
Lesson 8 WorksheetInstructionsDownload and print the worksheet. Complete it as you read the textbook and notes. Then return to the assessments area later to record your answers.1)Multiple Choice?Muslims believe that there is one deity known as ___ and Muhammad is his ___:?A.Yahweh; priest.?B.The Father; Son?C.Allah; Prophet.?D.Allah; Child2)Multiple Choice?For most Muslims, the title "Imam" refers to:?A.a priest with special intercessory powers?B.a leader of prayer in the mosque?C.a political figure chosen to lead a nation?D.a dvinely inspired figure who speaks for God3)Multiple Choice?Pre-Islamic religion in Mecca included which of the following:?A.the Ka’ba shrine?B.idols and images of various gods /spirits.?C.a black meteor.?D.all of the above4)Multiple Choice?Which day of the week did Muhammad declare to be a special day of prayer??A.Sunday?B.Tuesday?C.Friday?D.Saturday5)Multiple Choice?When did Muhammad preach his first message of monotheism to the people of Mecca??A.5th century CE?B.6th century CE?C.7th century CE?D.8th century CE6)Multiple Choice?The word Qur’an literally means:?A.revelation?B.recitation?C.holy book?D.word of God7)Multiple Choice?The year 1 AH in the Muslim calendar is associated with what event??A.Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina.?B.The destruction of the pagan shrine in Mecca?C.Muhammad’s first revelation from the angel Gabriel?D.The year that Muhammad died.8)Multiple Choice?Muhammad's early attitude toward Judaism and Christianity was characterized by:?A.Open hostility and hatred?B.Respect as valid, yet incomplete, forms of monothesism?C.Respect as superior to Islam?D.No response; Muhammad was not familiar with either Judaism or Christianity9)Multiple Choice?The title "Muslim" literally means:?A.one who worships Muhammad?B.one who fasts and prays?C.one who submits (to God)?D.one who wages Jihad10)Multiple Choice?The word _______________ literally means "struggle in the path of God."?A.jihad?B.halal?C.hadith?D.sufi11)Multiple Choice?The greatest concentration of Muslims in the world can be found in:?A.Africa?B.Saudi Arabia?C.Indonesia?D.Iran12)Multiple Choice?Muslims perform what activity five times each day??A.Speak the name of God aloud?B.Pray, face down, in the direction of Mecca?C.Read the Qur'an's first surrah?D.Make the confession (shahadah)13)True/False?Muhammad insisted on a clear separation between social/political and religious aspects of life?A.True?B.False14)True/False?The five religious obligations known as the Five Pillars require participation in a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in one’s lifetime.?A.True?B.False15)True/False?The 1979 revolution in Iran brought radical Sunni Muslim fundamentalists to power.?A.True?B.False16)True/False?The “golden age” of Muslim civilization is identified most closely with the Abassid caliphate.?A.True?B.False17)True/False?The Qur’an’s strong emphasis on the sovereignty of God has led some commentators to believe it teaches a doctrine of fate.?A.True?B.False18)True/False?Muslims believe that there are creatures between angels and humans who can operate as either allies or enemies of God.?A.True?B.False19)True/False?18. Although Islam spread throughout the Although Islam spread throughout the Middle East and northern Africa soon after Muhammad’s death, it has never dominated any European countries.?A.True?B.False20)True/False?Islam owes its missionary success to a highly organized, centralized leadership structure, similar to the papal office in Christianity.?A.True?B.False21)True/False?Ritual fasting (sawm) is performed each month on the first day of the month.?A.True?B.False22)Matching?Match the Islamic sect with its correct description.?A.The royal family of Saudi Arabia subscribes to this ultra conservative form of Islam?B.The name given the mystical/spiritual branch of Islam?C.The largest Muslim group in the world?D.This group separated itself from the traditional majority in favor of the caliph,Ali.Step 4: Surfing the Sacredleft000? Using a word processor, create an assignment document in which you cut/paste the website and the questions listed below.?? Access and explore the website by clicking on the web link URL. Construct your answers to the questions, then save your document.? Go to the “Assignments” area of our course web page using the navigation bar above. Select the appropriate lesson name. Now "paste" the content of your assignment document (including the questions and your answers) into the textbox. Don't forget to hit "submit." HYPERLINK "" \o "Head Coverings" \t "_blank" Head Coverings?A great deal of discussion has arisen over the past 5 years regarding the role of women in Islam and the role of the veil in many Muslim cultures. For many in the West, the veil is seen an oppressive requirement that demeans the value and place of women in society. This web article examines the role of the veil in the three monotheistic religions. Read the article and answer the following questions, giving specific reasons (not just, "it's required by their religion, or scripture.").?1. Why have Jewish women taken the veil (head covering)?2. Why have Christian women taken the veil (head covering)?3. Why have Muslim women taken the veil (head covering)?Discussion Topic:?Many Americans seem to feel that there must be something about Islam itself that promotes terrorism and violence. Non-Americans around the world seem to feel that there must be something about democracy, capitalism, or Christianity that promotes domination and exploitation of the poor. Still others suggest that it is the simple message of monotheism (in whatever form...Jewish, Muslim, Christian, other)--namely, one God/one people/one book/one way--that leads to and/or supports domination, bigotry, and violence. What do you think?NOTE: while this topic is similar to our very first discussion topic, you now have an entire semester of knowledge to draw from. As always, be respectful, but don't shy away from asking hard questions. Dialogue and discussion are how we come to understand ourselves and others.? ................

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