CAI Bay Area Central Chapter

All dates and programs are subject to change – Updated as of 09-20-162017 Proposed Events & Educational Calendar (subject to change)DateEvent/LocationJanuary 13, 2017Board Transition Meeting & Dinner, TBDJanuary 18, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country ClubJanuary 18-21, 2017CAI Community Association Law Seminar, Las Vegas, NV January 20, 2017Peninsula Education Forum Luncheon, Crowne Plaza Foster CityFebruary 3, 2017South Bay Luncheon, San Jose Marriott February 15, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country ClubFebruary 23, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonFebruary 24, 2017San Francisco Luncheon, JW MarriottMarch 3, 2017East Bay Education Forum Luncheon, Pleasanton MarriottMarch 15, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country Club March 23, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonMarch 24, 2017North Bay Education Forum Day & Mini-Expo, TBDMarch 30, 2017Ladies Tea, Networking/Social, Casa Real, Ruby Hill Winery, PleasantonApril 19, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country Club April 21, 2017San Francisco Education Luncheon, JW MarriottApril 23-24, 2017California Legislative Action Committee - Legislative Days at the Capitol April 27, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonMay 3-6, 2017CAI's Annual Conference and Exposition, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NVMay 12, 2017South Bay Luncheon, San Jose MarriottMay 17, 2017Stockton Luncheon & Mini Trade Show, Brookside Country ClubMay 19, 2017CA Law Course, Pleasanton MarriottMay 25, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonJune 2, 2017East Bay Luncheon, Pleasanton MarriottJune 16, 2017 22nd Annual Golf Classic, TBAJune 21, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country ClubJune 22, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonJune 26-27, 2017Board of Directors Strategic Planning, TBDJuly 14, 2017Peninsula Education Forum, TBDJuly 19, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country Club July 20, 2017.Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonJuly 21, 2017Meet the Manager, Reception, Crow Canyon Country ClubJuly 27-28, 2017PMDP Course, M-205, TBDAugust 4, 2017Fresno Luncheon, TBDAugust 16, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country ClubAugust 24, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonAugust 25, 2017San Francisco Luncheon, JW MarriottAugust 31, 2017Texas Hold ‘em Tournament, Palm Event Center, PleasantonSeptember, 2017Large Scale Manager Workshop, TBDSeptember, 2017CAI CEO Retreat, TBDSeptember 8, 2017CMCA Study Session, Pleasanton MarriottSeptember 15, 2017Annual Education Conference & Mini-Expo, San Ramon, MarriottSeptember 20, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country ClubSeptember 28, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonOctober 6, 2017Silicon Coast Education Day & Mini-Expo, TBDOctober 13. 2017South Bay Education Luncheon, TBDOctober 18, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country ClubOctober 19, 2017CLAC Annual Planning Meeting, TBDOctober 20, 2017CAI Legal Forum: California Communities, TBDOctober 26, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonNovember 9, 2017Annual Meeting, San RamonNovember 9, 2017Board of Directors Meeting, San RamonNovember 10, 2017East Bay Luncheon, Pleasanton MarriottNovember 15, 2017Stockton Luncheon, Brookside Country ClubDecember 1, 2017Annual Awards & Holiday Party, TBDNew programs are being developed that may not be reflected on this calendar. Please contact the chapter office to be sure you are not missing out on an event or program, (925) 355-1980 or go to the website at and review the events calendar.All dates and programs are subject to change - Updated as of 9/21/16 ................

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