott Miller of Naoma; two daughters, Reta Jarrell of Beckley and Patty Webb and her husband, Gordie, of Naoma; a brother, Evangelist C.C. McNeely Jr. and his wife, Mary, of Fayetteville; a sister, JoAnn Shumate and her husband, Wilford, of Beckley; eight grandchildren; and 14 great grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Monday at Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel, Beckley, with CLP David [Pettry] officiating. Burial will follow in Miller Cemetery, Rock Creek. Friends may call two hours before service Monday at the funeral home. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. In lieu of flowers, donations of sympathy may be made to Marsh Fork Presbyterian Church or the charity of your choice. Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley.

286. Annie[5] Miller (Duffie[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

286. iv. Clarence. Born 30 Jan 1933.

293.Virgil Anderson[5] Miller (J. Byrd[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Drews Creek, W.Va. (also reported as Pine Knob, W.Va., due to postal changes).

294. Warner Howard[5] Miller (called Howard) (J. Byrd[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Drews Creek, W.Va. (also reported as Pine Knob, W.Va., due to postal changes).

295. Virginia Dare[5] Miller (J. Byrd[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Drews Creek, W.Va. (also reported as Pine Knob, W.Va., due to postal changes).

296. Sterling James[5] Miller (called Ted) (J. Byrd[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Drews Creek, W.Va. (also reported as Pine Knob, W.Va., due to postal changes).

297. Mabel Chloe[5] Miller (J. Byrd[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Drews Creek, W.Va. (also reported as Pine Knob, W.Va., due to postal changes).

298. Jennings Byrd[5] Miller (called Bebob) (J. Byrd[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Drews Creek, W.Va. (also reported as Pine Knob, W.Va., due to postal changes). Died 12 Jun 1999 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Miller Cemetery on Drews Creek, Naoma, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 15 Jun 1999: Jennings Byrd “Bebob” Miller, 70, of the Drews Creek area of Naoma, died Sat., June 12, 1999 in a Beckley hospital following a long illness. Born July 16, 1928 in Drews Creek, he was the son of the late J. Byrd and Margie Workman Miller. Mr. Miller was a retired electrician for Eastern Coal, Harris No. 1, Wharton, with 40 years of service, and was a member of the [United Mine Workers of America]. He was a Marine veteran of the Korean Conflict and was a lifetime member of the Marine Corps League. He was preceded in death by a sister, Georgia Miller; and a brother, Virgil Anderson Miller. Survivors include his wife, Phyllis June Pettry Miller; a daughter, Paula Ann Miller and her companion, Bobby Boggess, of Naoma; four sons, Terry and Brandon, both of Naoma, James and his wife, Tracie, and John and his companion, Rosemary Richmond, both of Beckley; two sisters, Virginia Bonds and Mabel Brown, both of Naoma; two brothers, Howard and his wife, Sadie, of Naoma, and Sterling “Ted” and his wife, Mary, of Sylvester; granddaughter, Bobby Kay Miller and a sister-in-law, Delma Miller of Buckhannon. Services will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Armstrong Funeral Home Chapel, Whitesville, with the Revs. George Smith Jr. and Ottie Tyler officiating. Singing will be by the Turner Family. Burial will follow in the Miller Cemetery on Drews Creek, Naoma. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Tim Jarrell, Calais Jarrell, Johnny Canterbury, Pete Landy, Larry Brown and Randall Bonds. Arrangements by Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville.

He married Phyllis June Pettry. Children:

i. James Byrd[6]. Born 13 Mar 1967. He married Tracie Unknown.

ii. John Paul. Born 13 Sep 1969.

500. iii. Paula Ann.

iv. Terry.

v. Brandon.

303. Byrd D.[5] Honaker (William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1907 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va. The youngest child in this family, Gary Donald, was born in Arnett, W.Va., where the family lived then. Birthplaces for the other children were not reported, but are probably also Arnett.

He married Georgia Combs, daughter of Freddy Roy Combs and Ina Ann Webb. (Freddy was red-headed, of Irish descent, and lived to be 93. Ina was a daughter of Andrew Whitten and Mary Luther Honaker and a great granddaughter of Perry Combs.) Georgia was born 8 Mar 1912 in Posey, W.Va. Died 3 Mar 1982 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Lemon-Surratt Cemetery, Arnett, W.Va. Children:

i. Annabelle[6].

ii. Geraldine.

iii. Margie.

iv. Linda.

v. Dennis.

506 vi. Freddie David. Born 27 May 1944.

vii. Alan.

303 viii. Gary Donald.

304. Jerry Richard[5] Honaker (James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 20 Feb 1939 in Dorothy, Raleigh Co., W.Va. He was a coal miner. In leisure time he did woodworking, shooting and reloading, and family history. In 2015 he lived in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va.

He married, first, Nellie Susan Brinegar, daughter of Everett Harold Brinegar and Della Brown, 16 Oct 1957 in Lawson, Raleigh Co., W.Va. They divorced 22 Nov 1974. Born 3 Jul 1941 in Acme, Kanawa Co., W.Va. Died 28 Jul 2006 in Clendenin, Kanawha Co., W.Va. She was a bookkeeper and purchasing agent who lived in Clendenin with her second husband, Don Eddie[6] Miller (Abraham[1]). Family legend is that Nellie’s 4x maternal great grandmother was a daughter of Revolutionary War-era Shawnee Chief Cornstalk. First generation Frederick Honaker, Abraham’s brother, marched with Virginia Lord Dunmore’s militia to put down an uprising by Chief Cornstalk at Point Pleasant, W.Va., in the spring of 1774, but saw no action because another militia had engaged and defeated the assembled tribes. Point Pleasant is claimed to be the first battle of the American Revolution. Children (of Jerry and Nellie):

507. i. Jerry Richard[6], Jr. (called Rick) Born 27 Aug 1958 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

508. ii. Rhonda Susan. Born 29 Oct 1959 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio.

iii. Stephen Ray. Born 8 May 1965 in Gary, Lake Co., Ind. He graduated from Glenville [W.Va.] State College with a B.A. in Secondary Education and B.S. in Accounting in 1991. He was in the U.S. Army Reserve for six years. In 1998 he was vice president of J.W. Charles Securities, Boca Raton, Fla., a financial brokerage firm. In his spare time he enjoyed history and fishing, and was an accomplished writer. He married Jody Lynn Runyon, daughter of Larry Holly Runyon and Peggy Irene Fleming Bostic, 3 May 1997 in Boca Raton. Born 31 Aug 1971 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Their wedding and honeymoon pictures were published in Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 1997. In 1998 they lived in Boynton Beach, Fla.

He married, second, Patty Sue Williams, daughter of Leroy Skeeter Williams and Kathryn Cora McGhee, 4 Jan 1975 in Pearisburg, Giles Co., Va. Born 8 Nov 1952 in Charleston, W.Va. Children:

iv. Jeffery Alan. Born 9 Sep 1975 in Charleston.

305. James Ross[5] Honaker (called Ross) (Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1932. Died 16 Mar 2013. Buried in Honaker Family Cemetery #2, Arnett, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 19 Mar 2013: James Ross Honaker, 88, of Arnett, died March 16, 2013. Services will be 1 p.m., Wed., March 20, at Arnett Chapel, Arnett. Visitation will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Tue., March 19, at the church. Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, is serving the family.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 Mar 2013: Arnett—James Ross Honaker, 88, passed away on Sat., March 16, 2013. He was born Aug. 13, 1924, a son of Dewey Dovner Honaker and Wilda Pettry Honaker. He served his country in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Steinaker during World War II. He was married to Nevada Jane Stout Honaker and raised four children. He was a born again Christian who faithfully attended Arnett Chapel and served as a trustee and assistant superintendent for many years. He touched many lives as a school bus driver for Raleigh County Board of Education from which he retired in 1986. He was preceded in death by his wife Nevada Jane Stout Honaker, his eldest daughter Annie Marie Honaker Smith, his parents, two sisters and three brothers. He is survived by his daughter Barbara Jane Honaker Williams and her husband Jarvis Williams, his daughter W. Marlene Honaker, and his son James Ross Honaker II and wife Leslie Honaker all of  Arnett, grandchildren Stephanie Jo Smith, Chistina Leanne Jarrell Donnan and her husband Michael Donnan, Jennifer Marie Smith DeMoss and her husband Chris DeMoss, Courtnery Nicole Jarrell and her fiance Brian Gunnoe, James Ross Honaker III and fiancee Angela Scarbro, Larry Michael Honaker, Justin Williams, Megan Williams, Taylor Williams, great grandchildren Aneesa DeMoss, Neviana DeMoss, Julian Escott, Tayshawn Escott, Tristan Donnan, Kenzie Williams and Tyler Williams, his sister Violet Honaker Marshall, his brother Sherman Honaker and his wife Carol Honaker, his in home caretaker and friend Melisa Kinser Petroff and all there loving and caring members of Hospice of  Southern West Virginia all of  whom love him very much. Service will be 1 p.m. Wed., March 20, 2013, at the Arnett Chapel, Arnett, with the Rev. Larry Kinder officiating. Burial will follow in the Honaker Family Cemetery No. 2, Arnett, with military graveside rites by the American Legion Post No. 32, Beckley. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Tue., March 19, at the church. Arrangements by Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville.

He married Nevada Jane Stout, daughter of Bob Stout and unknown. Born ca. 1932. Died 18 Apr 1989 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Honaker Family Cemetery #2, Arnett.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 20 Apr 1989: Mrs. Nevada Jane Honaker, 57, of Arnett, Raleigh County, died April 18, 1989, in Raleigh General Hospital, Beckley, after a long illness. She was a member of Arnett Chapel, where she taught the primary Sunday school class. Surviving: husband, Ross; daughters, Annie Smith of Arnett, Barbara Jarrell of Bolt, Marlene at home; son, Jimmy at home; father, Bob Stout of Arnett; brother, Ed Lucas of West Germany; four grandchildren. Service will be 1 p.m. Friday at Arnett Chapel, with the Rev. Wade Webb and the Rev. Timmy Brewster officiating. Burial will be in Honaker family cemetery No. 2, Arnett. Friends may call from 6 to 10 p.m. today at the church. Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, is in charge of arrangements.


305. i. Annie Marie[6]. Born 13 Dec 1953.

305. ii. Barbara Jane.

iii. W. Marlene.

305. iv. James Ross, II.

306. Robert Milton[5] Honaker (William Bezalell[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Martha Elizabeth Miller (called Betty), a daughter of Charles Campbell Miller and Mary Elizabeth Crabtree. Born 24 Aug 1914 in West Point, Miss. Died 24 Jul 2006 in Parkersburg, W.Va. Interred in Ridgelawn Abbey of Devotion, Ridgelawn Cemetery, Huntington, W.Va.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., 27 Jul 2006 (with photograph): M. Elizabeth “Betty” Honaker, 91, of Huntington, W.Va., died Mon., July 24, 2006, in St. Joseph Hospital in Parkersburg, W.Va. Services will be 11 a.m. Sat., July 29, 2006, at Klingel Carpenter Mortuary with the Rev. Bill Bentley officiating. Entombment will follow in Ridgelawn Abbey of Devotion, Huntington. She was born Aug. 24, 1914, in West Point, Miss., a daughter of the late Charles Campbell and Mary Elizabeth “Liz” Crabtree Miller. Betty was a retired secretary of Oley and Highlawn Elementary Schools. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Robert “Bob” Milton Honaker after 61 years of marriage. She is survived by two sons, H. Robert Honaker and wife Ruth “Ann” Honaker of Morgantown, Ky., and Charles Rodney “Roddy” Honaker and wife Sandra Kay Zak Honaker of Parkersburg; one daughter, Mary Elizabeth “Betsi” Honaker Hartman and husband Frederick “Fred” W. Hartman Jr. of River Vale, N.J.; two grandchildren, James Robert Honaker and wife Bonnie Clark Honaker of Morgantown, Ky., Lindsay Elizabeth Honaker of Parkersburg,; one great-granddaughter, Kathrayn “Katie” Elizabeth Honaker; and special friends, Sheila and Bill Garten, Amanda and Robby. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. Fri., July 28, 2006, at Klingel Carpenter Mortuary, Huntington, and Saturday 10 a.m., which is one hour before the service. Family guestbook at .


306. i. H. Robert[6].

306. ii. Charles Rodney (called Roddy).

iii. Mary Elizabeth (called Betsi). She married Frederick W. Hartman Jr. In 2006 they lived in River Vale, N.J.

307. Lacy Lee[5] Honaker (Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Feb 1894 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 8 Jun 1972 in Montcalm, Mercer County.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 12 Jun 1972: Lacy Lee Honaker, 78, of Montcalm died at his home Sunday following a long illness. He was born at Montcalm and was a son of the late Jasper L. and Frances Cook Honaker. He was a veteran of World War I. He lived in Montcalm most of his life, and retired there in 1954, having been employed as a miner for Pocahontas Fuel Co. He was a member of the Christian Church, Bailey Masonic Lodge at Montcalm and [United Mine Workers of America] Local 5954. Survivors include his widow, Pearl Martin Honaker; eight daughters, Leona Lovitt of Chicago, Ill., Sally Taylor of Bluefield, Mae Mitchell of Columbus, Ohio, Pauline Honaker of Montcalm, Shelby McMillan and Syble Miller of Chicago, Ill., Gloria Shrewsbury of Montcalm, and Judy Kittridge of Schiller Park, Ill.; four sons, William, Joseph and Jerry Honaker of Montcalm and Ryland Honaker of Chicago; three sisters, Winnie Shrader of Montcalm, Icie Watkins of Montcalm and Nina Sargent of Tazewell, Va.; 33 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Cravens-Shires Funeral Home Chapel, Bluewell, with Rev. Leroy Woolard officiating. Burial will follow in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Bluefield-Princeton Road. Members of Baily Masonic Lodge will conduct graveside rites and serve as pallbearers. Friends may call at the funeral home between 5 and 9 p.m. today.

He married, first, Martha Emaline Harvey. Died 1923 when their child was about one year old:

307. i. Nina Leona[6] (called Leona.) Born 14 Dec 1922.

He married, second, Pearl Martin, daughter of William Henry Martin and Delilah Gross, 29 Oct 1924 in Mercer County. The ceremony was performed by D.M. Scott. Lacy’s name was entered incorrectly as Lacy L. Houckes; thus there is no record of Lacy Honaker marrying Pearl Martin but it can be found under bride Pearl Martin’s name. Born 14 Apr 1903 in Rolfe, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 29 Feb 1988. The 1910, 1920 and 1930 censuses enumerated Pearl’s family at Northfork, McDowell County. Her parents moved to Maryland ca. 1936.

Pearl always talked about how the Titanic started to sink on her ninth birthday, April 14, 1912. Children:

307. ii. Sallie Francis. Born 5 Aug 1926 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va.

307. iii. William Lee. Born 22 Dec 1927 in Montcalm.

307. iv. Winifred Mae (called Mae). Born 1 May 1929.

v. Pauline. Born 7 Nov 1930 in Montcalm. Died 7 Jan 2011 in Abingdon, Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 10 Jan 2011 (with photograph): Montcalm—Pauline Honaker, age 80, of Montcalm, passed away on Fri., Jan. 7, 2011 in Abingdon, Va. Pauline was born in Montcalm on Nov. 7, 1930 to the late Lacy Lee and Pearl Martin Honaker. She resided all of her life there until moving to Abingdon five years ago. She was a member of the Bramwell Church of Christ. She was preceded in death by her parents, and four sisters, Sally Taylor, Mae Mitchell, Shelby McMillan and Syble Miller. She is survived by four brothers, William Honaker of Montcalm, Joseph Honaker and wife Patricia of Montcalm, Ryland Honaker and wife Dolly of Chicago, Ill., Gerald Honaker and wife Betty of Rt. 4, Bluefield; sisters, Leona Hoffa of Bruce, Wisc., Gloria Glass of Montcalm, Judy Peck and husband Steve of Rock; many nieces and nephews whom she loved to baby sit. Funeral services will be conducted on Mon., Jan. 10, 2011 at 7 p.m. at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home Chapel in Bluewell with Minister Paul Delida officiating. Friends may call on Monday evening from 5–7 p.m. at the funeral home. Graveside services will be conducted on Tue., Jan. 11, 2011 at 10 a.m. at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton. Nephews will serve as pallbearers. Those wishing to attend are asked to meet at the funeral home on Monday by 9:30 a.m. Online condolences will be accepted at cravens-. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell is serving the family.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 12 Jan 2011: Montcalm—Pauline Honaker, age 80, of Montcalm, passed away on Fri., Jan. 7, 2011 in Abingdon, Va.

307. vi. Joseph Jackson. Born 28 May 1934 in Montcalm.

307. vii. Shelby Jean. Born 4 Dec 1937 in Montcalm.

307. viii. Gloria Ann. Born 14 Apr 1940.

307. ix. Syble Inez. Born 28 May 1942 in Montcalm.

307. x. Hubert Ryland (called Percy). Born 4 Mar 1944 in Montcalm.

307. xi. Judy Louise. Born 5 Nov 1945 in Montcalm.

307. xii. Gerald Leon (called Jerry). Born 3 Jun 1948.

308. Vanus Jerome[5] Honaker (called V.J.) (Jehu C.[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Children:

ii. Herschel Humphrey. Born 5 May 1928 in Maitland, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 27 Aug 2010 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Monte Vista Park Cemetery, Green Valley, Mercer County.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 29 Aug 2010, with photograph: Princeton—Herschel H. Honaker, 82, of 1018 Christie Avenue in Princeton, died Fri., Aug. 27, 2010 at Princeton Community Hospital. Born May 5, 1928 in Maitland, W.Va., he was the son of the late Vanus Jerome Honaker and Montague Humphrey Honaker. He was a graduate of Welch [W.Va.] High School, West Virginia Business College and attended Concord College. He was retired from Norfolk & Southern Railroad in Roanoke, Va. with 37 years service last serving as assistant to the manager of pricing for the chemicals group. Herschel was a member of the Princeton Presbyterian Church, 50 year member of Princeton Masonic Lodge #134, Princeton Chapter #44 Royal Arch Masons, Kanawha Commandery #004, Knights Templar, 18th and 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons, Beni Kedem Shrine Temple, Bluefield Shrine Club, Princeton Elks Lodge #1459 and Princeton Moose Lodge #1521. In addition to his parents, his wife, Ealise Byrd Honaker; and three brothers, Harry Vanus Honaker, Vanus Jerome Honaker II, and Jack Honaker preceded him in death. Survivors include one sister, Margaret Honaker McNutt and husband Al of West Hills, Calif.; two nieces, Mary McNutt Sirchia and husband Thomas and Diane McNutt Furubotten and husband Tyson, all of Valencia, Calif.; one nephew, Jack Gregory Honaker of Smyrna, Ga.; cousin, friend and caregiver, M. Doug Neal, of Princeton; sister-in-law, Bonnie Haskins Honaker of Bristol, Tenn. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m., Tue., Aug. 31, 2010 at the George W. Seaver Chapel of Seaver Funeral Home in Princeton with the Rev. Ed Pettus officiating. Burial will follow at Monte Vista Park Cemetery in Green Valley with the Princeton Masonic Lodge #134 conducting Masonic graveside services. Friends may call at Seaver Funeral Home Princeton from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Mon., Aug. 30, 2010. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Princeton Presbyterian Church, 1809 W. Main St., Princeton, WV 24740, or the Bluefield Shrine Club Crippled Children’s Program, c/o Rob Catron, P.O. Box 1598, Princeton, WV 24740. Online condolences may be sent . Seaver Funeral Home in Princeton is serving the Honaker family.

He married Ealise D. Nuckolls of Princeton. Died 31 Aug 1990. There were no children.

Seattle [Wash.] Post-Intelligencer, 6 Sep 1990: Ealise D. Honaker, 64, of Princeton, W.Va., [died] Aug. 31.

309. Helen Bowen[5] Honaker (George Thomas[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 6 Jun 1906 according to her father’s Sons of the American Revolution application. Died 1972.

She married Charles Edward Chapel. They divorced. Children:

i. Joanne[6].

310. Nettie Mae[5] Honaker (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Oct 1904 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 10 Jan 1990 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried in Mt. Tabor Cemetery, Beckley.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 Jan 1990: Mrs. Nettie Mae Treadway, 85, of Beckley, died Jan. 10, 1990, in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. She was born at Saxon. She was a lifelong resident of Raleigh County and a member of Maxwell Hills Baptist Church for more than 50 years. She was a volunteer at a [Veterans Administration] Medical Center. Surviving: sons, [Clinton] and Stevie, both of Beckley, Franklin of Barberton, Ohio, Charles of Doylestown, Ohio, Jackie of Cranberry, Howard of Charlotte, N.C.; daughters, Annabel Hagans of Waverly, Ohio, Estelle Ayers of St. Albans, Alice Carpenter of Steubenville, Ohio, Betty Jo Williams of Barberton, Joyce Chiras of Woodbridge, Va., Judith Scites of Richmond, Va., Susan Warner of Dale City, Va.; brothers, Jack and Denver Honaker, both of Beckley, Ted and Fred Honaker, both of Saxon, Doug Honaker of Phoenix, Ariz.; sisters, Mildred Brown of Tennessee, Mary Brooks of Oregon; 29 grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild. Service will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Maxwell Baptist Church, Beckley, with the Rev. Clarence Griffith officiating. Burial will be in Mount Tabor Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at Melton Mortuary, Beckley, and one hour prior to service at the church

She married Clinton Bryant Treadway 27 Apr 1921 in Cranberry, Raleigh Co., W.Va. The marriage license recorded him as 20, a resident of Skelton, W.Va., she as 17, a resident of Saxon; the minister was James A. Basham.

Born 21 Oct 1901 in Prosperity, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 24 Aug 1977 in Beckley. Buried in Mt. Tabor Cemetery, Beckley.

Post-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 26 Aug 1977: Clinton Bryant Treadway, 75, of 200 Teel Road died at 8:25 a.m. Wednesday in a Beckley hospital after a long illness. Born at Prosperity, Oct. 21, 1901, he was employed at the New River Coal Co. at Skelton as a tipple mechanic, retiring in 1963 after 46 years of service. He was a lifelong resident of Raleigh County, was a member of the Maxwell Hill Baptist Church, where he served as a trustee and a member of the building committee, was a member of local union 2325 at Stanaford, [United Mine Workers of America] District 29. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nettie Honaker Treadway, at home; five sons, Clinton Bryant Jr., Beckley, Franklin Eugene, Barberton, Ohio, Charles Ross, Doylestown, Ohio, Jackie Aaron, Cranberry, and Howard Albert, Charlotte, N.C.; seven daughters, Mrs. John (Annabel) Hagans, Waverly, Ohio, Mrs. William (Estelle) Ayers, St. Albans, Mrs. Benzil (Alice) Carpenter, Steubenville, Ohio, Mrs. William (Betty Jo) Williams, Barberton, Ohio, Mrs. David (Judith) Scites, Richmond, Va., Mrs. William (Susan) Warner, Dale City, Va. and Mrs. Robert (Joyce) [Chiras], Manassas, Va.; an adopted son, Stevie, at home; a half -brother, George Settle, Daniels; a half-sister, Mrs. Flossie Allen Treadway, Fayetteville; 28 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. His mother, Susie Treadway, died in 1945. Services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Maxwell Hill Baptist Church with the Rev. Clarence Griffith in charge. Burial will be in Mt. Tabor Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Lowell Cawley, Harry and Eldon Smith, Larry Stafford, David Craddock, James (Sonny) Thompson, John Cook, S.M. Bailey, Dewey Turner and Carl Jones. Friends may call at Melton Mortuary from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday. The body will be taken to the church one hour prior to the service. Honorary pallbearers will be members of the adult Fellowship Class of the Maxwell Hill Baptist Church.

Joyce (Treadway) Chiras wrote a few things about her parents and family that she and her sisters Annabel and Estelle remembered. The recollections appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Nov-Dec 1999, together with a photograph of the family taken in Aug 1971 in her parents' back yard at Maxwell Hill (now incorporated into Beckley), W.Va., commemorating her parents' 50th wedding anniversary several months before:

In the late 1930s and early 1940s, we lived in the New River Coal Co. camp at Skelton, W.Va. We

lived beside a neighbor family, the Kavitskys, Hungarian immigrants who hardly spoke English. They had two children, a girl, Leona, and a boy, John. They were a very loving family, creative with wood and other things. At Christmas, everyone came to see their tree. It was suspended from the ceiling and turned, and was breathtaking. (Mr. Kavitsky was brought over to work in the coal mines, but the family was treated badly. They later changed their name to Whitman).

One December a few days before Christmas, Mr. Kavitsky went in search of a tree and cut one on

posted property, which he didn't understand. On his way back, he was arrested by the sheriff. The family was beside themselves and came running over to our house to tell Dad what had happened. Dad went to the Beckley, W.Va. court house, paid Mr. Kavitsky's fine and brought him home. Those people were so grateful. We didn't really have the money to pay the fine, but Daddy said we would get by one way or another. He was always lending a helping hand to anyone who needed it. I think that's why he lived such a long and wonderful life. Shortly after that, we moved from the coal camp to Maxwell Hill.

In the early 1940s when Mom and Dad moved to Maxwell Hill there was only one other house up

there and it was a beautiful place. In a few years the area started building up and a grocery store was built. Patty Jo Wall’s mother, Aunt Opha, ran it. She and my parents started a church service in its basement. After Aunt Opha sold the store they met in Mrs. Broughman's house. Soon they had enough money to buy land and built Maxwell Hill Baptist Church, where my parents later had their funeral service. Mom and Dad kept the church clean and built the fires before people came for services. Dad was a deacon, trustee and on the building committee. He also sang in the choir and loved children.

Soon my brothers Clinton B. Jr. and Howard Albert joined the Navy, and Franklin Eugene joined

the Army. As the story goes, “It's a Small World.” In about 1962, Howard was aboard ship in Japan when his Nephew Bobby Daniels was ferrying soldiers from the ship to shore. Bobby spotted his Uncle Howard. All he could say was “Golly. Golly.” What a reunion. During the Cuban crisis of the 1960s Howard also ran into his Nephew Bobby Treadway.

Children (all but one were born at home in a coal camp at Skelton, Raleigh County; for convenience sake, formal records and obituaries usually say Beckley, the nearest sizeable town):

511. i. Annabel Lee[6].

512. ii. Estelle Verla.

513. iii. Clinton Bryant, Jr.

310. iv. Alice Lillian (called Alice). Born 19 Mar 1928.

v. James Ray. Born prematurely 13 Jan 1930 in Skelton. Died 22 Jan 1930 in Skelton.

Cremated or buried in Mount Tabor, W.Va.

514. vi. Betty Jo.

515. vii. Joyce Juanita.

310. viii. Franklin Eugene. Born 9 Apr 1935.

516. ix. Charles Ross.

517. x. Howard Albert.

310. xi. Jackie Areon. Born 7 Nov 1941.

310. xii. Judith Anne. Born 5 Nov 1942.

518. xiii. Letha Susan.

312. Frederick Gene[5] Honaker (Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 May 1920 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 3 Oct 1990 in Saxon. Buried in J.E. Daniel Cemetery, Saxon.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 5 Oct 1990: Honaker, the Rev. Fred G.—Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church, Bolt, with the Rev. Dewey Lowe officiating. Burial will be in J.E. Daniel Cemetery, Saxon. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today and one hour prior to service at the church. Rose-Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beckley, is in charge of arrangements. The Rev. Honaker, 70, of Saxon, Raleigh County, died Oct. 3, 1990, in Raleigh General Hospital after a long illness. He was a disabled miner with 15 years’ service. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church and [United Mine Workers of America]. He was a former school bus driver for Raleigh County Board of Education. He was a licensed Missionary Baptist minister. Surviving: wife, Nellie Mae Daniel Honaker; sons, Fred G. II of Timberlake, N.C., Albert Kevin of Lester, Barry of Rocksboro, N.C.; daughters, Linda Cooper and Sharon Milam, both of Saxon, Anita Snuffer of Vass, N.C., Sandra Wills of Arnett; brothers, Theodore of Saxon, Denver and Jack D., both of Beckley, Douglas of Tucson, Ariz.; sisters, Mary Anne Brooks of Troutdale, Ore., Mildred Brown of Chattanooga, Tenn.; 12 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren.

Unknown newspaper, possibly Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., unknown date (with photograph): Rev. Fred G. Honaker, 70, of Saxon, died Wed., Oct. 3, at 8:57 a.m., in a Beckley hospital, following a long illness. Born May 1, 1920 at Saxon, he was the son of the late Albert Waymon (Jake) and Bertie Alice Manning Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a disabled coal miner, during which he was a miner for 15 years, was a World War II veteran, was a member of the Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church at Bolt and the [United Mine Workers] Local No. 1391. He was a former employee of the Raleigh County Board of Education for 17 years, during in which time he drove a school bus for 13 years. He was a licensed minister of the Missionary Baptist faith. He was preceded in death by six brothers and two sisters. Survivors include his wife, Nellie Mae Daniel Honaker; three sons, Fred G. Honaker II of Timberlake, N.C., Albert Kevin Honaker of Lester and Barry Honaker of Roxboro, N.C.; four daughters, Linda Cooper and Sharon Milam, both of Saxon, Anita Snuffer of Vass, N.C. and Sandra Wills of Arnett; four brothers, Theodore Honaker of Saxon, Denver and Jack D. Honaker, both of Beckley and Douglas Honaker of Tucson, Ariz.; two sisters, Mary Anne Brooks of Troutdale, Ore. and Mildred Brown of Chattanooga, Tenn.; 12 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Services will be today at 2 p.m. at the Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church at Bolt with the Rev. Dewey Lowe officiating. Burial will be in the J.E. Daniel Cemetery at Saxon. Friends called Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church at Bolt and one hour prior to the services at the church. Nephews will serve as pallbearers. The Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home in Beckley is in charge of the arrangements.

He served in the U.S. Army during World War II. A brief story about and photo of him appeared during that period in a Beckley, W.Va. newspaper: “Wearing a uniform designed by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, which is adorned by elaborate braid decorations this photograph doesn’t show, is Fred Honaker, of Saxon, who is stationed at Boston with an anti-aircraft unit in the coast artillery. A private first class with a second class specialist rating, the 21-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Honaker, of Saxon, is one of five brothers in the service, which is probably a record for this section. One brother, Thomas J. Honaker, is in the army, too, and three, Randal, Douglas, and Denver, are in the navy. With five of his 11 sons serving, Mr. Honaker, a farmer, declares he wishes he were young enough to go, too. Fred, who enlisted at Beckley on Dec. 8, 1939, was to report back to Boston today after a seven-day furlough. His job, he said, is “to shoot down enemy planes that attack the town (Boston)” and he added that “we do a lot of practicing.”

In 2008, Fred’s son Kevin said that his dad and all ten uncles were in uniform during World War II and that Fred was in the Army 300 miles from Berlin when the war ended.

Fred and his wife Nellie were mentioned briefly in a Beckley, W.Va., newspaper column by Shirley Donnelly, 15 Oct 1979. The item is included as an appendix to this book, The Honaker Riflemakers: Abraham Descendants (Honaker Rifles Scarce Now.) A photograph of Nellie, and one of her son and grandson, also appear in the appendix.

Fred married Nellie Mae Daniel, daughter of Jesse Edward Daniel and Beulah Ellen Jessup, 1 Sep 1945 in Beckley, W.Va. Born 20 Feb 1929 in Saxon. (Fred Gene’s grandfather married Mary Virginia Daniel. Nellie Mae was related to those Daniels.) Children:

i. Linda Lou[6]. Born 12 Jul 1945 in Beckley, W.Va. She married Jack R. Cooper 29 May

1965 in Fairdale, W.Va.

ii. Sharon Sue. Born 18 Apr 1948 in Saxon. In 2015 she lived in Glen Daniel, W.Va. She

married Arthur E. Milam Jr.

iii. Anita Marie. Born 5 Jul 1952 in Saxon. She married Thomas E. Snuffer 17 Feb 1970 in

Bolt, W.Va.

iv. Sandra Mae. Born 10 Aug 1957. She married Joe R. Wills Jr., 15 Oct 1974 in Pearisburg,


v. Fred Gene, Jr. Born 16 Feb 1960 in Beckley. He married Claudia J. Harrington 12 Jul

1980 in Fairdale. They divorced. In 1998 he lived on the homeplace of his great grandfather James B. Honaker.

522. vi. Albert Kevin (called Kevin.) Born 23 Oct 1962 in Beckley.

vii. Barry Wray. Born 11 Nov 1966 in Beckley. He married Kristy K. Woodleif 15 Sep 1990

in Roxboro, Person Co., N.C.

314. Edith Mae[5] Honaker (Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 8 Jun 1911 in Pocahontas, Tazewell Co., Va. Died 22 Dec 2008 in South Lyon, Mich. Buried in Glen Eden Memorial Park, Livonia, Wayne Co., Mich. She attended Pocahontas High School. From 1955 to 1976 she was an inspector for Burroughs and Unisys Corporations in Detroit and Plymouth, Mich., major U.S. business machine and computer systems companies. She was a member of Unisys Women’s Club and former member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit. Her interests included bowling and reading.

Obituary by nephew Richard E. Honaker: Edith Mae (Honaker) Smith, 97, of New Hudson, Mich., passed away Mon., Dec. 22, 2008. A daughter of Estel F. and Anne B. (Smith) Honaker, she was born June 8, 1911 in Pocahontas, Va. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her first husband, Orville W. Smith, and her second husband, Charles M. Lukar; daughter Dolores A. Benka and son Lawrence W. Smith; brothers Buster E. Honaker, C.B. Bishop Honaker and Russell Honaker; sisters Reneva E. Simons and Olivia F. Thompson. She is survived by brothers Estil F. Honaker Jr. and Curtis L. Honaker; sisters Dorothy M. Milner and Fannie Mae Unknown; nine grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, five great great grandchildren; and numerous nephews and nieces. She will lie in state at Harry J. Wills Funeral Home, Livonia, on Fri., Dec. 26, 2008, where visitors will be received from 6 to 8 p.m. The Rev. Steve Schafer will officiate. Interment will be in Glen Eden Memorial Park, Livonia, Mich.

She married, first, Orville Wright Smith (called Smitty), son of Paul Smith and Anne McIntyre, 1 Feb 1930 in Detroit, Mich. Born 9 May 1908 in Springfield, Ill. Died 25 Jan 1974 in New Hudson, Mich. Buried in Glen Eden Memorial Park. He was a railroad switchman for Ford Motor Co., Detroit, and a member of the Masonic Lodge. In his younger years he was a fine baseball player. Children:

523. i. Dolores Ann[6].

524. ii. Lawrence William.

She married, second, Charles Matthew Lukar, son of Matthew Lukar and Anna Jursic, 27 Aug 1977 in Detroit. Edith and Charles had no children. Born 25 Jul 1914 in Kansas City, Kan. Died 12 Jul 1998 in Ann Arbor, Mich. The funeral service was performed by the Rev. Robert Beddingfield, First Baptist Church of South Lyon, Mich., at Phillips Funeral Home, South Lyon. Buried in Section F, Plot 191, Ft. Custer National Cemetery, Battle Creek, Mich. He was a U.S. Navy Seaman 2nd Class during World War II. A sheet metal worker, he was awarded the American Area Victory Medal. After the war he was a sheet metal technician in Kansas City, Kan. In his leisure time, Charles enjoyed bowling and playing pinochle. He had one daughter, Charlotte, by a prior marriage. She married Stan Kincaid and in 2000 they lived in Las Vegas, Nev.

315. Buster Estel[5] Honaker (Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Jul 1913 in Pocahontas, Va. Died 21 Feb 1962 in Detroit, Mich. Buried in Glen Eden Cemetery, Livonia, Mich.

He married Amelia Louise Page (called Amy), daughter of Harry Page and Hulda Grayer, in Detroit, Mich. Born 21 Nov 1918 in Detroit. Died 29 Apr 2004 in Canon City, Colo. Buried in Glen Eden Cemetery, Livonia. She married, second, Lloyd Slade, in Oscoda, Mich. They divorced in Oscoda.

Detroit News, 2 May 2004—Amelia Louise [Page], age 85, dearest mother of Richard Honaker (Shirley), Marlene Buck (James), Janice Hall (Joe) and Debbie Brown (Richard Freemen); loving grandmother of eight; great-grandmother of 20; great-great-grandmother of one; sister of Eugene Page (Ellen), sister-in-law of Martha Page.  Visitation on Monday 3–9 p.m. at Kaul Funeral Home, 28433 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores.  In state Tuesday 10 a.m. until time of service 11 a.m. St. Thomas Lutheran Church, 23801 Kelly Rd., Eastpointe.  Burial Glen Eden Cemetery, Livonia.

Amy was a member of St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Eastpointe. Her hobbies and interests included playing cards, her family and family reunions, stitchery, and reading. She traveled throughout the U.S. and abroad, including Europe and Japan. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband Buster Estel Honaker; four brothers, George, Harry, Fred and Bill Honaker; and two sisters, Helen Burnham and Carlon Hohf. In addition to her children and descendants, she is survived by one brother, Eugene and his wife Helen Page of Hendersonville, N.C.; and three sisters-in-law, Edith Smith of New Hudson, Mich., Dorothy May Milner of Lewiston, Mich., and Martha Page of Livonia, Mich.

316. Renava Evelyn[5] Honaker [change spelling] (Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Buried in Highland Cemetery, Gladwin, Mich. There was no printed obituary.

She married LeVerne William Simons. Children:

i. Leta[6] (adopted). Born 5 Sep 1952 in Clare, Mich., to Rita Mary Smith, and adopted one week later. In 2000 she lived in Homer, Alaska. A feature story about her appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Sep-Oct 2000.

319. Curtis Larry[5] Honaker (Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1940.

He married Betty Sue Thomas, daughter of Claude Thomas and Montrey Unknown, 9 Mar 1961. Children:

319. iv. Melissa Gaye. Born 10 Nov 1969.

Sixth Generation

2.i.v.iv. ii. Joanne Cora[6] Wood (John Louis[5], John Louis[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Apr 1932 in Junction City, Geary Co., Kan. She was a registered nurse in Manhattan, Riley Co., Kan.

She married, first, Carl James Ehlers, son of Claus Alvin Martin Ehlers (called Alvin) and Florence Emma Mass, 4 Sep 1955 in Junction City. Born 7 Dec 1928 in Junction City. He was a machinist. They divorced 19 May 1975 in Geary County. Children:

i. John Martin[6]. Born 12 Jul 1956 in Junction City. He was a machinist at Combustion

Engineers, Enterprise, Kan.

ii. Susan Lynn. Born 31 Jul 1958 in Coffeyville, Montgomery Co., Kan.

iii. Robert James (called Bob. Born 9 Mar 1960 in Coffeyville.

She married, second, Arthur R. McKenna. Died 5 Jan 1998 in Junction City. He was an automobile dealer.

2.i.v.iv.iii. Julia Irene[6] Wood (called Judy) (John Louis[5], John Louis[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 23 Apr 1934 in Junction City, Kan. She was a registered nurse at the University of Nebraska Health Center.

She married Dr. Lawrence E. Ehlers (called Larry), son of Claus Alvin Martin Ehlers (called Alvin) and Florence Emma Mass, 8 Jun 1958 in Junction City. Born 4 Oct 1933 in Junction City. He was a professor of engineering at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Lincoln. Children:

i. Pamela Alaine[6]. Born 28 Jul 1960 in Junction City. In 2000 she was manager of

Customer and Business Services Group, Aviation Division, Phillips 66, Inc., a major petroleum company. She married Delbert Paul Crawford, son of Delbert D. Crawford and Vera McMillan, 7 Aug 1993 in Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Bartlesville, Washington Co., Okla. Born 24 Apr 1953 in Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark. In 2000 he was employed by Western Publishers, Coffeyville, Kan.

ii. Jeffery Alan. Born 28 Jul 1960 in Junction City. Died 14 Jun 1961 in Junction City.

Buried Highland Cemetery, Junction City.

iii. Douglas Edward. Born 25 Oct 1968 in Stillwater, Payne Co., Okla. In 2000 he was

employed by Transcrypt International, Lincoln, Neb. He married Nancy Ann Boudreau, daughter of Sergius Donald Boudreau and Evon Kay Erie, 26 Apr 1997 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Neb. Born 5 Apr 1974 in Lincoln.

2.i.x.i.i. Oscar Eldon[6] Wood (called Woody) (Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 3 Jan 1912 in Manhattan, Kan. Died 13 Jul 1998 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Neb. Buried in Roselawn Cemetery, Salina, Saline Co., Kan.

Unknown newspaper and date: Oscar E. Wood, 86, Lincoln, Neb., died Mon., July 13, 1998 at Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Wood was born Jan. 3, 1912, at Manhattan, Kan. He was a resident of Hutchinson, Kan., before moving to Salina, Kan., in 1940 and to Lincoln, Neb., in 1995. He worked for The Salina Journal, retiring as press foreman. He was a member of Christ Cathedral, Isis Shrine, Masonic Lodge 60, Scottish Rite, Shrine Make-up Crew and former Shrine Bowler, all of Salina. His wife, Margaret, died in 1995. Survivors include two sons, Robert L. of Lincoln, Neb., and Ronald O. of Oktaha, Okla.; a sister, Beth Riley of Wichita, Kan.; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Ryan Mortuary, 137 N. Eighth, the Rev. Canon Bruce E. LeBarron officiating. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial Park, 1920 E. Crawford, Salina. Memorials may be made to Shrine Crippled Children's Hospitals or Burn Centers. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. today and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday at the mortuary, Salina, 67401.

The funeral program gave Johanna Walters as organist and Susan Saulnier as soloist, and listed as casket bearers Gary Henderson, Eldon VanMeter, Lyle Scott, and Ron Kreigh.

A story about Woody appeared in The Salina Journal, date not reported, at the end of his newspaper career: Conqueror of cranky machinery to retire, by John Schmiedeler

For 31 years, Woody has worn one of those funny-looking hats pressmen fashion out of a sheet of newsprint to keep printer's ink out of their hair. Most of those years have been spent at The Salina Journal. For quite a few of them the paper hat has been more decorative than protective. As the deadlines mounted, so did Woody's hairline.

Oscar E. Wood—majordomo of The Journal's pressroom, master of the deadline, conqueror of cranky machinery—is retiring Jan. 1. He says he wouldn't change a thing, even if he could.

To the layman, a modern newspaper press may appear a paper-eating monster, a bewildering collection of whirling drums and spinning [illegible] with a hurrying sheet of paper streaking through the maze. Somehow, a newspaper emerges.

It all comes together

The pressroom houses the climax of the newspaper’s daily whirl. That's where it all comes together. That's where the daily genesis is completed. Woody has presided over The Journal's pressroom since 1946. He came here from the Hutchinson News where Cy Tullis had made him a pressman.

Actually, Woody had started a printing career in the composing room and was told to quit the business by a doctor. Tullis convinced him otherwise and Woody's been meeting that deadline ever since. (Sometimes, he beats the deadline, too. Certainly he must have lost count of the news desk men he has saved from wrath by chipping minutes off the pressroom allotted make-ready time.)

Woody has done more than operate newspaper presses. He has put them together. When he joined The Journal in [illegible], his press was an elderly 2-stand rotary with a 32-page capacity, jammed along a basement wall in what had been a post office at 7th and Iron.

Nearby was a pot of molten lead from which heavy, page-sized half-cylinders were cast. These stereotypes were strapped on the press to print the pages. The hot pot competed with an air conditioner to dominate the environment; the pot regularly won. In 1962, The Journal was moved to the 4th and South plant and Woody directed placement of a rebuilt 80-page press in the new plant.

Nine years later, in 1971, that press was dismantled and hauled out the back door as The Journal converted to offset printing from the letterpress system. Again, Woody built a new press. The changeover, carefully planned, was accomplished with a minimum of pain despite the need for Woody's crew to print The Journal on the presses of the Hutchinson News for a short time.

The changeover brought Woody a totally new experience. Compared with offset, letterpress printing is a heavy-handed business. Woody and his crew had to learn a new and complex craft. Woody believes The Journal's system of men and machines has reached a plateau permitting his retirement.

Woody hasn’t done it alone, of course. But as pressroom foreman, he’s also chief teacher-in-residence. Dozens of men have learned the craft under his direction. He has alumni in plants across the land. And he leaves a skilled crew behind.

Woody’s retirement plans involve his 40-acre farm northwest of Salina, but, more immediately, a chance to spend at least part of the winter in the Southland. There also are two sons for Woody and Margaret to visit—Robert at Lincoln, Neb., and Ronnie in Boulder, Colo.—and three grandchildren.

But right now, Woody is “playing it by ear.” You see, he has another press to build. He’s agreed to supervise installation of more press units at The Journal, a job now underway.

Wood will be succeeded as press foreman by Howard Gruber, New Cambria, who has been assistant foreman and who has worked at The Journal since 1961.

He married Margaret B. Thomas, daughter of John Herman Thomas and Mary Bader, 12 Aug 1934 in Wichita, Kan. Born 31 Jul 1912 in Leavenworth, Kan. Died 21 Oct 1995 in Salina. Buried in Roselawn Cemetery, Salina. Children:

2.i.x.i.i. i. Robert Lee[7]. Born 1 Feb1937.

2.i.x.i.i. ii. Ronald O. Born 4 Dec 1940.

2.i.x.i.ii. Margaret Elizabeth[6] Wood (called Beth) (Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Jul 1913 in Manhattan, Kan. She was a laboratory technician.

She married, first, Edward Templeton Clayton 7 Feb 1939 in Wichita, Kan. Born 22 Jun 1900 in Pontiac, Kan. Died 22 Feb 1954. Children:

2.i.x.i.ii. i. Nena Corinne[7]. Born 15 Jul 1941.

ii. Deanna Kay. Born 29 Jun 1947 in Wichita, Kan.

Wichita [Kan.] Eagle and Beacon, 30 Dec 1991, Special Athletes to Bring in the New Year, by Lisa Argimonti, accompanied by a two-column photo, cutline—Deanna Clayton, left, and Deborah Pyles plan to race in a special mile run during a New Year’s Eve party at Levitt Arena.

Deborah Pyles, 63, began her running career in Lincoln School in Atchison. She liked to sprint, she always wore high-top tennies. Deanna Clayton, 44, started running more than 10 years ago in the 50-yard dash. Pyles is a Senior Olympian; Clayton a Special Olympian. On New Year’s Eve, they will pool their talents and participate in the inaugural Midnight Madness Mile at Wichita State University. The first race in Kansas that pairs Special Olympians with other athletes. “I’m letting Deanna set the pace,” Pyles said. “I’m just helping her.”

When Pyles was 53, she became interested in Senior Olympics. But when she inquired, she was told she wasn’t old enough. When she reached 55 and qualified eight years ago, she ran in the half-mile and won a gold medal. She also had a coach, her son John, a former cross-country runner at Kapaum Mount Carmel High School. In 1987, she competed in the United States Senior Olympics and won third place in the 400-meter race.

Her partner for the midnight run began participating in the Special Olympics about 10 years ago. She now competes in the 50-yard dash and softball during the summer games and bowling in the winter games. This will be her longest race, and she isn’t sure whether she’ll be able to run the entire way. “I’m looking forward to trying to do my best,” Clayton said. “I’m excited because in the Special Olympics, we try to do our very, very best.”

The race is part of an alcohol-free celebration New Year’s Eve, sponsored by the Kansas Special Olympics and Charter Hospital. There’s also a 10K race/walk earlier in the evening. The party will be held from 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. in Levett Arena on the WSU campus. There will be music, magic shows, a pancake feed and other entertainment for children and adults. The entire fee for either race is $12, $14 for both. Admission to the party is $2 for adults and $1 for children under 12.

About 12 Special Olympics members will take part in the midnight run on New Year’s Eve, said Frank Jarrett, associate director of development for Kansas Special Olympics. And for those who are thinking about going, Clayton had a request: “We need cheerleaders,” she said.

She married, second, Jesse M. Riley 7 Oct 1960 in Wichita. Born 7 Oct 1907. Died 8 Mar 1985. Interred in Mission Chapel Mausoleum, Wichita. He was an employee of Beech Aircraft, Inc.

2.i.x.i.iii. Virginia Louise[6] Wood (Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Apr 1925 in Wichita, Kan. Died 10 Jan 1993 in Wichita. Buried in Calvary Cemetery, Wichita.

Wichita [Kan.] Eagle, 12 Jan 1993: Roets, Virginia L., 67, retail liquor store owner, died Sun., Jan. 10, 1993. Rosary 7 p.m. today, Downing & Lahey Mortuary, service 10 a.m. Wednesday, Christ the King Catholic Church. Survivors: son, Earl G. of Rio Linda, Calif.; daughters, Clara L. Lies of Gardner, Connie S. Prouse of Wichita; brother, Oscar Eldon Wood of Salina; sister, Beth M. Riley of Wichita; 11 grandchildren; five great grandchildren. Memorial has been established with Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

She married Bernard William Roets, son of Edward Bernard Roets and Rose Anna Lipke, 20 Sep 1941 at Blessed Sacrament Church, Wichita. Born 13 Nov 1920 in Wichita. Died 1 Jul 1971 in Wichita. Buried in Calvary Cemetery, Wichita. He served in the U.S. Army Air Forces and was an upholsterer.

Unknown newspaper and date: Wichita Merchant Bernard Roets Dies. Bernard W. Roets, 50, of 777 W. Ridge Drive, Cessna employee and owner of Bernie’s Riverside Upholstery, died Thursday. He was a lifetime Wichita resident. Survivors include his widow, Virginia; a son, Sgt. Earl G., Offutt AFB, Neb.; two daughters, Connie Sue, at home, and Mrs. Clara Lies, Wichita; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Roets, Wichita; a brother, John, Wichita, and two sisters, Mrs. Laura Reese, Lindsborg, Kan., and Mrs. Esther Coate, St. Joseph, Mo. A memorial has been established with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 6427 E. Kellogg. Lahey’s Crest Hill Mortuary has charge.

Unknown newspaper and date: Virginia Wood, Bernard Roets to be Married.

Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wood, 728 North St. Paul, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Virginia Wood, to Mr. Bernard Roets, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roets, 2251 South Oliver. The marriage will be solemnized at 9 o’clock Saturday morning at Blessed Sacrament church. The couple will be attended by Miss Laura Roets and Mr. John Roets, sister and brother of the bridegroom. The bride-elect attended North high. Mr. Roets attended Blessed Sacrament school and now is employed by the Kansas Gas and Electric company.


2.i.x.i.iii. i. Clara Louise[7]. Born 20 Feb 1944.

ii. William Bruce. Born 8 Dec 1945 in Reno, Nev. Died 15 Apr 1955 in Wichita. Buried in Calvary Cemetery, Wichita.

2.i.x.i.iii. iii. Earl Gene. Born 17 May 1950.

2.i.x.i.iii. iv. Connie Sue. Born 3 Apr 1953.

v. Toni Kay. Born 7 Jun 1958 in Wichita, Kan. Died 16 Apr 1962 in Wichita. Buried in Calvary Cemetery, Wichita.

Unknown newspaper and date: Toni Kay Roets Rites Wednesday. Funeral services for Toni Kay Roets, 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Roets, 777 West Ridge Drive, will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Christ the King Catholic Church. A Mass of the Angels will be said. The Rev. Salvador Robles, assistant pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Toni Kay died Monday at her home after a long illness. Her parents operate Bernie's Riverside Upholstery Shop, and her father is a Cessna Aircraft Co. employee. Other survivors include a brother, Earl Gene, two sisters, Mrs. Clara Lies, and Connie Sue, of the home; and grandparents, Mrs. Hazel Shults, 902 N. Custer, and Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Roets, 3615 Indiana.

2.iii.ii.ii.i. Cora Bell[6] Sheffey (Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Mar 1904. Died in 1991.

She married Charles French. Born in 1900. Died in 1980. Children:

i. Frederick Franklin (called Shag). Born in 1922. Died in 1983.

ii. Ellis R. (called Dick). Born in 1925. Died in 1999.

iii. Theodore Randolph (called Ted). Born in Oct 1938.

2.iii.ii.ii.iii. Robert Winton[6] Sheffey (Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 May 1908 in Radford, Va. Died 23 Dec 1958.

He married Carlene Shannon. Children:

2.iii.ii.ii.iii. i. Kenneth Edward[7]. Born 8 Jan 1937.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv. Rena Virginia[6] Sheffey (called Virginia) (Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Apr 1910 in Radford, Va. Died 23 Aug 1986 in Arlington, Va. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va. She reared all her young children by herself after her husband’s early death. She was a cheerful and caring person, attended church regularly and enjoyed jigsaw puzzles. A photograph of her daughters Joan, Jean and Helen appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2001.

She married George Patrick Marsh (called Pat), son of William Joseph Marsh and Martha NMN Bowles (called Mattie), 11 Aug 1928 in McDowell Co., W.Va. The marriage license indicated that Virginia lived in Eckman, W.Va., and that Pat lived in Eureka, W.Va. Born 31 Jul 1906, possibly in Powhatan, McDowell County. Died of silicosis 27 Dec 1944 in Keystone, W.Va. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery. He was a coal miner. Obituaries appeared in The Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph and Welch [W.Va.] Daily News. Children:

2.iii.ii.ii.iv. i. George Patrick[7] Jr. (called Pat). Born 29 May 1929 in Eckman, W.Va.

ii. Margaret Ellen. Born 13 Apr 1931 in Keystone. Died of heart disease 24 Oct

1950, after a long illness, in Keystone. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery. She attended Northfork [W.Va.] High School and was well-liked.

iii. Jerry Alfred. Born 8 Aug 1933 in Kyle, W.Va. Died of liver failure 16 Oct 1977 in Decatur, Ill. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va. Jerry quit school at an early age and did odd jobs. From about 1951 to 1961 he was a coal miner in McDowell County, interrupted by two years (1951-1953) of honorable service in the U.S. Army in Germany. Following job cuts in the mines in 1961, he relocated to Decatur, Ill., and worked on the assembly line of Staley Manufacturing Co., then one of the largest national soybean processors. Staley later became a prominent supplier of value-added products derived from corn, including sweeteners, starches, citric acid, ethanol and animal feeds. Jerry worked for Staley until just before his death. He was a Civil War buff and avid fisherman, and enjoyed playing and watching baseball (but not football.) He was a die-hard fan of the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers and the Minneapolis/Los Angeles Lakers (especially Jerry West.) He married Joyce Lee Godby, daughter of Leslie Godby, in 1958 in Keystone. Born in Jan 1940. There were no children.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv. iv. James Stanley (called Jim). Born 15 Mar 1936 in Keystone.

v. Joan NMN. orn 21 Aug 1938 in Burke Hollow, Keystone. She graduated from Northfork-Elkhorn High School, Northfork, W.Va., in 1956 and relocated to Washington, D.C. She responded to a radio advertisement for jobs with the Navy Department and took the examination in Charleston, W.Va. After a year of working for the federal government in Washington, she returned to West Virginia and worked for a year for the G.C. Murphy Co. She then returned to work for the federal government in Washington. Her sister Jean joined her a year after graduation, obtaining a job with the telephone company. Her sister Helen was recruited at her high school by the U.S. Agriculture Department, and moved with their mother to Arlington, Va., in 1963. The household has been in the same general area ever since. In 2001 Joan was retired from a career as a civilian accountant for the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy, Crystal City, Arlington, Va., and was an avid reader and astrology buff who had a joint household with her sister Helen.

vi. Betty Jane. Born 4 Sep 1940 in Keystone. Died 17 Jan 1941 in Keystone. Buried

in Woodlawn Cemetery.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv. vii. Jean Marie. Born 17 Dec 1941 in Keystone.

viii. Helen Doris. Born 16 Apr 1944 in Keystone. She graduated from Northfork-

Elkhorn High School, Northfork, W.Va. in 1962; and from Temple Secretarial School, Washington, D.C., in 1964. She worked from 1964 to 1970 for the federal government, and then went to the private sector. In 2004 she retired as a legal secretary for Warren & Associates, a Washington, D.C. maritime law firm. She was a member of the National Society of Notary Publics, and was interested in stamp collecting, painting, and religious studies. In 2001 she lived with her sister Joan in Arlington, Va.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii. John Harold[6] Ernest (Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 15 May 1915 in Alpina, Beckley, W.Va. Died 10 Jun 1989 in Morgantown, W.Va. His granddaughter Jacquiline (Ernest) Perez said in 2007 that he was turned down for active duty for medical reasons during World War II, but served in the Maryland State Guard for the duration of that war. He and his family lived in Hagerstown, Md., at the time. Jacqui also said he was later an electrical engineering technician for what became the U.S. Dept. of Energy and that the government had patents on several of his designs. She remembered him taking her to see moon rocks they were studying in the early 1970s.

He married Kathleen Weese, daughter of Arley H. Weese and Emma L. Wiley, 13 Nov 1932. Born 13 Sep 1913 in Elkins, W.Va. Died 9 Jan 1996 in Morgantown. Children:

2.iv.iii.iii.viii. i. John Harold[7] Jr. (called Jack) Born 22 Mar 1934 in Elkins, Randolph Co., W.Va.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii. ii. Donald Eugene[7]. Born 13 Feb 1938 in Elkins.

2.iv.iii.iii.ix. Earl Felix[6] Ernest (Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 Apr 1917 in McAlpin, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 16 Jul 1993 in Charleston, W.Va. He served in the U.S. Army from 1945 to sometime after 1953.

He married Dorothy Unknown. Children:

i. John Ashley[7]. Born 24 May 1963. Died 11 Nov 1999 in Charleston, W.Va.

2.v.iv.i.i. Teddy[6] Robinette (Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Opal Ross. Children:

2.v.iv.i.i. i. David[7].

2.v.iv.i.ii. Eddy[6] Robinette (Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Elizabeth Unknown. Children:

2.v.iv.i.ii. i. Gary[7].

2.v.iv.i.ii. ii. Garnett.

2.v.iv.i.v. Irene[6] Robinette (Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married William V. Baker. Children:

2.v.iv.i.v. i. Greg[7].

2.v.iv.iii.i. Gracie[6] Arthur (Lota[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Herbert Scarbury. Children:

i. Harold Lee[7].

2.v.iv.iv.i. William Henderson[6] Clarkson II (Lillian[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 10 Aug 1922 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Died 10 Jan 1993 in Ashland, Ky. Buried in Clarkson Cemetery, Catlettsburg. He was a teacher at Boyd County High School.

He married Virginia Allene Tyree 3 Aug 1963 in Cannonsburg, Ky. Born 13 Feb 1935 in Lytton, Ky. Children:

2.v.iv.iv.i. i. Mary Lillian[7] (called Lillian). Born 22 Apr 1964 in Ashland, Ky.

2.v.iv.iv.i. ii. June Allene. Born 21 Apr 1966 in Ashland, Ky.

2.v.iv.iv.i. iii. Margaret Anne. Born 6 Sep 1967 in Ashland, Ky.

i. Sarah Lee. Born 13 Jul 1969 in Ashland.

2.v.iv.v.i. Dorothy Madeline[6] Fields (Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 1 Aug 1923. Died 9 Mar 1979.

She married, first, Orville Chaney. Children:

i. Patricia Gay[7].

She married, second, Robert Milton Daniels. Children:

ii. Robert M. Jr. Born in Feb 1953.

2.v.iv.v.iii. Gladys Frances[6] Fields (called Corky) (Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 25 Jan 1928. Died 5 Dec 1998.

She married Warren E. Dixon. Children:

i. Warren E., Jr.[7]. Born in May 1953.

ii. David Dean. Born in Jul 1955. In 2000 he was a professor at Slippery Rock [Pa.] College.

2.v.iv.v.iv. Betty Jo[6] Fields (Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 6 Jun 1931.

She married Donald Milton Clark 18 Nov 1951. Children:

2.v.iv.v.iv. i. Donald M., Jr.[7] Born 30 May 1953.

ii. Gary Lee. Born 6 Jun 1955.

iii. Jack Kevin. Born 23 Oct 1957.

2.v.iv.v.iv. iv. Pamela Jo. Born 28 Sep 1959.

2.v.iv.v.vi. Robert Curtis[6] Fields (Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 4 Feb 1936.

He married Sue Litteral. Children:

2.v.iv.v.vi. i. Robin Lynn[7].

2.v.iv.v.vi. ii. Robert C., Jr.

2.v.iv.v.vi. iii. Bonnie Irene.

iv. John Michael.

v. Stephen Judson.

2.v.iv.vi.i. John Tony[6] Honacher (Tony Wallace[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 9 Sep 1922 in Boyd Co., Ky. Died 23 Aug 1993 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Docks Creek Cemetery, Kenova, W.Va.

Wayne County News, Wayne, W.Va.: John T. Honacher, 70, of Kenova, died Aug. 23, 1993 at St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington. He was born Sept. 9, 1922 in Boyd Co., Ky., a son of Sophia Davis Honacher of Ceredo [W.Va.] and the late Tony Honacher. He was retired from Columbia Gas Co. and was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving in World War II. He was a member of First Baptist Church of Kenova, where he was a deacon, member of Saints Alive Choir and Men’s Bible Study Group. The members of the Men’s Bible Study Group served as active pallbearers and deacons served as honorary pallbearers. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Mary Ellen Keyser; and one brother, Jack Honacher. Additional survivors include his wife, Mary Lee Napier Honacher; one daughter and son-in-law, “Bitsy” and Harold Preston of Charleston, W.Va.; one granddaughter and her husband, Mary Tony and Greg Rossiter of Lake Forest, Ill.; two grandsons and a granddaughter-in-law, Harold E. and Cynthia Preston Jr. of Hurricane, W.Va., and Andrew Preston of Proctorville, Ohio; one brother and sister-in-law, Roy and Pat Honacher of Knoxville, Tenn.; four nieces; five nephews; and one sister-in-law and her husband, Susan and Clifford Loar Jr. of Ft. Pierce, Fla. Funeral services were conducted Aug. 25, 1993 at First Baptist Church of Kenova by Rev. Rob Jones. Burial was in Docks Creek Cemetery. Rollins Funeral Home, Kenova, was in charge of arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to Saints Alice Choir in care of First Baptist Church of Kenova, P.O. Box 475, Kenova, WV 25530.

He married Mary Lee Napier. Children:

i. Mary Ellen[7]. She married Unknown Keyser.

2.v.iv.vi.i. ii. Unknown (called Bitsy).

2.v.iv.vi.ii. Roy Cleveland[6] Honacher (Tony Wallace[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. orn 17 Sep 1924 in Kenova, W.Va.

He married Charles Eleanor Williams. Children:

2.v.iv.vi.ii. i. Charles Roy[7] (called Chuck). Born 17 Sep 1945 in Kenova, W.Va.

ii. Sherry Krista. Born 5 Sep 1953 in Huntington, W.Va. She married Unknown Adams.

2.v.iv.vi.iii. Jack Wallace[6] Honacher (Tony Wallace[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. orn ca. 1926.

He married, first, Betty Unknown. Children:

i. Jack, Jr.[5]

He married, second, Mary Kaye Unknown.

8.ix.i.i.iv. Joe Roy[6] Wills (Elsie Mae[5], Malone L.[4], Laura Josephine[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Jul 1929 in Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

He married Helen Lucas, daughter of Charles Ed Lucas and Sythia Marie Bailey. Born 8 Feb 1928 in Nesco, W.Va. Died 7 Feb 1966 in Arnett. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett. Children:

i. Stephen Tracy[7]. Born 3 Dec 1949.

ii. Michael Charles. Born 20 Jan 1951.

iii. Joey Laverne. Born and died 7 Apr 1953.

iv. Joe Roy, Jr. Born 26 May 1954.

v. Vanden Dwight. Born 1 Jun 1957.

8.ix.i.i.iv. vi. David Gregory. Born 7 May 1959 in Beckley, W.Va.

vii. Joetta Marie. Born 22 Aug 1960.

10.vi.i.i.ii. Sandra[6] Keeney (Ethel[5], Mary Luther[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Bob Pauley. Children:

i. Bobby[7].

ii. James (called Jay). He married Melinda Unknown.

10.vi.i.i.iii. Rosalie[6] Keeney (Ethel[5], Mary Luther[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Bobby Laverty. Children:

i. Stephanie[7]. She married Jim Zytowiecki.

10.vi.i.i.iii. ii. Bobby. He married Jill Unknown.

10.viii.i.i.i. Harold Joe[6] Via (Edith Opal[5], Joe Nathan[4], Centhia Victoria[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Sep 1936 in Beckley, W.Va. Harold operated Via’s Volkswagen Shop, specializing in Volkswagen repairs, and was a gun collector, for some years the owner of James A. and James B. Honaker mountain rifles. In 2000 he was retired, living in Beckley.

He married, first, Glenna Mae Moody (called Guinea Pig), daughter of Everette Edward Moody and Mary Elizabeth Irvin, 29 Mar 1959 in Beckley. Born 20 May 1942 on Backus Mountain, Fayette Co., W.Va. They divorced 30 Nov 1978 in Beckley. Children:

10.viii.i.i.i. i. Darold Joe[7]. Born 4 Apr 1960.

ii. Kimberly Lynn. Born 23 May 1961 in Beckley. She married Unknown Brewer.

iii. Terri Alane. Born 29 Jul 1964 in Beckley. She married Unknown Bailey.

iv. Harold Ray. Born 15 Mar 1973 in Beckley. In 2000 he was a salesman at Beckley Pawn

& Gun Shop. He married Rebecca Dawn Spencer (called Becky) 25 Oct 1997 in Covington, Va. She brought a child to the marriage, Kenneth Lee Spencer, born 10 Apr 1995. They had no children.

He married, second, Dale Stephanie Parks 15 Feb 2000. Born 13 Oct 1948 in Baltimore, Md.

16.i.iii.iii. Barbara Louise[6] Journell (Joseph Howard[5], Josephus[4], Benjamin Franklin[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). The middle name was for her father’s sister Golda Louise. Born 24 Jun 1941 in Procious, Clay Co., W.Va. She and her husband lived in Leewood, Kanawha Co., W.Va., for 12 years, and in Carbon, Kanawha Co., W.Va., for 34 years. In 2016 she lived in Carbon, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

She married Calvin Lee Comer, son of Clarence Cecil Comer and Comella Manley. Born 29 Dec 1927 in Deepwater, Fayette Co., W.Va. Calvin had two sets of twin brothers and one single brother, and was the last sibling to pass away. Died 15 Mar 2016 at home in Carbon.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette-Mail, 23 Mar 2016: Calvin Lee Comer, 88, of Carbon, died March 15, 2016. His request was to be cremated. A private family memorial will be held at a later date. Arrangements by Leonard Johnson Funeral Home, Marmet.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2016: Calvin Lee Comer, 88, of Carbon, W.Va., died March 15, 2016 at home, with family at his side. A son of Clarence Cecil and Comella (Manley) Comer, he was born Dec. 29, 1927 in Deepwater, W.Va. He was the husband of Barbara L.[6] (Journell) Comer. They lived in Leewood, WVa., for 12 years before moving to Carbon 34 years ago. In addition to wife Barbara he is survived by daughter Michelle Lee (Comer) Briggs and husband Paul, of Carbon. The remains were cremated and a private family memorial service will be held. Leonard Johnson Funeral Home, Marmet, W.Va., was in charge.


i. Michelle Lee[7]. Born 16 Jun 1975 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. She married

Michael Paul Briggs of Rutland, Rutland Co., Vt. In 2016 they lived with her mother in Carbon, W.Va. There were no children.

16.i.iii.iv. Joyce Ann[6] Journell (Joseph Howard[5], Josephus[4], Benjamin Franklin[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Dec 1942 in Procious, Clay Co., W.Va. Died 16 Jan 2004 in Melbourne, Fla. Her ashes were scheduled to be buried in Levi Reed Cemetery, Procious, where her ancestors are buried. Like predecessors in her family, she occasionally used the surname Cash.

Obituary (by her sister Barbara): Joyce Cash Robbins of Palm Bay, Fla., formerly of Procious, Clay Co., W.Va. and Gauley Bridge, W.Va., passed away of a sudden illness Jan. 16, 2004 at the age of 61. She is survived by husband Robert Scott Robbins, daughter Jacqueline and husband Allan Laser, all of Palm Beach, Fla.; son Michael and wife Suzanne Rivera of Enfield, Conn.; grandchildren Diana, Christopher, and Joseph Laser of Palm Bay, Fla. and James Rivera of Enfield, Conn.; sisters Barbara and husband Calvin Comer of Carbon, W.Va., Kathryn and husband James Wingfield of Richmond, Va.; brother Michael Cash of Melbourne, Fla.; special niece and nephew Michelle and Michael Briggs of Carbon, W.Va. She was preceded in death by her parents, Joseph Journell-Cash and Ann Cash, sister Cara Lee Purifoy, brother Joseph Charles “Jimmy” Cash, and grandfather, the famous Josephus “Joe Cash” Journell, of Procious, W.Va. Private family services will be held at a later date.

She married, first, Samuel Rivera. Children:

16.i.iii.iv. i. Jacqueline[7].

16.i.iii.iv. ii. Michael.

She married, second, Unknown Echols. There were no children.

She married, third, Robert Scott Robbins. There was one child, not identified.

17.vii.i.i. Ella Mae[6] Halsey (Albert Cecil[5], Sylvia Caldonia[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Unknown Maner. Children:

i. Donna Cecil[7]. In 2010 she lived in Covington, Ga. She married Unknown Hargett.

17.vii.i.ii. John Jefferson[6] Halsey (Albert Cecil[5], Sylvia Caldonia[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Sep 1912 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died 3 Feb 1968 in Dublin, Pulaski County. Buried Mountain View Cemetery, Dublin. He was a house painter.

He married Vadalene Burton Smith 30 Apr 1932 in Pulaski County. Born 24 Nov 1910 in Superior, W.Va. Died 2 Jan 2004 in Dublin, Pulaski County. Buried Mountain View Cemetery, Dublin. Children:

17.vii.i.ii. i. Nancy Elizabeth[7]. Born 14 Mar 1933 in Pulaski Co., Va.

18.viii.iv.iii. Walter Michael[6] Miller (Ruby Thelma[5], Julian Andrew[4], Henry[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Dec 1944 in Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., Va. In 2014 he lived in Christiansburg.

He married, first, Carol Linkous. Children:

i. Michael Todd[7]. Born 18 Dec 1967. He had no children.

18.viii.iv.iii. ii. Jeffrey Scott. Born 16 May 1970.

He married, second, Mary Frances Hoback, daughter of Charlie Gordon Hoback and Mary Belle Wolfe, 28 Jul 1964 in Christiansburg. Born 20 Mar 1948 in Wytheville, Wythe Co., Va. She was divorced from Guy Scott 1977 in Radford, Va., and in that marriage had one son, Guy Elroy Scott (called Robin), b. 1967.

21.i.i.i. Charles Frederick[6] Thompson (Elsie Mary[5], James Harvey[4], Elmira[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Rosa Lee Mills. Children:

i. Thomas T.[7] In 2001 he lived in Wilmington, N.C. and was a genealogical hobbyist.

23.ii.v.ii. Donald L.[6] Journell (Roy Alvin[5], Johnny[4], James Mitchell[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Linda Lee Williams, daughter of James Harold Williams and Ruth McMahan. They divorced. Born 19 Mar 1937 in Clifton Forge, Va. Died 16 Aug 2011 in Pembroke, Va. Buried in Birchlawn Burial Park, Pembroke.

Richmond [Va.] Times Dispatch, 17 Aug 2011: Linda Lee Williams Journell, of Pembroke, beloved Mother and NaNa, went to be with our Lord and Savior on Tuesday morning, Aug. 16, 2011, at the age of 74. She was born in Clifton Forge, Va., on March 19, 1937, daughter of the late James Harold and Ruth McMahan Williams of Pembroke. Her pain has now passed after 10 years with carcinoid cancer. This woman was the most giving, caring person, always thinking of others before herself, truly an angel here on earth. She was a life long member of Pembroke United Methodist Church where in her earlier years she was a Sunday School teacher and [Methodist Youth Fellowship] leader, all of her daughters friends called her Mom and that is what she was to all of them. She had worked at Leggett’s Department Store and was secretary for Pembroke Elementary School and Eastern Elementary School doing the job that now three people do including school nurse. There was never a child left behind. She was in charge of the card ministry at Pembroke First United Methodist Church, and served as softball coach in town leagues. She leaves to cherish her memory her daughter, Sandy Journell Reed and her husband, Ray Reed, of Pembroke; her granddaughters, Kalyn Lawrence, and Lakyn Lawhorne and her husband, Josh Lawhorne; her great-granddaughters, Madisyn and Makenna Lawrence; her great-grandsons, Johnathan and Lane Lawhorne (the apples of her eye); her former husband and dear friend, Don Journell; her “adopted daughter” and her daughter, Amy Tinsley and Jordan Auvil; her beloved mother-in-law, Marie Journell, whom she cared for 15 years and dedicated her life to helping her reach the age of 100 years; her brothers and sisters-in-law; nieces, nephews, cousins and so many special friends including Jennifer Sullivan, who was by her side and helped Sandy with her so much in these last days for which she was truly grateful; Ellen Martin and Leota Cook; Pastor Rob Lough, whom she loved dearly; the Rev. Raymond and Joyce Kelley; Dr. Mark Currie and special nurse, Ruth Ann; and special thanks to the staff at Lewis-Gale (where she had her daughter and where she gave up her fight to be with God) Oncology 6 West and Radford Rehab. “You are not only my Mommy but my very best friend, I love you so much and will miss you so much, but I know you are with God and you will always be my Guardian Angel.” –Sandy Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. on Thurs., Aug. 18, 2011, in Pembroke First United Methodist Church in Pembroke with Pastor Rob Lough officiating. Burial will follow in Birchlawn Burial Park in Pearisburg. The family will receive friends at the Kendall Funeral Home, 605 Snidow St., Pembroke on Wednesday evening, Aug. 17, 2011, from 6 to 8 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests a contribution in Linda’s name to the Pembroke First United Methodist Church, Pembroke, Va. Online condolences may be sent to the family by visiting


i. Sandy[7]. She married Ray Reed.

23.ii.v.v. Dorothy L.[6] Journell (Roy Alvin[5], Johnny[4], James Mitchell[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married, first, Unknown Spangler. Children:

i. Michael[7].

She married, second, Dan Level.

24.vii.iii.ii. Ronald Wayne[6] Cromer (Edith[5], Frank W.[4], Charles Russell[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1942. Died 23 Jul 2001 in Christiansburg, Va. Buried in Sunrise Burial Park, Radford, Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 24 Jul 2001: Ronald Wayne Cromer, 59, of Radford, passed away Mon., July 23, 2001 at the New River Valley Medical Center in Christiansburg. He was employed by Hook-Up of Dublin, Va. He was the son of Edith Jennelle Cromer and the late Guy E. Cromer, Sr. Survivors include one daughter, Sherry Cromer of Radford; one son and daughter-in-law, Ronald Wayne and Nenita Cromer, Jr., of Staunton; one brother, Guy E. Cromer, Jr., of Pulaski; three grandchildren, Taylor Okes, Christian Cromer, Justin Cromer; and a loving companion, Carroll Adkins of Radford. Funeral services will be held Thurs., July 26, 2001 at 2 p.m. in the Mullins Funeral Home Chapel, with the Rev. Amy Lehr officiating. Interment will follow in Sunrise Burial Park in Radford. The family will receive friends from 6 to 9 p.m. Wed., July 25, 2001 at the Mullins Funeral Home in Radford.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Sherry[7].

ii. Ronald Wayne, Jr.

28.iv.i.i. Unknown[6] McClaren (Litha[5], Fred[4], Benjamin[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Heather[7]. She married Unknown Sipes. In 2000 she lived in Lynchburg, Va.

28.iv.iv.iv. Francis Robert[6] Honaker (called Chip) (Harley A.[5], Fred[4], Benjamin[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 12 Dec 1929 in Ainsborth, Brown Co., Neb. Died 6 Jan 2016. Buried in Alabama National Cemetery, Montevallo, Ala.

Birmingham [Ala.] News, 29 Apr 2016: Francis Robert “Chip” Honaker, Dec. 12, 1929–Jan. 6, 2016. Chip passed into heaven Jan. 6, 2016. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Gwendolyn Bennett Honaker; children Cheryl Honaker Byars (John), Robert Keith Honaker (Donna) and Jeffrey Paul Honaker; grandchildren, Megan Turpin Hinson, Heather Nichole Honaker, Jacob Travis Honaker, Matthew Paul Byars and Kenzie Leigh Honaker; and brother Donald Eugene Honaker (Trudy). He is preceded in death by his granddaughter, Amy Nicole Honaker, brothers Charles Alfred Honaker and Sidney Dean Honaker, and parents Harley A Honaker and Lenore Bolton Honaker. Nicknamed “Chipper” for his happy personality, he was born in Ainsworth, Neb., and graduated from Doane College in Crete, Neb., with a degree in music. He served four years in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War, deployed to the Pacific and played trombone in the Navy Band. He then married Gwendolyn Bennett and had a career with General Electric, working in Jacksonville, Orlando, New Orleans, Birmingham, Cincinnati, Kansas City, and Louisville, where he retired and taught piano for ten years. He and Gwen retired to Destin, Fla., returning to Birmingham in 2013. Chip loved people and his passion for music filled our lives. A military honor service will be held on Fri., Apr. 20, 2016 at 2 p.m. at the Alabama National Cemetery in Montevallo. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Alzheimer’s Association will be appreciated.

He married Gwendolyn Bennett ca. 1945. Children:

28.iv.iv.iv. i. Cheryl[7].

ii. Robert Keith. He married Donna Unknown.

iii. Jeffrey Paul.

35.ii.i.i. Eleanor[6] Rives (Lombe[5], Lelia Mae[4], John Robert[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Jul 1920. Died 13 Jun 1991.

She married Unknown Clark. They divorced. Children:

i. Stuart[7] (adopted). [Rives]

38.vii.i.v. Kenneth Ray[6] Honaker (Garnard Rufus[5], George Perry[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Oct 1932 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 26 Aug 2015 in Chesapeake, Va.

Virginian Pilot, Norfolk, Va., 29 Aug 2015: Chesapeake—Kenneth R. Honaker 82, passed away on Aug. 26, 2015, in his home surrounded by loved ones. Born in Bluefield, W.Va., he was the son of the late Garnard and Cleo Honaker. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Dottie Honaker. Kenneth was retired from Texaco as a pump man. He was a proud Golden Eagle member of Fraternal Order of Eagles #795 Berkeley and South Norfolk Golf Association. Left to cherish his memory are his daughters, Julie Cecil and Kimberly Turner Stout and husband Sonny; son, Mickey Honaker and wife Nancy, Kenneth Ray Honaker, Jr. and stepson, Danny Balash and wife Joy; brothers, Gary and Scott Honaker; numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren. Friends and family are asked to join together for a celebration of Kenny’s life at 3 p.m., Sun., Aug. 30, 2015, at the Fraternal Order of the Eagles Club, 521 Maple St., Chesapeake, VA 23324. Arrangements are by Snellings Funeral Home, George Washington Hwy., Chapel. Condolences may be offered to the family at .

He married, first, Peggy Ann Sutherland 22 Oct 1955 in Pasquotankin, N.C. They divorced with two children Jun 1975.

He married, second, Dottie U. Ghoens 14 Nov 1975 in Chesapeake, Va. Born 16 Jul 1928. Died before 2015. She married, first, Unknown Balash.

Children (mothers unidentified):

i. Julie[7]. She married Unknown Cecil.

ii. Kimberly. She married Sonny Stout.

iii. Mickey. He married Nancy Unknown.

iv. Kenneth Ray, Jr.

39.xiii.i.i. Ira Elmer[6] Osborne Jr. (Betty Lou[5], Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 Mar 1948 in Elkton, Md. He graduated from Palmdale [Calif.] High School, obtained a barber’s license, and in 2007 lived in Palmdale, where he owned and operated Ira’s Barber Shop. His interests included woodworking and golfing. He was active in childrens’ ministry at Valley Bible Church, Lancaster, Calif.

He married Theresa Ann McCartney (called Teri), daughter of Odis Onzie McCartney and

Virginia Mae Puttie, 18 Jun 1968 in Palmdale, Calif. Born 27 Dec 1949 in Bend, Ore. She became a beautician. In 2007 she was employed by the Antelope Sheriff’s Department in Lancaster, Calif. Children:

i. Anthony Jackson[7] (called Tony) (adopted). Born 21 Oct 1986 in Glendale, Calif.

39.xiii.i.iii. Donald Ray[6] Osborne (Betty Lou[5], Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 2 Sep 1955 in Elkton, Md. He graduated from Palmdale [Calif.] High School in 1973. He took an A.A. in Business Management from Johnson & Wales College, Providence, R.I.; a B.S. in Business Management from California State University, Northridge, Calif.; and was a certified hypnotist, Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Tarzana, Calif. In 2007 he was a claims adjuster for Ohio Casualty Co., an insurance company, and lived in Elkton, where he operated his own disc jockey company, Superstar D.J.; was involved in singing, acting, directing, ceramics, and travel. He was a member of Glascow [Md.] Reformed Presbyterian Church where he was director of drama production; was drama director for Wilmington Christian School; a member of Covered Bridge Theatre; and directed large-scale dramatic and musical productions, some with audiences of up to 12,000.

He married Donna Louise Roberts, daughter of James NMN Roberts and Shirley Ann Rucker, 5 Mar 1983 in Northridge, Calif. Born 8 May 1958 in Hamilton, Ohio. They divorced 1888 in Lancaster, Calif. In 2007 she lived in York, Pa. Children:

i. Darryl Keith[7]. Born 11 Sep 1984 in Northridge, Calif. He graduated from Elkton [ Md.] High School in 2002; graduated from the Correctional Officer Academy, Baltimore, Md.; and completed classes in law enforcement at Cecil Community College, North East, Md. In 2006 he was a Cecil Co., Md., sheriff. His interests including softball, singing, and acting, and he was a member of Glascow Reformed Presbyterian Church.

39.xiii.ii.i. Flona Jane[6] Palmer (called Janie) (Clara Christina[5], Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 Oct 1954 in Bell Gardens, Calif. In 2007 she lived in Salisbury, Md.

She married, first, Michael James Gunns, son of Francis Gunns and Alda Unknown, 29 Jun 1973 in Elkton, Md. They divorced Jun 1983. Born 16 Dec 1955. In 2007 he lived in Elkton. Children:

39.xiii.ii.i. i. Michael James[7] Jr. Born 29 Jun 1974 in Elkton.

39.xiii.ii.i. ii. Douglas William. Born 30 Dec 1976 in Elkton.

39.xiii.ii.i. iii. Christina Renee (called Crissy). Born 10 Jan 1976 in Elkton.

She married, second, Mark Graves.

39.xiii.ii.iii. Frank Richard[6] Palmer (called Rick) (Clara Christina[5], Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Oct 1960 in Downey, Calif. See photograph. In 2007 he lived in Elkton, Md.

He married Annette Frances Harrington, daughter of Melvin NMN Harrington and Katherine May Lucuk, 2 Mar 1979 in Elkton, Md. Born 16 Jul 1960 in Elkton. Children:

i. Mandy Jo[7]. Born 1 Mar 1983 in Elkton. She married Josh David Katz, son of Alan Ira Katz and Susan NMN Strazkowski, 25 Mar 2006 in Elkton. Born 20 Aug 1983 in Wilmington, Del.

ii. Kyle Richard. Born 18 Feb 1986 in Elkton.

41.iii.i.xii. Ruth[6] Adkins (Lola Ann[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery, Sias, W.Va.

She married Unknown. Children:

i. James[7]. Born and died in 1964. Buried in Walker Adkins Cemetery.

41.iii.ii.ii. June[6] Adkins (Alma Opal[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Willard D. Walls in 1950. Children:

41.iii.ii.ii. i. Carolyn Delaris[7]. Born in 1951.

ii. Rebecca Joyce. Born in 1953. Died in 1957.

41.iii.ii.ii. iii. Donna Kay. Born in 1956.

41.iii.iii.iii. Dottie Lou[6] Adkins (Estel Geneva[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Oct 1941 in Hager, W.Va.

She married Dallas Leon Bell, son of Elmer Elbert Bell and Lula May Lovejoy, 21 Nov 1961 in Hamlin, W.Va. Born 1 Mar 1942 in Hager, W.Va. He also was married to Betty Jane Roberts. Children (of Dottie Lou and Dallas Leon):

41.iii.iii.iii. i. Robin Christina[7].

Linkous did not report Dallas Bell, saying instead that Dottie married Unknown Taylor, and that Robin was a product of that marriage.

41.iii.iv.i. Linuel Arthur[6] Honaker (Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Originally the name was reported as Linuel, the only Linuel known up to 2014. The following obituary leads us to conclude that the full given name was Linuel Arthur. We have been strengthened in the assumption by his residence in Branchland, Lincoln Co., W.Va., which is the birth county of his siblings.

Daily Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 4 Oct 2012:Linuel Arthur Honaker, 82, of Branchland, died Oct. 2, 2012. Service will be 11 a.m., Fri., Oct. 5, at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 4, at the funeral home.

He married Mary Merritt. Children:

41.iii.iv.i. i. Linzy[7].

41.iii.iv.i. ii. Linda Lou.

41.iii.iv.i. iii. Tommy.

41.iii.iv.ii. Swanna Lee[6] Honaker (Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Jun 1935 in Hager, W.Va. Died 20 Jun 1997 in Beaver, Pa.

She married John Calvin Collins, son of Lewis Collins and Sheba Adkins, 13 Nov 1952 in Hamlin, W.Va. Born 12 Oct 1933 in Hager, W.Va. Children:

41.iii.iv.ii. i. Michael J.[7] Born 3 Sep 1953.

41.iii.iv.ii. ii. Cheryl L. Born 17 Nov 1955.

41.iii.iv.ii. iii. Sheba I. Born 27 Apr 1958.

iv. Larry Lee. Born 24 Apr 1963 in East Liverpool, Ohio. He was a millwright. He married Susan Kay Kirbaugh, daughter of Paul Kirbaugh and Hilda Burlingame, 6 Jul 1985 in Beaver Creek State Park, Columbiana Co., Ohio. Born 3 Sep 1955 in East Liverpool. She brought two children to the marriage, Dixon L. Danver III, born 17 Sep 1972 in East Liverpool; and Amy M. Hanna, born 19 Oct 1977 in Youngstown, Ohio.

v. Gary D. Born 21 May 1964 in East Liverpool, Ohio. He married Joyce Wright.

41.iii.iv.iii. Henry[6] Honaker (Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Billie Unknown. Children:

i. Terri[7].

ii. Dewayne.

41.iii.iv.v. Leva Mae[6] Honaker (Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Bill Flowers. Children:

i. Patricia[7]. She married David Harris.

ii. Carlos.

iii. Curtis.

41.iii.v.i. Slim Eli[6] Plumley (Nellie Brooke[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1943. Died 19 Apr 2000 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried Walter Adkins Cemetery, Sias, W.Va.

Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Va., unknown date: Slim Plumley, 57, of Sias, husband of Icylene Adkins Plumley, died Wednesday in Cabell Huntington Hospital. He was a gas and oil field worker. Also surviving are his parents, Caudle and Nellie Honaker Plumley of Sias; one son, Butch Plumley of Sias; two brothers, Shorty Plumley and Vivien Plumley, both of Florida; and two sisters, Pat Plumley and Rose Plumley, both of Iowa. Funeral 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin; burial in Walter Adkins Cemetery, Sias. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home.

He married Icylene Adkins. Children:

i. Slim E., Jr.[7] (called Butch)

41.iii.v.ii. Shorty Clenton[6] Plumley (Nellie Brooke[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Vivian Adkins, daughter of Harold Adkins and Fay Unknown. Children:

i. Sherry[7].

41.iii.vi.ii. David Allen[6] Honaker (Collie C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Died in Jan 1980 in West Liberty, Ky.

He married Nettie Cleo Davis, daughter of Sterm Davis. Children:

i. Mark Allen[7].

ii. Brian Keith.

iii. David A., Jr.

41.iii.vi.iii. Ricky Maywood[6] Honaker (Collie C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Dora Adkins. Children:

i. Jeremy[7].

ii. Violet.

41.iii.vi.v. Jeffrey Myron[6] Honaker (Collie C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1964. Died 31 May 1989 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried Walker-Adkins Cemetery, Sias, Lincoln Co., W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 2 Jun 1989: Jeffery Myron Honaker, 25, of Sais, Lincoln County, died May 31, 1989, in St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington. He was a laborer in the oil and gas industry. Surviving: parents, Collie and Monnie Adkins Honaker of Sias; wife, Reginia Harris Honaker of Sias; son, Adam Lee at home; brothers, Roger Dale and Ricky Maywood, both of Sias, Ronnie Gene of Morristown, Tenn. Service will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Koontz Funeral Home, Hamlin, with the Rev. K.D. Bragg and the Rev. Paul Stevens officiating. Burial will be in Walker-Adkins Cemetery, Sias. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

He married Regina Harris. Children:

i. Adam Lee[7].

41.v.i.i. William Liston[6] Mason (Beulah Marie[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1933. Linkous reported that Bill graduated from St. Louis [Mich.] High School in 1952; took a B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Michigan, where he belonged to Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi fraternities; and had been a U.S. Navy lieutenant. From 1957 to 1961 he was a computer officer at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. From 1961 to 1993 he was an aerospace engineer with Space Technology Laboratories, which became TRW, Inc. By 1997 he had authored two technical books.

He married Jacqueline Robinson. Born in 1934. Children:

41.v.i.i. i. Anne Jeanette[7]. Born in 1959.

41.v.i.i. ii. Michael Liston. Born in 1962.

iii. Christopher William. Born in 1964. Linkous reported that Chris graduated from Rolling Hills High School, Palos Verdes, Calif; took a B.A. in Film Production from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Theater in 1986; had been an assistant production manager for Showscan; and in 1997 worked for Illusions, Inc., which made family entertainment, educational, and commercial films.

41.v.iii.i. Reta Juanita[6] Smith (John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born

1933. Died in 1973. (Linkous reported the name as Reda Juanita and all the dates in this entry. The second marriage

date is two years after she was reported deceased. We do not know which date or dates may be incorrect.)

She married, first, Duane Hallock in 1955. Born in 1932. Children:

i. John Claude[7]. Born in 1956. Linkous reported that he graduated from Montabella High School, Edmore, Mich., in 1974, and in 1997 was a foreman with Laser Die and Engineering, Grand Rapids, Mich. He married Debra Kay Taylor Paulsen in 1977. Born in 1959.

41.v.iii.i. ii. Teresa. Born in 1958.

41.v.iii.i. iii. Susan. Born in 1961.

She married, second, Robert Theadore in 1975. Born in 1936.

41.v.iii.ii. Velma Jean[6] Smith (John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1937.

She married Robert Lucien Brown Jr. in 1956. Born in 1931. Children:

41.v.iii.ii. i. Cheryl Lynn[7]. Born in 1957.

41.v.iii.ii. ii. Colleen Louise. Born in 1960.

iii. Robert L. III. Born in 1965.

41.v.iii.iii. Ruth Marie[6] Smith (John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1942.

She married Philip Henry Bartlett in 1960. Born in 1937. Children:

41.v.iii.iii. i. Jeffrey Garth[7]. Born in 1961.

41.v.iii.iii. ii. Jan Marie. Born in 1963.

iii. Jerry Dean. Born in 1967.

41.v.iii.iii. iv. Julie Kae. Born in 1968.

41.v.iii.iv. Donna Louise[6] Smith (John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1944.

She married Jack Lee Phillips in 1964. Born in 1937. Children:

41.v.iii.iv. i. Michael Anthony[7]. Born in 1966.

ii. Shawn Lee. Born in 1969.

41.v.iv.i. Twila Kay[6] Smith (Odus Odburt[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1941.

She married Thomas Edison Huber 1960. Born 1940. Children:

i. Christopher Scott[7]. Born 1962. Died 1967.

ii. Michael Scott. Born 1975.

41.v.v.i. John Wesley[6] Kane III (Gleneth Savanna[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1940. Died before 2015.

He married, first, Charlotte Dianne Morgan 1967. Born 1946. Children:

41.v.v.i. i. Susan Renee[7]. Born 1968.

41.v.v.i. ii. John W. IV. Born 1971.

iii. Jason David. Born 1978.

He married, second, Carolyn Jean McCrery (also reported as McCrey) in 1986. Born 1940. In 2015 she lived in Lancaster, Ohio.

41.v.v.iii. David Clarkson[6] Kane (Gleneth Savanna[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1942. In 2015 he lived in Rockbridge, Ohio.

He married Caroline Ann Cavinee in 1966. Born in 1946. Children:

i. Jan Marie[7]. Born 1966. She married Timothy Shawn Noice 1993. Born 1968.

ii. Julie Ann. Born 1967. She married Michael Eugene Lanfried 1986. Born 1959.

41.v.v.iv. Gary Lee[6] Kane (Gleneth Savanna[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1945. Died before 2015.

He married Mae Evelyn Lindsey 1967. Born 1948. She brought a daughter to the marriage, Darei Julian, born 1963. Children:

41.v.v.iv. i. Angela Lee[7]. Born 1968.

ii. Gary L., Jr. Born 1970.

41.v.v.v. Judy Elizabeth [6] Kane (Gleneth Savanna[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1949. In 2015 she lived in Rockbridge, Ohio.

She married, first, Unknown Scarberry. Children:

i. Shawn Robert[7]. Born 1972.

She married, second, Wayne Ellsworth Whitmore 1975. Born 1943.

41.v.vi.i. Don Gene[6] Smith (Carney Chaffey[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1948. Linkous reported that Don was an Allentown, Pa., city bus driver.

He married Judy K. Allen in 1967. Born in 1949. Children:

i. Kimberely Joy[7]. Born in 1969. She took a B.S. in Nursing from Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Pa.; graduated from St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing, city not identified, possibly Allentown; and became a nurse at St. Luke’s. She married Brett Adair in 1994. Born in 1968.

ii. Duane Gene. Born in 1971.

41.v.vi.ii. Jerry Lee[6] Smith (Carney Chaffey[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1950.

He married, first, Tyanne Kay Russell Folsom in 1972. Children:

i. Kara Adele[7]. Born in 1974.

ii. Brandy Lynn. Born in 1975.

iii. Shannon Kaye. Born in 1977.

He married, second, Sandra K. Gruber in 1994. Born in 1953.

41.v.vi.iii. Paul David[6] Smith (Carney Chaffey[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1952.

He married Sheila O’Connor in 1991. Born in 1959. Children:

i. Andrew David[7]. Born in 1991.

ii. Ryan Matthew. Born in 1993.

41.v.x.i. Rebekah Susan[6] See (Lucille Hattie[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1949.

She married Bradley Dale Akison in 1969. Children:

41.v.x.i. i. Barry Dean[7]. Born in 1971.

ii. Zachary Tyler. Born in 1989.

41.v.x.ii. Craig Anthony[6] See (Lucille Hattie[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1953.

He married Claire Louise Comstock in 1976. Born in 1954. Children:

i. Phillip Montgomery[7]. Born in 1979.

ii. Alison Emily. Born in 1985.

iii. Michelle Ann. Born in 1963.

41.v.vii.i. Carma Lee[6] Smith (Elden Elsworth[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1951. Linkous reported that Carma has had a banking career. She worked for a bank in Alma, Mich., while still in high school. In 1997 she was in the loan department of a bank in Lansing, Mich.

She married Lyle Wayne Leslie in 1971. Born in 1946. Children:

i. Kent Elden[7]. Born in 1976.

41.v.ix.i. Linda Lou [6] Smith (George Harvey[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1948. Linkous reported that she graduated from Bluefield [W.Va.] High School in 1965; took an Associate of Science in Secretarial Science from Bluefield College [Va.]; and worked at Chesterfield Baptist Association, Ruby, S.C. and Lancaster [S.C.] Second Baptist Church.

She married William Lewis Lively in 1967. Born in 1944. Linkous reported that Bill took a Master of Divinity from Midwestern Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Mo.; became a Southern Baptist minister; and served at Center Grove Baptist Church, Kershaw, S.C. Children:

i. Melanie Leigh[7]. Born in 1972. Linkous reported that she graduated from Chesterfield [S.C.] High School; took a B.S. in Elementary Education from Anderson [S.C.] College; and had undertaken genealogical research into the descendants of Susan Hartsella Linkous. Melanie expanded Smith family genealogy work done by Weynona Juanita Smith around 1980.

ii. Adam Lane. Born in 1975. He graduated from Andrew Jackson High School, Kershaw, S.C., and in 1997 was studying business administration at Furman University, Greenville, S.C.

43.vii.iv.i. Carole Annette[6] Barrett (Charles Frederick[5], Julia[4], Andrew Jackson[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Jan 1944 in Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N.Y. She graduated from Jamestown High School in 1962. In high school she was active in a cappella choir. She took an Associate in Applied Science from Jamestown Community College in 1964; a B.S. in Math from State University of New York at Fredonia, N.Y., in 1966; and Master of Education from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., in 1971. She was a computer programmer for Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y., 1966–1968; a math instructor at Upper Bucks County Vocational Technical (High) School, Perkasie, Pa., 1970–1974; and administrative assistant, Elm Park United Methodist Church, Scranton, Pa., Sep 1994–present [2002]. When her children were young, she was La Leche League leader and their Cub Scout leader. She was active in Elm Park United Methodist Church beginning in 1974, where she served as church school leader, education work area chair, church school superintendent, and trustee. Her interests formerly included sewing and handcrafts.

She married Barry Richard Anderson, son of Ralph Oscar Anderson and Mable Lucille Gotts, 29 Nov 1968 in Bemis Point, Chautauqua Co., N.Y. Born 22 Sep 1944 in Jamestown. He graduated from Southwestern Central School, Lakewood, N.Y., in 1962. He took an Associate in Applied Science from Jamestown Community College in 1964; a B.S. in Biology from State University of New York at Fredonia in 1966; and a Ph.D. in Biology from Lehigh University in 1974. He also completed postgraduate work at SUNY Fredonia; the Ph.D. at Lehigh included the postgraduate work for a master’s but not the degree. From 1974–1998 he was a biology professor at the University of Scranton [Pa.] From 1999–present [2002] he was a high school biology teacher in Orlando, Fla.


i. Nathan Leonard[7]. Born 5 Jan 1974 in Sellersville, Bucks Co., Pa. He graduated from

Scranton [Pa.] High School in 1992. In high school he participated in track and drama, was a National Honor Society student, and won awards for presentations at the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science. He took a B.S. in Computer Science and Math, minoring in Economics, from the University of Scranton in 1997. In college he continued to be active in drama. In 2002 he lived in Syracuse, N.Y., where he was employed with Lockheed-Martin Aircraft Co. He was a member of Elm Park United Methodist Church, Scranton, and his interests included mountain and road biking, kiting, rock climbing, cross country and downhill skiing.

ii. Brian Edward. Born 30 Jun 1976 in Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa. He graduated from North

Pocono High School in 1998 and attended the University of Scranton for one semester. In 2002 he was a temporary employee of Prudential Investments, Inc.

iii. Erik Daniel. Born 12 Mar 1979 in Kingston. He completed a General Education Diploma in 2000 and completed continuing education courses in computing, taking a Certificate for Personal Computer Coordinator from the University of Scranton. In 2002 he was employed by Prudential Investments, Inc.; was a member of Elm Park United Methodist Church; and his interests included music (as a rock band bass player) and computing (building and networking computers).

43.vii.iv.ii. Louis Alexander[6] Barrett (Charles Frederick[5], Julia[4], Andrew Jackson[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Sep 1952 in Helmuth, N.Y. In 2002 he was a member of the Air National Guard, deployed with his Charlotte, N.C. unit to Quwait.

He married Celetis Connor 29 Dec 1973. Children:

i. Christopher[7].

ii. Kimberly.

48.ii.vii.vi. Billie Jean[6] Lawson (Vesta Loette[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Feb 1929 in Montcalm, W.Va. Died 15 Nov 2004. She was one week old when her mother died. Billie said her father owned a store in Montcalm and the family was living there while their house was being built. She provided several photographs of her family to the Honaker Family Association.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 18 Nov 2004—Billie Jean Cameresi, 75, of Sarasota, Fla., and formerly of Bluefield, W.Va., returned to Heaven on Mon., Nov. 15, 2004. Born Feb. 11, 1929 in Montcalm, she was the daughter of the late Sam Lawson and Vesta Bailey Lawson. Just a week after her birth, her mother passed on and Billie was raised by Sarah Bailey, the wife of her maternal uncle. Sarah, known affectionately as Ganny, lived her entire life with Billie and, in turn, helped raise Billie’s own daughter, son and grandson. A graduate of Bramwell High School, Billie lived in Bluefield until 1970 when she and her family moved to Sarasota, Fla. At a time when it was uncommon, Billie enjoyed a long career as a businesswoman. For many years she worked as a bookkeeper for Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in both Bluefield and Sarasota. Known for her vivacious personality, her outgoing and humorous spirit, Billie “never met a stranger” and whether you met her for 15 minutes or knew her for a lifetime, she left a permanent mark upon the hearts of all who met her. With her penchant for “dressing to the nines,” the love of her home and decorating, her beautiful singing voice and love of all music, dance and entertainment, Billie “took center stage” whenever she entered a room and left all who encountered her with a smile on their face and the knowledge that they had made a friend for life. She was a woman without prejudice or judgement, and long before it was politically correct, she had friends of all faiths, ethnic backgrounds and lifestyles. Whether you were blue collar or white tie, Billie embraced the heart and soul of everyone she met and she treated all on equal ground. She was a devoted mother who enjoyed “spoiling her kids rotten!” Billie’s deep love of West Virginia never left her and she returned frequently over the years to visit family and friends. She and her family were former members of Bluewell [W.Va.] Methodist Church. Billie is preceded in passing by her late husband, Joseph Cameresi. She is survived by her daughter, Connie Short and her son, Tim Cameresi, both of Sarasota, Fla; and her grandson and his wife, Brad and Jodi Short of Riverview, Fla. She is also survived by three sisters and two brothers; Shirley Saunders of Bluefield; Joan Braford of Natural Bridge, Va.; Brenda Stoner of Lexington, Va.; Sam Lawson, Jr. also of Lexington; and Fred Lawson of Salisbury, Md. The depth of her love for her friends was amazing, and among the many friends Billie leaves behind in Bluefield are her brother in law, Jewel Short; and a woman who became a sister to Billie both in spirit and in her heart, her dear friend Ovella Mariotti. A celebration of Billie’s life is being held at 2 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 20, 2004 at St. James United Methodist Church in Sarasota. Her children plan to visit Bluefield in the Spring of 2005, at which time they will announce and invite all who knew her to join them in another celebration of the remarkable life of their Mother. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the American Cancer Society in honor of Billie Cameresi. [This obituary was written by her son Tim.]

Sarasota [Fla.] News-Herald, 18 Nov 2004—Billie Jean Cameresi, 75, Sarasota, died 15 Nov 2004. She was born Feb. 11, 1929 in Bluefield, W.Va., and came to Sarasota 34 years ago from there. She retired as a bookkeeper for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. She was a member of St. James United Methodist Church in Sarasota. Survivors include a daughter, Connie Short; and a son, Tim, both of Sarasota; sisters Shirley Saunders of Bluefield, Joan Braford of Natural Bridge, Va., and Brenda Stoner of Lexington, Va.; brothers Sam Lawson Jr. of Lexington and Fred Lawson of Eden, Md.; and a grandson. No visitation is scheduled. A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at St. James United Methodist Church. Toale Brothers Funeral Home, Colonial Chapel, is in charge. Memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society of Sarasota, 2801 Fruitville Rd., Ste. 250, Pen West Park, Sarasota, FL 34237.

She married, first, Carl Short ca. 1946. They divorced. Children:

48.ii.vii.vi. i. Connie[7].

She married Joseph Cameresi (called Joe). He died. Children:

ii. Tim. He married Jodi Unknown.

She married, third, Unknown Hahn. After he died, Billie changed her surname back to Cameresi.

48.ii.viii.i. Mary Frances[6] Bailey (Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Jan 1931 in Ashland, W.Va. In 2002 she lived in Anaheim, Orange Co., Calif.

She married, first, Clyde Arnold Peck, son of Ellis Peck and Ruth Jane Unknown in 1951 in Welch, W.Va. Born 22 Feb 1920 in Lebanon, Va. Children:

48.ii.viii.i. i. Thaya Ruth[7]. Born 4 Jun 1952 in Welch.

48.ii.viii.i. ii. Paul Edward. Born 1 Aug 1953 in Ashland, W.Va.

iii. Carol Ann. Born 8 Nov 1955 in Wyandotte, Mich. Died 21 Aug 1957 in Dearborn, Mich.

She married, second, John Erwin Redmond, son of Horace Earl Redmond and Margaret Louella Stull, 3 Mar 1964 in Detroit, Mich. Born 11 Nov 1929 in Slippery Rock, Pa. He previously married Jo Ann Pritz. Children (of Mary and John):

iv. Robert John. Born 18 Jan 1965 in Wyandotte.

48.ii.viii.i. v. John Erwin, Jr. Born 3 Jun 1967 in Wyandotte.

48.ii.viii.i. vi. David Keith. Born 12 Jul 1969 in Wyandotte.

48.ii.viii.i. vii. Carol Anne. Born 4 Nov 1971 in Wyandotte.

48.ii.viii.ii. Charles Edward[6] Bailey (Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Nov 1932 in Ashland, W.Va. Died 22 Feb 2001 in Sciotoville, Scioto Co., Ohio. Buried in Scioto Burial Park, McDermott, Ohio.

Unknown newspaper, possibly Portsmouth [Ohio] Times, unknown date: Charles Bailey, 68, of Sciotoville, Ohio, died Thurs., Feb. 22, 2001, at his residence. He was born Nov. 12, 1932, in Ashland, W.Va., a son of the late Forrest Edward Bailey and Lillian Hart Bailey. He was a correction officer from 1977 to 2000 at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility. He was a Korean War Army veteran and served 23 years in the National Guard. Surviving are his wife, Sharon N. Lowe Bailey, whom he married July 9, 1974, in Toledo, Ohio; two sons, Walter Lee Bailey and Timothy M. Bailey, both of Portsmouth; one daughter, Cynthia Bailey of Whittier, Calif.; three brothers, Donald Bailey and James Bailey, both of Detroit, Mich., and Richard Bailey of New Jersey; four sisters, Lillian Garvin of La Habra, Calif., Phyllis [Atwell] of Long Beach, Calif., Mary Redmond of La Mirada, Calif., and Betty Stevens of Alger, Mich.; and five grandchildren, Teresa Bailey, Michael Bailey, Ryan Bailey, Kayla Bailey and Timothy M. Bailey II. Services will be 11 a.m., Mon., Feb. 26, 2001, at Don Wolfe Funeral Home in Sciotoville, with Priest Michael A. Chaffin officiating, and interment in Scioto Burial Park in McDermott, with graveside rites by SOCF Honor Guard. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. Sun., Feb. 25, 2001, and one hour of visitation before the service Monday at the funeral home.

He married, first, Wanda Marie Ballard, daughter of James Roy Ballard and Gladys Mary Lawrence in 1958 in River Rouge, Mich. They divorced. Born 25 May 1927 in Fancy Farms, Ky. Died 8 Jun 2000 in Whittier, Calif. Children:

48.ii.viii.ii. i. Cynthia Marie[7]. Born 28 Feb 1957 in Trenton, Mich.

He married, second, Sharon N. Lowe 9 Jul 1974 in Toledo, Ohio. She brought one child to the marriage, Walter Lee, who was adopted by Charles.

ii. Walter Lee (adopted).

iii. Timothy M. (adopted as an infant by Charles and Sharon) Born 15 May 1979.

48.ii.viii.iv. Betty Sue[6] Bailey (Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 5 Sep 1938 in Ashland, W.Va. In 2002 she lived in Michigan.

She married Herbert Lee Stevens, son of Clell David Stevens and June Howell, 20 Sep 1956 in Pikeville, Ky. Born 14 Jan 1937 in Kentucky. Children:

i. Mitcha Lee[7]. Born 9 Dec 1956 in Pikeville.

48.ii.viii.v. Donald Ray[6] Bailey (Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 17 Aug 1940 in Ashland, W.Va. In 2002 he lived in Michigan.

He married Julia Sue Bentley 1962 in Detroit, Mich. They divorced. Born 27 May 1942 in Kentucky. Children:

48.ii.viii.v. i. Donna Sue[7]. Born 28 Sep 1963 in Wyandotte, Mich.

48.ii.viii.v. ii. Kerry Dean. Born 1 Dec 1964 in Wyandotte.

48.ii.viii.v. iii. Beth Ann. Born 17 Sep 1968 in Wyandotte.

48.ii.viii.viii. James William[6] Bailey (Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Jan 1951 in Ashland. In 2002 he lived in Michigan.

He married Kelly Ruth Flannery 19 Dec 1980 in River Rouge, Mich. Born 3 Dec 1956 in Michigan. She brought a daughter to the marriage, Nellie Ruth Flannery, who was adopted by James. Children:

i. Nellie Ruth[7] (adopted). Born 5 Feb 1978 in Westland, Mich.

ii. Jamie Michelle. Born 19 Oct 1980 in Westland.

48.xi.i.i. Betty Lou[6] Rutter (Erma Lafonne[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Sep 1945.

She married Donald Lee Hiles. Born 2 Aug 1938. They divorced. Children:

i. Angela Lynn[7]. Born 23 Jun 1967.

48.xi.i.ii. Sybil Jane[6] Rutter (Erma Lafonne[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Apr 1947.

She married Phillip David Foster 3 Feb 1968. Born 1 May 1946. Died in 1992. Children:

48.xi.i.ii. i. Kelli Ann[7]. Born 7 Nov 1969.

ii. Michael David. Born 18 Aug 1976.

48.xi.i.iv. Sandra Kay[6] Rutter (Erma Lafonne[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born

28 Jan 1951.

She married, first, Addison G. Moore 12 Apr 1970. They divorced in Feb 1983. Children:

48.xi.i.ii. i. Amy Michelle[7]. Born 13 May 1972.

48.xi.i.ii. ii. Adam Lee. Born 12 Jan 1977.

She married, second, Tom Wellman.

48.xi.i.vi. Joyce Jean[6] Rutter (Erma Lafonne[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Dec 1957.

She married Ronnie Lee Parks 10 Nov 1978. Born 19 Jun 1947. Children:

48.xi.i.vi. i. Ronnie L., II [7] (adopted). Born 3 Jan 1970.

ii. Joshua Clayton. Born 13 Jul 1980. Died in Nov 1996.

iii. Todd Phillip. Born 1 Jul 1984.

48.xi.ii.i. Norman Eugene[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Mar 1931.

He married, first, Mary Margaret Fleming. Children:

i. Mary Ann[7]. Born 14 Nov 1960. She married Andrew Graham Mack. They divorced

with no children.

48.xi.ii.i. ii. Daniel Patrick. Born 19 Mar 1964.

He married, second, Neta Jane Tyson. Born 5 Oct 1941. Children:

iii. Jason Merrell. Born 17 Feb 1977.

iv. Joshua Austin. Born 19 Feb 1979.

48.xi.ii.ii. Dallas Augusta[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Jun 1933. In 2000 she lived in West Virginia.

She married, first, Thomas Denver Canterbury. Born 24 Jun 1923. Died 10 Feb 1977. Children:

48.xi.ii.ii. i. Frankie Merrell[7]. Born 22 Aug 1952.

48.xi.ii.ii. ii. Debra Susan. Born 29 Aug 1955.

48.xi.ii.ii. iii. Michael Joe. Born 31 Dec 1958.

48.xi.ii.ii. iv. Rebecca Lynn. Born 31 Jan 1961.

She married, second, Oliver Leo Maynard (called Leo). There were no children.

48.xi.ii.iii. Betty Lou[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 23 Jul 1935.

She married Joseph Randall Walker. Born 13 Feb 1929. Children:

48.xi.ii.iii. i. Aleta Fay[7]. Born 1 Sep 1961.

48.xi.ii.iii. ii. Anne Marie. Born 5 Apr 1963.

48.xi.ii.iii. iii. Amy Jo.

48.xi.ii.v. Patricia Ann[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Feb 1941.

She married James A. Rye. Born 24 Jul 1938. They divorced. Children:

i. Peter Scott[7].

48.xi.ii.vi. Kenneth McArthur[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 28 Sep 1942.

He married Phyllis Elaine Belcher. Born 8 Jul 1948. They divorced. Children:

i. Kimberly Elaine[7]. Born 25 May 1969. She married Gil Gotiangao.

ii. Lori Shawn. Born 5 Dec 1971. She married Martin E. Sullivan.

48.xi.ii.vii. Thomas Alvin[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 May 1944.

He married Patricia Sue Fleshman. Born 8 Jul 1941. Children:

48.xi.ii.vii. i. Allison Sue[7]. Born 29 Dec 1961.

48.xi.ii.viii. Dora Marie[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Feb 1946.

She married Harry Richard McLaughlin. Born in Oct 1942. Children:

i. Sally Anne[7]. Born 5 Oct 1964.

ii. Michael Douglas. Born 11 Jul 1970. He married Sara Edgette. Born 20 Dec 1978.

48.xi.ii.ix. Barbara Ellen[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Aug 1948.

She married James Dean DeVanna. Born 21 Oct 1949. Children:

i. Alexander Thomas[7] (adopted). Born 21 Aug 1989.

48.xi.ii.x. Dorothy Darlene[6] Hendricks (Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 May 1953.

She married Thomas Anthony Fribbs. Born 8 Jun 1957. Children:

48.xi.ii.x. i. Mary Nell[7]. Born 5 Nov 1972.

ii. Brandon Thomas. Born 6 Sep 1986.

48.xi.iii.i. Jesse James Howard[6] Webb (Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Mar 1933.

He married, first, Roberta Unknown. Children:

i. Debbie[7].

He married, second, Helen Keene Fields. Children:

ii. Jesse Howard. He married, first, Nancy Unknown. He married, second, Unknown.

48.xi.iii.ii. Chessie Mae[6] Webb (Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 6 Sep 1935.

She married, first, Thomas Rowe. Children:

48.xi.iii.ii. i. John[7].

48.xi.iii.ii. ii. Steve Allen.

She married, second, James Brewer.

She married, third, Ralph Bennett.

48.xi.iii.iii. Dessie Marie[6] Webb (Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Feb 1937.

She married, first, Linden Dickens, son of Verne Dickens and Lulu Honaker, not identified. Verne and Lulu had daughters Dardenella and Ruth, sons Gene and Paul in addition to Linden. Dardenella’s obituary appears in the Unidentified Chapter until we can determine Lulu’s ascendancy.


48.xi.iii.iii. i. Susan Marie[7].

ii. Jeff.

48.xi.iii.iii. iii. Linda Hayle.

48.xi.iii.iii. iv. Sherry Lee.

48.xi.iii.iii. v. William Dale.

She married, second, Doyle Parks. Children:

vi. Kevin Roy. Born ca. Oct 1971. Died ca. 1989. He was killed by a hit and run driver.

48.xi.iii.iv. Peggy Ann[6] Webb (Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Feb 1941.

She married, first, Cecil Holsinger Jr. (called Dick). Children:

48.xi.iii.iv. i. Pamela Jean[7].

ii. Noel Delaine [Rowe, Jr.] (called Wayne). Born 18 Dec 1959. Born into Peggy’s second marriage, he was named for her second husband. When he and his sister Pamela were small, she was not able to pronounce his name correctly so called him Wayne, which became his family nickname.

She married, second, Noel Delaine Rowe (called Dooder).

She married, third, Robert Edward Colbrun.

48.xi.iii.v. John Francis[6] Webb (called Johnny) (Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Jun 1947.

He married, first, Sandi Pyatt. Children:

i. Stephanie[7].

ii. Teri Anne.

He married, second, Charlene Kelly. Children:

iii. John Clarke.

iv. Leah Ann. She had two unidentified children.

49.ii.v.i. Betty Carol[6] Taylor (Eva Catherine[5], Virginia Elmira[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Bernard Billings. Children:

i. Carolyn Diane[7]. She married Unknown Shinault. In 2008 she lived in Church Hill, Tenn., was a registered nurse at the Veteran’s Administration hospital in Johnson City, Tenn.; had two children and five grandchildren. Her husband was self-employed. Carolyn’s interests included scrapbooking, playing music, collecting music computer discs, games, and yard sales.

50.ix.i.ii. Rollin Edward[6] Jordan (Thelma Louise[5], Ressa Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Jul 1938 in Ameagle, Raleigh Co., W.Va. He was a U.S. Air Force airman who served at Kimpo Airfield, Osan, Korea in 1958 and 1959. Marriage order not reported.

He married Ann Margaret McClure in Nashville, Tenn.

He married Janice Lavon Smith, daughter of Floyd Pink Smith and Rachel Elizabeth Bivens, 4 Jan 1958 in Corinth, Miss. Born 10 Feb 1938 in Bodenham, Giles Co., Tenn. She also married Randall Binkley. Children (of Rollin and Janice):

50.ix.i.ii. i. Tammy Elizabeth[7]. Born 24 Sep 1958.

50.ix.i.ii. ii. Cynthia Ann. Born 23 Aug 1960.

50.ix.i.ii. iii. Robert Edward. Born 6 Nov 1972.

50.xi.i.i. Link[6] Ervin (Tembra Ann[5], Marie[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). In 2014 he lived in Kings Mountain, N.C.

He married Ginger Unknown. Children:

i. Dylan[7].

ii. Landon.

iii. Owen.

iv. Kayla.

v. Alyssa.

vi. to be born 2014

53.vii.i.i. Richard Robert[6] Stewart (Bessie Lee[5], John Ashby[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Died before 2008.

He married unknown. Children:

i. Norman J.[7] Died before 2008.

ii. Richard Robert, Jr. He married Lisa Unknown.

iii. Debbie.

53.vii.ii.i. Paul[6] Honaker (Delmar[5], John Ashby[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). In 2006 he lived in Angola, Ind.

He married, first, Rose McMillion, daughter of Doss McMillion and Lou Emma Marion. In 2006 she lived in Surveyor, W.Va. Children:

53.vii.ii.i. i. Bernie Edward[7]. Born 15 May 1966 in Chicago, Ill.

ii. Gary Paul. In 2006 he lived in West Palm Beach, Fla. He married JoAnn Unknown.

iii. Danny. In 2006 he lived in Butler, Ind. He married Laina Unknown.

He married, second, Agnes Unknown.

53.vii.ii.ii. Vernon Dale[6] Honaker (Delmar[5], John Ashby[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]. Born 19 Aug 1955 in Beckley, W.Va. Died 26 Apr 2007. Buried in Cook Cemetery, Arnett, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 28 Apr 2007: Vernon Dale “Bimbo” Honaker, 51, of Arnett, passed away Thurs., April 26, 2007, at the Lucy Bowers Hospice House following a sudden illness. Born in Beckley on Aug. 19, 1955, he was the son of the late Delmer and Lou Vernie Cook Honaker. “Bimbo” was an avid fisherman and loved the outdoors. He was well liked by all who knew him, and had recently accepted the Lord. He will be sadly missed by family and friends. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by an infant grandson, Tyler Crawford of Stickney; and infant brother and sister, Sparkie and Mary Ann Honaker. Those left to cherish his memory are his wife, Angela Honaker; children, Rodney Honaker and his wife, Carrie, of Arnett, Shauna and her companion, Timmy Crawford, of Stickney; their mother, Joetta Withrow of Martinsburg; stepdaughter, Dusty Holstein of Bristol, Va.; grandchildren, Kayla and Logan Honaker and Skyler and Gavin Crawford; sisters, Norma Farley of Arnett and Reba Lucas and her husband, Jimmy David, of Dameron; brothers, Paul Honaker of Angola, Ind., Damon Honaker Sr. and his wife, Margaret, of Chicago, Ill., and Bill Honaker of Arnett; mother-in-law, Brenda Swayze and her husband, James, of Glen Daniel; a host of nieces and nephews. Service will be 1 p.m. Monday at Arnett Assembly of God with the Rev. Steve Tincher officiating. Burial will follow in Cook Cemetery, Flat Branch Road, Arnett. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the church and one hour before service Monday.

Pallbearers will be Rodney Honaker, Timmy Crawford, Terry, Kevin and Jeff Holstein, Jimmy David Lucas Jr., Stacy Lucas, Damon Honaker Jr., and John L. Lewis Jr.; honorary pallbearers will be Paul, Damon and Bill Honaker and Teddy Farley. Condolences may be e-mailed to the family at melton@. Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Beckley.

He married Angela Unknown. Children:

i. Rodney[7]. He married Carrie Unknown.

ii. Shauna.

53.vii.ii.vii. Damon[6] Honaker (Delmar[5], John Ashby[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Margaret Unknown. Children:

i. Damon[7], Jr.

53.x.ii.i. David D.[6] Miller (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Sep 1915. Died 20 Jul 2003 in Melbourne, Fla.

He married Alberta Gauthier. Born 27 Feb 1919. Children:

i. David K.[7] Born 13 Apr 1936. He married Karen Mueller and Shelva Bland.

ii. Carlton G. Born 29 Aug 1940.

iii. Mildred Y. Born 19 Nov 1943. She married Norman Yeager, Dan Mong, Joseph Abraham, John Ruckman, and Jim Etherington.

iv. Sharon D. Born 1947. She married Frank R. Secord, Jerry Sullivan, and Shawn Kelly.

v. Glenn R. Born 25 Jun 1949. He married Elaine Marty.

53.x.ii.ii. Maxine Elaine[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Jun 1918 in Bowyer, W.Va. Died Nov 1999 in Hurricane, W.Va.

She married Eugene M. Smith 4 Sep 1937 in Shady Spring, W.Va. Children:

53.x.ii.ii. i. Joann J.[7] Born 1938.

53.x.ii.ii. ii. Charles M. Born 1939.

53.x.ii.ii. iii. Mary Kathryn. Born 1941.

53.x.ii.ii. iv. Dewey M. Born 1943.

53.x.ii.iii. Mae Alice[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 26 Mar 1920 in Bowyer, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 17 Apr 2013 in Asheville, N.C. Buried in Campground Cemetery, unidentified place.

McDowell News, Hickory, N.C., 18 Apr 2012: Mae Alice Harris Taylor, 92, of Old Fort, passed away Tue., April 17, 2012, at John F. Keever Solace Center in Asheville. She was born March 26, 1920, in Raleigh Co., W.Va., to the late Fratie Carl Harris and Mildred Miller Harris. Mrs. Miller was a member of the VFW and American Legion Auxiliaries and the Eastern Star for over 45 years. She was an avid gardener and basket-maker. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by ten siblings. Surviving are her son, Jerry Wayne Taylor of Melbourne, Fla.; her daughter, Susan B. Taylor of Old Fort; one brother, Cecil Harris of Homer, Ill.; two sisters, Betty Jo Seder of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Dixie Masley of Charleston, W.Va.; 12 grandchildren; and many great-grandchildren. The family will receive friends from 12 to 2 p.m., Thurs., April 19, at Kirksey Funeral Chapel in Old Fort. Funeral services will follow at 2 p.m.at the funeral chapel. Burial will follow at Campground Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of McDowell County, 575 Airport Rd., Marion, NC 28752. Words of comfort may be shared with the Taylor family at .

She married Perry Robert Taylor 4 Sep 1937 in Covington, Va. Died before 2008. Children:

53.x.ii.iii. i. Doris J.[7] Born 1938.

53.x.ii.iii. ii. Perry Robert, Jr. Born 1942.

53.x.ii.iii. iii. Jerry Wayne. Born 1945.

53.x.ii.iii. iv. Susan B. Born 1948.

53.x.ii.iv. Geraldine June[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Dec 1921 in Bowyer, W.Va

She married, first, Eugene J. Leitz.

She married, second, Harry Edward Seymour 5 Dec 1940 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Children:

53.x.ii.iv. i. Delores J.[7] Born 1941.

53.x.ii.iv. ii. Harry Edward, Jr. Born 1947.

53.x.ii.v. Ernest Clyde[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 May 1924 in Blue Jay #6, W.Va. Died May 2000 in Watkinsville, Ga.

He married, first, Ruth M. Martin 23 Aug 1943 in Orlando, Fla. Children:

53.x.ii.v. i. Rita M. Born 1948.

He married, second, Beatrice Marlow. Children:

53.x.ii.v. ii. Ernest Clyde[7] Jr. Born 1955.

He married, third, Darcy Blair Ross.

53.x.ii.vi. Mildred Ruth[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Jul 1926 in Blue Jay #6, W.Va. Died 27 May 1989 in Melbourne, Fla.

She married Foy G. Semones 10 Oct 1944 in Beckley, W.Va. Children:

i. Sonny[7].

ii. Linda (adopted).

53.x.ii.vii. Betty Jo[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Mar 1927 in Blue Jay #6, W.Va.

She married Roy Edgar Balengee 8 Jan 1946 in Hinton, W.Va. Children:

53.x.ii.vii. i. Mary Frances[7]. Born 1948.

53.x.ii.vii. ii. Drema Darlene.

53.x.ii.viii. Cecil Carl[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Feb 1929 in Shady Spring, W.Va.

He married June H. Stewart 15 Sep 1951 in White Oak, W.Va. Children:

53.x.ii.viii. i. Cecilia A.[7] Born 1952.

53.x.ii.viii. ii. June A. Born 1958.

iii. Carla Sue. Born and died 1960.

53.x.ii.ix. William Bobby[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Jan 1931 in Shady Spring, W.Va.

He married, first, Betty Worley 1952 in Shady Spring. Children:

i. Judy Lee. Born 1954.

53.x.ii.ix. ii. William Steven. Born 1956

He married, second, Lynda Johnson. Children:

iii. Cecil Carl. Born 1970. He married Heather Unknown.

iv. William Bob. Born 1972. He married Sasha Unknown.

He married, third, Charlene Jenkins.

53.x.ii.x. Mary Frances[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Mar 1933 in Shady Spring, W.Va. Died 12 Nov 2002 in Melbourne, Fla. She married Mead Manning Worley 14 Apr 1951 in Shady Spring. Children:

53.x.ii.x. i. Debra Ann[7]. Born 1952.

53.x.ii.x. ii. Sandra D. Born 1954.

53.x.ii.x. iii. Angela M. Born 1957.

53.x.ii.x. iv. Vicki Lynn. Born 1960.

v. Ricky Glen. Born 1960. He married Jeanine Unknown.

53.x.ii.xi. Dixie Lee[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Sep 1935 in Shady Spring, W.Va. In 2007 she lived in St. Albans, W.Va.

She married, first, Joe B. Garrett 14 Aug 1952 in Nitro, W.Va. Children:

i. Thomas Carl[7]. Born 14 Jul 1954. Died 11 May 1955.

53.x.ii.xi. i. Teresa Lee. Born 15 Aug 1957 in South Charleston, W.Va.

53.x.ii.xi. iii. Joe B., Jr. Born 4 Dec 1958 in South Charleston.

She married, second, James Lee Masley 21 May 1993 in Narrows, Va.

53.x.ii.xii. Kathryn Lula[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Aug 1938 in Shady Spring, W.Va.

She married James L. Lilly 7 Jun 1955 in Bastine, Va. Children:

53.x.ii.xii. i. Vicky Lynn[7]. Born 1956.

53.x.ii.xii. ii. Crystal. Born 1959.

53.x.ii.xii. iii. James Michael. Born 1961.

iv. Timothy John. Born 1964. He married Shelly Albea.

53.x.ii.xii. v. Joseph Paul. Born 1967.

53.x.ii.xiii. Patricia Sue[6] Harris (Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Jun 1940 in Shady Spring, W.Va.

She married Roger Vest. Children:

i. Anna Lisa[7].

56.xiv.i.i. James Arthur[6] Honaker (Ralph James[5], George Johnson[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 31 Aug 1940 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 19 Jan 2002 in Raleigh County. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley, Raleigh County.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 21 Jan 2002: James Arthur Honaker, 61, of Eccles, died Saturday, Jan. 19, 2002, in a Beckley area hospital following a long illness. Born on Aug. 31, 1940, in Saxon, he was the son of Juanita Hawley Honaker of Ohio and the late James Ralph Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a coal truck driver. He was a member of [United Mine Workers of America] and was affiliated with the Church of God. He was very active in a variety of hobbies. Mr. Honaker served in the U.S. Army as a military policeman in Korea, and served as a heavy equipment operator in France. He also served in the National Guard Reserves. He will be sadly missed by his wife, Sylvia Athey Honaker; two sons, Jim Junior Honaker and wife Kim of Stover and Ralph E. Honaker and wife Patricia of Cool Ridge; two daughters, Ginger L. Kowalsky and husband Kenneth of Fayetteville and Sandra Hatfield and husband Tony of Pemberton; two brothers, Michael Honaker of Ohio and David Honaker of Sullivan; three sisters, Margaret Collins of Glen Daniel, Reda Whitehair of Berea, Ohio, and Mary Birchfield of Dawson; and nine grandchildren. Services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel, Beckley, with Rev. Randall Pugh officiating. Burial will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Friends will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley.

He married Sylvia Athey. Children:

i. James Arthur[7] Jr. He married Kim Unknown.

ii. Ralph E. He married Patricia Unknown.

iii. Ginger L. She married Kenneth Kowalsky.

iv. Sandra. She married Tony Hatfield.

56.xiv.ii.ii. Nancy[6] Harmon (Mary Madeline[5], George Johnson[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]).

She married John Board. Children:

i. John Harmon[7]. He married Megan Unknown.

57.ii.i.i. Mary Elizabeth[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 26 Feb 1916 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 31 Mar 2010 in Dayton, Ohio. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville, Ind..

Dayton [Ohio] Daily News, 3 Apr 2010: Mary Elizabeth Bennington, age 94, of Dayton, passed away on Wed., March 31, 2010 at Wood Glen Alzheimer’s Community. Mary was born Feb. 26, 1916 in Union City, W.Va. to the late James & Bessie Honaker. She was the oldest of 15 children. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law Ted & Judy Todoroff of Miamisburg; two grandchildren, Thad Todoroff of Dayton and Aimee Todoroff of New York; and numerous nieces, nephews, family members and friends. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Mon., Apr. 5, 2010 at Newcomer Funeral Home (South Chapel) 3940 Kettering Blvd., Kettering. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Monday morning from 9 a.m. until time of service. A graveside service will be held on Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Dale Cemetery in Connersville, Ind. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association in memory of Mary. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the nurses and staff of Wood Glen Alzheimer’s Community for all of their loving care through the years.

In 1930 she was enumerated in the Fayette Co., Ind., census, in Connorsville. She attended Brownsville [Ind.] High School, Union County, and became a waitress, a vocation she pursued into her 80s. In 1944 she moved to Dayton, Ohio and lived in that area for the rest of her life. In 2004 she lived in Montgomery, Ohio. In 2006 she was in Wood Glen Nursing Home being treated for heart problems and Alzheimer’s Disease. Her siblings said she was always neat and liked to stay dressed up.

She had one child with William Elvin Hignite, son of J. Hignite and Rachel Halcomb. Born 11 Mar 1916 in McKee, Fayette Co., Ky. Died 28 May 2003 in Satellite Beach, Brevard Co., Fla. Buried in Florida Memorial Gardens, Rockledge, Fla. Mary and William met when he was stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio. The 1930 census enumerated him in Grayhawk District, Jackson, Ky. He enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps 24 Jul 1942 at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind.

Unknown Florida newspaper (with photograph): Satellite Beach—Col. William E. Hignite, U.S. Air Force, retired, went to be with the Lord on Wed., May 28, 2003, at the age of 87. Col. Hignite was born in McKee, Ky., on Mar. 11, 1916 and was married to Kathleen Austin for 60 years. They resided in Satellite Beach for the past 35 years. They have one daughter, Joy Morrison Keppler of Indian Harbor Beach and one grandson, Scott Michael Morrison of Melbourne. He is survived by a sister, Ester Bach of Kalamazoo, Mich.; and two brothers, Earl Hignite of Connersville, [Ind.] and Leonard Estill Hignite of Greenville, N.C. Col. Hignite obtained a B.A. cum laude (Phi Beta Kappa) in Economics at the University of Georgia in 1948, an M.S. degree in Education in 1972, and an E.D.S. degree in Education from Florida State in 1975. Bill was a World War II veteran who served as a communications officer during the Berlin Airlift. His career was always in Communication. After retirement, he started the [Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps] program at Eau Gallie High School and later worked for the Brevard County School Board as Coordinator of the Co-Operative Education Department. He was a life member of [Military Officers Association of America], National Sojourners Heroes of ’76, and a Mason for 57 years. Bill was a Protestant and attended the [Patrick AFB] base chapel when able. He never once compromised his integrity. His family and friends will miss his happy and loving ways. A graveside service, with full military honors, will be held at 10 a.m. Mon., June 2, 2003 at Florida Memorial Gardens in Rockledge. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation, 4676 No. Wickham Rd., Melbourne, FL 32935, would be appreciated. Florida Memorial Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


57.ii.i.i. i. Judith Ann[7] (called Judy). Born 10 Sep 1941 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

She married, first, Phillip LeRoy Bennington. Born 5 May 1920. Died 19 Dec 1975 at home in Kettering, Montgomery Co., Ohio. He was a bartender.

She married, second, Franklin Kern Phelps, son of John Phelps and Claudie Badger, ca. 1934 at a Church of the Nazarene parsonage in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. Born 11 Feb 1911 in Union, Perry Co., Ind. Died 1936 in Indianapolis, Ind. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connorsville. He was a farmer, was employed by Connorsville Blower Company, and was a member of the Tell City [Ind.] Christian Church.

57.ii.i.ii. Emma Madeline[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Jul 1917 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died of cardiac arrest 25 May 2000 in Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., Ind. Buried in Park Lawn Cemetery, Evansville. She was diabetic and a factory worker, known for her good humor.

Courier-Press, Evansville, Ind., May 2000: Emma [Madeline] Pfender, 82, of Evansville, died Thurs., May 25, 2000, at Deaconess Hospital. She retired from National Can-Bernadin Bottling after 30 years. Surviving are a daughter, Brenda McFarland of New Harmony, Ind., a son, Robert Wentz of Lexington, Ky.; five sisters, Mary Bennington of Dayton, Ohio, Helen Curran of Niangua, Mo., Barbara Curran and Janice Lee, both of Hamilton, Ohio, and Arlene Duke of Richmond, Ind.; four brothers, James Honaker of Omaha, Neb., Carl Honaker of Mesa, Ariz., Quincy Honaker of Valencia, Calif., Raymond Honaker of Evansville, who helped to care for her; three grandchildren, Terry, Kristy and Bill Wentz; six great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandson; and nieces and nephews, including niece Ricki Newman, who helped to care for her. Her husband, Jack E. Pfender, died in 1979. Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Alexander Funeral Home West Chapel, the Rev. Robert George officiating, with burial in Park Lawn Cemetery.

She married, first, James Edwin Pfender (called Jack), son of Gilbert Pfender and Ruth Eaton. Born 27 Nov 1923 in Indiana. Died 18 Sep 1979 in Evansville, Vanderburgh Co., Ind. Buried in Park Lawn Cemetery, Evansville.

He was a maintenance machinist at Faultless Caster, Evansville. He had two daughters presumably by another marriage, Mrs. Nila Miller of Nashville, Tenn., and Miss Miriam Pfender of Chicago, Ill.; one son, Jack, who in 1979 was stationed at Scott AFB, Ill., a sister, Mrs. Jerri Smith of Evansville, Ind., and a brother, Charles, of Evansville.

She married, second, William Harry Wentz, son of William Wentz and Emma Payton, ca. 1936. Born 1 Oct 1913 in Fayette Co., Ind. Died Nov 1980 in Connorsville, Fayette Co., Ind. Children:

57.ii.i.ii. i. Robert Leroy[7] (called Bobby). Born 8 Feb 1937 in Connorsville.

She married, third, Albert Josey. Born 9 May 1917. Died 27 May 1987 in Evansville. They divorced. Children:

ii. Brenda J. Born 12 Jul 1959 in Evansville. In 2004 she lived in New Harmony, Posey Co., Ind. She married Michael David McFarland 9 Sep 1980. There were no children. Born ca. 1957.

Unknown Indiana newspaper, unknown date: The University of Evansville Neu Chapel was the setting on Saturday for the wedding of Brenda J. Josey of 513 Franklin and M. David McFarland of 211 Elm in Mount Carmel. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Emma M. Pfender of the East Franklin address and Albert Josey of Lafayette. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McFarland of near Allendale, Ill. Miss Chris McGee was the matron of honor, Miss Stephanie Williams maid of honor, Mrs. Glenda Onyett and Mrs. Kelli Garrett, bridesmaids; Jim Steckler, best man; Ron Martin, Greg Smith, Terry Onyett, ushers; and Jim McFarland, Jeff Spencer and Steve Litherland, groomsmen. The bride, a 1977 Harrison graduate, was an Ayr-Way cashier in Lawndale before her marriage. McFarland, a 1972 Allendale High graduate, received an associate degree in electronics from Wabash Valley College. He is an instrument technician at the Gibson Generating Plant.

She married, fourth, Charles Nichols (called Chuck). Born 1917.

She married fifth, Arthur Fred Rueger. Born 25 Mar 1916 in Vanderburgh Co., Ind. Died 17 Apr 1976 in Evansville.Buried in Alexander West Cemetery, Evansville. He was a veteran of World War II.

57.ii.i.iii. James Rufus[6] Honaker (called Jim) (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Aug 1918 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 22 Oct 2000 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Neb. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connorsville, Fayette Co., Ind. He was enumerated in the 1930 Fayette County census, living in Connorsville. He enlisted in the U.S. Army 24 May 1944 at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. His military record indicated that he had a grammar school education and that his civilian occupation was foundryman.

News Examiner, Connorsville, Ind.: Omaha, Neb.—James R. Honaker, 82, of Omaha, Neb., and a native of Brownsville and former Connorsville resident, died Oct. 22, 2000, in Omaha, where he was a resident for several years. He was born Aug. 30, 1918, in Gap Mill, W.Va., one of 15 children of James and Bessie McGuire Honaker. During World War II, he was a sergeant with the 11th Infantry of the U.S. Army serving in the European Theater under the command of Gen. George Patton. Following the war he returned to Indiana, where he was in automotive sales for many years. He was a member of Holy Cross Catholic Church while residing in Omaha. Survivors include his wife, Helen Zahm Honaker of Omaha; two children, Nancy Duer and James William Honaker, both of Sun City, Ariz.; six stepchildren; Lori McMahon, Kathleen Larsen, Mary Beth Zahm, Barbara Efferding, Cheryl Romero and Mike Zahm, all of Omaha; three brothers and sisters-in-law, Quincy and Marti Honaker of New Hall, Calif., Carl and Linda Honaker of Mesa, Ariz., and Raymond and Wanda Honaker of Ft. Branch, Ind.; four sisters and two brothers-in-law, Mary Bennington of Dayton, Ohio, Helen and Norman Curran of Niangua, Mo., Barbara Curran of Hamilton, Ohio, and Janice and Richard Lee of Fairfield, Ohio; and seven grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, several stepgrandchildren and great-stepgrandchildren. He is preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Paul Honaker and Stanley Honaker; and four sisters, Gladys Fishell, Minnie Driscal Honaker, Anna Lee Schlechtweg, and Arleen Duke. Graveside services with military rites will be conducted by the Fayette County Veterans Council will be Saturday at 10 a.m. in Dale Cemetery with the Rev. Eugene Million officiating. Miller, Moster, Robbins Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. [Services were pending for several months before they were held. James was cremated in Nebraska and the remains were sent to Indiana.]

Remarks by one of Jim’s stepchildren at the memorial service:

On behalf of Helen and the rest of the family, I would like to thank all of you for coming today. I would like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts on the life of Jim Honaker. He was born James Rufus Honaker on Aug. 30, 1918 in Gap Mills, W.Va. Jim was the third of 13 children and spent his childhood years growing up on a farm in Indiana. Jim later served his country in World War II seeing active duty with the Army in Europe.

Most of us here today have only been a part of his life these last ten or so years. I can only assume this was indicative of his character during the first 70 years of his life. It was a bit of a rough start for Jim when Helen first brought him into our lives. He was not exactly welcomed with open arms by the family. This was hard on both of them, but in the end Helen was right in her choice, and over time Jim patiently persisted and overcame all of our stubbornness until we were all able to open ourselves to discover the kind of person Jim really was.

Jim truly lived life to the fullest and took great pleasures in the simplest of things. I will forever be amazed at the energy and vigor he had until his final hour. Whether it was going hunting, fishing, projects around the house or a game of croquet, gld or even sand volleyball, Jim was always up for the challenge. The best single example of this has to be when he decided to try out the jet ski last year at the lake. In case you don’t believe me on this one, check out these pictures.

Jim also had an unbelievable way with small children. If there was a newborn in the vicinity, Jim would be sure to always get some one-on-one time with the infant. He was drawn to children of all ages. He was the stereotypical grandpa that you would see on TV—he always had time for the children.

I think Jim had a valuable lesson for all of us in his positive and youthful approach to life. He lived every day to the fullest and took advantage of every minute of his life right up to his final breath. He still golfed on a regular basis with his golf buddies, Bob, Bill and others, and recently took on a position at Hy Vee. His final day was spent doing some of the things he enjoyed the most—spending the day with Helen attending mass, going to breakfast, stopping by the casino and spending time with neighbors. Jim played a special role in all of our lives and will be missed. I believe two of his most notable roles were as a spouse to Helen and as a grandfather to numerous grandchildren. Jim was steadfast in his support, consistency and commitment to Helen. He was always a gentleman and provided nine wonderful years of companionship. I know she will miss him greatly.

Jim was also an exceptional grandfather to our children. After I explained to them that he had passed away, I asked them to tell me their favorite memories of him so we could always remember the good times. I will share some of them with you: “Remember how Grampa used to call us a Dutchman—‘You’re a Dutchman,’ he would say.” “He taught us how to play checkers and play with us all the time.” “He took us on walks to the park to play hopscotch.” “He played marbles with us.” “He pretended he took my nose.”

Finally, I want to thank Jim for all that he has done for us. After paying my respects to him in the hospital, just after he passed away, he left one final impression in my mind. As I left the room to go home I stopped half way to the door and turned back to get one last look. Just as I did this I could hear in my mind the words Jim always said upon leaving our house. “Stop by and see us!” he’d say. It is my sincere hope and desire that we all have the opportunity to make good on this in heaven.

Unknown newspaper and date (with photographs of Paul and James Honaker in U.S. Army uniforms, World War II era): Pvt. James R. Honaker, who recently spent 12 days here with his wife, Arlene, and their children, 892 Scott, now has a New York [Air Post Office] address. His brother, Pfc. Paul M. Honaker, is still in England. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Honaker of Brownsville. Their addresses may be obtained from Jimmie’s wife or [remainder of article missing]

He married, first, Arlene Smith, daughter of Roy Smith and Alpha McCurdy, 12 Jan 1937 in Indiana. Born 26 Jan 1920. In 2000 she lived in Arizona. Children:

57.ii.i.iii i. Nancy Jean[7]. Born 14 Feb 1939 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

57.ii.i.iii. ii. James William (called Billy). Born 5 Feb 1940 in Connersville.

He married, second, Beatrice Helen Zahm, daughter of Denton Zahm and Helen A. Unknown, ca. 1993. Born 30 Jun 1919 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Neb. Died Jul 1982 in Omaha.

57.ii.i.iv. Gladys Louise[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Apr 1920 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died of cardiac arrest 14 Nov 1997 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind. Buried in East Hill Cemetery, Rushville. She was enumerated in the 1930 Fayette Co., Ind., census, living in Connorsville. Her daughter Joan said in 2007 that Gladys, the fourth of 16 children, took on the responsibility of helping raise her siblings. When she was in high school, she worked at Mahles to earn money for school and clothing. The first woman in her family to earn a full scholarship to Ball State University, she was unable to attend college because she did not have transportation. When she married Edwin, they saved their money and moved from Connorsville to Rushville, where they bought a 52-acre farm. After he died, she sold the farm and built a home just outside Rushville. Active in her church, she was instrumental in setting up the first black church in Rushville, Wesley Methodist. She was a 20-year cancer survivor, drove cancer patients for treatment, mentored them, and lectured for the American Cancer Society.

Unknown newspaper and date: Rushville—Gladys L. Fishell, 77, 1035 S. Walnut, Rushville, died Fri., Nov. 14, 1997, at her residence. She was born Apr. 7, 1920, in Union, W.Va., to James and Bessie [McGuire] Honaker, both of whom preceded her in death. She lived most of her life in Rushville and was a 1939 graduate of Everton High School. She was a member of the St. Paul United Methodist Church in Rushville, Order of the Eastern Star, and King’s Daughters. She helped her husband as the office manager and bookkeeper of Fishell Service. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Michael (Jean) Owens of Rushville, Joan Rose of Orlando, Fla., Mrs. Colin (Janette S.) Fischell Andrews of Greenville, N.C., and Mrs. Scott (Julie K.) Fishell-Billman of Durham, N.C.; four brothers, James of Omaha, Neb., Quincy of Valencia, Calif., Carl of Mesa, Ariz., and Raymond Honaker of Bloomington; six sisters, Mary Bennington of Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Richard (Arlene) Duke of Richmond, Mrs. Emma Pfender of Evansville, Mrs. Norman (Helen) Curran of Missouri, Mrs. Noble (Barbara) Curran and Mrs. Richard (Janice) Lee of Fairfield, Ohio; and four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her first husband, Edwin M. Rose, whom she married June 14, 1941, he died May 19, 1954; her second husband, John M. Fishell Jr., whom she married Mar. 22, 1957, he died Aug. 19, 1981; and two brothers and two sisters. Funeral services will be Monday at 10 a.m. at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Rushville with the Rev. David Patrick officiating. Burial will be in East Hill Cemetery in Rushville. Friends may call Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m. at Moster & Cox Mortuary in Rushville. Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Paul United Methodist Church or the American Cancer Society.

She married, first, Edwin Murray Rose (called Eddie), son of Clyde Rose and Amy Barbour, 14 Jun 1941 in Indiana. Born 4 Nov 1919 in Jackson, Fayette Co., Ind. Died 19 May 1954 in Rushville. Buried in East Hill Cemetery, Rushville. His daughter Joan said in 2007 that he was one of six children and was innovative and resourceful. As a youngster, he built a crystal radio for the family, and was struck down with rheumatic fever, which damaged his heart and later disqualified him for military service in World War II. A man of diverse abilities, he had several college degrees, was a Mason, had a pilot’s license, and played several musical instruments. A thoughtful and learned man of few words, he was widely respected. As a farmer, he was always coming up with ideas to make money, such as growing watermelons. He was injured in the leg by a hog, resulting in a blood clot which caused his death. At the time he died, he was running for office on the Rush County Council.


i. Patricia Joan[7] (called Joan) (adopted). Born 27 Feb 1950 in Rushville. She retired Oct 2002 after working more than 30 years for AT&T, Lucent, and Agener (the same company,) then was employed by Wilson Cook Medical in Winston-Salem, N.C. In 2004 she lived in Salem. In 2007 she reminisced that as a young child she followed her father wherever he went. She remembered sitting on his lap, driving the tractor down the lane from the woods, and going into town with him riding a toy John Deere tractor while he conducted his business. When he died, Joan and her sister’s lives changed. Their mother sold the farm and built a house, wanting them to have what she wasn’t able to have when she was growing up. When Joan was in fourth grade, she began taking lessons on her dad’s silver trumpet and the piano, playing them and cornet through school. Her senior of high school, she was first chair in band. She won several medals for cornet solos in high school and was cartoonist for the high school newspaper. She was a member of Job’s Daughters and King’s Daughters while growing up, serving as pianist for Job’s Daughters and the Wesley Methodist Church during high school. She also worked with other kids her age on their music. After graduating high school, she majored in music and physical education at Indiana State University, but left college and started work at AT&T in Indianapolis in 1969. She was transferred to Colorado and then to Orlando, Fla. She lived in Florida for 19 years, becoming an avid golfer. She retired from AT&T/Lucent/Agere in Oct 2002. While at AT&T she took an Associate of Electronic Engineering from Valencia Community College. “I retired doing what I loved,” she said, “working in a clean room environment making microchips and working with and troubleshooting multi-million dollar equipment. I moved to North Carolina after retirement to be closer to my sisters. I now work for Cook Endoscopy. I have won several golf tournaments, the last one being Cook’s President Cup in 2006. I was the first woman to do so. I belong to several women’s golf associations. They hold tournaments the summer. I have also spent my life writing poetry. I have a poem that has been published and is in a book at the International Library. I am a lover of life and enjoy what each day brings. I have been blessed.” In 2004 she lived in Winston-Salem, N.C.

57.ii.i.iv. ii. Jean Ann. Born 29 Oct 1951 in Rushville.

She married, second, John Maurice Fishell Jr., son of John Maurice Fishell and Edna Shouse, 22 Mar 1957. Born 30 Apr 1916 in Indiana. Died 19 Aug 1981 in Rushville. Buried in East Hill Cemetery, Rushville. His stepdaughter Joan said in 2007 that he was one of four children, quiet, smart and innovative. He operated Fishell Plumbing and Electric and was conscientious about his work and life (Gladys did the bookkeeping for him.) He served as an electrician’s mate in the Navy during World War II, saying he dropped his electrician’s pliers overboard in the Pacific Ocean. When his brother Larry came to visit, the two of them would stay up all night playing their guitars.


iii. Janette Sue (called Jan). Born 7 Oct 1958 in Rushville. The following profile of Jan’s life was provided in 2007 by her sister Joan:

Jan showed musical promise at an early age and studied piano with Mrs. Otto Moore from the age of five. Her first memory of the world was sitting on her mother’s lap in church, looking up at the painted symbols above the altar at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, so it is fitting that she was drawn to be an organist. She began to study organ with Robert Byrd, professor at Earlham College, and her mother took her every Saturday for lessons, often with her sister Julie, who took voice lessons with Mr. Byrd. Her skills progressed so that she was able to accompany the a capella choir in the Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah at the age of 16; she also attended the national music camp at Interlochen, Mich., where she was awarded the John Wenlund prize for organ performance, enabling her to study a second summer. While in high school she was also an active participant on the Speech Team, was senior class president, and placed in the academic top ten of her senior class.

She continued her musical studies at the Indiana University School of Music, graduating with a Bachelor of Music, magna cum laude, in 1981 and Master of Music, cum laude, in 1982. She was 1979 Young Organist of the Year, an award that changed her life, beginning with a professional debut recital on the then-world’s largest church organ at West Point Cadet Chapel. Since that thime she has gone on to enjoy an international performing career and in 2007 was under management of the country’s most prestigious artist management, Karen McFarlane Artists.

After Indiana University, she obtained valuable teaching experience at Scarritt Graduate School in Nashville and then earned a Ph.d. in Music, summa cum laude, from Northwestern University. After one year of teaching at the University of North Alabama, she joined the faculty of East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C., in 1989, where she became chair of the Keyboard Department and head of Organ Performance and Sacred Music studies. She was in 2007 also principal organist and Director of Music at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Greenville, N.C., and an active member of the Episcopal Church. She loved to work with her choir, a largely volunteer group that sings at a professional level. She enjoys a challenge and every year takes on something new. She is learning German with a private tutor and travels to Germany once a semester to study with Ludger Lohmann, one of Europe’s great scholar-musicians.

After almost two decades of work, her programs at East Carolina University are recognized as some of the finest in the country, and she places her students in top jobs and graduate programs, including Indiana and Yale Universities. She worked hard to make possible the installation of the C.B. Fisk, Opus 126 organ at St. Paul’s, one of the finest instruments of its kind in the U.S. It is shared with the community in an agreement she helped design.

In 1989 she married Colin M. Andrews, a fellow organist and teacher. Born 2 Jun 1956 in Bristol, England. Throughout the year, Jan tours the world, performing concerts with him. Both separately and together, they have played some of the world’s great organs. They have an exciting life, recording, concertizing, and seeing the world together. Colin is also an adjunct faculty member at East Carolina University School of Music, so their worlds are totally entwined in music. Their home is on the historic register and will be 100-years-old in 2010. They named it the “Old Rectory,” as it was formerly the St. Paul’s rector’s residence. They are in the process of restoring it to its former glory. [In 2004 they lived in Greenville, N.C.]

Through joys and sorrows, triumphs and challenges, Colin and Jan share a wonderful life together, full of friends, family and music. Although they do not have children, both of them regard their students as their children and take great pride in their accomplishments. They also spend a lot of time with Julie and her daughter Abigail, who has become the daughter they will never have. Jan is a gifted, loving woman who gives tirelessly of herself. She looks forward to the next chapter of her life with Colin as they enjoy their careers, travel and the special thrill of knowing that every new day brings an opportunity to learn something new and make something beautiful.

57.ii.i.iv. iv. Julie Kay. Born 29 Jan 1961 in Rushville.

57.ii.i.vi. Paul McGuire[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 Oct 1925 in West Virginia. Died 6 Sep 1992 in Danville, Ind. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connorsville, Fayette Co., Ind. In the 1930 census he was enumerated in Connersville. He was inducted into the U.S. Army 27 May 1943; the enlistment gives his birthplace as West Virginia, and 1943 residence as Union Co., Ind. He was a graduate of Brownsville (Ind.) High School. Of the sons born to James Golden, three excelled in sports, and Paul was the eldest of them. They were known as “the Honaker boys” in high school. Paul was very good in basketball, track & field. He was in military service in Vienna, Austria, at the end of World War II, where he was assigned to a hospital to validate identities of the wounded. In Vienna, he met and married Bennie. They returned to Connersville after he mustered out of service, where he became a U.S. Postal Service employee.

News Examiner, Connorsville, Ind., 8 Sep 1992: Danville, Ill.—Paul Honaker, 68, a former Connorsville resident, died Sunday at the [Veterans Administration] Medical Center in Danville, where he had been a patient for the last two years. He had been in failing health for the last four years. He was born Oct. 16, 1923, in Fayette County, one of 15 children of James and Bessie McGuire Honaker. A graduate of Brownsville High School, he later attended Earlham College. During World War II, he served with the U.S. Army in Austria, returning to Connorsville after the war. For 31 years, he was employed at the Connorsville Post Office, first as a carrier and later as a clerk, retiring in 1981. He had attended First Baptist Church and was a member of Reginald Fisher Post No. 1, American Legion. Survivors include three sons, Paul Jr. of Austin, Texas, Terry of Connorsville and Jeff of Lafayette; two daughters, Mrs. Frank (Connie) Nutty of Connorsville and Mrs. Wendell (Susan) Callihan of Indianapolis; seven sisters, Mary Bennington of Dayton, Ohio, Emma Pfender of Evansville, Gladys Fishell of Rushville, Helen Curran of Versailles, Arlene Duke of Richmond, and Barbara Curran and Janice Lee, both of Fairfield, Ohio; four brothers, Jim of Omaha, Neb., Quincy of Valencia, Calif., Carl of Mesa, Ariz., and Raymond of Liberty; and 11 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a brother, two sisters and a granddaughter. Funeral services will be conducted by Pete Taylor at 1 p.m. Thursday in Miller Funeral Home, where friends may call from 5 until 8 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be made in Dale Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made at the funeral home to the Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Association.

He married, first, Mary Toney. She and Paul were in high school together.

He married, second, Mary Carey.

He married, third, Ingeborg Maria Hengel (called Bennie) 1 Sep 1949 in Vienna, Austria. Born 1 Sep 1930 in Vienna. Died of multiple sclerosis 5 Jan 1994 in Connorsville. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville. Her family owned a vineyard but lost it in World War II. During the war, her mother hid her in a wooden box when Russian soldiers came to their house. A soldier lifted the lid, then replaced it and left. When she and Paul were married, they went skiing in the Alps and attended an opera in Vienna. In the post-war period, Paul ran a hospital in Austria. Years later, their son Jeff carried an Austrian flag during a Lions International convention in Indianapolis, Ind., in honor of his mother.


57.ii.i.vi. i. Constance A.[7] Born 13 Aug 1949 in Vienna, Austria.

57.ii.i.vi. ii. Paul, McGuire, Jr. (called Macky). Born 6 Aug 1950 in Connersville.

57.ii.i.vi. iii. Terry L. Born 22 Mar 1953 in Connersville.

57.ii.i.vi. iv. Jeffery D. Born 10 Nov 1954 in Connersville.

57.ii.i.vi. v. Susan L. Born 24 Sep 1959 in Connersville.

57.ii.i.vii. Anna Lee Elva[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Sep 1926 in Fayette Co., Ind. Died in childbirth 1942 in Connorsville, Fayette Co., Ind. Buried with her son in Dunlapsville [Ind.] Presbyterian Church Cemetery. She was enumerated in the 1930 Fayette County census, living in Connorsville.

Unknown newspaper, 1942: Mrs. [Schlechtweg], age 16, and Infant Son Die—Mrs. [Anna Lee] Schlechtweg, 16, wife of Lewis Schlechtweg, of near Dunlapsville, died in childbirth at 2:45 a.m. today in Fayette Memorial hospital where she had been taken two hours before. Her infant son, Danny Lee, was born dead. Mrs. Schlechtweg is survived by her husband; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Golden Honaker of Brownsville; six brothers and seven sisters, James Honaker, Mrs. Emma Wentz, and Mrs. Mary Phelps of Connersville, Mrs. Gladys Rose of Milton, and Paul, Quince, Carl, Raymond, Stanley, Helen, Arlene, Barbara Jean and Janet at home; and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Honaker of West Virginia. Mr. Schlechtweg is son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schlechtweg of near Dunlapsville. Mrs. Schlechtweg attended Brownsville High School before her marriage. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m Thursday in the Dunlapsville Presbyterian church with the Rev. Clair V. McNeel of Liberty officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. Friends may call at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Honaker, in Brownsville beginning tomorrow noon.

She married Lewis Harold Schlechtweg, son of John Lewis Schlechtweg and Mariah Young, 1942 in Indiana. Born 9 Mar 1923 in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. Died 23 Jun 1986 in Lake Wawasee, Ind., when the private airplane he was flying crashed into Lake Wawasee. Buried in Greenfield, Hancock Co., Ind. He served in the U.S. Navy in World War II, and he played violin. His family said he was was very upset about Anna Lees death and joined the service.

Unknown newspaper, unknown date: Lewis Harold Schlechtweg Pilot dies in crash

A Fountain Town man was killed when a goodbye gesture to friends caused his single engine airplane to crash into Lake Wawasee in Northern Indiana. Lewis H. Schlechtweg lived on Indiana [Rt.] 9, just inside of Hancock County at Rt. 1 Fountain Town was pronounced dead after police pulled his body from the plane wreckage in about 15 feet of water Monday morning.

Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Detective Tom Kitch said Schlechtweg had come to the lake area for a weekend outing with some of his fellow Optimist Club members. The group spent the weekend at a friend’s lakeside cottage and the Hancock pilot had asked to be taken to Goshen airport about 7:30 am Monday, Kitch said. The detective said that Schlechtweg had climbed into his Piper 110 aircraft and was headed home when the accident occurred.

Some of the Optimist group had remained at the lake and Schlectweg is believed to have made a final pass over the lake to bid his friends goodbye. Kitch said, “He was dipping his wings as a signal to his friends, and the theory is that he dipped and lost his lift and went into the lake.” Witnesses indicated there was no apparent engine malfuntion,” the detective added. Whether the plane fell or whether a wing may have clipped the water is uncertain.

Kitch’s department received a call at about 8:37 a.m. Monday and aided by an Indiana State Police helicopter spotted the submerged weckage shortly thereafter. Using Sheriff department drivers, Schlechtweg’s body was removed at 9:50 a.m., Kitch noted. He said the plane was in about 15 feet of water in the lake’s northwest corner, an area commonly referred to as Kale Island. “It’s not a deep lake,” Kitch said. He noted that Wawasee had a maxium depth of 77 feet and an average depth of six feet.

Schlechtweg was initially taken to Harris Funeral Home. Schlechtweg was later transferred to Applegate Funeral Home in Lawrence where arrangements are pending.


i. Danny Lee[7]. Born dead 1942 in Connorsville. Buried with his mother.

57.ii.i.viii. Quincy John[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Mar 1927 in Fayette Co., Ind. Died Jul 2014 in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles Co., Calif. He was enumerated in Connorsville, Fayette County, in the 1930 census. He attended Brownsville [Ind.] High School with his brothers Paul and Carl, graduating in 1945. They were known as “the Honaker boys,” and their sister Gladys kept newspaper clippings of their sports exploits. Quincy played basketball, ran track and cross country, setting a record for the mile run at 4.35, which stood for 53 years. Upon graduation, Quincy enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps 9 Nov 1945 at Camp Fannin Tyler, Texas, and served in occupied Japan after the war ended. There he was a member of the Air Force Basketball Team. He served for two years, mustering out at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Gifted in mathematics, he attended Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., but during his first year there, dropped out to work so that he could buy medications for his young daughter Debra, who was very ill. He drove a milk truck for a time, worked in a factory, and was employed by a power company. He was able to return to Earlham College and took a bachelor’s degree in education in 1953, then took a master’s degree. In 1956 he moved his family to California, again performing odd jobs before being hired by Los Angeles City Schools. He taught math and physical education at Olive Vista Junior High School in Sylmar, Calif., becoming assistant principal there. He also earned his insurance and real estate licenses. During that time, he and Carol divorced, and he married Marti. Quincy retired as assistant principal and continued selling insurance and real estate. In 2004 he lived in New Hall, Calif. In 2007 he worked part time as a marshal at a golf course near his home.

He married, first, Carol June Brandenburg, daughter of William Brandenburg and Edna Funk, 19 Jul 1946 in Indiana. They divorced. Born 2 Apr 1929 in Union Co., Ind. Died Jan 2016. In 2007 she lived in northern California. Children:

57.ii.i.viii. i. Debra Lee[7]. Born 10 Apr 1947 in Connersville.

57.ii.i.viii. ii. Dennis Jay. Born 30 Mar 1948 in Connersville.

He married, second, Martha Elizabeth Browning (called Marti), daughter of James Browning and Mary Van Arsdall, 1 Jul 1966 in Los Angeles, Calif. Born 3 Feb 1940 in Los Angeles. She brought a daughter to the marriage, Erin Elizabeth, b. 25 Aug 1963 in California; m. Kent Carl Statley 9 Aug 1986, b. 20 Mar 1940; had children Bryanne Elizabeth, b. 5 Oct 1987, Madysae, b. 19 Apr 1993, and Brooks Carl, b. 25 Oct 1999.

Children (of Quincy and Marti):

57.ii.i.viii. iii. Erin Elizabeth [adopted]. Born 25 Aug 1963 in Los Angeles, Calif.

57.ii.i.viii. iv. Kevin John [adopted]. Born 5 Dec 1966 in Los Angeles.

57.ii.i.ix. Carl Ezra[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Mar 1929 in Fayette Co., Ind. Died 8 Feb 2016 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Ariz., 11 Feb 2016: Carl Ezra Honaker passed away Feb. 8, 2016 at age 86. A collegiate All-American basketball player, Carl is in the Taylor University (Ind.) Hall of Fame and a Navy veteran. He earned his master’s from Ball State and bachelor’s from Taylor. He retired as an administrator in the Tempe Union High School District and loved golf. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Linda; his three children—Mark (Angela), Brooks (Leslie), Jama (Pat) and five grandchildren—Carter, Tyler, Keaton, Carly and Troy. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday at First United Methodist Church, 331 S. Cooper Road, Gilbert. In lieu of flowers, donations in Carl’s name can be sent to Hospice of the Valley or the Taylor University Athletics Department.

He was enumerated in Connorsville, Fayette Co., Ind., in the 1930 census. He attended Brownsville [Ind.] High School with his brothers Paul and Quincy, completing his sophomore year, then leaving school to join the Navy. In high school, the brothers were known as “the Honaker boys,” and their sister Gladys kept newspaper clippings of their sports exploits. In the Navy, Carl served on an aircraft carrier for two years after World War II. He then returned to Brownsville High School and graduated, took a degree from Taylor University, and a master’s degree in administration. As a college senior, he was an All American basketball player. In that year he also married Linda. When his children were young, he sacrificed a promising career in Indiana to move West for the health of his son Mark. He became a teacher, coach, and high school administrator. In 2007 he was still meeting annually in Las Vegas with his first basketball team of 1955 from Montpelier, Ind. In 2007 he lived in Mesa, Ariz.

He had a child with Joan Snyder, daughter of Glen Snyder and Madge Riggs. Born ca. 1931 in Brownsville, Union Co., Ind.:

57.ii.i.ix. i. Kevin D.[7] [Honaker] Born 1952 in Indiana.

He married Linda Lou Quyle, daughter of Chester Arthur Quyle and Adeline Geraldine Worden, 19 Feb 1955 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind., when they were in their senior year of college. Born 30 Dec 1932 in Elwood, Madison Co., Ind. She took a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Ball State University, and subsequently worked as a hospital nurse and nursing supervisor in intensive care and emergency room for 20 years. She was a nursing teacher for 15 years at Arizona State University, at the Arizona community college system, and the Pima Indian Reservation. In 2007 she was a hospice volunteer who enjoyed playing golf and bridge, and was diabetic. Children:

57.ii.i.ix. ii. Mark Allen. Born 13 Sep 1956 in Hartford City, Ind.

57.ii.i.ix. iii. Brooks Carl. Born 10 Jun 1959 in Hartford City, Ind.

57.ii.i.ix. iv. Jama Sue. Born 16 Dec 1961 in Bluffton, Ind.

57.ii.i.x. Helen Betty[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Dec 1930 in Fayette Co., Ind. Died of cancer 11 Aug 2010 in Missouri. In 2007 she lived in Mountain Grove, Mo. She was described by a cousin as a kind, quiet and patient woman. After marrying, she and her husband lived in Richmond, Ind., for a brief time, then moved to Houston, Texas. They also lived in Cincinnati and Amelia, Ohio during the early years of their marriage. They settled on a farm in Versailles, Ind., in 1959, and lived there 19 years before moving to Mountain Grove, Mo., where they could be closer to their sons Gary and David. Helen’s interests included gardening, canning vegetables, cooking and writing.

She married Norman Gerhardt Curran, a brother of her sister Barbara’s husband Noble Curran, ca. 9 Oct 1948 in Richmond, Wayne Co., Ind. Born 28 Oct 1924 in Ripley, Ind. He was enumerated in the 1930 census in Fugit District, Decatur Co., Ind. He was a carpenter who enjoyed gardening, birdwatching, feeding geese, and his workshop. He was religious. Children:

57.ii.i.x. i. Norman Ray[7]. Born 12 May 1954 in Indiana.

57.ii.i.x. ii. Gary Donavon. Born 4 Jan 1956 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.i.x. iii. David Eugene. Born 1 Feb 1962 in Madison, Ind.

57.ii.i.x. iv. Rodney Alan. Born 15 Aug 1966 in Madison, Ind.

57.ii.i.xi. Arlene Joyce[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 May 1934 on the Hanson farm, Connorsville, Ind. Died of cancer 3 Jul 2000 in Richmond, Wayne Co., Ind. Buried in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens, Wayne County. Services were at Riggle-Waltermann Mortuary, Richard, Ind., the Rev. James Spon officiating. She worked at a drug store in Richmond and left a trust fund for her son Richard Jr.

Palladium-Item, Richmond, Ind., 4 Jul 2000: Arlene J. Duke, 66, 2589 Pleasant View Road, Richmond, died Mon., July 3, 2000, at her residence. She was born May 10, 1934, in Connorsville to James and Bessie McGuire Honaker. She was head of the cosmetics department at Thrift Drug Co. before retiring after 30 years. Survivors include her husband of 46 years, Richard Duke; one son, Richard Duke Jr. of Richmond; one daughter, Linda Fluharty of Indianapolis; four brothers, James Honaker of Omaha, Neb., Quincy Honaker of Valencia, Calif., Carl Honaker of Mesa, Ariz., and Raymond Honaker of Evansville; four sisters, Mary Bennington of Dayton, Ohio, Barbara Curran of Hamilton, Ohio, Janice Lee of Fairfield, Ohio, and Helen Curran of Missouri; three grandchildren; nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by four sisters and two brothers. Service will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Riggle-Waltermann Mortuary, 32 S. 11th St., Richmond. The Rev. James Spon has been asked to officiate. Burial will be at Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be from 12:30–1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.

She married Richard Lee Duke, son of Leonard Duke and Marguerite Rosenbush, ca. 1956 in Indiana. Born 9 Jan 1934 in Boston, Wayne Co., Ind. Died of prostate cancer 10 May 2009 in Richmond, Wayne County. Buried in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. He married again after Arlene’s death.

Funeral home obituary: Richard L. Duke, age 75, of Richmond, died Sunday morning, May 10, 2009 at his residence. He was born in Wayne Co., Ind., on Jan. 9, 1934 to Leonard and Maurguerite Rosenbush Duke and had lived in the Boston-Richmond area most of his life. He was a 1952 graduate of Boston High School and was a life-long farmer. Richard was a veteran of the U.S. Army. Survivors include his wife of seven years, Neva Houser Duke; daughter, Linda (Keith) Fluharty of Indianapolis; son, Richard Duke of Richmond; brothers, Don (Sue) Duke of Richmond, Darrel (Anne) Duke of Richmond; sisters, Dorothy (Lyle) Berger of Cheney, Wash., Karen (Sam) Addleman of Richmond; grandchildren, Nathaniel (Beth) Fluharty, Andrew Fluharty, Joseph Fluharty; great granddaughter, Jamie Fluharty; nieces and nephews; he also leaves special friends, John and Roselie Geiger, Harry and Violet Jeans, Mark and Deanne Williamson, Jamin, Evan and Casey Williamson. His first wife, Arlene Duke, died on July 3, 2000. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thurs., May 14, 2009 in Riggle-Waltermann Mortuary. Rev. James Spon will officiate. Burial will be in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. Friends may call on Wed., May 13, 2009 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to McCullough-Hyde Trust for the Oncology Fund at \dev.htm or in care of McCullough-Hyde Hospital Trust, 21 Lynn Ave., Suite 107, Oxford, OH 45056.

Children (of Arlene and Richard):

i. Richard Lee[7], Jr. Born 7 May 1957 in Richmond, Ind. He was mentally disabled and never married. In 2004 he lived in Richmond.

57.ii.i.xi. ii. Linda Kay. Born 7 May 1958 in Indiana.

57.ii.i.xiii. Barbara Jean[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Apr 1938 on a farm in Waterloo, Fayette Co., Ind. Died 1 Dec 2012 in Westwood, an urban- suburban part of Cincinnati, Ohio. In 2004 she lived in Hamilton, Ohio. Her hobbies included golf, oil painting, travel, cooking, crossword puzzles and her family.

Cincinnati [Ohio] Enquirer, 2 Dec 2012: Barbara J. Curran, loving mother of Greg, the late Rick, Steve and Doug Thomas, devoted grandmother of Britoni, Stephanie, Jackie, Erick, Brooks, Kara, Katy, Zak and Ty and great-grandmother of Evan, Daeon, Gabriella and Vincent James, caring aunt of Gale Bitter, dear sister of Quincy, Carl and Raymond Honaker, preceded in death by siblings, Mary Bennington, Emma Pfender, Gladys Fishell, Helen Curran, Arlene Duke, Janice Lee, James, Minnie, Paul, Annalee and Stanley Honaker. Sat., Dec. 1, 2012, age 74, resident of Westwood formerly of Hamilton. Services at 10:30 a.m. Sat., Dec. 8, 2012 at the Evans Funeral Home in Milford with visitation Friday the 7th 6 to 8 p.m. Her family requests memorials to Vitas Hospice, 11500 Northlake Dr., Suite 400, Cincinnati 45249 or Hamilton County Special Olympics, 4790 Red Bank, Suite 206, Cincinnati 45227, .

Hamilton Journal-News, 6 Dec 2012: Barbara J. Curran, age 74, of Westwood, formerly of Hamilton, died Dec. 1, 2012 at her residence. She was born April 15, 1938 in Fayette Co., Ind., the daughter of the late James Golden and late Bessie Elva McGuire Honaker. She was a very loving mother and compassionate care giver to many individuals. She retired as a supervisor at Western Electric. She is survived by her sons, Greg, Steve and Doug Thomas, daughter-in-law Debbie Thomas, grandchildren, Britoni, Stephanie, Jackie, Erick, Brooks, Kara, Katy, Zak and Ty, great-grandchildren, Evan, Daeon, Gabriella and Vincent James, cousins Gale Bitter & Linda Kay, brothers, Quincy, Carl and Raymond Honaker. She was preceded in death by her son, Rick Thomas, siblings, Mary Bennington, Emma Pfender, Gladys Fishell, Helen Curran, Arlene Duke, Janice Lee, James, Minnie, Paul, Annalee and Stanley Honaker. Services will be 10:30 a.m., Sat., Dec. 8, 2012at the Evans Funeral Home in Milford with visitation Friday the 7th from 6 to 8 p.m. Her family invites everyone to join them following the services at Putters located at 5723 Signal Hill Court, Milford, OH 45150. Memorials may be made to Vitas Hospice, 11500 Northlake Dr., Suite 400, Cincinnati, OH 45249 or Hamilton County Special Olympics, 4790 Red Bank, Suite 206, Cincinnati, OH 45227. Condolences to .

She married, first, Willis Thomas (called Bud) 9 Jun 1957 in Indiana. They divorced when the children were small. Born Sep 1935 in Indiana. Children:

57.ii.i.xiii. i. Gregory Dale[7]. Born 12 Mar 1958 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., Ind.

57.ii.i.xiii. ii. Rick Duane. Born 27 Jan 1959 in Shelbyville.

iii. Steve Dean. Born 22 Jul 1960 in Shelbyville. He never married. In 2004 he had his own construction business, owned several large apartments in Florida and other states, and enjoyed fishing and golf. He lived in Indiana.

57.ii.i.xiii. iv. Willis Douglas (called Doug). Born 8 Feb 1963 in Shelbyville.

She married, second, Noble Ray Curran, son of Alvia Earl Curran and Lula Isabel Stevens, and a brother of Barbara’s sister Helen’s husband Norman, 15 Mar 1980 in Campbell, Ky. They divorced ca. 2000 in Hamilton, Ohio. Born 2 Jan 1932 in Ripley, Ind. He was in the construction business. He taught building trades to the four sons.

57.ii.i.xiv. Janice Ann[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Oct 1939 on a farm in Waterloo, Fayette Co., Ind. Died 27 Jul 2010 in Richmond, Ind. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville, Ind.

Funeral home obituary: Janice A. Lee, age 70, of Liberty, passed away on Tuesday morning, July 27, 2010 at Reid Hospital in Richmond. Living most of her life in the Brownsville and Liberty communities, she was born on Oct. 29, 1939 in Connersville, the daughter of James G. and Bessie McGuire Honaker, both of whom precede her in death. She graduated in 1958 from Brownsville High School. On July 29, 1978 in Liberty she was united in marriage with Richard E. Lee. Janice had worked for 20 years as a home health aide with Lifespan in Hamilton, Ohio. She had also been employed at the Liberty License Branch and in the Workman’s Compensation Department of Ohio. She enjoyed helping people and spending time with her grandchildren. She is survived by her husband, Richard E. Lee of Liberty; a daughter and son in law, Melissa A. & Jeffrey Moles of Liberty; a son and daughter in law, Kenneth D. & Jennifer K. Walker of Irmo, S.C.; three brothers, Quincy Honaker of New Hall, Calif., Carl Honaker of Mesa, Ariz., and Raymond Honaker of Connersville; two sisters, Helen Curran of Missouri and Barbara Curran of Hamilton, Ohio; five grandchildren, Jared & Samantha Moles, Miranda & Andrew Jordan, and Keaton, Kellen and Kylie Walker as well as several nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by three brothers, Jim, Paul and Stanley Honaker; and six sisters, Mary Bennington, Arlene Duke, Annalee Schlechtweg, Emma Pfender, Gladys Fishell and Minnie Honaker. Funeral services will be at Urban Winkler Funeral Home on Sat., July 31, 2010 at 2 p.m. Burial will follow at Dale Cemetery. Friends and family may call from 12 noon until the time of the service on Saturday. Memorial contributions may be made to the Union County Senior Citizens or the American Heart Association.

Janice was a cheerleader at Brownsville [Ind.] High School in 1957. In 2004 she lived in West College Corner, Ind., where she was a caregiver for the elderly. She was then afflicted with heart trouble, high blood pressure and bleeding ulcers.

She married, first, Dale Walker, son of Wilbur Walker and Mary Shepler, 10 Oct 1959 in Richmond, Ind. They divorced. Born 3 Nov 1939 in Union Co., Ind. In 2007 he lived in Liberty, Ind.

History of Union Co., Ind., 1989: Dale Walker, the third son of Wilbur and Mary Shepler Walker, was the general manager of the Union County Farm Bureau Co-op. He was manager there for 13 years and with Cooperative System for 26 years. He is married to the former Sue Gruell and they have two children, Paula Drew and Jason Walker. Dale was married to Janice Honaker, daughter of James Golden Honaker and Bessie McGuire Honaker, and they had two children, Melissa Moles and Kenny Walker, with two grandchildren, Jared and Miranda Moles.


57.ii.i.xiv. i. Melissa Ann[7]. Born 3 May 1961 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.i.xiv. ii. Kenneth Dale (called Kenny). Born 7 Apr 1964 in Richmond, Ind.

She married, second, Richard E. Lee, son of George Ernest Lee and Ruby Louise Gesell, 29 Jul 1978 in Union Co., Ind. Born 6 Jun 1947 in Indiana. Died 10 Jun 2011 in Richmond, Ind. Buried in Big Cedar Cemetery, Brookville, Ind.

Palladium Item, Indianapolis, Ind., 11 Jun 2011: Liberty, Ind.—Richard E. Lee, age 64, of Liberty, died Fri., June 10, 2011, at Arbor Trace Exceptional Senior Living in Richmond. Born June 4, 1947, in Richmond to George E. and Ruby L. Gesell Lee, he lived in the Liberty community most of his life. Richard was a U.S. Army Reserves veteran. He was a 1965 graduate of Union County High School. Richard worked as a clerk in retail sales and was a volunteer fireman in Union County. Survivors include his sister, Karen Milligan of Richmond; stepdaughter, Melissa (Jeff) Moles of Liberty; stepson, Kenneth (Jennifer) Walker of North Carolina; several grandchildren; half sister, Jean Jones of Richmond; nieces and many friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Janice Honaker Lee who died in 2010; his parents; and brother, Robert E. Lee. A graveside service for Richard E. Lee will be at 1 p.m. Tue., June 14, 2011, in Big Cedar Cemetery, Brookville, Ind., with Pastor Dana Hadden officiating. Doan & Mills Funeral Home, Richmond, is in charge of arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to American Heart Association/Stroke Association, Midwest Affiliate, Memorial & Tributes Lockbox, 3816 Paysphere Circle, Chicago, IL 60674. Condolences may be sent to the family via the guest book at .

57.ii.i.xvi. Raymond Lamont[6] Honaker (James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). See photographs. Born 16 Apr 1932 on the Hanson farm, Connersville, Ind. Died 5 Sep 2013 in Connersville. Buried in Brownsville Christian Union Cemetery.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 12 Sep 2013: Raymond Honaker, age 81, of Connersville, passed away at his residence on Thursday evening, Sept. 5, 2013. Born in Fayette Co., Ind., on April 16, 1932, he is the son of the late James G. and Bessie McGuire Honaker. His mother Bessie Elva McGuire was originally from Gap Mills, and his father James Golden Honaker was from Greenbrier County. Raymond was one of 14 children. Raymond was known for his love of helping people and as a man of faith. He was a member of the Liberty Church of the Nazarene in Liberty, Ind. For many years he was the feed mill manager of the Fayette County Co-Op and also operated his own business of hauling grain, working with his sons. Raymond enjoyed gardening, cooking, mowing the grass at the Brownsville Christian Union Cemetery, and was an avid fan of the Reds and the Indiana Hoosiers. Left to cherish his memory are his wife, Wanda Durbin Honaker; daughters, Gail Cooper and husband, Randy, of Birdseye, Ind., and Darlene Kaufman and husband, Jim, of Brownsville, Ind.; sons Daniel Honaker and James Honaker of Birdseye, Ind. and Paul Honaker and wife, Pam, of Huntingburg, Ind.; two brothers, Quincy Honaker and Carl Honaker; seven grandchildren, Josh Cooper, Eric Kaufman, Samuel Kaufman, Daniel Honaker, Jr., and Victoria Stansberry; nine great grandchildren; one great great-grandchild; and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Bernadine Honaker; three brothers, Jim, Paul and Stanley Honaker; nine sisters, Helen Curran, Barbara Curran, Janice Lee, Gladys Fishell, Minnie Honaker, Mary Bennington, Arlene Duke, Annalee Schlechtweg and Emma Pfender; and Crystal Honaker, wife of James Honaker. Funeral services were conducted at the Liberty Church of the Nazarene on Tue., Sept. 10, at 12 noon, with Rev. John Bouldrey officiating. Burial followed at Brownsville Christian Union Cemetery. Arrangements by Urban Winkler Funeral Home.

In 2009 his wife Wanda provided the following profile of his life:

As a child Raymond remembers working with his dad, cutting trees and working on the farm. He made extra money mowing yards and shoveling coal which helped him to buy clothing, food and refreshments. Raymond mowed one lawn that took him all day with a push mower and was paid 50-cents for the day. Raymond said his family was poor, that he does not remember having any clothes that fit him until he was able to buy his own. Raymond wore hand-me-downs that were always too large for him. Raymond is very good with numbers, he played baseball and basketball in school. He quit school when he was in high school, he wanted to be a minister, but life did not turn out the way he had hoped. Raymond married and started his family. Many times he had two jobs to support his family. Raymond and his sons shoveled and delivered corn and feed to customers, he also worked on a chicken farm. One time Raymond and his family had to dig for mussels which they used to live on. The day after the last day of the season Raymond was called to work. During the time Raymond worked at the mill at Co-op he had a cat named kittytom. The cat went to work with him and stayed until he went home. Raymond told the story of James Golden Honaker and himself out in the fields plowing. They heard a train in the distance. James told Raymond to watch how he would teach the two horses not to be afraid of the train and noise. James turned the horses to face the track and when the train came by the horses took off across the field. Raymond said his dad received a few cuts and bruises due to the fact the plow came loose from the horses thus preventing James from being dragged too far. Raymond likes to go to tractor and horse pulls, raise a garden and can food, play golf, watch and feed birds, help his daughter Darlene Kaufman mow a cemetery in Brownsville, Ind. He helps his children and wife with many household and yard chores. Raymond had polio when he was young which prevented him from going into the military. He had to learn to walk over again. Raymond had bleeding ulcers; lost a foot of his large intestine due to cancer; open heart surgery; blood clot in the calf of his right leg removed surgery, the doctor cut the muscle across instead of length wise, causing a large knot; appendix removal. He had a terrible time with his feet in his working years, had to buy special shoes to prevent sores on the soles of his feet. He retired from the Co-op, working with feeds, grains, etc. After his retirement he worked at Big Logs as a cashier. Raymond did a lot of manual labor in his life which he contributes to his health today. He said it helped build muscles and bones that had been damaged by polio. Ray is a quiet man. Raymond is an animal lover, especially dogs and cats. He loves to watch sports on TV, he especially likes basketball.

Raymond remembered working with his dad as a child, cutting trees and working on the farm. He quit high school and wanted to be a minister but life did not turn out that way. Beset with polio when he was young, he had to learn to walk again, then had physical difficulties all his life, including complications of diabetes. In 2006 he lived with his wife Wanda in Ft. Branch, Ind.

He married, first, Bernadine Pearl Walker, daughter of Elza Vernon Walker and Ophie Pearl Harbison, 5 Jan 1951 in Brownsville, Ind. The service was performed by the Rev. Charles R. Tackett, in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio. They divorced 26 May 1977 in Fayette Co., Ind. Born 13 Jun 1933 in Loogootee, Rutherford Co., Ind. Died of cardiac arrest 8 Jun 2006 in Huntingburg, Ind. Buried in Mentor Cemetery, Birdseye, Ind. She believed she heard voices and suffered from depression. Thrown from a horse when her children were young, she afterwards had back problems. She loved dogs, had several birds, enjoyed oil painting and played several musical instruments. Bernadine married, second, Elba A. Choate, son of Gabe and Bessie Choate.

Unknown newspaper, unknown date: Birdseye, Ind—Bernadine P. Choate, 72, Birdseye, died at 9:45 a.m. Thursday at the Waters of Huntingburg. She was born at Loogootee June 3, 1933 to Elza and Opal Pearl (Harbison) Walker. Her husband, Elba Choate, died Feb. 7, 2003. Surviving are two daughters, Gail Cooper, Birdseye and Darlene Kaufman, Brownsville; three sons, Daniel Honaker, Birdseye, and James and Paul, Huntingburg; her stepmother Naomi Walker, Loogootee; her sister, “Freddie” Gibson, Loogootee, seven grandchildren, one great grandchild. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Nass and Sons Funeral Home, Huntingburg. Brother Jack Wilson will officiate. Burial will be at Menter Cemetery near Birdseye. Friends may call from 2 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Herald, Liberty, Ind., 8 Feb 2003 (with photograph): Elba A. Choate, 82, Birdseye, died at 7:50 p.m. Fri., Feb. 7, 2003, at The Waters of Huntingburg, Huntingburg. He was born at Birdseye May 17, 1920, to Gabe and Bessie Choate. Surviving are his wife, the former Bernadine Pearl Walker; a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Janet) Gilliatt, Eckerty; two sons, Alan Choate, Birdseye, and Donald Choate, Indianapolis; three stepsons, Paul and James Honaker, Huntingburg, and Daniel Honaker, Birdseye; two stepdaughters, Gail Cooper, Birdseye, and Darlene Kaufman, Brownsville; three brothers, Meyers and Johnny Choate, Indiana, and Boyd Choate, California; four sisters, Bea Deel and Zelma Abell, Birdseye, and Rosemary Coble and Laura Parker, Indiana; 16 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Larry Choate. Mr. Choate was a retired carpenter and a World War II Navy veteran. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Nass and Son Funeral Home, Huntingburg. The Rev. Scott Allen and Brother Jack Wilson will officiate. Burial will be in Mentor Cemetery near Birdseye. Friends may call today at the funeral home.

Children (of Raymond and Bernadine):

57.ii.i.xvi. i. Gailene Rosita[7] (called Gail). Born 25 Jul 1952 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.i.xvi. ii. Daniel Raymond (called Danny). Born 31 May 1953 in Hamilton, Ohio.

57.ii.i.xvi. iii. Darlene Elizabeth. Born 24 Jun 1955 in Brownsville, Ind.

iv. James Venoy (called Jimmy). Born 6 Jan 1957 in Connorsville, Ind., he was a funiture factory worker who liked to hunt, fish, and work on his house. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. In 2004 he lived in Huntingburg, Ind.

He married Crystal Mae Burress, daughter of Charles Wesley Burress (called Carlos) and Elsie Marie Bishop, 12 Dec 1987 in Huntingburg, Ind. Born 8 Mar 1958 in Washington, Ind. Died 12 Dec 2007 in Ferdinand, Ind. Buried in Mt. Zion Cemetery, Loogootee, Rutherford Twp., Martin Co., Ind.

The Herald, Huntingburg, Ind., 14 Dec 2007 (with photograph): Crystal Mae Honaker, 49, Huntingburg, died at 3:47 p.m., Wed., Dec. 12, 2007, at Scenic Hills Care Center, Ferdinand. She was born at Washington March 6, 1958, to Charles and Elsie (Bishop) Burress. She married James Honaker Dec. 12, 1987, in Huntingburg. Surviving are her husband, James Honaker; her mother, Elsie Burress, Ferdinand; a brother, Edward Burress, Huntingburg; a sister, Lela Moore, Huntingburg; and nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a sister, Vianna Stephens. Mrs. Honaker had worked for 23 years at Styline Corporation. Her hobby was riding motorcycles. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Sunday at Nass and Son Funeral Home in Huntingburg. The Rev. Al Madden will officiate. Burial will be in Mt. Zion Cemetery. Friends may call from 2 to 8 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home.

Jimmy and Crystal had no children. In 2007 she was hospitalized in Jasper, Ind., with Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease, which the National Institutes of Health, Washington, D.C., termed “an extremely rare, neurodegenerative brain disorder. It is almost always inherited and is found in only a few families around the world. Onset of the disease usually occurs between the ages of 35 and 55. In the early stages, patients may experience varying levels of ataxia (lack of muscle coordination), including clumsiness, unsteadiness, and difficulty walking. As the disease progresses, the ataxia becomes more pronounced and most patients develop dementia. Other symptoms may include…slurring of speech…involuntary movements of the eyes…rigid muscle tone…and visual disturbances, sometimes leading to blindness. Deafness also can occur. In some families, parkensonian features are present…..There is no cure for GSS, nor are there any known treatments to slow progression of the disease…..The disease ultimately causes severe disability and finally death, often after the patient goes into a coma or has a secondary infection such as aspiration pneumonia due to an impaired ability to swallow.” Crystal was afflicted with cancer of the jaw and teeth infections.

57.ii.i.xvi. v. Paul Lamont. Born 12 Nov 1959 in Connorsville.

He married, second, Mary L. Fowler, daughter of Ernest Fowler and Unknown Kuvevan, 26 Nov 1977 in Fayette Co., Ind. They divorced 16 Jul 1996 in Butler Co., Ind. Born 1931 in Indiana. There were no children.

He married, third, Albertenia Faye Kennedy (called Faye), daughter of James Kennedy and Nellie King, 23 Nov 1996 in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio. It was her tenth marriage. They divorced 31 Aug 1999 in Hamilton. Born 23 Sep 1944 in Birdseye, Ind. She was a live-in home health aide. Raymond and Faye had no children together.

He married, fourth, Wanda Mae Durbin, daughter of Reginald Allard Durbin (called Al) and Mildred Lee Kirkland, 27 May 2000 in Evansville, Ind. Born 2 Sep 1943 in a house that her father built in Owensboro, Daviess Co., Ky. She retired after a 25-year career as a psychological technician for the retarded, mentally ill, penal code and elderly for the State of California’s Patton State Hospital, Highland, Calif. Prior to that she was employed as a waitress, munitions assembler, bakery and delicatessen worker, and caregiver for the elderly. Originally baptized as a Roman Catholic, she and her husband Raymond became members of and were baptized at First Christian Church, Owensville, Ind., in Aug 2003. She travelled throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Raymond and Wanda had no children together. The Honaker Family Association is indebted to Wanda for her relentless and successful pursuit of Honaker genealogy, which she shared with us, resulting in the accumulation of many hundreds of additions to the Abraham chapter, covering five generations. This is all the more remarkable since she herself is not a Honaker descendant. Wanda previously married, first, Harry E. Courtney They divorced 12 Jan 1970 in Los Angeles, Calif. She married, second, Charles Everett Funk Jr., 5 Aug 1978 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., Nev.

57.ii.iii.i. Cecil W.[6] Bostic (Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Feb 1917 in West Virginia. Died 15 Mar 1991 in Rainelle, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. In the 1920 census he was enumerated in Second Creek District, Monroe Co., W.Va., age 2 years and 10-mo. In the 1930 census he was enumerated in Ft. Spring District, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., age 14.

He married Unknown. Children:

57.ii.iii.i. i. Cecil A.[7] (called Sonny). Born 2 Jan 1939.

57.ii.iii.ii. Pauline Virginia[6] Bostic (Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 Aug 1918 in Hollywood, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 13 Jun 1984 in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. In the 1920 census she was enumerated in Second Creek District, Monroe Co., W.Va., at 1 year, 4 mo. of age. In the 1930 census she was enumerated in Fort Spring District, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., at age 12.

She married Elmer William Burns, son of Michael F. Burns and Minnie Massie, 17 Nov 1933 in West Virginia. Born 25 Apr 1912 in Ft. Springs. Died 10 May 2002 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier County. In the 1920 and 1930 censuses, he was enumerated in Irish Corner District, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. He attended Ft. Springs School. Elmer was a machinist’s mate second class in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He enlisted 22 Mar 1944 at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Ill., served at Bainbridge, Md.; and subsequently served in the Pacific Theater, waters of New Guinea, Australia, Admiralties, Pearl Harbor, Philippines. He was Methodist. Children:

57.ii.iii.ii. i. Geraldine Faye[7]. Born 10 Aug 1935 in Snowflake, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

ii. Viola Virginia. Born 9 May 1937 in Ft. Springs. She married, first, Unknown Carter. She married, second, Unknown Thompson.

57.ii.iii.ii. iii. Marlene Elizabeth. Born Apr 1939.

57.ii.iii.ii. iv. Patsy Grace. Born Dec 1941 in Ft. Springs.

v. Elmer William. Born and died 1944 in Ft. Springs.

57.ii.iii.iii. Faye Ethel[6] Bostic (also reported as Faye J.) (Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Jan 1919 in West Virginia. Died 25 May 1998 in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Interred in Rosewood Mausoleum, Lewisburg, W.Va. In the 1930 census she was in Ft. Spring, Greenbrier County, age 8.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 1 Nov 2003: White Sulphur Springs—[Faye] J. Bostic, 78, of White Sulphur Springs died May 25, 1998, in Greenbrier Valley Medical Center, Fairlea, after a short illness. She was a Baptist and a retired nurse from Abbott’s Clinic, White Sulphur Springs. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving: husband, Ray Bostic; son Jerry Bostic of White Sulphur Springs; three grandchildren. Services will be held 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at Shanklin Funeral Home, White Sulphur Springs. Entombment will be at Rosewood Mausoleum, Lewisburg. Friends may call one hour prior to services Wednesday at the funeral home. Donations may be made to White Sulphur Springs Rescue Squad, or to the church of your choice.

She married, first, Sam Ray Bostic (also reported as Clarence Jack Ray Bostic) (relationship not reported). Born 16 Jan 1916 in West Virginia. Died 9 Feb 1966 in West Virginia. Interred in Rosewood Mausoleum, Lewisburg. Children:

57.ii.iii.iii. i. Carol Ann[7] (called Annie). Born 5 Oct 1957 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii.iii. ii. Joyce Virginia. Born 4 Apr 1943 in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

iii. David. Born 20 Sep 1948 in West Virginia.

iv. Janice A. Born 1 Feb 1950 in White Sulphur Springs. She married Lee McCarty.

v. Dale.

vi. Sharon F. Born Mar 1955. She married Donald K. Weikle.

57.ii.iii.iii. vii. Jerry D. Born 20 Sep 1948 in West Virginia.

She married, second, James Owen Arbaugh, son of Alexander Arbaugh and Bertha Unknown. Children:

viii. Owen J. Died before 2002.

ix. Dale J. Born in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married, third, Unknown Phillips. Children:

x. John. Born in Rainelle, W.Va. He married Debra Unknown.

xi. Samuel. Born in Alderson, W.Va.

57.ii.iii.iv. Pearl Elizabeth[6] Bostic (Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 6 Jun 1920 in Fort Spring, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died of cerebral hemorrhage and hypertension 7 Feb 1997 in Fairlea, Greenbrier County. Buried in End of the Trail Cemetery, Clintonville, Greenbrier County. In the 1930 census she was in Fort Spring, age 10.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 1 Nov 2003: Lewisburg—Pearl Elizabeth Cadel, 76, of Lewisburg, died Feb. 7, 1997, in Fairlea Medical Center after a short illness. She was a homemaker and a lifelong resident of Greenbrier County. Surviving: daughters, Ilean Hammonds of Wilmington, Del., Wanda Carter of Lewisburg, Wilma Major of Hamilton, Ala., Rose Anderson of Ronceverte; 21 grandchildren; 26 great grandchildren. Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Longanacre Funeral Home, Fairlea, with Rev. Donnie Weikle officiating. Burial will be at the Ends of the Trail Cemetery, Clintonville. Friends may call from 6–9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She married Clay Houston Cadle, son of William W. Cadle and Almeda Richmond (called Allie), 13 Oct 1934 in Rupert, Greenbrier County. He was 21; she was 16. Born 23 May 1914 in Grassy Meadows, Greenbrier County. Died 7 Jun 1943 of complications to a compound leg fracture suffered 15 May 1943 in a motorcycle accident at Anjean, (also reported as East Rainelle), Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in End of the Trail Cemetery. In the 1920 census he was enumerated at age five in Blue Sulphur District, Greenbrier County. He was a coal miner. Children:

57.ii.iii.iv. i. Ilena G.[7]

ii. Wanda F. Born 1939. She lived in Lewisburg, W.Va. She married Unknown Carter.

iii. Wilma. She lived in Hamilton, Ala. She married Unknown Major.

iv. Rose. Born Sep 1943. She lived in Ronceverte, W.Va. She married Unknown Anderson.

v. Shelton. Born 1945. The reported birth date may be wrong, if his father was Houston Cadle. Houston died 7 Jun 1943.

57.ii.iv.i. Virginia Bell[6] Faulknier (Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Jun 1919 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 27 Oct 2004 in St. Luke Assisted Living, Waynesboro, Va. Buried in Augusta Memorial Park, Staunton, Va. She was a fine cook, known for her homemade applesauce. She had heart trouble which was controlled by a pacemaker.

Daily News Leader, Staunton, Va., 29 Oct 2004: Virginia Bell (Faulknier) Long died Wed., Oct. 27, 2004 at St. Luke’s Assisted Living, Waynesboro. She was born June 24, 1919 at Monroe Co., W.Va., to Andrew D. Faulknier and Pansy (Honiker) Faulknier Byrd. Prior to retirement, she had been employed for American Safety Razor Company. Mrs. Long was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Evans W. Long, and a brother, Bernie Faulknier. Survivors include a daughter, JoAnn Swisher; a son, Gary Long; and a sister, Margaret West of Richmond. Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Christ United Methodist Church. Burial will be at Augusta Memorial Park. Visitation will be from 7–9 p.m. Friday at Henry Funeral Home.

She married Evans Wilbert Long, son of William Long and Ella Luella Unknown. Born 8 Nov 1911 in Virginia. Died Jan 1977 in Staunton, Va. He served in the U.S. Army as a private during World War II, enlisting 18 May 1943 in Roanoke, Va. His military record indicated he had a grammar school education, was a truck driver by occupation, and was married. Children:

57.ii.iv.i. i. JoAnn L.[7].

57.ii.iv.ii. ii. Gary Evans. Born 10 Feb 1949 in Staunton, Va.

57.ii.iv.ii. iii. Jessica Ann.

iv. Robert.

57.ii.iv.ii. Margaret McNeel[6] Faulknier (Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Dec 1920 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 2 Jan 2009 in Hampton, Va. Buried in Parklawn Memorial Park, Hampton. She was a telephone operator at Ft. Monroe, Va., during World War II, then became a telephone operator in Hampton, Va. She was a member of Bon Air Methodist Church. In 1941 or 1942, she returned from a “pie supper” in Gap Mills to find her home engulfed in flames. She later moved to Hampton because her father was in nearby Newport News.

Daily Press, Hampton Roads, Va., 4 Jan 2009: Bon Air, Va.—Margaret McNeel Faulknier West, 88, of Bon Air, went to be with the Lord on Jan. 2, 2009. She leaves to cherish her memory two sons, Larry Lee West and Wayne Andrew West; one daughter, Darlene Virginia West Elliott, all of Chesterfield County. She proudly claimed six grandchildren, Jennifer Alison West Wooster, Dr. Bradford Lee West, Shane Patrick West, Colin Lee West, Meredith Anne Elliott, Brooke Elizabeth Eliott; and two great-grandchildren, Nicole Victoria Wooster and Anne Susan West, along with a host of other loving relatives and friends. Born in Gap Mills, W.Va., in 1920, she relocated to Hampton, Va., after completing high school to work for [Chesapeake & Potomac] Telephone Company, as an operator. During this time she met and married her sweetheart, Henry Lee West Jr. Their children and fulfilling life followed for 50 years, until Henry’s death in 1996. Mrs. West continued to maintain the family home and remained independent until her passing. The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p.m. today, Jan. 4, at the Woody Funeral Home-Hugenot Chapel, 1020 Hugenot Road and where funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 5. Mrs. West will be laid to rest at 12:30 p.m. Monday, at Parklawn Memorial Park, in Hampton, next to her devoted husband. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Bon Air United Methodist Church, 1645 Buford Road, Richmond, VA 23235, where she was a member since 1968.

She married Henry Lee West Jr., son of Henry Lee West and Annie Alice Guss, 21 Jun 1947 in Hampton, Va. Born 25 May 1925 at Ft. Monroe, Va. Died 18 Jun 1996 at home in Richmond, Va. Buried in Park Lawn Memorial Park, Hampton. He was baptized 10 Apr 1938 at the Langley Field [Air Force] Chapel, Hampton. He graduated from the Vocational Course, Hampton High School, 10 Jun 1943, and enlisted in the U.S. Army 18 Dec 1943 where he served as a private during World War II. His enlistment record indicated he was single with two years of high school. He completed Communications Engineering Course at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va., in 1960.

The following are stepchildren, but the birth parents are not identified:

57.ii.iv.ii. i. Larry Lee[7] [West]. Born 27 Jun 1948 in Newport News, Va.

57.ii.iv.ii. ii. Wayne Andrew [West]. Born 21 Jul 1954 in Newport News.

57.ii.iv.ii. iii. Darlene Virginia [West]. Born 1 Sep 1956 in Newport News.

57.ii.iv.iii. Bernard Andrew[6] Faulknier (called Bernie) (Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Apr 1924. Died Oct 1996 in Alexandria, La. Buried in Alexandria. He lived in Poquoson, Va.

He married, first, Florence Mae Adams. Children:

57.ii.iv.iii. i. Elizabeth[7].

57.ii.iv.iii. ii. Linda Sue.

He married, second, Roberta Carmines. Children:

iii. Unknown.

57.ii.v.i. Marshall Andrew[6] Honaker (called Andy) (Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1931 in Monroe Co., W.Va. He lived in Fredericksburg.

He married, first, Frances Slavickas after 1951. Born 1933. Children:

i. Rhonda[7]. She married Unknown Kane.

ii. Rex.

iii. Douglas.

iv. Raymond.

v. Jason.

vi. Lynn.

vii. Aletta.

He married, second, Pansy Mae Cole, daughter of Unknown Cole and Minnie Unknown, 6 Jul 1951 in Monroe County. Born ca. 1932 in Monroe County. Died ca. 1955.

57.ii.v.iv. Spurgon[6] Honaker (Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Calvin[7]. He was killed in World War II.

ii. Roscoe. He was killed while deer hunting.

57.ii.v.v. Lacy Rowan[6] Honaker (called Red) (Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Aug 1928 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 30 Nov 2016 in Alderson, W.Va. Buried New Lebanon Cem., Pickaway, Monroe Co., W.Va. He was enumerated as “Rowan” in the 1930 Monroe County census, age 16 mo., living with his family at Sweet Springs, Monroe Co., W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 2 Dec 2016, and Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 8 Dec 2016: Lacy Rowan “Red” Honaker, age 88, of Riverside Rest, Alderson, W.Va., peacefully went to be with the Lord on Wed., Nov. 30, 2016 at his home in Riverside Rest, following a long illness. Born Aug. 5, 1928 in Gap Mills, W.Va., he was the son of the late Lacy Raymond Honaker and the late Hattie McCullough Honaker Thompson. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his step-father, Maury L. Thompson; one brother, Leroy Honaker; and three sisters, Margaret Leech, Betty Files, and Lucille “Polly” Lanahan. Mr. Honaker was the retired owner and operator of Honaker’s Well Drilling Co., Riverside Rest, Alderson, W.Va., having retired after 48 years of service to the area. He was a member of the Faith Baptist Church at Pence Springs, W.Va., where he served as a trustee of the church. He loved to build and restore antique cars, and also enjoyed woodworking. Mr. Honaker loved to spend time with his family and friends, and will always be remembered for his love and willingness to help others. Survivors include his wife of 59 years, Elizabeth Ann Lephew Honaker of Alderson, W.Va.; five daughters, Hattie Victoria Wickline and her husband, Orville, of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., Carol Jean Hooper and her husband, Cordell, of Pensacola, Fla., Margaret Louise Ogden and her husband, Ora, of Bainbridge, Ohio, Karen Mae Pinter and her husband, John of Spotsylvania, Va., and Mary Ann Bowyer and her husband, Richard Jr., of Alderson, W.Va.; two sons, Marshall Rowan Honaker and his wife, Wendy, of Alderson, W.Va., and Raymond Author Honaker and his wife, Kamia, of Alderson, W.Va.; one brother, Marshall Andrew Honaker and his wife, Frances, of Fredericksburg, Va.; two sisters, Delma Jean Connor of Princeton, W.Va., and Rebecca Ann Dillon of Rittman, Ohio; 14 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; 15 great-great grandchildren; and many nieces, nephews, cousins, and extended family members. Funeral services will be Sun., Dec. 4, 2016 at 2 p.m. at the Lobban Funeral Home Chapel, Alderson, W.Va., with Pastor J.D. Fox , Pastor Clark Morgan, and his grandson, U.S. Air Force Maj. Lacy Gunnoe officiating. Burial will follow at the New Lebanon Cemetery at Pickaway, W.Va. Friends may call Sat., Dec. 3, 2016 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, W.Va. Serving as pallbearers will be Brian Honaker, Lacy Gunnoe, Jason Lewis, Ricky Bowyer, Adam Bowyer, Matt Williams, Heath Evans, and Daniel Boswell. Arrangements by Lobban Funeral Home, Alderson, W.Va.

His obituary reported that he was survived by wife of 59 years, Elizabeth Ann Lephew Honaker of Alderson, which indicates a marriage year of 1957. Children (taken from his obituary):

i. Hattie Victoria[7]. In 2016 she lived in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Orville Wickline.

ii. Carol Jean. In 2016 she lived in Pensacola, Escambia Co., Fla. She married Cordell


iii. Margaret Louise. In 2016 she lived in Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio. She married Ora


57.ii.v.v. v. Karen Mae.

iv. Mary Ann. In 2016 she lived in Alderson, Mercer Co., W.Va. She married Richard

Bowyer Jr.

vi. Raymond Author [may be Arthur]. In 2016 he lived in Alderson. He married Kamia


vii. Marshall Rowan. Born 16 Oct 1961 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. In 2007 he lived in Alderson, W.Va. He married Wendy Gadd 9 Jul 1983. There were no children.

Associated Press, 2005: Cleveland [Ohio]—A West Virginia bass fisherman had to be rescued from Lake Erie near Cleveland after his $40,000 boat was destroyed by

6-ft. waves on the lake Wednesday. Marshall Honaker, of Alderson, W.Va., says his boat was tossed into a cliff. Medics were called to the scene, and off-duty Cleveland firefighters rescued Honaker’s fishing partner who had been thrown into the water and had to climb onto the rocks. The men say the waves crept up on them in less than three minutes. They were knocked out of the Everstart Bass Fishing Tournament but say they feel lucky to have escaped without major injury. The tournament continues throughout the weekend and has a first prize of $60,000.

Researchers reported two different families for Lacy Rowan, neither duplicating the other in any way. We are not sure about any of the following:

One researcher reported that Lacy Rowan married Amy Louise Hicks, daughter of Kerney Hicks and Virgie Dunn, 1945 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Born 3 Apr 1930 in Lillybrook, Raleigh Co., W.Va. (also reported as Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.) Died 14 Apr 2003 in Bay St. Louis, Hancock Co., Miss.

Buried Bainbridge Cemetery, Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio. Children:

i. Unknown daughter. Married Unknown Willis.

ii. Unknown daughter. Married Unknown Northup.

57.ii.v.vi. Marguerite [6] Honaker (also Margarette) (Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Apr (also reported as 12 Mar) 1924 in Gap Mills, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 18 Jan 2003 in Covington, Va. Buried in Wickline Cemetery, Gap Mills, W.Va.

Mountain Messenger, Lewisburg, W.Va., 31 Mar 2004: Covington, Va.—Margarette Leech Boggs, age 75, passed away Sun., Jan. 18, 2003 at the home of her daughter, Nancy Boothe, of Lewisburg, after an extended illness. Born March 12, 1924, a daughter of the late Lacy Honaker and Hattie Thompson. Mrs. Boggs [was a member] of Moss Run Baptist Church, member of the Callaghan Senior Citizens Club and was retired from Eagle Neck Restaurant, at Allegany, Va., after over 40 years service. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Andrew R. Leech; a daughter, Patricia Leech; a son, Tony Armstrong. Survivors include: her husband, Grover Boggs of White Sulphur Springs; seven sons, Jimmy Armstrong of North Carolina, Robert Armstrong of Florida, Andrew Leech and William Leech, both of Allegany, Va., Baxter Leech of Sweet Springs, Frank Leech of Chester, Va., Joseph Leech of Ararat, Va.; two daughters, Nancy Boothe of Lewisburg and Barbara Jahr of Bridgeport, Conn.; two brothers, Red Honaker of Alderson, Andrew Honaker of Fredericksburg, Va.; 25 grandchildren; and 28 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Jan. 21 in the chapel of Shanklin Funeral Home, White Sulphur Springs, where Pastor Jim Menefee [will officiate.] Interment [will follow] in the Wickline Cemetery, Gap Mills.

She married, first, Andrew Rader Leech, son of William Leech and Bessie L. Unknown. Born 10 Jun 1920. Died 3 Apr 1998 in Covington, Va. Buried in Wickline Cemetery, Gap Mills, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, unknown date: Covington, Va.—Andrew Rader Leech, Sr., 77, of Covington, died April 3, 1998 at home. He was a retired laborer with union local 980. He was a Baptist and an Army veteran of World War II. Surviving: wife Margarette Honaker Leech, sons Andrew Jr. of Covington, Baxter of Sweet Springs, W.Va., William and Frank both of Richmond, Joseph of Ararat; daughters, Nancy Boothe of Lewisburg, W.Va., Barbara Jones of Stardford, Conn.; stepsons, Jimmy Armstrong of Augusta, Ga., Robert Armstrong of Florida; sister, Georgia Dennis of Crewe; 25 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren. Services will be 2 p.m. Monday at Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home, Union, W.Va., with Pastor John Burns officiating. Burial with graveside rites by American Legion Post 100, Union. Burial will be at Wickline Cemetery, Gap Mills, W.Va. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


i. Andrew Rader,[7] Jr. Lived in Covington, Va.

ii. Patricia. Died before 2003.

iii. William. Lived in Covington, Va.

iv. Frank. Lived in Chester, Va.

v. Joseph. Lived in Ararat, Va.

vi. Nancy. Lived in Bridgeport, Conn. She married Unknown Boothe.

vii. Barbara. Lived in Bridgeport. She married Unknown Jahr.

viii. Baxter. Lived in Sweet Springs, W.Va.

She married, second, Grover E. Boggs. Born Feb 1920 in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married, third, Andrew H. Armstrong. Born ca. 1920. Children:

ix. Jimmy. Lived in North Carolina.

x. Robert. Lived in Florida.

xi. Tony. Died before 2003.

57.ii.v.ix. Raymond Lee Roy[6] Honaker (called Leroy) (Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Feb 1943 in Lurich, Giles Co., Va. Died when a car fell on him 26 Sep 1967 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried Roselawn Cemetery, Princeton.

He married Barbara Gay Bell, daughter of Joseph Howard Bell and Effie Gertrude Meadows, 14 Oct 1961 in Princeton. Born 2 May 1939 in Arista, Mercer Co., W.Va. She also married Everett Gilbert Anderson. Children (of Raymond and Barbara):

57.ii.v.ix. i. Richard Lee[7] (called Ricky). Born 27 Apr 1963 in Princeton.

57.ii.v.ix. ii. Barbara Annette. Born 22 Dec 1964 in Princeton.

57.ii.v.ix. iii. Joseph Lacy. Born 16 Aug 1966 in Princeton.

57.ii.v.x. Rebecca Marie[6] Honaker (Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born in Monroe Co., W.Va.

She married Jay Darrell Dillion, son of C.C. Dillion and Unknown, 7 Jun 1956 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Born ca. 1937 in Monroe County. Children:

i. Donna[7].

ii. Darrell.

iii. Patricia.

57.ii.x.xi. Delma J.[6] Honaker (Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Oct 1938 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Lawrence E. Conner 11 Jun 1955 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. Born May 1935 in Pettrey, Mercer Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Lawrence E.[7] Jr.

ii. Debra.

iii. Kathryn.

iv. Glenna.

v. Janet.

vi. Rebecca.

57.ii.vi.i. Sylvia H.[6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Aug 1922 in Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 16 May 1996 in Union, Monroe County. Buried in Union.

She married Clarence Ernest Brown, son of Clarence M. Brown and Nina Mae Broyles. Born 7 Sep 1924 in Union. Died 18 Nov 2005 in Union.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 Nov 2005; Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 20 Nov 2005: Clarence Ernest Brown, 81, of Union, passed away Friday night, Nov. 18, 2005. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the Groves Funeral Home [missing words] Groves Funeral Home at Union is in charge of arrangements.


i. Lisia[7]. Born ca. 1945 in West Virginia. In 2009 she lived in Owensboro, Ky., and had one unknown child.

ii. Charles T. Born 1954 in Union.

57.ii.vi.i. iii. James. Born ca. 1950 in West Virginia.

57.ii.vi.ii. Elsie Thelma[6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Apr 1925 in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 30 May 2006 in Greenbrier Manor, a nursing home, Fairlea, Union Co., W.Va. Buried in New Lebanon Cemetery, Pickaway, W.Va. She was a cook and corrections officer. She loved to sew, knit and crochet. She had cardiac problems and was legally blind in her elder years. Final services were at Union Presbyterian Church, Union, W.Va.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 17 Apr 2008 (reprinted from a 1978 issue): Elsie Nichols, of Union, an employe of the Federal Prison for Women, at Alderson, was awarded two certificates while attending a conference at the staff training center of the federal prison system, in Atlanta, Ga.

Unknown W.Va. newspaper, 31 May 2006: Mrs. Elsie Thelma Nichols Dixon, 81, passed away Tue., May 30, 2006, in the Greenbrier Manor, Fairlea, after a long illness. Born April 15, 1925, in Greenbrier County, she was the daughter of the late Charlie and Stella V. Honaker Hoke. Mrs. Dixon had been a resident of Union for 46 years and was formerly of Sinks Grove, member of Union Presbyterian Church of Union, belonged to the Women of the Church, homemaker, and was retired from the U.S. Government as a cook and a correctional officer. She was preceded in death by her parents; her first husband, A.C. Nichols, Jr.; and second husband, Junior Ray Dixon on Jan. 4, 2000. Survivors include four sons, Charles Nichols and wife, Nancy, of Salem, Va., Johnny Nichols and wife, Linda, of Kents Store, Va., Larry Nichols and wife, Shirley, of Alderson, Wayne Nichols and wife, Carla, of Red-Key, Ind.; five step daughters, Bonnie Farren and husband, Gary, of Alderson, Lorie Hyndrich and husband, Doug, of Galax, Va., Lucille Creig of Ballard, Margie Skidmore of Narrows, Va., and Viva Helms of Gap Mills; five step sons, Roger Dixon and wife, Shirley, of Union, Eddie Dixon and wife, Patsy, of Union, A.C. Nichols, Jr. of Rupert, Richard Nichols of Union, and Joe Nichols of Sinks Grove; three sisters, Charlene, Lucy and Ruth, all of Brownsville, Ind.; and three brothers, Claude Hoke, Fred Hoke and Raymond Hoke, all of [illegible], Ind.; 18 grandchildren; 30 great grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. A service was held Fri., June 7, at the Union Presbyterian Church, with Rev. Ron Obenchain and Rev. William D. Hyndrich officiating. Burial followed in the New Lebanon Cemetery in Pickaway. Grandsons served as pallbearers. Arrangements by Longanacre Funeral Home, Fairlea.

She married, first, Alexander Clifford Nichols, son of Achan J. Nichols (also reported as Apperton Nichols) and Mary S. Unknown (also reported as Hettie Unknown), 1 Oct 1940 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 1 Apr 1924 in West Virginia. Died of cancer in Fairlea, Union Co., W.Va. The same researcher also reported him born 28 Feb 1889 in Hollywood, Monroe Co., W.Va., died Mar 1977 in Union, Monroe County. Buried in New Lebanon Cemetery, Pickaway, W.Va. He was a dairy farmer. An obituary was published in Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 26 Sep 2008. Children:

i. Charles[7]. In 2006 he lived in Salem, Va. He married Nancy Unknown.

ii. Johnny. In 2006 he lived in Kent, Va. He married Linda Unknown.

iii. Larry. In 2006 he lived in Alderson, W.Va. He married Shirley Unknown.

iv. Wayne. In 2006 he lived in Red Key, Ind. He married Carla Unknown.

She married, second, Junior Ray Dixon, son of Ray Hampton Dixon and Stella Frances Compton, 3 Jun 1949 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Born 3 Aug 1921 in Monroe County. Died 4 Jan 2000 in Union, Monroe County, following a bite from a brown recluse spider. Buried in New Lebanon Cemetery, Pickaway, W.Va. He served in the U.S. Army in World War II. Children:

57.ii.vi.ii. v. Douglas Eugene.

vi. Shirley. In 2006 she lived in Alderson, W.Va. She married Unknown McClung.

vii. Alexander Clifford, Jr. In 2008 he lived in Rupert, W.Va.

viii. Richard. In 2008 he lived in Union, W.Va.

ix. Joe. In 2008 he lived in Sinks Grove, W.Va.

x. Bonnie Sue.

57.ii.vi.ii. xi. Roger Lee. Born 30 Oct 1950 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va.

xii. Edward Ray. Born 1 Jun 1954 in Union.

xiii. Lorie Ann. Born 1964. She married Doug Hyndrich, from Galax, Va.

57.ii.vi.iii. Robert James[6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Mar 1930 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 28 Apr 1998 in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. Interred in Earlham Memorial Mausoleum, Richmond, Wayne Co., Ind. He and his family moved to Indiana from Ronceverte in 1944.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, Apr 1998: Robert J. Hoke, 58, of 4185 U.S. 27 South, died Mon., July 22 at his home of an apparent heart attack. A native of Ft. Springs, W.Va., he came to Union County in 1944. He was a retired farmer and moved to Wayne County in 1978. He was an Army veteran of WWII, a member of St. Paul Church of the Nazarene, Gideon International and was a chaplain of the Richmond Gideon Camp. He was preceded in death by a grandchild. Survivors include his wife, Pauline; a daughter, Dianna Himes of Uncasville, Conn.; two sons, Daniel G. and Steven R., both of Liberty; four grandchildren; six sisters, Silvia and Elsie Dixon both of Union, W.Va., Alice Ulmer of Tempe, Ariz., Ruth Adams of Liberty, Lucy Voyles of Hollansburg, Ohio and Charlene Ingang of Springfield; three brothers, Raymond of Oroville, Calif., Fred of Everton and Claude of Brownsville; nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. today at St. Paul Church of the Nazarene with the Rev. Forrest Harvey officiating. Entombment will be in Earlham Memorial Mausoleum, with Doan and Mills Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

He married Mary Pauline Dawes, daughter of Chester L. Dawes and Catherine B. Cooley. Born 9 Oct 1928 in Indiana. Died 30 Apr 2002 in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. Interred in Earlham Memorial Mausoleum.

Children: (One researcher reported eight children, but only the first three below were listed in Robert’s obituary.)

i. Daniel G.[7] Born 1953. In 1998 he lived in Liberty, Union Co., Ind.

ii. Dianna J. Born 1956. In 1998 she lived in Uncasville, Conn. In 2007 she lived in Tennessee. She married Unknown Himes.

57.ii.vi.iii. iii. Steven Robert. Born 12 Nov 1957 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.vi.iv. Stella Ruth[6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 6 Feb 1931 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. (also reported as Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.; also Hollywood, Monroe Co., W.Va.; also Brownsville, Ind.) Died 31 May 2009 in Liberty, Ind. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville, Union Co., Ind. In 2006 she enjoyed oil painting, flower gardening, played several musical instruments and belonged to Liberty [Ind.] Church of the Nazarene. She lived in Brownsville, Ind.

News Examiner, Connersville, Ind., 2 Jun 2009 and Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 4 Jun 2009: Brownsville, Ind.—Stella Ruth Hoke Adams, 78, of Brownsville, went home to be with the Lord at 12:17 p.m. Sun., May 31, 2009 at Sycamore Springs Nursing Home, Liberty, Ind., after a lengthy illness. She was born Feb 6, 1931 in Hollywood, W.Va..,one of ten children of Charles R. and Stella Virginia Honaker Hoke and as a child moved with her family to Union Co., Ind. She was the 1949 valedictorian of the Brownsville High School. She was married on June 24, 1951, in the Brownsville Church of Christ in Christian Union to Eugene “Gene” K. Adams. She was an active member ot the Liberty Church of the Nazarene, she enjoyed being involved in the church activities. She was a wonderful wife, devoted mother, grandmother, sister and aunt. In her leisure, she enjoyed painting, quilting, working on word puzzles, sewing and gardening. Family includes her husband of 57 years, Eugene K. Adams; seven children, Carolyn (Terry) Skinner, Cameron, Mo., Debbie (Dell) Kelly, Columbus, Ind., Jeff (Jacque) Adams, Liberty, Ind., Greg (Kay) Adams, Centerville, Ind., Beverly (John) Scott, Brownsville, Brad (Wanda) Adams, Liberty and Amy Reed, Benton, Ky.; 18 grandchildren, Jennifer Jackson, Michael Bauer, Lori Pottorff, David Kelly, Dan Kelly, Debbie Massey, Jessica Pitcher, Josh Adams, Jerod Adams, Julie Laird, Elijah Adams, Kayla Persinger, Jennifer Scott, Ben Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Jacob Adams, Witney McKinley and C.J. Reed; 22 great grandchildren; two sisters, Lucy (Kenny) Voiles, Richmond, Ind., and Charlene (Ray) Irrgang, Brownsville; two brothers, Fred (Betty) Hoke, Connersville, Ind., and Claude (Brenda) Hoke, Liberty; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents; three sisters, Sylvia Brown, Elsie Dixon and Alice Ulmer; two brothers, Robert Hoke and Raymond Hoke. Funeral services were held on Jun 3, 2009 at the Liberty Church of the Nazarene, with Dr. Ted R. Lee and Rev. Basil Shaw officiating. Burial was in Brownsville Christian Cemetery.

She married Eugene K. Adams, son of Elijah Adams and Pearlie Jane Adams (maiden surname), 24 Jun 1951 in Brownsville, Ind. Gene had the middle initial but no middle name. Born 11 May 1930 in Chillicothe, Ohio. Died of leukemia, diabetes, pneumonia and heart trouble 11 Dec 2009 in Richmond, Ind. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville, Ind. In 2006 he was a member of Liberty Church of the Nazarene, played harmonica in church, enjoyed raising a garden, and sports.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald and Palladium-Item, Richmond, Ind., 13 Dec 2009: Eugene K. “Gene” Adams went home to be with the Lord and his beloved wife at 12:48 p.m. Fri., Dec. 11, 2009. He was 79. After a battle with loneliness, heart and kidney trouble, he left his family behind at Reid Hospital to carry the torch of Godly living. His room was filled with family and friends as he closed his eyes on earth and opened them in heaven while they sang hymns and wiped tears. He was born May 11, 1930 in Chillicothe, Ohio, one of ten children of Elijah and Pearl Adams and came to Union County for residence in 1949. On June 24, 1951, he was married in the Brownsville Church of Christ in Christian Union to Stella Ruth Hoke and had lived in Union County since that time. Mrs. Adams died May 31, 2009. He had been employed by the Dana Corp. as an electrician for 33 years, retiring in 1986. An active member of the Liberty Church of the Nazarene, he enjoyed being involved in many church activities. He loved traveling, singing, playing guitar, farming, his Bible Study Fellowship and telling stories. Survivors include seven children: Carolyn (Terry) Skinner of Cameron, Mo., Debbie (Dell) Kelly of Columbus, Ind., Jeff (Jacque) Adams of Liberty, Greg (Kay) Adams of Centerville, Ind., Beverly (John) Scott of Brownsville, Brad (Wanda) Adams of Liberty, and Amy Reed of Benton, Ky.; 18 grandchildren, Jennifer Hart, Michael Bauer, Lori Pottorff, David Kelly, Dan Kelly, Debbie Massey, Jessica Pitcher, Josh Adams, Jerod Adams, Julie Laird, Elijah Adams, Kayla Persinger, Jennifer Scott, Ben Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Jacob Adams, Whitney McKinley and C.J. Reed; 20 great grandchildren; two sisters, Opal Forrester of Columbus, Ohio and Gladys Adams of Kingston, Ohio; a brother, Jake Adams and wife, Barbara, of Kingston, Ohio; and a number of nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by four brothers and two sisters. Funeral services will be conducted by Dr. Ted R. Lee and Rev. Basil Shaw at 1 p.m. Tue., Dec. 15, 2009 at the Liberty Church of the Nazarene and burial will be in the Brownsville Christian Cemetery. Friends may call from 4 until 8 p.m. Monday at Miller, Moster, Robbins Funeral Home and also from noon until 1 p.m. Tuesday at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to the Liberty Church of the Nazarene. Friends may visit online anytime at to sign the guest book or leave a message of sympathy for Gene’s family.

Children (all born in Richmond, Ind.):

57.ii.vi.iv. i. Carolyn Ruth[7] (called Carol). Born 14 Mar 1952.

57.ii.vi.iv. ii. Deborah Jean (called Debbie). Born 10 Apr 1956.

57.ii.vi.iv. iii. Jeffery Wayne. Born 23 Dec 1958.

57.ii.vi.iv. iv. Gregory James. Born 28 Aug 1960.

57.ii.vi.iv. v. Beverly Dawn. Born 24 Sep 1963.

57.ii.vi.iv. vi. Bradley Eugene. Born 9 Jul 1965.

57.ii.vi.iv. vii. Amy Michelle. Born 15 Oct 1966.

57.ii.vi.v. Alice May[6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Dec 1928 in West Virginia. Died 12 Oct 1994 in Dewey, Yavapai Co., Ariz.

She married, first, James McKee in Arizona. Born ca. 1925. Died in Arizona. Children:

i. Jamie[7]. Born in Arizona.

She married, second, Haskell C. Tillett, son of Pollard Tillett and Eva Hamilton. Born 19 Jan 1912 in Robertson Co., Ky. Died in Arizona. They had no children. Haskell was enumerated in the 1920 Fayette Co., Ind., census living in Connersville, Ward 4. He was in the Fayette Co., Ind., census living in Jackson.

She married, third, Ernest Ulmer in Arizona. Born 11 Sep 1921. Died 22 Nov 2005 in Dewey.

57.ii.vi.vi. Charles Raymond[6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph. Born 17 Jan 1933 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Died of a stroke 25 Jul 2006 in Connorsville, Ind. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville, Union Co., Ind. A tall man, was a detective and loved to hunt with guns and bow, enjoyed fishing and other outdoor sports. He suffered from diabetes, gout, ulcers and Parkinson’s Disease.

Obituary from Showalter-Blackwell-Long Funeral Home web site (with photograph): Charles Raymond Hoke, 73, of Connersville, Ind., died Tue., July 25, 2006 at Fayette Memorial Hospital. He was born in White [Sulphur] Springs, W.Va. on Jan. 17, 1933 to Charles and Stella Honaker Hoke. Formerly of Oroville, Calif., he had resided the past two years in Connersville. His life was that of a survivor. He was a member of the Black Powder group which included events surrounding being a mountain man, shooting, hand carving tomahawks, and building teepees He often stated, “I would have fit in the 1800s better.” He was an avid hunter, and a member of the National Rifle Association. He was elected as mayor of Palermo, Calif. in the 1970s, also worked as a deputy for ten years and spent the next 15 years as a detective for the Butte County Sheriff Dept. where he was able to break a major case and was highlighted in the Detective magazine, he then retired as a sergeant. He had great charisma, loved the outdoors, played several string instruments and often was referred to as a Kenny Rogers look alike. Survivors include his wife: Amelia Hoke, whom he married on Nov. 13, 1994 in Reno, Nev., five daughters: Brenda Walker of Portland, Ore., Cheryl Sedra of Eugene, Ore., Kathy and Scott Dudero of Temecula, Calif., Hillary Hoke of Red Bluff, Calif. and Heather Jackson of Los Gatos, Calif.; one son: Charles Samuel and Paulina Hoke of San Jose, Calif.; two brothers and their wives: Fred and Betty Hoke, of Connersville, Ind., Claude and Brenda Hoke of Liberty, three sisters and their husbands: Ruth and Gene Adams, of Brownsville, Lucy and Kenneth Voiles of New Paris, Ohio, Charlene and Ray Irrgang of Springersville, nine grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother, Robert Hoke and three sisters, Sylvia Brown, Elsie Dixon, and Alice Ulner. Friends may visit at Showalter Blackwell Long Funeral Home, Fosdick Chapel, Liberty, on Sat., July 29 at 8:30– 9:30 a.m. and a public graveside service will follow at the Brownsville Christian Union Cemetery at 9:45 a.m. Memorials may be made at the funeral home to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 2007: Images of the Past (with photograph): Grimace of a Killer?—Accused murderer Thomas Wiggins Graff Jr. [right] mugs for photographers with his dental bridge between his lips just before being taken back to the county jail. Graff appeared in Superior Court Monday afternoon for a hearing where he had to be gagged. He is charged with the March 25 bludgeon slaying of a Paradise resident.

—Enterprise-Record, Chico, Calif., unknown date, courtesy of Wanda Mae (Durbin) Honaker,

Ft. Branch, Ind.

The man on the left is Charles Raymond[6] Hoke, a tall man who served variously as mayor of Palermo, Calif., in the 1970s; was a deputy sheriff for ten years, and for 15 years was a detective for the Butte Co., Calif., Sheriff’s Department where he broke a major case. Born 17 Jan 1933 in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., a son of Charles Roosevelt and Stella Virginia (Honaker) Hoke, he was an avid hunter and fisherman, member of a black powder muzzle loading group, played string instruments, and enjoyed outdoor sports and activities including building teepees and making tomahawks.

He retired as a sergeant and in advancing years suffered from diabetes, gout, ulcers and Parkinson’s Disease. He died of a stroke 25 Jul 2006 in Connorsville, Ind., and is buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville, Union Co., Ind. He was married three times and had six children.

He married, first, Joan Bette Fostnot. They divorced Mar 1966 in Butte Co., Calif. Born ca. 1934. Children:

i. Brenda Kay[7]. Born 27 Nov 1952 in Los Angeles, Calif. In 2006 she lived in Portland, Ore. She married, first, Jim Walker, son of Clyde Walker and Unknown. She married second, Unknown Becerril. She married, third, Eduardo Hernandez 17 May 2007 in Springserville, Ind. Born in Mexico. He was a professional soccer player.

ii. Kathy L. Born 1 Oct 1956 in Los Angeles, Calif. She married Scott Dudero. In 2006 Scott lived in Temecula, Calif.

57.ii.vi.vi. iii. Cheryl Ann (called Charlene).

He married, second, Bonnie Lou Blankenship 6 Mar 1967 in Marysville, Butte Co., Calif. Born 1946. Children:

iv. Hillary Shenandoah. Born 26 Sep 1966 in Butte Co., Calif. Died 27 Oct 2007 in Paradise, Butte County. Buried in Oroville, Butte County. In 1990 she lived in Oroville, Calif. In 2006 she lived in Red Bluff, Calif.

Enterprise Record, Chico, Calif., 30 Oct 2007: Hillary Hoke, of Paradise, died Sat., Oct. 27, 2007 in Paradise. Arrangements are under the direction of Oroville Funeral Home.

57.ii.vi.vi. v. Heather Charity. Born 27 Aug 1969 in Butte Co., Calif.

57.ii.vi.vi. vi. Charles Samuel (called Sam). Born 24 Jun 1972 in Butte Co., Calif.

He married, third, Amelia Irene Stanfield (called Amy), daughter of Wade Cullum Stanfield and Evelyn Marie Ballantine, 13 Nov 1997 in Reno, Washoe Co., Nev. Born 17 Nov 1964 in Butte Co., Calif. She lived in Oroville, Butte County.

57.ii.vi.vii. Lucy M.[6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Jun 1940 in West Virginia. In 2006 she lived in Indianapolis, Ind. In 2008 she lived in Richmond, Ind. She was a professional cook. She and her husband raised Christopher and Sarah Voiles, the children of their son Scott. Scott went to prison and his wife was about to lose the children.

She married James Kenneth Voiles, son of Isaac Mitchell Voiles and Louverna Stephens, 18 Nov 1956. Born 1 May 1934 in McCreary, Ky. In 2006 he lived in New Paris, Ohio. He was said to be about ¼ Cherokee. In 2007 he lived in Richmond, Ind. Children:

57.ii.vi.vii. i. Kenneth Eugene (called Eugene). Born 9 Sep 1957 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.vi.vii. ii. Gary Lee. Born 5 Aug 1961 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

57.ii.vi.vii. iii. James Douglas[7] (called Doug). Born 2 May 1963 in Batesville, Ind.

57.ii.vi.vii. iv. Charles Scott (called Scott). Born 5 Mar 1965 in Connersville, Ind.

57.ii.vi.vii. v. Isaac Mitchell (called Mick). Born 2 Sep 1966 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.vi.vii. vi. Pamela Sue. Born 5 Aug 1969 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.vi.viii. Fred Jennings[ 6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 May 1943 in Union Co., W.Va. Died 29 Apr 2016 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. Buried in Brownsville Christian Cemetery, Brownsville, Union Co., Ind. In later life he suffered from diabetes, gout and heart problems.

Urban Winkler Funeral Home, Connersville, Ind.: Fred J. Hoke, 72, of Connersville, went home on Fri., April 29, 2016. He was born on May 16, 1943 in Monroe Co., W.Va., to Charles and Stella Honaker Hoke—both who preceded him in death. He is survived by his loving wife—Betty Jackson Hoke—who he married on June 18, 1961 in Liberty, Ind. He had been employed at D&M and Visteon in Connersville. He retired as a plumber from Visteon in 2004 due to his ill health. He enjoyed woodworking, gardening, and spending time with his family. He was always willing and ready to help anyone he could. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters—Leeann (Kenny) Hoke of Clearwater, Fla., and Amber (Bobby) Brown of Connersville, Ind.; three sons: Fred K. (Lisa) Hoke of Clearwater, Fla., Robert (Lee) Hoke of Brownsville, Ind., and Charles Hoke of Ohio; one brother—Claude (Brenda) Hoke of Liberty, Ind.; and a brother-in-law, Kenny Voiles of Richmond, Ind.; one sister—Charlene (Ray) Irgang of Brownsville, Ind.; nine grandchildren: Carrie, Stacey, Ladonn, Tierra, Stephanie, Elizabeth, Robert, Michele, and Mason; several great-grandchildren; and many friends. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by five sisters—Sylvia Brown, Elsie Dixon, Alice Ulmer, Ruth Adams and Lucy Voiles; and two brothers—Robert and Raymond Hoke. The funeral for Fred will be held on Tue., May 3, 2016, at 1 p.m. at the Urban-Winkler Funeral Home in Connersville, Ind., with the Rev. Robert Lee officiating. Burial will be in the Brownsville Christian Cemetery in Brownsville, Ind. Friends may call at the Urban-Winkler Funeral Home from 4 to 7 p.m. on Mon., May 2, 2016.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 1996 (with photograph, cutline “Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoke”)—Fred, Betty Hoke Celebrate 35 Years

Betty L. and Fred J. Hoke will celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary this month in their home in Connersville, Ind. The couple was married on June 18, 1961. Fred is employed at Ford in Connersville and Betty enjoys being a housewife. The couple has five children—Fred Jr., Leann, Robert, Charles and Amber.

He married Betty L. Jackson, daughter of Baldwin Jackson and Susan Ann King, 18 Jun 1961 in Connersville. Born 23 Mar 1945 in Union Co., W.Va. Children:

57.ii.vi.viii. i. Fred Jennings[7] Jr. Born 21 Jan 1962 in Oroville, Butte Co., Calif.

57.ii.vi.viii. ii. Stella LeeAnn. Born 11 Feb 1964.

iii. Charles. Born ca. 1966. As of 2007 he had no children.

57.ii.vi.viii. iv. Robert D. (called Robbie). Born Mar 1967.

57.ii.vi.viii. v. Amber N.[8] [adopted granddaughter] Born 11 Aug 1985. The daughter of Fred Jennings Jr. [7], son of Fred J. Hoke and Betty (Jackson) Hoke, Amber was adopted by Fred Sr. and Betty because her mother was only 15 years old.

57.ii.vi.ix. Claude Alexander[6] Hoke (Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1948 in West Virginia. In 2006 he lived in Liberty, Ind., where he had heart problems.

He married Brenda Ingang. She was a sister of Ira Ingang, who married Claude’s half sister Charlene Hoke. Children:

57.ii.vi.ix. i. Raymond A.[7] Born 1967.

57.ii.vii.i. Clifford Samuel[6] Webb (Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 31 Jan 1929 in Covington, Alleghany Co., Va. Died 20 Jun 1996 in Justice, Mingo Co., W.Va.

He married Ruby Little. Born ca. 1931 in Lexington, Ky. Children:

i. Susie[7].

ii. Sharon.

iii. Gary Wayne.

iv. Brenda.

v. Clifford Samuel, Jr. Born 14 Jun 1950 in Covington, Va. Died 12 Apr 2005 in Hanover, W.Va. Buried in West Cemetery, Rockhouse Mountain, Hanover. He served as a private in the U.S. Army.

57.ii.vii.iii. Dorothy[6] Webb (Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Died 3 Jul 2008 in Covington, Alleghany Co., Va. On 3 Jul 2008 she was hospitalized with heart failure in Covington; her usual residence was Calleghan, Alleghany Co., Va.

She married, first, Unknown Frank. Children:

i. Doug[7].

ii. Linda.

iii. Kenny.

iv. Winston.

She married, second, Lindsey Vass.

57.ii.vii.iv. Marshall T.[6] Webb (Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Jan 1927 in Covington, Alleghany Co., Va. Died 1 Feb 1983 in Glenwood, Fayette Co., Ind.

He married Dorothy Hensley. Born 1929. Children:

57.ii.vii.iv. i. Shirley[7].

57.ii.vii.iv. ii. Carol Sue.

57.ii.vii.iv. iii. Betty.

57.ii.vii.iv. iv. Thomas.

57.ii.vii.v. Winston Franklin[6] Webb (Annie Sallie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born May 1943 in Calleghan, Alleghany Co., Va. In his youth, Winston was known as Shelton. After high school, he was known as Ricky. He graduated high school in 1960, then joined a band in Roanoke, Va., where he took the nickname Ricky. In 2008 he lived in the Richmond, Va., area where he was a building contractor.

In 2008 he wrote the following profile about his family:

There are quite a few things of interest that might add to the record of our family history, including mom’s marriage to my dad, Jessie Webb, a direct decendent of Squire Boone, Daniel Boone’s dad, who married Mary Webb, a sister of George Thomas Webb 2nd, one of my great grandfathers. It’s so interesting, the history that you uncover when searching through family trees. Another example on the Webb side is that [famed country singer] Loretta Lynn Webb, from Butcher Hollow, Ky., is also related and  connected to the Boone family.

[It was reported to you] of my having a stroke. The fact is, I fell in the parking lot, after stepping off a curb in 5-in. of snow, going to see my wife Dot, who was in intensive care, getting a blood transfusion after a chemotherapy treatment, which went bad. I had her oxygen and my briefcase, as I was planning to stay with her overnight and work on my paperwork. When I got off the elevator going up to see her, I burst a blood vessel in the back of my neck from slipping on the curb. This let my optic nerves go without blood, causing them to be damaged, they said, beyond repair. I was told they would never heal or see again. I was legally blind, as half of each eye was dead. My eyes were checked by specialists who all concurred. I was released and they brought me home.

Then folks came from our church, Popular Springs Church of God, and prayed for my eyes. The interesting part is, that stating in his report, Dr. Kraus, of Richmond Va, said that through prayer, my blindness changed to a temporary condition, and after re-examination, was corrected. I have now been upgraded to my present status, in which I am at present driving with no restrictions. 

[After my first wife died] I met my second wife, Joanne Laney, on-line through the computer. We also parted because of a computer and the attention she gave to the dark sides of the net. We weren’t yoked right, as I thought of her one way and she was quite another. I discovered I was her fifth husband and our marriage actually didn’t have a chance as it was surely a mistake from the beginning. After many meetings with my pastor, who helped me decide to file for divorce, I decided to let it go and get on with my life.

I have known my present wife since the second grade, 1950, when we were seven years old. Her dad was Ernest Wyatt Kersey, from Alleghany, Va., just across the border from West Virginia. Her mother was Aretta Mae Bostic, from White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. She and I remained friends down through the years. During our school life, they held teachers meetings, we are told, of how to separate us, as where you seen one, close by was the other. Had her folks approved of our engagement as seniors we would have married. Because of that we went our separate ways.      

She was divorced, living in Roanoke, Va. since 1999. Had I known, she would have been my second wife, because when we re-met at our class reunion, we sort of  picked up where we left off as seniors in 1960. We now have children and grandchildren, all of which we are sharing. Our lives went into different directions only to have our paths cross, it appears at perfect timing, as I was separated, filing a no-fault divorce.

My mother and I was very close. I am the youngest, as my brother Howard died at a very young age, and they decided to have another child, which turned out to be me. I am at present working on gospel music, with my guitar, harmonica, piano, banjo, and anything else I can make music on, including a wash tub and spoons. My granddad Honaker taught me the harmonica, from a tot, and I loved to hear him play. He also gave me my first chew of tobacco, which I will never forget. I’m sure he planned it that way.

Ricky also wrote the following recollection:

I was born in a cabin, May, 1943. My Dad, Jessie Harmmond Webb, and his Dad George Thomas Webb, a (circuit riding preacher) built the cabin in Calleghan, Va. Since I graduated in 1960, went to Roanoke, Va., joned a band, playing music. They gave me the nickname, lil Ricky. I have been Ricky Webb, every since. I remember Uncle Golden, Aunt Stella, I was a lil guy then, some of my last memories, of him, is when he came in, and took a nap. He was always so full of himself. Before I remodeled Mom & Dads, in, getting ready to rentivate, it, Uncle Golden, & some folks came in, I think in the late 60’s early 70’s, I have moved from Calleghan, many years ago. Sis is still there, she has the ole home place…I am just passing through all this mess, getting ready for my journey to go Home. I have a music project, working on a country gospel [compact disc], a record, of Mom & Dad’s favorite songs, the ones I have written, also poems, from my wife Dot, in which I turned to music, some I have written since my wife passed, they are all mostly country Gospel, some about my childhood, growing up, most all includes My Savior, Jesus, and our Heavenly Father, giving him the praise, and all the glory, for my very existence on this earth, it’s a single project, me, I have cue base on here, learning the software, putting everything in layers, my guitar, harmonica, banjo, piano, if you wish, I will make it available to you guys, when it is finished. …..

I have come to Richmond [Va.] area, and am a Contractor, I do custom building, remodeling, lot development, etc. I lost my wife, Dorothy, “Dot,” March 29, 04, pancreatic cancer. I then had a stroke, lost my vision, but have recovered, and am now, back in the saddle. I was looking for my moms, family tree, did a 7 year study on Dad’s, so while I was finishing up, then went then, to my Mom’s. That is why I am still be on the site. ….. If there is anything you would I share, I would appreciate it. Please tell every one, I send my Love. Happy Trails, Good Luck, and My Prayer; God Bless you, all our Family, and everyone You Love, Winston/”Ricky” Webb.

He married, first, Dorothy Mae Dooley (called Dot), ca. 1960 in Sandston, Henrico Co., Va. Born 5 Nov 1945 in Bedford Co., Va. Died of pancreatic cancer 29 Mar 2004 in Sandston. Buried in Washington Memorial Park, Sandston.

Times-Dispatch, Richmond, Va., 31 Mar 2004: Dorothy Mae Webb, age 58, of Sandston, went to be with the Lord on Mon., Mar. 29, 2004. She is survived by her husband of 42 years, Ricky Webb; four children and their spouses, Randy Webb, Bruce and Toni Webb, Adam and Ellen Webb, and Ashley and Adam Melton; four grandchildren, Joseph, Kristen, Logan and Emily; and one granddaughter on the way; special grandchildren, Chad, David, and Justin; her sister, brothers and their spouses, Zelda and Tommy Brown, Walter and Debby Dooley, and Freddie and Jeanie Dooley; and a host of many other family members and friends. The family will receive friends 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday and 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the Nelson Funeral Home, 4650 S. Laburnum Ave., where a celebration of her life will be held at noon Friday. Interment Washington Memorial Park. The family would like to thank the staff at the Hospice of Central Va. for all of their help and support and ask that donations in lieu of flowers be made to the Hospice of Central Virginia.


i. Randy[7].

ii. Bruce A. He married Toni Varina.

iii. Adam. He married Ellen Unknown.

iv. Ashley. She married Adam C. Melton. They lived in Mechanicsville, Hanover Co., Va.

He married, second, Joan Lanley. They divorced.

He married, third, Ina Mae Kersey, daughter of Ernest Wyatt Kersey and Aretta Mae Bostic, 20 Sep 2008.

57.ii.viii.ii. Oscar McCoy[6] Nester (Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Aug 1930 in Rupert, W.Va. Died 24 Jan 1974 in Laurel, Franklin Co., Ind.

He married Wanda Hampton. Children:

i. Thomas Wayne[7]. Born 23 May 1951. Died 29 Jun 2009 in Bartow, Polk Co., Fla.

57.ii.viii.ii. ii. Theresa.

iiii. Winnie. She married Jeff Wilson. They divorced.

iv. Judy.

v. Unknown.

57.ii.viii.ii. vi. Dorothea[7]. Born ca. 1960.

57.ii.viii.iii. Ruby Virginia[6] Nester (Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 May 1932 in West Virginia. In 2006 she lived in Connersville, Ind.

She married, first, Henry L. Riddell, son of James Riddell and Bessie Unknown. Born 21 Aug 1928 in Oklahoma. Died of cancer Jun 1979 in Laurel, Franklin Co., Ind. Children:

i. Charles[7].

ii. Henrietta. She married Ronnie Belle.

iii. Unknown. Died 2009.

She married, second, Edwin John Dietzel, son of John Gietvel and Elizabeth Becker, 11 Oct 1979 in LaFolette, Campbell Co., Tenn. Born 26 Jul 1922 in Germany. He was a farmer.

57.ii.viii.iv. Irene C.[6] Nester (Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Nov 1936. Died 19 Apr 1994 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

She married Russell W. Fields. Born 13 Feb 1925. Died Jul 1995 in Indianapolis, Ind. Children:

i. Johnny[7]. Born ca. 1947.

ii. Russell W., Jr. Born ca. 1949.

iii. Sheril. Born ca. 1952.

57.ii.viii.vi. Naomi Ruth[6] Nester (Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 31 Mar 1940 in Indiana. Died 12 Dec 2002 in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio.

She married, first, Donald R. Abney 26 Oct 1990 in Scott Co., Ky. Born 1932.

She married, second, Stanley E. Makina, son of Unknown Makina and Unknown Harris. It was his second marriage. Born 24 Apr 1930 in Indiana. Died 24 Jul 1994 in Middletown, Butler Co., Ohio. He was a truck driver.

She married, third, Robert L. McKinney, son of Henry McKinney and Lora Denny. Born 15 Jul 1933 in Rock Castle, Garrard Co., Ky. Died 18 Sep 2007 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

Palladium Item, Indianapolis, Ind., 20 Sep 2007: Connersville, Ind.—Robert L. “Bob” McKinney Sr., 74, Indianapolis, died Tue., Sept. 18, 2007. Born July 15, 1933 Castle Rock, Ky., to Henry and Lora Denny McKinney, the Korean War Army veteran was a security guard. Survivors include children, Catherine Reed, Mark McKinney, Jessica French, Michelle McKinney, Robert McKinney Jr.; sisters, Geneva Hamm, Ruby Gibbs, Sue McKinney, Flora McKinney; brothers, Jack and Oscar McKinney. His wife, Naomi, is deceased. Service: 3 p.m. Sunday at Miller, Moster, Robbins Funeral Home, Connersville. Visitation 1–3 p.m. Sunday. Memorials to Make a Wish Foundation of Indiana.

Children (of Naomi and Robert):

i. Catherine[7]. Born ca. 1955. She married Unknown Reed.

ii. Mark.

iii. Jessica. Born ca. 1964. She married Unknown French.

iv. Michelle.

v. Robert L., Jr. Born ca. 1968.

57.ii.viii.viii. Herman Wayne[6] Nester (called Bud) (twin) (Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Oct 1944. Died 16 Mar 1999 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind.

He married Donna M. Unknown. Born ca. 1945. Children (there were eight, of whom one is known):

i. Mary Alice[7]. Born ca. 1970.

57.ii.viii.ix. Mildred[6] Nester (Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1945. In 2009 she lived in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio.

She married, first, Paul Avrams. Born ca. 1940. He died. Children:

i. Paulette[7]. Born ca. 1965.

ii. Tim.

She married, second, Moon Mullins. Born ca. 1943. He died.

57.ii.ix.i.i. Cleo H.[6] Crowder (Ida Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1927 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 1984 in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville, Union Co., Ind.

She married Albert N. Thompkins. Born 29 Dec 1923. Died Feb 1981 in Brownsville. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville. He served in combat with the U.S. Army during World War II. Children:

57.ii.ix.i.i. i. Kenneth E.[7] Born 19 Jul 1952 in Liberty, Ind.

ii. Robert. He married Linda Unknown.

iii. Annie.

iv. Debbie. In 2008 she was employed by The Liberty [Ind.] Herald. She married Tommy Matthews.

v. Ronald T.

57.ii.ix.ii. Ralph Hayes[6] Crowder (Ida Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Nov 1929 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 4 Jan 2002 in Reid Hospital, Richmond, Ind. Buried in West Point Cemetery, Richmond.

Unknown newspaper, Jan 2002 (with photograph): Liberty, Ind.—Ralph Hayes Crowder, 72, 109 E. Vine St., Liberty, died Fri., Jan. 4, 2002 at Reid Hospital in Richmond. He was born Nov. 10, 1929, in [Ronceverte], W.Va., to Clyde Conway and Ida Mae Honaker Crowder and had lived in Union County since he was 9 years old. He worked at Perfect Circle in Richmond for 30 years until his retirement in 1992. He was chairman of the Union County Democrat Party for 20 years and attended presidential inaugurations in 1976 and 1992. He was a member of Liberty Lodge 58 of the Free and Accepted Masons, Scottish Rite Valley of Indianapolis, United Auto Workers, Whitewater Valley Scottish Rite, Murat Temple in Indianapolis and Tarum Shrine Club in Richmond. He was past president of the Liberty Lions Club, a former assistant master for the Boy Scouts and manager of Little League, Babe Ruth League and minor league in Union County. He enjoyed motorcycling and had traveled to all the contiguous continental states, Canada and Mexico on his Honda. He also enjoyed playing cards and learning about life in Appalachia. Survivors include his wife of 53 years, Mary Alice Sharp Crowder, whom he married Oct. 30, 1948; two sons, Curtis C. Crowder of Richmond and Rick B. Crowder of Livermore, Calif.; one daughter, Lucinda Wilson of Economy; five grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Basil Crowder; and a sister, Cleo Tompkins. Service will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Showalter-Blackwell-Long Funeral Home, Baker-Fosdick Chapel, Liberty. The Rev. Darrell Franklin, pastor of the Griffith (Ind.) Church of God, has been asked to officiate. Burial will be at West Point Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6–8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home, where there will be a Masonic memorial service by Liberty Lodge 58 of the Free and Accepted Masons at 7:30 Monday night.

He married Mary Alice Sharp, daughter of Leo Sharp and Mabel Sanford, 30 Oct 1948. Born in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. In 2005 she lived in Liberty.

History of Union Co., Ind., Vol. 1, 1989: Crowder—Mary Alice attended school at Liberty and Anderson Beauty School. Formerly employed: Krogers, Foutz Drug Store, Hahns Jewelers and owner of Mary Alice’s Hair Fashion for 24 years. Mary Alice was the first woman to sit on Union Council, Past Matron of Eastern Star, Past member of Apron Strings Home Economic Club, Mothers Club and member of Methodist Church. Ralph and Mary Alice have three children: Lucinda Marie Crowder married Larry Wilson of Greensfork, Ind.; Curtis Conway Crowder married Sharon Chasteen of Richmond, Ind.; and Rick B. Crowder of Liberty, Ind. Ralph and Mary have five grandchildren: Denice Kay, Dawn Renee, Brian Paul, Krista Jo Wilson and Brandon Dant Crowder. Their hobby is travel. Ralph and Mary Alice have traveled 230,000 miles to every state and Canada on a touring motorcycle. They have been to Hawaii and Mexico. Union County is the best place to come home to.


i. Rick B.[7] Born ca. 1949.

57.ii.ix.ii. ii. Curtis Conway. Born 3 Nov 1951 in Richmond, Wayne Co., Ind.

57.ii.ix.ii. iii. Lucinda Maria (called Cindy.)

57.ii.ix.iii. Basil L.[6] Crowder (Ida Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 May 1935 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died 11 Jun 1986 in Brownsville, Union Co., Ind. Buried in Abington Cemetery, Union Co., Ind.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 12 Jun 1986: Basil L. Crowder, age 51, Rt. 1, Brownsville, died unexpectedly early Wednesday morning, June 11, at his home. He was born May 21, 1935 in West Virginia but lived in this area most of his life. He had served with the U.S. Marine Corps. Mr. Crowder was a foreman at Dana Home Products Corp., in Richmond, and a member of their 25 year club. He was also a member of Abington Christian Church. Survivors include his wife of 31 years, Barbara; two sons, Brad of Rt. 3, Liberty, and Brian, who is serving with the U.S. Army in Italy; two brothers, Ralph and Kennedy, both of Liberty, and two grandsons. The funeral will be held Friday, June 13 at 10:30 a.m. at Abington Christian Church. Officiating ministers will be the Rev. Leon Thomas and the Rev. Bud Parrish. The burial site will be Abington Cemetery. Friends may call from 3 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday (today), June 12 at Doan & Mills Funeral Home, 790 National Road West, Richmond. Memorial contributions may be directed to the Abington Christian Church or the American Heart Fund.

He married Barbara unknown ca. 1955. Children:

i. Brad Lee[7]. Born 1961. In 1986 he lived on Rt. 3, Liberty, Union Co., Ind.

ii. Brian. In 1986 he was serving with the U.S. Army, Europe in Italy.

57.ii.x.i. Margaret A.[6] Ramsey (Evelyn Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1934 in Indiana. In 2008 she was in a convalescent home in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. In 2009 she lived in Oxford, Ind.

She married Ralph G. Hudelson. Born 16 Mar 1928. Died 17 Aug 1998 in Connersville. Buried in Dale Cemetery, Connersville. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Children:

i. Ralph G.[7], Jr. Born 1953 in Indiana.

ii. Carol Ann. Born 1955. In 2009 she lived in Oxford, Ind.

iii. Unknown.

58.v.i.i. Thomas Andrew[6] French, Jr. (Lana Virginia[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Jun 1936 in Pocahontas, Va. He attended Emory & Henry College, Emory, Va., Bluefield [Va.] College, and served in the U.S. Air Force. His interests include golf, amateur radio operations, and flying. He has a Cessna Hawk XP. He and Gloria live in Pocahontas, Va.

He married Gloria Jean Crockett, daughter of William Cleon Crockett and Ishmael Hughes, 5 Jun 1961 in Sparta, N.C. Born 20 Dec 1940 in Pocahontas. She took degrees from Hiwassee College, Madisonville, Tenn., in 1969 and Bluefield [Va.] State College in 1975. She is a first grade teacher at Dudley Primary School, Pocahontas. In her spare time, Gloria does her own family's genealogy on her home computer. She was best friends with Donola French, Tom's sister, and met her future husband that way. Children:

58.v.i.i. i. Sandra Jean[7].

ii. Thomas Andrew, III (called Tom). Born 26 Nov 1963 in Bluefield, W.Va. He lives in Tazewell, Va.

58.v.ii.ii. William H.[6] Golden, Jr. (called Billy) (Lillian Muriel[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Sep 1944. He lives in Atlanta, Ga.

He married Trey Unknown. They divorced. Children:

i. Gary[7].

58.v.ii.iii. Virginia Ann[6] Golden (called Ann) (Lillian Muriel[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Nov 1947. She lives in Valdosta, Ga.

She married, first, Johnny Roger Willis, son of Jack Willis and Mary Frances Mobley, 17 Jul 1965. Born 20 Mar 1945. Died 8 Mar 1970. Buried in an unidentified Tift Co., Ga., cemetery. Children:

i. Debra Dianne[7] (called Debbie). Born 13 May 1967 in Waycross, Ga. She married Barnard Lee Hamlin 29 May 1993 in Valdosta, Ga.

ii. Johnny R., Jr. (called Bo). Born 1 Apr 1969 in Marietta, Ga. He married Lisa Louise Stevenson 3 Nov 1990 in Valdosta, Ga.

She married, second, Colan Carey Beverly, son of George Carey Beverly and Evelyn James, 14 Aug 1971. Born 15 Dec 1952. They divorced. Children:

iii. Kimberly Ann (called Kim). Born 1 Aug 1972 in Valdosta, Ga. She married, first, Thomas Dwayne Redding in Nov 1991. They divorced. She married, second, Ellis Shiver 26 Mar 1994 in Valdosta, Ga.

She married, third, William Coyle Embry, Jr. (called Billy), son of William Coyle Embry and Kathryn Hartley, 28 Mar 1981. Born 8 Nov 1951. Children:

iv. William Christopher (called Chris). Born 30 Dec 1982 in Valdosta, Ga.

58.v.ii.iv. Peggy Lynn[6] Golden (called Lynn) (Lillian Muriel[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Jun 1955 in Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Ga. She graduated from a technical high school in 1973 and became district manager, National Vision Associates, Ltd., a vision care firm. She is a Georgia licensed certified optician and a certified contact lens fitter. She enjoys reading, shopping, and music. She sings in a church choir and plays handbells. A member of First Baptist Church of Valdosta, she lives with her family in Valdosta.

She married Calvin William Nolan (called Calvin), son of Clinton David Nolan (called Clinton) and Virginia Nell Black (called Virginia), 16 Aug 1974. Born 16 Nov 1942 in Valdosta, Ga. He was also married to Barbara McLeod and Loretta Harnage. He has had a career in retail furniture management. In his spare time he enjoys fishing and sports. Lynn and Calvin also enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren. Children:

i. Kevin Ray[7] (called Kevin). Born 29 Jun 1976 in Valdosta, Ga.

58.v.ii.v. Donald Albert[6] Golden (called Don) (Lillian Muriel[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Mar 1951.

He married Debbie Unknown 13 May 1975 in Marietta, Ga. Children:

i. Kelly Elizabeth[7]. Born 16 Jun 1982.

ii. Christine Elaine. Born 23 Jun 1978.

58.v.iii.i. James Larry[6] Brewster (called Jim) (Ruth Earnestine[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1941 in Pocahontas, Va. He was principal of Pocahontas High School from 1981 to 1985. Prior to that he was principal of Graham High School, Bluefield, Va., during which time he presented a diploma to his brother Mark in 1978.

He married Ruth Stilwell. Children:

i. David[7].

ii. Todd.

58.v.iii.ii. Jack Alexander[6] Brewster (called Jack) (Ruth Earnestine[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Mar 1949 in Pocahontas, Va. He was formerly a radio-television newscaster and is an insurance claims administrator for the Norfolk & Southern Railroad.

He married Pamela Gail Akers, daughter of Jack McKinley Akers and Lillian Virginia Duckett, 4 Aug 1990 in Bluefield, W.Va. Born 25 Feb 1954 in Bluefield, W.Va. She was formerly married to Ricky Ray Snyder and brought two children to the marriage—John Mark Snyder (called John), born 26 Oct 1972 in Princeton, W.Va., married Tisha Barnett 4 Oct 1997 in Myrtle Beach, S.C., and lives in Salisbury, N.C.; and Tressa Rae Snyder, born 9 Jan 1977 in Portsmouth, Va., and lives in Bluefield, Va.

58.v.iii.iii. Jeffrey Mark[6] Brewster (called Mark) (Ruth Earnestine[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Sep 1960 in Tazewell, Va. He took a B.S. degree from Bluefield [W.Va.] College in May 1982. He is a sales manager at Ramey Automotive in Bluefield, Va.

He married Jennifer Abel, daughter of Roy Landen Abel and Mary Lucy Wimmer, 3 Mar 1991 at First United Methodist Church, Bluefield, Va. She is a homemaker with a talent for interior decorating. Children:

i. Scott Alexander[7] (called Scott). Born 11 Oct 1991 in Humana Hospital, Richlands, Va.

ii. Morgan Reid (Galled Morgan). Born 24 Feb 1994 in Humana Hospital, Richlands.

58.v.ii. Richard Albert[6] Honaker (called Rich) (Albert Newton[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 6 Apr 1951 in Atlanta, Ga. He was a class officer, prom king, and top graduate of the 1969 class of Hampton [Va.] High School. He was a Phi Beta Kappa and took a B.A. in Biology from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, in 1973. He received his medical degree from the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 1977. He established and maintains a group family medical practice in Carrollton, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, and has appeared on local television medical programs there. His interests include baseball, football, racquetball, and reading. He was a member of Methodist youth groups and now belongs to a Dallas physicians association and the American Medical Association. In 2008 he lived in New Carrolton, Texas.

He married, first, Ninon Keiko Fitzgerald 6 Sep 1980. Children:

i. Michele Nicole[7]. Born 12 Dec 1983. She lives with her mother in Atlanta.

He married, second, Ginger Laurine Huggins (called Ginger) 25 Apr 1998. Children:

ii. Delany Laurilyn. Born 10 Dec 2000 in Plano, Texas. A birth photo of her and her parents appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Mar-Apr 2001.

iii. Dayne Gregory. Born 16 Jan 2008.

58.v.v. Theu Kim Mai[6] Honaker (called Theu) (Albert Newton[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Feb 1959 in Laos. She attended Ferrum [Va.] College and graduated as a languages major from George Mason University, Fairfax, Va., in 1982.

She married Doug Weinberg 10 Sep 1988. He took masters degrees in finance and economics from George Washington University, Washington, D.C. They live in Centreville, Va. Children:

i. Kim Mai[7] (called Kim) She was born 21 Aug 1991 in Fairfax, Va.

58.v.v.i. Jack Buford[6] Honaker, Jr. (Jack Buford[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1949.

He married Alice Unknown. Children:

58.v.v.i. i. Jack Edward[7] (called Eddie).

58.v.v.ii. Sharon[6] Honaker (Jack Buford[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1952.

She married Steve Shinasi, possibly in Ohio. Children:

i. Evan[7].

ii. Erin.

80.viii.i. William Taft[6] Stilwell (Alma M.[5], William H.[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Jun 1932. Died 6 Apr 1999 in Belspring, Va. Buried in Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin, Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 8 Apr 1999: Stillwell, William Taft, 66, of Belspring, passed away Tue., Apr. 6, 1999 at his home. He was a retired yard conductor for Norfolk-Southern Railroad, and was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He was preceded in death by his father, Robert T. Stilwell; his mother and stepfather, Alma T. and Marshall Newcomb; and also by a grandson, Gregory Cole. Survivors include three sons, William Lynn Stilwell of Radford, Rodney Wayne Stilwell of Dublin, and Rocky Allen Goad of Christiansburg; four daughters, Lois Ann Taylor and Debra Jean Cole, both of Pulaski, Karen Goad Duncan of Christiansburg, and Christine Stilwell Cupp of Blacksburg; one brother, Ronnie Leon Stilwell of Belspring; 13 grandchildren; and one great grandchild; a special friend, Bill Boy Albert; and his pastor and long time friend, Dallas Vines. Funeral services will be held Fri., Apr. 9, 1999 at 2 p.m. at the New Life Harvest Church in Radford with Rev. John East officiating. Interment will follow in Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin. The family will receive friends from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Thursday at the Seaver-Sanders & Mullins Funeral Home in Radford.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. William Lynn[7].

ii. Rodney Wayne.

iii. Lois Ann. She married Unknown Taylor.

80.viii.i. iv. Debra Jean.

v. Karen [Goad]. She married Unknown Duncan.

vi. Rocky Allen [Goad].

vii. Christine. She married Unknown Cupp.

83.iii.v. Zelma[6] Carden (called Al) (James Stern[5], Charles Madison Waterson[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1913. Died 20 Oct 2001 in Radford, Va. Buried in Sifford Cemetery, Parrott, Pulaski Co., Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 21 Oct 2001: McGinnis, Zelma Carden, 88, of Radford, died Sat., Oct. 20, 2001 in a Radford Health Care Center. She was the widow of G.B. McGinnis and was also preceded in death by two sons, Luther and Wayne McGinnis and two stepsons, Andrew and Eugene McGinnis and a great-granddaughter. Surviving are a daughter, Pamela Phillips of Martinsville; a son, Dempsey McGinnis of Parrott; a brother, Paul Carden of Roanoke; and a sister, Euvalee McGinnis of Richmond, Ky. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Mon., Oct. 22, 2001 at the Parrott Church of God with the Rev. Eddie Dalton and the Rev. Donnie Minnick officiating. Interment will follow in Sifford Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Sun., Oct. 21, 2001 at the DeVilbiss Funeral Home, Radford.

She married G.W. McGinnis. Children:

i. Luther[7].

ii. Wayne.

iii. Pamela. She married Unknown Phillips.

iv. Dempsey.

83.iii.x. Alfred Graton[6] Carden (called Al) (James Stern[5], Charles Madison Waterson[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Jun 1928 in Parrott, Pulaski Co., Va. Died 14 Jan 2001 in Roanoke, Va. Buried in Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin, Pulaski Co., Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 17 Jan 2001: Carden, Alfred Graton (Al), 72, of 317 Maple Street, Dublin, died Sunday morning, Jan. 14, 2001 in the Community Hospital of the Roanoke Valley. He was born in Parrott on June 28, 1928 and was the son of the late James Stern Carden and Emma Collins Carden. He was a retired employee of Lynchburg Foundry, having 37 years of service. He was a member of the Dublin United Methodist Church and a member of the Thornspring Golf Club. Surviving are his wife, Sue Brillheart Carden, Dublin; daughters and son-in-law, Sarah Spence, Grand Rapids, Mich., Amy and Luke Rooks of Hawaii; sons and daughters-in-law, Nick and Juliet Carden, Leesburg, Ga., Tony and Paula Carden, Evans, Ga.; sisters, Zelma McGinnis, Parrott, Euva Lee McGinnis, Richmond, Ky.; brother, Paul Carden, Roanoke; grandchildren, Christopher Scott, Jesse Scott, Andrew Spence, Gray Carden, Joshua Carden, Jacob Carden and Hannah Rooks. Funeral service will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. from Stevens Funeral Chapel with Rev. Richard Patterson officiating. Burial will follow in the Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin. Visiting will be Wednesday evening from the funeral home where the family will receive friends from 6 until 8 p.m. The family wishes that memorials may be made to the Dublin United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 577, Dublin, Virginia 24084. Arrangements by Stevens Funeral Home, Pulaski.

He married Sue Brillheart. Children:

83.iii.x. i. Sarah[7].

83.iii.x. ii. Amy.

iii. Nick. He married Juliet Unknown.

iv. Tony. He married Paula Unknown.

87.v.i. Catherine[6] Carden (Abraham Lincoln[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Unknown McHone. Children:

i. Christy Lee[7]

104.iii.i. Charlotte Anne[6] Eanes (Peter Cline[5], Bess Sims[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 25 Jan 1947.

She married Clarence Allen Smith 13 Jan 1968. Born 9 Apr 1948. Children:

104.iii.i. i. Cherie Annette[7]. Born 20 Oct 1970.

104.iii.i. ii. Christopher Allen. Born 22 Jan 1976.

104.iii.ii. Carl Raymond[6] Eanes (Peter Cline[5], Bess Sims[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Nov 1951. In 2009 he lived in Yorktown, Va.

He married, first, Georgia Anne Grannis Jun 1973. They divorced. Children:

104.iii.ii i. Stacy Rae[7]. Born 1 Mar 1975.

104.iii.ii. ii. Melissa Anne.

He married, second, Eloise Brown Miller 22 Nov 1986.

104.iii.iii. Glenn Edward[6] Eanes (Peter Cline[5], Bess Sims[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 6 Nov 1952.

He married Robin Ray Willis 23 Feb 1980. Born 10 Apr 1958. Children:

i. Thomas Edward[7]. Born 19 Sep 1984.

ii. Amber Ray. Born 13 Sep 1988.

115.ii.vii. Dorcus Lozell[6] Roten (Myrtle E.[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1932 in Bluefield, Va. Died 30 Sep 2002 in Bluefield [W.Va.] Regional Medical Center. Buried in Grandview Memory Gardens, Bluefield, W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 2 Oct 2002: Bluefield, Va.–Dorcus Lozell Roten Mitchell, 70, of 133 Hicks St., Bluefield, Va., died Mon., Sept. 30, 2002 at Bluefield Regional Medical Center. She was born in Bluefield, Va., and was a daughter of the late John Thomas Roten and Myrtle Honaker Roten. Dorcus attended the Highland Avenue Church of God in Bluefield, Va., was a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary of the Abbs Valley–Boissevain Fire Department. She was preceded in death by a sister, Ola C. Roten Ledbetter; and by brothers, John Roten Jr., Everett Roten, Douglas Roten, Cecil Ray Roten and Curtis Roten. Survivors include four sons, Cecil Mitchell and wife, Janie of Bluefield, Va., Barry (Pee Wee) Mitchell and wife, Linda of Green Valley, John Mitchell and wife, Tammy of Bluefield, Va., and Steven Mitchell of Bluefield, Va.; brothers, Herman Roten of Bluefield, Va. and Raymond Roten of Eleria, Ohio; sister, Dorothy Roten Kaluk of Bluefield, Va.; special nephew, Ronnie Herald; 12 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Maw was a grandmother to everyone. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Dudley Memorial Chapel in Bluefield, Va., with the Rev. Tony Barnes officiating. Burial will follow in the Grandview Memory Gardens.

She married Unknown Mitchell. Children:

i. Cecil[7]. He married Janie Unknown.

ii. Barry (called Pee Wee). He married Linda Unknown.

iii. John. He married Tammy Unknown.

iv. Steven.

115.v.ii. Carl Allen[6] Honaker (John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1937. Died 2005.

He married Bertha Ruth Horne, daughter of William M. Horne and Helen Virginia Hazelwood. Born 13 May 1940. Died 8 Jul 2004 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 9 Jul 2004: Bertha Ruth Honaker, 64, of Route 4, Box 126D, Bluefield, died on Thurs., July 8, 2004 in a Bluefield hospital. Born on May 13, 1940 she was the daughter of the late William M. and Helen Virginia Hazelwood Horne. She had lived at Route 4, Bluefield for the past 20 years, was of the Pentecostal Holiness faith and was a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. In addition to her parents, her daughter, Debbie Ann Honaker; and two brothers preceded her in death. Survivors include husband, Carl Allen Honaker of the home; sons, John Allen Honaker and wife, Dee of Tazewell, Va., David Lee Honaker of Tazewell, and Ronnie Leon Honaker of Athens; daughters, Phyllis Ann Honaker and fiancé, Kenneth Lilly of Rocky Gap, Va., Rena Viola Sigmons of Myrtle Beach, S.C., Brenda Hatley and husband, Sidney of Albemarle and Elizabeth Angles and husband, Steve of Bluefield-Tazewell Road; brother, Tommy Horne of Brushfork; sisters, Ella Mae Bogle of Bluewell, Amanda Blankenship of Princeton and Marie Thornton of Princeton; 17 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held on Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell with the Rev. Jimmy Meadows officiating. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton where pallbearers will be Robert Watterly, Kenneth Lilly, David Cowan, Jackie Angles, Scottie Altizer, and Sidney Hatley. Friends may call today from 6–9 p.m. at the funeral home. The Cravens-Shires Funeral Home is serving the Honaker family.


i. Debbie Ann[7]. Died before 2004.

ii. John Allen. He married Dee Unknown.

iii. David Lee.

iv. Ronnie Leon.

v. Phyllis Ann. She married, first, David Callam and had two unknown children. She

married, second, Kenneth Lilly.

vi. Rena Viola. She married Unknown Sigmons.

vii. Brenda. She married Sidney Hatley.

viii. Helen Elizabeth (called Libby). She married Steve Angles.

115.v.iii. Tommy[6] Honaker (John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1939.

He married Phyllis Burton. Children:

115.v.iii. i. Debbie[7].

115.v.iii. ii. Marlene.

iii. Bobbie.

115.v.iv. Clara V.[6] Honaker (also Claire) (John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1943.

She married James Doll. Born 1935. Died 2007. Children:

115.v.iv. i. Richard Arland[7]. Born 1959.

115.v.iv. ii. Robin Elizabeth. Born 1961.

115.v.iv. iii. Aleshia Diane. Born 1964.

115.v.iv. iv. Tammy Kay. Born 1968.

v. John Wayne. Born 1973. He married, first, Sherry Greer. He married, second, Peggy


115.v.v. Helen Geraldine[6] Honaker (John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1936. Died 1991.

She married, first, Raymond Addison. Born 1930. Died 1978. Children:

115.v.v. i. Dorothy Darlene[7].

ii. Georgie Louise. She married Doug Thomas.

iii. Rebecca Diane. Born 1954. 13. Died 1991. She had three children, Donna, Teressas, and


iv. Tommy Lee Ray.

She married, second, Charles Windford Woodie. Born 1927. Died 1986. Children:

v. Molly.

vi. Dee.

vii. Charlene.

viii. Charles Windford, Jr.

119.ii.ii. Doris Lee[6] Setliff (Hazel Gaynell[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

Born 16 Mar 1923 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 13 Feb 2006 in Radford, Va. Buried in Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin, Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 15 Feb 2006: Doris Lee Setliff, 82, of Radford, passed away Mon., Feb. 13, 2006. He was retired from the military serving as a sergeant in the U.S. Army and a master sergeant in the U.S. Air Force with 20 years combined service. His service included World War II, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War. He received many military honors including a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star Medal. He also retired from the Virginia Employment Commission with 20 years of service. He was a member of the Fairlawn Baptist Church, the Lewis & Clark #132 AF&AM, the Scottish Rite Bodies of Bismarck, N.D., and the Bahia Shrine Temple in Orlando, Fla. Mr. Setliff was born March 16, 1923 in McDowell Co., W.Va., the son of the late Dennis Noel and Hazel Gaynell Honaker Setliff. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nancy Jane Mullins Setliff. Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Dennis and Imogene Setliff of Radford; a granddaughter, Jennifer Denise Setliff of Alexandria; and one sister, Blanche Farley of Pikeville, Tenn. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thurs., Feb. 16, 2006 at the Fairlawn Baptist Church with the Rev. Danny Collins officiating. Interment will follow in the Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin where members of V.F.W. Post #776 will conduct military graveside rites. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be made to either the Alzheimer’s Assoc., 70 East Lake St., Chicago, IL 60601-9971 or the American Cancer Society, 9 East Church Ave., Roanoke, VA 24011. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the church. The Setliff family is in the care of Mullins Funeral Home & Crematory in Radford.

He married Nancy Jane Mullins 12 Oct 1946. Born 9 Mar 1929. Died before 2006. Children:

i. Dennis[7]. He married Imogene Unknown.

119.iv.i. Lonnie Boyd[6] White Jr. (Ferol Virginia[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 2 Apr 1926 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 1 Feb 2006 in Ashland. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. He attended Northfork [W.Va.] High School and enlisted in the U.S. Navy 14 Jan 1944 at Great Lakes Naval Station, Ill., then served in Italy, England and France.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 3 Feb 2006: Lonnie Boyd White Jr., 79, of HC 76 Box 665A, Ashland, passed away on Wed., Feb. 1, 2006 at his residence. Mr. White was born on April 2, 1926 in Ashland, to the late Lonnie Boyd White Sr. and Ferol Honaker White. Mr. White had been a resident of Ashland his entire life and had worked for Ashland Coal Company for 38 years. He was retired from Stevens Clinic as a maintenance worker. He was a member of the [United Mine Workers of America], veteran of World War II and was a member of the Prosperity United Methodist Church. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a daughter, Linda White and four brothers, James Larry White, Richard White, Houston “Buddy” White and Homer Jack White. Survivors include wife, Bettie Maybelle Owens White of Ashland; sons, Kenneth Boyd White of Fort Myers, Fla., Lonnie “Rocky” White of Ronceverte; brothers, Wallace Gene White of Montcalm, Bert White of Hampton, N.H.; sisters of the heart, Norma Jean Johnson of Rock, Irene Osborne of Ashland; grandchildren, Bryan White, Lillie White, Linda White and Raycheal Osborne. Mr. White loved his Lord, family, children and friends. Funeral services will be conducted Mon., Feb. 6, 2016 at 11 a.m. at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell, with the Rev. Douglas Hyndrich and the Rev. Earl Hill officiating. Burial will follow in Roselawn Memorial Gardens on the Courthouse Road in Princeton, where Randy White, Johnny East, Johnny Hazelwood, Keith Dargo, Wayne Wyatt and Cody Johnson will serve as pallbearers and the Mercer County Veterans Council will conduct military graveside rites. The White family will receive friends at the funeral home Sunday from 6-8 p.m. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Prosperity United Methodist Church at Route 2 Box 140-A, Rock, WV 24747. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home is serving the White family.

He married, first, Mildred Aliff in 1947. He married, second, Bettie Maybelle Owens in 1953. Children (mother not identified):

i. Kenneth Boyd[7].

ii. Lonnie (called Rocky).

iii. Linda. Died before 2006.

119.iv.ii. Wallace Gene[6] White (called Gene) (Ferol Virginia[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 31 May 1928 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 30 Nov 1013 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer County.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 2 Dec 2013: Wallace G. “Gene” White, 85, of Montcalm, W.Va., passed away Sat., Nov. 30, 2013 at Bluefield Regional Medical Center, in Bluefield, W.Va. Born May 31, 1928 in Ashland, W.Va., he was the son of the late Lonnie White Sr. and Ferol Honaker White. He was a veteran in the U.S. Navy and a mine foreman. He attended the Bluefield Congregation of Jehovah’s Witness and was a member of the [United Mine Workers of America.] In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his five brothers Lonnie B. White Jr., Jack White, Richard White, Larry White and Buddy White. He will be sadly missed by his wife Mary Nell (Hart) White of Montcalm; son Randall K. White of Montcalm; and his daughter Rebecca A. Griffith and husband Randall of Rock, W.Va.; his brother Bert White and wife Darlene of New Hampshire; his very special sister Betty White of Montcalm, W.Va.; and his four grandchildren Jamie Hurt, Kelly Hurt, Rena Lambert and husband Sam, and Robbie Hurt and wife Emily. He also had nine great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Visitation for Gene will be 12 to 1 p.m. Tue., Dec. 3, at Roselawn Funeral Home Chapel. Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. with Elder Thomas Baynes, and Elder Tom Boone officiating. Burial will follow in Roselawn Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers will be Jamie Hurt, Rocky White, Richie White, Kevin White, Rod McMillan and Butch McLeod. To leave online condolences with the family, please visit . Services entrusted to Roselawn Funeral Home, 450 Courthouse Road, Princeton, W.Va.

He married Mary Nell Hart. Children:

i. Randall K.[7].

ii. Rebecca A. She married Randall Griffith.

119.iv.iii. Homer Jackson[6] White (called Jack) (Ferol Virginia[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Oct 1930 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va Died 21 Oct 2003 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, unknown date: Homer “Jack” White, 73, of PO. Box 401, Montcalm, died on Tue., Oct. 21, 2003 in a Bluefield hospital. Born on Oct. I0, 1930, in Ashland, he was a son of the late Lonnie B. and Ferol V. Honaker White. He had been a resident of Montcalm for 21 years and was a member of the Montcalm United Methodist Church. He was retired from the maintenance department at Princeton Community Hospital. He was a U.S. Navy veteran and served during the Korean conflict. Survivors include: Wife: Betty Jane Sexton White of the home; two daughters: Judith A. White of Huntsville, Ala., Susan C. Santiago and husband Filberto of Kissimmee, Fla.; one granddaughter: Emily Jane Santiago; three brothers, Lonnie B. White Jr. and wife Maybelle of Ashland, Wallace Gene White and wife Mary Nell of Montcalm, Bertram M. White and wife Darlene of Hampton Beach, N.H. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Friday at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home Chapel in Bluewell with the Rev. David Ratcliff officiating. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton where the Mercer County Veterans Council will conduct military graveside services. Rocky, Ritchie, Randy, Michael and Bertram White, Fil Santiago, Butch McCloud, and Jim Taylor will serve as pallbearers.

Friends may call today from 6-8 p.m. at the funeral home. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell is serving the White family.

He married Betty Jane Sexton. Children:

i. Judith A.[7]

119.iv.iii. ii. Susan C.

119.iv.iv. Richard Lee[6] White (Ferol Virginia[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Dec 1932 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va Died 7 Mar 2003 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 9 Mar 2003: Richard Lee White Sr., 70, of P O. Box 225, Montcalm, died Fri., March 7, 2003, in a Bluefield hospital. Born on Dec. 17, 1932, in Ashland, he was a son of the late Lonnie White Sr. and Ferol Honaker White. He had lived in Montcalm for the past 22 years, was a member of the Brushfork Baptist Church, and was retired from the U.S. Government and the Bluefield Sanitary Board. He was a veteran of the Korean Conflict having served in the U.S. Air Force. Survivors include wife, Shirley Dunford White of the home; sons, Michael White of Princeton, Richard White Jr. of Montcalm, and Kevin White of Princeton; daughter, Linda McLeod of Bluewell; brothers, Gene White of Montcalm, Homer White of Montcalm, Lonnie White Jr. of Ashland, and Bertram White of New Hampshire; 20 grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held 1 p.m. Monday at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell with the Rev. Jim Richardson officiating. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton where the Mercer County Veterans Council will perform military graveside honors. Pallbearers will be Michael White, Richard White Jr., Kevin White, Burton McLeod, Lloyd McLeod, and Jason McLeod. Friends may call 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

He married Shirley Dunford. Children:

i. Michael[7].

ii. Richard Lee, Jr.

iii. Kevin.

iv. Linda. She married Unknown McLeod.

119.iv.v. Huston Ellis[6] White (called Buddy) (Ferol Virginia[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Mar 1937 in Ashland, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 8 Aug 2002 in Pelham, Hillsborough Co., N.H. Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Salem, Rockingham Co., N.H.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 9 Aug 2002: Pelham, N.H.—Huston E. White, a Pelham resident since 1984, died Thursday morning at his home. He was 65 years old. He was born in Ashland and was educated in Northfork. Mr. White retired in 1995 from Raytheon Corp. in Andover, Mass., where he worked in maintenance. For 32 years he served as the union rep at Raytheon. In December 1957, he moved from Memphis, Tenn., to Waltham, Mass., and later to the greater Lawrence, Mass., area. He was a member of the Lawrence Elks Lodge and the Order of the Moose in Waltham. Huston was a member of Haverhill Alliance Church of Haverhill, Mass. He was the husband of the late Evelyn L. (Harless) White who died Feb. 6, 2002; and brother of the late James Larry White. Survivors include one son, Anthony and wife, Stacy White of Pelham; four daughters, Tyena White of Pelham, Karen White of Salem, N.H., Sharon and husband, Bob Drago of Newton, Mass., and Melissa and husband, Joe Daoust of Sandown, N.H.; five brothers, Lonnie B. White Jr. and wife, Maybelle, Wallace White and wife, Mary Nell, Homer White and wife, Betty and Richard White and wife, Shirley, all of West Virginia, and Bertrand White and wife, Darlene of Hampton Beach, N.H. Survivors also include six grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Douglas & Johnson Funeral Home, 214 Main St. in Salem followed by burial in Pine Grove Cemetery in Salem. Relatives and friends may call at the funeral home from 3–7 p.m. Monday. To send a message of condolence to the family please visit our web site at

He married Evelyn L. Harless. Died 6 Feb 2002. Children:

i. Anthony[7]. He married Stacy Unknown.

ii. Tyena.

iii. Karen.

iv. Sharon. She married Bob Drago.

v. Melissa. She married Joe Daoust.

119.vii.i. Sherman Huston[6] Bailey (Bernice Clara[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Sep 1937 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va. Died 8 Aug 2000 in Cameron Park, El Dorado Co., Calif.

Sacramento [Calif.] Bee, unknown date: Sherman Bailey, Roseville’s ‘go-to’ guy, by Steve Gibson, Bee Staff Writer, photo with cutline, “The retired Air Force master sergeant was an avid golfer who sometimes played before he went to work.”

Retired Master Sgt. Sherman Bailey, who repaired Cold War era warplanes before starting a second career as an electronics technician for the city of Roseville, is dead at 62. The award-winning municipal employee died Tuesday of cancer. His 23 years of military service included a seven-year stint at Beale Air Force Base where, among other things, he worked on the complex avionics systems of the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane.

After retiring from the Air Force and settling in Rancho Cordova, he was hired by Roseville. He was in charge of the crew that kept the pumps and electrical controls running in the water and sewage treatment plants. During his 19 years with Roseville, he was three times a recipient of the city’s “Pride of Roseville” award for outstanding performance.

Mr. Bailey was cited for his leadership and redesign of part of the sewage treatment plant’s computer control system. “He was our ‘go-to’ guy,” said Mark Cossairt, who worked with him. “Any time there was a problem, we would go to Sherman. He was the one who would get ’em up and running.” Mr. Bailey also was a charismatic fellow with natural leadership skills who made the city’s Environmental Utilities Department—of which he was a part—function more smoothly, said his boss, Derrick Whitehead. “He had this ability to bring people together, the ability to take a group and get them to jell as a team,” Whitehead said. “People flocked to him.”

Born in Crumpler, W.Va., Sherman Huston Bailey was the son of the former Bernice Honaker and Hugh Sherman. Shortly after graduating from high school in Princeton, W.Va., he enlisted in the Air Force. While stationed at Beale, from 1965 to 1972, he and his wife, the former Mary Mattice, decided to settle in the Sacramento region. He was an avid golfer who sometimes would play before coming to work, according to colleagues. He was a member of the Cold Springs Golf and Country Club in Placerville.

In addition to his wife, survivors include sons, Ron Bailey of Lincoln, Neb., and Douglas Bailey of Bremerton, Wash.; daughters, Kathryn Moreno of Folsom and Lisa Bailey of Cameron Park; and seven grandchildren. Services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Monday in Pleasant Grove Community Church, 1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville.

He married Mary Elaine Mattice 7 Feb 1958 in Lincoln, Neb. Born 26 Oct 1937. Children:

i. Ron[7].

ii. Douglas.

iii. Kathryn. She married Unknown Moreno.

iv. Lisa.

119.ix.i. Carla Lynne[6] Honaker (Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Nov 1945 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. She graduated from Danville [Ind.] High School, Hendricks Co., Ind., in May 1964; there she served four years on Student Council and was a member of yearbook staff, Pow Wow newspaper staff, Tri-Hi-Y, Booster Club, cheerleader, robed choir and Latin Club. She took a B.S. in Elementary Education from Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Ind. , in Jan 1973 (attending 1964-1967 and 1971-1972). She took an M.S. in Elementary Education from Butler University, Marion Co., Ind., 20 Dec 1979.

She taught first, second, third and fourth grades for a total of 29 years in Inverness, Fla., Champaign, Ill., Brownsburg, Ind., Hebron, Ind., and Merrillville, Ind., before retiring in 2006. In 2014 she lived in Crown Point, Lake Co., Ind., where she was a member of Crown Point United Methodist Church, was a family genealogical researcher and member of the Honaker Family Association, and was a former member of Delta Kappa Gamma, a teaching fraternal order.

She married, first, Donald Lee Wright, son of Chalmers L. Wright and Verna Pearl Emmert, 26 Aug 1967 in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind. They divorced 22 Apr 1971 in Danville. Born 24 Aug 1943 in Danville. Died 14 Apr 2015

Indianapolis [Ind.] Star, 14 Apr 2015: Donald Lee Wright, 71, Danville, passed away on April 13, 2015. Born Aug. 24, 1943 in Danville, he was the son of Chalmers and Verna Emmert Wright. He married Karen Walker on Dec. 6, 1975. Donnie earned a bachelor's degree in education and spent most of his lifetime as a real estate broker. He was a member of the Conservation Bird Dog Club. Survivors include his wife, Karen Wright of Danville; son, Timothy Lee (Mary Rose) Wright of Danville; daughter, Tamara Michelle (Chris) Lewis of Crown Point; brother, Carl Wright of Avon; sisters, Eva Jean Richardson of Maryland, Ellen Neal of Avon; grandchildren, Morgan and Tanner. His parents and siblings, Junior, G. Thomas Wright, Ann Harpool, preceded him in death. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Fri., April 17, 2015 in Whitestone Christian Church, Coatesville. Calling will be from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thurs., April 16, 2015 in the church. Contributions may be made to Alzheimer’s Association 50 E. 91st St #100, Indianapolis, IN 46240. Baker Funeral Home, Danville, is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made at:

She married, second, Karen Fae Walker 6 Dec 1975 in Danville. Born 27 Mar 1951. In 2014 he and Karen lived in Danville. Children (of Carla and Donald):

119.ix.i. i. Tamara Michele[7]. Born 11 Mar 1968 in Danville.

She married, second, Douglas Gene Myers, son of Clinton Franklin Myers and Phyllis Amanda Thompson, 29 Dec 1973 in Danville. They divorced 12 May 1987 in Crown Point. Born 22 Apr 1946 in Indianapolis, Ind. In 2014 he lived in Crown Point. There were no children.

She married, third, John Baptist Parent, son of William Edward Parent and Elvara Mae Erickson, 28 Jul 1990 in Hobart, Lake Co., Ind. They divorced 3 Mar 1995 in Crown Point. Born 16 May 1948 in South Bend, St. Joseph’s Co., Ind. Died 6 Aug 2003 in Mishawaka, St. Joseph’s County. There were no children.

119.ix.ii. Judith Ann[6] Honaker (Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Dec 1946 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. In 2015 she lived in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind.

She married Steven Bradley Clark, son of Henry Robert Clark and Eva Margaret Tharp, 28 Jan 1966 in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind. Born 6 Feb 1947 in Indiana. Children:

119.ix.ii. i. Steven Troy[7]. Born 30 Nov 1966 in Danville.

119.ix.ii. ii. Christopher Brian. Born 29 Mar 1970 in Danville.

119.ix.ii. iii. Joseph Adam. Born 18 Jul 1977 in Danville.

119.ix.iii. Marisa Dee[6] Honaker (Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Nov 1955 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Ind. In 2015 she lived in North Salem, Hendricks Co., Ind.

She married Stephen Wayne Crouch, son of the Rev. Louis Dean Crouch and Norma Jean Burge, 22 Jun 1974 in Lizton, Hendricks Co., Ind. Born 19 Nov 1952 in Salem, Marion Co., Ill. Children:

i. Jeremiah Wayne[7]. Born 19 Nov 1977 in Lafayette, Allen Co., Ind. In 2015 he lived in North Salem and was not married.

119.ix.iii. ii. Stephanie Michelle. Born 22 Nov 1980 in Lafayette.

119.ix.iii. iii. Elizabeth Dee. Born 3 Jul 1984 in Lafayette.

121.v.iii. Joycelyn Carol[6] Rogers (called Carol) (Glenna Mae[5], India Anna[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born at home 12 Oct 1940 in Mason Co., W.Va. She graduated from Point Pleasant [W.Va.] High School, Mason County, in 1958. She had pharmacy training and was a pharmacy technician for 20 years at Hockenberry Pharmacy, Point Pleasant. She was a Brownie and Cub Scout leader, Red Cross water safety instructor, and taught swimming for 17 years. She enjoyed reading, birdwatching, hiking and camping, and belonged to Henderson [W.Va.] Church of Christ. In 2009 she lived in Point Pleasant, Mason County.

She married John William Taylor Jr., son of John William Taylor and Veda Jean Henry, 22 Oct 1958 in Catlettsburg, Boyd Co., Ky. Born 13 Sep 1937 in Clifton, Mason Co., W.Va. He graduated from Wahama High School, Mason, W.Va., in 1957, served in the U.S. Army Reserve from 1956 to 1962, and was a master electrician at Philip Sporn Power Plant, New Haven, Mason County, until he retired in 1995. Children:

i. Stephanie Lynn[7]. Born 14 Feb 1960 in Gallipolis, Ohio. Died of complications from diabetes 2 Nov 2003 in Huntington, W.Va. Buried in Rogers Cemetery, Redmond Ridge Road, Mason Co., W.Va. She graduated from Point Pleasant High School in 1978, moved to Florida and then to Columbus, Ohio, working as a nursing assistant until her health deteriorated. For the last ten years of her life she lived in Point Pleasant but was physically unable to work. She never married.

121.v.iii. ii. John William, III (called Jay). Born 18 Mar 1967 in Gallipolis.

125.iii.i. Elizabeth Annette[6] Wiseman (Patricia Ann[4], William Wesley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). In 2015 she lived in Elizabethtown, Hardin Co., Ky.

She married Unknown Adkins. Children:

i. Korina[7].

125.iii.ii. Sonja Leigh[6] Wiseman (Patricia Ann[4], William Wesley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). In 2015 she lived in Hardyville, Hart Co., Ky.

She married Bruce Atwell. Children:

i. Brett[7].

ii. Chloe.

iii. Jerrika.

iv. Timothy Jordan.

136.i. Harold Earl[6] Honaker Jr. (Harold Earl[5], Francis Eare[5], James[3], John M.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Mar 1944 in Mt. Orab, Brown Co., Ohio. Died 11 Nov 2015 in Circleville, Pickaway Co., Ohio. Buried Green Summit Cem., unknown place.

Madison Press, London, Ohio, 14 Nov 2015: Circleville—Harold E. Honaker Jr., 71, of Circleville, passed away on Wed., Nov. 11, 2015 at Fairfield Medical Center. He was born on March 19, 1944 in Mt. Orab to Harold and Ruth (Robbins) Honaker. Harold retired from Kal-Kan foods and shortly after opened his business, Honaker Auto Repair, from his home garage. Working on cars was his favorite hobby. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a sister, Janet Landwehr. Harold is survived by his wife, Brenda (Taylor) Honaker; children, Greg of London, Doug of Amanda; stepson, Jimmy Ford of Circleville, Theresa (Honaker) Marks of Grove City, Chasidy Honaker of Circleville; sister, Joyce Neal of Mt. Orab; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held on Mon., Nov. 16, 2015 at 2 p.m. at the Wellman Funeral Home, 1455 N. Court St., Circleville, with Chaplain Jim Ferrell officiating Burial to follow in Green Summit Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home on Monday from noon until the time of service at 2 p.m. Online condolences can be made to .

He married Brenda Taylor. Children:

i. Greg[7].

ii. Doug.

iii. Theresa. She married Unknown Marks.

iv. Chasidy.

146.ii.i. Clyde Albert[6] Burgess (Marshie[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 May 1930 in Oak Hill, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 14 Feb 2013. Buried in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 20 Feb 2013: Clyde A. Burgess, M.D., 82, of Green Bank, W.Va., went home to the Heavenly Father on Feb. 14, 2013. Born May 3, 1930, in Oak Hill, W.Va., he was the son of the late Clyde Austin and Marshie Honaker Burgess. He graduated from Oak Hill High School in 1948 and attended the University of Dayton and graduated from the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine in 1961. He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean Conflict rising to the rank of staff sergeant and retired from the U.S. Army as a colonel in 1996. Dr. Burgess practiced medicine in Berkley Springs, Philippi and Clarksburg, W.Va. and Ashland, Ky. as well as serving with the U.S. Army in Alaska and Kentucky. He retired to the beautiful mountains of Pocahontas County and attended Hebron Baptist Church in Green Bank. Dr. Burgess is survived by his wife of 59 years, Christine Haga Burgess. Other survivors include a son, Andrew (Linda Gale) Burgess of Fairbanks, Alaska; a daughter, Kimberly Burgess, M.D., of Charleston, W.Va.; and a sister, Kathryn Burgess Terwilleger of Willow Street, Pa. Funeral service will be 11 a.m. on Mon., Feb. 18, 2013 at Tyree Funeral Home in Oak Hill with Pastor Jim Franklin and Pastor Paul Murdock officiating. Burial will be at High Lawn Memorial Park., Oak Hill. Visitation will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. at Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill on Sun., Feb. 17, 2013. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Gideons or a charity of your choice. Online condolences may be sent at . Arrangements by Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill, W.Va.

He married Morrell Christine Haga, daughter of Delma Gray Haga and Berlie Frances Athey, 7 Aug 1953 in Oak Hill, W.Va. Born 9 Apr 1931 in Clinchburg, Va. She was a teacher. Children:

i. Andrew Gray[7]. Born 17 Aug 1964 in Berkeley Springs, W.Va. He married Linda Gale 9 Mar 1992 in Fairbanks, Alaska.

ii. Kimberly Ann. Born 7 Aug 1965 in Martinsburg, W.Va. She was a physician.

146.v.i. Wellington Ray[6] Murdock Jr. (Elizabeth[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Sep 1923 in Scarbro, W.Va. Died 18 Jul 2008 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, W.Va.

Gazette-Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 20 Jul 2008: Wellington Ray Murdock, Jr., 84, of Oak Hill passed away Fri., July 18, 2008, at Bowers Hospice House, Beckley. Born Sept. 15, 1923, in Scarbro, he was a son of the late Wellington Ray Sr. and Elizabeth Honaker Murdock. Ray was co-founder of W.R. Murdock and Sons Inc. Hydraulic Service, Oak Hill, having retired from his family-owned firm at the age of 80. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Oak Hill, a former chairman of the board and charter member of the Oak Hill/Collins High School Alumni Association and former member of Fayette County REACT, with the handle of “T-Patch.” Ray was a World War II Army veteran with the rank of staff sergeant in the 141st Infantry, Co. B, having served from 1943 to 1945 in Africa, France, Italy, Austria and Germany. He was the recipient of the Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Good Conduct, Victory in Europe and Euro-African Campaign medals. He was a life member of VFW Post 8366, Gauley Bridge. Ray was preceded in death by a brother, James A. Murdock Sr. and a son-in-law, Rick D. Stover. Those left to cherish his memory include his loving wife of 53 years, Jane Audrey Steskla Murdock; his loving children, Susan Jane Murdock Stover, Wellington Ray Murdock III and wife, Paula, and Margaret Elizabeth “Beth” Richards and husband, John; grandchildren, Stacy Renee and Lesley Dawn Richards, Travis Dean Stover, Audrey Elaine Murdock Saylor and husband, Damien, and Wellington Ray Murdock IV; and a brother, Richard A. Murdock. Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Mon., July 21, at High Lawn Funeral Chapel, 1435 E. Main St., Oak Hill, with the Rev. David Richard officiating. Burial will follow in High Lawn Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Bowers Hospice House of Beckley, 454 Cranberry Drive, Beckley, WV 25801. Arrangements are by High Lawn Funeral Chapel, Oak Hill.

He married Jane Audrey Steskla ca. 1955. Children:

146.v.i. i. Susan Jane[7].

146.v.i. ii. Wellington Ray, III.

146.v.i. iii. Margaret Elizabeth (called Beth.)

146.v.ii. James A.[6] Murdock (Elizabeth[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Jun 1925 in Scarbro, W.Va. Died 11 Nov 2001 in Ormond Beach, Fla. Buried in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 15 Nov 2001: Mr. James A. Murdock Sr., 76, of Oak Hill, died Sunday, Nov. 11, 2001, at Ormond Beach Memorial Hospital, Ormond Beach, Fla., following a short illness. He was born June 24, 1925, in Scarbro, W.Va., son of the late W. Ray Murdock Sr. and Elizabeth Honaker Murdock. He was the retired co-founder and former vice president of W.R. Murdock and Sons Inc. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Oak Hill, where he was a past deacon and elder. He was a graduate of Oak Hill High School. Mr. Murdock was a World War II U.S. Army veteran, having served with the Third Army Combat Engineers. He was a winter visitor to Florida for 20 years. Survivors include his wife, Carol Kesler Murdock; sons, James A. Murdock Jr. of Fayetteville, W.Va., Reg Oliver of Jacksonville, Fla., Timothy Oliver of Oak Hill; daughters, Alice Kay Bennett of Columbus, Ohio, Barbara Ervin of Oak Hill, W.Va.; brothers, W. Ray Murdock Jr. of Oak Hill, Richard A. Murdock Sr. of Oak Hill; 17 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren. Grandsons will serve as pallbearers. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16, 2001, at Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill. Graveside service will be Saturday, Nov. 17, 2001, at 3 p.m. in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, with military graveside rites by VFW Post 3110, Oak Hill. The Rev. Diarmuid O’Hara will officiate. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to First Presbyterian Church, 250 Central Avenue, Oak Hill, WV 25901.

He married Carol Kesler. She had children by a prior marriage to Unknown Oliver. Children (of James A. and Carol):

i. James A.[7] Jr. In 2011 he lived in Fayetteville, Fayette Co., W.Va.

147.v.i. William I.[6] Smith (called Jigger) (Julia Ann[5], William Clayton[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2010 he lived in Princeton, W.Va.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Todd[7]. He married Jacinda Unknown and in 2010 lived in Princeton.

ii. Jason. He married Shannon Unknown and in 2010 lived in Herndon, Va.

150.ii.i. Mark Cameron[6] Nixon (Bernice LaVern[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Apr 1949 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

He married Charlene Lawson. Children:

i. Dawn Michele[7]. Born 17 Dec 1974 in Cincinnati. She married E. Bradley Green Jr.

150.ii.i. ii. Jennifer Ellen. Born 11 May 1977.

iii. Russell Mark. Born 20 Nov 1978 in Cincinnati. In 2009 he had not married.

150.ii.ii. Colleen Lenore[6] Nixon (Bernice LaVern[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Mar 1951 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

She married Roy L. Spaulding. Children:

i. Sarah Rose[7]. Born 24 Oct 1980 in Cincinnati. In 2009 she had not married.

ii. Aaron Leonard. Born 1 Jun 1984 in Cincinnati. In 2009 he had not married.

150.ii.iii. Loretta Gail[6] Nixon (Bernice LaVern[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Sep 1953 in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 2009 she lived in Batavia, Ohio.

She married B. Stephen Jackson. Children:

i. Brett Stephen[7]. Born 7 Oct 1984 in Cincinnati. In 2009 he had not married.

ii. Bradley Stephen. Born 5 Jan 1988 in Cincinnati. In 2009 he had not married.

iii. Benjamin Stephen. Born 3 Aug 1989 in Cincinnati. In 2009 he had not married.

150.ii.iv. Annette Elaine[6] Nixon (Bernice LaVern[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 May 1955 in Lima, Ohio.

She married Jay W. Myers. Children:

i. Christopher Eric[7]. Born 25 Nov 1987 in Boynton Beach, Fla. In 2009 he had not married.

ii. Evan Andrew. Born 9 Apr 1990 in Boca Raton, Fla. In 2009 he had not married. iii. Melissa Kristen. Born 11 Mar 1993 in Boca Raton.

150.iii.i. Rose Mary[6] Honaker (Eugene Thurl[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 25 Aug 1940 in Amelia, Ohio. In 2000 she was a teacher. She died ca. 2004.

She married Max Melvin Benton, son of Jesse Willard Benton and Nettie Jane Kersh, 12 Apr 1960 in

Owingsville, Ky. Born 13 May 1940 in Caney, Ky. Children:

i. Max Melvin[7] Jr. In 2009 he lived in Spring Valley, Ohio

150.iii.ii. Gloria Ann[6] Honaker (Eugene Thurl[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Jun 1943 in Mariemont, Ohio. She was a cardiac nurse. In 2009 she lived in Brooklyn, N.Y.

She married David Charles Fisher, son of E. Nile Fisher and Edna Isabelle Hughes, 28 Aug 1965 in Amelia, Ohio. Born 6 Oct 1943 in Wausau, Ind. He was senior pastor of Colonial Church in Edina, Minn. Children:

i. David Nile[7]. Born 21 Feb 1968 in Chicago, Ill. In 1999 he lived in Arlington, Va.

ii. Karen Virginia. Born 19 May 1970 in Chicago, Ill. She married Unknown Younger.

iii. Mark Eugene. Born 30 Mar 1974 in Goldendale, Wash.

150.iii.v. Robin Ellis[6] Honaker (Eugene Thurl[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Feb 1956 in Amelia, Ohio. He graduated from New Richmond [Ohio] High School in 1974; took a B.S. from Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, in 1979; and a Master of Divinity from Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Ind., in 1998. On 17 Dec 2000 he became senior pastor of the Second Congregational Church of Warren, Me., installed 6 May 2001, and was still serving in that position in 2009. The church belongs to the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, an organization not affiliated with a denomination. He moved there from a prior pastorate in Rockwood, Mich. A story about him, with photograph, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999. It was based on the following story.

Unknown Michigan newspaper, Sep or Oct 1998: New pastor draws on ecumenical background, by Donna Abramczyk

The Rev. Robin Honaker brings a true ecumenical background to his new job as pastor of Rockwood [Mich.] First Congregational Church. Honaker, 42, was born to an Ohio Baptist family and has served Methodist, Christian Reformed and Presbyterian churches in various forms before his call to the Rockwood church. As a premed student at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, he earned a degree in zoology with minors in mathematics and chemistry, and met his wife, Lavaine, there. His life’s direction changed when he couldn’t get into medical school, and an adviser suggested that he attend a seminary, Honaker said.

Two years at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Ind., followed. By then, the couple were expecting their first child, and the minister-in-training dropped out to find a job to support his new family. Honaker went on to be ordained an evangelist with the Christian Reformed Church and served for six years as a missionary, then pastor in that church for the Navajo nation in New Mexico.

“We learned the Navajo language, which is very difficult, so we weren’t exactly fluent in it,” he said. “I believe only those who are born to it can be fluent.” They lived in the high mountains of New Mexico, Honaker said, in an area populated by American Indians. “We quickly assimilated, however,” Honaker said. “Our youngest daughter, especially, was immersed in their culture, so that when we left there, she experienced culture shock.”

Four years ago, Honaker was able to return to Grace Theological Seminary to complete his studies, and in June earned a master of divinity degree in counseling. While attending the seminary, he was the Christian education director, the youth pastor and a counselor for the Mentone United Methodist Church in that area of northern Indiana.

He and his wife are the parents of four daughters, Candace, 16, and Mary, 14, students at Carlson High School; Bess, 11, a sixth-grader at Shumate Middle School; and Rose, 7, a first-grader at Chapman Elementary School. The family lives in Rockwood.

Honaker was installed at his new post Sept. 26 in a ceremony that included his brother-in-law, the Rev. David Fisher, minister at Colonial Church in Edina, Minn.; Dr. Greg Rittenhouse, pastor of Fremont (Ind.) United Methodist Church; and Dr. Herb Bateman of Grace Theological Seminary. Also participating in the service were the Rev. Jack Brown, minister at Pilgrim Congregational Church in Bloomfield Hills, and former Rockwood First Congregational ministers the Rev. Marilyn Danielson, pastor of First Congregational Church in Portland; the Rev. Wayne McLeod of the Southeast Michigan Association of Congregational Churches, and the Rev. Wesley Crocker, now retired. Included in the musical program were Honaker’s daughters, Candace, on the piano, and Mary, who sang an opening duet with her father.

He married Audrey Lavaine Ower (called Lavaine), daughter of Robert Carter Ower and Loraine May Scruggs, 24 May 1979 in Flagstaff, Ariz. Born 26 Dec 1958 in Prescott, Ariz. She graduated from Coconino High School, Flagstaff, Ariz., in 1976. In 2001 she was a homemaker employed part time by H&R Block, an accounting firm. In 2009 she was a certified teller at the Warren [Maine] branch of Damariscotta Bank & Trust Co. Children:

150.iii.v. i. Candace Loraine[7]. Born 10 Mar 1982 in Warsaw, Ind.

ii. Mary Julia. Born 6 Jul 1984 in Burnsville, Minn. She graduated fom Medomak High School, Waldoboro, Maine, in Jun 2002. In 2009 she was an educational technician at West Rockport Elementary School, Camden, Maine, planning to pursue a college B.S. Her interests included tatting, knitting and reading. A member of Second Congregational Church of Warren, Maine, she was a deacon, sanctuary choir member, and Sunday School superintendent. She married, first, Christopher Lloyd Daniels 1 Apr 2007 in Warren, Maine. They divorced Sep 2009 in Rockland, Knox Co., Maine. Born 6 May l983 in Rockport, Maine. She married, second, David Lewis. In 2013 they lived in Portland, Ore.

iii. Robyn Elizabeth. Born 24 Jun 1987 in Flagstaff, Ariz. Died 5 Jun 2013.

Lincoln County News, Damariscotta, Maine, 7 Jun 2013: Warren [Maine]—On June 5, 2013, Robyn Elizabeth “Bess” Honaker went home to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She was born June 24, 1987, in Flagstaff, Ariz., to the Rev. Robin and Lavaine (Ower) Honaker. Bess graduated from Medomak Valley High School in 2005, and went on to graduate from the University of Maine at Orono in 2010 with a degree in anthropology/archeology, graduating magna cum laude. She enjoyed going on “digs” in the Midcoast and studying historical archeology. She was a talented photographer, photographing many nature scenes of the beautiful state of Maine. After applying to graduate school, Bess enjoyed working with her students at Medomak Valley High School teaching history, chemistry and math as an educational technician. Bess was predeceased by her paternal grandfather, Eugene T. Honaker of Ohio; and by her maternal grandmother, Lorraine Ower of Arizona. Bess is survived by her parents, Robin and Lavaine Honaker of Warren; her sisters, Candace Parker and her husband, Corey, of Trenton, Mich., Mary Lewis and her husband, David, of Portland, Ore., and Rose Honaker of Seattle, Wash.; her nieces and nephews Corey Parker Jr., Clayton Parker, Carmen Parker, Charlie Parker and David Scott Lewis; her grandparents, Hazel Honaker of Richmond, Va., and Robert Ower of Chino Valley, Ariz.; as well as many aunts, uncles and many first and second cousins. A memorial service to celebrate Bess’ life, “her graduation,” will be held Wednesday, June 12, at 6 p.m. at Rockland Congregational Church, 180 Limerock St., in Rockland. A fund has been established to assist in Bess’ medical bills and other expenses. In lieu of flowers, send contributions to Pilgrim Community Church, c/o Bess’ Fund, P.O. Box 176, Warren, ME 04864. The family wishes to thank all those who have remembered the family in their prayers, love and many encouraging words. Also, much thanks is given to the many who have helped with financial assistance, food and other gifts for the family. Share condolences with the family at . Arrangements are entrusted to Hall Funeral Home in Waldoboro.

Portland [Maine] Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, 7 Jun 2013: Robyn Elizabeth “Bess” Honaker—June 5, 2013. Memorial service, 6 p.m., June 12, Rockland Congregational Church, 180 Limerock St., Rockland. Hall Funeral Home, 949 Main St., Waldoboro.

She was a member of National Honor Society, National Honor Society of

Anthropology, and editor of the university yearbook. She planned to take an M.S. in Archaeology. Her interests included wood burning and photography. A member of Second Congregational Church of Warren, Maine, she was a past deacon and church youth leader.

iv. Lydia Rose. Born 5 Sep 1991 in Gallup, N.M. In 2009 she was a student at Medomak High School anticipating graduation in 2010. Her interests included reading, chatting with friends, and ringing English hand bells in two choirs. A member of Second Congregational Church of Warren, Maine and its youth group, she was also a member of National Honor Society, the school yearbook editor, and member of Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS.) In 2013 she lived in Seattle, Wash.

156.v.i. Mary Ellen[6] Honaker (Kenneth Dale[5], Chap Hannah[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Robert Barr. Children:

i. Kenneth[7] (called Lex).

157.iv.i. Sharon Ann[6] Honaker (William Baxter[5], William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Aug 1944 in Beckley, W.Va. Died 6 Jul 1997 in Beckley. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 8 Jul 1997, with photograph: Sharon Ann Honaker Dillon, 52, of Bolt Road, Fairdale, died Sun., July 6, 1997, in a Beckley hospital following a long illness. Born Aug. 17, 1944 at Beckley, she was the daughter of the late William Baxter and Mildred Adkins Honaker. Mrs. Dillon spent her childhood in Arnett, was a homemaker and a member of the Arnett Assembly of God Church. Survivors include her husband of 31 years, David Neal Dillon; two sons, David Neal Dillon and his wife, Monica, of Fairdale and Woodrow William Dillon and his wife, Elva, of Dry Creek; a daughter, Mrs. Douglas (Donna) Butler of Tony’s Fork on Clear Creek; six grandchildren, Josh, Brittany, Dougy, Billy, Cody and Breanna; a brother, William Baxter Honaker Jr. and his wife, Kim, of Toledo, Ohio; and two sisters, Mrs. Wayne (Sandy) Cook of Toledo and Mrs. Lawrence (Carolyn Sue) Dean of Satellite Beach, Fla. Services will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Arnett Assembly of God Church with the Rev. George Hendricks officiating. Burial will follow in the Honaker Cemetery, Arnett. Friends may call 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. today at the church. Pallbearers will be Gary Honaker, Dwight Maynor, Paul Maynor Jr., Paul Alderman, Charles Dillon II and Ronnie Dillon. Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Beckley.

She married David Neal Dillon. Children:

i. David Neal[7], Jr. He married Monica Unknown.

ii. Woodrow William. He married Elva Unknown.

iii. Donna. She married Douglas Butler.

157.iv.iv. Carolyn Sue[6] Honaker (William Baxter[5], William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Lawrence T. Dean, son of Unknown Dean and Daisy Abrams. Born ca. 1937. Died 23 Mar 1985 in Melbourne, Fla. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 26 Mar 1986: Satellite Beach, Fla.—Lawrence T. Dean, 49, of Satellite Beach, died Sunday in a Melbourne hospital after a short illness. He was a machinist for Lockheed Corp., Kennedy Space Center, and was a member of International Machinist of Aerospace Workers. Surviving: wife, Carolyn Sue Honaker Dean; sons, Gary Wayne of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., John William of Satellite Beach; daughter, Deborah Sue Dean of Satellite Beach; mother, Daisy Abrams Dean of Beckley, W.Va.; brothers, William and Delano, of Beckley; sisters, Dorsey Morehead of Beckley, Thelma Mowbrey of Northeast, Md., Diane Massey of Round Lake, Ill. Service will be 1 p.m. Friday in Arnett Assembly of God Church with the Rev. Wade Webb officiating. Burial will be in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday at Melton Mortuary, Beckley.


i. Gary Wayne[7].

ii. John William.

iii. Deborah Sue.

157.v.i. Judith Marie[6] Daniel (Rosa Maxine[5], William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Kermit Delano Massey. Children:

i. Rebecca Ann[7]. She married Kermit Cook Jr., son of Kermit Cook and Phyllis Lambert.

Kermit was descended from John Cook, an original settler of Wyoming Co., W.Va.

158.i.i. Dixie Geneva[6] Honaker (James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Feb 1943. Died 8 Dec 1969. Buried in Honaker Cem., Pine Knob, W.Va.

She married John Delbert Jenkins, son of Frank Jenkins and Effie Unknown. Died ca. 1975. Buried in Honaker Cem., Pine Knob. Children:

158.i.i. i. Veresa Geneva[7]. Born 4 Jan 1963 in Chicago, Ill.

158.i.i. ii. Carmen Denise. Born 18 Mar 1964 in Chicago.

158.i.i. iii. Kimberly Ann. Born 10 Jun 1965 in Chicago.

158.i.i. iv. Tina Lynn. Born 29 May 1966 in Chicago.

158.i.i. v. John Dwayne. Born 19 May 1967 in Chicago.

158.i.i. vi. Diana Kay. Born 10 Oct 1969 in Chicago.

158.i.ii. Janette Dorothy[6] Honaker (James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2002 she lived in Virginia.

She married Edward Woodard. Children:

i. Charles Edward[7].

ii. James.

iii. Christopher.

158.i.iii. Donald Edward[6] Honaker (James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). He was living in North Carolina in 2002.

He married Violet Williams. Children:

i. Donna Marie[7].

158.i.iv. Ronald Eugene[6] Honaker (James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Died 19 Dec 1990 in Naoma, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cem., Pine Knob, W.Va. He lived in Chicago, Ill., most of his adult life.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 1 May 1991: Woman Held in Slaying Claims Self-Defense

A Raleigh County woman accused of killing her husband says she acted in self-defense, court documents show. Sherry Honaker, 36, of Naoma is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her husband, Ronald E. Honaker. She is to stand trial May 29 in circuit court. Her husband died from a single stab wound to the chest following an argument, Sheriff’s Detective G.R. Gregory said.

“I just poked him and told him to leave me alone,” Mrs. Honaker told police at the time of her arrest last December. “I don’t know what I had in my hand,” she said. “I don’t even know if I had a knife. All I remember is having a fork.” Mrs. Honaker said she and her husband had been drinking the night of the incident. In her statement, Mrs. Honaker also said she had stabbed her husband at least three times in the past “to protect myself because he beat me so bad.”

He married Sherry Silas. Born ca. 1955. On 8 Jun 2011 an obituary appeared in the Green Bay [Wisc.] Press-Gazette for a Mary Lynn Silas, 48, of Green Bay, a daughter of John and Marilyn (Grignon) Silas. Among the survivors was a sister, Sherry Honaker. We don’t know whether the sister was the widow of Ronald Eugene Honaker, but he did live in Chicago most of his life, not that far from Wisconsin.

Children (of Ronald and Sherry):

i. Tasha[7]. In 2002 she lived in Chicago.

ii. John James. In 2002 he lived in Chicago.

159.i.iii. David[6] Honaker (called Davy) (Jack[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2004 he lived in Arnett, W.Va.

He married Gladys Unknown. Children:

159.i.iii. i. Tracy[7].

159.i.iii. ii. Curtis Trent. Born 27 Mar 1978.

159.i.vii. Wilma[6] Honaker (Jack[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2007 she lived in Arnett, W.Va.

She married Stanley Wayne Cook, son of Winifred Cook and Delphia Sarrett, ca. 1966. Born 12 Sep 1943. Died 15 Dec 2007 in Arnett, W.Va. Buried in Stanley & Wilma Cook Family Cemetery, Arnett.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 18 Dec 2007: Stanley Wayne Cook, 64, of Arnett died peacefully at his home on Sat., Dec. 15, 2007. Born Sept. 12, 1943, he joins in heaven his parents, the late Winifred and Delphia Sarrett Cook; and his brother Teddy Ray Cook and his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Jack and Mary Honaker. He was a disabled coal miner who had worked at Montcoal for over 30 years. He was a proud member of the Arnett Chapel Community Church, having transferred membership from the Arnett Assembly of God. He considered both churches home. Stanley’s biggest love and greatest joy was his family, especially his grandchildren. He was affectionately known as [unintelligible] not only by his grandchildren, but by almost every child he met. He helped coach the Marsh Fork Elementary basketball team and was an assistant coach for an [Amateur Athletic Union] travel team. He was an active member of both the community and his churches. Stanley was an outstanding athlete while at Marsh Fork High School and attended Beckley College on athletic scholarships. Survivors include his wife, love, and best friend of 41 years, Wilma Honaker Cook; his adored children and grandchildren, Kevin Jack Cook and children Zachary and Madison of LaGrange, Ky., and Felicia (Mrs. Steve) Smith of Victor, W.Va., S. David Cook and his wife Angie (whom Stanley considered as a daughter), their children Abbie and Aidree of Kathleen, Ga., his special love Levi Cook at home, and our precious daughter Marianne Cook and son Jalen of Beckley. He also has one great-grandson, Kevin Smith of Victor. He is also survived by his wonderful brother, Kermit Cook and his wife Phyllis of Arnett; his loving sisters, Marie (Mrs. Cleve) Canaday of Louisa, Va., Betty (Mrs. David) Davis of Charlotte, N.C., and Christy (Mrs. Edgar) Young of Hilltop and Saxon, W.Va. A celebration of Stanley’s life will be held at the Arnett Chapel, Arnett, on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Burial will follow at the Stanley and Wilma Cook Cemetery on their property. Friends may call at the church today, Tuesday, from 6 to 9 p.m. Stanley’s wonderful life can never be summed up in these few short paragraphs, but he would want to be remembered more for being the best family man that anyone could want. He used the same dedication that he used in athletics to be the best father, husband, grandfather and person that anyone could ever ask for. Condolences may be mailed to the family at melton@. Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Beckley.


159.i.vii. i. Kevin Jack[7].

ii. Felicia.

159.i.vii. iii. S. David.

iv. Levi.

159.i.vii. v. Marianne.

159.ii.ii. Kermit Joseph[6] Honaker (called Joe) (Kermit[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Mar 1956. Died 5 Feb 2010 in Beckley, W.Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery #2, Arnett, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 8 Feb 2010: On Fri., Feb. 5th, 2010, our cherished Joe Honaker of Fulton Ave., Beckley, passed away at Raleigh General Hospital following a long illness. He was 53 years of age. Born Kermit Joseph Honaker on Mar. 12, 1956, Joe, as he was affectionately known all his life, was the second of two sons born to Kermit and Mary Shumate Honaker of Mabscott. Joe spent his childhood in Mabscott. He was of the Church of Christ faith. Joe was a disabled coal miner, having last worked at Maple Meadow. He had 18 years in the mining industry. In his leisure time he enjoyed fishing and working with wood. In addition to his beloved parents, those left to cherish his memory are his children, Mary Jo Stone and her husband, Jesse, of Clear Creek, Kermit Joseph Honaker II of Mabscott and Wesley Dean Honaker of Beckley; he was the fond brother of David Michael Honaker of Tucson, Ariz.; his dear companion, Deborah (Debbie) Collins, and her son, Justin; the proud grandfather of Logan Neal and Breeaunna Pearl. Funeral services will be Tuesday at 11 a.m. at the Melton Mortuary Chapel. The family will receive friends from 10 a.m. until the hour of the service. Burial will follow in the Honaker Cemetery #2 beside the Arnett Assembly of God Church at Arnett. Online condolences may be sent to the family at . Arrangements by Melton Mortuary, Inc., Beckley, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 10 Feb 2010: Graveside services will be held for Kermit Joseph Honaker on Thurs., Feb. 11 at 10:30 a.m. at the Honaker Cemetery #2 beside the Arnett Assembly God Church at Arnett. The family will receive friends from 10 a.m. at the church. Arrangements submitted by Melton Mortuary, Beckley.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Mary Jo[7]. She married Jesse Stone.

ii. Kermit Joseph, II.

iii. Wesley Dean.

159.vi.i. William James[6] Mathews Jr. (Kitty[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Apr 1946 in Baltimore, Md. Died 3 Jan 2005 in Carbondale, Ill.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Jan 2005: William James Mathews Jr., 58, of Marion, Ill., passed away at 8 p.m., Mon., Jan. 3, 2005, at Memorial Hospital of Carbondale. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Thurs., Jan. 6, 2005, at the Abundant Life Assembly of God in Marion with Pastor Jeff Baker officiating. Visitation will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m., Wed., Jan. 5, 2005, at the Blue Funeral Home in Marion and from 1 to 3 p.m., Thursday at the church. Military rites will be held at the church following the service by Marion VFW Post No. 1301 and American Legion Post No. 147. Memorials may be made to the Abundant Life Assembly of God Youth Fund. Envelopes are available at the funeral home and the church or contributions may be sent c/o Blue Funeral Home, PO Box 411, Marion, IL 62959. Mr. Mathews was born on Apr. 26, 1946 in Baltimore City, Md., to William and Kitty Honaker Mathews. Survivors include his loving wife, Dorla of Marion; son, Marc and daughter, Courtney, both at home; daughters and sons-in-law, Melanie and David Hummel of Wheeling, W.Va., Tonya and Eric Anderson of Marion, and Angela of Chicago, Ill.; four grandchildren; sister, Joan VanMeter of Smithers, W.Va.; and brothers, Chuck, of Scott Depot, W.Va., and Steve of Julian, W.Va.; He was preceded in death by his parents and sister, Linda Hawkins. Mr. Mathews retired from American Electric Power in Columbus, Ohio, in 2001. For 30 years he worked in management and labor relations in coal mining and fuel supply operations in Ohio and West Virginia. After retirement, he worked as a consultant at AEP Cook Coal Terminal in Metropolis. He was a member of the Abundant Life Assembly of God in Marion. He was a 1969 graduate of West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va., where he received a degree in business administration. After graduating, he served as a first lieutenant in the United States Army infantry during the Vietnam War. To view this obit and sign the register book, visit our website @ .

He married Dorla Unknown. Children:

i. Marc[7].

ii. Courtney.

iii. Melanie. She married David Hummel

iv. Tonya. She married Eric Anderson.

v. Angela.

160.i.v. Anita Lane[6] Honaker (William Lee[5], William Bezalell[4], William Baxter[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]. Born 4 Jul 1935 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. In 2014 she lived in Jacksonville, Duval Co., Fla.

She married, first, Richard David Gamble, son of Hugh B. Gamble and Alice McCayhill, 11 Feb 1955 in Georgia. They divorced ca. 1964. Born 18 Aug 1927 in Michigan, probably Detroit. Died 23 Nov 1985 in Arizona. Buried in Ellejoy Baptist Church Cemetery, Seymour, Blount Co., Tenn. He was a U.S. Navy culinary specialist who served 20 years including World War II and Korea. After discharge he was a grocery store butcher. Children:

160.i.v. i. Nona Lane[7]. Born 12 Aug 1956 in Jacksonville.

160.i.v. ii. Richard David, Jr. Born 19 Dec 1957 in Jacksonville.

She married, second, John Randall Lowery of Dublin, Ga., 7 Mar 1985 in Jacksonville. They divorced 2002 in Jacksonville. Died in Jacksonville ca. 2005.

161.i.iv. Bernard Owen[6] Watkins (Icie Leona[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 May 1915 in Crystal, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 24 Jun 2011 in Bluefield, Mercer County. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, Mercer County.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 25 Jun 2011: Montcalm—Bernard Owen Watkins, age 96, of P.O. Box 103, Montcalm, W.Va., passed away on Fri., June 24, 2011 at Bluefield Regional Medical Center. Born on May 11, 1915 in Crystal, he was a son of the late Jim and Icie Honaker Watkins. He had been a lifelong resident of Montcalm and was of the Holiness faith. He was a retired carpenter and block mason. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and served in World War II. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife of 63 years, Lorraine Watkins; six brothers, Paul, Thurman, Roy, Roscoe, Ralph and Ray; and one sister, Lucille White. Survivors include his son, Samuel Watkins and wife Roby of Montcalm; three grandchildren, Deborah Conley, Samuel Watkins Jr. and Shelley Phillips; six great-grandchildren; and seven great-great grandchildren; two sisters, Betty Shaw of Princeton, Marjorie Wolfe of Bluefield. Funeral services will be conducted on Sun., June 26, 2011 at 8 p.m. in the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home Chapel in Bluewell with the Rev. Walter Shewbridge and the Rev. Vernon Fields officiating. Friends may call from 6–8 p.m. on Sunday evening at the funeral home. Graveside services will be conducted on Mon., June 27, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton with Samuel Watkins Jr., William Conley, and family and friends serving as pallbearers. Those wishing to attend are asked to meet at the funeral home on Monday at 1 p.m. Online condolences will be accepted at cravens-. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell is serving the family.

He married, first, Margaret Jack in 1936 in Pocahontas Co., W.Va. They divorced.

He married, second, Lorraine Grose in 1944 in Mercer County. Died before 2011. Children:

161.i.iv. i. Samuel[7].

161.i.v. Marjorie Eloise[6] Watkins (Icie Leona[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 May 1917 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 14 Jan 2012 in Bluewell, Mercer County. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 15 Jan 2012: Bluefield—Marjorie Eloise Wolfe, 94, went to be with her Lord on Jan. 14, 2012 at her residence. Marjorie was born May 19, 1917 in Montcalm, W.Va. She was the daughter of the late James F. Watkins and Icie (Honaker) Watkins. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband and father of her children, Lloyd James Eller; husband, Bruce Wolfe; and special friend, Isaiah Ballard Hedrick; sister, Lucille (White); and brothers, Roscoe, Paul, Ralph, Ray, Roy, Bernard and Thurman Watkins; grandchildren, Daniel Bruce Eller and Donna Kaye Eller; son-in-law, Claude Ray Hart. She is survived by her son, Lloyd J. Eller Jr. (Sylvia) of Beloit, Ohio; grandchildren, Deborah Fortune and David Eller; daughter, Shirley Ann Eller Hart of Vicksburg, Mich.; grandchildren, Ray, Mark, and Brian Hart; 14 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and many nephews and nieces; sister, Betty Shaw of Princeton, W.Va. Marjorie was a member of the Montcalm United Methodist Church, was past president of the Montcalm United Methodist Women and the Montcalm Women’s Club. She had worked many years at Griffin Pie Company and retired from Deskins Supermarket where she was manager of the deli. Marjorie was an excellent cook and always had a smile on her face. Funeral services will be held Tue., Jan. 17, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. at Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell, W.Va., with the Rev. David Ratcliff officiating the service. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton, W.Va. where friends and family will serve as pallbearers. Friends and family may call at Cravens-Shires Funeral

Home in Bluewell, W.Va. on Mon., Jan. 16, 2012 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Online condolences may be sent to the Wolfe family at cravens-. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home is serving the Wolfe family.

She married, first, Lloyd James Eller (called Tood) 6 Jan 1937 in Mercer County. They divorced. Born 1915. Died 1966. Children:

161.i.v. i. Shirley Ann[7].

161.i.v. ii. Lloyd James, Jr.

She married, second, George Bruce Edgar Wolfe. Died before 2012. They had no children.

161.i.ix. Betty[6] Watkins (Icie Leona[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 29 Nov 1930. In 2012 she lived in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

She married George Henry Shaw, son of Roscoe Shaw and Louise Mitchell, 1951 in Mercer County. Died 25 Feb 2011 in Bluefield, Mercer County. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 26 Feb 2011: George Henry Shaw, 81, went to be with his Lord and Savior on Fri., Feb. 25, 2011 at his home with his loving wife of 60 years and family by his side. He was a devoted and loving husband, father and grandfather. George was the youngest and last surviving child of the late Roscoe and Louise Mitchell Shaw. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by three brothers and six sisters. Mr. Shaw was a resident of Mercer County for the past 60 years. He worked for Betsy Ross Bakery and Flowers Baking Company and retired in 1990 as a shipping clerk. He was a member of Teamsters Local 175. Mr. Shaw enjoyed gardening, working in his yard, woodworking, playing card and board games, especially with his great-grandchildren. He was often the guest of honor at their many tea parties. Left behind to cherish his memory are his wife of 60 years, Betty Shaw; two daughters, Sharon Lester and husband Dean of Princeton, W.Va. and Michele Browning and husband Paul of Princeton, W.Va. He also leaves four grandchildren, Angela Whittaker of Princeton, W.Va., Eric Lester whom he loved as a son and wife Kelly, Andrea Parish and husband Sean of California and Brittany Massaroni of Princeton, W.Va. He will also be greatly missed by his seven great-grandchildren, Kameron, Makenzie, Megan, Peyton, Arianna, Kobe, Dakota; and a very special niece, Delora Bowling. Funeral service will be held on Mon., Feb. 28, 2011 at 1 p.m. at Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell, W.Va., with the Rev. Larry Dyer officiating the service. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton, W.Va. where his grandsons, Eric Lester, Chris Browning, Josh Mullins, Lee Nester, James Hicks and Jeremy O’Donnell will be serving as pallbearers. Friends and relatives may call at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell, W.Va. on Sun., Feb. 27, 2011 from 6 p.m until 8 p.m. Online condolences can be sent to the Shaw family at cravens-. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home is serving the Shaw family.


161.i.ix. i. Sharon[7].

161.i.ix. ii. Michele.

161.ii.i. Thelma Pauline[6] Pennington (Bessie A.[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Aug 1913 in Montcalm. Died 17 Mar 2001 in Taylor, Mich.

She married Curtis Fred McCown. Children:

i. Beverly Jerome[7].

ii. Dennis

iii. Glennis(m)

iv. Paul

v. Ramona. She married Unknown Humphrey.

vi. Lois. She married Unknown Stratton.

vii. Joann. She married Unknown Jones.

161.ii.v. Hershell Lee[6] Pennington (Bessie A.[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Mar 1922 in Lashmeet, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 9 May 1999 in McDowell, Floyd Co., Ky. Buried in Newman Cemetery, Hi Hat, Ky.

Floyd County Times, Prestonsburg, Ky., 12 May 1999: Hershell Lee Pennington, age 77, of Beaver, died Sun., May 9, 1999, at McDowell [Ky.] Appalachian Regional Hospital, following an extended illness. Born March 1, 1922 in Lashmeet, W.Va., he was the son of the late Wiley and Bessie Honaker Pennington. He was a disabled coal miner and a veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Beulah Beatrice Stewart Pennington; four sons, Hershell Lee Pennington Jr. of Garden City, Mich., Danny Ray Pennington of Bevinsville, Gary Dean Pennington of Brownville, Tenn., and Dwight Pennington of Melvin; three daughters, Cheryl Johnson of Weeksbury, and Judy Blankenship and Connie Platkus, both of Ligon; four brothers, Elza Pennington and Clerence Pennington, both of Romulus, Mich., and Donald Pennington and Milford Pennington, both of Ohio; three sisters, Ethel Littleton of Columbus, Ohio, Francis Stanley of Hilliard, Ohio, and Thelma McCown of Romulus, Mich.; 28 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be Wednesday, May 12, at noon, at the Upper Burton Free Pentecostal Church of God at Bypro, with Louis Sandlin, David Pack and Don Fraley Jr. officiating. [Disabled American Veterans] services will be conducted by Chapt. 128, Garrett. Burial will be in the Newman Cemetery at Hi Hat.

He married Beulah Beatrice Stewart. Children:

i. Hershell Lee[7] Jr. In 1999 he lived in Garden City, Mich.

ii. Danny Ray. In 1999 he lived in Bevinsville, Ky.

iii. Gary Dean. In 1999 he lived in Brownville, Tenn.

iv. Dwight. In 1999 he lived in Melvin, Ky.

v. Cheryl. In 1999 she lived in Weeksbury, Ky. She married Unknown Johnson.

vi. Judy. In 1999 she lived in Ligon, Ky. She married Unknown Blankenship.

vii. Connie. In 1999 she lived in Ligon, Ky. She married Unknown Platkus.

161.vi.iii. Joseph Lee[6] Sargent (Nina Agnes[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1929 in Amonate, Tazewell Co., Va. Died 2 Aug 2013 in Elkins, Randolph Co., W.Va. Buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Bluefield, Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 4 Aug 2013: Buckhannon—Joseph Lee Sargent, 84, of Buckhannon, W.Va., and formerly of Maple Acres, Princeton, W.Va., passed away Fri., Aug. 2, 2013 in Elkins, W.Va. Born in Amonate, Va., he was the son of the late James Harvey and Nina Honaker Sargent. He was a section foreman for Consolidated Coal Company. He has served his country in the U.S. Army. Mr. Sargent was the former owner of Sargent’s Video and was a member of a local community car club. He was also a Mason and of the Methodist faith. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife, Ethel Wells Sargent; a daughter, Yvonne Yerby; a sister, Margaret Kaptain and brothers, James H. Sargent, Jr., and Ray Sargent. Those family members who survive Mr. Sargent are a daughter, Marilyn Brown Crites and husband Joe, Buckhannon, W.Va., and a son, Joseph Ray Sargent and wife Angela, Princeton, W.Va.; a sister, Lorraine Lambert Beavers and husband Jack, N. Tazewell, Va.; brothers, Dudley Sargent and wife Carol, St. Petersburg, Fla., Donald Sargent, Nashville, Tenn., Richard Sargent, Richlands, Va. Grandchildren, Kevin Ritter, Thomasville, N.C., Kelly Ritter, St. Petersburg, Fla., Wendy Short, Clarksburg, W.Va., Misty Renner, Black Hawk, S.C. and Hunter Sargent, Princeton, W.Va.; eight great-grandchildren and special friend, Sam Wells, Bluefield, Va. A service to honor the memory of Mr. Sargent will be held Sun., Aug. 4, 2013 at Dudley Memorial Chapel at 6 p.m. with the Rev. Bill Davis officiating. Burial will take place Mon., Aug. 5, 2013 at Maple Hill Cemetery, Bluefield, Va., at 10 a.m., with family and friends serving as pallbearers. Those wishing to attend the graveside services are asked to be at the funeral home by 9:45 a.m. Friends may visit with the family Sun., Aug. 4, 2013 at the funeral home from 4:30 p.m. until hour of the service. Dudley Memorial Mortuary of Bluefield, Va., is serving the Sargent family.

He married Ethel Wells. Died before 2013. Children:

i. Yvonne[7]. Died before 2003. She married Unknown Yerby.

ii. Marilyn. She married Joe Crites.

iii. Joseph Ray. He married Angela Unknown.

161.vii.i. Norma[6] Schrader (adopted) (Winifred Romanzie[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]).

She married William Brady in Mercer Co., W.Va. Children:

i. William[7].

ii. Frank.

161.vii.i. iii. Rodney Dale. Born 10 Nov 1952 in Bluefield, W.Va.

iv. Larry.

v. Steve.

vi. Brian.

165.i.i. Madge[6] Brown (Mildred Alice[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Marshall Thomas Miller. Children:

165.i.i. i. Thomas Everett[7].

165.iv.v. Ronetta[7] Honaker (Thomas James[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

She married, first, Unknown Mills. Children:

i. Miranda[8].

ii. Melissa.

She married, second, Unknown Huffman. Children:

iii. Genevie.

165.iv.vii. Buster Lee[7] Honaker (Thomas James[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1952. Died 27 May 2012 in Goochland, Goochland Co., Va. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

Richmond [Va.] Times Dispatch, 29 May 2012 and Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 31 May 2012: Buster Lee Honaker, 60, of Goochland, Va., went home on May 27, 2012. He was preceded in death by his parents, Thomas and Hester Honaker; and sister, Dreama Kaye. He is survived by his wife of 30 years, Terri; daughters, Rebekah Honaker and Amanda (Tyler) Schwend; six sisters, Hilda, Ruby, Debbie, Karen, Ronetta and Pamela; two brothers, Poncho and David. Family will receive friends 4 to 6 p.m. Wed., May 30 at Norman Funeral Home, Goochland, Va., with a memorial service in the chapel at 6 p.m. A funeral service will be held 12:05 p.m. Fri., June 1, 2012 at Melton Mortuary in Beckley, W.Va. Interment family cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Goochland County #5 Rescue Squad.

He married Terri Suzette Gouldman, daughter of William Henry Gouldman and Harriet Louise Shelton, 1 Jan 1982 in Fredericksburg, Va. Born 23 Oct 1958 in Fredericksburg. Children:

i. Amanda Gail[8]. Born 24 Oct 1986 in Richmond, Va. She married Tyler Andrew

Schwend, son of Selby Morgan Schwend and Katherine Marie Dillard, 19 May 2012. Born 30 Nov 1982 in Houston, Texas.

ii. Rebekah Kaye. Born 7 Jul 1988 in Richmond.

165.v.i. Jo Ann Doris[6] Honaker (William Taft[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Died 1973.

She married Unknown Dvorak. Children:

i. Justin[7]. In 2010 he lived in Cleveland, Ohio.

165.v.iii. Diana[6] Honaker (William Taft[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Died 1973. In 2010 she lived in Beckley, W.Va.

She married Garry Bair. Children:

i. Jasonl[7]. In 2010 he lived in Beckley, W.Va.

ii. Christopher. In 2010 he lived in Beckley, W.Va.

165.vi.vi.i. Rudy Jeffery[6] Honaker (George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 Sep 1938 in Sophia, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 20 Apr 2012 in Liberty Center, Henry Co., Ohio. Interred in Riverview Memory Gardens, Defiance Co., Ohio.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 23 Apr 2012: Liberty Center, Ohio—Rudy Jeffery Honaker, age 73, of Liberty Center, Ohio, passed away Friday evening at his home, surrounded by his loving family. Born Sept. 14, 1938, in Skelton, W.Va., the son of George and Georgia (Hendricks) Honaker. On Oct. 4, 1960, he married Virginia (Virgie) L. Smith, who survives, of Liberty Center. Rudy worked for the Campbell Soup Co. of Napoleon for 25 years, retiring in 1984. He served in the U.S. Navy. He was a member of the VFW Post 8218, the AMVETS Post 1313, both of Napoleon, and the Grand Rapids, Henry Co. Sportsman Club. He enjoyed garden work, woodworking, fishing and spending time with his family. Surviving also are one son Randall Honaker, Defiance, Ohio; two daughters Lynette Honaker, Liberty Center, Ohio, Rebecca (Gary) Brubaker, Napoleon, Ohio; eight grandchildren, six great-grandchildren; three brothers Roger, Harry and David Honaker; three sisters Jean (Frank) Torek, Arie Vironet and Lennie (Bobby) Banton. He was preceded in death by his parents, two half brothers Thomas Bunch and James Spurlock and one sister Ann Ramirez. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the Walker Mortuary, Napoleon, Ohio, Fr. Dan Borgelt, celebrant. Entombment will be made in Riverview Memory Gardens, rural Defiance County, where military honors will be accorded by the joint veterans posts of Napoleon. Friends may call at the mortuary on Monday from 4 to 9 p.m. The family has suggested that memorial contributions may be made to the Henry County Hospice or to the American Heart Association. Online condolences may be made at walkermortuary..

He married Virginia L. Smith (called Vergie) 4 Oct 1960. Children:

i. Lynette[7]. Born 5 May 1960.

ii. Rebecca. Born 11 Oct 1962. She married Gary Brubaker.

iii. Randall. Born 26 Mar 1966.

165.vi.vi.ii. Roger Lee[6] Honaker (George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Oct 1940 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va., at the place where his great grandfather, James Benjamin Honaker, made mountain rifles. In 2008 he lived in Napoleon, Ohio, and owned two of his grandfather’s rifles.

He married Ella Mae Hilton 6 Oct 1962. Born 8 Mar 1939. They divorced 16 Sep 1987. Children:

165.vi.vi.ii. i. Brenda Carol. Born 1 Apr 1962.

165.vi.vi.ii. ii. Linda Kay. Born 12 May 1963.

165.vi.vi.ii. iii. Glenda Ann. Born 21 Jun 1966.

165.vi.vi.ii. iv. Rhonda Lee. Born 29 Sep 1969.

165.vi.vi.iii. Elizabeth Ann[6] Honaker (George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 May 1940. Died 2002.

She married Richard Ramirez. Children:

i. Phyllis[7]. Born 13 Mar unknown year.

ii. Richard, Jr. Born 4 Aug unknown year.

iii. Becky. Born 1 Jan unknown year.

165.vi.iv. David Earl[6] Honaker (George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Jun 1948 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. In 2008 he and his family lived in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., where he was a pastry chef at the world-famous Greenbrier resort, where he had been employed for 41 years.

He married Pearl Irene White, daughter of Bertie Edgar White and Clara Thelma McDowell, 20 Jun 1979 in Clifton Forge, Alleghany Co., Va. Born 18 Oct 1934 in Hollywood, Monroe Co., W.Va. David and Pearl had no children together. She brought five children to the marriage from a prior marriage to Franklin Lowell Riffle, b. 6 Dec 1930:

i. Donna Sue[7] [Riffle]. Born 24 Apr 1953 in White Sulphur Springs.

ii. James Franklin [Riffle]. Born 25 Apr 1954 in White Sulphur Springs.

iii. Steven Lee [Riffle]. Born 3 Oct 1958 in White Sulphur Springs.

iv. Belinda Kay [Riffle]. Born 17 Mar 1965 in Covington, Alleghany Co., Va.

v. Timothy Ray [Riffle]. Born 11 Aug 1967 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

165.vi.vi. Harry Dale[6] Honaker (George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 Jul 1949 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. In 2008 he was a supervisor for the W.Va. Division of Highways in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va., and lived in Frankford, Greenbrier County.

He married Lola Marie Stidom, daughter of Arthur William Stidom and Bessie Alice Campbell, 16 Sep 1971 in Covington, Va. Born 24 Jul 1951 in La Plata, Md. Children:

165.vi.vi. i. Tina Michelle[7]. Born 18 Apr 1972 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

165.vi.vi. ii. Tracy Dawn. Born 27 Feb 1977 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va.

165.vi.vii. Lennie Faye[6] Honaker (George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Oct 1950 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. In 2008 she lived in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married James Robert Banton (called Bobby), son of Sandy Glover Banton and Minnie Harris Bauer, 24 Jun 1971 in Lewisburg. Born 24 Jun 1947 in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

165.vi.vii. i. James Robert[7] Jr. Born 5 Jul 1972 in Ronceverte.

165.vi.vii. ii. Julia Donia. Born 5 Nov 1974 in Ronceverte.

165.vii.i. Theodore[6] Honaker Jr. (Theodore[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Jun 1942 in Trenton, N.J. In 2004 he lived in Saxon, W.Va.

He married, first, Margaret Grafton. Children:

i. Thurman Paul[7].

He married, second, Wanda Faye Holmes. Born in West Virginia. Children:

165.vii.i. ii. Albert Wayne. Born 19 Oct 1967 in Ohio.

165.vii.i. iii. William Kenneth. Born 27 Jun 1971 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

165.viii.iii. Phyllis Gayle[6] Honaker (Carl Johnson[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 2 Feb 1943 in Saxon. Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She married Louie Hendrix 7 Dec 1963 in Cleveland, Ohio. Died 13 Aug 2011 in Cleveland.

Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio, 19 Aug 2011: Louie Hendrix, age 69, peacefully passed on Aug. 13, 2011. Beloved husband of Phyllis (nee Honaker), loving father of Louie II (Iwona) and Robert (Tiffany); cherished grandfather of Louie III, Samantha, Carey, and Jason; brother of Herbert, Hazel (Bob, deceased) Webb, Carl (Helen, deceased), Sarah (Junior, deceased) Barnett, and Marie (Tommy) Burton; uncle to many. A memorial service will be Sat., Aug. 20, 2011 at 4 p.m. in the Chapel at Sunset Memorial Park, 6245 Columbia Rd., North Olmsted, where family and friends will be received from 2 p.m. until the time of the service. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Kidney Foundation of Ohio, 2831 Prospect Rd., Cleveland, OH 44115. Arrangements by: Dostal Funeral Services, dostalfuneralservices


i. Louie[7] II. He married Iwona Unknown.

ii. Robert. He married Tiffany Unknown.

165.ix.i. Shelby Jean[6] Honaker (Denver Abraham[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Jul 1942. In 2001 she lived in Ghent, W.Va.

She married, first, Grady Hoskins in 1962. They divorced in 1973. Children:

i. Rebecca[7]. Born 13 Jan 1965 in Beckley, W.Va. She married Bert Beadle 15 May 1987

in Beckley. In 2001 they lived in Webster, N.Y.

She married, second, Bobby Moran in 1978. They divorced in 1989. Children:

ii. Robert. Born 5 Dec 1978 in Beckley.

iii. David. Born 9 Sep 1979 in Beckley. Died 3 Oct 2003 in Flat Top, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 8 Oct 2003: David Moran, 24, of Flat Top, died Fri., Oct. 3, 2003, at his home following a sudden illness. Born Sept. 9, 1979, in Beckley, he was the son of the late Bobby Moran and Shelby Honaker Greene and stepson of Darell

Greene of Flat Top. David was a 1997 graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School. He was an All-State Band member in junior high, where he played tuba and French horn. He loved spending time working on computers. He collected guns and knives and DVDs. He loved making jewelry, music and playing the guitar in a local rock band. He loved animals. He worked as a security guard. David was a member of Prosperity First Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his dad, Bobby Moran; his maternal grandparents, Mary and Denver Honaker; and paternal grandparents, Alvin and Hester Strunk. He will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his mother and stepfather; a brother, Robert Moran; a sister, Rebecca Beadle of Rochester, N.Y.; a niece, Mary Beadle, and nephew, Alan Beadle, and many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Service will be 1 p.m. today at Blue Ridge Funeral Home Chapel, Beckley, with the Rev. Randy Warden officiating. Burial will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends called 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Robert Moran, Chris Meade, Bobby Meadows, Robert Ford, Christopher Peters and Justin Elswick. Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley.


She married, third, Darrell Greene in 1994.

165.ix.ii. Thomas Jefferson[6] Honaker (Denver Abraham[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Oct 1943. In 2001 he lived in Prosperity, W.Va.

He married, first, Frances Roberts in 1963. They divorced in 1974. Children:

i. Jeffery. Born 13 Jan 1968 in Beckley, W.Va. He married Kim Childress in Oceana,

Wyoming Co., W.Va.

ii. Alice Renee. Born 14 Feb 1969. She married James Cox in Beckley.

iii. Christopher. Born 18 Aug 1974.

He married, second, Violet Frye in 1977. Children:

iv. Susan. Born 18 Sep 1979.

165.ix.iii. Elizabeth Louise[6] Honaker (called Boots) (Denver Abraham[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 20 Mar 1945. In 2001 she lived in Stanaford, W.Va.

She married Leslie Ball 8 Apr 1966. Children:

i. Leslie[7] Jr. Born 4 Apr 1968 in Beckley, W.Va. He married Kimberly Bays 14 Feb 1992

in Beckley.

ii. Michael P. Born 25 Jun 1976 in Beckley. He married Rochelle Wyatt 15 Feb 1998 in Beckley.

165.ix.iv. Philip Dale[6] Honaker (Denver Abraham[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Apr 1946. In 2001 he lived in Beckley, W.Va.

He married Glenna Mitchell 26 Apr 1969. Children:

i. Brian Keith[7] (called Keith). Born 6 Jan 1971 in Beckley. He married Rebecca Bea Dickerson Childress, daughter of Ray Dickerson and Unknown Riffe, 19 May 2001 in Crab Orchard, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 11 Mar 2001: Dickerson-Honaker

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dickerson of Beckley would like to announce the engagement of their daughter, Rebecca Bea, to Keith Honaker. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Chloe Dickerson of Beckley and the late Howard Dickerson and the late Duffey and Beatrice Riffe of Crab Orchard. Her fiancée is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Honaker of Beckley and the grandson of Denver Honaker of Prosperity and the late Mary Ruth Honaker, and the late Walter and Regina Mitchell of Mount Hope. She is a 1993 honor graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School and a 1997 honor graduate of West Virginia University with a bachelor of science degree in nursing. She is employed as a registered nurse at West Virginia University Hospital in the Maternal Infant Care Center in Morgantown. He is a 1989 graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School and a 1998 graduate of West Virginia University with a bachelor of science degree in agronomy. He is employed with Aspen Corporation in the Golf Course Construction Division in Daniels. The couple will be married at 2 p.m., May 19 at Crab Orchard.

ii. Michael Alan (called Mike). Born 29 Sep 1972 in Beckley.

165.ix.v. James Denver[6] Honaker (Denver Abraham[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Jan 1948. In 2001 he lived in Beckley, W.Va.

He married Frankie May Moxley, daughter of James Frank Moxley and Nancy Ann Unknown, 25 May 1973. Children:

i. Mary Ann[7]. Born 12 May 1976.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 2 May 2000: Honaker graduating with philosophy degree

Mary Ann Honaker will graduate May 14 from West Virginia University with a B.A. degree in philosophy. She also has minors in religious studies and English. She has received the following scholarships and awards: Honor Society of Phi Kappa Outstanding Freshman Scholar, Daniel B. Purinton Philosophy Scholarship (3 years), Arts and Sciences Certificate of Achievement (4 years).

Also this year she received two special awards from the philosophy department. The department has never before given both of these awards to just one person. The department unanimously agreed to award her the following: Cresswell Outstanding Senior in Philosophy, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Senior in Philosophy. Her extracurricular activities include: Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship (1995–present), Bible study Leader for Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship (Fall 1996), Campus Crusade for Christ (1995–1996), Philosophy Club (1995–1996 academic year), helped to organize Jesus Week, an outreach event (1996, 1997).

She has been accepted to Harvard Divinity School with full tuition. Her future plans are to get a doctorate in theology from Harvard and to work as a professor of theology at the university level. She would also like to work with campus ministry. She hopes to develop a systematic theology specifically designed to reach out to the intellectual community, in which atheism and materialism are the current prevailing ideologies. She also hopes to someday publish a book on poetry.

Mary is the daughter of James Denver and Frankie May Honaker of Beckley. Her maternal grandparents are the late James Frank and Nancy Ann Moxley of Beckley. Her paternal grandparents are Denver A. Honaker of Beckley and the late Mary Ruth Honaker of Prosperity.

ii. James Denver, III. Born in Sep 1979.

165.ix.vi. Robert Paul[6] Honaker (Denver Abraham[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Jul 1949. In 2001 he lived in Abingdon, Va.

He married, first, Mable Ann Gauldin in 1971. Born ca. 1936. Died 20 Apr 1994. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 21 Apr 1994: Mable Ann Gauldin Honaker, 58, of Shady Spring, formerly of Prosperity, died April 20, 1994, after a long illness. She was an employee of Beckley Manufacturing and a homemaker. Surviving: husband, Robert Paul Honaker; son, Richard W. Gauldin of Shady Spring; brothers, Wyatt R. Gauldin Jr. of Beckley, L. Leonard Gauldin of Prosperity; sisters, Arlene Wyatt of Sophia, Marie Carter of New Castle, Pa., Mildred Miller of Dayton, Ohio, Mary Deal of Prosperity, Margaret Meadows of Cool Ridge; one grandchild. Service will be private with the Rev. Don Blankenship officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Prosperity, is in charge of arrangements. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations of sympathy be made to Raleigh County Hospice, 104 S. Eisenhower Dr., Beckley, W.Va., 25801 or CHS Cares, 410 Rural Acres Drive, Beckley, W.Va., 25801.

He married, second, Catherine Eaton in 1995. Children:

i. Matthew Paul[7]. Born 13 May 2000 in Abingdon.

165.ix.vii. Reuben Lee[6] Honaker (Denver Abraham[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Sep 1950. In 2001 he lived in Mt. Hope, W.Va.

He married, first, Jonnie Sue Cole in 1970. They divorced in 1976. Children:

i. Crystal Lea[7]. Born 15 May 1971 in Beckley, W.Va. She married Michael Bryson in


He married, second, Sandra Ford 22 Mar 1986. Children:

ii. James Justin. Born 13 Mar 1987.

iii. Misty Dawn. Born 18 May 1988.

165.ix.viii. Nancy Ellen[6] Honaker (Denver Abraham[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Jan 1952. In 2001 she lived in Bradenton, Fla.

She married, first, Danny D. White in 1970. They divorced in 1982. Children:

i. Danny D.[7] II. Born 17 Oct 1973.

ii. James Michael. Born 20 Jun 1976.

She married, second, Dennis Reynolds in 1998.

165.xi. Randale John[6] Honaker II (Randale John[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 2 Aug 1952 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. He took a B.A. in Business Administration from Marshall University, Huntington W.Va. In 2016 he lived in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio. He was then senior vice president for wealth management and senior portfolio manager for Honaker Hayes Wealth Management Group in Dayton, which he joined in 2014 after 33 years with Merrill Lynch. He was active in his church and an avid fly fisherman.

He married Candice Ann Slyder, daughter of Emerson Slyder and Mary Ann Unknown, 27 Apr 1996. Born 6 Dec 1955 in Dayton, Ohio. Children:

165.xi. i. Randale John[6] III. Born 30 Dec 1979 in Beckley.

ii. Vanessa Lynn. Born 7 Apr 1983 in Beckley.

iii. Tabitha Ann. Born 27 Mar 1988 in Beckley.

165.xiii.i. John Harry[6] Honaker (Albert Waymon[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Died in 1979.

He married Judith Ann Maynard. She married again after John died. Maynard may have been her second husband’s surname. Children (of John and Judith):

165.xiii.i. i. Jeffrey Scott[7].

ii. Jonette Lynn.

iii. Joshua James.

166.i.i. Jacqueline Elaine[6] Welshans (called Jackie) (Ruby Ann[5], John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Dec 1936 in Colliers, W.Va. She retired in 1995 after a 30-year career as a licensed practical surgical nurse. In 2004 she lived in Eccles, W.Va.

She married Donald Allan Betkijian, son of Savin Betkijian and Rose Asadorian. They divorced in 1962 in Beckley, W.Va. Children:

i. Cynthia Ann[7]. Born 1958 in California. She married Unknown Walsingham. In 2004

she lived in Smyrna, Ga.

ii. Lewis Savon. Born 5 Dec 1961 in Beckley, W.Va. He married twice, having two children in his first marriage. In 2004 he lived in Beckley.

166.ii.i. Fred Dale[6] Johnson (called Skee or Skeezix) (Dorothy May[5], John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 Oct 1940 in Glen Rogers, W.Va. In 2003 he lived in Mesa, Ariz.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Nedra[7].

166.ii.ii. John Robert[6] Johnson (Dorothy May[5], John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 23 Jan 1943 in Glen Rogers, W.Va. In 2003 he lived in Cleveland, Ohio.

He married Carol Unknown. Children:

i. Jerry Lee[7]. Born 4 Mar 1969 in Cleveland.

ii. Jacqueline Carol. Born 6 Aug 1970 in Cleveland

166.ii.iii. Phillip Richard[6] Johnson (Dorothy May[5], John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Sep 1947 in Glen Rogers, W.Va. In 2003 he lived in Burbank, Calif.

He married Kim Unknown. Children:

i. Ethan Thomas[7]. Born 9 Apr 1991 in Burbank.

ii. Brooke Danielle. Born 9 Sep 1992 in Burbank.

166.ii.iv. Toby Lane[6] Johnson (Dorothy May[5], John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Nov 1948 in Glen Rogers, W.Va. In 2003 she lived in Huntington, W.Va.

She married Unknown Burgess. Children:

i. Jennifer Lane[7]. Born 14 Apr 1977 in Huntington.

ii. David William. Born 18 Jun 1982 in Huntington.

166.iv.ii. John Randall[6] Honaker (called Randy) (James Richard[5], John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 Aug 1957 in Glendale, Calif. In 2011 he lived in Bend, Ore. His sister Sherie said he was one of the youngest ever to be accepted to the Academy Awards judging panel for Sound.

He married Chloe Unknown of Canan, France. Children:

i. Forrest Evan[7]. Born 28 Jun 1982. In 2002 he lived in Eugene, Ore.

ii. Orion (called Ryan). Born 1 Jun 1992.

166.iv.iii. Sherie Anne[6] Honaker (James Richard[5], John Huling[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Feb 1961 in Burbank, Calif. In 2003 she was an employee relations representative for Securitas Security Services USA, Westlake Village, Calif., and lived with her husband and sons in Thousand Oaks, Calif.

She married Craig Michael Iascone, son of Nicholas Peter Iascone and Jacqueline Burt, 21 Jun 1980 in Lake Tahoe, Calif. Born 3 Apr 1956 in Rochester, N.Y. Children:

i. Michael Craig[7]. Born 20 Nov 1980 in Panorama City, Calif.

ii. Robert Daniel. Born 6 Aug 1982 in Burbank.

iii. Nathaniel Scott. Born 16 Sep 1985 in Burbank.

Her father’s obituary in 2011 gave her surname as Nill and said she lived in Henderson, Nev.

167.i.i. Harold Lee[6] Honaker (Clarence Sawyer[5], Edgar Jackson[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 31 Aug 1930 in Bluefield, W.Va. In 2001 he lived in Sheridan, N.Y.

He married Maritta Lou Loucks. Children:

167.i.i. i. Phyllis Yavonne[7]. Born 1 Sep 1956.

167.i.i. ii. Terry Jean. Born 5 Nov 1960.

iii. Maritta Lou. Born 9 May 1963. She married James Leonard Komula. In 1990 she lived in

Jamestown, N.Y. In 2001 she lived in Columbus, Ohio.

167.i.i. iv. James Michael. Born 3 Feb 1966 in Olean, N.Y.

v. Harold Lee, Jr. Born 15 Sep 1952. Died 14 Mar 1954.

167.i.v. Ronald Lee[6] Honaker (Clarence Sawyer[5], Edgar Jackson[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 16 Jun 1946 in West Virginia.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Ronald Lee[7] Jr.

ii. Daniel Lee. Born 12 Dec 1978 in Pulaski, Va.

168.v.ii. James Vincent[6] Spano (called Jim) (Olivia Foree[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Apr 1960 in Detroit, Mich. Died 8 Sep 1993 in Portsmouth [Va.] U.S. Naval Hospital. Buried in Grace Memorial Cemetery, place unknown. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Persian Gulf War and died while in military service.

He married Agnes Unknown. Born in the Philippines. Children:

i. Samuel Vincent[7]. Born 8 Mar 1983.

ii. Alana Marie. Born 24 Sep 1985.

168.viii.i. Janice Dorothy[6] Flowers (Dorothy May[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Dec 1944.

She married Parker Johnson.

168.viii.ii. Donald Joseph[6] Flowers (Dorothy May[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Oct 1946 in Ferndale, Mich. Died 4 Aug 2012 in Oxford, Mich.

Unknown newspaper and date: Donald Joseph “Joe” Flowers, age 65, born Oct. 26, 1946 in Ferndale, went Home to ride his Harley Aug. 4, 2012 in Oxford where he resided with his daughter Lisa. Preceded in death by his father Ted; survived his mother Dorothy (Ray) Milner; sisters Janice (Parker) Johnson and Phyllis (Paul) Raymond; brother Robert Flowers; daughters Michelle Prellberg, Lisa Flowers and Angela Kolakowski; as well as eight grandchildren; and eight great grandchildren. Donald went to school at Pontiac Northern High School and was employed at Truck and Coach. A memorial service will be held Sat., Aug. 11, 2012 at 12 noon at Christi’s Bar and Grill, 95 East Clarkston Rd., Lake Orion. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Michigan. Arrangements entrusted to Lynch & Sons Funeral Directors, Oxford. To leave an online condolence please visit

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Michelle[10]. She married Unknown Prellberg.

ii. Lisa.

iii. Angela. She married Unknown Kolakowski.

168.viii.iii. Phyllis Virginia[6] Flowers (Dorothy May[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Mar 1949.

She married Paul Raymond.

191.iii. Arthur Clifford[6] Bane (Leander Harrison[5], Margaret Ann[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Verland Ruth Sifford 1 Jul 1933. Children:

191.iii. i. Stanley Ray[7].

211.iii. John William[6] Jones (Mary Alice[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Feb 1948 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. Died 26 Jul 2014 in Marion.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 29 Jul 2014: John William Jones, age 66, of Marion, passed away Saturday afternoon at his home. John was born in Marion on Feb. 24, 1948 to Walter and Mary (Honaker) Jones who preceded him in death. He was also preceded in death by a son, Randall J. Jones; two brothers, Walter and David Jones; and a grandchild, Skiley Paige Jones. John served his country during the Vietnam Conflict as a proud member of the U.S. Air Force. He married the former Diane Moore on May 9, 1986 and she survives at home; also surviving are his son, Tim (Angela) Jones; his daughter, Eloise (Dee) Hensley; his four brothers, Kenny Jones, Paul Jones, Donald (Roz) Jones and Raymond (Sue) Jones; his grandchildren, Tim Jones, Jr., Axton Jones, Tucker Hensley, Bethany Hensley, Wesley Hensley, Torie Hensley, Joey Hensley and Emily Hensley. John was a forge operator at Eaton Corporation retiring in 2009 and was a life member of American Legion Post 584, V.F.W. Post 3313 and the [National Rifle Association.] Friends may call on Wednesday from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Hughes-Allen Funeral Home. Funeral services will immediately follow at 5 p.m., with Pastor Frank O’Brien officiating and military honors being observed by the Marion County Joint Veteran’s Council. In lieu of flowers, his family suggests contributions be made to Heartland Hospice of the Marion County Joint Veteran’s Council and expressions of sympathy may be sent directly to his family by logging onto and opening his obituary.

He married Diane Moore 9 May 1986. Children:

i. Randall J.[7] Died before 2014.

211.iii. ii. Tim. He married Angela Unknown.

211.iii. iii. Eloise. She married Dee Hensley.

215.ii. Roxanna Jean[6] Honaker (Jerry Richard[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Jul 1954.

She married Ricky J. Ralston 8 Nov 1977. Born 15 Jan 1951. Children:

i. Ricky[7].

ii. Jamie.

242.iii. Lee Roy[6] Peters (called Pete) (Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Jul 1922 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Died 6 Jun 1998 in Triangle, Prince William Co., Va. Buried in Quantico [Va.] National Cemetery. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, from 13 Nov 1942 to 13 Dec 1945, with motor torpedo boat squadrons (PT boats) and auxiliary repair ships in the South and Southwest Pacific. He was overseas for 20 months, deployed to Tulaghi, Guadalcanal and Rendova in the Solomon Islands, and the Philippines.

Quantico [Va.] Times, 8 Jun 1998: Lee Roy Peters, 75, of Triangle, died Sat., June 6, 1998 at Potomac Hospital. Peters was a life member of the American Legion Post 28, Veterans of Foreign Wars, 40/8 and Quantico Masonic Lodge and Scottish Rite. He was also a member of Disabled American Veterans, AMVETS, Cooties and Elks. Peters was also a former member of the Quantico Town Council and had worked briefly with the Prince William Park Authority. He had served in the Navy during World War II and was retired from [Marine Corps Development & Education Command] after 30 years of service as a maintenance general foreman. Peters is survived by his five sons, Roy Lee Peters of Douglas, Ariz., Allen and Matthew Peters both of Woodbridge [Va.], PatrickPeters of Stafford [Va.] and Michael Peters of South Korea; his companion Eteta Daley; his former wife Gladys Ritchey of Woodford, 13 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Friends will be received Wednesady from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 at Mountcastle Funeral Home, 13318 Occoquan Road, Woodbridge, with a Quantico Masonic Lodge service at 7:30 and American Legion service at 8. Memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at Mountcastle Funeral Home, with the Rev. Churchill Gibson officiating. Burial will be at Quantico National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to the American Legion Post No. 28, P.O. Box 130, Dumfries, VA 22026, earmarked for the Boys State in memory of Lee Roy Peters. He was instrumental in getting Quantico National Cemetery in place for veteran funerals.

He married Gladys Eleanor Eberhart, daughter of Porter Eberhart and Mary Catherine Sisson, 26 Mar 1942 in Brooke Co., W.Va. They divorced. She married, second, John Richard Richey, son of Frank Richey and Rose Unknown, 13 Aug 1984 in Prince William County.


i. Roy Lee[7]. Born 10 Nov 1942 in Akron. He attended Virginia Military Institute while in the U.S. Army. In 2015 he lived in Douglas, Cochise Co., Ariz. He married Roma Lavinia Lupe Garcia, daughter of Albert and Herlinda (Velasco), 7 Nov 1967 in Fauquier Co., Va. Born 1943.

ii. Allen Lawrence. Born 1 May 1946 in Akron. In 2015 he lived in Woodbridge, Prince

William Co., Va. He married Sue Ellen Gentzel, daughter of Robert A.W. Gentzel and Mary Brownell, 14 Feb 1970 in Woodbridge. Born 1 Dec 1951 in Connecticut.

iii. Patrick Eberhart. Born 9 Dec 1952 in Quantico, Prince William Co., Va. He married

Norma Marie Merritt, daughter of Norman Merritt and Beatrice Nohan, 24 Aug 1974 in Mathews, Mathews Co., Va. Born 5 Nov 1952 in Japan.

iv. Unknown daughter, born and died 1952.

242.iii. v. Matthew Loren. Born 29 Mar 1954 in Quantico.

vi. Michael L. Born 20 Oct 1964.

243.ii. Lorraine Beatrice[6] Honaker (Lionel Huston[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 Dec 1928 in Widemouth, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 15 Aug 2013 in Davidson Co., N.C. Buried in Neal Cemetery, Tannersville, Tazewell Co., Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 16 Aug 2013 (with photograph): Winston-Salem, N.C.—Mrs. Lorraine Neal passed away Thurs., Aug. 15, 2013 at the Hospice House in Davidson County. Lorraine was born to Lionel and Stella Honaker. She was born in the coal mines of West Virginia. She graduated from Tazewell High School. She was an awesome mother and wife. She spent years as a Girl Scout leader. She is a charter member of Oak Forest Methodist Church. She spent the last few years in pain that couldn’t be handled. On April 10th she was predeceased by her husband Eugene I. Neal. Survivors include her daughter, Beverly Ann Neal and son Michael E. Neal and his wife Becky; one granddaughter, Emily; one brother, Lionel Honaker all of Tazewell; and sister, Juean Johnson of Crosby, Tenn. A graveside service will be held 2 p.m. Sun., Aug. 18, 2013 at the Neal Cemetery in Tannersville, Va., where she will be united with her husband. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Beverly Neal, 1854 Gumtree Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 to help with the estate. Online condolences can be made at hayworth-. Hayworth-Miller Funeral Home of Clemmons, N.C., is in charge of arrangements.

She married Eugene Irvin Neal 16 Aug 1953. Born 24 Oct 1922 in Tannersville. Died 10 Apr 2013. Buried in Neal Cemetery. Children:

i. Beverly Ann[7].

ii. Michael E. He married Becky Unknown.

243.iii. Ramona Juean[6] Honaker (Lionel Huston[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Ramona Juean. Born 10 Mar 1932 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 8 Jan 2017.

Manes Funeral Home, Newport, Tenn., 13 Jan 2017: Ramona Juean Johnson, age 84, of Cosby, passed away on Sun., Jan. 8, 2017. She was a member of the Tazewell Christian Church, sang in the church choir, avid traveler and loved being with her family. She had a passion for cooking for her family and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Floyd Johnson; parents, Lionel H. Honaker Sr. and Stella Honaker; and sister, Lorraine Neal. She is survived by her daughter, J. Sharee Boyd; son C. Kevin Fox and daughter-in-law, Beth; brother, Lionel H. Honaker, Jr.; grandchildren, Shaun K. Jackson, Daniel C. Boyd, Christopher Boyd, and A. Leia Madden; and great-grandchildren, Riley E. Madden and Charlee C. Madden. Per her requests she was cremated and no service is planned. Family and friends may sign the guest register on line at . Arrangements by Manes Funeral Home.

She married, first, John Dawson. Born 21 Jul 1930 in Cedar Bluff, Tazewell Co., Va. Died 6 Aug 1984 in Jacksonville, Fla.

She married, second, Charles T. Fox Jun 1957. Born 8 Feb 1932 in Thompson Valley, Tazewell Co., Va. Children:

i. C. Kevin. He married Beth Unknown.

She married, third, Floyd Johnson 4 Jan 1980. Born 25 Jun 1920 in Monroe, Quachita Par., La. Died 18 Nov 1981 in Dade City, Fla.

247.ii. Patricia Ann[6] Honaker (Thomas Graham[5], Thomas Graham[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Jun 1954 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 9 Feb 2015 in Bluefield. She took a B.A. in History from Hollins College, Hollins College, Va., in 1976.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 11 Feb 2015: Bluefield, W.Va.—Patricia Honaker Harman, of Bluefield, W.Va., died Mon., Feb. 9, 2015 at Bluefield Regional Medical Center. She is survived by her mother, Belvia Reid Honaker; her husband, John Herring Harman, both of Bluefield, W.Va. She is also survived by her daughters, Mary Harman Parks of Radford, Va., and Anne Elizabeth Ware of Arvada, Colo., her sons-in-law Joseph Brian Parks and Ian Michael Ware, her grandson,Tristan Michael Ware, her brother, Thomas Honaker, her niece, Greta Koning and her nephews, Eliot and Graham Honaker, her cousins Billy and Vivian Reid and Diann Bateman and her uncle, William Reid. Patricia was born and raised in Bluefield, W.Va., and attended Salem Academy and received a degree from Hollins College in Roanoke, Va. She is preceded in death by her father, Thomas G. Honaker. Patricia had an intellectual sense of humor, endless generosity and she enjoyed playing cards, doing needlepoint, cooking, traveling, and socializing. She also loved her corgis and going to the beach. Family and friends will be received at Mercer Funeral Home on Thurs., Feb. 12, 2015 from 5 to 7 p.m. In lieu of flowers, her family requests that contributions be made to Glenwood Park Retirement Village, 1924 Glenwood Park Road, Princeton, WV 24739. Those wishing to share memories or e-mail condolences may do so by visiting . Mercer Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family of Patricia Honaker Harman.

She married Jonathan Herring Harman, son of James William Harman and Evelyn Herring, 26 Aug 1974 in Christ Episcopal Church, Bluefield. Born 25 May 1954 in Bluefield. In 2001 he was an engineer for the Norfolk & Western Railroad and they lived in Bluefield. Children:

247.ii. i. Anne Elizabeth[7]. Born 7 Oct 1986 in Bluefield. She married Ian Michael Ware.

ii. Mary Margaret[7]. Born 22 Jun 1988 in Bluefield. She married Joseph Brian Parks.

251.i. Russell Carrol[6] Honaker (called Billy) (Hallie Homer[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Nov 1934.

He married Madeline Conley. Children (one son, identity not known, was killed by a car at an early age):

i. Billy Ray[7].

ii. Johnnie.

iii. Sherry.

iv. Gloria.

v. David

vi. Russell.

251.ii. Scott Junior[6] Honaker (called Buddy) (Hallie Homer[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Dec 1935.

He married Lou Hazelett. Children:

i. Donna[7].

ii. Kathy.

iii. Robin.

251.iii. Anna Lee[6] Honaker (Hallie Homer[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Sep 1938.

She married, first, Lester McCoy. Children:

i. Paul[7].

She married, second, Ted Ancheta. Children:

ii. Unknown daughter.

251.vi. Bobby Ray[6] Honaker (Hallie Homer[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born ca. 1947. In 1994 he lived in Pocatalico, W.Va.

He married Virginia Irene Smith (called Renie). Children:

i. Bobby R.[7], Jr. Born ca. 1976.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 17 May 1994: A change of tune turns jock into marching mountaineer, by Mary Sansom

When Sissonville Indians basketball coach David Daniel scheduled morning practices and demanded his basketball players work longer and harder, he didn’t know he was shaping up an All-County tuba player. But the same work ethic Daniel pushed on the court compels former player Bobby Honaker on the marching field.

If bats and balls and racquets were instruments, Honaker would be an accomplished and versatile musician. He played sports year-round, beginning with baseball at the age of 5. He played football from Midget League to ninth grade and tennis from the ninth grade until his senior year. He started out in Biddy Basketball, but by his sophomore year, Honaker decided he needed a change of tune.

The change came about unexpectedly, when Honaker attended Drums Across the Tri-State with the Upward Bound program the summer before his junior year at Sissonville High. It looked like something he wanted to do, though he had no musical experience, unless you count mandatory recorder lessons in fourth grade.

He asked band director Katrina Flanagan if he could join. That fall Honaker enrolled in band class, and Flanagan set him up with tuba lessons from instructor Matthew Walters of Big Chimney. At the same time, he played basketball for Daniel, but realized he would have to chose between the two because the strenuous athletic program took him away from the marching field.

He concentrated on the tuba, but the words of Daniel and of all his other coaches stayed with him like a song he couldn’t get out of his mind. “If you didn’t work, you didn’t get to play,” Honaker recalls them saying. “It wasn’t how much talent you had, it was how hard you worked.”

“I worked longer, I worked harder at getting the notes, at getting the rhythm. I saw how hard I had worked in basketball, and I worked just as hard in music,” he said. He practiced rigorously, and this year, as a senior, he competed with ten other tuba players to earn fourth seat in the All-County Band. After he graduates, he will continue to play the tuba at West Virginia University, where he plans to major in chemistry. Recently, he successfully auditioned for one of nine openings on the 300-member WVU marching band.

He said his parents, Bob and Virginia, of Pocatalico, were leery of his new interest. “They were a little shaky at first and didn’t like me quitting basketball, but I think they’re proud of me,” he said. If his brothers follow his musical lead, the family could have its own ensemble. Eighth-grader Aaron plays the saxophone, and Bobby is hoping fourth-grader, Benjamin, and first-grader, James, will also take up an instrument. He coaches Aaron to beef up his practice because he knows the value of sweat.

“I believe anybody can do what I’ve done with tuba lessons and Mrs. Flanagan helping. I think I’m building on my talent because of how hard I work at it.”

ii. Aaron. Born ca. 1981.

iii. Benjamin David (called Benji.) Born ca. 1985.

iv. James (called Jimmy). Born ca. 1988.

252.ii. Richard Lee[6] Honaker (Ronald Denver[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 2 Sep 1947 in East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio. He lives in Girard, Ohio, near Youngstown.

He married, first, Dawn Resa Barlow, daughter of William Smith Barlow and Donna Jean Reese, 28 May 1975 in East Liverpool, Ohio. Born 5 Apr 1954 in East Liverpool. They divorced. Children:

i. Ryan Jarrod[7]. Born 15 Jan 1977 in East Liverpool.

He married, second, Tina Louise Rosace, daughter of Anthony Rosace and Mary Louise Jones, 28 Jan 1994 in Girard, Trumbull Co., Ohio. Born 3 Sep 1965 in Columbus, Ohio. Children:

ii. Theresa Louise. Born 31 Mar 1992 in Youngstown, Ohio.

252.iii. Mary Patricia[6] Honaker (Ronald Denver[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Aug 1950 in East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio. She married Glen Cover There are no children. In 2000 she lived in Stow, Ohio.

252.v. Ruth Ann[6] Honaker (Ronald Denver[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Jul 1955 in East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio.

She married, first, Richard Allen Lilley in 1973. Children:

252.v. i. Shannon Leigh[7].

ii. Richard A., Jr. Born ca. 1975.

She married, second, Randy Tucker. Children:

iii. Karen. Born in 1982 in Phoenix, Ariz.

She married, third, Michael Hayes. There were no children.

252.vii. Donna Jean[6] Honaker (Ronald Denver[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Jul 1957 in East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio.

She married Gary Voight. Children:

i. Christine[7].

267.ii. Martha Lee[6] McComas (Earl Ray[5], Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Jul 1942 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 20 Jun 2014 in South Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, Kanawha County.

West Virginia Gazette, Charleston, W.Va., and Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 22 Jun 2014: Martha Lee Claypool, 71, of St. Albans, passed away Fri., June 20, 2014 at Hubbard Hospice House, West, South Charleston. Born July 4, 1942 in Beckley, she was a daughter of the late Earl and Velma Lilly McComas. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Charles “Buddy” Claypool, Jr. As a true homemaker, Martha enjoyed cooking, sewing and her family. She also enjoyed playing the piano. Surviving are her daughter, Leanne Holley (Matt) of St. Albans; her sons, Loren Claypool (Hollis) of Charleston, David Claypool (Oksana) of St. Albans; her brothers, Larry and Garry McComas both of Shady Springs, W.Va.; her grandchildren, Stefan Claypool, Kathleen Claypool, Jillian Holley, Ivan Claypool and Addison Holley. Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Mon., June 23 at Bartlett-Chapman Funeral Home, St. Albans, with the Rev. Joel Harpold officiating. Burial will follow in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. Bartlett-Chapman Funeral Home, family-owned and located at 409 Sixth Ave., St. Albans, is honored to serve the Claypool family.

She married Charles Claypool Jr., called Buddy, son of Charles Claypool and unknown. Born 17 Oct 1943. Died 5 May 2007. Children:

267.ii. i. Leanne[7]. She married Matt Holley.

ii. Loren. He married Hollis Unknown.

iii. David. He married Oksana Unknown.

268.i. Rondell Kaye[6] McComas (Everett L.[5], Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Apr 1944 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. In 2012 she lived in North Ridgeville, Lorain Co., Ohio. Among her interests were family history.

She married Richard Terry Belt (called Rick), son of Harry Belt and Ruby Westfall, 30 Sep 1966 in Marmet, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Born 2 Aug 1941 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 10 Sep 2011 in Sandusky, Erie Co., Ohio.

Chronicle Telegram, Elyria, Ohio, 13 Sep 2012: Richard Terry “Rick” Belt, 71, of North Ridgeville, formerly of Charleston, passed away Mon., Sept. 10, 2012, at the Ohio Veterans Home, Sandusky. Richard Terry Belt, born Aug. 2, 1941, in Charleston, W.Va., was the only child of Harry and Ruby Westfall Belt. The Belt family lived in Widen, W.Va., at the time of his birth, where Ruby was a school teacher and Harry ran the YMCA. The family later moved to Marmet in Kanawha County, where Ruby continued teaching and Harry worked in the coal mines. Richard graduated from Charleston High School and then West Virginia State College with a degree in education. He was in [Reserve Officer Training Corps] and the Pershing Rifles Drill Corps during his college years. Upon college graduation, Rick entered the U.S. Army as a 1st Lieutenant and was stationed at Fort Sill, Okla. After leaving the Army, Richard returned to Charleston and began his computer studies at Center College. Harry owned an airplane and Rick was taking flying classes at Yeager Airport in Charleston. On one of his trips to the airport, he met Rondell McComas who was on a family outing. They were married at her parents home in Marmet on Sept. 30, 1966. After finishing classes at Center College, Rick and Rondell moved to Pittsburgh where he worked for Westinghouse’s computer division. It was there that their first child, Rae Dawn, was born Nov. 12, 1970. Later he began working for Crain Company, still in the Pittsburgh area. In 1971, the family moved back to Charleston where Richard worked for the State of West Virginia again in the computer field. He later worked for Union Carbide and it was UC who transferred him to Texas for a year and then to Cleveland in 1986. Union Carbide in Cleveland became UCAR Carbon. Richard retired from there in 2000. Ryan was born May 27, 1974, while the family lived in Charleston. It was also in Charleston that Rick’s interest in real estate rose to the surface when he acted as general contractor for a home for his family. He later, jointly with Ruby, built a speculation home. He also purchased, remodeled and sold several homes in Ohio. Richard is survived by his wife of 46 years, Rondell; his children; son, Ryan; daughter, Rae Dawn; and son-in-law, David; grandsons, Henry and Reagan; granddaughter, Alysa Belt; mother-in-law and father-in-law, Everett and Wilda McComas; brother and sister-in-law, Todd and Becky McComas; and numerous cousins and family members. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m., Fri., Sept. 14, 2012, at the Harding Funeral Home, 514 50th St., S.E., Charleston, W.Va., and one hour prior to the service at the church. A tribute to Rick’s life will be held at 11 a.m., Sat., Sept. 15, 2012, at Morris Memorial United Methodist Church, Kanawha City, with the Rev. Janet Harman officiating. Entombment will follow in Sunset Memorial Park, South Charleston, W.Va. Military honors will be given by the United States Army. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to either The Alzheimer’s Association, Cleveland Area Chapter, 23215 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 300, Beechwood, OH 44122-5803 or to The Ohio Veterans Home, 3416 Columbus Ave. Sandusky, OH 44870.


268.i. i. Rae Dawn[7]. Born 12 Nov 1970 in Pittsburgh, Pa.

268.i. ii. Ryan Anthony. Born 27 May 1974 in Charleston, W.Va.

271.i. Charles Theodore[6] Honaker (called Ted) (Robert Travers[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1919. Died 1944.

He married Gladys Louise Hipes, daughter of Walter Harrison Hipes and Margaret Peery (called Mag), in Mt. Hope, W.Va. Born 5 May 1916 in Oswald, W.Va. Died 9 Nov 2004. Buried in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill, W.Va.

Beckley [W.Va.] Register-Herald, 11 Nov 2004: Scarbro [W.Va.]—Gladys Louise Hipes Honaker, 88, died Tue., Nov. 9, 2004, at Hilltop Healthcare Center. Born May 5, 1916, at Oswald, she was the daughter of the late Walter Harrison Hipes and Margaret “Mag” Peery Hipes. Mrs. Honaker was a homemaker. She was a member of Fellowship Memorial Baptist Church at Oak Hill and the Ladies Aid. She was also a member of Scarbro Homemakers Club, where she served as treasurer. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Theodore “Ted” Honaker; a brother, John Walter Hipes Jr.; and a sister, Juanita Hipes Thurman. Survivors include a daughter, Carol Louise Gregory of Dallas, Texas; two sons, William “Bill” Honaker of Covington, Va., and Charles T. “Butch” Honaker of Scarbro; two sisters, Frances Hipes Ash of Wood Haven, Mich., and Dorothy Allen Hipes of Charmco; five grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Service will be 2 p.m. Friday at Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill, with the Rev. Bill Menefee officiating. Burial will follow in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Chuck Honaker, Billy Honaker, Danny Bess, Keith Zutaut, Dean Elkins and Calvin Manning. Online condolences may be sent at . Arrangements by Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill.

Unknown newspaper, probably Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 11 Nov 2004: Gladys Louise Honaker, 88, of Scarbro, died Nov. 9, 2004. Service will be 2 p.m. Fri., Nov. 12, at Tyree Funeral Home, Oak Hill. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday. Burial will be in High Lawn Memorial Park, Oak Hill.


i. Carol Louise[7]. She married Unknown Gregory.

ii. William.

iii. Charles T. (called Butch)

271.ii. William Thomas[6] Honaker (called Bill) (Robert Travers[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1921. Died 26 May 1994 in Norfolk, Va. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens, Norfolk or Virginia Beach, Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 27 May 1994: Norfolk, Va.—William Thomas “Bill” Honaker, 73, of Norfolk, formerly of Elmo, W.Va., died May 26, 1994. He was a retired chief torpedoman’s mate with 30 years of service in the Navy and a veteran of World War II and the Korean War. Surviving: wife, Irma L. Honaker of Norfolk; daughters, Frances Black and Elizabeth Hope Wager, both of Chesapeake, Va.; sons, William T. Honaker II of Norfolk and Michael T. Honaker of Williamsburg, Va.; brother, Robert T. Honaker of St. Albans, W.Va.; seven grandchildren. A graveside funeral service will be held Saturday at 1 p.m. at Woodlawn Memorial Gardens with the Rev. Brad Phillips officiating. The family will receive friends Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Tidewater Drive Chapel, Norfolk.

He married Irma L. Pack in Oak Hill, W.Va. Children:

i. Frances[7]. Married Unknown Black.

ii. Elizabeth Hope. Married Unknown Wager.

iii. William Thomas, II.

iv. Michael T.

274.iii. Clara Elizabeth[6] Nelson (also reported as Claire) (Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1922 in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va.

She married William O. Koontz. Born in 1923. They live in Alabama. Children:

274.iii. i. Nelson[7].

274.iii. ii. Gregory.

274.iv. William[6] Nelson (also reported as Billie Carl) (Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1923 in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va.

He married Juanita Pettry. Born in 1927. Children:

274.iv. i. Francis[7].

274.iv. ii. Linda.

274.iv. iii. David.

274.iv. iv. Billie, Jr.

274.iv. v. Pamela.

274.iv. vi. Penny.

274.iv. vii. Robin. Born in 1958.

viii. Patti. Born in 1959. Died in 1974.

274.v. Joda Paul[6] Nelson (Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1925 in Whitesville, W.Va.

He married Helen Stover. Born in 1928. Children:

274.v. i. Judy[7].

ii. Jeannie. Born in 1952. Died in 1953.

274.v. iii. Ricky.

274.vi. Charles L.[6] Nelson (called Snooks) (Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1927 in Whitesville, W.Va.

He married Mary Wykle (also reported as Weikle). They live in Sylvester, W.Va. Children:

i. Roger[7]. He had one child, name unknown.

274.vi. ii. Charles Edward.

274.ix. Joanne Elaine[6] Nelson (also reported as Joanne Francis) (Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1932 in Whitesville, W.Va.

She married Herman Morton. Born in 1930. They lived in Palestine, Texas. Children:

274.ix. i. Lyndon[7].

274.ix. ii. Stephen.

iii. Jody. Born in 1961.

274.x. Beulah Jane[6] Nelson (Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1935 in Whitesville, W.Va.

She married James Hill (also reported as James Davis). Children:

274.x. i. Karl[7].

274.x. ii. Roy.

274.x. iii. Jayne.

274.xi. Robert[6] Nelson (reported as Robert A., Robert Lee, and Robert R.) (Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1934 (also reported as 1937) in Whitesville, W.Va. He was reportedly a two-term mayor of Huntington, W.Va., one of the state's largest cities.

He married, first, Cynthia Unknown. They divorced.

He married, second, Mary Lucinda Abruzzino. Born in 1940. Robert had two children, mother(s) not reported:

274.xi. i. Phillip[7].

ii. Christina. Born in 1968.

286.iv. Clarence[6] Gunnoe (Annie[5], Duffie[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Jan 1933 in Lester, W.Va. Died 21 Oct 2000 in Vermilion, Ohio. Buried in Dickens-Jarrell Cemetery, Pine Knob, W.Va. A second cousin, W. Darrell Miller, recalled in 2000 that Clarence was slightly less than average height but could press over his head a 100-lb. feed sack with impressive ease.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 27 Oct 2000: Vermilion, Ohio—Clarence Gunnoe, 67, formerly of Pine Knob [W.Va.], died Sat., Oct. 21, 2000, in Vermilion. Born Jan. 30, 1933 in Lester, he was the son of the late Herbert and Annie Miller Gunnoe. Mr. Gunnoe was a disabled employee of Ford Motor Co. He was preceded in death by his wife, Florence Jean Gunnoe in 1995; a son, Johnny Gunnoe in 1988; and a brother, Herbert Gunnoe Jr. Survivors include a son, Harold “Ricky” Gunnoe of Cool Ridge; two daughters, Mrs. Charles (Brenda) Hendrix of Naoma, and Melinda Vealey of Vermilion, Ohio; three brothers, James Gunnoe of Amherst, Ohio, Donald Gunnoe of Port St. Lucie, Fla., and Richard Gunnoe of Saltfork, Ohio; four sisters, Novella Howerton of Sophia, Geneva Birchfield of Fairdale, Margaret Kraker of Avon, Ohio, and Mary Holland of Virginia Beach, Va.; and eight grandchildren. Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Armstrong Funeral Home Chapel, Whitesville, with the Rev. Ottie Tyler officiating. Burial will follow in the Dickens-Jarrell Cemetery, Pine Knob. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Arrangements by Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville.

He married Florence Jean Unknown. Died in 1995. Children:

i. Johnny[7]. Died in 1998.

ii. Harold (called Ricky).

iii. Brenda. She married Charles Hendrix.

iv. Melinda. She married Unknown Vealey.

303.viii. Gary Donald[6] Honaker (Byrd[5], William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born in Arnett, W.Va.

He married Patricia Ann Lively. They divorced. She remarried a Coop and lived in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Children:

303.viii. i. Melissa Ann[7]. Born 28 Mar 1972.

ii. Gary D. Jr. Graduated from Marsh Fork High School, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

304.iii. Stephen Ray[6] Honaker (called Steve) (Jerry Richard[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

Clay County Free Press, Clay, W.Va., 1 Apr 1987: Stephen Honaker

Stephen Honaker, a junior at Glenville State College, is currently training in preparation for this summer’s United States Cycling Federation’s Class 4 Racing season. Stephen has been riding extensively for many years but never considered turning his energy toward racing until this past fall. He became primarily involved through his association with Jamie Fitzpatrick of Richwood, a student at G.S.C. and former cycling state champion. The two are currently planning to race together this summer as a team. Each race averages in length from 60 to 90 miles and offers sanction points to crown an overall champion at the season’s end in each class. Stephen is a 1983 graduate of Clay County High School. He is the son of Nellie Honaker of Beckley and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Everette Brinegar of Procious.

Clay County Free Press, Clay, W Va., 21 Sep 1988: Local Resident Student Teaches

Glenville State College is proud to announce that Stephen R. Honaker of Clay has begun his field experience in Wood County. Glenville State College student teachers will remain in the public schools working with students and teachers in actual classroom situations through Dec. 16, 1988. Glenville State College has a total of 42 student teachers this fall semester. Twenty-four are in elementary education and 18 are in secondary education. Mr. Honaker is student teaching at Parkersburg South High School and Franklin Junior High School in social studies 5-8 and 9-12. Mr. Honaker graduated from Clay High School in 1983 and will graduate from Glenville State College in December 1988. Honaker is a member of Pi Gamma Mu, an academic honor society in social science. Stephen is the son of Ms. Nellie Honaker of Beckley and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Brinegar of Clay.

Sunday Gazette-Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 7 May 1995: Engagements

Announcement is made of the engagement of Jody Lynn Runyon, daughter and stepdaughter of Lee and Peggy Runyon-Bostic of Elkview and the late Larry Runyon, to Stephen Ray Honaker, son and stepson of Don and Nellie Miller of Quick and Richard Honaker of Campbells Creek. A summer 1995 wedding is planned. She attends Florida Atlantic University and is employed by Bourque and Dawsey, Ob-Gyn, Boca Raton, Fla. He is a graduate of Glenville State College and is employed by J.W. Charles Securities Inc., Boca Raton.

305.i. Annie Marie[6] Honaker (called Annie) (James Ross[5], Dewey D.[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Dec 1953 in Beckley, W.Va. Died 22 Feb 2001 in Beckley. Buried in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 24 Feb 2001: Annie Marie Smith, 47, of Arnett, went to be with the Lord on Thurs., Feb. 22, 2001, after receiving injuries in an auto accident on Dry Hill Road. Born Dec. 13, 1953 in Beckley, she was the daughter of James Ross Honaker of Arnett and the late Nevada Jane Stout Honaker. She was also preceded in death by two sons, Matthew Scott and Michael Andrew. She was a dear friend to all who knew her. She was a faithful member of Arnett Assembly of God Church and loved the Lord with all her heart. She was an active member of the women's ministries and Samaritan Sisters. She was a devoted wife and mother, always giving her all to the ones she loved. She is sadly missed by her father; her husband, Michael Joe Smith; two daughters, Stephanie and Jennifer, both at home; two sisters, Barbara Williams of Arnett and Marlene Smith of Hickory, N.C.; a brother, Jimmy Honaker of Arnett; and many brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. Service will be 1 p.m. Sunday at Assembly of God Church, Arnett, with Pastor Steve Tincher officiating. Burial will follow in Honaker Cemetery, Arnett. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. today at the church. Arrangements by Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville.

She married Michael Joe Smith. Children:

i. Matthew Scott[7]. Died before 2001.

ii. Michael Andrew. Died before 2001.

iii. Stephanie Jo.

305.i. iv. Jennifer Marie.

305.ii. Barbara Jane[6] Honaker (James Ross[5], Dewey D.[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2013 she lived in Arnett, W.Va.

She married, first, Unknown Jarrell. Children:

i. Courtney Nicole[7].

305.ii. ii. Christina Leanne.

She married, second, Jarvis Williams. Children:

iii. Justin.

iv. Megan.

v. Taylor.

305.iv. James Ross[6] Honaker II (James Ross[5], Dewey D.[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2013 he lived in Arnett, W.Va.

He married Leslie Unknown. Children:

i. James Ross, III[7].

ii. Larry Michael.

306.i. H. Robert[6] Honaker (Robert Milton[5], William Bezalell[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). In 2006 he lived in Morgantown, Ky.

He married Ruth Ann Unknown (called Ann). Children:

i. James Robert[7]. In 2006 he lived in Morgantown, Ky. He married Bonnie Clark.

306.ii. Charles Rodney[6] Honaker (called Roddy) (Robert Milton[5], William Bezalell[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). In 2006 he lived in Parkersburg, W.Va.

He married Sandra Kay Zak. Children:

i. Lindsay Elizabeth[7]. In 2006 she lived in Parkersburg, W.Va.

307.i. Nina Leona[6] Honaker (called Leona) (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Dec 1922. Died before 2015. She was raised by her grandparents, Jasper and Fannie. In 2012 she lived in Bruce, Wisc.

She married, first, Raymond James McKinney, son of George Lewis McKinney (called Gus) and Viola Jane Lester. Born 19 May 1923 in Herndon, Wyoming Co., W.Va. He enlisted in the U.S. Army 21 Jun 1941 in Wyoming County and became a staff sergeant, 34th Tank Bn., 5th Armored Division and was killed in action 22 Aug 1944 in Brittany province, France during World War II. The division was one of those which landed the preceding month at Utah Beach, Normandy, on or just after D-Day. He was awarded a silver star and purple heart and was buried in Brittany American Cemetery Plot K, Row 1, Grave 22. Children:

307.i. i. Deborah S.[7] Born 1944 in Mercer Co., W.Va.

She married, second, Dwight Lyman Ratliff, son of Andrew Franklin Ratliff and Mabel Mangus. They

divorced. Born 5 Dec 1925 in McComas, W.Va. Died Dec 1979 in Princeton, W.Va. Children:

i. Sandra. Born 1947 in Mercer County.

ii. Pamela. Born 1948 in Mercer County.

She married, third, Unknown Lovitt. There were no children.

She married, fourth, John Andrew Hofer 10 Dec 1982 in Rusk Co., Wisc. There were no children.

307.ii. Sallie Francis[6] Honaker (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Aug 1926 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 19 Jan 2005 in Bluefield, Mercer County. Buried in Taylor Family Cemetery, Bluefield.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 20 Jan 2005: Sally Honaker Taylor, 78, of Route 1 Box 435 (Littlesburg Road), Bluefield, passed away on Wed., Jan. 19, 2005 at Bluefield Regional Medical Center in Bluefield. Mrs. Taylor was born on Aug. 5, 1926 in Montcalm, to the late Lacy Lee Honaker and Pearl Martin Honaker. Mrs. Taylor had been a resident of Bluefield for 34 years, was a homemaker and was a member of the First Baptist Church in Bluewell. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Paulette Taylor and a sister, Shelby McMillian. Survivors include: husband, William M. Taylor of Route 1, Bluefield; daughters, Rebecca Darlene Jackson and husband Jeff of Bluefield, Angel Taylor of Route 1, Bluefield; sons, Darrell Ray Taylor and wife Dorothy of Oxford, Maine, William M. “Marty” Taylor and wife Debbie of San Antonio, Texas, Giles J. Taylor of Columbus, Ohio; sisters, Gloria Glass of Montcalm, Pauline Honaker of Montcalm, Judy Honaker of Rock, Sybil Honaker Wright of Rock, Leona Honaker of Wisconsin; brothers, Joe Honaker of Montcalm, Bill Honaker of Montcalm, Jerry Honaker of Bluefield, Ryland Honaker of Chicago, Ill.; seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. on Sat., Jan. 22, 2005 at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell with the Rev. Dr. Kenneth Powell officiating. Burial will follow in the Taylor Family Cemetery on Littlesburg Road in Bluefield where nephews and friends will serve as pallbearers. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Friday evening from 6–8 p.m. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home is serving the Taylor family.

She married William M. Taylor, son of Giles Johnson Taylor and Sarah Lula Hedrick, 11 Jan 1945 in Mercer County. Born 1924 in Littlesburg, Mercer County. In 2007 he lived in Bluefield, W.Va. Children:

i. Paulette[7]. Born 27 Dec 1945 in Littlesburg, Mercer County. Died 28 Dec 1945. Buried

in Taylor Cemetery, Brushfork, Mercer County.

ii. Darrell Ray (called Butch). Born 1947 in Littlesburg. In 2012 he lived in Oxford, Maine. He married Dorothy Unknown (called Dot).

iii. Rebecca Darlene (called Darlene). Born Jan 1949 in Littlesburg. In 2012 she lived in Bluefield, W.Va. and had no children. She married, first, Wayne Stowers. After he died she married, second, Jeffery Jackson.

iv. William Martin (called Marty). Born ca. 1953 in Littlesburg. In 2012 he lived in San Antonio, Texas. He married Debbie Unknown.

v. Giles Johnson II (called G.J.) Born 20 Oct 1957 in Brushfork, Mercer County. Died 25 Jan 2007 in Ashtabula, Ohio.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 28 Jan 2007: Columbus, Ohio—Giles

Johnson Taylor II, 49, of Columbus, died Jan. 25, 2007. He attended Bluefield High School in Bluefield and graduated in 1975. Mr. Taylor served his country in the U.S. Air Force. Mr. Taylor had made his home in Bluefield, Roanoke, Va., San Antonio, Texas and Columbus, Ohio. He loved music, antiques and was a talented artist. He was preceded in death by his life partner of 14 years, John Wesley Williams; his mother, Sally Frances Honaker Taylor; one sister, Paulette Taylor; and one brother in law, Wayne Stowers. He is survived by his life partner of 15 years, Danny Baker of Columbus; father, William M. Taylor of Bluefield; pets, Roxie, Whoopi, Shug, Avery and Dex; sisters, Darlene and husband Jeff Jackson of Bluefield, Angel Taylor and daughter Caitlin of Bluefield; brothers, Butch and wife Dot Taylor of Maine, Marty Taylor and wife Debbie of San Antonio; nephews, Mike Taylor of Bluefield, and Jeffery Jackson and daughter of Indiana; nieces, Missy Taylor and children of Bluefield, Shiloh Taylor of San Antonio, Texas, Nikki and husband Tim Wheelis and children of Florida, Missy and husband John Dekanski and children of North Carolina; special relative, Ronnie Ferrell of Bluefield; numerous aunts, uncles, friends, and family. Celebration of Life will be held at Ohio Cremation & Memorial Society/Rodman Funeral Services, 5464 N. High St., Columbus. Visitation will be held Mon., Jan. 29, 2007, from 5–7:30 p.m. with services starting at 7:30 p.m. An additional Celebration of Life will also be held at Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell on Mon., Jan. 29, 2007, at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Gary Pennington officiating the service.

vi. Angel (adopted). Born 1970. In 2012 she lived in Littlesburg, Mercer County. She had a daughter, Caitlin (Taylor) with Unknown.

307.iii. William Lee[6] Honaker (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 22 Dec 1927 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. In 2012 he lived in the former home of his grandparents, Jasper and Fannie, having purchased it after Fannie’s death in 1958. Died 3 Mar 2014 in Bluefield, W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 4 Mar 2014: William Lee “Bill” Honaker, age 86, of Box 98, Montcalm, W.Va., passed away on Mon., March 3, 2014 at the Maples Health Care in Bluefield, W.Va. Born on Dec. 21, 1927, in Montcalm, he was a son of the late Lacy Lee Honaker and Pearl Martin Honaker. He lived in Montcalm his entire life and was retired from Consolidated Coal Company in the engineering department with 35 years of service. He was a member of the Bramwell Church of Christ. Bill was baptized on Jan. 12, 2014 at the Maples Nursing Home. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his daughter, Virginia Lusk; and granddaughter, Crystal Lynn Johnson; sisters, Sally Taylor, Mae Mitchell, Pauline Honaker, Shelby McMillan and Syble Miller; and brother, Joseph Honaker. He is survived by brothers, Ryland Honaker and wife Dolly of Chicago, Ill., Gerald Honaker and wife Betsy of Rt. 4, Bluefield, W.Va.; sisters, Leona Hoffer of Wisconsin, Gloria Glass of Bluefield, Judy Peck and husband Steve of Rock; three great-grandchildren; and pet Windy. Funeral services will be held on Thurs., March 6, 2014 at 7 p.m. at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell with Minister Paul Delida officiating. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens in Princeton. Serving as pallbearers will be Quincy Adams, Michael Shrewsbury, Rodney Shrewsbury, Jerry Honaker, Jimmy Perkins and Ryland Honaker. Friends may call on Thursday evening from 5-7 p.m. prior to the service. A committal service will be held on Friday morning at 10 a.m. at Roselawn Memorial Gardens. The family is accepting online condolences at cravens-. The Cravens-Shires Funeral Home, 3431 Coal Heritage Road, Bluefield, W.Va., is in charge of arrangements.

He married Mabel K. Spaulding 24 Oct 1953 in Mercer County. W.O. Keys performed the ceremony. They divorced ca. 1970. She remarried Unknown Brooks. Children (of William and Mabel):

307.iii. i. Virginia Lynn[7]. Born 14 May 1956 in Montcalm.

307.iv. Winifred Mae[6] Honaker (called Mae) (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 May 1929 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 21 Sep 2006 in Johnstown, Licking Co., Ohio. Buried in Union Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio.

Columbus [Ohio] Dispatch, 24 Sep 2006: Winifred Mae Mitchell, formerly of Galena, passed away on Thurs., Sept. 21, 2006, at the age of 77. Born to the late Lacy and Pearl (Martin) Honaker in Montcalm, W.Va., Mae is preceded in death by her husband Toy E. Mitchell in 2004, son Sammy, granddaughter Beth Mitchell, sisters Sally Taylor and Shelby McMillan. Survivors include daughters, Cathy Mitchell, Joyce Weinberger, Patty (Ted) Hanawalt; sons, Bruce (Debbie), Toy E., Joey R. (Debbie), Mickey, Kevin (Virgincita); grandchildren, Angela, Andrea, Amber, Mickey Jr., Heather, Samuel Jr., Libby, Tracy, Scott, Michael, Joey, Toni, Alicia, Quinn, 19 great-grandchildren; sisters, Pauline Honaker, Gloria (Doug) Glass, Judy (Steve) Peck, Leona Hofer, Sybil Miller; brothers, Bill, Joe (Pat), Percy (Dolly), Jerry (Betsy) Honaker. Visitation will be held from 5–8 p.m. on Mon., Sept. 25, 2006, at the Newcomer Funeral Home, 3047 East Dublin Granville Road, Columbus, Ohio. Service will be held at the funeral home on Tue., Sept. 26, 2006 at 10:30 a.m. Interment will follow at Union Cemetery. Special thanks to Rapunzel Mitchell for her help in caring for our mother. Also donations may be made to the Hospice of Central Ohio in honor of our mother who dedicated her life to her family and all of those who knew her. Condolences may be left at .

She married Toy Eugene Mitchell, son of G. Dewey Mitchell and Dana Catherine Tackett. Born 22 Mar 1927 in Ligon, Floyd Co., Ky. Died 9 Apr 2004 in Galena, Delaware Co., Ohio. Children:

i. Catherine F.[7] Born 22 Mar 1948 in Floyd Co., Ky. In 2012 she had not married and

lived in Columbus, Ohio.

ii. Lloyd Bruce (called Bruce). Born 6 Nov 1949 in Floyd County. In 2012 he lived in

Michigan. He married Debbie Unknown.

iii. Toy Eugene, Jr. (called Junior) Born 20 Dec 1952 in Floyd County. In 2012 he lived in Galena, Ohio.

iv. Joey R. Born 20 Oct 1954 in Floyd County. In 2012 he lived in Ohio. He married Debbie Unknown.

v. Mickey. Born 1956 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio. He married Repunze K. Edington 13 Dec 1975. They divorced 26 May 1992. They had five children.

vi. Samuel Wayne. Born 29 Mar 1958 in Columbus. Died 8 Oct 1989 in Columbus, murdered by his girlfriend’s brother.

vii. Joyce A. Born 12 Nov 1960 in Columbus. She married Paul R. Weinberger 10 Apr 1990 in Columbus. They divorced 23 Nov 2004. They had one child.

307.iv. viii. Patricia L. Born 7 Jul 1963 in Columbus.

ix. Kevin Lee. Born 1965. In 2012 he lived in Gahanna, Ohio. He married, first, Amber J.

Jacobs 16 Jul 1994. They divorced 4 Nov 2002 with no children. He married, second, Virgincita Unknown. They had one son.

307.vi. Joseph Jackson[6] Honaker (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 May 1934 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 11 Sep 2012 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, W.Va. He served with the U.S. Army in Korea. He and his wife were members of Montcalm United Methodist Church.

Bluefield (W.Va.) Daily Telegraph, 12 Sep 2012: Montcalm—Joseph Jackson Honaker Sr., age 78, of 598 Freedom Road, Montcalm, W.Va., passed away Tue., Sept. 11, 2012 at Bluefield Regional Medical Center. Born May 28, 1934 at Montcalm, he was the son of the late Lacy Lee and Pearl Martin Honaker. Mr. Honaker was a lifelong resident of Montcalm and had worked at United Piece and Dye Works in Bluefield, Va. and as a master carpenter, building over 200 homes. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, and loved spending time with his grandchildren. He was also U.S. Army veteran. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by five sisters, Sybil Miller, Sally Taylor, Shelby McMillan, Mae Mitchell, and Pauline Honaker. Survivors include his wife of 52 years, Patricia “Pat” Henley Honaker of Montcalm; two sons, Joseph Jackson Honaker Jr. of Montcalm, J.W. Adkins of Minnesota; three daughters, Beverly Odle and husband Danny of Montcalm, Johanna Scott and husband Fred of Bluefield, Sybol Lane and husband Steven of Bastian, Va.; three brothers, Gerald Honaker and wife Betsy of Brushfork, W.Va., William Honaker of Montcalm, Ryland Honaker and wife Dolly of Chicago, Ill.; three sisters, Gloria Glass of Montcalm,  Judy Peck and husband Steve of Rock, W.Va., Leona Hofer of Bruce, Wis.; seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be held 7 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 13, 2012 at Cravens-Shires Funeral home Chapel with the Rev. Earl Arthur and the Rev. David Ratcliff officiating. Friends may call Thurs., Sept. 13, 2012 from 5 p.m. until time of services at 7 p.m. Graveside service will be held 11 a.m. Fri., Sept. 14, 2012 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton. Those wishing to attend the graveside services are asked to meet at Cravens-Shires Funeral Home by 10:30 a.m. Daniel Odle, Rocky Lane, Fred Scott, and Jacob Odle will serve as pallbearers. Those wishing to send online condolences may do so by visiting cravens-. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell, W.Va. is serving the Honaker family.

He married Patricia Ann Henley Adkins, daughter of Charles Lewis Henley and Dora Ethel Austin Hall Henley Lowe, 27 Nov 1959 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. The ceremony was performed by Minister R.S. McClung. She brought one son to the marriage from a prior marriage, J.W. Adkins. Patricia was born 24 May 1943 in Bluefield, Mercer County, and in 2012 lived in Montcalm. Children (of Joseph and Patricia):

i. Sybol Beth[7]. Born 4 Jul 1960 in Bluefield. In 2012 she and her husband lived in Bastian, Va. She married Steven Rocky Lane, son of Emory Dale Lane and Virtie Corennia Baldwin, 31 Dec 1980 in North Tazewell, Tazewell Co., Va. Born 19 Apr 1956 in North Tazewell, Tazewell Co., Va. They had no children.

ii. Johanna Lacee. Born 14 Dec 1961 in Chicago, Cook Co., Ill. In 2012 she and her husband lived in Sandlick, Mercer Co., W.Va. She married Frederick Gene Scott, son of Robert Donald Scott and Freida Hubbard Hunsucker, 18 Oct 1990 at the side of the road on East River Mountain with one foot in Virginia and one in West Virginia. Born 15 May 1958 in Lashmeet, Mercer County. They had no children.

307.vi. iii. Beverly Sue. Born 1 Jan 1963 in Chicago, Ill.

iv. Joseph Jackson, Jr. Born 21 May 1969 in Bluefield. In 2012 he lived in Montcalm,

Mercer County. He married and divorced Unknown and had no children.

307.vii. Shelby Jean[6] Honaker (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Dec 1937 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died of a heart attack 27 Sep 1996 in Chicago, Ill.

She married Scott Lee McMillan, son of Jesse Cleveland McMillan (called Key) and Hazel Eller, 17 Mar 1956 in Chicago. They divorced. Born 22 Nov 1937 in McComas, Mercer County. Children:

i. Wendell Scott[7]. Born Aug 1960 in Chicago, Ill. In 2012 he lived in Daniels, Raleigh

Co., W.Va. He had two sons.

307.viii. Gloria Ann[6] Honaker (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 14 Apr 1940.

She married, first, Dale Roland Shrewsbury, son of Lionel Shrewsbury and Sallie Barlow, 12 Nov 1958 in Mercer Co., W.Va. The ceremony was performed by A.H. Roe. They divorced. Born 13 Feb 1940 in McComas, Mercer County. Died 28 Aug 2007 in Van Wyck, S.C.

Unknown newpaper and date: Van Wyck, S.C.—Mr. Dale Roland Shrewsbury, 67, of 4767 Old Hickory Road, Lancaster, passed away Tue., Aug. 28, 2007 at his home. He was born Feb. 13, 1940 in McComas, a son of the late Lionel Schrewsbury and Sally Barlow Schrewsbury. Mr. Shrewsbury was formerly of Princeton and had been a manager of Pocahontas Coal Company in Herndon. He was a member of United Mine Workers of America, District 29. A service to celebrate the life of Mr. Shrewsbury will be held Sat., Sept. 1, 2007 at 3 p.m. at the chapel of the Lancaster Funeral Home with the Rev. George Fizer officiating. Burial will be in the Lancaster Memorial Park. Mr. Shrewsbury is survived by Rosemary Blankenship Shrewsbury; seven sons, Kevin Smith (step-son) and his wife Cristy of Bluefield, Mike Shrewsbury and his wife Janie, and Rod Shrewsbury and his wife Robin, all of Bluefield, Va., Jeff Shrewsbury and his partner Denise of Gainesville, Ga., Shane Smith (step-son) and his wife Lisa of Ruby, S.C., Willie Shrewsbury and his wife Angela of Jonesboro, Tenn., and Jamie Shrewsbury and his wife Donna of Abingdon, Va.; two daughters, Clantelle Harvey (step-daughter) of Van Wyck and Tammy Reagin and her husband Larry of Richmond, Va.; a brother, Ralph Shrewsbury and his wife Betty of Massachusetts; four sisters, Elizabeth Lilly of Princeton, Diane Gaulden and her husband Clinton of Stokesdale, N.C., Joan Brice and her husband Harold of Deritter, La., and Beulah Zimmerman and her husband Tom of Taylor, Mich.; and 24 grandchildren: Roland, Cheyenne, Josh, Eric, Jacob, Shae, Nicole, Melody, Cory, Caleb, Casey, Dania, Blake, Kera, Kaitlyn, KelliAnn, Eric Jr., Aaron, Jennifer, Lindsay, Jeffrey, Benjamin, Hayden and Todd; and two great granddaughters, Amber Elizabeth and Savana. The family will receive friends from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Fri., Aug. 31, 2007 at Lancaster [S.C.] Funeral Home.


307.viii. i. Tammy Sue[7]. Born 1 Apr 1959 in Mercer County.

ii. Michael Dale. Born Jul 1960 in Mercer County. In 2012 he lived in Bluefield, Va. He

married and divorced Unknown had had three sons.

307.viii. iii. Rodney Lionel. Born 1961 in Mercer County.

iv. Jeffrey Len. Born Aug 1962 in Mercer County. In 2012 he lived in Gainesville, Ga. He

married and divorced Denise Unknown.

307.viii. v. William Joseph (called Willie). Born 29 Dec 1966 in Chicago, Ill.

307.viii. vi. Jamie Alfred. Born Nov 1971 in Mercer County.

She married, second, Douglas Monroe Glass, son of Dwight Glass and Lorraine Riggs, Jul 1980. Born 30 Aug 1940 in Mercer County. Died 29 Jul 2009 in Montcalm, Mercer County. They had no children.

Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, W.Va., 31 Jul 2009 (with photograph) Montcalm—Mr. Douglas “Doug” Monroe Glass, age 68, of P.O. Box 154, Montcalm, W.Va., went to Heaven on Tue., July 28, 2009 after a long battle with cancer. Born Aug. 30, 1940 he was the son of the late Mr. Dwight and Lorraine Riggs Glass. Doug proudly served our country in the U.S. Army, serving two tours in Vietnam, and later as a recruiter. He retired with the rank of sergeant major in 1980. He received several medals such as National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Sharpshooter Badge, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry, Meritorious Service Medal, and Good Conduct Medal. Doug continued to work until finally retiring in 2004. He was a member of the Bailey Masonic Lodge #137, A.F.A.M. and a member of the Bramwell Church of Christ. Doug was a wonderful son, husband, father, and grandfather. He will surely be missed by all. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by one brother, Donald Glass; and one granddaughter, Rachel Davis. Survivors include: his wife Gloria Honaker Glass of Montcalm; eight children, Tammy Reagin and husband Larry of Richmond, Va., Karen Davis and husband Mike of Edmond City, Okla., Don Glass and wife Evelyn of Germanton, N.C., Mike Shrewsbury of Bluefield, Va., Rod Shrewsbury of Bluefield, Va., Jeff Shrewsbury and wife Denise of Gainesville, Ga., Willie Shrewsbury and wife Angela of Jonesborough, Tenn., Jamie Shrewsbury and wife Donna of Abingdon, Va.; one sister and brother-in-law, Marsha and Bob Saddler of Lakeland, Fla.; 14 grandchildren, nieces, and nephews; and numerous special friends. Funeral services will be held 1 p.m. Sat., Aug. 1, 2009 at Cravens-Shires Funeral Home Chapel in Bluewell, W.Va., with Minister Paul Delida officiating. Burial will follow in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, W.Va. where the West Virginia Honor Guard and Mercer County Veterans Council will perform full military rites. Friends may call Fri., July 31, 2009 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the VA Voluntary Services, 200 Veterans Ave., Beckley, WV 25801, and the Bramwell Church of Christ. Mr. Glass’s sons will serve as pallbearers. Elmer Schrader and Jerry Honaker will serve as honorary pallbearers. Online condolences may be sent to cravens-. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell, W.Va. is serving the Glass family.

307.ix. Syble Inez[6] Honaker (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]).

Born 28 May 1942 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 26 Nov 2007 in Bluefield, Mercer County.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 29 Nov 2007: Rock—Syble I. Miller (nee Honaker,) age 65, of Rock, died Mon., Nov. 26, 2007 in a Bluefield hospital. She was the daughter of the late Lacy Honaker and Pearl Martin Honaker. She was a member of the Church of Christ at Duhring. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by sisters, Shelby McMillan, Sally Taylor and Mae Mitchell. Survivors include: daughters, Jeri Davis and husband Billy of Chicago, Ill. and Gloria Bailey of Chicago, Ill.; three grandsons (Joshua Davis, Jeffrey Davis and Matthew Bailey) and one granddaughter (Christie Bailey), all of Chicago, Ill.; sisters, Judy Peck and husband Steve of Rock, Gloria Glass and husband Douglas of Montcalm, Pauline Honaker of Abingdon, Va., and Leona Hofer of Bruce, Wisc.; brothers, Bill Honaker of Montcalm, Joe Honaker and wife Patricia of Montcalm, Jerry Honaker and wife Betsy of Bluefield, Ryland Honaker and wife Dolly of Chicago, Ill. Wake will be held at the Benson Family Funeral Home in Chicago, Ill. on Thursday (today), Nov. 29, 2007 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted on Fri., Nov. 30, 2007 at 10 a.m. in Chicago, Ill. Information submitted by Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell. To leave personal condolences online, visit .

She married Wright Miller in 1963. They divorced 28 Apr 1982 in Alamance, N.C. He married, second, Billie Unknown and in 2012 lived in Alabama. Children (of Syble and Wright):

307.ix. i. Jeri Lynn[7]. Born 4 Apr 1964 in Chicago.

307.ix. ii. Gloria Jean. Born 30 Oct 1972 in Chicago.

307.x. Hubert Ryland[6] Honaker (called Percy) (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Mar 1944 in Montcalm. He was nicknamed for the doctor who delivered him, Dr. Percy Ryland Fox. He served with the U.S. Army in Germany. In 2012 he lived in Chicago, Ill.

He married Dolly Mae Johnson, daughter of James NMN Johnson and Myrtle Marie Webb, 10 Jul 1971 in Logan, Logan Co., W.Va. Born 8 Jun 1950 in Logan. Children:

i. James Alan[7]. Born 15 Sep 1973 in Chicago.

ii. David Lee. Born 28 Jan 1977 in Chicago.

307.xi. Judy Louise[6] Honaker (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Nov 1945 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. In 2012 she lived in Rock, Mercer County.

She married, first, Edward Regis Kittredge Jr., son of Edward Regis Kittredge and Ellen Leota Combs, 5 Nov 1966 in Chicago, Ill. They divorced 29 Jan 1986 in Cook Co., Ill. Born 10 Apr 1942 in Ronco, Fayette Co., Pa. In 2012 he lived in Schaumburg, Cook Co., Ill. Children:

307.xi. i. Marcy Ellen[7]. Born 17 Jan 1969 in Melrose Park, Cook Co., Ill.

307.xi. ii. Amanda Jo. Born 9 Aug 1975 in Melrose Park.

She married, second, Stephen Joseph Peck, son of Douglas Arnold Peck and Anne NMN Hill, 9 Mar 2004 in Mt. Airy, N.C. Born 6 Jul 1951 in Bronx, New York, N.Y., and accompanied his family to Tucson, Ariz., when he was nine months old. There were no children.

307.xii. Gerald Leon[6] Honaker (called Jerry) (Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Jun 1948. He served with the U.S. Army in Vietnam and was awarded a Purple Heart Medal. In 2007 he lived in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 14 Nov 2013: Letters…Great treatment from Beckley VA

I am a veteran of the Vietnam War. I would like to say a few words about the VA Hospital in Beckley. I have been going there for over five years and I have never had even one complaint. I have always been treated at my scheduled appointment time. I have always been treated with the utmost respect from every department and person there, and I feel that my medical treatment is second to none. I am a fan of the Beckley VA Hospital. --Gerald Honaker, Bluefield.

He married, first, Shirley J. Walker, daughter of Unknown Walker and Ella Dell Tolliver of Matoaka, Mercer County. They divorced. Born 24 May 1949. In 2012 she lived in Mercer County. Children:

i. Julie Pearl[7]. Born Jul 1968 in Mercer County. In 2012 she lived in Florida. She married, first, Mark Mitchem. They divorced after having one son. She married, second, Unknown and had three more sons.

ii. Gerald Dwayne (called Dwayne). Born Dec 1972 in Mercer County where he lived in 2012. He married Unknown. They divorced after having one son.

He married, second, Unknown. They divorced.

He married, third, Betsy Houchins. They had no children.

310.iv. Alice Lillian[6] Treadway (called Alice) (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Mar 1928 at a coal camp in Skelton, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 25 Jan 2000 in Steubenville, Ohio. Buried in Ft. Steuben Burial Estates, Wintersville, Ohio.

Steubenville [Ohio] Herald-Star, 27 Jan 2000: Carpenter, Alice L., 71, of Wintersville, Ohio, died at 6:45 p.m. Tue., Jan. 25, 2000 at Trinity Medical Center West, Steubenville, Ohio. She was a homemaker and member of the Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Richmond. She was born in Beckley, W.Va., Mar. 19, 1928, daughter of the late Clinton and Nettie [(Honaker)] Treadway. Her grandson, Jeffery Treadway, preceded her in death in 1992. She is survived by her husband, Benzel H. Carpenter whom she married Dec. 2, 1949; one son, Michael (Alberta) Treadway, Evart, Mich.; five brothers, Clinton Treadway Jr. and Jackie Treadway both of Beckley, W.Va., Frank Treadway, Barberton, Ohio, Charles Treadway of Doylestown, Ohio, Howard Treadway of Matthews, N.C.; six sisters, Annabel Hagens of [Gallipolis], Ohio, Estelle Ayers, St. Albans, W.Va., Joyce [Chiras] and Sue Warner, both of Woodbridge, Va., Judy Scites of Richmond, Va., and Betty Jo Williams, Barberton Ohio; one grandson, Michael (Lia), and three great grandsons. Friends may call at the Everhart Funeral Home, 110 West Main St., Richmond, Tuesday from 2–4 and 7– 9p.m., where funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday with the Rev. Delbert Lash officiating. Burial will follow in Ft. Steuben Burial Estates, Wintersville, Ohio.

She married Benzel Holt Carpenter, son of James E. Carpenter and Vesta Vera Smalridge, 2 Dec 1949. Born 27 Jan 1921 in French Creek, Buckhannon Co., W.Va. Died 25 Dec 2010 in Wintersville, Jefferson Co., Ohio. Buried in Fort Steuben Burial Estates, Wintersville.

Steubenville [Ohio] Herald-Star, 27 Dec 2010: Carpenter, Benzel H., 89, of Wintersville, Ohio, passed away suddenly on Christmas Day, Sat., Dec. 25, 2010. He was born Jan. 27, 1921, in French Creek, W.Va., a son of the late James E. and Vesta Vera Smalridge Carpenter. He retired from International Mill Service as an operating engineer at Local 132, Charleston, W.Va., and was a member of the Lighthouse Evangelical Presbyterian Church. He was a World War II U.S. Army veteran who served in the European Theater. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife, Alice Treadway Carpenter, whom he married Dec. 2, 1949, and who passed away Jan. 25, 2000; by a grandson, Jeffrey Treadway; a brother, Rex Carpenter, two half-brothers, Morris and Duane Carpenter, and a half-sister, Nancy Cope. He is survived by his son, Michael (Alberta) Treadway of Wintersville; a granddaughter-in-law, Lia Treadway of Hartland, Mich.; a brother, James Carpenter of Cadiz; three half-sisters, Pat Szelast, and Dorothy Kenney, both of Wintersville, and Helen Chociej of Bloomingdale; one grandson and three great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Everhart-Bove Funeral Home, 685 Canton Road, Wintersville, on Tuesday from 1–8 p.m. Funeral services will be at the funeral home on Wednesday at 11 a.m. with Pastor Darren Edgeington officiating. Burial will follow in Fort Steuben Burial Estates, Wintersville. Condolences may be sent online at ever hart-.


310.iv. i. Michael Edward[7]. Born 14 Mar 1943 on Maxwell Hill, Beckley, W.Va.

310.viii. Franklin Eugene[6] Treadway (called Sonny) (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 9 Apr 1935 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va Died 12 Sep 2013. Buried in Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery, Rittman, Ohio.

Unknown newspaper and date (with photograph): Franklin Eugene Treadway, 78, was taken to the Glory Land of Heaven, Thurs., Sept. 12, 2013 to be with his Lord. A life resident of Barberton-Norton area, he retired from PPG Industries with 35 years of service and was a U.S. Army veteran. Frank was a member of National Lodge #568 F&AM, Kenmore American Legion and attended Norton Baptist Church. Preceded in death by his parents, Clinton and Nettie May; four sisters and two brothers. He was the beloved husband of Linda; loving father of Beth (Mike) Ondo, David Treadway, Paula (Ed) McFarland, Bobby LeFever and Debbie McGill; grandfather of Tracie (Alex) Gibson, Anthony (Katie) Ondo, Nathan Shreve, Michelle (John) Kurtz, Angie (Jeremey) Wilt and Michelle Treadway; amazing great-grandfather, “Papa” to Austin, Chase, Matthew, Emily, Megan, Olivia and Kaylie; brother to Joyce (Bob), Sue (William), Charles (Ruby), Judy (David) and Howard; and survived by other relatives and friends. Funeral service will be held Monday, 1 p.m. at the Campfield-Hickman-Collier Funeral Home, 566 W. Park Ave., Barberton, 44203. Burial at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery with military honors. Calling hours Sunday, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., with a Masonic service at 3:30 p.m.

He married, first, Barbara Greene. They divorced. Born 7 Oct 1936.

He married, second, Linda Unknown.

Children (mother unknown):

i. Beth[7]. She married Mike Ondo.

ii. David.

iii. Paula. She married Ed McFarland.

iv. Bobby LeFever.

v. Debbie McGill.

310.xi. Jackie Areon[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Nov 1941 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 18 Jan 2008 in Beckley.

The Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 Jan 2008: Jackie Areon Treadway, 66, of Maple Fork Road, made his final journey to be with the Lord on Fri., Jan. 18, 2008, at Raleigh General Hospital in Beckley following a long illness. He was surrounded by family in his final hours and the days before he was at home with his family and loved ones. Born in Beckley on Nov. 7, 1941, he was the son of the late Clinton Bryant Treadway and Nettie Mae Honaker Treadway. Jackie was a 1961 graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School. He was employed by Acme Supermarkets, PCA of America, and Stone and Thomas. He was preceded in death by an infant brother, Jimmy Treadway; brother, Clinton B. Treadway Jr.; sisters, Alice Carpenter, Betty Jo Williams and Estelle Ayers; nephew, Steven Treadway; father-in-law, Chando Malcomb Elmore; mother-in-law, Bethel Margie Elmore; and sister-in-law, Helen Elmore Yancy. He was a loving husband, father and grandfather. His wife, Betty Sue Elmore Treadway, and himself would have celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary on Jan. 22. Surviving are his wife, Betty Sue Elmore Treadway; two daughters, Karen Bethel Treadway Cline and husband, Monty Joe Cline, of Maple Fork and Susan Lynn Treadway Kinney and her husband, Jeremy Evan Kinney, of Maple Fork; and the lights of his life, his two grandchildren who were also his namesakes, Areon Chando Treadway of Maple Fork and Drake Richard Areon Kinney of Maple Fork. Also surviving are brothers, Frank Treadway and wife, Linda, of Barberton, Ohio, Charles Treadway and wife, Ruby, of Doylestown, Ohio, and Howard Treadway of Matthews, N.C.; sisters, Annabelle Hagans of Point Pleasant, Joyce Chiras and husband, Bob, of Waynesboro, Va., Judy Scites and husband, David, of Powhatan, Va., and Sue Warner and husband, William, of Woodbridge, Va. At Mr. Treadway’s request, there will be no service. He will be cremated and brought back to his home to be with his family. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Maynor Freewill Baptist Church, 2701 Sweeneysburg Road, Beckley, WV 25801. The family would especially like to thank the nurses and staff on 4 North for making Mr. Treadway’s last days peaceful. A special thanks to Melissa Lee and Traci Prichard for taking extra special time with him. Thank you also to Pastor Forrest Gray who came to be with Jackie in his final hours and ensure his passage to his new home be a peaceful one. Arrangements by Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beckley.

He married Betty Sue Elmore, daughter of Chando Malcomb Elmore and Bethel Margie Gill, 22 Jan 1965 in Beckley. Born 12 Nov 1943 in McArthur, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Children:

310.xi. i. Karen Bethel[7]. Born 29 Jul 1969 in Barberton, Ohio.

310.xi. ii. Susan Lynn. Born 28 Jul 1975 in Beckley.

310.xii. Judith Anne[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Nov 1942 in Beckley, W.Va. In 2004 she and her husband lived in Powhatan, Va. She retired from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles in 1995.

She had a child with Unknown:

i. Stephen Bryant.[7] Born 29 Sep 1962 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. He had spina

bifida and in 2004 was confined to Pine Lodge Nursing Home, Beckley, W.Va.

She married David Lee Scites, son of Dorsey Willard Scites and Emma J. Johnston, 30 Mar 1964 in Bradley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 4 Sep 1939 in Huntington, W.Va. He retired from the Virginia Department of Corrections in 1991. They had no children.

319.iv. Melissa Gaye[6] Honaker (Curtis Larry[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Nov 1969. In 2003 she lived in Bluewell, W.Va.

She married, first, Mark Shrader. Children:

i. Hanna Hope[7]. Born and died 28 Mar 1998 in Bluewell, W.Va. A memorial service was held for Hanna and her sister Faith at the Graven Shires Funeral Home, Bluewell, Va., 26 May 1998. The Rev. Patrick Wheeler presided. They were buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bluewell, Va.

ii. Faith Sue Delores. Born 17 Apr 1998 in Roanoke, Va. Died 26 Apr 1998 in Roanoke.

iii. Jonah Steven (twin). Born 17 Apr 1998 in Roanoke, Va.

iv. Jonathan Mark (twin). Born 17 Apr 1998 in Roanoke, Va.

She married, second, Al Luna.

323. Ruby Alice[6] Honaker (Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Apr 1917 in Parsons, Kan. Died 23 May 2010 in Cheney, Kan. Interred in Wichita [Kan.] Winter Park Cemetery.

Obituary by family: Ruby Alice Honaker Courtney, 93, died May 23, 2010 in Cheney, Kan. She was born Apr. 24, 1917 in Parsons, Kan., the daughter of Paul Clarence Honaker and Hazel Ruth Reed Honaker. She married William Courtney Jan. 15, 1936 in Wichita, Kan. Ruby lived as a young girl in Parsons, Kan. She was a homemaker, gardener, and a great seamstress supplementing the family income making wedding dresses, men’s suits, and draperies. She loved playing cards and games, fishing, big band music, and listening to her husband play the piano. Ruby made all kinds of crafts and displayed and sold them in a craft store in Haysville, Kan. She showered all of her children, great grand children, and great-great grand children with theses crafts made by her hands. These past few years she has enjoyed writing stories for the Honaker Family Newsletter, and passing these stories down to her family. She was preceded in death by her parents; Paul Clarence Honaker his wife Hazel Ruth Reed Honaker, her husband William Courtney; and daughter, Shirley Courtney Clevenger. She is survived by daughters Kathleen Carol Courtney of Wichita, Kan. and Mary Ruth Sigwing of Cheney, Kan. Sister Mildred Muriel Callaway Honaker of

Anderson, Calif; ten grandchildren; numerous great and great-great-grandchildren. Internment was held at Wichita Park Cemetery, May 27, 2010. We will all miss and love you grandma. Yes we had a lot of good times together.

She lived in Haysville, Kan., where she wrote her memoirs, which were published in Honaker Family Newsletter beginning with Winter 2008:

This and That

I have been taking notes and reminiscing about a lot of different things. Decided to put some of these things on paper. Hope luck is better today than yesterday when I typed one sheet [on computer] and then I forgot to save it. If I had an old typewriter I would not have to save. As I typed it would be on paper. So many new things and some are better.

Have you ever wondered how butter was made? Way back then we did not have margarine. We had to make butter. First you need to buy a cow. Forget this if you are a city person. Don’t think you can have a cow in town. Back when I was a kid, about 70 years ago, we had two acres on South Broadway in Wichita. We had two cows and one of my jobs was to bring the cows in from the pasture land just south of us for milking. My dad would bring the milk to the house in milk buckets. My mother would pour this fresh milk into crocks (large clay bowls.) No refrigeration. Let this set until the cream came to the top of milk. Then we would skim the cream off. Sweet cream was used for cereal and whipped cream. What we did not use we made into butter. This was usually my job. I would skim the cream (skimmed milk) and put it into the churn (a large, tall clay pot with a plunger.) Then you would plunge the paddle up and down for what now seems like hours. Maybe only one. But your arm would get so tired. Then the butter would gather (churning talk) and float to the top. I would gather this together and put in a bowl and take to the pump where the water was cold and wash it. Had to get all the milk out or it would sour and cause the butter to be rancid in a short time. Then added some salt and mixed that in the butter. Mom had some nice one pound butter molds and I would put the butter in one of them. After it cooled. Maybe in the cellar. The butter would be taken out of the mold and my Dad would take this to work and sell it. We still had the skimmed clabbered milk. Now we are going to have cottage cheese. Put this milk into a big pan and bring it just to a boil. Stir the milk as you are heating it. Have a piece of cheese cloth or maybe a tea towel ready to pour this hot clabbered milk into. Tie the cheese cloth and pin on clothes line. Let it drain well and stand and watch, for the flies like this too. When drained maybe an hour or so, untie and put in bowl with some good sweet heavy cream and salt. It is so good. Remember “Little Miss Muffet,” she sat on a tuffet and eating her curds and whey? Curds meant the cottage cheese, and whey is the buttermilk that you have left after churning butter.

Did you ever get an orange for Christmas? I have, and glad to get it. When I was a kid we did not have citrus fruit during the winter. If you did have them, the cost was very high. We did not have the big semi trucks shipping in produce that we have now. At Christmas we would hang our stockings. My mom, dad, sister and I. Christmas morning Santa would leave an apple, orange, candy and nuts in our stockings. What a treat. My dad always had plenty of apples in the cellar. He loved peanuts and apples. We grew our own peanuts. Tricky little mounds of dirt as peanuts grow on the roots. Later, about 1936 or 1937, Bill (my husband) and I would go to his parents’ house for Christmas dinner. He had eight sisters. Six of them were always there for dinner. Some of the girls had good jobs or rich husbands. On the menu were sliced tomatoes. I did not know that you could buy tomatoes in Kansas in December. I would think “pass the turkey and potatoes and dressing, just let me have those tomatoes.”

My mom was an excellent cook. She grew gooseberries and currants. These grow on bushes and she made the best jelly and jams. Gooseberries were quite tart. Would not know where to buy any today.

Wonder if the firemen really wore the long red under wear. So many jokes were told about them. When October came up on the calender it was time for the long under wear. No one ever checked the temperature. It was October. They stayed on until March. Of course with an occasional laundering. How I hated them. Legs were always loose around the ankles. I would pleat them and tuck the loose fabric to the back of the leg. Then I could pull up the long black cotton stocking. Black bloomers and black garter belt to hold those stockings up. Of course the under wear had a back flap. This was used when you went out to the two holer. You had to drop the back flap and then try to match the button hole on the flap with the button on the under wear. We never wore slacks. Never. Unheard of. Mom always would starch our dresses so stiff I think they would stand by them selves.

The first car I remember was called a Touring Car. No doubt a Ford. Large wood spoke wheels and a canvas top. It had side curtains made with ising glass, that you snapped in place instead of windows. It had a running board that you stepped on to get in the car. You carried a tool box on the running board. Something always went wrong and you had to be a part time mechanic. The cars did not have a switch that you turned on and the car started. You turned the key on and then you got the crank out and inserted it just under the radiator and turned it over as fast as you could. I suppose the faster you could turn that crank the more likely you would cause a spark and fire up the motor. Later the cars came out with heaters and radios but you paid extra if you wanted them. Air conditioning came much later. Never would I have thought that a car would sell for more today (2003) than houses we worked so hard to build would sell for in 1983. Very sad.

We had a lot of funerals to attend. Five of Bill’s sisters, his parents and two brotheres, Pat and Jim, died before Bill. Always rushed to Bucks or Rorabaugh’s Dry Goods Store at Douglas and Broadway down town. Went to the basement and looked for a new hat. Never went to a funeral without a hat and white gloves. The gloves could not be black, they had to be white. Bill’s mother and I crocheted a lot of white gloves. A lot of years went by before I went to a funeral without these two things. Bill’s parents and brother Pat had no insurance so the family would divide the expense. I don’t know how we came up with $200 for each of these deaths, but we did.

Miss the Burma Shave signs. There would be small signs on stakes and several in a row with a witty saying on each. I also remember a sign west of Wichita telling how many miles to Reno, Nev. Seemed like another world.

Recalling the commode, chamber pot or the plain old slop jar. This was a granite bucket with a lid. That you used at night rather than go out in the dark to the out house. The next morning some one would get to take the pot out to the two holer and dump it. I salvaged an old slop jar about ten years ago at a business that a daughter owned. I plant flowers in it each summer. Shows signs of wear with all of the chipped white granite. I used an old slop jar to soak dirty diapers in until I washed when the daughters were babies.

During World War II everything was rationed. If it wasn’t rationed you could stand in line for hours to get a box of soap, cigarettes and lots of other things. Of course meat was rationed, but we were able to get a hog from a man that lived in the Flint Hills east of Wichita. Black Market. Bill (my hubby) was a city boy and his dad never butchered. Bill brought home this hog. Dead. Put it on the kitchen table, all four legs of the hog were sticking straight up. Out came the butcher knifes and the hone. Bill sharpened all of the knives and just looked. He did not know where to cut. Gas was rationed, but I had to go several miles and get my mother and take her to our house. She told Bill to cut here and there. Then I had to take Mom home. I rendered all of the lard. Fried all the pork chops and stakes and packed them in the lard. We did not have refrigeration. The hams we salted down and cured. We had a little tool shed and since it was winter we kept the meat out there under lock. We have laughed a lot of times about the dead hog.

I still have a blue granite roaster. It is very old. I can’t remember not having it. When I was younger most of my cook ware was blue granite. It chipped so bad. A chip could lead to a leak.

Have not seen any advertisements for Bull Durham chewing tobacco for a long time.

Monday was wash day. Be grateful for the washer that you only push a button to start a load of laundry. I had a big boiler with a lid. I put this on the stove and pumped water into a bucket and then I filled the boiler with water to heat. I put the old wash tub on a big stool and put hot water from the boiler into the tub. Put the wash board into tub with the P&G soap. Run the bar of soap on the ribs of wash board, then you would scrub the garment that you are washing on this board. When you finished this step you would wring out the water and put it into a tub of cool water to rinse the soap out. Might need to rinse twice. Wring it out and put it into a basket and take to clothes line. Always wash the line. Birds liked it when no clothes were handing on it. Grap the clothes pin bag and hand the laundry up to dry. Clothes always smelled so good and clean. White clothes were always put from the wash board into the boiler on the stove, which I had shaved P&G soap into it. I had part of a broom stick handle that we would punch those white clothes until we thought they were bleached white. The clothes were always white. If you had a child in diapers you washed more than just on Monday. The P&G soap had lye in it. That was the secret. But your dish washer soap today has lye in it. I use this soap today to bleach every thing. Just soak it over night (just a little tip.) Keep this soap away from children.

I can remember 1929 and Wall Street crashed. I doubt if my folks new any one with enough money to invest in Wall Street. Terrible to hear that men were jumping out of windows. I did not comprehend what it was all about but knew it must be bad for people to go to those extremes. I was in grade school. Always had home work to do. Spelling and English home work. I have sat under a kerosene lamp to do homework. The oil had a terrible odor. And the lamp had to be filled and the wick cleaned. Since my dad worked at Colemans we were able later, to have a lantern that gave out good light. Later we had a Coleman lamp. It had a brass base which was the gasoline tank. It had a mantle that was tied on stem from the tank. Mantles were used for lamps and lanterns. Still used for lanterns. Use a lantern today when our electric goes out perhaps in a storm. The mantle was so fragile but could be used several times before it had a break. I was in my early teens before we had electricity.

Wonder if kids today play some of the old games that I did. Tag, hide go seek, hop scotch, drop the handkerchief, marbles, jacks, ring around the rosie, spin the bottle and skipping rope. Good games. We did not have TV or radio. We had well water so we did not have sprinklers, but we sure had fun when it rained. I liked to wade in pools of water and mud. Liked to squish the mud between my toes. So much fun. Bill could not do this as his toes were webbed.

Had a frog that lived under the old ice box. It could startle you when it croaked. This frog’s lake was the pan under the ice box that the water dripped into as the ice melted.

When we lived on South Ida, south of Wichita. This is the first house we built. I always put in an acre of garden. This had to be hoed and picked and canned or frozen. Lots of the meals came from the garden. Bread, milk and butter came from the grocery store. I raised about 500 chickens each year. I would sell the roosters and keep the pullets for eggs. Of course I froze a lot of these for our kids and our own use. I had my own incubator. I have set all kind of eggs. Banties, guineas and ducks. We had one chicken that I called Henry. Henry would sometimes top the hens and sometimes it would lay an egg. Then I called it Henryetta. I let this one run loose as the other chickens hated it. Many times I would see our Irish Setter taking a nap in the sun with Henryetta setting on top of him as if on guard. They were great pals. One night this odd chicken got into the chicken pen and the other chickens pecked it to death.

Recall a couch being called a davenport, a divan or a settee.

I have gone to quilting bees with my mom. Usually at some farm house. The women would take a covered dish for the lunch they had. Kids went too and played outside. Today women are still quilting. Quite the vogue. Beautiful work. Many new ideas. Recently quilts made from feed sacks was the in thing. I can remember if it was my turn I would get to go with my folks to buy chicken feed or flour that came in a cotton feed sack. Later my mom would make me a dress out of the feed sack.

When I was a kid we had a water bucket and a dipper. First you would take the bucket out side to the pump and hand pump it full of water. Take this inside and put the dipper in bucket. Everyone would drink out of this dipper.

Vans are not something new. Long ago we had what we called station wagons. Some of these looked like a wood grain. We had one that was real wood and of course it cracked and had to be repaired like any piece of furniture. Bill put his in his brother Jim’s garage and rebuilt it. I am sure it was in that garage for at least a year. I am sure Jim would have liked to thrown it out when it snowed and he had to scrape his car. SUVs are not a new thing.

I have mentioned Coleman’s lamps. Did you know at one time Coleman made gasoline cook stoves? They made irons with a small gasoline tank on one end. When lit it heated the iron. They made an electric waffle iron. They make furnaces and air conditioners. Some times they would hire the complete family. You grew with them. My dad worked there, my mom worked there. Bill worked there for 37 years. I worked in the genral office. Kathy worked in data processing. They let the oldest daughter Mary do her work for pay rool at home for a while.

If we went on a picnic we would most often go to Riverside Park. Have spent a lot of times there as a child and later I took my girls there. Remember going to band concerts and out doors movies in the park. Just take a blanket and sit on the grass. Bill and I have taken the girls to so many of these shows. All free. The zoo was in the same park. The old alligator pit is still there. We had monkeys, lions and tigers. Play ground equipment. Lots of fun.

Every one talks about flat Kansas. Kansas is sometimes called tornado alley. Yes it is flat and we do have tornadoes but we still have beauty if you look. In June or July go out and see acres and acres of ripe wheat. When a little wind is blowing it looks like a sea of wheat. I have always said God made Kansas on the sixth day. He was tired and he rolled it out with a large rolling pin and said “now plant wheat and feed the world.” And we do.

Have traveled a lot. When in Europe people would ask where I lived and I would say Kansas and their eyes would get bright and say, “Oh, that’s where Dorothy lived.” I am sure they did not know where Kansas is located on the map, but they sure knew the movie.

We have always had hotels but we have not always had motels. When I was younger and when you traveled you stayed at a Tourist Camp or a hotel. Remember a place in New Mexico where mom and I stayed that they did not have a key for the room. Said no one ever bothered them. Mom and I put a chair under the door knob just to be safe. On this same trip we stayed close to Flagstaff, Ariz. Up in rugged mountains and did not have sufficient heat in our room. We stayed with the door wide open into the hall for heat to get into room. I had Kathy (about two or three) with me and the three of us slept together for warmth.

I took a vote from the three daughters and son-in-law on the color of the old ’41 Ford we had. This car was the girls car. Two votes for dark blue and two for black, but I think we all agree that the fender that always fell off was green. The right front fender. The girls would take it out and use all of the gas and when we went to bed they would take their dad’s car and push in the clutch and roll the car into the street before they started it. Then they would use all of the gas in it. Their dad would not have enough gas to get to work. One time Shirley lost the fender and her dad made her go find it and bring it back. The old car was a work car too. When we built the first house, money was hard to find. I worked at post office and had a check that we used for down payment on land. Enough money left over for chalk line, stakes and two shovels. We started digging for the footing. After the forms were in place for the footings we were ready to pour cement. Finally back to the car. We had a cement mixer, a pile of sand, cement and a hand driven water well. After the cement was mixed we hitched the mixer on the back of the ’41 Ford and drove it around to where we needed to dump the new load. We continued this until we had the footings all poured. This is doing footings the hard way back in the 50s. Wonder what we did with the old car. No cars were made during war years. Steel was needed for shells.

Back in the 40s and Mary Ruth and Shirley were in grade school, they were in Girl Scouts. I had the honor of being the leader for them. We had a great time. I always thought that I enjoyed it more than the girls. I remember how hard it was to get uniforms for all the girls and how we passed the uniforms down as the girls grew. One time all the Scout troops in Plainview had a big carnival. We had all kinds of games, music and laughter. Another time our troop hiked south on Oliver Street where there was a natural spring. Fun place to go. When we were hiking back everyone’s canteen was dry. We had used all of the water. We stopped at a farm house that had a pump in the yard. I asked the farmer if we could fill our canteens and he said no. I have often thought about that and wondered why. Long before the national scouts sold cookies our troop was making and selling them. We made one recipe and that was peanut butter cookies. Some of the girls worked with me in the kitchen and they would also run over to the grocery store and get supplies as we ran out. Some girls would sack and sell the cookies in our neighborhood. We never seemed to make enough. In the later 90s Plainview had an Alumni reunion. The girls made a float for the parade they were having and I went in to see it. There were a lot of my Scout girls there and I was asked to ride on their float. How nice.

I have made so many trips to the southeast part of Kansas. Since I was a young girl, we have stayed close to relatives in that area. My grandmother Honaker’s maiden name was Wrestler. She had a brother that lived close to Humbolt, Kan. He was my dad’s uncle. I called him Uncle Ben. He lived out in the country. He would talk about when he rode with Jesse James. I know I did not grasp what he was talking about at the time. I do remember him going out to the barn and milking the cows and he carried the big milk cans full of milk to the road to be picked up by some dairy. He would do this and be barefooted all the time. Snow or not. He had to be tough.

Wichita had two newspapers for several years. The Wichita Beacon and the Eagle. They merged and was called Eagle Beacon. We now have only one Eagle.

When I lived in Grove I surprised Bill with a new piano on a birthday. When we moved from Wichita we left his old honky tonk piano behind. He warmed that bench every night. Then the Moose Lodge bought a small organ and Bill became interested in that. I bought Bill an identical organ like the one the Moose had. We hid the organ the Moose had and put Bill’s in its place. Of course it was his birthday again when they called him up to the mike and asked him to play. Then told him that he better learn to play it as that was his birthday present from me. What fun. Later I took lessons from a great teacher. I was told I was good enough to play at church. After Bill died I didn’t seem to be able to touch the music as he asked me to.

Dennis, Kan., is in the southeast part of the state. This is where my mother’s family lived. Just west of Dennis is Benders Mound. A hill that you can drive around. In the 1870s a family named Benders lived on top of the mound. This was an inn for travelers to stop and eat and stay all night. When they had a traveler seated in a chair over a trap door they would spring a trap door, a door opened and they would fall into the cellar and then they would be killed. The Benders would take money, horses and all other possessions. Then bury the bodies. After the Benders were caught, the bodies were dug up for proper burial. My grand father James D. Reed helped dig the bodies. For more on this story go to Cherryvale, Kan., and there is a Benders museum there.

I have several items that I have collected. Implants in both eyes. Of course I wear glasses. I have a pace maker. Screws and wires in my back. Dentures. A big hunk of metal serving as a hip joint. No more parts have been “cloned.” Think they left part of the stitches in my finger.

Five of us go out to eat a lot. Where to go. One night Kathy told us to decide where to go and she would take care of getting us hors d’oeuvres to nibble on for free. Good deal, but she would not tell where. We went past a Chinese we like, went north on Broadway. She passed Doc’s. She passed Savute’s, passed Strouds Corner. We are getting hungry. She turned east on the new 96 hi-way to a dead stop. No place here to eat. Gosh she is turning the wrong way. What is she doing? She turned in to Wal-Mart. We were to each get a basket and follow her. Five of us single file, each pushing a basket. At the end of almost every aisle was a vendor. We were eating our free hors d’oeuvres.

Going to close now. Some day I will write some more. Hope you enjoy. Grandma Courtney, age 88.

She married William NMN Courtney (called Bill), son of James William Courtney and Cumie Tilitha Coombs. Born 29 May 1914 in Lewiston, Mont. Died 15 Jan 1981 in Grove, Okla. Buried in Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kan.

Unknown newspaper and date: Death claims Grove resident. Grove (Special)—William Courtney, 66, of Grove, died Thursday at General Hospital here. Born May 29, 1914, in Lewistown, Mont., Mr. Courtney retired after 35 years with the Coleman Company, Wichita, Kan., before moving to Grove in 1968. He then worked for the Talbot Wire Co., Neosho, Mo., for 16 years. Mr. Courtney was a charter member of the Grove Moose Lodge. He is survived by his wife, Ruby Alice, of the home; three daughters, Mary Ruth [Sigwing], Cheney, Kan., Shirley Clevenger, Cape Fair, Mo., and Kathleen Courtney, Wichita; three sisters. Mary Lutz, Shell Knob, Mo., Dorothy Bartholomew, Wichita, and Polly Bromley, Davis, Calif.; 10 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Services will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. at the First Christian Church, Grove, with Ken Siemens officiating. Committal services will be held Saturday at 4 p.m. at the Wichita Park Cemetery Chapel in Wichita [Charlie Greer, officiating]. Arrangements are by the Worley Funeral Home, Grove.


539. i. Mary Ruth[7]. Born 31 Jul 1936 in Wichita, Kan.

540. ii. Shirley Ann. Born 30 Jul 1937 in Wichita.

iii. Kathleen Carol. Born 11 Jun 1941 in Wichita. Died 17 Mar 2014 in Haysville, Kan. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Haysville.

Wichita [Kan.] Eagle, 19 Mar 2014: Haysville—Kathleen C. Courtney, 72, passed away Mon., March 17, 2014. She was born June 11, 1941 to William and Ruby Alice (Honaker) Courtney in Wichita, Kan. Kathleen retired from Bartlett Grain and had a zest for life. She was preceded in death by her parents; sister, Shirley Clevenger; and brothers-in-law, Loren Clevenger and Ronald Sigwing. Kathleen is survived by her sister, Mary Sigwing; honorary sister, Kathleen Sutherland; and many nieces and nephews. Visitation 1 to 5 p.m. Thurs., March 20, 2014, at Smith Mortuary, 7031 S. Broadway St., Haysville, Kansas 67060. Rosary 7 p.m. Thurs., March 20, 2014; Funeral 10 a.m. Fri., March 21, 2014, both at St. Cecilia Catholic Church, 1912 W. Grand Ave., Haysville, KS 67060. Interment to follow at Greenwood Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. .

324. Mildred Muriel[6] Honaker (Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Jun 1919 in Independence, Montgomery Co., Kansas. Died 6 Apr 2015 in Redding, Shasta Co., Calif.

Record Searchlight, Redding, Calif., 11 Apr 2015, with photograph: Mildred Muriel Callaway, 95, of Anderson died on April 6, 2015 at Mercy Medical Center in Redding. She was born June 26 1919 in Independence, Kansas. She married Clayton Callaway and they moved from Kansas to California in 1937. Mildred worked at Mercy Medical Center; she was a member of the Andeson Valley Garden Club and enjoyed camping and traveling She was preceded in death by her husband Clayton, her sister Ruby Courtney and a daughter Marilyn Dickison. She is survived by daughter Donna Ellis of Redding, six grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and 11 great great grandchildren. The family appreciates the good care she received at A Touch of Heave and their special little dog Coal. A memorial service will be held on Sun., April 26, 2015 at 2 p.m. at Heritage Baptist, 3496 Silver St., Anderson [Pastor Tom Lucatorta officiating]. In lieu of flowers you may honor Mildred by donating to the Good News Rescue Mission of Redding.

The funeral program added that Mildred “was one of two children born to Paul and Hazel Honaker. In 1935, she married Clayton Callaway. In 1937 the family moved to Susanville, Calif., and in 1950 they moved to Anderson, Calif…. Mildred served as a certified nurses’ aide, at Mercy Hospital, Redding, Calif. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Anderson Garden Club. She enjoyed the beauty of the outdoors. Her yard was full of beautiful flowers and plants. She traveled to England and to Mexico with her granddaughters. She enjoyed camping and fishing….Due to failing health, she could no longer live independently. Touch of Heaven Assisted Living provided loving care for her. OnApril 6, 2015, Mildred passed from this life. She will be greatly missed by her daughter and son-in-law, Donna and Roger Ellis, six grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, 11 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clayton Callaway; daughter, Marilyn Dickison; and sister, Ruby.”

She married Clayton Kimes Callaway, son of Creed Montgomery Callaway and Clara Mable Roll, 26 Jul 1935 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kan. Born 17 Nov 1914 in Enid, Garfield Co., Okla. Died 19 Nov 1992 in Redding, Calif. Buried in Anderson District Cemetery, Anderson, Calif.

Record Searchlight, 21 Nov 1992: Services for Clayton Kimes Callaway, 78, of Anderson, will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Allen & Dahl Funeral [Home] Chapel. The Rev. Royal Blue and the Rev. Nick Bruno, both of North Valley Baptist Church in Redding will officiate. Visitation will be from 2 until 4 p.m. Sunday at the Chapel. Mr. Callaway died Thursday, Nov. 19, 1992 at Mercy Medical Center in Redding. Born Nov. 17, 1914 in Enid, Okla., he moved to Shasta County in 1950 from Susanville. He was a mill worker for Kimberly Clark Lumber Co., in Anderson, for 27 years. Survivors include wife Mildred of Anderson; daughters Marilyn Dickson and Donna Ellis, both of Redding; six grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 3290 Bechelli Lane, Redding, CA 96002.


541. i. Marilyn Marie[7]. Born 26 Sep 1937 in Susanville, Lassen Co., Calif.

542. ii. Donna Dee. Born 22 Dec 1938 in Susanville.

327. Donald Lester[6] Honaker (Delbert Lester[5], George Franklin Abraham[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1926 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

He married Edna Fitkowski. Born ca. 1928. Died 1993. Children:

544. i. David Lee[7]. Born 1952 in Louisville, Ky.

327. ii. Gerald Lynn (called Jerry). Born 1953 in Louisville.

328. Mary Lou[6] Honaker (Delbert Lester[5], George Franklin Abraham[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Cincinnati, Ohio.

She married William Gray. Children:

i. Kimberly Sue[7]. She married Unknown Smith.

ii. Douglas Lee.

iii. David William.

334. Hazel Fern[6] Sestak (called Fern) (Dessie Arden[5], Cornelius Vanderbilt[4], Samuel L.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Mar 1933 at the family’s farm home in Moniteau Co., Mo., near Russellville, Cole County. She completed eighth grade at Sherman School, Moniteau County, in 1946, and graduated from Russellville High School in 1950. During high school she was a member of glee club, mixed chorus, and band, and F.H.A. She graduated from Maple Woods Community College and St. Luke’s School of Nursing, both in Kansas City, Mo., and worked as a caregiver for the ill. In 2002 she and her family lived in Smithville, Clay Co., Mo., where she was a member of First Christian Church. Her hobbies included painting (oil, china and tole), gardening and landscaping.

She married Walter Emil Winkler, son of William Albert Winkler and Ardelia Kiso, 7 Apr 1951 at her parents’ home. Born 30 Nov 1927 in California, Moniteau Co., Mo. Died 28 Sep 2005. Buried in Mt. Moriah Terrace Park, Kansas City, Mo. He had been ill with Alzheimers Disease for 16 years.

The funeral home program contained the following information: Walter Emil Winkler was born Nov. 30, 1927 to William Albert and Ardall (Kiso) Winkler near California, Mo., where he grew up and attended rural school. He then served his country in the U.S. Army during World War II. After his honorable discharge he returned to the family farm near California, Mo. On April 7, 1951 he was united in marriage to Fern Sestak in her parent’s home near Russellville, Mo. After their marriage they lived on a farm near California, Mo., and later lived in Kansas City. In 1964 they moved to Smithville where they made their home. Walter retired in 1991 as a switchman for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad in North Kansas City after 30 years. He was a member of the First Christian Church in Smithville where he served as a deacon and elder. Walter loved woodworking, sports, fishing, and spending time outside and on the family farm near Russellville. He was preceded in death by his parents and is survived by his wife, Fern, of the home; children, Linda Prout and husband Stephen, Platte City, Mo., Randy Winkler and wife Lisa, Overland Park, Kan., and Larry Winkler and wife Renee, Platte City, Mo.; ten grandchildren, Luke, Matthew, Kristin, Eric, Joshua, Tifnie, Jessica, Wade, Keith, and Janelle; one brother, Robert Winkler and wife Lydia, St. Louis, Mo.; two sisters, Eileen Wittenberger and husband Gail, Jamestown, Mo., and Clara Inglish and husband David, California, Mo.; two sisters-in-law, Virginia Spencer and husband Parvin, Northglenn, Colo., and Bonnie Sestak, Russellville, Mo.; several nieces and nephews, other relatives and many friends.

Services were Fri., 30 Sep 2005 at 7 p.m. in First Christian Church, Smithville, Mo., the Rev. Jim Matson officiating. Music included “Amazing Grace” and “Beyond the Sunset.” Burial was with military honors. Hixson-Klein Funeral Home was in charge.

Walter completed eighth grade. He served with the U.S. Army artillery, mustering out as a corporal. He subsequently became a farmer and worked for the Burlington Northern Railroad for 34 years. Children:

554. i. Linda Kay[7].

555. ii. Randal James.

556. iii. Larry Wayne.

356. Jesse Lee[6] White, Jr. (Nannie Mae[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Nov 1919 in Pulaski Co., Va. Died 26 Nov 1999 in Radford, Va. Buried in Westview Cemetery, Radford.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 28 Nov 1999: White, Jesse Lee Jr., 79, of Dublin, died Fri., Nov. 26, 1999, at Carilion New River Valley Medical Center. He was a retired insurance agent with Home Beneficial Life Insurance Company, a member of the Fairlawn United Methodist Church, and a veteran of World War II. Surviving are his wife, Elsie Tolley White, Dublin; a son, Jesse L. White III, Radford; a sister, Louise Callahan, Radford; one grandson, Eric Michael White, Radford; and two great-grandchildren, Dustin Michael White and Alexis Paige White. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Mon., Nov. 29, 1999, at the Fairlawn Methodist Church, with Rev. Joe Taylor officiating. Interment will follow in Westview Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Sun., Nov. 28, 1999, at the DeVilbiss Funeral Home, Radford.

He married Elsie Tolley 13 Jul 1940. Born 15 Mar 1920. Children:

563. i. Jesse Lee, III[7].

339. Therman Chester[6] Elswick (called Tex) (Clara Etta[5], James William[4], Benjamin Franklin[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). The first name Therman is recorded in the records, spelled differently than the son’s middle name. Born 24 Feb 1913 in Villa Nova, Clay Co., W.Va. Died 14 Aug 1975 in Madison, W.Va. Buried in Boone Memorial Park.

He married Helen Irene Yurchak, daughter of Albert Yurchak (also Jurcsak) and Sophia Nagy, 1 Aug 1942 in Bridgeport, Conn. Born 26 Sep 1907 in Bridgeport. Died 13 Oct 1992 in Bridgewater, Va. Buried in Mountain

Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport, Conn.

Staunton [Va.] News-Leader, 22 Nov 1992 and Virginia Mountaineer, Grundy, Va., 3 Dec 1992: Helen Irene Elswick, 85, of Rt. 2, Staunton, died on Nov. 13, 1992 at Bridgewater Home. She was born on Sept. 26, 1907 at Bridgeport, Conn., a daughter of Albert and Sophie (Nagy) Yurchak. She was a member of Dry Run United Church of Christ, Fort Valley. Surviving are a son, the Rev. Albert T. Elswick of Rt. 2, Staunton; a daughter, Clare Azzalina of Chelmsford, Mass.; and two granddaughters. Her husband, Therman Chester Elswick, died in [1975]. A service was held at First United Church of Christ, Bridgeport, at 2 p.m. Tuesday, with burial at Mountain Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport. Memorials may be made to the building fund of Dry Run United Church of Christ in care of the Rev. Albert T. Elswick, Rt. 2, Box 302-A, Staunton, Va. 24401. Hamrick Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Bridgeport (Conn.) Post, 11 Nov 1992: Mrs. Helen Irene Yurchak Elswick, widow of [Therman] Chester Elswick of Staunton, Va., formerly of Bridgeport, died on Fri., Nov. 13, 1992, in Bridgewater Nursing Home, in Virginia. Mrs. Elswick was born in Bridgeport on Sept. 26, 1907, daughter of Albert and Sophie Nagy Yurchak. She was a member of the Dry Run United Church of Christ of Fort Valley, Va. Survivors include one son, Rev. Albert T. Elswick of Staunton, Va.; one daughter, Clare Azzalina of Chelmsford, Mass., and two granddaughters. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services at the First United Church of Christ, Clinton Avenue on Tuesday at 2 p.m., Rev. Kermit Hogenbloom, officiating. Burial will be in Mountain Grove Cemetery. Friends may call at the Frank Polke & Son Funeral Home, 1546 Fairfield Avenue, corner of Hancock Avenue, on Monday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Those so desiring may make contributions to the Dry Run Church of Christ Building Fund, c/o of Rev. Albert Elswick, Route 2, Box 302-A, Staunton, Va. 24401.


i. Albert Thurman[7]. Born 6 Sep 1943 in Bridgeport, Conn. Died 31 Aug 2015 in

Ripplemead, Va. Buried in Mountain Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 3 Sep 2015: Albert Thurman (Al) Elswick, 71, of Ripplemead, passed away Mon., Aug. 31, 2015. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Fri., Sept. 4, 2015, at Pembroke Christian Church in Pembroke, Va. Arrangements by Givens Funeral Home, Pearisburg, Va.

Givens Funeral Home, Pearisburg, Va., 3 Sep 2015: Rev. Albert (Al) Thurman Elswick, 71, of Ripplemead, Va., went to his holy maker on Mon., Aug. 31, 2015 at his home. Rev. Elswick was born on Sept. 6, 1943 in Bridgeport, Conn., and was a son of the late Thurman Chester Elswick and Helen Irene [Yurcsak] Elswick. Rev. Elswick weas a minister of the Gospels in several churches in New York and Virginia including the Pembroke Christian Church in Pembroke, Va. A funeral service will be held Fri., Sept. 4, 2015 at the Pembroke Christian Church in Pembroke at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Reggie Britts officiating. A final service will be held Wednesday at the Mountain Grove Cemetery in Bridgeport, Conn. Givens Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements in Pearisburg and Lesko-Polke Funeral Home is in charge in Fairfield, Conn. Online condolences can be sent to the family at .

He was a minister of the United Church of Christ and chaplain/historian for the Honaker Family Association. He was a founding officer of the Honaker Family Association and his photograph appeared with them in Honaker Family in America. A biographical story about him appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 1997.

In Sep 2008, he wrote the following biographical narrative for official purposes attendant to his office as national chaplain general, Descendants of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge:

The American paternal roots of the Rev. Albert T. Elswick, a native of Bridgeport, Conn., are to be found in Virginia (1622), Maryland (1682), and Pennsylvania (1682), among the English, Scotch-Irish and German immigrants to the new world—except, of course, for his Cherokee great-great grandmother, a native of Giles County, Va., where he now lives happily in retirement, after 37 years in the active ministry.

Educated in the public schools of Bridgeport, Rev. Elswick went on to college in New Haven, Conn., graduating in 1966. Having long felt a call to the ministry, he enrolled in New Brunswick Theological Seminary, a seminary of the Reformed Church in America, perhaps better known as the “Dutch Reformed Church.” This seminary, established in 1784, is the oldest seminary of any denomination in the USA.

Graduating, and ordained to the Ministry of the Gospel in 1968, he accepted a call to a historic Dutch Reformed Church in upstate New York, serving there until 1977, when he was called to a Congregational Church in Massachutts, then affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Here he served until 1986 at which point an opportunity arose which enabled him to sing, “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” and he served a Christian Church of the United Church of Christ, in Shenandoah County, a few miles up the road from the first Virginia homestead of a Swiss immigrant ancestor. In 1994, after a ministry of seven years, he was called to another Christian Church, in Page County, where he served until his health made early retirement necessary in 1998.

He was in retirement in 1999 when a Dutch Reformed Church near Albany, N.Y. invited him to be its half-time pastor, and he moved back to New York until his final retirement to Virginia in 2005. He continues to do supply preaching from time to time.

In addition to his long-term membership in the Descendants of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge, based on the service of three ancestors who spent the infamous winter there, he is also a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and several genealogical and historical societies.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2000 (with photograph): Al Elswick installed as pastor, by Ethie Moak—

The service to install the Rev. Al Elswick as pastor of Onesquethaw Reformed Church of New Scotland, N.Y., was set for the afternoon of 9 Apr 2000, but on that Sunday morning the area residents of Albany, N.Y. awoke to a swirling 13-inch snowstorm that led to cancelled morning services. My first thought was, “Oh no. What do I do with five dozen eggs worth of egg salad?” Fortunately, the Installation service scheduled for the afternoon was not cancelled. Considering the snowy road conditions and nearby areas getting much more snow than we did, we had a very good turnout. We sent two church members to get Pastor Al so he could attend his own Installation. He said they followed the snow plow down his street. Six ministers from area churches participated in the service, some of whom have known Pastor Al from seminary.

The Rev. Pamela P. Ennis led much of the service, the Rev. Joseph A. Loux Jr. presented the message, and our choir made a special presentation. We videotaped the event so Pastor Al could take the tape to Hungary to show his family. Following devotions, the Installation included an Invocation, Interrogation of the Candidate, Charge to the Minister, Interrogation of and Charge to the Congregation, Declaration of Installation, prayers, a closing hymn, and Benediction. The service was followed by a lovely reception with refreshments prepared by church members.

It is wonderful to know that Pastor Al will be with us for as long as we want; he says “ ’Till the Lord comes and gets him.” Thanks be to God for giving us such a great reward for our 18-month search for our new shepherd. It is such a joy to hear meaningful Biblical sermons each Sunday and to see our flock growing.

Copperhead Courier, newsletter of the “Flat Top Copperheads,” West Virginia Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans, Mar 2006: New Member

Please welcome our newest member, Rev. Albert T. Elswick, 502 Turnpike Rd., Ripplemead, VA 24150, (540) 921-2582. Compatriot Elswick’s ancestors were: Benjamin Franklin Journell, Co. F, 59th Virginia Infantry and Co. C, 60th Virginia Infantry. William J. Journell, Co. F, 59th Virginia Infantry, bur. Sifford Cem., Pulaski Co., Va. Jehu Cunningham, Co. I, 17th Virginia Cavalry, born 3 Sep 1834 in Pendleton Co., Va., enlisted 4 Oct 1862 in Braxton Co., Va., taken prisoner 30 Apr 1864, died 16 Jul 1904 in Clay Co., W.Va., bur. Cunningham Cem., Duck, W.Va. Oliver Marion Butler, Co. B, 19th Virginia Cavalry, bur. Moore Fork Cem., Clay Co., W.Va. Jeremiah Butler, 126th Virginia Militia, served in Capt. J. Bell Gilkerson’s Company organized in 1859, bur. Johnston’s Island POW Camp, Ohio. Welcome to our Camp Compatriot Elswick.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2010, by Rev. Al Elswick

Traveling in Time

As I pause to write this article, I am just getting into planning my summer travels. Probably you are too. I hope your travels will include a trip to Frederick, Md., for our family reunion. We will gather there to visit the area, and hopefully the actual land, purchased by our ancestor Hans Jacob Honaker in 1758. It is very special because of all the land bought, owned, and sold by Honakers in these United States in the past 250 years, this was the very first.

I can still remember my father saying, “Anybody who don’t own his own land is just purely sorry!” Perhaps someone in your family has expressed the same sentiment. I think it is an ancestral memory of life in Europe in times gone by, when relatively few people owned land, and their great hope and dream for America was to find their own place in the sun. Or as Holy Scripture puts it, “But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree, and none shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.” (Micah 4:4)

My own trip north this summer will be a mixture of business and pleasure. In a sense I will be partly retracing the steps of Hans Jacob, since his last home was just southeast of where I now live. I will also partly be retracing the steps of Peter Cline, father-in-law of my Abraham Honaker, Hans Jacob’s youngest son. I will be spending some time with friends in Berks Co., Pa., where Peter enlisted in the American Revolution and went on to spend the terrible and memorable winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge. Hopefully I will be able to pin down his original home in Berks County.

I also hope to do some more research in Frederick Co., Md., not only on Hans Jacob’s years there (1758-1765), but also on my ancestor John Elswick Sr., who came from what is now Calvert, Cecil Co., Md., to what is now Sharpsburg, Md., in the 1730s. He is the ancestor of all American Elswicks. And I hope to do some research on another ancestor, Robert Ratcliff/Ratliff who came to Frederick County in the early 1730s, also from eastern Maryland, and settled southwest of Hans Jacob. Robert is the ancestor of all Ratcliffs/Ratliffs in southwest Virginia, eastern Kentucky, and West Virginia. Both these families have married into the Honakers.

Pennsylvania and Maryland were the first American “homeland” of a great many of the earliest settlers west of the Blue Ridge in Virginia, Kentucky, and West Virginia (originally part of Virginia.)

Many of our forebears were “mountain people.” We may be apt to think they never traveled very far from where they were born. From at least the mid-1800s until World War II, this was largely true. My grandmother, Clara Etta (Journell) Elswick Green (1896-1977) was born at Obrion, in the northwest corner of Clay Co., W.Va., near the Braxton County line, and the farthest she ever traveled was to Madison, Boone Co., W.Va., where she lived out the last 50-some years of her life. Her mother, Melcena Tenell Cunningham Journell White (1869-1957) was also born at Obrion and came to Madison in later life, where several of her children had settled. She did log more mileage than my grandmother because, like many of the old people, she made the rounds of her children and stayed a time with each. She died just over the line from Clay County in Braxton County while visiting her oldest son. Neither of these ladies ever got more than about 100 miles from the houses they were born in.

Of course, things have changed dramatically in our own lifetimes. I was born in Bridgeport, Conn., and, not counting any number of summer trips to my grandmother’s in Madison, I have lived in Connecticut, then in New Jersey (while I was in seminary there,) then in Ulster Co., N.Y., where my first church was, then in Bristol Co., Mass., where my next church was, then in Mint Spring, Augusta Co., Va., while I served churches in Shenandoah and then in Page Co., Va. Then back to Albany Co., N.Y., and now—praise the Lord—back to Virginia, to Giles County, not far down the New River from where my ancestor John Elswick Jr. settled in 1745, and in the area where a good many other ancestors settled, and where, God willing, I will stay, until either the undertaker fetches me or the Lord returns, whichever comes first!

There is an old saying that the more things change the more they stay the same. All we have to do to understand that is to look back at the life and travels of our ancestor, Hans Jacob Honaker (1718-1796.) In 1987, Nadine Larson published a wonderful book, the predecessor of our Honaker Family in America by Frieda Davison. It is entitled Hans Jacob Honegger—From Switzerland to America, in which she traces his ancestry back to the early 1500s.

Hans Jacob was born in the village of Wermetzhausen, in the parish of Hinwil, canton Zurich, and baptized in the Reformed (Calvinist) Church there on July 24, 1718. I have often wondered if his Reformed faith influenced many in later Honaker generations to have an attraction to, and preference for, the Primitive (Old School) Baptist Church which believes and teaches very much the same Calvinist theology.

As a young man he made his first move to canton Basel, to the village of Amt Muenchenstein in the parish of Pratteln. There, on June 20, 1747, Hans Jacob Honegger, carpenter, married Anna Bleyler. The listing of his occupation as “carpenter,” (zimmermann in the German) is very interesting because he is also listed as “carpenter” in his Frederick Co., Md., deeds. Of course, he may have been the first of the Honaker gunsmiths and perhaps his only surviving rifle was on exhibit in Abingdon, Va., a few years back. Honaker Family Newsletter had an article on that at the time.

Hans Jacob and Anna’s only child, Hans Jacob Jr., was baptized in the Reformed Church of Pratteln on Apr. 14, 1748. This area of Switzerland was on the Rhine River, which rises in Switzerland and flows north and west to empty into the North Sea, west of the major Dutch port of Rotterdam. In this period of time, things were not going too well in Europe (when have they ever!) and for nearly three quarters of a century German speakers and Scots-Irish had joined the earlier English and Dutch immigration to the new world, the greatest wave of immigration to America until the late 1800s and early 1900s, and more recently, the incalculable illegal immigration into the USA from south of the border. Of course, these people, as all European immigrants, before and since, were legal immigrants. They had to receive permission from their own governments to leave their homelands, and those who came from outside the British Isles had to take an oath of allegiance to the kings of England (and later to the USA.) These are the people who with their descendants have made America into the “shining city on a hill” which it has been down to our own lifetimes.

Hans Jacob was fortunate to be among those who received permission to leave Switzerland and go to America. The record states that there were three in his party—himself, a carpenter aged 32, his wife, 24, and their year-old son. Because of their poverty they did not have to pay the usual fees and the record lists him as “a good Christian.”

On or about May 8, 1749, they took ship in a convoy of four immigrant ships and set sail down the Rhine to Rotterdam, a trip of about six weeks, passing through 36 customs houses.

Once at Rotterdam, the passengers boarded two sea-going ships, the Honakers aboard the Crown, with 497 other emigrants, and after a brief stop at Cowes, England, set sail for the land of opportunity far across the Atlantic Ocean. The journey in the crowded ship, only a step above the much-publicized slave ships of the time, was unspeakably horrible and it is perhaps little wonder that Anna and little Hans Jacob died at sea and were consigned to the deep. The grieving widower and father arrived alone at the Port of Philadelphia Aug. 30, 1749. It would not surprise me if he wanted to, or actually did, kneel and kiss the ground—I know I wanted to when I came down I-81 and crossed into Virginia on Aug. 11, 2005!

Once on land, Hans Jacob and all the over males over 16 were likely marched up to the Philadelphia County Courthouse to take the Oath of Allegiance to King George and to sign the list of new citizens. This occurred on the day of his arrival—August 30—and he was able (not all were) to sign his own name. He signed as “Hanss Jacob Honegger.” Thus with the stroke of a pen began a whole new life in a new land thousands of miles from his “Vaterland”—the land of his birth, the home of his ancestors for untold centuries.

To pay for his passage, and likely also for Anna’s if the ship had passed the midpoint of the journey before she died, like countless thousands of others, Hans Jacob became an indentured servant. The typical term was four years. No record has yet been found of his indenture, nor of the name of his master. Indentures were private contracts and normally were not recorded in public records, though in Virginia the indentures of children who were “bound out” are part of the public record—as is that of my ancestress Charlotte McKee Pierson in Augusta County. Hans Jacob was, perhaps, more fortunate than many “boundmen” since he would write (and presumably also read,) had a recognized and much needed trade, and possibly a sideline also (gunsmith.)

The only benefits due an indentured servant were room and board and medical care (such as that was) and when he completed his term—a suit of clothes and a horse. Without his master’s permission he could not buy, sell, or marry, and he was not allowed to vote.

It is revealing that Hans Jacob’s second marriage did not take place until a month and three weeks before his indenture would have been up—his master must have liked him!!! At some point in those four years of servitude, Hans Jacob had met his future second wife and the mother of his 14 children. Her name was Maria Goetz, also spelled Goss, and on July 8, 1753, they stood before the pastor of the First (German) Reformed Church of Philadelphia and vowed their love and commitment. The congregation , organized in 1727, is still in existence and still at the same Philadelphia location, though the present building replaced the one they knew, in the early 1800s.

They remained in Philadelphia for several years working and saving in order to purchase their part of the American Dream—their own land. Their first children were born in Philadelphia, but sadly we know nothing of their life there. About 1758 they headed “West” probably on what is now Route 30 to Lancaster, then York, then on to what is now Gettysburg, whence they headed south on what is now Route 15, to Frederick, Md.—a journey of about 165 miles—the first leg of their American journey which ended at Draper, Pulaski Co., Va., for him in 1796, and for her about 1805, a long, long way from his birthplace in Switzerland.

Settling near Frederick, Md., Hans Jacob located three adjoining tracts of land, called in the deeds “Mount Pleasant.” Traditionally in Maryland each parcel of land had its own name. John Elswick Sr.’s 180 acres at Sharpsburg, Md., was called “Elswick’s Dwelling” from its first survey in the 1730s almost up to the time of Lincoln’s War. Sad to say things are not so cut and dried when it comes to the 122 acres called “Mount Pleasant.” And, as they say, thereon hangs a tale, so stay tuned for “the rest of the story.” Or better still, come and see for yourself!

557. ii. Clara Violet (also Claire). Born 16 Oct 1946 in Bridgeport.

351. Brady Edward[6] Bane (John Harvey[5], Margaret Ann[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

351. iii. William Edward. Born 21 Mar 1941 in Parrott, Va.

355. Margaret Louise[6] White (Nannie Mae[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Belspring, Pulaski Co., Va. Died 31 May 2001 in Radford, Va. The remains were cremated and scattered on the New River where her Uncle Jack fished [The Boat that Jack Built, serialized beginning in the Spring 1999 Honaker Family Newsletter], Pulaski Co., Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 2 Jun 2001: Callahan, Louise White, 83, of Radford, passed away Thursday, May 31, 2001 at the New River Valley Medical Center [Radford, Va.] She was a member of Fairlawn United Methodist Church and retired from Inland Motors with 19 years of service. She also volunteered for many years at Radford Community Hospital. She was preceded in death by her parents, Jesse L. and Mae White, and a brother, Jesse L. White, Jr. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Marie Williams Wildgrube and Jim Wildgrube of Dublin; a son and daughter-in-law, Tommy Lee and Dixie Callahan of Radford; two grandchildren, Richard Boyd Williams and fiancée, Kim Hitzler of Radford, and Stephanie Foutz and her husband, Barry of Pulaski; two step-grandchildren and their spouses, Neil Dishon and Robin Adkins of Belspring, and Jeff and Julie Dishon of Barren Springs; four step-great-grandchildren, Ami Alderman and Kristin Dishon and Travis and Jessica Foutz; a nephew, Jesse L. “Butch” White, III; a sister-in-law, Elsie White; and beloved neighbors and friends, Mike, Melissa, Tyler and McKenzie Hunt. Memorial services will be held Sat., June 2, 2001 at 2 p.m. at the Fairlawn United Methodist Church with Rev. Joe Taylor officiating. The family will receive friends immediately following the service in the church fellowship hall. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to the Fairlawn United Methodist Church. Arrangements by Mullins Funeral Home & Crematory in Radford.

She married, first, Roscoe Snyder, son of Clarence C. Snyder and Ethel Ellen Crawford, 23 Dec 1939. They divorced before Nov 1942. Born in 1917. Children:

562. i. Rose Marie[7]. Born 2 Nov 1942 in Radford, Va.

She married, second, Willie Kyle Callahan. He married previously and had two unidentified grown sons in that marriage, one of whom married Abraham descendant Margaret[5] Journell. Children:

ii. Tommy Lee. Born 29 May 1947. He married Dixie Unknown. The stepgrandchildren in

his mother’s obituary were her children in a prior marriage.

357. Helen Virginia[6] Creger (Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Died 6 Dec 1998 in Pulaski Co., Va. Buried in Hickman Cemetery, Pulaski Co., Va. In 2001 her daughter Judith wrote the following biographical sketch about her mother—Helen attended schools in New York City and state, as well as schools in Belspring, Va. She completed her junior year before dropping out. Later in life she received her General Education Diploma (GED). She was a member of Belspring Methodist Church for many years, changing to Belspring Baptist late in life. She was a member of the Eastern Star in Radford, Va., and taught Sunday School many years. In later life she received a driver’s permit, although she never drove. She felt the need to apply for identification and to prove to herself she could. She and her husband George worked at the election polls in Belspring for many years. She was a wonderful mother , going the extra mile to insure her children not only got the basic education but much of the “common sense” education as well. She cared for her father and held down a very tiring job in the cafeteria of Pulaski County Schools, and never complained. She worked at Belspring School and later Riverlawn School in Fairlawn. She loved to help people in meaningful ways without their knowledge.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 8 Dec 1998: Gordon, Helen Creger, 83, of Belspring, died Sat., Dec. 6,1998 at Wheatland Hills Nursing Home. She was born Mar. 31, 1915, the daughter of George F. and Nettie Carden Creger, and lived most of her life in Belspring. She was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years, George Gordon; and a daughter, Frances (“Tess”) G. [Ramsey]. Surviving are her son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Linda B. Gordon of Christiansburg; a daughter and son-in-law, Judith G. and Clyde W. Blackwell of Floyd; a sister, Lucille C. Bridges of Wytheville; a half-sister, Jean S. Harmon of Radford; a special sister-in-law, Iris G. Farmer of Dublin; a brother-in-law, Jack E. Gordon of Pearisburg; five grandchildren, Rhonda [Ramsey], Teresa B. Myers, Becky Blackwell, Matt Gordon, and Ben Gordon; three great-grandchildren, Adam Myers, Jason Berry, and Mallory J. Myers. Funeral services 11 a.m. Tuesday at the DeVilbiss Funeral Chapel, by the Rev. Joe McCoy. Interment will follow in Hickman Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Mon., Dec. 7 at the DeVilbiss Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association or to the American Heart Association.

Her husband, George Gordon, was the son of James Alexander Gordon and Virginia Alice Tabor (called Janie). Died 6 Oct 1997 in Radford, Va. Buried in Hickman Cemetery, Pulaski Co., Va. In 2001 his daughter Judith wrote the following biographical sketch about her father—George attended schools in Oakvale, W.Va., but did not complete high school, going to his junior year as well. He did not have a middle name, which was a real puzzle for medical and legal documents. He attended school without missing and was a quick learner, but family circumstances prevented his finishing. He worked in the coal mines at Winding Gulf, W.Va., until the beginning of World War II. He then came to Radford Arsenal and worked there until the end of the war. He was later employed by Norfolk & Western Railroad and finally the Pulaski County School Board. He was a 60-year member of the Masonic Lodge, having served as grand master of the Henry Clay Lodge in Dublin, Va. He was also a member of the Eastern Star in Radford. He instilled high values in his children—both Christian and work ethics. He had a wonderful memory and until his death could discuss world events with everyone. He was a caring person and was saddened about the plight of the poor of our world.

Roanoke [Va.] Times: Gordon, George, of Belspring, died Mon., Oct. 6,1997 in a Radford hospital. He had been living at Wheatland Hills Retirement Center for the past 18 months. He was a 66-year old Mason and a member of Henry Clay Lodge. Surviving are his wife of 63 years, Helen Creger Gordon, Belspring; a son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Linda B. Gordon, Christiansburg; a daughter and son-in-law, Judith G. and Clyde W. Blackwell, Floyd; a brother, Jack E. Gordon, Pearisburg; and a sister, Iris G. Farmer, Dublin; five grandchildren, Rhonda Ramsey, Teresa B. Myers, Rebekah Blackwell, Matthew Gordon and Ben Gordon; three great-grandchildren, Jason Berry, Adam Myers, and Mallory Jean Myers. Mr. Gordon was preceded in death by his parents, James Alexander and Virginia Tabor Gordon; and a daughter, Frances (Tess) Gordon Ramsey. Mr. Gordon was born Apr. 21,1909 in Oakvale, W.Va. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 9, 1997, at the DeVilbiss Funeral Chapel with Rev. Joe McCoy officiating. Interment will follow in Hickman Cemetery. Henry Clay Lodge will conduct Masonic graveside services. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the American Heart Association or to the Alzheimer's Association. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Wed., Oct. 8, 1997 at the DeVilbiss Funeral Home, Radford.

358. Sylvia Lucille[6] Creger (Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born

28 Nov 1918 in Belspring, Va. Died 2 Oct 2000. Buried in Mountain View United Methodist Church Cemetery, Wythe Co., Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 3 Oct 2000: Bridges, Lucille Cregger Robinson, 81, of Wytheville, died Mon., Oct. 2, 2000. Funeral service 2 p.m. on Wed., Oct. 4, 2000 in the Grubb Funeral Home Chapel, Wytheville. The funeral home card indicated the service was conducted by the Rev. Ray Haskett; survivors included sons & daughters-in-law, Burton & Lola Robinson and Billy Robinson, sister, Jean Harmon, daughters-in-law & spouses, Judy & Timmy Whalen and Eloise Robinson, eight grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews.

In 2002, her niece, Judy (Gordon) Blackwell, wrote the following about her:

Sylvia’s parents separated and divorced before she was two years old. She was reared by her Creger grandparents in Wythe Co., Va. They lived on a farm raising cabbage and potatoes. At a very young age, she helped out with housework and whatever needed to be done.

She attended schools in the neighborhood of Sand Mountain. She attended Berea Christian Church. At sixteen, she married Walter Robinson and from that marriage were born six sons. While raising these boys, she was employed as a presser in the local shirt factory in Wytheville. She kept house, sewed for the boys and did her canning while holding down a job. Her husband’s health was not good, so often he was unemployed.

Lucille was a wonderful homemaker and sewed, crocheted and did beautiful applique work. She was a good cook and energetic, never complaining or questioning her lot in life. Being very close to her, I realized she had a beautiful inner faith which sustained her to the end.

She married Charles Bridges as her second husband, and they enjoyed several years of companionship. She outlived two husbands and four of her six sons and I never once heard her complain or question these events. She bore them bravely and went on about her life.

She had a great appreciation for the little things in life and was always happy. She died 2 Oct 2000 from an illness that had just been diagnosed that week.

She married, second, Charles Bridges.

359. Robert George[6] Stamatas (Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Died in Hopewell, Va. Buried in Sunset Memorial Park, Chester, Va.

Roanoke [Va.] Times: [Stamatas], Robert George, 71, of Spring Grove, died Sun., Oct. 23, 1994 at John Randolph Hospital, Hopewell. He was born in Chicago, Ill., and was a son of the late Nicholas and Nettie Frances Carden [Stamatas]. Mr. [Stamatas] was a retired employee of Allied Signal Corp. and a member of the Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge #1472, Hopewell, past president of Claremont Ruritan Club, member of American Legion Post #146, Hopewell, and the VFW post in Hopewell. Surviving are his wife, Frances Pittman [Stamatas] of Spring Grove; a son, Robert A. [Stamatas], Richmond, three daughters, Donna Maitland, Richmond, Debra Brandt, San Francisco, Calif., Mickey Crossett, Pinkney, Mich.; sister, Mrs. Jean Harman, Radford; two half sisters, Lucille Bridges, Wytheville, Helen Gordon, Belspring; step-daughter, Patricia P. Shoemaker, Lexington, N.C.; stepson, Robert W. Pittman, Miami Beach, Fla.; two step grandchildren, Brian W. Shoemaker and Susan Shoemaker, both of Greensboro, N.C.; many nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted Tue., Oct. 25, 1994, 3 p.m. at the graveside in Sunset Memorial Park, Chester, by Rev. Paul R. Harfst, pastor of Surry Baptist Church. Memorial contributions may be made to the Surry Rescue Squad or the American Cancer Society.

360. Jean Marie[6] Stamatas (Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Her husband Walter Bradley Harman was the son of Elbert Caryl Harman and Estelle Elizabeth Campbell.

361. James Richard[6] Stamatas (called Dick) (Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Died 23 Oct 1994 in Jacksonville, N.C. Buried in Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin, Va.

The Roanoke [Va.] Times, date unknown: Stamatas, James Richard, (“Dick”), 59, of Dublin, died Sun., Oct. 23, 1994 in a Jacksonville, N.C. hospital. Surviving are his wife, Helen M. Stamatas of Dublin; a daughter, Kay DuPlissie of Bainbridge, Maine; two daughters and sons-in-law, Mary Schoolfield and Ronald Gray Cashatt of Level Cross, N.C., and Deborah Schoolfield and Rev. Dale Kennedy of Lexington, N.C.; two sons and daughters-in-law, Charles E. and Cynthia Schoolfield Jr. of Floyd, and Todd Douglass and Brenda Schoolfield of Newbern; one sister, Jean Stamatas Harman of Radford; [two half-sisters, Helen C. Gordon, and Lucille C. Bridges,] a special friend, Sherry Schoolfield of Radford; nine grandchildren ; and two step grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thurs., Oct. 27, 1994 at 2 p.m. from the DeVilbiss Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Clarence Dishman officiating. Interment will follow in the Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin. The family will receive friends Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the DeVilbiss Funeral Home in Radford.

He and his second wife, Ruth Hopkins Smith, divorced. She was the mother of his only child, Cheryl Kay. Cheryl married Unknown DuPlissie. [Delete book reference to the second child.]

366. Sandra Dell[6] Duncan (Wilma Kathleen[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). It was reported that Sandra had two daughters, Wendy Lynn and Cindy Lynn, who both married Geoffery Joseph Steinhart. Further research is needed to determine the accuracy of this report.

370. Janice Marie[6] Honaker (Mildred Margaret[5], William Elmer[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[l]).

Born 21 Sep 1937 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. Died 14 Jan 2015 in Marion. Buried in Marion Cemetery.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 17 Jan 2015: Janice Marie Haubert, 77, of Marion went home to be with the Lord on Wed., Jan. 14, 2015, at 10:04 a.m. She was born in Marion, Ohio on Sept. 21, 1937 to Mildred Honaker who preceded her in death along with her stepfather, Oscar May. Janice married Wayne R. Haubert on Feb. 23, 1974 in Marion and he also preceded her in death on April 7, 1990. She was a member of the First Church of the Nazarene and was employed for over 14 years as a floor department manager with Meijer’s Dept. Store. The lifelong Marion resident is survived by two daughters, Robin Cleveland and Rhonda McMurray both of Marion, Ohio; seven grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; and her longtime companion, Emory Dean Davis; two sons, Bo and William Laird; and a great grandson, Jayden Cleveland also preceded her in death. Friends may call at the Boyd-Born Funeral Home on Mon., Jan. 19, 2015, from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m. A graveside service will be held in the Marion Cemetery on Monday at 2 p.m. with Chaplain David DePietro officiating. Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Online condolences may be sent to: .

She married, first, Robert Eugene Laird 9 Jan 1954. Children:

576. i. Robin Lugene[8]. Born 26 Aug 1957.

ii. Robert Eugene, Jr. Born 15 Feb 1960.

iii. Rhonda Lee. Born 8 Sep 1961. She married Unknown McMurray.

She married, second, Wayne R. Haubert 23 Feb 1974 in Marion. Died 7 Apr 1990. There were no children.

380. Walter Wesley[6] Jones (called Wally) (Mary Alice[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Aug 1945 in Marion, Ohio. Died 5 Jul 2012 in Marion.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 8 Jul 2012: Walter “Wally” Jones died Thurs., July 5, 2012 at Marion General Hospital. The eldest of seven sons, Wally was born on Aug. 11, 1945, to the late Walter E. and Mary Alice (Honaker) Jones. Walter graduated from Marion Harding High School in 1965 and then served in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS America during the Vietnam War. He was a painting contractor for many years and was the owner-operator of Wally’s Market until it closed in 2009. Walter is survived by his wife of 46 years, Sherry Jean (Markey); daughter and son-in-law Dawn and James Kneessi, and grandchildren Rachel and Charles of Worthington; he is also survived by five brothers, John (Diane), Paul, Donald (Roslyn), and Raymond (Sue) all of Marion, and Kenneth (Leslie) of Ann Arbor, Mich.; his brother David died at the age of 5 in 1952. As per Walter’s wishes, there will be no viewing or funeral service. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Gunder Hall & Folk Funeral Directors are handling arrangements. If desired, memorial donations may be made to The First Church of God, 921 Woodrow Ave., Marion, OH 43302. On-line condolences may be expressed by visiting .

He married Sherry Jean Markey 13 Sep 1965 in Marion. Born 6 Dec 1947. She was a teacher. Children:

380. i. Dawn Rochelle[7]. Born 28 Nov 1966.

383. Rebecca Kay[6] Honaker (Raymond Harold[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Mar 1954 in Marion, Ohio. Died 18 Jan 2012 in Marion. Buried in Agosta Cemetery, Marion.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 20 Jan 2012: Marion—Rebecca Kay Honaker, age 57, of Marion, passed away unexpectedly Wednesday morning at Marion General Hospital. She was born in Marion on March 17, 1954 to Raymond and Cora (Dowdy) Honaker and was a customer service rep for Verizon Telephone until her retirement and attended Mayes Community Temple [Church of God in Christ] (pentecostal). She is survived by her two sons, James Borders of Marion and Joseph Welch of Pataskala. Funeral services will be Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Hughes-Allen Funeral Home with Pastor Shawn Jackson officiating. Burial will follow in the Agosta Cemetery. Friends may call Friday evening from 6–8 p.m. at the funeral home. If desired, expressions of sympathy may be sent directly to her family by logging onto and opening her obituary.

She married Willie Edward Borders 27 Mar 1971. Born 2 Oct 1949 in Magoffin Co., Ky. Children:

i. James Raymond[7]. Born 31 Aug 1976 in Marion, Ohio.

385. Lynn Ellen[6] Honaker (George Bertram[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born in Marion, Ohio.

387. Michael Wesley[6] Honaker (Wesley Junior[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Jul 1948 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. He was a supervisor with Marion Power Shovel.

He married Margaret Ann Sewald, daughter of Max Sewald and Marjorie Herrington, 20 Dec 1970 in Marion. Born 25 Oct 1949 in Marion. Children:

i. Michelle Renee[7]. Born 9 May 1972.

ii. Joseph Wesley. Born 8 Dec 1977.

iii. Melanie Sue. Born 15 Nov 1979.

388. Steven James[6] Honaker (Wesley Junior[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Oct 1949 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio.

Good Housekeeping, May 2000: A Difficult Patient—Garnet and Steven Honaker, with photograph, inset cutline “Nurse and patient in the exam room at Smith Clinic in Marion, Ohio, where they first met.” [The story and photo also appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2013.]

Steven Honaker was Garnet Cochran’s last patient on what had been a particularly busy Thursday. He was also her least favorite. Ever. For starters, when she met him in the exam room and asked him a routine question about his medical history, he grumbled that nurses who ask the same questions should “learn to make copies.”

“For some reason,” says Cochran, 51, an orthopedic surgical nurse with a honeyed voice, “he just really irritated me on a personal level. Usually, with patients, I just ignore it, but with him…” It was different. Honaker, 50, then a heavy-machinery service technician, had gotten his arm mangled while working on a conveyor belt in a steam generating plant in Manchester, Ohio. By the time a friend drove him to an orthopedic surgeon’s office in his hometown of Marion, he’d suffered through a restless night on her couch.

Cochran, meanwhile, had spent a stressful morning assisting in surgery, and a busy afternoon scheduling patients who would have to be operated on that Saturday. When she slapped Honaker’s x-rays onto the view screen and saw the fracture in his arm, any remaining hope of a weekend dissolved. But when she told him they’d fit him in on Saturday, she got a surprising response. “No,” said Honaker. “I’m not doing this on Saturday. I’m not going to miss the Ohio State football game. What about Sunday?”

“I’m not devoting my Sunday to you,” Cochran replied. A debate ensued. Tempers flared. And Cochran ultimately told her stubborn patient that he had three choices: “We can do it on Saturday. You can find another surgeon’s office. Or you can leave as is and be crippled for the rest of your life.” Then she left to fetch the doctor. “I told him, ‘He’s all yours.’ ”

Honaker and the physician reached a compromise: Surgery would take place on Saturday, but a local anesthetic would allow Honaker to be awake for the procedure and the subsequent game. Two days, one 7-in. metal plate, and six screws later, Honaker’s arm was put back together. But the promised local anesthetic had apparently been a ruse: Honaker slept like a baby through the 4-hour procedure—and the football game.

When Cochran noticed one Steven Honaker listed on the appointment schedule two weeks later, she coached herself to stay calm. “I told myself to put my professional mask on.” But Honaker, it turned out, was a new man. “He walked into the room ahead of me, turned around, and said, ‘Before you say anything I’d like to apologize for my rudeness when we met.’ ” By the time she’d taken out the sutures, all, it seemed, was forgiven. But when it was time for him to go, her patient lingered in the doorway. “I wanted to ask her out,” Honaker explains. Before he could, the doctor suddenly appeared, recognized his testy patient, and asked, “Is there a problem?”

Honaker left. But when he got home, he called the office to try again. After a pause, Cochran agreed to a date, “and it’s been downhill from there,” jokes the twice-widowed Honaker, who lost his second wife in 1992.

Their first date “was a terrible meal, but a great time,” says Cochran, who is divorced. A week later, Honaker invited his nurse to his home for dinner, meeting her at the door with a dozen yellow roses.

“Maybe I was still trying to make up for something,” he says coyly. It worked. After two years of keeping company and a bit of wrangling over the wedding date (“I told him we’d never be able to find a hall or a band on New Year’s Eve”), they were married on Dec. 31, 1999, surrounded by friends and their six grown children. Both report smooth sailing so far. “We just get along so well,” says Cochran. Of course, it helps, Honaker adds, that his wife is so patient—“and forgiving!”

He married, first, Cheryl Diane Hawkins, daughter of William Francis Hawkins and Lela Johnston, 22 Oct 1967 at Forest Lawn Presbyterian Church, Marion, the Rev. Preston O. Daves officiating. Born 25 Sep 1948 in Marion. Died 26 Feb 1982 in Marion. Buried in Marion Cemetery.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 28 Feb 1982: Mrs. Cheryl Diane Honaker, 33, of 729 Fairpark Ave., died at 2 p.m. Friday at Wyandot Memorial Hospital following an illness of four months.Born Sept. 25, 1948 in Marion, she lived in this city all her life. Steven J. Honaker, her husband, survives. They were married Oct. 22, 1967 in Marion. She was a member of Forest Lawn Presbyterian Church. Also surviving are: her children Eric S. and Kristina L. Honaker; her parents William F. and Lela (Johnston) Hawkins, 496 Easy St.; and a sister, Mrs. [Carol] Barelle, Akron. Rev. Barrett Banta will conduct a service at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the Boyd Funeral Home. Burial will be in Marion Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Monday.


388. i. Kristina Leann[7] (adopted). Born 19 May 1972 in Marion.

ii. Eric Steven. Born 16 Dec 1973 in Marion. In 2013 he lived in Eustis, Lake Co., Fla.

He married, second, Marianne NMN Jäeger, daughter of Helmut Jäeger and Eva Hoffman, 2 Jul 1988 at Waldo United Methodist Church, Marion, the Rev. Thomas J. Seohy officiating. Born 16 Oct 1952 in Bamberg, Germany. Died 17 May 1993 in Marion. Buried in Grand Prairie Cemetery, Brush Ridge, Marion Co., Ohio. She had a son, Steven Matthew Wilson, in a prior marriage to William Vernon Wilson. Steve and Maruianne had no children.

Marion [Ohio] Star, 19 May 1993: Marianne Honaker, 40 400 S. Vine St., died Monday afternoon at MedCenter Hospital. Born Oct. 16, 1952, in Bamberg, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Helmut Jaeger and Eva (Hoffman) Jaeger, who survives in Bamberg. On July 2, 1988, in Marion, she married Steven J. Honaker, who survives. Mrs. Honaker was a pharmacist technician at MedCenter Hospital for 15 years. Se was born Oct. 16, 1952, in Bamberg, Germany, and had been a resident of Wyandot and Marion counties for the past 22 years. Also surviving are a son, Steven Matthew Wilson, Marion; a stepson, Eric Steven Honaker, Columbus; a stepdaughter, Kristina Leeann Honaker, Columbus; two brothers, Jorg Georg Jaeger, Forchheim, Germany, and Johannes Jaeger, Arnstein, Germany; four sisters, Ingrid Krebs, Bamberg, Benedikta Dobelmann, Ronhof-Fuerth, Germany, Gunda Jones, Phoenix, Ariz., and Margaete McAdoo, Clarksville, Tenn.; and a grandmother, Anna Hoffmann, Podeldorf, Germany. The funeral is 10:30 a.m. Friday at Boyd Funeral Home with Fr. James Walter officiating. Burial is in Grand Prairie Cemetery. Friends may call 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home, where there will be a Catholic prayer service at 3:30 p.m.

He married, third, Garnet Jane (Bowser) Cochran, daughter of Adam Bowser and Florence Irene Bratt, 31 Dec 1999 in Marion. Born 17 Jan 1949 in Bucyrus, Crawford Co., Ohio. She previously married William Duane Cochran 12 Nov 1967 in Marengo, Ohio, and in that marriage had four children, William Samuel, b. 21 Dec 1969, Jason Randall, b. 8 Jun 1973, Joseph Matthew, b. 17 Mar 1975, and Jaime Lynn, b. 17 Aug 1976. Garnet graduated from Highland High School, Sparta, Ohio, in May 1967. There she was yearbook co-editor, cheerleader, on the basketball team, an office assistant, junior year prom manager and design coordinator, was in a class play, and received library awards for four years. After high school, she was employed by Ohio Bell Telephone Co., Columbus; then after her first marriage, transferred to Akron, Ohio. After a 1968 strike, she was hired by Sun Oil Company in Akron as a receptionist until her first child was born. In 1970 she went back to work with Babcock and Wilcox Co., Barberton, Ohio. After her son Jason was born in 1973, she was a full time mother; during that time she provided child care for others. When her youngest, Jaime, was in fourth grade, she became a school bus driver for five years with the Greensburg School System. She graduated from Washington State Community College School of Nursing, Marietta, Ohio, in 1992, as valedictorian and as a licensed practical nurse. She taught Sunday School and Bible School, was active in the Greensburg, Ohio Community Fair and organized its pet show for six years. In 2013 she volunteered to be reunion co-director for the Honaker Family Association.

389. Jerry Richard[6] Honaker Jr. (Jerry Richard[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Jun 1953 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. He worked at Tecumseh Products, Marion.

He married Debra Kay Salyer, daughter of James Carroll Salyer and Elinor Jean Klingel, 29 Nov 1975 in Waldo, Marion Co., Ohio. Born 30 Dec 1954 in Morrow Co., Ohio. She became a beautician. Children:

i. Jerry Richard, III[7] (called J.R.) Born 30 Jun 1979.

ii. Joshua.

iii. Justin.

390. Terry Allan[6] Honaker (Jerry Richard[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 31 Jul 1955 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. He worked at Tecumseh Products, Marion.

He married Debra Diane McKinnis, daughter of Carroll McKinniss (called Mac) and Betty J. Wagner, 1978 in Marion. Children:

i. Terry Allan[7] Jr. Born 5 Sep 1979. He married Amber Unknown.

ii. Brent. He married Nikki Unknown.

399. James Floyd[6] Williams (Elizabeth Clair[5], James Cline[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Died 16 Aug 2001 in Roanoke, Va. Buried in Birchlawn Burial Park, Pearisburg, Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 18 Aug 2001 and Roanoke [Va.] Times, 19 Aug 2001: James Floyd “Jim” Williams, 72, of 4620 Mill View Court in Roanoke, and formerly of Pembroke, Va., died Thursday morning, Aug. 16, 2001, following a long illness. Born in Giles County on Aug. 11, 1929, he was a son of the late Raymond Draper and Elizabeth Honaker Williams. He was a 1952 graduate of [Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University] and a 1963 graduate of MCV School of Allied Health, and a veteran of the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. Jim was a member of South Roanoke United Methodist Church, was retired as senior vice president from Carilion Health Systems, was a life member of American Hospital Association and a member of Castle Rock Lodge No. 334, A.F.&A.M. in Pembroke. He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Nancy Elizabeth “Beth” and Richard William Martilik of Calloway and Susan Mabel and Luke Church of Charlottesville; two sons and daughters-in-law, Raymond Draper, “R.D.”, and LuAnne Duschean Williams of Rocky Mount, N.C.; and nine grandchildren. Graveside services will be conducted at 3 p.m. today in Birchlawn Abbey Chapel at Pearisburg, Va., with the Rev. Eddie Kendall officiating, and a memorial service will be conducted Monday at South Roanoke United Methodist Church at 3 p.m. with the Rev. Amos Rideout officiating. The family will receive friends at the conclusion of both services. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that contributions be made to South Roanoke United Methodist Church or the American Heart Association.

402. William Harold[6] Looney Jr. (Clara Belle[5], James Davidson[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 May 1938 in Bluefield, W.Va. In 2010 he lived in Bluefield.

He married Jonna Mae Shupe, daughter of Rea Shupe and Rachel Chaffee, 3 Jul 1965 in Beaver, Pa. Born 19 Jun 1942 in Beaver Falls, Pa. Children:

i. Jon William[7]. Born 31 Aug 1966 in Wilmington, N.C. In 2010 he lived in Bluefield.

402. ii. Linda Rae. Born 1 Nov 1968 in Bluefield, W.Va.

403. Frances Isabel[6] Looney (called Issy) (Clara Belle[5], James Davidson[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 May 1939 in Bluefield, W.Va. In 2010 she lived in Bluefield.

She married Daniel Taylor Simmons, son of Roy A. Simmons and Grace Evelyn Taylor, 29 Aug 1958 in Bluefield. Born 25 Nov 1934 in Bluefield. Children:

583. i. Daniel Taylor[7] Jr. Born 3 Sep 1959 in Bluefield.

ii. Chrisandra Lynn. Born 8 Jan 1961 in Bluefield. Died between 1998 and 2010. She married David Presley, son of William Presley and Unknown Crook, 16 Sep 1995 in Hexton, Tenn. Born 12 Mar 1955 in Trenton, Ga. They lived in Chattanooga, Tenn.

403. iii. Susan Evelyn. Born 16 Mar 1965.

584. iv. Tracy Ann. Born 19 Jun 1969 in Bluefield.

407. Joyce Jane[6] Ashworth (Edison Harlin[5], Beulah Faye[4], Mary Catherine[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]).

Her husband Frank Thomas Pearce died in Tampa, Fla.

408. Rod Edison[6] Ashworth (Edison Harlin[5], Beulah Faye[4], Mary Catherine[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Virginia Sims Brown. They divorced.

409. Rita Lane[6] Ashworth (Edison Harlin[5], Beulah Faye[4], Mary Catherine[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Albert Cecil VanReenen, Jr., son of Dr. Albert Cecil VanReenen and Gladys C. Vermillera, 24 Mar 1956 in Bluefield, W.Va. Born 25 Sep 1926 in Richmond, Va. Died 23 Jun 2003 in Bluefield, W.Va. Buried in Monte Vista Park Cemetery, Green Valley, Bluefield.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 26 Jun 2003: The Rev. Albert Cecil VanReenen Jr., 76, of 721 Augusta St., Bluefield, died Mon., June 23, 2003 in a Bluefield hospital. Born Sept. 25, 1926, in Richmond, Va., he was a son of the late Dr. Albert C. VanReenen Sr. and Gladys Vermillera VanReenen. Albert was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, a member of the West Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church and was a retired Methodist pastor for 40 years throughout the state, retiring in 1993. He was a graduate of Bluefield High School, Class of 1944, received his B.A. from West Virginia University and a Master’s of Divinity from Duke University in 1956. Prior to his ministry, he was a licensed x-ray technician working at St. Luke’s Hospital and Stats Hospital in Charleston, and studied at the Medical College of Virginia for one year. Active in both civic and community affairs, he has been involved over the years in Lions Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, and Rotary Clubs and served as a trustee at GlenWood Park Retirement Village. Survivors include his wife of 47 years, Rita Lane Ashworth VanReenen of Bluefield; three sons, Cecil Ashworth VanReenen of St. Louis, Mo., Steven Clay VanReenen and wife Diane of Asheville, N.C., and Rev. James Jay VanReenen and fiancée Lisa of Bluefield; three grandchildren, Kandice Marie VanReenen, Katlyn Lane VanReenen and Taylor Rebecca VanReenen all of Asheville; and two nieces, Melanie Fisher and Marcy Costa. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Friday at Mercer Funeral Home & Crematory of Bluefield with Dr. I. Mark Conner officiating. Interment will follow at Monte Vista Park Cemetery in Green Valley where friends and family members will serve as pallbearers. The family will receive friends today at the funeral home from 6–8 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial contributions be made to Trinity United Methodist Church, 401 College Ave., Bluefield, WV 24701. E-mail of cards or condolences to the VanReenen family may be sent to Mer-cer@.


i. Cecil Ashworth[7]. In 2003 he lived in St. Louis, Mo.

586. ii. Steven Clay. Born 20 May 1964.

iii. James Jay. Born 8 Aug 1966. In 2003 he was engaged to Lisa Unknown and lived in Bluefield, W.Va.

417.ii. William Franklin[6] George (Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Feb 1920 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Died 26 Apr 1979 in Akron. Buried in Hillside Cemetery, Akron.

Akron Beacon Journal, 28 Apr 1979: William F. George Sr., 59, of 2601 Shoreline Dr., went home to be with the Lord, April 26, after a long illness. He was a World War II veteran and he was a utility worker for the Alsides Company. He was a member of the VFW Firestone Post No. 3383 and was also a member of the Golden Dragons. He is survived by his wife, Lois M. (nee Hicks); mother Thelma R. Elzey; brother, Leroy Peter; children Mrs. Alan (Judi) Spencer, Mrs. Richard (Geri) Ellerbrock, William F. George Jr. and wife Margie, Mrs. Leo (Pam) Holcombe, Mrs. Charles (Brenda) Singleton, William R. George; stepchildren Roger D. Hicks, Rick Hicks, Ken Hicks. He was preceded in death by his stepfather Earl S. Elzey; also survived by 10 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1 p.m. from the Eckard-Baldwin Funeral Home, Rev. Eugene White officiating. Burial Hillside Memorial Park. Friends may call Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II from 1 May 1943 to 27 Nov 1945. As a crew member on the USS J. Franklin Bell (APA-16), an attack transport in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater named for the former U.S. Army Chief of Staff and Medal of Honor recipient, he was involved in the initial assault on the Japanese-held Parry’s Island Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands and was stationed at Waipo Amphibious Operating Base, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Aboard ship, he was awarded a crew member’s tongue in cheek certificate, The Realm of the Golden Dragon—Be it known to all Sailormen, Mermaids, Sea Serpents, Crabs, Lobsters, Dolphins and all other things of the Sea that on this January twenty-__, 1944 there appeared within our Royal Domain of the International Date line the USS J. Franklin Bell westward bound on a Mission of War against the Japanese Empire. On board was one Wm. F. George [U.S. Naval Reserve] who having been found worthy to be numbered as one of our Dragons, has been thus initiated into the Solemn Mysteries of the Golden Dragon. [Given under] our hand and seal this June 2__, 1944.

He was a machinist after the war.

He married, first, Olive Agnes Johnson (called Peg and Peggy), daughter of Snowden Winters Johnson and Mary Haseltine Neff, 22 Mar 1941 in Akron. Snowden nicknamed his daughter Peggy, and it stuck; she never liked the name Olive. Born 27 Aug 1919 in Camden on Gauley, Webster Co., W.Va. Died 21 Nov 1980 in Akron. Buried in Hillside Cemetery. Children:

587. i. Judith Ann[7] (called Judi). (twin) Born 12 Oct 1942 in Akron.

588. ii. Geraldine Lee (called Geri). (twin) Born 12 Oct 1942 in Akron.

417.ii. iii. William Franklin, Jr., (called Buzz) Born 15 Sep 1946 in Akron.

417.ii. iv. Pamela Ruth. Born 24 Apr 1948 in Akron.

He married, second, Deloris Emily Schreckongost Tuttle, daughter of Lloyd Schreckongost and Emily Mattem, 1958 in Akron. They divorced 1962. Born 3 Nov 1929 in Allegheny Co., Pa. Died 9 Jan 2008 in Pompano Beach, Broward Co., Fla. Buried in New Kensington, Pa. She first married Earl H. Tuttle, son of James Tuttle and Mabel Unknown. They divorced 1957. Born 25 Jun 1917. In that marriage Deloris had at least three children, Phyllis, Richard and David. Children (of William and Deloris):

417.ii. v. Brenda Lee. Born 18 Feb 1958 in Akron.

417.ii. vi. William Raymond. Born 24 Mar 1959 in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Co., Ohio.

He married, third, Lois M. Elkins Hicks, daughter of Ernal E. Elkins and Mary Jane Cooper, 30 Sep 1977 in Akron.

418. Lionel Huston[6] Honaker Jr. (Lionel Huston[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 6 Nov 1923 in Crumpler, McDowell Co., W.Va.

He married Pansy Juanita Cassell 21 Feb 1948. Born 23 May 1922. Died 12 Oct 2001 in Kingsport, Tenn. Buried in Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton, W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 14 Oct 2001, and Richlands [Va.] News-Press, 17 Oct 2001: Tazewell, Va.—Juanita Cassell Honaker, 79, of Tazewell, died Fri., Oct. 12, 2001 at Holston Valley Medical Center in Kingsport, Tenn. Born May 23, 1922 in Bastian, Va., she was a daughter of the late John Sanders Cassell and Lillie Hogan Cassell. She was an active member of the Tazewell Christian Church, the Christian Women’s Fellowship, and the Tazewell Community Hospital Auxiliary. She served as manager of the auxiliary’s gift shop, The Calico Horse, and was a former manager of Van’s Gift Shop in Tazewell, Va. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one daughter, Deborah C. Liesinger; one granddaughter, Megan Lee Yost; two brothers, James D. Cassell and Herbert E. Cassell. Survivors include her husband, L.H. Honaker Jr.; one daughter, Dianne P. Brown and husband, Dale of Paintlick, Va.; four grandchildren, Joseph Dalton Yost, Shawn Liesinger, Scott Liesinger, and Shannon Liesinger; one sister, Mary Walker of Wytheville, Va.; sisters-in-law, Juean Johnson and Lorraine Neal; and five nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Monday at the Tazewell Christian Church with the Rev. Michael Stump officiating. Burial will follow at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Princeton. Pallbearers will be Roger Pike, A.G. Kulchar, Harold Crickmer, Jim Bob Hurt, and Harry Smith. Friends may call at Peery & St. Clair Funeral Home in Tazewell from 7–9 p.m. today. For those who wish, the family requests memorial contributions be made to Tazewell community Hospital Auxiliary, 141 Ben Bolt Ave., Tazewell, VA 24651.


418. i. Deborah Cassell[7]. Born 23 Jan 1949 in Bluefield, W.Va.

418. ii. Dianne Patrice. Born 17 Mar 1955 in Bluefield.

420. Thomas Graham[6] Honaker, III (Thomas Graham, Jr.[5], Thomas Graham[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Jan 1952 in Bluefield, W.Va. Tom took a B.A. in History from Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Ky., in June 1973; an M.A. in History from the University of Kentucky, Lexington; and a Master of Health Administration, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va., in May 1976. He had a career in hospital executive management.

From 1975 to 1976 he was administrative resident at Virginia Baptist Hospital, Lynchburg, Va.; from 1976 to 1977 was assistant administrator and administrator at Jefferson Memorial Hospital/ Shenandoah Home, Ranson, W.Va.; from 1976 to 1985 was chief executive officer of Hospital Corporation of America, Port St. Lucie, Fla.; from 1977 to 1979 was assistant administrator at Raleigh General Hospital, Beckley, W.Va.; from 1979 to 1981 was chief executive officer of South Lake Memorial Hospital, Clermont, Fla.; from 1985 to 1987 was chief executive officer of Metropolitan Hospital, Richmond, Va.; from 1987 to 1988 was chief executive officer of Opelousas [La.] General Hospital; from 1988 to 1992 was chief executive officer at Kern Hospital, Warren, Mich.; from 1992 to 1994 was an independent consultant in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.,

during which time he was interim chief executive officer of New Center Hospital and Clinic, Detroit; and from 1994 to 1998 has been chief executive officer of Mission Hill Memorial Hospital, Shawnee, Okla.

He is a fellow of American College of Healthcare Executives and a member of Committee on Hospital Financial Planning, Southeast Michigan Hospital Council; Oklahoma Hospital Association; Greater Oklahoma City Hospital Council; and Oklahoma Community Healthcare Alliance. He has authored articles in professional periodicals. His awards include appointment to adjunct faculty, Florida Institute of Technology M.B.A. program; Kentucky Hospital Association guest speaker; hospital administration programs preceptor, Medical College of Virginia, Duke University, and Yale University; Rotary International 4-way Test Award; and Crystal Award for most innovative community health system, 1996, Harvard University School of Public Health and Johnson & Johnson, Inc.

He is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity, Ducks Unlimited, Civil War Roundtable, Brother Rice High School (varsity lacrosse head coach, board member, and dad's club), Rotary International Shawnee, Okla., board of directors, Absentee-Shawnee Tribe health board chairman, Emmanuel Episcopal Church lay reader and usher, REACT EMS Authority chairman and board of directors, American Cancer Society board, St. Gregory's University (board of directors, healthcare advisory team chairman, and adjunct professor of American history, western civilization, and healthcare administration), Shawnee Golf & Country Club board of governors, Shawnee Hero of the Year 1997 finalist, and United Way of Shawnee chairman of 1997 fund drive and president of 1998 fund drive.

In 2001 he lived with his wife Lynda in West, Miss.

He married, first, Nancye Dean Snyder, daughter of Gordon Attwood Snyder and Anita Jean Smith, 16 Aug 1974 in Louisville, Ky. Born 10 Sep 1954 in Louisville. They divorced 26 Jan 1997 in Shawnee, Okla. Children:

i. Thomas G., IV [7] (called Graham). Born 26 Jan 1975 in Richmond, Va. In 2001 he was

a marketing manager in Louisville, Ky.

ii. Eliot Gordon. Born 7 Sep 1977 in Beckley, W.Va. In 2001 he was an M.B.A. student at

the University of Miami, living in Coral Gables, Fla.

iii. Gretel Mansfield. Born 30 Aug 1982 in Ft. Pierce, Fla. In 2001 she was a high school

senior in Louisville.

He married, second, Lynda Virginia Taylor, daughter of Max Robert Taylor and Virginia Neely, 15 Mar 2001 in Lexington, Miss. Born 9 Nov 1952 in Jackson, Miss. In 2001 she was director of Health Information Services at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson.

421. Carol Yvonne[6] Honaker (Kenneth Albert[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Apr 1942 in East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio. In 2015 she lived in South Point, Lawrence Co., Ohio.

She married Kenneth Lovejoy. Children:

i. Kimberly[7]. Born 3 Apr 1963.

ii. Todd. Born 3 May 1969 in Huntington, W.Va.

iii. Susan Lee. Born 2 Nov 1977 in Huntington. She married Scott Yates.

422. Patty Louise[6] Honaker (Kenneth Albert[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Jun 1947 in Midkiff, Lincoln Co., W.Va. In 2015 she lived in Roanoke, Va.

She married, first, Robert Hogan. They divorced. Children:

i. Shawn[7]. Born 14 Sep 1967 in Huntington, W.Va.

ii. Kelly Dawn. Born 1 Jul 1970 in Huntington. She married Stefan Schetselaar.

iii. Brian Lee. Born 1 Jun 1979 in Huntington. He married Heather Unknown.

She married, second, Andy Arrington.

423. Martha Rosaleen[6] Gibson (called Rosaleen) (Emma Flossie[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). In 2002 she and her family lived in Rodgers, Columbiana Co., Ohio.

She married William Lee Chudzinski, son of Walter Edward Chudzinski and Laura Matilda Bevington. Born 3 Aug 1943 at home in Brighton Twp., Beaver, Pa. Children:

423. ii. William Lee, Jr. Born 17 Jun 1972 in Rochester, Pa.

424. Thomas Wayne[6] Gibson (Emma Flossie[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Oct 1951 in East Liverpool, Ohio. He graduated from Western Beaver High School, Industry, Pa., in 1969. In high school he was in cross country track, Astronomy Club and Photography Club. He attended Community College of Beaver County [Pa.] and Community College of Butler County [Pa.], taking courses in machine technology, computerized numeric controls, structural drafting and computer assisted drafting. In 2001 he was a research & development technician (plastics) with JSP International, Butler, Pa., was a member of Society of Plastics Engineers and a member of First Baptist Church of Butler. His interests included astronomy, genealogy, hunting, fruit & vegetable gardening, and he was building and restoring a performance car.

He married Julia Ann Madish, daughter of Peter NMN Madish and Mary Elizabeth Naneff, 8 Nov 1974 in Midland, Pa. Born 1 Nov 1955 in Rochester, Pa. She graduated from Western Beaver High School in 1973, where she was active in school chorus. In 2001 she was a sales associate at Kaufmann’s Department Store in Monaca, Pa., was a member of First Baptist Church of Butler, was interested in flower & vegetable gardening and craft making.


424. i. Gregory Allen[6]. Born 7 Sep 1975 in Rochester, Pa.

ii. Elizabeth Ann. Born 22 Apr 1986 in Beaver, Pa. In 2001 she was attending Western Beaver High School, Industry, Pa., where she was active in track, volleyball, student council, was vice president of the sophomore class, an honor roll student, member of Beavers Against Alcohol and Drugs, and listed in Who’s Who Among American High School Students. Her interests in 2001 included softball, hunting and performance cars.

425. Ronald Ray[6] Honaker (Elza Carl[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 May 1947 in Huntington, W.Va. He graduated from Springfield South High School, Springfield, Ohio, in 1965. He took a B.S. from Wright State University, Fairborn, Ohio and served in the U.S. Navy Reserve. He was employed by the Veterans Administration in Dayton, Ohio and in California, retiring in 2001. His interests included camping. In 2010 he lived in Gaffney, S.C.

He married, first, Carol Jean Wilt, daughter of Charles Henry Wilt and Doris NMN Wilt (distant cousins), 24 Dec 1970 in Orlando, Fla. They divorced 1988 in Springfield, Ohio. Born 17 Jun 1949 in Springfield. She graduated from Springfield North High School, Springfield, Ohio, in 1965 and was employed by Assurant Insurance Co. Children:

i. Jaime Lynn[7]. Born 19 May 1976 in Springfield. She graduated from Graham High School, Urbana, Ohio, serving in band all four years. She took a B.A. in Journalism from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, in 1988. In 2010 she lived in Tampa, Fla.

He married, second, Kathy Levee Lee, daughter of Clifford Davis and Marjorie Darcy, 24 Mar 1999 in Glendale, Calif. She retired Jul 1998 as a registered nurse from Newberry [S.C.] County Memorial Hospital.

426. Larry Allan[6] Honaker (Elza Carl[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Mar 1953 in Huntington, W.Va. He graduated from Springfield South High School, Springfield, Ohio and served in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. In 2010 he lived in Drexel, Cass Co., Mo.

He married, first, Nancy Eileen Wunderly, daughter of Robert Elwood Wunderly and Mamie Eileen Brown, 12 Feb 1971 in Springfield, Ohio. They divorced Jun 1990 in Olathe, Kan. Born 1 Aug 1953 in Springfield. She graduated from Springfield South High School. In 2010 she lived in Kansas City, Kan. Children:

590. i. Heather Elizabeth[7].

He married, second, Merrilee Ball McDonnell, daughter of James Hamilton McDonnell and Marie Copeland, 19 Jun 1994 in La Cygne, Kan. Born 27 Apr 1953 in Butler, Bates Co., Mo.

427. Janice Lynne[6] Honaker (Elza Carl[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Sep 1958 in Xenia, Greene Co., Ohio. She graduated from Springfield South High School, Springfield, Ohio, where she was a member of National Honor Society. Linkous reported that she took a degree from Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio; a master’s degree from Wright State University, Fairborn, Ohio; and in 1997 was a high school teacher. She taught calculus at Greenon High School, unknown place. In 2010 she and her family lived in Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio. She and her husband enjoyed camping in the U.S. and Canada.

She married William Russell Hoagland, son of David Allen Hoagland and Martha Jane Roberts, 20 Jun 1981 in Springfield, Ohio. Born 7 Sep 1959 in Springfield. He graduated from Shawnee High School, Springfield. He took bachelor’s and master’s degrees from unknown institutions. In 2010 he was band director at Springfield High School. Children:

i. Erin Nicole[7] (twin). Born 5 Oct 1985 in Springfield. In 2002 Erin and her sister were

sophomores at Shawnee High School, Springfield, where they were honor roll students and participants in basketball, softball, marching band, Students Against Drugs and Prevention Academy. They were also active in the youth group at Southgate Baptist Church, Springfield. In 2008 Erin took a B.A. in Neuroscience & Biochemistry, minoring in Psychology and Zoology, summa cum laude, from Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. She received a five-year scholarship with generous monetary stipend to the Integrated Biomedical Science graduate program at Ohio State University. As an undergraduate she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma social sorority and Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. In 2008 she was considering a career in research.

Springfield News & Sun, 5 Jun 2009 (with photograph): Hoagland/Frey Engagement

Erin Nicole Hoagland and Benjamin Robert Frey are pleased to announce their engagement. Erin is the daughter of William and Janice Hoagland of Springfield, Ohio. She is a graduate of Shawnee High School and a 2008 graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University. Erin is employed at The Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. Benjamin is the son of John and Cynthia Frey of Springfield, Ohio. He is a graduate of Shawnee High School and a 2008 graduate of The Ohio State University. Benjamin is employed at The Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. The couple will be married on Sept. 18, 2010 [at First Christian Church, Springfield.]

In high school, Benjamin was active in band and a member of National Honor Society. He took a B.S. in Molecular Genetics from Ohio State University, Columbus, 2008, and in 2010 was employed by Ohio State. His parents were John Thomas Frey and Cynthia Sue Unknown.

ii. Jessica Renee (twin.) Born 5 Oct 1985 in Springfield. On 11 Sep 2001 suicidal Islamic terrorists crashed passenger airliners into the World Trade Center buildings in New York, and the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., killing more than 5,000 Americans. Shortly after, Jessica wrote a poem, Not with Stick nor Stone, “for those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001—and even more—for those who lived,” which was published in the Fall 2008 Honaker Family Newsletter, on completion of the Pentagon Memorial. In 2008 Jessica took a B.A. in History & English Literature, minoring in Medieval Studies, from Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. As an undergraduate she was president of her social sorority, Phi Alpha Theta. In 2010 she was working on a master’s degree to become a teacher and lived in Springfield, Ohio.

428. Carl Vernon[6] Crawford (Fred McKinley[5], David L.[4], Sarah Margaret[3], John M.[2], Abraham[l]). Died 27 Apr 1998 in Buford, Ohio. Buried in Buford Cemetery.

Hillsboro [Ohio] Times-Gazette, 29 Apr 1998: Carl V. Crawford, 67, of Buford, died Mon., Apr. 27, 1998 at his residence. He was born Sept. 28, 1930 in Buford, the son of Fred and Florence Mae (Beltz) Crawford. He was a retired farmer and member of the Buford Church of Christ. He was an Air Force veteran of the Korean Conflict and a member of the American Legion post. He is survived by his wife, Joyce (Stevens) Crawford, whom he had married Dec. 23, 1960, in Hillsboro; mother, Florence Mae Crawford of Buford; daughter, Susan Crawford of Columbus; sons, Roger Crawford of Columbus and Glenn Crawford of Buford; two granddaughters, Farrah Crawford of Columbus and Crystal Crawford of Columbus; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Paul F. Crawford of Buford, Bob and Bonnie Crawford of Buford and Ruth Crawford of Buford; and 15 nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father, Fred [McK.] Crawford, and one brother, David Crawford. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at the Davis-Turner Funeral Home in Lynchburg. Tom Palmer will officiate. Burial will follow in the Buford Cemetery. Friends may call on Thursday from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Buford Alumni Association, c/o Linda Moberly, 411 State Route 286, Sardinia, Ohio 45171.


ii. Glenn Alan. Born 23 Jun 1963 in Hillsboro, Ohio. A 1994 graduate of [Grayson] Kentucky Christian College. In 1998 he was a substitute teacher. In 2001 he was a staff writer for Highland County Press, Hillsboro.

iii. Susan Diane. Born 9 Feb 1965 in Hillsboro, Ohio. She graduated from Lynchburg [Ohio]-Clay High School in 1983, where she was a member of student council, scholarship team, national honor society, volleyball team; cast member of junior and senior class plays and school musicals; and was valedictorian. She took a Bachelor of Business Administration, majoring in computer systems in business and management, from Ohio University, Athens, in 1987. In college she was a member of Delta Sigmi Pi business fraternity and Alpha Gamma Delta business honor fraternity. She took an M.B.A. from Ohio State University, Columbus, in 1992. In 2002 she was an information technology consultant to Bank One, Columbus, a prominent statewide Ohio bank, and her interests included reading, music, sewing and cross-stitch, and her 18-lb. cat, Dusty. In 2002 she and her husband lived in Hilliard, Ohio.

She married James Whitten Sanford (called Jamie), son of Louis Sanford and Nancy Kauffman, 29 Sep 2001 in Elk Rapids, Mich. Born 22 Apr 1969 in Columbus. He graduated from Bexley [Ohio] High School in 1988, took a B.A. in English from Ripon [Wisc.] University in 1992, and took an M.A. in Journalism from Ohio State University in 1996. In 2002 he was a technical writer for Chase Manhattan Mortgage Co., Columbus; a member of the Hildreth Foundation and Children’s Hospital Development Board. His interests included reading, golf, fishing and fly tying, and his dog, Clive, a 170-lb. St. Bernard

Highland County Press, Hillsboro, Ohio, 8 Jul 2001, with photograph of the couple: Crawford, Sanford to wed Sept. 29 in Michigan (also published in The Town Meeting, Elk Rapids, Mich., 22 Aug 2001).

Susan Diane Crawford, the daughter of Joyce Crawford and the late Carl Crawford of the Buford community, and James Whitten Sanford, the son of Louis and Nancy Sanford of Elk Rapids, Mich., will wed Sept. 29 in Elk Rapids.

The bride-elect is a graduate of Lynchburg-Clay High School, Ohio University and Ohio State University, and is employed as an information technology consultant for Bank One in Columbus. The groom-elect is a graduate of Bexley High School, Ripon [University] and Ohio State University, and is employed as a technical writer for Chase Manhattan Mortgage Company in Columbus. Following a honeymoon in Hawaii, the couple will reside in Hilliard.

Highland County Press, 7 Oct 2001, with photograph of the couple and their parents: Crawford, Sanford exchange wedding vows

Susan Crawford and Jamie Sanford exchanged their wedding vows at Meadow Point, the residence of Lou and Nancy Sanford, in Elk Rapids, Mich., Sept. 29. David Sanford, brother of the groom, served as best man, while Misty Hill, friend of the bride, served as maid of honor. Following the double-ring ceremony, which took place at 11:30 a.m., and was performed by Pastor Dan Werlein, dinner was served, ending with the cutting of the cake.

Following a honeymoon on the Hawaiian islands, the couple will reside in Hilliard. Shown (left to right) are Joyce Crawford, mother of the bride; Susan (Crawford) Sanford, bride; Jamie Sanford, groom; Nancy Sanford, mother of the groom; and [Louis] Sanford, father of the [groom].

436. Lois Jean[6] Peters (James Early[5], Mary A.M.[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Aug 1937 in Bim, Boone Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Eudell Harris, son of Mont Harris and Ruby Unknown, 19 Oct 1956 in Bald Knob, Boone County. They divorced. Children:

436. i. Melissa Denise[7]. Born 22 Jan 1958 in Madison, Boone Co., W.Va.

She married, second, Eugene Morris Brewer, son of Morris Gilbert Brewer and Isabel Mae Keener, 9 Mar 1985 at Hamlin [W.Va.] Baptist Church, Lincoln Co., W.Va. Born 10 Apr 1928 in Westover, Monongalia Co., W.Va.

437. Denzil L.[6] Peters (called Pete) (James Early[5], Mary A.M.[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). A photograph of Pete with the Abraham rifle at Colonial Williamsburg, Va., appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 1998.

440. Opal Ray[6] McPherson (Murrel Olive[5], Millard Filmore[4], Olivia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Dec 1924 in Kegley, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 17 Jan 2012 in Princeton, Mercer County. Buried in King Family Cemetery near Princeton.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 18 Jan 2012: Princeton—Opal Rae McPherson King, 87, of the Harman School Road, Princeton, died peacefully early Tuesday morning, Jan. 17, 2012 at Princeton Community Hospital with her five children by her side. Born Dec. 24, 1924 in Princeton, she was the daughter of the late Clifton Charles McPherson and Murriel McComas McPherson. Opal was the valedictorian of her graduating class at Glenwood Jr. High School and was a 1942 graduate of Princeton High School. During World War II, Opal moved to Baltimore, Md., where she worked with hundreds of ladies known as Rosie the Riveter. She then returned to the Glenwood Park area where she lived until her death. Opal was a former employee for the Maidenform Corporation in Princeton. She was a devoted and active member of the New Hope United Methodist Church. For more than 50 years, Opal was involved with the 4-H program throughout the area, having served both the Glenwood Club and the New Hope Rangers. Opal was honored by being named West Virginia All-star by the 4-H organization of West Virginia. Opal was a member of the Fairview Home Demonstration Club for more than 60 years, having held various offices and committee chairs during her tenure. In 2002, Opal was named West Virginia Belle at Glenville State College. Opal was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and sister. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband Thomas Manuel King, along with four siblings, James, Darrel and C.C. McPherson Jr.; along with a sister, Juanita Juba. She will be lovingly remembered by her five children and their spouses, Thomas Donald and Sharon King of Princeton, Dr. Mark J. and Pam King, Annette Gayle and Wayne Kunimura, all of Cincinnati Ohio, Dennis Brian and Sheila King of Roanoke, Va., Shirley Jeane and Randy Bourne of Princeton; nine grandchildren; four stepgrandchildren; one great-grandson; two brothers and their spouses, Lowell and Carol McPherson of Fairmont, Arnold and Faye McPherson of Jackson, Ohio; a host of nieces and nephews. A service of celebration to honor the life of Opal Rae King will be held at 1 p.m., Sat., Jan. 21, 2012 from the Burns Wornal Chapel of the Memorial Funeral Directory on the Athens Road in Princeton with Pastor Michael Smith officiating. Burial will follow in the King Family Cemetery on Harman School Road near Princeton. A time of gathering and sharing will be held Friday from 6 until 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Serving as pallbearers will be Justin Thomas King, Brian Jacob King, Jason Garrett, Kai Randaci, Dave Bishop, Steve and Edward McPherson, Frank Foley, Alex and Steven Kunimura. Family and friends may share online condolence via The honor of serving the King family has been given to the Memorial Funeral Directory & Cremation Center on the Athens Road in Princeton.

She married Thomas Manuel King, son of John Everett King and Gladys Holloway, 11 Oct 1947 in Princeton. Born 23 May 1925 in Crane Creek, W.Va. Died 2 Aug 2011 in Princeton.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 5 Aug 2011—Princeton—Thomas Manuel King, 86, of Harmon School Road, Princeton, died Tue., Aug. 2, 2011 at Princeton Community Hospital. He was born on May 23, 1925 at Crane Creek and was the son of the late John E. King, Sr. and Gladys Holloway King. He was educated in Mercer County schools and was of the Protestant faith. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II as a Seaman 1st Class on the U.S.S. Texas and the Henry Ward Beecher merchant ship. He was awarded three Bronze Stars as a gunner and was involved in the invasion of Southern France. Mr. King had retired from U.S. Steel mining company after 42 years of service.  He worked as a miner, an industrial engineer, a section foreman and a safety inspector. He was truly an outdoor person who loved hunting, fishing and gardening. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by one sister, Nellie Smallridge; along with three brothers, James Whitley King, Fredrick King and Junior King who died as an infant. Survivors include his wife of 63 years, Opal McPherson King; children, Thomas Donald King and wife Sharon of Princeton, Shirley Bourne and husband Randy of Princeton, Dr. Mark J. King and wife Pam of Cincinnati, Ohio, Annette Gayle Kunimura and husband Wayne of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Dennis Brian King and wife Sheila of Roanoke, Va.; nine grandchildren; four stepgrandchildren; and one great-grandson; two brothers, Harold (Corky) King and wife Barbara of Princeton, John King Jr. and wife Helen of Princeton; two sisters, Mildred Conner of Princeton and Barbara Vohsen of Arnold, Mo. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Mon., Aug. 8, 2011 from the Burns Wornal Chapel of the Memorial Funeral Directory on the Athens Road in Princeton with the Rev. Mike Smith officiating. Burial will follow in the King Family Cemetery on Harmon School Road near Princeton. A time of sharing and gathering will be held Sunday from 6 until 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Family and friends may share messages of love and concerns via . Serving as pallbearers will be Tommy King, J.R. King, Jason Garrett, Frank Foley, Dave Cooke, Justin Thomas King and Brian Jacob King. The honor of serving the King family has been given to the Memorial Funeral Directory & Cremation Center on the Athens Road in Princeton.


i. Thomas Donald[7]. Born 1 Sep 1948 in Princeton. He married Sharon Unknown.

ii. Shirley Jeane. Born 10 Jan 1951 in Princeton. She married Randy Bourne.

iii. Mark Jimmie. Born 10 Feb 1952 in Princeton. He married Unknown Pam Unknown.

iv. Annette Gayle. Born 27 Jan 1960 in Princeton. She married Wayne Kunimura.

v. Dennis Brian. Born 9 Feb 1962 in Princeton. He married Sheila Unknown.

443. Darrel Blaine[6] McPherson (Murrel Olive[5], Millard Filmore[4], Olivia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Feb 1934 in Kegley, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 18 Jul 2009 in Princeton, Mercer County. Buried in McPherson Family Cemetery near Princeton.

Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, W.Va., 23 Jul 2009: Princeton—Darrel Blaine McPherson, 75, of the Harmon School Road, Princeton, died Sat., July 18, 2009 at Princeton Community Hospital. Born Feb. 21, 1934, in Princeton, he was the son of the late Clifton Charles McPherson Sr. and Muriel Olive McComas McPherson. Darrel was a graduate of Princeton High School in 1952. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Concord College in Athens. He had served as an educator for over 37 years, teaching in West Virginia and Virginia. Darrel taught mathematics [and science] at Matoaka, Spanishburg, Oakvale, Princeton Junior High School and Bluefield Junior High School. Darrel was heavily involved with the Clay Foundation and spearheaded the group that moved the old log cabin from the New Hope Road location to its present spot at Glenwood Park Recreation Center. He was currently leading the way to restore it to its original condition. Darrel also was an outstanding historian of Mercer County and the surrounding areas. Darrel had served with the U.S. Army [from 1958 to 1960]. He was a member of the Rich Creek Primitive Baptist Church. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by three siblings, James McPherson, Clifton C. McPherson Jr. and Juanita Juba; along with a daughter-in-law, Tina Gunter McPherson. Survivors include his companion and wife of many years, Rose Elizabeth Davis McPherson of Princeton; three sons, Steve McPherson and wife Debbie of Green Valley, Richard “Ricky” McPherson and wife Patty of Virginia Beach, Va., Randall McPherson of Christiansburg, Va.; four grandchildren; and one stepgrandchild; siblings, Opal King and husband Thomas of Princeton, Arnold McPherson and wife Faye of Jackson, Ohio, Lowell McPherson and wife Carol of Fairmont; sisters-in-law, Billie McPherson of Spanishburg, Thelma McPherson of Bluefield; a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held 11 a.m. Fri., July 24, 2009 from the Burns Wornal Chapel of the Memorial Funeral Directory on the Athens Road in Princeton with Pastor Ralph Calfee officiating. Burial will follow in the McPherson Family Cemetery near Princeton. Friends may visit with the family today (Thursday) from 6 until 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Family and friends may share online condolence via . Serving as pallbearers will be family and friends. The McPherson family is being served by the Memorial Funeral Directory and Cremation Center on the Athens Road in Princeton.

Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, W.Va., 22 Jul 2009, McPherson leaves legacy of preserving Mercer’s history, by Greg Jordan: Princeton—A local historian who spent much of his life rediscovering and preserving the early

history of Mercer County is well-remembered by the people who admired his efforts and worked by his side. Darrel Blaine McPherson of Harmon School Road in Princeton was 75 years old when he passed away July 18 at Princeton Community Hospital. He was among the founders of the Clay Memorial Park Foundation, said Tom Farmer, the foundation’s current president.

McPherson spent much of his time preserving the Calfee-Wall House, a structure that was one of the original homes of Mercer County’s first settlers, Farmer said. Preserving the home meant taking it from its former site on New Hope Road and finding it a new location. “They got a special grant and permission to move the house to Glenwood Park,” Farmer recalled. “He helped put that house back together — they totally dismantled it—log by log, stone by stone, brick by brick.”

McPherson also labored to preserve Mercer County’s written history. He spent a great deal of time at the Mercer County Courthouse and other courthouses to compile information about the county and the descendants of the early settlers. “I met him when he was an educator, a teacher in Mercer County Schools,” Farmer said. “He was a good-hearted man. And probably even greater than the Calfee-Wall house was the work that he and recently deceased attorney William Sanders did. Together they gathered information and research about the first permanent settlers in Mercer County, which happened to be Mitchell and Phobe Belcher Clay.” McPherson and Sanders helped prove that the first settlement was located in what was once “Clover Bottom,” now called Lake Shawnee, and found the location of the settlers’ cemetery off of Route 10.

He was also a member of the Mercer County Historical Society. “He was a very hard worker and very earnest about what he did,” Farmer said. Bluefield Daily Telegraph Managing Editor Samantha Perry said she always respected McPherson’s dedication to historical projects in Mercer County, as well as his humble nature. “He was so instrumental in getting the Wall Cabin moved to its current location at Glenwood Park,” Perry said. “He worked diligently and selflessly on that project, and he made it happen. I also admired his humility. He did not take on these projects for public accolades. He did it to protect and preserve the county’s history.”

He married, first, Patsy Ann Avery (called Pat), daughter of Thurman Alonzo Avery and Mazie Alger, 10 May 1956 in Bramwell, W.Va. The marriage was recorded in McDowell Co., W.Va. Children:

593. i. Steven Blaine[6].

594. ii. Richard Brian (called Rick).

595. iii. Randall Barry.

He married, second, Rose Elizabeth Davis Edwards.

444. Lowell Carnice[6] McPherson (Murrel Olive[5], Millard Filmore[4], Olivia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). He was a forest ranger.

452. Robert Travers[6] Honaker, Jr. (Robert Travers[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 Oct 1924 in Charleston, W.Va. Died 30 Jul 2009 in Charleston. Interred at Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Daily Mail, 2 Aug 2009: Robert Travers Honaker, 84, of St. Albans died Thurs., July 30, 2009, at Hubbard Hospice House, Charleston. Born Oct. 18, 1924, in Charleston, he was a son of the late Travers R. and Ora H. Rice Honaker. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Ramona Maxine Honaker; and his second wife, Kathleen Honaker. Robert retired with 30 years of service from Union Carbide as a senior production specialist. He graduated from Perdue University, receiving a degree in electronics. He was a WWII veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving on the USS Prince William. He attended the ship reunions every year. He was a member of Riverlake United Methodist Church, played guitar on radio station WOAY in Oak Hill, and once played for June Carter. He enjoyed carpentry and woodworking and was an avid fan of [West Virginia University] Mountaineer football and basketball. He loved to travel, had many friends and will be sadly missed by all, especially by his special friend, Marion Henley. He is survived by his children, Lynn Margolis (Robin) of Hurricane, Rick Honaker (Trish) of Wagon Tongue Hollow, Jim “Rob” Honaker of St. Albans and Valerie Tabit (Paul) of St. Albans; stepchildren, Steve Murray of Texas, David Murray of California and Elizabeth Davis of St. Albans; grandchildren, Travis Hall of St. Albans, Tamara Hall of Alum Creek, Sarah, Nathan and Abigail Murray, all of Texas, and Katie Davis of St. Albans; great-grandchildren, Emily Hall of Hurricane, Gracie and Colton Hall of Alum Creek, and Erika and Samantha Murray of Texas. Funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Mon., Aug. 3, 2009, at Bartlett-Chapman Funeral Home, 409 Sixth Avenue, St. Albans. Entombment will be at Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. Friends may call two hours prior to the service at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorials made may be directed to Hubbard Hospice House, 1001 Kanawha Drive, Charleston, WV 25311. Online condolences may be made at . The family would like to thank Hubbard Hospice for their excellent care.

RobertBottom of Form graduated from Oak Hill [W.Va.] High School in 1942, where he played sousaphone in band. From 1936–1940 he was a bass horn player in the New River Coal Co. Band, which gave free concerts in the coal camps. He served in the U.S. Navy from Jul 1943 to Jun 1946, completing Navy Electrical School at Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., 1943-1944, becoming an electrician’s mate 2nd class, serving on the aircraft carrier escort (CVE) USS Prince William in the European and Pacific Theaters, and transiting the Panama Canal three times, over a two and one-half year period. During the war he saw Casablanca, Australia, and the Pacific islands. After the war he worked for one year as a miner for New River Coal Co., Oakwood, W.Va.; seven years as a meter reader for Appalachian Power Co., Beckley, W.Va.; and 31 years for Union Carbide, Institute, W.Va. At Union Carbide, he was first an operator, then foreman, then senior production specialist at the steam plant; he retired in Jan 1987. He completed two years at Beckley [W.Va.] College, 1953-1954. His interests included music (playing guitar for dance bands and on radio in Fayette and Raleigh Counties, W.Va.), woodworking and golf. In 2002 he lived in St. Albans, W.Va.

He married, first, Ramona Maxine Criss, daughter of Steve Vincent Criss and Bertha Mitchell in 1947 in Scarbro, W.Va. Born 23 Feb 1928 in Harvey, W.Va. Died 4 Jul 1970 in St. Albans, W.Va. Buried in Highlawn Cem., Oak Hill, W.Va. She completed the sophomore year at Mt. Hope [W.Va.] High School.


452. i. Sheila Lynn[7] (called Lynn). Born 4 Nov 1948 in Oak Hill, W.Va.

ii. Richard Wayne (called Rick). Born 7 Nov 1950 in Scarbro, W.Va. In 2002 he lived in Charleston, W.Va. Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 12 Oct 1992: Applied for marriage licenses…..Richard Wayne Honaker, 41, of Charleston and Patsy Ann Scarberry, 45, of Charleston. …..

iii. James David. Born 31 May 1953 in Oak Hill, W.Va. In 2002 he lived in Hurricane,

W.Va. He married Robin Hall.

iv. Valerie Leigh. Born 18 Jun 1956 in Oak Hill. In 2002 she lived in St. Albans, W.Va. She

married Paul Tabit in 1982.

He married, second, Kathleen Ann Clark (called Katy), daughter of Thomas Alvadore Clark and Retha Lynch Robertson, 2 Oct 1982 in Pearisburg, Va. Born 23 Jul 1924 in Clendenin, W.Va. Died 17 Apr 2007 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. She graduated from Clendenin High School in 1942 and graduated from Capitol City Commercial College, Charleston, W.Va., in 1945. She worked for ten years as a secretary at the West Virginia Capitol, Charleston, and for 13 years as a secretary at Union Carbide Technical Center, Institute, W.Va. She was a member of St. Andrews United Methodist Church, St. Albans, W.Va., and enjoyed travel. She previously married Billy Bryan Murray. They divorced in 1970 with three children—Stephen Bryan Murray, born 18 Jan 1951 in Charleston, David Thomas Murray, born 11 Feb 1953 in Charleston, and Elizabeth Ann Murray, born 18 Nov 1958 in Charleston.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 20 Apr 2007: Kathleen “Katy” Ann Honaker, 82, of St. Albans, passed away Tue., April 17, 2007, at Hubbard Hospice House, Charleston. She was born July 23, 1924, in Clendenin, one of eight children of the late Thomas and Retha Robertson Clark. Kathleen retired from Union Carbide Corporation with 13 years service. Prior to working at Carbide, she was a secretary for the Dept. of Highways and Dunbar Junior High. She was a member of Lakeview United Methodist Church, St. Albans, and the former St. Albans Boat Club. Kathleen is survived by her loving husband, Robert “Bob” Honaker; her children, Elizabeth Davis of St. Albans, David Murray of Riverside, Calif., and Stephen Murray of Mansfield, Texas; her stepchildren, Valerie Tabit of St. Albans, Lynn Margolis of Teays Valley, Rick Honaker of Alum Creek, and James Honaker of Hurricane. She is also survived by her grandchildren, Katie Davis, Sarah Murray, Abigail Murray, Nathan Murray and Neshawn Hubbard; two stepgrandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and siblings, James Clark and Mary Grass, both of St. Albans. The funeral service will be 11 a.m. Sat., April 21, at Bartlett-Chapman Funeral Home, 409 Sixth Ave., St. Albans, with the Rev. Eric Milam officiating. Burial will follow in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m., Friday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, donations to Hubbard Hospice House, 1001 Kennawa Dr., Charleston, WV 25311 would be greatly appreciated. Online condolences can also be made by visiting .

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461. Jerushia[6] Price (called Rushia) (Dona[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Sep 1915 in West Virginia. Died 1 Feb 1977 in Lancaster, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Buried in Boron, Calif.

465. Hursie Paul[6] Miller (called Hursie) (William Al[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Packsville, W.Va. Died in University of Rochester [N.Y.] Hospital. Buried in Rochester.

He married Elizabeth Jean Ambrose (called Betty), daughter of Unknown Ambrose and Unknown Fauquier, in 1948 in Rochester, N.Y. Born in Rochester, N.Y. Died in Apr 1998. Buried beside her husband. Children:

ii. Marilyn Mae. Her husband Josef was born in Feb 1936.

466. William Darrell[6] Miller (called Darrell) (William Al[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 8 Feb 1940 in Charleston, W.Va. Died 22 Aug 2010. Buried in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 24 Aug 2010 (with photograph): Pineville—William Darrell Miller, 70, of Pineville, passed away Sun., Aug. 22, 2010, following a long illness. Born Feb. 8, 1940, at Pineville, he was the son of the late William Al and Ella Halsey Miller. Mr. Miller was of the Baptist faith. He was a member of the Southern Soil Conservation, West Virginia Tree Farmer, Sons of the American Revolution, and Wyoming and Logan County Genealogical Society. He enjoyed farming, gardening and genealogy research. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two brothers, Hersie P. Miller and Heber Miller. Survivors include his wife of 42 years, Janice McNeely Miller; a daughter, Sheila Mann and her husband, Frank B. Mann III, of Beckley; a brother, Don E. Miller of Pineville; two nephews, David Miller and his wife, Susan, of Virginia, and Kenneth Miller and his wife, Tammy, of Charleston; two nieces, Marilyn Krysniak and her husband, Joe, of Massachusetts and Cindy Boyce and her husband, Max, of Pineville; and several other extended family members. A celebration of Darrell’s life will be noon Wed., Aug. 25, 2010, at Calfee Funeral Service Chapel, Pineville, with the Rev. Keith Reed officiating. Burial will follow in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. Family will receive friends from 11 a.m. until time of service at the funeral home on Wednesday. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in Darrell’s name to the American Lung Association of West Virginia, P.O. Box 3980, Charleston, WV 25339. Online guest book may be signed at . Calfee Funeral and Cremation Service of Pineville is serving the Miller family.

He married Janice Lou McNeely, daughter of John Scott McNeely and Mildred Lorraine Black, 22 Feb 1968 in Nitro, W.Va. Born 2 Feb 1940 in Logan, W.Va. Children:

i. Shelia Dawn[7]. Born 16 Jul 1960 in Logan, W.Va. She married Frank Baylor Mann III, son of Frank Baylor Mann II and Betty Jean Toney, 6 Jun 1987 in Sophia, W.Va. Born 4 Jul 1958 in Beckley, W.Va.

467. Don Eddie[6] Miller (William Al[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Eunice, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

He married, first, Joyce Eloise Burchett, daughter of Treely Burchett and Cynthia Bailey, 15 Jun 1963 in Bland, Va. Born 8 May 1937 in Baileysville, W.Va. Children:

467. i. Kenneth Paul[7]. Born 29 Jun 1967.

He married, second, Nellie Susan Brinegar, daughter of Everett Brinegar and Della Brown. Born ca. 1941 in Acme, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 28 Jul 2006 in Clendenin, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 30 Jul 2006: Clendenin—Nellie Susan Brinegar Miller, 65, of Clendenin, died Fri., July 28, 2006, at home after a long illness. She was born at Acme, Kanawha County, to Della Brown Brinegar and the late Everett Brinegar. She is survived by her husband, Don E. Miller; her mother, Della Brown Brinegar of West Palm Beach, Fla.; children, Jerry R. Honaker of Monongahela, Pa., Rhonda Hendricks of Charleston and Stephen R. Honaker of Boynton Beach, Fla.; brother, William Brinegar of Cheyenne, Wyo.; sisters, Gloria Kinder of Roswell, Ga., Marilyn Miller of Oak Ridge, N.C., and Bonnie Shelley of Maineville, Ohio; grandchildren, Jessica Honaker, Timothy Honaker, Talia Calloway and Grayson Honaker; great-grandchild, Adrien Estep; stepdaughter, Cindy Boyce of Pineville; stepson, Kenneth Miller of Nitro; three stepgranddaughters and three stepgrandsons. Service will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Matics Funeral Home, Clendenin, with Virgil Ross officiating.

Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home. Arrangements by Matics Funeral Home, Clendenin.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 22 Oct 1989: Nellie S. Honaker and Don E. Miller were married Sept. 16 at

the First Baptist Church in Eccles. She is the daughter of Della Brinegar of Procious and the late Everett Brinegar. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Miller of Pineville. The Rev. Doff Harvey officiated. Marilyn Miller was matron of honor and Darrell Miller was the best man. A reception was held at the Pagoda Restaurant in Beckley. They are living in Shady Spring. She is employed by Hi-Tech Electronics Services in Beckley. He is employed by Matherly Machine Co., Flat Top.

468. Charlotte Merle [6] Miller (Roy Anderson[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 10 Jun 1928 in Pettus, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She married Tom Hicks Gray, son of Bert Columbus Gray and Allice Dollie Cole. Born 25 Jul 1920 in Blue Ridge, Fannin Co., Ga. Died 25 Feb 2005 in Whitesville, W.Va. Buried in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va.

Obituary from funeral program: Tom H. Gray Sr. of the Jarrold’s Valley area of Whitesville, W.Va., went home to his heavenly Father on Fri., Feb. 25, 2005 at his home after a long illness. He was born July 25, 1920 at Blue Ridge, Ga., a son of the late Bert C. and Alice Dollie Cole Gray. He was an Army veteran of World War II and a member of the 104th Timberwolf Division. He was a retired employee of Armco Steel Corp. with 46 years of service and a member of the [United Mine Workers of America] Local 6608 at Montcoal, W.Va. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by his only brother, Howard Gray. He was the last survivor of his family. He is survived by his wife, Charlotte Merle Miller Gray, a daughter, Juanita Williams and husband, Terry of Artie, W.Va.; two sons, Tom H. “Buddy” Gray Jr. and wife, Helen, of Douglasville, Ga., and Larry B. Gray and wife, Debbie, of Comfort, W.Va.; grandchildren, Stephanie Williams, Terri L. Dunn and husband, Lonnie, David Gray and wife, Lori, Richard Gray, Donna Gray, Shannon Gray, Allisson Gray; great grandchildren, Justin Gray, Ashley Gray, Kylie Gray; sister-in-law, Francis Coiner and longtime friends, Eugene Massey and Michael and Betty Williams.

Final services were held at Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, the Revs. Ricky Peters and Greg Hensley officiating. Military graveside rites were conducted by VFW Post 3110, Oak Hill, W.Va. Pallbearers were Tom, Larry and David Gray, Matt Coiner, Lonnie Dunn, Michael and Terry Williams.


609. i. Charlotte Juanita[7].

610. ii. Tom Hicks, Jr. (called Buddy)

611. iii. Larry Bert.

469. Loraine France[6] Miller (Roy Anderson[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married John Lewis Coiner (called Johnny), son of Charles L. Coiner and Ada B. Cantley, 22 Aug 1947. Born 26 Jan 1927 in Edwight, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 6 Apr 2000 in Austintown, Ohio. Buried in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 8 Apr 2000: Austintown, Ohio—John L. Coiner, 73, of Austintown died Apr. 6, 2000 at home from cancer. He was a retired supervisor from [General Motors] Lordstown Assembly with 30 years service, a member of Four Mile Run Christian Church, a charter member of Silver Trowel Masonic Lodge, a life member of VFW Post 4192, Mineral Ridge, and a member of Valley of Youngstown Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite and Order of the Eastern Star. He was a Navy veteran of World War II and the Korean War. Surviving: wife, Loraine F. Coiner; daughters, Mary F. Lamb and Paula E. Powell, both of Niles, Christine A. Coiner of Streetsboro; son, John M. Coiner of Niles; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Service will be 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Lane Funeral Home, Austintown. Additional service will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, W.Va. Burial will be in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley, W.Va. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday at Armstrong Funeral Home. Memorial contributions may be made to Ireland Cancer Center at University Hospitals of Cleveland, Bolwell Health Center, Suite 6000, CLEVELAND OH 44106.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 8 Apr 2000: Austintown, Ohio—John L. Coiner, 73, of 3972 Dunbar Ave., formerly of Edwight, died Thurs., Apr. 6, 2000 at his residence following cancer. Born Jan. 26, 1927, in Edwight, he was the son of Charles L. and Ada B. Cantley Coiner. Mr. Coiner came to the Austintown area in 1953. He was a supervisor at G.M. Lordstown Assembly for 30 years, retiring in 1982. He was a member of Four Mile Run Christian Church, a charter member of Silver Trowel F. and A.M. Masonic Lodge and was a life member of VFW Post No. 4192, Mineral Ridge, Ohio. He was a member of the Valley of Youngstown Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, 32 Degree Mason, Order of Eastern Star, Niles Chapter 229, and Ali Baba Grotto, Warren, Ohio. Mr. Coiner served in the Navy during World War II. He helped commission the USS Dayton and served in the Pacific Theater of Operations and also in the Korean conflict. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Charles W., Cameron D. and Jack N. Coiner; and two sisters, Claudia Persinger and Mary Frances Thompson. Survivors include his wife, Loraine F. Miller Coiner, whom he married Aug. 22, 1947; three daughters, Mary F. Lamb and Paula E. Powell, both of Niles, Ohio, and Christine A. Coiner of Streetsboro, Ohio; a son, John M. Coiner of Niles; four grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services will be 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Lane Funeral Home, Austintown Chapel. Friends may call 5 to 8 p.m. today at Lane Funeral Home, where Masonic services will be conducted at 7:45 p.m. Additional services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville. Burial will follow in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley. Friends may call 6 to 9 p.m. Monday at Armstrong Funeral Home. Donations of sympathy may be made to the Ireland Cancer Center at University Hospitals of Cleveland, Bolwell Health Center, Suite 6000, Cleveland, OH 44106. Arrangements by Lane Funeral Home, 5797 Mahoning Ave., Youngstown, Ohio.

473. Jerald Paul[6] Miller (called Jerry) (James Luther[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Dec 1932 in Muntion, W.Va. Died 3 Jun 2005 in Concord, N.C. Buried in Miller Cemetery, Naoma, W.Va.

The funeral home program gave the following information: Jerry Miller of Concord, N.C., formerly of the Drews Creek section of Naoma, W.Va., died Fri., June 3, 2005 at the Five Oaks Manor Nursing Home, Concord, N.C. He was born Dec. 24, 1932 at Muntion, W.Va., a son of the late James Luther and Hallie Frances Wills Miller. He attended a Baptist church. He was preceded in death by a son, Jerry Lee and a brother, Jimmy Miller. He is survived by his daughter, Sharon K. Brigman and husband, Darrell of Kannapolis, N.C.; grandchildren, Gary Miller, Billie Jo Newcomb, Mellissa Miller, Patricia Jackson, Michelle Waller, and Richie Sinclair; six great grandchildren.

The program added that services were at 1 p.m., Mon., 6 Jun 2005 at Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, W.Va., the Rev. David Cook oficiating, and that interment was in Miller Cemetery, Naoma.

He married Josephine McBrayer. Born 16 Jun 1932. Children:

623. i. Jerry Lee[7].

624. ii. Sharon Kay.

475. Reta M.[6] Miller (Early General[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

475. ii. Kimberly Beth. Born 7 Dec 1959.

507. Jerry Richard[6] Honaker, Jr. (called Rick) (Jerry Richard[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Aug 1958 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and in 1998 was an electrical superintendent for Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp., Allenport, Huntington Co., Pa. In his spare time he enjoyed fishing, reading, and home improvement. In 2015 he lived in Monongahela, Washington Co., Pa.

He married Pamela Kay Stepto, daughter of David Stepto and Wanda Harless, 23 May 1979 in Pearisburg, Giles Co., Va. She was a graduate of Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va. She was a fine seamstress and worked in crafts. She was also a Girl Scout leader. Children:

i. Jessica Renee[7] (called Jessi). Born 12 Nov 1986 in Fredericksburg, Md.

ii. Timothy James. Born 7 May 1990 in Wheeling, W.Va.

508. Rhonda Susan[6] Honaker (Jerry Richard[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Oct 1959 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Died 19 Sep 2015 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Buried Sunset Memorial Park, South Charleston.

Gazette-Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 23 Sep 2015, with photograph: Rhonda Susan Hendricks, 55, of Pinch, died Sept. 19, 2015 at Hubbard Hospice House, Charleston. She was preceded in death by daughter, Talia Ryan Calloway, and mother, Nellie S. Miller. Surviving are her grandson, whom she raised, Adrien Cole Estep of Pinch; father, Jerry (Patty) Honaker of Whitesville; brothers, Jerry “Rick” Honaker Jr., of Monongahela, Pa., Stephen Ray Honaker of Jupiter, Fla., and Jeffrey Honaker of China Grove, N.C.; and special friend, Donald Cain. Funeral will be 1 p.m. Fri., Sept. 25, in the chapel at Sunset Memorial Park, South Charleston, with the Rev. Greg Scarbro officiating. Burial will follow in the cemetery, and friends may call one hour prior to the service. Leonard Johnson Funeral Home, Marmet, is in charge of arrangements. Condolences may be sent to the family at .

She married Michael Allen Hendricks, son of Guy Hendricks and Edith Roche, 18 Oct 1975 in Bradley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 1 Feb 1955 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 13 Sep 1984 in Whitesville, Boone Co., W.Va.

She had a child with Albert LeVerne Calloway, son of Albert Calloway and Ruby Jones:

508. i. Talia Ryan[7]. Born 5 Dec 1989 in Charleston.

510. Jack Wendel[6] Honaker (Vanus Jerome[5], Jehu C.[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Mar 1942 in Welch, W.Va. Died 4 Nov 2002 in Bristol, Tenn. Buried Glenwood Cemetery, Bristol.

Bristol [Tenn.-Va.] Herald Courier, 5 Nov 2002: Jack W. Honaker, 60, of 125 Whitehall, Bristol, Tenn., passed away Mon., Nov. 4, 2002, at the Select Specialty Hospital at Bristol Regional Medical Center. He was owner/president of Honaker Publications, Inc., a graphic design and printing company in Abingdon from August 1987 to 2001; owner/publisher/editor of Highlands Publications, Inc., weekly Washington County News August 1984 to June 1987; executive editor, Bristol Newspapers, Inc., where he wrote and illustrated a style guide for the complete redesign of the newspaper. The style guide was adopted by more than 40 newspapers coast to coast; Daily Telegraph Printing Co., Bluefield, W.Va., as sports reporter for afternoon Sunset News-Observer, became sports editor and served four years as the newspaper’s editor before joining the larger morning edition as city editor, political analyst and columnist and Princeton, W.Va. Publishing Company, joining the staff of Princeton Daily Times as a sports reporter; named sports editor three months later and was named editor of the newspaper one year later at the age of 19. For three years he taught classes in copy editing, news reporting editorial writing, page design and general newspaper management at Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, Va. He presented a seminar in Petersburg, Va. (sponsored by the Associated Press and the Virginia Press Association) on newspaper design and the creation and effective use of graphics. He served as chief judge of page design and overall content for the New England Press Association’s Better Newspaper Competition. At the invitation of the Department of Communications at Texas A&M University, he conducted a research study of the changing design and layout of American newspapers. He served four years on the Associated Press Board of Advisors. He was first place winner in international competition sponsored the Aldus Corp. of Seattle, Wash., for use of computer software. Mr. Honaker was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Bristol, served on Wellmont Health Systems Advisory Board and conducted fund raising and awareness programs on behalf of Companion Greyhounds, Inc. (an organization dedicated to the rescue and placement of retired racers). He was born in Welch, W.Va., on Mar. 20, 1942, educated in Mercer County, W.Va., public schools, Princeton Senior High School and Concord College, Athens, W.Va. (major in political science and minor in English). Survivors include his wife, Bonnie Honaker; one son and daughter-in-law, Greg and Kim Honaker of Smyrna, Ga.; one sister, Margaret McNutt of Los Angeles; one brother, Herschel Honaker of Princeton; two cousins, Hope Humphrey and Irene Wallace, both of Abingdon, Va.; two nieces, Mary Sirchia and Diane Furnbotten; and his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Giles and Grace Shuck of Princeton. Funeral services will be conducted at 4 p.m. Wed., Nov. 6, 2002, in the First Presbyterian Church sanctuary with Dr. Gordon Turnbull officiating. Burial will follow in the Glenwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be John Warner, Eugene Haskins, Luis Mattison, Doug Neal, David Grace, James George, Wilbert Wilhelm and Pete Holler. The family would like to give a special thanks to the staff of SICU and the staff of the Select Specialty Hospital. The family will receive friends from 3 until 4 p.m. Wednesday prior to the service. E-mail condolences may be sent to the family at akardfh@. Memorials may be made to Bristol Humane Society, P.O. Box 1586, Bristol, VA 24203 or First Presbyterian Church, 701 Florida Ave., Bristol, TN 37620. Akard Funeral Home is serving the family of Mr. Honaker.

He married Essie Yvonne Shuck (called Bonnie,) daughter of Giles Shuck and Grace Unknown. Children:

i. Jack Gregory[7]. Born 9 Feb 1967 in Princeton, W.Va. In 1998 he was a United Parcel

Service shift supervisor and university student. He married Kimberly Hutton of Bristol, Tenn.

511. Annabel Lee[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 8 Apr 1922 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 6 Jun 2012 in Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W.Va. Buried in Kirkland Memorial Gardens, Point Pleasant.

Wilcoxen Funeral & Cremation Services, Point Pleasant, W.Va., 20 Jun 2012: Annabel Daniel Hagans, 90, of Point Pleasant went home to be with her Lord on Wed., June 6, 2012, at her home. She was born April 8, 1922 in Beckley, W.Va., a daughter of the late Clinton Treadway and Nettie (Honaker) Treadway. Annabel was a member of the Heights United Methodist Church of Point Pleasant and attended the Fellowship Baptist Church in Gallipolis, Ohio. She was a volunteer at the Historical Society of Gallipolis, had worked as a nurse’s aide at the Gallipolis Clinic, and was a homemaker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husbands, Robert “Bob” Daniel and Johnnie Hagans; three sisters; and four brothers. She is survived by two daughters, Janet Johnson (Bill “Gene”) of Gallipolis, Ohio and Linda Foreman of Point Pleasant; two sons, Billy Don Daniel (Mary Ann) of Point Pleasant and Bobby Daniel (Jean) of Orrville, Ohio; 12 grandchildren, Brian Daniel, Dawn Gill, Chad Foreman, Craig Foreman, Matthew Johnson, Shelly Johnson Godnai, Andrew Jay Johnson, Carli Johnson, Gary Sears, Brian Sears, Carol Bishop and Debbie Fridley; 17 great-grandchildren; three sisters, Joyce Chiras and Susan Warner of Woodbridge, Va., and Judy Scites of Powhatan, Va.; three brothers, Howard Treadway of Matthews, N.C., Charles “Buddy” Treadway of Doylestown, Ohio, and Frank “Sonny” Treadway of Barberton, Ohio; two special caregivers, Jo Lou “Jody” Swift and Rebecca “Becky” Hackney. A funeral service will be held at 12 noon, Sat., June 9, 2012 at the Wilcoxen Funeral Home in Point Pleasant with Speaker Chad Foreman officiating. Burial will follow in the Kirkland Memorial Gardens at Point Pleasant. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. till service time Saturday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to Pleasant Valley Hospice, 1011 Viand St., Point Pleasant WV 25550.

She married, first, Robert Lee Daniel, son of Lee Daniel and Lucinda Tyree (called Cinda), 17 May 1940 in Pearisburg, Va. Born 17 Sep 1918 in Pax, Fayette Co., W.Va. Died 3 Sep 1966 in Gallipolis, Ohio. Buried in Kirkland Memorial Park, Point Pleasant, W.Va. Children:

i. Robert Lynn[7]. Born 13 May 1941 in Beckley, W.Va. He served in the U.S. Navy 1960-

1965 and later became a power plant operator. He married Jean Louise Deibler, daughter of Elmer Deibler and Josephine Unknown, 5 May 1974 in Orrville, Wayne Co., Ohio. Born 12 May 1941 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio.

638. ii. Billy Don.

639. iii. Janet Louise.

640. iv. Linda Elaine.

She married, second, Johnnie Hagans, son of Phillip Hagans and Betty Ratliff, 20 Oct 1972 in Waverly, Pike Co., Ohio. Born 2 Feb 1909 in Langley, Ky. Died 3 Nov 1992 in Gallipolis, Ohio. Buried in Waverly.

512. Estelle Verla[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. She completed her sophomore year at Woodrow Wilson High School, Beckley, W.Va. She lived in St. Albans, W.Va.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 19 Oct 2006 and Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Oct 2006: St. Albans—Estelle V. Ayers, 83, passed away Wed., Oct. 18, 2006, at Thomas Memorial Hospital, South Charleston. Born Sept. 17, 1923, at Mount Hope, Estelle was a daughter of the late Clinton and Nettie Mae Honaker Treadway. She was also preceded in death by her husband, A. William “Bill” Ayers, and sisters, Alice Carpenter and Betty Williams. Estelle was a homemaker, attended First Baptist Church of St. Albans and was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and sister who will be missed by all who knew her. She is survived by her children, Gregory L. Ayers and wife, Linda, of Charleston, John C. Ayers and wife, Barbara, of Beckley, Rebecca J. and husband, Bill Cottle, of St. Albans and William H. Ayers of Winfield; her grandchildren, Natalie Robertson, Christopher Ayers, Elizabeth Ayers, Andrew Cottle, Libby Willard, John P. Ayers and Lucie Donoughe; her great-grandchildren, Logan Cottle and Mia Robertson; her siblings, Annabel Hagans of Point Pleasant, Clinton Treadway Jr. of Beckley, Frank Treadway of Barberton, Ohio, Joyce Chiras of Waynesboro, Va., Charles Treadway of Doylestown, Ohio, Howard Treadway of Matthews, N.C., Judy Scites of Powhatan, Va., Jackie Treadway of Beckley and Sue Warner of Woodbridge, Va. Service will be 11 a.m. Fri., Oct. 20, at Bartlett-Chapman Funeral Home, 409 Sixth Ave., St. Albans, with the Rev. Joel Harpold officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to First Baptist Church of St. Albans, 523 Second St., St. Albans, WV 25177. Online condolences may be made at . Arrangements by Bartlett-Chapman Funeral Home, St. Albans.

Estelle’s sister Joyce wrote an article about Estelle’s family for Honaker Family Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2001, accompanied by two photographs of Estelle and Bill—Putting Love on Hold

A. William Ayers, my brother-in-law, died 14 Jan 2001 in South Charleston, W.Va. He and my sister lived a life of sacrifice but achievement, a story reflective of their time and place in history. It’s a time which is passing us by, if it hasn’t done so already, and we need to remember, and tell our future generations of descendants, how it was.

Bill was born 4 Aug 1923 at a coal camp where his father worked in Algonquin, Mercer Co., W.Va. He was the only child of Lawrence Clayton and Glada Mae (Pennington) Ayers, and moved with them to other coal camps as his dad followed the available employment. He ended up in Big Stick, Raleigh Co., W.Va., where he graduated from Mark Twain High School, which is no longer there, in 1939. He was in the senior play and a member of the year book staff. U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.) also attended the school.

My sister Estelle Verla (Treadway) met Bill at a Honaker Family Reunion in Beckley, W.Va., introduced by our cousin Pauline and her husband John Eller. In due course, they became engaged, but put the marriage on hold until Bill completed business school in Roanoke, Va.

With the outbreak of World War II, however, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, with thousands of other patriotic young men, in Dec 1942. After basic training, he was transferred to Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., for several months of Signal Corps training, followed by service in Germany. With V-E Day, Victory in Europe, his unit got orders for the Pacific, but by the time the troops were halfway there, the war ended. Bill became part of the historic Army of Occupation in Japan.

When he mustered out as a private first class in 1946, he went back to Roanoke, receiving a Business Administration & Commercial Science degree at National Business College in Roanoke, Va.

Bill and Estelle still waited to marry while he looked for employment. He found it with Carbon Fuel Co., a family-run coal business in the Kanawha Valley Bank Building, Charleston, W.Va. The marriage continued to be delayed until Bill, living in a rooming house, was able to save a little money.

They finally married 17 May 1946 in Pomeroy, Ohio, and moved into Ordnance Park, a tract of modest houses built for naval ordnance plant workers during the war. Because so many were returning from military service, the housing had been hard to find and was sold to veterans on a lottery basis. Theirs was the next to last name drawn and then it was six months before the former occupants moved out.

Their first child, Gregory Lawrence, born 13 Sep 1947, was 18 months old when they finally moved in. Their second, John Clinton, was born 29 Nov 1949, followed by Rebecca Jean, 27 Feb 1953 and William Henry, 26 Aug 1960. The children have enjoyed lives of accomplishment.

Gregory Lawrence graduated with honors from Morris Harvey College, Charleston, W.Va.; and from Ohio State University School of Law, Columbus, Ohio. He was employed by the State of Ohio penal system, then the Ohio Appeals Court. He argued four cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won three of them. Now he is working for the West Virginia Appeals Court. His wife Linda Sue (LeRose), from St. Albans, W.Va., teaches Spanish at Capital High School, Charleston. Their daughter Natalie graduated from Ohio University in 1999, their son Christopher is working on his master’s degree from the University of Maryland, and their daughter Elizabeth (Lizzie) is a freshman at West Virginia University.

John Clinton graduated with honors in Civil Engineering from West Virginia University, Morgantown. His wife Barbara Jean (Powell), from Parkersburg, W.Va., teaches French in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Their son John, as a Civil Engineering senior at West Virginia University, received the Art Livingood Scholarship from the Pittsburgh, Pa., chapter of the American Concrete Institute; and the university’s Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarship, having earned a 4.0 gradepoint average in his last semester. In Oct 2001 he was inducted into the Golden Key National Honor Society, and is now pursuing graduate study, with scholarships, in Civil Engineering at the University of North Carolina.

Rebecca Jean attended Concord College and Morris Harvey College, and teaches at First Baptist Church, St. Albans. Her husband Billy Gene Cottle is from St. Albans. Their son Andy graduated from St. Albans High School in 1995 and earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration-Finance from West Virginia University, magna cum laude, in 1999. He is employed by A.B. Dick Corp. in Pittsburgh, currently in Manchester, N.H., working on the A.E.S. granite project as a project accountant/cost engineer. Their daughter Elizabeth (Libby) is attending Marshall University in Huntington.

William Henry attended West Virginia University, Morris Harvey College, and Marshall University, and is a sales representative for York Co. His wife Barbara (Garrison) works part-time for Manpower, Inc. Their daughter Luci Donoughe is a ninth grader at Winfield [W.Va.] School.

When I think back, I remember my sister’s devotion to Bill when I was growing up at home. She would wait every day for the mail, and lock herself in her room to read his letters. They had it rough. They never owned a car until the 1950s. But they withstood hardship, survived, and raised a wonderful and productive family. Bill has been laid to rest, but he will be remembered and missed.

She married Alpha William Ayers (called Bill), son of Lawrence Clayton Ayers and Glada Mae Pennington, 17 May 1946. Born 4 Aug 1923 in Algonquin, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 14 Jan 2001 in South Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Prosperity, W.Va. He was Baptist, was interested in investing in the stock market, and enjoyed golf and playing cards.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 17 Jan 2001): A. William “Bill” Ayers, 77, of St. Albans, died Jan. 14, 2001 in Thomas Memorial Hospital, South Charleston, after a short illness. He was a 52-year resident of St. Albans and a retired assistant to the treasurer for Carbon Industries with 35 years’ service. He was a graduate of Mark Twain High School and Roanoke [Va.] Business College. He attended Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., and was an Army veteran of World War II. Surviving: wife, Estelle V. Treadway Ayers; daughter, Rebecca J. Cottle of St. Albans; sons, Gregory L. of Scott Depot, John C. of Beckley, William H. of Winfield; seven grandchildren. Service will be 11 a.m. Wednesday at Bartlett-Chapman Funeral Home, St. Albans, with the Rev. Joel M. Harpold officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Park, Prosperity [the funeral program gave Beckley]. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.

513. Clinton Bryant[6] Treadway, Jr. (called Red because he was a redhead) (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph. Born 4 Nov 1925 in Skelton, W.Va. Died 25 Jul 2007 in Richmond, Va. Buried in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley, W.Va.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 28 Jul 2007 (with photograph)—Clinton “Red” Treadway Jr., 81, of Crab Orchard, died Wed., July 25, 2007, at the McGuire [Veterans Administration] Center in Richmond, Va., following a long illness. Born at Skelton on Nov. 4, 1925, he was the son of the late Clinton B. Treadway and Nettie Mae Honaker Treadway. Mr. Treadway was a retired shop foreman for Appalachian Tire Co. and was a member of Maxwell Hill Baptist Church in Beckley. He was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran. He was preceded in death by an infant brother, Jimmy Treadway; and sisters, Alice Carpenter, Betty Jo Williams and Estelle Ayers. Surviving are his wife, Delores Stafford Treadway; sons, Robert Treadway and fiance, Rebecca Smith, of Glen White, Edward Treadway and wife, Hilda, of Beckley, Raymond C. Treadway of Shady Spring and Carlos G. Treadway and wife, Debbie, of Beaver; brothers, Charles Treadway of Doylestown, Ohio, Frank Treadway of Barberton, Ohio, Howard Treadway of Matthews, N.C., and Jackie Treadway of Maple Fork; sisters, [Annabel Hagans] of Point Pleasant, Joyce [Chiras] of Waynesboro, Va., Judith Scites of [Powatan], Va., and Sue Warner of Alexandria, Va.; and six grandchildren, Melanie, Christopher, Heather, Amanda, Shasta and Sarah. Service will be 3 p.m. Sunday at First Church of God, 2809 Robert C. Byrd Drive, Beckley, with the Rev. Vondie Cook officiating. Burial will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Beckley. Friends may call one hour before service. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers. Online condolences may be sent to our guest book at . In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Mabscott Christian Baptist Church. Arrangements by Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beckley.

He married Delores Stafford. Born 29 May 1931 in Beckley, W.Va.

514. Betty Jo[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Feb 1931 in Skelton, W.Va. Died 24 Feb 2004 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio. Buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Barberton. She graduated from Pt. Pleasant [W.Va.] High School in 1948 and became a homemaker and a member of Ridgewood Baptist Church, Barberton. In 2001 she described her hobbies and interests as her children.

Akron [Ohio] Beacon Journal, 26 Feb 2004—Barberton—Betty Jo Williams, 73, passed away Feb. 24, 2004. Born Feb. 15, 1931, in Skelton, W.Va., she was a resident of Barberton. Preceded in death by husband, William R. Williams, she is survived by sons, Vincent Williams, Mark (Ton) Williams, and Nelson Williams; daughter, [Roxanne] (Rudy) Martinez; six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren; brothers, [Junior] (Delores) Treadway, Charles (Ruby) Treadway, Frank “Sonny” (Linda) Treadway, Howard Treadway, and Jackie (Betty) Treadway; sisters, Annabelle Hagen, Estelle Ayers, Joyce (Bob) Chiras, Judy (David) Scites, Sue (William) Warner. Funeral service will be held on Fri., Feb. 27, 2004, at 12 noon, at Cox Funeral Home, 222 Norton Ave. Burial at Greenlawn Cemetery. Pastor Charles Whitlock will officiate. The family will receive friends on Thurs., Feb. 26, 2004, 6 to 9 p.m., and one hour prior to the service. (Cox, Barberton, 330-745-3311.)

She married William Robert Williams, son of Reese Williams (no middle name) and Rena Elizabeth Blake, 24 Jul 1951 in Barberton. Born 16 Dec 1929 in Height, Mason Co., W.Va. Died 28 Oct 2000 in Barberton. Buried in Greenlawn Memorial Park, Barberton. He completed his junior year at Pt. Pleasant High School. He was employed for 45 years as a foundry worker (tool grinder at B&C Industries and molder at Electro-Melt, both in Barberton), and was a member of Ridgewood Baptist Church.

Akron [Ohio] Beacon-Journal, 30 Oct 2000: Barberton—William R. Williams, 71, passed away Oct. 28, 2000. He was born Dec. 16, 1929 in Point Pleasant, W.Va. He had worked at Electro-Melt and B&C Industries. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Betty Jo (nee Treadway); sons, Vincent of Barberton, Mark (Tona) of North Carolina, Nelson of Washington; daughter, [Roxanne] (Rudy) Martinez of Colorado; six grandchildren, one great-grandchild; mother, Rene of West Virginia; sisters, Charolett Binder, Betty Brown, and Sharon Kearns. Funeral services Nov. 1, 2000, Wednesday, 10 a.m., at Cox Funeral Home, 222 Norton Ave., Barberton, Pastor Steve Carter officiating. Burial at Greenlawn Cemetery. Calling hours Tuesday, 7 to p.m., and one hour before the funeral. (Cox, Barberton, 330-745-3311.)


i. Vincent Reese[7]. Born 27 Jul 1952 in Barberton. He graduated from Barberton High

School in 1971 and served in the U.S. Army for six years, completing his service as a Specialist 5th Class cook. He was stationed in Hawaii, Colorado, and at Schofield Barracks, Germany. In 2001 he was retired, living at the family home, and had worked for B&C Industries, Barberton, for 16 years. His hobbies included fishing. He was a member of Ridgewood Baptist Church and had not married.

648. ii. Roxanne.

iii. Mark Lynn. Born 17 May 1954 in Barberton. He married Tanya Unknown.

649. iv. Nelson Lee.

515. Joyce Juanita[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 May 1933 at a coal camp in Skelton, Raleigh Co., W.Va. She graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School, Beckley, W.Va., in 1951. In high school she was a member of Booster Club. In 2002 she was a GS-12 program analyst for the Defense Technical Information Center, Directorate of Operations, Collection Division, Department of Defense, Ft. Belvoir, Va., responsible for program databases. During the course of her government employment from 1974 to 2002, she completed training courses in communication, computing, management, and other areas, offered by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Commerce, Defense Technical Information Center, and contract organizations. In 2002 she was a member of First Baptist Church, Woodbridge, Va., Loyal Order of Moose of Bailey’s Crossroads, Va., and was photographer of TOPS Chapt. 16, Woodbridge, Va. In July 2003 she and her husband Bob retired. In 2016 they lived in Waynesboro, Va.

In February 2016, Joyce sent a letter to the Honaker Family Newsletter, with a photograph of a pie safe made by her grandfather Albert Waymon “Jake”, and a promotional flyer advertising the New River Gorge Bridge Walk in Lansing, W.Va. The images and letter were published in the Spring 2016 newsletter:

“I hope we can get to the association reunion this year. I really miss it. My brother Clinton Bryant Honaker, Jr., “Junior,” helped build the New River Gorge Bridge. He took Bob and me for a ride under the bridge and I don’t want to go on that road again.

“Anyway, one day probably 21 years ago, I went home and mom and dad told me to go downstairs. They wanted to show me something. It turned out to be mom’s dad Jake Honaker had made a pie safe and they rescued it from the home . The old farm house was burning down. She said no one else in the family wanted it and she wanted one of us to have it. Well I made her happy. I said yes, I was glad they rescued it. They had it renewed, and I brought it home. I hope a museum takes it. Colonial Williamsburg said they were looking for a piece of furniture from the 30s. This was built in the 30s. Maybe this they don’t want. We can find it a good home.

“My grandparents Jake and Bertie had ten sons in the military and they all came home. I asked my mom when I was about seven or eight, maybe younger, ‘What are all the stars on grandma’s window,’ and she said each star was one of her brothers. I was puzzled.

“Well as you know I have lost a lot of my family. Out of 13 only five of us are left. I am the oldest, 82 now.

“My mother made me promise her that I would keep going to the Honaker reunions. All of them are gone. It was strange. Uncle Jack in Florida passed away there and the very next day Aunt Mary Ann passed away in Oregon. Thus ending mom’s family gone. I miss them all. Patty Wall’s brother Bobby Glen passed. He was a year younger than me. I’m sure she has notified you. I hope she will be at the reunion this year.

“I really like my cousins in Indiana, Donna and Walter Honaker. There are nice people at our reunions.” --Joyce Chiras, 1607 Fir St., Waynesboro, VA 22980

In April 2016, Joyce sent a letter to the Honaker Family Newsletter, which was published in the Summer 2016 issue:

“Grandpa Jake Honaker was a big man. I used to see him coming down the road on a horse and I felt bad for the horse. Grandpa was I think 6 ft. 8-in. or close to it, and grandma was 4 ft. 5-in., very short. They and their children were very patriotic. During World War II all their sons were in the military service, and they all came home.

“One year when I was eight years old I wanted to stay over at grandma’s for a week and mom and dad would come and get me the next Sunday. When I got up the next morning, they were listening to the news. It was December 1941 and the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. Uncle Jack said the Japs would bomb Beckley [W.Va.] next. He started teasing me, saying ‘You probably won’t see your mom and dad again,’ and of course I believed him. I just knew the Japanese planes were flying up in the sky.

“Well, I ran out of the house with all I had with me, which was the clothes I had on, a blue store-

bought dress. I’m not sure how many miles it was from Beckley to Saxon, but I took off running and Uncle Jack was yelling for me to come back and that I would get lost or a boogie man would get me. My only thought was to go home and see if mom and dad were still there. The next thing I knew, I could see grandpa on a horse and he was calling my name. I stayed down and hid.

“When I finally thought he was gone, I did not go out in the road. I stayed close to the woods. I was so dirty and tired, and knew no one, but I remembered Aunt Lakie lived in Glen Daniels. I finally got on a tar road and knew she lived up this road. I finally got to her house and she was shocked to see me. She kept asking ‘Where is Clinton and Nettie?’ She also ran a tub of water and had me take a bath I was so dirty. She washed my clothes and dried them, and the next day she called our neighbor Mrs. Walker and asked her to get my mom or dad. She told dad on the phone, ‘I think she walked all the way here from Saxon,’ and she was going to put me on a bus to Beckley.

“I was never so happy to see my dad when I got there. And guess what? He kept laughing at me. He said he was going to kick Uncle Jack’s butt.

“Maybe if I make it to the next reunion, I can tell this story there.”

  --Joyce Chiras, 1607 Fir St., Waynesboro, VA 22980

She married, first, Philip Albert Francis Rich, son of Philip Rich and Helen Unknown, 9 Sep 1954 in Providence, R.I. They divorced Sep 1963 in Worcester, Mass. In 1999 he lived in Worcester. Born 9 May 1923 in Maynard, Middlesex Co., Mass. Children:

650. i. Paul Francis[7]. Born 19 Jan 1958 in Worcester, Mass

She married, second, Robert Louis Chiras. Son of Louis Chiras and Antoinette Grensavitch, 30 Mar 1968 in Alexandria, Va. Born 24 Nov 1937 in Worcester, Mass. Died 10 Oct 2016 in Waynesboro, Va. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Waynesboro.

Reynolds Hamrick Funeral Homes, Waynesboro, Va., 21 Oct 2016: Robert Louis “Bob” Chiras, 78, of Waynesboro, Va., passed away on Mon., Oct. 10, 2016 at a local nursing home. He was born in Worcester, Mass., on Nov. 24, 1937, a son of the late Louis and Antoinette Chiras. Bob was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Staunton, Va., a member of Joe Tunings Hunting Club, and a member of the National Rifle Association for 45 years. He greatly enjoyed hunting, fishing, cooking and spending time with his family. Bob will be remembered for his kindness and generosity. In addition to his parents, Bob was predeceased by his brother, Jimmy Chiras. Survivors include his loving wife of 48 years, Joyce Chiras; children, Paul Rich and wife, Jill Waltersdorff Rich, Bobby Chiras, and David Chiras; grandchildren, Jennifer Nartic, Ashley Messerly, Lillian Busch and Evan Coryell; great-grandchildren, Emma Nartic, Nickolas, Alexander, and Kaylee Messerly; as well as numerous extended family and friends. A funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 14, 2016 at the Waynesboro Chapel of Reynolds Hamrick Funeral Homes, 618 W. Main St., Waynesboro, Va., with Father Joseph Wamala officiating. Burial will follow in Riverview Cemetery. The family will receive friends an hour prior to services at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made in Bob’s memory to his church, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 118 N. New St., Staunton, VA 24401. Relatives and friends may share condolences and memories with the family online by visiting .

He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and worked for American Steel & Wire Corp., Worcester.

516. Charles Ross[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). In 1999 he lived in Doylestown, Ohio.

517. Howard Albert[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Annette Yvonne Walney, daughter of Walter F. Walney and Ethel Yvette Waddell, 20 Jun 1964 in Beckley, W.Va. Born 24 May 1940 in Sprague, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Died 15 Oct 2002 in Ocala, Fla. Buried in Forest Lawn East Cem., Matthews, N.C.

Charlotte [N.C.] Observer, 20 Oct 2002 (with photograph): Mrs. Annette Yvonne Treadway, of Matthews, became an Angel in Heaven, after being one on earth. After a courageous 5-year battle with breast, liver, and brain cancer, she went to be with her Lord on Oct. 15, 2002, while she was in Florida visiting her mother and the beach she so dearly loved. Annette was a graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School in Beckley, W.Va. in 1958, and then went on to become a Registered Nurse graduating from St. Mary’s School of Nursing in Huntington, W.Va. in 1961. In 1971, Annette, her husband and two daughters relocated to Matthews, N.C. so her husband could finish his 22-year career in the U.S. Navy at Camp Lejeune and then the Navy Reserves in Charlotte. Shortly after moving to North Carolina in 1972 Annette became a devoted and caring nurse at Mercy Hospital Main, in Charlotte for over 30 years. She was dedicated to her profession and her patients. She loved working and taking care of her patients more than anything; even when she was on chemotherapy she pulled herself together and went to work to take care of others. Even at her weakest she wanted to be able to go back to work. She took care of her family most of all, never judging always prepared, always thinking ahead. Never once did she forget a birthday or special occasion; never did she put herself first. She did not want to leave this earth because she did not want to leave her best friend, her husband, Howard. Never once did he leave her side; he would pick her up and together they would face the next day. One day they will be together again eternally. Annette is preceded in death by her father Walter F. Walney. She is survived by her mother Ethel Yvette Walney, of Ocala, Fla. She leaves behind to cherish her memory, her husband and best friend of 38 years, Howard A. Treadway; two daughters, who will try to carry on her caring and nurturing ways and live life with the memory of a beautiful and loving mother, Theresa Lynne Berry and husband Sam P. Berry of Indian Trail, N.C., and Anita Craig-Bennett and husband David Michael Bennett, of Pineville; three grandsons she so deeply loved, R. Justin Craig, Christopher Lee Caston, and Robert Calvin Craig III (Bobby); two step-grandsons, Brikk M. Bennett and Ethan Gage Bennett; her sister who she loved so much, Rita Yvetta Gwinn and husband Rex Randolph Gwinn of Taylor, S.C.; her nephew and oldest Godson, Timothy Lee Gwinn and wife Lora and their three children, Stephanie, Michael, and her youngest Godson Matthew, of Philadelphia, Pa.; nephews, Anthony Bryan Gwinn and Stephan R. Gwinn, and niece Michelle Yvette Gwinn, all of Taylor, S.C.; and many, many, many more brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, cousins, nieces and nephews, and special friends. She will watch over each and all of you. The family wants to thank Dr. Mitchell and the staff at Piedmont Oncology in Charlotte, Dr. Tater and staff at Boman Gray at Wake Forest University, Munroe Regional Medical Center SICU, her nurse Diane and staff in Ocala, Fla., and all her friends who stood by her, Malinda, Judy, Nancy, Barbara, and everyone at Mercy Hospital she loved so much. Pallbearers will be David M. Bennett, Sam P. Berry, R. Justin Craig, Christopher Lee Caston, Robert Calvin Craig III and Brikk M. Bennett. A Mass of Christian Burial will be conducted from the Sanctuary of St. Gabriel Catholic Church at 12:30 p.m. Monday, with Fr. Richard Bellow, celebrant. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn East Cemetery. Visitation will be on Sunday evening from 6–8 p.m. at Heritage Funeral Home, 4431 Old Monroe Road. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 500 E. Morehead St., Suite 211, Charlotte, NC 28202. Funeral arrangements for the family of Mrs. Treadway are in the care of Heritage Funeral Home, Indian Trail/Matthews.

518. Letha Susan[6] Treadway (Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). In 1999 she lived in Dale City, Va. Her husband William was born 3 Mar 1943.

519. Doris Georgene[6] Daniel (called Georgene) (Opha Ellison[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Mar 1928 in Dry Creek, Raleigh Co., W.Va. In 2008 she lived in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died 29 Dec 2013 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Charleston

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., and Daily Mail, Charleston, W.Va., 30 Dec 2013: Charleston—Georgene Daniel DuBois passed away peacefully on Dec. 29, 2013, in Charleston, W.Va., while surrounded by her loving husband and family. She was born March 4, 1928, in Saxon, W.Va. Georgene was a member of St. Agnes Catholic Church in Kanawha City and The Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Charleston, W.Va. She was preceded in death by her parents, Opha Honaker and Dovenor Daniel of Dry Creek in Raleigh County, and a daughter, Cynthia DuBois Campise of New Orleans, La. Georgene is survived by her husband of 65 years, Kenneth R. DuBois, and her children: Dr. Kenneth DuBois (Missy) of New Orleans, La.; Julia Bruns (Michael) of Mesa, Ariz.; James DuBois (Amy) of Orlando, Fla.; Martha Anderson (Bill) of South Charleston, W.Va.; Mary Rita Caldwell (David) of Merritt Island, Fla.; David DuBois of Charlotte, N.C.; Kelly Sadd (David) of Charleston, W.Va.; and Jacqueline DuBois Kay of Charleston, W.Va.; 23 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren; a brother, Bob Daniel (Wanda deceased) of Dry Creek, W.Va.; a sister, Patty Jo Daniel Wall (Ollie deceased) of Titusville, Fla.; and many nieces and nephews. Georgene was a choir member, charter member of the St. Agnes Garden Club and started a chapter of the Legion of Mary. She was a graduate of Marsh Fork High School in Raleigh Co., W.Va., where she was head cheerleader. Georgene attended Charleston General Hospital School of Nursing and was retired from Charleston Area Medical Center as a registered nurse with 17 years of service as staff nurse, employee health nurse and nurse at the Substance Abuse Unit. The family expresses deep appreciation for Georgene’s loving caregivers, including Joyce Elswick, Robin Turner, Linda Fetty, Tammy Johnston and Nerrisa Frye. A viewing will be held at Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Mon., Dec. 30, 2013, with a Christian Wake Service beginning at 7 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial, officiated by Msgr. Edward Sadie, will be held at 11 a.m. on Tue., Dec. 31, 2013, at the Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Charleston, W.Va. Burial will take place at Mount Olivet Cemetery and Mausoleum immediately following the mass. Donations can be made to Hospice Care of Kanawha Valley, 1606 Kanawha Blvd., West, Charleston, WV 25387-2536.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2008: Celebrate 60th Anniversary

Kenneth and Georgene DuBois of Charleston, W.Va., celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on August 30. The couple were married Sept. 3, 1948 in Charleston.

Mr. DuBois retired from Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company as a glass cutter and union president with 39 years of service. He also retired from the State of West Virginia after working for the Department of Labor as director of the Safety and Boiler Division, and as the state’s beer commissioner. After retirement, he worked for the House Committee on the Judiciary during legislative sessions. Mr. DuBois was a member of the Kanawha County Democratic Executive Committee for 12 years, and served as secretary of the United Way Executive Board for eight years. He is the son of the late Raymond and Julia DuBois of Charleston.

Mrs. DuBois is the former Georgene Daniel of Dry Creek in Raleigh County, a daughter of the late Dovernor and Opha Daniel, and a graduate of Charleston General Hospital School of Nursing. She is retired from Charleston Area Medical Center as a registered nurse with 17 years of service. At CAMC, she served as flood nurse, employee health nurse, and nurse for the substance abuse unit. She was a member of St. Agnes Catholic Church in Kanawha City where she was a choir member, charter member of the garden club, and started a chapter of the Legion of Mary. They are the parents of 10 children, have 23 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

The couple celebrated with family and friends at a party hosted by their children in the community room at River View Terrace Apartments. A mass at Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral Catholic Church was offered up Sept. 3, 2008.

She married Kenneth Richard DuBois, son of Raymond J. DuBois and Julia M. Nolan, 3 Sep 1948 in Charleston. Born 4 Mar 1927. Children (all born in Charleston, W.Va.):

656. i. Kenneth Richard[7] II. Born 24 Jun 1949.

657. ii. Julia Lynn. Born 18 Oct 1950.

658. iii. James Nolan. Born 24 Nov 1951.

659. iv. Cynthia Carolyn. Born 18 Jan 1953.

660. v. Martha Ellen. Born 8 Sep 1954.

661. vi. Susan Jane. Born 29 Oct 1955.

662. vii. Mary Rita. Born 22 Jun 1957.

viii. David Glen. Born 11 Jun 1958.

663. ix. Marion Kelly. Born 20 Jun 1962.

664. x. Jacquelyn Kay. Born 27 Nov 1963.

521. Patty Jo[6] Daniel (Opha Ellison[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

522. Albert Kevin[6] Honaker (called Kevin) (Frederick Gene[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph in the book’s appendix, The Honaker Riflemakers: Abraham Descendants. Born 23 Oct 1962 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. He graduated from Liberty High School, Glen Daniel, W.Va., served two years as a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division, Ft. Bragg, N.C., one year with the West Virginia National Guard and one year with the U.S. Army Reserve. In 2008 he was an electrician in the rebuild shop, Elk Run Coal Co., Sylvester, Boone Co., W.Va. That year he was a candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates.

He married Cynthia D. Sizemore 21 Dec 1980 in Saxon, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Stephanie Lynn[7]. Born 17 Apr 1981.

ii. Albert Kevin Mack (called Mack). Born 9 May 1986. See photograph in the appendix,

The Honaker Riflemakers.

523. Dolores Ann[6] Smith (called Dee) (Edith Mae[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Feb 1931 in Detroit, Mich. Died 22 Mar 2006 in Fallon, Nev. Buried in Gardens Cemetery, Fallon.

Fallon [Nev.] Eagle Standard, 25 Mar 2006: Dolores Ann Benka passed away March 22, 2006, at Banner Churchill Community Hospital. Dolores had moved to Fallon in 1978 from Thousand Oaks, Calif. She was born Feb. 5, 1931 in Detroit, Mich., to Orville and Edith Smith. Dee received her education in Detroit. She worked for several years at Burroughs Corp. Dee was a tap dancer and danced for Martha Ray for more than 15 years. She was involved in an auto accident that disabled her and changed her life forever. Dee loved to bake and decorate cakes, especially for her family and friends. Her family was the most important thing in her life. Dee was always there to lend a helping hand. Dee is survived by her mother, Edith, of Michigan; daughter, Diana McFadden, son Daniel Benka, both of Fallon, daughter and son-in-law Dawn and Charles Campbell of Oregon, sons and daughters-in-law Richard and Theresa Benka of Carson City, Dale and Sherri Benka of Florida and Steven Fear of Simi Valley, Calif; brother and sister-in-law Larry and Gail Smith of Michigan; grandchildren Danyan, Denny, Dana, Charlawna, Clint, Jason, Starlit, Deanna, Daria, Jared, Corey, Jamie and Amber; great grandchildren Elina, Daniel, Clint, Charlie, Jesse Rae and Caden. There will be private burial services at the Gardens Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family wishes donations be made to the American Diabetes Assn., P.O. Box 2680, North Canton, OH 44720. Arrangements are under the direction of the Gardens Funeral Home, Crematory, Cemetery, 2949 Austin Hwy., Fallon, NV 89406, 775-423-8928.

She married Norman Benka. Children:

666. i. Daniel[7].

ii. Richard Lawrence. Born 16 Dec 1953 in Detroit, Mich. He served four years in the U.S. Air Force. In 1998 he was a landscaper living in Carson City, Nev.

667. iii. Dawn Mae.

668. iv. Dale Francis.

669. v. Diana Jean.

524. Lawrence William[6] Smith (called Smitty) (Edith Mae[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Jan 1936 in Detroit, Mich. Died 13 Oct 2006. Buried in Glen Eden Cemetery, Livonia, Mich.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 2006: Lawrence William[6] Smith, 70, of Livonia, Mich., died 13 Oct 2006. He was born 13 Jan 1936 in Detroit and like his grandfather became an electrician. He was preceded in death by his father, Orville Wright Smith, and one son, Donald Lawrence Smith. He is survived by his mother, Edith Mae (Honaker) Smith of New Hudson, Mich.; his wife of 51 years, Gale Ann (McKinney) of the home; two sons, Douglas Wright Smith and Eric William Smith of Livonia; and a daughter, Christine Lynn (Smith) Weak, also of Livonia. Sevices were officiated by the Rev. Hal Edmonds, with interment in Glen Eden Cemetery, Livonia. Arrangements were by Ziomek Funeral Home, Livonia.

He married Gale Ann McKinney, daughter of Orval Clifford McKinney and Vera Marie Hamil, 9 Sep 1955 in Detroit, Mich. Born 6 Jun 1935 in Detroit. Children:

670. i. Douglas Wright[7]. Born 12 Apr 1958 in Detroit.

ii. Donald Lawrence. Born 16 May 1960 in Detroit. Died 10 Apr 1963 in Detroit. Buried in Glen Eden Cemetery, Livonia.

671. iii. Christine Lynn. Born 31 Jan 1964 in Detroit.

524. iv. Eric William. Born 20 May 1970 in Detroit.

526. Marlene Ruth[6] Smith (Edith Mae[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]).

She married James Harold Buck (called Jim), son of Thurlow Buck and Myrtle Huddleston.

532. Deborah Sue[6] Honaker (Curtis Larry[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). In 2003 she lived in Bramwell, W.Va. In 2009 she lived in Bluewell, W.Va.

533. Curtis Larry[6] Honaker Jr. (Curtis Larry[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Oct 1964 in Bluefield, W.Va. Died 16 Aug 2003 in Charleston, W.Va. Buried in Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 19 Aug 2003: Curtis Larry Honaker Jr., 38, loving husband, father, grandfather, son and brother, of Route 1 Box 480 (Littlesburg Road), Bluefield, died on Sat., Aug. 16, 2003 at Charleston Area Medical Center in Charleston. Born on Oct. 26, 1964, in Bluefield, he was a son of Curtis Honaker Sr. and Betty Thomas Honaker of Cumberland Road, Bluefield. Mr. Honaker had been a resident of Littlesburg for three years and was a route driver for Aramark in Bluefield and was formerly employed at Med-Response. He was a little league coach for the city of Bluefield and attended the Brushfork First Church of God. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Clarence and Montrey Shrader, Deck and Bertha Wise; an uncle, Sonny Wise; and two infant nieces, Faith and Hannah Shrader. Survivors in addition to his parents: loving wife, Jackie Rash Honaker of Littlesburg Road, Bluefield; children, Sara Broyles and her husband Mike of Ft. Stewart, Ga., Aaron and Bryan Honaker of Bluefield; stepchildren, T.J. Morris, Samantha Morris and Alex Morris of the home; brother, Keith Honaker and wife Susan of Bluefield; sisters, Debbie Osborn and husband Otis of Bramwell, Melissa Shrader and husband Mark of Bluewell, Robin Mayhle and husband Billy of Bluefield; dearly loved grandson, Logan Broyles; nieces, Kayla, Amy, Jessi, Katie, Savannah, Tiffany and Shawn; nephews, Travis Drew, Jonah, Jonathan and Daniel; great-nephew, Josiah Honaker; father and mother-in-law, Jack and Penny Rash of Bluefield. Funeral services will be conducted at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell with the Rev. Jimmie Russ officiating. Burial will follow in Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Bluewell where close friends of the Italian Villa Bar & Grill of Bluefield, Va., whom are William Weeks, Allen Hatfield, Jimmy Biggs, Mark Bender, Eric Kidd, Chris Chapman, Mark Meadows, Jason Pauley and Geoff Moore will serve as pallbearers. The family will receive friends at the funeral home today from 6–9 p.m. In lieu of flowers those wishing to make a memorial contribution may do so to the First Community Bank, P.O. Box 3068, Bluewell [remainder of article missing]

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 16 Aug 2008: In Loving Memory, Curtis L. Honaker, Jr., Oct. 26, 1964-Aug. 30, 2003 (with photograph). Still Missing You—They say there is a reason, They say that time will heal, But neither time nor reason will change the way we feel. For no one knows the heartache that lies behind our smiles, No one knows how many times we have broken down and cried. We want to tell you something So there won’t be any doubt, You’re so wonderful to think of, but so hard to be without. We cannot bring the old days back, When we were all together. The Family chain is broken now, but memories live forever. You will never be forgotten! We love and Miss You. Dad, Mom, Keith, Sue, Drew, Lisa, Amy, Zach, Josiah, Landon, Missie, Mark, Jonah, Jonathan, Robin, Jessi & Katie

He married Jackie Rash, daughter of Jack Rash and Penny Unknown. Children:

533. i. Sara Nicole[7]. Born 3 Apr 1983.

ii. Aaron Kyle. Born 28 Jan 1985.

iii. Brian (also Bryan) Adam. Born 27 May 1987.

534. Keith Eugene[6] Honaker (Curtis Larry[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Jan 1966 in Princeton, W.Va. Died 9 Nov 2009 in Bluefield, W.Va. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Bluewell, W.Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 28 Feb 1997: (a story reported that Keith, an officer with the Bramwell, W.Va., Police Department, was shot twice in the leg while making a traffic stop. He was taken to Bluefield Regional Medical Center, where a nursing supervisor said it appeared he would recover.)

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 11 Nov 2009: Keith E. Honaker, age 43, of 2603 Grassy Branch Road, Bluefield, W.Va., passed away on Mon., Nov. 9, 2009 at a Bluefield hospital. Born on Jan. 12, 1966 in Princeton, W.Va., he was a son of Curtis Honaker, Sr. and Betty Thomas Honaker of Bluefield. He had been a lifelong resident of Bluefield. He was a member of the Family Worship Chapel and has visited the Maple View Church of Christ. He was a member of the Bluefield Masonic Lodge #85 A.F.A.M and the Princeton [Fraternal Order of Police) # 89. He was currently employed by the Mercer County Sheriff’s Department and was the former police chief for the Town of Bramwell, where he served for ten years. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Dexter and Bertha Wise; his maternal grandparents, Claude and Montrey Thomas; a brother, Curtis Larry Honaker, Jr.; and nieces, Hannah and Faith Shrader. Survivors include his wife of 23 years, Susan Adkins Honaker, of the home; son, Keith A. Honaker and fiancé Lisa Boswell of Princeton; daughter, Amy Honaker Sayers and husband Zach of Princeton; three grandchildren who were the love and joy of his life, Josiah and Landon Sayers and Abbey Honaker; three sisters, Debbie Osborn and husband Otis of Bluewell, Melissa Luna and husband Al of Bluewell, Robin Mayhle of Bluewell; a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted on Thurs., Nov. 10, 2009 at 1 p.m. at the Cravens-Shires Funeral Home Chapel in Bluewell with Minister Tony Reed officiating. Burial will follow at Woodlawn Memorial Park in Bluewell where the Mercer County Sherriff's Department will perform police honors and serve as pallbearers. Friends may call on Wednesday from 6–8 p.m. at the funeral home. Online condolences will be accepted at cravens-. Cravens-Shires Funeral Home in Bluewell is serving the family.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 11 Sep 2011, with photograph: In loving memory of Keith E. Honaker, Jan. 12, 1966–Nov. 9, 2009. This day is remembered and quietly kept. No words are needed, we shall never forget. For those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us everyday. Unseen and unheard, but always near. So loved, so missed, and so very dear. We will always love and miss you! –Susan, Amy, Zach, Drew, Lisa, Josiah, Landon & Abbey

He married Susan Adkins. Children:

534. i. Amy Noel[7]. Born 12 Jan 1987.

534. ii. Keith Andrew (called Drew). Born 29 Mar 1989.

535. Robin Leigh[6] Honaker (Curtis Larry[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). In 2003 she lived in Bluefield, W.Va. In 2009 she lived in Bluewell, W.Va.

Seventh Generation

2.i.x.i.i.i. Robert Lee[7] Wood (Oscar Eldon[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Feb 1937. He became a printer.

He married Patricia Ann Bowlin, daughter of John Riley Bowlin and Audna Imogene Davis, 11 Dec 1960 in Salina, Kan. Born 24 Sep 1942 in Robersville, Hawkins Co., Tenn. Children:

i. Michael Lee[8]. Born 26 Feb 1965 in Salina, Kan. He became a social worker.

ii. Mark Allan. Born 25 Apr 1967. He became a printer. He married Dottie Unknown in


iii. Catherine Dianne. Born 19 Oct 1972. She joined the U.S. Air Force.

2.i.x.i.i.ii. Ronald O.[7] Wood (Oscar Eldon[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Dec 1940.

He married Vera Jean Bookless 13 Dec 1999 in Arkansas. Born 9 Sep 1947 in Liberal, Seward Co., Kan. Died 24 Jan 2001 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., Okla. Buried in Guymon, Texas Co., Okla. Children:

i. Tony[8]. He married and had an unknown child born ca. Jun 1999.

ii. Brian.

2.i.x.i.ii.i. Nena Corinne[7] Clayton (Margaret Elizabeth[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Jul 1941 in Wichita, Kan.

She married Jim Purkey 4 Jan 1964 in Wichita. Children:

i. Jimmie C.[8] Born 2 Aug 1965 at Little Rock AFB, Pulaski Co., Ark.

ii. Steward Kent. Born 18 Sep 1967 at Vandenberg AFB, Calif.

iii. Brad Lewis. Born 6 Jul 1969 at Vandenberg AFB, Calif.

iv. Julie Ann. Born 1 Oct 1975.

2.i.x.i.iii.i. Clara Louise[7] Roets (Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). See photograph. Born 20 Feb 1944 in Reno, Nev.

She married Melvin Arthur Lies, son of Raymond Nickalas Lies and Helen Magdalene Ackerman, 30 Dec 1961 at Christ the King Catholic Church, Wichita, Kan. Born 30 Jan 1942 in Wichita. He was a member of the U.S. Air Force and later worked for the Federal Aviation Administration. Engagement and wedding stories accompanied by photographs of Clara appeared in an unknown newspaper: Clara Roets and Melvin A. Lies Vows Repeated

Nuptial High Mass was sung Dec. 30 at 10 o'clock in the morning in Christ the King Church for Miss Clara Roets and Melvin A. Lies. They said double ring promises before the Rev. Salvador Robles. Sister M. Eileen presented the music. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Roets, 777 Westridge Dr. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lies of 428 All Hallows.

The bride chose a traditional floor length gown of sheer nylon. The bodice was princess style. Her bouffant aisle-wide skirt was accented with appliqués of lace. The Sabrina neckline was outlined with lace highlighted with iridescent sequins. The bride carried a bouquet of yellow roses.

Miss Sharon Hatcher attended as maid of honor. Her dress was of yellow silk, trimmed in matching satin. It was styled with softly scooped neckline fitted bodice, bell sleeves and a bouffant skirt. Her accessories were white and she carried carnations.

Richard Lies, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Earl Roets, brother of the bride, and Gary Schulte seated guests. For her daughter’s wedding Mrs. Roets chose a light gray suit. The mother of the bridegroom chose a navy blue knit suit. Their corsages were pink carnations.

Following the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Pat Reese, Peggy Carrell, Kathy Daily and Cynthia Rau; Mrs. Reinard Lies and Mrs. L.P. Landwehr assisted. Mrs. Lies will remain at the home of her parents until June. Mr. Lies is stationed at Clinton-Sherman Air Force Base in Oklahoma.

A photograph and story about the couple, submitted by their son David, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Mar-Apr 2002: 40th Wedding Anniversary

Melvin Arthur and Clara Louise[7] (Roets) Lies, of Gardner, Kansas, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary 29 Dec 2001 with a reception and dance at the Olathe (Kansas) Saddle Club. They then had their marriage blessed on Sun., 30 Dec at Assumption Catholic Church, Edgerton, Kansas.

Melvin, son of the late Raymond Nickalas and Helen Magdalene (Ackerman) Lies, married Clara, daughter of Bernard and Virginia Louise (Wood) Roets, both deceased, 30 Dec 1961 at Christ the King Catholic Church, Wichita, Kansas. Six children were born to the union—David, Bernadette (deceased), Pam, Judy (deceased), Donna and Donald. Melvin and Clara are the proud grandparents of nine. Melvin is employed as an airway transportation system specialist with the Federal Aviation Administration in Olathe and Clara is a homemaker.

Their children and spouses, David Lee and Beate (Matzel) Lies of Osceola, Ind.; Pamela Louise and Glenn Eugene Hermon of Springhill, Kansas; Donna Kay and Mickey Lansing of Leavenworth, Kansas; and Donald Wayne Lies of Gardner, Kansas; along with their children and Clara’s brother and wife, Earl Gene and Penny Marie (Mason) Roets of Rio Linda, Calif., helped cater the reception and dance, attended by about 100 friends and relatives.


2.i.x.i.iii.i. i. David Lee[8]. Born 20 Jan 1963.

ii. Bernadette Kay. Born 3 Dec 1963 in Amarillo, Potter Co., Texas. Died 17 Dec 1963 in Amarillo. Buried in Calvary Cemetery, Wichita, Kan.

Death notice (unknown newspaper and date: LEIS—Bernadette, 2 week old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lies, Amarillo AFB, Texas. Service 10:30 a.m. Friday in Christ the King Church, Rev. Salvador Robles officiating. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. This is a Lahey [Funeral Home] service.

Unknown newspaper, 17 Dec 1963: BERNADETTE LIES. Services for Bernadette Lies, 2-week-old daughter of Airman and Mrs. Melvin A. Lies, Amarillo, Tex., will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday at Christ the King Catholic Church. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. The infant died Tuesday at the Amarillo Air Force Base Hospital. Other survivors include a brother, David Lee, of the home; grandparents, Mr. and [Mrs.] Bernard Roets, 777 Westridge Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lies, 428 All Hollows; and great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Roets, 3615 Indiana, Mrs. C.A. Ackerman, 1105 Bonn, Mrs. Hazel Shultz, 902 Custer, and Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Lies, St. Mark.

2.i.x.i.iii.i. iii. Pamela Louise (called Pam). Born 9 Aug 1965.

iv. Judy Ann. Born 11 Nov 1966 in Wichita, Kan. Died 22 Apr 1987 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Mo. Buried in St. Columbian Cemetery, Edgerton, Johnson Co., Kan. Judy died of cardiac arrest three years following a heart transplant. Her death was accompanied by a number of newspaper articles and photographs of her, tributes to her courage and accomplishments. She married Jim Ray Edwards, son of Jim Edwards and Janis Unknown 14 Feb 1987 at Assumption Catholic Church, Edgerton, Kan. Born 5 Jul 1960 in Edgerton.

Unknown newspaper and date: Judy Ann Lies Edwards, 20, Gardner in Johnson County, died Apr. 22, 1987 at St. Luke’s Hospital. She was born in Wichita and had lived in Topeka before she moved to Gardner 14 years ago. Mrs. Edwards was a teacher’s aide at Tellsee Preschool and Day-care in Gardner for two years. She graduated from Gardner-Edgerton High School in 1985. She was a member of the Assumption Catholic Church of Edgerton in Johnson County She was a project leader for the Sunnyside 4-H Club in Edgerton. Survivors include her husband, Jim Edwards of the home; her parents, Melvin and Clara Lies, Gardner; two brothers, Petty Officer 2nd Class David Lies, Charleston, S.C., and Donald Lies, Gardner; two sisters, Pamela McGuire, Weir, Kan., and Donna Lies, Gardner; her paternal grandparents, Raymond and Helen Lies, and her maternal grandmother, Virginia Roets, all of Wichita. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the church; burial in St. Columbian Cemetery, Edgerton. Friends may call from 4 to 7:30 p.m. today all the Bruce Chapel in Gardner, where the rosary will be said at 7:30 p.m. The family suggests contributions to the Mid-America Heart Institute or the family.

2.i.x.i.iii.i. v. Donna Kay. Born 12 Dec 1967.

2.i.x.i.iii.i. vi. Donald Wayne. Born 7 Oct 1971.

2.i.x.i.iii.iii. Earl Gene[7] Roets (Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 May 1950 in Wichita, Kan.

Unknown Wichita newspaper, unknown date, with photograph: Training

Airman Earl G. Roets, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Roets, 777 Westridge Drive, has completed basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Tex , and has been assigned to Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex., for training in the wire maintenance field. He is a 1968 graduate of North High School.

He married, first, Vernice Lynn Allen, daughter of Paul W. Allen, 27 Jun 1970 at Christ the King Catholic Church, Wichita, Kan. They divorced.

Unknown newspaper and date: Allen-Roets

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Allen of 135 S. Young announce the engagement of their daughter, Vernice Lynn, to Airman [First Class] Earl Roets. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Roets of 777 Westridge Drive. The bride-elect, a graduate of West High School, is employed by Dobbs House. The prospective bridegroom is stationed at Chanute Field Air Force Base, Ill.


2.i.x.i.iii.iii. i. Shelly Lynn[8]. Born 28 Dec 1970.

2.i.x.i.iii.iii. ii. Karen Jean. Born 29 May 1972.

He married, second, Penny Marie Mason, daughter of William Mason and Frances Unknown, 21 Apr 1984 in Reno, Nev. Born 14 May 1952 in California.

2.i.x.i.iii.iv. Connie Sue[7] Roets (Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Apr 1953 in Wichita.

She married, first, Jerry Baker 26 Dec 1973. They divorced in 1976. Children:

2.i.x.i.iii.iv. i. Christina Sue[8] (called Tina). Born 22 Apr 1975.

She married, second, Rex Lee Prouse 31 Dec 1975 in Kearney, Neb. Born 24 Jul 1954 in Buffalo, Harper Co., Okla. Children:

2.i.x.i.iii.iv. ii. Rex L., Jr. (called Rexter) Born 20 Sep 1976.

2.iii.ii.ii.iii.i. Kenneth Edward[7] Sheffey (Robert Winton[6], [5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 8 Jan 1937. Died 6 Apr 1962.

He married Alma Lee Terry. Children:

i. Steven Robert[8].

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.i. George Patrick[7] Marsh Jr. (called Pat) (Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 May 1929 in Eckman, W.Va. Died 18 Mar 2002 in Decatur, Ill. Buried in Camp Butler National Cemetery, Riverton, Ill. He and his brother Jim married sisters.

Decatur [Ill.] Herald & Review, 20 Mar 2002: [George Patrick (Pat) Marsh, Jr.,] 72, of Decatur, died Mon., March 18, in his home. Funeral services will be held 12 p.m. Fri., March 22, at Brintlinger & Earl Funeral Home, with visitation one hour prior to service time. Burial will be in Camp Butler National Cemetery, Riverton, Ill. Memorials may be made to the [Disabled American Veterans] or the charity of choice. Mr. Marsh was born May 29, 1929, in [Eckman], W.Va., the son of George Patrick and [Rena Virginia (Sheffey) Marsh.] He retired in 1991 from St. Mary’s Hospital after 29 years of service as food service supervisor. He was affiliated with the West Side Church of the Nazarene. Mr. Marsh was also a U.S. Army veteran, serving in Korea, where he received two purple heart medals. On May 22, 1957, he married Barbara Ann Stone in Decatur. She preceded him in death in August 1980. Mr. Marsh is survived by his son, Brian Marsh and wife Gail of Decatur; daughters, Cynthia Jackson and husband Leroy of Decatur, Sharon Jo Reynolds and husband Kevin of Decatur; step-son, Patrick McCauley of Decatur; step-daughter, Clarissa Floyd and husband Bill of Decatur; brother, James Marsh of North Carolina; sisters, Jean Rosenberg of [Springfield,] Va., Helen Marsh of Arlington, Va., [Joan] Marsh of Arlington, Va.; grandchildren, Michael Reynolds, Laura Reynolds, Barbara Jackson, Jennifer Kingston, Joseph Marsh, Matthew Marsh, Nicole Marsh, and Shaun Rednour; great-grandchildren, Elizabeth Kingston, Haley Kingston, and Conor Reynolds. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, one brother, and [two sisters.] He will be greatly missed, but not forgotten, by his family and friends.

He married Barbara Ann Stone, daughter of Charles Stone and Florence Unknown, 22 May 1957 in Decatur. Born 21 Apr 1934. Died 10 Aug 1980 in Decatur. Buried in Camp Butler National Cemetery. Children:

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.i. i. Brian Keith[8]. Born 16 Aug 1958 in Decatur.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.i. ii. Cynthia Gay (called Cindy). Born in Jun 1960 in Decatur.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.i. iii. Sharon Jo. Born 28 Mar 1964 in Virginia.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.iv. James Stanley[7] Marsh (called Jim) (Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Mar 1936 in Keystone, W.Va. Died 7 May 2006 in Hampstead, N.C. The remains were cremated. He enjoyed the beach and retired in Hampstead, a beach community, after a career as a factory worker in Decatur, Ill. He was an avid reader of mysteries and thrillers, and was a stalwart fan of the Chicago Cubs baseball team and Chicago Bears football team.

Daily News, Jacksonville, N.C., 9 May 2006: Hampstead—James S. Marsh, 70, died May 7, 2006, at his home. The funeral will be at noon Wednesday at Jones Funeral Home Chapel in Holly Ridge with the Rev. Robert West officiating. He retired from Wagner Castings [Decatur, Ill.] in 1995. He was preceded in death by his wife, [Charlene] Stone, daughter, Tracie Benson, and his parents, Virginia and Pat Marsh. Surviving are daughters Joni Weist of Parachute, Colo., Jamie Bishop of Dana, Ind., and Shari Grider of Argent, Ill.; 12 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren; and sisters Joan and Helen Marsh and Jean Rosenberg, all of northern Virginia. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 tonight at the funeral home.

He married, first, Mabel Thompson in 1953 in Virginia. They divorced. Children:

i. Linda Gay[8]. Born 22 Aug 1952 in West Virginia.

He married, second, Charlene Rose Stone, daughter of Charles Stone and Florence Unknown, and a sister of his brother Pat’s wife. Jim and Charlene served together in the Armed Forces in Germany. Born 5 Oct 1936. Died 1 Apr 1999 in Hampstead. The remains were cremated. Children:

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.i.v ii. Joni Lee[8]. Born 17 Dec 1956 in Decatur, Ill.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.iv. iii. Tracie Ann. Born 2 Mar 1958 in Decatur.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.iv. iv. Jamie Florence. Born 12 Jul 1960 in Decatur.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.iv. v. Shari Ellen. Born 14 Dec 1961 in Decatur.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.vii. Jean Marie[7] Marsh (Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Dec 1941 in Burke Hollow, Keystone, McDowell Co., W.Va. She graduated from Northfork [W.Va.] High School in 1959. After graduating from high school, she moved to Washington, D.C., where she was a clerk for the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company. She lived for many years with her mother and two sisters in Arlington, Va., a Washington suburb. On vacation in Tunisia with her sister Joan, she met her future husband Sy, who was employed there with the U.S. Government. In 2003 she retired as a clerk for K-Mart, a national department store chain. In 2006 she was a devout Methodist and long-time Sunday school teacher at Calvary United Methodist Church, Arlington. An avid reader, she enjoys good food and wine. In 2006 she and her husband lived in Springfield, Va.

She married Seymour Herman Rosenberg (called Sy), son of Paul NMN Rosenberg and Riza NMN Hornig (called Rose) 15 Dec 1971 in Arlington. Born 15 Sep 1938 in New York, N.Y. Died of cancer 18 Jun 2015 at INOVA Fairfax [Va.] Hospital. Buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Bluewell, Mercer Co., W.Va.

The Washington [D.C.] Post, 21 Jun 2015: Seymour H. Rosenberg, “Sy,”, 76, beloved husband, father, brother, grandpa, and uncle, Sy Rosenberg of Springfield, Va., passed away unexpectedly on June 18, 2015. He retired after many years from the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority, where he worked in the Office of the Auditor General. Sy served in the Air Force in the 1950s. He is survived by his wife of 43 years, Jean (Marsh) Rosenberg, of Springfield, Va., whom he met in Tunisia while working for [Agency for International Development]; daughter, Nancy, of Grand Prairie, Texas; son, Mark, and daughter-in-law, Elsa, of Jerusalem; sisters, Terri, of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Rita, of Decatur, Ga.; sisters-in-law Joan and Helen, of Arlington, Va.; nine grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Visitation will be 10–noon June 22 at Demaine Funeral Home in Springfield, Va., and burial will be 11 a.m. June 23 at Woodlawn Memorial Park in [Bluewell], W.Va.

He graduated from Weehawken [N.J.] High School in 1956. He served as an accounting & finance specialist in the U.S. Air Force from 1956 to 1960 at bases in Texas, South Carolina, California and Japan, leaving the service as an airman first class. He attended evening classes at Pace College, New York City, and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) from 1960-1968; and earned a certificate in Certified Public Accountancy from the State of California in 1966. He was an accountant and auditor in New York and California and for the U.S. Agency for International Development. He retired in 1999 after 26 years with the Washington [D.C.] Metropolitan Transit Authority. He contributed significant material on his wife’s genealogical line to Honaker Family in America. Children:

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.vii. i. Nancy Faye[8]. Born 24 Nov 1972 in Falls Church, Fairfax Co., Va.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.vii. ii. Mark Gerald. Born 1 Jun 1978 in Falls Church, Va.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.i. John Harold[7] Ernest Jr. (called Jack) (John Harold[6], Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Mar 1934 in Elkins, Randolph Co., W.Va. Died 23 Sep 2004 in Point Marion, Pa. Buried in Evergreen Memorial Park, Point Marion.

Dominion Post, Morgantown, W.Va., 25 Sep 2004: John H. “Jack” Ernest Jr., 70, of Point Marion, died Thurs., Sept. 23, 2004, at his home. He was born March 22, 1934, in Elkins, W.Va., son of the late John H. Ernest Sr., and Kathleen Weese Ernest. He was a retired U.S. Postal Service Letter Carrier, Morgantown Post Office. He was a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers Local 783. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War and served as a master sergeant in the Air Force. He was a graduate of Morgantown High School, class of 1952. He was a member of the Point Marion VFW and Point Marion Eagles Club and also of their Golf League. He is survived by his wife, Doris Cain Ernest, with whom he would have celebrated their 48th Wedding Anniversary on Nov. 30, 2004. One daughter, Debbie McNamara and her husband, Dennis, of Peters Township, Pa.; and one son, Doug Ernest and his wife, Jennifer, of Beckley, W.Va.; six grandchildren, Shannon, Ryan, Molly, and Conor McNamara, and Emily and Douglas Ernest; one brother, Don Ernest of Colorado. Brothers and sisters-in-law, George and Shirley Butterworth of Port Marion, Richard and Bonnie Cain of Morgantown, Bill and Lynn Cain of Princess Anne, Md., and George and Bonny Cain of Seaford, Del. Jack enjoyed numerous outdoor activities such as golfing with his wife and friends, camping and fishing with his family and following his beloved West Virginia University Mountaineers. Friends will be received from 2–4 and 7–9 p.m. Sat., Sept. 25, and Sun., Sept. 26, in the Louis E. Randolph Funeral Home, 15 Main St., Point Marion, Pa. Funeral service will be conducted by the Rev. Kevin Cain at 11 a.m. Mon., Sept. 27, in the funeral home chapel. Burial will follow in the Evergreen Memorial Park, Point Marion. Full military honors will be accorded at the gravesite by the Marine Corps League, Monongalia County Detachment 342. The family suggests that donations be made to Morgantown Hospice, P.O. Box 4222, Morgantown, WV 26504.

He married Doris Cain 30 Nov 1956 in Morgantown, Monongalia Co., W.Va. Born in Morgantown. Children:

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.i. i. Debra Lynn[8]. Born Feb 1959 in Morgantown, W.Va.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.i. ii. Douglas Bryan. Born 15 May 1964 in Sumter, S.C.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.ii. Donald Eugene[7] Ernest (John Harold[6], Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Feb 1938 in Elkins, Randolph Co., W.Va. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1954 to 1956. In 2007 he and his wife lived in Greeley, Weld Co., Colo.

He married Susan Ellen White, daughter of Edison Earl White and Grace Ellen Everts, 15 Oct 1960 in Oakland, Garrett Co., Md. Born 30 Aug 1942 in Morgantown, Monongalia Co., W.Va. Children:

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.ii. i. Jacquiline Susan[8] (called Jacqui). Born 17 Aug 1961 in Morgantown.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.ii. ii. Kevin Lynn. Born 28 Aug 1963 in Morgantown.

2.v.iv.i.i.i. David[7] Robinette (Teddy[6], Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Rosaline Howell. Children:

i. Stephanie[8].

2.v.iv.i.ii.i. Gary[7] Robinette (Eddy[6], Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Urma Unknown. Children:

i. Keith[8].

ii. Jan.

2.v.iv.i.ii.ii. Garnett[7] Robinette (Eddy[6], Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Darryl Fannin. Children:

i. Kim[8].

ii. Kathy.

iii. Lydia.

iv. Sherry.

2.v.iv.i.v.i. Greg[7] Baker (Irene[6], Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Susan Unknown. Children:

2.v.iv.i.v.i. i. April[8].

2.v.iv.i.v.i. ii. Angel.

iii. Amy. She married Danny Dean.

2.v.iv.iv.i.i. Mary Lillian[7] Clarkson (called Lillian) (William Henderson[6], Lillian[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 22 Apr 1964 in Ashland, Ky. In 2000 she lived in Ashland.

She married Keith Lawrence Craycraft 16 Oct 1993 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Born 6 Nov 1966 in Fairfax Co., Va. In 2000 he was a computer technician and network engineer. Children:

i. Lauren Kaye[8]. Born 14 Jul 1999 in Huntington, W.Va.

2.v.iv.iv.i.ii. June Allene[7] Clarkson (William Henderson[6], Lillian[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 21 Apr 1966 in Ashland, Ky.

She married James David Swinford 15 Mar 1987 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Born 24 Aug 1967 in Charleston, S.C. Children:

i. James Adam[8]. Born 13 Sep 1987 in Ashland.

ii. Faith Allene. Born 11 Apr 1991 in Charlotte, N.C.

iii. Sarah Lydia. Born 23 Jul 1992 in Charlotte.

iv. William Levi. Born 1 Mar 1994 in Ashland.

2.v.iv.iv.i.iii. Margaret Anne[7] Clarkson (William Henderson[6], Lillian[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 6 Sep 1967 in Ashland, Ky.

She married Lucian Thurman Fry III 15 Dec 1989 in Catlettsburg, Ky. Born in 1967 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Megan Reannhan[8]. Born 14 Aug 1995 in Charlotte, N.C.

2.v.iv.v.iv.i. Donald Milton[7] Clark Jr. (Betty Jo[6], Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 30 May 1953.

He married Frances Lyons 2 Jul 1976. Children:

i. Anthony[8].

2.v.iv.v.iv.iv. Pamela Jo[7] Clark (Betty Jo[6], Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l].

Born 28 Sep 1959.

She married Monty Robert Pennington 7 Jun 1980. Children:

i. John Tyler[8]. Born 24 Oct 1986.

2.v.iv.v.vi.i. Robin Lynn[5] Fields (Robert Curtis[4], Lura[3], John Wallace[2], John Wallace[1]).

She married Scott Kinney. Children:

i. Megan[8].

2.v.iv.v.vi.ii. Robin Curtis[7] Fields Jr. (Robert Curtis[6], Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l].

He married Susan Unknown. Children:

i. Robert Curtis, III[8].

ii. Anne.

2.v.iv.v.vi.iii. Bonnie Irene[7] Fields (Robert Curtis[6], Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l].

She married James Roger Burk. Children:

2.v.iv.v.vi.iii. i. Susan[8].

2.v.iv.vi.i.ii. Unknown[7] Honacher (called Bitsy) (John Tony[6], Tony Wallace[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. In 1993 she lived in Charleston, W.Va.

She married Harold E. Preston. Children:

i. Harold E., Jr.[8] He married Cynthia Unknown.

ii. Andrew.

2.v.iv.vi.ii.i. Charles Roy[7] Honacher (called Chuck) (Roy Cleveland[6], Tony Wallace[5], John Wallace[4], John

Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]. Born 17 Sep 1945 in Kenova, W.Va.

He married Magdalina Gretchen Unknown. Children:

i. Steve[8].

ii. Matthew.

8.ix.i.i.iv.vi. David Gregory[7] Wills (Joe Roy[6], Elsie Mae[5], Malone L.[4], Laura Josephine[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 May 1959 in Beckley, W.Va. In 2007 he lived in Wollaston, Mass.

He married Kathleen M. O’Brien, daughter of Paul J. O’Brien and Lorraine M. Downing, 11 Oct 1986 in Quincy, Mass. Born 25 Dec 1960 in Boston, Mass. Children:

i. Courtney Ann[8]. Born 18 Apr 1989 in Boston.

ii. Michael Patrick. Born 30 May 1994 in Quincy.

10.vi.i.i.iii.ii. Bobby[7] Laverty (Rosalie[6], Ethel[5], Mary Luther[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Jill Unknown. Children:

i. Elaina[8].

ii. Garrett.

10.viii.i.i.i.i. Darold Joe[7] Via (Harold Joe[6], Edith Opal[5], Joe Nathan[4], Centhia Victoria[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Apr 1960 in Beckley. In 2000 he was a Toyota master technical mechanic at L&S Toyota, a dealer, in Beckley, and lived with his family in Beckley.

He married Janice Kay Draper 31 Dec 1985 in Newport News, Va. Children:

i. Daniel Joseph[8]. Born 11 Apr 1989 in Beckley.

ii. Julie Kay. Born 2 Apr 1992 in Beckley.

16.i.iii.iv.i. Jacqueline[7] Robbins (Joyce[6], Joseph Howard[5], Josephus[4], Benjamin Franklin[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). In 2004 she lived in Palm Bay, Fla.

She married Allan Laser. Children:

i. Diana[8].

ii. Christopher.

iii. Joseph.

16.i.iii.iv.ii. Michael[7] Rivera (Joyce[6], Joseph Howard[5], Josephus[4], Benjamin Franklin[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). In 2004 he lived in Enfield, Conn.

She married Suzanne unknown. Children:

i. James[8].

17.vii.i.ii.i. Nancy Elizabeth[7] Halsey (John Jefferson[6], Albert Cecil[5], Sylvia Caldonia[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Mar 1933 in Pulaski, Pulaski Co., Va. Died 5 Dec 2013 in Pulaski. Buried in Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin, Va.

Southwest Times, Pulaski, Va., Dec. 9, 2013: Nancy Elizabeth Halsey Farris, 80, died Dec. 5, 2013 at her home in Pulaski. Born March 14, 1933 in Pulaski, she was the daughter of the late John “Jeff” and Vadalene Halsey. Nancy grew up in the Mountain View community, where she spent many childhood summers on Claytor Lake in its early years with her grandparents. She graduated from Dublin High School in 1950. In the 1960s, she managed the Colonial House restaurant in Dublin, a business she owned with her husband and parents. In 1976, she signed on for the adventure of a lifetime when she agreed to work with her husband as a team for Baggett Trucking, hauling explosives and other materials to military bases across the country. Trucking for over 30 years gave Nancy the opportunity to visit 48 of the nation’s 50 states, gathering stories and friends from coast to coast. Nancy personified the definition of spirited. She was vivacious and determined in all of her endeavors. Even in her final months, she was set on living life. She was also incredibly kind and compassionate, being the type of person who sought to find the best in everyone. She loved sharing stories about her many travels, as well as stories about growing up in the local area. Her interest in history and genealogy led her to become a charter member of the New River Historical Society, as well as a member of the Count Pulaski Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution; she was very proud of her heritage. Nancy was also a member of the Dublin Eastern Star chapter. She is preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth Duane Farris, and her son, Michael Anthony Vickers. Left to remember Nancy are: her daughter, Sharon Vickers Hardy, son-in-law, David Hardy; granddaughter, Jena Hardy, all of Pulaski; stepson, Dr. Mark Farris of Morganton, N.C.; along with many close cousins and friends. Visitation will be held Mon., Dec. 9 at Seagle Funeral Home from 5 to 7 p.m., followed by a funeral service at 7 p.m. with Rev. Teresa Tolbert officiating. A small burial service will take place Tue., Dec. 10 at 1 p.m. at Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to help cover funeral expenses. Donations can be sent to Thomas M. Seagle & Sons Funeral Home, P.O. Box 602, Pulaski, Va. 24301.

She married, first, Anthony Lynn Vickers 31 Oct 1953 in Aiken, S.C. They divorced 20 Mar 1969 in Pulaski Co., Va. Born 5 Jan 1933 in Pulaski County. Died 3 Nov 1996 in Hiwassee, Pulaski County. Buried Highland Memory Gardens Cemetery, Dublin, Va. He was a U.S. Government inspector—military. Children:

i. Michael Anthony[8]. Born 28 Jul 1967 in Radford, Montgomery Co., Va. In 2011 he was an independent building contractor. Died 2 Aug 2013. Buried at Highland Memory Gardens, Dublin.

Southwest Times, Pulaski, Va., Aug. 5, 2013: Michael (Mike) Anthony Vickers, 47, of Pulaski, died Fri., Aug. 2, 2013 at Carilion New River Valley Medical Center. He was born July 28, 1967 in Radford, and was a graduate of Marion Senior High School. Upon graduating, he attended East Tennessee State University. Mike was an outgoing man who never seemed to meet a stranger and once you met him, he was hard to forget. He had an incredible sense of humor and could always lighten the mood with a joke. He was also a faithful University of Alabama football fan, so everyone who came to know him soon learned the importance of the statement, “Roll, Tide!” Mike was the son of Nancy Halsey Farris of Pulaski and the late Anthony (Tony) Vickers of Hiwassee, and the grandson of the late Jeff and Vadalene Halsey of Pulaski and the late W.H. and Elizabeth Vickers of Dublin. Left to remember Mike is his sister, Sharon Vickers Hardy of Pulaski and her husband, David and niece, Jena Hardy; brother, Carl (Kip) Vickers of Blue Ridge and his wife, Elaine, and their three children, Jason, Brittany and Toni Carol; stepbrothers Keith Dunagan of Wytheville and his wife, Tammy, and their daughters, Tabitha Duncan and Kelly Dunagan, Dr. Mark Farris of Morganton, N.C., K.D. Farris, Jr. of Pulaski; sister, Lora Evans of Atkins and her husband, Steve, and her children, Jamie Tolliver, Kathryn Keast and Rachel Robinson. Mike also leaves behind his dog, Sally, who he considered just as much a member of his family as his human relatives. Visitation will be held at Seagle Funeral Home in Pulaski on Sun., Aug. 4, from 5 to 9 p.m., followed immediately by a funeral service. Interment will take place on Mon., Aug. 5 at 1 p.m. at Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin. The Rev. Teresa Tolbert will officiate. In lieu of flowers, his family requests that donations be sent to Sharon Hardy, 113 7th St. N.W., Pulaski, Va. 24301 to help cover burial expenses. Arrangements by Thomas M. Seagle Funeral Home in Pulaski, Va.

17.vii.i.ii.i. ii. Sharon Lynn. Born 19 Sep 1954 in Radford.

She married, second, Kenneth Duane Farris 28 Aug 1971 in Dublin, Va. Born 15 Dec 1930 in Pulaski County. He and Nancy were a husband-wife team for 20 years as owners-operators of a tractor trailer truck, hauling military cargo.

18.viii.iv.iii.ii. Jeffrey Scott[7] Miller (Walter Michael[6], Ruby Thelma[5], Julian Andrew[4], Henry[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 16 May 1970.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Michael Scott[8].

ii. Kevin Russell.

iii. Hunter Cole.

28.iv.iv.iv.i. Cheryl[7] Honaker (Francis Robert[6], Harley A.[5], Fred[4], Benjamin[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]).

She married John Byars. Children:

I Matthew Paul[8].

39.xiii.ii.i.i. Michael James[7] Gunns Jr. (Flona Jane[6], Clara Christina[5], Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Jun 1974 in Elkton, Md. In 2007 he was an electrician.

He married Julia Allen. In 2007 she was a computer analyst. Children:

i. Michael James[8] III. Born 5 Oct 1997.

ii. Morgan. Born 3 Apr 2002.

39.xiii.ii.i.ii. Douglas William[7] Gunns (Flona Jane[6], Clara Christina[5], Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Dec 1976 in Elkton, Md. In 2007 he managed a golf course in Salisbury, Md.

He married, first, Diana Unknown. They divorced 1995. Children:

i. Douglas William[8] Jr. Born 18 Oct 1996.

He married, second, Melissa Fisher Aug 2001. Children:

ii. Zander Allen. Born 23 Feb 2004.

iii. Emma Riley. Born 2007.

39.xiii.ii.i.iii. Christina Renee[7] Gunns (called Crissy) (Flona Jane[6], Clara Christina[5], Harry Beasley[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Jan 1976 in Elkton, Md. In 2007 she was a school teacher living in Federalburg, Va.

She married, first, Ron Shifflet Jr. They divorced with no children.

She married, second, Shawn Haymaker. Children:

i. Alyssa[8].

ii. Lian Michael. Born 25 Jan 2007.

41.iii.ii.ii.i. Carolyn Delaris[7] Walls (June[6], Alma Opal[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1951.

She married, first, Eddie Bill. Children:

i. Charles Edward[8].

She married, second, Hugier Ferguson. Children:

ii. Michelle Lynn. She married Phillip Norman.

41.iii.ii.ii.iii. Donna Kay[7] Walls (June[6], Alma Opal[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1956.

She married Jonathan Allen Uay. Children:

i. Brandy[8].

ii. Jonathan Allen.

41.iii.iii.iii.i. Robin Christina[7] Bell (Dottie Lou[6], Estel Geneva[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Nov 1962 in Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W.Va. In 2002 she lived in Nitro, W.Va.

She married Tommy Lamont McCallister, son of Ampless Junior McCallister and Monzella NMN Woodrum, 11 Jul 1980 in Sumerco, Lincoln County. Born 20 Aug 1960 in Hamlin. Children:

i. Jonathan Lamont[8]. Born 18 May 1981 in Huntington, Cabell Co., W.Va.

ii. Daniel Troy. Born 19 Oct 1982 in Huntington.

iii. Derek Wayne. Born 24 May 1985 in Huntington.

41.iii.iv.i.i. Linzy[7] Honaker (Linuel[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

He married, first, Debbie Harris. Children:

i. Terry Dwayne[8].

He married, second, Freda Harris. Children:

ii. Jessica.

41.iii.iv.i.ii. Linda Lou[7] Honaker (Linuel[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Danny Adkins, son of Harold Adkins and Fay Unknown. Children:

i. Beth Ann[8].

41.iii.iv.i.iii. Tommy[7] Honaker (Linuel[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Norma Unknown. Children:

i. Tommy[8].

41.iii.iv.ii.i. Michael J.[7] Collins (Swanna Lee[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Sep 1953 in East Liverpool, Ohio.

He married, first, Ester M. Martin. Children:

i. Anna M.[8] Born 24 Jun 1975 in Beaver, Pa.

ii. Heather L. Born 9 Nov 1977 in Beaver.

He married, second, Lynn Unknown.

41.iii.iv.ii.ii. Cheryl L.[7] Collins (Swanna Lee[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Nov 1955 in East Liverpool, Ohio.

She married Alvin L. Alford, son of Everette Alford and Esther Newlen, 11 Jan 1974 in Steubenville, Ohio. Born 16 Feb 1955 in East Liverpool. Children:

41.iii.iv.ii.ii. i. Christina L.[8] Born 13 Oct 1977.

41.iii.iv.ii.ii. ii. John L. Born 22 Sep 1979.

41.iii.iv.ii.iii. Sheba I.[7] Collins (Swanna Lee[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Apr 1958.

She married, first, Ricky U. Cochran. Children:

41.iii.iv.ii.iii. i. Linda L.[8] Born 29 Nov 1978.

ii. Ricky U., Jr. Born 11 Jul 1983 in Salom, Ohio.

She married, second, Harvey Masson.

41.v.i.i.i. Anne Jeanette[7] Mason (called Jeanette) (William Liston[6], Beulah Marie[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1959. Linkous reported that she took a B.A. in Biology from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa; took a Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Michigan in 1995; and served her residency in pediatrics in San Francisco, Calif., and Norfolk Va.

She married Richard Edward Bachman in 1985. He is a physician also. Children:

i. Sarah Corinne[8]. Born in 1990.

ii. Andrew William. Born in 1993.

iii. Bryan Scott.

41.v.i.i.ii. Michael Liston[7] Mason (William Liston[6], Beulah Marie[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1962. Linkous reported that he graduated from Rolling Hills High School, Palos Verdes, Calif.; took a B.S. in Computer Science in 1984 from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; was a member of Tau Beta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi fraternities; formerly worked for Singer-Link Corp., Sunnyvale, Calif.; and in 1997 designed and developed computer games, for home and arcade use, for SingleTrac, Salt Lake City, Utah.

He married Uma Kumari in 1988. Born in 1958. Children:

i. Crystal Anette[8]. Born in 1989.

ii. Amber Kumari. Born in 1993.

41.v.iii.i.ii. Teresa[7] Hallock (Reta Juanita[6], John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1958.

She married Wayne Papendick in 1977. Born in 1957. Children:

41.v.iii.i.ii. i. Jason[8]. Born in 1974.

ii. Nicole. Born in 1993.

41.v.iii.i.iii. Susan[7] Hallock (Reta Juanita[6], John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]).

Born in 1961.

She married, first, Bernard McClain in 1978. Born in 1961. Children:

i. Bernie[8]. Born in 1978.

ii. Holly. Born in 1981.

She married, second, Roland Anthony in 1985. Born in 1952. Children:

iii. Emily Ann. Born in 1985.

iv. Kassi Elizabeth. Born and died in 1990.

v. Michael James. Born in 1992.

41.v.iii.ii.i. Cheryl Lynn[7] Brown (Velma Jean[6] John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1957.

She married Glen Anton Ivanic in 1987. Born in 1960. Children:

i. Eric Lucien[8]. Born in 1988.

41.v.iii.ii.ii. Colleen Louise[7] Brown (Velma Jean[6] John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1960.

She married David Eugene van Tuyl in 1984. Born in 1954. Children:

i. Kathryn Jean[8]. Born in 1990.

41.v.iii.iii.i. Jeffrey Garth[7] Bartlett (Ruth Marie[6], John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1961. Linkous reported that Jeff graduated from Breckenridge [Mich.] High School and was employed by B&W Co-op, Inc., Breckenridge.

He married Tammy Sue Warner in 1982. Children:

i. Nicholas Michael[8]. Born in 1985.

ii. Cody Dean. Born in 1988.

41.v.iii.iii.ii. Jan Marie[7] Bartlett (Ruth Marie[6], John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]).

Born in 1963.

She married, first, Richard Scott Draper in 1981. Born in 1959. Children:

i. Alisha Jane[8]. Born in 1983.

ii. Aaron James. Born in 1984.

She married, second, Richard Hardman in 1992. Born in 1963.

41.v.iii.iii.iv. Julie Kae[7] Bartlett (Ruth Marie[6], John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]).

Born in 1968.

She married Michael Lane Foster in 1989. Born in 1965. Children:

i. Johnathon Odie[8]. Born in 1991.

41.v.iii.iv.i. Michael Anthony[7] Phillips (Donna Louise[6], John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1966.

He married Kristene Cooper in 1990. Born in 1965. Children:

i. Caleb Michael[8]. Born in 1995.

41.v.v.i.i. Susan Renee[7] Kane (John Wesley III[6], Gleneth Savanna[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1968.

She married James Lee Miller in 1986. Born in 1960. Children:

i. Elizabeth Morgan[8]. Born in 1991.

ii. Quaid Raymond. Born in 1993.

41.v.v.i.ii. John Wesley[7] Kane IV (John Wesley III[6], Gleneth Savanna[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1971.

He married Sandra Annette Marcum in 1993. Born in 1973. Children:

i. Lillian Mae[8]. Born in 1995.

41.v.v.iv.i. Angela Lee[7] Kane (Gary Lee[6], Gleneth Savanna[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1968.

She married, first, Unknown Frazier. Children:

i. Savinni Nichole[8]. Born in 1989.

She married, second, Unknown Evangelista. Children:

ii. Dominic Joseph. Born in 1993.

41.v.x.i.i. Barry Dean[7] Akison (Rebekah Susan[6], Lucille Hattie[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1971.

He married Kirsten Lynn MacDonough in 1991. Born in 1973. Children:

i. Alexis Marie[8]. Born in 1993.

48.ii.vii.vi.i. Connie[7] Short (Billie Jean[6], Vesta Loette[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married or had a child with Unknown. Children:

i. Brad[8] [Short]. He married Jodi Unknown.

48.ii.viii.i.i. Thaya Ruth[7] Peck (Mary Frances[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Jun 1952 in Welch, W.Va.

She married Richard Michael McNiven Dec 1970 in Detroit, Mich. They divorced 2001. Born 28 Sep 1953 in Michigan. Children:

i. Richard Michael[8], Jr. Born 13 Jun 1971 in Wyandotte, Mich.

ii. Stephen Donald. Born 20 Jul 1973 in Wyandotte.

iii. Barry Douglas (fraternal twin). Born 7 Sep 1977 in Detroit.

iv. Brian David (fraternal twin). Born 7 Sep 1977 in Detroit.

v. Allison Elaine. Born 22 Oct 1985 in Wyandotte.

vi. Brent Darren (identical twin). Born 9 Nov 1987 in Detroit.

vii. Brad Daniel (identical twin). Born 9 Nov 1987 in Detroit.

48.ii.viii.i.ii. Paul Edward[7] Peck (Mary Frances[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Aug 1953 in Ashland, W.Va.

He married Deborah Leora Perry, daughter of Marion Almond Perry and Mary Jo Byford, 1979 in Michigan. Born 8 Dec 1954 in Woodbury, Tenn. She also married Unknown Bramlett. Children:

i. David Michael[8]. Born 3 Feb 1981 in Tennessee.

48.ii.viii.i.v. John Erwin[7] Redmond Jr. (Mary Frances[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Jun 1967 in Wyandotte, Mich.

He married Melissa Kay Jensen, daughter of Carl Raymond Jensen and Dorothy Margaret Beall, 30 Mar 2003 in the wedding room at Dad Miller’s Golf Course, Anaheim, Calif. She previously married Thomas Morse but had no children in that marriage. Born 3 Mar 1968 in Paris, Texas. Children:

i. Kendrick Boyd[8]. Born 23 Dec 2003 at Glendale [Calif.] Adventist Hospital.

48.ii.viii.i.vi. David Keith[7] Redmond (Mary Frances[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Jul 1969 in Wyandotte, Mich.

He married Lorrie Pualani Simmons 4 Apr 1992 in Big Bear, Calif. They divorced. Born 25 Nov 1967 in Hawthorne, Calif. She also married Pharon Muller. Children (of David and Lorrie):

i. Sydney Alyssa[8]. Born 9 Feb 1992 in Anaheim, Calif.

ii. Allyson Shelby. Born 14 Sep 1994 in Anaheim.

48.ii.viii.i.vii. Carol Anne[7] Redmond (Mary Frances[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Nov 1971 in Wyandotte, Mich.

She married Frank Martin Yelland 1999 in Pine Bluff, Ark. Born 25 Aug 1970 in Cudahy, Calif. Children:

i. Nicole Lynn[8]. Born 16 Feb 1989 in Whittier, Calif.

ii. Bailey Rayan. Born 22 May 1992 in Paramount, Calif.

iii. Frank Martin, Jr. Born 27 Oct 1994 in Lancaster, Calif.

iv. Eric Kain. Born 22 Sep 1998 in Pine Bluff, Ark.

48.ii.viii.ii.i. Cynthia Marie[7] Bailey (Charles Edward[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Feb 1957 in Trenton, Mich.

She married Paul Jones. Children:

i. Teresa Marie[8]. Born 26 May 1976 in Trenton, Mich.

She also married Tommy Don Pitchford.

48.ii.viii.v.i. Donna Sue[7] Bailey (Donald Ray[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Sep 1963 in Wyandotte, Mich.

She married Scott Ghent. Children:

i. Matthew Ray[8]. Born 20 Aug 1989 in Lincoln Park, Mich.

48.ii.viii.v.ii. Kerry Dean[7] Bailey (Donald Ray[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Dec 1964 in Wyandotte, Mich.

He married Jeannie Masella. Children:

i. Stephanie Lauren[8]. Born 12 Jun 1990.

ii. Ryan Michael. Born 22 May 1992.

48.ii.viii.v.iii. Beth Ann[7] Bailey (Donald Ray[6], Forrest Edward[5], Eda Melton[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Sep 1968 in Wyandotte, Mich.

She married Doug Wilgocki. Children:

i. Andrew[8]. Born 2000.

48.xi.i.ii.i. Kelli Ann[7] Foster (Sybil Jane[6], Erma Lafonne[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Nov 1969.

She married Tony Ward. They divorced. Children:

i. William David[8]. Born 24 Oct 1992.

48.xi.i.iv.i. Amy Michelle[7] Moore (Sandra Kay[6], Erma Lafonne[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2],

Abraham[1]). Born 13 May 1972.

She married Ronald Brunty. Children:

i. Carressa Abigail[8]. Born 9 Dec 1998.

48.xi.i.iv.ii. Adam Lee[7] Moore (Sandra Kay[6], Erma Lafonne[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2],

Abraham[1]). Born 12 Jan 1977.

He married Heather Unknown. Children:

i. Brianna Nicole[8]. Born in 1999.

48.xi.i.vi.i. Ronnie Lee[7] Parks II (Joyce Jean[6], Erma Lafonne[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Jan 1970. Adopted in 1980.

He married Vickie White. Children:

i. Kristin[8].

ii. Eric.

48.xi.ii.i.ii. Daniel Patrick[7] Hendricks (Norman Eugene[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Mar 1964.

He married Donna Jean Tugwell. They divorced. He adopted the son she brought to the marriage:

i. Adam[8].

He married, second, Laurie Unknown. She brought a daughter to the marriage, Chelsie. They were expecting a child in Mar unknown year.

48.xi.ii.ii.i. Frankie Merrell[7] Canterbury (Dallas Augusta[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Aug 1952.

He married Mary Lou Perry. Born 14 Mar 1949. Children:

48.xi.ii.ii.i. i. Angela Dawn[8]. Born 11 Oct 1971.

ii. Christopher Hayes. Born 8 May 1975.

48.xi.ii.ii.ii. Debra Susan[7] Canterbury (Dallas Augusta[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Aug 1955. On 8 Jul 2001 her family’s mobile home was displaced and seriously damaged by a Wyoming Co., W.Va., flood caused by 11-in. of rain over a 4-hour period, which rendered homeless 700 people. Flooded homes blocked roads in Jesse, Lynco and Wyoming, W.Va. A photograph of Susan’s home appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Sep-Oct 2001.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 26 Feb 2002: Wyoming Report—Jesse resident takes pride in her work, loves family, enjoys life, by Mary Catherine Brooks, Wyoming County Bureau Chief

Susan Sluss grew up in Oceana, but now lives in Jesse, about four miles away. “I moved a long

way,” she jokes. She entered the banking field just after college, going to work at Peoples Bank of Mullens for the first time in 1985. “My major was office administration.” She recalled a counselor at Marshall University asked her why she wanted to major in office administration, telling her it was only “paper clips and glue.”

In 1989, she became administrative assistant and today, serves as the branch manager of Peoples Bank’s Pineville location. “I guess I got what I wanted,” she adds of her degree choice. Sluss emphasizes the customers are the most enjoyable part of her job. “A satisfied customer is the best part of my job,” she said. “I enjoy being able to help people with their financial needs, and everyone has them.” Her job responsibilities include much more than “paper clips and glue.” She oversees all the employees, handles new accounts, time certificiates and loan applications, the complete gamut of services. Her typical day is “busy, but rewarding.”

“It makes you feel good at the end of the day that you’ve helped people,” she said.

In her leisure time, Sluss enjoys spending time with her family. She and her husband, Greg, have two children, Sunny, a sophomore at Alice Lloyd College, and Matt, a sophomore at Oceana High School. Together, they enjoy NASCAR and football. “For the past 10 or 12 years, we’ve followed the races. We like to go to Charlotte [N.C.] every year and we’ve gone to Bristol [Tenn.] a few times. “You get hooked on this stuff,” she added with a laugh.

Additionally, she enjoys reading. Her favorites are mysteries and suspense novels. “I have a couple of friends and we trade books,” she said. Sluss prefers paperback books as opposed to hardcover. “I want something that if it gets wet, it doesn’t matter,” she said. Working full time and having two children has not been an easy task. “It takes a lot of sacrifices. I’ve had a lot of help from my family with my children.” Sluss notes she is most proud of her children. As for her philosophy of life, Sluss believes, “If you work hard, then good things come.”

She married Gregory Paul Sluss. Born 14 Jan 1960. Children:

i. Sunny Suzanne[8]. Born 20 Aug 1982.

ii. Mathew Paul. Born 4 Dec 1985.

48.xi.ii.ii.iii. Michael Joe[7] Canterbury (Dallas Augusta[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 31 Dec 1958.

He married Willena Sue Miller. Born 5 Oct 1963. Children:

i. Sasja Lynn[8]. Born 4 Jul 1990.

48.xi.ii.ii.iv. Rebecca Lynn[7] Canterbury (Dallas Augusta[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 31 Jan 1961.

She married Terry Lee Daniels. Born 28 Oct 1960. Children:

i. Jeremy Lee[8]. Born 5 May 1977.

ii. Terry Wayne. Born 15 May 1982.

48.xi.ii.iii.i. Aleta Fay[7] Walker (Betty Lou[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Sep 1961.

She married Robert Stephen Jr. Born 15 Sep 1961. Children:

i. Zachary Joseph[8]. Born 9 Apr 1982.

ii. Ryan Alan. Born 21 Apr 1986.

48.xi.ii.iii.ii. Anne Marie[7] Walker (Betty Lou[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Apr 1963.

She married Marcus J. Thieland. Children:

i. Marcus J., Jr.[8]

ii. Jacob Walker.

48.xi.ii.iii.iii. Amy Jo[7] Walker (Betty Lou[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She had a child with Larry Cline:

i. Ian Christian[8] [Walker].

48.xi.ii.vii.i. Allison Sue[7] Hendricks (Thomas Alvin[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Dec 1961.

She married Kenneth Earl Padrick Jr. Born 3 Mar 1960. Children:

i. Travis Aaron[8]. Born 16 Sep 1989.

48.xi.ii.x.i. Mary Nell[7] Fribbs (Dorothy Darlene[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Nov 1972.

She married Gary Bonney. Born 29 Nov 1970. Children:

i. Dylan Austin[8]. Born 12 May 1997.

48.xi.iii.ii.i. John[7] Rowe (Chessie Mae[6], Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

48.xi.iii.ii.ii. Steve Allen[7] Rowe (Chessie Mae[6], Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

48.xi.iii.iii.i. Susan Marie[7] Dickens (Dessie Marie[6], Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

48.xi.iii.iii.iii. Linda Hayle[7] Dickens (Dessie Marie[6], Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

48.xi.iii.iii.iv. Sherry Lee[7] Dickens (Dessie Marie[6], Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

48.xi.iii.iii.v. William Dale[7] Dickens (Dessie Marie[6], Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

48.xi.iii.iv.i. Pamela Jean[6] Holsinger (Peggy Ann[6], Sadie[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

50.ix.i.ii.i. Tammy Elizabeth[7] Jordan (Rollin Edward[6] Thelma Louise[5], Ressa Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Sep 1958 in Bradenton, Fla. Marriage order not reported. One marriage was 17 Sep 1976 in Murfreesboro, Tenn.

She married Larry Paul Sharpe. Born in 1957. Children:

i. John Paul[8]. Born in 1977.

ii. Mindy Lee. Born in 1979.

She married Danny Kitchens. Born in 1955. There were no children.

She married Robert Christopher Keim. Born in 1955. There were no children.

50.ix.i.ii.ii. Cynthia Ann[7] Jordan (Rollin Edward[6], Thelma Louise[5], Ressa Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Aug 1960 in Charleston, S.C.

She married, first, Wayne Haas in 1978 in St. Charles, Mo. Children:

i. Yvonne[8]. Born in 1979.

She married, second, Roger Blick in Jul 1998.

50.ix.i.ii.iii. Robert Edward[7] Jordan (Rollin Edward[6], Thelma Louise[5], Ressa Lee[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 6 Nov 1972 in Nashville, Tenn.

He married Tammy Dunn 3 May 1997 in Clarksville, Tenn. Born in 1970. Children:

i. Christina Danielle[8]. Born in 1997.

53.x.ii.ii.i. Joann J.[7] Smith (Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1938.

She married Delmar J. Kinder. Children:

53.x.ii.ii.i. i. Joni L.[8] Born 1960.

53.x.ii.ii.i. ii. Jeni L. Born 1968.

53.x.ii.ii.ii. Charles M.[7] Smith (Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1939.

He married, first, Patsy S. Casto. Children:

i. Brenda D.[8] Born 1959.

53.x.ii.ii.ii. ii. John M. Born 1960.

iii. Karen Sue. Born 1962.

He married, second, Cynthia Unknown. Children:

53.x.ii.ii.ii. iv. Morgan E. Born 1971.

53.x.ii.ii.iii. Mary Katherine[7] Smith (Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1941.

She married Gary O. Tinsley. Children:

53.x.ii.ii.iii. i. Mary K.[8] Born 1960.

53.x.ii.ii.iii. ii. Sally Ann. Born 1961.

53.x.ii.ii.iii. iii. Lora Lee. Born 1965.

iv. Rebecca Lynn. Born 1976. She married Brian Unknown.

53.x.ii.ii.iv. Dewey M.[7] Smith (Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1943.

He married Carol Unknown. Children:

i. Terry Elaine[8]. Born 1963. She married Joel T. Hummer.

53.x.ii.iii.i. Doris J.[7] Taylor (Mae Alice[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1938. Died 1974.

She married John Wilson. Children:

i. Michael A.[8] Born 1964. Died 1997.

ii. Monica. Born 1965.

iii. Stephanie. Born 1968.

iv. Ruth Marie. Born 1972. Died 1974.

53.x.ii.iii.ii. Perry Robert[7] Taylor Jr. (Mae Alice[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1942. Died 29 Aug 1999 in Old Fort, N.C.

He married Billie Stafford. Children:

i. Debra A.[8] Born 1963.

ii. Ander. Born 1966.

53.x.ii.iii.iii. Jerry W.[7] Taylor (Mae Alice[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1945.

He married, first, Mary Furrow. Children:

i. Kim[8]. Born 1967.

ii. Carl. Born 1968.

He married, second, Carol Smith. Children:

iii. Colby. Born 1989.

53.x.ii.iii.iv. Susan B.[7] Taylor (Mae Alice[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1948.

She married Thomas Glen Axley 1973 in Baltimore, Md. Children:

i. Aros[8]. Born 1973.

ii. Jobie. Born 1974.

iii. Crea. Born 1976.

53.x.ii.iv.i. Delores J.[7] Seymour (Geraldine June[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1941.

She married William L. Wittfeldt. Children:

53.x.ii.iv.i. i. Anthony[8]. Born 25 Dec 1962.

53.x.ii.iv.i. ii. Kenneth L. Born 22 Sep 1965.

53.x.ii.iv.ii. Harry Edward[7] Seymour Jr. (Geraldine June[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1947.

He married, first, Christie Gordon. Children:

i. William S.[8] Born 1972.

ii. Harry Edward, III. Born 1979.

He married, second, Vicky L. Lilly. Children:

iii. Katherine. Born 13 Jun 1980.

He married, third, Grace Rupp.

53.x.ii.v.i. Rita M.[7] Harris (Ernest Clyde[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1948.

She had one child with Unknown Gallaher:

i. Sean M.[8] [Gallaher]. Born 1967.

She had one child with Unknown Mahoney:

ii. Matthew M. [Mahoney]. Born 1970.

She married Ray E. Stoddard.

53.x.ii.v.ii. Ernest Clyde[7] Harris Jr. (Ernest Clyde[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1955.

He married Lisa Unknown. Children:

i. Jordan M.[8] Born 1994.

53.x.ii.vii.i. Mary Frances[7] Balengee (Betty Jo[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1948.

She married Donald L. Tobalske. Children:

i. Michelle Naaran[8]. Born 1964. Died 16 Dec 1964.

53.x.ii.vii.i. ii. Donna D. Born 1966.

iii. David Lee. Born 1967. Died 17 Aug 1967.

53.x.ii.vii.i. iv. Franklin A. Born 1968.

53.x.ii.vii.i. v. Brian L. Born 1970.

53.x.ii.vii.i. vi. Rebecca L. Born 1972.

53.x.ii.vii.ii. Drema Darlene[7] Balengee (Betty Jo[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She had one child with Michael Pastore. Children:

i. Drema D.[8] Born 2 Oct 1970.

She married Richard Pesa.

53.x.ii.viii.i. Cecilia A.[7] Harris (Cecil Carl[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1952.

She married Tom Bucklin. Children:

i. Jason[8]. Born 1979.

ii. Jacob. Born 1982.

53.x.ii.viii.ii. June A.[7] Harris (Cecil Carl[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1958.

She married, first, Michael Vernatt. Children:

53.x.ii.viii.ii. i. Michael V.[8] Born 1976.

She married, second, Delmar R. Long. Children:

ii. Noah. Born 1981.

iii. Cecil J. Born and died 1985.

iv. Orin Justin. Born 1989.

v. Jessie. Born 1992.

She married, third, Steve Bostic.

53.x.ii.ix.ii. William Steven[7] Harris (William Bobby[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1956.

He married Carol Moore. Children:

53.x.ii.ix.ii. i. Frances Lee[8].

53.x.ii.x.i. Debra Ann[7] Worley (Mary Frances[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1952.

She married, first, Richard Batchelor. Children:

53.x.ii.x.i. i. Corrine R.[8] Born 1971.

53.x.ii.x.i. ii. Richard D. Born 1975.

iii. Jennifer C. Born 1977.

She married, second, Donald Pommier.

53.x.ii.x.ii. Sandra D. [7] Worley (Mary Frances[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1954.

She married Richard Smith. Children:

i. Jeremy L.[8] Born 1977.

53.x.ii.x.iii. Angela M.[7] Worley (Mary Frances[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1957.

She married John Beveridge. Children:

i. Levi M.[8] Born 1987.

53.x.ii.x.iv. Vicki Lynn[7] Worley (Mary Frances[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1960.

She married, first, Charles Schultz. Children:

i. Katherine[8]. Born 1990.

She married, second, David A. Duckwiler. Children:

ii. David A., Jr.

53.x.ii.xi.ii. Teresa Lee[7] Garrett (Dixie Lee[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Aug 1957 in South Charleston, W.Va.

She married Richard Duquette Jul 1989. Children:

i. Melissa D.C.[8] Born 28 Jun 1989.

53.x.ii.xi.iii. Joe B.[7] Garrett Jr. (Dixie Lee[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Dec 1958 in South Charleston, W.Va.

He married Faith Lynn Hundley. Children:

i. Stacey D.[8] Born 9 Jan 1977 in Rancho Cordova, Calif.

53.x.ii.xi.iii. ii. Joseph Brandon. Born 14 Jul 1980 in Rancho Cordova.

53.x.ii.xii.i. Vicky Lynn[7] Lilly (Kathryn Lula[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1956.

She married, first, Kenneth Adkins. Children:

i. Mandy[8]. Born 1975.

She married, second, Harry E. Seymour. Children:

ii. Kathryn June. Born 1980.

53.x.ii.xii.ii. Crystal[7] Lilly (Kathryn Lula[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1959.

She married Harry J. McVey. Children:

i. Shannon[8].

ii. Christopher.

iii. Edmond.

iv. Dwight.

v. Kathryn.

53.x.ii.xii.iii. James Michael[7] Lilly (Kathryn Lula[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1961.

He married, first, Dottie Sands. Children:

i. James[8].

He married, second, Kimberly Rakel. Children:

ii. Alexander.

iii. Montie N.

53.x.ii.xii.v. Joseph Paul[7] Lilly (Kathryn Lula[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1967.

He married, first, Michelle Orander. Children:

i. Matthew[8].

He married, second, Tamara Warren. Children:

ii. Jacob Paul.

57.vii.ii.i.i. Bernie Edward[7] Honaker (Paul[6], Delmar[5], John Ashby[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 May 1966 in Chicago, Ill. Died 7 Dec 2006 in Swansboro, N.C. Buried in Toledo [Ohio] Memorial Cemetery.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 12 Dec 2006: Swansboro, N.C.—Bernie Edward Honaker, 40, formerly of Arnett [W.Va.], went to be with the Lord Thurs., Dec. 7, 2006, after an extended illness. Born May 15, 1966, in Chicago, he was the son of Paul Honaker of Angola, Ind., and Rose Conkle of Surveyor. He was preceded in death by his two infant children, Gary Paul and Morgan Lee; grandparents, Delmar and Lou Honaker, Doss McMillion and Lou Emma Marion; his stepmother, Agnes Honaker and two step sisters, Debbie Davis and Brenda Davis. Besides his parents, he is survived by his wife of 18 years, Jodie (Ramm) Honaker; two sons, Dusty and Billy, both at home; father and mother-in-law, Gary and Sue Ramm of Toledo, Ohio; brothers, Gary Paul and wife, JoAnn of West Palm Beach, Fla., Danny and wife, Laina of Butler, Ind.; a half brother, Alan of Angola, Ind.; two step brothers, Rusty Davis and wife, Tracy of North Fort Myers, Fla., Timmy Davis of Fort Myers, Fla.; two sisters-in-law, Kelly Ramm of Toledo and Kristen Ramm of Toledo. Bernie had recently worked in construction. He was an avid fisherman and loved spending time with his boys and walking along the beach with his loving wife. Services will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Walters Funeral Home, 463 Glendale Ave., Toledo, Ohio, 43614, with Pastor John J. Williamson officiating. Burial will follow in the Toledo Memorial Cemetery. Friends may call 2 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Gary Paul Honaker, Danny Honaker, Vernon Honaker, Jimmy Lucas, Rodney Honaker, Willie Lemon and Steve Cook. Honorary pallbearers will be Dusty Honaker, Billy Honaker, Teddy Farley, Damon Honaker Jr. and Rusty Sarrett. Cards of condolences can be sent to Jodie Honaker, c/o Gary Ramm, 1232 Prouty Ave., Toledo, Ohio 43609. Bernie will be sadly missed by his family and friends.

He married Jodie Ramm, daughter of Gary Ramm and Sue Unknown ca. 1988. Children:

i. Gary Paul[8] Died before 2006.

ii. Morgan Lee. Died before 2006.

iii. Dusty.

iv. Billy.

57.ii.i.i.i. Judith Ann[7] Hignite (called Judy) (Mary Elizabeth[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Sep 1941 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. She was a government employee. In 2007 she lived in Miamisburg, Montgomery Co., Ohio.

She married Theodore Nicholas Todoroff (called Ted), son of Nicholas Todoroff and June Ann Zimmerman, 4 Jan 1967 in Dayton, Ohio. Born 8 Aug 1943 in Dayton. Children:

i. Thaddeus Nicholas[8] [adopted] (called Tad). Born 22 Jun 1972 in Dayton. He had not married in 2007.

ii. Aimee Lynn [adopted]. Born 10 Feb 1977 in Dayton. In 2007 she lived in New York City and had not married.

57.ii.i.ii.i. Robert Leroy[7] Wentz (called Bobby) (Emma Madeline[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Feb 1937 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. Died 21 Jul 2004 in Lexington, Ky. Interred in Lexington Cemetery and Mausoleum. At the end of his life he had heart trouble; fell and broke his hip, seemed to be doing fine, then died.

News Examiner, Connorsville, Ind., (with photograph): Lexington, Ky.—Robert LeRoy Wentz, 67, of Lexingon, Ky., formerly of Connersville, died Wed., July 21, 2004, at St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, Ky., where he had been a patient for several days. He was born Feb. 8, 1937, in Connorsville, the son of Harry Wentz, and was raised by his paternal grandparents, William Elder David and Emma Peyton Wentz. He attended school in Connorsville and was a graduate of Connorsville High School, Class of 1955. In 1958, he became a member of the Connersville Police Department, retiring as a sergeant in 1983 after 25 years of service. Later, he was employed as a security officer by Fayette Memorial Hospital, retiring in 1997, and for 13 years he was a school bus driver for the Fayette County School Corp. On July 5, 1996, he was married in Connersville to Tania Hall. He was a member of the local Fraternal Order of Police Lodge. During his leisure time he enjoyed fishing, hunting and he was an avid bowler. In addition to his wife, survivors include three children, Terry Wentz and wife Shelia of Casa Grande, Ariz., Bill Wentz of Liberty, and Kristy Emard and husband Mike of Knightstown, Ind.; six grandchildren, Brian Wentz and wife Michele, Amanda Wentz, Katrina Wentz, Benjamin Savoy, Kevin Savoy and Kristin Savoy; two great-grandchildren, Blake Wentz and Logan Wentz; a brother-in-law and wife, Neale R. and Christine Hall of Lexington, Ky.; two nieces, Gwen Fike and husband David and Tracye Hall, all of Lexington, Ky.; a nephew, John Wade Hall of Lexington, Ky.; two great-nephews, Chris Fike and Shaun Fike of Lexington, Ky.; and a great-niece, Laura Fike of Lexington, Ky.; and many friends and former officers. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents. Funeral services will be Monday at 10 a.m. at Miller, Moster, Robbins Funeral Home with the Rev. Randall Collins, pastor of Connersville Baptist Temple, officiating. Entombment will be in Lexington, Ky., at the Lexington Cemetery and Mausoleum. Friends may call Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.

He married, first, Virginia Kramer (called Ginny) 11 Apr 1958 in Connersville. They divorced 18 Jul 1995 in Indiana. Born 8 Jan 1938 in Connersville. In 2006 she lived in Connersville. Children:

57.ii.i.ii.i. i. Terry M.[8] Born 4 Mar 1959 in Connersville.

ii. William Dean (called Billy). Born 27 Jun 1961 in Connersville. In 2004 he lived in an assisted living home in Liberty, Ind. He was mentally disabled and never married.

57.ii.i.ii.i. iii. Kristy Lynn. Born 26 Nov 1964 in Connersville.

He married, second, Tania Hall 5 Jul 1996 in Connorsville.

57.ii.i.iii.i. Nancy Jean[7] Honaker (James Rufus[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Feb 1938 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. In 2008 she lived in Sun City, Ariz.

She married, first, Joseph E. Rexel Bachman II 10 Jun 1959. Born 11 Sep 1936 in Twin Falls, Idaho. Died 6 Jun 1978. Children:

57.ii.i.iii.i. i. Joseph E. Rexel,[8] III. Born 10 Nov 1961 in Evansville, Ind.

57.ii.i.iii.i. ii. Carolyn Renee. Born 16 Mar 1964 in Framingham, Mass.

She married, second, Norman Carl Henry Duer (called Buck), son of Emil I. Duer and Annette E. Unknown, 23 Oct 1996 in Arizona. Born 17 May 1921 near Staplehurst, Neb. Died of colon cancer 9 Dec 2003 in Sun City, Maricopa Co., Ariz. Buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

Fremont [Neb.] Tribune, 17 Dec 2003: Norman Carl Henry Duer, age 82, Sun City, Ariz., died Tue., Dec. 9, 2003. Services 11 a.m. Thursday, Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home, 6800 S. 14th, no visitation. Cremation. Memorials to family.

Lincoln [Neb.] Journal, Dec. 15, 2003: Norman Carl Henry “Buck” Duer, 82, Sun City, Ariz., died Tue., Dec. 9, 2003. Born on a farm west of Staplehurst, he was one of five children, and the oldest son born to Emil I. and Annette E. Duer. Graduate of Steward High School where he excelled in football, basketball and American Legion baseball. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps during WWII and retired from Lincoln Telephone Co. in 1984. Buck was entered into the Nebraska Bowling Hall of Fame in January 1982 and was an accomplished golfer, beginning golf at the age of 40. He was very proud of shooting his age or less more than 1,000 times. He had lived in Arizona for the past 19 years. Survivors: wife, Nancy; son, Donald D. Duer, Lincoln; stepchildren, Joseph E. Bachman, Omaha, Carolyn Renee Bachman, Phoenix; brother, Weldon Duer, Lincoln; sisters, Wilma Volkez, Waco, Nelda Minzel, Audry Williams both of Sun City; granddaughter, Michelle Knapp, Lincoln; stepgrandchildren, Michael, Chelsea Rivers, Lil Bachman; great-grand children, Tyler, Carley Knapp; preceded in death by first wife, Verley; parents. Services 11 a.m. Thursday, Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home, 6800 S. 14th, the Rev. Charles Borcherding. Lincoln Memorial Park. No visitation. Cremation. Memorials, family.

57.ii.i.iii.ii. James William[7] Honaker (called Billy) (James Rufus[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Feb 1940 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. Died 25 Jul 2007 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Neb. Interred in Westlawn-Hillcrest Memorial Park, Omaha.

Omaha World-Herald, 27 Jul 2007: James W. Honaker, age 67, Omaha, Neb., passed away July 25, 2007. Preceded in death by father, James R. Honaker; step-father, Lester Souba; mother-in-law, Doris Peterson; son-in-law, Keith Wilke. Survived by loving wife, Sandra; mother, Arlene Souba; sister, Nancy; daughters, Denise (Mike) Fink, Dana Wilke, Diane (Ricky) Hartog, Michele (Jason) Wallace, Rebecca (Cris) Redburn; nine grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Memorial service 11:30 a.m., Mon., July 30, 2007 at Westlawn-Hillcrest Funeral Home. Inurnment to follow at Westlawn-Hillcrest Memorial Park. Military honors by Millard American Legion 374 and VFW 8334. Westlawn-Hillcrest Memorial Park Funeral Home, 5701 Center Street, 402-556-2500.

He married Sandra Peterson Farrens 18 Nov 1967. Children:

57.ii.i.iii.ii. i. Michele Lee[8]. Born 18 Jan 1970.

57.ii.i.iii.ii. ii. Rebecca Jo. Born 15 Nov 1971.

57.ii.i.iv.ii. Jean Ann[7] Rose (Gladys Louise[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Oct 1951 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind. At a young age, Jean was theatrical, selling tickets and performing for neighbors in her basement, sometimes impersonating comedian Phyllis Diller. In 2008 she owned and operated Thorpe House Country Inn, a bed & breakfast in Metamora, Ind., and was active with Franklin County Tourism and Chamber of Commerce.

She married Michael Charles Owens, son of Robert Eugene Owens and Betty Beck, 21 Dec 1968. Born 1 Sep 1949 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind. From an early age, he enjoyed working on and racing cars, and won trophies at the drag strip. He was a member of the U.S. Army Reserve. In 2008 he owned and operated a barber shop while also working full time in a plant as a shipping and receiving clerk. His interests included visiting auto shows and displaying his restored 1968 Shelby Mustang. Children:

57.ii.i.iv.ii. i. Christopher Travis[8] (called Chris). Born 2 Jun 1970 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind.

57.ii.i.iv.ii. ii. Quincy Brandon. Born 5 May 1977 in Rushville.

iii. Edwina Michelle (called Emmy). Born 7 Sep 1988 in Rushville. She became a certified dental assistant in 2007 and expected to graduate from Rushville Consolidated High School in 2008, then pursue a nursing degree.

57.ii.i.iv.iv. Julie Kay[7] Fishell (Gladys Louise[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Jan 1961 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind. She took a B.F.A. in Theatre from the University of Evansville [Ind.], a M.F.A. in Acting from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and graduated from The Julliard School of Drama, New York. She toured nationally and internationally with John Houseman’s The Acting Company. In 2007 she was a member of the acting and directing faculty of the University of North Carolina, and a professional resident member of Playmakers Repertory Company in which she acted and directed. She also taught at the Julliard School and performed on television and in the feature film, “O.” She was recipient of the Tanner Award for Excellence in Teaching from the University of North Carolina. In 2007 she lived with her family in Durham, N.C.

She married Gregory Scott Billman, son of Daniel Billman and Muriel Jane Dowermaster, 25 Oct 1991 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Born 31 Dec 1959 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Children:

i. Abigail Louise[8]. Born 8 Jul 1993 in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 2007 she was an award-winning member of her high school swim team, and played piano and guitar.

57.ii.i.vi.i. Constance A.[7] Honaker (called Connie) Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Aug 1949 in Vienna, Austria. In 2007 she lived in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

She married, first, Denny Musser. Children:

57.ii.i.vi.i. i. Terra R.[8] Born 14 Mar 1971.

She married, second, Jeff Hillenbrand.

She married, third, Frank A. Nutty. Born 1952. In Jul 2008 he was assistant fire chief of Connersville, Ind.

57.ii.i.vi.ii. Paul McGuire[7] Honaker Jr. (called Macky) (Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 6 Aug 1950 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. While at Connersville [Ind.] High School, he won the Indiana State Wrestling Championship for his weight division. In 2007 he lived in Bertram, Burnet Co., Texas, where he was employed at Honaker Construction Co.

He married, first, Cindy Cordray.

He married, second, Becky Unknown.

He married, third, Susanna T. Thrush. Born Apr 1958. Children:

i. Elizabeth McGuire[8]. Born 19 Aug 1991 in Williamson, Texas.

57.ii.i.vi.iii. Terry L.[7] Honaker (Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Mar 1953 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

He married, first, Karen Anderson. Children:

57.ii.i.vi.iii. i. Jessica[8]. Born 26 Sep 1973.

He married, second, Marguerita I. Pike. Born 1962. Children:

57.ii.i.vi.iii. ii. Vienna[8]. Born 1 Jun 1988.

iii. Aries. Born 31 Mar 1993.

57.ii.i.v.iv. Jeffery D.[7] Honaker (Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Nov 1954 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

He married Joyce A. Stevens 28 Jul 1979. Born in Connersville. Children:

i. Jordan[8]. Born 24 Dec 1980 in Connersville.

ii. Jesse. Born 19 Feb 1985 in Danville, Ind.

57.ii.i.vi.v. Susan L.[7] Honaker (Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Sep 1959 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. In 2007 she lived in Indianapolis, Ind.

She married, first, Danny Pea. Children:

57.ii.i.vi.v. i. Tandy Rachelle[8]. Born 6 Sep 1977.

She married, second, Wendell P. Callihan. Children:

ii. Lindsey Marie. Born 22 Jan 1984.

She married, third, Michael C. Clark. Children:

iii. Julius. Born 8 Aug 1999.

57.ii.i.viii.i. Debra Lee[7] Honaker (Quincy John[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Apr 1947 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. Died 11 May 2006 in Sylmar, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Buried in Eternal Valley Memorial Park, Newhall, Calif.

She married, first, Atef Naguib Guirguis 27 Jan 1973 in Las Vegas, Nev. Born ca. 1945, possibly in Egypt.

She married, second, Denny Bibee ca. 1980. Children:

i. Erin Nicole[8]. Born 28 Sep 1982 in Ventura, Calif.

ii. Kevin.

57.ii.i.viii.ii. Dennis Jay[7] Honaker (Quincy John[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Mar 1948 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. He played high school and college baseball and basketball, and half a season with the San Francisco Giants rookie team before bring drafted into the U.S. Army. He served in the Army for two years, including a year in Vietnam. In 2007 he was operations manager for a petroleum transport company and lived in Los Angeles, Calif.

He married, first, Sandra G. Podden. Born 1955. Children:

i. Christopher Scott[8]. Born 23 Oct 1980 in the San Fernando Valley, Calif.

ii. Megan Lindsey. Born 9 Nov 1982 in the San Fernando Valley, Calif.

iii. Cartlin Brooke. Born 17 Aug 1984 in San Diego, Calif.

He married, second, Melinda A. Miller 1 Jul 1972 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., Calif.

57.ii.i.viii.iii. Erin Elizabeth[7] Honaker [adopted] (Quincy John[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Aug 1963 in Los Angeles, Calif.

She married Kent Carl Statley 9 Aug 1986. Born 20 Mar 1940. Children:

i. Bryanne Elizabeth[8]. Born 5 Oct 1987.

ii. Madysae. Born 19 Apr 1993.

iii. Brooks Carl. Born 25 Oct 1999.

57.ii.i.viii.iv. Kevin John[7] Honaker [adopted] (Quincy John[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Dec 1966 in Los Angeles, Calif. In 2007 he lived in Los Angeles.

He married Jodi McCalla 11 Sep 1993. Born 15 Sep 1967. Children:

i. Riley John[8]. Born 18 Sep 1995.

ii. McCall Ann. Born 4 Jul 1997.

iii. Kenadee Lorraine. Born 21 May 1999.

57.ii.i.ix.i. Kevin D.[7] Honaker (Carl Ezra[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1952 in Indiana. In 2007 he lived in Colorado.

He married Donna Unknown. They divorced ca. 2008 in Indiana. Children:

i. Patrick[8].

57.ii.i.ix.ii. Mark Allen[7] Honaker (Carl Ezra[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Sep 1956 in Hartford City, Ind. In 2007 he lived in Chandler, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

He married Angela L. Simpson 3 Mar 1989. Born 4 Aug 1957 in Durango, Colo. Children:

i. Keaton Carl[8]. Born 14 Sep 1990 in Mesa, Ariz.

57.ii.i.ix.iii. Brooks Carl[7] Honaker (Carl Ezra[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Jun 1959 in Hartford City, Ind. In 2007 he lived in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

He married Leslie Lauren Dalton 25 Sep 1981. Born 5 Aug 1961. Children:

i. Brooks Tyler[8]. Born 9 Oct 1986 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

ii. Troy Quincy. Born 25 Sep 1991 in Mesa.

57.ii.i.ix.iv. Jama Sue[7] Honaker (Carl Ezra[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 Dec 1961 in Bluffton, Ind.

She married, first, David Duane Nacke Mar 1986. They divorced May 1996. Born in Illinois. Children:

i. Carter David[8]. Born 30 Sep 1986 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

ii. Carly Lynn. Born 25 Apr 1991 in Mesa.

She married, second, Patrick Mooney 13 Jun 1998. Born 13 Jun 1966 in Toledo, Ohio.

57.ii.i.x.i. Norman Ray[7] Curran (Helen Betty[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 May 1954 in Indiana. In 2008 he lived in North Veron, Ind. His interests included art, antiques, fishing, camping, and hiking. He was afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis.

He married, first, Betty Turner in 1974. Born in Veyay, Ind. Children:

i. Jennifer Lynn[8]. Born 26 Jun 1975 in Indiana. In 2007 she lived in Clairmont, Colo.

ii. Nicole Jean (called Jeanie). Born 7 Aug 1976 in Morrow, Ohio. Died 9 Aug 1979 in Morrow after being killed by a car.

He married, second, Patty Kaylor. Born 12 May 1954 in Fairfield, Ohio. Children:

iii. Samantha Lynn. Born 20 Nov 1998. In 2007 she lived in Fairfield, Ohio.

He married, third, Ramona Unknown. They divorced ca. 2006 in Ohio.

57.ii.i.x.ii. Gary Donavon[7] Curran (Helen Betty[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Jan 1956 in Richmond, Ind. In 2007 he lived in Mountain Grove, Mo, where he owned a general contracting business with his son Donnie as partner. Previously he and his family lived in Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and Florida. He worked in construction, factories, and as an insurance adjuster. His interests included sports and outdoor activities, auto racing, child advocacy and social work.

He married Cleo Georgia Eaton, daughter of Louis Eaton and Sarah Mason, 31 Aug 1974 in Williamsburg, Ky. Born 13 Jul 1959 in Rockholds, Knox Co., Ky. She worked in the restaurant industry, was a factory employee, was office manager for a family business in Florida, and did decorating and painting in the construction industry. Her interests included auto racing, child advocacy, reading and writing. Children:

57.ii.i.x.ii. i. Carl Donavon[8] (called Donnie). Born 15 Dec 1975 in Lawrenceburg, Dearborn Co., Ind.

57.ii.i.x.ii. ii. Cynthia Dawn. Born 6 Apr 1982 in Lawrenceburg.

57.ii.i.x.iii. David Eugene[7] Curran (Helen Betty[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Feb 1962 in Madison, Ind. In 2008 he lived in Mountain Grove, Wright Co., Mo., where he had a construction business. Previously he worked as a truck driver and insurance adjuster. His interests including farming, anything mechanical, and outdoor activities. He gave one of his kidneys to his wife Wendy.

He married Wendy Mae Cleaver, daughter of George Cleaver and Patricia Briant, 25 Jul 1992 in Hudson, Fla. Born 11 May 1965 in Port Huron, Mich. She brought three sons to the marriage, Thomas Bosse, b. 6 May 1978 in Tampa, Fla., Blake Bosse, b. Apr 1982 in Tampa, and John, b. Oct 1984 in Tampa, whom David treated as his own.) Her interests included reading and spending time with her family. Children (of David and Wendy):

i. Tiffany Nicole[8]. Born 11 Feb 1993 in Clearwater, Fla. She competed in a pre-teen rodeo in 2005 and 2006, placing second in 2005 and first in 2006. She loved horses and had two in 2007.

57.ii.i.x.iv. Rodney Alan[7] Curran (Helen Betty[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Aug 1966 in Madison, Ind. In 2007 he lived in Oxford, Ohio, where he was in the construction business. His interests included small engine repair, tinkering with mechanical things, computers and video games, collecting, and outdoor activities.

He married Lorie B. Bowling 25 Jun 1995. Born 1 Dec 1972 in Oxford, Ohio. In 2007 she was employed in health care. Her interests included nursing, animals, photography, collecting movies, and family. Children:

i. Austin Ray[8]. Stillborn 31 Aug 2005 in Oxford, Butler Co., Ohio.

57.ii.i.xi.ii. Linda Kay[7] Duke (Arlene Joyce[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 May 1958 in Indiana. She took a B.S. in Nursing from Evansville [Ind.] University and a master of science from Indiana University. In 2007 she was an associate professor of nursing.

Unknown newspaper, unknown date: Linda Key Duke and Mark Allan Connery were married at 2:30 p.m. Sat., Aug. 23 in the United Church of Christ at Boston. The Rev. Laurence Schmitter performed the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duke, 2411 Pleasant View Road. The bridegroom is

the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Carey, 248 S. Eighth St. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a traditional gown of organza and vnise lace, featuring a keyhole neckline and long sheer sleeves. The slim skirt, trimmed in lace motifs and attached to an empire waist, fell into a chapel-length train. The two-tier, impirted, illusion veil was attached to a cap of lace and pearls. Matron of honor was Melissa Moles of Liberty, cousin of the bride. Bridesmaid was Kathleen Knapp of Indianapolis. They wore apricot color gowns. Michael Peel was best man and Rick Moore was groomsman. Ushers were Richard Duke, brother of the bride, and Kennedy Walker, cousin of the bride. A reception for 100 guests was held in the church social rooms. The rehearsal dinner, hosted by the bridegroom, was held at Miller’s Cafeteria. After a wedding trip to Mackinac Island, Mich., the couple are residing at 955 S. 23rd St.

She married, first, Mark Allan Connery, Aug 23 unknown year in Boston, Ind. Born 1957 in Richmond, Ind.

She married, second, Keith Fluharty, son of Ray Fluharty and Elsie Growdee, 10 May 1986. Born 10 Nov 1957. Children:

57.ii.i.xi.ii. i. Nathaniel[8]. Born 29 Dec 1987 in Indianapolis, Ind.

ii. Andrew. Born 27 Dec 1988 in Indianapolis.

iii. Joseph. Born 24 Mar 1990 in Indianapolis.

She married, second, Mark Allen Connery, son of Al Connery and Unknown, 23 Aug unknown year in Boston, Ind. The cememony was performed by the Rev. Laurence Schmittler at the United Church of Christ.

57.ii.i.xiii.i. Gregory Dale[7] Thomas (Barbara Jean[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Mar 1958 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., Ind. A construction worker, he enjoyed hunting, fishing, and golf.

He married Helen Unknown. Children:

i. Britton[8]. Born 2 Jul 1987.

57.ii.i.xiii.ii. Rick Duane[7] Thomas (Barbara Jean[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Jan 1959 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., Ind. Died of cancer 11 Jul 2009 in Indianapolis, Ind. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, walking, and golf.

Paladium-Item, Indianapolis, Ind., 13 Jul 2009: Rick D. Thomas lost his battle with cancer on July 11, 2009. During his long fight against this disease, he remained the same caring Rick that his family and friends knew him to be. His mental and emotional strength prevailed, trying to beat the cancer to the bitter end. Rick was born in Shelbyville, Ind., on January 27, 1959 to Barbara Curran and Willis Thomas, who both survive him. He graduated from Greenfield High School and currently lived in Indianapolis. In 1995, Rick co-founded Circle City Millwork and Supply in Indianapolis and served as its president. His selfless nature was evident, always putting others first. He found joy in happy times with his family. Rick was known as a positive thinker and fun-loving fisherman who dedicated himself to his family and business. Memorial services will be held Thurs., July 16 at 6 p.m. at Shirley Brothers Washington Memorial Chapel, 9606 E. Washington St. with visitation from 4 p.m. until time of service. His wife of 29 years, Debbie (Cline) Thomas, survives him along with their three children, Stephanie Thomas, Jackie Thomas (Rob McNeal), and Erick Thomas. Other survivors include grandsons, Daeon and Evan; brothers, Greg, Steve, Doug and Anthony Thomas; sister Amber Thomas; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Clifford and Sara Cline; sister-in-law Margie Buffington (Mark); brother-in-law, Daniel Cline (Janice). Donations may be made to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Indiana, 6325 Digital Way, Ste. 150, Indianapolis, IN 46278-1697.

He married Deborah Ann Cline, daughter of Unknown Cline and Sarah Unknown, ca. 1980. Born 14 Dec 1962. A nurse, she liked shopping and cats. Her mother was born in Mexico. Children:

57.ii.i.xiii.ii. i. Stephanie Nichole[8] (called Steph). Born 28 Apr 1984 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.i.xiii.ii. ii. Jacquelyn Elise (called Jackie). Born 6 Jan 1986 in Richmond.

iii. Erick Michael. Born 9 Feb 1988 in Richmond.

57.ii.i.xiii.iv. Willis Douglas[7] Thomas (called Doug) (Barbara Jean[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Feb 1963 in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., Ind. In 2008 he was in the insurance business and enjoyed golf, fishing, and tying fishing flies.

He married, first, Kim Bennett, daughter of Pete Bennett. Children:

i. Brooks Benjamin[8]. Born 26 Jan 1987 in Indiana.

ii. Kara Jean. Born 17 Jun 1988 in Indiana.

iii. Kaitlyn Grace (called Katie). Born 30 Apr 1993 in Indiana.

He married, second, Penny Sue Waters, daughter of Pete Waters and Unknown, 15 May 1999 in Indiana. They divorced in 2005. Born 24 May 1973. Children:

iv. Zach Keegan[6]. Born 20 Dec 2000.

v. Ty Alexander. Born 16 Jan 2004.

57.ii.i.xiv.i. Melissa Ann[7] Walker (Janice Ann[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 May 1961 in Richmond, Ind. She took an associate’s degree as a radiological technician from Reed Hospital, Richmond, Ind. In 2004 she lived in Ohio. In 2007 she lived in Liberty, Ind.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 1980: Melissa Walker—Jeffrey Moles

Melissa Ann Walker and Jeffrey Wayne Moles were married at 2:30 p.m., Sun., July 20 in the Bath United Methodist Church. The Rev. Samuel Divine performed the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Janice Lee of Middletown, Ohio, and Dale Walker of Liberty. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney H. Miles of Liberty. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore a sleeveless knit gown, fashioned with a Queen Anne neckline with venise lace trim. The sunburst pleated skirt was attached to an empire waist and ended in a chapel-length train. She wore a matching picture hat trimmed in lace and a white satin ribbon.

Linda Duke, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Debbie Moles, sister of the bridegroom, and Tina Kunkel. Flowergirls were Tera Moles, niece of the bridegroom, and Aimee Tordoroff, cousin of the bride. Randy Webb, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. Groomsmen and ushers were Steve Wollyung and Kenny Walker, brother of the bride. Ringbearer was Thad Tordoroff, cousin of the bride. A reception for 200 guests was held in the church social hall. After a wedding trip to Kings Island, the couple are residing at [Rural Route] 3, Liberty.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 5 Oct 2006: Fire Fighters complete Boot Drive to help local MDA patients, photo by Vivian Risch, cutline, “These members of the Liberty Fire Department took up their posts over the recent Labor Day weekend to collect funds to help others. The result was a $4,316 check sent to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Pictured…are…Brad Adams, Jeff Moles” The photo also appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 2008. Brad[7] Adams was the son of Eugene and Ruth[6] (Hoke) Adams; Jeff Moles was the husband of Melissa Ann[7] (Walker) Moles. Brad’s grandmother was a sister to Melissa’s grandfather.

She married Jeffery Wayne Jeff Moles (called Jeff), son of Barney H. Moles and Vivian K. Aspley, 20 Jul 1980 in Bath, Ind. Born 23 May 1960. In 2008 he was a truck driver and member of the Richmond Volunteer Fire Department. Children:

i. Jared Wayne[8]. Born 3 Nov 1982 in Richmond, Ind. He married Samantha Jane Huber 17 Mar 2007 in College Corner, Ind. Born 17 Oct 1980. He took a B.A. in Business Administration in 2005 from Indiana University East, Richmond, Ind. In 2007 he lived in Indianapolis, Ind.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, unknown date, with photograph, cutline “8th grade boys beat Connersville; UCMs 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team; front row (left to right)— Coach Bill Webb, Rusty Hughes, Aaron Bluckland, Billy Gibbs, Eric Woodruff. Middle row—Aaron Jarvis, Corey Woolung, Andy Kaucher, Kyle Rosenberger. Back row—Alex Kinzler, Jared Miles, Kyle Gillman, Eric Kaufman.”

Union County’s 8th grade boys basketball team had a fun time last week, beating Connersville, 26-17. “I was happy with the win and the kids enjoy beating Connersville,” UC Coach Bill Webb said.

The low scoring game found US having a good night on defense, but struggling on offense with turnovers. “We controlled the boards, but our turnovers were high,” Webb said. UC scoring—Buckland 2, Hughes 5, Wollyung 4, Rosenberger 2, Gillman 2, Woodruff 3, Kinzler 4, Moles 4.

UC beat St. Michaels too. A trip to Brookville last week provided UC’s 8th grade Pats swamped the Trojans, 55-29. The lopsided victory was a pleasing experience for the US coach. “We did a much better job of taking care of the basketball—only nine turnovers,” Coach Bill Webb said. Kyle Rosenberger and Kyle Gillman topped UC’s scoring chart with 10 points apiece. Other UC scoring—Jarvis 7, Hughes 6, Moles 6, Woodruff 7, Kaufman 1, Woolyung 6, Gibbs 2.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 4 Oct 2007 (with photograph): Huber-Moles united in marriage

Samantha Jane Huber, daughter of Kristi Huber of Liberty and John and Barbara Huber of Valparaiso, Ind., was united in marriage to Jared Wayne Moles, son of Jeff and Melissa Moles of Liberty. The couple were married at the First United Presbyterian Church of College Corner, Ohio, Mar. 17, 2007, with Pastor Jason Bantz officiating. The bride was given in the double ring ceremony by her parents.

Mandi Singer was vocalist, with Treva Boardman pianist. The guest register was taken care of by Kirsten Fleming, cousin of the bridegroom. Maid of Honor was Katie Gross, sister of the bride; Jamie Pittsford, cousin of the bride, and Miranda Jordan, sister of the bridegroom, were the bridesmaids. Flower girl was Kylie Walker, cousin of the bridegroom.

The bridegroom had for his best man, his friend, Andrew Murray. Groomsmen were Alex Kinzer, friend of the bridegroom, Aaron Jarvis, friend of the bridegroom, Andrew Jordan, brother-in-law of the bridegroom. Ring bearer was Dylan Gaskill, cousin of the bride. Ushers were Allen Gross, brother-in-law of the bride, and Eric Woodruff, friend of the bridegroom.

A reception was held at the Fourth Floor Blues Club, in Richmond, following the wedding ceremony.

ii. Miranda Ann. Born 19 Jun 1984 in Indiana. She took a B.S. in Nursing from Indiana University East, Richmond, Ind., in 2005. In 2005 she was a registered nurse living in Liberty, Ind. She married Andrew Douglas Jordan 15 Jul 2006 in Oxford, Butler Co., Ohio. Born 20 Oct 1976. He took a degree from Indiana University East in 2004 and was employed by Earlham College.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, unknown date: Moles-Jordan

Jeffrey and Melissa Moles of Liberty announce the engagement of their daughter, Miranda Moles to Andrew Jordan, son of Douglas and Marilyn Jordan of Oxford, Ohio. The bride-to-be is a 2002 graduate of Union County High School, plans to earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Indiana University East in 2007. She is employed at Reid Hospital.

The prospective bridegroom, a 1995 graduate of Union County High School, earned an associate’s degree in conservation law from Vincennes [Ind.] University in 1997 and a bachelor’s degree in general studies from Indiana University in 2004. He is employed at Earlham College.

The couple has set a wedding date of July 15, 2006 to be held in Oxford, Ohio.

57.ii.i.xiv.ii. Kenneth Dale[7] Walker (called Kenny) (Janice Ann[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Apr 1964 in Richmond, Ind. In 2004 he lived in Ohio. In 2007 he was an agent for Progressive Insurance Co., and lived in Irmo, S.C.

He married Jennifer Haney 1 Apr 1991. Born 16 Nov 1964. Children:

i. Keaton James[8]. Born 13 Sep 1993 in South Bend, Ind.

ii. Kellen Jacob. Born 17 Feb 1997 in South Bend.

iii. Kylie Kay. Born 11 Dec 1998 in South Bend.

57.ii.i.xvi.i. Gailene Rosita[7] Honaker (called Gail) (Raymond Lamont[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Jul 1952 in Richmond, Ind. In 2008 she was a head cook at The Waters, a convalescent home in Huntingburg, Ind., was caregiver to her mother and mother-in-law, and lived with her family on a farm in Birdseye, Dubois Co., Ind.

She married, first, Martin Rasche (called Bud), son of Hibert Rasche and Mary Unknown, 1 Nov 1973 in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. They divorced 3 Mar 1973.

She married, second, Randall Keith Cooper, son of Obie Cooper and Delores Maxine Huffman, 15 Jun 1974 in Birdseye. Born 22 Feb 1954 in Huntingburg, Ind. He enlisted in the Army National Guard 12 Apr 1974 at Ft. Dix, N.J., and was discharged 9 Aug 1974. In 2008 he was a road worker for Dubois Co., Ind., and a farmer. He plays guitar and sings. With his son Chris on guitar and trombone, his nephew O.J. on guitar, his niece Victoria Honaker on guitar and vocals, the family entertains at church and other gatherings. Randy and his family enjoy horseback riding. He is diabetic. Children:

i. Joshua Keith[8] [adopted]. Born 2 May 1981. He graduated from Forest Park High School, Ferdinand, Ind., in 1998. He played several musical instruments. In 2004 he was a factory worker; in 2008 was a construction worker. He rode and trained horses, enjoyed camping and hunting, and playing pool.

57.ii.i.xvi.i. ii. Christopher Lee (called Chris and Coop). Born 1 Dec 1987 in Jasper, Ind.

iii. Darlene Michelle. Born 6 May 1991 in Jasper. In 2008 she was attending Forest Park High School, Ferdinand, Ind., played several instruments and sang, enjoyed riding horses and drawing. She hoped to become a veterinarian, caring for and working with abused horses. In 2009, in addition to high school, she had a job working with her mother at The Waters of Huntingburg convalescent home.

As a child, she wrote the following:

“I have a pony named Flicka, a female and her birthday is Apr. 18, 2003. Her mom is named Midnight, she has a black mane and she is just pure black, mean, stubborn, and she is just a brat. Then I have a grandma named Wanda, Bernadine and Delores. Then I have a grandpa his name is Raymond. I had more grandpas but most of them died. Obie he was 82 when he died grandpa Elba died when he was 81. We all had to get over it but I don’t think grandma Bernadine did yet. Actually I think none of us did because we all loved them very very very much and I don’t think none of us will ever get over it!

“Then there is my baby, my dog, Friskie. My mom got her for me when I was little and ever since shes been my little baby and never looses sight of me until I go some where. Her birthday is May 18 2000 and I use to dress her up so much In now she loves to play dress up. Right now I wonder if she is 100 [percent] stubborn?”

57.ii.i.xvi.ii. Daniel Raymond[7] Honaker (called Danny) (Raymond Lamont[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 May 1953 in Hamilton, Ohio. He served in the U.S. Army. In 2004 he lived in Birdseye, Ind., was a furniture factory sander and enjoyed fishing, hunting, and watching horror movies on television.

He married, first, Cindy Williams, daughter of Kelly Williams and Wilma Unknown, 1973 in Laurel, Ind. Born ca. 1950. Children:

57.ii.i.xvi.ii. i. Daniel Raymond[8] Jr. Born 13 Apr 1973 in Connersville, Ind.

He married, second, JoAnn Sparks in Indiana. Born ca. 1955.

57.ii.i.xvi.iii. Darlene Elizabeth[7] Honaker (Raymond Lamont[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Jun 1955 in Brownsville, Ind. In 2008 she was manager of the cafeteria at Liberty [Ind.] Elementary School, enjoyed caring for plants, bicycle riding, crafts, animals, and mowing the local cemetery.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 17 Jan 2008 (with photograph): Kaufmans celebrate 30 years of marriage

Jim and Darlene Kaufman of Brownsville will mark their 30th anniversary. Jim and the former Darlene Honaker were married on Jan. 21, 1978 at the Brownsville United Methodist Church, by Rev. Jeffrey Trees. Jim is employed as an engineer at Stant Manufacturing. Darlene is employed at the Liberty Elementary School as the cafeteria manager. They are the parents of two sons, Eric of Indianapolis, Ind. and Sam of Bloomington, Ind.

She married, first, Jim Sanders before 1978 in Connersville, Ind.

She married, second, James Eric Kaufman (called Jim), son of Glen Gordon Kaufman (called Bud; the middle name was in honor of Dr. Stanley Gordon who delivered him—Darlene’s cousin Stanley Golden[6] Honaker also was named for the doctor, who delivered him also) and Barbara Jean Snyder, 21 Jan 1978 in Brownsville, Ind. Born 21 Mar 1950 in Connersville. In 2009 he was factory supervisor for Stants, Connersville, maker of thermostats, radiator and filler caps, and similar items for the automotive industry.

He enjoyed bicycle riding and woodworking, was a Mason, and was a member of the board of Christian Union Cemetery.


i. Eric Kevin[8]. Born 10 Nov 1982 in Richmond, Ind. He took a degree from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 2007. He was employed as a restaurant inspector, enjoyed

fishing and boating, loved animals, and was a Mason. He married Janelle Canaday, daughter of Bonnie Unknown, whose second husband was Unknown Canaday, 26 Nov 2009 in Brownsville, Fayette Co., Ind.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, unknown date, with photograph, cutline “8th grade boys beat Connersville; UCMs 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team; front row (left to right)— Coach Bill Webb, Rusty Hughes, Aaron Bluckland, Billy Gibbs, Eric Woodruff. Middle row—Aaron Jarvis, Corey Woolung, Andy Kaucher, Kyle Rosenberger. Back row—Alex Kinzler, Jared Moles, Kyle Gillman, Eric Kaufman.”

Union County’s 8th grade boys basketball team had a fun time last week, beating Connersville, 26-17. “I was happy with the win and the kids enjoy beating Connersville,” UC Coach Bill Webb said.

The low scoring game found US having a good night on defense, but struggling on offense with turnovers. “We controlled the boards, but our turnovers were high,” Webb said. UC scoring—Buckland 2, Hughes 5, Wollyung 4, Rosenberger 2, Gillman 2, Woodruff 3, Kinzler 4, Moles 4.

UC beat St. Michaels too. A trip to Brookville last week provided UC’s 8th grade Pats swamped the Trojans, 55-29. The lopsided victory was a pleasing experience for the US coach. “We did a much better job of taking care of the basketball—only nine turnovers,” Coach Bill Webb said. Kyle Rosenberger and Kyle Gillman topped UC’s scoring chart with 10 points apiece. Other UC scoring—Jarvis 7, Hughes 6, Moles 6, Woodruff 7, Kaufman 1, Woolyung 6, Gibbs 2.

ii. Samuel James (called Sam). Born 29 Mar 1984 in Connersville, Ind. He graduated from Union High School, Liberty, Ind., in 2002, and in 2007 took a bachelor’s degree in Studio Art with a concentration in Visual Communication, and a minor in Art History from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 2007. He became a graphics designer in Bloomington, Ind., and enjoyed fishing and boating.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, unknown day and month, 2002: Union County High School Senior paints school mural—Desire meets duty; Art at work—Student puts talent to use to fulfill community service requirement, by Pam Tharp, correspondent

Liberty, Ind.—Deputy school treasurer Grace Atkins wanted a mural in her new office in the Red Brick Building. Senior Sam Kaufman needed 40 hours of communithy service to fulfill Union County High School’s graduation requirement. Desire met duty on the 22-ft. wall above the bookcases in Atkins’ office, producing a mural that when finished will show seven school entrances, both present and past.

The design includes the entrances of Liberty Elementary School, the College Corner School, the Red Brick Building, Union County High School and Middle School, the administration building sign and the front doorway of the demolished Short High School.

“It was a bit overwhelming at first because it’s so big,” Kaufman said of the mural. “I’d come in and look at the wall and then go home. My art teacher helped a lot , encouraging me to take it little by little.” It was high school art teacher Amelia Brier who thought of Kaufman when Atkins asked for a mural.

“I knew Sam would be perfect. He’s an excellent artist. This would be a new experience on a larger surface and it would challenge him. You can’t get far enough away from it while you’re on the ladder, so you have to get down off the wall all the time to look at it,” Brier said.

Kaufman starting painting only a year ago but has been drawing since kindergarten, when he won $10 in the “Just say No” poster contest with a picture of a ninja turtle. He plans to pursue a career in illustration or graphic design. Photos of the mural will be valuable addition to his portfolio as he appplies to art schools, Brier said.

The Class of 2002 is the third Union County graduating class that must fulfill the 40-hour community service requirement. Only one student has failed to graduate because of the requirement, principal Connie Rosenberger said. The service requirement was added so students would become involved in their community, Rosenberger said. There was grumbling at first, but now students seem to accept it, she said.

“In a small community it’s important to learn the value of community service, so when you graduate you already know how to give back. It becomes natural,” Rosenberger said.

Kaufman has more than enough hours now to fulfill the requirement, about 60 hours so far since July. The mural must be completed by November, when the trimester and Kaufman’s schedule changes, he said. He paints in the school corporation treasurer’s office each morning during first period.

“Sam’s doing a good job,” Atkins said. “I wanted something up there to give it color. He’s a lot of fun to have in here.”

iii. Unknown. Stillborn in Indiana.

57.ii.i.xvi.v. Paul Lamont[7] Honaker (Raymond Lamont[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Nov 1959 in Connorsville, Ind. He graduated from Forest Park High School, Ferdinand, Ind. In 2008 he was employed by Jarco Rubber, a recycling plant in Jasper, Ind.; lived in Huntingburg, Ind., enjoyed fishing and taking his daughter Victoria hunting. In 2007 he and his daughter Victoria were awarded their high school equivalency diplomas.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 17 May 1984 (with photograph): Coomer, Honaker wedding—

An April 14 ceremony in the Pentecostal Church of God at Huntingburg united in marriage Pamela K. Coomer and Paul L. Honaker, both of Huntingburg. Candelabra, ferns, ivy and bow pew markers decorated the church as the couple exchanged vows before the Rev. Keith Howard. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie W. Coomer of Rt. 3, Huntingburg. Mr. Honaker’s parents are Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Honaker of Rt. 1, Loogootee, and Mr. & Mrs. Elba Choate. Doug Nordhoff was organist for the double ring ceremony. He accompanied Kay Farris as she sang “Through the Eyes of Love,” “You Needed Me,” “There is Love,” and “Lord’s Prayer.” Rice was given out by Jamie Rickenbaugh.

Mr. Coomer gave his daughter in marriage. The bride wore a gown of white chiffon. The Victorian neckline was enhanced by a Schiffli lace yoke and satin ribbon on Chantilly lace ruffles. The bishop sleeves and waist were accented by silk venise lace. The crescent waistline released a skirt accented with satin bows and extending to a full chapel train with Chantilly lace and satin ribbon ruffles. A matching picture hat of Schiffli lace was pulled up at the side by flowers and held a fingertip veil. The bride carried a teardrop bouquet of burgundy and pink wildflowers.

Maid of honor was Debbie Gentry, Evansville, a friend of the bride. Best man was James Honaker, Rt. 2, Birdseye, the bridegroom’s father. Ushers were Ronald Coomer, Huntingburg, brother of the bride, and Randy Gibbson, Loogootee, cousin of the bridegroom. Flower girl and ring bearer were Miranda Coomer, Huntingburg, niece of the bride, and Danny Ray Honaker, Loogootee, nephew of the bridegroom. The maid of honor and flower girl were attired in gowns trimmed with reembroidered lace, point de esprite yokes and shirred bodices. The raglan sleeves had lace inserts and ruffled cuffs. The attendants wore headbands of burgundy and pink flowers and carried round bouquets of similar wildflowers. Mrs. Coomer chose a royal blue lace gown with a vee neckline and pleated, full-length skirt.

A reception was held at the American Legion Home in Ferdinand, with Lois Ludwig, aunt of the bride, at the guest register. The couple is residing at 217 S. Geiger St., Huntingburg. The bride is employed at Touch of Class. She attended Southridge High School. Mr. Honaker attended the Connersville schools and is employed at Styleline Plant 3.

He married Pamela K. Coomer, daughter of Lonnie W. Coomer and Juanita Tedrow, 14 Apr 1984 in Huntingburg, Ind. Born 1959. She graduated from South Ridge High School, Huntingburg, Ind. In 2004 she was an office worker.

i. Victoria[8]. Born 23 Feb 1989 in Huntingburg, Ind. She has traveled many places hunting with her father. In 2004 she enjoyed horseback riding and playing guitar and singing with her Uncle Randy Cooper and his family. In 2007 she and her father obtained their general equivalency high school diplomas. In 2008 she was employed by Jarco Rubber, Jasper, Ind.

57.ii.iii.i.i. Cecil A.[7] Bostic (called Sonny) (Cecil W.[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Jan 1939. Died 17 Oct 1993 in Rainelle, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Samuel E.[8]

57.ii.iii.ii.i. Geraldine Faye[7] Burns (Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Aug 1935 in Snowflake, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Lester Junior Terry 10 Oct 1953 in Alderson, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 30 Apr 1934 in West Virginia. Children:

57.ii.iii.ii.i. i. Lester Allen[8] (called Butch). Born 24 Feb 1955 in West Virginia.

ii. Christine Virginia. Born 20 Jul 1957 in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. She married Charles Robert Sims 3 Sep 1977 in Ft. Springs. Born 1 Oct 1947 in Blue Sulphur, Greenbrier County.

57.ii.iii.ii.iii. Marlene Elizabeth[7] Burns (Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Apr 1939. In 2007 she lived in Kearnsville, Jefferson Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Tommy Forest Wilson, son of Thomas Wilson and Carrie Ratliff. Born 8 Jan 1935 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. Died 2 Jun 1984 in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

57.ii.iii.ii.iii. i. Debra Lynn[8]. Born 25 Oct 1956 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

57.ii.iii.ii.iii. ii. Tammy Faye. Born 12 Apr 1959 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii.ii.iii. iii. Tommy Roger. Born 22 Oct 1963.

She married, second, Unknown Pitsenbarger.

57.ii.iii.ii.iv. Patsy Grace[7] Burns (Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Dec 1941 in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Lloyd Alton Carter. Born 3 Jun 1933 in Frazier, Greenbrier County. Children:

57.ii.iii.ii.iv. i. Patsy Grace[8] (called Penny). Born 7 Aug 1963 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

57.ii.iii.ii.iv. ii. Paula Gayle. Born Sep 1964 in Ronceverte.

She married, second, Hershel Thompson. Born 1935 in West Virginia. Children:

57.ii.iii.ii.iv. iii. Peggy Leigh. Born 22 Jul 1975.

57.ii.iii.iii.i. Carol Ann[7] Bostic (called Annie) (Faye Ethel[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Oct 1957 in West Virginia.

She married David Holt. Born in Alderson, W.Va. He was reportedly on trial for murder in 2002. Children:

i. Unknown[8].

57.ii.iii.iii.ii. Joyce Virginia[7] Bostic (Faye Ethel[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Apr 1943 in Fort Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Died of cancer 17 May 2002 at home in Alderson, Greenbrier County. Buried in Fletcher Addition, Alderson [W.Va.] Cemetery. A funeral home card said that services were Tue., May 21, 2002 at 2 p.m. at Longanacre Funeral Home, Ft. Spring, W.Va., officiated by Randolph “Joe” Baker.

Mountain Messenger, Lewisburg, W.Va., 31 May 2004. Joyce Virginia Bostic, 59, passed away on Fri., May 17, 2002 at home after a short illness. Born Apr. 4, 1943 at Fort Springs, she was the daughter of the late James Owen and Faye Ethel Bostic Arbaugh. Mrs. Bostic had been a resident of Alderson for 33 years, was of the Baptist faith and was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, John David Bostic, Sr.; a brother, Owen J. Arbaugh; and grandparents Sam and Roxie Bostic and Alexander “Zack” and Bertha Arbaugh. Survivors include: daughter, Judy L. Whitt and husband James of Alderson; son, John David Bostic, Jr. and wife Teresa of Muddy Creek Mountain; three sisters, Carol Holt and husband David of Alderson, Jancie McCarty and Lee of Muddy Creek Mountain, Sharon Weikle and husband Gary of Ronceverte; three brothers, Dale Arbaugh of Ronceverte, John Phillips and wife, Debra of Rainelle, and Samuel Phillips of Alderson; and four grandchildren, John D. Bostic, III, Thomas G. Bostic and Jack R. Bostic. Services will be held May 21 at Longanacre Funeral Home, Fort Springs, Randolph “Joe” Baker officiating. Burial in Fletcher Addition, Alderson Cemetery, Alderson. Grandsons and

nephews served as pallbearers.

She married John David Bostic (called Jack), relationship not reported. Born 10 Feb 1942. Died of cardiac arrest 1 Oct 1997 in Pineville, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Buried in Fletcher Addition, Alderson Cemetery. He was a U.S. Army veteran.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 1 Nov 2003: Alderson—John David Bostic Sr., 55, of Alderson died Oct. 1, 1997 in Pineville after a short illness. He was an employee of the Gold Rush Mine, owner of B&B Drilling, a member of the Greenbrier Big Game Club and Taylor Run Hunting Club and was a Baptist. Surviving: wife, Joyce Bostic; son John D., Jr. of Alderson; daughter Judy Lynn Bostic of Alderson; sisters, Patricia Henson of Asbury, Florence Jones of Alderson; brother Donald of Ronceverte; two grandchildren. Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Longanacre Funeral, Fairlea. Burial will be at Fletcher Cemetery, Alderson. Friends may call from 6–9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Children:

57.ii.iii.iii.ii. i. Judy Lynn[8]. Born 1967.

57.ii.iii.iii.ii. ii. John David, Jr. Born 1973.

57.ii.iii.iii.vii. Jerry D.[7] Bostic (Faye Ethel[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 20 Sep 1948 in West Virginia.

He married Julie K. Unknown. Born 1 Feb 1950. Children:

i. Julie K.[8] Born 7 Nov 1982

57.ii.iii.iv.i. Ilena G.[7] Cadle (Pearl Elizabeth[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). In 2007 she lived in Bear, New Castle Co., Del.

She married James Hammonds. Born in Bear, Del. Children:

i. Jimmy D.[8]

57.ii.iv.i.i. JoAnn L.[7] Long (Virginia Bell[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Frank Swisher. Children:

i. Jessica Ann[8].

ii. Evans.

57.ii.iv.i.ii. Gary Evans[7] Long (Virginia Bell[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Feb 1949 in Staunton, Va. Died 12 Jun 2006 in Charlottesville, Va. Buried in Augusta Memorial Park, Staunton.

Daily News Leader, Staunton, 13 Jun 2006: Gary Evans Long, of 12 Baldin Drive, died Mon., July 12, 2006 at the University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville. He was born Feb. 10, 1949 at Staunton to Evans and Virginia Bell Long. He had been employed by Coors of Shenandoah as a dispatcher. He was preceded in death by his parents. Survivors inclue his wife, Karen (Kincheloe) Long; a son, Zachary Evans Long; and a sister, JoAnn L. Swisher of Staunton. A service will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Christ Methodist Church. Burial will follow in Augusta Memorial Park. An evening Masonic Memorial Service by Staunton Lodge No. 13, A.F.&A.M. will be at 6:45 p.m. tonight at Henry Funeral Home. Visitation will follow the service from 7 to 9 p.m. and other times at the residence.

He married Karen K. Kincheloe. Children:

i. Zachary Evans[8].

57.ii.iv.i.iii. Jessica Ann[7] Long (Virginia Bell[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Unknown Swisher. Children:

i. Unknown[8].

57.ii.iv.ii.i. Larry Lee[7] West (Margaret McNeel[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Jun 1948 in Newport News, Va.

He married Susan DeWaal, daughter of John Jacob DeWaal and Jane Gerecke, 1 Aug 1970 in Linthicum Heights Methodist Church, Linthicum, Md. Born 16 Oct 1948 in Teaneck, N.J. Children:

57.ii.iv.ii.i. i. Jennifer Alison[8]. Born 12 Jun 1970 at Ft. Lee, Va.

ii. Bradford Lee. Born 13 Jul 1976 in Scranton, Pa. In 2009 he was a medical doctor.

57.ii.iv.ii.ii. Wayne Andrew[7] West (Margaret McNeel[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Jul 1954 in Newport News, Va. In 2002 he was a genealogical hobbyist living in Richmond, Va.

He married Deborah Jane Bernard, daughter of William Franklin Bernard and Alice Mae Giles, 24 Oct 1978 in Bon Air [Va.] Christian Church. Born 26 Oct 1952 in Martinsville, Va. Children:

i. Shane Patrick[8]. Born 10 Aug 1979 in Richmond, Va.

ii. Colin Lee. Born 3 Jun 1984 in Richmond.

57.ii.iv.ii.iii. Darlene Virginia[7] West (Margaret McNeel[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Sep 1956 in Newport News, Va..

She married Jeffrey Michael Elliott, son of Julian Rivers Elliott and Billie Rae Breckenridge, 17 Jun 1978 in Bon Air [Va.] Methodist Church. Born 30 May 1956 in Newport News. Children:

i. Meredith Anne[8]. Born 10 Dec 1986 in Columbia, S.C.

ii. Brooke Elizabeth. Born 19 May 1989 in Columbia.

57.ii.iv.iii.i. Elizabeth[7] Faulknier (Bernard Andrew[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Ned Fischer. Children:

i. Neal[8].

ii. Scott.

iii. Kristen.

57.ii.iv.iii.iii. Linda Sue[7] Faulknier (Bernard Andrew[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Unknown Christian. Children:

i. Ricky[8].

57.ii.v.v.v. Karen Mae[7] Honaker (Lacy Rowan[6], Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). In 2016 she lived in Spotsylvania, Spotsylvania Co., Va.

She married, first, Clarence Alan Gunnoe. Children:

i. Lacy J.A.[8]

Hinton [W.Va.] News, 3 Aug 2007 (with 2-col. photograph, cutline Sagen Wollery and Capt. Lacy Gunnoe: Engagement Announced—Capt. Lacy J.A. Gunnoe, and

Miss Sagen Ann Woolery were engaged to be married. The proposal took place at Faith Baptist Church, Pence Springs on July 1. A surprise engagement party was given at the home of Liz and Red Honaker, grandparents of Captain Gunnoe. Many family members and close friends gathered to celebrate this special occasion.

Captain Gunnoe is a 2001 graduate of West Virginia University with a degree in marketing and is currently a U.S. Air Force instructor pilot for the “T-37” at Columbus Air Force Base in Columbus, Miss. Miss Woolery is a pre-veterinary student at Mississippi University for Women. Miss Wollery is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Woolery of Warner Robins, Ga., and sister of Mrs. Vanessa Osting of Tampa, Fla.

Captain Gunnoe is the son of Karen G. and John F. Pinter of Spotsylvania, Va., and Clarence Alan Gunnoe of Marie; he is a brother of Miss Haylee RaeAnn Gunnoe of Spotsylvania, Va. The couple now resides in Columbus, Miss. They are currently

planning a July 2008 wedding ceremony.

ii. Haylee RaeAnn.

She married, second, John F. Pinter.

57.ii.v.ix.i. Richard Lee[7] Honaker (called Ricky) (Raymond Lee Roy[6], Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Apr 1963 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. He graduated from Princeton High School in Jun 1981 and took a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery, W.Va., in 1986. In 1992 he began working for the U.S. Department of Energy in Las Vegas, Nev., as a security engineer; in 2007 he was their emergency management program manager, living in Las Vegas. His interests in 2007 included his church, Centennial Hills Baptist Church in Las Vegas, for which he was music leader, senior high Sunday School class leader, president of the church board, and church treasurer. He also enjoyed major league baseball, professional football, college basketball and football, and professional NASCAR automotive racing. He and his wife and youngest daughters also enjoyed bowling and playing with their three dogs.

He married, first, Veronica Michelle Clements, daughter of Lewis Clements and Karen Diem Thomas, 15 Jan 1984 in Ft. Spring, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. (The biological daughter of “Bucky” Feamster, Veronica was adopted by Lewis Clements when she was six or seven years old.) They divorced 4 Jun 2002 in Las Vegas. Born 19 Mar 1965 in Clifton Forge, Va. She attended Greenbrier East High School, Fairlea, W.Va., later completing her studies with a General Equivalency Diploma. In 2007 she lived in Alderson, W.Va.

Monroe Watchman, Union, W.Va., 30 Jun 2005 (with photograph): Honaker-McGraw to Wed

Veronica Michelle Honaker and Jack Richard McGraw, together with their families, are happy to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding.

Veronica is the daughter of Karen Thomas of Indianapolis, Ind., and Lewis Clements of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Her maternal grandparents are the late Alfred and Nina Diem, and her paternal grandparents are Loua Clements of White Sulphur Springs and the late Luther Clements. Veronica attended Greenbrier East High School. She is employed as a specialized home care provider at Your Choice Home Care Services in Greenbrier County.

Jack is the son of Linda McGraw of Hinton and the late Richard McGraw. His maternal grandparents are Verna Voiers of Hinton and the late Hayward Ward, and his paternal grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs. A.H. McGraw. The couple plans an open church wedding at Little Wolf Creek Baptist Church, Buck, on Sat., Aug. 13, at 5 p.m., with a reception following at the church fellowship hall.

Children (of Ricky and Veronica): (In 2010 they lived in Las Vegas.)

i. Tina Lynn[8]. Born 22 Apr 1985 in Montgomery, W.Va. She graduated from Centennial High School, Las Vegas, Nev., in Jun 2003 and took a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas in 2008. In 2010 she was a Geographic Information Systems technician in the Comprehensive Planning Department of Clark Co., Nev.

She married Brian Michael Pierson, son of Michael Roy Beard and Sheila Joy Pierson, 26 Jun 2009 in Las Vegas. Born 27 Jan 1981 in Las Vegas. He graduated from Cheyenne High School, Las Vegas, in 1999. He took a B.S. in Criminal Justice, B.S. in Psychology, and B.S. in Biology with minors in chemistry and drug addiction treatment, from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. All three degrees were awarded in 2007. In 2010 he was in his third year of medical school.

ii. Stacy Dawn. Born 4 Apr 1991 in Woodbridge, Va.

iii. Melody Leigh. Born 10 Feb 1993 in Las Vegas, Nev.

He married, second, Virginia Kay Fox Davis (called Kay), daughter of Lawrence Ray Fox and Virginia Lee Dodd, 13 Feb 2003 in Las Vegas. Born 25 Jan 1965 in Oklahoma City, Okla. She was first married to Robert Jon Davis and brought two daughters to the marriage, Samantha Michelle Davis, b. 24 Nov 1985 in Las Vegas, and Brittany Lee Davis, b. 4 Aug 1987 in Las Vegas. Ricky and Kay had no children together.

57.ii.v.ix.ii. Barbara Annette[7] Honaker (Raymond Lee Roy[6], Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Dec 1964 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va. In 1994 she lived in Winterville, Pitt Co., N.C.

She married Rommel Filipe Chaaban 18 Aug 1984 in Princeton. Children:

i. Brittany Leandra[8].

ii. Miranda Paige.

iii. Kelsey Alexandra.

57.ii.v.ix.iii. Joseph Lacy[7] Honaker (Raymond Lee Roy[6], Lacy Raymond[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 Aug 1966 in Princeton, Mercer Co., W.Va.

He married Karyln Sue Howery 22 Jun 1985 in Princeton. Children:

i. Kristy Nichole[8].

ii. Jozette Brooke.

57.ii.vi.i.iii. James[7] Brown (Sylvia H.[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1950 in West Virginia.

He married Marsha Unknown. Children:

i. Catherine[8].

57.ii.vi.ii.v. Douglas Eugene[7] Nichols (Elsie Thelma[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Eva June McClung. Children:

i. Mary Susan[8].

ii. John Alexander. He married Deanna Lynn Nuckels.

iii. Anthony Douglas.

57.ii.vi.ii.xi. Roger Lee[7] Dixon (Elsie Thelma[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Oct 1950 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va., and lived in Union in 2006.

He married Shirley Unknown. Children:

i. Crystal D.[8] Born Nov 1973.

57.ii.vi.iii.iii. Steven Robert[7] Hoke (Robert James[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Nov 1957 in Richmond, Ind. He graduated from Union County High School in 1976, worked for Weisbrod Chevrolet for a short while, then joined his father and brother in the farming business. He lived at Hoke’s Twin Creek Farm, U.S. Rt. 27 five miles north of Liberty, Ind., and worked at Sorrell Construction.

He married Renay Lane Richardson, daughter of Lloyd Richardson and Kay Mikesell Richardson Jackson, 24 Jun 1978 in Indiana. Born 5 Aug 1959 in Richmond, Ind. She graduated from Union County High School in 1978 and worked at 3-D Danners in Connersville, Ind., until she and Steven married. She later worked for United Parcel Service in Centerville, Ind. Children:

i. Steven Jason[8]. Born 11 Dec 1979.

ii. Amanda Michelle. Born 20 Jul 1982.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 5 Jun 2008: Letters to the Editor

Wake up Union County residents and get yourself educated on CAFOs. Steve and I have

been trying to farm since 1978. Steve and his family before that. We’ve raised two children in this county which both still reside here and a wonderful grandson. Our son is also farminig in this county. We’ve raised grain, hogs and cattle. Our family has always tried to be good stewards and manage these farms we’ve been so blessed with. We are all lifetime citizens of Union County and proud to be part of it.

April 23 when my family was told of CAFO(mega dairy) being planned next door, 990 feet

from my front porch, my stomach dropped. A mega dairy starting with 2069 head of cattle and two lagoons maybe three on 150 acres. Many thoughts ran through my mind.

Water—our well, our creeks, Whitewater State Park, the reservoir. Not enough water or

water contamination. Accidents do happen. Who will this effect? It’s very important to have good laws and ordinances enforced for these CAFOs to abide.

Roads—U.S. Hwy 27 is so busy I can’t image semi loads of milk, feed and manure moving

in and out 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The silage and manure will be hauled on our county roads which the county has enough trouble trying to keep them in good shape now.

Waste and Smell—Cows put out a lot of manure, they can drink 35 gallons of water a day

not counting water for clean-up. Open lagoons bring a strong smell, flies, mosquitos and starlings carrying diseases.

These are just a few of my concerns. We are a community that pulls together in times of need. I thought who can I call to get help with making good regulations and setbacks for DAFOs. My family, friends, true neighbors, Area Planning Board and Union County Commissioners. Which I want to thank you for all your time, hard work, sleepless nights and very longs days. God knows Renay Hoke doesn’t want this mega dairy built next to my home or by anyone else’s home for that matter. I can understand why people from other countries would love to come to Union County. It’s a beautiful place to live and raise a family. As they are planning for this dairy to come to our county there are families planning to relocate because of it. Is this a good choice for Union County? I pray for Gods will, not mine, for he always knows best. signed Renay Hoke, Liberty

57.ii.vi.iv.i. Carolyn Ruth[7] Adams (called Carol) (Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Mar 1952 in Richmond, Ind. She was a pediatric nurse in a hospital. In 2009 she and her husband operated a goat farm.

Unknown newspaper and date (with photograph): Miss Carolyn Ruth Adams Becomes Bride of Mr. Stephen Edward Bauer Recently

Miss Carolyn Ruth Adams and Mr. Stephen Edward Bauer were united in marriage Dec. 13, in the Liberty Church of the Nazarene. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Adams, R.R. 3, and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Bauer of Frankfort.The candelight ceremony took place at 7:30 p.m. with the Rev. Walter C. Polston, pastor, officiating.

The church was decorated with white mums with tinted red centers. Preceding the ceremony, a program of nuptial music was presented by Raymond Bridgeford, of Richmond, organist and Miss Diana Hoke, student at Ball State Univeristy, vocalist. They included, “I Love You Truly,” “Indian Love Call,” “The Lord’s Prayer,” and the traditional wedding marches.

The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Deborah Adams, as maid of honor. She was in a floor-length gown fashioned with an empire waist of red velvet with silver trim at the waistline and an A-line skirt of white chiffon over satin. She also wore white shoes and gloves and carried a nosegay of red and white carnations. Bridesmaids were Miss Sue Wolf and Miss Diana Hoke, the latter being a cousin of the bride. Their gowns were identical to the maid of honor’s in green velvet and light green chiffon over taffeta. They also carried red and white carnation nosegays.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a gown of deluna peau, empire styled with embroidered lace trimming the bodice with a stand-up collar and Juliet sleeves. The A-line skirt had a wide scalloped band around the lower edge with lace motifs scattered over the skirt. Her mantilla chapel train veil edged by the same lace, fell from a Camelot headpiece of lace. Her bouquet of white and red carnations was accented with holly leaves and berries.

Larry Cowan of Centerville attended the bridegroom. Ushers were Dan Hoke, Liberty, cousin of the bride and David Stull of Frankfort.Flower girls were Beverly and Amy Adams, sisters of the bride. Beverly wore a green velvet and chiffon gown and Amy a red velvet and white chiffon. They were escorted by Bradley Adams in a dark suit with white shirt. Mrs. Bauer, mother of the bridegroom, wore a pink dress with silver trim and her corsage was of white carnations.

A reception was held in Short High School cafetorium for 100 guests. The bride’s table was centered with three-tier cake topped with a bride and bridegroom. Decorations were carried out in the chosen colors of red and green. Assisting with the serving were Miss Earlene Banks, Miss Alma Banks, Miss Debbie Johnson and Mrs. Kathy Green.

The couple is residing at 859½ North Clay Street, Frankfort. The bride attended Short High School and is completing her senior year at Frankfort High School. Prior to her marriage she was employed at the Cox Supermaket in Richmond. The bridegroom is a graduate of Centerville High School and is employed by Mallory Corporation. Out of town guests attending the wedding and reception were from Frankfort, Greens Fork, Connersville, Richmond, Economy, Kingston, Ohio, Grove City, Ohio, College Corner, Ohio, and Cincinnati, Ohio.

She married, first, Unknown Hayden.

She married, second, Stephen Edward Bauer, son of E.F. Bauer and Unknown, 13 Dec 1970 in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. They divorced. Born ca. 1950 in Moline, Ill. Children:

57.ii.vi.iv.i. i. Jennifer[8] (called Jennie). Born 24 Oct 1972.

ii. Michael. Born 10 Dec 1973. He married Unknown Sep 2008 in Colorado.

iii. Lori. Born 17 Jan 1975. She married Unknown Pottorff.

She married, third, Terry Skinner. Born 1951. In 2009 they lived in Cameron, Mo.

57.ii.vi.iv.ii. Deborah Jean[7] Adams (called Debbie) (Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Apr 1956 in Richmond, Ind. In 2009 she lived in Columbus, Ind.

She married Eudell L. Kelly (called Dell) 16 Feb 1974. Born 30 Nov 1951 in Seymour, Ind. Children:

i. Davidson Layne[8] (called David). Born 11 Jan 1977 in Columbus, Ind.

ii. Debra Deann [adopted]. Born 5 May 1980. She married Kevin Massey 25 Sep 2004 in Columbus, Ind. Born 22 Jun 1978.

ii. Daniel A. Born 12 Mar 1979. He married Andrea Smelser. Born 17 Dec 1978.

57.ii.vi.iv.iii. Jeffery Wayne[7] Adams (Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5] James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 23 Dec 1958 in Richmond, Ind. In 2006 he played guitar and was song leader for Liberty [Ind.] Church of the Nazarene; drove a school bus; and was a deputy sheriff.

He married Jacque W. Gardner, daughter of Cecil E. Gardner and Beverly (also reported as Jeanne) Unknown, 14 Aug 1977. Born 16 Jul 1961 in Liberty, Ind. Children:

i. Elizabeth[8]. Born 29 Mar unknown year.

57.ii.vi.iv.iii. ii. Joshua. Born 27 Mar 1980.

iii. Steve. He married Renae Unknown 24 Jun unknown year in Indiana.

51.ii.vi.iv.iii. iv. Jessica. Born 22 May 1978.

57.ii.vi.iv.iii. v. Julie. Born 13 Jan 1985.

57.ii.vi.iv.iii. vi. Jerod. Born 1 Sep 1983.

57.ii.vi.iv.iv. Gregory James[7] Adams (Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Aug 1960 in Richmond, Ind.

He married Kay Andis 24 May 1980. Born 3 Oct 1959 in Centerville, Ind. Children:

i. James[8]. Born 29 May 1984.

ii. Kayla. Born 4 Mar 1986. She married Craig Persinger.

57.ii.vi.iv.v. Beverly Dawn[7] Adams (Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Sep 1963 in Richmond, Ind. In 2009 she and her family lived in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

She married John L. Scott, son of Jessie Scott and Bonnie Phillips. Born Aug 1959in Brownsville, Ind. He was a farmer. Children:

i. Jennifer[8]. Born 21 Jun 1996 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.vi.iv.vi. Bradley Eugene[7] Adams (Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5] James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Jul 1965 in Richmond, Ind. In 2006 he was pianist for Liberty [Ind.] Church of the Nazarene, and also played guitar.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 5 Oct 2006: Fire Fighters complete Boot Drive to help local MDA patients, photo by Vivian Risch, cutline, “These members of the Liberty Fire Department took up their posts over the recent Labor Day weekend to collect funds to help others. The result was a $4,316 check sent to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Pictured…are…Brad Adams, Jeff Moles” The photo also appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 2008. Brad[7] Adams was the son of Eugene and Ruth[6] (Hoke); Jeff Moles was the husband of Melissa Ann[7] (Walker) Moles. Brad’s grandmother was a sister to Melissa’s grandfather.

He married Wanda Sue Wilmoth, daughter of Ronald Wilmoth and Camzy West. Born 10 Dec 1962 in Liberty, Ind. Children:

57.ii.vi.iv.vi. i. Elizabeth Marie[8] (called Beth). Born 29 Mar 1991 in Indiana.

ii. Benjamin. Born 28 Nov 1988 in Indiana.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 29 May 2008 (with photograph, cutline “Several Union County Veterans took part in two community Memorial Day Services on Monday. Pictured above, at the West College Corner service, left to right are: U.S. Navy Veteran Gary Moon, WW II Veteran Paul Weers (Union County’s oldest living veteran), U.S. Army PFC Benjamin Adams and U.S. Air Force Veteran Robert Napier.”

Past, present, future, Memorial DayServices, by Bev Woodruff, staff writer—

Past, present and future came together on Monday for the Memorial Day Services in College Corner and Liberty. The past, Union County’s oldest veteran, 95-year old Paul Weers; the present, U.S. Army PFC Benjamin Adams and the future, several youth including several Scouts attended the services. Weers is a World War II Veteran and Adams returned from a tour of duty in Iraq on Thursday, May 22. Weers and Adams lowered and raised the flags during both services. Another World War II Veteran, 94- year old Ellis Abernathy, was recognized durling the Liberty services.

Although Weers and Abernathy are older than Adams by more than 75-years, the three men and others like them share a dedication to country the nation will be eternally in their debt for. Featured speaker, U.S. Air Force Veteran Robert Napier, addressed the country’s indebtedness to our fallen soldiers in his speech. Napier said each life lost contributed to the evolution of our country. He quoted U.S. Army General Patton.

“General Patton once said during a Memorial Day Service, ‘In my mind we came here to thank God that men like these lived rather that regret that they died.’ ” Napier said, “I ask that today you embrace these words in their entirety.” Napier reminded those attending the service our country stands tallest when we stand together. “As we stand together today on this 142nd anniversary of Memorial Day, we are reminded that the cost of freedom comes with a high price in human terms,” Napier said. “And as we as a nation mourn the lives lost, we celebrate the lives lived and are forever grateful.”

During the College Corner service Napier pointed out the flag flying in the cemetery once flew over the U.S. Capital in honor of the veterans of the VFW Post #1472 in Liberty. More than 100 people attended the College Corner services. Twenty-one boy scouts and cub scouts took part in the services. Among the scouts participating was bugler Eric Ramey of Boy Scout Troop #40. Ramey played taps for both services. A 7- man firing squad fired a volley of shots for the services and a four person honor guard displayed the flags. U.S. Navy Veteran and Chaplain Gary Moon closed the services with a prayer.

Napier dedicated the day to the fallen veterans. “We dedicate this day to you, our comrades, and vow to devote this day wholeheartedly to the preservation of your memory.” Napier said, “For it is you, our fallen, who have made the ultimate sacrifice giving us a past, and in giving us hope and memories that will propel us into the future.”

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 29 May 2008 (with photograph, cutline “Ben Adams (left) recenty returned from duty in Iraq. He speaks with fellow Veteran, Gary Moon, during Memorial Day services.”

Iraq Veteran returns home, by Bev Woodruff, staff writer—

In life we often think we have our futures laid out and then something happens that changes everything. Union County resident Benjamin Adams experienced just that with his enlistment in the U.S. Army Reserves. Adams, a 2007 graduate of Union County High School, returned home from a tour of duty in Iraq last Thursday, just in time to participate in the Memorial Day services in Union County. Adams and World War II Veteran Paul Weers were in charge of lowering and raising the flags for the services. Weers is Union County’s oldest surviving veteran.

Adams enlisted in the reserve for two reasons: one, he wanted to play in the Army band: two, he wanted to earn money for college. Although he is eligible for veteran’s benefits for school, the army needed him in Iraq rather than in its band. “I love music and joining the reserves seemed like the only way I would be able to go to college.” Adams said.

After graduation from high school, Adams attended basic training at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Following basic, he was sent for job training at Ft. Lee near Richmond, Va. The Army trained Adams as a Supply Specialist. “I knew when I enlisted there was a good chance my unit would be activated.” Adams said.

That chance became reality when Adams’ unit, the 478th Engineering Battalion, was activated on Feb. 2 of this year. The 478th home base is Ft. Thomas, Ky. The unit was sent from Ft. Thomas to Ft. Benning, Ga., for preparation and processing. That preparation and processing took about one week, then the unit was sent to Iraq via Kuwait. In Iraq Adams spent his time inventorying and ordering supplies for the 476th. “Our mission was route clearance,” Adams said.

Although most of his time was spent at a duty station, he did occasionally travel around the area. “The kids there loved seeing us (military) drive by.” Adams said “They would wave at us.” According to Adams, his unit enjoyed passing out extra food to the kids along the routes they traveled. “As far as I could tell the locals loved seeing us there. They were nice to us, and they were going about their lives.” Adams said. Although his unit was about 100 strong, for most of his duties Adams worked with about 15 other Army personnel. During his time in Iraq, he developed a good friendship with five other guys. “The majority of my friends were mechanics,” Adams said. Adams said he felt able to the task of serving in Iraq. “We were well prepared,” Adams said.

Good communications systems in Iraq helped Adams to stay in touch with his family in Liberty. He is the son of Brad and Wanda Adams. His brother, Jacob, is a student at the Union County Middle School, and his sister, Eizabeth is a student at Union County High School. “They have three phone systems you can use. ATT, DSM, and Spa War.” Adams said. “There is also a decent internet system.”

Adams expects his active duty status to revert to reserve status on or about June 6. He hoped to spend the remainder of his six-year enlistment on reserve status. His immediate plans include spending about a month in Michigan then returning to his old job at the Co-op Country Corner. College is still in his future, but he wants to get his feet back on solid ground in Union County before making definite college plans.

iii. Jacob. Born 25 Oct 1995.

57.ii.vi.iv.vii. Amy Michelle[7] Adams (Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5] James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Oct 1966 in Richmond, Ind. In 2009 she lived in Kentucky.

She married, first, Unknown McKinley. Children:

ii. Whitney. Born 1 Nov 1988.

She married, second, Charles Reed. Born in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. Children:

i. Charles J.[8] (called C.J.) Born 6 Jun 1992.

57.ii.vi.vi.iii. Cheryl Ann[7] Hoke (called Charlene) (Charles Raymond[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). She lived in Vancouver, Wash., and Eugene, Ore.

She married, first, John Sedra. Children:

i. Brian[8].

She married, second, Ira Duem 2006 in Oregon.

57.ii.vi.vi.v. Heather Charity[7] Hoke (Charles Raymond[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Aug 1969 in Butte Co., Calif. In 1990 she lived in Oroville, Calif. In 2006 she lived in Los Gatos, Calif.

She married Jeff Jackson. Children:

i. Unknown[8]

57.ii.vi.vi.vi. Charles Samuel[7] Hoke (called Sam) (Charles Raymond[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Jun 1972 in Butte Co., Calif. In 2006 he lived in Oroville, Calif.

He married Paulina Unknown. Children:

i. Ryan[8].

ii. Jordan.

iii. Adin.

57.ii.vi.vii.i. Kenneth Eugene[7] Voiles (called Eugene) (Lucy M.[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Sep 1957 in Richmond, Ind.

He married, first, Hazel Unknown.

He married, second, Marlene Unknown. Died 1997. Children:

i. Shenandoah[8].

ii. Quinton Alex.

iii. Victoria. Born 1990.

57.ii.vi.vii.ii. Gary Lee[7] Voiles (Lucy M.[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Aug 1961 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio. In 2008 he lived in Richmond, Ind.

He married, first, Kay Unknown. Children:

i. Sarah[8].

He married, second, Laurie Unknown. Children:

ii. Nickie.

He married, third, Alissa Unknown. Children:

iii. Gary Lee, Jr.

He married, fourth, Joellen Unknown. Children:

iv. Keith.

57.ii.vi.vii.iii. James Douglas[7] Voiles (called Doug) (Lucy M.[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 May 1963 in Batesville, Ind.

He married, first, Lori Unknown. They divorced.

He married, second, Wanda F. Unknown 22 May 1998 in Kenton, Ky. They divorced. Died of cancer 2008 in Indiana. Children:

i. Desire Nicole[8]. She married Andrew Jason Hartman 8 Apr 2006 in Richmond, Ind. They had one unknown child.

ii. James Michael.

iii. Christopher.

57.ii.vi.vii.iv. Charles Scott[7] Voiles (called Scott) (Lucy M.[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Mar 1965 in Connersville, Ind. Researcher Wanda Mae Honaker reported that Scott was sent to prison and his wife Tina was unable to care for the Christopher and Sarah, so they were raised by their grandparents, Lucy and Kenny Voiles.

He married, first, Tina Unknown. Children:

i. Christopher[8]. Born 1989.

ii. Sarah Tina.

He married, second, Tyra Jean Isaacs, daughter of James Isaacs and Linda Hedrick, 19 Apr 1998. Born 1 Jan 1976 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. Died of cancer 2 Sep 2009 in Liberty, Union Co., Ind. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville, Union Co., Ind. She married, first, Billy Danson, and brought one child to the second marriage, Cody Danson. Tyra was a granddaughter of Bonita Lenelle Williamson in her fourth marriage to William Delbert Danson. Bonita’s first marriage to John Lee Taylor resulted in a daughter, Tonya Taylor, who married Charles Scott Voiles’ cousin Daniel Raymond[8] Honaker Jr.

News-Examiner, Connersville, Ind., 4 Sep 2009: Liberty, Ind.—Tyra Jean Voiles, 33, of Liberty, passed away Tuesday evening, Sept. 2, 2009, at her residence. Tyra was born Jan. 1, 1976, in Connersville, the daughter of James Isaacs of Connersville and Linda Hedrick Isaacs Tompkins of Liberty. Tyra attended the Gateway Vineyard Church in Richmond, Ind., and worked for two years at Berry Plastics in Richmond. She enjoyed spending time with her children and grandson and loved listening to any type of music. The family she leaves behind to cherish her memory includes her husband, Charles Scott Voiles, who she married April 19, 1998; her father and stepmother James and Kathy Isaacs of Connersville; her mother and stepfather, Linda and Robert Tompkins of Liberty; two daughters, Tylissa Isaacs and Tessa Voiles of Liberty; a son, Cody Dawson of Liberty; a stepdaughter, Tranna Voiles of Cincinnati; two stepsons, Christopher and Dustin Voiles of Hamilton, Ohio; a sister Donna (Joe) Isaacs of Dade City Fla.; and a grandson, Brendan Dawson of Liberty. She was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, John and Betty Hedrick. Funeral services will be held at Urban-Winkler Funeral Home on Saturday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Leonard Cranfill officiating. Burial will follow in Christian Union Cemetery in Brownsville, Ind. Friends and family may call today from 4 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made at the funeral home to benefit the children. Those wishing to sign the oneline guest book or send the family a personal condolence may do so at


iii. Tessa. Born ca. 1999.

57.ii.vi.vii.v. Isaac Mitchell[7] Voiles (called Mick) (Lucy M.[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Sep 1966 in Richmond, Ind. Died 8 May 2009 in Richmond after falling and hitting his head, never regaining consciousness. Buried in Christian Union Cemetery, Brownsville, Union Co., Ind.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald: Isaac Mitchell “Mick” Voiles, 42, of Richmond, died Fri., May 8, 2009, at Reid Hospital. Born Sept. 2, 1966 in Wayne County to James and Lucy Hoke Voiles, he was a heavy machine operator for Grant Potter. Survivors include a daughter, Cassidy Voiles, Jerry Davidson; parents; brothers, Doug, Eugene, Scott, Gary Voiles; sister Pamela Carico. His wife, Diana, preceded him in death. Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday in Brownsville Union Christian Cemetery, where visitation will be 10–11 a.m. Wednesday.

He married Diana Unknown. Died of cancer in 2008. Children:

i. Cassandra[8] (called Cassidy).

ii. Isaac Mitchell, Jr. Born ca. 1988. Died before 2009.

iii. Jerry Davidson.

57.ii.vi.vii.vi. Pamela Sue[7] Voiles (Lucy M.[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Aug 1969 in Richmond, Ind.

She married James Carico, son of Rocky Carico and Amanda Unknown. Children:

i. Shane[8].

ii. Rocky.

iii. Brooke Ann.

57.ii.vi.viii.i. Fred Jennings[7] Hoke Jr. (Fred Jennings[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Jan 1962 in Oroville, Butte Co., Calif. In 2009 he had a very serious heart attack at his home in Florida.

He married, first, Patty Unknown. Born ca. 1971. Died in an automobile accident Jul 2008. Children:

i. Amber N.[8] Born 11 Aug 1985. Her mother was 15 years old when she was born, so Amber was adopted by her grandparents. Because of this her line continues in the seventh-generation as though she was her father’s sister.

He married, second Angel Voiles. Children:

vi. Anastasia Stacy. Born 10 Mar 1995.

In 2008 his partner was Lisa M. Morris. Born 30 Jun 1979.

57.ii.vi.viii.ii. Stella LeeAnn[7] Hoke (Fred Jennings[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Feb 1964. In 2008 she lived in Pasco, Fla. She kept her own surname when she married.

She married Dave Seechan. Born 12 Feb 1961 in Trinidad. He had one parent from Trinidad and the other from India. She and Dave had no children.

She had three children with Donnell Curry. Born 22 Oct 1957. In 2008 he lived in Cincinnati, Ohio. Children:

57.ii.vi.viii.ii. i. LaDonn K.[8] [Hoke] Born 3 Mar 1987.

ii. Tiera S. [Hoke] Born 11 Nov 1988.

iii. Stephanie L. [Hoke] Born 19 Oct 1989.

57.ii.vi.viii.iv. Robert D.[7] Hoke (called Robbie) (Fred Jennings[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Mar 1967.

He married Esther Lee. Children:

i. Michelle L.[8].

ii. Robert D., Jr.

He had one child with Unknown:

iii. Elizabeth.

57.ii.vi.viii.v. Amber N.[7] Hoke [adopted granddaughter] (Fred Jennings[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Aug 1985. In 2007 she lived in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind.

She had one child with Dennis Brown :

i. Mason Alexander Jaben[8] [Hoke]. Born 29 Jul 2006 in Connersville.

She married Dennis W. Brown (called Bobby). Born 19 May 1984.

57.ii.vi.ix.i. Raymond A.[7] Hoke (Claude Alexander[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1967.

He married, first, Stacy Unknown. Children:

i. Brian[8].

ii. Unknown.

He married, second, Unknown ca. 2008.

57.ii.vii.iv.i. Shirley[7] Webb (Marshall[6], Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Ronald Richardson. Children:

i. Jennifer[8].

57.ii.vii.iv.ii. Carol Sue[7] Webb (Marshall[6], Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Larry Gene Byrd. Children:

57.ii.vii.iv.ii. i. Lori[8].

57.ii.vii.iv.ii. ii. Maria.

57.ii.vii.iv.iii. Betty[7] Webb (Marshall[6], Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married, first, Danny Ervin. Children:

57.ii.vii.iv.iii. i. Danny Wayne[8].

She married, second, Andy Norman.

57.ii.vii.iv.iv. Thomas[7] Webb (Marshall[6], Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Stacy Unknown. Children:

i. Allison[8].

ii. Adam.

iii. Eiliana.

57.ii.viii.ii.ii. Teresa[7] Nester (Oscar McCoy[6], Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married James Earl Clees. Born ca. 1955. Children:

i. Bryan Heath[8]. Born 26 Nov 1976.

57.ii.viii.ii.vi. Dorothea[7] Nester (Oscar McCoy[6], Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born ca. 1960. In 2002 she lived in Savannah, Ga.

She married Charles David Walker. Born Dec 1959. In 2009 he lived in Tampa, Fla. Children:

57.ii.viii.ii.vi. i. Yolanda Renee[8]. Born 18 Jun 1978 in Tampa.

ii. Charles David, Jr. Born 24 Nov 1982 in Tampa.

57.ii.ix.i.i.i. Kenneth E.[7] Crowder (Cleo H.[6], Ida Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Jul 1952 in Liberty, Ind. He was adopted by his grandparents, Clyde and Ida Mae Crowder. In 2007 he lived in Liberty, Ind.

He married Vickie Ellen Walters, daughter of Arthur L. Walters and Helen Bloomfield, 30 Jun 1973. Born 20 Jun unknown year. Children:

i. Thompkins Copenhaver[8].

ii. Unknown. Had a child, Emily, born 4 Oct 1997 in Indiana.

iii. Jeremy Clyde. Born 3 May 1976. In 2009 he lived in Morris, Grundy Co., Ill. He married Melissa Unknown and had one unknown child.

57.ii.ix.ii.ii. Curtis Conway[7] Crowder (Ralph Hayes[6], Ida Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Nov 1951 in Richmond, Wayne Co., Ind. Died of cardiac arrest 30 Jan 2009 in Richmond.

He married Sharon Chasteen. Born in Richmond, Ind. Children:

57.ii.ix.ii.ii. i. Brandon Dant[8]. Born Nov 1975 in Richmond.

57.ii.ix.ii.iii. Lucinda Maria[7] Crowder (called Cindy) Ralph Hayes[6], Ida Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). In 2007 she lived in Greens Fork, Wayne Co., Ind.

She married Larry J. Wilson. Born 1 Sep 1947 in Greens Fork, Ind. Children:

i. Krista Jo[8].

ii. Denice Kay.

iii. Dawn Renee.

iv. Brian Paul.

58.v.i.i.i. Sandra Jean[7] French (Thomas Andrew[6], Lana Virginia[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Apr 1962 in Bluefield, W.Va. She lives with her family in Montrose, Va.

She eloped with and married John Anthony Blevins in Feb 1983. Children:

i. John-Anthony Scott[8]. Born 24 Sep 1985 in Bluefield, W.Va.

ii. Brandy Jo. Born 4 Mar 1989 in Bluefield, W.Va.

58.v.v.i.i. Jack Edward[7] Honaker (called Eddie) (Jack Buford[6], Jack Buford[5], Albert Newton[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Rhonda Unknown. Children:

i. Logan[8].

80.viii.i.iv. Debra Jean[7] Stilwell (William Taft[6], Alma M.[5], William H.[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Unknown Cole. She lives in Pulaski, Va. Children:

i. Gregory[8]. Died unknown date and place.

83.iii.x.i. Sarah[7] Carden (Alfred Graton[6], James Stern[5], Charles Madison Waterson[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Unknown Spence. Children:

i. Andrew[8].

83.iii.x.ii. Amy[7] Carden (Alfred Graton[6], James Stern[5], Charles Madison Waterson[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Luke Rooks. Children:

i. Hannah[8].

104.iii.i.i. Cherie Annette[7] Smith (Charlotte Anne[6], Peter Cline[5], Bess Sims[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Oct 1970.

She married Timothy Ward Crews 15 Dec 2001. Born 1 Mar 1969. Children:

i. Daylen Jay[8]. Born 14 Oct 2004.

ii. Peyton Allen. Born 26 Apr 2007.

104.iii.i.ii. Christopher Allen[7] Smith (Charlotte Anne[6], Peter Cline[5], Bess Sims[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Jan 1976.

He married Mary Catherine Williams 4 Aug 2001. Born 11 Feb 1980. Children:

i. William Allen[8]. Born 29 Mar 2003.

ii. Austin Blair. Born 21 May 2005.

104.iii.ii.i. Stacy Ray[7] Eanes (Carl Raymond[6], Peter Cline[5], Bess Sims[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Mar 1975.

She married, first, Thomas Dwayne Hensley(?). Children:

i. Thomas Dwayne[8] Jr. Born 22 Jun 1995.

ii. Branden Anthony. Born 13 Feb 1997.

She married, second, Daniel Jay Purl 1 Dec 1998. Born 24 Jan 1977. Children:

iii. Jayson David. Born 26 Apr 2003.

iv. Cooper Travis. Born 25 Oct 2005.

104.iii.ii.ii. Melissa Anne[7] Eanes (Carl Raymond[6], Peter Cline[5], Bess Sims[4], William Brown[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Unknown LeClair. Children:

i. David Robert Cline[8]. Born 5 Dec 2003.

115.v.iii.i. Debbie[7] Honaker (Tommy[6], John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Unknown Hayes. Children:

i. Jamie[8]. Had an unknown son in 2008.

115.v.iii.ii. Marlene[7] Honaker (Tommy[6], John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Jimbo Newman. Children:

i. Trevor[8]. Born ca. 1991.

115.v.iv.i. Richard Arland[7] Doll (Clara V.[6], John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1959. Died 2010.

He married, first, Jenny Unknown. Children:

i. Casey Lee[8]. Born ca. 1984. He had one child, Allie. Born 1999.

ii. Carrie Marie. She had three children, one named Chloe.

He married, second, Heidi Unknown. Children:

iii. Christopher Lee. Born 1987.

iv. Jeremy Allen. Born 1988.

115.v.iv.ii. Robin Elizabeth[7] Doll (Clara V.[6], John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1961.

She married Kenneth Spencer. Children:

i. Joy Lynn[8]. She had one daughter.

ii. Mindy Marie. She had four children, Samuel, Elizabeth, and two unknown.

iii. Amber.

iv. Ivori Star. She had one daughter.

115.v.iv.iii. Aleshia Diane[7] Doll (Clara V.[6], John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1964.

She married Rickey Kuhbander. Children:

i. James Michael[8]. He had one son, Rickey Lee James. Born 2007.

ii. Tyler Allen.

115.v.iv.iv. Tammy Kay[7] Doll (Clara V.[6], John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1968.

She married Charles Kaley. Children:

i. Mark Anthony[8]. Born 1986. He had one daughter. Born 2007.

ii. Jessica Viola. Born 1988. She had two children, Nicholas Ryan, born 2007; and Sophia

Kay, born 2008.

115.v.v.i. Dorothy Darlene[7] Addison (Helen Geraldine[6], John Walter[5], John Robert[4], William Carlton[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Doug Hodges. Children:

i. Malissa[8].

ii. Christine.

iii. Amanda.

119.iv.iii.ii. Susan C.[7] White (Homer Jackson[6], Ferol Virginia[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). In 2003 she lived in Kissimmee, Osceola Co., Fla.

She married Filberto Santiago. Children:

i. Emily Jane[8].

119.ix.i.i. Tamara Michele[7] Wright (Carla Lynne[6], Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 Mar 1968 in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind. She graduated from Crown Point [Ind.] High School in 1986. She played basketball and softball from eighth grade through twelfth grade. In 1985 she was on the state basketball championship team. Also in 1985 her high school softball team played in the state finals.

She took a B.S. in Sports Science at Indiana University, Bloomington, in 1991. She took an associate’s degree from Ivy Tech, Northwest Gary, Ind., as a Physical Therapy Assistant; and graduated from Lewis School of Massage Therapy, New Chicago, Ind. In 2014 she was a licensed massage therapist.

She married, first, Dennis Joseph Hegyi, son of Joseph W. Hegyi and Irene Marie Tkacz, 7 Sep 1996 in Crown Point, Lake Co., Ind.. They divorced in 2002 in Crown Point, Lake Co., Ind. Born 28 Feb 1965 in Evergreen Park, Cook Co., Ill. Died 17 Aug 2012 in Cedar Lake, Lake County. The remains were cremated.

Northwest Indiana Times, Munster, Ind., 20 Aug 2012: Dennis J. Hegyi, age 47, of Cedar Lake, Ind., passed away on Fri., Aug. 17, 2012. Dennis is survived by his daughter Riley Morgan of Crown Point, Ind.; mother, Irene Adams of Cedar Lake, Ind.; two sisters: Kathleen Hegyi of Chicago, Ill. And Deborah (Michael) Luarde of Roanoke, Ind.; one brother, Joseph (Laura) Hegyi of O’Fallon, Mo.; three nieces: Alyssa, Sophia and Claire; and nephew, Cameron. He was preceded in death by his father, Joey Hegyi. Dennis graduated from Lake Central High School, attended Indiana University and was a former options trader at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Memorial donations may be made to the University of Chicago, c/o Brain Tumor Center. Private funeral services were held at Geisen Funeral-Cremation Centre in Crown Point, Ind. View and/or sign guestbook at or contact 219-663-2500.


i. Riley Morgan[8]. Born 2 Dec 2000 in Crown Point.

She married, second, Christopher Marion Lewis, son of George Marion Lewis and Valerie Joyce Hartsock, 9 Apr 2007 in Crown Point. Born 2 Nov 1964 in Brookhaven, Lincoln Co., Miss.

119.ix.ii.i. Steven Troy[7] Clark (Judith Ann[6], Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Nov 1966 in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind. In 2015 he lived in Frankfort, Clinton Co., Ind., where he was an art teacher at Frankfort High School.

He married, first, Scharlotte Roberts, daughter of Carl Roberts and Donna Unknown, 16 Aug 1993 in Batesville, Ripley Co., Ind. They divorced May 1998 in Lebanon, Boone Co., Ind. Born 26 Jun 1974. Children:

i. Michela Riley[8]. Born 11 Mar 1995 in Crown Point, Lake Co., Ind. In 2015 she was a

senior majoring in psychology at Indiana State University, Terre Haute, and a member of Alpha Chi Omega social sorority.

ii. Haley Ashland. Born 24 Apr 1996 in Crown Point.

He married, second, Pamela Shearer.

He married, third, Kirsten Rene Prater, daughter of Andrew Claude Prater and Sharon Mae Keller. Born 15 Jul 1975 in Lafayette, Allen Co., Ind. She brought a son to the marriage, Jackson Prater.

119.ix.ii.ii. Christopher Brian[7] Clark (Judith Ann[6], Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Mar 1970 in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind. In 2015 he lived in Danville.

He married, first, April Dianne Wood, daughter of Gerald D. Wood and Jacqueline T. Fuller, 27 Apr 1991 in Danville. They divorced in Danville. Born 7 Aug 1972 in Marion Co., Ind. Children:

i. Christopher Dustin[8]. Born 3 Mar 1992 in Danville.

He married, second, Lori Ann Long, daughter of Ronald Norman Long and Nanette Kessler, 29 Sep 1995

in Gatlinburg, Sevier Co., Tenn. Born 29 Jul 1970 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Ind. She brought a son to the marriage, Cody Wayne Pardue, born 4 Jun 1988 (also reported as 2 Mar 1991,) in a prior marriage to Jerry Wayne Pardue Jr. Children (of Christopher and Lori):

ii. Josie Briann. Born 15 Jul 1997 in Danville.

119.ix.ii.iii. Joseph Adam[7] Clark (Judith Ann[6], Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Jul 1977 in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind. In 2015 he lived in Coatesville, Hendricks County.

He married Shana Rene Chandler, daughter of Dennis Leon Chandler and Nancy Jo Mitchell, 8 May 1999 in Danville. Born 1 Jul 1977 in Indiana. Children:

i. Kylee Renee[8]. Born 18 Jan 2005 in Danville.

ii. Preslee Hunter. Born 11 Nov 2009 in Danville.

119.ix.iii.ii. Stephanie Michelle[7] Crouch (Marisa Dee[6], Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Nov 1980 in Lafayette., Allen Co., Ind. In 2014 she lived in Jamestown, Boone Co., Ind.

She married Ragan Sterling Shuptrine, son of Charles Ragan Shuptrine and Sherry Lynn Phillips, 21 Sep 2013 in Jamestown. Born 12 Aug 1984 in Travis, Falls Co., Texas. He brought two sons to the marriage, Sterling Seth Shuptrine, born 17 Dec 2002 in Corpus Christie, Nueces Co., Texas, and Noah Luke Shuptrine, born 17 Nov 2003 in Corpus Christie. Their mother was Valvaryne Dawn Martinez. Children (of Stephanie and Ragan):

i. Ollie Ruth[8]. Born 16 Nov 2011 in Austin, Travis Co., Texas.

ii. Billy Bo. Born 25 Nov 2014 in Danville, Hendricks Co., Ind.

119.ix.iii.iii. Elizabeth Dee[7] Crouch (Marisa Dee[6], Alonzo Mack[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Jul 1984 in Lafayette, Allen Co., Ind. In 2014 she lived in Jamestown, Ind.

She married Cody Benjamin Sauer, son of Brett Edward Sauer and Joan Marie Mier, 14 Aug 2010 in Lizton, Hendricks Co., Ind. Born 19 Feb 1983 in Richmond, Wayne Co., Ind. Children:

i. Remington Walker[8]. Born 29 Jan 2013 in Lebanon, Boone Co., Ind.

121.v.iii.ii. John William[7] Taylor III (called Jay) (Joycelyn Carol[6], Glenna Mae[5], India Anna[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Mar 1967 in Gallipolis, Ohio. He attended West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery, W.Va. In 2009 he lived in Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W.Va., and worked at Alcan Rolled Products, manufacturer of sheet and plate metals, Ravenswood, Jackson Co., W.Va.

He married, first, Marisa Kelly Roush Sep 1987 at Henderson [W.Va.] Church of Christ. They divorced. Children:

i. John Dustin.[8] Born 18 Nov 1987.

He married, second, Barbara Sue Tygrett 17 Dec 1993 in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Children:

ii. Nicholas Daugherty. Born 3 Jul 1996.

146.v.i.i. Susan Jane[7] Murdock (Wellington Ray[6], Elizabeth[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Rick D. Stover. Died before 2008. Children:

i. Travis Dean[8].

146.v.i.ii. Wellington Ray [7] Murdock III (Wellington Ray[6], Elizabeth[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Paula Unknown. Children:

i. Wellington Ray[8], IV.

ii. Audrey Elaine. She married Damien Saylor.

146.v.i.iii. Margaret Elizabeth[7] Murdock (called Beth) (Wellington Ray[6], Elizabeth[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married John Richards. Children:

i. Stacy Renee[8].

ii. Lesley Dawn.

150.ii.i.ii. Jennifer Ellen[7] Nixon (Mark Cameron[6], Bernice LaVern[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 May 1977 in Fullerton, Calif.

She married Nathan Anderson. Children:

i. Cameron Henry[8]. Born 12 Jun 2008 in San Antonio, Texas.

150.iii.v. i. Candace Loraine[7] Honaker (Robin Ellis[6], Eugene Thurl[5], Heber[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Mar 1982 in Warsaw, Ind. She graduated from Carlson High School, Gibraltar, Mich., in 2000. In 2001 she and her family lived in Lincoln Park, Mich. In 2009 they lived in Trenton, Mich. Her interests included playing piano and other keyboard instruments, singing, dancing, teaching piano, and song writing. A member of First Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Mich., she accompanied the church praise team, Wyandotte Junior and Senior High School choirs and Woodhaven High School choir.

She married Corey Joseph Parker, son of Joseph James Chisholm and Julie Anne Parker Albright, stepson of Michael Raymond Albright, 11 Nov 2000 in First Congregational Church, Rockwood, Mich. The ceremony was performed by her father. Corey was born 24 Oct 1981 in Wyandotte, Mich. He graduated from Wyandotte High School in 1999. His interests included hunting. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Trenton. In 2001 he was a home builder/framer working in the Detroit area. In 2009 he was an automotive mechanic for Michael & Sons, Brownstown, Mich. Children:

i. Corey Joseph[8], Jr. Born 14 May 2001 in Wyandotte, Mich.

ii. Clayton James. Born 30 Oct 2002 in Rockport, Maine.

iii. Carmen Leigh. Born 4 Aug 2007 in Trenton, Mich.

iv. Charlie.

158.i.i.i. Veresa Geneva[7] Jenkins (Dixie Geneva[6], James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Jan 1963 in Chicago, Ill. She attended Marsh Fork High School, Montcoal, W.Va. In 2002 she lived in Winston-Salem, N.C. with Patrick Smith and the children.

She married William Donald Cole, son of Joseph Cole and Maxine Green, 6 Apr 1979 in Naoma, Raleigh Co., W.Va. They divorced Dec 1991 in Winston-Salem. Children:

i. William Donald[8], Jr. Born 7 Apr 1986 in Winston-Salem.

ii. Thomas Edward. Born 22 Jun 1989 in Winston-Salem.

She had two children with Patrick Douglas Smith, son of James Douglas McArthur Smith and Betty Lou Green.

iii. James Michael [Smith]. Born 30 Jul 1992 in Charleston, W.Va.

iv. Beth Ann. Born 11 Dec 1994 in Charleston.

158.i.i.ii. Carmen Denise[7] Jenkins (Dixie Geneva[6], James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Mar 1964 in Chicago, Ill. In 2002 she lived in Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She had a child with Unknown:

i. Anthony Scott[8] [Jenkins]. Born 15 Jun 1981 in Chicago.

She married, first, Ronnie Pettry. They divorced. He was from Raleigh County. Children:

ii. Jessica. Born 2 Mar 1985 in Beckley, W.Va.

She married, second, James Ward. They divorced. He was from Raleigh County. Children:

iii. Sabrina. Born 19 Apr 1994 in Charleston, W.Va.

iv. Amber. Born 5 Oct 1995 in Charleston.

158.i.i.iii. Kimberly Ann[7] Jenkins (Dixie Geneva[6], James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Jun 1965 in Chicago, Ill. In 2002 she lived in Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She married William Dwight Harvey, son of Heber Harvey and Emma Unknown, 8 Jan 1982 in Beckley, W.Va. In 2002 they were in the process of divorce. Children:

i. Amanda Sue[8]. Born 15 Oct 1982 in Beckley.

ii. Stephanie Ann. Born 3 Jan 1984 in Beckley.

158.i.i.iv. Tina Lynn[7] Jenkins (Dixie Geneva[6], James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 May 1966 in Chicago, Ill. In 2002 she lived in West Virginia.

She married Billy Wayne Massey, son of Bill Massey (called Jake) and Carol Unknown. Died in a motorcycle accident Apr 2001. He was from Naoma, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Brandon Douglas[8]. Born 13 Mar 1985 in Beckley, W.Va.

ii. Billy Edward. Born 20 May 1990 in Hickory, N.C.

iii. Britney LaShae. Born 29 Apr 1992 in Hickory.

158.i.i.v. John Dwayne[7] Jenkins (Dixie Geneva[6], James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 May 1967 in Chicago, Ill. In 2002 he lived in Raleigh Co., W.Va.

He married Unknown in 1991. They divorced soon after marriage. Children:

i. Jonathan Michael[8]. Born May 1992 in Beckley, W.Va.

ii. John Edward. Born Feb[?] 1993 in Beckley.

He had a child with Lynn Holstein from Raleigh County:

iii. Christopher John. Born 15 Mar 1995 in Summersville, W.Va.

158.i.i.vi. Diana Kay[7] Jenkins (Dixie Geneva[6], James Edward[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Oct 1969 in Chicago, Ill. In 2002 she lived with her family in Webster Co., W.Va.

She married James Alan King, son of Jimmie King and Goldie Unknown, Oct 1986. He was from Marmet, W.Va. Children:

i. Ashley Diane[8]. Born 16 Sep 1987 in Charleston, W.Va.

ii. Joseph Bradley. Born 6 Jul 1990 in Charleston.

159.i.iii.i. Tracy[7] Honaker (David[6], Jack[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Tammy Unknown. Children:

i. Alex David[8]. Born 7 Jun 1992 in Beckley, W.Va. Died 19 Sep 2010 in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Buried in Honaker Family Cemetery, Arnett, W.Va.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Sep 2010: Stickney—An Arnett teen-ager died Sunday morning in a single-vehicle accident in western Raleigh County, according to a news release from the county sheriff’s department. Alex David Honaker, 18, lost control of his Chevy Cavalier while driving east on W.Va. 3, coming out of the Stickney straight stretch, the news release said. The car crashed into a rock wall and overturned. Honaker was ejected and pronounced dead at the scene, the news release said. Speed is believed to be a factor in the accident, the release said. No other information was immediately available Sunday.

Register Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 22 Sep 2010: Arnett—Alex David Honaker, 18, of Arnett, passed away Sun., Sept. 19, 2010, in a tragic car accident. He was born June 7, 1992 in Beckley, and is the beloved son of Tracy and Tammy Honaker. Alex is the adored grandson of David and Gladys Honaker. Alex enjoyed hunting, fishing and spending time with his family and friends. He will be sadly missed by his large extended family. The world is a much duller place without our little ray of sunshine. For we are unto God a sweet savior of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them perish. A private family service will be held at a future date. Interment will be in the Honaker Family Cemetery, Arnett. Armstrong Funeral Home, Whitesville, is in charge of arrangements.

159.i.iii.ii. Curtis Trent[7] Honaker (David[6], Jack[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Mar 1978. Died 18 May 2015.

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 20 May 2015—Oak Hill—Curtis Trent Honaker, 37, of Oak Hill, passed away on May 18, 2015. Online condolences can be sent to . Arrangements are being handled by Melton Mortuary and Cremation Center.

Melton Mortuary Obituaries: Curtis Trent Honaker (with photograph)—Burial Date May 22, 2015. Visitation will be at the Freedom Ministries at Daniels from 5 to 6 p.m. for family and 6 to 9 p.m. for friends. Funeral will be Friday at 1 p.m. at Freedom Ministries of Daniels. March 27, 1978–May 18, 2015. Curtis was born on March 27, 1978 at Appalachian Regional Hospital. He was the second son and youngest child of Gladys and David (Davy) Honaker, little brother to Tracy and Tammy Honaker. Curtis was raised a devout Pentecostal and attended Arnett Assemblies of God throughout his youth. He may have fallen away from God in his late teens, but after conviction and the earnest prayers of his mother and grandmother Mary, found his way back to the Father. He was called to ministry as a young man and soon found himself traveling to different churches to spread the Word as an evangelist, once even to Jamaica, a memory he loved to share. He married and fathered four children, all sons whom he adored. He attended Calvary Assemblies of God faithfully and encouraged his children in their spiritual growth. Curtis once even offered his pulpit at a preaching appointment to his eldest son who seized and cherished the opportunity to preach just after his father. Curtis held steady employment at different locations in different lines of work, and made many and good friends everywhere he went. He had a contagious smile, an infectious laugh, and an easy going sense of humor. He was quick to listen and he genuinely cared for his friends and family. After his devastating cancer diagnosis, it became his personal mission to make someone’s day, everyday, and bring smiles to the faces of everyone he met. Following a divorce, Curtis met and married the love of his life, Amanda Rose Honaker. The two began attending Freedom Ministries where he became an assistant pastor and taught adult Sunday school classes. They also opened their home for Bible study once a week with friends where Curtis would always lead the study with powerful knowledge, wisdom, and insight supplied by the Holy Ghost. Curtis always believed a man’s first ministry was his home, and he worked hard to be a spiritual leader for Amanda, his four sons, and two step sons. He fought his battle with a smile, even in the toughest times. He made videos of practical jokes he pulled on friends who came to visit and shared them on Facebook for all to see. He still danced with his wife even after cancer wreaked havoc on his body. He quickly became his nurses’ favorite and funniest patient. More often than not, he would comfort friends and family who came to visit; on his sick bed, he became the comforter instead of being comforted. His ministry will not end. He has touched so many people, and nothing, not even a physical death, can keep his light from shining.

He married, first, unknown. They divorced.

He married, second, Amanda Rose Unknown. She brought two sons to the marriage.

He had four sons, mother(s) unidentified.

159.i.vii.i. Kevin Jack[7] Cook (Wilma[6], Jack[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2007 he lived in LaGrange, Ky.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Zachary[8].

ii. Madison.

159.i.vii.iii. S. David[7] Cook (Wilma[6], Jack[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2007 he lived in Kathleen, Ga.

He married Angie Unknown. Children:

i. Abbie[8].

ii. Aidree.

159.i.vii.v. Marianne[7] Cook (Wilma[6], Jack[5], Dewey Dwight[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). In 2007 she lived in Beckley, W.Va.

She had a child with unknown:

i. Jalen[8].

160.i.v.i. Nona Lane[7] Gamble (Anita Lane[6], William Lee[5], William Bezalell[4], William Baxter[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]. Born 12 Aug 1956 in Jacksonville, Duval Co., Fla.

She married Donald Wayne Wilson, son of Herbert Wilbur Wilson and Katherine Mary Wilcox, 24 Aug 1979 in Jacksonville. Born 22 Oct 1958 in Jacksonville. Children (in 2014 they lived in Jacksonville):

i. Thomas Wayne[8]. Born 18 Sep 1980 in Jacksonville.

ii. Hannah Lane. Born 31 Mar 1985 in Jacksonville.

iii. Reba Jane. Born 1 Jul 1989 in Jacksonville.

160.i.v.ii. Richard David[7] Gamble (Anita Lane[6], William Lee[5], William Bezalell[4], William Baxter[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]. Born 19 Dec 1957 in Jacksonville, Duval Co., Fla. In 2014 he lived in Jacksonville.

He married Johnnda Unknown. They divorced. Children:

i. Charles[8]. Born in California.

161.i.iv.i. Samuel[7] Watkins (Bernard Owen[6], Icie Leona[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). In 2011 he lived in Montcalm, W.Va.

He married Judy Unknown. Children:

i. Samuel[8] Jr.

161.i.v.i. Shirley Ann[7] Eller (Marjorie Eloise[6], Icie Leona[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). In 2012 she lived in Vicksburg, Mich.

She married Claude Ray Hart. Died before 2012. Children:

i. Ray[8].

ii. Mark.

iii. Brian.

161.i.v.ii. Lloyd James[7] Eller Jr. (Marjorie Eloise[6], Icie Leona[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). In 2012 he lived in Beloit, Ohio.

He married Sylvia Unknown. Children:

i. Daniel Bruce[8]. Died before 2012.

ii. Donna Kaye. Died before 2012.

iii. Deborah. She married Unknown Fortune.

iv. David.

161.i.ix.i. Sharon[7] Shaw (Betty[6], Icie Leona[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). In 2011 she lived in Princeton, W.Va.

She married Dean Lester. Children:

i. Eric[8].

161.i.ix.i. Michele[7] Shaw (Betty[6], Icie Leona[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). In 2011 she lived in Princeton, W.Va.

She married Paul Browning. Children:

i. Chris[8].

161.vii.i.iii. Rodney Dale[7] Brady (Norma[6], Winifred Romanzie[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Nov 1952 in Bluefield, W.Va. Died 31 Jan 2012 in Martinsville, Va.

Bluefield [W.Va.] Daily Telegraph, 2 Feb 2012: Martinsville, Va.—Rodney Dale Brady Sr., age 59, of Martinsville, died Jan. 31, 2012 at his residence. Born Nov. 10, 1952 in Bluefield, W.Va., he was a son of the late Bill N. and Norma Shrader Brady. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War, and was a very active member of AMVETS in Richmond. He received a bachelor of psychology from Ferrum College, worked for many years at Fieldcrest Mills, and was a member of Victory Baptist Church. Surviving is his daughter, Andrea Brady of Richmond; his son, Rodney Dale Brady Jr. of Meadows of Dan; five brothers, Bill Brady and Brian Brady, both of Roanoke, Frank Brady of Princeton, W.Va.; and five grandchildren. A private memorial service will be held at a later date with the Rev. Dan Schelling officiating. Collins Funeral Home in Bassett is serving the Brady family.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Rodney Dale[8] Jr. In 2012 he lived in Meadows of Dan, Patrick Co., Va.

ii. Andrea. In 2012 she lived in Richmond, Va.

165.i.i.i. Thomas Everett[7] Miller (Madge[6], Mildred Alice[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). In 2000 he lived in Beckley, W.Va.

He married Sharon St. Clair. Children:

i. Vanessa. In 2000 she was a senior at Concord College, Athens, W.Va.

165.vi.vi.ii.i. Brenda Carol[7] Honaker (Roger Lee[6], George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Apr 1962.

She married, first, Steve Moden 6 Nov 1977. They divorced 20 Dec 1984. Children:

i. Steven[8]. Born 20 Jan 1978.

ii. Melissa. Born 6 Dec 1981.

She married, second, Don Mack 1 Dec 1989. Children:

iii. Kailie. Born 15 Oct 1987.

iv. Logan. Born 3 Oct 1992.

165.vi.vi.ii.ii. Linda Kay[7] Honaker (Roger Lee[6], George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 May 1963.

She married Stan Gerken 21 Apr 1990. They divorced 18 Apr 2006. Children:

i. Zachary[8]. Born 21 Jan 1991.

ii. Cody. Born 2 Aug 1994.

iii. Conner. Born 10 Aug 1995.

165.vi.vi.ii.iii. Glenda Ann[7] Honaker (Roger Lee[6], George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 21 Jun 1966.

She married, first, Danny Mack 14 May 1987. They divorced Sep 1998. Children:

i. Jenna[8]. Born 21 Nov 1989.

ii. Jenson. Born 4 Oct 1992.

She married, second, Todd Bryant 4 Jul 2002.

165.vi.vi.ii.iv. Rhonda Lee[7] Honaker (Roger Lee[6], George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Sep 1969.

She married Todd Baldwin 2 Oct 1999. Children:

i. Brook[8]. Born 20 Apr 2001.

165.vi.vi.i. Tina Michelle[7] Honaker (Harry Dale[6], George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Apr 1972 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. In 2008 she lived in Renick, Greenbrier County.

She married David Ray Blankenship. Born 15 Dec 1967. Died 11 Aug 1995 in Williamsburg, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Michael Travis[8]. Born 31 Oct 1989 in Ronceverte.

ii. Alice Marie. Born 26 Jul 1994 in Ronceverte.

165.vi.vi.ii. Tracy Dawn[7] Honaker (Harry Dale[6], George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Feb 1977 in Union, Monroe Co., W.Va. In 2008 she lived in Renick, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Clayton Thomas[8] [Chattin]. Born 18 Feb 2000 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

ii. Alexander Christian [Close]. Born 14 Jan 2003 in Ronceverte.

165.vi.vii.i. James Robert[7] Banton Jr. (Lennie Faye[6], George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Jul 1972 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. In 2008 he lived in Lewisburg, Greenbrier County.

He married Kelly Dawn Rose, daughter of Earl Edward Rose and Drema Kaye Richmond, 23 Oct 1999 in Fairlea, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 3 Oct 1977 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Josie Elizabeth[8]. Born 11 Jun 2005 in Charles Town, Jefferson Co., W.Va.

ii. Sandy Reese. Born 8 Nov 2007 in Charles Town.

iii. Peyton Glover (adopted). Born 1 Jan 1999 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

165.vi.vii.ii. Julia Donia[7] Banton Jr. (Lennie Faye[6], George Jefferies[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Nov 1974 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. In 2008 she and her family lived in Lewisburg, Greenbrier County. She was then a United Parcel Service driver in White Sulphur Springs and Stop-In convenience store clerk in Lewisburg.

She had one child with Randy Lynch:

i. Cheyenne Summer[8] [Banton]. Born 20 Nov 1998 in Ronceverte.

She married Joshua Adam Vaughn 10 Oct 1999. They divorced. Born 18 Sep unknown year. Children:

ii. Hunter Wayne. Born 7 Jul 2000 in Low Moor, Alleghany Co., Va.

She had two children with Kenneth Wayne Adkins:

iii. Malachi Isaiah [Adkins] (twin). Born 27 Jan 2003 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

iv. Miriam Elizabeth [Adkins] (twin). Born 27 Jan 2003 in Beckley.

165.vii.i.ii. Albert Wayne[7] Honaker (called Wayne) (Theodore[6], Theodore[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Oct 1967 in Ohio.

He married Eilene Knight. Children:

i. Jessica Lynn (Knight) Honaker. Born 14 May 1988.

ii. Albert Wayne, Jr. Born 16 Feb 1990.

iii. Brandi Nichole (twin). Born 11 Feb 1991.

iv. Sundee Marie (twin). Born 11 Feb 1991.

165.vii.i.iii. William Kenneth[7] Honaker (called Kenny) (Theodore[6], Theodore[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Jun 1971 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va. He graduated from Bay City High School, Panama City, Fla., in 1989. In 2008 he lived in Saxon, W.Va. and was a commercial vehicle driver for Starlite Construction, Jesse, W.Va.

He married, first, Maria Lynn Rudd, daughter of Donald Groce and Janice Unknown, 6 Jul 1989 in Panama City, Fla. They divorced Oct 1991 in Panama City. Born 6 Jul 1971 in Atlanta, Ga. In 2008, Maria still lived in Panama City. Children:

i. Brittani Elizabeth[8]. Born 24 Aug 1990 in Atlanta, Ga. In 2008 she lived with her mother in Panama City, Fla.

He married, second, Krista Lee Riddle, daughter of Mark Edward Everett and Traci Lynn Fife, 14 Jan 2006 in Reno, Nev. Born 7 Mar 1980 in Eugene, Lane Co., Ore. She brought two children to the union from a prior marriage to Raymond Kenny Beck (who in 2008 lived in Harrisburg, Ore.), Shahaley Rennee Beck and Pastin Raymond Beck. In 2008 they were being legally adopted by Kenny. Children:

ii. Shahaley Rennee. Born 21 Jul 2000 in Eugene, Ore.

iii. Pastin Raymond. Born 21 Nov 2003 in Billings, Mont.

iv. Razmyn Lorena-Jo[8]. Born 4 Sep 2007 in Beckley, W.Va.

165.xi. Randale John[7] Honaker III (Randale John II[6], Randale John[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Dec 1979 in Beckley. He took a B.S. in Mathematics from Miami University and master’s degrees in computer science and applied mathematics. He served for ten years in the U.S. Navy as a cryptologic officer. In 2016 he was a financial advisor with Honaker Hayes Wealth Management Group, Dayton, and was an active member of Apex Community Church. He lived in Oakwood, Ohio.

He married Amy Unknown. Children:

i. Unknown[8].

ii. Unknown.

iii. Unknown.

165.xiii.i.i. Jeffrey Scott[7] Honaker (John Harry[6], Albert Waymon[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). In 2001 he lived in Fairdale, W.Va.

He married Sarah Beth Farr, daughter of David Steele Farr and Nancy Jean Pierson, 10 Apr 1992. Children:

i. Lydia Marie[8]. Born 6 Apr 1992.

ii. Coleton Scott. Born 4 Oct 1999.

167.i.i.i. Phyllis Yavonne[7] Honaker (Harold Lee[6], Clarence Sawyer[5], Edgar Jackson[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Sep 1956. In 1990 she was living in Faloner, N.Y. In 2001 she lived in Jamestown, N.Y.

She married Lester Dewayne Moore. Children:

i. Dewayne Michael[8]. Born 25 Jul 1977.

ii. Yavonne Renee.

iii. Shawna Fern.

167.i.i.ii. Terry Jean[7] Honaker (Harold Lee[6], Clarence Sawyer[5], Edgar Jackson[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Nov 1960. In 1990 she lived in Columbus, Ohio and was still living there in 2001.

She married David Carl Komula. Children:

i. Monica Ray[8]. Born 18 Jan 1978.

ii. Nathan David.

iii. Christina Marie.

167.i.i.iv. James Michael[7] Honaker (Harold Lee[6], Clarence Sawyer[5], Edgar Jackson[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Feb 1966 in Olean, N.Y. He graduated with a Regent’s diploma from Olean High School in 1984. He took an Associate of Applied Science in Engineering Science from Jamestown [N.Y.] Community College in 1986 and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo [N.Y.] in 1989. In 1990 he was living in Williamsville, N.Y. In 2001 he lived in Amherst, N.Y., was employed by Pi-Mac Corporation, Buffalo, and was a member of New Apostolic Church.

He married Cheryl Lynn Dobmeier, daughter of Thomas Norman Dobmeier and Carolyn Boneburg, 8 Jul 1990 in Hamburg, N.Y. Born 16 Feb 1967 in Buffalo. She graduated with a Regent’s diploma from Olean High School in 1985 and took a B.S. in Nursing from Douville College, Buffalo, in 1989. In 2001 she was a registered nurse at Children’s Hospital, Buffalo and was a member of New Apostolic Church. Children:

i. Alyssa Marie[8]. Born 28 Oct 1995 in Amherst, N.Y.

ii. Alyson Christina. Born 10 May 1998 in Amherst.

191.iii. Stanley Ray[7] Bane (Arthur Clifford[6], Leander Harrison[5], Margaret Ann[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Francis Joanne Ferrell. Children:

i. Stanley Wayne[8]. Born 12 Jan 1959. Died 25 Apr 1976.

i. Arthur Clay[8] (twin) (called Clay). Born 22 Nov 1959. In 2006 he lived in Virginia.

ii. Unknown (twin). Born 22 Nov 1959.

iii. Timothy Jay. Born 14 Jan 1962.

211.iii.ii. Tim[7] Jones (John William[6], Mary Alice[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Angela Unknown. Children:

i. Tim[8], Jr.

211.iii.iii. Eloise[7] Jones (John William[6], Mary Alice[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Dee Hensley. Children:

i. Tucker[8].

ii. Bethany.

iii. Wesley.

iv. Torie.

v. Joey.

vi. Emily.

242.iii.v. Matthew Loren[7] Peters (Lee Roy[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Mar 1954 in Quantico, Prince William Co., Va. Died 15 Jan 2011 in Fairfax, Fairfax Co., Va. Buried in Woodbine Cemetery, Manassas, Va.

News & Messenger, Manassas, Va., 19 Jan 2011: Matthew Loren Peters, loving husband and father, age 56, of Woodbridge, passed away suddenly Sat., Jan. 15, 2011 at Fairfax Hospital. Matt was a lifetime resident of Prince William County, born in the town of Quantico on March 29, 1954. He graduated from Gar-Field High School in 1972. Matt was preceded in death by his parents, Lee Roy Peters and Gladys Ritchey Peters. Matt is survived by his loving wife of 24 years, Jo Ann Drennen Peters; his adoring children, son, Ty Peters, and daughter, Laina Peters; and four brothers, Al, Roy, Mike, and Pat Peters. Matt was very committed to his family and was actively involved in his children’s youth sports throughout their lives. Matt was loved by everyone who knew him and was always kind, good, honest, and a positive role model. Matt retired from the U.S. Postal Service after 36 years and most recently was employed part time at American Legion Post 364. Matt was an active member of the community serving as the first Dept. of Virginia Sons of the American Legion commander, past exalted ruler of the Woodbridge Elks, past president of the Woodbridge Postal Clerk Union, and past president of the Woodbridge Men’s Slow Pitch League. He was the secretary/treasurer for the Wednesday Early Mixed Bowling League for many years, and was a leader and inspiration of the Woodbridge Sons of the American Legion, “His Grasshoppers.” Matt’s dedication to the community will be deeply missed. Visitation will be held on Fri., Jan. 21, 2011, from 6 –9 p.m. at the Mountcastle Turch Funeral Home, 4143 Dale Blvd., Dale City, Va. The American Legion and Elks will hold services at 8 p.m. at the same location [SAL service changed to Saturday, just before the funeral service]. Funeral services will be held on Saturday at 11 a.m. at Mountcastle with interment to follow at Woodbine Cemetery. Following the interment, there will be a celebration of Matt’s life at American Legion Post 364. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Matt Peters’ Sons of the American Legion, 364 Squadron, Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 2121, Woodbridge, VA 22194.

He married, first, Susan Gail Smith, daughter of Virgil Smith and Theresa G. Delarmi, 17 Jun 1974. They divorced 30 Dec 1982. Born 6 Apr 1956 in New York.

He married, second, Jo Ann Drennen, daughter of Homer K. Drennen and Evelyn J. Hendrickson, 28 Oct 1986. Born in California. Children:

i. Ty Drennen[8]. Born 8 Jun 1988 in Prince William County.

ii. Laina Rae. Born 21 Aug 1990 in Prince William County.

247.ii.i. Anne Elizabeth[7] Harman (Patricia Ann[6], Thomas Graham[5], Thomas Graham[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Oct 1986 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va. In 2015 she lived in Arvada, Colo.

She married Ian Michael Ware. Children:

i. Tristan Michael[8].

252.v.i. Shannon Leigh[7] Lilley (Ruth Ann[6], Ronald Denver[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1973.

She married Unknown Fewell. Children:

i. Tori[7]. (female) Born in 1994.

267.ii.i. Leanne[7] Claypool (Martha Lee[6], Earl Ray[5], Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Matt Holley. Children:

i. Jillian[8].

ii. Addison.

268.i.i. Rae Dawn[7] Belt (Rondell[6], Everett L.[5], Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

Born 12 Nov 1970 in Pittsburgh, Pa. In 2012 she and her family lived in Burbank, Los Angeles Co., Calif.

She married David Perry Hadinger, son of Ronald Hadinger and Sally Culkins, 12 Sep 1998 at First Congregational Church, Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio. Born 13 May 1963. Children:

i. Henry Everett[8]. Born 23 Feb 2006 in Burbank.

268.i.ii. Ryan Anthony[7] Belt (Rondell[6], Everett L.[5], Millard Filmore[4], Olevia Ann[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 May 1974 in Charleston, W.Va. In 2012 he lived in North Ridgeville, Ohio, with his mother and children.

He married Bridgette Wage 31 May 1996 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio. They divorced 2000 with no children.

He had two children with Tasha Lynne Supik. Born 24 Dec unknown year. In 2012 she lived in Pasadena, Md. Children:

i. Reagan Anthony[8]. Born 14 Jul 2008 in Athens, Tenn.

ii. Alysa Lynne. Born 6 Dec 2010 in Athens.

274.iii.i. Nelson[7] Koontz (Clara Elizabeth[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1951.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Nathan[8]. Born in 1975.

ii. Adam. Born in 1978.

274.iii.i. Gregory[7] Koontz (Clara Elizabeth[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1953.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Ryan[8]. Born in 1986.

ii. Deanna. Born in 1991.

274.iv.i. Frances[7] Nelson (William[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1947.

She had one child, father's name unreported:

i. Heather[8]. Born in 1983.

274.iv.ii. Linda[7] Nelson (William[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1948.

She had two children, father's name unreported:

i. Dominic[8]. Born in 1977.

ii. Julie Anna. Born in 1982.

274.iv.iii. David[7] Nelson (William[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1949.

He had two children, mother's name unreported:

i. Gregory[8]. Born in 1978.

ii. Melissa. Born in 1979.

274.iv.iv. Billie[7] Nelson, Jr. (William[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1952.

He had three children, mother's name unreported:

i. Michelle[8]. Born in 1974.

ii. Michael. Born in 1975.

iii. Brandon. Born in 1976.

274.iv.v. Pamela[7] Nelson (William[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1954.

She had two children, father's name unreported:

i. Kim[8] (female) Born in 1974.

ii. Todd. Born in 1980.

274.iv.vi. Penny[7] Nelson (William[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1957.

She had one child, father's name unreported:

i. Dylan[8]. Born in 1993.

274.iv.vii. Robin[7] Nelson (William[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1958.

She had two children, father's name unreported:

i. Hillary[8]. Born in 1990.

ii. Hannah. Born in 1994.

274.v.i. Judy[7] Nelson (Joda Paul[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1949.

She had one child, father's name unreported:

i. Jody[8]. Born in 1976.

274.v.iii. Ricky[7] Nelson (Joda Paul[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1954.

He had one child, mother's name unreported:

i. Ricky Paul[8]. Born in 1984.

274.vi.ii. Charles Edward[7] Nelson (Charles L.[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1956.

He had two children, mother's name unreported:

i. Shannon[8]. Born in 1977.

ii. Ryan. Born in 1980.

274.ix.i. Lyndon[7] Morton (Joanne Elaine[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1952.

He had one child, mother's name unreported:

i. Heather[8]. Born in 1982.

274.ix.ii. Stephen[7] Morton (Joanne Elaine[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1955. He had one child, mother's name unreported:

i. Brannon[8]. Born in 1979.

274.x.i. Karl[7] Hill (also reported as Davis) (Beulah Jane[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1959.

He had four children, mother's name unreported:

i. Julia[8]. Born in 1985.

ii. Jonathan. Born in 1987.

iii. Lisa. Born in 1990.

iv. Kelly. (female) Born in 1992.

274.x.ii. Roy[7] Hill (also reported as Davis) (Beulah Jane[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1962.

He had one child, mother's name unreported:

i. Elizabeth[8]. Born in 1987.

274.x.iii. Jayne[7] Hill (also reported as Davis) (Beulah Jane[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1959.

She had two children, father's name unreported:

i. Jeremy[8]. Born in 1987.

ii. Lauren. Born in 1990.

274.xi.i. Phillip[7] Nelson (Robert[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1960.

He had two children, mother not reported:

i. Alexandra[8]. Born in 1991.

ii. Shelby. Born in 1997.

303.viii.i. Melissa Ann[7] Honaker (Gary Donald[6], Byrd[5], William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Mar 1972 in Beckley, W.Va.

She married Benjamin Glen Daniel Boyce 18 May 1991 in Bolt, W.Va. Children:

i. Jorgianna Mycaela[8]. Born 3 Apr 1997 in Beckley, W.Va.

305.i.iv. Jennifer Marie[7] Smith (Annie Marie[6], James Ross[5], Dewey D.[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Chris DeMoss. Children:

i. Aneesa[8].

ii. Neviana.

305.ii.ii. Christina Leanne[7] Jarrell (Barbara Jane[6], James Ross[5], Dewey D.[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Michael Donnan. Children:

i. Tristan[8].

307.i.i. Deborah S.[7] McKinney (Nina Leona[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1944 in Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 29 Jun 2015 in Lockport, Ill. The remains were cremated.

Herald-News, Joliet, Ill., 5 Jul 2015: Deborah S. McKinney, “Debbie,” age 70, of Lockport, passed away suddenly Mon., June 29, 2015, at her home. Born in West Virginia, living in Lockport for 30 years. Preceded in death by her parents, James McKinney and Nina (Honaker) Hofer. Survived by her loving children, Dana Penaherrera, Luis “Tony” (Etsuko) and Mark (Heidi) Penaherrera; her two loving grandchildren, Antonio and Bryce Penaherrera; former daughter-in-law and beloved friend, Gloria Penaherrera; her sisters, Sandra Hicks and Pam (Barry) Emrick. Several nieces and a nephew also survive. Per Debbie’s wishes, cremation rites were respectfully addressed. Family and friends can sign the online guest book at: . Arrangements by: O’Neil Funeral Home and Heritage Crematory, Lockport.

She married Unknown Penaherrera. Children:

i. Dana[8].

ii. Luis “Tony” He married Etsuko Unknown.

iii. Mark. He married Heidi Unknown.

307.iii.i. Virginia Lynn[7] Honaker (William Lee[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 May 1956 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died of leukemia Apr 1986 in Montcalm.

She married Lawrence Buddy Lusk. Children:

307.iii.i. i. Crystal Lynn[8]. Born 15 May 1975 in Montcalm.

307.iv.viii. Patricia L.[7] Mitchell (Winifred Mae[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Jul 1963 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio.

She married Ted A. Hanawalt 7 Jul 1990 in Licking Co., Ohio. They divorced 29 Nov 2007. Children:

i. Alicia[8].

307.vi.iii. Beverly Sue[7] Honaker (Joseph Jackson[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Jan 1963 in Chicago, Cook Co., Ill. In 2012 she and her family lived in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va.

She married Daniel Dean Odle, son of Harry Andrew Odle and Shirley Elanor Sigmon Spicer, 31 Dec 1980 at the First United Methodist Church, Narrows, Va. Born 6 Dec 1961 in McComas, Mercer Co., W.Va.


i. Sarah Elizabeth[8] Born 3 Apr 1988 in Newport News, Va. In 2012 she lived with her husband in McComas, W.Va. She married Shawn Michael Krondon, son of Alan Franklin Krondon and Pamela Faye Myers, 21 Sep 2010 in Camp Creek, Mercer Co. W.Va. Born 6 Oct 1986 in Bramwell, Mercer County.

ii. Rebekah Katherine. Born 23 Jul 1991 in Bluefield, Mercer Co., W.Va.

iii. Jacob Christopher. Born 20 Mar 1996 in Bluefield.

307.viii.i. Tammy Sue[7] Shrewsbury (Gloria Ann[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Apr 1959 in Mercer Co., W.Va. In 2012 she lived in Richmond, Va.

She married, first, Freddie Anderson in Mercer County. They divorced. Children:

i. Melody Dawn[8]. Born Jan 1975.

She married, second, Larry Reagin.

307.viii.iii. Rodney Lionel[7] Shrewsbury (Gloria Ann[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1961 in Mercer Co., W.Va. In 2012 he lived in Bluefield, Va.

He married Robin Unknown. They divorced. Children:

i. Lindsey Shea[8].

ii. Nicole.

307.viii.v. William Joseph[7] Shrewsbury (called Willie) (Gloria Ann[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Dec 1966 in Chicago, Ill. In 2012 he lived in Jonesboro, Tenn.

He married Angela Unknown in Tennessee. Children:

i. Benjamin[8].

ii. Hayden.

307.viii.vi. Jamie Alfred[7] Shrewsbury (Gloria Ann[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born Nov 1971 in Mercer Co., W.Va. In 2009 he lived in Abingdon, Va. In 2012 he lived in Roanoke, Va.

He married Donna Lester in Mercer County. Children:

i. Aaron[8].

ii. Todd Douglas.

307.ix.i. Jeri Lynn[7] Miller (Sybil Inez[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Apr 1964 in Chicago, Ill. In 2012 she lived in Chicago, Ill.

She married William Davis in Chicago. Children:

i. Joshua[8].

ii. Jeffrey.

307.ix.ii. Gloria Jean[7] Miller (Sybil Inez[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 30 Oct 1972 in Chicago, Ill. In 2012 she lived in Chicago, Ill.

She married Michael Bailey in Chicago. They divorced. Children:

i. Matthew[8].

ii. Christie Lynn.

307.xi.i. Marcy Ellen[7] Kittredge (Judy Louise[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 17 Jan 1969 in Melrose Park, Cook Co., Ill. In 2012 she lived in Huntley, McHenry Co., Ill.

She married, first, Terence M. Geraci, son of Terry N. Geraci and Antoinette G. Unknown, 25 Apr 1992 in Schuller Park, Cook Co., Ill. They divorced 2002 in Woodstock, McHenry Co., Ill. Born 7 Feb 1968 in River Grove, Cook Co., Ill. In 2012 he lived in Island Lake, McHenry Co., Ill. Children:

i. Melody Lynn[8]. Born 29 Dec 1997 in McHenry, McHenry County.

ii. Serena Antoinette. Born 10 Jun 2000 in McHenry.

She married, second, Barry Clair Chevalier, son of Clair D. Chevalier and Marjorie William, 11 Oct 2003. Born 4 Jul 1957 in Claymont, New Castle Co., Del. They had no children.

307.xi.ii. Amanda Jo[7] Kittredge (Judy Louise[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 9 Aug 1975 in Melrose Park, Cook Co., Ill. In 2012 she lived in St. Charles, Kane Co., Ill.

She married Michael John Arnold, son of John J. Arnold and Janet Unknown, 21 Sep 2002 in Dupage Co., Ill. Born 10 Jan 1974 in Schaumburg, Cook Co., Ill. Children:

i. Samantha Jo[8]. Born 10 Feb 2007 in Hoffman Estates, Cook Co., Ill.

ii. Danielle Jo. Born 18 Sep 2008 in Hoffman Estates.

310.iv.i. Michael Edward[7] Treadway (Alice Lillian[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 Mar 1943 on Maxwell Hill, Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

He married Alberta Kay Stephenson, daughter of George Edward Stephenson and Lillie Marian Rahtz, 4 Mar 1967 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Mich. Born 9 Apr 1943 in Bergholz, Jefferson Co., Ohio. Children:

310.iv.i. i. Michael Edward[8] Jr. Born 11 Oct 1967.

ii. Jeffrey Scott. Born 17 Jun 1971. Died 15 Jul 1991 in Commerce Twp., Oakland Co.,


310.xi.i. Karen Bethel[7] Treadway (Jackie Areon[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Jul 1969 in Barberton, Ohio.

She married Monty Joe Cline, son of Bush Cline and Martha Lester, 19 Oct 1996 in Maynor, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 20 Dec 1958 in Blaisden, Mingo Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Areon Chando[8] (Treadway). Born 12 Jun 1991 in Beckley.

310.xi.ii. Susan Lynn[7] Treadway (Jackie Areon[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Jul 1975 in Beckley, Raleigh Co., W.Va.

She married Jeremy Evan Kinney 22 Apr 2000, son of David A. Kinney and Christine Baines, in Maynor, Raleigh Co., W.Va. Born 25 Jun 1971 in Springfield, Mass. Children:

i. Drake Richard Areon[8]. Born 19 Feb 2006 in Beckley.

327.ii. Gerald Lynn[7] Honaker (called Jerry) (Donald Lester[6], Delbert Lester[5], George Franklin Abraham[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1953 in Louisville, Ky.

He married Unknown. They divorced. She brought three children to the marriage, who were adopted by Jerry and have the Honaker surname:

i. Charles K.C.[8].

ii. Shawn Paul.

iii. Marcaira Joy.

351.iii. William Edward[7] Bane (Brady Edward[6], John Harvey[5], Margaret Ann[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Mar 1941 in Parrott, Va. Died 10 Mar 2010.

Northwest Florida Daily News, Ft. Walton Beach, Fla., 12 Mar 2010: William Bane, age 68, passed away March 10, 2010. He was born on March 21, 1941, in Parrott, Va., to Brady and Virginia King Bane. Mr. Bane was Methodist by faith and a member of Center Ridge United Methodist Church. He worked as an electrician, owning and operating his own business, Sentry Electric, for many years. He enjoyed restoring cars, building houses, and he had also built The Golden Bell Church in Tampa, Fla. Mr. Bane was preceded in death by his parents; one sister, Shirley Knewstep; and one daughter Cathy Bane. Mr. Bane is survived by his loving wife, Carol Anne Bane of DeFuniak Springs, Fla.; three sons, David Bane and special friend Tony Rubino of Miami, Shaune Bane and wife JoAnna of DeFuniak Springs, and Brian Bane and wife Alicia of Pensacola, Fla.; two sisters, Irene Griffin and husband George of DeFuniak Springs, and Betty Jean Williams and husband Marvin of Tampa, Fla.; mother-in-law, LaVera Knowles; sister-in-law, Linda Hill; and two brothers-in-law, Richard Roberts and wife Linda, and Michael Roberts. He is also survived by two grandchildren, Alexis and Dylan Bane; and numerous nieces and nephews. A time of visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Clary-Glenn Funeral Home, 230 Park Ave., DeFuniak Springs. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Sat., March 13, at Center Ridge United Methodist Church, 1649 County Highway 1883, DeFuniak Springs, with the Rev. Nancy Snyder officiating. Burial will be in Center Ridge Methodist Church Cemetery. Pallbearers will be David Bane, Shaune Bane, Brian Bane, Tony Rubino, George Griffin and Glen Logan. Flowers are being accepted, or donations may be made to the Center Ridge United Methodist Church, 1649 County Hwy. 1883, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433. You may go online to view obituaries, offer condolences, sign the guest book and view a video tribute at clary-. Clary-Glenn Funeral Home is entrusted with the arrangements.

He married Carol Ann Roberts, daughter of Unknown Roberts and LLaVera Unknown, 16 Sep 1962 in Tampa, Fla. Children:

i. Cathy[8]. Died before 2010.

ii. David.

iii. Shaune. He married JoAnna Unknown.

iv. Brian. He married Alicia Unknown.

380.i. Dawn Rochelle[7] Jones (Walter Wesley[6], Mary Alice[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Nov 1966. In 2012 she lived in Worthington, Ohio.

She married James Kneessi. Children:

i. Rachel[8].

ii. Charles.

388.i. Kristina Leann[7] Honaker (adopted at nine days) (Steven James[6], Wesley Junior[5], Wesley James[4], John Jacob[3], Jacob[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 May 1972 in Marion, Marion Co., Ohio. In 2013 she and her family lived in Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas, with a mailing address of Boerne, Texas.

She married Michael Allen French, son of Gayle Horton French and Nancy Carol Ann Hoard, 12 Aug 1995 at Bellepoint [Ohio] United Methodist Church. Born 23 Nov 1967 in Delaware, Delaware Co., Ohio. Children:

i. Brenden Nathaniel[8]. Born 7 Nov 2002 in Sewickley, Allegheny Co., Pa.

ii. Alexandria Ciara. Born 16 Mar 2007 in San Antonio, Texas.

402.ii. Linda Rae[7] Looney (William Harold[6], Clara Belle[5], James Davidson[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Nov 1968 in Bluefield, W.Va. In 2010 she lived in Raleigh, N.C.

She married Michael Diemer, son of Boyson Diemer and Unknown Foeller, 10 Sep 1994 in Bluefield. Born 27 Nov 1968 in Illinois. Children:

i. Sidney[8].

ii. Nate.

403.iii. Susan Evelyn[7] Simmons (Frances Isabel[6], Clara Belle[5], James Davidson[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 16 Mar 1965. In 2010 she lived in Ravenswood, W.Va.

She married Gregory Lee VanHoose 10 Aug 1991 in Bluefield. Children:

i. Rebecca[8].

ii. Sarah.

417.ii.iii. William Franklin[7] George, Jr. (called Buzz) (William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 Sep 1946 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Died 6 Apr 1999 in Akron. Buried in Hillside Cemetery, Akron.

Akron Beacon Journal, 8 Apr 1999:

He married, first, Sandra Joyce Lucas, daughter of Leo F. Lucas and Emogene G. Harshbarger (called Gene), 1971 in Arizona. They divorced. Born 30 Dec 1947 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio. In 2015 she lived in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz. Children:

417.ii.iii. i. Kelly Marea[8]. Born 18 Jun 1972 in Barberton.

He married, second, Margaret Marion Huffman, daughter of Jacob H. Huffman and Beatrice Treece, 6 Jun 1976 in Akron. Born 30 Oct 1947 in Akron. Died 1 May 2003 in Akron. Children:

ii. William Allen. Born 6 Dec 1979 in Akron. In 2015 he lived in Phoenix and was not


417.ii.iv. Pamela Ruth[7] George (William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Apr 1948 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. In 2015 she lived in Akron.

She married Leo Wilbur Holcombe, son of Leo Wilbur Holcombe and Martha Popa, 2 Apr 1967. They divorced 1981. Born 28 Jul 1945 in Akron. Died 8 Feb 2013 in Akron.

Akron [Ohio] Beacon Journal, 10 Feb 2013: Leo W. Holcombe Jr., 67, passed away peacefully at his home on Feb. 8, 2013 with his family by his side. He was born in Akron to the late Leo Sr. and Martha (Popa) and was an Army veteran of the Vietnam War. Preceded in death by his second wife Jane and sister Lovie, he is survived by his children, Tammie (George) and Leo III; eight grandchildren; loving companion, Pam; sisters, Linda (Gary) and Lori; brothers, Lance and Lynn; and other loving relatives and friends. A graveside service with military honors will be held on Fri., Feb. 15, 2013 at 11 a.m. at the Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman. A gathering of family and friends will immediately follow at 157 Roswell St.


417.ii.iv. i. Tammie Marie[8]. Born 19 Jun 1974 in Akron.

417.ii.iv. ii. Leo Wilbur, III. Born 25 Sep 1977 in Akron.

417ii.v. Brenda Lee[7] George (William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Feb 1958 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Died 13 Mar 2010 in Pompano Beach, Broward Co., Fla. Buried in Memorial Cemetery, Deerfield Beach, Broward Co., Fla.

Brooks Cremation & Funeral Service, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., 24 Sep 2015: Brenda Lee (George) Van Zwieten, 52, of Pompano Beach, Fla., passed away Sat., March 13, 2010. She was a graduate of Pompano Beach High School and a devoted mother and grandmother. She was on the advisory board, McNab Elementary; president of McNab [Parent Teachers Association] for 12 years; she was on the community Water Park Tower, an activist to make H.A. National Reserve for wildlife red foxes, on the emergency response team for Pompano Beach, Broward Co., Fla. She was a devoted Christian who let her faith keep her involved in all kinds of community affairs, she helped on the election campaigns of various city and county officials: the late Pat Larkins, the late Emma Lou Olson, Randy Kestchier, Lamar Fisher, and Bill Griffin. She was an activist in her neighborhood in getting stop signs installed, she was an activist for Norwood Park, she helped counsel neighborhood kids, she was one of the first participants in the [Drug Abuse Resistance Education] program, and she donated all her love and support to all her kids and grandchildren, family and friends. She was prececeased by her two sons: Brian Timothy Van Zwieten and Zachary Michael Van Zwieten. She leaves behind her fiancé: Gary Nunnemacher; two sons: Charles (Stephanie) Singleton, with their son Charlie Singleton IV; and Robert (Nicole) Singleton with their two sons: Brian and Shaynne Singleton; a brother, William (Rochelle) George with their children: William (Lisa) George and Felicia George, a sister, Phyllis (Charles) Akers, and their son, Shane Akers, as well as close friends: Melynda & Mike Miller, Beverly Perkins, Shelly Davis, Betsy Murrdock, and Mike Fisher, as well as an innumerable host of friends and acquaintences who will sorely miss her sweet smile. A memorial service will be held Sat., March 10, 2010, at 12

noon, Memorial Cemetery, 600 N.E. 6th Ave., Deerfield Beach, Fla., 33441.

She married, first, Charles Grady Singleton II, son of Charles Grady Singleton and Unknown, 1 Aug 1973 in Broward Co., Fla. They divorced 2 Apr 1982 in Broward County. Born 10 Mar 1951. Died 1 Feb 2011 in Miami, Dade Co., Fla. Children:

417.ii.v. i. Charles Grady, III.[8] Born 1 Dec 1975 in Broward County.

417.ii.v. ii. Robert Lee. Born 1 Mar 1978 in Broward County.

She married, second, Dave Brian Van Zweiten 20 Jan 1984 in Broward County. They divorced 15 Dec 1999 in Broward County. Born 10 Dec 1955 in Florida. Children:

iii. Brian Timothy. Born 8 Sep 1988 in Plantation, Broward Co., Fla. Died 15 Jun 2007 in

Pompano Beach.

iv. Zachary Michael. Born 10 Sep 1992 in Plantation. Died 7 Oct 2009 in Pompano Beach.

417.ii.vi. William Raymond[7] George (William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Mar 1959 in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Co., Ohio. In 2015 he lived in Pompano Beach, Broward Co., Fla.

He married, first, Joann Pollard 2 Nov 1985 in Broward Co., Fla. They divorced 2000. She married, second, James Walsh. Children (of William and Joann):

i. Felecia Lynn[8]. Born 23 Aug 1986 in Pompano Beach.

417.ii.vi. ii. William Raymond II. Born 23 Sep 1988 in Pompano Beach.

He married, second, Rochelle Brill 2 Jan 2000 in Broward Co., Fla. She first married Jeffrey Grodzienski 12 Jan 1880 in Miami, Dade Co., Fla..

418.i. Deborah Cassell[6] Honaker (Lionel Huston[6], Lionel Huston[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Jan 1949 in Bluefield, W.Va.

She married Gary Lee Liesinger. Children:

i. Shawn[7].

ii. Scott.

iii. Shannon.

418.ii. Dianne Patrice[6] Honaker (Lionel Huston[6], Lionel Huston[5], Henry Huston[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Mar 1955 in Bluefield, W.Va. In 2001 she lived with her husband Dale in Paintlick, Va.

She married, first, Joseph Daniel Yost Jr. Children:

i. Megan Lee[7]. Died before Oct 2001.

She married, second, Dale Brown.

423.ii. William Lee[7] Chudzinski, Jr. (called Billy) (Martha Rosaleen[6], Emma Flossie[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Jun 1972 in Rochester, Pa. He graduated from Western Beaver High School, Industry, Pa., in 1990, and took an associate degree as an electrician at Beaver County Vocational Technical School. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1990 to 1994, including shipboard duty with the USS Sterett CG-31, completing his enlistment as an E-5 Fire Controlman Second Class. In 2002 he was an area maintenance specialist for the U.S. Postal Service. He and his family then lived in East Palestine, Columbiana Co., Ohio. He and his wife were members of Lisbon [Ohio] Baptist Temple, where he was a trustee, and they both completed college level theology courses.

He married Christine Rena Thirion (called Crissie), daughter of Robert Edward Thirion and Shirley Ann Cusick, 5 Oct 1996 in Lisbon, Columbia Co., Ohio. Born 19 Jul 1971 in Salem, Ohio. She graduated from David Anderson High School, Lisbon, Ohio, in 1989. She took a B.A. in Elementary Education from Marietta [Ohio] College in 1993, and an M.B.A. in Gifted Education at Marietta College in 2000.


i. Lindsey Renae[8]. Born 23 Mar 1999.

ii. Kathryn Leigh. Born 12 Mar 2001.

iii. Meagan Sydney. Born 29 Oct 2002 in Lisbon.

424.i. Gregory Allen[7] Gibson (Thomas Wayne[6], Emma Flossie[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Sep 1975 in Rochester, Pa. He graduated from Western Beaver High School, Industry, Pa., in 1994. In high school he played baseball and basketball and was a member of the National Honor Society. He took a B.S. in Biology, cum laude, from Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa., in 1998. In college, he played baseball. In 2002 he was a research specialist with the University of Pittsburgh [Pa.], had published articles in scientific journals, and had postgraduate credits in geology.

He married Nicole NMN Bendekovic, daughter of Nicholas NMNBendekovic and Nancy Lee Barrow, 26 Sep 1998 in Beaver, Pa. Born 10 Apr 1975 in New Brighton, Pa. She graduated from Beaver [Pa.] Area High School in 1993, and took a Computer Application, Microcomputer and LAN Specialist diploma from Data Consultants, Inc. Career Institute, Beaver Falls, Pa. In 2002 she was a transcription services report clerk, Heritage Valley Health Systems, Beaver, and was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, New Brighton, Pa. Children:

i. Jacob Braxton[8]. Born 15 Nov 2002 in Beaver Medical Center, Beaver, Beaver Co., Pa.

436.i. Melissa Denise[7] Harris (Lois Jean[6], James Early[5], Mary A.M.[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Jan 1958 in Madison, Boone Co., W.Va. In 2003 she lived in Troy, Mich.

She married Blake Wilms. They divorced. Children:

i. Morgan Elizabeth[8]. Born 19 Dec 1995 in Rochester Hills, Mich.

452.i. Sheila Lynn[7] Honaker (called Lynn) (Robert Travers[6], Robert Travers[5], James Albert[4], Andrew Abraham[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Nov 1948 in Oak Hill, W.Va.

She married, first, Harold Hall in 1970. Died prior to 1982. Children:

i. Travis[8].

ii. Tamara.

She married, second, Robin Margolis in 1982.

455.ii. Frederick[7] Michael (also reported as Michaels) (Barbara Ellen[6], Opal Willie[5], Charles Lewis[4], Arminta Mandona[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in 1964.

He married Christina Kinder. Children:

i. Unknown son[8]. (twin) Born in Sep 1997.

ii. Unknown son. (twin) Born in Sep 1997.

467.i. Kenneth Paul[7] Miller (Don Eddie[6], William Al[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Jun 1967 in Welch, W.Va. In 2000 he and his family lived in St. Albans, W.Va.

He married Tammy Lee Shumate, daughter of Bernard Paul Shumate and Ruby Kathryn Farmer, 14 Nov 1992 in Marlinton, Pocahontas Co., W.Va. Born 30 May 1968 in Mullens, Wyoming Co., W.Va. Children:

i. William Seth[8]. Born 22 Jun 1999 in Charleston, W.Va.

ii. Daniel Paul. Born 7 May 2001 in Charleston.

475.ii. Kimberly Beth[7] Jarrell (Reta M.[6], Early General[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Dec 1959.

She married Rob Seats 21 Feb 1998 in Hawaii. Children:

i. Dayton Lucas[8]. Born 22 Feb 2000 in Charleston, W.Va.

506.i. Christopher David[7] Honaker (David[6], Bertie[5], William Van[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

Christopher and Virgie Lee (descendant #622i.) have one child:

i. Alyssa Morgan[8]. Born 24 Mar 1998 in Beckley, W.Va.

508.i. Talia Ryan[7] Calloway (Rhonda Susan[6], Jerry Richard[5], James Perry[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Dec 1989 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va. Died before 2015.

She married Unknown Estep. Children:

i. Adrien Cole[8].

521.i. Michael Scott[7] Wall (Patty Jo[6], Opha Ellison[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Aug 1958 in Charleston, W.Va.

He married Courtney Kay Gorenflo 16 Jan 1993 in Titusville, Fla. Children:

i. Rachel[8]. Born ca. 1996.

ii. Daniel. Born ca. 2000.

524.iv. Eric William[7] Smith (Lawrence William[6], Edith Mae[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 May 1970 in Detroit, Mich. He graduated from Stevenson High School, Livonia, Mich., in 1988. In 1998 he was a designer for Chrysler Corp. A photograph of him and his wife appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Winter 1998. They then lived in Livonia.

He married Jennapher Lindsay Bogden, daughter of David Thomas Bogden and Sharon Marie Trent, 5 Oct 1996 at Grace Lutheran Church, Redford, Wayne Co., Mich. Born 18 Apr 1972 in Detroit. She is a 1995 graduate of Madonna University, Livonia, Mich., and in 1998 was a sign language interpreter. Children:

i. Jacquelyn Annmarie[8]. Born 29 Dec 2002 in Farmington Hills, Mich.

533.i. Sara Nicole[7] Honaker (Curtis Larry[6], Curtis Larry[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Apr 1983. In 2003 she lived with her family at Ft. Stewart, Ga.

She married Mike Broyles. Children:

i. Logan[8]. He was born before Aug 2003.

534.i. Amy Noel[7] Honaker (called Drew) (Keith Eugene[6], Curtis Larry[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Jan 1987. In 2009 she lived in Princeton, W.Va.

She married Zach Sayers. Children:

i. Josiah[8].

ii. Landon.

534.ii. Keith Andrew[7] Honaker (called Drew) (Keith Eugene[6], Curtis Larry[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Mar 1989. A photograph of him appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1993.

Daily Telegraph, Princeton, W.Va., 5 Apr 2009: Lisa Amanda Boswell and Keith Andrew Honaker of Princeton are the parents of a daughter, Abbigail Riley Honaker, born Jan. 30, 2009 at Princeton Community Hospital. The baby weighed 6 lb. 4 oz. Grandparents are Billy and Lisa Boswell of Princeton and Keith and Susan Honaker of Bluefield.

Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, W.Va., 18 Mar 2012: Lisa and Keith Honaker of Princeton are the parents of a daughter, Kendall Payton Honaker, born Feb. 18, 2012 at Princeton Community Hospital. The baby weighed 5-lb. 12-oz. The mother is the former Lisa Boswell. Grandparents are Billy and Lisa Boswell of Princeton, Keith and Susan Honaker of Bluefield.

He married Lisa Amanda Boswell, daughter of Billy Boswell and Lisa Unknown. Children:

i. Abbigail Riley[8]. Born 30 Jan 2009 in Princeton, W.Va.

ii. Kendall Payton. Born 18 Feb 2012 in Princeton.

538. Carolyn Ann[7] Kunkle (Viola Myrtle[6], Ethel[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Died of heart failure at home 17 Mar 1998 in Longmont, Colo. Buried in Longmont Foothills Gardens of Memory, Longmont, Colo.

Longmont [Colo.] Times, 18 or 19 Mar 1998: Carolyn Ann Steele of Longmont died Tue., Mar. 17, 1998 at her home. She was 65. Born Aug. 12, 1932 in Denver, she was the daughter of William C. Kunkle and Viola Stephens Kunkle. She moved to Longmont from Denver in 1942. She married Harold Steele on Oct. 15, 1950, in Longmont. Mrs. Steele was a homemaker and a dedicated wife, mother and grandmother She volunteered with the Parent Teacher Association. She had taken an interest in genealogy and had done extensive research, traveling back east to check and verify records. She was a member of First United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by both parents. Survivors include her husband, Harold, of Longmont; two sons, John Steele and his wife, Sue, and Dave Steele, all of Longmont; two daughters, Debbie Flynn and Nancy Gould and her husband, Terry, all of Longmont; two sisters, Joan Nason of Longmont and Marilyn McGinley of Thornton; and nine grandchildren, Jamie Gould, Justin Gould, Kevin Gould, Travis Coleman, Ty Coleman, Scott Steele, Josh Steele, Jason Steele and Joel Steele, all of Longmont. Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thurs., Mar. 19, at Howe Mortuary Chapel. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Fri., Mar. 20, at Howe Mortuary Chapel with the Rev. Granville Smythe Jr. of First United Methodist Church officiating. Burial will be in Longmont Foothills Gardens of Memory. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Fund, Boulder County Unit, in care of Howe Mortuary, 439 Coffman St., Longmont 80501.

She married Harold Eugene Steele, son of Everett Elwin Steele and Maxine Pearl Knaus. Harold married, second, unknown, 23 May 1999. He and his second wife were high school sweethearts.

539. Mary Ruth[7] Courtney (Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 31 Jul 1936 in Wichita, Kan. She graduated from Planeview High School, Wichita, in 1954 and took an accounting degree from Wichita Vocational-Technical School. She was employed as a secretary at Kaye Electric, Newton, Kan., and at Mardis Industries, Inc., Goddard, Kan., retiring in 1996. She was a member of St. Anthony Church, Garden Plain, Kan., and Welcome Wagon Club, Wichita. Her interests included her grandchildren, crocheting, bowling and sewing.

She married Ronald Clarence Sigwing, son of Clarence Sigwing and Hallie Elliott, 11 Aug 1953 in Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan. Born 20 Jul 1934 in Wichita. Died of a heart attack at home, 18 Oct 1980 in Cheney, Kan. Buried in Eden Cemetery, Milton, Kan. He graduated from Planeview High School in 1953. In high school he played football and was a member of the newspaper staff. He was employed as an iron worker in Wichita, and a sheriff’s deputy, and was a member of the Masonic Lodge. His interests included fishing and rebuilding old automobiles. Children:

i. Ronald Clarence[8] Jr. Born 22 Feb 1954 in Wichita. He graduated from South High

School, Wichita, in 1972. He became an iron worker in Wichita, and truck driver for Refrigeration Technology, Inc. In 2001 he lived in Cheney, Kan., and his interests included fishing, car racing and sports. He had not married as of 2010.

681. ii. Courtney Alan (called Corky). Born 5 May 1955 in Wichita.

682. iii. Lona Lee Ann. Born 22 Nov 1956 in Wichita.

683. iv. Candice O’Ruth. Born 18 Sep 1958 in Wichita.

684. v. Penny Charnel. Born 10 Feb 1961 in Wichita.

685. vi. James Robert. Born 19 Jan 1965 in Wichita.

686. vii. Patrick Dawson. Born 6 May 1968 in Wichita.

540. Shirley Ann[7] Courtney (Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Jul 1937 in Wichita, Kan. Died 9 Dec 2008 in New Braunfels, Bexar Co., Texas. She and her husband lived in New Braunfels. Her cremated remains were interred in Yokum Pond Cemetery, Reeds Spring, Mo. Her daughter Lorna said that her mother had been a Girl Scout leader, real estate broker, accountant, quilter, seamstress, poet, and had many other hobbies.

Wichita [Kan.] Eagle, 10 Dec 2008 (also The Monitor, McAllen, Texas, and Stone County Gazette, Kimberling City, Mo.): Shirley (Courtney) Clevenger went to rest in the arms of her Savior, Dec. 9, 2008. Shirley was born July 30, 1937 to William and Ruby Courtney. She was born and raised in Wichita. She entered into marriage June 1, 1954 to Loren Clevenger and three children were born to this union: Monty and Lorna of Reeds Spring, Mo., Paula Molz of New Braunfels, Texas. Shirley was preceded in death by her father, William Courtney. Shirley is survived by husband, Loren; three children; five grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; mother Ruby Courtney of Haysville; sisters, Mary Sigwing of Cheney, Kathleen Courtney of Wichita and a host of relatives and very good friends.

She married Loren Gayle Clevenger (called Curly), son of Lawson Monroe Clevenger and Nelle Lee Buckley, 1 Jun 1954 in Wichita. Born 29 May 1932 in Kingsdown, Force Co., Kan. Died 11 Feb 2009 in New Braunfels, Texas. His cremated remains were interred in Yokum Pond Cemetery, Reeds Spring, Mo.

Wichita [Kan.] Eagle, 14 Feb 2009: Loren Gayle “Curly” Clevenger, son of Lawson and Nelle Clevenger was born May 29, 1932 in Kingsdown, Kansas and passed away peacefully on Feb. 11, 2009 in New Braunfels, Texas at the age of 76. Loren was a retired salesman. He was united in marriage to Shirley Courtney of Wichita, Kan., on June 1, 1954 and to this union three children were born. Loren was quite the jokester, never missing an opportunity to make others laugh and loved singing barbershop music. We will miss his great sense of humor. Loren was preceded in death by his wife, parents, six brothers and one sister. Survivors include: his children Billy “Monty” Clevenger and Lorna Clevenger both of Reeds Spring, Mo., and Paula Molz of New Braunfels, Texas; grandchildren, Amber, Eryn, Ashley, Courtney, and Rebecca; six great-grandchildren; sister Marjorie Marbourg of Shell Knob, Mo., and loving nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Mon., Feb. 16, 2009 at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Kimberling City, Mo., under the direction of Stumpff Funeral Home-South, Kimberling City, Mo. Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to service time Monday at the church.


687. i. Billy Monroe[8] (called Monty). Born 11 Mar 1955 in Wichita.

688. ii. Lorna Anne. Born 7 Sep 1956 in Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas.

689. iii. Paula Marie. Born 10 May 1963 in Wichita.

541. Marilyn Marie[7] Callaway (Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Sep 1937 in Susanville, Calif. Died 19 Oct 2008 in Redding, Calif. Buried in Anderson [Calif.] Cemetery.

Redding [Calif.] Record Searchlight, 24 Oct 2008: Marilyn Marie Dickison passed away Sun., Oct. 19, 2008 at Mercy Medical Center in Redding. She was born Sept. 26, 1937 in Susanville, Calif., to Clayton and Mildred Callaway. Marilyn graduated from Anderson Union High School in 1955 and then worked for Dr. Ferriera. She married Keith Dickison who was in the Air Force. They were stationed at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, Nev., where she worked for the Atomic Energy Commission. Two daughters were born in Nevada. In 1963 the family was stationed in France. Two sons were born there. They also lived in Germany, Orlando, Fla., and Spokane, Wash. Marilyn returned to the Redding/Anderson area in 1987. She is survived by her four children: Connie Marie Lewis (Mark), Teresa Jane Holford (Kermit), Commander Russell J. Dickison (Yvonne) and Clayton Paul Dickison (Melissa); her mother, Mildred Callaway; sister, Donna D. Ellis (Roger); and nine grandchildren. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Mon., Oct. 27, at the Anderson Cemetery, [Fr. Matthew Marankulam officiating. Allen & Dahl Funeral Chapel, Redding, was in charge of arrangements.]

She married Keith Irving Dickison, son of John Russell Dickison and Lillian Genevieve Torvey, 8 Dec 1956 in Anderson, Calif. Born 14 Dec 1936 in Klamath Falls, Crook Co., Ore. Children:

690. i. Constance Marie[8]. Born 13 Feb 1958 unknown place.

691. ii. Teresa Jane. Born unknown date and place.

692. iii. Russell James. Born unknown date at Touliers Air Base, France.

693. iv. Clayton Paul. Born unknown date at Touliers Air Base, France.

542. Donna Dee[7] Callaway (Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). A photograph of Donna's family appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999.

She married Roger Lee Ellis, son of Harold Leroy Ellis and Edna Josephine Clausen, 24 Aug 1957 in Las Vegas, Nev. (Roger was stationed at Nellis AFB, Nev.) Born 11 May 1934 in Zion, Ill. Children:

694. i. Rebecca Lee[8]. Born 12 Nov 1958 in Henderson, Clark Co., Nev.

695. ii. David Lynn. Born 13 Sep 1961 at Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, Clark Co., Nev.

544. David Lee[7] Honaker (Donald Lester[6], Delbert Lester[5], George Franklin Abraham[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1952 in Louisville, Ky.

He married Mary Jane Hutton. Children:

i. Douglas Lee[8]. Born in Indianapolis, Ind.

ii. David Landon. Born in Indianapolis.

iii. Diane. Born in Indianapolis.

554. Linda Kay[7] Winkler (Hazel Fern[6], Dessie Arden[5], Cornelius Vanderbilt[4], Samuel L.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Sep 1952 in California, Mo. In 2006 she lived in Platte City, Platte Co., Mo.

She married Stephen Arthur Prout (called Steve) 26 Jul 1975 in Smithville, Mo. Born 3 Mar 1952 in Kansas City, Mo. Children:

i. Luke Andrew[8]. Born 21 Nov 1981 in North Kansas City, Clay Co., Mo. In 2006 he was a legislative awareness specialist at Southwest Airlines headquarters, Dallas, Texas.

He married Ginger Diane Fink, daughter of Timothy Lee Fink and Nancy Lee Berkenbile, 17 Dec 2005 at First Christian Church, Smithville, Mo. Born 13 Nov 1983 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., Mo.

The afternoon wedding program indicated that the red rose in the front of the church was in honor of Ginger’s grandmother, Fanny Berkenbile, who was unable to attend. Two white poinsettias were in memory of Walter Winkler and Robert Prout, Luke’s grandfathers. The couple thanked their parents for showing them a true example of what marriage should be; and the Rev. Jim Matson, Naomi Johnson, Amy Schwind, Susan Clower, Barbara Scales, Kathy French, Dan Hayes and Jonalee McLaughlin, for their expertise and prayers.

The service was performed by Pastor Allan Chugg. In attendance were parents of the bride, Timothy and Nancy Fink, parents of the groom, Stephen and Linda Prout; grandparents of the bride, Leo Berkenbile, Anthony and Carolyn Fink, Fred and Rae Mahloch, grandmothers of the groom, Fern Winkler and Mary Prout. Matron of Honor was Jamie Visser, friend of the bride; bridesmaids were Emilee Nichols, Elizabeth Avery, Jenna Rice, friends of the bride, and Lauren Thompson, friend of the couple. Best man was Matthew Prout, brother of the groom; groomsmen were John O’Brien, Mike Ward, Steven Couch, friends of the groom, and Joshua Fink, brother of the bride. Ring bearer was Nicholas Fink, nephew of the bride. Ushers were Eric and Joshua Winkler, cousins of the groom, and Jeremy Chugg, friend of the bride. Musicians were Margo May and Andy Nichols, friends of the bride, and Merryl Terry, friend of the bride and groom. The guest book was overseen by Kristin Winkler, cousin of the groom; programs by Jessica Langner, cousin of the groom. Wedding coordinator was Betty Chugg, friend of the bride and groom. After their wedding, the couple made their home in Dallas.

ii. Matthew Ryan. Born 16 Sep 1984 in Smithville.

555. Randal James[7] Winkler (Hazel Fern[6], Dessie Arden[5], Cornelius Vanderbilt[4], Samuel L.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Apr 1955 in California, Mo. In 2006 he lived in Overland Park, Kan., where he was manager of engineering for Black & Veatch, a gas, oil and chemical firm.

He married Lisa Ann Klotz, daughter of Thomas Wedekind Klotz and Gail Frances Williams, 26 Sep 1981 in Bonner Springs, Wyandotte Co., Kan. Born 12 Dec 1957 in Denver, Colo. In 2006 she was a physician. Children:

i. Kristin Elaine[8]. Born 24 Jul 1987 in Overland Park, Johnson Co., Kan.

ii. Eric James. Born 7 May 1989 in Overland Park.

556. Larry Wayne[7] Winkler (Hazel Fern[6], Dessie Arden[5], Cornelius Vanderbilt[4], Samuel L.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 8 Oct 1957 in Kansas City, Mo. In 2006 he lived in Platte City, Platte Co., Mo., where he was owner of Ozark Distributors, a small trucking company.

He married Doreen C. Swiggert 15 Dec 1984 in Oklahoma City, Okla. They divorced ca. 2000 in the Kansas City, Mo., area. Born 28 Jul 1962 in California. She brought one child to the marriage, Tifnie Diane, born 27 Jun 1981 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Children (of Larry and Doreen):

i. Joshua Wade[8]. Born 2 Oct 1985 in Oklahoma City.

He married, second, Carol Renee Gitthens (called Renee), daughter of Ronald Keith Gitthens and Carol Colene Buckner, 21 Mar 2005 in Smithville, Clay Co., Mo. Born 10 Aug 1969 in Bethany, Mo. Children:

ii. John Walter. Born 6 Nov 2005 in North Kansas, Clay Co., Mo.

557. Clara Violet[7] Elswick (also seen as Claire) (Therman Chester[6], Clara Etta[5], James William[4], Benjamin Franklin[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 Oct 1946 in Bridgeport, Fairfield Co., Conn. In 1998 she lived in Chelmsford, Middlesex Co., Mass. In 2015 she lived in Nashua, Hillsboro Co., N.H.

She married, first, Philip Peluso Jr. 11 May 1968 in Bridgeport.

She married, second, Angelo Louis Azzalina (called Andy) 6 Oct 1974 in Somerville, Middlesex Co., Mass. Born in Massachusetts. Children:

i. Lisa Christine[8]. Born 22 Nov 1977 in Lowell, Middlesex Co., Mass.

ii. Laura Beth. Born 18 Aug 1981 in Lowell.

560. Shirley Mae[7] Bane (Brady Edward[6], John Harvey[5], Margaret Ann[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Died 23 Feb 2010 in Plant City, Fla.

Roanoke [Va.] Times, 28 Feb 2010: Shirley Bane Knewstep, 71, passed away peacefully at home Tue., Feb. 23, 2010, surrounded by family. Born in Parrott, Va., she later moved to Norfolk, Va. where she earned her nursing degree from Norfolk General Hospital School of Nursing and attended Norfolk State College specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. Shirley was active in several civic and professional organizations throughout her career. Shirley was preceded in death by her husbands, Edward William Sutphin Sr., Ray Mottesheard, and Edward Allen Knewstep (Skip). Her long time passion was genealogy research with her many cousins and friends. She is survived by her loving companion, Don Walker, of Plant City; daughter, Lisa Sutphin Strange and husband, Cecil; son, Edward William (Billy) Sutphin and wife, Lori Lynn; granddaughters, Cassie and Gracie. In addition, stepchildren, Candace M. Smith, Lynn Knewstep, Allan and Carl Knewstep; and seven stepgrandchildren. Other survivors include brother and sister-in-law, William (Bill) and Carol Bane; sister and brother-in-law, Irene (Wini) and George (Buddy) Griffin; sister and brother-in-law, Betty Jean and Marvin Williams; as well as cousins and close friends. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to the Shiloh Charter School of Plant City or LifePath Hospice. A memorial service will take place 2 p.m. Apr. 3, 2010, at the Sunrise Burial Park, Pulaski, Va.

562. Rose Marie[7] Snyder (Margaret Louise[6], Nannie Mae[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). In 2001 she lived in Dublin, Va.

She married, first, Boyd Frank Williams (called Frank) 18 Jun 1964 in Virginia. He owned the Montgomery News-Messenge, a weekly newspaper possibly published in Christiansburg, Va., and later a convenience store in Radford, Va. Died in Fairlawn, Pulaski Co, Va. Children:

i. Richard Boyd[8]. Born 31 Jan 1968 in Radford, Va. In 2001 he lived in Pulaski County.

ii. Stephanie Lynn. Born 28 Jun 1976 in Radford. She married Barry Foutz 12 May 2001 at

Fairlawn [Va.] United Methodist Church. In 2001 they lived in Pulaski, Va.

She married, second, Jim Wildgrube.

563. Jesse Lee[7] White, III (Jesse Lee, Jr.[6], Nannie Mae[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

563. i. Eric Michael[8]. Born 25 Jun 1969.

571. Walter Bradley[7] Harman, Jr. (called Brad) (Jean Marie[6], Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). He is a major in the U.S. Army Reserve.

He married Barbara Kaye Curtis, daughter of Terry Thomas Curtis and Nancy Jo Silvers. Born 15 Mar 1953 in Radford, Va. She works for Blue Cross of South Carolina. Children:

i. Bryce Edward[8]. Born 10 Apr 1987 in Roanoke, Va.

ii. Bailey Meredith. Born 27 Dec 1988 in Roanoke, Va.

572. Nicholas Elbert[7] Harman (called Nick) (Jean Marie[6], Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). He is a civil engineer.

He married Catherine Ann Williams, daughter of Emery Foster Williams Jr., and Mary Dorothy Shuler, 26 Sep 1992 in Irmo, S.C. She is a psychiatrist. They live in South Carolina.

564. Judith Ann[7] Gordon (called Judy) (Helen Virginia[6], Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Feb 1935 in Belspring, Va., as were her mother, grandmother and great grandfather. She attended Belspring Elementary School and Dublin High School, graduating in 1952 in the upper fourth of her class. In high school, she was a member of Beta Club and others dealing with home economics and Christian values. She was active in the Belspring Methodist Church and a member of its board as a teenager.

In 1954, she and Clyde Blackwell were married in Belspring Methodist Church. Their first daughter was born in 1957 and the next daughter was born in 1968. During this time, Judith did not work, but chose to stay home with her children. She was twice honored with a life membership in the Women’s Society of Christian Service [became United Methodist Women] in two churches—Thrasher United Methodist Church, Vinton, Va., and Huntington Court United Methodist Church, Roanoke, Va. During this time she was active in children’s choirs as well as singing in the adult church choir. She worked in the church office, performing secretarial duties as well. She also became a member of the Roanoke Valley Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, as well as United Daughters of the Confederacy on the service of her ancestor, Robert Andrew Carden, who married Melvina[3] Journell/Jennelle, above.

When her youngest daughter was ready for school, Judith returned to school as well. She finished a two-year secretarial course specializing in the legal field in 1976, the same year her oldest daughter finished high school. Judy applied for a scholarship to take the certified professional secretarial exam, obtained the scholarship and was certified. When the children finished school, she left her job as office manager and secretary to the director of the Roanoke Regional Office of Social Services, Commonwealth of Virginia.

Then she devoted all her time to her best hobby—genealogy. She took advantage of all classes and haunted the Virginia Room at the Roanoke Public Library, and attended family reunions. Her children often laughed and said they were the only children who picnicked in cemeteries while their mother searched for ancestors. Many rolls of microfilm were read and thousands of trips to courthouses were logged, but she never tired and was always ready to go again. She had many records for her husband’s family lines of Blackwell, Hale, Martin, Lampey, etc., as well as her own lines of Creger, Grubb, Carden, Gordon, Hamblin, etc. Originally beginning with typed records, in 2001 she had large data bases on a new computer. She also maintained hard copies. In her search for ancestors, it was necessary for her to become knowledgeable in history, mapping and geography, as well as photography. Genealogy, she felt, was not just about recording facts, but all the little stories and events occurring at the same time.

In 2001 Judith also was occupied with church activities including teaching, singing in the choir, newsletter reporting, and co-chair of Kitchen and Ways and Means Committees. It was her intent to be a better Bible scholar and she devoted time for two classes—one during the week and one on Saturday afternoon. As were her parents, she was employed at the election polls for her precinct in Floyd Co., Va. Her remaining time was given to assisting others and her own genealogy search.

She married Clyde William Blackwell, son of Moses Abraham Blackwell and Lottie Attaway Hale, 11 Jun 1954 in Belspring [Va.] Methodist Church. Born 16 Jan 1929 in Roanoke, where his father was employed with the Viscose Company. When he was four years old, they returned to Floyd Co., Va., and purchased a farm adjoining the Blackwell grandparents. He attended Check Elementary School and graduated from Check High School in 1947. While in school, he was active in Future Farmers of America and helped his father on the farm, leaving little time for extracurricular activities. In 1950 he entered the U.S. Army and served for two years. During that time he was a motor pool clerk with Service Co., 30th Infantry Regiment, Ft. Benning, Ga. He mustered out as a private first class.

After the Army, Clyde became a truck driver and eventually worked for Southern States Cooperative, Inc., supplying dairy and chicken feed to farmers. From there he secured employment with Rowe Furniture Corp., Salem, Va., delivering furniture to furniture stores from Florida to Maine and west to the Mississippi River. He retired from Rowe with nearly 30 years service and an excellent safety record. He then began driving trucks for H.T. Bowling, Inc., and in 2002 had been with them for ten years. He also farmed, raising hay and beef.

He belonged to Stonewall United Methodist Church and was a trustee and an usher. He was heavily involved in an addition to the church, serving as a member of the building committee as well as doing carpentry work. In 2002 Clyde loved to farm and to work with animals and spent most of his spare time in that endeavor living on the land that has been in his family for nearly two hundred years.


697. i. Teresa Ann[8]. Born 21 Nov 1957 in Roanoke.

ii. Rebekah Virginia (called Becky). Born 23 Jul 1968 in Roanoke. She completed fourth

grade at Monterey Elementary School, Roanoke, then transferred to Roanoke Catholic Schools where she graduated from high school in 1986. She was active in Girl Scouts, choirs, and other activities while in school. While in high school she worked at a retail fabric shop and developed a talent for sewing and related hobbies such as knitting and tatting. In 2002 she was an export order analyst with Elizabeth Arden, Inc., (since 1998); had worked years without missing a day and annually received recognition for this accomplishment. She was a member of Huntington Court United Methodist Church and had sung in the choir there. An avid amateur photographer, she traveled extensively to workshops and photography shoots. She owned several cameras and hoped to eventually be able to process her own film. She was interested in nature and taking care of our resources. She traveled to an orphanage in Brazil with a group from her church; took an

interesting trip to Prince Edward Island to observe and photograph polar bears; and enjoyed visiting her parents’ farm, making pictures and observing nature at its best. She also worked in stained glass, presenting her creations as gifts to members of the family.

565. Frances Virginia[7] Gordon (called Tessie) (Helen Virginia[6], Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Nov 1936 in Belspring, Va. Died 28 Apr 1989 in Roanoke, Va. Buried in Sunrise Burial Park, Pulaski Co., Va. The funeral home card indicated that the service was at DeVilbiss Funeral Home chapel, Radford, Va., the Rev. Betty Hudson, officiating; survivors were her husband, Garfield M. Ramsey Jr., daughter, Rhonda Ramsey Berry, grandchild, Jason Philip George Berry, parents, Mr. & Mrs. George Gordon, sister, Judith Gordon Blackwell, and brother, Richard P. Gordon; honorary pallbearers were Bob Paul and L.T. Dudley. She was a photographer.

In 2002 her sister Judy wrote the following about her:

Frances was born at the home of our grandparents, James A. and Virginia Tabor Gordon. She came 21 months after me. Dr. Robert Chumbley also delivered her as he had her mother Helen and me. Our small family then returned to Winding Gulf, W.Va., where we were living while our father, George Gordon was working in the coal mines.

At the beginning of World War II, we returned to Virginia and Dad worked at the Radford Arsenal making powder during the war. Frances, nicknamed “Tessie” by me, attended Belspring Elementary School, then Dublin High School where she graduated in 1953. She was a cheerleader and a good student. She was an energetic, happy person with a good outlook on life.

She secured a worker’s permit at the age of 14 and worked regularly from that time forward. She enrolled at Radford [Va.] College majoring in Library Science. Due to financial and other problems, she did not complete her education.

She married Garfield M. Ramsey, Jr. Apr. 1, 1955, at Tyler Memorial Presbyterian Church in Radford, Va., now on the campus of Radford University. Garfield attended Photographer School in Jersey City, N.J., and Tess worked full time supporting the family during that time. While he was in school, Tess came home and had their first and only child, Rhonda Lee Ramsey Oct. 7, 1957. She and Rhonda returned to New Jersey, and stayed until Garfield finished his training.

They returned to Virginia, and Garfield accepted a position with a local photographer in Martinsville. He worked there for a few years and Tess retouched negatives for other clients to supplement his income and to be with their daughter, Rhonda. Eventually, they returned to Radford and opened “Ramseys Studio” across from Radford College where they had the contract for many years for The Beehive, the college annual.

They closed this studio and moved to Dublin, Va., opening their last studio, also called Ramsey’s Studio. For many years, they did the Pulaski County High School annuals under Tess’s supervision. She was a born business woman and loved to work with the public. She knew everyone and never forgot a face. She was a member of the Belspring Methodist Church, but transferred her membership to Garfield’s church, which was Tyler Memorial Presbyterian Church. She and Garfield were avid square dancers and belonged to a club that was very active. She was an excellent seamstress as well.

She had not been feeling well for a long time, and on Aug. 8, 1988 was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After much treatment, hospital stays which she abhorred, she lost the valiant fight and passed on Apr., 28, 1989. She left a grieving family and parents who never recovered from the loss.

She married Garfield M. Ramsey Jr. 1 Apr 1956 in Radford, Va. Born in Sep 1935. Children:

698. i. Rhonda Lee[8]. Born 7 Oct 1957 in Radford.

566. Richard Phillip[7] Gordon (called Rick) (Helen Virginia[6], Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 4 Jan 1951 in Radford, Va. He attended Belspring [Va.] Elementary School and graduated from Dublin [Va.] High School in 1968, 32nd in a class of 170. While in school, he participated in clubs and other extracurricular activities. He fished, hunted, hiked and participated in some sports. He worked for a local appliance store while attending Wytheville [Va.] Community College, taking an Associate of Science in Business Administration with honors in June 1971. He transferred to Radford [Va.] College as a day student in 1972. He was a member of Phi Beta Lambda business honorary and Phi Kappa Phi national honorary scholastic fraternity. He was the first male undergraduate to finish at Radford since it became co-educational in June 1972. He was also the first male to give the traditional student address at the college’s graduation ceremonies held Nov. 20, 1973. He graduated with honors. After graduating he worked for a loan company where he had worked while attending school. Later he joined the construction firm of H.T. Bowling, Inc., where he is now part owner. He was president of the Alumina Board of Radford College (became Radford University) for two terms and was treasurer for several terms. In 2002 he was on the Executive Council.

He married Linda Gail Bowling 22 Jul 1977 in Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas Island. She took a B.S. in Business Management from Radford College. In 2002 she also worked for the company which was founded by her father, the late Harry T. Bowling. Children:

i. Joel Matthew[8] (called Matt). Born 27 Mar 1981 in Radford, Va. In high school, he was on track team. In 2002 he was a junior at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, majoring in Computer Engineering. He had been on the President’s List all three years.

ii. Benjamin Thomas (called Ben). Born 20 Apr 1985 in Radford. In 2002 he was attending

Auburn High School, Montgomery Co., Va, where he was active in clubs, track, and basketball.

580. Raymond Draper[7] Williams II (called R.D.) (James Floyd[6], Elizabeth Clair[5], James Cline[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 Jun 1957 in Radford, Montgomery Co., Va.

He married, first, Susan Gayle Christian, daughter of Unknown Christian and Donna McComas, in Sep 1983 in Princeton, W.Va. They divorced. Children:

i. Brandon James[8]. Born 10 Sep 1986 in Richmond, Va.

He married, second, Lu Ann Mullin, daughter of Gene Mullin and Margie Ridley, 30 Jun 1992 in Durant, Okla. She also married James Swinson, Sr. Children:

ii. Patrick Raymond. Born 6 Sep 1994 in Durant, Bryan Co., Okla.

582. Susan Mabel[7] Williams (James Floyd[6], Elizabeth Clair[5], James Cline[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 May 1965 in Roanoke, Va.

She married, first, Kevin Sowers, son of James E. Sowers and Barbara Booth, 27 Aug 1988 in South Roanoke United Methodist Church, Roanoke, Va. Born in Dec 1963 in Roanoke. They divorced. Children:

i. Chad James[8]. Born 15 Feb 1989 in Dickson, Tenn.

She married, second, Thea Luke Church, son of Elihu Church and Mary Jane Meadows, 27 May 1995 in Unitarian Universalist Church, Roanoke, Va. Born 26 Dec 1954 in Tazewell Co., Va. He also married Sue Ellen Unknown.

583. Daniel Taylor[7] Simmons Jr. (Frances Isabel[6], Clara Belle[5], James Davidson[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Sep 1959 in Bluefield, W.Va. In 2010 he lived in Pembroke, Va.

He married, first, Tammy Lynn Shrewsberry 10 Mar 1979 in Bluefield. They divorced in 1994. Children:

i. Amber Lee[8]. Born 13 Sep 1979 in Bluefield.

ii. Jeremy Taylor. Born 18 Apr 1984 in Bluefield.

He married, second, Sharon Lane Vincent, daughter of Richard Vincent and Patricia Waite, 27 Jul 1996 in Gatlinburg, Sevier Co., Tenn.

584. Tracy Ann[7] Simmons (Frances Isabel[6], Clara Belle[5], James Davidson[4], James Davidson[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Jun 1969 in Bluefield, W.Va. In 2010 she lived in Bluefield.

She married Drew Michael Freund 13 Jun 1992 in Bluefield. Children:

i. Brittany Page[8]. Born 4 Oct 1988 in Bluefield.

ii. Justin Michael. Born 16 Sep 1994 in Bluefield.

585. Kim Arthur[7] Pearce (Joyce Jane[6], Edison Harlin[5], Beulah Faye[4], Mary Catherine[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]).

He married, second, Vicky Marie Carter 13 Apr 1998 in Las Vegas, Nev. They live in Mesquite, Texas.

586. Steven Clay[7] VanReenen (Rita Lane[6], Raleigh J.[5], Beulah Faye[4], Mary Catherine[3], Peter Cline[2], Abraham[l]). In 2003 he and his family lived in Asheville, N.C.

587. Judith Ann[7] George (called Judi) (twin) (William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Oct 1942 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. In 2015 she lived in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio. She graduated from Central High School, Akron Ohio, in 1960, and attended the University of Akron before being married and starting a family. She became a real estate agent and chamber of commerce executive director, but felt her greatest accomplishment was rasing two independent and strong-willed daughters.

She married Alan Jay Spencer, son of William Brooks Spencer and Dorothy Ellen Grimm, 15 Feb 1964. Born 9 May 1934 in Akron. He graduated from Buchtel High School, Akron, and attended college for three years at Hiram [Ohio] College and University of Akron. He served in the U.S. Army. In 2015 he was a retired mortgage loan officer from First Merit Bank, Dayton. Children:

701. i. Janet Alana[8]. Born 23 Nov 1964 in Akron.

587. ii. Michele Ann. Born 12 Sep 1967 in Akron.

588. Geraldine Lee[7] George (called Geri) (twin) (William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Oct 1942 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. In 2015 she lived in Canton, Stark Co., Ohio.

She married Richard Keene Ellerbrock, son of Alvah William Ellerbrock and Katherine NMN Willig, 12 Oct 1963 in Akron. They divorced. Born 8 Jun 1942 in Jackson, Miss. In 2015 he lived in Akron. Children:

702. i. Renay Keene[8]. Born 18 Apr 1964 in Akron.

703. ii. Shelby Lee. Born 24 May 1967 in Akron.

588. iii. Richard Al. Born 26 Apr 1972 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio.

589. Vicki Jo[7] Chudzinski (Martha Rosaleen[6], Emma Flossie[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). In 2002 she and her family lived in Lisbon, Columbiana Co., Ohio.

She married Patrick Henry Gilbert, son of James Leonard Gilbert Sr. and Hope Slazia Cassel 9 Dec 1994 in New Waterford, Columbiana Co., Ohio. Born 10 Apr 1956 in Salem, Ohio. Children:

ii. Jenny Lee. Born 24 Sep 1998 in Salem, Ohio.

iii. Emma Hope. Born 15 Feb 2002 in Salem.

590. Heather Elizabeth[7] Honaker (Larry Allan[6], Elza Carl[5], John Floyd[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Sep 1973 in Springfield, Ohio. She graduatd from Shawnee Mission West High School, Overland Park, Kan., 1991.

She married, first, Shawn Springer 12 Jun 1993 in Overland Park, Kan. They divorced 1994 in Overland Park.

She married, second, Greg Schumacher of Wichita, Kan. Children:

i. Brittany Ann[8]. Born 16 Oct 1995 in Wichita.

ii. Amber Elizabeth. Born 11 Dec 1999 in Wichita.

She married, third, Michael Stephen Bolt, son of John Chandler Bolt and Donna Jean Maxwell, 19 Mar 2008 in Maui, Hawaii. In 2010 he was an ophthalmologist with Grene Vision Group, Wichita, Kan.

591. Roger Wayne[7] Crawford (Carl Vernon[6], Fred McKinley[5], David L.[4], Sarah Margaret[3], John M.[2], Abraham[l]). He graduated from Lynchburg-Clay High School, Lynchburg, Ohio, in 1980. In high school he was active in volleyball, junior and senior class plays, school musicals, and was a National Honor Society member. In 2002 he lived in Lynchburg, Ohio; was employed by the City of Hillsboro, Ohio, where he worked in the city water plant; collected guns and played guitar.

He married Babette Steele. They divorced in Georgetown, Brown Co., Ohio. In 2002 she lived in West Portsmouth, Ohio. Children:

i. Farrah Renea[8]. In 2002 she lived with her father and was completing her junior year at

Lynchburg-Clay High School. She was then on the volleyball team; after school and during the summers she worked at a local wholesale plant nursery.

ii. Crystal Anne. In 2002 she lived with her mother and was completing her freshman year

of high school. She was then very fond of animals, especially dogs and horses.

605. William Leftridge[7] Dawson (Jerushia[6], Dona[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Patty Rhodes.

607. David Paul[7] Miller (Hursie Paul[6], William Al[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married Susan JoAnn Stahling, daughter of Joseph Stahling and Marian Miller, 17 Mar 1974 in Ft. Story, Virginia Beach, Va. Born 30 Mar 1950. Children:

i. Laura Catherine[8]. She graduated from James Mason University, Harrisonburg, Va., in June 1998 and was commissioned a U.S. Army second lieutenant there through Army Reserve Officer Training Corps. In 1999 she was stationed in Germany.

608. Cynthia Dawn[7] Miller (Don Eddie[6], William Al[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Welch, W.Va.

She married Lourn Maxwell Boyce III (called Max), son of Lourn M. Boyce Jr. and Betty Suzanne Daniel, 14 Mar 1993 in Pineville, W.Va. Born 16 Mar 1969 in Cumberland, Md.

Max’s brother Benjamin Glen Daniel Boyce, born 26 Jun 1970 in Beckley, W.Va., also married a Honaker descendant, Melissa Ann Honaker, daughter of Gary Donald Honaker Sr. of Arnett, W.Va. (born and raised in Arnett, the youngest of ten or 12 children of Unknown Honaker and Georgie Unknown), and Patricia Ann Lively Honaker Coop of Murfreesboro, Tenn., 18 May 1991 in Bolt, W.Va. Melissa was born 28 Mar 1972 in Beckley. She and Benjamin have a child, Jorgianna Mycaela Boyce, born 3 Apr 1997 in Beckley.

Children (of Cynthia and Max):

ii. Ashley Cailyn[8]. Born 23 May 1997 in Beckley, W.Va.

iii. Kelsey Allison. Born 7 Jul 1999 in Beckley.

iii. Kylee Paige. Born 26 Dec 2001 in Wilson, N.C.

617. Wanda[7] Gilfilen (Mathel Elsie[6], Addie Mae[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 Jul 1944 in Oceana, Wyoming Co., W.Va. She was a foster parent who adopted ten

She married, first, Larry Brown. Children:

i. Melissa[8]. Born in Ohio.

ii. Marla. Born in Ohio.

She married, second, Mack MacRoberts.

623. Jerry Lee[7] Miller (Jerald Paul[6], James Luther[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

iv. Patricia Alice. Born 13 Jul 1982. She married Unknown Jackson.

624. Sharon Kay[7] Miller (Jerald Paul[6], James Luther[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). In 2001 she lived in Kannapolis, N.C. Children:

i. Michelle Lee[8]. Born 17 Mar 1977. She married Unknown Waller.

ii. Richard James, III (called Richie). Born 30 Jul 1981.

628. Michele Leah[7] Webb (Patty Ruth[6], Early General[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married, second, John Stackhouse 11 Jun 1999. Children:

ii. Austin Brady Trell. Born 17 Apr 2001 in Charleston, W.Va.

629. Jeffery Scott[7] Miller (Patty Ruth[6], Early General[5], William Everett[4], Mary Luther[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Children:

iii. Abigail Marie. Born 28 Dec 2000 in Virginia.

640. Linda Elaine[7] Daniel (Annabel Lee[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Sep1948 in Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W.Va. In 1989 she was a legal secretary for a circuit court judge. In 2013 she lived in Point Pleasant.

She married, first, Dennis Woodrow Foreman 22 Oct 1969 in Point Pleasant. Born 25 Feb 1947 in Mason, Mason Co., W.Va. They divorced. He retired from the West Virginia state police. Children:

i. Dennis Chad[8]. Born 21 Jul 1972 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., W.Va.

ii. Craig Daniel. Born 31 Jan 1976 in Parkersburg.

She married, second, Larry A. Lane, son of Calvin Lane and Ernestine Shiflett, 9 Jan 1986 in Pearisburg, Giles Co., Va. Born 24 Oct 1948 in Gallipolis, Ohio. In 1989 he was a power plant operator.

641. Gregory Lawrence[7] Ayers (Estelle Verla[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Sep 1947 in Beckley, W.Va. He graduated from St. Albans [W.Va.] High School in 1965, and played on the football team. He took a B.S. in Political Science, with honors, from Morris Harvey College, Charleston, W.Va. in 1969; and a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. He was a member of the Social Science honorary, Pi Gamma Mu. After college, he was employed by the State of Ohio penal system, then the Ohio Appeals Court. He argued four cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won three of them. In 2001 he was employed by the West Virginia Appeals Court.

He married Linda Sue LeRose, daughter of Louis LeRose [no middle name] and Lena Lopez [no middle name] in St. Albans, W.Va. Born 21 Jul 1948 in Beckley. She graduated from St. Albans High School in 1966, was a cheerleader and member of Spanish Club. She graduated with B.A. degrees in English and Spanish from Morris Harvey College in 1970. In 1998 she was a Spanish teacher at Clintonville Academy, Columbus, Ohio. In 2001 she taught Spanish at Capital High School, Charleston, W.Va. She was Roman Catholic, and her interests included singing and piano. Children:

i. Natalie Ann[8]. Born 23 Sep 1975 in Columbus, Ohio. She took a bachelor’s degree from

Ohio University in 1999.

ii. Christopher William (called Chris). Born 30 Mar 1978 in Columbus. He took a

bachelor’s degree from Ohio State University, Columbus, in 2001, and enrolled in a master’s program at the University of Maryland, College Park.

iii. Elizabeth Anne (called Lizzie). Born 20 Apr 1982 in Columbus. She graduated from high

school in 2001, where she was a cheerleader and played volleyball. In 2001 she was enrolled as a freshman at West Virginia University, Morgantown.

642. John Clinton[7] Ayers (Estelle Verla[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Nov 1949 in Charleston, W.Va. He took a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from West Virginia University, Morgantown. In 2001 he and his family were living in Scott Depot, W.Va.

He married Barbara Jean Powell, daughter of George Raymond Powell and Irene Kathryn Ebersbach, 19 Oct 1974 in Parkersburg, W.Va. Born 23 Apr 1946 in Parkersburg. In 2001 she taught French in Raleigh Co., W.Va. Children:

i. John Powell[8]. Born 17 Feb 1977 in Beckley, W.Va. As a college senior, he received the Art Livingood Scholarship from the Pittsburgh, Pa., chapter of the American Concrete Institute; and the university’s Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarship, having earned a 4.0 gradepoint average in his last semester. In 2001 he was inducted into the Golden Key National Honor Society. The following story, with photograph, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Jul 1999: Wins Academic Honors—

John Powell[8] Ayers, son of John Clinton and Barbara Jean (Powell) Ayers of Beckley, W.Va., and grandson of Estelle Verla (Treadway) Ayers of St. Albans, W.Va., has been awarded a Dean’s Fellowship from North Carolina State University, Raleigh. He also won a graduate assistantship. He is pursuing a master’s degree in structural engineering.

John graduated magna cum laude from West Virginia University in Dec 1998 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. While there, he was inducted into Chi Epsilon and Tau Beta Pi, national engineering honoraries. In Oct 1998, Ayers passed the written Fundamentals of Engineering Exam administered by the National Council of Engineering Examiners. He is a 1995 honor graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School, Beckley.

643. Rebecca Jean[7] Ayers (called Becky) (Estelle Verla[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Feb 1953 in South Charleston, W.Va. She attended Concord College, Athens, W.Va., and Morris Harvey College, Charleston, W.Va. In 2001 she taught at First Baptist Church, St. Albans, W.Va.

She married Billy Gene Cottle, son of Billy Leon Cottle and Phyllis Jean Richardson, 10 May 1973 in Pearisburg, Va. Born 25 Jul 1953 in South Charleston. Children:

643. i. Andrew William[8] (called Andy). Born 5 Dec 1976 in South Charleston.

ii. Elizabeth Marie (called Libby). Born 19 May 1980 in South Charleston. She took a B.A. in Education from Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va., in 2002. In 2004 she was pursuing an M.A. in Education and Ed.S. in School Psychology, anticipating 2006 graduation, also at Marshall.

She married David Matthew Willard, son of Hugh F. Willard and Martha Virginia Davis, 7 Aug 2004 in St. Albans, W.Va. Born 25 May 1978 in South Charleston.

Charleston [W.Va.] Gazette, 19 Aug 2004 (with photograph of the couple), headlined Weddings—Willard-Cottle: Libby Cottle of St. Albans and David Willard of Poca exchanged wedding [vows] Sat., Aug. 7, at First Baptist Church of St. Albans. The ceremony was officiated by Joel Harpold.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cottle and the granddaughter of Estelle Ayers and Jean Dent, all of St. Albans. The groom is the son of Mrs. Suzie Willard and the late Mr. Hugh Willard of Poca. The bride was given in marriage by her parents and escorted to the altar by her father. Serving as honor attendant was Jessie Lewis of St. Albans, cousin of the bride. Bridesmaids were Amy Cottle of Winfield, sister-in-law of the bride, Amanda Nichols of St. Albans, Tracy King of Cross Lanes and Jessica Bashaw of Jacksonville, Fla., all friends of the bride. Junior attendant was Sarah Waller of Nitro, niece of the groom. Flower girl was Bekah Neidlinger of St. Albans, friend of the bride.

Serving as best man was Todd Pringle of Cross Lanes, friend of the groom. Groomsmen were Andy Cottle of Winfield, brother of the bride, Bron Walker of Poca, friend of the groom, Evan Lewis of St. Albans, cousin of the bride, and Tex Priddy of Born 19 Jan 1958 in Worcester, Mass Buffalo, friend of the groom. Clay Thomas of Charleston, cousin of the bride, served as junior groomsman. Alec Allen of Jacksonville served as ring-bearer. Ushers were John P. Ayers, Alex Higginbotham, Tyler Willis and Paul Wilson.

Guest book attendant was Amber Higginbotham. Program attendant was Meredith Willis. Serving as favor attendants were Rachel Neidlinger and Jennifer Young. Music was provided by Tom Hollinger, Amanda Nichols, Ambryan Willis and Brad Willis.

The reception was held at the Chilton House in St. Albans with a luau buffet. Brad Willis was the disc jockey. After the reception, the couple left for a honeymoon in Jamaica.

“We would like to give a special thanks to Pat Armstrong, Barbara J. Ayers, Suzanne Craigo, Janet Howes, Bobbi Knapp, Bobbi Lewis, Stephanie Neidlinger, Mary Nichols, Nan Richardson and Cindy Shock.”

644. William Henry[7] Ayers (Estelle Verla[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 26 Aug 1960 in South Charleston, W.Va. He attended West Virginia University, Morgantown; Morris Harvey College, Charleston, W.Va.; and Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va. In 2001 he was a sales representative for the York Co.

He married Barbara Garrison Donoughe, daughter of Guy Lee Garrison and Violet Matilda Winters, 16 Oct 1992 in Williamsburg, Va. In 2001 she was a part-time office worker for Manpower, Inc., a temporary business office staffing agency. She had a child by a prior marriage to James Patrick Donoughe, who was adopted by William Henry:

i. Lucille Ann[8] (called Luci). Born 16 Aug 1988 in Charleston, W.Va. In 2001 she was a

ninth grader at Winfield [W.Va.] School.

649. Nelson Lee[7] Williams (Betty Jo[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Aug 1957. Children:

i. Cassandra[8]. Born 25 Apr 1978 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio. She married Jason


650. Paul Francis[7] Rich (Joyce Juanita[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Jan 1958 in Worcester, Mass. A story about Paul, with photograph, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, July 1999. He graduated from Stonewall Jackson High School, Manassas, Va., in Jun 1976, where he was a member of the National Honor Society. He enlisted in the U.S. Army while in high school, and went on active duty after graduation. He served in Operation Desert Storm, the liberation of Kuwait from Iraq, and in 1999 was a master sergeant at DeWitt Army Hospital, Ft. Belvoir, Va.

During his Army service, he was inpatient orthopedic manager (1982-84), Ft. Campbell, Ky.; director of hospital specialty services (1984-85), hospital liaison (1985-86), assistant director of nursing (1986-87), plans/operations/training security manager (1987-1990), Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., plans/operations/training/security and nuclear, biological, chemical manager (1990-1992), Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., and detached to Southwest Asia; assistant director of nursing (1992-1994), Frankfurt, Germany; assistant director of nursing (1994-1996), and assistant director of clinical services (1996-2000), Ft. Belvoir, Va.

At Ft. Belvoir, he was principal author of the Emergency Preparedness Plan, DeWitt Army Community Hospital, 31 Dec 1997. The plan and its annexes set forth responsibilities in event of mass casualties to include nuclear, chemical and biological attack; hospital emergency; and civil assistance.

He completed two years at Northern Virginia Community College, majoring in science, and Army courses including Emergency Medical Technician, Practical Nurse, Middle Manager Development, Executive Management and Development, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas; Supervisor Development, Ft. Campbell, Ky.; Total Quality Management, Ft. Belvoir, Va.; Fitness Management, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind., Operations, Intelligence, Security, U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, Ft. Bliss, Texas. He retired from the Army with 24 years experience in Jun 2000. In 2002 he was a system administrator for Information Systems Support, Inc., at Ft. Belvoir. He then lived in Dale City, Va., where his hobbies were computers and hunting (black powder and bow).

He married, first, Alice Jean Wood, daughter of John Samuel Wood and Sarah Jane Watt, 23 Aug 1976 in Frederick, Frederick Co., Md. Born 8 Aug 1958 in Steubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio. She graduated from Wintersville [Ohio] High School in 1976. In high school, she was active in drama and the school newspaper. She was a supervisor with Army-Air Force [Post & Base] Exchange Service in Germany, Ft. Leonard Wood, and Ft. Belvoir.) In 2001 she was a member of First Baptist Church, Woodbridge, Va., and enjoyed cooking and gardening.


i. Jennifer Joyce[8]. Born 23 Jun 1978 at Ft. Belvoir, Va. She graduated from Garfield High

School, Woodbridge, Va., in 1996 and matriculated at Northern Virginia Community College , Woodbridge, in the fall of 2001. In 2002 she was employed by Boat USA, Alexandria, Va., was a member of First Baptist Church, Woodbridge, and her hobbies included playing piano and collecting angels.

ii. Ashley Charlotta. Born 9 Jun 1989 at Ft. Leonard Wood, Pulaski Co., Mo. She attended

Enterprise and Penn Elementary Schools, Dale City, Va. In 2002 she was in seventh grade at Beville Middle School, Dale City, and enjoyed playing violin. In 2008 she was a student at Northern Virginia Community College, Woodbridge, Va.

He married, second, Jill Unknown ca. 2008. She brought a son and daughter to the marriage.

651. Steven Clinton[7] Treadway (Charles Ross[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 30 Apr 1957 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio. Died 27 Apr 2012 in Barberton. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Wadsworth, Ohio.

Akron [Ohio] Beacon Journal, 29 Apr 2012: Clinton—Steven C. Treadway, age 54, passed away unexpectedly on April 27, 2012. He was born on April 30, 1957 in Barberton to Charles and Ruby (Stephenson) Treadway. A 1976 graduate of Chippewa High School, he was a painter by trade. Steven enjoyed being outdoors, riding his four-wheeler, hunting, and gathering mushrooms. He is survived by his daughter, Elicia Majer of Rittman; grandchildren, Haley Majer and Nellie Morris; parents, Charles and Ruby Treadway of Doylestown; sister, Kelly (Jerry) Capen of Doylestown; nephew, Cody Capen; special friends, Linda, Lynette, Tony, and David. A memorial service will be held on Wed., May 2, 2012 at 6 p.m. at the Zak-Thacker & Monbarren Funeral Home, 132 N. Portage St., Doylestown, 44230. Inurnment at Woodlawn Cemetery in Wadsworth at a later date. Friends may call from 4 p.m. until time of service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the family c/o the funeral home. Online obituary and guest registry available at (Zak-Thacker & Monbarren, 330-658-2211.)

He married Judith Adair, daughter of Walter Adair and Ruth Birkbeck, 4 Jun 1979 in Doylestown, Wayne Co., Ohio. They divorced 1988. Born 4 Sep 1962 in Orrville, Ohio. Children:

651. i. Elicia Marie[8]. Born 27 Sep 1979 in Barberton.

653. Theresa Lynne[7] Treadway (Howard Albert[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 26 Mar 1965 in Aberdeen, Harford Co., Md.

She married Samuel Patrick Berry, son of Tommy A. Berry and Cherie Mosher, 24 Oct 1992 in Matthews, Mecklenburg Co., N.C. Born 25 Dec 1964 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., N.C. Children:

i. Christopher Lee Caston[8]. See photograph. Born 31 Jul 1984 in Charlotte, N.C. Died 16 Jun 2007 after diving into a river. Buried in Forest Lawn East Cemetery, Matthews, N.C.

Charlotte [N.C.] Observer, 18 Jul 2007 (with photograph)—Mr. Christopher Lee Caston, 22, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his mammaw, Annette Y. Treadway, on Sat., June 16, 2007. Christopher graduated from high school in 2001 and had worked for E.S.P. and Associates as a land surveyor. Chris loved rock and roll music and loved playing guitar and video games with his cousin Bobby. Chris was always full of life, always ready to go do something fun, a natural comedian and animal lover, known to many as Christopher “Woo Woo.” He will be very deeply missed. Christopher is preceded in death by his grandmother, Annette Y. Treadway. He is survived by his mother, Theresa L. Treadway Berry, her fiance, Rick Sutherland; his grandfather, Howard A. Treadway; great grandmother, Ethel Walney; stepfather, Sam Berry; aunt Anita T. Craig-Bennett “ne-ne” and husband, David; cousins “that were his brothers,” Bobby Craig and Justin Craig and his fiance, Tyler Smith; step-cousins, Brikk and Gage Bennett; and the two loves of his life, Christina Loftin and Michelle Fitzgerald. Many great aunts and great uncles and many, many, many friends, who will forever miss him so very deeply also survive. Visitation for Mr. Caston will be Wed., June 20, 2007 from 6–9 p.m. at Heritage Funeral Home—Weddington Chapel, 3700 Forest Lawn Drive, Matthews. Funeral service to celebrate the life of Christopher will be at Heritage Funeral Home—Weddington Chapel on Thurs., June 21 at 2 p.m. Burial will be immediately following at Forest Lawn East Cemetery in Matthews. Pallbearers are Justin Craig, Bobby Craig, David Bennett, Sam Berry, Michael Jenkins and Brikk Bennett. Donations can be made in Chris’ memory to the Charlotte Humane Society. The Caston/Treadway family is in the care of Heritage Funeral Home—Weddington Chapel. On-line condolences may be left at .

664. Jacqueline Kay[7] DuBois (called Jackie) (Doris Georgene[6], Opha Ellison[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Nov 1963 in Charleston, W.Va. In 2009 she lived in Charleston.

She married Craig M. Kay 28 Dec 1990 in Charleston. Children:

i. R.H. Christopher[8]. Born 3 Jul 1995 in Charleston.

665. Elizabeth Anne[7] Wall (called Beth) (Patty Jo[6], Opha Ellison[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 20 Nov 1960 in Charleston, W.Va.

She married Steve Monroe Mitchell 16 Jun 1979 in Titusville, Fla. They divorced Jun 1993. Children:

i. Mandra Marie[8] (called Mandy). Born 5 May 1980 in Titusville.

ii. Steve Monroe, II. Born 2 Mar 1982 in Titusville. He married Nicole Unknown 8 Aug 2008.

670. Douglas Wright[7] Smith (Lawrence William[6], Edith Mae[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Apr 1958 in Detroit, Mich. He and his family lived in Livonia, Mich.

He married Colleen Marie Hiebert, daughter of Richard J. Kincannon and Carol Ann Bertschinger, 30 Nov 1985 in Redford, Mich. Born 26 Nov 1960 in Detroit. Died 23 Apr 2012 in Detroit. Buried in Glen Eden Lutheran Memorial Park, Livonia. Her father, Richard J. Kincannon, was killed in a motor vehicle accident when she was eight years old and she was adopted by her mother's second husband.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Fall 2012: Colleen Marie Smith, 51, of Livonia, Mich., died April 23, 2012 after a short illness. She was a 1973 graduate of Stevenson High School, Livonia. She lived in the Livonia area all her life. She is survived by her husband Douglas Wright Smith [of the home]; sons Eric Daniel Mayer Smith and Shane Douglas Smith; and daughter Brittany Marie Smith.


i. Eric Daniel Mayer[8]. Born 31 May 1982 in Ann Arbor, Washtenshaw Co., Mich. In

2012 he lived in Newport Beach, Calif.

ii. Shane Douglas. Born 24 Jun 1986 in Detroit. A photograph of him appeared in Honaker

Family Newsletter, Summer 1997. In 2012 he lived in Livonia.

iii. Brittany Marie. Born 1 Aug 1988 in Detroit. In 2012 she lived in Livonia.

671. Christine Lynn[7] Smith (Lawrence William[6], Edith Mae[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]).

She married John Walter Weak, son of Walter Frederick Weak and Isabelle Mae McInnes, 8 Jul 1989 in Livonia, Mich. Children:

ii. Jessica Lynn. Born 18 Dec 1998 in Royal Oak, Mich. A birth notice and photograph appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999.

672. Charles Douglas[7] Honaker (Richard Edmund[6], Buster Estel[5], Estel French[4], James W.[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[l]). He and Erin live in Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. Children:

ii. Jessica Nicole. Born 6 May 1998 in Detroit, Mich.

1093. Gloria Jean[7] Honaker (Bascom Slemp[6], Walter Grey[5], Monteville[4], John[3], Isaac[2], Martin[1]). Born 15 Jan 1945 in Mallory, W.Va. Died 22 Aug 2013 in Hampton, Va.

Daily Press, Hampton, Va., 26 Aug 2013: Gloria Jean Honaker, 68, widow of Howard W. Shingleton, died Thurs., Aug. 22, 2013. Born in West Virginia, she spent most of her life in Hampton where she had worked well over 20 years for Lowes until retiring. Jean was a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. She was preceded in death by her son, George Earl “Trap” Shingleton; brother, Don Honaker; and grandson, Adam Pace. She is survived by her daughter, Lynn Pace and husband Jeff; brothers, George Honaker and wife Alice, Arthur Honaker and wife Janet, Larry Honaker, Pete Honaker and wife Brenda; sisters, Linda Langley and husband Jessie, Carolyn Honaker and husband Mark; grandchildren, Jeannie Pace, Daniel Pace, Victoria Shingleton, Chance Shingleton and Angela Levido. Jean will be loved and missed by many. A memorial service will be conducted at 3 p.m., Tue., Aug. 27, 2013 at R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home, 245 S. Armistead Ave., Hampton, VA 23669.

She married Howard W. Shingleton 14 Sep 1968 in St. Albans, W.Va. Born 17 Nov 1938. They divorced. Children:

1462. i. Deatria Lynn[8]. Born 28 Aug 1965 in South Charleston, W.Va.

1463. ii. George Earl (called Trap). Born 25 May 1971 in South Charleston.

Eighth Generation

2.i.x.i.iii.i.i. David Lee[8] Lies (Clara Louise[7], Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Jan 1963 in Sentinel, Washita Co., Okla. He served in the U.S. Navy from 17 Jun 1981 to 7 Nov 1994, departing the service as a machinist mate first class/submarine service (MM1/SS) (E-6). He served aboard the fast attack submarine USS Sea Devil (SSN-664); the fleet ballistic submarine USS Sam Rayburn (SSN-635), which became the moored training ship (MTS-635); and the fast attack submarine USS Batfish (SSN-681.) In 2001 he lived in Osceola, Ind., was a genealogical hobbyist, and was a field service supervisor (technical representative,) traveling throughout the U.S. to supervise overhaul of various pumps, mostly boiler feed pumps, for a pump company, HydroAire, Inc., based in Chicago, Ill.

He married Beate Matzel, daughter of Erich Hans-Werner Matzel and Ute Schlapkohl, 24 Jun 1988 in Charleston, Charleston Co., S.C. Born 27 Oct 1966 in Kiel, Germany. In 2001 she was a paralegal. Children:

i. Christopher David[9]. Born 27 Feb 1990 in North Charleston, S.C.

ii. Michael Patrick. Born 22 Dec 1991 in North Charleston, S.C.

2.i.x.i.iii.i.iii. Pamela Louise[8] Lies (called Pam) (Clara Louise[7], Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 9 Aug 1965 in Amarillo, Texas. She is a registered nurse.

She married, first, Wayne Thomas McGuire, son of Harvey McGuire and Judy Simms, 11 Jun 1983 in Assumption Church, Edgerton, Johnson Co., Kan. Born 11 Sep 1964 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., Calif. They divorced 30 Jan 1992. Children:

i. Kelly Ann[9]. Born 4 Aug 1987 in Olathe, Johnson Co., Kan.

Kelly and her cousin Aley appeared in a photo feature in The Kansas City Star’s Olathe [Kan.] Neighborhood News, 21 Jul 2001, Sheep show draws youth to fairgrounds

Area youth recently traveled to the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Gardner to participate in the Spring Sheep Show. At left, Kelly [McGuire] (left), 13, of Spring Hill and Alexandria Lies, 7, of Gardner are both members of the Prairie Star 4-H Club. At left, Alexandria Lies took [first] place in the fitting and showing competition with her lamb Micky.

A column, Area 4-H Club Updates (possibly the same newspaper above,) contained the following writeup on the Prairie Star club, by Kelly McGuire, president, and Robert McGuire, secretary, accompanied by a two-column photo, courtesy of Kelly, of her cousin Aley; cutline—Aley Lies, 7, shows her pig at the Johnson County Spring Swine show. Lies is a first-year member of the Prairie Star 4-H Club.

When it comes to helping others out, the Prairie Star 4-H Club does its part, and more. The club has had food and school supply drives for the local food pantry and needy families. Club members even held a country-western dance, which was open to the public. Cans of food were collected as part of the entrance fee. Children learned how to line dance, two-step and waltz. The 4-H club has adopted a needy family at Christmas, and club members bought Christmas presents for the children. Helping out at the Meadowbrook Rehabilitation Hospital haunted house is just one more way these young persons are fulfilling their 4-H pledge by helping others.

Several club members have had success of their own. Jeff Pio won state with his self-deter records, and he is going on a trip to Atlanta. Two club member have become Johnson County Ambassadors—Kelly and Robert McGuire. They helped start a new 4-H club and helped at county club days and the livestock auction.

The club also has an active mini 4-H program, which consists of six children who are too young to be in 4-H but have older brothers and sisters in it. The older 4-H members plan activities for the mini 4-H’ers. The Prairie Star 4-H club has 47 members and several involved parents. Many of the parents were in the club when they were children, and Sue Pio has been the club leader for 20 years. These long-standing and involved members have made the club successful.

Material from the two articles above was reprinted in Honaker Family Newsletter, Nov-Dec 2001.

ii. Robert Allen. Born 25 Sep 1988 in Olathe, Kan.

She married, second, Glenn Eugene Hermon, son of David Dale Hermon and Ruth Marie Frazier, 14 Jan 1994 in Gardner, Johnson Co., Kan. Born 16 Jan 1964 in Gardner.

2.i.x.i.iii.i.v. Donna Kay[8] Lies (Clara Louise[7], Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Dec 1967 in Wichita, Kan.

She married Michael Lee Lansing (called Mickey), son of Robert Melvin Lansing and Rosa Faye King, 20 Jul 1991 in Leavenworth, Kan. Born 5 Feb 1965 in Leavenworth. He is a construction worker. Children:

i. Kayla Louise[9]. Born 30 Apr 1994 in Kansas City, Wyandotte Co., Kan.

ii. Kyle Lee. (twin) Born 19 May 1996 in Leavenworth, Kan.

iii. Kevin Michael. (twin) Born 19 May 1996 in Leavenworth, Kan.

2.i.x.i.iii.i.vi. Donald Wayne[8] Lies (Clara Louise[7], Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Oct 1971 in Wichita, Kan. He served in the U.S. Navy from 4 Sep 1990 to 17 Aug 1998, departing the service as a hull technician second class (HT2) (E-5.) He served aboard the aircraft carrier USS Forestall (CV-59/AVT-59) and the ammunition ship USS Mount Baker (AE-34.) After leaving the Navy he was a welder for American Boiler, then was employed by SOR.

He married Kathern Jo Gillette (called Kathy), daughter of Vester Alexander Gillette and Connie Jo Newson, 2 Mar 1991 in Gardner, Johnson Co., Kan. Born 2 Feb 1973 in Gardner. Their divorce was pending in early 2001. Children:

i. Alexandria Jo-Lynn Louise[9] (called Aley). Born 29 Dec 1993 in Shawnee Mission, Johnson Co., Kan. See the listing for her cousin Kelly Ann McGuire.

ii. Amber Ray Victoria May. Born 15 Jul 1997 in Jacksonville, Duval Co., Fla.

2.i.x.i.iii.iii.i. Shelly Lynn[8] Roets (Earl Gene[7], Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Dec 1970 in Wichita, Kan.

She married David Martin 7 Oct 2000 in South Lake Tahoe, Nev. Children:

i. Cameron Alan[9]. Born 11 Feb 1996.

2.i.x.i.iii.iii.ii. Karen Jean[8] Roets (Earl Gene[7], Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 May 1972 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Neb.

She married, first, David Michael Hinkle 8 Aug 1992 in Rio Linda, Sacramento Co., Calif. They divorced.

She married, second, Lonnie Jacob Pack 2 Sep 1995. Children:

i. Lonnie J., III [9]. Born 16 Apr 1996.

2.i.x.i.iii.iv.i. Christina Sue[8] Baker (called Tina) (Connie Sue[7], Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Apr 1975 in Wichita, Kan.

She married Kenneth Foote (called Kenny) in 1995. Children:

i. Crystal Anne[9]. Born in 1994.

2.i.x.i.iii.iv.ii. Rex Lee[8] Prouse, Jr. (called Rexter) (Connie Sue[7], Virginia Louise[6], Willis Bruce[5], Oscar Fitzalen[4], Elinder Jane[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 20 Sep 1976 in Kearney, Neb.

He married Melissa L. Holden in Oct 1994. Born in 1976. They divorced. Children:

i. Rex L., III [9]. Born 24 Jul 1995.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.i.i. Brian Keith[8] Marsh (George Patrick[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 16 Aug 1958 in Decatur, Ill. In 2006 he lived in Decatur.

He married, first, Brenda Unknown. They divorced. Children:

i. Matthew[9].

ii. Nicole.

He married, second, Gail Unknown. They divorced. Children:

iii. Joseph William.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.i.ii. Cynthia Gay[8] Marsh (called Cindy) (George Patrick[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born in Jun 1960 in Decatur, Ill. In 2006 she lived in Decatur.

She married Leroy Jackson in 1978 in Decatur. They divorced. Children:

i. Barbie Ann[9].

ii. Jennie Lyn.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.i.iii. Sharon Jo[8] Marsh (George Patrick[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Mar 1964 in Virginia. In 2006 she lived in Decatur, Ill.

She married Kevin Reynolds. Children:

i. Michael[9].

ii. Laura.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.iv.ii. Joni Lee[8] Marsh (James Stanley[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Dec 1956 in Decatur, Ill. She graduated from Stephen Decatur High School.

She married Bill Weist in 1977. Children:

i. Amy[9].

ii. Billy.

iii. Nicole.

iv. Crystal Diana.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.iv.iii. Tracie Ann[8] Marsh (James Stanley[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 2 Mar 1958 in Decatur, Ill. Died in Nov 1984. She had a child with Unknown:

i. Courtney Ann[9]. Born in Jan 1977.

She married Benson Unknown.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.iv.iv. Jamie Florence[8] Marsh (James Stanley[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Jul 1960 in Decatur, Ill.

She married, first, Steven Brady. They divorced. Children:

i. Jason[9].

ii. Lindsay.

She married, second, Kelly Bishop 5 Feb 2000 in Indiana. He was a farmer. Children:

iii. Kyley Rose. Born ca. 2001.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.iv.v. Shari Ellen[8] Marsh (James Stanley[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 14 Dec 1961 in Decatur, Ill.

She married, first, Jeffrey Drury. They divorced. Children:

i. Caleb George[9].

ii. Julliette Virginia.

She married, second, Robert Grider. Children:

iii. Isabella Ann.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.vii.i. Nancy Faye[8] Rosenberg (Jean Marie[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 24 Nov 1972 in Falls Church, Fairfax Co., Va. She graduated from

Annandale [Va.] High School in 1990, took a B.A. in Journalism from Radford [Va.] University in 1994, an M.A. in Humanities from Marymount University, Arlington, Va. in 2001, and a Ph.D. in English (Literature) from the University of Texas at Arlington (Texas), 2009. In 2011 she was a lecturer in the English Department of the University of Texas at Arlington.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2008: Rosenberg-England—Nancy Faye[8] Rosenberg of Springfield, Va. and Sean Lee England of Duncanville, Texas were united in marriage Mar 15, 2008 at the Calvary United Methodist Church in Arlington, Va. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Stephen B. Hassmer, church pastor. The bride is the daughter of Seymour Herman and Jean Marie (Marsh) Rosenberg of Springfield, Va. She is a graduate teaching assistant and doctoral candidate at the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas. The groom is the son of the late Donald Lee England and Betty Jean (Barnett) England of Duncanville, Texas. He is employed as a graphic artist with Texas Graphics in Dallas, Texas. Wedding attendees included aunts, Joan and Helen Marsh of Arlington, Va., Terri Conley of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Rita Cross of Decatur, Ga. The couple is making their home in Grand Prairie, Texas.

She married Sean Lee England, son of Donald Lee England and Betty Jean Barnett, 15 Mar 2008 in Arlington, Va. Born 20 Sep 1971 in Dallas, Texas. He brought a child to the marriage, Zane Alexzander England, b. 11 Nov 2002 in Dallas. Children (of Nancy and Sean):

i. Patrick Lee[9]. Born 26 Aug 2009 in Arlington, Texas.

ii. Elissa Rose. Born 3 Oct 2010 in Arlington.

2.iii.ii.ii.iv.vii.ii. Mark Gerald[8] Rosenberg (Jean Marie[7], Rena Virginia[6], Margaret Jane[5], Samuel Winton[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Jun 1978 in Falls Church, Va. He attended Annandale High School and Northern Virginia Community College. In 2011 he was pursuing religious studies in Orthodox Judaism at Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael, Mt. Zion, Jerusalem, Israel.

He married Elsa Frederique Volson, daughter of Joel Francis Volson and Chantal Rebecca Ammar, of Paris, France, 20 Oct 2004 in Jerusalem, Israel. Born 12 Sep 1979 in Paris, France. She performs professionally and teaches violin. Children:

i. Jonah NMN[9]. Born 17 May 2006 in Jerusalem, Israel.

ii. Abraham Isaiah. Born 2 Jul 2007 in Jerusalem.

iii. Jacob Hiya. Born 5 Jul 2008 in Jerusalem.

iv. Hezekiah Meyer. Born 6 Dec 2009 in Jerusalem

v.  Rebecca Deborah. Born 2 Feb 2011 in Jerusalem

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.i.i. Debra Lynn[8] Ernest (John Harold[7], John Harold[6], Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born Feb 1959 in Morgantown, Monongalia Co., W.Va.

She married Dennis G. McNamara 1 May 1982 in Point Marion, Pa. Born in Pennsylvania. Children:

i. Shannon Elizabeth[9]. Born 1984 in Pennsylvania.

ii. Ryan Patrick. Born 1986 in Pennsylvania.

iii. Molly Eileen. Born in Pennsylvania.

iv. Connor. Born in Pennsylvania.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.i.ii. Douglas Bryan[8] Ernest (John Harold[7], John Harold[6], Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 15 May 1964 in Sumter, S.C.

He married Jennifer Unknown. Children:

i. Emily[9].

ii. Douglas.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.ii.i. Jacquiline Susan[8] Ernest (called Jacqui) (Donald Eugene[7], John Harold[6], Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 17 Aug 1961 in Morgantown, Monongalia Co., W.Va. In 2007 she lived in Cox’s Creek, Nelson Co., Ky.

She married, first, Jeffrey Lee Berry, son of Jack Lee Berry and Maribeth Harriet Miller, 7 Apr 1984 in Greeley, Weld Co., Colo. Born 5 May 1963 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co., Okla. They divorced 15 Feb 1992 in Greeley. Children:

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.ii.i. i. Ashleigh Suzanne[9]. Born 23 Jun 1987 in Stillwater, Payne Co., Okla.

ii. Ian Lee. Born 9 Jan 1990 in Wray, Yuma Co., Colo.

She married, second, Rudy Roy Perez, son of Seferino Esquivel Perez and Frances Perez Sanchez, 9 Jul 2000 in Gypsum, Eagle Co., Colo. Born 16 Feb 1952 in Greeley. He served in Vietnam with the U.S. Marine Corps. Children:

iii. Patricia Francisca (called Trish). Born 13 Oct 1998 in Greeley.

2.iv.iii.iii.viii.ii.ii. Kevin Lynn[8] Ernest (Donald Eugene[7], John Harold[6], Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 28 Aug 1963 in Morgantown, Monongalia Co., W.Va. He served in the U.S. Air Force Security Service from 1986 to 1998, completing foreign language training at the Defense Language School, Presidio, Monterey, Calif., and security training in Texas. He was stationed at Kadina AFB, Okinawa, Japan, from 1988 to 1990 and 1993 to 1996. He graduated from the U.S. Air Force NCO Academy at Peterson AFB, Colo., in 1996. He left the Air Force as a staff sergeant, then was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve in 1998, administered the oath of office by his future wife, Lt. Karen Perez. Kevin and Karen returned to active duty in 2001 and were stationed at Misawa until 2004. In 2007 they were living in Laurel, Md., based at Ft. Meade, Md.; Kevin was awaiting promotion to lieutenant commander. He served in the Middle East several times, first with the Air Force during Operation Desert Watch, preceding the U.S. invasion of Iraq; and most recently, with the Navy in Iraq.

He married, first, Julie Sherenko in Sep 1990 in Greeley, Weld Co., Colo. Born at Kadina Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. They divorced 1995 at Kadina Air Base. There were no children.

He married, second, Karen Marie Perez, daughter of Lee Roy Perez and Roberta Gail Tarala, 19 Sep 1998 at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. Born 9 Mar 1969 in Westfield, Hampden Co., Mass. She was a 1989 graduate of the Air Force Academy. She resigned her Air Force commission as a captain in 1998, and like Kevin was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Naval Reserve. In 2007 she was a Navy commander who had served one tour in the Middle East. Children:

i. Katherine Nicole[9] (called Katie). Born 21 Mar 2000 in Greenville, Hunt Co., Texas.

ii. Kyle Ogden. Born 19 Jun 2003 at Misawa Naval Air Station, Misawa, Japan.

2.v.iv.i.v.i.i. April[8] Baker (Greg[7], Irene[6], Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Paul Webber. Children:

i. Ashley[9].

ii. Samantha.

iii. Hallie.

2.v.iv.i.v.i.ii. Angel[8] Baker (Greg[7], Irene[6], Lydia[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

She had a child with Unknown:

i. Tom[9]. [Baker]

2.v.iv.v.vi.iii.i. Susan[8] Burk (Bonnie Irene[7], Robert Curtis[6], Lura[5], John Wallace[4], John Wallace[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l].

She married Michael Gruber. Children:

i. Keegan[9].

17.vii.i.ii.i.i. Sharon Lynn[8] Vickers (Nancy[7], John Jefferson[6], Albert Cecil[5], Sylvia Caldonia[4], Mary Ann[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 19 Sep 1954 in Radford, Montgomery Co., Va. In 2011 she was a former floral designer living in Pulaski, Pulaski Co., Va., a genealogical researcher and writer, active in Daughters of the American Revolution.

Wytheville [Va.] Enterprise, 25 May 2011: GHA Corner, and The Patriot, Pulaski, Va., 21 Jan 2011, New River Kin-nections, both by Sharon Hardy

Hans Jacob Honaker 1718—1796

This past September I had the pleasure of visiting the Honaker house and farm in Draper. Meagan Pratt graciously gave Jena and I a tour of the grounds; Meagan is presently occupying and renovating the house. The Pratt Family had an estate auction at the house back in August, which I missed. I had wanted to see inside the house for a few years ever since I found out my ancestor was Hans Jacob Honaker who was the original land owner. The farm has been in the family since 1784, it was passed down to Meagan’s grandfather Don Pratt.

Hans Jacob Honaker was born in Hinwil (Canton of Zurich, Switzerland) and was christened on July 24, 1718. He became a carpenter. It had always been hard to earn a living in Switzerland. There was “great talk” about favorable jobs and opportunity in the New World. It is not known when Hans Jacob decided to migrate to America, but sometime before he was 30 he moved to Basel, Switzerland which was the principal place for people migrating from Zurich to America. He married Anna Bleylor on June 20, 1747 in Prattelin (just outside Basel.) Ten months later they had a baby boy and named him Hans Jacob. On May 8, 1749, they left coming to America. The voyage was very treacherous, and there was a great deal of sickness on the ship. Anna and their son died on the trip while crossing the sea.

Hans Jacob arrived on the ship “Crown” in Philadelphia on Aug. 30, 1749, listed under the name of Honnegger. Upon his arrival, he had no money, so to pay off the debt for the cost of his voyage to America, he became an indentured servant.

He married his second wife, Maria (Mary) Goetz on July 8, 1753. In 1755 their first son, Jacob, was born, (he was named after the first child of Hans Jacob) then in 1756 Henry was born, followed by their third child Frederick in 1757. Jacob migrated south; his name appears in Frederick Co., Maryland on a land deed dated Apr. 10, 1758. While living in Maryland, two more sons were born to Hans Jacob and Mary: Peter, around 1762, and Benjamin, around 1764. After approximately seven years Jacob sold his land and headed for Frederick Co., Va. On Aug. 2, 1765 he bought 97 acres of land on the west side of Passage Creek in Powells Fort Valley in the Shenandoah Valley and paid 5 shillings. In 1772 a new county was formed from Frederick County; Jacob’s property now lies in Dunmore County. In 1778, Dunmore was renamed Shenandoah County. The Honaker family had not moved since 1765, but in that time they lived in three counties in Virginia: Frederick, Dunmore and Shenandoah.

Five more children were born to the Honakers in Frederick Co., Va.: Joseph in 1765, Nicholas in 1767, Mary in 1768, Elizabeth in 1769, and Martin in 1770. Two children were born while it was called Dunmore County: Abraham in 1774 and Isaac in 1775; the last two were born in Shenandoah County: Anna in 1779 and Christiana in 1784. This made 14 children in all, ten sons and four daughters (the children’s birth years are approximate).

While living in the Shenandoah Valley, records show that three of Hans Jacob’s sons—Henry, Frederick and Peter—served with George Rogers Clark on his expedition of 1778 during the American Revolution. In 1783, Hans Jacob also served his country during the war by furnishing supplies and equipment; he was about 65 years old at the time.

On Mar. 25, 1784, Hans Jacob sold his 97 acres of land for 76 pounds, which he had paid five shillings for, and made a substantial profit. On July 26, 1784, Hans Jacob Honaker purchased 146 acres of land in Montgomery Co., Va. It is not known the exact date Hans Jacob and Mary, along with some of their grown family, arrived in Draper Valley. In 1790, Wythe County was formed from parts of Montgomery; at this time, the Honaker land was in Wythe County.

Jacob Honaker Sr. sold all his land to his son Henry (called the first) in 1795, and the same year he made out his will which is dated Aug. 12, 1795. The will was probated May 10, 1796, nine months after he had written it. He was about 78 years old when he died.

In 1804 Jacob’s son Henry Honaker (first) built the stone house which still stands today in Draper Valley. The date is marked in a center stone on the east end of the house between two attic windows. In 1839, the property was taken into the newly formed Pulaski County. Today it borders Interstate 81 between Pulaski and Draper. It is not known exactly where Jacob Honaker was residing when he died or where he is buried, and a grave marker has never been found. In his will he mentions that he had disposed of his lands and plantation, (where I now live) by deed in fee simple to Henry Honaker. Many have pondered over this; my thoughts on the subject are that Jacob lived in a log cabin close to where the stone house was built and that he probably passed away there and is buried in an unmarked grave on the Honaker land. There is a very old log spring house which still stands today; I believe he would have lived close to a source of water.

The Honaker Family Association and Count Pulaski Chapter DAR are making plans to place a commemorative marker in honor of Hans Jacob’s service during the Revolutionary War. The marker will be placed at the Honaker Farm in Draper. This event will take place the 2nd weekend of August during the annual Honaker Reunion which is being held in Pulaski County this year. If you would like more info on this event you can email me at hardy.sv@


Hans Jacob Honegger—From Switzerland to America, by Nadine W. Larson

Honaker family sketch, Early Adventures on the Western Waters, Volume 11—by Mary B. Kegley

Online catalog—Revolution Public Claims—Library of Virginia

Will of Jacob Honaker—Will Book 1, pg 39, Wythe County Virginia Courthouse

HeritageQuest Online—Books Image

A collection of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French Immigrants in Pennsylvania

A history of Shenandoah County Virginia

Annals of Southwest Virginia

The Patriot, Pulaski, Va., 26 Aug 2011: New River Kin-nections, by Sharon Hardy, with photographs. This article, slightly edited, also appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2011.

A memorable, historic, awesome day!

August has been a very busy month at my house. I’ve been preparing for the Honaker reunion and also the dedication ceremony to honor our ancestor Hans Jacob Honaker with a Revolutionary War patriot marker. My two “sister cousins” arrived on August 8. They usually come for their annual visit in the spring, but was postponed so they could attend the reunion and ceremony. We started off the week with our traditional visit to Montgomery County Courthouse; unfortunately we didn’t uncover any family secrets, but I am glad to report I didn’t come away empty handed. I found several marriage records and wills to add to my collection of family files.

For our next outing we visited the Historical Society of Washington County Virginia headquartered in the old Abingdon Train Station. This is another great place to do research, but just plan to stay several hours when visiting this location. While there I found more information on one of my Covey ancestors who settled in Abingdon in the late 1700s.

On Fri., Aug. 12, the Honaker picnic was held at Randolph Park. I met lots of kinfolks who came from all across the U.S. that came for the weekend festivities. I think the family who traveled the furthest was [Larry and Shirley Honaker] from Oregon.

Saturday morning started off with the annual business meeting followed by the “Good Time Auction.” One of my lucky finds was a reprinted edition of a book [Hans Jacob Honaker—From Switzerland to America] with information dating back to the 1500s on the Honaker family written by Nadine Larson. I’ve been searching for this book for quite awhile.

Saturday afternoon, a dedication ceremony was held in Draper on the original land of Hans Jacob Honaker. The land was passed down to his son Henry who built the stone house in 1804. The house and land now belong to Meagan Pratt who descends from Hans Jacob and Henry.

The idea for placing a marker for Hans Jacob Honaker started a couple of years ago. Reverend Albert Elswick, [Honaker Family Association chaplain and historian] mentioned to me that it would be nice to honor our ancestor with a Daughters of the American Revolution marker. Hans Jacob had furnished supplies and equipment to soldiers during the American Revolution, and he also had several sons who participated in the war.

I started the application process soon after. I had to obtain advance permission from the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Office of the Historian General to place a marker. Requirements included submitting documentation of dates and places of birth and death, patriotic service, residence of patriot during the war, proof of location associated with the patriot, and a written statement authorizing installation of the marker from the landowner.

Since it is not known the exact location of Hans Jacob’s burial site, family members agreed the original land would be appropriate for a commemorative marker. Once I sent the application off, it took about four months to process and approve. The next step was to select and purchase it from a firm that is authorized by Daughters of the American Revolution. After the order was placed, it took about three months to complete. After I received the plaque, I contacted a monument company in Pembroke, Va. who cut a special piece of granite to mount the plaque on. Meagan Pratt chose to place the marker in front of the original stone smokehouse that is believed to have been built by Hans Jacob. Eventually Meagan plans to make a flower garden around the marker.

Approximately 100 people attended the dedication ceremony; guests included Honaker descendants, officers and members of Count Pulaski Chapter DAR, Fort Chiswell Society CAR members, New River Valley Sons of the American Revolution members, special guests were Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution District IV Director Peggy Keen, and Ralph W. Honaker, founder and former president of the National Association of Hans Jacob Honaker Families, Inc.

Honaker descendants who participated in the ceremony included Pastor Mike Honaker from River of Life Church who gave the opening invocation; Clay Bane, president of the New River Valley Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, who led presentation of colors and musket salute; Judy Gordon Blackwell, registrar of Floyd Courthouse Chapter, DAR, who read a biography of Hans Jacob; Jennafer Hardy, Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution District IV chairman of public relations and media, who helped with the laying of a wreath on the marker; Meagan, Dean, Stuart, and Glenn Pratt, who helped with the unveiling of the marker; Hannah Pratt, who read her original poem; and Rev. Albert Elswick, chaplain of the Honaker Association gave the closing prayer. I dedicated the marker on behalf of all the descendants of Hans Jacob Honaker.

After the ceremony, a banquet was held at the Draper Valley Presbyterian Church. Family members enjoyed great food and good fellowship. Pat Zimmerman from Kentucky entertained the crowd by playing her dulcimer. Everyone had kept their fingers crossed all day Saturday, hoping that it would not rain; there must have been a lot of wishing, because it rained all around Draper Valley just before and during the ceremony, but only a few drops fell at the Honaker House.

Shortly after our arrival at the church, it began to storm and after the storm was over, there appeared the most spectacular double rainbow. I like to think that was Hans Jacob letting his family know he was watching over them. It made a great ending to a very memorable, historic, awesome day.

Sharon Hardy of Pulaski will be writing New River Kin-nections once each month.

Sharon married David Norman Hardy 3 Aug 1991 in Pulaski, Va. Born 7 Jul 1956 in Radford, Montgomery Co., Va. In 2011 he was a construction foreman. Children:

i. Jenafer Clara Lynn[9] (called Jena.) Born 21 May 1985 in Radford, Montgomery Co., Va. She has played piano since the age of eight and took piano lessions for ten years. She was winner of a hymn playing contest for Pulaski County while in high school. She graduated from Pulaski County [Va.] High School with an Advanced Diploma in 2003. There she was a member of National Honor Society in her junior and senior years, played flute in band, symphonic band, and was in all-district band; was a cheerleader for three years; member of Jazz Choir; active in Drama Club, participating in many plays; and was childrens’ pianist for First United Methodist Church, Pulaski, 2003. She took a B.A. in Media Arts and Design with a concentration in print journalism and minor in anthropology from James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va., in 2007; during her junior year she studied British cinema and media in London. She took an M.S. in Library and Information Studies from Florida State University in 2010. From May 2007 to September 2009 she was a reporter-photographer for The Southwest Times, Pulaski. In September 2009 she became Youth Services Coordinator for the Pulaski County Library, in charge of after-school activities for youth, story time for youngsters, Summer Reading Program, etc. Her activities included Count Pulaski Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Chapter public relations chairman and Virginia DAR District IV chairman for public relations; member of Count Pulaski DAR Chapter Project Patriot committee; the performance of at least 30 hours of community service per semester, Alpha Phi Omega community service fraternity, January 2006 to May 2007; member of National Society of Collegiate Scholars, James Madison University, 2004-2007; member of the Fine Arts Center for the New River Valley; and columnist for Pulaski County Patriot. Her awards have included a 2008 citation from Pulaski’s VFW Post 1184 for promoting patriotism; a 2008 award from the Count Pulaski Chapter, DAR, for excellent media coverage; a 2008 media award from the Count Pulaski Chapter, DAR, for outstanding support of veterans; a 2009 award from the Virginia DAR state conference for conducting and publishing 52 veteran interviews;

41.iii.iv.ii.ii.i. Christina L.[8] Alford (Cheryl L.[7], Swanna Lee[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Oct 1977 in East Liverpool, Ohio.

She had one child with Unknown:

i. Anna N.[9] Alford. Born 15 Dec 1994 in East Liverpool.

She married Unknown Quarterman. Children:

ii. Jennifer L. Born 12 Sep 1997 in East Liverpool.

41.iii.iv.ii.ii.ii. John L.[8] Alford (Cheryl L.[7], Swanna Lee[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Sep 1979 in East Liverpool, Ohio.

He had a child with Unknown Freeman:

i. Kalyn M.[9] Freeman. Born 22 Mar 1999 in Beaver, Pa.

41.iii.iv.ii.iii.i. Linda L.[8] Cochran (Sheba I.[7], Swanna Lee[6], Claude C.[5], Charles Robert Johnson Miller[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 29 Nov 1978 in East Liverpool, Ohio.

She married Eric T. Flugan. Children:

i. Emily E.[9]. Born 6 Jun 1998.

41.v.iii.i.ii.i. Jason[8] Papendick (Teresa[7], Reta Juanita[6], John James[5], Okie Reta[4], James David[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born in 1974.

He married Shannon Unknown. Children:

i. Brittany Kay[9]. Born in 1994.

48.xi.ii.ii.i.i. Angela Dawn[8] Canterbury (Frankie Merrell[7], Dallas Augusta[6], Alba Merrill[5], Maude Lee[4], Sarah Etta[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 11 Oct 1971.

She married Kelly Shawn Davis. Children:

i. Corey Tyler[9].

ii. Casey Patrick.

53.x.ii.ii.i.i. Joni L.[8] Kinder (Joann J.[7], Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1960.

She married Edward L. Zwick. Children:

i. Edward Joseph[9]. Born 1987.

ii. India Ruth. Born 1993.

53.x.ii.ii.i.ii. Jeni L.[8] Kinder (Joann J.[7], Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1968.

She married David L. Vaught. Children:

i. Rachel Joann[9]. Born 1996.

53.x.ii.ii.ii.ii. John M.[8] Smith (Charles M.[7], Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1960.

He married, first, Stephanie Sue Unknown. Children:

i. Savannah Sue[9]. Born 1985.

He married, second, Ylonda Unknown. Children:

ii. John M.[9] Jr. Born 1996.

53.x.ii.ii.ii.iv. Morgan E.[8] Smith (Charles M.[7], Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1971.

He married Tiou Unknown. Children:

i. Kara[9]. Born 1993.

53.x.ii.ii.iii.i. Mary Katherine[8] Tinsley (Mary Katherine[7], Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1960.

She married Darrell Ramsey. Children:

i. Amanda K.[9] Born 1980.

ii. Sarah K. Born 1987.

53.x.ii.ii.iii.ii. Sally Ann[8] Tinsley (Mary Katherine[7], Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1961.

She married Phillip H. Ruby. Children:

i. Phillip H.[9] Jr. Born 1977. He married Christina Unknown.

ii. Olivia. Born 1992.

53.x.ii.ii.iii.iii. Lora Lee[8] Tinsley (Mary Katherine[7], Maxine Elaine[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1965.

She married, first, David J. Fields.

She married, second, Dewayne Bridwell. Children:

i. Jessica L.[9] Born 1986.

ii. Katie L. Born 1988.

53.x.ii.iv.i.i. Anthony[8] Wittfeldt (Delores J.[7], Geraldine June[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Dec 1962.

He married Audry Owens. Children:

i. Anthony A.H.[9] Born 6 Aug 1986.

ii. Anthony A.L. Born 7 Aug 1987.

53.x.ii.iv.i.ii. Kenneth L.[8] Wittfeldt (Delores J.[7], Geraldine June[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Sep 1965.

He married Claudia Grieser. Chilcren:

i. Josephine Lee[9]. Born 1991.

ii. James L. Born 1995.

53.x.ii.vii.i.ii. Donna D.[8] Tobalske (Mary Frances[7], Betty Jo[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1966.

She married, first, Doran Curtis. Children:

i. Dannielle R.[9] Born 1985.

ii. Kylea Cecilia. Born 1988.

iii. Zacharie. Born 1991.

iv. Jacob Dean. Born 1995.

She married, second, Jacob Amwake.

53.x.ii.vii.i.iv. Franklin A.[8] Tobalske (Mary Frances[7], Betty Jo[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1968.

He married, first, Catherine Null. Children:

i. Andrew A.[9] Born 1994.

ii. Keirsten Mae. Born 1995.

He married, second, Jamie Lynn Miller.

53.x.ii.vii.i.v. Brian L.[8] Tobalske (Mary Frances[7], Betty Jo[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1970.

He married, first, Samantha Montgomery. Children:

i. Tyler Hugh[9]. Born 1992.

ii. Cassie Ailene. Born 1993.

He married, second, Nichole LaPresto. Children:

iii. Madison D. Born 1996.

iv. Michael Allen. Born 1997.

v. Eden J. Born 1998.

53.x.ii.vii.i.vi. Rebecca L.[8] Tobalske (Mary Frances[7], Betty Jo[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1972.

She married, first, Cecil Morrison. Children:

i. Michael Allen[9]. Born and died 1989.

She married, second, Jeffery Lynn Chatfield. Children:

ii. Shelby Lea. Born 1991.

53.x.ii.viii.ii.i. Michael V.[8] Vernatt (June A.[7], Cecil Carl[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1976.

He married Angela Knight. Children:

i. Desiree Dawn[9]. Born Sep 2003.

53.x.ii.ix.ii.i. Frances Lee[8] Harris (William Steven[7], William Bobby[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Randy Hurst. Children:

i. Brandy[9].

53.x.ii.x.i.i. Corrine R.[8] Batchelor (Debra Ann[7], Mary Frances[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1971.

She had one child with Unknown Stone:

i. Sydney E.[9] [Stone] Born 1992.

She had one child with Unknown Conner:

ii. Riley. [Conner] Born 1998.

53.x.ii.x.i.ii. Richard D.[8] Batchelor (Debra Ann[7], Mary Frances[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1975.

He married Lesha Unknown in 2000. Children:

i. Melody[9]. Born 2001.

53.x.ii.xi.iii.ii. Joseph Brandon[7] Garrett (Joe B.[7], Dixie Lee[6], Mildred[5], Minerva Mae[4], William Baxter[3], James A.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Jul 1980 in Rancho Cordova, Calif.

He married Kimbi Renee Roberts 25 Aug 2001 in Kanawha Co., W.Va. Children:

i. Kynzi Rain[8]. Born 24 Sep 2002 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., W.Va.

57.ii.i.ii.i.i. Terry M.[8] Wentz (Robert Leroy[7], Emma Madeline[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 4 Mar 1959 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. He was a truck driver. In 2000 he lived in Warsaw, Ind. 2004 he lived in Casa Grande, Ariz.

He married, first, Tranda Unknown. Children:

i. Unknown[9].

He married, second, Linda D. Porter. Born 8 May 1961. In 2009 she lived in Richmond, Ind. Children:

57.ii.i.ii.i.i. ii. Brian Edward. Born 3 Jun 1980 in Connersville.

ii. Amanda Kay. Born 14 Jul 1983 in Connersville.

iii. Katrina Ann. Born 2 Jan 1986 in Athens, Greece.

He married, third, Shelia Unknown.

57.ii.i.ii.i.iii. Kristy Lynn[8] Wentz (Robert Leroy[7], Emma Madeline[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 26 Nov 1964 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. In 2004 she lived in Knightstown, Ind.

She married, first, John B. Savoy. Born Nov 1959. In 2009 he lived in Connersville. Children:

i. John Benjamin[9]. Born 11 Dec 1987 in Connersville.

ii. Kevin Andrew. Born 14 Sep 1989 in Connersville.

iii. Kristen Nicole. Born 25 Jul 1995 in Connersville.

She married, second, Michael Emard.

57.ii.i.iii.i.i. Joseph E. Rexel[8] Bachman III (Nancy Jean[7], James Rufus[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 10 Nov 1961 in Evansville, Ind. In 2009 he lived in Omaha, Douglas Co., Neb.

He married, first, Mary Unknown. Born 17 Mar 1963. Died 3 Aug 1997 in Omaha, Neb. Children:

i. Michael Cameron[9]. Born 15 May 1990 in Omaha, Neb.

ii. Chelsea. Born 9 Jun 1991 in Omaha.

He married, second, Ember Elizabeth Hess 3 Oct 2002. Born 2002. Children:

iii. Rivers Dawn. Born 13 May 2002 in Omaha.

iv. Summers Ann. Born 28 Dec 2003 in Omaha.

57.ii.i.iii.i.ii. Carolyn Renee[8] Bachman (Nancy Jean[7], James Rufus[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 16 Mar 1964 in Framingham, Mass.

She married Julie Lieberman and they adopted three children from Guatemala:

i. Lili[9]. [Lieberman-Bachman]

ii. Maya. [Lieberman-Bachman]

iii. Moses. [Lieberman-Bachman]

57.ii.i.iii.ii.i. Michele Lee[8] Honaker (James William[7], James Rufus[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 Jan 1970.

She married Jason J. Wallace. Born 1969. Children:

i. Noah William[9]. Born 8 Sep 1999.

ii. Elijah. Born 18 Apr 2002.

57.ii.i.iii.ii.ii. Rebecca Jo[8] Honaker (James William[7], James Rufus[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Nov 1971.

She married Cristan C. Redburn 24 Sep 1995. He was a member of the U.S. Air Force, stationed in 2007 at Grand Forks AFB, N.D. Children:

i. Lindsey Carol[9]. Born 7 Oct 2003 in North Dakota.

57.ii.i.iv.ii.i. Christopher Travis[8] Owens (called Chris) (Jean Ann[7], Gladys Louise[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Jun 1970 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind. In 2008 he lived in Rushville.

He married Sandra Darleen Maupin. Children:

i. Kerry Thomas[9]. Born 11 Nov 1989 in Rushville.

ii. Valerie Christine. Born 27 Dec 1991 in Rushville.

iii. Thurston Blake. Born 16 Nov 1995 in Rushville.

iv. Quentin Christopher Taylor. Born 21 Jul 2000 in Rushville.

57.ii.i.iv.ii.ii. Quincy Brandon[8] Owens (called Chris) (Jean Ann[7], Gladys Louise[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 5 May 1977 in Rushville, Rush Co., Ind. He graduated from Rush County High School, Rushville, Ind., in 1995. While in high school he lettered in football, track and basketball and was president of Spanish Club. He took a B.F.A. from the University of Indianapolis in 2006. In 2008 he was a teacher of ceramics and drawing at Herron High School, Indianapolis, was working toward an M.A. in Teaching at the University of Indianapolis, and had an art studio in Indianapolis. His media included oil painting, photography, printmaking and clay. His art had been shown in New York, Indianapolis and Louisville.

Visual Art, by Jim Walker, , 5 Jan 2005: Quincy Owens’ “Pop Tartan”, with photograph, cutline “Quincy Owens oversees the work of his sons (front to back): Grady, Robin and Noah. Owens will have his first solo show in Indianapolis this month.”

Quincy Owens grabs a metal bucket of sky blue house paint from a shelf in the tiny Harrison Center studio he selected, for the most part, because it included its own bathroom. When you have three children under 5 years old, as Owens does, close proximity to a toilet is crucial.

Those three honey-blond boys, with brushes in hand, wait for Dad to pop open the paint lid. Owens—a young and energetic father with baggy, paint-splattered clothes and a long goatee—crouches between them, smiling, as they dip their brushes and spread color on the small canvases he hung for them on the wall. A full-time artist, Owens usually brings his boys—Noah, 4, Grady, 3, and Robin, 1—along while he works in the studio and his wife, Nikki, works. A television and stack of kids’ DVDs help occupy the boys. But, just as often, they join in the creative process, painting or coloring their own pictures and offering Owens feedback on his work.

“Noah, especially, gives me nice critiques,” Owens says. “I like to see him think about what he sees. I don’t paint straight-forward pictures of trees or anything. So, for him to see the stuff I do in my work, which happens, is amaziang. It already gives him a different way to look at life.”

The Harrison Center at 1505 N. Delaware St., is hosting Owens’ first solo show in Indianapolis, Pop Tartan, in its gallery all this month with a Jan. 7 opening reception running from 6–9 p.m. Other Scottish-related activities—including samplings of traditional food and music—also happen that night.

Tartans are Scottish patterns that identified particular families. “Those were all about relationships,” Owens says. “That’s what a lot of my work focuses on. I had been incorporating lines that represented the divergent paths people take to get to the same place. This has taken me all the way to the tartans.”

An old chrome toaster Owens found at Value Village helped provide the impetus for the pop half of the show. He’s painted the toaster’s image several times, mixing this with other appropriated pop-culture images and his own family’s tartan patterns. The new work differs in many ways from the abstract splashes of color and texture that Owens created in the past. “People have told me that as different as these new ones are, it’s still clear they are mine,” he says.

The colors Owens chooses for his work are a major link. Just as in his earlier pieces, the new paintings radiate vibrant and happy colors. “I enjoy bright colors,” he says. “I like the kinds of colors kids like.”

Kids aren’t the only people who relate to these paintings. Even though Owens has shown here less than two years after studying at the University of Indianapolis, he’s been able to make a living at his art. Part of that comes from working hard at promoting himself—something he’s not ashamed of doing.

I’ve never had a problem getting a show. It’s not because my artwork is better than anyone else’s. It’s just because I asked,” Owens says. “I don’t want to portray myself as a businessman, but I’m doing this as a living.” And he’d like other artists to begin to see showing and selling art as an important part of the equation. “The worst problem with visual arts in Indianapolis is that so many artists sit in their studios and paint and don’t show their work,” Owens says. “You have to get out there or you’re going to have to have a day job.”

Making a living as a painter in Indianapolis can be challenging for an artist interested in edgy, non-decorative work. But Owens feels his paintings are both inviting and personal—inviting viewers to make their own interpretations and emotional connections while each one also means something specific to him. “I don’t think painting nothingness is possible when there’s so much going on around you—whether you have the kids in the studio with you or not,” Owens says, referring to some abstract expressionists’ claims that they painted nothing.

“Even if a painting was about nothing, there were the thoughts I had while painting it. And I attach those to it. If it doesn’t relate to my relationship with my wife or my family as a whole, then it always relates to being a father.”

Inside Indiana Business, 28 Apr 2005: Indianapolis to Project Artwork Onto Buildings

The Indianapolis Cultural Development Commission will turn the city’s landscape into a canvas for public art when it launches its 2005 Public Art Image Projections Project as a part of Indianapolis 2005, the city’s yearlong cultural celebration. A wide variety of visual art by Indiana artists will be projected onto various buildings around town during major events throughout the year.

The first set of image projections is slated for May 1-5 during the American Association of Museums conference, which will bring more than 4,600 museum experts to the city from across the country. Six images will be projected from sunset to midnight on the exterior walls of the Indiana State Museum, Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis Marriott Downtown and Hyatt Regency Indianapolis. The spiral parking garage ramps at the Indianapolis International Airport also will be colorfully illuminated. …..

“When we began the planning process last year, we wanted to bring public art to unexpected places,” said Christopher Vice, chair of the Department of Visual Communication. Herron School of Art and Design at IUPUI and co-chair of the Indianapolis 2005 Environmental Wow Committee. “We plan to have very large images appearing, disappearing and reappearing on buildings all over the city throughout the year.” …..

The six pieces of artwork represent both contemporary and historic Indiana artists. Two of the five artists whose work will be projected during the AAM convention–John Domont and Quincy Owens–reside in Indianapolis. ….. “We were looking for works that enhance the look and embrace the spirit of Indianapolis in 2005, and these do that,” said Julia Watson, vice president of Indianapolis Downtown Inc., and co-chair of the Indianapolis 2005 Environmental Wow Committee. “We want to share with all of our visitors not only our diverse array of activities and cultural hotspots, but the great artists and artwork created here in this community as well.”

The names of the featured artists, their work and the projection locations [include] Quincy Owens, “Gimme a Kiss,” Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. ….. Quincy Owens has been a professional artist for only two years, but his acceptance and popularity in the Indianapolis art market has risen rapidly due to his passion for process. A strong portfolio, resume and list of collectors (both public and private throughout the Midwest, Southern states and the East Coast) have drawn the attention of the local media and the best designers in town. While he still shows his work at various galleries in the city and around the state, he now spends an equal amount of time aggressively pursuing other markets around the Midwest and in the South.

Arts Council of Indianapolis, , 13 Feb 2008: Meet Indy Artists

Quincy B. Owens, Visual Arts–Painting, abstract, pop, non-objective, 592 Northgate Dr., Greenwood, IN 46143, (317) 882-9863, quincyowens@. From the Artist: My work is geometry-based abstraction with underlying social and political content. Much of my work incorporates alternative media and canvas. My work includes mural-size paintings that are then divided into many pieces and sold individually; these are known as “community pieces.” All of my work explores the tension between chaos and order. Price Range: $20-$6,000. Media: Acrylic, Oil, Clay, Light/Neon. Affiliations & Awards: Member of IMOCA, IDADA, National Council for Education in the Ceramic Arts, Novo “30 under 30” artists, B.F.A. (emphasis ceramics and painting) from University of Indianapolis.

He married Nicole Lynn Tames (called Nikki), daughter of Paul Gene Tames and Pamela Ann Goff, 27 Jan 2000 in Las Vegas, Nev. Born 3 Apr 1975 in Beach Grove, Marion Co., Ind. She graduated from Central Bucks West High School. In 2008 she was employed by the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis. Children:

i. Noah Quincy[9]. Born 26 Jun 2000 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., Ind.

ii. Grady Paul. Born 15 Dec 2001 in Indianapolis.

iii. Robin Michael. Born 8 Aug 2003 in Indianapolis.

iv. Henry Robert. Born 29 Oct 2006 in Indianapolis.

v. Lucy Jean. Born 17 Oct 2007 in Indianapolis.

57.ii.i.vi.i.i. Terra R.[8] Musser (Constance A.[7], Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 14 Mar 1971.

She married Dennis A. Ritter, son of Henry Ritter and Unknown. Born 1970 in Brazil, Clay Co., Ind. Children:

i. Gabrielle Anna Maria[9]. Born 29 Sep 1997.

ii. Griffin Harris. Born 24 Apr 2003.

iii. Ian Jax. Born 26 Apr 2005 in Greenwood, Ind.

57.ii.i.vi.iii.i. Jessica[8] Honaker (Terry L.[7], Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 26 Sep 1973.

She married Randy Smith 23 Nov 1997. Born 30 Dec 1969. Children:

i. Autumn Amber[9]. Born 28 Jul 1998.

ii. Brooklyn Leeann. Born 15 Jul 1999.

iii. Ashleigh Taylor. Born 31 May 2002.

57.ii.i.vi.iii.ii. Vienna[8] Honaker (Terry L.[7], Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Jun 1988.

She had one child:

i. Christian Lee[9] [Honaker]. Born 12 Dec 2003.

57.ii.i.vi.v.i. Tandy Rachelle[8] Pea (Susan L.[7], Paul McGuire[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 6 Sep 1977.

She married Darnell Moffitt 9 Aug 2003. Born 24 May 1977. Children:

i. Ty[9]. Born 21 Mar 2005.

ii. Makenzie. Born 7 May 2007.

57.ii.i.xvi.i.ii. Christopher Lee[8] Cooper (called Chris and Coop) (Gailene Rosita[7], Raymond Lamont[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Dec 1987 in Jasper, Ind. He completed his sophomore year of high school. In 2008 he and his wife lived on the family farm. He then worked at Bob Buechler Turkey Farm near Birdseye, played several musical instruments, enjoyed hunting and riding horses, and helped his father farm.

Honaker Family Newsletter, Summer 2008 (with photograph): Cooper Wedding

Christopher[8] Cooper and Ashley Lee Burt were married Jan. 19, 2008 in Anderson Valley Church, near Birdseye, Ind. Ashley is the daughter of Dean Lee Burt and Cynthia Lynn (Campbell) Burt. Christopher is the son of Gail (Honaker) and Randall Cooper of Birdseye. Originally scheduled for September, the wedding was moved up so that the bride’s twin sister, Amber Lynn, could be in the ceremony. Amber was posted to Iraq in February.

He married Ashley Lee Burt, daughter of Dean Lee Burt and Cynthia Lynn Campbell, 19 Jan 2008 near Birdseye. Born 31 Jan 1989 in Murfreesboro, Ind. She graduated from Heritage Hills High School, Lincoln City, Ind. In 2008 she worked at The Waters, Huntingburg. Children:

i. Dean Randall[9]. Born 5 Dec 2008 in Jasper, Ind.

57.ii.i.xvi.ii.i. Daniel Raymond[8] Honaker Jr. (Daniel Raymond[7], Raymond Lamont[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Apr 1973 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. In 2007 he lived in Connorsville. He was a factory worker who enjoyed fishing, camping, and family cookouts. In 2009 he and his wife cared for foster children.

He married Tonya Taylor, daughter of John Lee Taylor and Bonita Lenelle Williamson, 1 Jul 2005 in Laurel, Ind. Born 25 Feb 1978 in Connersville. She previously married Arnold Lane Hatfield and had one child in that marriage, Heather Hatfield, b. 28 Feb 1994 in Oxford, Ind. Bonita’s fourth marriage to William Delbert Danson resulted in a granddaughter, Tyra Jean Isaacs, who married Daniel Raymond Honaker Jr.’s cousin Charles Scott[7] Voles.

Children (of Daniel and Tonya, adopted 9 Nov 2006 in Connersville. They were wards of the Marion Co., Ind., Dept. of Child Services.):

i. Hayley Grace Julia[9] (adopted). Born 28 Nov 2002 in Marion Co., Ind. Her birth name was Shayley McRee, daughter of Katherine McRee and Gregory Lynn. Katherine was born 13 Feb 1987 in Norfolk, Va. Katherine’s parents were Tim McRee and Melinda Vaughn.

ii. Dreyden Kelley Lee (called Bubba) (adopted). Born 11 Dec 2004 in Marion Co., Ind. His birth name was Deward Whiteman III, son of Deward Whiteman II. Deward II was born 8 Mar 1979 in Indianapolis, Ind., a son of Katherine McRee and Deward Whiteman II.

iii. Daniel Raymond III (adopted.) Born 26 Dec 2005 in Marion Co., Ind. His birth name was Robert McRee, son of Katherine McRee and Deward Whiteman II.

57.ii.i.x.ii.i.i. Carl Donavon[8] Curran (Gary Donavon[7], Helen Betty[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 Dec 1975 in Lawrenceburg, Dearborn Co., Ind. He was interested in sports and art in high school, winning awards for his sketches. In 2007 he was partner with his father in a family construction business.

He married Michele Fullington 9 Nov 1996. Born 18 Sep 1977. Children:

i. Tyler Donavon[9]. Born 28 May 1997.

ii. Kyle Landon. Born 4 Dec 1998.

57.ii.i.x.ii.ii. Cynthia Dawn[8] Curran (Gary Donavon[7], Helen Betty[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 6 Apr 1982 in Lawrenceburg, Dearborn Co., Ind. She excelled academically through high school and won awards for cheerleading. She was an All America nominee for dance and choreography in the National Cheerleader Association. In 2007 she was a cosmetologist in Mountain Grove, Mo.

She married James Corey Finch (called Corey), son of Mike Finch and Annetta Unknown, 23 Jun 2001 in Mansfield, Mo. Born Dec 1979. Children:

i. James Brady[9] (called Brady). Born 20 Jun 2005 in Springfield, Mo.

57.ii.i.xi.ii.i. Nathaniel[8] Fluharty (Linda Kay[7], Arlene Joyce[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Dec 1987 in Indianapolis, Ind. In 2007 he was in Iraq.

He married Beth Growdee 9 Dec 2006. Children:

i. Jamie[9]. Born 17 Mar 2007.

57.ii.i.xiii.ii.i. Stephanie Nichole[8] Thomas (called Steph) (Rick Duane[7], Barbara Jean[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 28 Apr 1984 in Richmond, Ind. In 2008 she lived in Richmond.

She had a child with Unknown Ballesteros, a native of India, who in 2008 lived in Canada:

i. Evans Silas[9]. [Thomas] Born 10 Mar 2008 in Richmond, Ind.

57.ii.i.xiii.ii.ii. Jacqueline Elise[8] Thomas (called Jackie) (Rick Duane[7], Barbara Jean[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 6 Jan 1986 in Richmond, Ind. She graduated from Warren Central High School, unknown place, in 2004.

She had a child with Rob McNell:

i. Daon Thomas[9] [McNell]. Born 10 Jul 2006 in Indiana.

57.ii.iii.ii.i.i. Lester Allen[8] Terry (called Butch) (Geraldine Faye[7], Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Feb 1955 in West Virginia.

He married Sharon Adkins, daughter of Estil Adkins and Betty Forren, 16 Aug 1982 in Hinton, Summers Co., W.Va. Born 1 Mar 1958 in Hinton. Children:

i. Shawn Allen[9]. Born 23 Mar 1983 in West Virginia.

ii. Shane Lynn. Born and died 10 Jun 1991 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii.ii.iii.i. Debra Lynn[8] Wilson (Marlene Elizabeth[7], Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 25 Oct 1956 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married, first, Lonnie Spencer. Born 1948 in West Virginia. Children:

57.ii.iii.ii.iii.i. i. Heather Gayle[9]. Born 2 Mar 1974.

ii. Daniel Adam. Born 27 Sep 1977 in West Virginia.

She married, second, David Ballard. Born 1950 in West Virginia.


iii. Brooke E. Born 21 May 1984 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii.ii.iii.ii. Tammy Faye[8] Wilson (Marlene Elizabeth[7], Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Apr 1959 in West Virginia.

She married Unknown Adams, son of George Adams and Mary Woody. Born 1955. Children:

i. Sara Elizabeth[9]. Born Apr 1986.

ii. Ina Tyler. Born 13 May 1988 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii.ii.iii.iii. Tommy Roger[8] Wilson (Marlene Elizabeth[7], Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Oct 1963.

He married Debbie Smith. Born 1965 in West Virginia. Children:

i. Holly Crystal[9]. Born 9 Aug 1983 in West Virginia.

ii. Nathan Forest. Born Nov 1989 in West Virginia.

iii. Brittney. Born Jan 1992 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii.ii.iv.i. Patsy Grace[8] Carter (called Penny) (Patsy Grace[7], Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 7 Aug 1963 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Edward Lee Dolan (called Peewee) in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va. Born 1960 in Ronceverte. Children:

i. Jeremy Adam[9]. Born 20 Jul 1983 in Ft. Springs, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

ii. Megan Lachelle. Born 11 Nov 1986 in Ft. Springs.

57.ii.iii.ii.iv.ii. Paula Gayle[8] Carter (Patsy Grace[7], Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Sep 1964 in Ronceverte, Greenbrier Co., W.Va.

She married Paul Carter Brown. Born 1960. Children:

i. Anastasia Nicole[9]. Born 8 Sep 1984 in West Virginia.

ii. Courtney Alise. Born 30 Mar 1986 in West Virginia.

iii. Francil Phillip. Born 29 Oct 1990 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii.ii.iv.iii. Peggy Leigh[8] Thompson (Patsy Grace[7], Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 Jul 1975.

She had a child with Unknown:

i. Joseph I.[9] [Thompson] Born 30 Jan 1993 in West Virginia.

57.ii.iii.iii.ii.i. Judy Lynn[8] Bostic (Virginia Joyce[7], Faye[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1967.

She had one child with Unknown:

i. Bryanna A.[9] [Bostic] Born ca. 1981.

She married James Whitt. Born ca. 1962 in Alderson, W.Va.

57.ii.iii.iii.ii.ii. John David[8] Bostic Jr. (Virginia Joyce[7], Faye Ethel[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1973 at Muddy Creek Mountain, Va.

He had two children with Teresa Unknown:

i. John David[9], III.

ii. Jack R.

57.ii.iv.ii.i.i. Jennifer Alison[8] West (Larry Lee[7], Margaret McNeel[6], Pansey Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Jun 1970 at Ft. Lee, Va.

She married Roland Wooster, son of Geoffrey Archer Wooster and Shelagh Ann Kinney, 8 Jun 1996 in Roanoke, Va. Born 30 Mar 1973 in Ely, England. Children:

i. Nicole Victoria[9]. Born ca. 1998.

57.ii.vi.iv.i.i. Jennifer[7] Bauer (called Jennie) (Carolyn Ruth[7], Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 Oct 1972.

She married Greg Jackson. Children:

i. Haley[8].

ii. Madeline.

iii. Colie.

57.ii.vi.iv.iii.ii. Joshua[8] Adams (Jeffery Wayne[7], Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5] James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 27 Mar 1980. In 2007 he was a staff sergeant with the 1st Cavalry Division, U.S. Army, in Iraq.

He married Melissa Unknown in Texas. Born in Dallas, Texas. Children:

i. Joshua Mason[9]. Born 6 Feb 2004.

ii. Cash Santiago.

57.ii.vi.iv.iii.iv. Jessica[8] Adams (Jeffery Wayne[7], Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5] James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 22 May 1978.

She married Andy Pitcher 1 Nov 1997. Born May 1969. Children:

i. Kyliegh[9]. Born 1997.

ii. Ellie[9] (twin). Born 2003.

iii. Emma (twin.) Born 2003.

57.ii.vi.iv.iii.v. Julie[8] Adams (Jeffery Wayne[7], Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5] James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 13 Jan 1985. In 2009 she worked at Fayette Memorial Hospital, Conneersville, Ind.

She married, first, Christopher Laird.

She married, second, Unknown Pitcher. Children:

i. Emma[9]. Born ca. 2003.

57.ii.vi.iv.iii.vi. Jerod[8] Adams (Jeffery Wayne[7], Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5] James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 1 Sep 1983.

He married Sarah Unknown. Children:

i. Isaac[9].

ii. Cain.

57.ii.vi.iv.vi.i. Elizabeth Marie[8] Adams (called Beth) (Bradley Eugene[7], Stella Ruth[6], Stella Virginia[5] James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 29 Mar 1991 in Indiana.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, unknown date: (Births)—Tyler Francis Adams: Elizabeth Adams and Thomas Hartman announce the birth of a son, Tyler Frances Adams, born Nov. 27, 2006 at McCullough Hyde Hospital. Tyler weighed 7 lb. 12 oz. and measured 21½ in. in length. Grandparents are Brad and Wanda Adams, Joseph and Denise Thibaut and Stephen Hartman and Pam Portwood.

Liberty [Ind.] Herald, 15 May 2008, with photograph, cutline “2008 Liberty FFA Awards—(left to right) Makinzie Reiboldt, Chapter Star Farmer; Kariee Jaeger, Dekalb Award; Brad Hill, Chapter Star Greenhank; Elizabeth Adams, Chapter Star Agribusiness”

All four high school classes are represented in the top [Future Farmers of America] awards announced last week at the Liberty FFA Chapter Annual Member and Family Awards Banquet. …..

Elizabeth Adams, a 17-year-old-junior, is the 2008 Liberty FFA Chapter Star in Agribusiness recipient. The Chapter Star in Agribusiness award goes with an outstanding SAE in agribusiness and is involved in all chapter services. Adams uses her place of employment as her agribusiness SAE. She works 40-50 hours every two weeks and discovered that everyone working together gets things done much easier and faster.

“It might sound strange, but I feel that working at this business has definitely given me more social and communication skills that I didn’t feel comfortable using before,” Adams said. “I now have a more positive outlook on things that I didn’t before.” …..

After dining on a Pork Chop Charlie meal, the presentation of numerous awards, and a message from guest speaker Geoffrey Miller, Indiana FFA State President, a new slate of officers was sworn in for the 2008-2009 school year …..

She had a child with Thomas Hartman, son of Stephen Hartman and Pam Portwood. Born ca. 1983:

i. Tyler Francis[9]. [Adams] Born 27 Nov 2006 in Liberty, Ind.

57.ii.vi.viii.ii.i. LaDonn K.[8] Hoke (Stella LeeAnn[7], Fred Jennings[6], Stella Virginia[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Mar 1987.

He married C.J. Kraft. Children:

i. Isaiah T.[9] Born 4 Jun 2005.

ii. Elijah K. Born 11 Nov 2007.

57.ii.vii.iv.ii.i. Lori[8] Byrd (Carol Sue[7], Marshall[6], Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Richard Bolser. Children:

i. Ryan[9].

ii. Reed.

iii. Anna.

57.ii.vii.iv.ii.ii. Maria[8] Byrd (Carol Sue[7], Marshall[6], Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

She married Richard Tipton. Children:

i. Abby[9].

ii. Dylan.

57.ii.vii.iv.iii.i. Danny Wayne[8] Ervin (Betty[7], Marshall[6], Annie[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Samantha Unknown. Children:

i. B.J.[9]

ii. Macie Danielle.

57.ii.viii.ii.vi.i. Yolanda Renee[8] Walker (Dorothea[7], Oscar McCoy[6], Catherine Alice[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 Jun 1978 in Tampa, Fla.

She married Hiram Robert Hodges. Children:

i. Hiram Robert[9], Jr. Born 6 Dec 1995 in Statesboro, Ga

57.ii.ix.ii.ii.i. Brandon Dant[8] Crowder (Curtis Conway[7], Ralph Hayes[6], Ida Mae[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born Nov 1975 in Richmond, Ind. In 2009 he lived in Florida.

He married Carla L. Unknown. Born Mar 1977. Children:

i. Coral[9].

ii. Braylen.

307.iii.i.i. Crystal Lynn[8] Lusk (Virginia Lynn[7], William Lee[6], Lacy Lee[5], Jasper Lee[4], John Henry[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[1]). Born 15 May 1975 in Montcalm, Mercer Co., W.Va. Died 10 Mar 2005 in Pilot Mountain, N.C., when her husband Danny murdered her by gunshot, then committed suicide.

She had one child with Unknown Holcomb:

i. Shawn[9]. (Holcomb)

She had one child with Unknown Boatem:

ii. Jacob A. (Boatem)

She married Danny Johnson. Died 10 Mar 2005. Children:

iii. Christina.

310.iv.i.i. Michael Edward[8] Treadway Jr. (Michael Edward[7], Alice Lillian[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 Oct 1967.

He married Lia Unknown. They divorced 3 Apr 2013. Children:

i. Cyle Jeffrey[9]. Born 13 Apr 1995.

ii. Dominic. Born 31 Jul 1997.

iii. McKennon. Born 7 Jul 1999.

417.iii.i. Kelly Marea[8] George (William Franklin[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Jun 1972 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio. In 2015 she lived in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

She married, first, William Charles Carr 26 Jun 1988 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz. They divorced 1995 in Phoenix. Born 25 Jul 1969 in Phoenix. Children:

417.iii.i. i. William Peter[9]. Born 5 Nov 1988 in Phoenix.

417.iii.i. ii. Jessica Courtney. Born 19 Jun 1990 in Phoenix.

She married, second, Shane Michael Nail, son of Steve Nail and Barbara A. Hall, 1 Sep 2002 in Clark Co., Nev. Born 18 May 1968 in Bexar, Bexar Co., Texas. Children:

iii. Courtney Marea. Born 22 Dec 1999 in Phoenix.

iv. Tristan Michael. Born 13 Sep 2003 in Phoenix.

v. Justin Wyatt. Born 6 Apr 2010 in Phoenix.

417.iv.i. Tammie Marie[8] Holcombe (Pamela Ruth[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Jun 1974. In 2015 she lived in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio

She married, first, Unknown Surface 1993. Children:

417.iv.i. i. Keith[9]. Born 1994 in Akron.

She married, second, Kenneth E. Admire 7 Oct 1995 in Portage Co., Ohio. They divorced. Children:

417.iv.i. ii. Kenneth. Born 1995 in Akron.

She married, third, Michael K. Arnold 14 Jun 2001. They divorced. Children:

iii. Deacon. Born 2003 in Akron.

417.iv.ii. Leo Wilbur[8] Holcombe III. (Pamela Ruth[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 25 Sep 1977.

He married Unknown in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Children:

i. Scott[9]. Born 1997 in Akron.

ii. Breona. Born 28 Nov 1998 in Akron.

iii. Cameron. Born 2004 in Akron.

iv. Cody. Born 2009 in Akron.

417.v.i. Charles Grady[8] Singleton III (Brenda Lee[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Dec 1975 in Broward Co., Fla.

He married Stephanie Unknown. Born 1986. Children:

i. Charles Grady, IV[9]. Born 4 May 2008 in Pompano Beach, Broward Co., Fla.

417.v.ii. Robert Lee[8] Singleton (Brenda Lee[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1 Mar 1978 in Broward Co., Fla.

He married Nicole Scalesse. Children:

i. Brian[9]. Born ca. 2007.

ii. Shaynne. Born ca. 2009.

He married Unknown. Children:

iii. Ashlee.

417.vi.ii. William Raymond[8] George II (William Raymond[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Sep 1988 in Pompano Beach, Broward Co., Fla.

He married Lisa Osterby 10 Oct 2009 in Broward County. Born 27 May 1988. Children:

i. William Raymond[9] III. Born 26 Sep 2011 in Pompano Beach.

ii. Autumn. Born 2 Oct 2012 in Pompano Beach.

563.i. Eric Michael[8] White (Jesse Lee, III[7], Jesse Lee, Jr.[6], Nannie Mae[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]).

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Dustin Michael[9].

ii. Alexis Paige.

587.ii. Michele Ann[8] Spencer (Judith Ann[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 12 Sep 1967 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. She graduated from Northwest High School, Canal Fulton, Ohio and attended Los Angeles Community College for three years. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Dayton [Ohio] in 2013, while raising her family. She lived with her family in Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio. In 2015 she was a teacher.

She married Ruben Esduardo Molina, adopted son of Dr. Raphael Aguilar and Thelma Juarez, 4 May 1996 in Los Angeles, Calif. They divorced 2012. Born 5 Mar 1966 in Guatemala City, Guatemala. He graduated from Ahmundsen High School, Chicago, Ill., and from Los Angeles Community College. In 2001 he was assistant general manager and food & beverage director of Hilton Corp., Dayton. Children:

i. Taylor Ashley[9]. Born 26 Jan 1997 in Los Angeles. She graduated from high school in 2014, with honors and one year of college credit. Throughout high school she was on the honor roll and dean’s list. In 2015 she was attending Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio, studying photography with aspirations to work for National Geographic some day.

ii. Spencer Alan. Born 11 May 2001 in Dayton. In 2015 he aspired to a legal career.

She was engaged to marry Douglas Edward Hickey 19 Dec 2015 in Gatlinburg, Sevier Co., Tenn. Born 18 Oct 1967.

588.iii. Richard Al[8] Ellerbrock (Geraldine Lee[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 26 Apr 1972 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio. In 2015 he lived in Marshallville, Wayne Co., Ohio and was then building a home in Summit Co., Ohio.

He married Vanetta Ann Starcher, daughter of James Starcher and Hannah Householder, 9 Sep 2000 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Born 15 Jan 1974 in Akron. Children:

i. Austin Al[9]. Born 11 Mar 2003 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio.

ii. Violet Ann. Born 4 Apr 2006.

642.i. John Powell[8] Ayers (John Clinton[7], Estelle Verla[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]).

Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va., 16 Feb 1999: Ayers awarded Dean’s Fellowship

John P. Ayers has been awarded a Dean's Fellowship from North Carolina State University [Raleigh, N.C.], as well as a graduate assistantship. He is pursuing a master's degree in structural engineering. Ayers graduated magna cum laude from West Virginia University in December with a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering. While at WVU, he was inducted into Chi Epsilon and Tau Beta Pi, national engineering honoraries. In October, Ayers passed the written Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam administered by the National Council of Engineering Examiners. He is a 1995 honor graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School [Beckley, W.Va.] and is the son of John and Barbara Ayers of Beckley.

643.i. Andrew William[8] Cottle (called Andy) (Rebecca Jean[7], Estelle Verla[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Dec 1976 in South Charleston. He graduated from St. Albans High School in 1995 and took a B.S. in Business Administration-Finance, magna cum laude, from West Virginia University, Morgantown, in 1999. A project accountant/cost engineer of A.B. Dick Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa., in 2001 he was assigned to the A.E.S. granite project in Manchester, N.H. In Apr 2003 he was assigned to Early Construction, Winfield, W.Va.

He married Amy Elizabeth Puckett, daughter of William Puckett and Alberta Hibbard, 2 Jun 2001 at First Baptist Church, St. Albans. Born 8 Jun 1978. In 2004 she taught sixth grade at Hurricane [W.Va.] Middle School. Children:

i. Logan William[9]. Born 27 Apr 2004.

651.i. Elicia Marie[8] Treadway (Steven Clinton[7], Charles Ross[6], Nettie Mae[5], Albert Waymon[4], James Buchanan[3], William Crockett[2], Abraham[l]). Born 27 Sep 1979 in Barberton, Summit Co., Ohio.

She married, first, Scott Majer. Children:

i. Haley Jade[9]. Born 26 May 2000.

ii. Nellie. Born 9 Feb 2005 in Barberton.

She married, second, unknown.

678. Debra Sue[8] Steele (called Debbie) (Carolyn Ann[7], Viola Myrtle[6], Ethel[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). She and Kevin Flynn divorced. In 1999 she was using her first married surname, Coleman.

680. David Alan[8] Steele (called Dave) (Carolyn Ann[7], Viola Myrtle[6], Ethel[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

He married, second, Unknown, 16 Oct 1998. His wife brought two small sons to the marriage. In May 1999 they were expecting a child of their own.

681. Courtney Alan[8] Sigwing (called Corky) (Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 May 1955 in Wichita, Kan. Died of pneumonia 29 Jul 2009 in Wichita. The remains were cremated.

Wichita [Kan.] Eagle, 31 Jul 2009: Corky Sigwing, age 54, retired iron worker Local 606 and bartender, died Wed., July 29, 2009. Memorial gathering was held at 3 p.m., Sun., Aug. 2, at 1101 E. 63rd St. S., Wichita. Corky was born May 5, 1955 in Wichita, the son of Ronald C. Sr. and Mary R. (Courtney) Sigwing. Corky was a graduate of South High and a lifelong resident of Wichita. He was preceded in death by his father, Ronnie Sigwing, Sr. and his grandparents. Survivors include: children, Todd Sigwing, Wichita, Shawna Browning, Clearwater, Courtney Callum, Derby; mother, Mary Sigwing, Cheney; grandmother, Ruby Courtney, Haysville; grandchildren, Braden and Logan Browning; siblings, Ronald Sigwing, Jr., Cheney, Lona Duncan, Newton, Candy Dreher, Wichita, Penney Johnson, Walton, Jim Sigwing, Cheney, Pat Sigwing, Carbondale; numerous nieces and nephews. A memorial has been established with Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center, Attn: Toys for Tots, 3026 George Washington Blvd., Wichita, KS 67210. Send condolences via .

He married Debbie Langston. They divorced. In 2010 she lived in Ada, Okla. Children:

i. Todd Alan[9]. Born 4 Feb 1975 in Wichita. In 2010 he was employed by the Kansas Department of Labor, Wichita, and had not married.

681. ii. Shawna Marie. Born 18 Mar 1977 in Wichita.

He had a child with Brenda Callum from England:

iii. Courtney Rene [Callum]. Born 19 Dec 1990 in Wichita.

682. Lona Lee Ann[8] Sigwing (Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Nov 1956 in Wichita, Kan.

She married, first, Gene Creekmore. They divorced. Children:

i. Jennifer Renee[9]. Born 8 Jul 1975 in Kingman, Kingman Co., Kan. She married Chad

Burns 21 Jun 1997.

719. ii. Christopher Wayne. Born 20 Apr 1977 in Kingman.

682. iii. Lori Beth. Born 5 Mar 1979 in Wichita.

She married, second, Terry Duncan 7 Oct 2000 in Newton, Kan.

683. Candice O’Ruth[8] Sigwing (Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Sep 1958 in Wichita, Kan.

She married, first, Steve Dick 12 Dec 1981. Died of cancer 1 Apr 1995. Children:

i. David Eugene.[9] Born 6 Aug 1985 in Wichita.

She married, second, Ronald Dreher 9 Aug 1997. He was from Plainville, Kan.

684. Penny Charnel[8] Sigwing (Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 Feb 1961 in Wichita, Kan.

She married Greg Johnson 1 Jun 1983 in Newton, Harney Co., Kan. Born 30 Sep 1959. Children:

i. Miranda Charnel.[9] Born 10 Dec 1985 in Wichita.

ii. Tisha Le Ann. Born 31 Jul 1988 in Wichita.

iii. Kalin Evans. Born 29 Dec 1990 in Wichita.

685. James Robert[8] Sigwing (Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Jan 1965 in Wichita, Kan.

He married Ann Ricken, daughter of Wilfred Gerhardt Ricken and Delores Mary Nett. Born 11 Mar 1966 in Cheney, Sedgewick Co., Kan. Children:

i. Hallie Ann.[9] Born 5 Jan 1995 in Wichita.

ii. Joseph Patrick. Born 8 Aug 1997 in Wichita.

iii. Thomas Steven. Born 5 Mar (also reported as 14 Mar) 1999 in Wichita.

iv. Timothy John. Born 27 Dec 2000.

686. Patrick Dawson[8] Sigwing (Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 6 May 1968 in Wichita, Kan. In 2008 he and his partner Kaneetha had bought a home and several acres of property.

He had a son with Rhonda Wilhite:

i. Dawson Lee[9] [Wilhite]. Born 21 Jan 1986 in Wichita

He married Teena Fogg. They divorced in 2003. Born 14 Apr 1964. There were no children.

He had a son with Kaneetha Crisler:

ii. Ethan James. Born 11 Jun 2008 in Topeka, Kan. He was a special needs child.

687. Billy Monroe[8] Clevenger (called Monty) (Shirley Ann[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 11 Mar 1955 in Wichita, Kan.

He married Sherri Unknown. They divorced. Children:

687. i. Amber Nicole.[9] Born 6 Aug 1976 in Wichita.

688. Lorna Anne[8] Clevenger (Shirley Ann[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 7 Sep 1956 in Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas. After her divorce, she resumed her maiden surname.

She married Steve Schutz. They divorced. Children:

688. i. Ashley Monroe[9]. Born 22 Jun 1984 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo.

689. Paula Marie[8] Clevenger (Shirley Ann[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 10 May 1963 in Wichita, Kan. In 2009 she lived in New Braunfels, Guadalupe Co., Texas.

She married Michael Vernon Molz, son of Vernie NMN Molz and Frankie Leila McCarter, 14 Nov 1981 in First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Mo. Born 1 Sep 1963 in Reeds Spring, Mo. Children:

689. i. Eryn Lynn.[9] Born 3 Jun 1982 in Branson, Taney Co., Mo.

689. ii. Courtney Lee. Born 12 Jul 1985 in Branson.

iii. Rebecca Ann. Born 6 Oct 1988 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz. In 2009 she lived in New Braunfels.

690. Constance Marie[8] Dickison (called Connie) (Marilyn Marie[7], Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Feb 1958.

She married Mark Richard Lewis, son of James B. Lewis and Elanora Lanora Gettman, 10 Jun 1978 in Spokane, Spokane Co., Wash. Born 14 Mar 1958 in Lakewood, N.J. Children:

ii. Jennifer Marie. Born 4 Jun 1983 in unknown place.

691. Teresa Jane[8] Dickison (Marilyn Marie[7], Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born unknown date and place.

She married Kermit Herbert Holford, son of Donald Dean Holford and Helen Orbie Snider, 22 Mar 1980 in Deer Park, Spokane Co., Wash. Born 10 Oct 1960 near Davenport, Lincoln Co., Wash. Children:

691. i. Joseph Dean[9]. Born 12 Sep 1980 in Spokane, Spokane Co., Wash

ii. Gina Kathleen. Born 23 Jun 1982 in Clayton, Stevens Co., Wash. She married Russell

Paul Adams 27 Apr 2001 in Springdale, Wash.

692. Russell James[8] Dickison (Marilyn Marie[7], Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born unknown date at Touliers Air Base, France.

He married Yvonne Lorraine Anderson, daughter of Arthur Lawman Anderson and Patricia Belle Morris, 8 Aug 1987 at Fairchild AFB, Spokane, Wash. Born 6 Dec 1962 at Fairchild AFB, Spokane. Children:

i. Abigail Nicole[9]. Born unknown date at LeMoore Naval Air Station, Kings Co., Calif.

ii. Anthony James. Born unknown date in Prosser, Benton Co., Wash.

693. Clayton Paul[8] Dickison (Marilyn Marie[7], Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born unknown date at Touliers Air Base, France.

He married Melissa Renee Clark, daughter of Ronald Lee Clark and Teresa Kay Torkelson, 1 Aug 1992 in Ellensburg, Kittitas Co., Wash. Born 8 Jun 1972 in Kellogg, Shoshone Co., Idaho. Children:

i. Leif David[9]. Born unknown date in Ellensburg, Wash.

ii. Jacob Erik. Born unknown date in Clackamas, Clackamas Co., Ore.

iii. Kelsey Lianne. Born 1 Dec 1998 in Oregon City (also reported as Clackamas, Clackamas Co.) Ore. A birth notice and photograph appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, Spring 1999.

694. Rebecca Lee[8] Ellis (Donna Dee[7], Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Nov 1958 in Henderson, Nev.

She married Gregory Eugene Rust, son of Leonard Lawrence Rust and Ina Mae Brown, 12 Nov 1978 in Anderson, Shasta Co., Calif. Born 14 Apr 1958 in Salem, Ore.

695. David Lynn[8] Ellis (Donna Dee[7], Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 13 Sep 1961 at Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, Nev.

He married Lynette Gay Morton, daughter of Paul Eugene Morton and Thelma Jeanne Cooper, 25 Jun 1983 in Phoenix, Ariz. Born 22 Apr 1961 in Columbus, Ohio. Children:

i. Rachel Anne[9). Born two months premature, 3½ lbs., 6 Jun 1999 in Phoenix, Ariz. A photograph of her, in a crib made for her by her grandfather Roger Ellis, appeared in Honaker Family Newsletter, September 1999.

ii. Rebekah Grace. Born 19 Oct 2001, 4 lb.-11 oz., in Phoenix.

697. Teresa Ann[8] Blackwell (Judith Ann[7], Helen Virginia[6], Nettie Frances[5], George Walter[4], Melvina[3], Margaret J.[2], Abraham[1]). Born 21 Nov 1957 in Roanoke, Va., where her parents had moved to be near her father’s employment. Having been born in November, she was unable to go to school until she was almost seven (there was no kindergarten at that time.) She was in the Cherub Choir for several years at Thrasher Memorial Methodist Church in Vinton, Va., where the family were members. She also took dancing lessons before starting school. She attended Roland E. Cook Elementary School until the family moved from Vinton to Roanoke, where she attended Monterey Elementary and Breckenridge Junior High School, completing the seventh grade there. She graduated from William Fleming High School, Roanoke, in 1976. She was active in many clubs and church groups and worked at fast food restaurants while in school.

She graduated from Radford [Va.] University in 1980, the year it became a university. She took a B.S. with a double major in Psychology and Social Work with a minor in Sociology. After graduation she became a blood donor resource consultant. She then became a Roanoke city Social Services protective service worker; later an eligibility worker; and then worked with disability determination services. In 2002 she was a senior case manager for Intra Corp., which is owned by Cigna, a major national health insurer; she and her family attended and were active in Cave Spring United Methodist Church, Roanoke County. Teresa is also a consultant for Mary Kay Company, a national cosmetics distributor.

She married Truman Irving Myers III (called Tim), son of Truman Irving Myers II and Shirley Foster, 14 Feb 1982 in Christ Episcopal Church, Roanoke. Born 16 May 1953 in Naperville, DuPage Co., Ill. He attended schools in Roanoke and graduated from Patrick Henry High School, Roanoke, in 1971. He took a B.S. in History and Environmental Health, double majors, from East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tenn., in 1976. In 2002 he was a senior environmental health specialist with the Commonwealth of Virginia, his employer since college graduation; was Cave Spring High School freshman basketball coach; and he and Teresa were members of Cave Spring United Methodist Church, Roanoke, where Tim served as an usher and wherever else he was needed.


i. Adam William[9]. Born 6 Mar 1984 in Salem, Va. Christened 21 Apr 1984 in Christ

Episcopal Church, Roanoke. He attended Colonial Avenue Baptist Pre-School, Penn Forest Christina Pre-School and Penn Forest Elementary School, all in the Cave Spring section of Roanoke County. He was expected to graduate from Cave Spring High School, Roanoke, in 2002 with a grade point average of 3.7. He received pre-admission to the pre-med program at Marshall University, Huntington, W.Va. He worked at fast food restaurants and a plant nursery while in high school; was active in Cave Spring United Methodist Church, participating in its Appalachian Service Project every year he was eligible, for a total of three years; and volunteered at Mill Mountain Zoo in animal care and feeding.

ii. Mallory Jean. Born 10 Nov 1987 in Salem. Christened 2 Apr 1988 in Christ Episcopal Church. She attended Penn Forest Christian Pre-school and Penn Forest Elementary in Cave Spring, Roanoke County. In 2002 she was attending Cave Spring Junior High and was scheduled to attend Cave Spring High School. An honor roll student, she has been active in extracurricular activities including dance, which she began in 1989. She took tap, point, jazz, ballet and lyrical dance, and by 2002 had participated in 12 recitals and was a student assistant for dancing classes. She was active in her church youth group, serving as acolyte, assisting in the church nursery, and working where needed throughout the church. She has also helped children at the Battered Women’s Shelter and helped feed the homeless at the Roanoke Area Ministries Day Shelter.

701. Janet Alana[8] Spencer (Judith Ann[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). See photograph. Born 23 Nov 1964 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. She graduated from Northwest High School, Canal Fulton, Ohio, in May 1983; in her senior year she worked at a mortgage title company as part of a vocational training program. After high school she began attending college but left to marry and move to Wilmington, N.C., where her children were born. She resumed college classes while living in Rockville, Parke Co., Ind., and took a degree in psychiatric counseling in 2015. That year she was a counselor for troubled children in Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind. She was a novelist.

Author’s profile, , 2015, with photograph):

Jan Tilley was born and raised in northern Ohio. Enticed by the Atlantic Ocean, she later moved to

Wilmington, N.C., and now writes from a cabin nestled in the woods in rural Indiana. She has held a wide array of jobs throughout the years, including newspaper reporter, veterinary assistant, and public information officer for emergency management. But, her most important job has been raising her two daughters, Sara and Brooke. She has been married to her high school sweetheart, Kevin, since 1985.

Jan wrote her first novel, Coming About, after her oldest daughter went off to college. It began as a purging of emotions, but as they always do, the characters came alive and took the story down a totally different path that she never expected.

She was then bitten by the bug andf is now admittedly obsessed with writing. Her second novel was a sci-fi endeavor titled Embody. She was a featured guest on The Kevin Smith Show where she discussed the ook in a live two-hour interview to a worldwide [talk radio] audience of over one million people. Rogue’s Hollow was her next release, which is a suspenseful ride, fictionally based on the like-named, spooky town near where she grew up. Next came Jasper’s Gift, which is the highly anticipated sequel to her first novel. Tilley loved revisiting her pals Sadie and Rachel. She said it was like going home to visit old friends again. I’m Not Listening is her latest release. Suspense and steamy romance make this a new adult favorite pick.

Tilley is an award-winning author who has been a guest speaker at multiple conferences and events. More then 100,000 copies of her books have been distributed worldwide. She will continue doing her best to entertain you for as long as you’ll welcome her into your lives! If you would like to contact Jan, you can reach her at contactjantilley@, follow her on twitter @tilleytalk or at Jan Tilley & Friends on Facebook.

She married Kevin John Tilley, son of Bruce Black Tilley and Helen Lucille Myers, 24 Aug 1985 at The Tudor Home, Franklin, Warren Co., Ohio. Born 20 Feb 1958 in Massillon, Stark Co., Ohio. He graduated from Washington High School, Massillon in May 1976; there he had a band. After he married, Kevin suffered a broken back and head injury when a friend’s deck collapsed in Ashville, N.C., throwing him 12-feet to a concrete driveway. Unable to work for more than two years, he sustained short-term memory loss. In 2015 he played guitar and was meeting annually for a jam session with his old band. He also enjoyed hiking and kayaking with his daughter Brooke. Children:

i. Sarah Michele[9]. Born 30 Jul 1991 in Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N.C. She graduated with honors from Rockville [Ind.] High School, where she was a varsity tennis player and member of National Honor Society. She was also a ten-year member of 4H and belonged to the Roxettes dance group which won the 2008 state championship. She took a degree in travel and tourism from the University of Indiana in 2013 with the objective of starting a wedding planning company.

ii. Brooke Anna. Born 24 Jan 1995 in Wilmington. She graduated with honors from Rockville [Ind.] High School in 2013, where she was a varsity volleyball, baseball, and tennis player and was active in the school’s anti-smoking program. She was also a ten-year member of 4H. In 2015 she was in an honors program at the University of Indiana, studying for a career in therapy for handicapped children and young adults. She has been interested in world travel, spent a summer teaching tennis in Maine, and in summer 2015 backpacked in Colorado.

702. Renay Keene[8] Ellerbrock (Geraldine Lee[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 18 Apr 1964 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. Died of cardiac arrest in her sleep on her birthday, 18 Apr 2013, in Mogadore, (a suburb of Akron) Ohio.

Akron Beacon Journal, 19 Apr 2013: Renay K. (Ellerbrock) Brown, age 49, passed away April 18, 2013. She was born in Akron on April 18, 1964, and lived in Mogadore. Ranay was a loving and devoted wife, mother, daughter, sister, niece and aunt. Renay loved all who she touched and she touched so many lives. She loved her family, her dogs and her many gardens. She was happiest outside with nature and her flip-flops. She will be missed by all who loved her, and she will always be in our hearts. Renay is survived by her husband of 28 years, Bob Brown; son, Patrick Brown; parents, Geri and Richard Ellerbrock; brother, Rich (Vanetta) Ellerbrock, children; Austin and Violet; sister, Shelby (Leland) Collier, children: Jarrod, Jacob, Abigail and Evan. Friends may call from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday at Hopkins Lawver Funeral Home, 34 S. Cleveland Ave. (Route 532), Mogadore, Ohio 44260, where a memorial service will immediately follow at 6 p.m. (Hopkins Lawver, Mogadore, 330-733-6271).

She married Robert Eugene Brown, son of Paul Brown and Betty Carpenter, 27 Apr 1985 in Akron. Born 25 Jan 1959 in Akron. In 2015 he lived in Mogadore. Children:

i. Patrick Alan[9]. Born 11 Mar 1988 in Akron. He took a B.A. from the

University of Akron, majoring in English, minoring in Journalism, in May 2013. In 2015 he was self employed, living in Mogadore.

703. Shelby Lee[8] Ellerbrock (Geraldine Lee[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[1]). Born 24 May 1967 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio. In 2015 she lived in Massillon, Stark Co., Ohio.

She married, first, Alan Michael Rebescher, son of Thomas Michael Rebescher and Jeanne NMN Guerra, 2 Oct 1987 in Akron. They divorced 20 Dec 2002. Born 4 Sep 1963 in Buffalo, Erie Co., N.Y. In 2015 he lived in Canton, Stark Co., Ohio. Children:

i. Jarrod Aric[9]. Born 19 Dec 1988 in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Co., Ohio.

ii. Jacob Thomas. Born 8 Aug 1994 in Cuyahoga Falls.

She married, second, Leland NMN Collier (called Lee), son of Terry Collier and Debbie Unknown, 31 Dec 2003 in Akron. Born 23 Apr 1975 in Louisville, Stark Co., Ohio. In 2015 he owned Canton Diesel, a trucking company. Children:

iii. Abigail Lee. Born 11 Mar 2005 in Canton, Stark Co., Ohio.

iv. Evan Leland. Born 17 Aug 2006 in Canton.

Ninth Generation

2.iv.iii.iv.ii.ii.i.i. Ashleigh Suzanne[9] Berry (Jacquiline Susan[8], Donald Eugene[7], John Harold[6], Mary Jane[5], Margaret J.[4], Oscar F.[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 23 Jun 1987 in Stillwater, Payne Co., Okla. In 2007 she lived in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas.

She had two children with Tyler Thompson:

i. Areth Michael[10]. [Thompson] Born 17 Jul 2006 in Ft. Worth.

ii. Hunter Samuel. [Thompson] Born 10 Jul 2007 in Ft. Worth.

57.ii.i.ii.i.i.ii. Brian Edward[9] Wentz (Terry M.[8], Robert Leroy[7], Emma Madeline[6], James Golden[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 3 Jun 1980 in Connersville, Fayette Co., Ind. In 2007 he lived in Connersville.

He married Michelle Amanda Steele. Born Aug 1981. Children:

i. Blake Edward[10]. Born Jun 1998 in Connersville.

ii. Logan Michael. Born 25 Nov 2003 in Connersville.

57.ii.iii.ii.iii.i.i. Heather Gayle[9] Spencer (Debra Lynn[8], Marlene Elizabeth[7], Pauline Virginia[6], Roxie Grace[5], James William[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Abraham[2], Abraham[1]). Born 2 Mar 1974.

She married Michael Taylor. Born 1970. Children:

i. Kody Tyler[10]. Born 2 Jan 1994 in West Virginia.

417.iii.i.i. William Peter[9] Carr (Kelly Marea[8], William Franklin[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 5 Nov 1988 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz. In 2015 he lived in the Phoenix area.

He married Sarah Salome Lizarraga 11 Nov 2011 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Ariz. Born 23 Jul 1990 in Arizona. Children:

i. Jase William[10]. Born 23 Jan 2014 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

417.iii.i.ii. Jessica Courtney[9] Carr (Kelly Marea[8], William Franklin[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 19 Jun 1990 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Ariz. In 2015 she lived in the Phoenix area.

She married Jared Gornall 2 Oct 2011 in Mesa, Maricopa Co., Ariz. Born 13 Feb 1990 in Phoenix. Children:

i. Grace Elizabeth[10]. Born 15 Feb 2012 in Mesa.

ii. Lyla Harper. Born 11 Feb 2014 in Mesa.

iii. Easton Foster (m.) Born 8 Sep 2015 in Mesa.

417.iv.i.i. Keith[9] Surface (Tammie Marie[8], Pamela Ruth[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1994 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio.

He married Unknown. Children:

i. Matthew[10]. Born 2013 in Akron.

417.iv.i.ii. Kenneth[9] Admire (Tammie Marie[8], Pamela Ruth[7], William Franklin[6], Ruth Thelma[5], George Washington Lee[4], Andrew Jackson[3], Henry[2], Abraham[l]). Born 1995 in Akron, Summit Co., Ohio.

He married Courtney Renea Meadows. Children:

i. Elizabeth Jane[10]. Born 17 Mar 2014 in Akron.

681.ii. Shawna Marie[9] Sigwing (Courtney Alan[8], Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 18 Mar 1977 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kan. In 2010 she and her family lived in Clearwater, Sedgwick Co., Kan.

She married Jason Browning 13 May 2000. Children:

i. Braden Seth[10] [Browning]. Born 14 Mar 1999 in Wichita.

ii. Logan Wayne. Born 14 Jul 2008 in Wichita.

682.iii. Lori Beth[9] Creekmore (Lona Lee Ann[8], Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]).

She married Andrew Keith 24 Jan (also reported as 21 Nov) 1998 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kan. Children:

i. Andreau (also reported as Aundrea) Jayde[10]. Born 19 Dec (also reported as 29 Dec)

1998 in Wichita.

ii. Zane Alexander. Born 7 Feb 2002.

687.i. Amber Nicole[9] Clevenger (Billy Monroe[8], Shirley Ann[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Also reported as Amber Nicole Murphy. Born 6 Aug 1976 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kan.

She had a child with Jeremy R. Zchring:

i. Jayden Cole[10] [Clevenger]. Born 25 Oct 1998 in Wichita.

Also reported as having two children with Jason Irvin:

i. Jayden Cole Hayes Murphy. Born 25 Dec 1999.

ii. Jacie Madison Lynn Irvin. Born 16 Oct 2000.

688.i. Ashley Monroe[9] Schutz (Lorna Anne[8], Shirley Ann[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 22 Jun 1984 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo. In 2008 she and her family lived in Springfield, Mo.

She married Simon Tapprich 31 Mar 2007 at Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs. Children:

i. Alexa Anne[10]. Born 12 Oct 2007 in Springfield, Greene Co., Mo.

689.i. Eryn Lynn[9] Molz (Paula Marie[8], Shirley Ann[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 3 Jun 1982 in Branson, Taney Co., Mo. She graduated from Elmore County High School, Eclectic, Ala., in 2000; there she was given a Merit Award in English, was in band and on the golf team (mens). She attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham and in 2009 was a sophomore, planning to return to college after her children were in preschool. In 2009 she lived in San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas, where she enjoyed reading and art projects, animals, and going to the zoo with her family.

She married John Robert Putalavage Jr. (called J.R.), son of Chief Master Sergeant John Robert Putalavage (USAF Ret.) and Carol Marie Winwood, 10 Aug 2002 at Chapel 1, Randolph AFB, San Antonio, Texas. Born 3 Apr 1978 in Plattsburgh, N.Y. He graduated from Madison High School, San Antonio, in 1996 and enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in San Antonio in Mar 1997. He was stationed at Lackland AFB, Texas, Keesler AFB, Miss., Andrews AFB, Md., Incirlik AB, Turkey, and Einsiedlerhof Air Station, Germany. (Einsiedlerhof was the home of the Warrior Preparation Center, a joint U.S. Army, Europe and U.S. Air Forces in Europe computer simulation center which trained U.S. Army and Air Force commanders and decision-makers in combat decision making.) J.R. served on active duty until Sep 2004, separating as a staff sergeant; then transferred to the Air National Guard, separating from the Air Force as a technical sergeant 20 Sep 2008. Children:

i. Adam Robert.[10] Born 31 Jul 2006 in Northeast Baptist Hospital, San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas.

ii. Emma Marie. Born 17 Nov 2008 in Christus Santa Rosa Hospital, New Braunfels, Comal Co., Texas.

689.ii. Courtney Lee[9] Molz (Paula Marie[8], Shirley Ann[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Jul 1985 in Branson, Taney Co., Mo. In 2009 she was a nurse.

She married Isaac James Cardenas Dec 2008.

i. Evan Michael.[10] [Molz] Born 14 Jun 2002 in McKenna Hospital, New Braunfels, Texas

691.i. Joseph Dean[9] Holford (Teresa Jane[8], Marilyn Marie[7], Mildred Muriel[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 12 Sep 1980 in Spokane, Spokane Co., Wash. In 2001 he lived with his family in Deer Park, Wash.

He married Meagan Elizabeth Fenske 29 Apr 2000 in Springdale, Stevens Co., Wash. Born 10 Feb 1982 in Virginia. Children:

i. Joshua Michael[10]. Born 3 Nov 2000 in Spokane, Spokane Co., Wash.

719. Christopher Wayne[9] Creekmore (Lona Lee Ann[8], Mary Ruth[7], Ruby Alice[6], Paul Clarence[5], Peter Sidney[4], Peter Abraham[3], Samuel C.[2], Abraham[l]). Born 20 Apr 1977 in Kingman, Kingman Co., Kan.

He married Jennifer Uphoff. They divorced. Children:

i. Arizona[10]. Born 15 Jun 1996.


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