
Advanced Placement Human Geography Name________________________Chapter 13 Urban Geography Block_____Name three questions “Urban Geographers” might ask about places or regions.Define “Urbanization”What is the difference between urbanization in LDCs vs. MDCs?Name the city and country of six of the top 10 largest cities located in LDCs.Why are LDC cities growing faster than MDC cities?Why is it hard to determine where urban areas end and rural areas begin?What are two results of high density situations?What is “Social Heterogeneity”?What has changed as a result of removing walls around cities? What is the legal definition of a city? What is an “urbanized area”? Name the three components of a MSA. Why is a MSA an imperfect measurement for assessing a functional area? How does a “micropolitan statistical area” differ from a MSA? Define “Megalopolis”(give an example other than BOSNYWASH) Where is “Bosnywash”? Name the 5 zones and their description in Burgess’ “Concentric Zone Model” of cities. Describe the 5 zones of the “Sector Model” of urban structure. How does the “Multiple Nuclei Model” of urban structure differ from the other two urban models? What are the components of “Census Tracts”? Describe the “social area analysis” type of study. How do the 3 Models of Urban Structure help geographers? Why is there a tendency for the wealthy to cluster within a city? Name 3 differences between American cities and European cities> Name 3 characteristics of “Pre-colonial Cities” in Africa, Asia and Latin America. How were cities laid out in Muslim regions? Name 4 characteristics of the Aztec city. Compare the layout of colonial cities that were built by:British-French-Spanish- Describe the urban structure of the following cities:Rio de Janeiro-Mexico City-Cairo- What are “squatter settlements” and where are they found? What is meant by the ‘process of deterioration” in cities? What is “filtering”? Why do cities have “codes”? What is “Redlining” and why is it used? Define “Urban Renewal” Name 3 reasons why “public housing” has declined both in the U.S. and in Europe. What is “Gentrification” and who has been affected by it? Why is it said that the “underclass” is trapped? How many people living in the richest country in the world (the U.S.) are homeless today? More important why are they “Homeless” (p.s. when I was in China there were no apparent homeless people)? Why is it said “inner-city residents are trapped as permanent underclass? Why do drugs cause crime? How does ethnicity explain voting patterns? What is the major economic gap in inner cities today? How does “Annexation” work and why do many areas around cities wish to remain independent of the nearby city? Name the 8 zones of the “Multiple Nuclei Model” of the urban structure. Why is it called the “Peripheral Model”? What are “Edge Cities” and give 2 examples in Southwest Florida? Describe the 2 changes that have affected “Density Gradient” in recent years. Name 3 positive results of “Urban Sprawl” and 3 negative results of “Urban Sprawl”. What are “Greenbelts” and have been 2 effects of them? What is meant by the “Homogeneous Suburb”? Name 2 good effects of “Zoning” and 2 bad effects of “Zoning”. What is the number one reason suburbs have grown since WWII? What have been 2 positive effects and 2 negative effects of “freeways”? Where is the “CBD” of Naples? What is “Rush Hour”? How has GPS helped people traveling freeways? How has the federal government helped cities in regards to transportation? Why is it said “public transportation systems are caught in a vicious circle? How do public transportation systems in the U.S. compare with European systems? How do too many “local governments” in urban areas lead to problems? What are the benefits of “Consolidation” in urban regions? What is “Smart Growth”? Why do we have “Zoning Ordinances”?Name the 3 largest cities (population) in Florida in order from the most populous to least. ................

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