
Civics EOC Review Utilize this study guide, your assignments and notes to prepare for your Final Exam on May 19th. WORTH 20 POINTS EXTRA CREDIT – DUE ON: MAY 19TH Essential QuestionAnswer1.What intellectual movement in Europe changed the way people viewed the role of government during the 1600’s.2. John Locke was an Enlightenment thinker that greatly influenced our founding father’s view of government. Define his idea of “natural rights” and provide evidence of its use in the Declaration of Independence.Natural Rights:Evidence of its use in the Declaration of Independence:3. Define John Locke’s theory of “social contract” and provide evidence of its use in the Declaration of Independence.Social Contract:Evidence of its use in the Declaration of Independence:4. Baron de Montesquieu was an Enlightenment thinker that greatly influenced our founding father’s view of government. Define his idea of “Separation of Powers” and provide evidence of its use in the Constitution.Separation of Powers:Which 3 articles establish separation of powers in the Constitution?5. This English document first established the idea of limited government when King John was forced to sign it in 1215.6. Which early English document influenced most state constitutions to include a bill of rights?7. What was the first document that established self-government by creating a direct democracy in the colonies?8. Thomas Paine wrote this pamphlet outlining all of the reasons that the colonists should declare independence from Britain.9. Summarize the following conflicts between the American colonists and the British parliament/King.Stamp Act:Tea Act:Boston Tea Party:Intolerable Acts:10. List 4 of the main complaints/grievances against Britain written in the Declaration of Independence?1. No taxation without representation2.3.4.11. Which document outlined the first form of government for the United States? Which system of government did this document create?First Document:System of Government: Confederal12. List the 5 major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Explain how the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation led to Shays’ Rebellion.14. List the 6 purposes of the Preamble to the Constitution. What was the main argument the Federalists used to support the ratification of the Constitution?What series of essays did they publish to defend the proposed Constitution?Main Argument:Series of Essays: The ____________ Papers16. Why were the Anti-Federalists afraid of the proposed Constitution?What addition finally convinced them to ratify it? Fear of Constitution:Why they agreed to ratify it:17. Democracy works on the principle of popular sovereignty. What does this mean?18. Describe the two ways to become a natural-born American citizen. Law of Soil:Law of Blood:19. What are the 5 steps to become a naturalized citizen? What are 3 basic differences between Democrats and Republicans? (Think involvement of government, higher/lower taxes, social programs) What is a political party platform?23. Give an example of how the media informs the public about government (Chapter 12, Lesson 1)24. Provide four examples of how an individual citizen can influence government. What are the four ways interest groups attempt to influence public policy (Chapter 12, Lesson 3, Pages 343-344) What is bias?27. What is symbolism?28. What is propaganda (Chapter 12, Lesson 3)?29. What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy (republic)?30. Socialism – A form of government in which the government plays a huge role in the economy, but private ownership is allowed and leaders may be elected by the people. Most property and resources are owned and controlled by the munism – A form of government in which a single ruling party owns and controls the entire economy, and in which no private ownership is allowed. All property is owned by the community. Less freedom for the pare and contrast the similarities and differences between these 2 forms of government.Similarities:Differences:31. What is the form of government in which a small group of people govern a nation (often for their own purposes)?32. What is monarchy? How do an absolute and constitutional monarchy differ?Monarchy:Absolute v. Constitutional:33. What is autocracy (or dictatorship)?34. What is a federal system of government? 35. What is a confederal system of government?36. What is a unitary system of government? A system of government in which a country is governed as a single unit with the central/national government being supreme (often used for smaller countries with no state or local government). 37. The ___ system of democratic government that exists in Great Britain is led by a majority of its legislature who then chooses its executive that is called a ___.Parliamentary/Prime Minister38. What major principle of government means that all citizens are accountable to the law?39. Why is rule of law fundamental to the American legal system?40. What are the 5 duties of American citizens? Why do citizens pay taxes? How does this benefit society?42. Why is it important to have citizens serve on juries?43. Explain the difference between federalism and separation of powers. 44. Why was it important to add the Bill of Rights to the Constitution?45. Explain the meaning of the following rights guaranteed by the 5th amendment 1: Indictment2: No Double Jeopardy3: No Self-Incrimination4: Due Process of Law5: Eminent Domain1. How do the 4th, 5th, 6th & 8th amendments protect the rights of the accused?4th:5th:6th:8th:47. Why do you think the Framers included the 2nd amendment with respect to militias? (Think about how the US were able to win the Revolutionary War)48. Why did the Framers include the 3rd amendment in the Bill of Rights?49. Explain the difference between the 6th and 7th amendments.50. How does the Ninth Amendment safeguard individual liberties?51. How does the Tenth Amendment reinforce federalism?52. Describe the principle of due process of law.53. How does the Bill of Rights help ensure that the U.S. remains a democracy?54. What are the two methods of proposing and ratifying constitutional amendments? Explain them. (Chapter 5, Lesson 3)2 Methods for Proposal:2 Methods for Ratification:55. What was the first ever written code of law? (Ch.15, Les.1)56. What is the law making branch of government? 57. Which are 3 powers of the President according to Article II of the Constitution? Which branch of government is composed of district courts, circuit courts, appellate courts, and other federal courts?59. Which goal of the Preamble states that the government should work to promote the health, peace, and safety of its citizens?60. Which goal of the Preamble to U.S. Constitution states that the government should be a better union of states than the one created under the Articles of Confederation?61. Which goal of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states that the government should make laws and establish a system of courts that is fair to all?62. Which goal of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states that the government should work to safeguard the freedom of the people and future generations?63. Which goal of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states that the government should work to protect the country from its enemies?64. Which goal of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution states that the government should preserve peace within the country?65. What is a lobbyist?66. What are the two current major political parties?68. In what founding U.S. document is the principle of “consent of the governed” expressed? (Chapter 4, Lesson 3, Pg. 105)69. What is the meaning of “We the People” as written in the Preamble to the US Constitution?70. Give 3 examples of how a person’s 1st amendment constitutional rights can be limited? How can third parties influence elections?72. What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)?73. The division of powers between three branches of government is called _________________.74. The ability of one branch to limit power of the others is called _______________.75. What is the purpose of checks and balances and separation of powers in the Constitution?76. What is the “supreme law of the land” in the U.S?77. ___________law refers to the body of law that governs relationships between individuals and settles disputes.78. ___________law refers to the body of law that regulates the conduct of individuals.79. __________law is based on the Constitution and on Supreme Court decisions.Constitutional80. __________law governs the behavior of men and women in all branches of the armed forces.81. Which amendment abolished slavery in the U.S?82. Which amendment guaranteed due process, equal protection under the law and granted rights of citizenship to African Americans?83. Which amendment guaranteed the right of suffrage regardless of race or previous condition of servitude (slavery)?84. Which amendment, ratified in 1920, guaranteed women’s suffrage?85. Which amendment outlawed the use of poll taxes as a requirement for voting?86. In the wake of the Vietnam War, which amendment was added to lower the voting age of U.S. citizens to 18?87. What Landmark Supreme Court case resulted in the principle of Judicial Review?88. What Landmark Supreme Court case justified segregation and the principle of “separate but equal”?89. What Landmark Supreme Court case overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision by ruling that separate facilities were “inherently unequal” and ended segregation in schools?90. What Landmark Supreme Court case required states to provide free legal help/counsel to those who could not afford representation in court?91. What Landmark Supreme Court case ruled that an individual’s rights begin at the time of their arrest and required that individuals be notified of these rights?92. What Landmark Supreme Court case ruled that juveniles accused of crimes receive the same due process as adults?93. What Landmark Supreme Court case expanded interpretation of the First Amendment right to free speech in schools to also include freedom of expression?94. What Landmark Supreme Court case limited freedom of press in school publications?95. The Supreme Court ruled in ________that “executive privilege” is only extended when connected to national security.96. What Landmark Supreme Court case involved the 14th amendment’s equal protection clause (in regards to Election of 2000)?97. When evaluating candidates for office, what are examples of things that might influence your decision?Experience, Values, Political Platform, Voting Record, etc.98. Explain the difference between domestic policy and foreign policy.99. The policy of _____ the income of U.S. citizens to fund government programs for the good of society is an example of domestic policy.100. Providing monetary aid, military assistance or food to nations in need in order to promote peace is an example of ______________ policy.101. This organization is an international assembly of nations to discuss and act on important global issues & promote world peace.102. This organization was founded to provide food and healthcare to children around the world.103. This “security alliance” between the United States and many European countries was originally formed to establish a united front against Soviet aggression during the Cold War, but now engages in joint security and peacekeeping operations.104. This volunteer program provides technical assistance and cultural understanding between the United States and other nations.Peace Corps 105. This UN agency promotes worldwide health to combat the spread of diseases.World Health Organization (WHO)106. Which international organization was created to promote trade between the US, Canada & Mexico?107. What court is the judicial branch of the UN?World Court or International Court of Justice108. Which organization is considered an INGO and coordinates international relief efforts, monitors the treatment of prisoners of war, and acts as a link between nations at war.109. This term describes a way in which the US can enter into an agreement or written contract with other nations to resolve conflicts or further relationships.110. The United States has used this peaceful foreign policy tool to punish nations that violate human rights or otherwise threaten the interests of the United States.Trade Sanctions (Embargo)111. The ability to protect US borders is best performed by which level of government.112. The service of maintaining public libraries is best performed by which level of government.113. Create a graphic organizer that depicts the levels and functions of the judicial branch at the federal level.FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM (3 LEVELS OF COURT)114. What are the main sections of the Florida and U.S. Constitutions called?Articles115. List the obligations and services provided by the local level of government.116. List the obligations and services provided by the state level of government.117. List the obligations and services provided by the federal level of government.118. This organization has agreed on a set of rules for world trade, including rules for settling disputes.WTO (World Trade Organization)119. Why did the U.S. become involved in World War I?120. Why did the U.S. become involved in World War II?121. The main goal of the U.S. during the Cold War was to prevent the spread of what?122. Which country placed nuclear missiles in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?123. Why did the U.S become involved in the first Gulf War?124. Why did the U.S. become involved in the second Gulf War (Iraq War)?125. Which cabinet position appointed by the President is in charge of foreign policy?126. What are tariffs? 127. What position leads the House of Representatives?128. Identify examples of how each branch of government applies “checks & balances” to the other. (View chart on Ch.5, Les.4, Pg.139)Executive checks on Legislative:Executive checks on Judicial:Legislative checks on Executive:Legislative checks on Judicial:Judicial checks on Executive:Judicial checks on Legislative:129. List 5 specific powers of the Legislative Branch of government. List 5 specific powers of the Executive Branch of government. List 3 specific powers of the Judicial Branch of government. Explain the basic steps of how a bill becomes a law on the federal level.Idea:Committee:House or Senate:Committee:House or Senate:Conference Committee:President’s Desk:133. Who has the sole power to declare war?134. A __________ legislature is a lawmaking body with two houses.135. What are the two houses that make up the U.S. Congress? 136. What are the 3 qualifications for members of the House of Representatives? What are the 3 qualifications for members of the Senate? What are the 3 qualifications for the presidency as listed by the Constitution of the United States? What is the term limit for the President of the United States? 140. Who leads the Senate and votes in case of a tie? 141. Who is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces? 142. When the President appoints federal officials (cabinet, federal judges, ambassadors, etc.), which house must confirm their nominations?143. If you identified a problem in your community, what are the steps that you would take to resolve it?Raise awareness through signing petitions, holding fundraisers, volunteering, or writing to your local, state, or national representatives to develop a solution.144. What is an INGO? Why do they not allow governments to join?145. What are 4 similarities between the U.S. and Florida Constitution? The Articles of Confederation is a ____ system of government whereas the US Constitution establishes a ___ system of government.147. What is a municipal ordinance? A law created by a city government. 148. What are “enumerated” or “expressed” or “delegated” powers? (THEY ALL MEAN THE SAME THING!)Provide 3 examples from the Constitution.Enumerated Powers:1st Example:2nd Example:3rd Example:149. Article I, Section 8, Clauses 1-17 establish ____ powers for Congress while Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 (elastic clause) establishes ____ powers.150. Powers shared by both the state governments and the federal government, such as building roads, collecting taxes, and passing laws are called ____ powers.151. According to the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, powers not specifically granted to the federal government nor denied to the states are given to the states and called ___ powers.152. Create a graphic organizer to properly depict the hierarchy (order) of the Florida Court system from least to greatest authority - Circuit Courts, State Supreme Court, District Courts of Appeals, County Courts 153. ___ jurisdiction allows a court to hear a case first.154. ___ jurisdiction is when the authority to hear a case is shared by both federal and state courts. 155. ___ jurisdiction is the authority to hear only certain types of cases (bankruptcy, family issues, etc.).Exclusive Jurisdiction156. The power of the court to decide whether a legislative law or executive action goes against the Constitution is called ____.157. The following description best identifies which constitution, The Florida Constitution or the US Constitution? Is fairly short, concise, and difficult to amend and has only seven articles.158. The following description best identifies which constitution, The Florida Constitution or the US Constitution? Is longer, easy to amend, and grants government the power to oversee education.Final Score /80 ................

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