Office 2003 Crossword Puzzles - Pearson Education

To The Student: Almost everyone enjoys a good puzzle. With this in mind, we have created a series of unique crossword and “word find” puzzles to accompany our series, Exploring Microsoft® Office 2003. Every chapter has two puzzles, one of each type. We suggest that you start with the “word find” and use the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter to determine what each clue represents, and then locate the corresponding word or phrase in the puzzle. You can then try the accompanying crossword which repeats clues from the “word find” to reinforce the material, and which adds additional clues to challenge you further. And if you are up to a real challenge, try the composite (Sunday) crossword puzzles that combine the clues from multiple chapters in a single puzzle. We look forward to your comments.

Bob and Maryann

List of Puzzles

Getting Started with Windows XP 1

Microsoft® Office 2003 Word

Chapter 1 – Introduction: What Will Word Processing Do For Me? 3

Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency: Editing and Formatting 5

Chapter 3 – Enhancing a Document: The Web and Other Resources 7

Chapter 4 – Advanced Features: Outlines, Tables, Styles, and Sections 9

Super Challenge – Chapters 1 to 4 11

Microsoft® Office 2003 Excel

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Microsoft Excel: What Is a Spreadsheet? 13

Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency: The Web and Business Applications 15

Chapter 3 – Graphs and Charts: Delivering a Message 17

Chapter 4 – Spreadsheets in Decision Making: What If? 19

Super Challenge – Chapters 1 to 4 21

Microsoft® Office 2003 Access

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Microsoft Access: What Is a Database? 23

Chapter 2 – Tables and Forms: Design, Properties, Views, and Wizards 25

Chapter 3 – Information from the Database: Reports and Queries 27

Chapter 4 – Proficiency: Relational Databases, External Data, Charts, and the Switchboard 29

Super Challenge – Chapters 1 to 4 31

Microsoft® Office 2003 PowerPoint

Chapter 1 – Introduction to PowerPoint: Presentations Made Easy 33

Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency: Slide Show Tools, the Web, and Slide Masters 35

Super Challenge – Chapters 1 to 2 37

Microsoft® Office 2003 Outlook 39

Essential Computing Concepts 41

Internet Explorer and the World Wide Web 43

Getting Started with Windows® XP

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Command that duplicates a file

Command that erases a file

Windows operations take place here

View with file size and date

Indicates program that created file

Helps to organize files

Displays available choices

Radio and CD in a single program

Provides access to pull-down menus

Interface between computer and telephone

Command that changes location of a file

Allows multiple programs in memory

Signifies mutually exclusive items

Stores deleted files

Command to change a file name

Provides quick access to a program

Displays information about the window

Contains buttons for open programs

View that displays miniature images

Appears at the top of every window

Contains icons for common commands

Hierarchical view of PC

Operating System

Getting Started with Windows® XP


3 Shows date file was last modified

5 Contains instructions to computer

8 Folder with tools to customize a PC

9 Windows operations take place here

10 Indicates program that created file

11 Provides access to pull-down menus

12 Displays context-sensitive menu

14 Operating system

15 Command to cancel last operation

19 Provides quick access to a program

21 Interface between computer and phone

22 Helps to organize files

23 Contains buttons for open programs

25 Command that changes location of a file

26 Displays information about the window

27 Ctrl+X is the keyboard shortcut

29 Command that changes a file name

30 Helps you locate lost files

31 Ctrl+V is the keyboard shortcut

32 Stores files deleted from a hard drive

34 Hierarchical view of devices on PC


1 Signifies mutually exclusive items

2 Required for Windows Messenger

4 Contains icons for commonly used commands

6 Command that duplicates a file

7 Allows multiple programs in memory

11 Personal folder provided for data files

13 View that displays miniature images

16 Begin here

17 Radio and CD in a single program

18 Command that erases a file

19 Appears if contents don't fit in window

20 Appears at the top of every window

24 Returns to previous window

28 Protects computer from unauthorized access

33 Ctrl+C is the keyboard shortcut

Word Chapter 1 – Introduction

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Automatically changes 'teh' to 'the'

Protects against document loss

Removes document from memory

Closes Microsoft Word

Contains Save and Open Commands

Finds error in word usage

Marks end of paragraph

Opposite of Overtype mode

Location where text will be entered

Provides access to pull-down menus

Brings a document into memory

Replaces text as you type

Access to unseen part of document

Created at end of line by word wrap

Avoids embarrassing mistakes

Has icons for Open and Save

Displays location of insertion point

Thesaurus/Provides synonyms

Alternates between on and off

Continues text on next line

Word Chapter 1 – Introduction


2 Protects against document loss when system crashes

5 New view introduced in Word 2003

7 Improves appearance of document

10 Shows keyboard shortcut for toolbar button

12 Brings a copy of a document into memory

14 Moves existing text to right as you type

16 Finds error in word usage

17 Extension used with Word documents

19 Provides access to pull-down menus

23 Shows margins and tab stops

26 Provides synonyms

27 Moves insertion point to start of document

28 Created at end of line by word wrap

29 Reverses previously executed commands

30 Provides access to an encyclopedia

31 Text recognized as a person's name

32 Alternates between on and off


1 Displays location of insertion point

3 Closes Microsoft Word

4 Has icons for bold and italics commands

6 Automatically continues text on next line

8 Marks location where text will be entered

9 Removes current document from memory

11 Provide access to unseen part of document

13 Displays (Hides) non-printing characters

15 Ensures correct spelling

18 Has icons for Open and Print commands

20 Contains Save and Open Commands

21 Records changes made to document

22 Marks end of paragraph

24 Replaces existing text as you type

25 Automatically changes 'teh' to 'the'

Word Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Sans serif typeface

"Word" and "WORD" are different

Monospaced typeface

Locates text in a document

Font/Times New Roman or Arial

Moves to a specific place

Ctrl+Enter is the shortcut

Opposite of portrait

Draws reader's eye across page

Uses Ctrl+1 or Ctrl+2 as keyboard shortcuts

Courier New for example

Collects multiple objects

Awkward page break

Opposite of monospaced

Arial, for example

Displays unseen portion of document

Needed when changing columns in a document

Typeface used for large amounts of text

Created automatically to start a new page

Used to align text in columns

Serif typeface

Measured in points

Opposite of Redo

Used to match any character

Changes magnification

Word Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency


3 Uses Ctrl+1 or Ctrl+2 as keyboard shortcuts

5 Displays unseen portion of document

6 Monospaced typeface

7 Opposite of Portrait orientation

9 Default page orientation

12 Moves to a specific place in a document

16 Changes magnification

20 Typeface for large amounts of text

22 Opposite of monospaced

23 Awkward page break

27 Replacement is made without user input

28 Reverses previously executed commands

29 Enables collection of multiple objects

30 Determines white space at edges of page

31 Locates text within a document

32 Measured in points


1 Used in a search to match any character

2 Used to align text in columns

3 Draws reader's eye across page

4 Needed when changing margins

8 Prevents soft page break between current and next paragraph

10 Serif proportional typeface

11 Automatically created by Word to start a new page

13 Substitutes one character string with another

14 "Word" is different from "WORD"

15 Created by pressing Ctrl+Enter

17 Used with bulleted and numbered lists

18 Courier New (for example)

19 Sans serif proportional typeface

21 Times New Roman or Arial

24 Selection of typefaces, sizes, and styles

25 Typeface best used for headings and titles

26 Alignment that produces lines of equal length

Word Chapter 3 – Enhancing a Document

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Replaces (c) with ©

Legal protection for written work

Creates a target diagram

Alternative to a footnote

Used to cite a reference

Letter sent to many recipients

Language of the Web

Accesses a Web page

Adds clip art to a document

Network of networks

Creates form letters

Material that is not copyright

Easy way to create résumé

New file format

Drag these to make object larger

Text recognized as person’s name

Partially completed document

Decorative text

Word Chapter 3 – Enhancing a Document


2 Unauthorized duplication of programs

5 Area on which shapes can be created with various drawing tools

6 Web page

8 Provides additional information about an item at bottom of page

9 Converts Word document to HTML

10 Place holder for variable data

12 Material that can be distributed freely

18 Creates a customized template

19 Replaces (c) with ©

20 Creates pyramid or target diagram

22 Underlined text to access a web page

27 Alternative to a footnote

28 Command to place clip art in a document

29 Partially completed document with formatting and text

30 New Web page format in Word 2003

31 Allows you to use a quote as long as you cite the source

32 Replaces 1/2 with ½


1 Catalogs clip art

3 Prompts for information, then it creates a professional résumé

4 Web pages on a local area network

5 Names and addresses for a mail merge

7 Inserts a footnote or endnote

9 Click and drag these to make object larger

11 Adds typographical characters to document

13 Contains standardized text and merge fields

14 Standardized letter for many recipients

15 Creates a set of personalized form letters

16 Language to create HTML documents

17 Eliminates part of a picture

21 Text automatically recognized as a name

23 Decorative text

24 Legal protection for written work

25 Network of networks

26 HTML document

Word Chapter 4 – Advanced Features

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Automatically applies built-in styles to a document

Applied to every paragraph by the AutoFormat command

Intersection of column and row in a table

Removes rows or columns from a table

Text automatically printed at the bottom of every page

Moves insertion point to a specific page

Text automatically printed at the top of every page

Lists key terms and associated page numbers

Adds a row or column to a table

Draws reader's eye across the page

Stores the default paragraph settings

Sequences and prioritizes items

Required with multiple headers or footers

Set of formatting specifications

Lists main topics and their page numbers

Powerful feature in Word

Word Chapter 4 – Advanced Features


1 Moves insertion point to a specific page

3 Adds a row or column to existing table

6 Moves item in a list to next higher level

8 Turns a feature on or off

9 Draws reader's eye across the page

11 Lists main topics and their page numbers

15 Displays headings in a separate pane

16 Intersection of column and row in a table

22 Removes rows or columns from a table

23 Combine multiple cells into one

24 Inserts a tab character into a cell of a table

25 Text automatically printed at the top of every page

26 Creates a simple header or footer with the page number

27 Automatically applies built-in styles to a document

28 Lists key terms and associated page numbers


2 Portrait or landscape

4 Divide a single cell into multiple cells

5 Set of formatting specifications

6 Stores character and paragraph formatting

7 Provides a condensed view of a document

10 Marks all occurrences of an index entry

12 Stores character formatting

13 Created when you change margins within a document

14 Moves item in a numbered list to next lower level

17 Stores the default paragraph settings

18 Applied to every paragraph by the AutoFormat command

19 Emphasizes and separates items

20 Sequences and prioritizes items

21 Text automatically printed at the bottom of every page

Microsoft® Word – Volume I (Chapters 1 to 4)

All Clues on Next Page

Microsoft® Word – Volume I (Chapters 1 to 4)


1 Opposite of monospaced

3 Network of networks

5 Typeface best used for headings and titles

7 Used to align text in columns

8 Locates text within a document

11 Serif proportional typeface

13 Automatically changes 'teh' to 'the'

19 Set of formatting specifications

20 Process of selecting typeface, size, and style

22 Inserts a tab character into a cell of a table

24 Contains icons for bold and italics commands

29 Automatically continues text on next line

30 Language used to create HTML documents

32 Reverses previously executed commands

35 Click and drag these to make an object larger

36 Created by pressing Ctrl+Enter

39 Needed when changing margins in a document

40 Underlined text to access a Web page

42 Material that can be distributed freely

43 Changes magnification

45 Substitutes one set of characters with another

49 Flags words not in the built-in or custom dictionaries

51 "Word" is different from "WORD"

53 Displays location of insertion point

55 Adds a row or column to a table

62 Contains Save and Open Commands

64 Courier New (for example)

65 Lists main topics and their page numbers

69 Typeface best used for large amounts of text

70 Applied to every paragraph by the AutoFormat command

73 Prevents soft page break between current and next paragraph

75 Text automatically printed at the top of every page

77 Replaces existing text as you type

78 Draws reader's eye across the page

79 Portrait or landscape

80 Text printed at the bottom of every page


2 Places typographical characters in document

4 Partially completed document with formatting and text

6 Inserts a footnote or endnote in a document

9 Removes rows or columns from a table

10 Awkward page break

12 Brings a copy of a document into memory

14 Determines white space at edges of page

15 Command to place clip art in a document

16 Prompts for information, then it creates a professional resume

17 Standardized letter sent to many recipients

18 Moves item in a list to next higher level

21 Marks end of paragraph

23 Turns a feature on or off

25 Keystrokes that place insertion point at start of document

26 Has icons for Open and Print commands

27 Removes current document from memory

28 Decorative text

31 Legal protection for written work

33 Finds error in word usage

34 Provides access to pull-down menus

37 Eliminates part of a picture

38 Intersection of column and row in a table

41 Provides synonyms

44 Creates a set of personalized form letters

46 Monospaced typeface

47 Catalogs clip art

48 Enables collection of multiple objects

50 Closes Microsoft Word

52 Converts Word document to HTML

53 Displays unseen portion of document

54 Applies built-in styles to a document

55 Location where text will be entered

56 Moves to a specific place in a document

57 Provides additional information about an item at bottom of page

58 Displays shortcut key equivalent to toolbar button

59 Uses Ctrl+1 or Ctrl+2 as keyboard shortcuts

60 Sequences and prioritizes items

61 Sans serif proportional typeface

63 Used in a search to match any character

66 Alternative to a footnote

67 Measured in points

68 Created at end of line by word wrap

71 Automatically recognized as a person's name

72 Moves item in list to next lower level

74 Lists key terms and associated page numbers

76 Times New Roman or Arial

Excel Chapter 1 – What is a Spreadsheet?

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

$A$1 for example

Cell into which entry will be made

Intersection of column and row

Range you are copying to

Displays contents of active cell

Predefined mathematical formula

Adds rows to a spreadsheet

Opposite of portrait

$A1 or A$1 for example

Brings spreadsheet into memory

Controls printing options

Range/Rectangular unit of cells

A1 for example

Creates a copy of current file under a different name

Range you are copying from

Provides access to basic tasks

Contains icons for common commands

Contains one or more worksheets

Excel Chapter 1 – What is a Spreadsheet


3 Opposite of portrait

5 Contains one or more worksheets

7 Rectangular unit of cells

10 Displays information about command being executed

11 Used to select non-contiguous cells

12 Transfers contents of cell to another location

13 Spreadsheet entry that does not change until edited

15 Opposite of Undo

17 Provides access to basic tasks

19 Brings a spreadsheet into memory

21 Begins a formula

22 Cell into which entry will be made

27 Cancels previously executed command

29 Adds columns or rows to a spreadsheet

30 Duplicates contents of cell

31 Excel-specific term for spreadsheet

32 Contains icons for commonly used commands

33 Predefined mathematical formula

34 Adjusts when you copy the formula


1 Indicated by a red triangle

2 Removes cells, rows, and columns from spreadsheet

4 Variable inputs to spreadsheet that are referenced in formulas

6 $A1 or A$1, for example

8 Does not change when you copy formula

9 Extension assigned to an Excel workbook

14 Command to modify the appearance of entries in spreadsheet

16 Range you are copying to

18 Creates a copy of current file under a different name

20 On the left side of Open and Save As dialog box

23 Range you are copying from

24 Command that controls printing options

25 From high to low

26 Displays contents of active cell

28 Intersection of column and row

Excel Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

$A$1 for example

Format changes according to the value in a cell

Toolbar used with Web Queries

Small black square in lower right corner of selected cell

Language in which web pages are written

Link to a Web page

Command to add descriptive information to a cell

Network of networks

Command to update a Web query

A1 for example

Provides access to encyclopedias

New file format in Office 2003

Partially completed workbook with formulas but not data

Enters the current date into a cell

HTML document

Retrieves information from the Web

Excel Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency


2 Absolute, relative, or mixed

5 Link to a Web page

6 Run multiple applications simultaneously

9 Partially completed workbook

10 Enters the current date into a cell

12 Command that converts a worksheet to a Web page

16 Predefined mathematical calculation

17 Toolbar used with Web Queries

19 Multiplication symbol

23 Allows you to edit a Web page in the Office program used to create it

25 Ctrl+V is the keyboard shortcut

26 Adds descriptive information to a cell

27 Network of networks

29 Preferred way to add the contents of multiple cells


1 Cell reference that adjusts when the formula is copied

3 Format changes according to the value in a cell

4 Updates results of a Web query

7 New file format in Office 2003

8 Command to add custom header or footer

11 Provides access to encyclopedias

13 Small black square used to copy cells

14 Copies formatting of selected cell

15 Language in which web pages are written

18 Cell reference that stays the same when a formula is copied

20 Ctrl+C is the keyboard shortcut

21 Opposite of Descending

22 Arranges a list in alphabetical, numeric, or chronological order

24 Retrieves information from the web for inclusion in a worksheet

28 Collection of formatting specifications

Excel Chapter 3 – Graphs and Charts

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Compares actual numbers and has a horizontal orientation

Descriptive entries plotted on X-axis

Graphic representation of data

Separate sheet within workbook that contains a chart

Contains tools for modifying charts

Guides you through process of creating a chart

Compares actual numbers and has a vertical orientation

Numeric value

Group of data points

Contains tools to create objects that add emphasis on charts

Chart that is placed on worksheet with the data

Chart which has one slice separated for emphasis

Toolbar that can be positioned anywhere on worksheet

Ability to have multiple applications in memory at the same time

Most effective way to display proportional relationships

Used to make embedded chart larger or smaller

Chart type with columns on top of one another

Contains buttons for all open applications

Excel Chapter 3 – Graphs and Charts


2 Separate sheet within workbook that contains a chart

4 Chart that is placed on worksheet with the data

11 Contains tools for modifying charts

14 Ability to have multiple applications in memory at the same time

15 Automatically enters a SUM function for values above or to left of active cell

16 Compares actual numbers and has a horizontal orientation

17 Descriptive entries plotted on X-axis

19 Graphic representation of data

20 Toolbar that is positioned along the edge of the application window

21 Saves time with formatting

23 Data from one application used in a document belonging to another application

24 Chart with columns are on top of one another display explicit totals

25 Most effective way to display time related information

26 Numeric value

27 Contains buttons for all open applications

28 Toolbar that can be positioned anywhere on worksheet


1 Command used to change color or pattern of data series within the chart

3 Used to make embedded chart larger or smaller

5 Contains tools to create objects that add emphasis on charts

6 Most effective way to display proportional relationships

7 Group of data points

8 Vertical axis

9 Guides you through process of creating a chart

10 Horizontal axis

11 Compares actual numbers and has a vertical orientation

12 Used when different scales are required for multiple data series

13 Chart which has one slice separated for emphasis

18 Displays shortcut menu

21 Keyboard shortcut to cycle between open applications

22 Object Linking and Embedding (abbreviation)

Excel Chapter 4 – Spreadsheets in Decision Making

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Inputs to a function

Displays a subset of rows depending on criteria established

Function that computes the arithmetic mean

Found in the first column of a table used in a VLOOKUP

Predefined mathematical calculation

Horizontal equivalent of VLOOKUP

Type of retirement plan

Returns the highest value in a range

Returns the lowest value in a range

A$4 or $A4 for example

IF within an IF

Function used to determine a car payment

Greater than or less than, for example

Cell reference that adjusts when formula is copied

Brings unseen areas of the spreadsheet into view

AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN, for example

Adds all of the values in a range of cells

Partially completed workbook with formulas but no data

Excel Chapter 4 – Spreadsheets in Decision Making


1 Greater than or less than, for example

4 Adds all of the values in a range of cells

8 $A$1, for example

9 Displays a subset of rows depending on criteria established

10 Horizontal equivalent of VLOOKUP

13 A1, for example

14 Found in the first column of a table used in a VLOOKUP

15 Used instead of a COUNT function when the entries in a range are alphabetic

17 A$4 or $A4, for example

20 Returns one result if a condition is true, another is it is false

21 Stores 78.8 as 80

25 Arranges a list in alphabetical, numeric, or chronological order

28 Function for an IRA calculation

29 Function used to determine a car payment


31 IF within an IF


2 Partially completed workbook

3 Initial conditions on which spreadsheet is based

5 Returns a specified number of characters at the beginning of a text entry

6 Makes A1 the active cell

7 Returns the highest value in a range

11 Returns the lowest value in a range

12 Type of retirement plan

16 Keeps rows or columns out of sight

18 Displays row and column headings when scrolling in a large spreadsheet

19 Determines a student's class ranking

22 Inputs to a function

23 Brings unseen areas of the spreadsheet into view

24 Predefined mathematical calculation

26 Computes the arithmetic mean of the values in a range

27 Returns the number of cells in a range that contain a numeric value

Microsoft® Excel – Volume I (Chapters 1 to 4)

All Clues on Next Page

Microsoft® Excel – Volume I (Chapters 1 to 4)


2 Chart which has one slice separated for emphasis

4 A1, for example

9 Keeps rows or columns out of sight


11 Contains tools for modifying charts

15 Adds columns or rows to a spreadsheet

16 HTML document

17 Retrieves information from the Web

18 Cell into which entry will be made i

19 Ctrl+V is the keyboard shortcut

20 From high to low

21 On the left side of Open and Save As dialog box

24 Arranges a list in alphabetical, numeric, or chronological order

25 Displays shortcut menu

26 IF within an IF

29 Contains buttons for all open applications

31 Returns the number of cells in a range that contain a numeric value

34 Greater than or less than, for example

37 Makes A1 the active cell

40 Format changes according to the value in a cell

42 Horizontal equivalent of VLOOKUP

44 Found in the first column of a table used in a VLOOKUP

47 Most effective way to display proportional relationships

48 Use these to make embedded chart larger or smaller

49 Multiplication symbol

51 Function used to determine a car payment

54 Type of retirement plan

55 Partially completed workbook

57 Computes the arithmetic mean range

60 Opposite of Undo

64 Ctrl+C is the keyboard shortcut

66 Updates results of a Web query

68 Absolute, relative, or mixed

72 Most effective way to display time related information

73 Collection of formatting specifications

74 Chart with two different scales

75 Used to select non-contiguous cells

76 Begins a formula

78 Command to add custom header or footer

79 Cycles between open applications

80 Predefined mathematical calculation

82 Saves time with formatting

83 Rectangular unit of cells


1 Guides you through process of creating a chart

3 Opposite of portrait

5 Network of networks

6 $A$1 for example

7 Graphic representation of data

8 Chart with columns are on top of one another display explicit totals

12 Inputs to a function

13 Link to a Web page

14 Descriptive entries plotted on X-axis

22 Enters the current date into a cell

23 Contains tools to create objects that add emphasis on charts

27 Provides access to basic tasks

28 Function that stores 78.8 as 80

30 Contains one or more worksheets

32 Numeric value

33 Toolbar that is positioned along the edge of the application window

35 Contains icons for commonly used commands

36 Displays a subset of rows depending on criteria established

38 Returns the lowest value in a range

39 Indicated by a red triangle

41 Excel-specific term for spreadsheet

43 Cancels previously executed command

45 Range you are copying from

46 Small black square used for copying

50 Displays information about command being executed

52 A$4 or $A4, for example

53 Displays contents of active cell

56 Run multiple applications simultaneously

58 Opposite of Descending

59 Separate sheet within workbook that contains a chart

61 Chart on same worksheet as data

62 Copies formatting of selected cell

63 Brings a spreadsheet into memory

65 Range you are copying to

67 Removes rows or columns

69 Brings unseen rows (columns) into view

70 Group of data points

71 Extension assigned to an Excel workbook

73 Preferred way to add the contents of multiple cells

75 Intersection of column and row

77 Returns one result if a condition is true, another is it is false

81 Returns the highest value in a range

Access Chapter 1 – Introduction

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Feature to expand abbreviations

Uses triangle as record selector

Contains multiple tables and forms

Displays objects in a database

Prevents addition of invalid data

Used to add or delete records

Used to specify fields and properties

Fact or data element

It can be by selection or by form

Attractive interface for data entry

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Type of relationship

Field that makes record unique

Displays selected records

A set of fields

Consistent tables

Substitutes one entry for another

Printed output from a database

List records in a specified sequence

A set of records

Command that reverses last action

Access Chapter 1 – Introduction


1 Prevents addition of invalid data

3 Sort from high to low

4 A set of fields

9 List records in a specified sequence

10 Sort from low to high

11 It can be by selection or by form

12 Move from field to field

13 Use this to learn more about Access

14 Command that reverses last action

16 Has .mdb extension

17 Garbage In, Garbage Out

19 Contains Find and Replace commands

23 Command to search for a specific record

24 Portrait or Landscape (for example)

26 Type of relationship

28 Printed output from a database

30 Fact or data element


2 Design or Datasheet (for example)

3 Used to add or delete records

4 Ensures consistency between tables

5 Displays objects in an Access database

6 Indicated by triangle in record selector area

7 Command to substitute one entry for another

8 Used to specify fields and associated properties

15 Attractive interface for data entry

18 Sequenced or selected data

20 Displays selected records and/or fields

21 Office feature to expand abbreviations

22 Field that makes record unique

25 Remove an existing record

27 Enter a new record

29 A set of records

Access Chapter 2 – Tables and Forms

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Predesigned form

Assigns values automatically

Tied to a field in a table

Stores a formula or function

Property for descriptive label

Control for a Yes/No field

Text or Number (for example)

Used to modify a form

Helps to create a form

Field type for Web address

Pattern to facilitate data entry

Field type for lengthy data

Cannot contain text

Mutually exclusive items

Uniquely identifies each record

Characteristic of a control

Data has to be entered

Helps to create a table

Recommended field type for zip code

Type of control used for a label

="M" or "F", for example

Stores a value of true or false

Access Chapter 2 – Tables and Forms


4 Property that says data must be entered

9 Field type for lengthy data

10 Visual display of a pivot table

11 Characteristic of a control

12 Predesigned form

14 Mutually exclusive items

17 Command that changes printed margins

18 Moves to next bound control

20 Stores a formula or function

21 Control used for a label

24 ="M" or "F" (for example)

25 Stores a value of True or False

26 Field type that assigns values automatically

27 Tied to a field in a table

29 Property to display upper-case letters

30 Cannot contain text


1 Control for a Yes/No field

2 It is bound, unbound or calculated

3 Property for descriptive label

5 Text or Number (for example)

6 Helps to create a form

7 Used to select multiple controls

8 Used to modify a form

13 Store this rather than age

15 Helps to create a table

16 Pattern to facilitate data entry

19 Form title goes here

22 Uniquely identifies each record

23 Field type for Web address

28 Recommended field type for zip code

Access Chapter 3 – Information from the Database

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Delete or Append; for example

Multiple criteria in same row

Specifies records within a range

Join together

Returns the number of records

Determines selected records

Opposite of ascending

Main body of a report

Output of a query

Contains summary data for a group

Returns the largest value

Criteria entered on different rows

It's at the top of every report page

Greater than or less than (for example)

Printed document

Opposite of report footer

Helps to create a report

Most common type of query

Determines if field is displayed in dynaset

Access Chapter 3 – Information from the Database


1 Multiple criteria in same row

4 Concatenation symbol

7 Helps to create a report

9 Greater than or less than (for example)

11 Main body of a report

12 Number of report section types

15 Property to list the top 10%

18 Join together

20 Bound, Unbound, or Calculated

22 Printed document

24 Specifies records within a range

25 Returns the largest value

26 Opposite of ascending

27 Menu with Database Properties command

28 Determines if field is displayed in query

29 Returns the number of records


2 Ctrl+C is shortcut for this command

3 Ctrl+V is shortcut for this command

5 Opposite of report footer

6 Delete, Append, or Update (for example)

7 Tool with exclamation point as its icon

8 Question mark or asterisk, for example

10 Criteria entered on different rows

11 Output of a query

13 Determine selected records

14 Contains summary data for a group

16 Where reports are modified

17 It's at the top of every report page

19 Most common type of query

21 Used to select multiple controls

23 An "if" within an "if"

Access Chapter 4 – Proficiency

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Sum or Count, for example

Function to determine the number of records

Command to send Access table to Excel

Primary key of another table

Command to import data from external source

Application to create a graph or chart

Type of relationship

Companion to pivot table

Flexible way to display summary statistics

The field(s) that makes a record unique

Ensures consistency between tables

Property used to open switchboard automatically

Computes a total

Friendly user interface

Table used with a switchboard

Used with multiple-table query

Performs calculations on a group of records

Access Chapter 4 – Proficiency


1 Table used with a switchboard

6 Report header or footer (for example)

7 Function determines number of records

9 Ensures consistency between tables

11 Command to send Access table to Excel

14 Property to open switchboard automatically

16 Command to import data from Excel

18 A subset of a table

19 Function to display the current date

20 Opposite of the Max function

21 Primary key of another table

22 The field(s) that makes a record unique

23 Type of relationship


2 Location of Database Utilities command

3 Entry in Total row to aggregate records

4 Where relationships are created

5 Application to create a graph or chart

6 Friendly user interface

8 Flexible way to show summary statistics

10 Sum or Count, for example

12 Used to create a keyboard shortcut

13 Opposite of Page Footer

15 Companion to pivot table

17 Does calculations on a group of records

Microsoft® Access – Volume I (Chapters 1 to 4)

All clues are on the next page

Microsoft® Access – Volume I Clues


1 An "if" within an "if"

5 Store this rather than age

13 Does calculations on a group of records

14 Remove an existing record

15 Field type to assign values automatically

20 Determine selected records

24 Button to display all records in filtered table

25 Form title goes here

27 Enter a new record

28 Property for descriptive label

29 Used to select multiple controls

30 Stores a value of True or False

34 Table used with a switchboard

37 Displays the objects in an Access database

42 Ensures consistency between tables

43 Property to list the top 10%

44 Field type for lengthy data

46 Function to display the current date

47 Sort from low to high

51 At the top of every report page

58 Friendly user interface

59 Indicated by triangle in record selector area

60 Bound, Unbound, or Calculated

61 Printed document

62 Opposite of ascending

64 Number of report section types

65 Sum or Count, for example

66 Contains summary data for a group

70 Characteristic of a control

71 Concatenation symbol

73 Returns the largest value

75 Contains the Find and Replace commands

76 Main body of a report

78 Question mark or asterisk, for example

79 Output of a query


2 Most common type of query

3 Design or Datasheet (for example)

4 Field(s) that makes a record unique

6 Used to add or delete records

7 Command that reverses last action

8 ="M" or "F" (for example)

9 Mutually exclusive items

10 Tied to a field in a table

11 Entry in Total row to aggregate records

12 Primary key of another table

16 Determines if field is displayed in query

17 Control used for a label

18 Pattern to facilitate data entry

19 Has .mdb extension

21 Property that says data must be entered

22 Where relationships are created

23 Ctrl+V is shortcut for this command

26 Field type for Web address

31 Property opens switchboard automatically

32 Type of relationship

33 A set of fields

35 Fact or data element

36 Control for a Yes/No field

37 Prevents addition of invalid data

38 A set of records

39 Garbage In, Garbage Out

40 Helps to create a table

41 Opposite of report footer

45 Stores a formula or function

48 Ctrl+C is shortcut for this command

49 Helps to create a report

50 Companion to pivot table

52 Returns the number of records

53 Command to import data from Excel

54 Helps to create a form

55 Sequenced or selected data

56 Command that changes printed margins

57 Append or Update (for example)

63 Cannot contain text

67 Where forms and reports are modified

68 Use this to learn more about Access

69 Recommended field type for zip code

72 A subset of a table

74 Attractive interface for data entry

77 List records in a specified sequence

PowerPoint Chapter 1 – Introduction

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Controls how object moves on and off slide

Move item to next lower level in outline

Contains tools for creating and formatting objects on slides

Closes PowerPoint

Command to add clip art to slide

Shows the slide and speaker notes

Brings copy of existing presentation into memory

Slide area for text, title, or other object

Move item to next highest level in outline

Restores previous commands that have been cancelled

Creates a copy of document under another name or in another folder

Indicates there are additional slides currently not visible

Determines nature and position of objects on slide

View that makes it easy to reorder slide and apply transitions

Specifies color scheme and background design for presentation

Controls how slide moves on and off screen

Reverses previously executed command

PowerPoint Chapter 1 – Introduction


1 Catalogs clip art

3 View that makes it easy to reorder slide and apply transitions

5 Brings existing presentation into memory

7 Flags words not found in built-in dictionary

11 Specifies overall design for presentation

12 Changes magnification of slide

13 Move item to next lower level in outline

14 Slide miniatures

15 Restores previous commands that have been cancelled

19 Reverses previously executed commands

20 Fastest way to enter or edit text

22 Actual slide show itself

23 Displays outline, speaker notes, and enlarged view of slide

25 Determines position of objects on slide

26 Indicates there are additional slides currently not visible

27 Subset of slides for specific audience

28 Where new text will be entered

29 Object stored in its own file, but displayed in presentation

30 Used to search dictionaries and encyclopedias


1 Specify order in which objects are to appear on slide

2 Command to add clip art to slide

4 Closes PowerPoint

6 Object is stored within presentation

8 Controls how object moves on and off slide

9 Creates a copy of document under another name or in another folder

10 Indicates current slide number and total number of slides

16 Contains tools for creating and formatting objects on slides

17 Shows the slide and speaker notes

18 Slide area for text, title, or other object

21 Controls how slide moves on and off screen

24 Move item to next highest level in outline

PowerPoint Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Entrance or Exit effects

Jump starts a presentation

Protects intellectual property

Removes part of a picture

Common format for clip art

Absent during slide show

Click it to open a Web page

Common format for photographs

Convenient place to save photographs

Saves presentation to CD

Imports photographs into a presentation

Contains the Crop tool

Exempt from copyright protection

Records duration of a presentation

Displays reviewer changes

Command to initiate a review

Moves slide on and off the screen

PowerPoint Chapter 2 – Gaining Proficiency



3 Imports photographs into a presentation

6 Keyboard Shortcut to annotate a slide

8 Records duration of a presentation

10 Saves presentation to CD

12 Common format for photographs

15 Displays reviewer changes

16 Shows outline, slide, and notes

22 Ctrl+C is the shortcut

25 Command to make photographs smaller

26 Command to initiate a review

27 Decorative text

28 Click it to open a Web page

29 Thumbnails or Details

31 Contains the Crop tool

32 Removes part of a picture


1 Jump starts a presentation

2 Convenient place to save photographs

4 Entrance or Exit effects

5 Helps to align objects

7 Moves slide on and off the screen

9 Popular Web browser

11 Ctrl+X is the shortcut

13 Ctrl+V is the shortcut

14 Common format for clip art

17 Absent during slide show

18 Exempt from copyright protection

19 Tool to copy formatting

20 Contains the Properties command

21 Use this menu to learn more about PowerPoint

23 Run multiple applications simultaneously

24 Protects intellectual property

30 Web address

PowerPoint Volume I – (Chapters 1 and 2)

All Clues on Next Page

PowerPoint Volume I – (Chapters 1 and 2)


4 Command to make photographs smaller

6 Web address

7 Contains tools for creating objects on slides

9 Shows the slide and speaker notes

11 Convenient place to save photographs

12 Fastest way to enter or edit text

13 Indicates there are additional slides currently not visible

14 Move item to next lower level in outline

15 Tool to copy formatting

18 Flags words not found in built-in dictionary

21 Removes part of a picture

23 Moves slide on and off the screen

24 Object is stored within presentation

28 Popular Web browser

29 Specify order in which objects are to appear on slide

31 Helps to align objects

35 Actual slide show itself

36 Object stored in its own file, but displayed in presentation

38 Determines nature and position of objects on slide

42 Records duration of a presentation

44 Reverses previously executed commands

46 Protects intellectual property

50 Exempt from copyright protection

51 Common format for clip art

52 Closes PowerPoint

53 Restores previous commands that have been cancelled

55 Changes magnification of slide

56 Contains the Properties command

57 Subset of slides for specific audience

58 Decorative text

59 Saves presentation to CD


1 Jump starts a presentation

2 View that makes it easy to reorder slide and apply transitions

3 Move item to next highest level in outline

5 Keyboard Shortcut to annotate a slide

8 Specifies color scheme and background design for presentation

10 Command to add clip art to slide

16 Use this menu to learn more about PowerPoint

17 Ctrl+X is the shortcut

19 Catalogs clip art

20 Brings copy of existing presentation into memory

22 Creates a copy of document under another name or in another folder

25 Run multiple applications simultaneously

26 Command to initiate a review

27 Imports photographs into a presentation

30 Contains the Crop tool

32 Displays reviewer changes

33 Entrance or Exit effects

34 Used to search dictionaries and encyclopedias

37 Ctrl+V is the shortcut

39 Click it to open a Web page

40 Where new text will be entered

41 Ctrl+C is the shortcut

43 Indicates current slide number and total number of slides

45 Absent during slide show

47 Common format for photographs

48 Slide area for text, title, or other object

49 Shows outline, slide, and notes

54 Thumbnails or Details

Microsoft® Outlook

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Sent with e-mail message

Maintains your appointments

Similar to an address book

Folder with erased messages

Get messages from a server

Holds unfinished messages, for example

Folder with colored flags

Where new mail is kept

Logs activity on your computer

Scheduled for multiple attendees

Displays Outlook folders

Grants access to a mailbox

Holds text of selected message

Periodic appointment

Click button to respond to message

Has a copy of mailed messages

Outlook's version of a "to do" list

Send messages to a server

You need this plus a password

Microsoft® Outlook


1 Folder with copies of mailed messages

2 Grants access to a mailbox

4 Temporary destination of sent messages

7 Similar to an address book

9 Stores Outlook equivalent of Post-Its

10 Contains the Options command

11 Send messages to a server

13 Use this menu to learn about Outlook

14 Get messages from a server

16 Folder with unopened messages

17 Click this button to check for new mail

20 Folder with colored flags

21 Used to create periodic appointments

24 Junk e-mail

25 (for example)

26 Where your new mail is kept

27 Adds personal touch to e-mail

28 Maintains your appointments


1 Consistent closing for e-mail message

3 List of multiple recipients

5 You need this plus a password

6 Folder that stores erased messages

8 Displays text of selected message

12 Document sent with an e-mail message

14 Holds unfinished messages

15 Displays Outlook folders

18 Logs activity on your computer

19 Outlook's version of a "to do" list

22 Click this button to respond to message

23 Scheduled for multiple attendees

25 It's much better than snail mail

Essential Computing Concepts

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Coding scheme

Internet Explorer (for example)

Eight bits

The brain of a computer

High speed connection

Holds more than a CD

Media for drive A

Program to upload or download files

Approximately one billion bytes

A measure of clock speed

Uses a mouse and icons

Company that created open PC

Manufactures the Pentium

Network of networks

Input device used with games

Approximately one thousand bytes

Connected computers (short distance)

Common output device

Company that created Windows

Connected computers

Used to measure resolution

Program for presentations

You need at least 256MB

1024 x 768 (for example)

Operating System

Berners-Lee creation

Language to describe data

Essential Computing Concepts


5 You need at least 256MB

8 Operating System

10 Approximately one thousand bytes

13 Company that created Windows

15 Infectious program

17 Manufactures the Pentium

19 Connected computers (short distance)

20 Common output device

21 Internet Explorer (for example)

24 Eight bits

25 The brain of a computer

28 Enables plug and play

29 A measure of clock speed

30 Coding scheme

34 Computer by Apple

35 Used to measure resolution

36 Arial (for example)

37 Approximately one billion bytes


1 Program for presentations

2 Media for drive A

3 Uses a mouse and icons

4 High speed connection

6 Input device

7 Input device used with games

9 Connected computers

11 Holds more than a CD

12 History's first programmer

14 Network of networks

16 Used to organize documents

18 Specification of a digital camera

21 Early computer pioneer

22 Berners-Lee creation

23 1024 x 768 (for example)

26 Printed output

27 Program to upload or download files

31 Company that created open PC

32 Language that describes data

33 Text-based operating system

The Internet and World Wide Web

Directions: Figure out the word or phrase that each clue represents, then find the word in the grid. (Every word or its abbreviation appears in the list of key words and concepts at the end of the chapter.) Words can go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all eight directions.

Boolean operator

Returns to previous page

Internet Explorer (for example)

Small text file

Protects intellectual property

Invisible realm of the Internet

High speed connection

Used with HTTPS

Returned by a search engine

Language of the Web

Secure protocol

Takes you to a new page

Provides Internet Access

Connected Computers (short distance)

Internet Explorer competitor

Technology used by Napster

Gateway to the Internet

HTTP (for example)

Request to search engine

Google (for example)

Builds search engine database

Invented the Web

Internet address

Berners-Lee creation

Language to describe data

The Internet and World Wide Web


2 Web sites from last week

4 Boolean operator

9 Takes you to a new page

11 Protects intellectual property

12 Interface with telephone system

13 Language of the Web

15 Secure protocol

18 Invented the Web

19 New file format

22 Invisible realm of the Internet

25 High speed connection

26 Alternative to DSL

29 High level domain for Australia

31 Used to cite a reference

32 Request to search engine

33 Google (for example)

35 Program to create Web sites

36 (for example)

37 Small text file

38 Gateway to the Internet


1 Used with HTTPS

3 Builds search engine database

5 Connected computers (short distance)

6 HTTP (for example)

7 Has icons for common commands

8 An Internet address

10 Technology used by Napster

14 Competitor to Internet Explorer

16 .com or .edu (for example)

17 Berners-Lee creation

20 Provides Internet access

21 Contains the Page Setup command

23 Returns to previous page

24 Language to describe data

27 Internet Explorer (for example)

28 Improves PC performance

30 ShockWave or RealPlayer

34 Returned by a search engine


Crosswords and Word Find Puzzles

Have fun while you learn!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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