Introduction - GA Decal Bright from the Start

-171450-19879300LITTLE Family CCLH GrantApplication IntroductionThe grant supports family child care learning homes in fostering positive and responsive relationships and developing critical early language and literacy skills with the infant and toddlers in their care. ?Providers will be required to participate in intensive professional development focused on improving teacher and child interactions, supporting responsive caregiving, and targeting language and literacy development in the infants and toddlers in their care. The grant will support programs in purchasing appropriate learning materials to support language and literacy development. This is a professional development grant and no funds will be distributed directly to providers. All materials, stipends and other benefits will be provided by Communities for Children on behalf of DECAL. Applicant EligibilityTo be eligible to apply for a LITTLE (Lifting Infants and Toddlers through Language-rich Environments) grant, a program must:Be a licensed family child care learning home which serves infants and toddlers and is in good standing with DECAL Have a 2 or 3-star rating in Quality Rated Grantee RequirementsEligible providers selected through the competitive program will receive a grant to improve early language and literacy practices. Early learning programs receiving a LITTLE Grant will commit to: participating in on-going professional development and coaching by a DECAL Infant Toddler Specialist;participating in all evaluation measures, including but not limited to, the use of LENA devices; andmaintaining or increasing a Quality Rated star rating.Application SubmissionApplication must meet the following guidelines to be reviewed:Applications must be typed, not handwritten.Applications must be complete in FULL, with all supporting documentation.Applications must be submitted by the due dateApplications submitted must be received via email at pssinfo@decal. no later than 5:00 pm on December 14, 2020. Applications will not be accepted after the due date. Mailed applications will not be considered. Funded applications will be chosen based on the sum of the application scoring rubric.Applicants will be notified regarding grant awards through email by December 18, 2020.ScoringApplications will be reviewed and scored using a rubric. Points will be awarded based on the quality and completeness of answers.Grant Benefits Applicants are eligible to receive a technology package valued at up to $500, materials package valued at up to $1000, and stipends up to $500. Classroom materials: Providers will work with Communities for Children, Inc to select packages of language and literacy materials with a total value of $1000 minus shipping. Professional Learning stipends: Stipends to support participation in language and literacy institutes will be paid at a rate of $125 per 3-hour virtual Institute. Stipends will be provided as a one-time payment upon completion of the Institute series.Equipment: Providers will receive a technology package to use to attend virtual coaching sessions and the language and literacy institutes. Grant OverviewProfessional Development:The professional development opportunities will support program staff in creating responsive relationships between providers and children and focus on language and literacy strategies to increase children’s receptive and expressive vocabulary.Providers will participate in four 3-hour Saturday institutes. These will be held virtually via Zoom and will be led by a DECAL Infant Toddler Specialist. These sessions will focus on early language and literacy. Topics will include information from the infant and toddler modules from Read Right from the Start, such as increasing interactions and supporting children’s participation in book reading. Providers will participate in weekly coaching sessions with a DECAL Infant Toddler Specialist. These sessions will focus on analyzing the program data collected including LENA reports. The sessions will invite participants to reflect on data, identify strengths and areas of improvement, and develop goals/ action plans.Data Collection and Evaluation: Evaluation for the early language and literacy family child care learning home grants will be rigorous and include meaningful, research-based measures and tools which measure adult-child and child-child interactions and the language richness of the early learning environments. Applicants agree to participate in all data collection and evaluation activities including:LENA Grow: LENA Grow is a system designed to measure talk with children birth to three in child care and preschool programs. A simple recorder worn by children in the classroom captures a full day of talk with is translated into data on factors such as the number of adult words spoken, number of conversational turns, number of child vocalizations and other information. Reports from LENA are used to provide objective feedback to teachers as part of coaching sessions designed to increasing verbal interactions. Each program receiving a grant will be required to have all children in the program participate in the LENA recording at least one day per week. Each child, with parent permission, will wear a LENA recorder.Surveys: These surveys are designed to gauge the perceived changes in skills and attitudes of providers.LITTLE Family Child Care Learning Home Grant Application ChecklistNew Applicants must include the following forms and documents in their application package.Program Information: FORMCHECKBOX LITTLE Grant Cover Page FORMCHECKBOX LITTLE Grant Application FORMCHECKBOX LITTLE Grant Applicant Questions FORMCHECKBOX LITTLE Grant Program Assurances 1758950-6604000Program Name: FORMTEXT ?????Person Completing Application FORMTEXT ?????Title/Role FORMTEXT ?????Telephone Number FORMTEXT ????? Application Date FORMTEXT ?????Total Pages FORMTEXT ?????LITTLE FCCLH Grant ApplicationCover PageLITTLE FCCLH Grant ApplicationTHIS APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE.Program Legal Name: FORMTEXT ?????Doing Business As Name: FORMTEXT ?????FCCLH #: FORMTEXT ?????Quality Rated Star Level: FORMTEXT ????? Date Rating Received: FORMTEXT ?????Program Location:Street Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ?????County: FORMTEXT ?????Zip: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Mailing Address is same as Street AddressMailing Address: FORMTEXT ?????City: FORMTEXT ?????County: FORMTEXT ?????Zip: FORMTEXT ?????Contract Signatory*:Person authorized to sign contract: FORMTEXT ?????Title: FORMTEXT ?????Mailing address of contract signatory: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Same as aboveCity: FORMTEXT ?????County: FORMTEXT ????? State: FORMTEXT ?????Zip: FORMTEXT ?????Phone Number: FORMTEXT ?????E-mail Address: FORMTEXT ?????Credential: FORMTEXT ?????Indicate in the chart below the number of children enrolled in each age group.Age Group(Infant or Toddler)Number of ChildrenInfant 0-12 months FORMTEXT ?????Toddler 12-36 months FORMTEXT ?????*The Contract Signatory must be an officer or representative vested with the powers to commit the organization to a binding agreement if the grant is awarded. The contract signatory (CEO, COO, CFO, President, Sole Proprietor, School Superintendent) who has apparent authority or legal authority for the program/company/school system/etc. applying for the grant must sign the grant agreement if the grant is awarded. LITTLE FCCLH Grant Applicant QuestionsApplicants should provide a professionally composed and complete answer to each question. Failure to answer all questions fully will result in an incomplete application. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.Program OverviewThe application should provide an overview description of the program’s ability to successfully implement this grant. 1. Please describe how you currently promote language and literacy in your program. FORMTEXT ?????2. Do you have internet access to support participation in virtual meetings? Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX LITTLE FCCLH Grants Program Application AssurancesI agree: FORMCHECKBOX All information provided in this application is true and accurate. I understand that falsifying information reported will result in automatic termination of the grant agreement. FORMCHECKBOX I understand that all information contained within this application, as well as documentation required as a DECAL fiscal agent, is considered public information and will be included in the program’s permanent file and is subject to Open Records request(s). FORMCHECKBOX I will conduct my business with financial integrity and fiscal responsibility including, but not limited to, compliance with state and federal tax requirements, compliance with rules and regulations of the Secretary of State’s office, the State Department of Audits, and other state agencies, as applicable, and appropriate settlement of employee and other financial obligations. FORMCHECKBOX I have read the LITTLE grant guidelines and agree to participate in grant activities including supporting professional development, research and evaluation, and reporting. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Contract Signatory Date FORMTEXT ?????Title ................

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