
Meeting Minutes August 12th, 2019Members present: Lark Bowyer, Agnes Faria, Kaitlyn Fickes, Verenice Pat, Lindsay Pierson, Meaghan SumnerMissing members: Joanna De VeraGuests: NoneCall to OrderMeeting called to order at 0815Welcome/IntroductionsPresident’s Report- A. FariaDiscussion/Summary: Education- Review of conference that Agnes and Lark attended on August 8th and 9th. Topics that were discussed during the conference were government affairs, pediatrics, leadership, trauma, and education. Handouts from meeting “ENA Day on the Hill” and “Active Shooter Training in the Emergency Department: A Safety Initiative” were passed around for the members to review. Motion: Non action itemMisc.Discussion/Summary: Next CEN review is being help on Oct. 26th and 27th at Valley Children’s. Discussion of holding an ENPC in January and a TNCC course in March or April was reviewed, however an instructor would need to be found. FEMA training topic was brought up. It is an event many of members are interested in however money is a concern. The cultural experience event was discussed: where it has been in the past, and the education that comes from this event, which is being able to see and learn how other emergency rooms are ran in other countries. Discussed Emergency Nursing Experience 2020 in Las Vegas and benefits of attending. Motion: Non action itemOfficersDiscussion/Summary: Different officer chairs and duties of those officers were discussed. Anyone interested needs to let Lark and Agnes know by August 31st. Elections take place September 10th-October 1st. At this time Lindsay Pierson is interested in keeping her position as Secretary. Joanna, who is not present, mentioned wanting to ran for an officer. Agnes will get in touch with her and confirm this. Discussion of the General Assembly being held in Austin, Texas was reviewed. Newer members were educated on how this process works. How many delegates and alternates attend and how ENA members are eligible to become delegate through a point system. Motion: Non action itemFuture meetingsDiscussion/Summary: The next ENA state meeting is November 7th and 8th in Palm Springs. At this time Lark, Agnes, Kaitlyn, Meaghan, Joanna, and Lindsay all are attempting in making arrangements to attend. There is also State and Chapter Leaders Orientation in San Diego on January 22nd and 23rd.Motion: Non action itemMeeting adjourned 0910 8/12/19 (PST)Next meeting TBD ................

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