

Human Physiology-

Intro to the body and Digestion Review Worksheet

Use this as a guide to review for your test. This will give you an idea about what is going to be on the test. Do your best to try and explain the information to someone else to demonstrate your knowledge.

Chapter One- The Human Body: An orientation

1. Need to know the body cavities

2. Need to know the different anterior and posterior regions of the body

3. Need to know the different directional terms

4. Give the levels of organization in the body going from most simple to complex.

Atom → cell tissue → organ → organ system → organism

5. Mechanisms that tend to increase the original stimulus and push the variable further from its original value are termed ______positive feedback________ mechanisms.

6. Define homeostasis:

Body maintaining its internal balance regardless of external stimuli

7. The arms are ____lateral___ to the chest (position/orientation).

8. A cut that is made along the horizontal plane is called a _____transverse____ section.

9. The study of structure and shape of the body and body parts is called ___anatomy__.

10. What is the correct order of elements in a control system (homeostasis)?

Variable/imbalance, receptor sensor, control center, effector, balanced

11. In describing the relationship of the thoracic and spinal cavities:

a. The thoracic cavity is superior to the spinal cavity

b. The thoracic cavity is inferior to the spinal cavity

c. The thoracic cavity is proximal to the spinal cavity

d. The thoracic cavity is medial to the spinal cavity

e. The thoracic cavity is ventral to the spinal cavity

12. A section that divides the body on the longitudinal plane into right and left parts is called:

a. Sagittal

b. Frontal

c. Transverse

d. Oblique

e. Coronal

13. Which of the following systems is matched most accurately to the life function it provides:

a. Integumentary system- movement

b. Nervous system- excretion

c. Muscular system- maintaining boundaries

d. Nervous system- responsiveness

e. Respiratory system- digestion

Chapter 14- Digestion System

14. Which of the following are NOT an organ of the alimentary canal:

a. Mouth

b. Teeth

c. Pharynx

d. Esophagus

e. Stomach

15. What produces the saliva (salivary amylase) in our mouths?

Salivary glands, specifically the submandibular and sublingual glands.

16. List the order through which food passes in the alimentary canal and list a function for each organ:

Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

17. Which of the following is the middle section of the small intestine:

a. Duodenum

b. Ascending color

c. Jejunum

d. Descending colon

e. Ileum

18. The “gatekeeper” of the small intestine that regulates food movement into it is the:

a. Cardioesophageal sphincter

b. Jejunum

c. Pyloric sphincter

d. Ileum

e. Hepatopancreatic ampulla

19. Which of the following is NOT a modification of the small intestine, designed to increase surface area for absorption:

a. Microvilli

b. Villi

c. Peyer’s patches

d. Circular folds

e. Plicae circulares

20. Which of the following is NOT a subdivision of the large intestine:

a. Cecum

b. Appendix

c. Duodenum

d. Colon

e. Rectum

21. The chisel-shaped teeth, like those in the front that are adapted for cutting, are the __________incisors___________.

22. Swallowing and peristalsis both assist in:

a. Ingestion

b. Propulsion

c. Mechanical digestion

d. Chemical digestion

e. absorption

23. Pancreatic enzymes for digestion are secreted into the:

a. Mouth

b. Stomach

c. Duodenum

d. Jejunum

e. Ileum

24. What does the stomach secrete to the food entering the stomach?

Gastric juices are added to help lower the pH of the stomach contents and to help break down food.

25. What is the term called for slightly chewed food? For slightly digested food?

Bolus- slightly chewed Chyme- slightly digested

26. Where does bile enter into the digestive system? What organs play a role?

It enters at the small intestine. It is secreted by the liver and gall bladder.

27. What is the opening on the terminal end of the alimentary canal is called ?

Anal canal

28. What are the folds in the stomach lining that allow for expansion called?


29. What is the food that resembles heavy cream after being processed in the stomach is called?


30. The “gatekeeper” of the small intestine that regulates food movement into it is the

________pyloric sphincter_____.

31. Pancreatic enzymes for digestion are secreted into the


32. Name a part of the digestive system that has no digestive function.

Esophagus- just for food passage from the mouth to the stomach

33. Need to know the anatomy of the digestive system if given a diagram (that includes the parts of the small and large intestine)

Ambulance Calls

34. You are dispatched to the scene of a bar fight. A 34-year-old male has been stabbed in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen with a knife. Using medical terminology, indicate which organ(s) might be affected. How would you describe this patient’s injuries?

Laceration using a knife to the upper right quadrant which could have punctured the junction between the ascending and transverse colon or the jejunum of the small intestine.

35. You are dispatched to a school play ground to find an 8-year-old who has fallen from the monkey bars and is complaining of pain to his left forearm just above his wrist. You see it sticking out at an odd angle. Using medical terminology, how would you describe this patient’s injuries?

Possible fracture/break between the carpal (wrist) and antecubital region of the arm

36. You are dispatched to a scene where a 40 year-old male was hit by a car. Upon arrival, you find the patients left lower leg to be deformed and swollen. Using medical terminology, how would you describe this patient’s injuries?

Possible fracture with abrasion and swelling of the fibular region.


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