Section 15739





Please read this syllabus before school starts. It represents a contract between you the student and me the instructor. If after reading the syllabus, you think that the way I run this course is not for you, you have plenty of time to register for a traditionally taught course. Remember that online instruction is not for everyone.

Before you continue reading, please set up your UTEP email account so that it is automatically forwarded to the email account you check most often. You will receive a lot of emails and it is important that you read them in a timely manner.

The Calendar file summaries all the semester dates.

Drop Policy:

The UTEP Spring Fall drop deadline is November 3, 2017.  The College of Science will remain aligned with the University and not approve any drop requests after that date. 

Incomplete Policy:

All grades of Incomplete must be submitted by an electronic contract created by the instructor.  Although UTEP will allow a maximum of one year to complete this contract, the College of Science requests it be limited to less than a month.  A grade of Incomplete is only used in extraordinary circumstances confined to a limited event such as a missed exam, project, or lab.  If the student has missed a significant amount of work (e.g. multiple assignments or tasks), a grade of Incomplete is not appropriate or warranted. 

This course is 100% ONLINE. You will need a computer with an internet connection and up-to-date browser to take this course. You will also need a scanner or smart phone app that will allow you to upload written work as a pdf file.

Each grade is rounded and the averages are rounded. This means if you have a course average of 89.3, it is rounded to 89 and the grade is B, not A.


Dr. Nancy Marcus

Online Office Hours in Discussion Room of Blackboard:

I will answer all questions in Blackboard within 6 hours. For the following times, I will be in Blackboard and answer immediately. You may ask each other for help also in Blackboard via the Discussion Board. I do not answer questions posted in Web Assign.

Monday: ======

Tuesday: 8-10 pm

Wednesday: ======

Thursday: 8-10 pm

Friday: ======

Saturday: ======

Sunday: 8 - 10 pm

E-Text Test:

Required: Calculus II 10e by Larson, Hostetler, Edwards (note: The Written Lectures in Blackboard are essentially the text expanded and written in conversation tone.)

Graphing Calculator:

Your choice. There are a lot of free online calculators.

Homework Environment:

Required: Web Assign Code – You have to purchase this within two weeks of the start of the course. Purchase from the Web Assign site and you can also purchase the e-text there. You can also purchase both from . You access Web Assign by login..

Course Content:

A Preview of Calculus (found in Written Lectures in Blackboard), Chapters 7 through 9 of 10e-book, lectures, and Review Material:

A Review of Calculus: 93 Lectures in case you have forgotten something from Calculus I

A Review of PreCalculus: 28 Lectures in case you have forgotten something from precalculus

In addition, the free web site “mathispower4u” offers great tutorials by topic on math courses through differential equations.

Chapter 7 – Application of Integration

7.1– Area of a Region between Two Curves

7.2 – Volume: The Disk Method

7.3 – Volume: The Shell Method

7.4 - Arc Length and Surface of Revolution

7.5 – Work

7.6 – Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids

7.7 – Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force

Chapter 8 – Integration Techniques, L’Hopital’s Rule, and Improper Integrals

8.1 – Basic Integration Rules

8.2 - Integration by Parts

8.3 – Trigonometric Integrals

8.4 – Trigonometric Substitution

8.5 – Partial Fractions

8.6 – Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques

8.7 – Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital;s Rule

8.8 – Improper Integrals

Chapter 9 – Infinite Series

9.1 – Sequences

9.2 - Series and Convergence

9.3 – The Integral Test and p-Series

9.4 – Comparisons of Series

9.5 – Alternating Series

9.6 – The Ratio and Root Tests

9.7 – Taylor Polynomials and Approximations

9.8 – Power Series

9.9 – Representations of Functions by Power Series

10.9 – Taylor and Maclaurin Series

The written lectures in Blackboard are essentially the textbook expanded with added examples. The Problem Solutions in Blackboard contains hundreds of problems worked out in detail that are similar to your homework problems. If you need a lecture or problem solution expanded, let me know.

All homework, chapter exams, optional replacement quizzes, final exam and optional course replacement quiz will be taken online from computers of your choice via Web Assign. The optional replacement quizzes, and final exam are four-hour timed exams. Once you open the site, the clock starts. If you leave the computer, the clock keeps ticking. So don’t start these quizzes/final exam until you have the four hours to devote to the task. The dates for all the assignments, quizzes, and exams are located below and on the summary calendar.

There are 25 homework Web Assign homework assignments (two per week). Every problem in each homework assignment has a code. Under Problem Solutions in Blackboard, you will find a similar problem identified by the same code worked out in detail. For Assignments 1-7, you have three tries to get the answer correct on the homework assignments. For Assignments 8-16, you have two tries to get the answer correct on the homework assignments. For Assignments 17-25, you have one try to get the answer correct on the homework assignments. You will be required to submit a work product for a portion of each homework assignment. The work product must be uploaded by the problem. If the work opens sideways, upside down, or is unreadable, it will not receive any credit. Work products in the comment section or emailed will not be graded. If you input an answer in WA for the problems that require a work product, the work product will not be graded and the problem will receive a grade of zero. The reason for this is that we want you to create the work product without the aid of knowing whether the problem is correct ahead of time. For the other problems that do not required a work product, you may still upload work if you want those problems considered for partial credit.

Many of the directions will indicate that an exact answer is required. If you have trouble imputing the exact answer for a problem that does not require a work product, just upload the answer.

There are three Web Assign exams posted at 8:00 am on one morning and due the following day by 11:30 pm.

A work product for a portion of each exam will be required. Create your work, save it as a pdf file, and then upload it into Web Assign. You many also work your problem, scan it, and upload the scan. If you use the scan method, we need to be able to open your file and read your file. If we cannot read your work, you will not receive credit for the problem. Therefore, check it out before the exam. Work submitted by email will not be accepted. Work submitted in the comment section will not be accepted. Work that opens upside down or sideways or is typed will not be graded. Work that is created on the WA sheet will not be graded. Work that is unreadable will not be graded. If you input your answer in WA, then your work product will not be graded and the problem will receive a grade of zero.

There are ten optional replacement Quizzes taken in Web Assign. These optional replacement quizzes are four-hour timed quizzes and you have one try. The clock starts the moment you open the quiz and does not stop until the clock runs out. The grade on these replacement quizzes will replace any lower or missing grade (assignment or chapter exam – not final exam) taken before the quiz date. The problems on these optional quizzes are a computer generated random selection of problems on the assignments/exams taken before the date of the replacement quiz.

There are no make-up assignments or exams in this course – no matter the reason. The optional replacement quizzes represent make up quizzes.

The four-hour timed final exam will be taken on Web Assign on any computer. It will be posted at 8:00 am on December 11, 2017 and is due by 11:30 pm on December 7, 2017. NOTE: The clock starts the moment you open the exam. The problems on the final exam are randomly chosen problems from the three exams by the computer. Course resources in Blackboard and Web Assign will not be available during or after the final exam.

There is an optional course replacement quiz posted on December 14th and due by December 15th. It is a four-hour timed Web Assign exam and you have one try. The ten problems on the replacement quiz are a random selection of problems taken from assignment and exam problems. If your grade on this exam is higher than your course average, it will replace the course average.

If you miss 5 assignments/exams in a row or you miss a total of 10 homework assignments/exams throughout the semester before November 3, 2017, you will be dropped from the course for Lack of Participation. After that date, no drop requests will be approved. A low score (less than 25) represents a missed assignment/exam. The optional replacement quizzes reduce this number.

All these rules and polices resulted in a pass rate (A, B, C) for the spring 2017 semester of 87%.

Please email me a special password that you create for this course only. I will post all the grades of the class where students will be identified only by their self-created passwords. Only you and I will know your password; therefore, you are assured that no one else will know your grade unless you decide to share your grade or password. I want you to see your grades so that you can keep track of your average and let me know if I have recorded a grade incorrectly (it happens), and I want you to see what everyone else is doing in the class . If I don’t receive a password from you within two weeks of the start of the class, I will assign you one.

The course instructor is Dr. Nancy Marcus. You can reach her at anytime via the Blackboard Discussion Board (public forum) or her email at (private message).

The course is run through both the Blackboard and the Web Assign environments. The text is an e-text. However, if you are more comfortable with a hard copy of the book, you can purchase a hard copy. You can purchase the e-text at the UTEP bookstore or at , and the Web Assign code at the UTEP Bookstore or . You will be given temporary access to Web Assign but will need to purchase the code with two weeks of the start of class. The e-text we will use in this course is Calculus II 10e Edition of Calculus by Larson. Please purchase the book and Web Assign code on or before the first day of class. The Written Lectures in Blackboard are essentially the book expanded and written in conversational tone.

All written lectures and problem solutions, as well as the e-text and web assign can be accessed through Blackboard. All homework and replacement quizzes and exam are taken online inside the Web Assign environment. The chapter exams and final exam are taken in Web Assign. The Discussion Board within Blackboard is a forum where students post questions and the instructor and peer leader answer these questions.

For every homework assignment, there is a list of similar worked out problems in Problem Solutions in Blackboard.

Your username and password for Blackboard are your UTEP username and password. Your username for Web Assign is the part of your UTEP email before @miners. Your password for Web Assign is your UTEP ID number. Once you get in, you can change both.

What is your time commitment to this course? On average, 12 hours per week if your mathematics background is good, to 16 to 20 hours per week if your mathematics background is weak. Where did I get this number? If you were in a traditional course, you would be spending three hours of class time and for every hour of lecture; you should be spending at last three hours doing homework.

All the post dates and due dates are listed below. Be sure to mark your calendar with these dates before the class starts.

Homework with specific due dates are posted in Web Assign (see below). If you have questions about the e-text, the video and written lectures, the worked problems and examples, post those questions to the Discussion Board. The Discussion Board is divided into assignments, exams, and replacement quizzes. Questions and answers may be viewed by everyone in the class. Our objective is to use the Discussion Board as if the instructor were in a classroom answering your questions at the board.

One inappropriate posting will mean dismissal from the Discussion Board for a few days. A series of inappropriate postings to the Discussion Board will mean dismissal from the course.

Web Assign Code:

Required: If you are repeating the course, your Web Assign code is still good.


Required: Any graphing calculator or you can use the WAPlot in Web Assign. There are also links below to free online graphing calculators.


1/3 of your course grade is based on your online homework average.

1/3 of your course grade is based on the average grade of the four end-of-chapter online exams – End-of-Chapter exams dates are listed below.

1/3 of your course grade is based on your final exam grade.

You must make at least 50 on your final exam and at least 70 overall to pass this course.

90 – 100 = A, 80 – 89 = B. 70 – 79 = C, 60 – 69 equals D, and 0 – 59 equals F. If you want to count this course toward the core or as a prerequisite for other courses, the minimum grade is C. Please note that a grade of 89.4 is rounded to 89 for a B, not an A.

Second Chance:

If you do not like your course grade, a second computer-administered Web Assign final exam will be offered (see dates above). If the second try at the final exam results in a score higher than your course average, I will initiate a grade change.

Make-Up Policy:

There are no make-ups for specific missed homework assignments, replacement quizzes, exams, or the final exam for any reason. However, during the semester, I will post ten, four-hour timed, replacement quizzes which are optional. If you choose to take one, the score will replace one lower or missing homework or weekend exam score. If you miss the final exam or you do not like your course grade, there is an optional Course Replacement Exam. If the score on this exam is higher than your course average, it will replace your course average.

Your weekly assignments are posted at the beginning of the week; one is due mid-week and one is due at the end of the week. Chapter exams are posted on Saturday morning and due Sunday night.

Academic Integrity Policy:

Cheating on homework, quizzes, or tests will be dealt with in accordance with University regulations. This means automatic referral to any adjudication by the Dean of Students. During the final exam, you may not use notes, text, or an unauthorized calculator, and you may not at any time speak to other students or refer to their papers.

Course Description:

Continuation of Calculus I: Application of Integration, Integration techniques, L’Hopitals Rule, improper integrals, and infinite series, Prerequisite: MATH 1411

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to accomplish the following:

1. Use a definite integrals to find the area of a region bounded by two curves.

2. Find the volume of a solid of revolution by the disk and shell methods.

3. Find the length of a curve and the surface area of a surface area of revolution.

4. Find the work done by a constant force and by a variable force.

5. Find the centers of mass and centroids.

6. Find the fluid pressure and fluid force.

7. Find an antiderivative using Integration by parts

8. Use trigonometric substitution to evaluate an integral

9. Use partial fractions decomposition to integrate rational functions.

10. Use L’Hopital’s Rule to evaluate a limit

11. Determine whether a sequence converges or diverges.

12. Determine whether an infinite series converges or diverges.

13. Find the Taylor polynomial approximation of elementary functions.

14. Find the radius and interval of convergence of a power series.

15. Differentiate and integrate power series.

16. Represent functions by power series.

17. Find a Taylor or Maclaurin series for a function.

Steps to Cover for each section of each chapter of the required text:

Step 1: Read the e-textbook covering a specific chapter and section and watch the videos of the various pages. (The textbook is accessible through Web Assign).

Step 2: Read the written lectures, created by Dr. Marcus, covering a specific chapter and section (the lectures are accessible through both Blackboard).

Step 3: Review the Problem Solutions covering problems in a specific chapter and section (the tutorials are accessible through both Blackboard and Web Assign). There is a code in the upper left-hand corner of each problem. It lists the chapter and the problem – you will find a similar problem posted under Problem Solutions in Blackboard.

Step 4: Work the problems assigned in Web Assign (the problems are accessible through Web Assign). A common problem students experience at this step is what I call the “Video Game Syndrome.” The students try to do the problems in their head. The most efficient way to do your home work is to work the problem out on paper and then look for the correct answer among the choices. You will be allowed three tries for each homework assignment; the last submission will be the grade that is counted. Do not exit Web Assign without saving your homework; if you do, you work will be lost and one of the three tries will have been used.

Step 5: If you think your answer in Web Assign is correct and Web Assign has counted it wrong, you do not need to contact me. The Peer Leader will check all the problems counted wrong for all students and award credit if appropriate. If your problem is scored wrong by Web Assign and you do not know why, work out the problem in detail on a piece of paper, take a photograph of your work with your cell phone and email it to me and I will analyze your work.

Step 6: If you experience problems with the homework after completing steps 1 through 5, post a question to the Discussion Board. The postings in the Discussion Board will be categorized by chapters; therefore, click on the chapter for which you have a question.

Step 7: An exam will be administered after Chapters 7, 8, and 9. You have just one try, all helpful hints and links to the e-book will be disabled, and you may not ask for help.

Note: All homework assignments may contain material from previously assigned homework, if, in the opinion of the instructor, you need more work in these areas.

Examples of how a replacement quiz works:

As soon as every assignment and exam and quiz is posted to the grade book, I will place the grade book in Blackboard for you to review.

• The first column in the Blackboard grade book is your special password.

• The second column represents how many assignments/exams you have missed. If you have missed any, the cell is highlighted in brown with the number of missed assignments/exams.

• The third set of 32 numbers represent your homework assignments; if a cell is highlighted in pink, you did not turn in that assignment. If a number within the cell is red, it means that the score is a replacement quiz score that replaced a lower initial score.

• The fourth set of four numbers represents your exam scores; if a cell is highlighted in pink, you have missed that exam.

• The fifth set of numbers represents your homework average, your exam average, and a cell for your final exam.

• The sixth number represents your course average as of the date I sent you the summary.

• The last set of numbers represents the scores on your replacement quizzes. If a replacement quiz replaces a lower or missing assignment/exam, the assignment/exam and replacement quiz will be colored red.

Example 1: The highlighted cell indicates you did not turn in that homework. The red number within the highlighted cell indicates that you score 100 on a replacement quiz and it replaced the no grade of a missed homework.

Before Replacement Quiz:

|Missed |Assignment Scores |Exam Scores |HW – Exam |Course Grade |

| | | |Averages | |

|1 |75 | |100 |80 |50 |

|0 |

|September 4 - 10 – Assignments – Replacement Quiz 1: |

|Labor Day is on Monday, September 4th. |

|Review the material in Chapter 7 – Sections 3 and 4 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – September 4, 2017. |

|Assignment 3: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – September 7, 2017 |

|Assignment 4: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – September 10, 2017 |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #1 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 9/05/17 at 8:00 am – Due 9/05/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score Assignments 1 – 2. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 2. |

|September 11 – 17 – Assignments – Replacement Quiz 2: |

|Review the material in Chapter 7 – Sections 5 and 6 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – September 11, 2017. |

|Assignment 5: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – September 14, 2017 |

|Assignment 6: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – September 17, 2017 |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #2 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 9/12/17 at 8:00 am – Due 9/12/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 4. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 4. |

|September 18 - 24 – Assignment, Quiz, Exam: |

|Review the material in Chapter 7 – Section 7 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – September 18, 2017. |

|Assignment 7: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – September 21,2017 |

| |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #3 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 9/19/17 at 8:00 am – Due 9/19/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 6. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 6. |

|Exam 1 (Chapter 7 posted 8:00 am on Saturday – September 23, 2017 and due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – September 24, 2017 – Work Product Required |

|for Specified Problems. |

|September 25 – October 1 – Assignments, Quiz: |

|Review the material in Chapter 8 – Sections 1 and 2 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – September 25, 2017 |

|Assignment 8: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – September 28, 2017 |

|Assignment 9: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – October 1, 2017 |

| |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #4 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 9/26/17 at 8:00 am – Due 9/26/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 7 or Exam 1. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 7 and Exam |

|1. |

|October 2- 8 – Assignments, Quiz: |

|Review the material in Chapter 8 – Sections 3 and 4 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – October 2, 2017. |

|Assignment 10: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – October 5, 2017 |

|Assignment 11: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – October 8, 2017 |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #5 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 10/03/17 at 8:00 am – Due 10/03/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 9 or Exam 1. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 9 and Exam |

|1. |

|October 9 - 15 – Assignments, Quiz: |

|Review the material in Chapter 8 – Sections 5, and 6 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – October 9, 2015. |

|Assignment 12: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – October 12, 2017. |

|Assignment 13: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – October 15, 2017. |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #6 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 10/10/17 at 8:00 am – Due 10/10/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 11 or Exam 1. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 11 and |

|Exam 1. |

|October 16 - 22 – Assignments, Quiz: |

|Review the material in Chapter 8 – Sections 7 and 8 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – October 16, 2017. |

|Assignment 14: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – October 19, 2017 |

|Assignment 15: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – October 22, 2017 |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #7 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 10/17/17 at 8:00 am – Due 10/17/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 13 or Exam 1. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 13 and |

|Exam 1. |

|October 23 - 29 – Assignment, Quiz, Exam: |

|Review the material in Chapter 9 – Section 1 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – October 23, 2017. |

|Assignment 16: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – October 26, 2017 |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #8 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 10/24/17 at 8:00 am – Due 10/24/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 15 or Exam 1. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 15 and |

|Exam 1. |

|Exam 2 (Chapter 8) posted 8:00 am on Saturday – October 28, 2017 and due Sunday – October 29, 2017 – Work Product required for specific |

|problems. |

|October 30 – November 5 – Assignments, Quiz: |

|Review the material in Chapter 9 – Sections 2 and 3 in the text (electronic or hard), the written and video lectures, the Problem Solutions –|

|all in Blackboard– before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – October 30, 2017. |

|Assignment 17: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – November 2, 2017 |

|Assignment 18: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – November 5, 2017 |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #9 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 10/31/17 at 8:00 am – Due 10/31/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 16 or Exams 1 - 2. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 16 |

|and Exams 1 - 2. |

|November 6 - 12 – Assignments, Quiz: |

|Review the material in Chapter 9 – Sections 4 and 5 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – November 6, 2017 |

|Assignment 19: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – November 9, 2017 |

|Assignment 20: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – November 12, 2017 |

|Optional Replacement Quiz #10 – Four-Hour Timed Exam - Posted 11/07/17 at 8:00 am – Due 11/07/17 by 11:30 pm – replaces one lower score or |

|missing score from Assignments 1 – 18 or Exams 1 - 2. The problems on this quiz are randomly chosen by Web assign from Assignments 1 – 18 |

|and Exams 1 - 2. |

|November 13 - 19 – Assignments: |

|Review the material in Chapter 9 – Sections 6 and 7 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – November 13, 2017. |

|Assignment 21: due by 11:30 pm on Thursday – November 16, 2017 |

|Assignment 22: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – November 19, 2017 |

|November 20 - 26 – Assignments: |

|Review the material in Chapter 9 – Section 8 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – November 20, 2017. |

|Assignment 23: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – November 26, 2017 |

|November 27 – December 3 – Assignment: |

|Review the material in Chapter 9 – Sections 9 and 10 in the text (electronic or hard), the written lectures, the Problem Solutions – all in |

|Blackboard – before you start this assignment. |

|Assignments: All assignments for the week are posted at 8:00 am on Monday – November 27, 2017. |

|Assignment 24: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – November 30, 2017 |

| |

|Assignment 25: due by 11:30 pm on Sunday – December 3, 2017 |

| |

|December 4 – 10 - Exam |

|Exam 3 (Chapter 9) posted 8:00 am on Tuesday, December 4, 2017 and due Wednesday – December 5, 2017 – Work Product required for specific |

|problems. |

|December 11 - 17: Final Exam and Course Replacement Quiz |

|Blackboard Closed for Good – Web Assign Prior Assignments and Exams Closed: |

|The four-hour timed final exam will be taken on Web Assign on any computer. It will be posted at 8:00 am on December 11, 2017 and is due by |

|11:30 pm on December 13, 2017. NOTE: The clock starts the moment you open the exam. The problems on the final exam are randomly chosen by |

|Web Assign from the three chapter exams. A score less than 50 results in a grade of F for the course no matter the course average. |

|The optional four-hour timed course replacement exam will be taken on Web Assign. It will be posted at 8:00 am on December 14, 2017 and is |

|due by 11:30 pm on December 15, 2017. The moment you open the exam, the clock starts and cannot be stopped. If the score on this exam is|

|higher than your course average, it will replace the course average, and I will submit a grade change. The problems on this quiz are |

|randomly chosen from the problems on assignments 1-25, quizzes 1-10, and exams 1-3. There is no work product. |

| |

Please email me at and either verify that you understand the directions or ask questions for which you need answers.

Review and

You should know the following topics before starting Calculus I (MATH 1411): If you need a review, visit the free site and click on Algebra, or you may click on any of the following topics. The site was created by Drs. Nancy Marcus, Mohamed Khamsi, and Helmut Knaust of The University of Texas at El Paso.

Topics: Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and click on the topic you want to review. In addition, there is a large section on Calculus and a Cyberboard where you can post questions outside of class and a mathematics somewhere in the world will answer you.

• Fractions

• Quadratic Equations

• Factorization and Roots of Polynomials

• Solving Equations

• Linear Equations

• Equations Containing Radicals

• Equations Containing Fractions

• Equations Containing Absolute Values

• Exponential Equations

• Logarithmic Equations

• Trigonometric Equations

• Systems of Equations in Two Variables

• Systems of Equations in Three Variables

• Solving Inequalities

• Solving Inverse Function Equations

Free downloads for scientific calculators, graphing programs, and stat regression analysis:

Watch video demo here:

R = Freeware Stat Package.

Is free of charge from their website only.

Scientific Calculators:

Graphing Programs:

Lots of Different Programs

If you want to keep track of your grades and replacements you can use the following table:

|Assignment/Quiz/Exam |Grade |Replacement |

|Assignment 1 | | |

|Assignment 2 | | |

|Quiz 1 | | |

|Assignment 3 | | |

|Assignment 4 | | |

|Quiz 2 | | |

|Assignment 5 | | |

|Assignment 6 | | |

|Quiz 3 | | |

|Assignment 7 | | |

|Exam 1 | | |

|Assignment 8 | | |

|Assignment 9 | | |

|Quiz 4 | | |

|Assignment 10 | | |

|Assignment 11 | | |

|Quiz 5 | | |

|Assignment 12 | | |

|Assignment 13 | | |

|Quiz 6 | | |

|Assignment 14 | | |

|Assignment 15 | | |

|Quiz 7 | | |

|Assignment 16 | | |

|Exam 2 | | |

|Quiz 9 | | |

|Assignment 17 | | |

|Assignment 18 | | |

|Quiz 10 | | |

|Assignment 19 | | |

|Assignment 20 | | |

|Assignment 21 | | |

|Assignment 22 | | |

|Assignment 23 | | |

|Assignment 24 | | |

|Assignment 25 | | |

|Exam 3 | | |

|Final Exam | | |

|Course Quiz | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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