
The Korean Peninsula

Back Ground

• Since the late 1800s, the once independent kingdom of Korean was controlled by the Japanese, at first as a protectorate then as an annexed territory.

• The _________________________________ went to great effort to destroy Korean culture and replace it with that of the Japanese

Korea in WWII

• The Japanese defeat in WWII led to the peninsula being divided into two at the “38th parallel”, similar to how Germany was split

• The _________________________ would be administered by the S.U. and the ______________________ by the U.S.

• Reunification and independence was the eventual goal

After WWII

• In 1948 the U.N. recognized the republic of Korea as the legit government, which was basically the government of the south

• _________________________, under the leadership of Kim IL-sung, ____________________________ invaded the South to reunify the peninsula under communism

Korean War

• The U.S. led a United Nations police action to return the border to the ______________________

• The fighting was brutal and resulted in millions of civilian and military deaths

• The war lasted for __________________________and resulted in a stalemate at the 38th

• There was only a cease fire, no actual peace treaty

Post War Relations

• Since the war _________________________________have remained extremely high on both sides

• A _______________________________ was created on both sides of the border

North Korea – The “Hermit Kingdom”

• Since the war, N. Korea has become an __________________________ nation

• It is ruled by the _____________________________

• The Kim family is worshipped in cult-like fashion

• Kim IL-Sung (the “eternal president”) started _________________________, or the self-reliance ideology based around Korea’s past experiences with foreign powers

North Korea up to 2012

• When Sung died, his son, ______________________ adopted the Songun, or Military First, policy to strengthen the country so that it is not subject to outside influence or invasion

• Kim Jong-IL died late in 2011 and has been succeeded by his son ______________________


• The U.S. keeps around 30,000 troops in S. Korea to guard against a Northern attack

• Both sides use continuous propaganda along the border

• North Koreas are taught from birth that the ________________________________

Nuclear Program

• N. Korea has one of the largest militaries on the planet, as well as a nuclear arsenal

• The U.S. leads attempts to make N. Korea shut down its program by placing ______________________________ against the country (no trade)

• Recent missile tests capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the U.S. mainland have ____________________________

Recent Developments

• In response to the extreme tensions surrounding the nuclear tests in N.K., meetings were held between N. and S. Korean leaders

• Both have verbally agreed to end the war for good

• N.K. indicated it was willing to denuclearize

• A meeting is in the works between Kim Jong-Un and President Trump

Human Rights

• N. Korea has a poor human rights record

• There is _____________________________________

• The government severely censors all forms of media and education

• Many are sent to reeducation and __________________________________

• There have been many famines throughout the country

• Many try to escape across the DMZ

South Korea

• South Korea remains a strong ally of the U.S.

• The U.S. helps to protect its border

• The U.S. also supported the S. Korean economy and built it up in western/capitalist fashion

• Today it is a ____________________________________ and has a high standard of living for its people


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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