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Fungus Study Questions

1. Many people incorrectly believe mushrooms are a type of plant. List the reasons that fungi are classified into their own kingdom.

2. What is the term used by scientists to describe the network of fibers that look like “roots” on a fungus?

3. What are three functions of the filaments you named above?

4. Fungi DO NOT obtain their food from sunlight like plants do. But they do need energy and nutrients. Describe how fungi get nutrients and how that makes fungi an important part of the environment.

5. Fungi are well known for their ability to survive a wide variety of harsh conditions (hot and dry) and then “burst” into life when conditions improve (cool and moist). What is the name of the seed-like reproductive cell that most fungi make to help them survive the harsh conditions?

6. Many fungi live under ground or inside the object they are seen on. In fact, the largest living organism known is not a whale or tree it is a 2,200-acre fungus in Oregon (that is believed to be 2,500-8,500 years old). Only the structure that produces and releases spores (called a sporangium or fruiting body) is seen above the ground. A lawn full of mushrooms seen after a rainstorm is likely the fruiting bodies from only one organism.

Why is it necessary for the fungus to have its fruiting bodies above ground, and why is it beneficial to have the majority of the organism below ground?

More questions on the back.

7. A type of fungus known as zygomycotes forms both sexual spores (zygospores) and regular asexual spores depending on the conditions. Which type of spore (sexual or asexual) would be faster to produce? Why? Which type of spore would have more variety in its genes (DNA)? Why?

8. What two products are formed when human cells break down sugar to get energy during cell respiration? What useful products are formed by yeast when they break down sugar during fermentation?

9. List some good ways and bad ways that sac fungi affect humans and other organisms.

10. What specific type of fungus have you most likely seen in your lawn? What is the name of the part you see (and eat!)?

11. Imperfect fungi have a big impact on human life as well. List some of the good and bad effects attributed to these types of fungi.


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