
Federal Government Branches:Legislative (Congress) – Makes Bills/Proposed Laws for the President to sign Executive (White House – President/VP/etc) – Approves/Proposes LawsJudicial (Supreme Court/Justices) – Interprets the laws, ensures the other branches are abiding by the lawsLandmark Court Cases:Marbury vs Madison pg 273 Adams didn’t pass papers in time to set all appointees; Adams advised Secretary of State Madison to not finish last 4 appointees (including Marbury) Outcome: Supreme Court rules in favor of Marbury, but he is still not appointed; established power of judicial review; proved the judicial branch was the one to interpret the law and ensure that actions of the other branches of federal government abided by the laws Plessy vs Ferguson pg 393Segregation on railcars in Louisiana (1892); Plessy was guilty for riding on white car and declared guilty by Ferguson in the Louisiana Supreme CourtCase was overturned (1950s)Outcome: segregation for blacks and whites was not considered unconstitutional as long as equal quality was provided; “separate but equal” Brown vs Board of Education pg 577Occurred in Topeka, Kansas; school segregation of black and white schools violated 14th AmendmentOutcome: Declared segregated schools are not “separate but equal;” Overturned “separate but equal” law from the Plessy vs Ferguson case; 1st step to desegregationGideon vs Wainwright pg 444Supreme Court would provide lawyers when needed but the same was not offered in state courts; Gideon was not provided lawyer in Florida court and could not afford to get one on his own (1961)Appealed to Supreme Court based on 6th Amendment (right to an attorney)Outcome: Supreme Court ruled in favor of Gideon; legal history was changedMiranda vs Arizona pg 418Miranda was unaware of right to not self-incriminate and right to an attorney during interrogation 5th Amendment protected this caseOutcome: Miranda won at the Supreme Court; Court claimed individuals must be read the 5th Amendment when arrested, a.k.a. Miranda Rights/Miranda Warnings; rights include right to remain silent, right to an attorney, etc. In re Gault pg 379Regarding juvenile criminals (under 18) in 1964; juvenile was not read not aware of his right to remain silent or right to an attorney; juvenile’s parents were not informed eitherOutcome: Supreme Court ruled that due process rights must extend to juveniles too Tinker vs Des Moines School District pg 177High school and Middle school Students petitioned (1965) the Vietnam War by wearing black arm bands; students were suspendedOutcome: Supreme Court ruled the school’s actions as unconstitutional; Justice Forta considered the students speech a “pure speech” (reflecting freedom of speech); school authority was tested Hazlewood School District vs Kuhlmeier pg 340Students wanted to publish articles in a school newspaper but the newspaper editor did not approve of the articles; the writers petitioned by claiming this denial would violate their 1st Amendment Outcome: Supreme Court ruled (1988) the school could censor what was published in the newspaper; a school sponsored the paper and what was published is considered a reflection of the school’s standards; censorship emergedUS vs Nixon (1974) pg 237Watergate Scandal (1972) forced the Supreme Court to ask for the White House tapes but Nixon called executive privilege and would not release the tapesSupreme Court required Nixon to release the tapes Outcome: President must obey law; Nixon retired 4 days after case closed to avoid impeachment Bush vs Gore pg 314During the 2000 Presidential Election of Republican Bush vs Democrat GoreRecount called for Florida poll and was to be based on “clear intent” votesOutcome: Supreme court ruled that “clear intent” could not be counted equally across different polling counties; Supreme Court claimed recounting votes in Florida would violate Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment; Bush won presidency; one of most controversial cases decided in Supreme Court ................

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