


Enter Point of Sale………………..……………3

Exit Point of Sale……………….………………3

Cash Sale…………………………..……….…..4

Check Sale……………………..……………….5

Bankcard Sale………………………………….9

Charge Sales…………………………………..10

Employee Purchases………………………….12

Change Customer During Transaction………13

Enter Customer Information……………...…...14


Enter POS

1. From the desktop, select Point-of-Sale (POS) to open the POS window. The sign-in dialog displays.


2. At Clerk, type your clerk name. Press Tab, at Password, type in your password. Press Enter for OK. The sign-in dialog closes.

3. Fill in any other dialogs that might display (such as the HHC customer number prompt).

4. The Posting screen (or Header screen) displays and you are ready to start.

Exit POS

You can’t exit POS if a transaction is in progress. You must first Total, Save or Void the transaction. To exit POS, press SHIFT+ F3.

Cash Sale

A cash payment made for a sale transaction.

1. Log on to the Point-of-Sale window.

2. Select customer record.

3. With cursor in Item (SKU) field, scan items or manually enter the UPC or SKU of the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press Display (KPad/).

4. Verify the Quantity you are selling. Press Enter. The item is posted to the transaction.

5. Repeat steps 3 through 4 to sell additional items.

6. Press the Total (KPad+). The Total Due dialog displays.

7. At Cash, type the amount of cash received from customer. Press Enter.

8. If the cash taken from the register is greater than the sale amount, the Change Due dialog displays. Give the change amount to the customer and press Enter.

9. A receipt prints on the receipt printer. An invoice may also print or a dialog may display asking if you want to print an invoice. Follow the prompts on the screen to complete the transaction.

Check Sale

Post items to a sale transaction and take a check as the payment.

1. Log on to the Point-of-Sale window.

2. Select customer record.

3. With cursor in Item (SKU) field, scan items or manually enter the UPC or SKU of the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press Display (KPad/).

4. Verify the Quantity you are selling. Press Enter. The item is posted to the transaction.

5. Repeat steps 3 through 4 to sell additional items.

6. Press the Total (KPad+). The Total Due dialog displays.

7. Verify that the following information is written on the physical check:

|Telecheck Subscriber # |Drivers License or SS# |

|Approval Number |Customer’s Phone # |

| |Cashier Initials |

8. Press Tab. At Check, type the amount of the check.

9. Press Tab. At Number, type the check number. Press Enter.

10. Use the following dialog boxes to determine the type of Check Guarantee process to use:

Complete a Check Transaction without an Authorization Code

For checks under $50.00 please use the following dialog as a guideline:


1. At the Driver’s Lic# field, enter the customer’s Driver’s License number.

2. Press the Tab key until the cursor is in the Authorization Code field. Enter a “1” and press Enter for OK.

Note: Remember, the check will not be authorized because the system will not consult Telecheck for an authorization when a number is entered into the Authorization Code field.

3. Insert the check into the receipt printer to endorse the check.

4. A receipt prints on the receipt printer. Follow the prompts on the screen to complete the transaction.

How to get a Check Authorization from Telecheck

For checks over $50.00 or checks requiring a check authorization please use the following dialog as a guideline:


1. At the Driver’s Lic# field, enter the customer’s Driver’s License number.

2. Press the Tab key and enter the State Code that corresponds with the check. For a complete list of State and Country codes please refer to the ”Lists” tab of this manual.

3. Press the Tab key and enter the customers birth date using the following sequence: mmddyyyy Note: An expiration date of the driver’s license may also be used in place of a birth date.

4. To authorize the transaction, press Enter to select OK. After the authorization number displays write it down on the check. The transaction is complete.

5. Insert the check into the receipt printer to endorse the check. A receipt prints on the receipt printer.

Check Authorizations for Business Checks

Use the following steps to get a check authorization for business checks.


1. Use the UP arrow key to move the cursor to the Account# field. Type all of the numbers at the bottom of the check except for the actual check number. Leave the Driver's License number and State fields blank.

2. Press Enter and select “YES” at the following prompt.


3. To authorize the transaction, press Enter to select OK. When the authorization number displays write it down onto the check. The transaction is complete.

Note: To bypass check authorization, enter a number “1” in the Auth Code field. Remember, the check will not be authorized because the system will not consult Telecheck for an authorization.

4. Insert the check into the receipt printer to endorse the check. A receipt prints on the receipt printer.

Bankcard Sale

How to complete a bankcard transaction using the signature capture pad.

If the customer is using a bankcard, check the back of the card for a signature and match it with the signed receipt.

1. Log on to the Point-of-Sale window.

2. Select customer record.

3. With cursor in Item (SKU) field, scan items or manually enter the UPC or SKU of the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press Display (KPad/).

4. Verify the Quantity you are selling. Press Enter. The item is posted to the transaction.

5. Repeat steps 3 through 4 to sell additional items.

6. Press the Total (KPad+). The Total Due dialog displays.

7. Have the customer slide their card through the signature card swipe. Ask the customer to use the attached pen and select Credit and OK to verify the purchase total on the signature capture screen.

8. A window appears at the POS screen asking for the last 4 digits of the card. Key in the last four digits on the front of the card and press Enter.

9. Hold on to the card and have the customer to sign the signature pad screen when prompted to do so with the attached pen. Have the customer press the OK button when finished. NOTE: If the customer refuses to sign the signature pad screen use the arrow key to select the cancel button on the POS screen. When asked if you want to cancel select YES. At the next window select a Manual Signature and press Enter. The customer’s receipt will print followed by a copy for the store. You will notice that the stores copy will have the words Manual Signature on the customer’s signature line. Have the customer sign the receipt with a regular pen and place in cash drawer.

10. A window showing the customers signature will appear on the POS screen. Verify that it is clear, legible and matches the signature on the back of the bankcard. Press the Enter key. If you are unable to see or verify the signature use the arrow down key to select the reset button and have the customer repeat the process.

11. The customer’s receipt will print out on the receipt printer followed by a copy with the customer’s signature to be placed in the cash drawer.

Charge Sales

This topic explains how to compete an accounts receivable transaction. This is a customer charge account set up in Eagle by the AR Department in the Honolulu office. A customer can open an AR account by submitting a completed application.

Verify all purchase orders with a valid picture ID. Before accessing the authorized charge person’s list, have the customer present their ID.

AR invoices print at the invoice printer after transaction is completed.

1. At the Customer field, type in the account name or number and press Enter to select it. A complete list of customer ranges assigned to stores or groups can be found under the ”Lists” tab of this manual.

2. If a PO number is required, enter it into the PO field.

3. If there are names on the authorized persons list, a window will appear with the list of names. Verify all purchase orders with a valid picture ID. Before accessing the authorized charge person’s list, have the customer present their ID. Arrow to the person’s name and press Enter.

4. With cursor in Item (SKU) field, scan items or manually enter the UPC or SKU of the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press Display (KPad/).

5. Verify the Quantity you are selling. Press Enter. The item is posted to the transaction.

6. Repeat steps 4 through 5 to sell additional items.

7. Press the Total (KPad+). The Total Due dialog displays.

8. Tab down to the Charge field at the Amount Due screen. Enter the charge amount and press Enter to complete the transaction.

9. Have the customer use the attached pen to sign the signature capture screen and press OK when finished.

10. Verify that the signature is clear and legible on the POS screen and press Enter.

NOTE: If the customer refuses to sign the signature pad screen use the arrow key to select the cancel button on the POS screen. When asked if you want to cancel select YES. At the next window select a Manual Signature and press Enter.

When the invoice(s) print out you will notice that the words Manual Signature will be printed on the customer’s signature line. Have the customer sign the invoice(s) with a regular pen. Make a copy of the invoice and have the office send it to the Head Office Accounting Dept.

11. One or two copies of the charge invoice will print on your designated invoice printer along with a copy of the receipt from the receipt printer. Give one copy to the customer and place the receipt or the receipt and second invoice in the cash drawer.

Accounts Receivable – Customer Past Due

This topic explains what to do when a customer is past due on their account.

1. At the POS posting screen an alert will prompt the cashier that the account is past due. In this case, the charge field will not be available at the total screen and the customer will not be able to make AR charges to their account until the past due amount is paid for.

Accounts Receivable –Over Credit Limit

This topic explains what to do when a customer is over their credit limit.

1. At the POS total screen an alert will prompt the cashier that the account is over its credit limit.

2. Alert a supervisor of the message and wait for approval to continue.

3. Complete the transaction as you normally would.

If a customer has a question about the status of their account, they need to call our Estra in the AR Department in the Honolulu Office.

(808) 838-7773 x227

Employee Purchases

This topic explains how to tender employee purchases. All employees receive a 20% discount on all purchases with certain restrictions. Employee purchases must be done on their own time and not on company time.

Employee discounts are set up in a Customer Pricing Plan. Customer records are maintained by the Honolulu office. The discount is given automatically when the cashier enters the Tender screen. The discount displays in the Trade Discount field.

1. To begin, the cursor needs to be in the Customer field. Your cursor’s default position is the Customer field. To manually get to the Customer field, press the Customer [F11] button.

2. With your cursor in the Customer field, you can find the customer in three ways: Employee Number, Last name or phone number.

3. If they don’t know their employee number, type in their last name. A dropdown Viewer will appear listing all the names in the database.

4. Arrow down to the correct name and press [Enter].

5. Complete the transaction.

Change Customer During a Transaction

Use this procedure to change the customer account number after items have been posted to the transaction.

1. With cursor in the customer field type the customer number and press Enter. If you don’t know the customer account number, use either of the following methods to look it up.

• With the cursor in the Customer field begin typing in the name of the account. Use the arrow key to select the account and press Enter.

• For all stores, the default customer in the POS screen is the cash customer. The cash customer will always be set up as *X. X = Store Number.

• If an employee doesn’t know his/her employee number, type in the last name and a drop-down list of names loaded in the system will appear. You can select their name by using the arrows.

• Hints for looking up HHC members: Type in “ZZ” followed by their last then first name with no spaces.

2. For a complete list of customer ranges please refer to the “Lists” tab of this manual.

Enter Customer Information

Display a dialog in which you can enter information about a Cash Customer that is normally not saved, such as address or product serial number.

1. POS Posting screen, at Item (SKU), press Menu (KPad/) to display the Posting Menu. Or, from the Totals screen, Menu (KPad/) to display the Totals Menu. Press 6 for Enter cash customer information.

2. The Cash Customer Information dialog displays. Fill in any or all of the fields. Hint: Use the Tab key to move through each field. Pressing the Enter key will close the dialog window.

3. Press Enter for OK. The dialog closes.



Look Up Information………………………………….16

Look Up a SKU, UPC#, MFG#………………..…….16

Look Up Serial Number, or the Inventory Viewer…16

Insert a Line……………………………..…………….17

Display SKU…………………………………………..18

Discount an Item……………………………………..18

Promo an Item………………………………………..18

Changing the Tax Status……………………………19

Return an Item During a Sales Transaction……….19

Calculate Subtotals…………………………….…….21

Changing a Posted Line Item……………………….21


Look up Item Information

1. POS Posting screen, position the cursor at Item (SKU).

2. Type the SKU number for the item or scan the item.

3. Press Display (KPad/). A small window displays with basic item information.

4. Press Display (KPad/) for more information, including recent promo prices, and stock on hand in other stores.

Look Up a SKU Using UPC, MFG, Serial #, or the Inventory Viewer

POS Posting screen, position the cursor at Item (SKU). Then do any of the following:

• UPC: Type the UPC (barcode) number in the Item (SKU) field. Press Enter. The item information displays.

• Mfg #: Type the manufacturer part number in the Item (SKU) field. Press Enter. The item information displays. Hint: If more then one item uses the same manufacturer part number a list will appear from which you can select the item you are looking for.

• Serial #: Type the serial number in the Item (SKU) field. Press Enter. The item information displays.

• Inventory Viewer: With the cursor at the Item (SKU), press Viewer (F9). The Inventory Viewer displays. Press Lookup (F5) to select from the View By list the lookup criteria (such as Description). Use the arrow keys to highlight your choice and press Enter for OK. Fill in the fields for the criteria you selected, press Enter. Or, press Alt+down arrow key to display a list, scroll up or down this list using the arrow keys on the keyboard, highlight your selection, press Enter, and press Enter again to display the item.

Insert a Line – Comment or SKU

Insert a Comment Line

Do the following to insert one or more comment lines immediately after posting an item.

1. POS Posting screen, at Item (SKU), press Comment (F3) to display the Comments and Notes dialog.

2. Type your comments or leave it blank if you want to insert a blank line. To start a new line, press Ctrl+Enter.

3. When done typing comments, press Enter for OK.

Insert a Comment or SKU Between Two Lines of a Transaction

Do the following to insert a line between existing lines of a transaction. The line you insert can be a comment line, or you post SKU.

1. POS Posted screen, at Item (SKU), press Menu (KPad-) to display the No Sale Menu.

2. Type 2 for Insert a line. A dialog displays, at Line Number, type the line number after which you want the system to insert the new line.

3. Press Enter for OK. The dialog closes, the cursor is at Item (SKU), and message displays at the bottom of the window that a line will be inserted.

4. At Item (SKU), post a new SKU as you normally would. Or, to post a comment line, press Comment (F3) to display the Comments and Notes dialog.

Display All Postings of a SKU

Use this procedure to display all occurrences of a specific SKU posted to a transaction.

1. POS Posting screen, at Item (SKU), press Menu (KPad-) to display the Posting menu.

2. Type S for Show all occurrences of SKU. In the Find SKU dialog, type the SKU and press Enter for OK.

3. The posting screen changes to only display that SKU, all occurrences for this transaction.

4. Press Enter for OK to close the dialog. Review the SKU postings and then press Clear (F12). All lines on the transaction are again displayed.

Discount an Item

Do the following to post an item with a discount price or disallow a double discount.

1. POS posting screen, at Item (SKU), type the SKU number or scan the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press Display (KPad/).

2. At Quantity, type the quantity. To discount the item, press Disc (Ctrl+D). Select from one of the following:

• Discount Percent – TO deduct a percent off the retail price, type the percent. The system then calculated the price.

• Discount Price – To specify the discount price, type the price.

• Discount Amount Off – To reduce the retail price by a specific amount, type the amount. The system then calculated the price.

3. Press Enter for OK. The item is posted at the discount price. For a discount price, the letter D displays in the Codes column.

Promo an Item

Do the following to post a promotional item that does not scan at the sale price.

1. POS posting screen, at Item (SKU), type the SKU number or scan the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press Display (KPad/).

2. At Quantity, type the quantity. To discount the item, press Promo (Ctrl+P). Select from one of the following:

• Promo Percent – TO deduct a percent off the retail price, type the percent. The system then calculated the price.

• Promo Price – To specify the discount price, type the price.

• Promo Amount Off – To reduce the retail price by a specific amount, type the amount. The system then calculated the price.

3. Press Enter for OK. The item is posted at the promo price. For a promo price, the letter D displays in the Codes column.

Changing the Tax Status

Do not charge tax on an item that is normally taxable.

1. POS posting screen, at Item (SKU), type the SKU number or scan the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press the Display (KPad/).

2. At Quantity, type the quantity.

3. Press No Tax (Ctrl+T). The item is posted with an N in the Codes column to indicate non-tax.

Do not charge tax on an entire transaction.

1. POS posting screen, at Item (SKU), type the SKU number or scan the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press the Display (KPad/).

Return an Item during a Sale Transaction

You can mix credit items with sale items on the same transaction.

1. Start a sale transaction and post all the items that are being sold.

2. At Item (SKU), type the SKU number for the item being returned or scan the item. If you need additional information about the SKU, press Display (KPad/)

3. At Quantity, type the quantity being returned. At Price, enter a price for the item or review the price that displays.

4. Press Credit (KPad*) twice. The Type of Return dialog displays.

5. Type the reason code (R, D, E) for the return of this item.


6. Use reason code R if the item will be placed back in stock. Use reason code D if the item is defective and will not be placed back in stock. Use reason code E if the item being returned is defective and the customer is taking another one of the exact same item.

7. Press Total (KPad+).

8. A customer dialog window may open if the returning customer is classified as a Cash Customer. The Name and Phone fields need to be entered at minimum.


9. The Total Due or Refund dialog displays. Cash/Check Transactions – Enter the credit amount into the cash field if the original transaction was paid by cash or Check.

10. Bank card Transactions – Slide the bankcard through the bankcard reader or signature capture pad if the original transaction was paid by bankcard. Follow the prompts on the computer monitor or signature capture pad. The amount will be credited to the customer’s account. Have the customer sign the new receipt.

11. The cashier needs to fill out the REASON FOR RETURN and ADDITIONAL INFO on the RETURNED MERCHANDISE FORM. Write the document, transaction number and date of the original receipt if the original receipt is given back to the customer (otherwise attach the receipt to the form).

Calculate Subtotals

Complete the following to calculate and display subtotals for a range of lines that you specify.

1. POS Posting screen, at Item (SKU), press Menu (KPad-) to display the No Sale Menu.

2. Type 8 for Calculate and show range subtotal. The Subtotal Recap dialog displays.

3. At From #, type the line number from which to start the subtotal calculation. Press Tab.

4. At To #, type the line number at which to end the subtotal calculation. Press Enter for OK.

5. The subtotal amount displays in the dialog. Press Enter for OK.

6. To calculate subtotals for a different range of lines, repeat steps 3 through 5.

7. When done calculating subtotals, press the Tab until Cancel is selected, and then press Enter.

Change a Posted Line Item

How to change a line item that has already been posted.

1. POS Posting screen, at Item (SKU), press Change (F5) to OPEN THE “Change Item” window.


2. Enter the line number to change and press Enter.

3. The line information is now displayed in the ‘Item Posting Area.’

4. Press Enter to post the item when done.



Discount a Transaction……………………...……….24

Split Tender Types……………………………………24

Pay with an Alternate Tender………………………..24

Selling/ Activating/ Redeeming an Ace Gift Card….25


Discount a Transaction

1. Post all items to the transaction. Press Total (KPad+). The Total Due dialog displays.

2. Press Disc. (Ctrl+D). The Trade Discount dialog displays. Enter one of the following:

• Discount Percent – To deduct a percent off the subtotal price, type the percent. The system then calculates the subtotal.

• Dollars Off – To reduce the subtotal price by a specific amount, type the amount. The system then calculates the subtotal.

3. Press Enter for OK. The new total due amount displays. The trade discount amount displays (above the Sales Tax field at the bottom of the screen).

Split Tender / Accept Multiple Payment Types

1. Post all the items to the transaction.

2. Press Total (KPad+). The Total Due dialog displays.

3. Position the cursor at one of the tender types that the customer is using. Type the amount that the customer is paying with that tender type. For example, if the customer is paying $50 by check and the remaining in cash, type 50.00 at Check.

4. Press Enter. A message displays with the remaining amount that is due.

5. Position the cursor at the next tender type that the customer is using. Type the amount that the customer is paying with that tender type.

6. Press Enter. If there is still an amount due, a message displays, repeat step 5.

7. Complete the transaction.

Pay with an Alternate Tender (Gift Card, Mfg. Coupon, etc.)

An alternate tender is a non-standard form of payment that a customer may use to pay for a transaction.

1. After posting all items to the transaction, press Total (KPad+). The Total due dialog displays.

2. Press Alt Tend (F2). The dialog displays with a list of alternate tenders.

3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the alternate tender type to use. Press Enter for OK.

4. Type the dollar amount for the alternate tender and press Enter for OK.

5. To enter additional tender types, repeat steps 2 through 4.

Selling an ACE Gift Card

This topic explains how to sell a gift card to a customer. All ACE stores should be using the ACE Gift Card, which are tracked by ACE Corporate.

To activate the gift card please refer the “Activating a Gift Card” topic.

ACE Gift Cards can be issued in $10, $25, and $50 denominations.

1. In the SKU field, type 9038191.

2. Enter the quantity being sold and press [Enter].

3. The cursor is now in the Price field. Type in the dollar value of the gift card being purchased and press [Enter].

NOTE: There will be a [*N] in the Codes field for the Gift Card. Gift cards cannot be discounted by a Trade, Line or Subtotal Discount. This is indicated with an (*) in the codes field. There will also be an “N” in the Codes field as well. This means the item is non-taxable.

Activating an ACE Gift Card

This topic explains how to activate an Ace Gift Card after selling a gift card. This step should be followed immediately after selling a gift card.

1. Press the [Enter] key until the cursor is in the Item (SKU) field.

2. Press the Menu key [KPAD--].

3. Select option F [Gift card maintenance].

4. From the Gift Card Menu select option “1” to Activate Gift Card.

5. In the Activate Gift Card window, enter the gift card amount. Then press the [Enter] key to move the cursor to the Number field, and swipe the actual card through the signature capture pad to enter in the card number.

NOTE: The card must be swiped in order to enter the card number. Manual entry of the card is not allowed.

The Sale Document# field defaults to the previous transaction. It is there to provide a cross-reference between the Activation and the Sale. You can enter a different number in this field, if desired but this field is REQUIRED.

6. On the signature pad press the “CREDIT” button followed by the “YES” button.

7. Wait for the card processor to approve the activation and place the store audit slip in your drawer.

8. You can now activate another card, or press [Esc] to return to the POS screen.

Redeeming an ACE Gift Card

This topic explains how to accept and process ACE Gift Cards. Gift cards are like money and should be treated as such.

Employees receive a 20% discount upon redeeming a gift card.

1. Scan or manually enter all items into the point-of-sale.

2. Press the Total [KPad +] button.

3. At the Tender screen, press the Alt. Tend [F2] button.

4. The Additional Payment Types window appears. Select option “ACE Gift Card”.

5. In the ACE Gift Card field, type in the value of the gift card and press [Enter]. The cursor will move to the Number field.

6. Swipe the Gift Card through the Signature Pad and press the CREDIT key followed by the YES key.

7. Press the [Enter] key on the keyboard and wait for the card processing to complete.

8. The card’s remaining balance prints in the “authorization code” field of the credit card receipt. Write the card’s remaining balance on the balance log on the back of the card.

9. If the customer has another Gift card to redeem wait for the Totals screen to display again and repeat steps 3 – 7.

10. A store audit receipt will print for each gift card tendered. Place this in your drawer.

11. The customers receipt will then print. The balance of the gift card will also print on the customers receipt if there is a balance remaining.

12. If the customers gift card does not cover the total amount of the transaction the remaining balance will appear on the Totals screen. Complete the transaction as normal.



Void an Item……………………………28

Void a Transaction………………….…29

Reverse Transaction/Post Void…...…30


Void an Item

Void one or more items on a transaction, but not the entire transaction.

1. From the Posting screen, position the cursor at the Item (SKU).

2. Press Void (F10) to display the Void item dialog.


3. At Void Line Number, type the line number of the item you want to void from the transaction. Press Enter for OK. On the screen the Description changes to **Item Voided**.

4. To void other items on the transaction, repeat steps 1 through 3.

5. Continue to post any remaining items and total the transaction.

Void a Transaction

During a transaction, you can void the entire transaction at almost any time, even after you press Total. But once you enter payment information, you can’t void the transaction. Instead, complete the transaction and then use the Reverse a transaction procedure.

1. From the Posting screen, position the cursor at Item (SKU).

2. Press Void Trx (Shift+F10) to display the Void Transaction dialog.

3. Type the number (1, 2, or3) for the reason that corresponds to the void. The screen clears.


Reverse a Transaction / Post Void

Reverse (undo) a completed transaction, also called a “post void.” Requires the QuickRecall application.

1. From the Posting screen, position the cursor at the Item (SKU).

2. Press Menu (KPad-) to display the No Sale menu. Type R for Reverse Transaction and display the Transaction Reversal dialog.


3. At Transaction Number, type the invoice number (for AR accounts) or journal number (for all other accounts) of the transaction to be reversed.

4. Press Enter for OK.

5. The transaction displays on the screen, verify that this is the correct transaction that you want to reverse.

6. Press Total (KPad+). In the Refund Total dialog, fill in the amount in the correct tender type and press Enter.

No Sales


Cash a Check……………………….32

Print a Gift Receipt………………….33

Open a Cash Drawer……………….34

Reprint a Transaction………………34

No Sales

Cash a Check

1. POS Posting screen, position the cursor at Item (SKU).

2. Press Menu (KPad-) to display the No Sale menu. Type 4 for Cash a check and display the dialog.


3. At Check Amount, type the amount of the check. Press Tab.

4. At Check Number, type the check number. Press Tab.

5. At ABA Number, type the numbers 123.

6. Press Enter for OK.

7. If prompted, complete the process to endorse the check.

8. The cash drawer opens. After dispensing the cash, close the cash drawer. Press Enter for OK to close the dialog that displays.

Print a Gift Receipt

1. POS Posting screen, position the cursor at Item (SKU).

2. Press Menu (KPad-) to display the No Sale menu. Type G for Print Gift receipt. The dialog displays.

3. At Store, leave the store number that displays.

4. At Document, the most recent transaction number displays.

a. If this is the correct transaction, continue to step 5.

b. In the Display field enter the Journal number of the transaction you want to print.

5. If you want to view the document, press Tab until the Viewer button is selected and press Enter. The Document Viewer displays the transaction. Press Esc to close the viewer. Repeat steps 1 through 4.

6. At Number of copies, type the number of copies.

7. Press Enter for OK. The gift receipt prints.

Open the Cash Drawer

Access to this option is restricted based on security role.

1. POS Posting screen, position the cursor at Item (SKU).

2. Press Menu (KPad-) to display the No Sale menu. Type 1 for the Open cash drawer.

3. The No Sale menu closes and the cash drawer opens. The receipt printer prints a record of the cash drawer opening.

4. Initial the No Sale receipt and place in drawer.

Reprint an Invoice/ Receipt

1. POS Posting screen, position the cursor at Item (SKU).

2. Press Menu (KPad-) to display the No Sale Menu. Type 2 for Reprint, view invoice.


3. At Store, leave the store number that displays, or type another store number.

4. At Document, the most recent transaction number displays.

a. If this is the transaction you want to reprint, continue with step 5.

b. In the Document field enter the Journal number of the transaction you want to print.

5. If you want to view the document, press Tab until the Viewer button is selected and press Enter. The Document Viewer displays the transaction. Press Esc to close the viewer. Repeat steps 1 through 4.

6. Press Tab. At Printer, select the printer type: Invoice or Receipt. Hint: to view the printer types press the Page Down key. Use the arrow key to move between printer types. Press Enter to select it.

7. Press Enter for OK. A copy of the invoice prints.



Suspended Transaction……………….….36

Recall Suspended Transaction…………..37

Recover an Aborted Transaction………...38

Offline Point of Sale……………………….39


In-store AR Procedures…………………...41


Suspend a Transaction

In the middle of the transaction, you can suspend a transaction. This saves the transaction and allows you to start another transaction. Later that day, you can recall the transaction to complete it.

1. From a transaction already in progress, press Total (KPad+). The Total Due dialog displays.

2. Press Suspend (Ctrl+S) to display the Suspended dialog.

3. At Reference, type a unique reference ID (up to 20 characters) for this transaction. For example, use the customer name as the reference ID.


4. Press Enter for OK.

5. The Document Number dialog displays the document number assigned to the transaction. Press Enter for OK.

Recall a Suspended Transaction

In the middle of the transaction, you can suspend a transaction. This saves the transaction and allows you to start another transaction. Later that day, you can recall the transaction to complete it.

With a bar coded receipt

1. Position the cursor at Customer.

2. Scan the barcode on the receipt to recall the transaction to complete it.

3. Continue with the transaction as you normally would.

Without a bar coded receipt

1. From the Posting screen, press Suspended (Ctrl+A) to display a list of suspended transaction.

2. Press the arrow keys until the transaction you want to recall is highlighted.

3. Press Enter for OK. The transaction displays.

4. Continue the transaction as you normally would.

Recover an Aborted Transaction

Follow this procedure to recover and continue a transaction that was aborted. For example, the POS station was unexpectedly shutdown or restarted in the middle of the transaction (the transaction was not yet totaled and completed). This procedure can only be used on the same day that the transaction was aborted.

1. POS Posting screen, position the cursor at Item (SKU).

2. Press Menu (KPad-) to display the No Sale Menu. Type X for Recover ‘in process’ transaction.

3. A dialog displays, type 2 for Recover Sale transaction ‘in process.’ This selection also applies to credit memo transactions.

4. A dialog displays a list of transactions. Use the arrow keys to highlight the correct transaction. Press Enter for OK. Or, at Trx #, type the transaction number and press Enter for OK.

5. The dialog closes and the transaction displays. Complete the transaction as you normally would.

Offline POS

If POS is not available (for example, the server is down), use offline POS to continue processing POS transactions. The procedures in offline POS are the same as online POS. However, in offline POS, you can’t access the QuickRecall viewer, credit card authorization, or maintain saved transactions.

Enter offline POS

1. From the Windows Desktop, click the Offline Point-of-Sale icon. Review any messages that display.

2. Offline POS opens and the Sign-In dialog displays. The background of the screen clearly indicates that the system is in Offline mode.

3. Sign on with your Clerk and Password.

Exit offline POS

You can’t exit POS if a transaction is in progress. You must first Total, Save or Void the transaction. To exit POS, press SHIFT+ F3.

Credit cards in offline POS

While credit card authorization is not available in offline POS you can still complete a transaction with a credit card.

1. In offline POS, swipe the card. For transactions less then $50.00 a Credit Authorization is not required. Enter 123 in the Authorization Field. For transactions over $50.00 an Authorization code is required. Using the hypercom can retrieve an Authorization code.

Saved Rainchecks


Use the following procedure to create a raincheck and save the transaction.

1. POS Posting screen, press Start Trx (F2) and type R for Raincheck.

2. Enter or change the customer information, if necessary.

3. Press enter to display the Raincheck dialog. Review the date, phone, and name the displays. Change any of the fields that need to be updated. Press Enter for OK. The dialog closes.

4. On the Posting screen, post the raincheck item(s).

5. Press Total (KPad+). The document number assigned to the raincheck displays. Press Enter for OK.

6. At Do you want to print a duplicate rain check receipt for your records?, answer Yes.

7. Verify Customer name and number and give the customer one of the rain check receipts and turn in the other to the office.


Redeem a raincheck when a customer returns to purchase raincheck items.

1. POS Posting screen, position the cursor at the Item (SKU) and type the SKU of the raincheck item.

2. Press Menu (KPad-) and type R for Sell raincheck item.

3. In the dialog that displays, enter the raincheck number or the customer phone number. Press Enter for OK. The raincheck item and price displays.

Note: If a message displays that the raincheck has expired, select Yes to proceed, or No to cancel.

4. Press Enter to post the raincheck item(s).

5. Finish the sale as you normally would.

In-Store AR Procedures

This topic explains how to handle Damage, Store Use, Stolen and Donation Items through the point-of-sale. Customer records are set up that Head Office uses to account and keep track of each type.

1. With the cursor in the Customer field, type your store’s 5-digit number preceded by the # sign.


2. Using the arrow keys, highlight the correct account and press Enter.

3. Scan or manually enter all items.

4. Complete the transaction as an Accounts Receivable transaction and have the manager sign the invoice.

Helpful Hardware Club


Redeeming HHC Coupons…………...….44

Helpful Hardware Club Cards……………45

Redeeming HHC coupons

Complete a transaction using an HHC reward certificate.

1. Scan and post items.

2. Scan or manually enter UPC of HHC Coupon.

3. Press Enter to Post.

Redeeming an HHC coupon for less then face value

Complete a transaction using an HHC reward certificate that is more then the transaction amount. For example: the total transaction is $4.95 and the HHC reward coupon is for $5.00.

1. Scan and post items.

2. Scan HHC Coupon. Press the Promo key (Ctrl+P) and enter the amount to be taken off in the ‘Promotion Price’ field. Press Enter.


3. Verify that the subtotal amount is 0.00.


4. Complete the transaction.

Using an HHC card at the POS

Complete the following when the HHC card is available to scan.

1. Scan HHC card at Helpful Hardware Club window.


2. To manually open the Helpful Hardware Club window press the Menu (KPad-) key and select option ‘H’, Enter HHC number.

3. If a customer record is attached to the scanned card the appropriate customer information will be filled into the customer field.


4. If a customer record is NOT attached to the scanned card the customer field will remain as a ‘Cash Customer’. The HHC Sale transaction (blue text, top right corner of screen) indicates a valid HHC card. The customer will receive HHC points for their purchase.


Searching for an HHC customer at POS

Complete the following when the HHC card is not available to scan.

1. With the cursor in the Customer field begin your search by entering ‘ZZ’ followed by the customer’s last name followed by the last then first name.

2. A list of corresponding names will appear in a scroll down window. Use the up or down arrow to highlight the customer record and press ‘Enter’ to select.



Store Listing……………………..44

Accounts Receivable…………...46

State Codes……………………..47

Eagle Network………….……….48

Store Listing


|Store |Location |

|1 |Honolulu Head Office |

|2 |Enchanted Lake (BFC) |

|3 |Market City (BFC) |

|4 |Pearl City (BFC) |

|5 |Mapunapuna (BFC) |

|6 |Kahului (BFC) |

|7 |Hilo (BFC) |

|B |Rancho Ace |

|D |Keaau Ace |

|E |Eleele Ace |

|H |Hilo Ace |

|J |Lihue Combo |

|K |Kihei Ace |

|L |Lahaina Ace |

|M |Naalehu Ace/ Stacey’s Pets |

|P |Pukalani Ace |

|R |Keauhou Ace |

|T |Kona Ace |

|U |Kapaa Ace |

|V |Captain Cook Ace |

|W |Kamuela Combo |

Las Vegas

|Store |Location |

|A |Lone Mountain Ace |

|F |Flamingo Ace |

|S |Southern Highlands |


|Store |Location |

|f |Fairwood |

|h |Highlands |

|v |Olympia |

|a |Aberdeen |

|s |Spanaway |

|p |Lakewood |

|b |Longview |

|r |Redondo |

|m |Milwaukee |

Accounts Receivable Customer Ranges

|Store |ACE# |Description |Acct # Beg |Acct # End |

|ALL |  |CASH CUSTOMERS |*1 |*99 |

|  |  |  |  |  |

|ALL |  |TRANSFER ACCOUNTS |100 |800 |

|  |  |  |  |  |

|5 |  |CRAFT - ALL |10000 |19999 |

|J |11735 |LIHUE |20000 |29999 |

|E |11741 |ELEELE |20000 |29999 |

|U |11737 |KAPAA |20000 |29999 |

|W |11744 |KAMUELA |30000 |39999 |

|K |11727 |KIHEI |40000 |49999 |

|V |11732 |CAPTAIN COOK |50000 |59999 |

|P |11733 |PUKALANI |60000 |69999 |

|M |11738 |NAALEHU |80000 |89999 |

|R |11739 |KEAAU |90000 |99999 |

|H |11718 |HILO |110000 |119999 |

|D |11743 |KEAUHOU |120000 |129999 |

|T |11742 |KONA |130000 |139999 |

|L |11745 |LAHAINA |140000 |149999 |

|B |14114 |RANCHO |150000 |159999 |

|F |14200 |FLAMINGO |160000 |169999 |

|f |4484 |FAIRWOOD |170000 |179999 |

|h |4640 |HIGHLANDS |180000 |189999 |

|v |4492 |OLYMPIA |190000 |199999 |

|A |11925 |LONE MOUNTAIN |200000 |209999 |

|a |10141 |ABERDEEN |210000 |219999 |

|s |10189 |SPANAWAY |220000 |229999 |

|p |10289 |LAKEWOOD |230000 |239999 |

|b |10292 |LONGVIEW |240000 |249999 |

|r |10412 |REDONDO |250000 |259999 |

|m |11075 |MILWAUKIE |260000 |269999 |

|S |  |SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS |270000 |279999 |

| |  | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |

|ALL |  |CRAFT CLUB MEMBERS |500000 |699999 |

|ALL |  |HHC ACCOUNTS - WEST COAST |300000 |499999 |

|ALL |  |HHC ACCOUNTS - HAWAII |700000 |969999 |

|ALL |  |EMPLOYEE - HAWAII |970000 |974999 |

|ALL |  |EMPLOYEE - WEST COAST |975000 |975999 |

|ALL |  |DONATION, STORE USE |980000 |989999 |

NOTE: For all stores, the default customer in the POS screen is the cash customer. The cash customer will always be set up as *X. X = Store Number.

If an employee doesn’t know his/her employee number, type in the last name and it will bring up a drop-down list of names loaded in the system will appear. You can select their name by using the up and down arrows.

Hints for looking up HHC members: Begin your search with the letters “ZZ” followed with the customer’s last name.

State Codes – Check Authorizations

|25 Alabama |45 Illinois |68 Montana |74 Rhode Island |

|55 Alaska |46 Indiana |53 New Jersey |72 South Carolina |

|27 Arkansas |49 Iowa |63 Nebraska |73 South Dakota |

|20 Arizona |57 Kansas |38 Nevada |78 Pennsylvania |

|23 California |59 Kentucky |47 New Hampshire |86 Tennessee |

|26 Colorado |52 Louisiana |39 New Mexico |89 Texas |

|28 Connecticut |56 Maine |69 New York |88 Utah |

|93 Dist. Of Columbia |79 Maryland |75 North Carolina |83 Vermont |

|33 Delaware |87 Massachusetts |36 North Dakota |82 Virginia |

|35 Florida |40 Michigan |60 Ohio |92 Washington |

|42 Georgia |64 Minnesota |65 Oklahoma |98 West Virginia |

|44 Hawaii |77 Mississippi |67 Oregon |94 Wisconsin |

|43 Idaho |66 Missouri |70 Puerto Rico |99 Wyoming |

|Canada Driver's License Table |

|21 Alberta |

|11 British Columbia |

|61 Manitoba |

| |

|13 New Brunswick |

|31 Newfoundland |

|37 Northwest Territories |

| |

|41 Nova Scotia |

|51 Ontario |

|81 Prince Edward Island |

| |

|71 Quebec |

|58 Saskatchewan |

|91 Yukon Territory |

| |

|Other ID Types |

|14 Canadian MICR (Routing No. + Acct. No.) |

|15 U.S. Acct. No. Only |

|17 U.S. Government ID |

|18 U.S. MICR (Routing No. + Acct. No.) |

|19 U.S. Manual MICR (Routing No. + Acct. No. + Chk. No.) |

|97 U.S. Military ID |

|76 New Zealand MICR (Routing No. + Acct. No.) |

|    Australia MICR (Routing No. + Acct. No.) |

|    Guam MICR (Routing No. + Acct. No.) |

|09 Raw MICR |

Eagle Network

The Eagle for Windows system is connected via Windows networking. All stores and terminals are connected to the server in Head Office through DSL. Everything is in real time. Every keystroke goes to the server and goes back to the terminal.

All terminals have the ability to run in Offline mode. Each has its own database that refreshes each morning. If you are cut off from the server at any point, you can still have all registers operational.

Below is a sample of how the store is networked.


Navigating Without the Mouse

The Eagle for Windows POS application was created so that the user could complete transactions without using the mouse.

Using the keyboard:

Use the TAB and (((( to move the cursor between available fields.

The ESC key will close any open window. Some examples are the HHC number window, viewers, invoice printer window. It will also take you back to the posting screen if you are at the total screen.

The Alt+F4 will close the POS application and the help window.

Ctrl+Alt+(first letter of the application) opens an application on the desktop. For example, Ctrl+Alt+P to open Point of Sale.

Cashier Quick Reference Sheet - Hardware

|Reprint Last Transaction |Refund |

|Menu [KPad--] |Scan item. |

|Select option 2. |Press [Credit] button (KPad *). |

|Arrow to printer field – press [R]. |Confirm price. |

|Press [Enter]. |Press [Enter] and choose return option. |

| |Complete transaction. |

|Subtotal Discount |Line Item Discount |

|Scan all items. |Scan item. |

|At the tender screen, press [Ctrl+D] and enter discount. |Press [Ctrl+P] and enter discount. |

|Complete transaction. |Complete transaction. |

|Senior Discount |HHC Card |

|Scan all items. |Press Menu [KPad--] |

|Before tendering out, press [Ctrl+F2] to add Senior Discount |Press option H |

|comment. |Scan HHC card. |

|Press [Ctrl+D] to enter subtotal discount. | |

|F1 Help button |Customer field |

|To close, press [Alt+F4]. |To return to Customer field, press [F11]. |

| |To clear customer field, press [F12]. |

|Item Lookup | |

|Enter to SKU field. | |

|Scan item or search in description field. | |

|Press [KPad /] to display on-hand quantity. | |

|Press [F12] to clear. | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |


| | | | | | | | | |

|STORE # |_______________________ |REVIEWED BY MANAGER: _________________ |DATE:_____________ |

| | | | | | | | | |


|CODE | | | | | | |PRICE |BY |

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| | |SKU DISCREPANCY LOG.xls |REVISED: 10/18/04 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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