
Speech, language and communication development: prompt sheet349567517589500Child’s name:___________________ DOB:__________The following questions are intended to gather an initial picture of a child’s overall communication skills. This will inform the support you put in place within the setting, and decision about any further support that the child may need. The questions are structured on the communication tree model, as illustrated.Attention & Listening:Does the child make eye contact with you?Will they look at something you point to across the room?How long will they attend to one activity of their choice?How long will they attend to an informal 1:1 activity led by an adult?Can they listen to a story 1:1 / in a small group / in a large group?Can they attend to a structured small group activity?4248150312420Beware of giving visual clues. You want to be sure that the child has definitely understood the words you use (not your actions).00Beware of giving visual clues. You want to be sure that the child has definitely understood the words you use (not your actions).Understanding: Does the child respond to his/her name? Can they follow routines? (Do they need adult help with this?)Can they find objects that you ask for? (e.g. ‘Where’s the cup?’Can they find two objects? (e.g. ‘Where’s the cup and the apple?’)Can they make teddy jump/sleep/run?Talking:When they want something what do they do?Can they name objects?How many words do they use (approximately)?Give examples of what they say:Speech sounds:Do you have any concerns about how clearly they speak? If so, give examples (e.g. ‘Says dar instead of car’).Play & social communication:Are they playing alone or alongside other children? Do they show interest in / awareness of others? Do they interact with others? If so, how? What kinds of toys/activities do they particularly enjoy?Any other comments? ................

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