Western Settlement and Immigration (1865-1900) Study Guide

Directions: Copy the questions on your own paper and answer in short form.

1. What four factors encouraged American growth and expansion in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

2. Into what part of the west did many Americans move following the Civil War?

3. Identify the Homestead Act of 1862.

4. Who do the Standards of Learning say moved west to seek new opportunities after the Civil War?

5. When did the Great Migration of African-Americans out of the South begin?

6. Who were the Exodusters?

7. What time period was the era of the American cowboy?

8. What three cities became known for meatpacking?

9. What two new technologies opened up Western lands for settlement and made farming in the region more profitable?

10. For what did farmers use the mechanical reaper?

11. What was one of the major crops on the Great Plains?

12. Between 1865 and 1900, what part of the American West changed from a mostly unsettled frontier to an area of farms, ranches, and towns?

13. How did the settlement of the Great Plains affect the American Indians who lived there? They were forcibly removed by a series of Indians wars

14. What did the Dawes Act attack?

15. What were three provisions of the Dawes Act?

16. What could Indians who participated in the Dawes Act become?

17. What happened to Indians who refused to accept the federal government’s offer under the Dawes Act?

18. By the early twentieth century, what states had entered the Union as a result of the federal policy to remove the Indians from the plains?

19. From where did most immigrants to America come before 1880?

20. What have historians called the first phase of immigration to the United States?

21. Prior to 1880, from what countries did most immigrants to America come?

22. From where did most immigrants to America come between 1880 and World War I?

23. What were the native countries of the “new immigrants”?

24. Why did the “new immigrants” come to America?

25. Where did the “new immigrants” usually enter the United States?

26. What was the first view of America seen by many of the “new immigrants”?

27. Give four examples of how immigrants made valuable contributions to the dramatic industrial growth of America during the late 1800s.

Western Settlement and Immigration (1865-1900) Study Guide

Directions: Copy the questions on your own paper and answer in short form.

1. What four factors encouraged American growth and expansion in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

2. Into what part of the west did many Americans move following the Civil War?

3. Identify the Homestead Act of 1862.

4. Who do the Standards of Learning say moved west to seek new opportunities after the Civil War?

5. When did the Great Migration of African-Americans out of the South begin?

6. Who were the Exodusters?

7. What time period was the era of the American cowboy?

8. What three cities became known for meatpacking?

9. What two new technologies opened up Western lands for settlement and made farming in the region more profitable?

10. For what did farmers use the mechanical reaper?

11. What was one of the major crops on the Great Plains?

12. Between 1865 and 1900, what part of the American West changed from a mostly unsettled frontier to an area of farms, ranches, and towns?

13. How did the settlement of the Great Plains affect the American Indians who lived there? They were forcibly removed by a series of Indians wars

14. What did the Dawes Act attack?

15. What were three provisions of the Dawes Act?

16. What could Indians who participated in the Dawes Act become?

17. What happened to Indians who refused to accept the federal government’s offer under the Dawes Act?

18. By the early twentieth century, what states had entered the Union as a result of the federal policy to remove the Indians from the plains?

19. From where did most immigrants to America come before 1880?

20. What have historians called the first phase of immigration to the United States?

21. Prior to 1880, from what countries did most immigrants to America come?

22. From where did most immigrants to America come between 1880 and World War I?

23. What were the native countries of the “new immigrants”?

24. Why did the “new immigrants” come to America?

25. Where did the “new immigrants” usually enter the United States?

26. What was the first view of America seen by many of the “new immigrants”?

27. Give four examples of how immigrants made valuable contributions to the dramatic industrial growth of America during the late 1800s.


28. Where did Chinese immigrants face racial prejudice and discrimination?

29. What immigrant groups worked in the coalmines of the mid-Appalachian Mountains?

30. Describe the pay and working conditions of immigrants to America in the late 1800s.

31. Describe the living conditions of immigrants to America in the late 1800s.

32. What are tenements?

33. What American cities grew rapidly as a result of both the “new immigration” and the nation’s continued industrial growth?

34. What two economic activities centered in the nation’s largest cities?

35. What problems did the rapid growth of American cities cause?

36. What city began construction of one the nation’s first subway systems at the turn of the twentieth century?

37. Explain historians’ “melting pot” thesis.

38. What are ethnic neighborhoods?

39. Under the “melting pot” thesis, how have public schools played an essential role in assimilating immigrants into American society?

40. What does the word assimilate mean?

41. What do most recent historians suggest about the “melting pot” thesis?

42. Explain the “salad bowl” thesis of American society.

43. Why have some historians argued that public schools have hurt, as well as helped, immigrants to the United States?

44. What does the acronym WASP mean?

45. Define the term Protestant.

46. Why did Roman Catholics start parochial schools in the United States?

47. What are parochial schools?

48. What three types of hardship and hostility did many immigrants face during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

49. What two laws, passed by Congress during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, attempted to limit immigration?

50. What did the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 do?

51. Why did Congress pass the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

52. For what had native-born white workers blamed Chinese immigrants?

53. What did the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 do?

54. What are quotas?

55. Against what immigrants did the Immigration Restriction act of 1921 particularly discriminate?

56. What effect did the immigration laws of the 1920s have on European immigration to America?


28. Where did Chinese immigrants face racial prejudice and discrimination?

29. What immigrant groups worked in the coalmines of the mid-Appalachian Mountains?

30. Describe the pay and working conditions of immigrants to America in the late 1800s.

31. Describe the living conditions of immigrants to America in the late 1800s.

32. What are tenements?

33. What American cities grew rapidly as a result of both the “new immigration” and the nation’s continued industrial growth?

34. What two economic activities centered in the nation’s largest cities?

35. What problems did the rapid growth of American cities cause?

36. What city began construction of one the nation’s first subway systems at the turn of the twentieth century?

37. Explain historians’ “melting pot” thesis.

38. What are ethnic neighborhoods?

39. Under the “melting pot” thesis, how have public schools played an essential role in assimilating immigrants into American society?

40. What does the word assimilate mean?

41. What do most recent historians suggest about the “melting pot” thesis?

42. Explain the “salad bowl” thesis of American society.

43. Why have some historians argued that public schools have hurt, as well as helped, immigrants to the United States?

44. What does the acronym WASP mean?

45. Define the term Protestant.

46. Why did Roman Catholics start parochial schools in the United States?

47. What are parochial schools?

48. What three types of hardship and hostility did many immigrants face during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

49. What two laws, passed by Congress during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, attempted to limit immigration?

50. What did the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 do?

51. Why did Congress pass the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

52. For what had native-born white workers blamed Chinese immigrants?

53. What did the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 do?

54. What are quotas?

55. Against what immigrants did the Immigration Restriction act of 1921 particularly discriminate?

56. What effect did the immigration laws of the 1920s have on European immigration to America?


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